Package & Design – China, May 2014

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From the page to the screen to the built environment, graphic design is central to how we construct and convey meaning in the world around us. The Graphic Design Department at Massachusetts College of Art and Design provides students with a robust working knowledge of print design, information design, branding, and dynamic media (experience design). Our students learn “hands on” in studio classes led by a faculty of practicing designers and design educators, accomplished in their areas of expertise.

intelligently about their own work and the work of their classmates in preparation for the increasingly teambased professional environment in which they will find themselves upon graduation. We maintain that fundamentals of design remain consistent across media: form must enhance meaning, typography must communicate, and both must serve concept. Traditional manual skills---such as lettering, drawing, bookbinding and hand-setting metal type---meet sophisticated software and algorithmic thinking in the toolbox we expect our graphic design students to develop. Students are challenged to develop design solutions while experimenting with a wide range of media in the areas of package design, publication design, web design, interactive communication, advertising, and the creation of graphic identities and branded experiences. The graphic design faculty inspires students not only to value structure, surface, and form, but to understand and engage with clients, audiences, and the culture at large. Research and process are therefore as essential to our

The Undergraduate Graphic Design Program The Graphic Design Department welcomes students to a learning environment in which to explore theoretical, practical and technical applications relative to a variety of design problems. Through a sequenced combination of required courses in the major and electives, students learn the necessary techniques, skills and concepts. In addition, students are exposed to intensive critique as well as discussions and lectures. They learn to speak

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program as product. Students routinely develop user profiles and conduct applied testing as part of their work. Most projects within the major courses involve research at some level and require students to read and write about design. Many of our students complete internships, either during the academic year or during the summer. We support these internships as opportunities for students to explore various areas within graphic design while experiencing the demands and pace of the profession. The school enjoys longstanding relationships with top studios, agencies, and industries in the Boston area. Many student internships lead to job offers. Our alumni work in a wide range of jobs, in the traditional realms of advertising, publishing, corporate communication, and web design, as well as in rapidly expanding areas such as user experience, strategic design planning, systems design, and design entrepreneurship. The Graduate Program: Dynamic Media Institute The Dynamic Media Institute at MassArt offers a 60credit Masters of Fine Art degree for anyone passionate about the future of dynamic media in communication design. Our students are fine artists, designers, architects, engineers, programmers, and educators, among others, who pursue a unique thesis vision through a rigorous practice of research, prototyping, and

writing. With the support of peers, faculty, advisors, and critics, their practice culminates in a rich body of original work and a comprehensive written thesis document. Thesis topics, as varied as our students, range from interface design, interactive environments, learning applications, and data visualization to participatory narrative, sound and video installation, smart objects, and much more. Our students leave the program, empowered by their new work, skill, and experience, to become leading educators, practitioners, and entrepreneurs. Open Invitation We welcome you to explore Massachusetts College of Art and Design online ( or in person. MassArt is a public, independent university of art and design. The college's professional baccalaureate and graduate programs prepare students to participate in the creative economy as fine artists, designers and art educators. We ask you to join us and to engage in the well being of society. As a national leader in visual art and design education, the college influences contemporary culture through the accomplishments of its alumni and the creative activities of its faculty and staff. We believe that diversity---in background, status, culture, and viewpoint---is essential to a vital and creative community, and we would welcome your contributions. Package&Design 69

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Casey McGee

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Brendon Gouveia

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Jessica Im

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Alicia Fontenele

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Christopher Skinner

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Fish McGill

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John Howrey

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Sam Peckham

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