Here you can find the results from our questionnaires about film opening
If NO, how should the character be shown?
Wearing a mask Upper body
Results of analysing the charts We created two questionnaires about film openings to get some ideas of what our audience wants to see. Before they answered the questionnaires they had to watch the opening scene of the thriller Se7en on YouTube. After we’ve got enough answers of our audience we created charts to analyze the results. After an accurate analysis of the two questionnaires, we now can say what’s going to be shown in our thriller for our course work at the end of the year. The audience wasn’t satisfied enough of the montage opening scene of the thriller Se7en, so that we decided to start with a chasing scene in which we will show the victims and the murderer and use fast editing techniques to increase tension, because these are exactly the features the audience wants to see. For our thriller we decided to use a knife as the main weapon of the murderer, because that’s the weapon, which the audience voted for. As well the audience liked the weather and the location they saw in the opening scene of Se7en, so that we’ll film with the same weather conditions. The next question we had to analyze was “Did you like the music in this clip?” The majority of the audience answered with YES, so that we’ll use minor key music for our thriller as well, to increase the tension. Furthermore the audience answered that they liked the font of the text in the opening scene of Se7en so we’ll try to let the font look as good as like the Se7en font. Although the audience wasn’t sure if they want to see the face of the murderer or not, we decided to let him wear a mask and to show his face. We are really looking forward to produce the thriller. Your BLOGGBUSTER ThrillerProduction