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Welcome to a new and ambitious school with vision of outstanding learning. It is a school at the heart of its community and aiming to be the inspiration for the people who live in it.
Newmarket Academy is part of the Samuel Ward Multi Academy Trust which is at the cutting edge of learning, using innovative technologies and teaching methods to inspire and excite all learners to succeed. The Trust values the success of every individual, their honesty and integrity, celebrates creativity and fosters resilience and independence. We expect each person to respect others and the community in which we live. We aim to be “a school the local community can be proud of� That process begins for you now.
We know that the move to secondary school is a big step for your child and research tells us that students thrive best and achieve more if they feel secure and supported in a small community of learners. That is why we have established “schools within schools� with small tutor groups of 1517 students. At Newmarket Academy we are committed to ensuring every student makes better than the national average levels of progress. We have built a curriculum in Years 7 and 8 which supports all students and challenges the most able. From this secure base the full resources of the Academy are at hand to broaden and enrich the experience for your child.
The programme of learning which your child will follow in Years 7 and 8 has been carefully designed and prepared. It will ensure that most students are ready to begin GCSE courses in two years. Some lessons will be in a small group of 14 students where there will be a strong focus on instruction in literacy, numeracy and a modern foreign language, all tailored to their individual needs. This will ensure that all students will have the foundation skills they need in place to excel at GCSE and beyond. Other lessons will involve more students and focus on developing an inquiry based approach and make links across their whole learning experiences. Some lessons will make use of specialist facilities in the Academy such as our Media Centre, Food Technology and Design Workshops. This enables students to begin to integrate into the main school.
Your child will also belong to one of three houses which they will stay in until they leave Newmarket Academy. Their house will engender a sense of pride, competition and teamwork and we will discuss with you and your child which house would be best for them. Your child will complete Key Stage 3 in Year 8 and then move to Year 9 where they will have the chance to begin their GCSE courses; providing them with greater opportunities for high academic outcomes.
Your child’s individuality is important to us; that is why they will start their day in small groups of around 15 students with their tutor. This group will be established as a cohesive and supportive environment for your child in which they will be able to share and gain confidence for each day. The tutor will not only be looking out for your child’s welfare but also supporting their learning skills and acting as advocate where needed. We will report to you and your child four times a year on the progress they are making and will help them take the necessary steps to ensure they keep on target. The tutor will also provide daily personal and guided learning to help with homework and extend learning.
We believe that enrichment opportunities are an essential part of your child’s development. That is why each pupil will be expected to choose at least one after school activity. Many of these are led by qualified coaches or other leaders from outside the school. The Forest Heath Sports and Leisure Centre is on our site and offers opportunities for all pupils. These activities foster competition and team work and also resilience and leadership. That is why we have an intentional focus on leadership skills with every student having the opportunity to gain a leadership award, many externally validated.
As your child moves through the Academy and then on to the Sixth Form at Newmarket they can look forward to the future with confidence, a confidence built on firm values; a confidence that comes from preparing for the future now.
On reaching Year 9 students are ready to begin their GCSE study, with firmly established academic skills and a sense of belonging as part of a House Community. We maintain a clear and consistent focus on the individual needs of each student, who each have their own learning plan.
This plan, drawn up between the tutor, student and parent, provides clear targets for success, additional challenge and sensitive support. Students remain with the same tutor as in Years 7 and 8 who by now has a deep understanding of the individual needs and support required by each member of their tutor group. Students can also call on their fellow tutees to guide them in achieving their targets.
We offer pupils a range of specialist and individual courses way beyond the national curriculum. By doing so, our school offers flexibility of choice that matches individual student needs.
Students are encouraged to enter for examinations when ready. They can complete GCSE courses in Year 10 and begin AS courses in Year 11 if they wish. Highly academic courses like Triple Science help students prepare for A level and all contribute to student motivation. These approaches, a stimulating learning environment and good teaching are the reasons why results are continuing to improve at the Academy.
The core of the Newmarket Academy curriculum is focused on the English Baccalaureate; English, Maths, Science, a Modern Foreign Language and History or Geography. Standards in Art, Drama and Technology are high. Students’ work is breathtaking in quality: from Drama productions and musical performance to painting, sculpture and mixed media work.
Our students connect with the wider world through annual exchange trips with Germany and France and we have strong links with schools in France, Holland and the United States. Opportunities to learn never end. We have weekend classes, a highly regarded summer school and our learning platform provides resources and lesson details and support 24 hours a day.
Students are encouraged to take on leadership roles within the School and College. The Student Leadership Award is available to all students and is externally accredited. Students take part in the Duke of Edinburgh Award, the Junior Community Sports Leader Award, can become trained peer mentors and access Young Enterprise leadership opportunities. Some of our Sixth Form students become paid instructors helping younger pupils with their learning.
With such a range range of learning opportunities available, both inside and outside the classroom. including trips, extra-curricular activities, exchange visits and summer term projects. Our students can go forward into careers or further education with the courage and confidence to achieve.
Learning to flourish, for students to achieve good examination outcomes and to be successful and confident adults, learning must be rigorous and challenging. We have a proven track record in Post 16 provision and strong links to Higher Education providers which ensure success.
Students can begin Advanced level courses in Year 11 and join the Sixth Form for two or three years. They will retain strong links with their houses and help support and lead the younger students. We also provide a dedicated area for our Sixth Form students to enable them to have a special and separate identity.
Over 25 AS and A level courses are on offer and as well as a wide range of vocational opportunities. Most students study 4 subjects. Some students chose to study Level 3 Vocational Courses such as Engineering, Business Studies and Travel and Tourism. From 2015 we aim to offer Level 3 courses in Medical Veterinary Science and Land Management A/S courses in their first year and continue with 3 or 4 A Levels in Year 13. Details of all courses are available in the Academy Prospectus which is available online at www.newmarketacedemy.co.uk
Each student is assigned a tutor who helps plan an individual programme of study and is responsible for the support and welfare of the students during their time here. A strong partnership with parents and tutors helps students set realistic goals and achieve their best. However, we also recognise the importance of developing independent thinking and self-confidence in our students, so that they leave as reflective, resilient and confident young adults.
A wide range of visits, trips and activities ensure that all students develop the wider skills universities are seeking. An extensive programme of university visits and preparation has been praised as one of the key reasons so many of our students gain university entry. Over 60% of our students expect to attend University and we have forged strong links at Governing Body level with a key local university.
As your child’s time at Newmarket Academy comes to a close and they prepare to face the challenges of university, work or the wider national or international community, they can look forward to the future with confidence. Just as we support your child to develop into an adult so our school has grown to support their needs. A new sports complex with Astroturf, indoor cricket and tennis capability will support a new generation of sports stars, state of the art IT will help grow future mathematicians and scientists and planned enhancements to the performing arts area will encourage creative and artistic ambition. This is happening because we have a clear ambition to be “a school the local community can be proud of “. Every day we step closer to this vision.
A School the Local Community can be proud of
Newmarket Academy, Exning Road, Newmarket Suffolk. CB8 0EB Tel: 01638 664412 Fax: 01638 561160 Email: admin@newmarketacademy.co.uk www.newmarketacademy.co.uk This brochure was produced in-house at Newmarket Academy Š2012 Printed by Red Side Up Limited on Recycled paper.