Strategies , Policies and Planning Premises
Samyak Veera
A company’s strategy consists of the competitive moves, internal operating approaches, and action plans devised by management to produce successful performance. Strategy is management’s “game plan” for running the business. Managers need strategies to guide HOW the organization’s business will be conducted and HOW performance targets will be achieved. Samyak Veera
Levels of Strategy
Corporate-level Strategy The set of strategic alternatives that an organization chooses from as it manages its operations simultaneously across several industries and several markets. Business-level Strategy
How the organization conducts business in a particular industry.
Functional-level Strategy
Strategy developed for specific functional areas
such as marketing, finance, and so forth.
Strategic Planning vs. Operational Planning
Strategic Planning Operational Planning Formulation implementation What, where how Ends means
Three Big Strategic Questions
Where Are We Now?
Where Do we Want to Go?
How Will We Get There?
Samyak Veera
Strategic Planning
The Vision
Communicating to all staff where the organisation is going and where it intends to be in the future
Aims and Objectives:
Aims – long term target Objectives – the way in which you are going to achieve the aim
Threats – Challenges confronting the organization, external in nature
Threats can take a wide range – bad press
coverage, shifts in consumer behavior, substitute
products, new regulations, . . .
The more accurate you are in identifying threats,
the better position you are for dealing with the
“sudden ripples” of change
Thank You
Samyak Veera
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