When we set out in 2021 to develop a shared vision for Sam Houston State University, we did so with greater clarity than possible before, shaped by the experiences of the pandemic. We reevaluated our priorities in light of significant changes happening in the economy, workplace and education This gave us a unique oppor tunity to incorporate these shif ts into our future planning.
Through focus groups with both internal and external stakeholders, we have examined our goals in a rapidly changing environment, all while prioritizing student impact. Our mission is to provide a high- quality education, and we must be laser-focused on creating and maximizing oppor tunities for our students.
As we enter the second year of our approved Strategic Plan, it’s clear we are making significant progress. Maintaining our focus remains critical. While our priorities could apply to almost any university, it is up to us to define what success means for Sam Houston State. Thank you for your hard work as we strive to transform the institution we all love.
Alisa White President, Sam Houston State University