How do we reform digital experience ?

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Paraschos Samios


How do we reform digital experience ?

Paraschos Samios ID: G20660326

Course - MA Design | UCLAN - AAS Modules: DE 4101 - Design Research 1 DE 4107 - Design Practice 1

Campus AAS Thessaloniki (Greece)

Date: 20.1.15 1


Paraschos Samios

Learning Agreement Name

Paraschos Samios

MA Course title

MA Design

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Brief Explanation / Outline of Project By means of cutting edge technology, I started my research study to the fields of User experience design and augmented reality implementations. My trigger is, human interaction with avant-garde digital experience and the impact on people socialization. Functional design and innovative web user involvement are my principles. As I develop my inquiry, I will try to examine the past and the today of user experience design through the usage of state-of-theart devices. Design for screens is the leading part of my study.

Rationale Afterward of the rise of social media and mobile web technology, everybody can relate with others digitally through the mainstream and traditional social media. Today, mobility of communication is the most successful part of the IT market. My concern as web user is the limits of today’s web socialization. Does Facebook or other platforms are the one way for social interaction? Do the wearable devices must express a new way of web communication or digital marketing? In my opinion, the enhancement of social activity through mobile devices, wearables or not, comes hand to hand with the growth of user experience design. In addition, that is the creative part of this paper, to purpose uses for Glass, or for Apple Watch. Wearables give us the opportunity to approach and to reimagine digital user. Also is a significant section of IT modernization for academic and business interests. The interaction between us and technology and our role in different tech-disciplines must be reviewed, highly interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary. This research scopes to be an opportunity to see the usage of digital devices and web technology not only as a trend or business solution, but as the adaptiveness of modern digital culture in human nature. Through this process, I will try to learn, how our social reality be blended with masterliness of contemporary digital devices and wearable crafts.



Paraschos Samios

Key Areas of Research The method of my research paper is literature sources and academic journals in the disciplines of mobile web and ux design. Especially the analysis will be expanded in the areas of web technologies (like cloud integrations the web 3.0 and the UI design trends). Linkedin groups are considered source. By Linkedin, I had the opportunity to mine critical data for latest innovation of wearable development. The generation of mood boards in Pinterest or Muzli also helped me to collect significant contextual material, especially in UX design. The next element of the process is the formation of work. In this part, the conception of personas and user research enabled and defined the outcome of my study.

Intended Outcomes of Project The assumed result of research will be the implementation of Human - technology alliance to vivid trends of digital experience of the present and the future. The effect of that implementation to IT business world and modern society is the development of an application that represents the goals of technology values. The objectives of research will be expressed in the deployment of social media application for Google Glasses, the most revolutionary wearable. In the first semester, I will form the design philosophy through wireframing method and information architecture diagrams. Must be noticed that the user experience design of the application will be express a visual manifesto of reimagined human-centric social network.

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Paraschos Samios

1. Literature Reflective Research 1.1 Introduction Many people believe that mobile web is just sharing content and an online socialization without borders or filters. In the other hand, social media & portable devices combination forms a truly successful human behavior and an enormous profitable business market. Turning now to the question of how social will be a response to the upcoming technology of wearables? Is the way we blog or connect with others online will be a change totally as cause of new technology? This essay tries to answer these questions, as start point of the analysis is the a scope of the ux design timeline hand to hand with the development of technology and especially the web. The second part focuses on social media buzz of today and if social media business will be failed to improve or to move on. For the third part the research canalized to the upcoming success or fail of wearables especially for the most revolutionary device the Google Glass. Finally, afterward of these statements, this paper forms a reimagined social media networking app, based on adaptiveness of information and content generation from user. Augmented reality and functional design are the main creative parts. Simplicity & the human-centric design are the principles of this creative process.

1.2 Literature review Dieter Rams is one of the most known and influential designers of 2OTH century, and he is a follower of functionalism and simplicity. He has created 10 principles of design here one of them:

“Good design makes a product understandable� 1 User Experience Design was trying to build a group of laws that were producing work more suitable and productive. Agreeing to Dieter Rams, good design makes the products actively, and also simplicity optimize the user experience. This principle is surrounding us and is clearly to the design of technology products. To familiarize the technology, the companies, and UX designers had worked and work to create user interfaces and devices simpler to navigation and easy managed. Some breakthroughs from technological shifts where UX design has formed the contemporary trends are AOL company web graphical interface, Napster music sharing or Apple iPhone innovation. These steps in ux design transformed technology to a modern habit for nontech users. The key for many of them is the functional layout. Designers have tried to make carefully understanding experience with social ingredients and provided the ability to generate content. So this is the beginning of current digital activity, significant innovations (such computing) enhanced with the principles of good design, the functionality, and the usability. 1. (9) Sophie Lovell, Klaus Kemp, Jonathan Ive (2010). Dieter Rams: As Little Design as Possible. London: Phaidon Press. 400. 



Paraschos Samios

Charles Leadbeater2 determines the meaning of collective intelligence through the web.

“Many people are deeply uncertain about whether the world the web is creating will leave us feeling more in control of our lives or less. On the one hand the web is the source of our most ambitious hopes for spreading democracy, knowledge and creativity. It ought in principle give us untold capacity for solving shared problems by allowing us combine the knowledge and insights of millions of people, creating a collective intelligence on scale never before possible.” 2 The next step of digital popularization was the user-generated content as cultural impact. As we grow up, hand to hand with the technology additions, we blend reality with a virtual world. The most well-known example of that is social networking. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram have transformed human habits to a mixed reality of sharing content. Everything must be shared or commented by individuals of friends. In other words, tech design has formed online socializing which produces a jumbled reality visually, sensually and physiologically for human behavior. It must be mentioned that online business, for example, Facebook marketing or Google campaigns have started an enormous industry of services and agencies depended from large scale platforms such Facebook and Google.

Afterward of success of digital networking, a new social platform rises. The anti - Facebook media, called Ello, a part of its manifesto explains exactly why to move from mainstream social media to a new one.

“We believe there is a better way. We believe in audacity. We believe in beauty, simplicity, and transparency. We believe that the people who make things and the people who use them should be in partnership. We believe a social network can be a tool for empowerment. Not a tool to deceive, coerce, and manipulate — but a place to connect, create, and celebrate life.”3 Digital networking birthed privacy and marketing issues, many users complained and react against to Facebook privacy and free - speech rules. Profiles of drag Queens and artists have been reported and were down because Facebook has limited the freedom of sharing. Also, advertisement and personal data mining from marketing use, has disappointed web users, and a many of them have abandoned them, especially Facebook. Ello was created to the ground up from the negatives of mainstream social platforms, no ads and no real name registration is the most important principles. 2. (10) Charles Leadbeater (2009). We-Think: Mass innovation, not mass production . 2nd ed. England: Profile Books. 336. 3. (29) Ello. Ello Manifesto. Available:



Paraschos Samios

Amy Merrick in her article in The New Yorker Magazine, mentioned the philosophy of wearable technology

There’s another term for wearable technology that might give a better sense of its future: “intimate computing,” which evokes a product that is sensual and tactile, personal and discreet.”4 Wearable technology is the next great journey, and the most obvious of the expected products is Google Glass, an augmented reality head-mounted display. Google Glasses and Apple Watch, point to unite our everyday actions and improve them with distinct digital experience. Wearables by their nature aim to the user’s behavior with a sensual approach. So the computing is essentially integrated with personal demands in an understandable usage. Google’s VP for Public Policy and Government Relations, argued about the social cues that make it obvious when Glass is in use.

Q: What have you done to inform non-Glass users if a picture or video is being taken? A: We have built explicit signals in Glass to make others aware of what’s happening. First, the device’s screen is illuminated whenever it’s in use, and that applies to taking a picture or recording a video. Second, Glass requires the user to either speak a command — “OK Glass, take a picture” or “OK Glass, record a video” — or to take an explicit action by pressing the button on the top of Glass’s frame. In each case the illuminated screen, voice command or gesture all make it clear to those around the device what the user is doing.5 For every new trend, always there are reservations. Google glasses are the most hotly anticipated device and more innovative than smart watches. The reason is that it fits with human actions with impacts on human behaviors. The main problem with Glasses is the privacy issue according to general opinion. Some people think that if someone wears Glasses has the capability to record anything and take pictures without permissions. The question is, which device is less threatening for privacy a modern smartphone or Glasses. It has been determined that smartphones and Glasses privacy boundaries are same. An iPhone or an Android phone does not have signals to inform filming or photo shootings; modern devices are small and ergonomic, and everyone can record anything easy without being perceived.

4. (11) Amy Merrick. (2014). Making Wearable Tech More Wearable. The New Yorker Magazine. Available: http:// 5 (24) Google Glass. Google Glass support FAQ. Available:



Paraschos Samios

1.3 Conclusion This paper focuses on the evolution of web technology in the fields of augmented reality and wearable technology. Specifically, this paper focuses on how to implement the wearables in our life and the impacts on human behavior. As medium of that research is used the revolution of UX design (especially the design for screens). The review of the literature leads to two research questions: Why wearable design is essential and how social networking will be changed from user sharing to intelligent and adaptive socializing. As the result of that study, will be the design of a reimagined social network application for wearable devices.

References Books 1. Richard Caddick, Steve Cable (2011). Communicating the User Experience: A Practical Guide for Creating Useful UX Documentation. US: Wiley. 288. 2. Travis Lowdermilk (2013). User-Centered Design A Developer's Guide to Building UserFriendly Applications. United States of America: O'Reilly Media. O'Reilly Media. 3. Jesmond Allen, James Chudley (2012). Smashing UX Design: Foundations for Designing Online User Experiences. US: Wiley. 446. 4. Aaron Gustafson, Jeffrey Zeldman (2011). Adaptive Web Design: Crafting Rich Experiences with Progressive Enhancement. US: Easy Readers, LLC. 144. 5. Dan M. Brown (2010). Communicating Design: Developing Web Site Documentation for Design and Planning. 2nd ed. US: New Riders. 312. 6. Steve Mann (2013). Wearable Computing. US: The Interaction Design Foundation. 200-300. 7. Eric Redmond (2014). Programming Google Glass. US: Pragmatic Bookshelf. 136. 8. European Commision (2010). Social Networks Overview: Current Trends and Research Challenges. EU: Publications Office of the European Union. 34. 9. Sophie Lovell, Klaus Kemp, Jonathan Ive (2010). Dieter Rams: As Little Design as Possible. London: Phaidon Press. 400. 10. Charles Leadbeater (2009). We-Think: Mass innovation, not mass production . 2nd ed. England: Profile Books. 336.



Paraschos Samios

Journal 11. Amy Merrick. (2014). Making Wearable Tech More Wearable. The New Yorker Magazine. Available: 12. Anisse Gross. (2014). What’s the Problem with Google Glass?. The New Yorker Magazine. Available: 13. Alex Williams. (2013). The Agony of Instagram. New York times. Available: http:// 14. Mark Wilson. (2014). How The Business World Will Make Wearables Mainstream. The Fast Company. Available: 15. Lo Min Ming. (2014). UI, UX: Who Does What? A Designer's Guide To The Tech Industry. Fast Company. Available: 16. Charles Arthur. (2013). Google Glass: is it a threat to our privacy?. The Guardian. Available: 17. Belinda Goldsmith. (2013). Survey Finds Social Media Hurts Friendships. Huffington post. Available: friendships_n_3053414.html 18. Paul Gray. (2014). Wearables – new survey highlights benefits and new threats. Available: 19. Jess Zimmerman. (2014). Stop worrying about your 'addiction' to the internet. We're all cyborgs – always have been. The Guardian. Available: commentisfree/2014/oct/15/addiction-internet-cyborgs-google-glass-withdrawal 20. Allan Blair. (2014). Wearable technology hasn't taken off in the way it was expected to – why not?. The Guardian. Available: 2014/jul/31/wearable-technology-revolution-dead-cost

Web 21. Todd Hasserman. (2013). What Will Google Glass Do to Our Brains?. Available: http:// Last accessed 20.1.2015.



Paraschos Samios

22. Christofer Hutton. (2013). Taking on “The Innovation of Loneliness�. Available: https:// Last accessed 20.1.15 23. Augie Ray. (2013). How Wearable Tech and Social Media Will Destroy (or Build) Brands in Five Years. Available: Last accessed 20.1.15. 24. Google Glass. Google Glass support FAQ. Available: 3064131?hl=en 25. Haley Jones. (2013). Social Media's Affect on Human Interaction. Available: http:// Last accessed 20.1.15. 26. John Brandon. (2014). Wearable devices pose threats to privacy and security. Available: http:// Last accessed 20.1.15. 27. Glass developers Development overview of Google Glass. Available: https:// . Last accessed 20.1.15 28. Scott McDonald. (2012). The Six Greatest Breakthroughs in UX History. Available: http:// Last accessed 20.1.15. 29. Ello. Ello Manifesto. Available: 30. Nova Spivack. (2014). Web 3.0: The Third Generation Web is Coming. Available: http:// Last accessed 20.1.15.



Paraschos Samios

2. Contextual Research 2.1 Introduction The integration of no - computing user with high-end devices, creates a sensual and personal session and the adaptiveness of modern web with social activity, influences modern people psychologically and sensually. Loneliness is one of the common characteristics of young people. Human interaction and the means of friendship or personal relationships have been changed dramatically with social networking through the web. The power of technology changed our inner world totally.

2.2 Contextual Review

Picture 1: “Inside� (2011) a project of Dimitris Papaioannou. Available: Vimeo:

In 2011, Dimitris Papaioannou (picture 1) a experimental stage director, visual artist who drew media attention and acclaim with his creative direction of the Opening Ceremony of the Athens 2004 Olympic Games, created a stage performance based on human interaction in modern world and the impacts on our personal lives. Personal loneliness in urban landscapes of contemporary cities and our daily habits was the case of the performance. Papaioannou expressed with his creative view and his sensual approach our unending routine of modern life. All those movements at home, work or the daily habit of eating, sleeping are our daily checks, an unending diary. Digital experience today forms a timeline of our lives. When we generate content thought web, each share, each post is recorded to personal timeline.



Paraschos Samios

Picture 2: Pinterest UI provided the creative approach to collect web stuff to moodboards. Available: http://

And now turned to the question if there is a way to enhance our personal digital timeline, our life records? Many platforms have been designed as mood boards, sharing elements have second priority, in that case. The most popular social mood board is Pinterest (Picture 2); its user interface offers a neutral design to deposit creative posts, links, products, images or videos from the web. It is a tool to enhance brainstorming. Pinterest is the good example not only for social media but a benefit of web usage. It expresses the meaning of collective intelligence.



Paraschos Samios

Picture 3: Facebook wall of shame infographic. Available at :

The bad example of digital experience, the example of online extravagance is Facebook platform (Picture 3). Facebook after 2009, loses all the principles of good user experience design, became more bulk and opened a new way for online marketing. Privacy policy, UX design changings, Facebook deals have been transformed to a massive share feeder and to advertisement buzz. As Facebook was transforming to a large scale marketing platform, social relationships and human communication were faded out. An infographic called as “Facebook wall of shame�(Picture 3) includes all the failures and criticism of this social media.

Picture 4: Google glass advertisement. Available at: Youtube

Mobile web and the upcoming wearable technology are dethroning desktop activity. Marketers and business must form a new world where must not fail again in the name of chaotic sharings and online promotions. The Web 3.0 features and wearables devices will give us the chance to redesign our digital experience. Google Glass is the most prominent wearable. Google has released a beta version and collects feedback for the upcoming mass production. A sample from video advertisement (Picture 4) of user experience of Glasses gives us a sense of something truly remarkable.



Paraschos Samios

Picture 5: Google Glass tutorial. Available at: Youtube

Many people do not know how Google Glass can be adopted from non-tech people, maybe some people believe that Glasses or other wearables like Apple Watch are coming from Star Wars. UX designers have simplified those devices visually and functionally. Google has published many videos (Picture 5) to promote and to explain the upcoming gadget. The main concept is a wearable computer with camera and a visual overlay from a “mini projector�. The management of Glass bases under voice control and some simple gestures. Simplicity & functional design of this device, reminds us here the Brawn style and Dieter Rams.

2.3 Conclusion Afterward of research, the thing is if digital experience and the saturation of social networking must be changed in a new way. The motivation for that change is the upcoming and revolutionary technology of the Web 3.0 and wearable devices. The question is How we transform web user to a creative and thinker user, who through his online activity can enhance his personality and his human relationships.



Paraschos Samios

3. Reflective journal 3.1 Introduction This paper tries to answer if wearable technology is the trigger for a big change of the web user. Many people, scientists, entrepreneurs, designers and fans wonder if we are ready for that change, or it is too early to adopt new digital habits. Of course, the web is the main place for sharing those thoughts. In my opinion, before to answer the question if it is too early to adopt wearable technology, we must see the history and the past of UX design and make a user analysis

Research for design 6 The UX design for screens is the basic field of this research. Companies such Amazon, Google and Apple have transformed the chaotic science of computing to a contemporary trend. Many behaviors have been created in our lives such online interaction with digital content. This success caused from the right user- centric user interface and user experience design. The designing of the new application in a new device is something very experimental and dangerous. In this time, we don’t have more references and sources for Google Glass application design. So in this paper the process that followed is the professional process of UX design. This process includes mainly, competitive analysis, user stories, wire-framing, prototypes and tests.

(6) Sketch 1,2 : A synopsis of UX design process, competitive & data analysis, user analysis and wireframing and gestures are the most important levels of the design of the application. 14


Paraschos Samios

3.2 Thoughts Why design for wearable About the repletion of modern large-scale, social media such Facebook, I believe that online networking is the way to connect and collect beautiful and creative stories. Social media should not be just business and unuseful sharing content, is a tool to expand user’s personality thought useful shares, posts or adaptive recommendations. As the trigger for that redefinition of envision of a new social media platform is the upcoming wearable technology. The reason is that wearables give us the ability to integrate technology with human reactions.

(7) Illustration 1: a simple digital note of the main philosophy of online networking

Reordering the means of online networking 7 From 2007, after of the first social networks, until today, web usage has been changed dramatically. Friendships and relationships have been created by those networks, business and professionals increase the customer's audience from social ads, collaborations have been created. The mean of sharing has been enhanced from platforms such Pinterest and Medium blog. However, the most famous media, Facebook has disappointed its audience, news feed algorithms and the personal data mining have injured the users. Facebook has generated our narcissism, the 15


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chaotic photo albums and the publicity of our personal life have formed users who depend from connection’s acceptances. That is the reason Facebook do not include a dislike option, the effect of the user ability to reject the personally published data from another user will be a huge psychological impact on our lives. Online networking is not a way to enhance our narcissism, and every day we generate content, links, cultural opinions, thoughts, and moods. Social connectivity must enhance the way we think, the way to create, this way we improve the mean of “collectively intelligent”. Online networking is a part now of a modern era, and wearable technology should be the reason to see online social experience again.

3.3 Understanding the Glass 8 Google Glass is a wearable computer with Android as operating system. It has a simple and lightweight design. User can wear it and manage it with voice controls and gestures. The main function of Glass is a mini projector. A prism that focuses directly on retina’s eye projects a layer over our real view. This way an augmented reality display is formed. Google has created a technology masterpiece. Many people love it and have adopted the explorer version and many people hated because for privacy threats and human behavior impacts.

Health Implications There are many opinions and researches that Google Glass might have negative impact on our health. The loss of attention, headaches affects the lostness feelings are some threats. The main issue with Glass is if the human brain can process multiple things. According to Leonardo Giusti, a post-doctoral researcher9 at the MIT Mobile Experience Lab Google Glass maybe over time will undermine our long-term memory. Also, many users of Explorer version complain about headaches after long usage. Google through Chris Barrett, responds to these threats and support that the development team of Glass invest to produce a safe product with the collaboration with eye care specialists. A professor of ophthalmology at Harvard Medical School, Eli Peli10, is a researcher, and he specializes to head-mounted displays for 20 years. Also, he is a consulter of Glass team. According to Peli, Glass, has advanced safe and comfort design than other head-mounted displays.

Glass UI at a glance Glass is something different; the approach to compare with smartphone or tablet is wrong. User-centric design is the primal matter of User experience and interface. UI designers must be more careful than mobile design because the glass experience is closer to user’s senses. Google Glass works with cards, static cards, live cards and immersions. Static cards display text, images, and videos and live cards display rich and real-time content. Immersions give us the ability to take over the main timeline and provides custom user experience. (9) 21. Todd Hasserman. (2013). What Will Google Glass Do to Our Brains?. Available: Last accessed 20.1.2014. (10) Eli Peli Professor of Ophthalmology at Harvard Medical School. Available:


MA DESIGN (8) Illustration 2: Digital note, a description of how Google Glass works,Paraschos there are Samios gestures and voice commands, through one mini projector user can see the



Paraschos Samios

3.4 User analysis of application11 Like Social Media, the application addressed to the mass, but the impact will be greater in users that use in their daily lives the technology and specifically the mobile web. It is estimated that people who use platforms like Pinterest or users who left Facebook is very likely to embrace the new social media. Young people - teenagers A study reveals that many teenagers left Facebook and mainstream social media. Line application succeeds to more teenagers. Also, Google Glass as device may have more impact on young people who want to explore and enjoy a remarkable social media. Technology fans Technology fans and people who admire gadgets, will explore first the usability of Glass, although the ability to share and connect with others in a new way, probably will trigger this group of users to use and adopt this app. Creative people Creativity and Mood boards are the main part of application, Creative people, who love to deposit or share their imagination, or their artwork will be the main team of users. Application enhances the collective creativity and gives the ability to collect moments, moods, thoughts, elements that are included in a creative process of an artist or designer. Academic people Education is a field where Glass will make an impact. Application approaches from developers will trigger the Academic people. Probably a reimagined social networking approach will be explored and will be adopted.

The goal The goal is through this Application to see our digital experience again. To create an online community where to collect and share creative stories, to connect with people for a reason and to improve the intelligence and thinking through social sharing. So the range of users must be expanded to a global audience, the application finally must be adopted by common web users in the future. Must be noticed that the success of this application goes hand to hand with the success of wearable technology and especially of Google Glass or the future AR commercial wearable devices like Glass.

11. Body of work 4.3. Personas



Paraschos Samios

(12) Sketch 3,4: Creative process of user interface design and some voice concepts of voice controls: “Create a moment” “My mood is…” “I love to…” “Make me happy…” “Inspire me today…”



Paraschos Samios

(13) Sketch 5: Each circle is a UI element which represents mood, a moment, a think. These circles are the basic user interface elements of the application..



Paraschos Samios

3.5 The social media application at a glance 12,13,14 We look again the ability of web user to generate content

Overview The application I conceived of producing had purity of form and economy of colour, focused completely on human behavior with technology, took a sensual approach to social media, that would make it engaging on a emotional level. The social app could not be a social timeline or instant messages – it could only be the unfolding of a daily sequence.

Technology As main device for application is Google Glass, user interface will be designed according the principles of Google’s application development framework. Material design may be considered for user experience design in the future. The technology background of the application is the principles of WEB 3.0 which includes the features of intelligent web, search recommendations and data mining.

Privacy Real names may be not included in the registration form, user will choose certain privacy levels, personal data will not be shared with others or for marketing reason. In the other hand, elements of affiliate marketing will be included such local recommendations but for personal use.

User User needs only information that combines his thoughts, habits, his work or his education. User will start his day wearing Google Glass and sets his mood like a status update; instant messages will be only vocal or visual not text. This way user discharged from modification user interface, and also he can launch the capabilities of Glasses.

No ads - no marketing policy No advertisements, only free recommendations. Businesses can register but will be auto promoted from search recommendations according the mining of the user’s data. So any of the business in the app large or small will be equal. User’s personal data will not provided for commercial use at marketers.

Mood of the day Status updates where user generates and shares with others a text or no text stuff is chaotic today. The question is what is exactly a status update? This social element has been created to allow the user to express his thoughts and his opinions. As the social application has a emotional



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approach and a human-centric concept, there will be not status updates just a record of our daily mood. This restriction forms the philosophy of the application

Mood boards The chance of this paper and for the future is to form a successful framework which expresses the mean of collective intelligence. Mood boards for Glass will be the design attempt to express that means. From application, user can collect his daily thoughts and things who inspires him. These things can be photos, snapshots, checkins, sound records or videos.

Unfolding of each day User start his day with Glass, application will “record” his behaviors through all these elements that represented above. Mood boards with lightweight UI design will be the deposit of this record. User will connect and shares this deposit if he wants with his friends. This way we reform the mean of social profile and user timeline. (14) Sketches 6, 7: Diagrams as notes of what will the application includes Google framework, probably Material design. Also in the right this is the first note of the creative process, the primal thought is the mood of day feature.



Paraschos Samios

4. Body of work 4.1 Introduction The target of this paper is to answer to the dilemma if wearable technology must be integrated with human behaviors, and our daily reactions or the web experience is limited to the mainstream devices. The critical aspect of this study is the user experience design for wearables. It is clear that the success of each digital device or application through the years is to popularize the technology. As medium of that popularization is the well designed user experience. In my opinion digital experience today is totally emotional, our mood depends on the social activity and the interactions with connections from Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn. Sharing and status updates became a part of our life. Most people have been addicted to online communication. A big impact on our daily habits were the mobile web. Social activity does not only response with the optimization of old social networks to mobile, but smartphones and tablets were the rational to be developed new social media for mobile usage, such Instagram, and Snapchat. Computing is now more intimate and more addictive. Must be noticed again that functionality of the design is the key aspect for successful adaptiveness of mobile experience. The next step is to make technology more intimate, more invisible and, of course, more sensual.

4.2 Main idea “Technology is the campfire around which we tell our stories.” Laurie Anderson How do we reconstruct our web activity according upcoming technology? Are wearables devices the motive to reimagine the social media with a different approach of generating at sharing content? Afterward of my research in digital design, I conceived the idea to create a software application for wearables. By means of state of the art web technology I started to form the framework for a social media application for Google Glass, able to transform online activity to a creative & emotional daily activity. This way, user can unfold his creative thinking and his daily timeline powered by the easy-used wearable technology. Real world is our user interface, in that surface will be formed the virtual user experience, including mood boards, timelines, and other interactions. The application is story that involved in three acts; the fist part features an augmented reality mood board as expressed by user’s current thoughts and daily moods. The second part is our friendships in locationally and globally level, user’s connections depend from the interaction with 23


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them. The images created at the end of a day is a symbolic “universe”, including all activity and thoughts of our day. Emotional voice commands will be included. Because Glass is a wearable which is closer to human nature, digital experience is going to be more intense for user. The application tries not only to reorder the mean of online networking, but to enhance the usability of Glasses and wearables. Probably the usage of Glasses will be expanded in 3-5 years for now and the rise of the Web 3.0 birth new trends. This proposal tries not be something avant-garde and prototype, but it is the web could be truly human-centric.

4.3 Personas This application is been designing for people who want to rebuild their online lives. Also, people who love gadgets and technology achievements also included as audience. The biggest part of users might be creative thinkers and youths. The basic reason for someone to use this platform is not only to adopt a new trend or technology but to withdraw his old online life with a new one. Persona 1 Name

Emmy Nelson




New York


Computing science


Senior web developer

Social media usage


“ Technology gives me many professional opportunities” Behaviors


She likes gadgets and tech achievements She uses social media for instant messaging with friends and her colleagues. She always takes notes and records for her job

Emmy is 28 years old, lives in New York, as software developer, she uses desktops PC for her professional and personal use. She has only a smartphone, but she use only for text messaging or chatting. She is always online and has Facebook, Twitter, and Skype account

Key goals She is always online and has Facebook, Twitter, and Skype account She wants an easy and fast way to communicate with her closed friends She wants someday to buy Google Glass She desires to integrate her Evernote notebooks with another cloud service. Must do Give her a fast and smooth interface Impress her with the abilities of Glass Make a cloud-based application

Not to do


Give her a non functional application


Paraschos Samios

Persona 2 Name

Chloe Taylor






High school



Social media usage

Very high

“ Passionate to create memories with instagram, Facebook is boring“



She likes Instagram filters Loves to get likes for her retro-style mobile photos She uses Facebook only for gaming She uses for messaging with her friends Viber.

Chloe is 18 years old, lives in London, as student, she uses desktops PC for personal use. She has only a smartphone. She is always online and has Facebook, Twitter, and Skype account.

Key goals She wants a easy used camera She will buy Glass or Apple Watch if Instagram is developed for them She wants to make mood boards Must do

Not to do Give her a boring application

Give her a fast and smooth interface Give her the ability to share visual posts Give her the ability to check in places



Paraschos Samios

Persona 3 Name

Zang Jinou






School of Arts


Stage Director

Social media usage

Very high

“Web is a big deposit for my inspiration“



He collects creative stuff through the web He uses Facebook and Vimeo for professional promotion He loves mood boards and inspiration sites

Zhang is 45 years old, lives in Baku, as stage director, he uses social media for his professional and personal use. He has smartphone and tablet He is always online and has Facebook, Pinterest, and Vimeo account

Key goals He wants to create mood boards with video loops He wants to create visual notebooks for his projects He wants a direct communication with his fans Must do Give to him the ability to create a mood board Give to him the ability to design or capture artwork from Glasses

Not to do Give him a mainstream UX design



Paraschos Samios

Persona 4 Name

Chris Wilson




New York


Business administration



Social media usage

Very high

“Twitter is important to my work“



He has the administration of his company site, and he writes to his personal blog He uses Facebook for professional promotion He uses Twitter very much

Chris is 35 years old, lives in New York, as entrepreneur he uses social media for his professional and personal use. He has smartphone and tablet He is always online and has Facebook, Twitter, and Vimeo account

Key goals He wants to microblog He wants to create posts and articles for his business promotion He wants to check in everywhere he goes Must do Give to him the ability to microblog Give to him the ability to check in and share

Not to do Give to him an application with few usability



Paraschos Samios

4.4 First design approach Sitemap - wireframes - primal visual attempts


Social media application for Google Glass

Paraschos Samios MA Design UCLAN - AAS COLLEGE

Cloud based Application

- cloud backup - profile viewer - moodboards export - limited user profile management

Application will use cloud technology and user will can manage his profile through other devices. Online backups and probably export data will be some of the features of the application to the other platforms. Must me noticed that the full functional version of the application will be on Google Glass, desktop, and the mobile version user will have restricted management. This way the application focuses on the Glass version and the abilities of wearable technology


First information architecture - Glass version Sitemap includes the basic concept of fuctions


welcome screen

update option 1

main view


settings moodboards

A first sitemap for application, the primal concept is update or record collect - share - interact. The basic feature of the application is the update options that stored to separate boards. Connections - friendships can be generated automatically based on user’s update public content, but this is a primal approach. In this paper, the functions of the application are still in start level. 30

update option 2

First information architecture - desktop, mobile



Log in

main view




Sitemap for desktop and the mobile version, has the same function flow, if we compare the two sitemaps (Glass - desktop, mobile), we can see the difference in functionality between versions. Must be noticed that the user can use the desktop and the mobile version as secondary use. The concept is; user can access to the app from other devices, not to enjoy the features of the application but to simply manages his profile. 31

Wireframes approach 1 Glass user interface works with cards. The UI elements are static cards, live cards and immersion start screen

welcome screen


Start screen includes only logo

Hello A welcome and friendly message


user can say a voice command to start his day

Say something

An approach of status update screen

set the daily mood


Mood of the day

Mood of day is the basic element

Wireframes approach Wireframes include the first approach of the application, these wireframes describes the concept what user will see at start and how he can update his status - mood, every day. First screen: The logo - ident of the application is the first thing, which user will see. Second screen: A “Hello” message, will represent the welcome screen Third screen (approach): User must update his status his daily mood, the first feelings of the day Fourth screen (approach): After “mood of the day” application demands from use the next step, probably will be the card of news feeder or friendships card. 32

Wireframes approach 2 Glass user interface works with cards. The UI elements are static cards, live cards and immersion news feed

Friends card approach

Your friends

It’s 7:00 and your friends are still sleeping


or see your friends

News feeder is empty because it’s a new day

Some friends with the most interaction


an inspirional or mood element

Unfriend approach

Inspiration element Some friends are gone


if user doesn’t interact with some of friends, those connections will be dissapear from his profile

“user comment”

A generated content text - non text or a video loop from user

Wireframes approach concept 2 The diagram above represents a second approach of cards. First screen: News feeder is empty every day, this way the philosophy of an unfolding daily sequence has been empowered. Second screen: An approach of how connections and friendships will be represented by the card Third screen: If the user don’t interact more with some connections, these friends will be removed automatically. Fourth screen: An approach of user-generated content. Could be a mood, a moment or a think 33

Mood of the day

Feeling relaxed see your moods

see recomendations


see more

share with them

Primal preview First design attempts 34

UI design primal approach “ok glass, i feel…

Say how you feel

“ok glass, see my moments

Say the name of your past moment

moment material

inspiration material

23.09.14 Moods board


6.08.08 Art board

“Feeling relaxed”

“One of the best perfomance”


live the moment again


“Looking fo

live the moment again

Primal view A first approach of application, of course in that level, can’t be include all the functions of the application. In this essay is a proposal some visual designs directly the to final stage. These cards represent two live cards where user must command the application and the basic user - generated stuff. User can generate through his view or his voice, daily moments that will be stored in mood boards. Also, the user will can share this content with his connections automatically. Must be noticed that the full concept will be provided and analyzed to the next semester. This paper is the first approach of a big project for see again the mean of social media networking.


Conclusion This paper tried to unfold, the research of the effort, to reconstruct the meaning of online activity and the experience on digital devices. The study focused on three basic fields, UX design (software & hardware), social media impacts to human behaviors and the upcoming wearable technology. The outcome of this first trial was the formation of a reimagined web application for Google Glass, theoretically & visually. As first view, might be regarded the try to design a social media from the ground up is something that has no sense. The fact is that in this study, there is no a trial to generate an application that will be the same functionally with other platforms and different visually. The aim of this attempt is to create a new theoretical basis of how user must be online today, admitting to the failures of the past and the promises of the upcoming wearable technology. As marks for that “statement� is the design of this application. For the next semester, the study will be expanded to the UX design and the branding of the application. Many features will be added or reordered. The goal will be same, to create a human-centric wearable networking platform.


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