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Samuel Dautheville 1

CURRICULUM VITAE Dautheville Samuel Avenue du 14 Avril 18 1020 Renens, Switzerland 20ans French and Swiss Citizen Drive licence +0041774958354 samuel@dautheville.fr

EDUCATION 2012-ONGOING 2010-2011 2011-2012 2010

SWISS FEDERAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Lausanne, Switzerland 3rd year Bachelor of Science in Architecture, Prof. Andrea Bassi 2nd year Bachelor of Science in Architecture, Prof. Jeannette Kuo 1st year Bachelor of Science in Architecture, Prof. Dieter Dietz LYCEE THEODORE AUBANEL Avignon, France French Baccalauréat, Scientific section, mathematics specialty, Whith honours (mention Bien), European spanish option


JULY. 2012 NOV. 2011 2011-2010-2009 2007

SWISS FEDERAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Lausanne, Switzerland Teacher assistant, studio Professor Kuo (2nd year) Teacher assistant, course geometry II (1st year) Teacher assistant, studio Professor Bassi (3rd year) Restaurant L’Offset, Avignon, France Waiter during the Avignon Festival, 1 month Heartland Festival, Vevey, Switzerland Volonteer – cash register and accreditations Festival d’Avignon, Avignon, France Summer job for poster compaign/tracts DLM ArchitectES/URBANISTES, Montpellier, France Observation internship

LANGUAGES French : mother tongue English : fluent spaking and understanding (C1) Espagnol : B2 Language exchange : 2006 Teruel, 2007 Valencia, Barcelona, 2008 Salamanca

INTERESTS/SKILLS Computer : Microsoft Office, Vectorworks, Rhinoceros 3D, Photoshop, Illustrator, In Design Music : Piano Sports : Tennis, Football Travels :


MIXITÉ PROFESSEUR : ANDREA BASSI ANNÉE : BACHELOR 5&6 / PROJET EN COURS DURÉE : UN AN Situé dans les hauteurs et bien qu’en retrait des centres bâtis, Caux sur Montreux est un lieu ayant un potentiel à l’échelle de la métropole lémanique. Marqué par une activité humaine depuis plusieurs siècles, doté d’un qualité paysagère remarquable et toujours plus proche des réseaux existants, c’est un site qui pourrait s’affirmer comme nouveau pôle de développement autour du vide du lac Léman. Le projet traite la question de la mixité, à l’échelle territoriale (espaces naturels, publics, tissus urbains), programmatique (logements, bureaux, équipements) et sociales (pluralité des habitants et des utilisateurs) Le projet s’implante au nord du Caux-Palace, et réactive ainsi l’arrière de l’hôtel afin de créer un espace public attractif pour l’ensemble du village. Il cherche des interactions fortes avec l’existant, tout en profitant de la condition exceptionnelle du paysage Lémanique. Grâce à une volumétrie analogue à celle du Caux-Palace, la forme urbaine trouve son importance dans la continuité du bâti. Deux séquences résultent de ce système: A l’est, un espace urbain dans l’alignement du CauxPalace, sur l’axe de la gare, offre une place à l’échelle du village. A l’ouest, grâce aux inflexions des deux bras du bâtiment, un espace paysager s’ouvre à la vue. Le bras de logements se caractérise par un système de coursives/terrasses le long de la façade sud, qui s’adapte selon les résidents et les circulations. Les appartements traversants fonctionnent selon un système de trame forte, contenant l’ensemble des services, et de trame faible, où s’organisent les espaces de vie.





A-TYPICAL PLAN PROFESSOR : JEANNETTE KUO YEAR : BACHELOR 4 DURATION : ONE SEMESTER IN COLLABORATION WITH : SIMON GUÉRY Today’s work’s definition requires a new conception of the office space. The aim of this project is to develop a concept combining a creative and contemporary work environment with architectural value. The building is in a former industrial zone of Zurich being reconverted to host creation startup companies. The project is organized around a cross shaped system, which hosts the infrastructures and leaves corners for various offices. The infrastructures are moving from level to level: sometimes in the center, with fluid peripheral areas, sometimes on the exterior sides, creating a central meeting zone. A secondary structural system made of Vierendeel trusses every other level can support 2 slabs. This increases the contrast between, on one hand, open floors hosting common work spaces, which promote cohesion and exchanges between startups and, on the other hand, more divided floors, which creates more intimacy for individual offices. The structure is minimal on both first and last floor making available a large space to receive the building’s public programs.





ARTIST’S RETREAT PROFESSOR : JEANNETTE KUO YEAR : BACHELOR 3 DURATION : ONE SEMESTER The entire semester was dedicated to the development of an artists’ retreat project, located in the Rhine gorge near Flims, Grisons. The complex geometry of the site with niches, slopes and valleys, its radically changing aspect with seasons, and its complicated access because of the extreme conditions of the landscape: these are all opportunities for reflecting upon the relationship between the building and its environment. It requires precise choices and compromises between site and program. The proposed project takes advantage of the site’s diverse topography, as each of the 4 workshops finds itself a specific area, linked to its own purpose while promoting interaction with outside nature as a source of inspiration for resident artists. The overall program is organized as suite of areas with increasing levels of intimacy. The entrance goes through areas common to all artists and accesses a large exhibition hall for public viewing. Le building is then divided into 4 legs leading to studios open to outside view. The relationship with general public is organized in a simple manner: sleeping rooms are hidden below the exhibition hall, so visitors can only see the artist when he his working in his studio.



(RE)CONSTRUCTION PROFESSOR : JEANNETTE KUO YEAR : BACHELOR 3 DURATION : THREE WEEKS The starting point was a disembodied image of a site seen from within an as-yet unbuilt space. From that view was construct a space as an instrument that regulates our experience of the world depicted. The interior landscape image was achieved with 1:20 model. Regularity and distortion were the reused caracteristics for the final image, mise-en-scene of spaces series where a regular element is suddenly out of shape by a stong movement, modifying the perception of the differents plans Starting Image :


VILLES ARCHIPELS PROFESSOR : DIETER DIETZ YEAR : BACHELOR 2 DURATION : ONE SEMESTER As part of a global reflection on urban environment and space management, each student was in charge of a lot with a specific program as a personal project. Each lot was part of a 4x4 modular system matrix, which added common relationships between adjacent lots, as well as a public program for the entire matrix. The personal project lot consists of a library. Re-using the modular concept of the matrix, it is organized in a series of boxes for sub-programs such as reading room, computer room, and media room. The boxes are individually anchored to the matrix’s structure with inner walls made of shelving alternatively open towards the sub-program or the library. The wide public plaza underneath the lot also benefits from hanging bookshelves creating an open public library.



VISION MASK PROFESSOR : DIETER DIETZ YEAR : BACHELOR 1 DURATION : TWO WEEKS IN COLLABORATION WITH : SIMON GUÉRY One way to challenge human space perception, as well as self localization, is to create an invention that will interact on one’s personal perception of the horizon. Looking through the device induces sensations very different from usual. The proposed mask uses a double mirror, which reflects the surrounding openings spacing. The main idea is to blur the overall perception and get the focus on one precise point, the same way a camera lens would do.


CHIAROSCURO PROFESSOR : DIETER DIETZ YEAR : BACHELOR 1 DURATION : TWO WEEKS IN COLLABORATION WITH : SIMON GUÉRY The process of perforation of a Durerian screen from various angles allows the observation of full/void relationship. Resulting light modulations reveal the performed object’s materiality and its numerous 3D properties. Various results were obtained with assemblies of a unique initial module. Their photographic analysis allowed to experiment light properties and characteristic changes.



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