Types of Music Video By Kirs2n Jarvis
Illustra2ve • An Illustra2ve music video is the simplest of the 3, as it shows just a literal meaning to the song visually. A good example of an illustra2ve music video would be; •
Owl City -‐ Fireflies hKp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psuRGfAaju4
Dysjunc2ve Dysjunc2ve music videos are different to illustra2ve/amplifica2on music videos as they are opposite to the music alongside, making it awkward to listen to/watch and almost ignores the music as the video has no rela2on to the music. A good example of dysjunc2ve music video would be; Iwrestledabearonce – you know that aint them dogs real voices hKp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwgMMtgSTVE
Amplifica2on • An amplifica2on music video amplify the lyrical meaning, or meaning of the band through the use of camera shots, edits, effects, and mise en scene. A good example of amplific. Music video would be; • •
Gallows – Misery hKp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNodyijdG_E