samuel monroe P I T T S
a r c h i t e c t u r e + d e s i g n curriculum vitae
selected works
curriculum vitae
about ME samuel monroe pitts
architecture + design
I am a creative thinking and motivated design professional seeking a position as an Intern Architect or Project Architect in order to further develop my skills and knowledge in the field of architecture. I am h a rd-w o r k i n g, we ll organ ize d an d h ave a h i g h p rof i c i e n c y i n b ot h o r a l a n d v i s u a l c o m m u n i c a t i o n s k i l l s.
In addi ti on to
m y arc h ite c tu ral e du c ation an d work e x pe rie n c e, my pr evi ous bac k grou n d in bu sin e ss h as giv e n m e a distin ct per s pecti ve an d h as prov e d in v alu able in th e tran slation of ar chi tectur e i nto su c c e ssf u l prac tic e . I b e l i eve t h e ke y to a c h i ev i n g a rc h i te c t u re i s fou n d in the details, fo cusing o n the p ro cess a n d ke eping i t simple. To request a PDF of my por t folio or discuss my qualifications in fur ther detail, please fe el f re e to e m a il m e at pit mu el@g m m.
samuel monroe pitts
VIRGINIA TECH | SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE + DESIGN | 2010-’13 Master of Architecture (M.Arch3) | GPA: 3.6/4.0
Study Abroad Program | Riva San Vitale, Switzerland | Spring 2012 Washington Alexandria Architecture Center | Alexandria, VA | Fall 2012-’13
THE UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA | TERRY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS | 2004-’08 Bachelor of Arts | Dean’s List | GPA: 3.5/4.0
Major: International Business & Finance | Minor: Spanish Study Abroad Program | Seville, Spain | Summer 2006 Phi Eta Sigma Honor Society | National Society of Collegiate Scholars
| curriculum vitae
CHARLOTTE COUNTRY DAY SCHOOL | charlotte, nc | 2000-’04 architecture work experience
HAPSTAKDEMETRIOU + ARCHITECTURE + DESIGN | washington, dc | 2014-’16
Project Architect (Intern Architect)
HapstakDemetriou+ is a boutique design firm specializing in hospitality and residential architecture. Practical experience in all aspects of project realization including; project feasibility, conceptual design, design development, product specifications, permitting, construction documentation and construction administration. Prepared and managed client presentation materials, 3D project visualizations, design documents and construction details using ArchiCad BIM software and Adobe Creative Suite. Other task and responsibilities included; attending site visits, leading client meetings, conducting test fits and code analysis, coordinating with project team and consultants.
skills & expertise AUTODESK Revit, AutoCAD, Ecotech, Vasari
PURSLEY DIXON ARCHITECTURE | charlotte, nc | summer 2011
Architecture Internship
Hand drew construction documents and prepared presentation materials. Fabricated digital and physical models. Participated in client meetings and site visits. Facilitated integration of digital modeling tools into workflow stream.
RHINO Rhino 3D, Grasshopper TRIMBLE SketchUp Pro
LITTLE ARCHITECTURE | charlotte, nc | summer 2011
ADOBE CS6 Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop
Summer Symposia Participant
Participated in organized weekly discussions and activities covering such topics as: Effective and appropriate presentation techniques and tools. Strategies for incorporating sustainable design practices. Methods for developing meaningful concepts that drive design. Additionally, participated in the “Small Project”: a self-led exercise to reinvent or uncover hidden opportunities within an everyday, mundane environment.
FREEMANWHITE ARCHITECTS INC. | charlotte, nc | january-july 2010 Architecture Design Intern | CMC Healthcare Studio
Conducted and engaged in ‘on-site’ user-group meetings and precedent studies. Prepared materials for new ‘patient-room’ design proposals. Managed and prepared drawings using Revit, AutoCAD and Excel. Attended continuing education courses and participated in IDP construction site visits.
miscellaneous work experience
THE NEWPORT GROUP | charlotte, nc | 2008-’09 Financial Account Analyst
WACHOVIA SECURITIES | charlotte, nc | summer 2007 Investment Bank Analyst Intern | CIB
MICROSOFT Word, Excel, PowerPoint
other AIAS Member NC Real Estate License (inactive) Habitat for Humanity
Other earlier experience includes summer camp counselor, youth league soccer and basketball coach and retail clerk.
hapstakdemetriou+ selected projects
& p i z z a RESTAURANTS columbia heights
washington, dc
built, 2016
project team: Peter Hapstak, Jackie Jenzen, Sam Pitts
&pizza is a hip fast-casual pizza concept featuring a fully customizable menu and an assorment of craft beverages.
minimalist interior design is centered around clean lines, simple finishes and monolithic community dining tables.
The prominent
use of black and white act a backdrop that allows the food and the people to come the forefront of the experience. Driven by the brand’s philosophy of bringing people together and connecting with the communiuty, each individual location features a tailored design and a feature element; drawing it’s inspiration directly from the unique character and histor y of the surrounding neighborhood.
&pizza columbia heights
hapstakdemetriou +
h u l a g i r l BAR & GRILL village of shirlington
arlington, va
built, 2015
project team: Peter Hapstak, Chris Conner, Sam Pitts, Ayelet Oser What star ted as a popular a food truck concept, Hula Girl Bar &
Grill is a 3600 square foot hawiian-st yle restaurant of fering a its patrons a mix of the native dishes, tiki-inspired cocktails and a true island experinece. Through a whimsical take on the themes and at titudes of the 1960s, the retro interior features a pallet te of raw materials, vibrate colors and autheitic hawiian elements. Suspended in the open ceiling, decorative surfboards and exposed wooden joists punctaute the space, undulating above the main dining area in a wave-like motion and encapsutaing the Aloha Spirit.
hapstakdemetriou +
hula girl bar & grill
| hapstakdemetriou +
virginia tech graduate portfolio
a riverside PAVILION master’s thesis project
The Riverside Pavilion—a redevelopment project nestled within the urban fabric of old town Alexandria —introduces a new node for community activity along the Potomac River. Conceived as a monument to 19th century ship building, the Pavilion was designed as both a gateway for travelers and a destination for pedestrians to celebrate the city’s maritime heritage. Beginning as a study in tension and compression, the project evolved to become an in-depth exploration in building tectonics and the impact on conceptual space. The proposed Pavilion demonstrates how defined and implied spaces interact and serve as a catalyst for dynamic movement.
concept diagram
old town alexandria waterfront alexandria, virginia
alexandria, va
site diagrams old town Alexandria
activity level at transit points along city axis
pedestrian activity nodes in historic waterfront district
parks and green space along river’s edge
master’s thesis project
| vt waac 2013
ex t e r io r p e r s p ect iv e o f Pav ilio n
the pavilion
The Pavilion has two primary functions: showcasing maritime artifacts such as full-scale historic boats, and providing a transportation terminal for water taxis. Designed to mirror the fluid qualities of water, the outdoor exhibition plaza is composed of an arrangement of small earth-filled pockets held back by curved walls. These organic ‘wave-like’ objects act as resting points for pedestrians while simultaneously channeling movement through the gallery via a sequence of compressed and expanded spaces. site plan
Under the Pavilion’s canopy, glass curtain walls enclose structural bays, creating designated areas for ticket and information booths, a boutique cafe, and service areas. Positioned at the end of Prince Street—on the primary axis of the city—the water-taxi dock offers city dwellers a new mode of water-way transit to key ports along the Potomac River.
diagrammatic section at prince street
water taxi the strand street
exhibition plaza
pedesdtrian pathway
ticket & info window boarding dock
diagrammatic section showing exhibition space
interactive exhibition plaza ‘in-ground’ display area for boat collection
covered showcase open bays for small exhibits / temporary vendor displays
exhibition piers “on-water” display area for boat collection / public moorings and dock slips
master’s thesis project
| vt waac 2013
the structure
The structural design of the Pavilion is inspired by the intricate tectonic relationship between sails and mast rigging seen on iconic work tension cable gusset plate boats of the Chesapeake Bay. The primary structure is a repeated and beam connection moment frame comprised of lightweight steel tension and compression members. The cantilevered canopy roof attaches to ‘mast-like’ columns which receive support from a system of tension rods and cables. The rigid steel frame and modular bays create a series of active spaces along the river’s edge. The free movement through the porous structure contrasts with the channeled pedestrian flow shaped by the solid curved walls below. The juxtaposition of static and dynamic spaces creates a unique tension and liveliness along the pedestrian path. mast and tension cable connection
primary section through Pavilion
section cut line
roof plan
axonometric section connection detail
section perspective drawing
section cut line
master’s thesis project
vt waac
perspective view of cafe and water taxi dock
ea st eleva tion (view from river) 05
master’s thesis project
| vt waac 2013
perspective view of exhibition plaza
perspective view of pedestrian pathway
architect’s office & RESIDENCE summer design studio
Located in downtown Wilmington, North Carolina, the zigzagging site sits facing 2nd Street. The infill project is nestled in between existing structures and enclosed by a series of weather beaten masonry walls. For the purposes of the project, none of the existing conditions can be altered, including the preserved freestanding facade. The program includes spaces for both commercial and residential purposes -- an office and house for an architect.
concept diagram
virginia tech
wilmington, north carolina
graduate portfolio
second level floor plan drawing
section through architecture office
main level floor plan drawing
cut line
architect’s office & residence
| vt blacksburg
concept and process model images
site plan drawing
exterior perspective of garden space
architect’s office & residence
vt blacksburg
construction detail drawings
building assembly exploded axonometric drawing
Parapet & Metal Flashing LOW-SLOPE ROOF Protective membrane, insulation & vapor retarder
RAFTERS / JOISTS Dimensional Lumber
CEILING Gypsum board Metal fastening bractets
CEILING JOISTS Dimensional Lumber
Interior Mullion Frame Steel
Exterior Mullion Frame Steel
Panel glazing Glass
Exterior Mullion Frame Steel
Panel glazing Glass
Stacked panel Wood slats
Interior Mullion Frame Steel EXTERIOR LOADBEARING WALL Cast-in-place concrete steel reinforced
FLOOR Concrete OPENING Steel window frame and glass panel
interior perspective of residence
architect’s office & residence
vt blacksburg
samuel monroe P I T T S