Frog brand guidelines 2014

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Brand guidelines

What do these guidelines cover? Our brand has earned us a reputation as a company who work hard to make a difference in education, who deliver products of the highest quality, but who never forget about the people that use them every day.

The guidelines cover everything you need to know with regards the visual illustration of the Frog brand. They have been developed to give clarity on what to use where, and how to differentiate between our products, services, brand and identities.


Frog corporate logo The Frog logo is our unique corporate mark. It is our most valuable visual asset and represents our company, our values, our people and our brand.

The corporate logo is only used: • on corporate communications, for example brochures, display stands, websites. • on corporate Frog messages, for example ebooks, flyers or posters • by partners.

Rules: • There are three different sized versions of our logo that should always be used. If a different size is required please speak to the marketing or design team. • The corporate logo is always centred.

Correct usage This is how to use the Frog corporate logo. If you’re having difficulty deciding how the corporate logo should be used please speak to the marketing team.

01: The white Frog logo should sit on a Frog blue background. 02: The reversed blue Frog logo should sit on a white background. 03: The white Frog logo can sit on dark neutral backgrounds. 04: The white Frog logo on can sit on contrasting photography.

15 mm

Frog head must not be smaller than 15mm

Colour The Frog corporate logo can be placed on any of the brand colours. If you’re having difficulty deciding how the corporate logo should be used please speak to the marketing team.

DO’s 01: Only use colours from this brand guideline.

DONT’s 01: Do not change the colour of the logo from white. 02: Do not add any opacity to the Logo.

15 mm

Frog head must not be smaller than 15mm

Alternative version For flexability the Frog corporate logo can be broken down to just the Frog head. If you’re having difficulty deciding how the corporate logo should be used please speak to the marketing team.

DO’s 01: Only use colours from this brand guideline. 02: Feel free to use multiple heads.

DONT’s 01: Do not add any opacity to the Logo.

15 mm

Frog head must not be smaller than 15mm

Incorrect usage This is how not to use the Frog corporate logo. If you’re having difficulty deciding how the corporate logo should be used please speak to the marketing team.

01: On a Frog blue background the Frog logo should not be any other colour than white. 02: Do not reverse the logo out to black to sit on a white background. 03: Do not a alter the appearance of the Frog corporate logo in any way. 04: Do not move the head or word around to suit the available space. 05: Do not sit the white Frog logo on light photography. 06: Do not reverse the logo out of photography.

15 mm

Frog head must not be smaller than 15mm

Typography As with our logo, consistent use of our corporate typefaces — Vag Rounded Light and Avant Garde — reinforces our brand identity. Vag Rounded LT Light should be used for headlines and may be used for general copy. Short headlines or labels should be all capitals, otherwise headlines and subheads are sentence case. The bold and italic version of this font should not be used.

ICT Avante Garde Gothic Std should be used for extended running body copy in longer, multiple page documents, such as brochures If you produce external communications as part of your job role, please speak to the design team to obtain a copy of this font.

Website fonts - Arial is the primary internet typeface and should be used for all general and live (HTML) text. Using other fonts - In the rare instance that a font becomes part of a graphical illustration, for example in a multimedia or campaign communication, it may become necessary to use a font outside the Frog font family. In these case please get sign off from the design team before using.

VAGRounded LT Light 36pt VAGRounded LT Light 24pt VAGRounded LT Light 16pt VAGRounded LT Light 10pt Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz

ICT Avant Garde Gothic Std Bold 10pt

Arial Bold 10pt

ICT Avant Garde Gothic Std Book 10pt

Arial Regular 10pt

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Z

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Z

Colour The Frog colour system reflects a rich, dynamic and energetic company. No longer are we just a one-dimensional blue company. We will continue to use the Frog blue, but only to elevate it to special status, and a note in all our communications that reinforces our brand and identity. The Frog blue should only be used in corporate communications pieces when the main Frog logo is being used. It should also be used as headers in all other non-corporate communication pieces.

The full colour system can be used when delivering a corporate message/ campaign piece. We’ve defined a core set of colours (shown here with Pantone values) for you to start with. The colour tints underneath the parent colour reflect the openness of the system, showing how you could filter the defined colours at various values.

Frog Blue




Pantone 300 C

Pantone 426 C


Pantone 423 C

C:100 M:44 Y:0 K:0

C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:95

C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:0

C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:40

R:0 G:121 B:194

R:40 G:40 B:40

R:255 G:255 B:255

R:188 G:190 B:192

HEX: #0071b9

HEX: #1d1d1e


HEX: #bcbec0

Pale Blue

Deep Blue



Pantone 801 C

Pantone 2768 C

Pantone 2597 C

Pantone RobinRed C

C:90 M:5 Y:5 K:0

C:100 M:78 Y:0 K:44

C:85 M:100 Y:0 K:0

C:0 M:100 Y:15 K:4

R:0 G:171 B:223

R:0 G:45 B:106

R:82 G:46 B:145

R:226 G:1 B:119

HEX: #00ade2

HEX: #012d6b

HEX: #522f91

HEX: #e50278





Pantone 200 C

Pantone 021 C

Pantone 123 C

Pantone 361 C

C:0 M:100 Y:63 K:12

C:0 M:53 Y:100 K:0

C:0 M:24 Y:94 K:0

C:69 M:0 Y:100 K:0

R:211 G:18 B:69

R:247 G:142 B:30

]R:255 G:196 B:37

R:84 G: 185 B:72

HEX: #d31145

HEX: #f78f1e

HEX: #ffc423

HEX: #50b948

Speak to Frog

| | +44 (0)1422 250 800

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