1 minute read

We WeAchievers Achievers

a presentation showcasing our findings, analysis, and solutions to the case. And, of course, making sure the content was accurate and insightful was another hurdle to overcome. But through trial and error, I was able to create a presentation that I was proud of. It was challenging, but I feel humbled and grateful to have had the opportunitytoparticipate.



Firstly, I gained a deeper appreciation for the importance of teamwork and collaboration. Working with my mentors, and even reaching out to people outside of my immediate circle, allowed me to gain new insights and perspectives that I would not have had otherwise. Secondly, I learned the importance of preparation and attention to detail. Finally, I gained a deeper understanding of my strengths and weaknesses. Taking on multiple roles and responsibilities allowed me to identify areas where I excel and areas where I may need to improve. This self-awareness can be invaluable in my future endeavours as I seek to leverage my strengthsandimproveinareasofweakness.

4. It is always difficult managing your time between academics, personal life, and other opportunities. How did you manage your time?

To manage my time during the competition, I made use of a projectmanagementappcalledNotion.Ithelpedmekeeptrackof my progress and deadlines, and I could easily access it from my laptop or phone. I found it to be an efficient way to stay organized and ensure that I was on track with my tasks. Of course, being a self-proclaimed lazy person, I still needed to take breaks to recharge my batteries. But overall, using the Notion app and setting priorities helped me to stay focused and make the most of the time I had. I now realize that being organized and efficient can savealotoftimeandreducestressinthelongrun.

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