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Water and Mountains for Wetland Seasons Park
The Wetland Park attracts visitors’ attention by unique wildlife as well as picturesque landscapes No matter from a bird’s eye view or from the head-up angel, the Park will always inspire you In order to delicately describe the views from different angels, visitors are encouraged by artists to imagine themselves as black-faced spoonbills coming from thousands of miles away, from the North to Hong Kong in every winter The first artwork presentation is located at the main entrance, the large-sized painting covered with green moss installation feature wall (8000W x1600Hmm) thus presents how these Black-faced spoonbills observe the Park from high above 濕地公園內有四季昆蟲⿂⿃,可⾼空⿃瞰,可平視遠眺,俯仰之間,姿態萬千如畫⼭⽔畫。所以在藝術創作 的⾓度和整體構思,就是由萬呎⾼空 – 即從⿊臉琵鷺由北⽅、南來香港過冬的數千⾥路途開始,⾶來到濕地 公園,待明春北返的故事。這就是陳⽰於屋苑入⼝⼤堂接待處的巨幅苔蘚畫⾯ (W8000 x H1600mm) ,內有數