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Website link: samjain.design.com



Map shows various site locations where different projects have been designed.....

1. 4. 5. 6. 7. 2. 9. 3. 10.

Eco Lush: Hotel , Seattle Comprehensive Studio, Arch 603 Iowa State University.

Dabar Bungalow, Mixed Use Building

Rohit Dinkar Architects, Indore

Rehabilitation School for Visually Impaired Women in India.

SDPS Womens College, Indore.

Youth Hub: Bridge Studio, Des Monies, Comprehensive Studio, Arch 567 Iowa State University.

Urban Street Vending, Thesis Studio, Sus 502 Iowa State University.


Energy Efficient Residence, St Louis, Arch 603 Iowa State University.

Disaster Resilient: New Orleans, Sus E 501 Iowa State University.

Quick Eats App University of California, San diego

Wayfair Residence

University of California, San diego

Paridhi Gujrat, India.

Competition- Nano Nest Online

Capstone: Urban Street Vending Market, Sus 502 Iowa State University.

1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
10. 11. 12.



Building Name: Eco Lush

Location: Seattle, International District

Team: Samprati

Project Details: Studio Project, Iowa State Uni

Primary Use: Hospitality

Building Type: High Rise

Gross Square footage: 180,000 SF


Eco Lush is a skyscraper hotel designed on a site close to downtown Seattle, adjacent to King Street Station. The program requirement includes designing Cafes, bars, restaurants on the first floor, and hotel accommodations at levels above. The building accommodates Seattle tourists and daily travelers who use King street station. The concept of the building is derived to enhance the movement flow of people in different directions. Usually, luxurious hotels are made private. However, this hotel is designed to welcome everyone.

Eco lush hotel is located close to downtown Seattle, adjacent to King Street Station. It is surrounded by commercial office buildings on the east and is within walking distance of the stadium on the south. The challenge of the site requires it to be built on a working train station. The site has an urban plaza in front of King Street Station.


Orientation/ Form

The form divides the building at different levels, clearly distinguishing between public and private spaces. The building is oriented to north-south access to maximize daylight to the building. In addition, green spaces are added in the transition spaces to break the concrete monotony of the urban city. According to the Trust for Public Land Organization, the average dense urban setting contains less than ten percent green space for every seventy thousand acres of land use. This building provides intermediate green space to enjoy the Seattle weather by adding more greenery to the urban facade.

Site Brief: Commercial office building located on the east and west side of the site. Stadium on south and King Street station located on the north. King Street Station, Seattle Train Track Site Legend
Public Private Green


Site Context

The form of site is derived from the site conditions and proportions. Secured access from all sides is provided.

Commercial Building Stadium

King Street Station, Seattle



Form/ Orientation

Building oriented to North South Axis

Masses are pulled according to proportion of Surrounding

A clear distinction is made between private and public place

Entrance Site Site
3. 2.

View from South


Circulation aspect

Entrances provided at different levels according to site surrounding to avoid problems, such as congestion. Access also provided to train travelers from underground to first level.

Bridge Connection

Central circulation provided with access from King street station and bridge. Additionally, visibly to outside is provided from central core.

Pedestrian entrance to site given adjacent to King street plaza to support

Bridge designed on site to connect 4th Ave and King Street Plaza


Car drop off. Direct connection from and to King Street Station

Grand entrance to main lobby from pedestrian Green plaza for fluid circulation with Main lobby connected to Core Lifts.

Banquet Halls given on the third floor with Gallerias overlooking restaurant and provided with direct connection to outside green courts to enjoy beautiful city.

Ground Level First Level
Third Level
LIFT CIRCULATION VIEW CIRCULATION PLAN GREEN SPACE ENTRANCE King Street Station Restaurant Primary Lobby Bar Pedestrian Entrance Pre- Function Area Banquet Halls Cafe Lower Level Lobby
1. Loading dock 2. Storage 3. Mechanical Room 4. Café 5. Reception 6. Bar 7. Lobby 8. Restaurant 9. Kitchen 10. Office 11. Banquet Hall 12. Pre- Function 13. Pantry 14. Lift/ Staircase 15. Washroom 1 4 6 9 7 11 12 13 14 15 8 5 2 3 10

Fifth Level

Fourteenth Level

Thirty Fourth Level

Meeting rooms, conferences and halls are with terrace gardens and pantry is provided in this level with proper separation from restaurant and Banquet halls in order to reduce the noise level from formal meeting rooms.

16 suites at one floor provided in combination of standard and deluxe, with views and accessibility to green space given at each floor.

Combination of 12 luxury suites and deluxe provided.

Conference Halls Meeting Rooms Suites Green Terrace Suites
14. Lift/ Staircase 16
16. 14 14 14 18 19 19 17 17 Office 18 Meeting Rooms
Lift/ Staircase Green Terrace
14. Lift/ Staircase Green Terrace Suites
Car Drop off
Connection from King Street Station to Eco Lush Pedestrian Entrance Entrance from King Street Station to Eco Lush

Conceptual Section: Load Distribution

The form provides a clear distinction of public and private space. V shape steel trusses spreads the weight of upper thrust equally, providing a special distinction between public and private space.

Conceptual Section: Green space

The central core connects whole building as one with accessible green-space provided at different levels.

Site Plan

The Courtyard is designed at the pedestrian entrance to support plaza of King street Station. Car drop off, entrance connects to the western side of building, in addition to parking. The second pedestrian entrance connects the bridge to the western side and southern side of stadium, in addition to the railway track of King Street Station.

40 th Floor 16 th Floor 10 th Floor 6th Floor
The concept behind the pattern in facade resembles the furniture layout inside.
1 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Car Drop off 41th Floor 38th Floor 34th Floor 30th Floor 26th Floor 22th Floor 18th Floor 14th Floor 10th Floor 6th Floor Pedestrian Entrance Restaurant Lobby Banquet Hall Office/ Meeting Room Sub Station Green Space Banquet Hall Lobby Legend N-S SECTIONAL ELEVATION CORE 6 Office/ Meeting Room
Restaurant View View of Meeting Room View of Reception/ Lobby area 6 4 3

Drishti: Rehabilitation Center

Studio: Thesis 5th Year, SDPS Womens College

Location: Indore, India

Team: Samprati, Professor: Kalpana Babar


With site coverage of 6400 sq-meters, Drishti is the School, and Rehabilitation center for the Visually impaired is specially designed for society. The challenge of this project was to understand the complexity of user needs (blind women/ girls) and provide them encouraging/ protection against violence and crime which is integrated with society. In such, conservative society, the public safety of visually impaired design a complex which can serve multiple purposes. The complex contains a school, sports courtyard, rehabilitation training center, Dining administrative areas.

blind women in India belonging to the lower economic section of encouraging/ learning environment. On average, women in India require lots of impaired women is a huge risk. Hence, the challenge of the project was to Dining area, Cafe, Hostel for accommodation., Library, Recording, and


1. Ideology

Form Vision is created in eyes when light rays move from cornea to lens. In a similar way, visual clues will be sensed by visually impaired when they move to different spaces of building.

2.Physical Clues

Tactile Auditory Aroma

Form Clues used for modifying spatial experience are: Tactile, Auditory and Aroma Clues.


Form is derived from the function of the building. Space circulation provides smooth flow without barrier.

The site explains the amount of noise across the site. Noise plays an important role in affecting the mind of blind and visually impaired people. The areas near the road have more noise levels as compared to an area far from the road.


Divided into three zones

1. Institutional

2. Administration

3. Residential

Every zone is connected through intermediate courtyard.


Building is oriented in such a way that soothing wind channels can be formed. Effect of wind can be enhanced when it passes through connecting courtyard with fountains in tropical dry climate.


1 1 2 3 3 3 4 4 2 4 A C B 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 Admin Toilet Reception Courtyard Hostel Accommodation Toilet Rehab Area Office Classroom Dining NORTH SOUTH SECTIONAL ELEVATION

Railing provides a sense of direction through the circulation area. Blurry rendering shows how color difference become the guide for identification spaces for visually impaired kids.

Color/ Texture contrast provides visual clues for partially impaired people. Classroom view through partial impaired visual lens View of Admin Passage area.
View of Hostel accommodation. Flooring is designed with recognizable texture and contrasting color for visually impaired students to navigate the area.
3C 3C

The courtyard rendering describes how different clues (auditory, aroma, and tactile) are provided in one space to provide a clear visual image for the visually impaired person. Auditory clue includes the sound of the fountain, Aromatic clues include various vegetation, and tactile clues include surface variation in the courtyard.

Youth Hub


This project dealt with rehabilitation of East Bank Des Monies) through art and education. In East bank, 34 percent population is under the age of 18. The design solution provides restoration of neighborhood with rehabilitation of educational buildings like Wallace School and series of other art and education programs.

The project is accomplished thorough three stages:

1. Documentation and Analysis

2. Proposal 3. Design Implementation

The first stage deals with the SWOT analysis of the East Bank. Understanding, the Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threats in the neighborhood helped us to analyze the proposal for the neighborhood. Integrated program of education, art and leadership is designed to accomplish the goal. In summary, restoring Wallace school with art and education becomes the main focus of the program.


40 % population is below poverty line

34 % population is below age 18

One in every 3 adult lacks high school education.

Studio: Bridge Studio, Iowa State Uni. Location: Des Monies, East Bank Team: Samprati Jain, Ayodele, Zhenhua Professor: Nadia Anderson Public Garden Restoration

A digital center which promotes Online education and improves literacy


Using underutilized spaces, intersections or large walls to promote creativity among youth

Adding leadership programs to improve practical skill and knowledge

Figure depicts understanding of East bank in terms of opportunity like schools for education, store and cafe for leadership program, public green space for art displays. Threats like number of vacant plots. The figure also identifies the current public transportation routes available.


DIGI Circulation info

DIGI study/ Browsing

DIGI tech Storage

Interactive Reading Room

Work Station Gaming area

Discussion Room


Service Area


Gallery Area

Site: Wallace School

Original building was constructed in 1890. The building is currently closed, and students attend the Washington Carver School. The abandoned school can be used as center for digital library.


Searching via Interactive screens

It features interactive display wall, the multi-channel audio system and interactive flooring with technical facilities which allow all users to study and work together at the same stage.

DIGI library can be used as center for interactive education, where users will have interactive environment with combination of interactive space and technology. This hub will not only contain books but will also provide facilities for entertainment, training and galleries for work display.


Individual Study room Group Discussion Room

Kids Workstation/ Gaming Area


These are the book trading posts which provides free circulation of books to the neighborhood. While placing pop up library proximity to school routes, commercial parks and open spaces taken into consideration.


This is a vehicle designed for use as a library. It is designed to hold books on shelves in such a way that when the vehicle is parked they can be accessed by readers. While placing mobile library, proximity to interior residences, which are far from schools and other public place like library are taken into consideration.

Proposal Layout depicting Pop up Library, Mobile Library location



Building Name: Malwa Pods

Location: Indore, India

Team: Samprati, Tripti Upreti, Chirag Khurana

Project Details: Online Competition, Uni xyz

Primary Use: Residential

Building Type: Mid Rise

Gross Square footage: 2700 SF


With the growing population, the land is constantly seen as a depleting resource and thus has increased real estate prices. Today, the definition of a house has barely boiled down to it being a commodity that constitutes a kitchen, a living area, bedroom and bathroom. This commodity offered is sometimes so inhabitable that it even lacks the basic notion of light and ventilation.

MALWA PODS provides a design solution that can elevate people’s life living in those dense neighborhoods with access to proper light/ ventilation and better utilization of space. In addition to this, the design provides mixed-use spaces that can accommodate multiple cultural activities. MALWA PODS provides a design solution that can elevate people’s lives in those dense neighborhoods with access to proper light/ ventilation and better space utilization. In addition to this, the design provides mixed-use spaces that can accommodate multiple cultural activities.


Site is located at really dense neighborhood of Indore city. Madhya Pradesh, India whose population is 3 million living 200 miles sq area. The The idea of this project is to design a ‘Living Space’ for a family of 6 (people from 3 generations to be considered. The size of the plot is 12’ x 36’ with adjacent building on all the sides.


Grandfather is retired and spend his day spending time with family

Grandmother is a house wife and spend her day by helping with household chores

Father is a shop owner and mostle spends day at his shop with clients

Mother is a housewife and caretaker of everyone in the family

Kids go to school and spend rest of the time stydying / playing at home

Kids go to school and spend rest of the time stydying / playing at home

Age-82 Age-78 Age-40 Age-38 Age-13 Age-14
Grand mother Father Mother Son Daughter
Site Brief: CSite is located at really dense neighborhood of Indore city. Madhya Pradesh, India.

Site surrounded by surrounded by buildings from three sides. Access available only from main street

Split level/ Mezzanine floor added to enhances spatial experience

Split levels breaks the monotony of regular staircase, improves vericular circulation and enhance spatial connectivity. Supports variety of spatial activity

Skylight Added to provode more light, circulate air. Courtyard for grrenery, better ventilation. Jalis added on front facade for natural ventilation

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Formal Living Room Family Room Bedroom Kitchen Kids Room Bathroom Terrace Balcony Legend Level-5 Level-4 Level-3 Level-2 A A A A A A’ A’ A’ A’ A’ Level-1 Section 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 3 7 7 7 7 8 6 6 6

Used by grandparents/family for having morning tea


Used by kids to get ready for school

Used by grandparents/family for air drying clothes or grains

Used by grandparents/kids for enjoying evening sun

Used by family to enjoy night breeze

not used by kids when kids are at school

used either to play or study used as resting area for kids after study

Used by grandparents for religion activities

Used by parents /grandparents for reading newspaper or drinking coffee

Used as an extesion of shops to showcase the products to customer

Either used as an extesion of shops or meeting formally with people out of family network

Can be used to greet formal guest. Staircase can be used as seating too.

Used by grandparents for afternoon nap

Used by family for entertainment

Used as dining room or movie night

Dabarji Bungalow

Client: Dabarji

Location: Sampat farm, Indore, India

Team: Samprati Jain, Rohit Dinkar


For the plot size 60’x100’, client required divisions of separate floors for himself and his son’s family. In addition to this, separate entrance access was part of client’s requirement. The challenge of this project was to provide two separate residential units integrated under the same roof, with an exterior united as one. Furthermore, the client also required the office at first floor.

Other details:

Plot area: (60’x100’) = 6000sqft

Built area: 11000 sq ft

Car parking: 4 cars

Responsibilities performed during this project was: Conceptualization, Design development, Coordination with client and consultant and Site supervisions

1. Zoning:

Integration of separate zones provides public and private space with unique identity.

2. Integration

Accommodation of two families with separate private rooms and common hallway as per client’s demand. Unobstructed movement for separate private and public space. The upper is private zone and below is public.

3. Outcome option

Various conceptual exterior facade were built to understand the clean integration of public and private spaces.

CONCEPT FLOOR PLAN 1 2 8 3 4 5 6 7 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 Living Room
Index Office Bed room Living Area Toilet Staircase Lift Parking Public Private Mixed Use
4. View in progress


1 1 1 4 4 4 4 4 7 7 2 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 8 8 3 D E E D 3 3 6 6 6 9 9 LEGEND Living / Dining Wash Area Bed Room Formal Living Worship area Bathroom Kitchen Store Dress
The site photo presents the construction of staircase which connects first floor to second.
The site photo is taken viewing towards first floor.




Website link: samjain.design.com

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