5 minute read
Model , Actor, Entrepreneur of The Month
Hey Y'all! I'm Sydney Allen, a 7th generation rancher from a small South Texas town called Smiley. I mean really small, we don't even have a stoplight or a store, besides the Dollar General that moved in about two years ago. Yes, there are absolutely more cows than people. Sounds generic for Texas, I know, but believe me generic stops there.
To say I live a unique life would only be touching the tip of the iceberg. I do everything from running a working guest and cattle ranch, to acting, modeling, setting up events, keeping up with my nieces, and running a successful Bar and Grill. An average day for me can be anything from pulling calves and palpating, to having a live performance at the Running M, hosting company from all walks of life, or attending a red carpet movie premiere. I attended college before kindergarden, had the job of international hostess down pat by 1st grade, rode horses before walking, and was an accurate shot before I was an accurate writer. Since everyone in my town has known each other for generations, I was lucky enough to be allowed to have my friends come and go as we pleased as long as they helped work.
This created one of the ultimate educational playgrounds anyone could imagine. By age 7 my father turned us loose with my own vehicle and the understanding I was completely responsible for everyone. We would run like wild Indians exploring and making up games as we went. One day we were Indiana Jones on an adventure and the next our last names changed to Bond as we set out on a top secret mission. When we had to work we would all come together to get the job done, or divide and conquer to make sure an entire group was entertained while we took them trail riding until they couldn't stand it any longer and asked to go home. We learned so much during those rides! Each one was a class all on its own as we learned about our guests, where they came from, and what it was like where they lived. Twice a year our big cattle and guest event, roundup, would take place. This was almost always our busiest times of year. Local cowboys would come out with their dogs and the guests would help them round cattle from all over the ranch. Once the cows were penned they would brand, vaccinate, castrate, sort, and pair. Then guests would accompany the cowboys to the auction to watch the cows sell. Those roundups were legendary, and still talked about today.
My childhood was full of wonder, adventure, learning, fun, and anything else anyone could ask for. My father is a firm believer in education and adventure. Two of his favorite things to do are tell tall tales and make people laugh. During the summer breaks Dad would arrange for us to visit our foreign friends we had made through the guest ranch. We would stay with them in their country and they would teach us first hand about their culture and country. We would live alongside them, much as they had lived alongside us, and then become immersed in their way of life. It was truly amazing. I got to see the inside of British Parliament, paragliding off the Swiss Alps with far away Princes, and experience Russia as very few others get to. I have been blessed without a doubt.
However, for as much fun as I had there was an equal amount of responsibility and expectation placed on my shoulders. I was not only responsible for groups of people over twice my age and the lives of our many animals since early childhood, but also for the future of my family's legacy. I come from a long line of success stories.
My mother coded security software for our country and my father has done everything from being a chemist, to fighting in a war, working for the CIA, teaching, and operating the Lazy F International Guest Ranch. You can point to almost anyone in my family tree and learn about how amazing they were and how they contributed to our family, community, state, and country. We aren't just proud of Texas history, my family is sprinkled throughout it. From the famous outlaw John Wesley Hardin and my namesake Algernon Sidney Billings who started our ranch, to my grandmother who was the first female cheerleader at the
University of Texas.
I had always planned to take over the ranch when the time was right, and I wanted to add my personal success to the legacy. I thought my first contribution would take the form of a world renown actress and branching out from there. Life, and Covid, had other plans though. I played on a few TV shows that came out to the ranch over the years and that was fun, but I truly wanted to really get out there. After college I decided to hit the ground running and refuse to take no as an answer. My plan was to get my headshots made and then send it along with my resume to every agency that had an opening. The first photographer I called sent me to Al Zavala, who introduced me to Lari Nelson and the rest is history. I joined The Agency and started talking to talent agents. Everything was going great, until Covid.
I was about to sign with a major agency out of L.A, but I was unable to due to the pandemic. I was very disheartened and decided to put my acting dreams on hold for a second in order to focus my energy on my 2nd life goal. Building my empire. I started rather unexpectedly by join- ing the food industry. The Running M Bar and Grill came up for sale right on the corner of confederate square in the middle of the birth place of Texas, Gonzales. It has been a local favorite for over a decade and I was no stranger to its doors. It seemed like a great opportunity to invest my community and also a place I love. So, I took it. I purchased the Running M Bar and Grill and started making improvements. I knew nothing about owning a restaurant and have been learning everyday. Thus far, the Running M has been climbing in success.
The building next to the Running M, which is twice the size, came up for sale and I seized the opportunity. The current plan is to expand a little while adding on. By the time everything is finished the Running M Bar and Grill will be a destination and an even bigger point of pride for Gonzales, Texas. The changes I've implemented into each of my businesses has done nothing but driven us towards success and I don't intend to stop there. In fact, I'm just gaining my stride. I have yet to give up on my acting dreams. I've merely changed tactics and am now using a more out-of-the-box approach. After all, I've never really fit the mold. I started asking myself, “If I currently can't star in a movie produced by someone else, why not make my own?”
I'm ready to show the world who Sydney Allen is, and what I am capable of. I have an amazing support group of friends and family who love and help me whenever they can, and determination in my blood. As I grow and learn, my dreams and goals grow with me. I fully intend to succeed and leave my mark. So watch out world, here I come and defeat will never be an option.