The Art Of Growing Strawberries

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The Art Of Growing Strawberries Growing strawberries is no child’s play. This is a time consuming process and it takes a lot of preparation before you actually start growing them. This article will teach you how to grow strawberries. Growing strawberries in your house can be very profitable in the long run. It does not matter if you cannot grow an entire patch. You can still grow them in containers or hanging baskets. You will still get a delicious fruit. The good news is that you can grow strawberries on all kinds of soils. From clay type soils to light sandy soils, the ideal soil in growing strawberries is that that is very high in humus. If you try to grow strawberries in soil that holds to much water the strawberries can rot. The strawberries grow very well when exposed to the sun but you will also have to keep it away from strong winds. However you must remember that you will need to move the plants after some years. If you do face the problem of space crunch well the good news is that you can use containers that can drain out water. You can use a nice attractive container. You could even use hanging baskets if you do not want to grow them on the ground because of worms that may destroy the strawberries. Now when must know how to grow strawberries at the right time. The ideal time to grow strawberries would be from June till September. However if you decide to plant a little later then you should take care to remove all the flowers during year number one, so that all the energy could be diverted to growing a plant for the second year. Now let us look at the whole process on how to grow strawberries Firstly you will need to treat the soil by digging well, while digging you should take care to get rid of all the weeds and add manure. Now if you want to go for a whole patch; you should set the plants in a few rows. You space each plant at least by 35 cm. The space should be double in between rows. You take a lot of care to ensure that the crown is the soil level. You should water each and every plant well. The most important thing to remember is to keep slugs and worms away from the plants. You could try using eggs shells to keep slugs away or simply use anti slug chemicals. You should also keep a layer of straw so that fruits do not touch the ground. You can also substitute the straw with bin bags. You should cover the strawberry patch with a net to prevent birds from destroying the fruits and the plant. The plant will produce strawberries for at least 6 years but the production may

drop after sometime as the plant becomes weak. So you will need to clear out the bed and start planting fresh plants in another part of the garden.

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