Newmarket 6th Form Prospectus 2015

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Sixth Form Academy

Newmarket Academy Exning Road, Newmarket, CB8 0EB. Tel: 01638 664412 Printed by Red Side Up Limited

Newmarket Academy Sixth Form Prospectus 2015/16


Welcome to Newmarket Academy NEWMARKET ACADEMY 2015

Courses available 4-11 12-13 14-15 16-17 18-19 20-21 22-23 24-25 26-27 28-29 30-31 32-33 34-35 36-37 38-39 40-41 42-43 44-45 46-47 48-49 50-51 52-53 54-55 56-57 58-59 60-61 62-63

64-65 66-67 68-69 70-71

Introduction Sixth Form Life Pathways Guides Art & Art & Design Design Photography Media Studies Drama & Theatre Studies & BTEC Performing Arts Music Fashion and Textiles English Language English Literature Film Studies Mathematics & Further Maths Travel & Tourism Geography History Sociology Psychology ICT BTEC L3 Design Technology Engineering Languages - French and German Biology Chemistry Physics BTEC Applied Science Health and Social Care Food Technology Newmarket Academy Football Development Programme Sports Exercise Animal Care Public Services (Uniform) BTEC Business BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma

This booklet aims to provide an introduction to the range of courses that exist at Sixth Form level within our school. Please use the course descriptions that appear here as starting points for further discussion with subject staff and current Sixth Form students on the information evening. Staff will be able to provide you with more details with regards to syllabus content, assessment and requirements.



elcome to Newmarket Academy Sixth Form. We have a proven track record of excellence providing students with a positive route into Higher Education. Newmarket Academy Sixth Form is at the cutting edge of learning, using innovative technologies and teaching methods to inspire, excite and challenge students to succeed. We value the success of every individual, their honesty and integrity, celebrate creativity and foster resilience and independence. Students joining us can look forward to the future with confidence, a confidence built on firm values, a confidence that comes from preparing for the future now. Nick Froy

Head of School





Choosing a Sixth Form Course


eeknow the move moveto toSixth SixthForm Form know that that the

study step for for students students and big step study is is aa big research tells us that they thrive and research tells us that they thrivebest best and achieve more if they feel secure and achieve more if they feel secure andand


Sixth Form Life Pathways

each option block and would be expected

When students enter the Sixth Form they

to carry on with all four of their subjects, or

do so to build on their successes at GCSE, building on those areas that they

supported in a community of learners supported in a community of learners they they know, but are also challenged. That know, but are also challenged. That is why is why years 12 and 13 have their own years 12 and 13 have their own purpose purpose built accommodation and café, built accommodation and café, have have tutors they know and their own tutors they know and their own leadership leadership and support programmes. programmes. From and Fromsupport this secure base they arethis

have shown are their strengths. With this in mind our curriculum is designed along three pathways, each designed to support students in their next challenges. All of our courses are Level 3 courses and offer progression routes to employment, further

baseby they are challenged byskilled highly secure challenged highly trained and trained andengagement skilled teachers, teachers, withengagement many external

study or University.

with many external organisations andorganisations opportunitiesand through

strong University links. opportunities through strong University links.

Pathway 1 This pathway offers some of the most Your decision at this stage is an important one. Your success in pursuing your chosen course for the next two years will determine the opportunities that are open to you in the future. Research your courses well – ask questions, then make the decision.



drop to three A2 levels in Year 13. Students who qualify for this pathway can choose subjects from any of the other pathways to compliment the courses that they opt for, although we would always encourage students to take combinations of courses that work well together and often these are from within the same pathway.

Pathway 2 This pathway offers both a traditional A level route or a combination of both A

traditional academic subjects and is most

levels and Level 3 BTECs. Aimed at

suited to students who have gained

students with GCSE point scores of five and

an average GCSE point score of six and above ( A*/A/B in all of their subjects ) This is because the subjects within this pathway represent the greatest academic challenge to students. National data and school experience has shown us that those students who have an overall GCSE

above (mostly B/C grades), this pathway is suitable for students who have achieved B grades in the subjects that they wish to take further and also wish to consolidate or develop their skills through the route of BTEC assessment. To gain entry into this

profile below a B grade are unlikely to

pathway students must have a minimum of 5 A*-C grades including either English

be successful on these courses. We will

or Maths and must commit to achieving

consider, on an individual basis those

both if they have not already done so by

students whose profile does not match

the time they leave school. Students must

exactly with this.

also meet the entry requirement for the

Students should select one subject from

individual courses that they wish to 5



Sixth Form Life complete. Students will begin with four subjects in Year 12 and drop to three in Year 13.

Pathway 3 The third pathway offers a complete BTEC route and is most suited to those students who completed a predominantly BTEC route at Level 2. Students need to have achieved the equivalent of 4 C grades at GCSE and be prepared to achieve their English and Maths GCSE at C grade if they have not already done so. This route offers combinations of single award BTECs as well as double and triple award programmes. Coursework

Overseas Student I came to Newmarket Academy from Germany, at home we have to choose a profile to study and I chose languages. After spending time in the USA, which explains my American ‘twang’, I came to England to study for my A Levels. I love having the opportunity to study just four chosen subjects, which I can concentrate on in far more detail than would be possible at home where we have to take a number of subjects. I now want to stay here, in England, and go to UEA to further these studies.

requirements for different subjects and it is

I live with a host family nearby and have found everyone both here and at my new home welcoming and so very helpful.

importanr that students know the deadlines

Luisa Seeman

Some, but not all the Level 3 courses that we offer require students to complete coursework. There are different

and subject specific requirements. There are some general rules though that must be applied – all coursework should be completed by the deadline. Staff must not be requested to mark work that has been submitted late.


Newmarket “‘” Newmarket Academy is is aa Academy wonderful wonderful place to to study study place as an an as exchange exchange student” student”

“ Why diddid I “ Why choose I choose Psychology Psychology totostudy studyatatAA Level.” Level.”

Career in Criminology

I came to Newmarket Academy from St Felix Middle School in Year 9 and have never seriously considered going anywhere else. I have always enjoyed my time here and am now studying PE, Biology, Psychology and Use of Maths at A Level. I am confident that this choice of subjects will give me a good foundation to go on to become a Child Counsellor or be able to forge a career in Criminology after University. My teachers here have always been supportive and have helped me in my choices. Ciara Walton

Homework All students should be spending about 40 hours per week on their studies. This is equivalent to a ‘normal working week’. Some students will do less and some will do more ~ and at the end of the year it will show. Please remember that you have chosen to be a full time professional student - do not let things get in the way of your success. Study Time Most students will have blocks in their timetable when they will not actually be in lessons – these are called Study Periods which should be taken in the following areas – Library, Sixth Form Centre or other classrooms which are not being used. It is vitally important that you use these effectively from the start. Examination Entries It is your responsibility to ensure that




Football Academy

I am studying BTEC Sport and have joined the Football Academy here within the school. I could have gone elsewhere to study after I took my GCSEs but found that no one else offered quite the full range of subjects that is available here at Newmarket Academy.

you are entered for the correct public examinations and that you check the entries and supporting details when distributed. Entries will be made by subject staff and the school will pay for one examination per module, per subject, providing that your attendance and commitment to study have been satisfactory. Students must pay for any re-sits. If you withdraw from a subject once the entry has been made, do not complete any coursework, or do not attend the examination, you will be required to pay. Study Skills

I particularly want to forge a career in sport and the opportunities I am getting here, especially in refereeing, are brilliant. I was very pleased to be able to stay on at the Academy having already formed very strong friendship groups as well as better relationships with the teachers.

“ The subject choice here is perfect for “ The subject the choice of choice here career I have made.” is perfect for the choice of career I have made.”

”‘ What do I like about media in “ What do Newmarket I like about Academy media in Sixth Form?” Newmarket Academy Sixth Form?”


University and we have strong links with Computing Genius

I transferred to Newmarket Academy from another local school and am very pleased that I did. I didn’t feel that I received the support I needed before, which is certainly not the case here. I am now more confident in my abilities and have been encouraged to follow my ambition and go on to University to study. I would like to study Computer Programming and Software Engineering. These have always been passions of mine after I was given the opportunity to be able to experiment with some simple programming while at school in Glasgow.

most Higher Education providers across the United Kingdom. Enrichment Opportunities are an essential part of a student’s development. That is why we provide a wide programme of extracurricular options including sports and arts options. There is a thriving Sixth Form Committee that organises a large number of events including charity events, visits and trips. Sixth Form students also play a lead role in a number of key school events including productions and sporting competitions.

Sam Hardwick Angus Harris


It is vital that students learn quickly how to organise t h e m s e l v e s with note taking and revision. Support will be provided on this. Results Over the last 3 years the pass rate has been close to 100%. Nearly all our students have progressed on to their first choice of





Changing Courses


work already completed. But if there are

When a student is offered a place at Sixth Form the place is offered on the basis of decide to move on students the courses they have applied for. Some

issues these should be brought to the attention of the Sixth Form team. Extended Project Qualification Some students will be able to study the Extended Project Qualification alongside

students find that in the time

the core curriculum of SMSC. We believe

between opting for their subject choices and the start of the courses they have changed their mind about what they would like to study. If there is space on their preferred course

that this Core Curriculum offers students a broad basis and that it provides an excellent opportunity to gain qualifications that help our students stand out from the crowd. Some students mistakenly believe

and if they meet the entrance

that Universities do not count these

requirements for the course, it is often possible to change courses, although they would need to speak to Mr Fisher to do so. Once term has commenced, the teaching of AS courses gets into swing very quickly. Some students at this point may like change course; in order to swap

additional subjects, however, many include them in an overall points offer or take them into consideration when offering a place. In an increasingly competitive market, it is important that our students show what they can achieve. In light of this some students will be offered these courses to support their overall programme. Having a good

once courses have commenced, students will need to speak to their Sixth Form Tutor and the subject teacher of both courses. If there is space, again it may be possible to accommodate changes, on the basis that the student makes up the work already missed. This would need to be done within the first two weeks and with the consent of Mr

grade in one of these subjects can give our students the edge over other applicants. Although it may not form part of the offer from a University, it may form part of the reason why they offer a place in the first place. For some students, these subjects really are the ticket into University, for others they are part of the overall package a student offers that get them noticed.

Fisher. Beyond this two week window it is not advisable to change courses due to the

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Pathway 1 Pathway 1 Access by point score Access by 6.0+ point score 6.0+

This pathway is essential for pupils wanting to do This pathway is essential Veterinary Sciences, for pupils or wanting to do Dentistry Medicine. Veterinary Sciences, Students need an A*/A/B Dentistry or better or in Medicine. the subject Students need ananA*/A/B they choose and or better in subject average of Bthe overall in all they choose and an of their subjects. average of B overall in all Students who meet the of theirfrom subjects. criteria pathway 1 Students whoany meet the may select course criteria pathway from allfrom three pathways1if may wish. select any course they from all three pathways if they wish.

Choose ONE Choose ONE

Choose ONE Choose ONE

Choose ONE Choose ONE

AS German AS Maths AS German AS Maths

AS Physics

AS Physics

AS Chemistry AS French AS Chemistry AS French

This pathway is most suited to those students who This most suited havepathway achievedisA*/A/B to those in students who grades the subjects have achieved that they wishA*/A/B to pursue grades the subjects and haveinoverall GCSE Cs that above, they wish to pursue and including a and have overall Cs minimum of a C GCSE grade in and above, including English and Maths. a minimum of ameet C grade Students who the in English andpathway Maths. 2 may criteria from Students who meet select courses from the either criteria from may pathway 2 orpathway 3 if they2wish select courses from either pathway 2 or 3 if they wish

AS English Literature AS Psychology AS English Literature AS Film Studies ASAS Psychology History AS Film Studies AS History AS English Language AS Geography ASAS English Media Language Studies AS Geography AS Media Studies AS Art AS Sociology ASTechnology Art AS Food AS Sociology AS English Literature AS Food Technology AS English Literature

Access by point score Access by 4.0+ point score 4.0+

The third pathway is most suited to those students The pathway whothird completed a is most suited to thoseBTEC students predominantly who completed a route at Level 2 (year 11). predominantly Students need BTEC to have route at Level 2 (year 11). achieved the equivalent Students needattoGCSE have of 4 C grades achieved equivalent including the either English or of 4 C grades GCSE to Maths and be at prepared including either English or achieve their English and Maths and beatprepared Maths GCSE C gradeto achieve theirnot English and already if they have Maths GCSE at C grade done so. if they have not already done so.

BTEC Health & Social BTEC Business Studies BTEC Health & Social AS Film Studies BTEC Business Studies Extended Sports AS Film Studies Diploma/Football Academy* Extended Sports Animal Care* Diploma/Football Academy* Animal Care* AS Media Studies BTEC Sport AS Media Studies Double Award Health BTEC Sport & Social Double Award Health Fashion& Textiles & Social Fashion& Textiles AS Art BTEC ICT AS Art Technology AS Food BTEC ICT BTEC Engineering AS Food Technology BTEC Engineering AS Design Technology BTEC Public Services AS AS Design Technology Photography BTECTravel Public &Services BTEC Tourism AS Photography BTEC Travel & Tourism

Example Choices AS Biology

AS English Literature

AS Film Studies

AS Biology AS French

AS English Literature AS Geography

AS Film Studies AS Media Studies

AS French AS Maths

AS Geography AS Art

AS Media Studies BTEC ICT

AS Maths AS History

AS Art AS Design Technology

BTEC ICT AS Design Technology

AS Biology

AS Biology

Example Choices


Access by point score Access by 5.0+ point score 5.0+

Pathway 3 Pathway 3

AS History AS Drama* AS History AS Design Technology Drama* ASAS Photography AS Design Technology AS Photography

Choose ONE Choose ONE


Pathway 2 Pathway 2


ASinDesign Technology ASExtended History AS Design NB Sports Diploma/Football Academy and Animal Care are full-time courses offered pathway 3Technology Any student who has not achieved a C grade or higher in either of English or maths GCSEs must continue to work towards this asNB part of their sixth form study programme. This will taughtCare in addition to the courses options above. Extended Sports Diploma/Football Academy andbeAnimal are full-time offered in pathway 3 We will run either ASnot Drama or BTEC Performing dependent on or student recruitment Any student who has achieved a C grade or higherArts in either of English maths GCSEs mustnumbers. continue to work Iftowards you cannot combination of subjectsThis in the speak to someone from the 6th Form this asfind partaofsuitable their sixth form study programme. willsuggested be taught in pathways addition to please the options above. team toArts finddependent a suitable on solution. We will run either AS Dramamanagement or BTEC Performing student recruitment numbers. In partnership withfind Samuel Ward combination academy we aim to run allincourses described in this booklet - however in some cases If you cannot a suitable of subjects the suggested pathways please speak to someone from the 6th Form provision of these programmes is dependent on the recruitment of a adequate student numbers and on staffing availability. management team to find suitable solution. In partnership with Samuel Ward academy we aim to run all courses described in this booklet - however in some cases


Entry at a glance Entry at a glance Calculating the Average GCSE point score. Calculating the Average GCSE point score.

Much of the information in this booklet uses the average GCSE point score as a basis for A levelGCSE targetpoint grades areas also produced helping select their subject choices. Much ofstudents the information in this booklet uses theThe average score a basis for score, within the GCSE using this measure. To produce the average The A level each targetgrade grades are also produced helping students select their subject choices.point system is given a point tariff, these points added together and divided by the gradingthis pointare score, each grade within the GCSE using measure. To produce the average to points give the average. The tableand below can be used to number of subjects taken to GCSE is given a point tariff,level these are added together divided by the grading system your expected average GCSE point help calculate level to give thescore. average. The table below can be used to number of subjects taken to GCSE In this calculation GCSEs only are used. calculate your expected average GCSE point score. help In this calculation GCSEs only are used. The grades are scored in the following way: The are scored in the following way: G = grades 1 F G = 2 1 E 3 F = 2 D 4 E = 3

C = = 4 5 D B = 6 C = 5 A = = 6 7 B A*= A = 8 7

A*= 8


Predicted grade

Predicted points

e.g English Language Subject English Language e.g English Language

C Predicted grade

5 Predicted points



English English Literature Language Mathematics English Literature


Total (a) =

Number of GCSEs taken (b) = = Total (a) Total/ number of GCSEs (aรทb) =

Number of GCSEs taken (b) = Average point score

Total/ number of GCSEs (aรทb) = Average point score

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AS & A2 Level



Resources and Facilities

Art and Design Minimum Entry Requirements Entry on to the course will be dependent on attaining a grade B or above in Art (where possible). Course Leader

The Art Block houses a studio style artist environment with a print room and we also have a photography studio with PCs for editing as well as lighting equipment for digital and traditional photography. There is also a darkroom for traditional photography processing and printing. Film making and animation makes use of the excellent media facilities available.

Miss East - NA Mr Williams - SWA Exam Board


“With an emphasis on practical projects you will benefit from our excellent studio facilities for Art�

The Newmarket Academy Art and Design course follows the unendorsed route which allows students to explore a range of two or three dimensional approaches to their studies including film, textiles, painting, fashion, animation, photography, sculpture and multi-media experiences. This Art and Design course can be taken discretely against other subjects but also compliments creative subjects such as Media, English and Photography. All our staff are highly experienced and

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Practicing artists with a wide range of specialist skills and will regularly monitor your work through group discussion and individual assessment, both verbal and written. The Art Department also has strong links with Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge and students will be able to partake in their workshops and make use of their facilities. Students will have the opportunity to exhibit their work in both local and national exhibitions in conjunction with The Royal Society of British Artists.

Course Outline The Art & Design course is designed to offer students ways of developing their personal skills and attributes needed to further their careers in the arts and design industries. With an emphasis on practical projects you will benefit from our excellent studio facilities for art, digital art, film making, animation and photography and you will be given regular opportunities to exhibit and discuss your work with tutors and peers.

Careers and Progression Foundation course in Art & Design, a degree course. Students have gone on to careers in Graphic Design, Product Design, Fashion Design, Interior Design, Art and Art Teaching. Many students from this course go on to national and international careers in the Creative Arts field.

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AS & A2 Level



Photography Photography

Resources and Facilities Resources and Facilities

Minimum Entry Requirements Entry onto the course be dependentEntry on Minimum EntrywillRequirements a grade B dependent in Art or ontoattaining the course will be on Photography attaining a (where grade Bpossible). in Art or Photography (where possible). Course Leader

Miss EastLeader - NA Course Mr Harwood Miss East- -SWA NA Mr Harwood - SWA Exam Board OCRBoard Exam


“If I have any message worth giving to “If I have any message worth giving to a beginner it is that there are no short a beginner it is that there are no short cuts in photography” – cuts in photography” – Edward Weston Edward Weston

Photography will provide you with the Photography will provide you with theof opportunity to work on a broad study opportunity to work on a broad study photographic techniques and learn howofto photographic and learn how own to experiment andtechniques take photographs in your experiment and take photographs in your personal style. The course is an endorsedown personal course is an endorsed course runstyle. by theThe OCR examining body course run by the OCR examining body and you will learn both digital and darkroom learn both digitalthe andartistic darkroom and you will processes while investigating processes while investigating the artistic

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and technical elements of photography. technical of photography. andcourse The alsoelements allows you to look at the The course also allows you to look the work of important photographers andatstudy worktechniques of important photographers and from study their with technical support their techniques with technical support experienced staff. You will learn practical from experienced staff. You will learn practical skills using a variety of film and digital format skills using a variety of film and digital cameras and learn lighting techniques format in our cameras and studio. learn lighting techniques in our fully equipped fully equipped studio.

We have a recently refurbished media suite whichaincludes PCs, a studio with We have recently refurbished media lighting, and includes facilities for digital suite which PCs, a studio with photography, a selection lighting, and including facilities for digital of Digital SLRs which can bea used in school. photography, including selection of There is SLRs also awhich darkroom where & Digital can be usedblack in school. white photography be black & There35mm is also a darkroomcan where investigated. white 35mm photography can be investigated. For this course you will need access to a digital camera, of need 4 Mega pixelstoora For this courseideally you will access greater ensureideally a highofquality outcome, digital to camera, 4 Mega pixels or to switch toquality Aperture or and the ability greater to ensure a high outcome, Shutter priority. A 35mm would and the ability to switch camera to Aperture or be usefulpriority. but can Abe35mm borrowed from the Shutter camera would department. be useful but can be borrowed from the department.

Course Outline Course Outline

The AS photography course is comprised ofThe twoAS units: one is a practical photography course isphotography comprised unit, including some written work, the other of two units: one is a practical photography isunit, an examination unit. written work, the other including some This will follow on tounit. the opportunity to is an examination continue onto the A2 course This will follow on to photography the opportunity to which is comprised of a further two units: continue onto the A2 photography course one being a practicalof photography which is comprised a further twounit, units: but this timeaincluding 2000 – 3000unit, word one being practicalaphotography essay, as well as a final examination unit. but this time including a 2000 – 3000 word essay, as well as a final examination unit.

Careers and Progression Careers and Progression

Careers that could be open to students include: CareersPhotographer, that could be Wedding open to students Photographer, Photo Journalist, Wedding include: Photographer, Cinematographer, Forensic Photographer Photographer, Photo Journalist, and others. Cinematographer, Forensic Photographer and others.

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AS & A2 Level



Resources and Facilities

Media Studies Minimum Entry Requirements A minimum of a grade B in English GCSE would normally be required. ( We may accept English C grade if the candidate has an artistic track record.) Course Leader

Mr Jones - SWA Exam Board


“Learn how to create new media products in a diverse, creative and dynamic environment.�

A Level Media Studies is a unique course that combines academic theory and research with practical, hands-on elements. It has close links with English, Sociology, Art, History and Film Studies. Media Studies offers learners the opportunity to critically explore the effect of mass communication on the world around them and then carry out in depth studies of a range of media texts from film and television to magazines.

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Any student thinking of taking A Level Media Studies should have good written and analytical skills combined with a certain amount of creative flair. Some existing knowledge of, or familiarity with, the media is essential, whether that is fascination with a certain film genre, an interest in political reporting in broadcast or print media, or a good eye for photography of the moving image.

The Media Studies department has excellent facilities and is equipped with the technical hardware and software necessary to deliver the AS and A2 course effectively. Practical work is mainly focused on the moving image and a suite of Apple Macs loaded with film editing software including Final Cut Pro and iMovie is available in the Media Studies classroom. The department is also equipped with HD video cameras and industry standard tripods with stedi cam and dolly attachments as well as a large green screen facility. The classroom itself is fully equipped with an HD projector allowing widescreen viewing of media for discussion and analysis.

Course Outline Media Studies follows the OCR syllabus for A level AS Media studies consisting of unit G321Foundation Portfolio in Media (Coursework including production of film titles and opening sequence for a feature film.) G322-Key Media Concepts (Covers textual analysis and representation alongside institutions and Audiences). A2 Media studies consisting of unit G324Advanced Portfolio in Media and G325Critical Perspectives in Media

Careers and Progression Careers that could be open to students include: film production; screenwriting; film research and many others.

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AS & A2 Level & BTEC



Drama and Theatre Studies and Drama and and Theatre Theatre Studies Studies and and Drama BTEC Performing Arts BTEC Performing Performing Arts Arts BTEC Minimum Entry Requirements Minimum Entry Requirements Grade B in GCSE English, Drama and / or Minimum Entry Requirements Grade B in GCSE English, Drama and / or Performing Arts. Experience in performing Grade B in GCSE English, Drama and / orin Performing Arts. Experience in performing in productionsArts. in orExperience outside of in school is useful Performing performing in productions inbut or not outside of school is useful essential. productions in or outside of school is useful but not essential. but not essential. Course Leader Course Leader Mr Russell - SWA Course Leader

Mr Russell Russell -- SWA SWA Mr Exam Board Exam Board Edexcel Exam Board

Edexcel Edexcel

“Drama students who become actors, all benefit from “Drama students students who who become become actors, actors, all all benefit benefit from from “Drama the confidence and socialisation skills much valued in the confidence confidence and and socialisation socialisation skills skills much much valued valued in in the today’s workplaces” today’s workplaces” workplaces” today’s

Drama is a very successful subject for Drama is is a very very successful successful subject subject for for Drama achieve above the national students. aMost Most achieve above the national students. Most the national students. and many go on to average for theachieve subject above and many go on on to to average for the subject and many go average the subject study forfor degrees in Drama and Performing study for degrees in Drama and Performing study for degrees in Drama and Performing sector is in fact Arts. The arts/entertainment sector is in fact fact Arts. The arts/entertainment Arts. The largest arts/entertainment sectorisininthis the third employmentsector sector in this the third largest employment this the third and largest employment whilst only a few sector A LevelinDrama country and whilst only a few A Level Drama country whilst only a few A Levelfrom Drama country become actors, all benefit the studentsand become actors, actors, all all benefit benefit from from the the students become students confidence and socialisation skills much and socialisation socialisation skills skills much much confidence and confidence valued in today’s workplaces. valued in today’s workplaces. valued in today’s workplaces.

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6th form prospectus 2015.indd 21-22

Drama Course Outline Drama Course Course Outline Outline Drama

AS – Year 1 AS Year (40%11of AS Level – 20% of total Unit––1Year AS (40% of AS Level – 20% of total Unit 1 marks at A Level) of AS Level – 20% of total Unit 1 (40% marks at A Level) Students introduced to two different marks at Aare Level) Students are introduced to both two different play textsare andintroduced they explore of them in Students to two different play texts and they explore both of them in a practical way. Weexplore also look at of a number play texts and they both them in a practical way. We also look at a number important Theatre productions as aofpractical way. We also look at asuch number of important Theatre productions such as Brecht, Stanislavski Artaud tosuch broaden of important Theatre and productions as Brecht, Stanislavski and Artaud to broaden your understanding of Drama Theatre. Brecht, Stanislavski and Artaudand to broaden your 2understanding of Drama and Theatre. Unit (60% of AS Level – 30%and of total your understanding of Drama Theatre. Unit 2 (60% of AS Level – 30% of total marks at A Level) Unit 2 (60% of AS Level – 30% of total marks at A Level) This isat a practical marks A Level) unit that builds on the This isgained a practical unit that builds on the the skills in Unit 1.that Youbuilds will have This is a practical unit on the skills gained in Unit 1. You will have the chance to perform monologue skills gained in Uniteither 1. Youa will have the chance to perform either a monologue (speechto for one) oreither a duologue (speech chance perform a monologue (speech for one)and or a duologue (speech with two for actors) contribute to a (speech one) or a also duologue (speech with two actors) and also contribute to a performance of a professionally published with two actors) and also contribute to a performance of a professionally published play. performance of a professionally published play. play.

Performing Arts Course Outline Performing Arts Arts Course Course Outline Outline Performing

We cover two core units and three further We cover two core units and three further units selected fromunits the list below are We cover two core and threewhich further units selected from the list below which are chosen according the and skills units selected fromto the listinterests below which are chosen according to the interests and skills of the class. chosen according to the interests and skills of the class. Theatre for Children, Film and TV Acting, of the class. Theatre for Children, Film and TV Acting, Stand Up technique, Theatre forComic Children, Film andMovement TV Acting,Skills Stand Up Comic technique, Movement Skills in Performance, Theatre, RadioSkills Stand Up ComicPhysical technique, Movement in Performance, Physical Theatre, Radio acting, Devising Physical Plays, Clowning. in Performance, Theatre, Radio acting, Devising Plays, Clowning. The course runsPlays, for 2 years and you are acting, Devising Clowning. The course runs for 2 years and you are ablecourse to takeruns the course in many The for 2 years and different you are able to take the course in many different combinations involves written work able to take theand course in many different combinations and involves written work which is assessed alongside yourwork practical combinations and involves written which is assessed alongside your practical work. isYou will needalongside to be wellyour organised which assessed practical work. You will need to be well organised work and in order to will complete work. You need tothe bewritten well organised written work and in order to complete the take attend which place workoutside and in orderrehearsals to complete the written attend rehearsals which take place outside of normal lesson time. attend rehearsals which take place outside of normal lesson time. of normal lesson time.

A2 – Year 2 A2 Year 2 Unit––3Year – This A2 2 unit requires that students This unit requirespiece that students Unit 3 – create of theatre. Unit 3 –their Thisown unit original requires that students create their own original piece of theatre. The knowledge understanding create their own and original piece of theatre. The knowledge and understanding gained at AS Level now applied to and The knowledge andisunderstanding gained at AS Level is now applied to and improvisation developed the course gained at AS Level is nowover applied to and of improvisation developed over the course of a number of months. improvisation developed over the course of a number of months. is a written exam that requires 4 - This aUnit number of months. is a written exam that requires Unitdetailed 4 - This study the of one set text a written exam thatand requires Unit 4 - This is the detailed study of one set text and particular historical ofand drama/ onedetailed the study of oneperiod set text particular historical period of drama/ one theatre. You will be ableperiod to useof the particular historical drama/ one theatre. You will be able to use the knowledge theatre. Yougained will be during able tothe usecourse the and knowledge gained during the course and will sit a 2.5gained hour paper. knowledge during the course and will sit a 2.5 hour paper. will sit a 2.5 hour paper.

Resources and Facilities Resources and and Facilities Facilities Resources

The Drama Department has a fully The Drama Department has a fully equipped studio with seating for The Drama drama Department has a fully equipped drama studio with seating for an audience of 200. Wewith alsoseating have afor equipped drama studio an audience of 200. We also have a dance studioofwhich as a have smalla an audience 200. acts We also dance studio which acts as a small studio studio theatre. We make frequent dance which acts as a smalluse of studio theatre. We make frequent use of ICT and are equipped with a studio studio theatre. We make frequent use of ICT and are equipped with a studio lighting soundwith mixers, video ICT and consul, are equipped a studio lighting consul, sound mixers, video camerasconsul, and Apple Mac computers lighting sound mixers, video for cameras and Apple Mac computers for immediate playback of performances cameras and Apple Mac computers for immediate playback of performances for analysis. We alsoofhave a library of immediate playback performances for analysis. We and also DVD’s. have a library of specialist books for analysis. We also have a library of specialist books and DVD’s. specialist books and DVD’s.

Careers and Progression Careers and and Progression Progression Careers

Many students go on to study the subject Many students go on can to study the subject at University and leadthe to the Many students gothis on to study subject at University and this can lead to the following areas: Teacher, at University andActor, this can lead toWriter, the following areas: Actor, Teacher, Writer, Producer,areas: Director, Designer, Presenter, following Actor, Teacher, Writer, Producer, Director, Designer, Presenter, Manager. Producer, Director, Designer, Presenter, Manager. Manager.

We will run either AS Drama or BTEC Performing We will run either AS Drama or BTEC Performing We run eitheron ASstudent Drama recruitment or BTEC Performing Artswill dependent numbers. Arts dependent on student recruitment numbers. Arts dependent on student recruitment numbers.

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AS & A2 Level



Resources and Facilities Resources Resourcesand and Facilities Facilities

Music Music Music Minimum Entry Requirements Minimum MinimumEntry Entry Requirements Requirements Level 2 qualification such as a GCSE in Music Level Level22qualification qualificationsuch suchas asaaGCSE GCSEininMusic Music at grade A*-B or a BTEC First Certificate or atatgrade gradeA*-B A*-BororaaBTEC BTECFirst FirstCertificate Certificateoror First Diploma in Music (Distinction). First FirstDiploma DiplomaininMusic Music(Distinction). (Distinction). Course Leader Course Course Leader Leader

Miss J Wright - SWA Miss MissJJWright Wright- -SWA SWA Exam Board Exam ExamBoard Board

Edexcel Edexcel Edexcel

Students should be aware that performing skills need to be at the standard of Grade 5 for AS level and Students Studentsshould shouldbe beaware awarethat thatperforming performingskills skillsneed needtotobe beatatthe thestandard standardofofGrade Grade55for forAS ASlevel leveland and Grade 6 for A2 at the time of assessment. Grade Grade66for forA2 A2atatthe thetime timeofofassessment. assessment.

“The AS units alone can offer broad and “The “The AS ASunits units alone alonecan canoffer offeraaa broad broadand and experience for those who want satisfying satisfying satisfyingexperience experiencefor forthose thosewho who want wanttoto to conclude their musical studies” conclude concludetheir theirmusical musical studies” studies”

The Edexcel Advanced GCSE Music course The TheEdexcel EdexcelAdvanced AdvancedGCSE GCSEMusic Musiccourse course is intended to be stimulating and enriching isisintended intendedtotobe bestimulating stimulatingand andenriching enriching for students and teachers alike. for forstudents studentsand andteachers teachersalike. alike. It will provide you with the opportunity to ItItwill willprovide provideyou youwith withthe theopportunity opportunity toto develop your skills as a musician, performer develop developyour yourskills skillsas asaamusician, musician,performer performer and technician. and andtechnician. technician. You will be encouraged to take part in formal You Youwill willbe beencouraged encouragedtototake takepart partininformal formal and informal concerts and performances informalconcerts concertsand andperformances performances and andinformal both in school and at prestigious venues schooland andatatprestigious prestigiousvenues venues both bothininschool further afield. further furtherafield. afield. There will also be an opportunity to perform There Therewill willalso alsobe bean anopportunity opportunitytotoperform perform 22 22 22 22

different styles of music with extra-curricular different differentstyles stylesofofmusic musicwith withextra-curricular extra-curricular activities covering a broad range of cultural activities activitiescovering coveringaabroad broadrange rangeofofcultural cultural musical experiences including choir, chamber musical musicalexperiences experiencesincluding includingchoir, choir,chamber chamber choir, jazz band, rock groups, wind group, brass choir, choir,jazz jazzband, band,rock rockgroups, groups,wind windgroup, group,brass brass group, string groups. group, group,string stringgroups. groups. During the course you will study the history of During Duringthe thecourse courseyou youwill willstudy studythe thehistory historyofof music and its’ development through analysing set music musicand andits’ its’development developmentthrough throughanalysing analysingset set pieces of music. pieces piecesofofmusic. music. You will also study composition and harmony, You Youwill willalso alsostudy studycomposition composition and andharmony, harmony, and develop your aural and analytical skills. and anddevelop developyour youraural auraland andanalytical analyticalskills. skills.

The music department has two large The Themusic musicdepartment departmenthas hastwo twolarge large teaching rooms, and several practice teaching teachingrooms, rooms,and andseveral severalpractice practice rooms for instrumental tuition, group work rooms roomsfor forinstrumental instrumentaltuition, tuition,group groupwork work and recording. It has its own resource and andrecording. recording.ItIthas hasits itsown ownresource resource network on the computers and music network networkon onthe thecomputers computersand andmusic music publishing and sequencing software for publishing publishingand andsequencing sequencingsoftware softwarefor for composing. You are provided with the composing. composing.You Youare areprovided providedwith withthe the Edexcel Anthology and recordings of Edexcel EdexcelAnthology Anthologyand andrecordings recordingsofof your set works, and further study/revision works,and andfurther furtherstudy/revision study/revision your yourset setworks, material on our VLE. material materialon onour ourVLE. VLE.

Course Outline Course Course Outline Outline At both Advanced and Subsidiary AtAtboth bothAdvanced Advancedand andSubsidiary Subsidiary Levels AS and A2, students experience Levels LevelsAS ASand andA2, A2,students studentsexperience experience all three main musical disciplines of all allthree threemain mainmusical musicaldisciplines disciplinesofof performing, composing and listening and performing, performing,composing composingand andlistening listeningand and understanding. Students will develop understanding. understanding.Students Studentswill willdevelop develop performance skills (solo and/or ensemble), performance performanceskills skills(solo (soloand/or and/orensemble), ensemble), compose music and learn about harmony compose composemusic musicand andlearn learnabout aboutharmony harmony (the basics at AS and stylistic studies at (the (thebasics basicsatatAS ASand andstylistic stylisticstudies studiesatat A2). They will build up their aural and A2). A2).They Theywill willbuild buildup uptheir theiraural auraland and analytical skills by studying selections analytical analyticalskills skillsby bystudying studyingselections selections from the New Anthology of Music and a AnthologyofofMusic Musicand andaa from fromthe theNew NewAnthology wider listening. The full GCSE course (AS wider widerlistening. listening.The Thefull fullGCSE GCSEcourse course(AS (AS plus A2) is excellent preparation for higher plus plusA2) A2)isisexcellent excellentpreparation preparationfor forhigher higher education courses in music, but is equally education educationcourses coursesininmusic, music,but butisisequally equally valuable for non-specialists as a second or valuable valuablefor fornon-specialists non-specialistsas asaasecond secondoror third area of study. third thirdarea areaofofstudy. study. The AS units alone can offer a broad and The TheAS ASunits unitsalone alonecan canoffer offeraabroad broadand and satisfying experience for those who want to satisfying satisfyingexperience experiencefor forthose thosewho whowant wanttoto conclude their musical studies at this point. conclude concludetheir theirmusical musicalstudies studiesatatthis thispoint. point.

Careers and Progression Careers Careers and and Progression Progression

This qualification supports progression into This Thisqualification qualificationsupports supportsprogression progressioninto into further education, training or employment, further furthereducation, education,training trainingororemployment, employment, such as a degree in music or vocational such suchas asaadegree degreeininmusic musicororvocational vocational courses such as a HND or HNC in Music. courses coursessuch suchas asaaHND HNDororHNC HNCininMusic. Music.

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BTEC Level 3



Course Information Course Information

Fashion Fashion&&Textiles Textiles Fashion & Textiles Minimum Entry Requirements Minimum Entry Entry onto theRequirements course will be Entry onto course a willgrade be B or dependent onthe attaining Minimum Entry Requirements dependent attaining a grade B or above on in Art (where possible) Entry onto the(where coursepossible) will be above in Art dependent on attaining a grade B or above in Art (where possible) Course Leader Course Leader Miss East - NA Miss East - NA Course Leader Miss East - NA Exam Board Exam Board Edexcel Edexcel Exam Board Edexcel

“Fashion butstyle style “Fashion changes changes but “Fashion changes but style endures” – Coco Channel endures” – Coco Channel endures” – Coco Channel BTEC Specialist qualifications are qualifications BTEC Specialist qualifications are qualifications at entry level to Level 3 in the Qualification and at entry level to Level 3 in are the qualifications Qualification and BTEC Specialist qualifications Credit Framework (QCF) and are designed to are designed at entryCredit level Framework to Level 3 (QCF) in the and Qualification andto provide specialist work-related qualifications in a provide specialist qualifications in a Credit Framework (QCF)work-related and are designed to range of sectors. They give learners the of sectors. They give learners the in a providerange specialist work-related qualifications knowledge, understanding and skills they need knowledge, and skills range of sectors. understanding They give learners the they need for employment. The qualifications also provide for employment. The and qualifications also provide knowledge, understanding skills they need development opportunities for those already in development opportunities for those for employment. The qualifications also already provide in work. work. opportunities for those already in development

Students should study all core units of the Students should study all core units of the BTEC to develop knowledge and BTEC toshould develop knowledge and Students study all core units of the understanding of the basic elements of understanding of the basic elements of BTEC to develop knowledge and Fashion Design. Students will look at the Fashion Design. Students will look atofthe understanding of the basic elements application of personal judgments and application of personal judgments Fashion Design. Students will lookand at the appropriate criteria in the appraisal of fashion appropriate in the appraisaland of fashion application of criteria personal judgments products and fashion design systems. products and fashion design systems. appropriate criteria in the appraisal of fashion products and fashion design systems.



4 24


6th form prospectus 2015.lndd 25-26 6th form prospectus 2015.lndd 25-26

Course Outline Course Outline

Core Units Course Outline The Edexcel BTEC Level 3 qualification Core Units Course Unit 1: Core Unit The EdexcelInformation BTEC Level 3 qualification Core Unit Fashion & Textiles has been develop ed to Unit 1: Core UnitUnits 2: Core Unit Fashion & Textiles has been to The Edexcel BTEC Leveldeveloped 3 qualification Unit 2: Core Unit Unit 3: Core Unit give students the opportunity to: Unit 1: Core Unit Unit 3: Core Unit Five other Units are to be covered give students the opportunity to: Fashion & Textiles has been develop ed to Unit 2: Unit Five otherduring UnitsCore are be covered the to course Gain a qualification that is an Unit 3: Core Unit give students the opportunity to: during the course Gain a qualification that is an Five other Units are to be covered additional specialist learning additional learning during the course Gain a specialist qualification that is an component of a Diploma component of a Diploma additional specialist learning Develop specialist skills and achieve component of askills Diploma Develop specialist and achieve a stand-alone qualification in fashion a stand-alone qualification in and fashion Develop specialist skills achieve and clothing in the art and design anda clothing in the art and design stand-alone qualification in fashion sector sector and clothing in the art and design Achieve a nationally recognised sectora nationally recognised Achieve Level 3 vocationally-related Level 3 vocationally-related Achieve a nationally recognised qualification; progress to related qualification; progress to related Level 3 vocationally-related general and/or vocational general and/or vocational qualification; progress to related qualifications qualifications general and/or vocational Engage in learning that is relevant to qualifications Engage in learning that is relevant to them and which will provide students them and which will provide Engage in learning that students is relevant to with opportunities to develop a range with opportunities to develop a range them and which will provide students of skills and techniques, personal of skills and techniques, personal with opportunities to develop a range skills and attributes essential for skills and attributes essential personal for of skills and techniques, successful performance in fashion successful performance fashion for skills and attributes in essential Careers and Progression design Careers and Progression design successful performance in fashion The course will prepare you for a This course is a 60 credit and 360 guided Careers and Progression The course will prepare you for a design This course is a 60 credit and 360 guided range of fashion related careers learning hours (GLH) qualification. All range of fashion related careers you for a learning hours (GLH) qualification. All guided The course will prepare This course is a 60 credit and 360 including Fashion Design, Textile units within these qualifications are including Fashion Design,related Textile careers units within hours these qualifications are range of fashion learning (GLH) qualification. All Design, Knitwear, Accessories, internally assessed and criteria Design,including Knitwear,Fashion Accessories, internally assessed and criteria Design, Textile units within these qualifications are Marketing, Promotion, Fashion referenced, based on the achievement of Marketing, Promotion, Fashion referenced, on theand achievement Design, Knitwear, Accessories, internallybased assessed criteria of Journalism, Styling, Merchandising, all the specified learning outcomes. Journalism, Styling,Promotion, Merchandising, all referenced, the specifiedbased learning Marketing, Fashion onoutcomes. the achievement of Buying and Costume Design for stage Each of the units within the course have Buying and Costume Design for stage Journalism, Styling, Merchandising, all the specified learning outcomes. Each of the units within the course have and screen. specified assessment criteria and and screen. Buying and Costume Design for stage specified criteriathe andcourse have Each ofassessment the units within Students usually progress to higher grading criteria. A summative unit andusually screen. Students progress to higher specified assessment criteria grading criteria. A summative unit and National Diplomas or degree courses grade can be awarded at pass, merit National Diplomas or degree courses Students usually progress to higher grading criteria. A at summative grade can be awarded pass, meritunit upon the completion of the National or distinction. upon the completion of the National National Diplomas or degree courses can be awarded at pass, merit or grade distinction. Diploma. It is also possible to find Diploma. It isthe also possible tooffind upon completion the National employment in the subject as an or distinction. employment in the subject as an Diploma. It is also possible to find apprentice. apprentice. employment in the subject as an apprentice.


25 25


AS & A2 Level



English EnglishLanguage Language English Language Minimum Minimum Entry EntryRequirements Requirements Minimum Entry Requirements

BBB ininin English English Language Languageand and English Language and English English Literature. Literature. English Literature. Course CourseLeader Leader Course Leader

thoughtful thoughtful and and perceptive perceptive individuals individuals looking looking thoughtful and perceptive individuals looking for for aanew anew new challenge. challenge. It Itis Itisis compatible compatible with with for challenge. compatible with practically practically any any other other course, course, scientific scientific or or practically any other course, scientific or artistic. artistic.It Itis Itisis well well regarded regardedby by Universities, Universities, and and artistic. well regarded by Universities, and because because the the course course has has both both practical practical and and because the course has both practical and analytical analytical content, content, isisis suited suited tototo aawide awide wide range range ofofof analytical content, suited range careers careers – journalist, – journalist, writer, writer, teacher, teacher, barrister barrister to careers – journalist, writer, teacher, barrister toto name name but but aafew. afew. few. name but

Mrs Mrs Brown Brown - -SWA -SWA SWA Mrs Brown Exam ExamBoard Board Exam Board

AQA AQA English English Language Language AQA English Language WJEC WJEC English English Literature Literature WJEC English Literature

English EnglishLanguage LanguageCourse CourseOutline Outline English Language Course Outline

AtAtAt AS AS level level students studentswill will learn learn new new ways ways ofofof AS level students will learn new ways analysing analysing and and comparing comparing texts texts and and will will analysing and comparing texts and will study study the the influence influence ofofof various various contexts, contexts, study the influence various contexts, technology technology or or gender, gender, on on the the way way such such as as the way such as technology or gender, on speak speak and and write. write. Coursework Coursework involves involves we we speak and write. Coursework involves we original original writing writing for for a variety a variety of of audiences audiences and original writing for a variety of audiencesand and purposes. purposes.A2 A2 coursework coursework takes takes the the form form ofofof aaa purposes. A2 coursework takes the form research research project project into into an an aspect aspect of of language language research project into an aspect of language the the student’s student’s own own choice, choice, and and the the creation creation ofofof the student’s own choice, and the creation new text text on on the the same same topic. topic. The The exam exam ofofof aanew anew text on the same topic. The exam covers covers how how children children learn learn language language and and ways ways covers how children learn language and ways which which language language changes changes over over time. time. ininin which language changes over time.

“English “Englishskills skillswill willhelp helpyou youinininwhatever whatever “English skills will help you whatever walk walkofofoflife lifeyou youchoose” choose” walk life you choose”

English English Language Language isisis an an academic academic course course English Language an academic course with with more more than than aafew afew few surprises. surprises. It Itis Itisis not not aaa with more than surprises. not more more advanced advanced course course of of GCSE GCSE English English but more advanced course of GCSE Englishbut but study and and exploration exploration ofofof language languageitself. itself. InInIn aastudy astudy and exploration language itself. English English Language Language we we focus focus on on language language as as English Language we focus on language as living thing, thing, aaconstantly aconstantly constantly evolving evolving process process aaliving aliving thing, evolving process that that provides provides a unique a unique and and insightful insightful view view ofofof that provides a unique and insightful view people people and and society. society. Students Students who who take take the the people and society. Students who take the course course won’t won’t take take things things for for granted granted – we – we aim aim course won’t take things for granted – we aim


26 26 26

analyse analyse the the building buildingblocks blocks ofofof language language tototo analyse the building blocks language investigate investigate the the situations situations that that influence influence and and and investigate the situations that influence how how we we use use The The range range ofofof language language that that how we use The range language that study study is is immense immense because because we we focus focus on we we on we study is immense because we focuson speech speechjust just as as much much as as writing writing ––everything –everything everything speech just as much as writing from from text text messages messages and and conversations conversations the the from text messages and conversationsininin the street street tototo written written legal legal documents documentsand and how how street written legal documents and how Gordon Gordon Ramsay Ramsay controls controls his his kitchen. kitchen. Gordon Ramsay controls his kitchen. This This isisis aarewarding arewarding rewarding course course and and will will appeal appealtototo This course and will appeal

The The course course is is especially especially suited suited to to The course is especially suited to journalists journalists and and people people with with anan interest interest journalists and people with an interest in in thethe media, media, those those working working in in law law or or in the media, those working in law or politics politics and and teachers. teachers. The The nature nature of of thethe politics and teachers. The nature of the course course means means that that it is it is practically practically course means that it is practically suited suited to to almost almost any any kind kind of of career. career. suited to almost any kind of career.


27 27 27


AS & A2 Level

NEWMARKET 2015 English Literature Course Outline NEWMARKET ACADEMY ACADEMY 2015


English Literature English Literature Literature English


Minimum Entry Requirements

B in English Language and

Minimum Entry Requirements English Literature. Minimum Entry Requirements

inEnglish English Language Language and and BBin CourseLiterature. Leader English English Literature. Mrs Simmons - NA Course Leader BrownLeader - SWA MrsCourse Mrs Simmons NA Mrs Simmons -- NA Brown SWA Mrs Mrs Brown - SWA Exam Board

AQA English Language Exam Board WJECExam English Literature Board AQAEnglish EnglishLanguage Language AQA WJECEnglish English Literature Literature WJEC

“Over the course of the year you will encounter poetry,ofofprose and you drama” “Over the course course the year year you will “Over the the will encounter poetry, poetry, prose prose and and drama” drama” encounter

English Literature Course Outline English Literature Course Outline The English Literature course is divided into Poetry & Drama and Prose Study & Creative The English English Literature course isdivided divided into The Literature course is into Reading. Over the course of the year you Poetry Drama andProse Prose Study Creative Poetry &&Drama and &&Creative will encounter poetry, prose Study and drama and Reading. Over the course of the year you Reading. Overtopics the course of theofyear you Explore these in a variety ways. willencounter encounter poetry, prose and drama and and will poetry, prose and drama Poetry collections such as The Whitsun Explore these topics in a variety of ways. Explore these topics Larkin in a variety of ways. by Philip and Welsh Weddings Poetry collections such as The Whitsun Poetry collections such asAbse The Whitsun by Dannie will be studied Retrospective byPhilip Philip Larkin andWelsh Welsh Weddings plays by and Weddings suchLarkin as Broken Glass by alongside by Dannie Abse will bestudied studied Retrospective Dannie AbseCoursework will be Retrospective Arthur Miller forby examination. texts such as Broken Glass by alongside plays such asas Broken GlassGatsby by alongside such The Great will includeplays novels Arthur Miller Miller forDiamond examination. Coursework Coursework texts texts Arthur for examination. alongside The such as The Great Gatsby will include novels such as The Great Gatsby willBig include novels Ritz by F. Scott Fitzgerald. as as the Diamond alongside The Diamond alongside Theexplore Students will connections within and the Ritz Ritz by Scottabout Fitzgerald. asBig Bigas astexts the Scott Fitzgerald. as between andby willF.F.write the texts in Students will explore connections withinboth and Students will explore connections within and variety of ways. Coursework involves a between texts and will write about the texts in betweenand textsanalytical and will write about in creative writing. Thethe A2texts course variety ofways. ways. Coursework involves both avariety of involves a also divided intoCoursework Poetry & Drama andboth Prose is creative and analytical writing. The A2 course creativeA2 and analytical writing. course Study. coursework involvesThe theA2 study of also divided into Poetry & Drama and Prose is divided Poetrycomparative & Drama and Prose is alsotexts three for ainto detailed essay, Study. A2 coursework involves the study study of of Study. coursework the Enduring Love involves by Ian McEwan, such asA2 threePoems texts for for detailed comparative essay, three texts detailed comparative essay, Lyric byaaJohn Keats and A Streetcar Enduring Love by Ian McEwan, such as such as Enduring Love by Ian McEwan, LyricPoems Poems by byJohn John Keats Keatsand andAAStreetcar Streetcar Lyric

Named Desire by Tennessee Williams. For examination, students study a poetry text, NamedofDesire Desire byTennessee Tennessee Williams. For Named by Williams. Songs Innocence and Experience byFor examination, students study aatexts: poetry text, examination, study poetry text, William Blake students and two drama one Songs of Innocence and Experience by Songs of Innocence andas Experience by Shakespeare play such Measure for William Blake and two drama texts: one William Blake drama one Measure, andand onetwo other play, texts: The Duchess Shakespeare play such as Measure for Shakespeare play such as Measure for of Malfi. Measure, and andone oneother other play, play, The The Duchess Duchess Measure, of Malfi. of Malfi.

Careers and Progression English Literature opens up your mind. It engages you in new situations, introduces English Literature opens upyou yourtomind. mind. English Literature opens up your ItIt you to new people and invites engage engages you in new situations, introduces engages you inofnew situations, introduces with new ways thinking that you might you to new people and invites you toreal engage you tocome new people invites you to engage never acrossand in your everyday life. with new ways of thinking that you might with new ways of thinking that you might You have to develop an opinion. You have never come comeacross across in inyour your everyday everyday real real life. life. never You have to develop an opinion. You have You have to develop an opinion. You have

to develop your communication skills. You have to engage with text in an intelligent and developway. yourcommunication communication skills. skills. You You todevelop your to thoughtful have to engage with text in an intelligent and havereason to engage text inisan and The why with Literature stillintelligent one of the thoughtful way. thoughtful highlyway. regarded subjects to study is that most The reason whyisLiterature Literature isstill still one oneof ofthe the why is itThe isn’treason easy but rich in rewards. highlyregarded regarded subjects subjects to tostudy study is isthat that mosthighly most it isn’t easy but is rich in rewards. it isn’t easy but is rich in rewards.

This qualification has been used in several Careers and Progression Progression Careers and successful ways by former students who Thisqualification qualification has been usedin intoseveral several have chosen to use it been as a means gain This has used successful ways by former students who a place on a range of courses of further successful ways by former students who have chosen to use it as a means to gain study, such as teaching, law and the have chosen to use it as a means to gain a place on a range of courses of further continued study of literature itself. a place on a range of courses of further study,such suchas asteaching, teaching,law lawand andthe the study, continued study of literature itself. continued study of literature itself.







AS & A2 Level



Course Outline

Film Studies


Minimum Entry Requirements

B in English Language and English Literature. Course Leader

Mr Howells - NA Mr Thurlbourn - SWA Exam Board

AQA English Language WJEC English Literature

“Develop your interest in film in a mixture of theory and practical work.”

A highly popular course, Film Studies offers you the opportunity to widen your knowledge and enjoyment of films in a mixture of theory and practical work. You will learn about the issues surrounding representation, messages and values, genre and narrative - in a wide range of films from the mainstream and independent sectors in Britain and America – extending to world cinema at A2 level.

30 30

Module 1 – Exploring Film Form (40% of AS) Module 1 comprises of two assessment pieces: 1) An analysis of the technical aspects of a chosen extract from a film of your choice, where you get the opportunity to analyse in detail how a film extract has been constructed and engage with the variety of meanings and responses that can be generated from a viewing of the extract; 2) A creative project where you get the chance to plan, film and edit your own film sequence, followed by a reflective analysis in the form of an essay.

Module 4 – Varieties of Film Experience – Issues and Debates (25%) A 2.75 hour examination of : a) World Cinema topics, i.e. Power, Poverty and Conflict in City of God, Chungking Express, and Amores Perros. b) Spectatorship topics, i.e. popular film and emotional response in The Reader, Forrest Gump, and Titanic. c) Single Film – Critical Study, i.e. Fight Club.

Module 2 – British and American Film (60% of AS) An exam based module that allows you to explore the difference between the film industries in the USA and in Britain. Module 2 comprises 3 sections in one 2.5 hour exam paper: 1) Response to stimulus material set by the Awarding body based on the relationship between audiences and producers of films – in Britain and the US. 2) Topics in British film, i.e. the presentation of crime in British films. 3) US film – a comparative study of two American films, i.e. Brokeback Mountain and Red River.

A2 Module 3 - Film Research and Creative Projects (25%) Module 3 comprises 2 coursework assessments: 1) A small-scale research project, i.e. on a film director of your choice. 2) A creative film project and reflective analysis.

Careers and Progression Subsequent career opportunities that could be open to students: film production, screenwriting, careers in the media.

31 31

AS & A2 Level



Mathematics Mathematics and and Further Further Mathematics Mathematics Minimum Entry Requirements

Minimum Minimum Entry Requirements A grade B atEntry GCSERequirements Mathematics. A grade B at A grade B at GCSE GCSE Mathematics. Mathematics. Course Leader

Course Leader Course Leader Miss Mawditt - NA Miss Mawditt NA Mawditt---SWA NA MrMiss Butterworth Mr Butterworth SWA Mr Butterworth - SWA Exam Board Exam Board Exam Board AQA

Mathematics Course Outline Mathematics Mathematics Course Course Outline Outline

We follow the AQA syllabus for We follow Mathematics. We follow the the AQA AQA syllabus syllabus for for Mathematics. AS Mathematics consist of three modules. Mathematics. AS Mathematics consist of modules. All are taken at the end of the first AS modules Mathematics consist of three three modules. All modules are taken at the end of year. Three further modules All modules are taken at the are endstudied of the the first first year. Three further modules are studied year. further modules arethe studied year to complete A2 in the Three second year to the in the qualification. modules are equally year to complete complete the A2 A2 in the second second All qualification. All modules are equally weighted. qualification. All modules are equally weighted. weighted. AS Mathematics modules cover Algebra, AS modules cover Calculus and Decision Maths or Algebra, Statistics. AS Mathematics Mathematics modules cover Algebra, Calculus and Decision Maths Statistics. A2 Mathematics modules buildor Calculus Calculus and Decision Maths oron Statistics. A2 Mathematics modules build on andMathematics introduce Statistics orbuild Mechanics. A2 modules on Calculus Calculus and and introduce introduce Statistics Statistics or or Mechanics. Mechanics.


Further Mathematics Course Further Further Mathematics Mathematics Course Course Outline Outline Outline

“Suited to people who enjoy problem solving, “Suited to people who enjoy problem solving, computation and logical reasoning including proof.” computation and logical reasoning including proof.”

32 32 32 32

Mathematics and Further Mathematics are Mathematics and Further Mathematics Mathematics andand Further Mathematics are both challenging interesting. Theyare build both challenging and interesting. They both interesting. They build build topics metand at GCSE and develop the on thechallenging the topics met at GCSE and develop on the topics met at GCSE and develop the on ideas further. At both AS and A level they the ideas further. At both AS and A level they ideas further. At both and A level they are qualifications whichASare highly sought are qualifications which are highly sought are qualifications which are highly sought after, both in the workplace and in higher after, after, both both in in the the workplace workplace and and in in higher higher education. education. education. Mathematics helps us to describe the Mathematics us describe Mathematics helps usisto toparticularly describe the the world around helps us and suited world around us and is particularly suited world around us and is particularly suited to people who enjoy problem solving, people who enjoy problem solving, to enjoy problem solving, to people whoand computation logical reasoning including computation and logical reasoning including computation and logical reasoning including proof. A combination of pure and applied A combination of pure and applied proof. of pure and applied proof. A combination mathematics is studied. mathematics mathematics is is studied. studied.

Further Mathematics Entry Requirements Further Further Mathematics Mathematics Entry Entry Requirements Requirements

You will be expected to have achieved You will be expected have achieved start AS at grade into Youleast will an be A expected toGCSE have to achieved GCSE to at least an A grade in Further You must alsoAS to start start AS at least Mathematics. an A grade in GCSE Further Mathematics. You must also AS Mathematics. AS Further be taking Further Mathematics. You must also AS be taking Mathematics is often taken alongside AS Mathematics. Mathematics. AS Further Further be taking AS Mathematics is often taken alongside in Year 13. alongside A2 Mathematics Mathematics is often taken A2 Mathematics in in Year Year 13. 13. A2 Mathematics

AS Further Mathematics consists of 3 AS consists of modules addition to AS Mathematics. AS Further FurtherinMathematics Mathematics consists of 3 3 modules in addition to AS Mathematics. These areinchosen into conjunction with modules addition AS Mathematics. These chosen conjunction students must in include Furtherwith Pure 1. All These are arebut chosen in conjunction with students but must include Further modules are must examined in June. students but include Further Pure Pure 1. 1. All All modules are examined in June. modules are examined in June.

Careers and Progression Careers Careers and and Progression Progression

At AS level, Mathematics is highly useful At Mathematics is useful support for Physics and other Mathematics At AS AS level, level, Mathematics is highly highly useful support for Physics and other Mathematics based AS A Levels Sciences, support forand Physics and such otheras Mathematics based A as Geography, Psychology and Sociology. At based AS AS and and A Levels Levels such such as Sciences, Sciences, Geography, Psychology and Sociology. A Level, Mathematics is a much sought At Geography, Psychology and Sociology. At A Level, Mathematics is after qualification for entry into a sought wide A Level, Mathematics is a a much much sought after entry a variety of full time for courses in Higher after qualification qualification for entry into into a wide wide variety of full time courses in Higher Education. are also in many areas variety of fullThere time courses Higher Education. There are also many of employment that see a Mathematics Education. There are also many areas areas A of employment that a Level as an important qualification, and A of employment that see see a Mathematics Mathematics A Level as an important qualification, and Level as an important qualification, and for vocational it is often a requirement vocational it a to thesefor areas. Higher courses requirement for vocational it is is often oftenrelated a requirement related to these areas. Higher courses Education courses or careers include: related to these areas. Higher courses Education courses or careers include: Computing, Finance, Economics, Education courses or careers include: Computing, Finance, Medicine, Architecture, Engineering, Computing, Finance, Economics, Economics, Medicine, Architecture, Engineering, Accountancy, Actuary, Psychology, Medicine, Architecture, Engineering, Accountancy, Actuary, Psychology, Physics and Chemistry, Biology, Accountancy, Actuary, Psychology, Physics Chemistry, Environmental Studies. Physics and and Chemistry, Biology, Biology, Environmental Environmental Studies. Studies.

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BTEC Level 3



Course Course Outline Outline Course Outline

Travel Travel & Tourism Tourism Travel && Tourism

Edexcel Edexcel BTEC BTEC LevelLevel 3 Subsidiary 3 Subsidiary Diploma Diploma Edexcel BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma

Minimum Minimum EntryEntry Requirements Requirements YouMinimum will Youneed will need aEntry minimum a minimum of: Grade of: Grade C C Requirements English English Maths and/or You willMaths need aand/or minimum of: Grade C Maths and/or English Course Course Leader Leader

Leader MsCourse Scullion Ms Scullion - NA- NA Ms Scullion - NA Exam Exam Board Board AQA AQA Exam Board


“This “This course course willwill provide provide students students withwith highhigh quality, quality, “This course will provide students with high quality, industry-recognised industry-recognised qualifications qualifications suited suited to the to the industry-recognised qualifications suited to the specific specific requirements requirements of this of this important important employment employment specific of this important employment ”requirements ” sector. sector. sector. ” Students will develop their their skills,skills, knowledge and and Students will develop knowledge understanding of travel &skills, tourism activities, understanding of their travel & knowledge tourism activities, Students will develop and environments and operations. Students produce environments and operations. Students produce understanding of travel & tourism activities, assignments that into ainto portfolio of evidence assignments that build aStudents portfolio of evidence environments andbuild operations. produce that is graded at pass, merit or distinction. There that is graded at pass, or distinction. There assignments that build into amerit portfolio of evidence are no exams in pass, this This This Level 3 3 aregraded no exams in qualification. this qualification. Level that is at merit or distinction. There course isexams equivalent to qualification. one Level. course is equivalent to A one A Level. are no in this This Level 3

You You needneed to beto self-motivated to doto your own own be self-motivated do your research on your own assignments. Use of research on your own assignments. Use of ICT You need to be self-motivated to do your ICT own to research and present your work is encouraged to research and present your work is encouraged research on your own assignments. Use of ICT and the the course involves off-site visitsvisits to to and involves off-site to research andcourse present your work is encouraged organizations as well as guest speakers. as involves well as guest speakers. and organizations the course off-site visits to

organizations as well as guest speakers.

course is equivalent to one A Level. The The course can can lead lead to further education or or course to further education careers in the Travel Industry, Catering, careers in the Travel Industry, Catering, The course can lead to further education or Hospitality Marketing. Hospitality and Marketing. careers inand the Travel Industry, Catering, Hospitality and Marketing. 343434


Course Course Outline Outline Course Outline Edexcel Edexcel BTEC BTEC LevelLevel 3 Subsidiary 3 Subsidiary Diploma Diploma

Edexcel BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma UnitUnit 1 1 Investigating Investigating the Travel the Travel & Tourism & Tourism Industry Industry Unit 1 Investigating the Travel & Tourism Industry Unit 2Unit 2 The business The of theofTravel the Travel & Tourism & Tourism Industry Industry Unit 2 business The business of the Travel & Tourism Industry Unit Unit 3 3 The UK The UKa as destination a destination Unit 3as The UK as a destination Unit Unit 4 4 Customer Customer Service in the in the Travel Travel & Tourism & Tourism Unit 4 Service Industry Industry Service in the Travel & Tourism Customer Industry Unit Unit 7 7 European European destinations Unit 7 destinations European destinations Unit Unit 8 8 Long Long haul traveltravel destinations destinations Unit 8 haul Long haul travel destinations

Careers Careers and and Progression Progression Travel Travel Retail, Retail, Tour Tour Representatives, Representatives, Travel Travel Careers and Progression Marketing Marketing and Accounts, and Customer Customer Relations, Relations, Travel Retail, TourAccounts, Representatives, Travel Hospitality, Hospitality, Airport Operations, Operations, Air Cabin AirRelations, Cabin Crew, Crew, Marketing andAirport Accounts, Customer Hotel Hotel Management, Management, Conference Organizers, Organizers, Hospitality, AirportConference Operations, Air Cabin Crew, Attraction Attraction Managers, Managers, Cruise Cruise Hotel Management, Conference Organizers,

Attraction Managers, Cruise jobs. There There are L3 arecourses L3 courses in larger in larger qualifications, qualifications, L4 L4 courses courses at local at courses local and national andinnational organizations organizations as well as well There are L3 larger qualifications, L4 ascourses work as work in at local in local and national and national organizations organizations which local and national organizations aswhich well can be can part be time part time or full or time. full time. There There are also are also as work in local and national organizations which opportunities onfor offor the offjob the training. job training. canopportunities be part for time ororon full time. There are also opportunities for on or off the job training.

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AS & A2 Level



Resources and Facilities


Each student is provided with a AQA textbook, in addition to this reading they are encouraged to keep a log of wider reading they complete from sources such as Geography Review and National Geographic. Students will experience residential fieldwork in the Lake District to practice their geographical skills in the field and to encourage team building. Furthermore, to support students learning experience we visit Cambridge University and UEA for Geography themed lectures and we also have guest speakers who visit us for instance, Medical/Healthcare professionals and WaterAid.

Minimum Entry Requirements You must have at least a B grade in GCSE Geography or a related humanities subject. Course Leader

Miss Gynn - NA Mrs Guinivan - SWA Exam Board


Course Outline

“Do you have the desire to learn more about the world around you?” Do you suffer from Geosophy? This is the desire to learn more about the world around you. If so, are you interested in studying Geography further? You should be, as Geography tackles BIG local, national and global issues! The world in which we live is likely to change more in the next 50 years than ever before. Geography will explain why, and prepare you for these changes. The transferable skills that Geography develops are an asset in the world of work

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today. Geography is all about the future, and encourages flexible thinking. Geographers are good communicators, are spatially aware, good at problem solving, are well rounded flexible thinkers and are computer literate. This is achieved through a variety of thinking skills, field visits, role play and decision making activities and through current affairs media.

In the classroom during the first year (AS) you will get a solid grounding in Geography. Human and Physical Geography are studied with two compulsory topics – such as flood management and population change – alongside optional topics which include health issues and glaciations. There will also be geographic investigative work and fieldwork. In the second year (A2) you will step up to topics like tectonics, climate change, world cities and the development of societies. There will be more fieldwork too, with the freedom to choose your own area of research or to use ready-made study materials.

Careers and Progression Geography is compatible with all other A Levels due to the wide variety of skills and issues studied throughout the course. Possible careers: Lawyer, British Antarctic Survey Environmental Officer, Oxfam Diplomatic Service, Tour Guide, Journalist, Teacher, Town Planner, Cartographer, Market Researcher, Meteorologist, GIS, Storm Chaser, Weather Person, News Reader ..... and many more!!

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AS & A2 Level



History History History Minimum Entry Requirements Minimum Entry Requirements Requirements A Minimum grade B or Entry above at GCSE History. gradeBBor orabove aboveatatGCSE GCSEHistory. History. AAgrade Course Leader

Course Leader Course Leader Mrs Holness - NA Mrs Holness NA MrsMenhinick Holness ---NA Miss SWA Miss Menhinick SWA Miss Menhinick - SWA Exam Board Exam Board Exam Board Edexcel

Edexcel Edexcel

“History not the story ofof strangers, aliens from “History isisis not not the the story story of strangers,aliens aliens from from “History strangers, a foreign land, itit isis the story ofof us, had we been foreignland, land, it the story story of us, had had we we been been aa foreign is the us, born a little earlier.” born aa little little earlier.” earlier.” born Quite simply, it is impossible to understand Quitesimply, simply, ititisisimpossible impossible tounderstand understand Quite the world around you today –toculture, the world around you today – culture, the world divisions, around you today – culture, conflicts, allegiances, architecture, conflicts,divisions, divisions,allegiances, allegiances,architecture, architecture, conflicts, people – without an understanding of the people – without an understanding ofthe the people – without an understanding of past. The knowledge of how we came to be, past.The Theknowledge knowledge ofhow howwe wecame cameto tobe, be, past. why we are different toofother peoples, what why we are different to other peoples, what why we are toabout other peoples, what the past candifferent teach us the way to go thepast pastcan canteach teachus usabout aboutthe theway wayto togo go the forward are all part and parcel of the discipline forward are all part and parcel of the discipline forward are all part and parcel of the discipline of History. ofHistory. History. of What is more, employers, Universities and Whatis ismore, more, employers, Universities anda What employers, Universities and other further education institutions all place other further education institutions all place other furtheroneducation allhistory place aa high value students institutions who have a high value on students who have a history high value onowing students who have to the array of a history qualification tothe thearray arrayof of qualificationowing owing to qualification

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high-level skills which form the foundation high-levelskills skillswhich whichform formthe thefoundation foundation high-level analysis, problem solving, of the subject: the subject: analysis, problem solving, of the subject: analysis, problem solving, of dealing with large quantities of information dealing with withlarge large quantitiesof ofinformation information dealing it for thequantities relevant, categorising, and sifting sifting it for the relevant, categorising, and sifting it for thedeconstructing relevant, categorising, and constructing and arguments constructingand anddeconstructing deconstructingarguments arguments constructing (written and oral), the ability to empathise and (written and oral), the ability to empathise and (written and oral), from the ability empathise and look at situations moreto than one angle, lookatatsituations situationsfrom from morethan than oneangle, angle, look historical significance, more causation, one change and historical significance, causation, change and historical causation, change and continuity,significance, interpretations and representations continuity,interpretations interpretationsand andrepresentations representations continuity, and the need to continually ask why and to and the need to continually ask whyand andto to and the need to continually ask why make up your own mind. make upyour your ownmind. mind. make And ofup course,own History is enormous fun: And of course, History enormous fun: And of else course, isisenormous where canHistory you learn about the fun: weird whereelse elsecan canyou youlearn learnabout aboutthe theweird weird where

and wonderful eccentricities of humankind? andwonderful wonderfuleccentricities eccentricitiesof ofhumankind? humankind? and Where else is it possible to theorise about Where else is it possible to theorise about Where else is it possible to theorise about what ought to have been done at the pivotal whatought oughtto tohave havebeen been doneatatthe the pivotal what moments in our past and done compare it topivotal what moments in our past and compare itto towhat what moments in our past and compare it actually was done? Where else is it possible actuallywas wasdone? done? Where Where elseisisititpossible possible actually behaviour in else all political and to put human human behaviour in all political and to put behaviour all political and to put human cultural spheres under ain microscope? culturalspheres spheresunder underaamicroscope? microscope? cultural Mysteries, role-plays, pod casting, debate, Mysteries, role-plays, pod casting,debate, debate, Mysteries, role-plays, pod casting, video making, trials and boxing matches: you video making, making, trials trials andboxing boxing matches:you you video live history when youand take Historymatches: at A Level! live history when you take History at A Level! live history when you take History at A Level!

Resources and Facilities Resourcesand and Facilities Facilities Resources

• Course booklets, comprising key • Course Course booklets, comprising key key •resources, booklets, articles andcomprising historiographical resources, articles and historiographical resources, articles and historiographical extracts, will be provided. willbe betextbooks provided. will also be extracts, provided. •extracts,will Key • Key textbooks textbooks will will also also be be •supplied. Key supplied. •supplied. Lessons take place in the • Lessons take place place the •purposeLessons take inin the built sixth-form block in purposebuilt sixth-form block purposesixth-form block and inin rooms withbuiltdata projectors rooms with with data projectors projectors and and rooms data interactive whiteboards. interactive whiteboards. interactive whiteboards.

Careers and Progression Careersand and Progression Progression Careers History prioritises support for sixth-form History prioritises supportfor for sixth-form History prioritises sixth-form by providing their support students with an area by providing their students with anarea area by providing their students with an to work, as well as additional resources to work, as well as additional resources to work, as well as additional resources pupils can help themselves to. Employers themselvesto. to.Employers Employers pupilscan canhelp helpthemselves pupils and most especially Universities find that and most especially Universities findthat that and most especially Universities find History graduates have the high-level History graduates have the high-level History the high-level thinkinggraduates skills that have are often lacking in other thinkingskills skills thatgraduates areoften oftenlacking lacking other thinking that are ininother students. History are particularly students. History graduates are particularly students. History graduates areofparticularly highly sought after in the fields academic highlysought sought afterininthe thefields fields academic highly after ofofacademic research, journalism, law, teaching, civil research, journalism, law, teaching, civil research, journalism, law, teaching, civil service, politics and government, market service, politics and government, market service, and government, market researchpolitics and advertising and business. research andadvertising advertising and business. research and and business. History graduates that you have probably Historyofgraduates graduates thatyou you haveThe probably History that have probably heard include: Michael Palin, heard of include: Michael Palin, The heard of include: Michael TheSimon Chemical Brothers, Louis Palin, Theroux, Chemical Brothers, LouisTheroux, Theroux, Simon Chemical Brothers, Simon Mayo, Sting, Sacha Louis Baron Cohen (Ali Mayo, Sting, Sacha Baron Cohen (Ali Mayo, Sting, Sacha Baron Cohen G), Lord Sainsbury, Sebastian Coe(Ali and G),Lord LordBrown! Sainsbury,Sebastian SebastianCoe Coeand and G), Sainsbury, Gordon Gordon Brown! Gordon Brown!

Course Outline CourseOutline Outline Course Rebels and Rulers: the AS and A2 courses Rebels andbuilt Rulers: theAS ASand and A2of courses Rebels and Rulers: the A2 courses have been around the theme rulers have been built around the theme of rulers have been builtinaround rulers and rebellions order tothe gettheme to theofheart and rebellions in order to get to the heart and rebellions get to the wielded, heart of what powerinis,order how to it has been ofwhat what power is,how howitithas hasbeen beenand wielded, of is, wielded, how thispower has developed over time how how this has developed over time and how how this has overformed time and challenges todeveloped authority have parthow challenges to authority have formed part challenges to authority haveWe formed study part and of this process of change. Westudy study and ofthis thisprocess process change. We and of ofofchange. compare key rulers and rebellions from compare key rulers and rebellions from compare key rulers and rebellions fromVIII different times and places: from Henry different times and places:from from Henry VIII different and places: Henry to Stalin times and the Pilgrimage of Grace toVIII to Stalin and the Pilgrimage of Grace to to andRevolution. the Pilgrimage Grace to theStalin Russian Ourof exam board Russian Revolution. Ourexam exam board the Russian Revolution. board isthe Edexcel and the unitsOur studied are as isEdexcel Edexceland andthe theunits unitsstudied studiedare areas as is follows: follows: follows:

AS AS •AS Unit 1: Russia in Revolution,1881-1924 • Stalin’s Unit1: 1:Russia Russia1924-1953. Revolution,1881-1924 •and Unit ininRevolution,1881-1924 Russia, This unit is and Stalin’s Russia, 1924-1953. Thisunit unitisis and Stalin’s Russia, 1924-1953. the explanation in breadth studyThis and is the explanation in breadth study and the explanation breadth study and isisand examined in oneinexamination of 1 hour examined in one examination of 1 hour and examined one examination of 1 hour and 20 minutesinduration. minutes duration. 20 20 • minutes Unit 2: duration. Henry VIII: authority, nation • Unit Unit2:2:Henry Henry VIII:authority, authority, nation •and VIII: religion, 1509-1540, which isnation a British and religion, 1509-1540, which is British and 1509-1540, is aaBritish depthreligion, study and which is which also examined in depth study and which is also examined depth study and which is also examined inin one examination (source-based) of 1 hour oneexamination examination(source-based) (source-based)ofof11hour hour one and and and 20 minutes. 20minutes. minutes. 20

A2 A2 •A2 Unit 3: Protest, crisis and rebellion • England, Unit3:3: Protest, Protest, crisis andforms rebellion •in Unit crisis and rebellion 1536-1588. This the England, 1536-1588. This forms the in England, in depth and 1536-1588. controversy This studyforms and the is depth and controversy study and depth and controversy study and isis examined in one 2-hour examination. oneGolden 2-hourexamination. examination. examined ininThe one 2-hour •examined Unit 4: Age of Spain, • Unit 4: The Golden Ageofofunit Spain, a coursework which •1474-1598. Unit 4: This The is Golden Age Spain, 1474-1598. This is a coursework unit which 1474-1598. This is a coursework unit which focuses on 100 years of the causes and years of the causes and focuses on 100 years of the causes and focuses on 100 consequences of change. consequencesofofchange. change. consequences

For further details, see the Edexcel website. Forfurther furtherdetails, details,see seethe theEdexcel Edexcelwebsite. website. For

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39 39

AS & A2 Level




Resources and Facilities

Minimum Entry Requirements A grade B or above in English. Course Leader

You will be provided with course textbooks, key research articles, source materials and you will be expected to use the wide variety of sociological material that is available on the internet, TV, radio, newspapers and magazines.

Mrs Jeffs - NA Mr Worley - SWA Exam Board


“Sociology will help develop a deeper understanding of this social world and explain issues that directly affect the way you live.”

Course Outline Sociology A level comprises 4 units combined with sociological theory and methods studied over 2 years. AS: Families and Households; Education; Sociological methods A2: Global Development; Crime and Deviance; Sociological Theory and Methods

Careers and Progression Sociology is about you. It is to help you have a wider knowledge and understanding about the society in which you live. As a member of society all students should come to the course equipped with some knowledge of the social world. Sociology will help develop a deeper understanding of this social world and explain issues that directly affect the way you live.

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GCE Sociology has been designed so that students will acquire the essential knowledge and understanding of the central aspects of sociological thought and methods together with the application of a range of skills. It is constructed around key sociological themes such as the way we are socialised, our culture and identity, social differentiation, power and stratification.

A qualification in Sociology has become an important requirement for many ‘people-focused’ careers particularly Health Care, Teaching, Journalism, the Police and Legal professions, Social Work, Public Relations and Personnel Management. Much of the research into what is happening in our society is carried out by people with a sociological qualification and sociologists are found in Local Government, the Civil Service and advising the Prime Minister, his government and the other major political parties.

41 41

AS & A2 Level


Course Outline

Psychology Psychology Psychology

AS ASAS Units Units Units Unit Unit Unit 11 :1 : :Cognitive Cognitive Cognitive Psychology Psychology Psychology (memory), (memory), (memory), Developmental Developmental Developmental Psychology Psychology Psychology (attachment) (attachment) (attachment) and and and Research Research Research Methods. Methods. Methods. Psychology Psychology Psychology (stress), (stress), (stress), Unit Unit Unit 22 :2 : :Biological Biological Biological Social Social Social Psychology Psychology Psychology (conformity) (conformity) (conformity) and and and Individual Individual Individual Differences Differences Differences (abnormality). (abnormality). (abnormality).

A2 Units Mrs Mrs Mrs Senior Senior Senior -- SWA SWA - SWA Unit 3 : Topics in Psychology; eating behaviour; biological rhythms, sleep and Exam Exam Exam Board Board Board aggression. Edexcel Edexcel Edexcel Unit 4 : Psychopathology, Psychology in Action and Research Methods.

A2 A2A2 Units Units Units Unit Unit Unit 33 :3 : :Topics Topics Topics in inPsychology; in Psychology; Psychology; eating eating eating behaviour; behaviour; behaviour; biological biological biological rhythms, rhythms, rhythms, sleep sleep sleep and and and aggression. aggression. aggression. Psychopathology, Psychopathology, Psychology Psychology Psychology in inin Unit Unit Unit 44 :4 : :Psychopathology, Research Research Research Methods. Methods. Methods. Action Action Action and and and

Resources and Facilities and “Research “Research “Researchinininpsychology psychology psychology seeks seeks seekstototo understand understand understand and and Students are issued copies of key explain explain explainthought, thought, thought,emotion, emotion, emotion, and and andwith behaviour.” behaviour.” behaviour.” texts and additional reading materials. Lessons are taught using a wide range of ICT and web-based resources.


Course Course Course Outline Outline Outline

AS Units Unit 1 : Cognitive Psychology (memory), Developmental Psychology (attachment) Minimum Minimum Minimum Entry Entry Entry Requirements Requirements Requirements and Research Methods. B B grade B grade grade in in English in English Psychology (stress), Unit 2 : BiologicalEnglish Social Psychology (conformity) and Individual Differences (abnormality). Course Course Course Leader Leader Leader

Mrs Mrs Mrs Jeffs Jeffs Jeffs -- NA NA - NA

Psychology Psychology Psychology is isboth is both both an anan applied applied applied and and and academic academic academic field field field that that that studies studies studies the the the human human human mind mind mind and and and behaviour. behaviour. behaviour. Research Research Research in inin psychology psychology psychology seeks seeks seeks to toto understand understand understand and and and explain explain explain thought, thought, thought, emotion, emotion, emotion, and and and behaviour. behaviour. behaviour. This This This is isan is anan exciting exciting exciting and and and demanding demanding demanding subject. subject. subject. Students Students Students will will will follow follow follow the the the AQA AQA AQA ‘A’ ‘A’‘A’ specification specification specification which which which has has has been been been designed designed designed to toto develop develop develop breadth breadth breadth


knowledge, knowledge, knowledge,critical critical critical thinking thinking thinking skills skills skills and and and an anan of ofof appreciation appreciation appreciation of ofof the the the relationships relationships relationships between between between Careers and Progression different different different aspects aspects aspects of ofof Psychology. Psychology. Psychology. ItIt will Itwillwill also also also develop develop develop the the the ability ability ability to toto design, design, design, carry carry carry out out out and and and Include: Research, Education, Police critically critically critically analyse analyse analyse experimental experimental experimental research. research. research. Service, Marketing, Human Resources, Advertising, the Media, Law, Health Care, Social Work, Sports Training /Coaching, Psychotherapy, Childcare, Mental Health Treatment, Performance Enhancement, Self-help, Ergonomics and many other areas affecting health and daily life.

Resources Resources Resources and and and Facilities Facilities Facilities Students Students Students are are are issued issued issued with with with copies copies copies of ofof key key key texts texts texts and and and additional additional additional reading reading reading materials. materials. materials. Lessons Lessons Lessons are are are taught taught taught using using using aawide a wide wide range range range of ofof ICT ICT ICT and and and web-based web-based web-based resources. resources. resources.

Careers Careers Careers and and andProgression Progression Progression Include: Include: Include: Research, Research, Research, Education, Education, Education, Police Police Police Service, Service, Service, Marketing, Marketing, Marketing, Human Human Human Resources, Resources, Resources, Advertising, Advertising, Advertising, the the the Media, Media, Media, Law, Law, Law, Health Health Health Care, Care, Care, Social Social Social Work, Work, Work, Sports Sports Sports Training Training Training /Coaching, /Coaching, /Coaching, Psychotherapy, Psychotherapy, Psychotherapy, Childcare, Childcare, Childcare, Mental Mental Mental Health Health Health Treatment, Treatment, Treatment, Performance Performance Performance Enhancement, Enhancement, Enhancement, Self-help, Self-help, Self-help, Ergonomics Ergonomics Ergonomics areas areas areas affecting affecting affecting health health health and and and many many many other other other and and and daily daily daily life. life. life.




ICT BTEC Level 3

Resources and Facilities The course provides a mixture of practical and theoretical topics. Students will use the latest software and applications from Microsoft as well as cloud based tools. We have a separate Lab room for CISCO Networking Systems, which uses real and simulated environments – giving students real “hands on” experiences – which are difficult to find in other colleges or 6th forms.

Minimum Entry Requirements You will need a minimum of: Grade C Maths and/or English Course Leader

Mr Arnold - NA Mr Gould - SWA Exam Board


Careers and Progression These qualifications are valued by employers and higher education. Students go into careers in many IT related disciplines as Technicians and Technical Support and progress to professional status in their chosen field.

“Teachers are passionate and well informed, able to give you practical insight into the world of IT – how and why it is used, the people who use it and the value it has for society and your future.”

If you want to get a job straight away you could work in: • IT System Helpdesks - E-Commerce Technical Support - Network Management

Course Outline The course progresses over a 2 year route. Year 1 is a Certificate and year 2 is a Subsidiary Diploma. All candidates must complete 3 units in the first year and 6 units by the end of the second year. Options are available depending on student routes and

BTEC ICT Level 3 is a practical, “hands-on” course, which delivers a wide range of learning experiences to students. We believe it is highly relevant to students who wish to progress in a variety of different career or education paths. For those students who wish to advance into IT related fields, this course offers theory, knowledge and opportunities to develop practical skills in ICT

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These skills are highly valued in industry, and are acknowledged as the best start in an IT career and there are often opportunities for students to gain additional qualifications in their professional development. This course takes you to new levels of skill and knowledge, and really helps you to see working in Information Technology in new and exciting ways.

capabilities. • Communications & Employability Skills • • • • • • • • • •

If you decide to go on to University you could take a degree or BTEC Higher National in subjects such as: • Computing - Networking - Combined Computing Degrees - Multimedia Note: for University entrance you will also need to have Maths A level Grade A* to B for most courses.

Computer Systems Information Systems IT Systems Analysis and Design CISCO Networking Basics Website Management and Production Human Computer Interface CISCO Routers and Routing Basics Multimedia Technology Website Design Database Design

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AS & A2 Level



Design Technology

Course Outline

Minimum Entry Requirements Grade B in a relevant subject area, such as Resistant Materials or Graphics. Course Leader

Mr Bleach - SWA Exam Board


Resources and Facilities

Your A Level studies cover four main topics, and you’ll study two of these each year. In ‘Materials, Components and Application’ - you’ll look at materials, production processes and the impact of cost and design. In ‘Learning through designing and making’ you’ll produce some coursework using your own design with a range of materials and media. In the second year you’ll get to grips with ‘Design and Manufacture’ - helping you to appreciate the relationship between design and technology, or form and function. ‘Design and Making in Practice’ is the practical, coursework part. You’ll make an object and record the processes that you went through.

A Level textbooks, library books, VLE, kerboodle & DVD’s. A dedicated workshop with all the machines and materials required, including CAD CAM facilities with laser cutter and virtual cutter to model your ideas.

Careers and Progression 3D design could take you into a number of exciting career paths. Of course there is product or automotive design. But what about computer generated cartoons? Or maybe CAD for industry appeals to you more? This course could take you into Architecture, Teaching, Manufacturing, Advertising or Engineering.

“You have an idea and - with the use of tools like clay or computers - it comes to life”

Think about the objects that you love. Your mobile phone with its delicious curves was designed on a computer screen. The car you yearn for started life as a reduced size clay model. A building that you admire sprang from the drawing board of an architect. And it’s not a new phenomenon. Our fascination with 3D design goes back to flint arrow heads and earthenware pots. As a 3D designer you are at the crossroads of a number of skills.Of course you need

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creativity, in order to imagine the shape and function of the object. But you’ll also need to know about manufacturing processes, materials and marketing. Bringing ideas to life 3D Design is an enormously satisfying career. You have an idea and - with the use of tools like clay or computers - it comes to life. Imagine how satisfying it must be for the person who designed the iPhone or Razr to hold the finished product in their hand

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BTEC Level 3



Engineeering Engineeering

Course Outline Course Outline Minimum Entry Requirements Applicants will Requirements need a minimum of Minimum Entry 5 GCSEs grade C or equivalent. Applicants willatneed a minimum of They must have a Level 2 5 GCSEs at grade C or equivalent. qualification in engineering They must have a Level 2 and a C in Maths qualification in engineering and a C in Maths Course Leader Dr CourseKirkha Leader - NA Dr Kirkha - NA Exam Board Exam EdExcel Board EdExcel

“If you are interested in a career in Engineering, or if “If interestedby in how a career Engineering, if youyou arearefascinated andinwhy manmadeoritems you arethen fascinated howbeandthewhy manmade items work, this justbymay course for you!” work, then this just may be the course for you!” The Diploma, which is equivalent to two A The Diploma, is equivalent to two A Levels, will allowwhich people to enter the

apply to become Engineering Technician apply to become Engineering (EngTech) Affiliates of theTechnician Institution of

Engineering professions at or anto advanced apprentice or trainee level, study these apprentice or trainee level, or to study these subjects at University. The course is highly

body thatcompletion regulate theofprofession in thestudents UK. Upon the Diploma, will Upon of the Diploma, students will havecompletion met the academic requirements of the

Levels, willAeronautical allow people to enter the Mechanical, and Production Mechanical, Aeronautical Production Engineering professions atand an advanced

subjects at University. course highly suited to those students The wishing to is continue suited to those continue their studies fromstudents a Level wishing 2 BTECtoqualification

their studies from a Levelin2Resistant BTEC qualification in Engineering, or GCSE Materials in Engineering, or GCSE in Resistant Materials or Product Design. Students who enroll on the or Product course can Design. Students who enroll on the course can


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6th form prospectus 2015.indd 47-48

(EngTech) Affiliates of the Institution of professional Mechanical Engineers, who are the Mechanical whoprofession are the professional body that Engineers, regulate the in the UK.

have met the academic qualification requirements of the can be ‘EngTechMIMechE’ which ‘EngTechMIMechE’ qualificationofwhich can be awarded by the Institution Mechanical awarded by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers upon completing a period of Engineers completing a period of industrialupon experience. industrial experience.

Resources and Facilities Resources and Facilities

For more information on this course or entry requirements pleaseorcontact For more information on this course entry Dr Kirkham. In the Diploma, there are eleven units requirements please contact Dr Kirkham. available to are be studied. In the Diploma, there eleven units For those wishing to examine the BTEC available to be studied. online for the course the For those wishing to specification examine the BTEC Engineering Design qualification reference number is Engineering Project online specification for the course the Engineering Design Properties and Application of 500/8154/8 qualification reference number is Engineering Project Engineering Material Properties and Application of 500/8154/8 Mechanical Engineering Material Principles and Applications Mechanical Principles and Electrical and Electronic Applications ElectricalPrinciples and Electronic Mathematics for Engineering Principles Technicians Mathematics for Engineering Engineering Secondary and Technicians Finishing Techniques Engineering Secondary and & Safety in the FinishingHealth Techniques Health &Engineering Safety in the Workplace Communications for Engineering Workplace Engineering Technicians Communications for Further Mathematics for Engineering Technicians Engineeringfor Technicians Further Mathematics Engineering Technicians To be awarded the full Diploma all eleventhe units be all passed. To be awarded full must Diploma However, other options exist if eleven units must be passed. students do not wish to complete all of However, other options exist if the units: the 90 Credit Diploma students do not wish to complete all of nine units; the subsidiary the units:needing the 90 Credit Diploma Diploma needing six units; and the needing nine units; the subsidiary Certificate needing three Diploma needing six units; and the units. In certain cases is even Certificate needing threeit units. In possible to study the Diploma over certain cases it is even possible to three years. study the Diploma over three years. The full Diploma can contribute up to 280 UCAS andupcontains the The full Diploma can points contribute to ‘Further Mathematics for Technicians’ 280 UCAS points and contains the unit which will students to ‘Further Mathematics forenable Technicians’ progress to Engineering unit which will enable students to Degrees, such offered at Anglia Ruskin, De progressas to those Engineering Degrees, such Montfort and John Moores as those offered at Anglia Ruskin, De Universities. wishing to study at Montfort For and students John Moores Universities. University it is recommended that this For students wishing to study at course is combined with another A University it is recommended that this Level, to ensure that enough UCAS course is combined with another A Level, topoints ensureare thatgained. enough UCAS points are gained.

Careers and Progression Careers and Progression

This course will equip students to This course enter will equip students a variety of to technical careers, enter a variety of technical careers,or aeronautical such as mechanical such as mechanical or aeronautical engineering. Completion of the

engineering.qualification Completion of theallow individuals to will qualification enter will allow to profession at the individuals engineering enter the engineering profession at an advanced apprenticeship or an advancedtrainee apprenticeship or level. Students could also

trainee level.progress Studentson could also National to Higher progress on Certificate to Higher National or Diploma Courses, or Certificate ortoDiploma Courses, or Engineering. University to study to University to study Engineering.




NEWMARKET ACADEMY 2015 Languages - French and German

Course Outline

Languages Languages -- French French and and German German

Course Course Outline Outline

AS & A2 Level


You will be encouraged to:

Minimum Entry Requirements Minimum B grade at GCSE in their chosen language, on the higher paper. Minimum Minimum Entry Entry Requirements Requirements Minimum Minimum B B grade grade at at GCSE GCSE in in their their Courseon Leader chosen language, the higher chosen language, on the higher paper. paper.

Miss Moden - SWA Course Leader Exam Board Course Leader

Miss AQA -- SWA Miss Moden Moden SWA Exam Exam Board Board


Listen and respond to a variety of authentic You will encouraged spoken sources. You will be be encouraged to: to: Demonstrate flexibility when communicating Listen respond to authentic in bothand speech and writing. Useof Listen and respond to a a variety variety ofappropriate authentic in written communication. registers spoken sources. spoken sources. Manipulate the target language accurately Demonstrate Demonstrate flexibility flexibility when when communicating communicating organise facts and ideas,Use present to both in speech and writing. appropriate in both speech and writing. Use appropriate in communication. registers explanations, opinions and information in in written written communication. registers Manipulate target language both speechthe and writing. Manipulate the target language accurately accurately organise facts and ideas, present to Understand and apply the grammatical organise facts and ideas, present to explanations, opinions system. explanations, opinions and and information information in in both speech and writing. Transfer meaning from German or French both speech and writing. Understand and apply the to English and vice versa. Understand and apply the grammatical grammatical system. system. Transfer Transfer meaning meaning from from German German or or French French to English and vice versa. to English and vice versa.

and Facilities

An interest in life in other countries in the Resources and European community and the world at large Resources and Facilities Facilities would be a good starting point for an AS/A2 An interest life Languages An interest in incourse. life in in other other countries countries in in the the European community and the world You will need to be prepared to go European community and the worldtoat at large large would a starting point for Germany France in order to develop your would be be or a good good starting point for an an AS/A2 AS/A2 Languages course. listening and speaking skills – either as part Languages course. You will need to be prepared to go to of the exchange or in work experience. You will need to be prepared to go to Germany or in develop Students be expected toto undertake Germany will or France France in order order to develop your your listening and speaking skills – either as individual research for the topics covered – listening and speaking skills – either as part part of the exchange or in work experience. particularly for the coursework option. of the exchange or in work experience. Students Students will will be be expected expected to to undertake undertake individual research for the individual research for the topics topics covered covered – – particularly for the coursework option. particularly for the coursework option.

“If you are interested in life in other countries in the European community and the world at large “If interested in life in countries in “If you you are arethis interested in other other countries in would inbelife a good starting point!” the the European European community community and and the the world world at at large large this this would would be be aa good good starting starting point!” point!” Careers and Progression The course is especially suited to students

Careers and interested in anyProgression career with an international Careers and Progression


Compatibility with other courses – particularly The study of modern languages will help you Science, Business, Teaching, Journalism, to understand the language in speech and writing and to communicate confidently, as Law, Research, Armed Forces, Leisure and Compatibility with other courses – The study of modern languages will help you Compatibility courses – particularly particularly The study of modern languages will help you Tourism, Hair with and other Beauty, Fashion, Art and well as inform you about the contemporary understand the language in speech and Science, Business, Teaching, Journalism, to understand the language in speech and Science, Business, Teaching, Journalism, to society and culture of the countries studied. Design, Import and Export, English literature writing and communicate confidently, as Law, Research, writing and to to communicate confidently, as Law,Media. Research, Armed Armed Forces, Forces, Leisure Leisure and and and Such study can provide a basis for degree Tourism, Hair and Beauty, Fashion, Art and well as inform you about the contemporary Tourism, Hair and Beauty, Fashion, Art and well as inform you about the contemporary level study as well as being satisfying in society and culture of the countries studied. Design, society Design, Import Import and and Export, Export, English English literature literature itself. and culture of the countries studied. and Such and Media. Media. Such study study can can provide provide a a basis basis for for degree degree level level study study as as well well as as being being satisfying satisfying in in itself. itself.

6th 50 50form prospectus 2015.indd 50


dimension such as in Finance, Law, The is suited Banking, Teaching, Tourism andto The course course is especially especially suited to students students interested in any career with an international to the Media.inLanguages interested any careerhave with so an much international dimension such as in Law, and new government offer everyone dimension such as with in Finance, Finance, Law, Banking, Tourism directivesTeaching, will become even and more of a and Banking, Teaching, Tourism the Media. Languages necessity the future. have have so so much much to to the Media.inLanguages everyone and with new government offer offer everyone and with new government directives directives will will become become even even more more of of a a necessity in the future. necessity in the future.


51 51 51

AS & A2 Level



Course Course Outline Outline


The The Biology Biology course course runs runs at at Newmarket Newmarket Academy and Academy and is is taught taught through through real real life life biology, starting starting with with looking looking at at heart heart biology, disease and and how how it it can can affect affect people’s people’s disease lives. Through Through this this you you will will learn learn about about lives. carbohydrate and and lipid lipid structure, structure, heart heart carbohydrate structure and and much much more. more. It It is is taught taught little little structure by little little to to improve improve understanding understanding and and by knowledge. Other Other real real life life topics topics covered covered knowledge. are Cystic Cystic Fibrosis, Fibrosis, Human Human Genome Genome are Project and and Biodiversity. Biodiversity. At At A2 A2 the the real real life life Project issues include include Forensic Forensic Science, Science, the the role role issues exercise, the the brain brain and and of zoos, zoos, sport sport and and exercise, of immune system. system. There There are are 3 3 units units at at AS AS immune level and and three three at at A2. A2. level AS Level Level AS Unit 1 1– – Lifestyle, Lifestyle, Health Health and and Risk, Risk, and and Unit Genes and and Health Health Genes Unit 2 2– – Voice Voice of of the the Genome Genome and and Unit Biodiversity and and Natural Natural Resources Resources Biodiversity Unit 3 3– – Issue Issue or or visit visit report. report. 1500 1500 word word Unit report on on a a biological biological issue issue of of your your choice choice report A2 Level Level A2 Unit 4 4– – The The natural natural environment environment and and Unit species survival survival species Exercise, Energy Energy and and Unit 5 5– – Exercise, Unit

Minimum Minimum Entry Entry Requirements Requirements

Minimum Minimum grade grade B B in in Additional Additional or B in Triple Science Science. Science or B in Triple Science. Course Course Leader Leader

Ms Ms Blake Blake -- NA NA Miss Cassels Miss Cassels -- SWA SWA Exam Exam Board Board

Edexcel Edexcel SNAB Biology Biology SNAB

“It allows you to develop analytical skills, investigative skills, and practical skills, as well as your biological knowledge”

The The A A Level Level Biology Biology course course covers covers a a wide wide range of topics, forensics, ecology, plant range of topics, forensics, ecology, plant biology, human human physiology, physiology, genetics genetics and biology, and biochemistry. It gives a good base for biochemistry. It gives a good base for further further study in in a a wide wide range range of of subjects subjects including including study other other sciences sciences but but often often non non science science subjects. subjects. allows you you to to develop develop analytical analytical skills, skills, ItIt allows investigative investigative skills, skills, practical practical skills, skills, as as well well as as your biological biological knowledge. knowledge. It It can can support support a a your wide variety of careers from doctor, solicitor, wide variety of careers from doctor, solicitor, physiotherapist, conservationist, conservationist, research research physiotherapist, scientist and journalist. scientist and journalist.

52 52 52

Resources Resources and and Facilities Facilities During During your your first first lesson lesson of of Biology Biology you you will will be logged logged on be on to to the the dedicated dedicated SNAB SNAB course course website. This This contains contains all all the the worksheets worksheets you you website. will complete complete through through the the 2 2 years, years, animations animations will to help help your your understanding understanding of of topics topics like like to protein synthesis, synthesis, control control of of the the heartbeat heartbeat protein There are are also also areas areas to to and many many more. more. There and help with with Chemistry Chemistry and and Mathematics Mathematics as as help There are are also also you meet meet them them in in the the course. course. There you GCSE review review tests, tests, end end of of topic topic tests tests and and an an GCSE interactive glossary. glossary. Revision Revision guides: guides: CPG CPG interactive and Biozone Biozone and and past past examination examination papers papers and are available available for for purchase. purchase. are

CoCo- ordination ordination Unit Individual Investigation Investigation Unit 6 6– – Individual

Careers Careers and and Progression Progression In In the the past past many many Biology Biology students students have have gone on to study at Higher gone on to study at Higher Education. Education. Courses Courses included included Physiotherapy Physiotherapy at at Nottingham University, Nottingham University, Biochemistry Biochemistry at at Birmingham, Birmingham, UEA UEA and and Essex, Essex, Chemistry Chemistry at at York, York, Law Law at at UEA, UEA, Equine Equine Studies Studies at at Surrey, Surrey, Radiotherapy Radiotherapy at at Suffolk, Suffolk, Sport Sport Science Science at at Bedford and Biology at Kent University. Bedford and Biology at Kent University.

53 53 53


AS & A2 Level

Chemistry Chemistry



Course Outline Course Course Outline AS LevelOutline Chemistry consists of two

topics; Chemistry for Life and Chemistry AS Level consists two ASNatural Level Chemistry Chemistry consists of two of Resources. Theseof storylines topics; Chemistry for Life and topics; Chemistry forunits Life called and Chemistry Chemistry are subdivided into Elements of Life, Natural Resources. These storylines Natural Resources. These storylines of Developing Fuels, Elements from are subdivided into units Elements are Sea, subdivided into units called called Elements the Polymer Revolution, and the of Life, of Life, Developing Developing Fuels, Fuels, Elements Elements from from Atmosphere. the Sea, Revolution, and the Sea, Polymer Revolution, and the the There arePolymer two exams both in June. Atmosphere. Atmosphere. There is also a practical skills assessment There two both June. There are two exams exams both in in(10%). June. Chemistry in Practice called are There also practical assessment There iscourse also a a builds practical skills assessment The A2is onskills the knowledge called Chemistry in (10%). calledin Chemistry in Practice Practice (10%). learnt the AS course. There are two The course builds knowledge The A2 A2topics; courseChemistry builds on on the the knowledge further of Materials and learnt course. There are two learnt in in the thebyAS AS course.These Thereare arecovered two Chemistry Design. further Chemistry of further topics; Chemistry of Materials Materials and by eighttopics; storylines including, What is and Chemistry by are Chemistry by Design. Design. These are covered covered Colour These by Design and the in a Medicine?, by eight What by eight storylines storylines including, What isin Oceans. There areincluding, two exams bothis Colour by in Medicine?, Colour by Design Design and the in a a Medicine?, June. There is an extensive piece and of the Oceans. are both in Oceans. There Thereresearched are two two exams exams both work in independently practical June. There is piece June. Theretoward is an an extensive extensive piece ofmark. 15% of the finalof that counts independently independently researched researched practical practical work work that 15% of of the the final final mark. mark. that counts counts toward toward 15%

Resources and Facilities Minimum Entry Requirements

Students must have at least a B Minimum Entry Minimum Entry Requirements Requirements grade in Additional Science or B Students have at Students must haveScience. at least least a aB B grademust in Triple grade grade in in Additional Additional Science Science or or B B grade grade in in Triple Triple Science. Science.

Resources Resources and and Facilities Facilities

Course Leader

Mrs Wetherell - NA Leader Course Leader MissCourse Cassels - SWA Mrs Mrs Wetherell Wetherell -- NA NA Board Miss Cassels -- SWA MissExam Cassels SWA OCR Salters Exam Exam Board Board

OCR OCR Salters Salters

“Chemistry is a valuable subject because it is a “Chemistry is a valuable because it is a prerequisite for manysubject University courses.” prerequisite for many University courses.”

Resources and Facilities Resources Facilities Each student and is provided with two Resources and Facilities

Chemistry is an excellent subject to study because it develops science practical Chemistry is an subject to Chemistry an excellent excellent to study study techniques,isanalysis and subject organistaion skills. because it develops science practical because it develops science practical Chemistry is the central science that has techniques, analysis and organistaion skills. techniques, analysis andGeography organistaionand skills. links in Biology, Physics, Chemistry is the central science that has Chemistry is the central science that has Maths. Chemistry is a valuable subject links in Physics, and links in Biology, Biology, Physics, Geography Geography because it is a prerequisite for many and University Chemistry is a valuable subject Maths. is a valuable subject Maths. Chemistry courses including Medicine, Dentistry, because itit is prerequisite for University because is a aSciences, prerequisite for many many University Veterinary Earth Sciences and courses including Medicine, Dentistry, courses including Medicine, Dentistry, and Veterinary Sciences, Sciences, Earth Earth Sciences Sciences and Veterinary 54

54 54 54

6th form prospectus 2015.indd 53-54

as well as all Chemistry and Biochemistry courses. All employees and further education as well and Biochemistry as well as as all all Chemistry Chemistry andstrengths. Biochemistry establishments value these courses. All employees and further courses. All we employees further education education The course follow is and the Salter’s Chemistry establishments value these strengths. establishments value these strengths. specification. This course reinforces the The course follow the Salter’s Chemistry The courseofwe we follow is isby theusing Salter’s Chemistry principles Chemistry extensive the specification. This course reinforces thestory specification. This course reinforces practical work and by following different principles of Chemistry by using extensive principles of Chemistry by using extensive lines that cover most aspects of the Chemical practical work and by following different story practical work and by following different story industry. lines that cover most aspects of the Chemical lines that cover most aspects of the Chemical industry. industry.

textbooks. One is the classic textbook, Each provided with Each student student isall provided with two two which containsis the fundamental textbooks. One is the classic textbook, textbooks. One is the classic textbook, chemistry facts, the other is the storylines which contains all fundamental which which contains all the thechemical fundamental book, embeds knowledge chemistry facts, the the chemistry facts, the other other is isindustries the storylines storylines into everyday experiences, and book, which embeds chemical knowledge book, which embeds knowledge the world around us. chemical The course is into industries into everyday everyday experiences, industries and and supported by aexperiences, dedicated website: the world around us. The course is the world around us. The course chemistry is supported a website: supported bythe a dedicated dedicated website: and also byby OCR website www. chemistry Students are suppliedchemistry with a and also by the OCR website www. and also by the OCR website www. set of practical activity sheets for each unit. Students supplied a Studentsaare are supplied with a They can purchase CGP revisionwith guide set of practical activity sheets for each unit. set of practical activity sheets for each unit. which matches the course at a cost of They They can purchase purchase a a CGP CGP revision revision guide guide £6.00.can which matches the course at a cost which matches the course at a cost of of £6.00. £6.00.

Careers and Progression Careers and Progression Many of our students have secured Careers and Progression

University places reading Many students have Many of of our our students Forensic have secured secured Medicine, Chemistry, Chemistry, University places reading University places Biochemistry and reading Chemical Engineering. Medicine, Medicine, Chemistry, Chemistry, Forensic Forensic Chemistry, Chemistry, Biochemistry and Chemical Biochemistry and Chemical Engineering. Engineering.


55 55 55

AS & A2 Level



Resources and Facilities

Physics Minimum Entry Requirements

A minimum of grade B in Additional Science or grade B in Triple Science at GCSE. Course Leader

Mrs Canning - NA Miss Cassels - SWA

Students are provided with a course textbook: AS/A2 Physics. The course is supported by the website www.yedexcel. com/quals/gce/gce08physics.html. We have a selection of advanced Physics books available in our Physics library and further resources will be made available through VLE. Students can also purchase a revision guide which matches the course at a cost of £6.

Exam Board


Course Outline

“This course will develop your essential scientific knowledge and understanding.”

If you have an inquisitive mind and want to understand HOW the world works, the study of Physics will provide many of the answers. This course will develop your essential scientific knowledge and understanding, as well as establish sound links between theory and experiment. Some groups of students may choose Physics simply because they enjoy it or because they know that it is highly regarded by Universities as a test of problem solving ability and logical thought. The ability to work in groups as well as independently is

56 56

paramount in your development during the course.

A Level Physics is an important qualification for many careers. Some students go on to study physics at University. This may lead to a career in research and development, either in University or in industry. Perhaps the majority of those who study A Level Physics do so in order to apply their Physics knowledge in another subject area at University.

Careers and Progression A Level Physics can also lead to a wide range of careers. This includes Applied Physics, Astrophysics, Geophysics, Material Technology, Forensic Science, Engineering, Meteorology, and Medical Physics. Also complementary with intended careers in Medicine, Mathematics, Computing, Finance, Law, Accountancy and many more areas.

57 57

BTEC Level 3



Resources Resources and and Facilities Facilities

BTEC Applied Science Minimum Minimum Entry Entry Requirements Requirements

A A minimum minimum of of grade grade C C or or BTEC BTEC Level 2 in in core core Science. Science. Level 2 Course Course Leader Leader

Miss Miss Hoyle Hoyle -- NA NA Miss Cassels Miss Cassels -- SWA SWA Exam Exam Board Board

Edexcel Edexcel

BTEC BTEC Level Level 3 3 in in Applied Applied Science Science is is taught taught within the within the Science Science department department to to allow allow access to to the the practical practical equipment; equipment; access Microscopes, Dissection Dissection Equipment, Equipment, Microscopes, Colorimeter, Titration Titration and and Centrifuges. Centrifuges. The The Colorimeter, students will will require require frequent frequent access access to to ICT ICT students facilities for for the the research research activities activities and and the the facilities completion of of assessments. assessments. completion Some of of the the course course is is teacher-led, teacher-led, for for Some example the the practical practical tasks, tasks, but but some some of of the the example tasks are are independent independent research research activities. activities. tasks Each student student will will be be given given a a course course overview overview Each and assessment assessment criteria criteria for for each each assignment. assignment. and Resources will will be be available available on on the the VLE VLE to to Resources supplement the the course. course. supplement

“This course covers a wide range of topics including Human Physiology, Biochemistry, Microbiology and Energy�

The The BTEC BTEC Level Level 3 3 Applied Applied Science Science course covers a wide range course covers a wide range of of topics. topics. There are are four four compulsory There compulsory topics topics based based investigative techniques, science on in on investigative techniques, science in and the the basics basics of of science, science, and and industries and industries then there is a wide-range of units that then there is a wide-range of units that can can complete the the course. course. This This be chosen chosen to to complete be includes includes Human Human Physiology, Physiology, Biochemistry, Biochemistry,

58 58 58

Microbiology and Energy. Energy. Microbiology and The course develops The course develops your your research research skills, skills, investigative skills skills plus plus your your science investigative science knowledge. knowledge. The BTEC BTEC Level Level 3 3 Applied Applied Science Science course course The is very useful for students who are pursuing is very useful for students who are pursuing college course course in in a a science-based science-based topic, topic, a college a an apprenticeship or employment. an apprenticeship or employment.

Careers Careers and and Progression Progression The The BTEC BTEC Level Level 3 3 Applied Applied Science Science course course is very useful for students who is very useful for students who are are pursuing pursuing a a college college course course in in a a science-based science-based topic, topic, an apprenticeship or employment. an apprenticeship or employment.

59 59 59

BTEC Level 3



Health and Social Care

Units Outline

Minimum Entry Requirements 4 GCSE or equivalent at grade C or above including English. Course Leader

Mrs Williams - SWA Exam Board


“The NHS offers a huge range of challenging and exciting opportunities�

Did you know that the NHS is the 3rd largest employer in the world with over 1.3million staff? The NHS offers a huge range of challenging and exciting opportunities with more than 300 different careers on offer. This course will be an opportunity to find out about some of these careers and you will develop the skills, knowledge and understanding needed to give you a greater understanding of what it is like to work in the Health, Social Care and Early Years sectors. The course will be covered in lots of different and interesting ways: there will be classroom

60 60


discussion, visits from health professionals, research interviews, project work and presentations.

Resources This course will be supported by appropriate texts and materials and students will have access to a wide range of resources and IT facilities.

This course is an Edexcel BTEC which will be offered at Certificate and Award level The core units cover topics such as: Developing Effective Communication in Health and Social Care. Equality, Diversity and Rights in Health and Social Care. Health, Safety and Security in Health and Social Care. In addition to these units students will also complete additional units selected by staff chosen from courses such as: Development Through the Life Stages. Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology for Health and Social Care. Sociological Perspectives for Health and Social Care. Psychological Perspectives for Health and Social Care. Values and Planning in Social Care. Caring for Children and Young People. Supporting and Protecting Adults. Public Health. Physiological Disorders. Working in the Social Care Sector. Working in the Health Sector. Health Education. Nutrition for Health and Social . Complementary Therapies for Health and Social Care. Human Inheritance for Health and Social Care. Environmental Health. Technology in Health and Social Care Services. Exploring Personal and Professional Development in Health and Social Care. Please speak to the Health and Social Care team for further details regarding the units to be completed for each level.

Students will be assessed through coursework including practical work. The assignments have been designed to include skills in analysis, evaluation and presentation. Placement opportunities enable reflection and development required for your portfolio. Students will be given two submission opportunities for each task. All Portfolios will be internally and externally verified and standardised. There are trips planned to enhance the course delivery which may incur an additional cost. There is the option of purchasing a polo shirt for placement, visits and trips.

Further Information All students following this course will be able to refer to the standard textbook which can be viewed on the Heinemann website: www. However students will gain most resources through visiting speakers, workplace visits, surveys, questionnaires, and short blocks of work experience.

Careers and Progression The Health and Care Sector encompasses staff involved in direct care, as well as specialists such as Health Scientists, Technicians, Support Staff, Supervisors and Managers. Job opportunities exist in the statutory, private and voluntary provision of Care Services. The BTEC Level 3 National Award, Certificates and Diplomas in Health and Social Care can provide a springboard to a University degree or Foundation Degree in an appropriate vocational discipline, to BTEC HNCs and HNDs, or to employment.

61 61

A Level

Course Outline Course Course Course Outline Outline Outline


Food Technology Food Food Food Technology Technology Technology

Minimum Entry Requirements Minimum Minimum Minimum Entry Entry Requirements Entry Requirements Requirements Minimum B grade at GCSE in Food Technology or Catering Minimum Minimum Minimum B grade B grade Batgrade GCSE at GCSE at in GCSE Food in Food in Food Technology Technology Technology or Catering or Catering or Catering Course Leader Miss Bennett -Leader SWA Course Course Course Leader Leader MissMiss Bennett Miss Bennett Bennett - SWA - SWA - SWA Exam Board AQA Exam Exam Board Exam Board Board AQA AQAAQA

“If you enjoy GCSE Food Technology or GCSE Catering, “If“Ifyouyou “If enjoy enjoy youGCSE enjoy GCSE GCSE Food Food Technology Food Technology Technology or or GCSE or GCSE GCSE Catering, Catering, Catering, then this is the course for you!” then then thisthen thisis this is thethe course is course the course forfor for you!” you!” you!” If you enjoy GCSE Food Technology or GCSE you If you enjoy enjoy If you GCSE GCSE enjoy Food GCSE Food Technology Technology Food Technology or you! GCSE or GCSE or GCSE Catering, then this is the course for AS and atering, Catering, then Catering, then this this is then the is this the course course is the for course for you! you! for AS you! AS and and AS and A2 Food Technology is a continuation of GCSE

2 A2 Food Food Technology A2Technology Food Technology isThe aiscontinuation a continuation is a consists continuation of GCSE ofofGCSE Food Technology. course aof GCSE

ood Food Technology. Technology. Food Technology. TheThe course course The consists course consists consists of aof a of a combination of coursework and a theory exam. ombination combination combination of coursework of coursework of coursework andand a theory a and theory aexam. theory exam.exam. The course offers ample opportunity for you to heThe course course The offers course offers ample ample offers opportunity ample opportunity for for youyou tofor toyou to develop both your creativity andopportunity designing skills.

evelop develop both develop both your your both creativity creativity your creativity andand designing designing and designing skills. skills. Practical tasks help emphasise and develop yourskills. ractical Practical tasks Practical tasks helphelp tasks emphasise emphasise help andand develop develop and your develop your your theoretical knowledge and emphasise understanding of the

heoretical theoretical knowledge knowledge anda and understanding understanding and understanding ofhard the of theof the subject.theoretical You mustknowledge be well motivated, ubject. subject. You subject. You must must You be a be must well a well be motivated, amotivated, well motivated, hard hard hard working, independent learner.

orking, working, independent working, independent independent learner. learner. learner.

62 62



6th form prospectus 2015.indd 60-61


A t A S a n d A 2 yo u wi l l h a ve t h e o At pS uanAnd i2tdyAyo t2ouyo swi t uuldlwi yhlal nve i geen . At A t pAaoAS Snr tda A2 yo wi hda ve ve tdheestthh Yo n oniwl fdynf odaondddessdciee t uyn uda ssnini.ggcnne.., o p po ooprpput puor onrktriu ttiotyyestdtotog use dstytuo gi e mrYo akut u er rokiwl ageneeddgogcefeofo m pfd oonosedcni set sccniice wi kannloseowl ooffo eenn,lccl ee,, Yo uYo n dwl la sr a dn.ppeon Th m taet e rsireai al d slnsedave ancndoldom cpco ntesenwi t s l wi m aa t em io lb poem om lwillll coa o iTh ve yoeu t h e l sblusoerosbdebeewo eve ddere edd .. eTh a l sa lkve ove pwleloiod psou peurowo n iw ogi lid pth au e ntdhhees o l ve crco srrset eurwo rt rykikl ltwwi llve l eggve iive vel ouyo c o uo kwo yo aoopp lteuynm splroa epn l adat ensddo ltssve ooollve nittiotywh y dttoeoi cve ddheel ive ve o p po rpptrpuooonrbtriu ove dr o gobm nblielne gmaiwh nhdiicicm aepbsprliore m r etgel adat etpoddr ottodou c t a pa wh cwh shhariieskslian in t hsi gne nddaum .agp Daruop rdirrnuoogcddtuu t hcctet i gngnfi onianogngddaainm d e sd ide gesn kmsi a nat rkgkyi n efdo w nut hftrh fyo ooionduddiu innsiddltluruyd ss.tetrrve yyD. ul orDp r i nntgh ggreetthahetee r i n tichnioe oseeo i nu ga nsou deuresryo rsesetuyo ayo n nwi d crco ddf eeil n ve c o uu wudiulilw dgi lelllove ove pluoasptgrairaegglarrateeenaardtteerr ceu o pngfrgaion cfftdiiu cinne han illndaatnnhdde nrnm dsdetm e tca o u n du ar sre nstrda ininadgdli ino sdtsur iswi atlrtia i nei e cf oco i artlral y. pcprtraiacccettisiccewis t h wii nt htiih nnetthhee com moom edmm r cm adr rclucipsa sst trry. y. f o ofdof ooi noddiuni sndtduruy.

Resources and Facilities Resources Resources Resources and and and Facilities Facilities Facilities

We have two new fully equipped We We We have have have two two two new new fully fully fully equipped equipped equipped kitchens, anew computer room and kitchens, room and kitchens, kitchens, acomputer computer aallcomputer room room andand accessa to text books. access totoall books. access access to alltext all text text books. books.

Course Content Course Course Course Content Content Content

Th i s ye a r i s d i vi d e d i n t o t wo psTh aye ri sti saye ;rye aiatsartrdhi siesvidd sditivi add rdtee e a r yo u Th iTh evi i noddtfoi tnhttwo o tye wo wo wi otuhye res aeye , uu ahatp ye ayo arr kuyo yo p a rp t spal;arl trasct ts;o;tm et tltheshetee asrsyo ttaaorurfttr toohcfe rwo t hwi lmptpeal e fsoer rwo m lcwi co lkeyo teteeuayo yo osruerwo wo wi l lwi cilosllm pom le r scuium orr uiclra k a, rrtkkt,,o uwi he i si slclwi l ten taatkakeG esC aiamSssiE ilim f oar m m t h i st htwi t ral rlke amrFi lofaoorrdm t taaott ttoo oeG gntyCt G cGo uSFrEsoeoF t hct heucerhcrcn uuo r rltre n C Fwo t h eTe e n S ECSE do ordk a n d wi l l i nhTe cnclocu il n hrwo hlhd none ogolyo ogc-gyodyueccrposotueu rssr eerswo dd l wi Te cTe ke ar krncdahnn,wi lwill l ceie-ndi n g il n ien-p-ddtehespprittg reieadsreecaahsr,cahn, d i n cp uirncdocledul udi d n ehhn sre pidu o seg,sdd e e ideas iiddnsegaastnhdaennsdd p r opdpruorcod nucsgcianidlng ie gevsnsaiilgigudnnaetia apprnoordsopapcoloossn nalgtluiuna hagtotiin w t htsheee p a , ,aeeelrvuvi a ssi dereoeiidadduseecaatss p r op , asleslisvd t hge ca o aegrnri iu chhtoou ncnu dodlndcscob d iidne nhnfgogaw a n da ion densesirm tw hr oppdrruoocddtuusccttss l d bm bee c o uclcodoubul de am nmuaafnanucuftfauacrcettuudr.e d . W he n c o m p l e t i n g t h e c o u r s e wo r k yo uhe i cl lco teurwo yk trorkk WW nonm maptpive lnleegttitintnhhggeettohhcpeopucorosr u sn seietwo W he nhe cw pom lhe rwo p yo rwouid uwi cihlelal ve ahhtaalve e ul lw ve hep e2poo5oprhpt o r triutsynno iittfo yy ttoo yo uyo te haesttho uou n arcod cedtuiucaca reekaa.s2se5 u etellaewo atat lsle eYo 22 5o uhwroislul ornsf eooeffd t o p r opdpruo h5 scp e fa ol lcrwo u uYo pwsui l tlw oni le hl end leepeet d yo rtairtcacuact p iltci wo ca k.r. ouYo wi p r ap kwo .srrkgYo od ttuoo w byo euu etstiufgu f socpcugruso rcoostuup eyo l lppl uyo s e tsdusep opnpcfuao rsodgugurp tpossh ihtcoehlhpwi sccutht iiw twh eh lflwi obrllellyo i-gnsnpkary’ aopdparuronocdddtuuw bbeu er d e s‘db ide glesu nsiega cahbi clwi a ts- sgkakry’o arve y’ stsauubu iittlae awi bflloel raf yo ol sr ouyo yo r ‘ b l u‘t b e‘ blr-ug sl uekee-y’ nu daapnsn.dudiYo rhuu he nrpro co.e swi f oao t aretgr gceerhtotagug uupYo pt .o. uvi Yo Yo uiutl lwi lllsdaol shooa ve hhaave ve t a r gt a seea eacpnchachaneaninectco ttonosdivi vi t h etchctohehm vi t rsfseoiittoafdiol oodu t l e t s a n d a n san e tehsnsedaainrnedtdtearreienltteaaotiu,l tcol edut-tslreeoattm c co ssnsdaa,nndd com pom am npuipae sni eia f ot thichneuetsei i,nrnnttteerxt , r oo rtnn eeco td,o-ckr d c a nfcocauoansdneuiustnsheee ,b os-m sm ,mss,, gddafizi e dttebenxt eob w ooi no f socs,cuuatsesn,,xt bkossop, kasp,e r s t o f o ofm dof a oni ncnfuo oxt oaam te isnda-adnnnededpwnn th raespspeearapsrectrro hss. ttoo aggp a neaesn ws m a cm gm zi nalzi eezi sn seepw c co pl el eitne t e- di n ien-p-ddtehepprttehhsrreeasrecahr.c hh.. com pom l empt e During the second half of the ye yo tshewi oonh npda dr lehf paoalffr itonhfgetthfhoeer D u rD iDu nuagr ri nti n hggetuh eecslsoleenbccde yo uar ruyo t hyo euuol lwi rwi yblelel xa a bpberem pi no agu r i nfwi ye aye rye yo wi epp.rraeerY og rlflfoobrre uryo stu ih nure grtohtwe pxa c..toi u cY aowi l usl lwi eb sllsell ibb oee ns oerkryxa yl yeem xa m mY Yo yo uyo rheyeoe .r a i newe gkkp rlelyryapctpe ia ngg we rtrairacccu ilicdsael rssssetiaso sn ssnidisooinnsgs u s i tu nousgsignwe kal e ye attn fnogaoai n di nga sraecga igertren D uennurdrsietnargsntdtahinni dsdgiintnigm ge t o gtooatfoig eeacratetuee.nrr du yo icldli e si niungrgi nt hcgiustrhhrtie ntteiim oosod sbscnceice i ednn.icsceceD.u.usrD Du iissm mee o f fo oofofufdof w f oyo ,cdu stitd e ilisissccstuuei n ssnsgsi n i ncggu trcor u yo uyo wouidul lwiwi bsi lesl lubdbeeies d eornrruteetnn s,u,eelsciss,o,tm e tnossuui o i se iessrsu leliisnsptitleneng nt iinnt ogg ost ou f o ofsdofpooiesodasdku dttssreiyiddee nkpe aeea l rys ienptpgiln arrys sasp akske,iesrcrs,so, w ,m ccro leetgtitim inse gednsseonsrssyoo yy s p ea piotm lm dail sys cl ys lt e setdsi gseastys na si s,rp,i w wr gi ntetive im ssi ve aays ys a n aalanys ,oim w i nrtiigitntiingtnigm dm e g an rcondoudm riln ke cpco m mptp l e.gtti ininnggve iinnsve ve a t i ve ve a n da powo le t i gsat itgi ve upprwo g r ogugrpor ouwo kwo . rrkk..

Careers and Progression Careers Careers Careers and and and Progression Progression Progression Further Studies: Food Science, Food Further Further Further Studies: Studies: Food Food Food Science, Science, Science, Food Food Food and Studies: Nutrition, Food Marketing and Food and Nutrition, Food Marketing and Food and and Nutrition, Nutrition, Food Food Marketing Marketing and and Food and Consumer Studies, can all be Food and Consumer Studies, can all and and Consumer Consumer Studies, Studies, cancan allbe all be be studied at Degree level. studied atatDegree level. studied studied at Degree level. level. Careers inDegree the Food Industry include: Careers Food Industry Careers Careers inthe in thethe Food Food Industry Industry include: include: New in Product Developer –include: Designing New Product Developer ––Designing New New Product Product Developer Developer Designing – Designing products for supermarkets or multiproducts forfor supermarkets or products products for supermarkets supermarkets ormultimultior multinational companies. national companies. national national companies. companies. Dietician – in the Health Service, Dietician – –in– the Health Service, Dietician Dietician inor in the the Health Health Service, Service, Hospitals large companies Hospitals ororlarge companies Hospitals Hospitals or large large companies companies Technology Teacher

Technology Teacher Technology Technology Teacher Teacher Food Writer or Food Photographer Food Writer or Food Photographer Food Food Writer Writer or or Food Food Photographer Photographer Food Buyer/Marketer/Quality Control –

Food Control –– – Food Food Buyer/Marketer/Quality Buyer/Marketer/Quality Control Control forBuyer/Marketer/Quality Supermarkets forfor Supermarkets for Supermarkets Supermarkets Quality Assurance/Quality Control – for Quality Assurance/Quality Control –– for Quality Quality Assurance/Quality Assurance/Quality Control Control for – for a Food Manufacturers a Food Manufacturers aa Food Food Manufacturers Manufacturers Working in the Hospitality Industry Working ininthe Hospitality Industry Working Working in thethe Hospitality Hospitality Industry Industry

63 63 63 63


BTEC Level 3



Football FootballDevelopment Development programme programmeand and BTEC BTECSports SportsExercise Exercise Minimum MinimumEntry Entry Requirements Requirements Acceptance Acceptance onon to to thethe course course is is dependent dependentupon upon a football a football trialtrial andand 4 C4 C grade gradeequivalents equivalents at GCSE. at GCSE. Course Course Leader Leader

Mr MrKirby Kirby - NA - NA Exam ExamBoard Board

Edexcel Edexcel

Sports Sports and andExercise Exercise Minimum MinimumEntry Entry Requirements Requirements 44GCSE GCSEororequivalent equivalent at at grade grade C or Cabove or above including including Science. Science. Course Course Leader Leader

MrMr Kirby Kirby

“Fulfill “Fulfillyour youracademic academicpotential potential and andsporting sportingambitions” ambitions”

Exam ExamBoard Board

Edexcel Edexcel

ItIt aims aims totoallow allowstudents students thethe opportunity opportunity to undergo to undergo Football Development programme and professional professionalcoaching coachingfrom from Chelsea Chelsea Football Football clubs clubs coachingstaff, staff,asas well well asas enter enter intointo nationally nationally BTEC Sports Exercise coaching recognised recognisedvocational vocational qualifications. qualifications. It willIt enable will enable

Newmarket Newmarket Academy Academy Football Football Development Development programme programme is is anan exciting excitingventure venture been been developed developed alongside alongsideNewmarket Newmarket that has that has Places Places at at thetheFootball Football TownTown Football Football Club. Club. open open to school to school leavers leaverswith withaa Academy Academy are are passion passion for football for football and and self self improvement. improvement. The The anan academic academicvocational vocational course course will combine will combine of of coaching coachingand andtraining training qualification qualification withwith six six hours hours by coaches by coaches from from thethe Academy Academyand andthe the delivered delivered each each week week alongside alongsidematches matcheson onaa Football Football ClubClub Wednesday Wednesday afternoon. afternoon.

64 64 64

students students totofulfill fulfilltheir their academic academic potential potential andand Minimum Entry Requirements sporting sporting ambitions. ambitions. The The course course aims aims to to provide Acceptance on to the course is provide students students with withaupon apathway pathway from from KS4 KS4 studies studies to to dependent a football trial and 4C equivalents at are GCSE. aarange rangeofgrade ofexit exitroutes routeswhich which are tailored tailored to the to the interests interestsofofthe thestudents. students.Many Many gifted gifted andand Course Leader enthusiastic enthusiasticpost post1616 students students aspire aspire to atofuture a future in in Mr Kirby - NA sport, sport,whether whetherthat thatis is playing playing in ainsemi a semi Exam Board professional professionalenvironment, environment, or or looking looking for afor a Edexcel

Course Outlines profession profession within the within sport thethey sport love. they These love. These Course Outlines courses courses are designed are designed with those with those Football Academy Football Academy aspirations aspirations in mind. in mind. It gives Itthe gives opportunity the opportunity Students will Students study onwill thestudy 2 yearon Extended the 2 year Extended Sport Studies in Sport which Studies is the which is the to achieve to achieve excellent excellent vocational vocational qualifications qualifications Diploma inDiploma equivalent of equivalent 3 A-levels.ofStudents 3 A-levels. willStudents will and the and Football the Football Academy Academy incorporates incorporates a a study a variety study of a units variety including of units Sports including Sports comprehensive comprehensive trainingtraining and playing and regime. playing regime. Coaching, Coaching, Training Injuries, & Training & Sports Injuries, Sports Fitness for Fitness Sport, Fitness for Sport, Testing, Fitness SportTesting, Sport Psychology,Psychology, Sports Leadership Sportsand Leadership and Sports nutrition. Sports nutrition. In addition In students addition canstudents also achieve can also FA achieve FA leadership awards,awards, leadership awards, coaching awards, coaching qualifications injuries qualifications and the and the sports injuries sports opportunityopportunity to coach young to coach peopleyoung in the people in the The academic Theside academic of the programme side of theisprogramme is the most important the mostpart important of the scheme part of the scheme and irrespective and irrespective of the football ofactivity the football activity students will students be able will to leave be able the 2toyear leave the 2 year equivalent academic course withcourse the equivalent with theacademic qualificationqualification of 3 A-Levels. of This 3 A-Levels. will enable This will enable them to progress them to to progress University to or University the or the workplace and workplace will leave and them willinleave a good them in a good position to position progressto their progress career. their career. AcceptanceAcceptance on to the course on toisthe course is dependentdependent upon a football upon trial a and football the trial and the necessary academic necessaryqualifications. academic qualifications. A small feeAissmall required fee for is required playing and for playing and training kit.

BTEC Sport BTEC Sport For the BTEC Forsports the BTEC Exercise sports course Exercise course students will students will have have 6 lessons per6 week lessons per week units than fewer theunits than the and will complete and willfewer complete NEWMARKET ACADEMY 2015 Extended Diploma Extended andDiploma is equivalent and is to equivalent to two A levels. two A levels.

Course Outlines profession within the sport they love. These courses are designed with those Football Academy aspirations in mind. It gives the opportunity Students will study on the 2 year Extended Diploma in Sport Studies which is the to achieve excellent vocational qualifications equivalent of 3 A-levels. Students will Careers Progression and Progression and the Football Academy incorporates a Careers and study a variety of units including Sports comprehensive training and playing regime. Coaching, Sports Injuries, Training & From the football From the programme, football programme, students students Fitness for Sport, Fitness Testing, Sport further education may progress maytoprogress to further education Psychology, Sports Leadership and and/or a career and/or in aa number career in of adifferent number of different Sports nutrition. areas withinareas the Sports within Industry the Sports In addition students canIndustry also achieve FA including Coaching, including Coaching, Teaching, PE Teaching, awards, leadership awards, coachingPE Sport Centre Sport Centre Management, Sports Sports injuriesManagement, qualifications and the sports opportunity to coach young people in the Injuries andInjuries Sports and Administration. Sports Administration. community. The academic side of the programme is the most important part of the scheme and irrespective of the football activity65 students will be able to leave the 2 year

65 65

BTEC Level 3



Course Content Course Course Content Content

Animal Care Animal Animal Care Care

Minimum Entry Requirements 4 DEntry gradeRequirements equivalents at GCSE. Minimum Minimum Entry Requirements 4 D grade 4 D grade equivalents equivalents at GCSE. at GCSE. Course Leader Course Course Leader To Leader be confirmed

      

 Animal Biology Animal  Animal BiologyAnimal Feeding  Biology Practical Practical  Practical Animal Feeding Feeding  Animal Animal Behaviour and Handling Animal  Animal Behaviour and Handling and  Behaviour Animal Health andHandling Welfare Animal  Animal Health and Welfare andAnimal Welfare  Health Maintaining Accommodation Maintaining  Maintaining Animal Animal Accommodation Accommodation  Work Related Experience Work  Work Related Experience Experience Related Health and Safety Health  Health and Safety and Safety

To be Toconfirmed be confirmed

Exam Board Edexcel ExamExam BoardBoard Edexcel Edexcel

“The first stepping stone in the pursuit of a “The“The firstfirst stepping stepping stonestone in the in the pursuit pursuit of aof a career caring for animals.” career career caring caring for for animals.” animals.” NEWMARKET ACADEMY 2015

Course Content

Animal Care These courses are aimed at people wanting to

These These courses courses area aimed are aimed atcaring people at people wanting to There to are a pursue career forwanting animals. pursue pursue a career a career caring caring for animals. for animals. ThereThere are aavailable are a variety of employment opportunities in variety variety of employment of employment opportunities opportunities available available in in this field from specialising in exotic animal care, his field this field from from specialising specialising in exotic in exotic animal animal care,care, conservation or veterinary care. conservation conservation or veterinary or veterinary care. care. We are able to offer Animal Care courses in We are Weable are able to offer to offer Animal Animal Care courses courses in in There collaboration with WestCare Suffolk College. collaboration collaboration with West with West Suffolk Suffolk College. College. There There you to will be plenty of practical sessions allowing will be willplenty behandle plenty of practical of practical sessions sessions allowing allowing you to you to animals safely and with confidence. handle handle animals animals safely safely and with and confidence. with confidence. There is also the opportunity to interact with a ThereThere is also is also the of opportunity the opportunity to interact to interact withrodents, awith a reptiles range animals including dogs, angerange of animals of animals including including dogs, dogs, rodents, rodents, reptiles reptiles and invertebrates. and invertebrates. and invertebrates.



Minimum Entry Requirements 4 D grade equivalents at GCSE. Course Leader

To be confirmed

Exam Board Edexcel

 Animal Biology and Progression Careers  Practical Feeding Careers Careers andAnimal and Progression Progression  Animal Behaviour and Handling This course allows progression  Animal Health and Welfare This This course course allows progression progression to allows a range of animal related  a range Maintaining Accommodation to to a range of animal ofAnimal animal related related careers and further education,  Work Related Experience careers careers andincluding further and further education, education, Veterinary Training, Dog  Health and Safety including including Veterinary Veterinary Training, Dog Dog Handling, Dog Training, Groomer, Animal Handling, Handling, Dog Groomer, Dog Groomer, Animal Animal Behaviourist, Kennel Worker, Zoo Behaviourist, Behaviourist, Kennel Kennel Worker, Worker, Zoo Zoo Keeper and Animal Keeper Keeper andConservationist Animal and Animal Conservationist Conservationist


BTEC Level 3



Unit Unit 1010- Skills Skills for for Land-based Land-based Outdoor Outdoor and and Adventurous Activities Activities Adventurous

BTEC Public Services

Assessment Minimum Minimum Entry Entry Requirements Requirements 4 GCSE GCSE or or equivalents equivalents at at grade grade 4 C C or or above above Course Course Leader Leader

Ms Wagstaff Wagstaff -- SWA SWA Ms Exam Board Board Exam

Edexcel Edexcel

“Learners are encouraged to become responsible borrowers, sensible savers, and have an appreciation of the need for financial planning throughout their life.”

Students will will be be assessed assessed through through Students coursework including practical coursework including practical work. work. The The assignments have have been been designed designed to to include include assignments skills in analysis, evaluation and presentation. skills in analysis, evaluation and presentation. Students will will be be given given two two submission submission Students opportunities for each task. opportunities for each task. All All Portfolios Portfolios will be be internally internally and and externally externally verified verified and and will standardised. standardised. In order order to to support support the the course, course, students students will will In required to undertake the Duke of be be required to undertake the Duke of Edinburgh at at either either bronze bronze or or silver. silver. There There are are Edinburgh trips planned to enhance the course delivery trips planned to enhance the course delivery residential trip trip will will be be offered offered in in year year and a a residential and Due to this, potentially, there 13. are 13. Due to this, potentially, there are additional costs costs involved, involved, please please speak speak to to a a additional member of teaching staff about this. member of teaching staff about this.

Course Structure and Assessment This This BTEC BTEC level level 3 3 programme programme is is offered offered at at Certificate (( 3 3 units units equivalent equivalent to to As) As) in in year year Certificate 12. The course course can can be be developed developed in in year year 13 13 12. The Subsidiary Diploma Diploma (( 6 6 Units Units equivalent equivalent to to to Subsidiary to A level) .. A level) The Certificate Certificate has has one one core core unit unit The Unit 1 – Government, Policies Unit 1 – Government, Policies and and the the Public Public Services Services Two further further units units will will be be studied, studied, these these are are Two taken from a list of specialist units taken from a list of specialist units

68 68 68

Unit 55- Physical Physical Preparation, Preparation, Health Health and and Unit Lifestyle for the Public Services Lifestyle for the Public Services

69 69 69

BTEC Level 3



Business BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma Business BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma Minimum Entry Requirements Minimum Entry Applicants will needRequirements a minimum of 5 Applicants will need minimum of 5at GCSE’s at grade C oraFirst Diploma GCSE’s at gradeMERIT. C or First Diploma at MERIT. Course Leader Course Leader Ms Scullion - NA

Ms Gould Scullion - NA Mr - SWA Mr Gould - SWA Exam Board Exam Board Edexcel


is accepted by Employers and most is accepted(provided by Employers and most Universities you have appropriate Universities (provided you have qualifications in other associatedappropriate subjects). qualifications in other subjects). During the course youassociated will investigate a wide During the course you will investigate a wide range of areas – finance, people in business, range of areas – finance, people in business, marketing and customer services. In year marketing and customer you will study 3 units forservices. the awardInofyear 1 you will study 3 units for the award of of an AS. 1 “Certificate”, which is the equivalent “Certificate”, thewill equivalent of an AS. In the secondwhich year, is you study a further In the second year, you will study a further 3 units, which will award the “Subsidiary units, which will award the “Subsidiary 3 Diploma” Diploma”

What will I learn? What will provides I learn?both a broad foundation This course This course provides foundation of business educationboth andaabroad firm basis for of business education and a firm basis for

How will I be taught? How will I be taught?

The BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma is a The BTECwork-related Level 3 Subsidiary a practical course.Diploma Studentsislearn practical work-related Students learn by completing projectscourse. and assignments that by completing projectsworkplace and assignments that are based on realistic situations, are basedand on demands. realistic workplace situations, activities activities and demands. Students focus on a particular subject and Studentsafocus particularskills subject develop rangeon ofaspecialist andand develop a range of specialist skills and knowledge. knowledge.

How will I be assessed? How will I be assessed?

All units are internally assessed and graded. All units are internally assessed and graded. overall grade is awarded to those who An overall grade is awarded to those who An successfully complete all units. Grades successfully complete all units. Grades awarded are Pass, Merit or Distinction. awarded are Pass, Merit or Distinction.

Careers and Progression Careers and Progression

“Students will study real-life work-based case studies “Students will study real-life work-based case studies and complete projects and assignments.” and complete projects and assignments.”

Course Structure Course Structure

70 70 70

Edexcel’s Level 3 BTEC Subsidiary Diploma Edexcel’s BTEC Subsidiary Diploma has 3been designed to provide in BusinessLevel hastobeen designed to provide in Business the opportunity advance to a University the opportunity to advance to a University degree in an appropriate vocational subject degree in an appropriate vocational subject employment. or to enter enter employment. or to BTEC qualifications provide a more practical, BTEC qualifications a more practical, to learning alongside real-world approach provide to learning alongside real-world approach a key theoretical background. Students will key real-life theoretical background. will a study work-based caseStudents studies and study real-life work-based case studies and complete projects and assignments that complete and assignments that contribute projects to achieving each unit studied. contribute to achieving each unit studied.

The BTEC Subsidiary Diploma Business is The BTEC Subsidiary Business vocational alternativeDiploma to A Levels and isis a vocational alternative to are A Levels and is a 100% coursework - there no exams in this 100% coursework there are no exams in this qualification. qualification. The BTEC Subsidiary Diploma qualification The BTEC Subsidiary Diploma qualification is equivalent to 1 A Level grades A – E but is is equivalent to 1 A Level grades A – E but to is assessed using “PASS” (A level equivalent assessed using “PASS” (A level equivalent to grades D to E), “MERIT” (A level equivalent grades toand E), “MERIT” (A level equivalent to gradeDC) “DISTINCTION” (A level to grade C) and “DISTINCTION” equivalent to grades A and B). (A level equivalent to grades and B). and It has the same valueAas A Levels It has the same value as A Levels and

specialisation in your selected avenue of specialisation in your selected avenue of business activity. business activity. The programme comprises these Units The programme comprises these Units (some may be optional dependent on (some may be optional dependent on student needs): student needs): • The Business Environment • The Business Environment • Business Resources • • • • • • • • •

Learners also progress within employment Learners also progress withinsuch employment to professional qualifications as to professional qualifications such as Institute of those offered by the Chartered Instituteand of those offered by the Chartered Marketing, Management Accountants Marketing,Development. Management Accountants and Personnel Personnelmay Development. Learners further progress into higher Learners may further progress into higher education degree courses, providing they education degreequalifications courses, providing they have appropriate in other have appropriate qualifications in other subjects. subjects. For more information please contact: For S more information please contact: Ms Scullion Ms S Scullion shauneen.scullion@newmarketacademy. shauneen.scullion@newmarketacademy. Mr G. Gould Mr G. Gould

Business Resources Introduction to Marketing Introduction to Marketing Business Communication Business Accounting Communication Business Business Accounting Market Research Market Research

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How to Find Us : Newmarket Academy Exning Road Newmarket, Suffolk CB8 0EB


Telephone: 01638 664412 Fax: 01638 561160 Email:



Transport : Transport between the two sites of Newmarket Academy and Samuel Ward Academy is free of charge. Students will arrive in plenty of time for their lessons and can return at the end of their sessions.

 

Buses will run throughout the day.



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