Top 3 Things to Consider When Buying a Property in Singapore Whether you move to Singapore with your job, to start a business or just to enjoy a very long vacation, the house you are about to purchase will be the place where you will spend years or perhaps your entire life. It is normally supposed to fulfill your necessities or at least a part of them. Ideally, you must feel good whenever you get back home. A lot of people have no idea what to expect from a new home before buying it, but only after. In order to prevent such mistakes when you deal with the real estate Singapore industry, you need to take some aspects into consideration. How many rooms do you expect your new house to have? The number of rooms is picked according to the number of family members you got. It is always worth to think in perspective. If you are recently married and you plan to have some kids, don't get a small house. Later on, when the first kid shows up, you will realize that you don't have enough space. You might have to sell your home and begin searching again. Although a small house can easily cover your space necessities now, things may seriously change in the upcoming future. Don't forget to think about how much time you are about to spend there. The more you spend, the more of your future you must think about. The area you plan to move in is just as important. When you think about the zone, you must think about what you need and not about what the trends say. You should not move into a particular area just because you heard it is gaining value over years. If you want a home for your personal needs and not to make some real estate business, then you don't think about such things. Assuming you are thinking about a central apartment, you probably like the popularity of this place and the good price. Although you find this deal very good, you might hate the traffic and the noise. Perhaps you want a place in a green area without too much activity. This is less likely to be found in the middle of a city. In conclusion, your needs come before the trends. Finally, your top three things to consider when looking after a property in Singapore also count the surroundings. Always ask about what is close to you. If you got kids and they need a school, what is the distance to the nearest school? If you like shopping, do you have any markets nearby? What if you need to drive to a different neighborhood? Do you have a car or do you use the public transportation? What is the distance to the nearest bus station? Such things can make the difference between a comfortable experience and a nightmare. You will hate walking for hours just to benefit from specific services. Such things are essential when looking for a home. Don't just rush to get a place because of the price, since a low price may hide many problematic situations.