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On any residential, commercial, public or campus buildings, sufficient analysis must be done to determine the types of elevators required on the building. Passenger elevators and Service elevators are the most common elevator types. However, the size & shape the elevator car as well as the clear door size are critical and must be selected with due care to ensure that they serve their intended purpose. For buildings which are out of the 'low-rise' range, [i.e. where the fireman's ladder cannot reach] VTME recommends providing stretcher shaped elevator cars I.E. the elevator cars are narrow and deep and its sized to accommodate a standard ambulance stretcher and an operative. The clear door size allows easy in & out of the stretcher. This helps the fireman or the emergency crew to easily bring down the needy people from an upper floor. While using unconventional methods [as shown in the picture] - is possible on low-rise buildings, it takes a lot of effort and it is prone to risks. Without a stretcher elevator, on high-rise buildings, the stretcher must be moved through the staircase. Again this is labour intensive and is prone to risks. This is even more challenging when the staircase is not wide enough to allow the maneuvering of the stretcher.

Passenger Type Elevator Car

Stretcher Type Elevator Car

VTME Vertical Transportation Systems Consultants, Dubai.

If you are planning to live in a high-rise building, it is worth verifying whether the building has effective methods to move stretchers.

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