Latest News July-Aug 2015

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Samuel Ward Academy


Issue 16

July-August ‘15

A Relational School S

amuel Ward has been taking part in a ground-breaking new national study researching the impact and importance of relationships in schools. As part of this, Director of Research for the Relational School Project, Robert Loe, spent a day interviewing some of our pupils. The findings of this will be shared through a film that will be released in September at a Cambridge College.

“Positive relationships are of great importance and are a key factor in life at Samuel Ward. I am really interested in seeing the results of the study and how Samuel Ward compares to the rest of the nation’s schools” Alice Iron - Year 11

Primary pupils enjoy student-led language day

Digging with Dr. Lewis


n Tuesday 16 June, Year 5’s from New Cangle and Westfield came over for a taster day in French, German, Spanish and Arabic. All activities were thought up and run by our Year 9 Language Leaders and our Spanish Club (Year 7 and 8). A variety of different topics were covered from numbers and the alphabet to food and animals. The day was filled with specially devised lessons and games, which the year 5’s really enjoyed!

L Science Centre ‘On the Road’ visits Samuel Ward!

ong Melford’s historic sites were subject to student’s scrutiny as part of Access Cambridge Archaeology’s Higher Education Field Academy (HEFA) programme, an initiative designed to involve and engage young people with science. Students from Ormiston Academy, Hedingham School, Thomas Gainsborough School, and Samuel Ward Academy got to dig alongside Carenza Lewis of Channel 4’s Time Team. The results of the local findings will go on to contribute to medieval research at Cambridge University!

Irna ‘Raises the Bar’ T he Suffolk Raising the Bar Awards is an annual event to honour and celebrate educational excellence across the county. Irna Manguerra-Bridle in Year 11 was nominated as ‘Young Achiever of the Year’ and made it all the way to the 3 named finalists from around 40000 eligible Suffolk secondary pupils. This cumulated with an Awards Dinner in Bury St Edmunds.


amuel Ward Academy was transformed into an interactive science attraction by the ‘On the Road’ team from Cambridge Science Centre! Over 800 pupils from Samuel Ward Academy and feeder primary schools visited this exciting five day event. The pupils from Year 3 up to Year 8 saw Science come to life in a 90 minute session. Each pupil got to try all of the hands-on science exhibits, completing a workshop called ‘You Are What You Eat’, and seeing a show on Spectrum Science.

Darwin hold on to sports day trophy

Outstanding A-Level results An astounding s 79% of result were A*-C grade


tudents at Samuel Ward Academy celebrated an outstanding set of A Level results this year; the best that the Academy has ever achieved. A staggering 56% of all A level entries were A*-B grades, 79% A*-C, and 100% of students passed at A*-E.

Andy Prestoe, Principal, said that ‘I am incredibly proud of our students. These results have not happened by chance; they have been grafted for and are the result of a combination of high aspirations, resilience and commitment. I am delighted for them, especially as they can now go onto to study at university with confidence, including in the some of the most highly rated institutions in the country. This is great news for them and their families, but will also act as inspiration for others in the Haverhill area. I would like to thank, on behalf of our students, anyone that has helped make this day possible, including their very supportive parents and incredibly dedicated teachers.’

GCSE pupils celebrate Samuel ward students celebrated an incredible set of GCSE results, with 72% achieving 5 A*-C with English and Mathematics. In a year when greater emphasis has been placed on the importance of pupils achieving the English Baccalaureate (A*-C grades in English, Maths, 2 GCSE sciences, a language and either History or Geography), an impressive 47% of pupils also met this more demanding measure. Last year, the national average for achieving the Ebacc was 24%. Principal Andy Prestoe said that ‘The results are fantastic, and a just reward for an awful lot of hard work. The resilience and determination that our pupils have shown in achieving them has been remarkable, and the progress that they have made is impressive. I am delighted for them. That this has been realised against a backdrop of more demanding examinations and rising expectations of young people also says a lot about the quality of teaching and support offered by our staff and their parents.’

72% achiev ed 5 A*C grad with E nglish es Maths and

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