Guaranteed Car Finance Is A Service That Will Help You To Buy Another Car If You Have A Poor Credit History
There is no reason to believe that if you have a poor credit history that you can never again obtain a loan for a new or used car. There are several special lenders now that are willing to help you and this article explains.
Guaranteed car finance is available and you do not have to do too much hard work to obtain it. You might have many reasons to obtain a car loan but the thing is if you have a bad credit history then you would face many problems in getting a loan. However, this does not mean that you cannot ever get car finance. You might even be selfemployed and still qualify for car finance. Here are a few tips that will help you buy a car even if you have a poor credit record.
Pay Back Time
When you are negotiating the terms of the loan make sure that the payback time period is not too long. This will mean that you will not have to pay more interest over the original cost of your car. The more time you take the more interest you would have to pay. But this does not mean you should try and cover the whole payment in just a couple of months. Take your time but not too much. You just have to make sure that the time you are taking is making you feel comfortable with the total interest payable.
Take Your Time To Decide On A Deal
There are many opportunities for guaranteed car finance. You should take your time to decide because it might be possible that you will get a better deal if you wait and research a little more. Anyway, the deals are not running away and new ones are hitting the market all of the time. The deal that gives you the lowest interest rate will be the best, so try to find it. Search the market online for this. You should not be afraid to spend quite a few hours on this but all your hard work will be worth it if you get the perfect car finance even with your bad credit condition.
Think Before If You Want A New Car Or A Used Car
This is what really matters the most. Buying a new car will mean that you will have to borrow much more money than you would have to if you are buying a used car. A new car could cost you thousands of dollars that may be out of your reach so you have to choose sensibly. Think it through, or better yet ask your lender what deal you will be offered for a new car and compare this with one for a used car. This will definitely help you decide.
Make Sure You Know About Any Penalties
There might be some penalties in your agreement and you should be aware of them. Make sure that you read the contract carefully; there might be something relating to the procedure of payment. If you do not fulfill the requirements then you might have to pay a sum of money on top of your normal loan repayments. The bank or lender would have the right to charge you this because you have signed the contract. So be sure that you know all the facts before you sign a guaranteed car finance loan.
If you are put off from applying for a car finance deal because you have a bad credit history then there is no need to shy away from this. You can read all about guaranteed car finance at and there are a lot of other useful resources there. There are many lenders in this market now as the number of people with poor credit history has risen significantly over the last few years. Before agreeing to a loan make sure that you fully understand all the terms and conditions so that there are no unpleasant surprises.