S amuel’s portfolio
Samuel's portfolio 2018
Hi, I’m Samuel About me I’m now living in T aipei and majoring in industrial design. For me, design is not only to create something new or solve pr oblems but also a way to convey my philosophy to others. I like to keep trying new things and challenging myself, this is also one of the reason why I love design so much. I r eally enjoy what I’m lear ning right now , and these are my works, enjoy .
Working experiences 2016
I ntern JIH SHENG, TPE, T W Summer inte rnship of Jih Sheng Company , exhibition design compay
I ntern X-GENE, TYC, T W
"Attitude is everything."
Black and Decker. Powerful Solutions Ideas at work
Brand Spirit Black&Decker objective is to establish itself as the pre-eminent global manufacturer and marketer of power tools and accessories, h a rd w a re a n d h o m e i m p ro v e m e n t
Brand Position
Stanley Black & Decker is a global leader in the tools and storage segment an has a 15% market share globally and has increased its market share every yea low single digits as we move further down the ranks of market share positions Hilti, and Hitachi (HTHIY) have market shares of 6%, 5%, and 3%, respectively
products, and technology based fastening system. "Our iconic and trusted brands are known for outstanding performance and ceaseless innovation. We make the hand and power tools that build and repair your home. We make the industrial tools that build
Users Black&Decker targets their users as DIY maker and household, so that it can separated from others brand such as DeWalt and Stanley.
and rebuild your infrastructure. We m a k e t h e f a s t e n e r s t h a t h o l d your vehicle and electronic devices together."
What was wrong with the old Black & Decker? For a while, Black & Decker has been a struggling brand. In the minds of power tool consumers,
nd thus the world’s largest tool company. The company ar since 2010. This is evident as market shares drop to s. Among major competitors in the US, Snap-on (SNA), y.
Stanley is the beloved consumer b r a n d a n d D e Wa l t i s t h e h i g h e r end prosumer brand.
Black &
Decker has suffered due to the strong market position of others, so they decided to repositioning the brand. First, by creating
Product Series
a simpler and friendlier new
Black&Decker has produced varieties of product series. Expect the power tools, they also produced house appliances including vacuum cleaner and bread machine, in order to target the household user.
latch onto consumers who are
logo, Black & Decker hopes to l o o k i n g f o r f r i e n d l y, e a s y - t o - u s e p ro d u c t s . S e c o n d l y, t h e s i m p l e r look should allow Black & Decker to streamline and simplify its actual product design, so that products are more consistent and iconic across different product lines. Whether the product designs will ultimately stick to this strategy remains to be seen.
Power tools
Small appliances
House cleaning
Lawn + Garden
Black & Decker Form Development By analyzing each product, find ou t t he de si gn l a ngua ge o f B l a c k & D e c k e r. U s i n g design image board to collect them and developing a n e w f o r m f ro m t h e o r i g i n a l p r o d u c t d e s i g n . Tw o o f t h e most important keywords of its design languages are comfortable and structural, start f ro m c o l l e c t i n g m o re i m a g e s and sketching new forms.
F ro m m a k i n g i m a g e b o a rd t o sketching and mockup models, from the original design language to a new form. T h i s p ro j e c t f o c u s o n h o w t o analyze the brand’s design and design a new product for it.
Image Board . Concept Form . Sketch . Final Model
Intuition Image board
Sketch& Concept form I believe the tools from Black Decker include both comfortable and structural feelings. The aspect of comfortation was adopted from the form of electrical tools’ handle. and the structural aspect was adopted from the machine’s lines, phases and quite an amount of c angle and r angle. I apply more structural lines with a few elements to create i ts v i s u a l f l owing . In t he aspect of details, I apply Black D e c k e r ’s m e a n s a n d p re s e n t t h e m on different faces. In this case, I enlarge the c angle and r angle, which is the most identified detail o n B l a c k A n d D e c k e r. I a l s o m a k e the layer effects on my model, this is another part of its design.
Final model & Sketch Mockup
I tried to combine two kinds of handles, make it more convenient and more comfortable. Heat gun is a necessary product of electrical tools, and there are also many different kinds of heat gun on the market, but I found out that there are some problems of them, which is too heavy and it might hurt users’ hand.
Final Model Combine two kinds of handles, make it more convenient and more comfortable. Users have two ways to hold this heat gun, they can decide which one is more comfortable, and that is the major concept of my design. When designing, I for m the shape directionally, associating Black Decker’s p ro d u c t s , w h i c h w i d e l y u s e l i n e a l methods to create a sense of continuity and streamline.
"We make the hand and power tools that build and repair your home."
Why ?
1:1 Model
Heat guns nowadays are so heavy for the user, especially when people have to hold it for a long time while working, the weight of heat gun is going to hurt their hands, also the position of handle is not confortable for user.
How It Works How It Works I have tried many angles of handle, found out that this is the best way to hold, cause user doesn’t have to curve their wrist, it means that they can use it in more comfortable way, and of course, more longer time.
When user have to heat the thing lower than themself, for example, on the table, this angle will make it more convenient.
I place the button on the handle where thumb can push it on both sides.
This part can make it more convenient; you will feel less weight of the heat gun because of it.
St-ay An affordance is a relation between an object or an environment a n d a n o rg a n i s m , t h ro u g h a c o l l e c t i o n o f s t i m u l i , a ff o rd s t h e o p p o r t u n i t y f o r t h a t o rg a n i s m t o p e r f o r m a n a c t i o n . I t i s v e r y important to observe the design features that can guide users to use this product in the right way.
Process A n a ff o rd a n c e i s a re l a t i o n b e t w e e n a n o b j e c t a n d a n environment and an organism, through a collection of stimuli, affords the opportunity for that organism to perform an action. It is very important to observe the design features that can guide users to use this product in the right way.
The Bad Experience There are many bad experiences when carrying your tray in the fast food restaurant and the bottle fall over, if there’s a way to make the bottle more stable on the tray and also remain the fluent process when carrying, it will be really useful product
For Fast Food Restaurant It’s for the single person’s tray so it can be smaller and using less space when eating, and the color of it is depending on the research of the color that make people feel better when eating, and the most important, it can be collected in the easy way.
More Stable I design a hole on the tray, let people carrying their bottle more stable, cause the bottle will be stocked in the hole, in the same time, users will feel more relieved when the hand touching the bottle.
Sketch . Model I started to exploring a number of ways to carry the bottle while moving, and also combine with the tray, and the most important, make it beautiful so that people can feel more comfortable while eating.
It’s for the single person’s tray so it can be smaller and using less space when eating, and the color of it is depending on the research of the color that make people feel better when eating, and the most important, it can be collected in the easy way.
Final Model I started to explore a number of ways to carry the bottle while moving, and also combine with the tray, and the most important, make it beautiful so that people can feel more comfortable while eating.
The most important part of this product, to carry d r i n k s i n t h e s a f e w a y, the bottle will stuck into the hole and make it more stable.
More comfortable to hold the tray by the redesign handle
Space Space is important in the fast food restaurants, so it’s also important to make them easy to collect. The St-ay can be stacked up neatly, which means that they won’t have to use much space.
Make it easier to hold the tray
How It Works It’s really easy while using it, just hold the tray and pick it up, and the drink bottle will stuck in the hole.
When the Tr-ay is on the table, user have enough space to put all meal on it, and also feel comfortable while eating.
W i l e pi cki n g u p th e Tr-ay, u ser s don't have to worry about where to put the bottle. The hole on the tray can guide them to put bottel inside.
While moving, the bottle will s t o c k i n t h e h o l e a u t o m a c t i l y, meanwhile, there are comfortable handles on both sides, so that people will never have to worry about the drinks will fall.
The-Rest The-Rest is an office fitness equipment. Design for office workers who don’t have time to exercise, it can place under the table and reminds user to take a break, in order to enhance their health and life quality.
Research Why
am I design this
is the user
is the place
other products
People these days spend too much time in the office or in front of the computer. These are parts of reasons why there are so many office workers have the illness from working. According to the research, people should get rest every sixty minutes, but instead of that, we actually spend 6-8 hours a day to work.
Target User For office workers whom usually spend 6 to 8 hours a day to work, exercising seems really important to them, however, the truth is just the reverse, most of them doesn’t have time or being to lazy.
>13 >6
10-12 < 1 or 0
Office worker exercise time per week
50% 43%
Office worker sitting time per day
( From Herbalife survey in 2016, resources from 11 Asian countries 5500 people )
of office workers exercise 0 time per week
of office workers are willing to pursue healthier lifestyle
" Let fitness equipments become a part of the office"
Environment There are different kinds of offices. I target the environment at high quality office, and people those who have the ability and willing to purchase product that can enhance their life quality.
T h e s e a re t h e i m a g e s o f m y t a rg e t o ff i c e s . People who works in individual office or higher quality office has more possible to purchase The-Rest to enhance their health.
Office Workout Equipments T h e re a re s o m e i d e a s o f o ff i c e w o r k o u t e q u i p m e n t s nowadays, but most of them couldn't really workout in the normal office.
"Create largest value in small area" According to the research, human likes to put their feets on something while we are sitting. We can l e a r n f ro m s e a t s o n the bus or train. I combine this result with Re-st to make it more valuable in the office, in order to waste no space.
Final Model Office workers are people who need the Rest the most, they work average eight hours a day. This product can let them feel relax while suffering high stress or getting tired.
Light Reminder User can set the time of the reminder, for instance, every sixty minutes, which means the light on TheRest will automatically turn on every sixty minutes in onder to remind user to take a break.
Form Development The form is following the function. User will realize how to use at the first sight. I consider about the office environment, this product should keep the low profile but also has high quality. That is the reason why I choose metal and dark red as the material and colour.
Take a break !
POLLUTION There are many kinds o f pollutions excist in our life , but all we ca re about a re those we can see. For example, garbage poll ution, but we always igno re air pollution, which is invisible but harmful to our body
people died for air pollution every year
According to the gover nmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s research in 2015, ther e were 6000 people died for air pollution every year in T aiwan. The death reasons are included lung cance r, chronic diseases etc. But most of people donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; t take air pollution seriously , since it is not visible .
15-20 min When pedestrians a re walking on the side walks, they ar eacutally exposed to dif ferent types of polluted gas. Because commuters spend app roximately 15 to 20 mins at the bus station s, they a re the ones influenced by air pollution the most .
at the bus station
Design process why Air pollution is one of the biggest issuu that people talking about this day , but the re are not many p roducts can protect you while you a re outdoor.
how In order to fit in the ar eas of sidewalks and bus stations in Taipei, and use the theory of air convection to seperate the fr esh and the polluted ai r.
wha t Using the app roaches of air barrier to fillter the air and then r elease it from three different directions, and build a invisibe barrier .
Ideation For those who take buses on a daily basis , I choose using air wall into my design to imp rove the air quality at the bus stations and also r educe the time that they ar e exposed to the polluted air . Mosty importantly , to achieve the goal that pedestrains can enjoy the f resh air even on the st reets.
show air quality
Through combining the cur rent bus station â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;s equipments with air wall and air pr essure, IDA releases air fr om 3 different directions. Instead of br eathing in polluted air fr om the public transportations, all the commuters can inhale in theclear and f resh air that IDA pr ovides.
Low power
Modular fans
Low cost
bus tracker
287 681 902 247 267
Show air quality
other informa tions
9 20 31
208 663 982
3 6 25 28
Polluted air Located in both sides of the bus station,
seperate both fr esh and polluted air
An Air Barrier , also known as an air doo r, emits a st ream of air fr om above of an opening, cr eating up to a 90% seal to separate dif fering envir onments.
Polluted air
Fresh air
287 681 902 247 267
9 20 31
208 663 982
3 6 25 28
Imagine a world without pollution, and thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the main purpose of my design
INDIA With the ave rage driving time going up to 2 hours a da y, “a driver looks forwar d to ease of driving, especially in the tr affic conditions faced in India ,” according to India’s Tata Motors Ltd. “This is one of the most impor tant drivers pushing the demand o f an automatic car .”
Research TrafďŹ c
Every year the population of every
Air pollution in India is quite a serious
city inc reases gradually . It means
issue with the major sou rces being
transportation facilities for that
fuelwood and biomass bur ning, fuel
increased population in the fo rm of
adulteration, vehicle emission and
buses should be pr ovided, and the
traffic congestion.In autumn and
number of buses should always be
winter months.
proportional to the incr ease in the population
Deaths caused by rule breaking
Overcrowded Overcrowded kills huge number of people in India every year , but the re are no solutions for this serious pr oblem, so I decide to design a scooter and with mor e space for people for them to solve this problem
Tilting wheels A tilting th ree-wheeler is a thr ee-wheeled vehicle whose body and or wheels tilt in the di rection of the tur n. It is the most common leaning multi-wheeler type. Such vehicles can cor ner safely and comfortably despite having a narr ow track.Some models a re, unlike single-track vehicles such as two-wheeled bicycles and motorcycles, suitable for a yea r-round utilization time .
Ideation Designing a five seats three-wheeler makes it much safer
Year: 2030
Through the technology of tilting wheels, it will be mor e stable than normal three wheels vehicles. it will be much mo re safer while riding on the rough road, which is really common in India. T o improve the traffic jam in India city , car sharing system would be a good solution, people doesn ’t need to ride their own vehicle everyda y. Considering about the ove rcrowded problem, I’m going to design a five seats three-wheeler vehicle, which is cheaper and safer , also fit the lifestyle in India .
Car sharing system Car shsaring system can solve the tra ffic jam ef ficiency, accroding to MIT’s research, in New York city, 3000 sharing cars can replace 10000 taxis. This is a really good solution for city which is suffer from traffic jam.
Extra spac e
Cheape r
Drive with safety
Design process 180
330 ���� cm
safe covering futuristic I’m using futuristic and safe as my keywords, since FX-35 is the vehicle fr om 2030, it should be mode rn and futuristic, and follow my slogan “Drive with safety”, the from language should be stable and i’m using te way of cover material to present my concept .
Tilting wheels make it safer while riding thr ee-wheeler vehicl e
Sketch Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m really interested in transportation design, and since I started to study in design college, realizing how it works and what abilities should I prepare, I started to practice my sketching skill, and these are my works .