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Member UtkarshaChaudhari Member AmitDengale Head MadhavSharan

Creative Minds
We invite articles for the 132nd issue of SAMVAD
We invite articles for the 132nd issue of SAMVAD
The theme for the edition: The theme for the edition: 'UNION BUDGET' 'UNION BUDGET'
The articles can be from Finance, Marketing, Human Resources, The articles can be from Finance, Marketing, Human Resources, Operations, or General Management domains. Operations, or General Management domains.
Submission guidelines: Submission guidelines:
Word limit: 800 - 1200 words.
Word limit: 800 - 1200 words.
The cover page should include your name, institute's name, course details & The cover page should include your name, institute's name, course details & contact no. contact no.
The references for the images used in the article should be mentioned The references for the images used in the article should be mentioned clearly and explicitly below the images. clearly and explicitly below the images.
Send in your article in .doc or .docx format, Font size: 12, Font: Arial, Line
Send in your article in .doc or .docx format, Font size: 12, Font: Arial, Line spacing: 1.05’ to samvad.we@gmail.com. spacing: 1.05’ to samvad.we@gmail.com.
Please name your file as: <section name e.g. Marketing/Finance> Subject
Please name your file as: <section name e.g. Marketing/Finance> Subject line: <Your Name> <Course> <Year> <Institute Name> line: <Your Name> <Course> <Year> <Institute Name>
Ensure that there should be no plagiarism of more than 5%, and all
Ensure that there should be no plagiarism of more than 5%, and all references should be mentioned clearly. references should be mentioned clearly.
Clearly provide source credit for any images used in the article.<!--
Clearly provide source credit for any images used in the article.<!-EndFragment--> </body> </html> EndFragment--> </body> </html>