EDITOR’S NOTE restored? The situation is dire for almost everyone. Employers in the industry have have to let go of chefs, waiters, cooks, and all personnel that were previously manning activities around the commercial kitchen. As if that is not enough, the establishments that had hoped to close briefly, are now facing the likelihood of longer closures or even insolvency. Whatever the picture, the industry has never required more hope than it does right now. Everyone is looking for some straw to clutch upon. It is not easy, but there has to be a deliberate effort by all industry stakeholders to try and stay optimistic that eventually, this battle with Covid-19 will be won. At the moment, it might not seem that way, but we have to have hope that there will be a ray of light at the end of the tunnel in the near future.
new horizons!
he Covid-19 situation around the world has truly devastated many businesses. One of the sectors that have been hard-hit is the Hospitality industry. Without occupancy for hotel facilities, there can be no business, and without clients, there can be no food to prepare in the kitchen. It is a viscious and blistering fight for survival for most establishments.
As a matter of fact, majority of hospitality establishments have either completely closed or are barely surviving. Few people foresaw the impact Covid-19 would have on various sectors of the economy. The question that now comes to mind for most people in the industry is: how do we survive long enough to still stay in business when a semblance of normalcy is
CORE TEAM MANAGING EDITOR Oliver Odhiambo: Editor@eachef.com LAYOUT Sam Morara: sam@eachef.com MARKETING TEAM Jeniffer Kananu: jenny@eachef.com Florah Mumbua: florah@eachef.com www.eachef.com Issue 6
As most economies look to re-open in spite of the complex situation we face today, it is our responsibility to try and play by the rules that could help us stay above the Covid-19 nightmare, especially in as far as our restaurants and commercial kitchens are concerned. High levels of hygiene and standards for food preparation must be maintained and observed strictly. There shouldn’t be any room for complacency lest we end up with spiking infections, and the prospect of closure again! As we seek to get our act together, we can only promise that this publication will continue to offer valuable information to help us make the right and informed choices to mitigate the effects of Covid-19. That is what we have dedicated this edition to, as you wil see in the table of contents beforehand. May this copy give you the hope you need, that at the end of the day, we will still emerge stronger, and with capacity to serve the market even better.
Oliver Odhiambo
Managing Editor
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