R e T h i n k i n gMobi l i t y F r o mS c h a a nt oB a l z e r s
Saya ingin mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada para penyokong dan pengajar saya sepanjang kursus saya di Universiti Liechtenstein. Terutamanya semasa kursus Tesis, professor saya, Prof. Dietrich Schwarz dan Andreas Lehner, keluarga saya di Malaysia, serta rakan-rakan dan rakan sekerja saya di Liechtenstein dan Malaysia.
I would like to thank everyone who supported and taught me throughout my masters course at the University of Liechtenstein. In particular during my Master Thesis’ journey, my professors, Prof. Dietrich Schwarz and Andreas Lehner, my family in Malaysia, as well as my friends and fellow colleagues
C ONT ENT S Abstract
01 02 03 04 05
Introduction General Introduction Research Question Methodology Reflection
Design Parameters Landscape | Nature Suburban | In-between Urban | City People | Community
Philosophical Approach Sustainability: A Cultural History Building Dwelling Thinking Genius Loci: Towards the Phenomenology of Architecture Summary
4 Relevance Megatrends Resource and Energy Space and Mobility Demography and Integration Food and Health
Context Overview Demography Zoning Mobility Dwellings & Densification
Mobility Strategies Overview Multi-lane Concept Curb Management Tram Connections Bus Connections Autonomous Vehicles Vision
Design Mobility Concept Programme Location Mobility Hub Plans Sections and Elevation Construction Visualisations Physical Model
Conclusion References List of Figures Affidavit
Abstract This semester’s studio, Rhine Valley: 5 Relevance Megatrends by Professor Dietrich Schwarz and Andreas Lehner focuses on how the management of resources between Liechtenstein and the Bodensee shapes the future of settlements. We will be exploring sustainability from two different perspectives of the locals and the global and how it influences the fair distribution of the globe. These respective perspectives will then be translated into the spirit of architecture on the current and the future. With these I questioned, the potential of space and mobility upon the southern region on Liechtenstein, from Balzers to Schaan, of it’s potential to improve the mobility network from its existing system to a more sustainable and to solve the current issues of mobility throughout.
01 Introduction General Introduction Research Question Methodology Reflection
General Introduction 10
This semester studio’s topic is a development from Studio Brandl’s studio in Liechtenstein. The development concentrates on 5 relevant megatrends which focuses on the sustainable design of resources management to provide a new vision from Balzers to Schaanwald on the Rhine Valley that shapes the future and identity of the settlements. The Master Thesis’ research ultimately focuses on these aspects of megatrends this studio is focusing on shapes and transforms a possible vision in the coming future. The 5 relevant megatrends include space and mobility, demography and integration, resources and energy, food and health and value alteration and economic feasibility.
We will be exploring sustainability from two different perspectives of the locals and the global aspect and how it influences the fair distribution that affects the community. Thus, this gives us a big picture on how the relevant 5 megatrends improve the people’s life quality and properties of spaces from an urban scale to a rather micro scale in Liechtenstein.
Research Question During the studio research journey, I reflected upon the combination of respective relevant megatrends - space and mobility, resources and energy and demography and integration with an objective architectural analysis. The approach of the research was to have a deep reflection on space and mobility to be transformed into an urban scale and a micro scale as well, on the line towards sustainability from understanding in three main perspectives; the landscape, the public and private spaces, the urban quality and the people.
Therefore, my research question is, Can a mobility network be a sustainable balance between the evolution of human needs and their preferences whilst transforming the future possibilities in the urban context of Liechtenstein?
Methodology 12
During the seminar week, the studio covered the respective megatrends on different days to understand how does, food and health, resources and energy, space and mobility and demography and integration affect the people and Liechtenstein. Whilst we went from Balzers to Schaanwald, we started off exploring our personal understanding, reflection and relationship into various scales. Firstly, we began having personal reflections on how the landscape is cultivated; studying the spaces that transition between dwellings and nature. Secondly, we explored the urban setting from densification between cities. Thirdly, we focused on the demography of Liechtenstein, on locals, immigrants and foreigners questioning the possibility for integration. On a personal output during the end of seminar week, I personally reflect the space and mobility aspect. To further investigate the following megatrend, the precise analysis is taken into context on the concept of
mobility in Liechtenstein that will develop the social, urban, and environmental and network structure of mobility to the current and future setting. Precise measurements of streets were taken into consideration to expand the roads to determine the possibility of having more lanes than the existing route along Landstrasse and Aeulstrasse from Balzers to Schaan. Not only to improve the streets, the idea and concept of having a mobility hub to ease commuters to change different modes of transportation and to have a primary node or meeting point for the parties involved to have an opportunity to integrate and to improve the use of public spaces around these villages. A vision or an emotional scenario of the potential improved mobility network and the concept of a mobility hub were then deciphered and proposed into architecture.
Reflection Landscape | Nature
Urban | City
The essence and product of the earth that constitutes all source of resources and the marvels of the physical world. Personally, I reckon nature is the essence and product of the earth that constitutes all source of resources and the marvels of the physical world.
The main core of the city also revolves around a diverse community which activates their daily basis spaces where they work, live, walk, play and meet that are the essential necessity of economical fabrication and social connections. On a personal note, it is how the community made the city instead of how the planners design the city.
Suburban | In-between
People | Community
The space where first cultivated lands from nature began, the in-between spaces of the naturescape and cityscape. As urban sprawling continues to grow the space between nature and the city are often selfdeveloped between existing communities of the region and form clusters of densification.
The people and community are the souls of a city and environment. It is their daily patterns of the way of their life make of their surrounding. The inhabitants have an equal role in building the city as they have the similar authority as the necessary stakeholders and government in building the past, present and future developments.
02 Design Parameters Landscape | Nature Suburban | In-between Urban | City People | Community
Landscape | Nature What is the landscape? How do we define nature? When we frequently ask ourselves these question to deliberate how we see nature, we often get responses such as “greens”, “trees” or even “earthly”, a rather surfaced and subtle answer. But, what is nature? Personally, I reckon nature is the essence and product of the earth that constitutes all source of resources and the marvels of the physical world. It is the very definition on a space before the cultivation of mankind. Untouched.Holy. In other words, an environment far beyond the act of cultivation, alteration or exploitation from human action or benefits.
(left) Fig.ure 1 Hill on Triesenberg.
Cosgrove (1984), states that the environment is often moulded by how human activity is injected into the landscape. This invokes the question which proposes landscape or nature is created in an ongoing process between nature and cultural interaction. Today, landscape and nature are both engaged in several measures up from micro to macro scales, but ultimately, it boils down to the main source based on the purpose of the human activity. Lippard (1998) mentioned landscapes are used in other times more humanistic to understand the cultural meanings of particular spaces. In most cases, people share common ground understanding landscapes, is the basic knowledge of how human manages nature when they put themselves in their shoes.
Suburban | In-between 18
What exactly is the suburban? We often encounter words such as “nature” and “city” to the built environment context. But, we then neglect what happened to space in between these two contexts. What is the definition or function of these in-betweens? While urban zones continue to develop and densify, in both dwellings and population, what happened to the spaces in-between cities and nature or in-between buildings? A suburban area is known to be a border between two larger town or village which usually resides in residential zones. In the 19th and 20th century, these areas are rather common in larger cities. Based on my personal evaluation, as urban sprawling continues to grow the space between nature and the city are often selfdeveloped between existing communities of the region and form clusters of densification.
In the design perimeter between Triesenberg and Triesen clearly shows a clear picture of how nature transcends and developed after the cultivation of mankind towards a suburban area towards the city. These small communities with larger spaces between the neighbouring houses and at the same time having infrastructures and amenities similar to the city. Simply like being in the best of both worlds, away from the crowd but with a citylike environment. With these regions that have smaller roads in comparison to the main roads, electric buses and autonomous vehicles are highly proposed to circulate these places and to connect the primary to these secondary roads.
(right) Figure 2 View towards Triesen from Triesenberg.
Urban | City According to Giddings (2007), many of the European cities in the 20th century has begun to struggle with their loss of identities. The international influence in architecture has majorly affected the cities which bulldozed their cultural heritage and history. He added, during city structuring and planning, the process is tedious as the nodes and landmarks that are an expression for focal spaces provides a certain identity to the place. With this idea not being prioritized, thus, the loss of the urban’s identity. Moreover, Smith (2007), states that the essence of the city also revolves around a diverse community which activates their daily basis spaces where they work, live, walk, play and meet that are the essential necessity of economical fabrication and social connections. With such diversity, an urban setting could consist of a wide variety of activities, styles and ideas which create opportunities to gather people of different cultures and backgrounds together in one place. (left) Figure 3 Vaduz City.
The urban landscape is often a blank canvas to urban or town planners which strongly affects the community rather than an individual. Lynch (1984) comprehends his idea a physical and realistic integrated surrounding allows the people to activate their needs which then creates a human pattern which represents a certain activity that is simply becoming a representation of distinct space. For instance, a square is not just a square or open space for the community to enter and spend time, but rather how the community treats the space base on their own conscious choice and purpose to be used. In addition to that, Giddings (2007), argues that the main aspects that contribute to the distinctiveness of spaces or city nodes that creates and form a character of public or private space are highly influenced and affected by the economic decisions and urban planning.
People | Community 22
The heart of an urban city always consists of the communities acceptance and participation. There will be no urban city or growth without the community and the people, therefore this particular stakeholder‘s participation is a crucial necessity during the urban planning process. Creighton (2005) emphasizes the concept to include the communities in cities or villages holds certain importance as involving them increases the faith and belief upon their government which essentially evolve stakeholders to be in harmony and unite with the government as well. Practising these concepts would improve the decision making of the administrative. In larger cities like Zurich in Switzerland, the community participation and attendance is necessary during the proposal and process of the future and present concepts and ideas towards urban planning. To further enhance the importance of public participation, Loures and Crawford (2008) describe, how it is the core value of creating a sustainable solution and proposal for the
village or city they live in. Firstly, by creating an opportunity for them to evaluate and examine their individual problems. Then, to give them the chance to reflect and voice our their own opinions over the issue. This method, however, allows them to be an instrument or tool base on their reflection for change. Ismail (2015) explained the in order to achieve a sustainable solution or development, common agreement, mutual understanding of issues and integrating democratisation should be practised. This practice will eventually increase the chances for future co-operation between the urban planners, authorities and the public to achieve mutual goals which benefit all the parties involved. Communities in the Principality of Liechtenstein are similar to Switzerland where the people or communities of the villages has a voice for an opinion or vote to approve or disapprove proposals.
(right) Figure 4 Community of Liechtenstein in Vaduz.
03 Philosophical Approach Sustainability: A Cultural History Building Dwelling Thinking Genius Loci: Towards the Phenomenology of Architecture Summary
Sustainability: A Cultural History by Ulrich Grober and Ray Cunningham
The philosophical approach I took from “Sustainability: A Cultural History” from Ulrich Grober and Ray Cunningham is how the interpret the concept of sustainability that develops on its own in different cultures in both macro and micro scale. Grober (2012) defines the word sustainability and the idea of it is not merely a mid-game played by modern technocrats, not the brainwave of some tree-hugging exo warriors but it goes back to our past cultural heritage. He focuses on the essence of sustainability of cultural heritage and the revolution by efficaciously adapting to the significant conditions. In addition to that, Grober traced back the original perception of sustainability to as early as the 17th century, when Carl von Carlowitz presented “Nachhaltigkeit” and portrayed sustainability in relation to the connection between nature and human civilisations. This relationship was envisioned and practised to reassure the stability and dynamic future during planning.
With these visions and sustainability understanding, I integrated a mobility concept that it is practised in larger cities today into the existing roads’ and streets’ urbanscape to allow the possibility to resolve the current issues on traffic congestion and the extreme amount of incoming 21,999 daily commuters. Despite the country’s area per kilometre and the future densification potentials, the streets are rather not sustainable enough to provide for the future. The old methods of providing car parking solutions to private cars have to be changed. Instead of having an increasing amount of private or public car parking spaces, why not use these areas for densification while relying on public transportation which not only has a lot more benefits for the locals and commuters with time and money but also for the environment.
Building Dwelling Thinking by Martin Heidegger
In his book, “Building Dwelling Thinking” by Martin Heidegger, he proposed a rather different perspective on how dwellings should or could be characterized and how it defines itself as a building. He questions, “What do we dwell?” and “How does building belong to dwelling?”. He then interprets it with a concept of creating a balance between the existing space, the surroundings and securing the fourfold. He adds the building reacts like an object based on its surrounding on site. Thus, men, buildings and the surrounding spaces could co-exist as a dwelling relationship affecting one another. His perspective gave me an understanding behind dwelling as an approach to architecture which has the possibility to be applied in the contemporary and future setting in Liechtenstein. The existing urban setting in Liechtenstein may have been planned to support the incoming daily commuters and local travellers 10 to 20 years ago, but with the
current rate of commuters, the urban street setting may not hold these commuters which subject to traffic congestion. I took the opportunity to incorporate a traffic solution in the mobility concept by having to widen the necessary roads. Since there are many old houses that were built before the existing roads, and today being abandoned which affects the mobility proposal. I proposed to be torn down to allow these roads to be widened for the future of the locals and daily commuters. Imagining the future in 20 or 30 days, with the possibility of tripling or quadrupling the population and commuters, the existing roads will be insufficient to hold the amount. Therefore, as future architects and planners, these perspectives have to be taken into consideration to comprehend essential sustainable solutions and circumstances that influences suitable decision making for the future of the city.
Genius Loci: Towards a Phenomenology of Architecture by Christian Norberg-Schulz
In the book, “Genius Loci: Towards a Phenomenology of Architecture�, Christian Norberg-Schulz critically explains and visualizes his idea on contemporary architectural practices and the location or space making. He first conceptualizes the idea of the Genius Loci as the essence of a specific space that allows itself to be broken down without having putting primary importance to differentiating a space between man-made spaces or natural spaces. Christian (1979) characterizes how a space structure is formed and based on by putting them in forms of definition, history and the concept of the Genius Loci which then creates an identity of a space. By taking his idealization of this concept, of whether the relationship between men and nature can co-exist with one another, I question this as well. But Christian also rationalizes his beliefs and concept by discussing it all boils down to the human character development and roles to
a certain space and place. These are the perception of the vague constraints communities depend on and stand for that forms the existential dwelling spaces. With the physical landscape and nature of Liechtenstein, men still are able to cultivate lands and bring further purpose up to the present day. As settlements and population growth, more needs and preferences are to be reached. This allows an opportunity to architects and urban planners to be more innovative in their approach to continue to improve the current state of the urbanscape. Therefore, I took this approach by investigating the possibility of a sustainable balance between the evolution of human needs and the individual preferences in both micro and macro scale in communities whilst transforming the future possibilities in the urban context of Liechtenstein.
Summary Firstly, the book, Sustainability: A Cultural History creates a better understanding on the revolution and its origins which traces to the 18th century, which explains how men and nature contribute to sustainability towards a stable and dynamic future. The book, Building Dwelling Thinking by Martin Heidegger investigates the evolution of the term dwelling, a phenomena that creates balance between men and nature in an architectural context or existing space. The book, Genius Loci: Towards a Phenomenology of Architecture, Christian conceptualizes the idea as the essence of a specific place that allows itself to be characterize individually into space, definition, history and identity in both manmade and natural environment. This allows us to identify the city in a more innovative perspective.
The main question is, what is the next key to exploring sustainability in relevance to space and mobility as a fair distributuion in a micro and macro scale? These scripts are my reference for my thesis project to be a sustainable solution the current problem in mobility and improve the living quality of the cities.
04 4 Relevance Megatrends Resource and Energy Space and Mobility Demography and Integration Food and Health
Resource + Energy 32
The first task we had to do was to calculate every individual’s carbon footprint in class and self-reflect how much CO2 emissions and greenhouses gases are produced in our daily lives. The calculation of carbon footprint resulted to 2.5 Earths as I reflected my life in Liechtenstein for the past 2 years. To break it down, I emit 4.2 gha on my ecological footprint and 6.8 tonnes of CO2 emissions a year. Firstly, the aspect of food. As an individual, I consume most of my meals from packages in supermarkets. I also have a high consumption of meat on a weekly basis. The proposition on what I could change that was advised was to either do smarter shopping or go vegan.
Secondly, the aspect of mobility and transportation. Apart from making full use of public transportation and on certain occasions, the bicycle, reason the chart was the second highest was due to travelling back and forth from Malaysia to Liechtenstein. Furthermore, we had to produce trashmodels to documented our. personal consumption. Therefore, I took my daily trash in a span of 5 days and put them together in an assemblage. By Day Five, it took me by surprise on the amount that it says a lot about consumption.
(right) Figure 5 Task 1: Reserouce and Energy output.
Space + Mobility 34
The second task was to walk through a landscape setting which shows the essence of nature and by observing the environment, document the balance between cultivated lands and the transformation of the spaces between the borders of settlements and nature. An essay was then presented about our ideal space between the city and landscape;
Midst of the Forest “Waking up to the quiet solitude with the coolness of the air and its earthly incense. Where there is no sign of another soul, where birds are singing, where bees are humming, and where leaves move gently with the wind; Living under a rainforest canopy, morning sunlight piercing through like thoughtless laser rays from never-ending heights from above.
silhouettes of highlights and shadows of the forest’s canopy layers. Overlooking from my end, it’s like the radiant and vivid landscape greeting me in the morning. Settling by the foot of the untouched mountains by the blue freshwater lake, the feeling of complete solitude is simply magical. It’s as though life’s complications vanish as the lake calmly and seamlessly flows to the shore. Hours feel like a lifetime. The forest, like the sky or the sea, is a specimen or form of the foundations of Mother Nature; an elemental force of nature representing the signature of time and eternity.”
It’s like living in the midst of nature’s most captivating pleasure, watching the morning sunlight seducing the mist as it settles thicker in the mystic valleys but bare enough to form (right) Figure 6 Task 2: Space and Mobility output.
Demography + Intergration 36
During this task, I visited the Amt FĂźr Statistik in Vaduz, Liechtenstein. We were able to investigate and analyse the resident and foreign population among municipalities, age demography, occupied buildings and dwellings of Liechtenstein, with an area of 160 km2 and a total population of 38,323 inhabitants, with a density of 239 inhabitants per km2. We had the opportunity to visit the Wohnen im Alter in Schaan with the architect, Martin Erhart. Martin spoke about the site planning and also the living conditions of the elderly. After that, we visited the Refugee Center in Liechtenstein with a presentation from Thomas Lindl, a representative from the centre. We had a tour around the Refugee Center to witness the living environment and situations.
Population 38,323 inhabitants Ethnic Origins 66% (Liechtensteiner) 34% (Others) Life Expectancy 80.9 years (men) 84.5 years (women) Yearly Increase 0.97% (from 2017) Sex Ratio 0.98 Main Religion 75.9% (Roman Catholic) 24.1 (Others) Languages 94.5% (German) 1.1% (Italian) 4.3% (Others)
(right) Figure 7 Task 3: Demography and Integration output.
Food + Health 38
On our first day of seminar week, we visited potential site locations for the studio project. We visited the open car park plot in Vaduz and the urban built-up in Schaan. Professor Schwarz spoke about the possibilities of potential visions of that area. Later, we drove to Feldkirch.
We were broken down into 4 groups of 5 people to prepare the food. We had a tremendous vegan meal and soon after, we had to reflect among ourselves on what we had learnt and the importance of locally produced food. On top of that, we enjoyed a movie called, „The Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover“.
With our theme, Food and Health, we took the full opportunity to dine at magma Köstliches. We had a task to make a presentation about the local food production in Liechtenstein. Each student had to buy a locally produced and seasonal food (from local farmers and cooperatives) for a joint cooking session of a three-course meal with Erwin Kasper, with a budget of CHF5/person.
(right) Figure 8 Task 4: Food and Health output.
ser vin g
pr e pa r a tio n
Food and Health Output
Summary Energy and Resources In this first task, after having to keep my trash for 5 days and calculated my personal carbon footprint of 2.5 Earths. It was an eye-opener to how I can change my ways of living from my day to day life to reduce or waste the resources and energy. Having to practice the use of renewable energy to improve carbon footprints in other aspects. With this task, incorporating the concept of 2,000W society in Liechtenstein was analyzed and studied in my thesis project.
Demography and Integration In this third task, being able to visit the old folks home and refugee centre made me understand the difficulties from a different perspective in a different standpoint. The various difference between the living quality of an elderly in comparison with a refugee to the society. Being accepted, getting treated, social issue and getting an opportunity has a huge difference as a refugee and as an elderly.
Space and Mobility In this second task, cultivation of land from a natural landscape in the forest to the urban city has not only gave me an understanding indifference of land use in different zones, but I also discovered the potential in the mobility aspect of Liechtenstein. Traffic congestions are increasing due to single shared lanes in Balzers, Vaduz and Schaan between buses, trucks and cars. Furthermore, the train lines do not travel into Liechtenstein which could have been an opportunity for the commuters and locals.
Food and Health In the last task, I have learnt to appreciate the benefits of consuming a locally grown food production with the consumption of meat. It has also changed my perspective into what extent locally grown food can be cooked and consumed. To be able to spread this knowledge would benefit a neighbourhood and society to lower down the carbon footprint as a community or country.
05 Context Overview Demography Zoning Mobility Dwellings & Densification
Overview To study the context in the perspective of the landscape, the urban environment and the people, the study from Studio Brandl SS18 was taken into account and analyzed based on the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of Liechtenstein. The main four context, demography, zoning, mobility, dwellings and densification were investigated.
Demography The Principality of Liechtenstein consists of 11 municipalities which are Vaduz, Schaan, Triesen, Balzers, Triesenberg, Planken, Eschen, Mauren, Gamprin, Ruggell and Schellenberg. The total population of Liechtenstein is 38,323 inhabitants, which covers an area of 160 km2 and a density of 238 inhabitants per km2. The population has a yearly increase of 0.97%. As shown in Figure 9, the top four highest population resides in Vaduz, Triesen, Balzers and Schaan. Over the years since the 1980s, Liechtenstein has grown almost double the population, whereas the number of foreigners that resides in Liechtenstein is rather controlled. But also due to the increasing job opportunities, most foreigners still live out of the country and travels into Liechtenstein when necessary. But there is still a large population of foreign residents living in the country.
According to the Amt FĂźr Statistik of Liechtenstein (2018), the highest foreign resident populations from the 1980s till 2017 has always been foreigners originate from Austria and Switzerland, while a rather smaller amount originates from Germany and Italy, as shown in Figure 10. On the other hand, the total population also include short-term residents, provisional foreign nationals and asylum seekers. For instance, students and foreign labours. Short term residents have always been a rather higher amount in comparison to the other two parties considering the University of Liechtenstein offers a wide variety of field of studies which for all the degree programmes which simply attracts foreign students.
Figure 9 Demography of municipalities and comparison between locals and foreign residents.
Figure 10 Demography of asylum seekers, short-term residents and provisional foreign nationals.
Zoning Liechtenstein is zoned between 11 municipalities, which are characterized into the natural , suburban and urban region. On the western region of the country, it is mostly the urban region where it slowly trancends into the east towards nature. The western region of Liechtenstein locates the Alps which does not permit any suitable development other than small residential buildings or farmhouses. The highly populated living zones are located in Balzers, Triesen, Triesenberg, Vaduz, Schaan, Ruggell, Mauren, Eschen and Gamprin. Whereas the zone where people would got to work in Liechtenstein are Gamprin, Triesen, Balzers, Schaan and Vaduz. There are also villages that has working zones, but are not as dense compared to the mentioned. Based on Figure 11, this zone plan was prepared so that the locals or employers obey the rules on which settlements that can be built for working or if they are untouchable.
(left) Figure 11 Zone plan of Liechtenstein.
The ones in yellow are marked as residential Zones 1- 4 which determines different density of each household. The orange marked ones are place owned by the principality which can not be touched. Locations that are marked in red are the commercial and service Zones 1 - 6 which also demands for a certain level of density in that area. It varies from a small retail outlet to a large complex being place on the plot. The dark blue zones are the public zones whereas the lighter blue zones reflects the Alps zones. The turqoise coloured zones are the agricultural and grape growth plant zones which are owned locally and can not permit development in the area. The green zones, on the other hand, are the lanscape and reserve zones, owned by the principality that has to be untouched and remained green. Lastly, the hatched areas are zoneless until the authorities have any plans with it.
Figure 12 Urban Analysis of Liechtenstein’s Mobility Network.
Mobility The existing train line connecting Sargans, Switzerland to Feldkirch, Austria via Buchs as shown in Figure 12, that travels in 2 hours interval. It only takes about 45 minutes to get from Sargans to Feldkirch with one stop at Buchs. However, it does not connect the other cities like Balzers, Triesen, Triesenberg and Vaduz. Although there is an existing train line connecting to Schaan and Ruggell, the train, however, does not stop on these respective stations either. The current mobility network in Liechtenstein is run by a mobility company called LieMobil. It provides a public transport network connection between Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Austria for incoming and outgoing commuters of Liechtenstein. The main network system between cities is currently connected via a bus line. According to LieMobil (2018) There approximately 15 different types of buses interconnecting villages to one another. Out of the 15 buses, there is one bus, Bus 11, connects Switzerland directly to Austria via Liechtenstein.
The main road that connects Liechtenstein from the south to the north known as Landstrasse entering from Sargans, Switzerland to Balzers, Triesen, Vaduz, Schaan, Eschen and Mauren, Liechtenstein to Feldkirch, Austria as shown in Figure 12. Furthermore, 4 buses functioned to en-route commuters in and out of the neighbouring countries. These buses are Schaanwald to Feldkirch, Sevelen to Vaduz, Schaan to Buchs and Balzers to Sargans as shown in Figure 12. Roads between Schaan, Vaduz and Triesen are usually congested during peak hours. Brandl (2018) mentioned that there are approximately 20,000 incoming commuters daily. About 75% of the residents use private transport, 13% uses public transportation and 12% walks or cycles. Therefore, she added about 780 passenger cars per 1,000 residents.
Dwellings & Densification Dovey (2016), idealizes her concept of measuring an urban density by calculating “dwellings per hectareâ€? regardless of the gross, net or scale. She also states that the size of households and dwellings can strongly assist the population and building densities simultaneously. Since the 1980s, the population of Balzers has grown almost triple the demography which also multiplies the number of dwellings and households. In the 1980s, the total sum was 808 dwellings and households which currently increased up to 2016 to 1,395 buildings in total., according to the Amt FĂźr Statistik of Liechtenstein (2018). With the increasing amount of population in the coming years, will also lead to a reason to densify. Majority of the locals in Liechtenstein own private cars which are necessary to have their own private car parking space beside their residential land. This also leads to large hypermarkets or retail stores, factories and large offices are required to provide enough car parking
spaces to the consumers of the hypermarkets or retail stores and employees of the factories and large offices respectively. I questioned, should we continue to rely on private transportation which consumes a large amount of our time and money and has the possibility to rely on a sustainable mobility network is supported entirely on public transportations. I took my research to a step further to calculate the open public car park spaces in each city, not including the private car parking spaces in residential areas. In Figure 12, the red hatched areas are the existing open public car park spaces for the public to park their private cars there in Balzers. That sum came up to 6.5 acres of land. In Triesen, it had a total of 10.17 acres, shown in Figure 13. In Vaduz, it had a total of 19.08 acres, shown in Figure 15 and Schaan, with a total of 15.12 acres shown in Figure 16. The total sum of spaces used for car parking is 50.87 acres, which could be used for densification instead.
Figure 13 Open public car parking areas located on red hatched zones in Balzers.
Figure 14 Open public car parking areas located on red hatched zones in Triesen.
Figure 15 Open public car parking areas located on red hatched zones in Vaduz.
Figure 16 Open public car parking areas located on red hatched zones in Schaan.
06 Mobility Strategies Overview Multi-lane Concept Curb Management Tram Infrastructure Bus Connections Autonomous Vehicles Vision
Overview In the European continent, generally, it is connected via high-speed diesel trains, aeroplanes, buses and cars. With highways, flight routes and train lines, there are still places needed to be connected with and not entirely rely on just secondary roads. In major cities around the world in the 21st century, there are mainly either connected via a mobility network of aeroplanes, ships, trains, buses or cars. There is a wide variety of public transportation options today to get from one point to another without having to worry about traffic congestions and punctuality. However, apart from having a sustainable network, in a smaller scale within cities, a wellplanned mobility system consisting of modes of transportation such as trams, electric buses and autonomous vehicles to work together as a network would ease commuters and locals to commute. In addition to that, a mobility hub can be a great ease to improve the mobility system of a city and to ease incoming and outgoing commuters. A mobility hub with be a strong node for these networks to work as a single organism.
Multi-Lane Concept Throughout the process of analyzing the potential and possibility of the main road of Auelstrasse in Vaduz, Landstrasse in Triesen and Schaan and Gagoz in Balzers, various multi-lanes were designed to provide twoway traffic for trams, autonomous vehicles and electric buses. Firstly, there is the widest road with a width of 22.8 meters. The breakdown of the lanes consists of tram lines which are 3.1 meters/ one way, electric buses and autonomous lanes are 5.1 meters/one way, 1.2 meters bike path and 2 meters pedestrian walkway. Figure 17 on the right shows a plan and section of the module in three variations. From the left to the right, the first variation would commonly be used at the tram stops. The second variation is similar to the first but without the stops.
These first two variation has a curb management system that runs every 20 meters in high pedestrian volume zones. The system exists on the main roads of Balzers, Triesen, Vaduz and Schaan. Lastly, the third variation which also consists of the following lanes except without having the curb management system included, mostly used in straight roads without any amenities or infrastructure closeby. This variation is used on the border between Balzers and Triesen along Landstrasse. On Figure 17, These four-lane modules are being used on the main road in Balzers, Triesen, Schaan and Vaduz. Whereas, the two-lanes module is used in Schaan along Poststrasse.
(right) Figure 17 Four-lane and two-lane module in three variations and measurements in meters.
Figure 18 Four-lane module variations on Balzers.
Figure 19 Four-lane module A located in Gagoz, Balzers.
Figure 20 Four-lane module B located in Landstrasse, Balzers.
B 68
Figure 21 Four-lane module variations on Triesen.
Figure 22 Four-lane module A located on Landstrasse, Schmiedeweg and Gässle, Triesen.
Figure 23 Four-lane module B located on Landstrasse, DrĂśschistrasse and Dorfstrasse, Triesen.
Figure 24 Four-lane module variations on Vaduz.
Figure 25 Four-lane module A located on Aeulstrasse, Vaduz in close up view.
Figure 26 Four-lane module A located on Aeulstrasse, Vaduz in model overview.
Figure 27 Four-lane and two-lane module variations on Schaan.
Figure 28 Four-lane module A located on Landstrasse and Quaderstrasse, Schaan.
Figure 29 Two-lane module B located on Poststrasse, Schaan beside Schaan Bahnhof.
With these multi-lanes concept integrated into the streets and roads from Balzers to Schaan, having designated pedestrian sidewalks, protected bicycle lane, autonomous cars and electric buses shared lane and ART transit lane, it will definitely commute the 21,999 daily commuters with ease without causing any sort of traffic congestions.
With a congestion-free roads and lanes, ART trams can carry up to 10,000 to 25,000 passengers per hour, bicycle lanes can support up to 4,000 cyclists per hour, public autonomous and electric vehicle lane allows 600 to 1,600 passengers per hour and with a safe pedestrian sidewalk that ensures the safety of 9,000 pedestrians per hour as shown in Figure 30.
Figure 30 Number of commuters per hour with designated lanes.
Figure 31 20 Meter-rule applied on street. Apart from designing and proposing a sustainable four-lane and two-lane mobility network, I also proposed a 20 meter and km/h rule in the main roads of Gagoz in Balzers, Landstrasse in Triesen, Aeulstrasse in Vaduz and Poststrasse in Schaan. This is also another reference from NACTO’s Blueprint for Autonomous Urbanism (2017), This rule set a controlled speed limit of 20 km/h for all modes of transportation so that these busy streets will still be safe for the pedestrians and the cyclists.
This also promises safety to the commuters and locals during the exchange of transportation in transit zones. The rule is simply acknowledged by the hatching and colour coding of the ground to make it visually accessible and understandable as shown in Figure 31. In a 20 meters radius, this rule is repeated throughout the streets to allow pedestrians to cross from one end to the other more frequently. In addition to that, with designated bicycle lanes for the cyclist, the public transport would travel smoother without having to share.
Curb Management 76
Roadside curbs are often used in major cities like London, New York, Shanghai and many more for temporary parking locations or drop-off locations. During these circumstances, when it gets too crowded, traffic also gets congested. Having to spend some time to manage curbs functionality with its wide usage in a day instead of using primarily for uses which hold up the traffic. By allowing this, curbs could serve a large variety of purposes such as information centres, roadside vendors and e-bike charging stations. Temporary parking locations and drop-off or pick-up locations can still occur but at a rather more larger space which does not disrupt traffic on the move. The solution of incorporating these flexible curb management infrastructure could rather be sustainable for a mobility network.
I picked a reference that could be incorporated in the streets of Vaduz, Schaan, Balzers and Triesen on curb management from NACTO’s Blueprint for Autonomous Urbanism (2017), which was to have different allocated time zones for different uses. It ranges from converting into a public space to loading bays that changes daily, weekly, monthly or even yearly. Figure 32 shows the wide variety in functions that can be integrated into the roads starting from Balzers to Schaan at different times of the day and setting.
(right) Figure 32 Curb management at different hours of the day.
Morning (0600 - 1100) Before the peak hours in the morning, curbside could be functioned as loading bays for trucks to unload their goods. At approximately 0730, loading bays will be closed and replaced by street food vendors to be consumed by local commuters or employees for breakfast before work.
Afternoon (1100 - 1600) At this time of the day, postal mails and small packages to be delivered to respective destinations. By noon, during lunch break, the streets would be filled with many people looking to fill their hungry appetite which brings the best opportunity to bring in street food vendors. By 1430, the street vendors would have finished, and light delivery postage could continue the activity.
Evening (1600 - 0000) During this time, no more delivery should be in active, allowing pick-up and drop-off activities to occur. Most importantly, to clear the streets for traffic to move smoothly without holding them up.
Night (0000 - 0600) During these hour, commuters and locals movements are at the lowest which allows heavy deliveries to occur or even road works since the traffic volume is at its minimum. By 0500, all activities should be kept at a minimum to prepare for the next time management of these curbs.
Tram Infrastructure 78
According to Schlossberg (2017), she states about 20% of greenhouse gases that a car emits over 365 days generates the same amount as a 5-hour flight. Thus, a large percentage of one’s carbon footprint can be affected simply by flying. Having a sustainable public transportation network would definitely benefit communities from all over the world without having to increase their personal carbon footprint. This allows worryless travels during the connection between major cities, changing the tram infrastructure by making it more eco-friendly with today’s advancement of technology, the autonomous rail rapid transit. (ART). The ART is a trackless rail system works like a light rail tram which runs on rubber wheels except that it does not require a proper track. Instead, it relies on detecting dotted painted lines on the road. It has a total of 32 meters in length, in a span of three carriages with the capacity of carrying 300 passengers. In China, the tram had begun its testings and its simply a hybrid between a train,
a bus and a tram., being entirely electric powered. Newman (2018), states that it is powered by lithium-titanate batteries installed with sensors to determine the tracks and its surroundings making sure it sticks to the lane. He added, with the autonomous feature of the tram, it is programmed with GPS and LIDAR to allow the tram to be tracked and possibility to be controlled if an accident occurs. In addition to the GPS tracking, it allows the system to analyze traffic conditions beforehand and notifies the commuters. Considering it runs on rechargeable batteries, there are zero emission and noise exerted. This tram system relies entirely on its technology with very minimal infrastructure, except having a charging spot, flash charging at every station during the duration of picking up the passengers. The charging takes approximately 30 seconds that runs for 3.1km per charge. Whereas with a 10-minute charge before the tram runs is capable of travelling for 25km with a top speed of 70km/h.
Table below summatizes the benefits and characteristics to compare today’s various light rail system which compares speed and
capacity, ride experience, cost and many more.
Figure 33 ART characteristics and benefits.
Figure 34 Autonomous Rail Rapid Transit traveling on painted tracks in China.
Bus Connections Sargans - Balzers
The bus connections as proposed on the mobility concept from Balzers to Schaan would share the same stops as the tram along the main road of Landstrasse and Aeulstrasse to connect from primary roads to secondary roads to residential zones. The bus would also connect commuters and locals to Triesenberg and Malbun from Triesen.
With the existing electric buses provided by the LIEMobil, the official bus company of Liechtenstein, the buses will connect the main roads to secondary roads from Sargans to Balzers. For instance, buses enter the existing route from Sargans to Trübbach and to Balzers via Staatsstrasse to Gagoz to Schlossweg to Rheinstrasse to Brückle to Mälsnerdorf to Rietstrasse to Höfle to Alter Pfarrhof to Egerta and lastly, to Roxy, as shown in Figure 35. This enables buses to reach out to neighbourhoods or higher grounds where the tram lines are unable to reach.
Figure 35 Bus connections from Sargans entering to Balzers connecting into neighbourhoods.
Balzers - Triesen - Malbun
The buses from Roxy, Balzers will continue on the same route as the tram towards Triesen. Like Balzers, the buses will connect the main roads to secondary roads from Triesen to Triesenberg, Steg and Malbun. For instance, buses enter the existing route from Balzers to Triesen via Landstrasse that travels on two routes. Firstly from Roxy, Balzers to Schule to Sonnenkreisel to Triesen Post to Maschlina and then to Messina in Triesen. This route will connect the high incoming commuters along Landstrasse whereas, the other route connects inner neighbourhood routes.
As shown in Figure 36, the route frim Argweg, Triesen to Bächlegatter to Feldstrasse to Langgasse to Poska to Vaschiel to Matschils and to Meierhof that has the possibility to connect to further stops up to Triesenberg, Steg and Malbun.
Figure 36 Bus connections from Balzers to Triesen’s inner neighbourhood roads.
Triesen - Vaduz - Malbun & Sevelen
Routes around Vaduz has the possibility to connect the high incoming commuters along Landstrasse and Aeulstrasse whereas, the other route connects inner neighbourhood routes or Switzerland. The buses from Triesen from Messina to Rütti in Vaduz. In this route, there are up to three different routes for buses to be on.
The second route connects Liechtenstein and Switzerland via Städle in Vaduz to Sevelen Bahnhof. This route starts by walking from Städle to Lettstrasse and the bus to Theinparkstadion to Rheinbrücke and off to Sevelen Bahnhof and vice versa. The travel time is approximately 10 minutes.
As shown in Figure 37, firstly on the main road from Rütti to Au to Spital to Vaduz Post, to Städle to Qüaderle to Hoffkellerei to Ebenholz/Universität and lastly to Mühleholz and vice versa. The travel time is approximately 15 minutes.
This third route connects Vaduz to Malbun, from Vaduz Post to Spital to Au to Rütti to Schwefel and connects back to Meierhof, Matschils and Vaschiel in Triesen and all to way to Malbun. The travel time is approximately 30 minutes.
Figure 37 Bus connections from Triesen to Vaduz.
Vaduz - Schaan - Buchs & Feldkirch
Roads in Schaan are slightly smaller in comparison to Balzers, Triesen and Vaduz, therefore the only road eligible for buses to travel to will be the route along Landstrasse of Vaduz to Poststrasse in Schaan and to Buchs, Switzerland. The buses from Vaduz from MĂźhleholz to Quader in Schaan. In this route, there are up to two routes for buses to be on. As shown in Figure 38, firstly on the main road from Quader to Laurentiusbad to Zentrum to Schaan Bahnhof and vice versa. The travel time is approximately 10 minutes.
The second route connects Liechtenstein and Switzerland via Schaan Bahnhof, which is a direct bus which take approximately 15 minutes travel time. Existing bus routes from Schaan Bahnhof to Bendern, Nendeln, Mauren, Eschen, Schaanwald and lastly to Feldkirch would remain.
Figure 38 Bus connections from Vaduz to Schaan.
Autonomous Vehicles 88
The future has arrived. Autonomous vehicles today are the latest most advanced technological system built in vehicle that does not need any men or women to be in control, unless necessary. Instead it is built in with an algorhythm that drives itself based the location set by the passengers at the beginning of their ride. Basically, the passengers are on autopilot without a driver. Khvoynitskaya (2018) mentioned, the advancement in technology today has brought autonomous vehicles to a whole new level in mobility, which does not only increase road safety in larger cities, reduce the costs of infrastructure, reduce the costs of owning a private car and enhance the mobility network for the commuters, children, disabled and the elderly. Autonomous vehicles are not just like any other cars. It is pre-built with various technogical systems and sensors such as anti-lock braking system, active steering, light sensors, GPS and LIDAR navigation system, and adaptive cruise control.
Autonomous vehicles are rather a more private vehicle to use if one does not want to travel via the tram or the bus. Countries like Japan, Singapore and Dubai has begun having these autonomous vehicles on the roads. For instance, in Figure 40, Singapore tested an eight seater (6 meters long and 2.1 meters wide) antonomous vehicle that travels at a top speed of 40km/h. It is able to carry 8 seated or 16 standing passengers. Automated vehicles does not only restrict itlsef to a smaller scale vehicle, but also a full-sized autonomous bus. In Edinburgh, the government is funding a research innovative project of autonomous buses and soon to be tested on the roads from 2020. The bus itself is a regular bus size with the length of 11.8 meters long that has the capacity to carry 42 passengers as shown in Figure 39.
Figure 39 Autonomous ADL Enviro200 tested in Edinburgh.
Figure 40 GRT autonomous vehicle tested in NTU, Singapore.
Visions Visions and emotional scenarios of the potential improved mobility network were integrated with the existing site of Balzers, Triesen, Vaduz and Schaan to show that the concept is justified and possible. The mobility strategies mentioned before were incorporated into the proposed mobility as shown.
Figure 41 Highlighted areas to envirsioned the mobility concept in Balzers.
Figure 42 Vision of multi-lane modules proposed on A located in Gagoz, Balzers.
Figure 43 Vision of multi-lane modules proposed on B located in Landstrasse, Balzers.
B 94
Figure 44 Highlighted areas to envirsioned the mobility concept in Triesen.
Figure 45 Vision of multi-lane modules proposed on A located in Landstrasse, Triesen.
Figure 46 Vision of multi-lane modules proposed on B located on Landstrasse, Drรถschistrasse and Dorfstrasse, Triesen.
Figure 47 Highlighted areas to envirsioned the mobility concept in Schaan.
Figure 48 Vision of multi-lane modules proposed on A located on Landstrasse, Schaan.
Figure 49 Vision of multi-lane modules proposed on B located in Poststrasse, Schaan.
07 Design Mobility Concept Programme Location Mobility Hub Plans Sections & Elevation Construction Visualisations Physical Model
Mobility Concept In a public transportation network, a mobility hub acts as a focal point that assists and connects the community to different types of public and private transportation effortlessly and multi-functional schemes of public space. By maximizing access and connections between various services and spaces provided for the community as a single organism, working with a collective range of amenities such as train and tram infrastructure, bus, bicycles and autonomous vehicle connections, multi-functional public spaces and pedestrian connectivity to the mobility hub, would be an ultimate goal for a mobility hub.
Living and waking up to a beautiful weekday in city A. Your workplace, however, is at city B. WIth a push of a button, you immediately have real-time information of when will be the next bus, train and selfdriving vehicle working simultaneously with punctuality and convenience all the way to the doorstep of your workplace.
Imagine this;
The train then departs and in a span of 20 minutes, the application notifies that you have arrived at city B’s train station. Another self-driving vehicle waiting on your call to pick you up from the train station to the doorstep of your workplace.
You step out of your door and the selfdriving car takes you to the train departing for the next city. Without traffic congestion, the self-driving car arrives on time at the train station with real-time information at your fingertips.
All these happened within a span of 30 minutes. No traffic congestions, no waiting time, no worrying.
Amenities & Infrastructure 102
There will not be a mobility hub without the necessary amenities and infrastructure. Therefore on Figure 50, these are the list of amenities that are analyzed and characterized essential or optional in a neighbourhood, city and inter-city scale. Firstly, bicycle circulation is rather important in a mobility hub in the following scales. Thus, having infrastructure such as bike parking and sharing on the curbs on the streets is essential. On the other hand, a bicycle repair shop requires a larger volume of space. Therefore, I proposed it to be located inside the mobility hub. Secondly, vehicle circulation is also important for autonomous cars. Having a designated pick-up and drop-off location would in the mobility hub away from the traffic was proposed to be placed below ground alongside with the e-car charging station for both handicaps and general use.
Thirdly, with the existing bus infrastructure for exchange and transit is rather insufficient as all buses share the same platform. Sometimes the area gets a little too congested due to the lack of bus platforms available. By providing sufficient spaces for bus exchange in an urban environment, traffic congestion can be avoided. Fourthly, information centres and signage are a vital tool to allow commuters and passengers to move around in ease. Besides that, having an additional programme or activity such as open and public space or commercial use could also increase its purpose as to be not only a mobility hub but also a gathering point. Lastly, providing clear and obvious access and around the mobility hub is vital as it provides a safe surrounding for the commuters whilst they exchange their different modes of transportation.
Mobility Hub Amenities
Bike Parking
Bicycle Circulation
Bike Sharing
Bike Repair Workshops
Car Sharing / Carpool
Vehicle Circulation
Pickup-Drop off Zones
Electric-Vehicle Charging Station
Bus Workshop Directory Real-time Information
Bus InformationInfrastructure Signage
Bus Exchange / Transit Zone
Wi-Fi Connectivity - Application
Active Uses
Commercial Use Open / Public Spaces
Around the Mobility Hub
Figure 50 Amenities analysis that are essential or optional for the Mobility Hub.
Pedestrian Circulation
Access to the Mobility Hub
Location 104
The mobility hub is located in the heart on the existing huge carpark garage of Vaduz along Aeulstrasse as shown in Figure 51. Why Vaduz? Not only it is the capital of Liechtenstein, but it also has the second highest population in the country, 5,450 inhabitants and the second highest incoming commuters from abroad of 4,894 commuters. Having Schaan to have the highest population and incoming commuters of 5,983 inhabitants and 5,421 commuters respectively, Schaan has an existing central train station which has the amenities which allow the exchange of different modes of transportation to occur. On the other hand, central Vaduz not only allows commuters and locals but the tourists from abroad to ease their way through Liechtenstein without having to worry about traffic congestions.
The mobility hub will act like a transit station where commuters and locals can change to different modes of public transportation. Either from Feldkirch with the train to Schaan and to Vaduz or from Sargans, having these different transportation networks commutes primarily along the main road of Landstrasse and Aeulstrasse in Vaduz. Moreover, the mobility hub creates a connection between public spaces, public commuters, strong stakeholders to be engaged in this vision. The mobility hub primarily focuses on the vehicular and community circulation and access, travel information and different land usage.
Figure 51 Black plan of Vaduz.
Mobility Hub
Ground Floor Plan
The Ground Floor Plan of the Mobility Hub proposes the tram station be located on Aeulstrasse on the four-lane street proposal. There are four allocated bus parking spaces to pick up and drop off bus passengers. In certain circumstances when there are more free parking spaces for the buses, the middle part of the mobility hub is also accessible by the bus. With precise measurements and turning radius, the extended longer buses are able to make a U-turn without having to be in contact with a curb.
a general information counter at the front of the mobility hub. Based on Figure 52, there is a proposed ramp to go down to the basement floor is mainly used for commuters with the autonomous cars as it drives down and disappears from the street level creating a clear distinction between zones for pedestrians, buses and autonomous cars accessing the mobility hub.
There is two main axes for pedestrians which are located on the northern - southern and eastern - western side of the mobility hub. The perimeter of the mobility hub, however, is also vehicle free which allows, locals, commuters and tourists to move around freely. The concept of the ground floor apart from the mobility hub was to provide open green space. There are the necessary handicap friendly amenities provided as well for the users of the mobility hub such as luggage locker rooms, public male and female toilet, e-bike charging stations and (right) Figure 52 Ground Floor Plan of the Mobility Hub.
Mobility Hub
Basement Floor Plan
The ramp from above leads to the Basement Floor below, as shown in Figure 53, which immediately turns right to the dedicated drop-off or pick-up spot for autonomous cars passengers. The proposed basement also provides six handicapped cars charging spot and 27 additional car charging spot for regular uses. If there is an emergency or a problem with the cars on-site, there is an e-car and e-bike repair garage available as well.
The basement also holds two electrical and mechanical room to house boiler rooms and electrical rooms to provide electrical and water supply to the mobility hub. The centre of the basement floor has an elevator and staircase which connects directly to the ground floor.
(right) Figure 53 Basement Floor Plan of the Mobility Hub.
Mobility Hub
First to Fourth Floor Plan
The proposal of the Mobility Hub was not only functions as a focal point for commuters and locals to change different modes of transportations of trams to trains to buses and autonomous cars. But, it is also a place to gather and meet. Therefore, I proposed a three-dimensional park built with lightweight steel structure of four floors as shown in Figure 54. With a formation of 4 x 4 meters grid structure, I proposed temporary wooden and glass pavilions also with a 4 x 4 meters (16 sqm) dimension to be installed into this grid. This creates a possibility to give back and make use of space in the community for them to determine the function of the space. These pavilions are to be rented from a weekly to the monthly basis which then also allows a great variety of programmes apart from the mobility hub. With the temporary concept, it will be possible to have different programmes every time which produces different surroundings. It could be a workstation for two weeks and then a cafe for the next three weeks.
Apart from the commuters and tourists having the opportunity to come to the mobility hub to meet and gather, this also allows workers or locals from offices nearby to have their lunch or break time in a green and wellsheltered environment. On the second and third floor as shown in Figure 55 and 56 respectively, there is a hanging stage in the centre of each floor giving the park an opportunity to also have activities and programmes such as public speaking, talks and live bands to be performed, With the perimeter of each floor creates a potential audience stand to view into the hanging stage when it is being used. Every floor is well connected with stairs and elevator which are handicap friendly to ease movement around the hub for everyone. In Figure 54 and 55, I proposed a variety of programmes such as restaurants, bistros, cafe’s, workstations, meetings rooms, games room, snack booths, child care, clinic, and bars. (right) Figure 54 First Floor Plan of the Mobility Hub.
Figure 55 Second Floor Plan of the Mobility Hub.
Figure 56 Third and Fourth Floor Plan of the Mobility Hub.
Mobility Hub Roof Plan
The roof plan’s concept is rather the opposite in comparison to all the floors in the mobility hub. The roof plan compromises of five open upper floors which are completely exposed to the outside. With the lightweight steel truss structure running across and through the mobility hub, allows scrubs and vines to grow and spread throughout. This growth movement allows a perspective of standing above a green field. The environment I proposed to capture is to be in an open field but in an urban surrounding.
WIth the proposed masterplan according to the black plan in Figure 51 before, the neighbouring buildings are proposed to be about 20 meters in height, thus creating a possibility to not only connect the ground floor with the neighbouring context but also to connect from the roof level. These floor panels are designed and structured close to the edges to have the possibility to connected and be used as an extension to the neighbouring buildings on the east and west side as shown in Figure 57.
(right) Figure 57 Roof Plan of the Mobility Hub.
Mobility Hub
Sections & Elevation
The mobility hub stands up to a height of 17 meters with a single basement level. From first to the fourth-floor level, it has a height of 3 meters from floor to floor. However, from the ground floor to the first floor it has a clear height of 5 meters to allow an easy entrance for all types of buses, especially the double-decker buses. The hanging stages on the second and third floor are supported by the trusses and beams across the structure on the fourth and roof level. It is simply fortunate that the mobility hub is located in a four seasons continent which allows the opportunity to have these seasonal plant colour changes throughout the hub. This also allows the opportunity to have a different mood and lighting of the surrounding.
In winter, as shown in elevation A is shown in Figure 58, the light steel structure construction becomes more visible. In summer, the structure begins to disappear again into the thick layer of greens when the plants around the structure are fully grown. Whereas in fall, the red and orange vines and scrubs cover the three-dimensional mobility hub and park. In addition to that, the different volume of seasonal plant changes allows a different amount of lighting gleaming into the structure which creates different mood settings on each floor.
(right) Figure 58 Sections and Elevation of the Mobility Hub.
Construction 118
The Mobility Hub is built on a lightweight steel structure with a grid formation of 4 meters by 4 meters. The ground floor columns are piled into the ground and surrounded my large planter boxes which allow vines and scrubs to grow from the soil upwards through the structures. Since the Mobility Hub equipped with mechanical, electrical and boiler rooms, water supply is transmitted all around the structure. The lightweight steel structure on the ground floor is supported not only by the columns being piled down to the ground but also a distributed weight with the existing ‘X’ truss throughout the ground floor level. The ‘X’ truss is also used below the wooden 4 m x 4 m floor panels to provide extra support for weight to be distributed.
onto the existing grid plot which will be supported by the ‘X’ truss. The wooden pavilions are insulated with about 16 cm of insulation wool and vapour barrier, cladded with 3 cm of wooden boards on each side. This configuration may not be suitable for living conditions considering it is meant to be only light and temporary structure to make it easy during changes or removal of the pavillions on-site. Every floor panel has a slight rising of 20 cm to allow the necessary pipes and electrical wires to be travelling and connected throughout the Mobility Hub structure with the intention of not being visible. With the slightly raised panels also allows the pavilions’ flooring to be on the same height.
As mentioned in the First Floor Plan concept of having temporary wooden and glass pavilions placed into the lightweight structure depending on however it is permitted simply by removing the floor panels and place the temporary fittings (right) Figure 59 Construction detail of the Mobility Hub.
Visualizations The Mobility Hub visualizations provide a better understanding of the idea of how it is like being in the hub itself in two different locations and seasons. The first visualization portrays a seasonal colour change in the plants during fall, where the red and orangy vines would glean the park creating a warm mood and settling environment. The perspective generated was also to portray the different height and volume that is visible throughout the entire Mobility Hub. Safety regulations were also designed to make sure it is userfriendly among disabled, younger children and the elderly, thus the railing to be existing. From a viewpoint on the second floor, there are many visible atrium-like voids to allow the plants to creep all the way up to the structure which also allows good air circulation and good lighting throughout the hub. In this visualization, the variety of seasonal plants are shown to acknowledge the possibilities of different moods during any of the four seasons.
The second visualization is a view from the third floor looking down at the hanging stage on the second floor. As mentioned in Figure 55, with the existence of these hanging stage in the centre of the mobility hub allows the possibility to also have an audience stand on the upper levels. As shown, during summer or spring where the vines and shrubs are fully grown covering the structure of the hub, creates a whole different setting and sheltering from the sun. In addition to that, the perspective also portrays a wide depth of the hub and to feel less enclosed and more open. Since the upper roof structure is covered in scrubs and vines, only a little glimpse of light rays can be seen entering through lightening up some parts of the hub.
Figure 60 Visualisation of Mobility Hub to represent volume.
Figure 61 Visualisation of Mobility Hub to represent depth on the hanging stage.
Physical Model
Urban Model Scale 1 : 500 & Sectional Model 1 : 200
Figure 62 Top view of physical site model.
Figure 63 Side view of physical site model.
Figure 64 View above the main street of physical site model.
Figure 65 Back view of the physical site model.
Figure 66 Top view of physical sectional model.
Figure 67 Perspective physical sectional model.
Figure 68 Hanging Stage of physical model.
Figure 69 Sectional perspective of physical sectional model.
08 Conclusion Summary
Summary This semester has truly been an eye-opener for me. It is not only having to undergo task after task, simply to get things done. But, to also put myself into perspective in various standpoint. Undergoing these megatrend tasks which were a continuation from Studio Brandl SS18, was truly inspiring for me to really appreaciate the opportunies I have in the University of Liechtenstein and being supported whole heartly by my professor and teacher, Prof. Dietrich Schwarz and Andreas Lehner. They have both been inspiring which kept me motivated throughout this semester through the thick and thin, especially tackling a subject or a megatrend such as space and mobility. During my research, Prof. Schwarz and Andreas really pushed and supported me during the research, planning and designing stage. Being in a country as rich and highly cultured as Liechtenstein, inspired me to work further on the topic mobility as the country has a lot of potential developing in this direction further into the future from a macro and micro scale.
As my research question was, Can a mobility network be a sustainable balance between the evolution of human needs and their preferences whilst transforming the future possibilities in the urban context of Liechtenstein? Yes, I believe so. With the growing population and the increasing amount of daily commuters, the likelihood of the country taking a turn into this direction would highly be possible. With my research and studies that I went through this semester, I believe by creating a sustainable mobility network based entirely on public transportation would be a sustainable solution for the country and for the future.
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[Figure 1] Hill on Triesenberg, author
[Figure 2] View towards Triesen from Triesenberg, author
[Figure 3] Vaduz City, author
[Figure 4] Community of Liechtenstein in Vaduz, Tourismus.li (2019)
[Figure 5] Task 1: Resource and Energy output, author
[Figure 6] Task 2: Space and Mobility output, author
[Figure 7] Task 3: Demography and Integration output, author
[Figure 8] Task 4: Food and Health output, author
[Figure 9] Demography of municipalities and comparison between locals and foreign residents, Amt Für Statistik (2017)
[Figure 10] Demography of asylum seekers, short-term residents and provisional foreign nationals, Amt Für Statistik (2017)
[Figure 11] Zone plan of Liechtenstein, Studio Brandl (2018)
[Figure 12] Urban Analysis of Liechtenstein’s Mobility Network, author
[Figure 13] Open public car parking areas located on red hatched zones in Balzers, author
[Figure 14] Open public car parking areas located on red hatched zones in Triesen, author
[Figure 15] Open public car parking areas located on red hatched zones in Vaduz, author
[Figure 16] Open public car parking areas located on red hatched zones in Schaan, author
[Figure 17] Four-lane and two-lane module in three variations and measurements in meters, author
[Figure 18] Four-lane module variations on Balzers, author
[Figure 19] Four-lane module A located in Gagoz, Balzers, author
[Figure 20] Four-lane module B located in Landstrasse, Balzers, author
[Figure 21] Four-lane module variations on Triesen, author
[Figure 22] Four-lane module A located on Landstrasse, Schmiedeweg and Gässle, Triesen, author
[Figure 23] Four-lane module B located on Landstrasse, DrĂśschistrasse and Dorfstrasse, Triesen, author
[Figure 24] Four-lane module variations on Vaduz, author
[Figure 25] Four-lane module A located on Aeulstrasse, Vaduz in close up view, author
[Figure 26] Four-lane module A located on Aeulstrasse, Vaduz in model overview, author
[Figure 27] Four-lane and two-lane module variations on Schaan, author
[Figure 28] Four-lane module A located on Landstrasse and Quaderstrasse, Schaan, author
[Figure 29] Two-lane module B located on Poststrasse, Schaan beside Schaan Bahnhof, author
[Figure 30] Number of commuters per hour with designated lanes, NACTO (2017)
[Figure 31] 20 Meter-rule applied on street, NACTO (2017)
[Figure 32] Curb management at different hours of the day, NACTO (2017)
[Figure 33] ART characteristics and benefits, Newman (2018)
[Figure 34] Autonomous Rail Rapid Transit traveling on painted tracks in China, Lan (2017)
[Figure 35] Bus connections from Sargans entering to Balzers connecting into neighbourhoods, author
[Figure 36] Bus connections from Balzers to Triesen’s inner neighbourhood roads, author
[Figure 37] Bus connections from Triesen to Vaduz, author
[Figure 38] Bus connections from Vaduz to Schaan, author
[Figure 39] Autonomous ADL Enviro200 tested in Edinburgh, Dennis A. (2018)
[Figure 40] GRT autonomous vehicle tested in NTU, Singapore, Metro Report (2018)
[Figure 41] Highlighted areas to envirsioned the mobility concept in Balzers, author
[Figure 42] Vision of multi-lane modules proposed on A located in Gagoz, Balzers, author
[Figure 43] Vision of multi-lane modules proposed on B located in Landstrasse, Balzers, author
[Figure 44] Highlighted areas to envirsioned the mobility concept in Triesen, author
[Figure 45] Vision of multi-lane modules proposed on A located in Landstrasse, Triesen, author
[Figure 46] Vision of multi-lane modules proposed on B located on Landstrasse, DrĂśschistrasse and Dorfstrasse, Triesen, author
[Figure 47] Highlighted areas to envirsioned the mobility concept in Schaan, author
[Figure 48] Vision of multi-lane modules proposed on A located on Landstrasse, Schaan, author
[Figure 49] Vision of multi-lane modules proposed on B located in Poststrasse, Schaan, author
[Figure 50] Amenities analysis that are essential or optional for the Mobility Hub, author
[Figure 51] Black plan of Vaduz., author
[Figure 52] Ground Floor Plan of the Mobility Hub, author
[Figure 53] Basement Floor Plan of the Mobility Hub, author
[Figure 54] First Floor Plan of the Mobility Hub, author
[Figure 55] Second Floor Plan of the Mobility Hub, author
[Figure 56] Third and Fourth Floor Plan of the Mobility Hub, author
[Figure 57] Roof Plan of the Mobility Hub, author
[Figure 58] Sections and Elevation of the Mobility Hub, author
[Figure 59] Construction detail of the Mobility Hub, author
[Figure 60] Visualisation of Mobility Hub to represent volume, author
[Figure 61] Visualisation of Mobility Hub to represent depth on the hanging stage., author
[Figure 62] Top view of physical site model, author
[Figure 63] Side view of physical site model, author
[Figure 64] View above the main street of physical site model, author
[Figure 65] Back view of the physical site model, author
[Figure 66] Top view of physical sectional model, author
[Figure 67] Perspective physical sectional model, author
[Figure 68] Hanging Stage of physical model, author
[Figure 69] Sectional perspective of physical sectional model, author
Re-Thinking Mobility: From Balzers to Schaan I hearby declare under penalty of perjury that the present paper has been prepared independently by myself and without unpermitted aid. Anything that has been taken verbatim or paraphrased from other writings has been identified as such. This paper has hitherto been neither submitted to an examining body in the same or similar form, nor published. I herewith confirm that my digitally submitted thesis book is identical to this printed version.
Vaduz, Liechtenstein Signature 31.01.2019 Samuel Ji Wyn Loke