Since opening its doors in 1965, the College of Criminal Justice continues to fulfill its mission as a center for lifelong learning for students and practitioners in the fields of law enforcement, corrections, victim studies, forensic science, and homeland security. Its extensive alumni network stretches across the world in criminal justice positions that impact the citizens they serve.
Students in the College of Criminal Justice learn from world-renown faculty who are recognized as specialists in many aspects of the field, earning awards for their contributions and service. Faculty members bring a wealth of experience to the college, as prominent researchers in their disciplines.
The College of Criminal Justice enjoys an outstanding reputation in the field, regularly placed among the top programs by U.S. News & World Report and other private organizations ranking undergraduate and graduate programs. Several times in the past 10 years, the college ranked 1st in the country for its online graduate criminal justice programs and continues to earn high marks for research and scholarly work.
Online Options
In today’s market, 65% of jobs require a higher level of education. That’s why we’ve created a way to offer online education everywhere, for everyone, so you can get ahead in life without sacrificing flexibility or quality.
CJ 5 Week Parts of Term Key Points
→ 5-week online course format
→ No textbooks, courses use open educational resources
→ Flexible and affordable
The College of Criminal Justice encourages internships as valuable work experience, on the-job-training, and as an opportunity to develop a professional networking base for the future. This is an unparalleled opportunity to earn academic credit while interning with such organizations as the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the U.S. Marshals Service, and the Department of Homeland Security, as well as local probation and parole agencies, police and sheriffs’ departments, child protective services, and prosecutor’s offices.
Many of our internships directly lead to jobs in the assigned agencies, while others provide contacts to help students start careers in their chosen fields. You can earn between 3-12 credits toward your degree while sharpening marketable skills through on-the-job training.
We are positioned to help you make all the right connections in the form of networking with criminal justice alumni, practitioners, and your peers through membership in various criminal justice related student organizations.
→ Alpha Phi Sigma National Criminal Justice Honor Society
→ Crime Victim Services Alliance
→ Homeland Security Student Association
→ Kats for CASA
→ Lambda Alpha Epsilon American Criminal Justice Association
→ National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice
→ National Organization of Hispanics in Criminal Justice
→ The Society of Forensic Science
→ Graduate Student Organization
Immerse yourself in the history and current operations of the criminal justice system in countries such as England, Italy, Germany, Poland, and other top tourist destinations during our study abroad program. You can earn credit towards your degree in this exciting program, which provides first-hand experience in law enforcement, corrections, courts, and human rights in the various systems across countries.
Sam Houston State University is a proud member of the National Student Exchange, a consortium of over 170 colleges and universities in the United States, including Guam, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, as well as Canada. Through this academic program, SHSU students can spend a semester or full year studying away at another member campus and continue to make progress toward their SHSU degree.
The Office of Comparative and International Education and Leadership serves as a comprehensive resource to support, develop, and deliver criminal justice education and leadership development to international students and criminal justice professionals.
The Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology is a national leader in criminal justice and criminology research and education. The department offers several undergraduate and graduate degree programs. Each one helps prepare students for the jobs they will begin or continue after graduation and for long-term success.
Students gain valuable experiences outside of the classroom through our many student organizations, our exceptional internship opportunities, and community engaged classes (ACE). Our faculty have teaching and research expertise in fields including criminology, policing, corrections, and social issues.
With either of these degrees you have the foundation and the credentials necessary to succeed in your chosen criminal justice profession. We encourage you to pursue a broad liberal arts education combined with just the right criminal justice courses. Our graduates have succeeded in public service careers with the FBI, DEA, Border Patrol, U.S. Marshals, as well as state and local corrections, probation and parole agencies, law enforcement agencies, prosecutors’ offices, and the private sector.
CJ 5 Week Parts of Term Key Points
→ 5-week online course format
→ No textbooks, courses use open educational resources
*Both degrees are available face-to-face and online.
CRIJ 2361 Introduction to the Criminal Justice System
CRIJ 2362 Criminology
CRIJ 2364 Fundamentals of Criminal Law
CRIJ 2365 Correctional Systems and Practices
CRIJ 2367 Police Systems and Practices
CRIJ 3378 Introduction to Methods of Research
CRIJ 4385 Crime, Justice, and Social Diversity
VCST 3350 Victimology
Police Agencies (Federal, State, County, Municipal)
Correctional Agencies (Jails, Prisons)
Drug Enforcement
Game Warden
Military Police and Intelligence
Higher Education (Professor)
The minor in Crime Analysis and Mapping provides students with an interdisciplinary skillset with technical and analytical methods in criminal justice and geographic information systems (GIS).
The minor will help students gain competencies in the basics of criminal justice mapping and analyzing patterns that relate to crime, as well as perspectives on how integrating crime data with technology can lead to more robust analysis and targeting of resources for various law enforcement applications.
The undergraduate minor in criminal justice and social identity is a program developed for students seeking to benefit from further development and professionalism understanding the complexity of interactions with offenders, victims, and general public.
Students take courses in the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology and the Department of Environmental and Geosciences to learn about the criminal justice system, crime analysis, GIS and mapping, and geospatial analysis.
This Criminal Justice Undergraduate Certificate program builds on a proven track record of success in preparing students for the complexities of criminal justice careers. This 15-credit hour program acknowledges the evolving demands of the criminal justice sector, ensuring graduates are not only well-equipped for today’s challenges but are also adaptable to tomorrows.
The Undergraduate Certificate in Management and Leadership in Criminal Justice is designed for immediate impact and long-term relevance, and it equips professionals for advanced leadership roles, responding to the evolving expectations of criminal justice agencies. It represents a strategic step for those aiming to lead and innovate within the field.
Criminal Justice, MS*
Criminal Justice and Criminology, MA**
Criminal Justice Leadership and Management, MS*
Criminal Justice, PhD**
Graduate Certificate in Criminal Justice Leadership and Management*
*Degrees available online only. **Degrees available on campus only.
As a recognized leader in forensic science education, the Department of Forensic Science at Sam Houston State University is prepared to help you reach your career goals. As one of the first FEPAC-accredited graduate program in the United States and the first of its kind in Texas, you will see why so many of our graduates go on to pursue successful careers in their chosen forensic discipline. The department also developed the first interdisciplinary PhD in forensic science in the United States.
Forensic Chemistry (Course List)
→ Organic Chemistry
→ Quantitative Analysis
→ Statistics
→ Instrumental Analysis
→ Analytical Chemistry
→ Biochemistry
Forensic Biology (Course List)
→ Molecular Biology
→ Genetics
→ Statistics
→ Biochemistry
→ Popular Genetics
Select six of the following:
CRIJ 2368
CRIJ 2394
FORS 3366
Criminal Investigation
Courts and Criminal Procedure
Forensic Science
FORS 3380 Intro to Forensic Chemistry
FORS 4310
FORS 4317
FORS 4320
FORS 4330
FORS 4364
FORS 4380
Physical Evidence Techniques
Applied Statistics for Forensic Science
Fundamentals of Forensic Bio
Fingerprint Examination
Crime Scene Investigation Techniques
Ethics and Professional Practice
For Minor in Forensic Science
Forensic Chemistry
Criminal Justice
Computer Science
Accredited Graduate Program in Forensic Science
A strong scientific background is necessary in order to pursue a traditional career in forensic science. Most laboratory based forensic scientists begin with a bachelor’s degree in a natural science. The most common undergraduate majors are chemistry and biology, since these provide a strong foundation for so many of the forensic science disciplines including DNA, controlled substances, toxicology, trace evidence and more. Candidates with a graduate degree in forensic science, following a baccalaureate degree in the natural sciences are highly sought after.
The undergraduate minor in forensic science is tailored towards science majors who may have an interest in traditional (laboratory based) careers in forensic science, and non-science majors (e.g., criminal justice) interested in pursuing investigative or non-laboratory-based careers (e.g. crime scene investigation). The structure of the minor is sufficiently flexible to meet the diverse needs of both criminal justice and science majors.
This 15-credit hour certificate program builds upon the current undergraduate offerings, comprising five required classes tailored for students aspiring to pursue careers in investigative forensic sciences (e.g. crime scene investigator, medical death investigator, criminal investigators, evidence technician, and law enforcement). The undergraduate certificate is a freestanding credential that can be earned as a stand-alone certificate or awarded on the way toward a bachelor’s degree.
Forensic Science, MS*
Accredited by FEPAC
Forensic Science, PhD*
* Degrees available on campus only.
The Department of Security Studies was launched to educate professionals to be better policymakers and strategists in developing solutions to more effectively cope with threats and hazards facing the country. The Homeland Security Enterprise includes issues such as: natural disasters, cybersecurity, terrorism, critical infrastructure protection, pandemics, security of transportation, aviation, ports, borders, and emergency management. Based on an all-hazards approach, the program provides the conceptual framework and practical analytical skills to combat current or future threats.
With either of these degrees the broad educational objective is to develop thinkers, analysts, managers, and leaders who possess expertise in both theoretical and experiential dimensions of homeland security. For greater convenience and ease of access, the program is offered online.
→ Emergency Services
→ Emergency Management
→ Intelligence
→ Border Security
→ Aviation Security
→ Maritime Security
→ Critical Infrastructure Protection
→ Law Enforcement
Homeland Security Studies, MS*
Critical Infrastructure Protection*
Emergency Management*
*Degree and Certificates are available online only.
SCST 2363
SCST 2364
SCST 2365
SCST 3380
SCST 3393
SCST 3394
SCST 4363
SCST 4365
SCST 4367
Intro to Homeland Security
Homeland Security Research Methods
Intro to Emergency Management
Law and Ethics in Homeland Security
Public Health in Homeland Security
Global Terrorism and Homeland Security
Homeland Security Intelligence
Border Security
Critical Infrastructure Security
SCST 4379 Comparative Homeland Security
Homeland Security courses are part of the PDL model and can be completed in 5 weeks. The CJ 5-Week Parts of Term include an engaging online course format, utilizing open educational resources without the need for traditional textbooks.
Chemical and Energy Sector, Healthcare Sector, and Transportation Sector
The undergraduate certificates in security and resilience in the different sectors are designed to educate students working in, or seeking careers in, areas relating to security and resilience of infrastructures in the different sectors. The certificates cover all aspects of the homeland security cycle—from protection, prevention, and mitigation to response and recovery.
The Undergraduate Certificate in Biosecurity and Pandemics provides students with a strong knowledge base regarding: disease threats; pandemic preparedness and management; bioterrorism; public health policies and laws (both domestic and international); and the nexus between border security and public health as it pertains to unique challenges along the US-Mexico border.
The Department of Victim Studies is the very first in the nation and enables current and future victim service professionals the tools needed to restore survivors’ feelings of safety, choice, and control. The College of Criminal Justice established the nation’s first course in victimology in the 1980’s and the first undergraduate degree in victim studies in 2003.
Victim Service Agency
Adult/Child Protection Services
At-Risk Programs
Legal Advocacy
Victim Advocacy
Police Department
Correctional Facility
Victim Services Management, MS
*Degree available online only.
Victim service is expanding in law enforcement agencies, prosecutors’ offices, state-level crime victim offices, child protection agencies, domestic violence shelters, and through other nongovernmental organizations. Victim studies students can choose to pursue a Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts in victim studies. The Bachelor of Science degree has some flexibility in the curriculum allowing for degree-specific electives in the social sciences, while the Bachelor of Arts requires additional hours of a foreign language.
CRIJ 3340
Gender and Crime
CRIJ 2361 Intro to the Criminal Justice System
CRIJ 2362 Criminology
CRIJ 2364 Fundamentals of Criminal Law
CRIJ 2365 Correctional Systems and Practices
CRIJ 2367 Police Systems and Practices
CRIJ 3378 Introduction to Methods of Research
CRIJ 4385 Crime, Justice, and Social Diversity
VCST 3350 Victimology
A minor in victim studies will prepare students for careers that work closely with victims, but also those who are outside of direct victim services. In addition to the direct victim service careers, a minor in victim studies will develop skills for careers like social work, counseling and psychology, nursing and medicine, teaching and education, policing, corrections, and law.
The undergraduate certificate in victim studies is a 15-credithour program which provides students and professionals with an overview of victimology and victim services. Individuals can use their certificates to enhance their current careers or assist in future endeavors to work with victims.
The George J. Beto Criminal Justice Center is home to several prestigious training and research institutes and centers dedicated to advancing the criminal justice field through professional development and investigation of key issues. These institutes partner with individuals and agencies across the state to help bring research into practice in various disciplines.
The Texas Legislature selected Sam Houston State University to host institutes to provide training to top leaders in law enforcement, corrections, homeland security, victim studies, and non-profit organizations in the state. Other institutes are the result of longstanding partnerships with agencies to promote evidence-based practices in the field.
Bill Blackwood Law Enforcement Management Institute of Texas (LEMIT)
→ lemitonline.org
Created by the Texas Legislature in 1989, LEMIT is one of the largest and most sophisticated statewide preparation programs for police management in the United States and is nationally recognized for its initiatives to develop the administrative, analytical, and executive skills of current and future law enforcement officials.
Crime Victims’ Institute (CVI)
→ crimevictimsinstitute.org
The Crime Victims’ Institute at Sam Houston State University is committed to advancing research on victimization issues in Texas. CVI studies the impact of crime on victims, their friends, families, and society and makes policy recommendations to the Texas Legislature and victim advocacy groups.
Correctional Management Institute of Texas (CMIT)
→ cmitonline.org
Correctional Management Institute of Texas, created in 1994, is enhancing corrections in adult and juvenile community and institutional corrections agencies by providing training variety, value, quality and relevance, assistance to the field, and field research.
Institute for Homeland Security (IHS)
→ ihsonline.org
The Institute for Homeland Security is a center for strategic thought with the goal of contributing to the security, resilience, and business continuity of the critical infrastructure sectors of Transportation, Energy, Chemical, and Healthcare from a homeland security perspective.
→ ihsonline.org/CICA
CICA’s mission is to assist public safety agencies by enhancing their analytical capabilities through professional development, education, and research.
→ ifrti.org
The Institute for Forensic Research, Training, and Innovation advances the practice for forensic science through strategic academic-industrial partnerships, industrially relevant research, and delivers highly specialized training to forensic practitioners and stakeholders.
→ cjcenter.org/prc
The Police Research Center operates the Criminal Research, Information Management, and Evaluation System (CRIMES), a state-of-the-art police information management system, and coordinates with major city police departments to identify and address common issues.
→ cjcenter.org/stafs
The STAFS Facility is a willed-body donor and state-of-the-art research and training facility, recognized by the Anatomical Board of Texas, designed to advance academic and technical knowledge in the application of forensic science disciplines to criminal investigations.
In collaboration with law enforcement and forensic practitioners, STAFS simulates forensically relevant scenarios that may be encountered in real-world investigations.