FY25 COBA Giving Guide

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S H SU V ision

Turning Challenges Into Oppor tunities

We envision making our universit y both the best value in higher education and the top regional public universit y in the state of Texas . We will accomplish this through providing high qualit y, innovative , and fl exible academic programs; a commitment to student success , scholarship, and creative works; and engagement that solves the most critical challenges facing the world . Running a public universit y requires a caref ully craf ted operating budget that matches annual revenues and expenses . At the same time , the budget must also have allotments for investing in the f uture . A giving spirit among alumni and communit y members helps Sam H ouston State Universit y overcome this challenge .


When you give to S H SU, you are demonstrating your passion for our universit y, investing in the f uture of Bearkats , and leaving a legacy for those that follow.

T here are many means and methods for giving (cash , check , online , wire , employer matching , real estate , stocks , planned estate gif ts), and no mat ter the method , all donations will make a meaning f ul impact on Bearkats . Find the one that feeds your passion , invest in S H SU ’s f uture , and star t building your legacy today. M ake a gif t online at shsu . edu/giving

Second A nnual G iving Day will be A pril 22 - 23 , 2025


(f un ds adm inis te r e d by l e ade r s hip)

Oppor tunit y

O ne -tim e G if t s

Re curr ing G if t s (monthl y/annuall y)

Eve nt Sp onsor ship

P lanne d G if t s (e s tate giv ing )

Objective ( intend e d us e of f un ds)

D ire c t your gif t to the depar tment of your choic e to f und depar tmental nee ds .

D ire c t your gif ts to the depar tment of your choic e to f und depar tmental nee ds .

U nder w r ite the c os t of C O B A events at var y ing levels .

B eyond your lifetime , dire c t your gif ts to build your legacy, memor ialize a love d one , or honor a fellow B ear kat supp or ter or e s te eme d e duc ator.


(f un ds adm inis te r e d by do n o r ’s w r i t te n ag r e eme nt )

Oppor tunit y

A nnual Scholar ships

Endowe d Scholar ships

Objective ( inten d e d us e of f un ds)

S tudent S cholar ships the D onor f unds annuall y.

S tudent S cholar ships the D onor f unds through the e s tablishment of an endowe d f und , w hich is inve s te d by

S H S U and the T S U S S ys tem to pro duc e re cur r ing annual scholar ship f unds for the s tudent (s)


(f un ds adm inis te r e d by l e ade r s hip)

Oppor tunit y

Stude nt Engageme nt

M e ntor ships

Pe e r M e ntor ship Scholar ship for CO B A A mbas sador s

CO B A M agazine

Stude nt Succe s s

Facult y Succe s s

Stude nt I nve s tme nt Por t folio

Objective ( inten d e d us e of f un ds)

P urchase sof t ware lic ense to promote , manage , and maintain s tudent engagement .

P urchase sof t ware lic ense to promote , manage , and maintain s tudent mentor ships

Create a sense of b elonging and promote retention of lower clas smen through s tudent mentor ships

U nder w r ite s tar tup of p er io dic magazine . (funding secured 2023)

U nder w r ite annual magazine exp ense s (funded through 2027 )

Supp or t e duc ational exp er ienc e s for e c onomic all y challenge d s tudents

Supp or t e duc ational ad vanc ement and grow th among facult y

Create an ac tual I nve s tment Por t folio for hands - on inve s tment e duc ation . (funding secured 2024)


(f un ds adm inis te r e d by don o r ’s w r i t te n ag r e eme nt )

Oppor tunit y

E xis ting Clas sr ooms , O f fi ce s , C e nte r s , P r ogr ams , Funds such as Facult y Succe s s , Stude nt Succes s

Endowe d P r ofe s sor ships

Endowe d P r ogr ams

Endowe d Chair s

P G A G olf M anageme nt P r ogr am

Stud y A br oad Pr ogr am

B usine s s I ncubator

Wealth M anageme nt & Financial P lanning P r ogr am

Tr ading Floor

C e nte r for B uilding B usine s s P r ofes sionals

C e nte r for Ene rg y and Ene rg y Tr ans for mation

C e nte r for Real E s tate

C e nte r for I nnovation , Te chnolog y, & Entr e pr e neur ship

C ollege of B usine s s Adminis tr ation

Objective ( inten d e d us e of f un ds)

H onor or memor ialize a love d one , supp or ter, or e duc ator by cus tom building an exis ting facilit y and endow ing its f uture .

Endow the grow th , or at trac tion and retention of qualit y facult y.

Endow new or exis ting programs

Endow the grow th , or at trac tion and retention of qualit y facult y leader ship

Endow the f uture of the onl y such program of fere d by a uni ver sit y in Texas , and one of onl y six te en in the U nite d S tate s .

Endow travel exp ense s for S tud y A broad s tudents to prov ide greater ac c e s s for s tudents w ith limite d re sourc e s .

B uildout B usine s s I ncubator L ab and endow its f uture

Create a new e duc ation program tailore d to pro duc e wealth management profe s sionals and f uture leader s in their indus tr y

B uild out Se cur itie s Trading L ab , purchase B lo omb erg Se cur itie s Trading Ter minals , and endow its f uture . (f unding se cure d 2024)

F or malize I nter n op erations to promote a matching of s tudents and employer s and endow ing its f uture .

B uild out a new e duc ation c enter and program tailore d to pro duc e energ y profe s sionals and f uture leader s in their indus tr y.

B uild out a new e duc ation c enter and program tailore d to pro duc e real e s tate profe s sionals and f uture leader s in their indus tr y.

B uild out a new e duc ation c enter and program tailore d to pro duc e entreprene ur s and f uture leader s in entreprene ur ship .

Trans for m C O B A in a manner and fashion that fee ds your pas sion for busine s s e duc ation , emulate s “ the m easur e of life is it s se r v ice”, and ser ve s the S H S U mis sion and v ision


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