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2027 Sherwood Way • San Angelo, TX 76901 325.944.7653 • 1.800.357.2722 [fax] 325.944.0387 OFFICE HOURS:
MON: 8am-5pm • TUES: 8am-6pm WED: 8am-5pm THUR: 8am-5pm FRI: 8am-3pm
A ugust 30, 2018 • V ol . 35 • I ssue 35
The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? Matthew 6:33 CARPENTRY PLUS 325-763-3323. All types of patch and repair for all levels of remodel and renovations for your home. FIREWOOD. DON’T BE FOOLED! A cord of wood is 4’X4’X8’. Mine 300 up. I got all kinds. You need one piece or whatever! (325) 939-1834. CEMENT WORK - small jobs, sidewalks, patios, etc. Free estimates. 40 years experience. Ernie Cantu 325656-9810. BUYING JUNK CARS, all complete cars worth at least $175. (325) 656-3658 HORSEBACK RIDES along river. Moonlight rides available. FMI (325) 2774151. 2000 CHEVY GOOD TIMES VAN $3,000 OBO. (325) 651-8229. LITTLE GIANT ladder system, new, $385. 325-3741598. BUYING GOOD used 18-wheeler tires, 24.5, 22.5. Cash paid. 325-277-0873. GOT BOOTS OR shoes that are too small or you do not wear anymore? Donate them to Ernie Shoe Shine, 165 Woodruff, (325) 6569810. www.erniesshoeshine. com JOHN’S MOWING 325-262-9347. Summer Special $24.99. Includes mowing, edging, drives and walk ways, yard clean up. Thank you! IN OBSERVANCE OF THE Labor Day holiday, American Classifieds will be closed Monday September 3, 2018. Regular hours will resume on Tuesday, September 4, 2018 at 8 a.m. Deadline for Display and Business & Service will be Friday at 3 p.m. Classified ad deadline will be Tuesday, September 4, 2018 at 6 p.m. We hope you and your family have a Safe and Happy Holiday. Thank you for choosing American Classifieds. 1617 STONEBRIDGE DR. Saturday Sept 1. 8-? Tons of home accessories, tools, antiques, furniture. Lots of misc. Moving sale!!
DOZER WORK, Pushing, grubbing, raking, brush, cedar, etc. (325) 655-5961, (325) 301-2651. DINETTE WITH 4 chairs, Bamboo rocking chair from Pier 1, IBM Selectric typewriter, window A/C unit. (325) 651-8229. ELECTRIC WHEELCHAIR by Drive. Very good condition. $650. (940) 765-5664. ADULT LITERACY COUNCIL of the Concho Valley is presently accepting books for THE BEST LITTLE BOOK SALE IN TEXAS. All books are accepted hard backs and paper backs. THE BOOK SALE is usually in OCTOBER. Contact Marilynn Golightly at the ALC, 325-657-0013 or email or conchovalleylearns@ there are drop off boxes at the Shipping Point, Shannon Fitness, Community Health Club and Baptist High Rise. Thanks for supporting LITERACY. RARE VINTAGE American Flyer Train Set #K5210W. Northern locomotive & tender, 931 gondola, 944 crane, 945 work caboose, 928 log car, curved & straight track, 17B transformer. Original owner, in storage since late 1950’s. $550. (325) 716-6825. THE ORIGINAL AMERICAN BRITISH ANTIQUES Over 50,000 sq.ft. Largest complex in Concho Valley. Antique furniture, memorabilia, glassware, collectible military items, spurs, etc. Storage units for rent. 746 US 87 S, San Angelo, Tx, 325-651-4873. ELECTRIC CAROUSEL Baby Swing etc. FMI (325) 340-0435. TWO SPACES WHISPERING Waterfall. One space Garden of Last Supper. $1500 each. (325) 7166825. TITLED CALVARY GARDEN Mausoleum, Patio B corridor, crypts 88 & 90. $3,800. (325) 374-0711. ONE PLOT Memories Section 152, space #4. Paid $2995, sell for $1800. (325) 212-2961. 2 PLOTS Lawnhaven, “Garden of Apostles” $1000 for both or $500 each. Allison 254-315-9750. VICTORY CHRISTIAN CENTER - 1620 Sunset Dr. (325) 942-7520. Sunday 10:40am and 6:30pm. Wednesday 6:30pm. SIX KITTENS, gray. 2 White (part Siamese). Call/ text (325) 939-4949.
DINING TABLE and 6 chairs, china hutch, sound bar. (512) 955-0545 OVER-SIZED BROWN Chenille love seat. Excellent condition. $125. (325) 3157254. COFFEE TABLE with riser shelf, $100. Call 325942-7603. ANTIQUE FULL size brass bed, need some repair, $500 obo. (432) 664-2342. $100 FOR PERSON locating Ginger, 2yr. old 42 lb. all white female pit bull lost 7/24/18 by Lone Wolf Bridge. 220 W. Ave. N. HOTELS FOR HEROES - to find out more about how you can help our service members, veterans and their families in their time of need, visit the Fisher House website at www.fisherhouse. org
ST. JUDE Novena Never Known to fail. May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved, and preserved throughout the world now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus pray for us. St. Jude worker of miracles pray for us. St. Jude helper of the hopeless pray for us. Thank you St. Jude. Publication must be promised. Thank you St. Jude and St. Philomena for peace, health, and prosperity for everyone in the family! TE MEXICAN PURE Vanilla Extract 8 oz. $5, Liter $9.50. Leo’s Imports, 25 W Twohig Ave. 325-655-5367. LIVING ROOM SET with 2 recliners, dresser. 2013 Nissan Rogue, 2001 Ford 150 crew cab, BBQ grill. (325) 212-6314.
2 DINING ROOM TABLES with 6 chairs each. Pearl 5 piece drum set, oxygen/acetylene torch. Makeup vanity. King size wood bed frame. Ben (325) 6501042. FREE BIBLE CORRESPONDENCE COURSES. God has a plan for your life. Answer the questions from Bible and send in for grading. Write to: World Bible School Dept. 47, 2200 Johnson St., San Angelo, TX. 76904 or call (325) 9471053. God keeps his promises! Learn what he has promised you. BURN BARRELS, 325944-8418, 325-277-0873. Guitar strings, $2.99. Wild Bill’s Pawn, 1315 MLK, 658-7066. LIKE US on Facebook! -American Classifieds.
CHURCH PEWS, Oak wood, light stain w/seat cushions, excellent condition. 14 Pews @ 12ft. long $200 each. Located in Breckenridge. 254-559-0524, 254559-3388 MINERALS FOR SALE (806) 489-7676. RODS & REELS, box of lures, 7’ dome tent, gas lanterns, hatchet & hand ax, Bolo—motor bike, generator 3000, sander, electric saw , drills. (325) 315-7361. A PLACE FOR MOM has helped over a million families find senior living. Our trusted, local advisors help find solutions to your unique needs at no cost to you. Call 855-741-7459. Big Baby Taylor guitar, $250. Wild Bill’s Pawn, 1315 MLK, 658-7066.
Page 2 August 30a, 2018
Announcements INVESTIGATE BEFORE YOU INVEST. Before you send a company money for anything advertised in American Classifieds, investigate before you invest. It is also illegal for any company to ask you to pay for credit or a loan before you get it. American Classifieds readers using information in any ads, do so at their own risk. It is suggested that the prospective investors contact the appropriate consumer protection agency before payment. American Classifieds, nor any of it’s employees shall not be held liable for the content in any advertisers ads. For more information about credit scams and advance fee loans write: FTS, Washington, DC 20580.
Watch For Our New Website: • American Classifieds San Angelo & The Concho Valley Area
IN OBSERVANCE OF THE Labor Day holiday, American Classifieds will be closed Monday September 3, 2018. Regular hours will resume on Tuesday, September 4, 2018 at 8 a.m. Deadline for Display and Business & Service will be Friday at 3 p.m. Classified ad deadline will be Tuesday, September 4, 2018 at 6 p.m. We hope you and your family have a Safe and Happy Holiday. Thank you for choosing American Classifieds.
PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? Call Us First! Living expenses, Housing, Medical and continued support afterwards. Choose Adoptive Family of Your Choice. Call American Classifeds 24/7. ADOPT CONNECT has the Specials you want... 855-668-7904 (VOID in IL, Buy 3 week, Get your 4th IN & GA). WEEK FREE! 40¢ each additional word, No Changes. PREGNANCY SUPPORT. Is Call us today 325-944-7653 or visit 2027 adoption right for you? Discuss options for Sherwood Way in your pregnancy. You’re San Angelo, TX our first priority and A TERRIBLE Thing you’re in charge! Living Happens To Businesses That expenses paid. Call to Don’t Advertise...NOTH- see how friendly we are! , ING! Advertise in our Busi- 1- (800)-456-4862. www. ness & Service Section. ChildrensConnections. 325-944-7653 org
Antiques & Collectibles QUALITY. OAK 1900’s dresser, mirror. 5-drawer chest, key holes, drum table. All $650 firm. (325) 6502601, (325) 473-2609. A TERRIBLE Thing Happens To Businesses That Don’t Advertise...NOTHING! Advertise in our Business & Service Section. 325-944-7653 THE ORIGINAL AMERICAN BRITISH ANTIQUES Over 50,000 sq.ft. Largest complex in Concho Valley. Antique furniture, memorabilia, glassware, collectible military items, spurs, etc. Storage units for rent. 746 US 87 S, San Angelo, Tx, 325-651-4873.
Apartments For Rent NEW MANAGEMENT! Kitchen and Single. Daily, weekly, monthly. Low rates. Clean & quiet. Park Motel, 2819 N. Chadbourne, 325653-5707.
Call 325-944-7653 / 325-944-SOLD 1-800-357-2722
AGUILAR & H SONS & APPLIANCES. Repair washers,
dryers, & refrigerators, etc. Same day rapid service. Over phone estimates. Genuine factory parts. No junk or used parts. All parts and labor guaranteed. Also sell used appliances. Open Mon.-Sun. 7am-7pm. (325) 763-2560.
APPLIANCE SERVICE & REPAIR Reasonable, honest, dependable. Call for Service. (325) 227-5306, (325) 653-8586. Member BBB
Baby & Toddler Items
WE WILL BUY your working and non-working washers, dry- ELECTRIC CAROUers, refrigerators, stoves and SEL Baby Swing etc. FMI freezers. Ace Applianc- (325) 340-0435. es,416 E. 19th, 653-6000 Business GREAT DEALS! Lots Opportunities of bargains at incredible prices. That’s your American Classifieds! 325-944- INVESTIGATE BEFORE YOU IN7653 VEST. Before you send REPAIR & SELL a company money for Washers & dryanything advertised in ers; refrigerators, American Classifieds, freezers & stoves. investigate before you Parts, Sales & serinvest. It is also illegal for vice most brands. any company to ask you Reconditioned to pay for credit or a loan appliances with before you get it. Amergenuine factory ican Classifieds readers parts. 101 E. 14 St. using information in any (325) 657-0771 or ads, do so at their own (325) 656-1536. We risk. It is suggested that buy Appliances. the prospective investors contact the appropriate consumer protection agency before payment. American Classifieds, nor any of it’s employees shall not be held liable for the content in any advertisers ads. For more information about credit scams and advance fee loans write: FTS, Washington, DC 20580.
Cemetery Plots TWO SPACES WHISPERING Waterfall. One space Garden of Last Supper. $1500 each. (325) 7166825. TITLED CALVARY GARDEN Mausoleum, Patio B corridor, crypts 88 & 90. $3,800. (325) 374-0711. ONE PLOT Memories Section 152, space #4. Paid $2995, sell for $1800. (325) 212-2961. 2 PLOTS Lawnhaven, “Garden of Apostles” $1000 for both or $500 each. Allison 254-315-9750.
Church Directory VICTORY CHRISTIAN CENTER - 1620 Sunset Dr. (325) 942-7520. Sunday 10:40am and 6:30pm. Wednesday 6:30pm.
Clothing GOT BOOTS OR shoes that are too small or you do not wear anymore? Donate them to Ernie Shoe Shine, 165 Woodruff, (325) 6569810. www.erniesshoeshine. com
Computers iPad Pro, 10.5 inch, 256gb, $399. Wild Bill’s Pawn, 1315 MLK, 658-7066.
INVESTIGATE BEFORE YOU INVEST. Before you send a company money for anything advertised in American Classifieds, investigate before you invest. It is also illegal for any company to ask you to pay for credit or a loan before you get it. American Classifieds readers using information in any ads, do so at their own risk. It is suggested that the prospective investors contact the appropriate consumer protection agency before payment. American Classifieds, nor any of it’s employees shall not be held liable for the content in any advertisers ads. For more information about credit scams and advance fee loans write: FTS, Washington, DC 20580.
OVER $10K in debt? Be debt free in 24-48 months. Pay nothing to enroll. Call Education National Debt Relief at 866AIRLINES ARE HIR- 243-0510. ING - Get FAA approved Free Stuff hands on Aviation training. Financial Aid for qualified SIX KITTENS, gray. 2 students - Career placement White (part Siamese). Call/ assistance. CALL Aviation text (325) 939-4949. Institute of Maintenance Furniture 888-686-1704. MEDICAL BILLING 1617 STONE& CODING TRAINING! BRIDGE DR. Saturday Train at home to process Sept 1. 8-? Tons of home Medical billing & Insurance! accessories, tools, antiques, furniture. Lots of CTI can get you job ready! misc. Moving sale!! 1-833-766-4511. AskCTI. com. HS Diploma/HSD/ GED required.
Financial INCREASE PROFITS. Expose your business to 100,000 potential customers in American Classifieds’s Business & Service Directory. Call 325-9447653 or 1-800-357-2722, visit us at www.angeloads. com or come by the NEW location at 2027 Sherwood Way TODAY!
MOVING. SOFA, 2 chairs, 2 end tables, dresser, wood dining table with 4 chairs. (325) 716-0923.
DINING TABLE and 6 chairs, china hutch, sound bar. (512) 955-0545 OVER-SIZED BROWN Chenille love seat. Excellent condition. $125. (325) 3157254.
COFFEE TABLE with riser shelf, $100. Call 325942-7603. ANTIQUE FULL size brass bed, need some repair, $500 obo. (432) 664-2342.
Health Care $$$$VIAGRA & CIALIS! 60 pills for $99. 100 pills for $150. FREE shipping. NO prescriptions needed. Money back guaranteed! 1-800-943-1302. GENERIC VIAGRA and CIALIS USERS! 100 Pills SPECIAL $99.00 FREE Shipping! 100% guaranteed. 24/7 CALL NOW! 888-8804589 Hablamos Espanol. ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION? V 100mg & C 20mg Special! 120 pills for $99.00, 250 pills for $199.00 free shipping. Money back guaranteed! 1(877) 7105973 ERECTILE DISFUNCTION! V & C users! Special 80 pills for $99. Free Shipping. No prescription needed. Money back guaranteed! 888-278-9778. Se Habla Espanol VIAGRA and CIALIS USERS! 100 Generic Pills SPECIAL $99.00 FREE Shipping! 100% guaranteed. 24/7 CALL NOW! 888-4455928 Hablamos Espanol
Internet & Technology DIERSCHKE & DIERSCHKE REALTORS, 5026 Knickerbocker Rd., San Angelo, TX. (325) 944-3596.
Call 325-944-7653 / 325-944-SOLD 1-800-357-2722
Watch For Our New Website: • American Classifieds San Angelo & The Concho Valley Area
Page 3 August 30, 2018
Commercial, Residential & Auto Glass Repair Commercial Store Front Repair 24 HR. Board-Ups
325-653-7380 63 N. Chadbourne
Pets AKC REGISTERED German Shepherd puppies! Ready mid September. First set vaccines and papers. Call, text (432-214-0464)or email for more information. alpharanchk9s@outlook. com
Pets Birds COCKATIELS, $80. Breeder pair, $100 ea. Male & female African Grays, $500 both. (325) 650-7236. 2 YOUNG Cockatiels for sale, includes 6’ cage, many toys, supplies and food, $200 firm. (325) 374-2046.
Pets Dogs AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES. Blue Merle & tri-colors. All pups have 2 blue eyes. Big boned legs & large chest cavity. Good for show, work or pets. (325) 226-3113, (325) 206-1842. REGISTERED CHOCOLATE LAB puppies. SilverBellLabs. Ready. (325) 277-0941. ENGLISH BULLDOGS 2 males Pet only 2 males, 2 females ready in 6 weeks UTD,Vet check 806676-2608 CKC MALE TOY POODLE puppies. Vet checked. $300. (325) 650-7236. DUTCH SHEPHERD PUPPIES.1 male, 1 female. Dog training available. (806) 518-4105. AKC GREAT DANE puppies. 6 weeks old. Dew claws removed, 1st shots. (325) 650-6786. AKC GERMAN Shepherd puppies. Superior quality. German and American Show blood- lines. Perfect family pets only. Pictures and pricing online at www. or call 806-6523458. No texts please. POMERANIAN PUPPY boy available. 2.5 months old. Vaccinated UTD, microchipped, dewormed. So sweet and playful. Estimated adult weight will be 5-6 pounds. call or text my wife(828) 585-7462 TWO 7 week old Lacy pups. (325) 716-3806. ENGLISH BULLDOG PUPS. 3 females. One is 2 months old, one is 7 months old and last one is 3 years old. FMI (325) 374-7149. DON’T STORE It! Sell it in the Nickel. 580-7777.
ROTTWEILER PUPPIES , large breed. Parents on premises. Shots, wormed, dew claws removed and tails docked by a vet. Vet health papers come with Brownwood , Tx. $350. 325-2036211 $600 AKC MINI Dachshund pups. 8 weeks old. (325) 656-5065 or (325) 442-2022. DACHSHUND PUPPIES, 7wks, 3 males, 1 female. $175. Call/text (325) 234-0409. TOY AUSTRALIAN Shepherds, Mini Dacshunds & Chihuahua puppies. 817304-1225 for availability & prices. See at License #131 FOUND - Adult Male Rat or Fox Terrier Mix Mostly white with tricolor head 7/30/2018 on Tulane St. Collar, but no tags or microchip Please call Cassie’s Place 325-651-0021 if this is your dog. BEAUTIFUL AKC GERMAN Rottweiler puppies. Pure bloodline, males & females. Now taking deposits. DOB 8-3-18. Parents on site. FMI (325) 234-3806. ONE AKC REGISTERED GERMAN Shepherd pup, 6 wks. old. $500. (806) 200-0072. UKC REGISTERED IRISH SETTERS. Red & White pups. Females $1,200. Call (806) 4387136 or (325) 2275661. MINIATURE DACHSHUNDS, 6 weeks old, short haired. Male & female. (325) 949-3305, (512) 6604522 .
Pets Reptiles
Jobs Wanted SPARKLE SERVICES. Residential and Commercial. Make ready, deep clean, new construction and haul off. Insured. 325-262-0933.
GENE PAINTING & REMODELING. Interior & Exterior. Residential & Commercial. 25 years experience. Have Brush Will Travel! (325) 261-7450 local. DO YOU NEED A HANDYMAN to: Remove caliche rock, fix driveway with small Mahindra 26 tractor with box blade. Call Rolando. Free estimates. Also throw trash, mow empty lots. Haul off moveouts. (325) 277-9533. Se Habla Espanol. BUDGET HOME REPAIR 325-2629347. Painting, carpentry, fencing, cleaning. All types of repairs. No jobs to small. Thank you. L&D SERVICES Home repairs, doors, windows, trim, electric, plumbing and fixtures. Tile, doors and windows, drywall. Hauling and clean up also. (325) 315-4860.
CAREGIVER AVAILABLE. (325) 245-8217. ROOM PAINTING $49.99 room plus materials. Guaranteed work. (325) 262-9347. Thank you! CEMENT WORK - small Pet Services & jobs, sidewalks, patios, etc. Free estimates. 40 years exSupplies perience. Ernie Cantu 325656-9810. 10 HENS, 2 roosters. ADVERTISE HERE must take all for $75. Also 325-944-7653 cockatiels $100ea .(325) OR 1-800-357-2722 301-2830. RED TAIL boa, 3 years old, 5’ long, $150. 325262-5100.
Lawn & Garden
REPAIR & SELL LAWN MOWERS & RIDING mowers. Also small generators & 4-wheelers. We work on outdoor power equipment as well as your ATVs. I also buy non working lawn mowers & riding tractors. Pickup & Delivery, and will do yard work and haul off trash. 325-213-6784, 325-481-3918. GARCIA LAWN SERVICE. Tree trimming, lawn mowing, shrub trimming, cleaning flower beds. FREE estimates. (325) 227-5063 MOWING, WEEDEATING eating and hedging, blow off porches, driveways and patio areas. Residential, commercial, acreage. Starting at $25. (325) 763-5871, San Angelo area. Troy Bilt 30” riding mower, $429. Wild Bill’s Pawn, 1315 MLK, 658-7066.
JOHN’S MOWING 325-262-9347. Beautify your yard. Gardens, bushes, flowerbeds, pull weeds, planting and light tree trimming, edging. Thank you! Lawn overgrown? Better call Raul - Handyman, tree trimming, mowing, edging, yard clean-up, junk removal, hedging, cleaning up leaves - RH Lawn Services - get your FREE quote now! (325) 812-6438 WE SELL landscape gravels for $65/yard. Have supof boulders and patio TREE TRIMMING ply Angelo Stone, 1981 DONE RIGHT. Take down. stone. Loop 306, SA. (325) 657Topping, fertilizing-hedges. W. FREE estimates. Reasonable 0706 prices. 30 years experience. Legal Notice Mike Taylor CONTRACT LABOR (325) 617-4133. NOTICE. Notice Leave message, I’ll get back is hereby given that to you ASAP. Thank you. on August 23, 2018, JOHN DEERE MOW- Letters Testamentary ER. $500. 30” saw blade for were issued to Leah tractor. (325) 812-9246. Grace Popchoke as A MAN & A MOWER Independent Executor of Lawn Care. Free estimates. the Estate of Joe Bailey Mowing, edging, weed eat- Popchoke, Deceased, ing, blowing, & trimming. Cause No. 18P202-L2, Major Credit Cards Accept- pending in the County ed. (325) 277-0038. Court at Law No. 2 of Tom Green County, Texas. All persons having claims against the Estate must present same to Leah Grace Popchoke in care of the attorney for the estate, Hal T. Noelke, 36 West Beauregard, Ste. DAVID’S LAWN SER- 203, San Angelo, Texas VICE. You need it 76903, (325) 655-1989, done, we can get it within the time and in done! Hedges, mow- the manner prescribed ing and cut trees, by law. DATED August mesquite firewood. 30, 2018. Hal T. Noelke. Haul trash, applianc- ___________________ es, scrap metal, etc. ___________________ Clean up jobs. (325) Hal T. Noelke 763-7114.
Lost & Found $100 FOR PERSON locating Ginger, 2yr. old 42 lb. all white female pit bull lost 7/24/18 by Lone Wolf Bridge. 220 W. Ave. N.
Medical Equipment
Steel/Storage Buildings
MALE ENLARGEMENT Pump. Get Stronger & Harder Erections Immediately. Gain 1-3 Inches Permanently & Safely. Guaranteed Results. Free Brochure: 1-800-354-3944 GENERIC VIAGRA and CIALIS USERS! 100 Pills SPECIAL $99.00 FREE Shipping! 100% guaranteed. 24/7 CALL NOW! 888-8804589 Hablamos Espanol. HOVEROUND POWER CHAIR. $750. (325) 651-8229. ATTENTION OXYGEN THERAPY USERS! Inogen One G4 is capable of full 24/7 oxygen delivery. Only 2.8 pounds. FREE information kit 800-94-1293. PORTABLE OXYGEN FREE INFORMATION KIT! Inogen One G4 weights only 2.8 pounds. Learn more get a FREE KIT Today. 800-984-1308.
High View Mini Storage Co. 3915 Ben Ficklin Rd. 325-655-5976. First month FREE with paid 6 month contract. 8x10, 10x10, 10x18, 10x20. ADVERTISE HERE TODAY 325-944-7653
Musical Big Baby Taylor guitar, $250. Wild Bill’s Pawn, 1315 MLK, 658-7066. Guitar strings, $2.99. Wild Bill’s Pawn, 1315 MLK, 658-7066. Upright Bass, $2,900. Wild Bill’s Pawn, 1315 MLK, 658-7066.
Party Rental Carlsbad Community Center Bldg FOR RENT for Parties, Weddings, Birthdays, Reunions. 11366 Sterling St., Carlsbad, TX. Large open 70x70 hall, 30x30 kitchen (with refrigerator, freezer, stove, microwave), bathrooms, attached covered patio with BBQ pit/tables and a public playground. FOR RENTAL INFO call Sandra at (325) 4658870 or Cary at (325) 812-5796.
Page 4 August 30, 2018
Hunting & Fishing
Watch For Our New Website: • American Classifieds San Angelo & The Concho Valley Area
Day hunts - 500 acres, 6 miles South of San Angelo. 4 feeders and blinds. $150 per day per gun. $75 cleaning deposit. Weekdays and weekends. Kay, (325) 651-8984.
DOVE HUNTING Runnels Co. 750 w/7 tanks. Brent at 325-3651425 or Lucky Seven Hunts on Facebook. YOUR AD Could be here. Thrifty Nickel Sells it for Call 325-944-7653. you! 325-944-7653
Call 325-944-7653 / 325-944-SOLD 1-800-357-2722
LIVE TRAPS Perch to Hogs. WEST TEXAS GAME FEEDERS, 3312 N. CHADBOURNE, 653-3678, 653-8686. BURN BARRELS for sale. 653-3678.
SMALL YEARLY Hunt- DOVE HUNTING ing Lease for a Family in CLOSE to San Angelo Stonewall County, Texas. (325) 656-1950. 254-271-9278 OLD TRAPPER retired. SEASON DOVE LEASE Got spring traps, various needed for family of 4-6. sizes and makes, mostly (325) 653-5103. with chains and grapples, $500. Take all or non. (325) LIVE TRAPS Perch to Hogs. WEST TEXAS 484-2466. GAME FEEDERS, 3312 N. CHADBOURNE, WEST TEXAS 653-3678, 653-8686. GAME FEEDERS A www.westtexasgameTexas Size Selection of Feeders & Blinds. New Inventory arriving daily. We stock all your needs. TERRELL COUNTY Feeders, blinds, stands, HUNTING LEASE. tripods, portable blinds. (432) 291-3385. Sales, service and repair. mhinds@bigbend. We stock DEER CORN net. & PROTEIN PELLETS. 3312 N. CHADDAY HUNTING only in BOURNE, (325) 653Coke County. $150 per gun. 3678, (325) 653-8686. (432) 664-2342. DEVIL’S MOUNTAIN RIFLE RANGE Reloading Supply Headquarters. Best prices on guns & ammo in town. Special orders welcome. Credit Cards accepted. New hours: Closed Mon & Tues. Open Wed, Thur, Fri. 1pm-6pm, Sat. 9am-6pm, Sun. 1:30-6pm(325) 653-2525, (325) 653-9633, (325) 656-5139. DEER, TURKEY, DOVE, Ducks, Quail, and Varmints: year round hunting leases in Runnels County, Tx. w/ rolling hills, sunflowers, heavy brush, spring fed tanks & electricity available. $1850/gun, 100 to 300 acres available. Non local hunters. Call (325) 895-1606. TROPHY AXIS STAG and or Blackbuck, $1600 flat fee. Mature cull bull elk $2,900. Runnels County. (972) 989-4672
MUZZLELOADING SUPPLIES & equipment. Texas Gun Shop, 1018 W. Beauregard, (325) 949-0020.
Guns Guns CZ 9mm, $385. Wild Bill’s Pawn, 1315 MLK, 658-7066. FRANCHI 12GA model 48AL Field. 2 3/4 in. chamber, vent rib, engraved alloy receiver, checkered pistol grip, walnut stock. As NIB selling at 90%, $725. (830) 609-8064. SPRINGFIELD ARMOR 1911-A1 Tactical Response Pistol (TPR Series), 45 ACP with upgrades, like new in box and ammo, $1295. (325) 942-9139 BARETTA 96A-1, $600. (325) 484-2466. AUSTRALIAN SADDLE from Down Under Saddle Shop in Denver, Colorado. Unique design, nice. $275. (325) 942-9139 20 GA. Remington Wingmaster. 28” vent rib new style. Factory choked, boxed 99% $695. 28 ga. SXS.CZ Ringneck. Factory chokes 28”. Box and papers. 98%. $1095. .410 ga. Winchester mdl 42 pump. 26” full-plain barrel. Original 97% $2095. Another at $1195. 12 ga. Winchester mdl 12 12 gauge pump. 30” full original. 90-95% $795. 325-944-8379 message. Visit online at
SHIPPING STORAGE containers, 20’ and 40’, cargo worthy. Delivery and financing available. Starting at $2400. A family owned business. 1-888-430-4123.
Want to Buy DIABETIC TEST STRIPS Wanted. Must be Unexpired. WILL Pay up to $30 a Box plus Shipping. Call T.S.C. FREE 866-368-2269. WILL BUY your 4WE working and non-work-
ing washers, dryers, refrigerators, stoves and freezers. Ace Appliances,416 E. 19th, 653-6000 WANTED: OLD FISHING Lures and fishing HAND GUN CLASSitems. Old and new guns, ES. Beginner classes & ammunition and related license to carry classes. memorabilia. Glass minnow Held on Saturdays or traps. Steel animal traps. Sundays. Corporate & group classes considered WWI & WWII military on your schedule at your items. Military rifles includlocation. Call Daryl Pres- ing M1 Garands, M14, M1 Carbine Colt 1911. Taxiderley (325) 212-3703 or my mounts, Ambassadeur The Outdoorsman (325) reels, newer quality fishing 947-8859. tackle, beer signs and neons esp. Texas beer companies. PEPPERBOX, ENGLISH, 6 BARREL, Old pocket knives and cutlery. Arrowheads and In36 cal., Cap & Ball, circa dian items. Old advertising 1840’s, beautiful engravsigns. Old Stoneware. All ing, very nice, $1650 or Antiques considered. Painttrade. (325) 942-9139 ings by Texas artists such as Dwight Holmes, Rolla Tay1-9MM RIFLE, 1-30.06 lor, Robert Woods and Porwith scope, new (camo). firio Salinas. (325) 374-5022. 1-30.30 Special Edition Zombie, new. (325) 812- BOOKS WANTED: I buy good used books 6172. by Elmer Kelton, Ben K. Huge Selection Green, J. Frank Dobie, J. of reloading supplies & Evetts Haley, Tom Lea, equipment. Texas Gun Fred Gibson, Larry McShop, 1018 W. BeaureMurtry, Louis L’Amour gard, (325) 949-0020. leatherette and many others. Texas/Southwest authors. Also, most non-fiction books related to Steel/Storage Texas/Southwest. Felton Buildings Cochran, Cactus STEEL BUILDINGS, Book Shop, 6 East Carports & Awnings. (325) Concho, San Angelo, TX 262-0933, Will. 76903. (325) 659-3788. I BUY: UNWANTED firearms. Call (325) 3742013 .
Call 325-944-7653 / 325-944-SOLD 1-800-357-2722
Watch For Our New Website: • American Classifieds San Angelo & The Concho Valley Area
• Replacement Windows • Commercial & Residential • Locally Owned Insured & Bonded • Vinyl Siding • Remodeling • Additions
Garage Sales 3019 Briargrove. Office & household furnishings, desk, couch, file cabinets & home decor. Saturday, Sept. 1, 8:00am. ESTATE SALE Sat and Sun Sept 1-2 only. 1511 S. Monroe San Angelo. Books, Kitchen, D cor, Storage, Linens, China RETIREMENT SALE: Large price reduction, one price takes all.Phone (325) 949-0880 to view & offer. No answer, leave message. COME ON OVER TO 807 N. Chadbourne Flea Market. Tables & chairs, chests of drawers. Ceramic planters & saints, new & used men’s, women’s, children’s & babies clothing. Glassware, vintage items, gardening tools, Christmas items, western pictures, jewelry, women’s shoes & tennis shoes. MULTI-FAMILY CHURCH SALE. 1202 Preusser, 8-2 Saturday, Sept. 1st. Piano, baby clothes, toys, many miscellaneous items. (325) 450-7051. 814 UPTON ST. Backyard. 3 families. Friday 8 a.m. - ? Adult & teen clothing, smoker, microwave, gas stove, vanity, miscellaneous. THE ORIGINAL AMERICAN BRITISH ANTIQUES Over 50,000 sq.ft. Largest complex in Concho Valley. Antique furniture, memorabilia, glassware, collectible military items, spurs, etc. Storage units for rent. 746 US 87 S, San Angelo, Tx, 325-651-4873.
Auctions A TERRIBLE Thing Happens To Businesses That Don’t Advertise...NOTHING! Advertise in our Business & Service Section. 325-944-7653
PUBLIC NOTICE; As per chapter 59 of the Texas Property Code, South East Mini Storage located 4475 South Chadbourne, San Angelo, TX 76905, will hold a public auction on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7TH at 6:00pm on the following tenants: Robin Miller, Hazel Loosier, Martin Deanda. All property will be sold to the highest bidder for CASH ONLY. NOW TAKING Consignments!! Selling for Area Farmers and Ranchers and a favorite auction among all. October 6th, 2018 @ 10AM. 13997 US HWY 277 Stamford, Texas 79533. To consign, call Todd Washington (806) 269-7800 or Karen Wade (325) 2422302.
Miscellaneous HOTELS FOR HEROES - to find out more about how you can help our service members, veterans and their families in their time of need, visit the Fisher House website at www.fisherhouse. org AMERICAN CLASSIFIEDS is online at: CASH FOR CARS: We Buy Any Condition Vehicle, 2002 and Newer.Nationwide Free Pick UP! Call Now: 1- 800-864-5960. Light up the night with one of our many flashlights from NEBO. Flashlights, Work Lights, Task Lights, and Head Lamps ranging from 90-2000 lumen. There is even one that doubles as a handle for your favorite 30oz tumbler. NEBO, illuminate your world.Cole’s Army Surplus, Corner of 2nd & N. Chadbourne. (325) 653-1903. ST. JUDE Novena Never Known to fail. May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved, and preserved throughout the world now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus pray for us. St. Jude worker of miracles pray for us. St. Jude helper of the hopeless pray for us. Thank you St. Jude. Publication must be promised. Thank you St. Jude and St. Philomena for peace, health, and prosperity for everyone in the family! TE
SAVE ON YOUR NEXT PRESCRIPTION! World Health Link. Price Match Guarantee! Prescriptions Required. CIPA Certified. Over 1500 medications available. CALL Today For A Free Price Quote. 1-866293-9702 Call Now! MEXICAN PURE Vanilla Extract 8 oz. $5, Liter $9.50. Leo’s Imports, 25 W Twohig Ave. 325-655-5367. $CASH$ any make or model cars and pickups for wrecking use. We will pick them up. Clark’s Auto Wrecking, 325-658-4377. San Angelo area. BATHROOM RENOVATIONS. EASY, ONE DAY updates! We specialize in safe bathing. Grab bars, no slip flooring & seated showers. Call for a free in-home consultation:888-912-4745. NEW AUTHORS WANTED! Page Publishing will help you self- publish your own book. FREE author submission kit! Limited offer! Why wait? Call now: 866-951-7214 Hunting season is right around the corner. Come in and check out our selection of deer blinds, camo, and backpacks. Cole’s Army Surplus, Corner of 2nd & N. Chadbourne. (325) 6531903. NATION WIDE parts locator service! Can’t find that part you need? Call Clark’s and let them find it for you. (325) 658-4377. Become the ultimate Predator. Whether fishing or hunting the Predator line of kayaks from Old Town can get you there and haul all of your gear. Come in and check them out. Cole’s Army Surplus, Corner of 2nd & N. Chadbourne. (325) 653-1903. MEXICAN PURE Vanilla Extract 8 oz. $5, Liter $9.50. Leo’s Imports, 25 W Twohig Ave. 325-655-5367. DID YOU KNOW?! Clark’s Auto Wrecking has NEW auto parts, doors, fenders, grills, radiators, hoods, lights, door handles. Many in stock or next day delivery. You’ll be surprised at their prices. 325-6584377, San Angelo. $CASH$. We will pay above scale weight. Cars or pickups for wrecking use. 325-658-4377 San Angelo. WE WANT to hear from you, like us on Facebook! Thrifty Nickel - American Classifieds
$CASH$ Cars or pickups for parts and wrecking use. We will pick ‘em up. Clark’s Auto Wrecking, 901 N. Cecil. 325-6584377 San Angelo area. $CASH$ Cars or pickups for parts and wrecking use. We will pick ‘em up. Clark’s Auto Wrecking, 901 N. Cecil. Phone 325-658-4377. San Angelo area.
Video game trailer and equipment for sale. Great small business opportunity. 20’ long enclosed trailer with built in A/C unit, Honda generator, 4 large flat screens, video game consoles w/ controllers. Go to Thunderstruck Video Game Party on Facebook for more pictures. $12,000. 325-2340295. IN OBSERVANCE OF THE Labor Day holiday, American Classifieds will be closed Monday September 3, 2018. Regular hours will resume on Tuesday, September 4, 2018 at 8 a.m. Deadline for Display and Business & Service will be Friday at 3 p.m. Classified ad deadline will be Tuesday, September 4, 2018 at 6 p.m. We hope you and your family have a Safe and Happy Holiday. Thank you for choosing American Classifieds. CABLE INTERNET Phone. No credit check! No contracts! Only $29.99 each! Bundle now save huge! Were local installers! Call Now Free Quote! Ends soon. 1-888-858-0282
INVESTIGATE BEFORE YOU INVEST. Before you send a company money for anything advertised in American Classifieds, investigate before you invest. It is also illegal for any company to ask you to pay for credit or a loan before you get it. American Classifieds readers using information in any ads, do so at their own risk. It is suggested that the prospective investors contact the appropriate consumer protection agency before payment. American Classifieds, nor any of it’s employees shall not be held liable for the content in any advertisers ads. For more information about credit scams and advance fee loans write: FTS, Washington, DC 20580. LIVING ROOM SET with 2 recliners, dresser. 2013 Nissan Rogue, 2001 Ford 150 crew cab, BBQ grill. (325) 212-6314. DID YOU KNOW?! Clark’s Auto Wrecking has NEW auto parts, doors, fenders, grills, radiators, hoods, lights, door handles. Many in stock or next day delivery. You’ll be surprised at their prices. 325-6584377, San Angelo. AUSTRALIAN SADDLE from Down Under Saddle Shop in Denver, Colorado. Unique design, nice. $275. (325) 942-9139 TV INTERNET Phone No Credit Check! No Contracts! Only $29.99 each! Bundle now save huge! Were local installers! Call Now Free Quote! End Soon 1-888-476-4830 2 DINING ROOM TABLES with 6 chairs each. Pearl 5 piece drum set, oxygen/acetylene torch. Makeup vanity. King size wood bed frame. Ben (325) 6501042. STAY IN your home with an American Standard Walk-In Bathtub. Receive up to $1500 off, including a free toilet, and a lifetime warranty on the tub and instillation! Call us at 1-855534-6198. NATION WIDE parts locator service! Can’t find that part you need? Call Clark’s and let them find it for you. (325) 658-4377. Tactical Backpacks - Tactical Shooters’ Bags - Range Bags - Tactical Weapons Cases - Shotgun Scabbards. Protect your protectors. Cole’s Army Surplus, Corner of 2nd & N. Chadbourne. (325) 653-1903.
THE CREATOR has a Name, few people know it, yet wonder why their prayers are not answered. PO Box 2498, Abilene, Texas 79604. 800-613-9494 Work boots or FR clothing for the oilfield. Safety glasses or hard hats, thermal clothing, underwear or warm wool socks, gloves or winter caps. WOW we have it all. Cole’s Army Surplus, Corner of 2nd & N. Chadbourne. (325) 653-1903. www.colesarmysurplus. com. $CASH$ Cars or pickups for parts and wrecking use. We will pick ‘em up. Clark’s Auto Wrecking, 901 N. Cecil. Phone 325-658-4377. San Angelo area. DID YOU KNOW?! Clark’s Auto Wrecking has NEW auto parts, doors, fenders, grills, radiators, hoods, lights, door handles. Many in stock or next day delivery. You’ll be surprised at their prices. 325-658-4377 San Angelo. DISH TV $59.99 For 190 Channels + $14.95 High Speed Internet. Free Installation, Smart HD DVR Included, Free Voice Remote. Some restrictions apply 1-800-718-1593 WANTS TO purchase minerals and other oil & gas interests. Send details P.O. Box 13557, Denver, Co 80201 $CASH$ Cars or pickups for parts and wrecking use. We will pick ‘em up. Clark’s Auto Wrecking, 901 N. Cecil. Phone 325-658-4377. San Angelo area. Camo netting, camo fabric, camo burlap and all new camo clothing line. We can keep you covered this varmint hunting season. Cole’s Army Surplus, Corner of 2nd & N. Chadbourne. (325) 653-1903. www.colesarmysurplus. com.
PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? Call us first. Living expenses, housing, medical and continued support afterwards. Choose adoptive family of your choice. Call 24/7. 888-652-0785. “Whether you’re new to cast iron cooking, or a “seasoned” veteran, you’ll want to come in and check out our CampMaid dutch oven lid-lifter/pot-holder. and accessories. Cole’s Army Surplus, Corner of 2nd & N. Chadbourne. (325) 653-1903. FREE BIBLE CORRESPONDENCE COURSES. God has a plan for your life. Answer the questions from Bible and send in for grading. Write to: World Bible School Dept. 47, 2200 Johnson St., San Angelo, TX. 76904 or call (325) 9471053. God keeps his promises! Learn what he has promised you. LOG CABIN $5800, (original price, $23,800). 768 square feet, expandable to 1152 square feet, 101 solid oak logs, fully dovetailed, complete precut wall set with all plans for stone fireplace, 10-1/2 foot high ceilings, porches, loft, stack walls in two days, add roof in two days, extra nice, will haul to San Angelo for $1850. 870-577-5757, owner. BURN BARRELS, 325944-8418, 325-277-0873. CHURCH PEWS, Oak wood, light stain w/seat cushions, excellent condition. 14 Pews @ 12ft. long $200 each. Located in Breckenridge. 254-559-0524, 254559-3388 MINERALS FOR SALE (806) 489-7676. BURN BARRELS for sale. 653-3678. Prym1 camo isn’t today’s camo pattern, its tomorrows. Based around the idea of why leopards have spots, it utilizes organic shapes, rather than trees and leaves. Why be a tree when you can be a predator?Cole’s Army Surplus, Corner of 2nd & N. Chadbourne. (325) 653-1903. RODS & REELS, box of lures, 7’ dome tent, gas lanterns, hatchet & hand ax, Bolo—motor bike, generator 3000, sander, electric saw , drills. (325) 315-7361.
Page 5 August 30, 2018
Fishing has a new compact SUV. Come in and check out the new Topwater Series. And now through September 29th, get a free Hummingbird Fishfinder with the purchase of a new Topwater. Cole’s Army Surplus, Corner of 2nd & N. Chadbourne. (325) 6531903. MEXICAN PURE Vanilla Extract 8 oz. $5, Liter $9.50. Leo’s Imports, 25 W Twohig Ave. 325-655-5367. $CASH$ any make or model cars and pickups for wrecking use. We will pick them up. Clark’s Auto Wrecking, 325-658-4377. San Angelo area. A PLACE FOR MOM has helped over a million families find senior living. Our trusted, local advisors help find solutions to your unique needs at no cost to you. Call 855-741-7459. NATION WIDE parts locator service! Can’t find that part you need? Call Clark’s and let them find it for you. (325) 658-4377. INVENTORS - FREE INFORMATION PACKAGE Have your product idea developed affordably by the Research & Development pros and presented to manufacturers. Call 1-888-5010236 for a Free Idea Starter Guide. Submit your idea for a free consultation. $CASH$ Cars or pickups for parts and wrecking use. We will pick ‘em up. Clark’s Auto Wrecking, 901 N. Cecil. 325-6584377, San Angelo area. Dive in feet first with the Malibu Pedal. NOW $400 OFF. It features an advanced PDL Drive System that makes for a fresh new kayaking experience. It’s fun, zippy, stable and has turn-on-a-dime performance. A kid’s jumpseat makes family outings a breeze, and it even has plenty of room to bring your dog along for a complete family adventure. Cole’s Army Surplus, Corner of 2nd & N. Chadbourne. (325) 6531903. $CASH$ Cars or pickups for parts and wrecking use. We will pick ‘em up. Clark’s Auto Wrecking, 901 N. Cecil. 325-6584377, San Angelo area. Upholstery tool set, $199. Wild Bill’s Pawn, 1315 MLK, 658-7066.
Page 6 August 30, 2018
Watch For Our New Website: • American Classifieds San Angelo & The Concho Valley Area
Call 325-944-7653 / 325-944-SOLD 1-800-357-2722
All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 as amended which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familiar status or national origin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertisement for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination, call HUD toll-free at 1-800-424-8590. For the Washington DC area, please call HUD at 426-3500.
$650 Mo.
4730 Wilde Rd. 2/1
$850 Mo. 908 N. Jackson 2/1
$1100 Mo. 215 N. Bishop 3/1
$1200 Mo.
2933 Old Eola Rd 3/2 Country Living
Commercial $1,200 Mo. 2002 West Beauregard 2475 Sq. Ft.
YOUR INCOME TAX REFUND COULD BUY YOU A HOME TODAY 22 W. 20th - 2Br, 1Ba. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $44,900 31 E. 41st - 2Br, Could Be 3Br, 1Ba, Lg. Lot, 1Car Carport, Lg. Front Porch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$67,900
53 E. 39th - 3Br, 1Ba
1617 HASSELL - 3BR, 1BA, 1 Carport, Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$69,900 1304 KOBERLIN - 2BR, 1BA . . . . . . . . .$50,400 2302 GREENWOOD - 3BR, 1BA, CH/CA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$75,900 2512 North St. - Lg 2BR, 1BA, Fenced Front and Rear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$65,900
$1,950 Mo. 1301 Pulliam 8,000 SF ±
EXECUTIVE CUSTOM BUILT 3BR/2BA, 2 liv, 2 din with large game/ workout room and garden room. 2 car garage, circular drive. 285 Edinburg. James Thomas, broker, (325) 2775478 1101 HWY 584, San Angelo. For Sale by Owner. 4/2/2, 3 acres., Wall ISD. $285,000. Call for appointment. (325) 374-8224. FIXER UPPER in Bronte, TX. 2 bedroom, 1 bath, walking distance to BHS. 112 Jefferson St. $20,000 obo. No owner financing. 713-410-7688.
$2,100 Mo.
128 West 4th Warehouse For Professional Property Management Call Bob / Genene
1-800-926-4864 944-3596
Houses for Sale BALLINGER; 3 BEDROOM house. Rural water, approximately 3/4 acre, $95,000. (325) 718-4396. Completely remodeled 3BR/2BA manufactured home on 2.5 acres. Strong water well and much more. $135,000, possible owner carry. (325) 3743458. 17956 MAIN ST. Water Valley, Tx. 3 BEDROOM, 1.5 bath, 3 lots, outdoor buildings. Water Valley ISD, $165,000. 325-484-2021. OWNER FINANCE. Sale or Lease. 2BR/1 1/2 BA townhouse on Glenna with fireplace, small backyard. James Thomas, broker, (325) 277-5478
GENE PAINTING & REMODELING. Interior & Exterior. Residential & Commercial. 25 years experience. Have Brush Will Travel! (325) 261-7450 local. GRAND TWO-STORY, 5 bedroom, 3 bath. spa/jacuzzi, 1/2 BA and a bar in a separate building. #225. Barbara, La Casa Realty, (325)656-8063. CASH FOR HOUSES any location, any condition. (325) 650-5900 or (512)6505979. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 2533 Colorado St. 3bdrm/2bath. Large building in back. $124,000. (325) 374-8224. Advertise here today!!! Call 944-7653.
4011 A Bowie, 1/1 - (Occupied Duplex) - ......... $525 122 N. Washington, 1/1 - (Occupied Duplex) - $650 332 W. Ave C, 2/1 - (Duplex) - ................... $750 706 E. Highland, 2/1 - (Occupied Duplex) - ..... $750 2213 Guadalupe, 2/1 - .......................... $825 2644 - C Sunset, 2/2 - (Occupied Townhouse) - . $850 2017 Field, 3/1.5 - (Occupied) - ................... $950 3818 - B Wild Rye, 2/2 - (Occupied Fourplex) .....$995
2019 Walnut, 4/1.5 - (Occupied) .....................$995
DOWNTOWN SAN Angelo, 2BR/2BA condo, FP, covered patio, large closets. Teri Jackson REALTORS®, (325) 703-6820. OWNER FINANCE 721 E. Harris, Duplex, 1 bedroom, 1 bath, each side, $67,000. $2000 down, $619.01 month. 325-2422283. C O U N T R Y HOME-Fixer Upper. 2bdrm/1ba, 2 wells, 2 acres. 7 miles out of Bronte. (325) 277-5141. 3/1, UNFINISHED REMODEL.New kitchen and bath with incomplete master bed and bath, $110,000. D&D Realtors, Janice 325450-5477. COUNTRY LIVING ON 8 acres with pecan tree orchard. Water well, 30x35 barn, 2BR/2BA/2 car oversized garage. 325-450-5477. Obtain ALL Current INFORMATION & Pictures on ALL MLS Properties listed FOR SALE by LOCAL Real Estate Companies.
WOULDN’T YOU LIKE TO WAKE UP TO THIS VIEW EVERY DAY? On the hillside of Lake Nasworthy sits this wonderful split level home on an large OWNED lot with large 3 car covered carport, and metal roof. 4 Large bedrooms could be 5 bedrooms, 3.5 bathrooms, 2 kitchens, one on each level. Kitchen upstairs has granite countertops, to include a wonderful granite breakfast bar, tiled backsplash, built-in wine rack, custom made cabinets and there are wooden shutter throughout the home.. Large game room, could be media room in lower level, as well as 2 large bedrooms, a full bathroom, kitchen. utility room, loads of closet space and a good size work shop. The door of the lower level leads out to the side of the house and to the backyard and the lake. 2 wonderful covered patios on right off the sunroom with stairs leading down to the backyard. Call Scott Allison Real Estate, ask for Gretchen Staha, (325) 949-5575. 2226 Dallas $149,000 4br/2ba 1 living, 2 dining areas, large bedrooms, wide hallways, updated kitchen with lots of storage. Deck and pergola in the back to enjoy during nice evenings, workshop and green house. Call Janie Thomas, SARE, (325)277-7653 425 E. 13th ST. 3BDRM/ 1BA, over 1,200 sq.ft, carport, new roof, A/C unit. $85,000. FMI or to view call (325) 812-3896. OWNER FINANCE 1219 S. Bell, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, $79,000. $2000 down, $733.29 month. 325-2422283.
IN OBSERVANCE OF THE Labor Day holiday, American Classifieds will be closed Monday September 3, 2018. Regular hours will resume on Tuesday, September 4, 2018 at 8 a.m. Deadline for Display and Business & Service will be Friday at 3 p.m. Classified ad deadline will be Tuesday, September 4, 2018 at 6 p.m. We hope you and your family have a Safe and Happy Holiday. Thank you for choosing American Classifieds. 4 BEDROOM, 2 bath home, Southwest San Angelo; age 3 years, numerous cabinets, closets; clean excellent condition. For details, see enter ID - 138047.
Houses for Rent unfurn. 713 N. OAKES, 3bdrm/ 1ba, CH/CA, fenced yard. $750mo., $600dep. (325) 716-7819. 720 KOBERLIN 1bdrm/ 1ba, $450 month, $300 deposit. Upstairs unit. (325) 374-7074. 12 GARDEN RD. 3/2, CH/CA, double car garage, $1100 month, $1100 deposit. (325) 450-2799 3 BEDROOM, 1 bath, CH/CA, tile and wood floors, fenced yard. $850 mo + deposit. 1652 Evelyn. (325) 656-9419.
2116 VOLNEY, 2 bedroom, nice house. Public housing accepted. $750 month + utilities. No pets. (325) 650-8581. IF YOU ARE public housing approved, I have houses and apartments. Call Jean (325) 650-8581. 1532 WEST AVENUE D. 1bdrm/1ba duplex across from Santa Rita Elementary. Central heat & A/C, no W/D hook-ups. Non-smoker preferred. NO PETS! $625mo/$400dep. (325) 374-0547. 1501 N. GARFIELD. 3bdrm/2ba, office, new cabinets, appliances & carpet, workshop & huge closets. $1,200mo/$1,000dep. (325) 716-9446.
1620 PASEO DE VACA, 3bdrm/2ba. Prestigious neighborhood. Santa Rita School District. $1650 per mo. (325) 227-9844, (325) 653-6422. 609 N. Adams, 2 bedroom, 1 bath, CH/CA, $800 month, $500 deposit. (325) 242-2283. 1BR HOUSE, remodeled, nice yard, $3,000 down, $650 per month. (325) 374-8922. 135 E. 25th — 2BR mobile home. No pets. $750mo + utilities, $150 deposit. Public housing accepted. (325) 650-8581. 503 E. 24TH, 2 bedroom, 1 bath, CH/CA, includes stove, refrigerator, washer & dryer, $850 month, $500 deposit. (325) 242-2283.
KANSAS ST, nice brick 3bdrm/2ba, FP. $1,250. (325) 947-7755. 9 WEST AVE. P. Public housing accepted. 1 bedroom apartment. Free cable, $160 weekly plus electricity. No pets. (325) 650-8581.
209 Midget St. BEAUTIFUL 3BR/2BA SANTA RITA home. Close to ASU. Hardwood floors, 2-car carport. $1200mo. Deposit negotiable. (325) 227-9844. (325) 653-6422. 1104 ARDMORE 3br/ 2ba, ch/a, hardwood floors, ceramic tile, large yard w/ gazebo. $1025mo. (325) 651-3562 or (325) 655-7554 Greg 3317 GRANDVIEW. 4bdrm/3ba, executive office, & sunroom. $1,750mo/$1,250dep. (325) 716-9446. 1BDRM/1BA, workshop, covered parking, very large yard. $700mo. (325) 234-8575. FOR RENT: 1, 2, & 3 bed units are fully furnished with TV/Internet & utilities. Each Permian Basin location is conveniently located with parking & 24-hour emergency maintenance. Rents start at $1,500. Call Modular Housing Solutions: 432-296-8804.
PUBLIC HOUSING accepted. One & two bedroom houses available. No pets. (325) 650-8581. 1205 SPAULDING, 2 bedroom, 1 bath house $650 per month, $550 deposit. No Pets. (325) 653-3821. 2509 W. HARRIS 2/1/, W/D hookups, CH/A, garage, $775 rent, $600 deposit. (325) 895-0545. 1442 S. BELL, small 1 bedroom house behind 1440. It has stove and icebox, & has washer and dryer connections. Water furnished. No pets. $600mo/$300dep. (325) 656-9420. LARGE 1 BEDROOM House (shower only). $725mo. Water & electricity included. (325) 763-3015 A TERRIBLE Thing Happens To Businesses Thvat Don’t Advertise... NOTHING! Advertise in our Business & Service Section. 325-944-7653
$110’S - WONDERFUL HOME! - Updated features in this 3Bdrm/2Ba home such as fresh paint, bamboo flooring, master bath vanity, and kitchen backsplash. (95596) $110’S - GREAT OPPORTUNITY! - 3-Bedrm/1.5Ba home on 10 acres in Quail Valley. Property is a fixer upper and sold As Is. Motivated Seller. (92264) $130’S - SANTA RITA HOME! - Nice 3Bdrm/1Ba home with 1410 sf. Hardwood floors, wood laminate & laminate in the home. Mature trees. One car garage. (95508) $150’S - NICE HOME! - 3Bdrm/2Ba home with 2046 sf. Extra room for an office and very large utilty room. 2 car garage and extra parking. (94036) $160’S - HOME ON 2 LOTS! - Great 4Bdrm/2Ba family home. Master addition added in 2012. Full deck across the back of the house. Tons of storage everywhere. (94822) $170’S - BRAND NEW AC! - Well maintained 3Bdrm/ 2Ba home with new countertops & backsplash in kitchen. Beautiful oak hard wood floors. Split bedroom layout. (94796) $170’S - QUIET STREET! - Check out this 3Bdrm/ 2Ba home. Large living area with hardwood floors and wood burning fireplace. Yard is fenced with mature trees. (95515) $170’S - CUSTOM HOME! - Very nice 2Bdrm/2Ba home with wood cabinets, great kitchen, & a very unique fireplace. Large screened covered porch. 2 car garage. (95495) $170’S - SQUARE FOOTAGE! - Large 4 Bdrm/2Ba home with large room sizes, awesome location and small apartment in the back. (92701) $190’S - PEACEFUL RETREAT! - Cozy 3Bdrm/1.5Ba Cabin. Painted inside/out, 3 wells on property, outbuildings, and pecan trees. Property goes down to Dove Creek. (95629)
Call 325-944-7653 / 325-944-SOLD 1-800-357-2722
Watch For Our New Website: • American Classifieds San Angelo & The Concho Valley Area
OWNER FINANCING 1.27 acres, level parcel on Executive Dr. Neat state & federal businesses & W. T. Medical. $140,000, negotiaESTATE SALE. His- ble. James Thomas, broker, toric 12 room home and (325) 277-5478 boutique restaurant. Corner ave D and S. Abe (aka Commercial Bryant Blvd) Idea for Law Prop. Rent Office, Home & home office or retail. High traffic. James HANGAR FOR sale at Thomas, broker, (325) 277- Ducote Air Park. San Ange5478 lo Homes, 325-716-1624. UNDEVELOPED LAND WAITING for an Storage/Workinvestor, 10 acre tract. This shops. 600-1,000 area of town is developing sq.ft. with utilities and this property is ready to available. $300-$400/mo. be developed. Teri Jackson Gretchen, 325-234-0069. REALTORS®, (325) 7036820. Apartments 83 ACRES on Mertzon Hwy. 5 miles from unfurnished Sams Club. 4 water wells 25 gallon, 23 gallon, 105 gallon and 110 gallon per minute. 1/3 cultivation. 3 mobile 16 E. 30TH, Las Rohomes, 2 fixable, 1 old farm sas Apt. 1 bedroom, house fixable. Good com- upstairs $475, downstairs mercial land with water for $500. 2 bedroom, 1 bath, oilfield, $17,700 per acre. upstairs $575, downstairs Possible owner carry. Price $600. 225 E. 3rd St. Sage Brush Apts. 2 negotiable. 325-718-4711. OVER 50 year busi- bedroom, 1 bath, downness location. Building stairs $600. 1909 1/2 Pulapprox. 3000 sq. ft., lots liam. St. Marjan Apts, 1 of parking. $119,000. 35% bedroom, $475 upstairs, down, owner carry. Cash $500 downstairs. Special price negotiable. 325-718- move in rates available, 1/2 off first month’s rent 4711. for those who qualify. DON’T STORE It! Sell (325) 653-3506, (714) it in the Nickel. 944-7653 585-8392.
Commercial Prop. Sale
4 LOTS on Clark St behind HEB for sale, $45,000 obo. 11 lots on Hero St. behind LakeView, $49,000 obo. All utilities available. 325-718-4711.
Room For Rent
Houses for Rent unfurn. ANOTHER NICE 1 bedroom duplex in beautiful Santa Rita area, between Live Oak and Beauregard. very large living room, nice and clean kitchen, bath, bedroom. Side yard with trees. We furnish mowing, stove and refrigerator. References. No Pets Non Smoking. $450 month, $200 deposit plus bills. 325-949-1725.
Farm & Ranch LAND WANTED Looking for a ranch to purchase in you area, prefer 2,500+ AC. I am a direct buyer that can close promptly. 713. 408. 4758
Lots/Land/ Acreage 10 ACRES RED Creek subdivision in Tom Green Co. 5 acre tract 4 Martin Road, 5 acre tract 5 Martin Road, $125,000 for all. (325) 263-1931. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY SAN ANGELO, TX. - 5-129 ACRES available for long or short term lease or for sale Conveniently located on Christoval Rd. near HWY 87 & GAFB. 7400 sq. ft. warehouse available with 6500 sq. ft. of attached covered storage area. Care taker houses on property if needed. Call 325-656-5708, 325655-4433.
1,000 + acres. Good livestock, hunting ranch with home. Nolan County. Call Lee, Lee & Puckitt for pricing. 325-655-6989 NICE ACREAGE in Christoval to build your dream home. Plenty of room between you and your neighbors. Teri Jackson REALTORS®, (325) 703-6820. GRAPE CREEK, 3 lots, blacktop & dirt roads, fences, septic, electricity available, equipment shed. Roalnd Allen at Teri Jackson REALTORS®, (325) 374-5915 REDUCED TO SELL. Lot on E. 39th St. Approx. 1/4 acre, cleared, $6,500. 325227-4278. Owner Financing Lots in Carlsbad on Galveston Street, 50’x150’, $10,000 each, $1000 down. 325-6505900. 43.40 AC. Edwards County. Nice Valley nestled between two ridges with beautiful views. End of road privacy. Live Oak, Cedar cover. Whitetail, Free ranging exotics, Hogs & Turkey. $5,860 Down, $970/MO. 800-876-9720 39.605 ACRES, DOOLE, TX. Farm land, $90,000. (325) 263-1931. 50x150 empty lot, 15th & N. Chadbourne behind Pizza Hut, $9000 obo. (325) 212-1598. RV BARN on 2 acres. Electricity, septic tank & water. $400mo./$400dep. (325) 650-4878. 2 ACRES, Wall ISD, very unique, city water, blacktop road, fences. Teri Jackson REALTORS®, (325) 7036820.
LARGE BEDROOM FOR RENT. $250 mo. Grape Creek area. (325) 655-5198, (325) 2621702. COUNTRY LIVING. LARGE room w/full bath, large living room & small kitchenette for rent. Storage room available. Furnished or unfurnished. FMI Call John (325) 262-6459
Real Estate For Sale Storage/Workshops. 600-1,000 sq.ft. with utilities available. $300-$400/mo. Gretchen, 325-234-0069. I BUY mortgage notes. If you are receiving payments on a property you have sold call (806) 928-1705
Manufactured Housing ADVERTISE HERE TODAY 325-944-7653
4BR/2BA DOUBLEWIDE with fireplace and carport on 1 acre of land. Owner finance. $7000 down. (325) 374-8922 AMERICAN CLASSIFIEDS is online at: 1st MONTH FREE Move-in Special For Sale or Lease. 3BR/2BA singlewide with appliances, CH/A Financing Available, W.A.C. $750 month. R-45407. (325) 658-2763. GRAPE CREEK - SEVERAL nice 2 and 3 bedroom singlewides for rent starting at $400 deposit and $550 month. No inside pets. Application required. 325-2340295. 325-234-0292. RV/MOBILE HOME Park. Commercial Building, 2500 Sq. Ft., 40 Plus Lots. Private Lake Access On Highway 180. 20 Acres. Call Juan, 469544-9503 3BR/2BA doublewide, fenced, 1 acre. Owner finance. $5,000 down, $650 per month. (325) 3748922. PRIVATE INVESTOR buys Mobile Home Parks. Will pay fair market with terms. Call 469-544-9503.
327 PREUSSER 1BR/1BA upstairs, unfurnished apartment. Bills plus cable paid. Rent $650, deposit $300. HUD Accepted. (325) 450-1593. ANOTHER NICE 1 bedroom duplex in beautiful Santa Rita area, between Live Oak and Beauregard. very large living room, nice and clean kitchen, bath, bedroom. Side yard with trees. We furnish mowing, stove and refrigerator. References. No Pets Non Smoking. $450 month, $200 deposit plus bills. 325-949-1725.
Page 7 August 30, 2018
EFFICIENCY IN CARLSBAD. Close to State School. $550 month all bills paid. 325-617-8689.
Vacation Rentals LAKE ALAN HENRY Lodges. 1 hour from Lubbock. Satellite TV, Wi-Fi, Bar-b-que Pits, Full Kitchen. 806777-0337
Page 8 August 30, 2018
Watch For Our New Website: • American Classifieds San Angelo & The Concho Valley Area
$10,995, $158 Bi-Weekly for 42 Mo 1718 N Bryant Blvd.
2013 HYUNDAI ELANTRA SE $16,995, $202 Bi-Weekly for 54 Mo 1718 N Bryant Blvd.
Call and ask for more info 2000 W 42nd St. Odessa, TX.
Leather, Roof, Sony, Stereo $9,922+TTL 1930 E 8th St. Odessa, TX.
Call 325-944-7653 / 325-944-SOLD 1-800-357-2722
2010 FORD F150 XLT V8, Auto & Lots More. 700 S Irving San Angelo, TX
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325-944-SOLD •
Page 10 August 30, 2018
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Call 325-944-7653 / 325-944-SOLD 1-800-357-2722
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Page 11 August 30, 2018
Page 12 August 30, 2018
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325-944-SOLD •
Page 13 • August 30, 2018
Finally, brethren whatsoever things are true... honest...just...pure... good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Philippians 4:8
DID YOU KNOW?! Clark’s Auto Wrecking has NEW auto parts, doors, fenders, grills, radiators, hoods, lights, door handles. Many in stock or next day delivery. You’ll be surprised at their prices. 325-6584377, San Angelo. 2012 NISSAN ALTIMA, excellent condition inside and out, runs great, 157,000 well cared for miles, $5500. 325-617-4478.
2013 VW BEETLE. Leather, heated seats, 6spd manual transmission, 94k miles, one owner. Maintained at VW of Abilene, $11,995. IN OBSERVANCE (325) 656-2744. UP TO $400 CASH paid OF THE Labor Day for old cars and trucks. holiday, American More in some cases. (325) Classifieds will be closed Mon656-3658 2009 Toyota Camry LE day September 4Dr. Turquoise with beige 3, 2018. Regular interior, auto, tilt, cruise, hours will resume power windows & locks. on Tuesday, Sep71,000 miles. Nice, nice. tember 4, 2018 at $8,500. Can be seen at Col- 8 a.m. Deadline lege Hills Cars & Trucks, for Display and 1806 College Hills, (325) Business & Service will be Friday 223-1867 LEXUS 2010 ES350. at 3 p.m. Classi38,000mi. One owner, ex- fied ad deadline cellent condition, power will be Tuesday, everything, keyless entry, September 4, Premium Edition, leather. 2018 at 6 p.m. We hope you and your $16,500. (325) 227-5354. 2012 HONDA CIVIC family have a Safe 4dr., 4cyl., A/C, Auto. 64k and Happy Holimiles. $6800. (325) 650- day. Thank you for choosing Ameri4926. 2013 DODGE AVENG- can Classifieds. ER SXT 81k miles. 4 cyl., A/C, leather seats. $4,500+TTL. (325) 2120225. 2015 Hyundai Elantra GLS 4Dr. Silver, auto, alloy, fresh tires, cruise, tilt, power 2006 SUZUKI FORENwindows & locks, CD. Nice, ZA. Auto. Blue. 4 dr. $3,000. nice car. $9,200. Can be (325) 716-9609. seen at College Hills Cars & Trucks, 1806 College Hills, STATE INSPECTIONS ON cars, (325) 223-1867 NATION WIDE parts pickups, RVs, locator service! Can’t find SUVs, motorthat part you need? Call cycles, trucks, Clark’s and let them find trailers or anything that needs an init for you. (325) 658-4377. C A R S / T R U C K S spection, we also WANTED!!! 2002 and do truck and trailNewer! Any Condition. er DOT. Must have Running or Not. Compet- current insurance. itive Offer! Free Towing! Bradley Welding, We’re Nationwide! Call 1224 N. Bell. (325) 653-4175. Now: 1-888-416-2330. A TERRIBLE Thing Happens To Businesses That Don’t Advertise... NOTHING! Advertise in our Business & Service Section. 325-944-7653 or 2002 MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS. Runs 1989 CAMARO R.S. good, AC cold, 80k miles. One owner, 96,000 original miles on body. 96-5.3 $3,200. FMI (325) 650-7521. Vortec, auto transmission. GREAT RATE on auto Engine runs good. $6,800. insurance. Call for a FREE Call (325) 374-2042 quote TODAY. (325)944DON’T STORE It! Sell it 3813, Younts Insurance. inin the A. Class. 944-7653.
COME CHECK OUT San Angelo Motor Co., 2201 W. Ave. N, (325) 944-0522. See all the cars, pickups, and SUVs that we have.
1957 Chevy Belaire 2Dr hardtop. Call for info. $25,000 or possible trade. (325) 374-3458. 1971 Chevy Pickup LB. Excellent running & very straight. Under 100K miles. $4,200. (325) 374-3458. 1960 FORD GALAXY 500, 70k miles, all original, $6000. (325) 617-3544. 1955 CHEVY BELAIRE 210. CD player, A/C, power steering, 350 V8 engine, Cragg wheels. Fully loaded, excellent condition. (325) 656-8986. 1948 MILITARY Jeep, excellent condition, 2 windshields (one new), excellent tires, new seats, $3250. 325374-1538.
LIKE NEW frame off restoration. 1970 Buick Wildcat convertible. $35,000 or will consider trade for pickup of equal value. (325) 374-3458. VALVE GRINDING MACHINE. Black & Decker, made in USA. Works good. $200. (325) 374-5173. ‘69-’72 CHEVROLET pickup parts. Cheap prices. Pickups 325-374-5173. 1955 CHEVROLET 327. Too many extras to YOUR AD Could be here. Call 325-944-7653. list. (325) 669-4820.
GLASSDOCTOR * - WE FIX your panes! Chip repair. Free mobile service. 12 month breakage guarantee. Convenient expert installation. (325) 6537380. ADVERTISE HERE 325-944-7653 2002 DODGE 2500 DIESEL. Very well maintained. Chipped, custom air breather, new batteries. 2 yr. old tires, one owner, 135k miles, $14,000obo. (325) 340-7990. CHEVY 89 Ext. cab, 114k miles, $5,500. 325656-4201.
1995 FORD 4X4 Ext. Cab, stepside, new rebuilt engine, transmission and 4x4. Runs great. Custom wheels and tires, receiver hitch, Kenwood CD player. (325) 450-1987
Delivery Available!
CK-3510 HST + KL-3510 LOADER + 20’ Big Tex Trailer + BH-5 Bush Hog Shredder + BBX-60 Bush Hog Box Blade
12808 W. 1-20 E., Odessa • 432-563-5780 Offers available now thru 9/30/18. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Offer based on purchase of eligable equipment defined in promotional program. Additional fees may apply. Pricing, payments and models may vary by dealer. Customers must take delivery prior to the end of the program. Some customers will not qualify. Some restrictions apply. Financing subject to credit approval. Offer available on new equipment only. Prior purchases are not eligible. 6 Year Warranty for non commercial, residential use only. 6 Year Warranty applies to CS, CK10, DK10 and NX model KIOTI tractors and must be purchased and registered between now and 9/30/18. Offer valid only at participating Dealers. Offer subject to change without notice. See your dealer for details. Pricing in USD.
West Co. Rd.
Page 14 August 30, 2018
Watch For Our New Website: • American Classifieds San Angelo & The Concho Valley Area
2008 Toyota Rav 4
2009 Kia Borrego
1,999 Down
999 Down
2009 Buick Lacrosse
1,499 Down
2005 GMC Extended Cab
2009 Dodge Caliber
Call 325-944-7653 / 325-944-SOLD 1-800-357-2722
999 Down
2005 Jeep Grand Cherokee
999 Down
Pickups 2005 TOYOTA Tundra, 300,000+ miles, great condition, well maintained, brand new battery, good rubber, standard (5) speed, $5000. (325) 656-3430 2004 CHEVY AVALANCHE. Tagged & ready to go. $4,200obo. (432) 2122746. UP TO $400 CASH paid for old cars and trucks. More in some cases. (325) 656-3658 1995 FORD Club Cab Ranger, standard 4 speed in the floor, tool box, headache rack, runs good, needs paint, new battery, 186k miles, $1,975. 325-262-9035. GREAT RATE on auto insurance. Call for a FREE quote TODAY. (325)9443813, Younts Insurance. $CASH$. We will pay above scale weight. Cars or pickups for wrecking use. 325-658-4377. San Angelo area. $CASH$ any make or
model cars and pickups for wrecking use. We will pick them up. Clark’s Auto Wrecking, 325-658-4377. San Angelo area. 2002 F-150 FX4 Lariat, auto, Super Crew, 1 owner, 180,000 miles, good condition, $5500 OBO. (325) 245-8618 1990 Ford F-150. Excellent truck, under 100K miles. $3,200. (325) 3743458. COME CHECK OUT San Angelo Motor Co., 2201 W. Ave. N, (325) 944-0522. See all the cars, pickups, and SUVs that we have. 2011 CHEVY EXTENDED Cab Pickup. White, loaded. Only 65,000 miles. Call (325) 656-8455. 1982 DODGE RAM WORK truck. Needs work. $850. (325) 864-9713. 2006 F150 XLT. 197,600 miles. One owner, never
1499 Down
wrecked. Hiway miles only. Very clean truck, 16+ mpg. $8500. (325) 656-0298. 2006 FORD F-150, 4.6L Triton, extended cab. 177,600 miles; very clean, excellent condition, well maintained. 4 and 7-point trailer plug adaptor and Tekonsha trailer brake controller. $5500; cash only. 325-656-5037 2013 Chev 3/4 ton K2500 4x4 XCab LW Base, 95,000 miles. $16,800. 1001 N. Bell. $CASH$. We will pay above scale weight. Cars or pickups for wrecking use. 325-658-4377 San Angelo area. 1999 GMC Sonoma SLS extended cab, 2 owners, 65,500 miles, above average truck, tool box, headache rack, $4,500. 325-374-0380.
$CASH$ any make or model cars and pickups for wrecking use. We will pick them up. Clark’s Auto Wrecking, 325-658-4377. San Angelo area. COME CHECK OUT San Angelo Motor Co., 2201 W. Ave. N, (325) 944-0522. See all the cars, pickups, and SUVs that we have. 2009 CHEVY Suburban LT, $14,900, very clean, 126K miles. (325) 374-3138 1996 JEEP Grand Cherokee, automatic, V8, $2000. 325-234-9900. 2007 CHEVY UPH LANDER SUV. Very good condition. Consider
trade for travel trailer equal value. (325) 617-5407. 2015 Jeep Patriot. Charcoal gray, auto, cruise, OLDER MODEL power- tit, CD, power windows & stroke 1 ton dually, rebuilt locks. 70,000 miles. Nice, engine, 6 new tires, $2500. nice. $0,500. Can be seen at 325-374-1538. College Hills Cars & Trucks, 1806 College Hills, (325) SUV’s 223-1867 1998 LAND Rover, 127,000 miles, new tires, new fuel pump, clean, $4,750 firm. Good hunting vehicle. 325450-5736. 2014 NISSAN Pathfinder Platinum. 12,000 miles, excellent condition. $21,000. 325-201-5109 LEXUS 2015 RX350. 69,000mi. One owner, excellent condition, power everything, keyless entry, Premium Edition, leather. $26,500. (325) 227-5354.
Vans DODGE GOOD Times Van, high top, 1 owner, low milage, new tires, showroom condition, $4250, $1200 down. 325-374-1538. $CASH$. We will pay above scale weight. Cars or pickups for wrecking use. 325-658-4377 San Angelo area.
2008 LEXUS RX350
COME CHECK OUT San Angelo Motor Co., 2201 W. Ave. N, (325) 944-0522. See all the cars, pickups, and SUVs that we have.
Auto Parts & Acc. 4 BRIDGESTONE TIRES, Dueler A/T P255/70R18, 112 mts. $600. 95% tread left.(432) 4256459. NEW PORTABLE electric winch, never used, $90. 325-227-1408.
IN OBSERVANCE OF THE Labor Day holiday, American Classifieds will be closed Monday September 3, 2018. Regular hours will resume on Tuesday, September 4, 2018 at 8 a.m. Deadline for Display and Business & Service will be Friday at 3 p.m. Classified ad deadline will be Tuesday, September 4, 2018 at 6 p.m. We hope you and your family have a Safe and Happy Holiday. Thank you for choosing American Classifieds.
NEW SMALL block Ford engine cradle, $50. 325-227-1408. FOUR 265x65x17 BRIDGESTONE 684 take offs. (325) 650-7661. GOOD RUNNING, non smoking or oil leaks 1996 Ford 4.9L inline 6 cylinder engine. Complete with starter, flywheel, alternator, steering pump. All for $600. 325-227-1408.
DID YOU KNOW?! Clark’s Auto Wrecking has NEW auto parts, doors, fenders, grills, radiators, hoods, lights, door handles. Many in stock or next day delivery. You’ll be surprised at their prices. 325-6584377, San Angelo.
NATION WIDE parts locator service! Can’t find that part you need? Call Clark’s and let them find it for you. (325) 658-4377. 1990 DODGE CUMMINS diesel motor transmission. $2,200. 1995 Chevy rear end $300. 1931 Ford YOUR AD Could be here. suspension parts. (325) 864Call 944-7653 9713. $CASH$. We will pay above scale weight. Cars or Trailers pickups for wrecking use. 325-658-4377 San Angelo NEW 16’ UTILITY area. 88-98 CHEVY FRONT Trailer, $1495. Hog clips, truck bed, $250. ‘94- Creek Trailers. Sales, ’01 Dodge pickup beds and Parts & Service. 5260 N. front clips, $250. 460LE Chadbourne, San Angetransmission $350, 700r4 lo. 325-374-4802. transmission $325, turbo 350 transmission $200, SELL IT Fast with your Chevy Dodge, Ford doors American Classifieds or and fenders, $60. (325) 656- Come by 2027 Sherwood Way, San Angelo 3658
2002 DODGE RAM 1500
Call 325-944-7653 / 325-944-SOLD 1-800-357-2722
Page 15 August 30, 2018
Watch For Our New Website: • American Classifieds San Angelo & The Concho Valley Area
8 Weeks
• Reader in Business & Services(10 word or less, 50¢ each additional word) Business Card Running 2 weeks • Plus Duplicate Reader in Miscellaneous $13 • Add a Logo for an additional $10
Per Inch
• 8 week black & white $5.85 per inch per week. (example: 1x3 is a $140.40 for 8 weeks)
UPGRADE DISPLAY AD • 8 week color 2x1.5 with classified ad under category of
your choice plus an ad under misc. $200.
YOUR AD Could be here. Call 325-944-7653.
APPLIANCE SERVICE & REPAIR Reasonable, honest, dependable. Call for Service. (325) 227-5306 (325) 653-8586. Member BBB.
CARRILLO CONSTRUCTION & BACKHOE/BOBCAT SERVICES, LLC. - Insured BOBCAT RENTAL - weekly, daily. Pads - Driveways - Lot Clearing - Welding - Landscaping - Concrete work Fences. Special pricing on residential pads. J Carrillo (325) 212-1598.
LET EVA DO IT 35+ years experience. Turn a houseful of STUFF into CASH. (325) 234-8617.
Boat Service & H Parts. All brands of boats serviced. Tohatsu
authorized dealer. Large parts inventory. Three Rivers Marine Service Center. 2143 Industrial, San Angelo, TX, (325)227-4918.
CARPENTRY CARPENTRY PLUS 325-763-3323. All types of patch and repair for all levels of remodel and renovations for your home. ALL TYPES OF CARPENTRY & repairs. Free estimates. Bob Seals (325) 650-0757.
RON GRANTHAM TILE since 1975. Tile installation, associated remodeling. (325) 8955064
CONCEALED HANDGUN CLASSES HAND GUN CLASSES. Beginner classes & license to carry classes. Held on Saturdays or Sundays. Corporate & group classes considered on your schedule at your location. Call Daryl Presley (325) 212-3703 or The Outdoorsman (325) 947-8859.
L&M ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS. No job too big or too small. Mike Herrera, Master Electrician, TECL #26082. Insured. (325) 234-9599.
DIRT CONST. MOUNTAIN MOVERS Wholesale delivery. Caliche base, topsoil fill, roads, pads, septic systems. (325) 6562147. BUILD PADS, ROADS, clean lots, shredding. Deliver top soil, limestone, caliche, gravel. Install septic systems. Free estimates. D.K. Webb, 325-9393369. S&S CONSTRUCTION Backhoe, Bulldozer, Dump Truck. All types dirt work and land clearing. Tractor shredding, build roads, pads, etc. Office (325) 944-8282, mobile (325) 650-1394. BETTER GRADE OF TOPSOIL. Also, limestone, sand, and fill dirt. Build roads, pads and parking lots. Sell and installation of septic systems. (325) 6516840, (325) 895-0900.
AROS FENCING - ALL types of fences New or repair. Free Estimates. Ask for Agustin (325) 340-2864 TERRAZAS FENCING Ranch Fencing, high fences, private fencing, chain link fencing, painting corrals, fence painting. Cell(325) 650-9738. MC FENCING. All types ranch fencing. Call Manuel (325) 277-9696. A-F FENCING. Repairs. Private, chainlink, ranch. Call 325-651-6380, 325276-1507. WEST TEXAS WOOL @ MERTZON. FENCING SUPPLIES, direct from factory pricing. Deer Feed, Hunting Supplies, Ranch Supplies, Gifts. (325) 8353661. (888) 830-3661.
R&H SERVICES. All types of home repairs, tile, sheetrock, painting, plumbing, electrical, trees. Inside - Outside. Give us a call - we do it all. 325-301-9835 Randall.
ACC CONSTRUCTION & CONCRETE WORK. Residential & Commercial. Driveways, patios, foundations, sidewalks. Registered Contractor, 665. (325) 245-3036 BUYERS & SELLERS agree! American Classifieds is a real bargain. Come by our office at 2027 Sherwood Way in San Angelo, or call 325-944-7653. Visit us At
Drywall, mud work, painting - interior or exterior, remodeling and additions. Portable custom storage buildings. Will work out of San Angelo area. Call for free estimate. (325) 763-9457.
ELECTRICAL OVER 1,000’s of readers every week! Call American Classifieds at 325-944-7653
HANDYMAN L&D SERVICES Home repairs, doors, windows, trim, electric, plumbing and fixtures. Tile, doors and windows, drywall. Hauling and clean up also. (325) 315-4860.
Lawn overgrown? Better call Raul - Handyman, tree trimming, mowing, edging, yard clean-up, junk removal, hedging, cleaning up leaves - RH Lawn Services - get your FREE quote now! (325) 812-6438
TRACTOR MOWING! Tilling, compost, dirt work. Plowing & planting DUMP TRAILER CONTRACTING OR RENTAL! Insured. Shane Crimm (325) 277-8222.
PAINTING AMERICAN PAINTING CO. Residential and Commercial. 25 years experience. Quality you can see, a name you can trust. Free estimates. Senior - Military discounts. Call today! (325) 895-0840. DARREN’S PAINTING SERVICE. 30 years professional experience. For your custom interior/exterior painting, staining, mud work, and minor carpentry. References available. 6537225, 656-3429.
VINYL REPLACEMENT WINDOWS. No heat or cold transfer. Double hung insulated with Low E glass, Argon gas filled. Saves up to 40% on utilities. Chuck Corfield Construction, 100 miles radius from San Angelo. 325-949-5087.
GARDENIA JANITORIAL SERVICES. Floor maintenance, high speed buffing, general cleaning, rug maintenance, side by side scrubbing, windows, strip & wax. Insured. Bonded. Free estimates. 325-374-5644. LIKE US on Facebook! Thrifty Nickel - American Classifieds.
REMODELING & CONSTRUCTION WE BUILD full rock outdoor kitchens and stone fireplaces. New construction & remodel stone work. Call Angelo Stone for a free quote. (325) 657-0706
C.C. ROOFING & CONSTRUCTION Shingles & Metal Roofs. Serving San Angelo for 30 years. Free Estimates. (325)944-0340. BUB WALDROP ROOFING. All types of roofing & repairs. Call today for a free estimate. (325) 658-9099 CANDELA AND SONS ROOFING. Over 30 years experience. Best quote in town. Also offering 24 g metal roofing, standing seam. (325) 227-6825. Check us out on Facebook!!
SANDBLASTING SANDBLASTING AND PAINTING. Free estimates in shop only. Quality work and paint. (325) 655-6445.
WALDROP METAL CONST. Call today for the lowest price on your next building, barn, fence or corrals. (325) 658-9099
GENE PAINTING & REMODELING. Interior & Exterior. Residential & Commercial. 25 years experience. Have Brush Will Travel! (325) 261-7450 local.
TRACTOR SHREDDING, junk & debris removal & mowing. HAVE TRAILER WILL TRAVEL. (325) 656-0526.
FIREWOOD. DON’T BE FOOLED! A cord of wood is 4’X4’X8’. Mine 300 up. I got all kinds. You need one piece or whatever! (325) 9391834.
BOLDING CONCRETE - Metal buildings, houses, driveways, patios, etc. 8’X10’ slab, $625. (325) 653-6322, (325) 277-1851. CEMENT WORK - small jobs, sidewalks, patios, etc. Free estimates. 40 years experience. Ernie Cantu 325656-9810.
TREE TRIMMING AND removal. Flagstone and concrete patios. Spring clean ups. Any other landscaping you might need. Residential and Commercial. Call Oasis Lawn & Landscaping 325-212-1368 ask for Daniel.
TRASH OR ANYTHING HAULED. Ray or Roy. (325) 374-3996. D & D Haul away anything - storage shed, cut trees, tree trimming, branches, tilt yards, etc. Danny, (325) MOWING, WEEDEATING eating and hedging, 763-1606. blow off porches, driveways HOME REP. and patio areas. Residential, commercial, acreage. (325) & IMP. 763-5871, San Angelo area. JOEY’S LAWN CAREMowing, edging, tree trimming & cutting, and stump removal. Complete maintenance. Reasonable rates. (325)450-7941, (325)3008264 or (325)659-2241.
AA HOUSE LEVELING & REMODELING. Install new beams & repair any foundation problems. Mobile homes. Free estimates. Owner Agustin (325) 3402864
TOTAL MAINTENANCE. PAINTING, drywall, texture, light electric, light plumbing, carpet cleaning, flooring. Bath & kitchen remodel. Please visit us at mytotalmaintenance. com or call (325) 729-9662. HANDYMAN - All types remodeling and home repairs. Free estimates. Bob Seals (325) 650-0757. HOUSEHOLD MAINTENANCE and repair. Carpentry, drywall, paint, electrical, plumbing, doors, windows. Call Ish (325) 234-3877
M.R. REMODELING. 28 years experience RC#2380 & Insured. (325) 763-1138. Interior & Exterior. Custom Showers, custom Tile Work, Carpentry, Drywall, Painting, Pavers, Masonry, Custom Stain. From demo to custom finish. BBB Member. facebook. com/M.R.Remodeling.TX
ADVERTISE HERE 325-944-7653 OR 1-800-357-2722 GOT PLUMBING PROBLEMS? Call ROGER. Insured. Master Plumber #12703. Reasonable service charge. Sankey Plumbing, 658-7467.
BUYERS & SELLERS agree! American Classifieds is a real bargain. MOWING Come by our office at SELL IT Fast with your 2027 Sherwood Way in American Classifieds! San Angelo, or call 325Come by 2027 Sherwood 944-7653. Visit us At Way, San Angelo
NEVER PAINT AGAIN! Chuck Corfield Construction offers a lifetime warranty on vinyl siding. Replacement windows available. Call 949-5087 for free estimate.
STORAGE BLDG SELL IT Fast with your American Classifieds or Come by 2027 Sherwood Way, San Angelo GOIN’ SOUTH STORAGE, US Hwy 277 South. New buildings. RV storage. (325) 944-4999.
PIPE NEW & USED. Used 2 3/8” or 2 7/8”. Small pipe for gates and sucker rods in stock. Post cut to order. all pipe checked for radiation. We deliver. (325) 3742992.
TOP SOIL TOPSOIL - CONSERVE WATER with true topsoil/ compost mix. DW Compost & Topsoil. Cards. (325) 2779900.
ming, removal and stump grinding. Senior Citizen 10% discount. If you want it done right, call us! (325) 653-3110. ARMANDO’S TREE SERVICE, complete tree and stump care. Also roofing, concrete & fencing. Free estimates. Senior citizen discount. Se habla Español. (325) 2136941. TREE TRIMMING, CUTTING and stump removal, land clearing. Free estimates. Call Manuel (325) 277-9696.
HILLS WATER WELL SERVICE. 325-650-2504. Free estimates. Water Well Drilling. Water Well and Pump repair. New Pump Installation. Water Well restoration. Solar Pumps.
Page 16 August 30, 2018
Country Corral Equip FORD 1300 tractor with implements, $1500 obo. Needs some work. (432) 664-2342. 1086 INTERNATIONAL TRACTOR with cab, 10ft. JD tandem, 13 shank sugar plow 3 bar, 8ft rear 3pt blade. New 5 1/2x12ft trailer with ramp, new 5 1/2x8ft trailer with ramp. JD 530 hay baler, 24ft flatbed trailer. (325) 442-3038, (325) 277-5632. INTERNATIONAL WIDE FRONT-END. New tires. WiIl fit 560, 706, 806. $500. (325) 450-1160.
Water Well Service
Turn Key Installations Windmills New/Rebuilt
Watch For Our New Website: • American Classifieds San Angelo & The Concho Valley Area
LOADER TRACTOR, DIESEL 50HP Ford. Operates excellent. $8,850. Mower, blade & plow extra. 40HP clean long diesel $4,850. (325) 721-7819. JD 4730 Sprayer, 90’ boom, 1635 hours, Norac height control system, nice, barn kept, $127,500. 325895-5251. 1995 FORD Club Cab Ranger, standard 4 speed in the floor, tool box, headache rack, runs good, needs paint, new battery, 186k miles, $1,975. 325-2629035. TRACTOR REPAIR & SALVAGE. All types of tractor repair. Used parts, tires, wheels & plow parts. (325) 469-3950, 234-8846.
BURN BARRELS, 325944-8418, 325-277-0873. BURN BARRELS for sale. 653-3678.
PIPE NEW & USED. Used 2 3/8” or 2 7/8”. Small pipe for gates and sucker rods in stock. Post cut to order. all pipe checked for radiation. We deliver. (325) 3742992. GOT FEED WHEAT. $6 for 50 lb. bag. Seed wheat $7 bag. San Angelo (325) 2770727. 2005 TOYOTA Pickup, make good ranch pickup, asking $5000. Ranch or Country Corral hunting truck. (325) 6563430 Gen AUSTRALIAN SADFARM FRESH EGGS all DLE from Down Under different colors. $2 dozen. Saddle Shop in Denver, Col(325) 650-9639, (325) 650- orado. Unique design, nice. 0202. $275. (325) 942-9139
Solar Systems Electric Pumps
CUSTOM DOZER, IN OBSERVANCE DEMOLITION & TRUCKING SERVICES. We offer OF THE Labor Day commercial base, fill dirt, holiday, American top soil, river rock, granite, Classifieds will sand and gravel. Dump pits be closed Monavailable for leftover materi- day September als from job sites. Concrete, 3, 2018. Regular rock, asphalt, etc. Commer- hours will resume cial, Residential and Ranch on Tuesday, SepWork. (325) 617-3544. GOT BOOTS OR shoes tember 4, 2018 at that are too small or you do 8 a.m. Deadline not wear anymore? Donate for Display and them to Ernie Shoe Shine, Business & Ser165 Woodruff, (325) 656- vice will be Friday 9810. www.erniesshoeshine. at 3 p.m. Classified ad deadline com BEARDLESS WHEAT will be Tuesday, round bales. Weigh over September 4, 1100lbs. Top quality clean 2018 at 6 p.m. We hay. Can deliver. Call (325) hope you and your family have a Safe 234-0041. OAK FIREWOOD $265 and Happy Holiper cord delivered. Dis- day. Thank you for count to load your own. 1/2 choosing Ameri& 1/4 cords available. (325) can Classifieds. 656-7973. M.L. LEDDY saddle, ready to use, $1,500. Great shape. (325) 656-3430 COASTAL HAY, SQUARE bales. Menard, Texas, (325) 396-4723.
Sea Containers Sales & Rental Any Size GENE PAINTING & REMODELING. Interior & Exterior. Residential & Commercial. 25 years experience. Have Brush Will Travel! (325) 261-7450 local.
Tanks & Pipelines Water Well Testing
San Angelo Construction
Truck carries Threading Equip 1-4”, Welder, Torch
Metal Buildings, Carports, Storage Bldgs
Large inventory of Pipe/Rods/Pumps/etc.
(325) 658-3277
Al Thomerson • TX Lisc# 4113I
SEED OATS & ROUND Bales of Milo. (325) 7432308. GOT 5X5 ROUND BALES: Horse quality coastal $125. Steer quality coastal $100. Hay grazer $100. The Hay Barn. (325) 277-0727. HORSE QUALITY NEW crop beardless wheat hay. Large round bales. Approx. 1100lbs. Also have extra lg. bales up to 1430lbs Can deliver one bale. or a truckload. (325) 234-0041. 2027 Sherwood Way San Angelo, TX 76901
Call 325-944-7653 / 325-944-SOLD 1-800-357-2722
SADDLE/MONTURA MOSQUENA. FMI (325) 486-9386, 325 227-7805 BRUSH CLEARING. CACTUS, mesquite removal, etc. Road Building. Oasis Lawn & Landscape 325212-1368 ask for Daniel HORSE QUALITY rye grass round bales. Weight approximately 950 lbs. Can deliver. Call (325) 234-0041. 20’ & 40’ SEA CONTAINERS for sale or rent, excellent storage. Delivered. (325) 234-0295, (325) 2340292.
Largest Inventory In West Texas (325) 656-7988 • (325)658-1969
Country Corral Live 45 COW/CALF pairs for sale. 135 bred cows. Will fill any number. 325-656-7944, 325-2346034. GOATS FOR sale. Year- Country Corral Trailer lings - registration eligible; Boer goats, very gentle, out of award winning show 20ft. COVERED stock. 2 year olds registered STOCK trailer, 3 axle. (325) or registration eligible. 651-8900. (325) 450-1987 NEW TRAILER Young Barbados TIRES, 205 75 15’s, silver for sale. 653-3678. mod. wheels, $100. Hog ONE TROPHY 4 horn Creek Trailers. 325-374Ram, also known as Jabob’s 4802. sheep, 2 ewes & 1 young buck. $750. (325) 277-4151. NEW 16’ UTILITY BLUESTEM GRASS Trailer, $1495. Hog Hay. Round 5x5 bales De- Creek Trailers. Sales, liver Available $3.00 per Parts & Service. 5260 N. loaded mile can haul 14 Chadbourne, San Angebales. 806-729-1728 john@ lo. 325-374-4802. DONKEYS. Males NEW 5X10 UTIL$100. Females $300. Very ITY $895. Hog Creek gentle. (325) 224-2652, Trailers. Sales, Parts & (281) 387-8174 9am-9pm. Service. 5260 N. ChadBIG BAY Mare, appox. bourne, San Angelo. 12 years old, rideable, $600.. 325-374-4802. (325) 484-2466.
4509 West I-20•Midland, TX OFFICE 432-694-4530
Call 325-944-7653 / 325-944-SOLD 1-800-357-2722
Employment AVIATION CAREERS. Hands on training for career opportunities in aviation, manufacturing and more. Financial aid for qualified students. Job placement assistance. Call AIM 877-2061503. INVESTIGATE BEFORE YOU INVEST. Before you send a company money for anything advertised in American Classifieds, investigate before you invest. It is also illegal for any company to ask you to pay for credit or a loan before you get it. American Classifieds readers using information in any ads, do so at their own risk. It is suggested that the prospective investors contact the appropriate consumer protection agency before payment. American Classifieds, nor any of it’s employees shall not be held liable for the content in any advertisers ads. For more information about credit scams and advance fee loans write: FTS, Washington, DC 20580. DRONE CAREERS. Prepare for FAA Unmanned Aircraft System operator certificate for commercial use. Weekend courses available in Atlanta, Dallas, Houston, Las Vegas, Kansas City, Oakland, Philadelphia, Virginia Beach and DC. Call AIM 877-202-0386. www. WANTED: CDL Drivers $17-$18 per hour, also Operators and Laborers. Health Insurance and other benefits. Per diem paid. EOE. 830-833-4547 25 DRIVER TRAINEES NEEDED! Earn $1000 per week! Paid CDL Training! STEVENS TRANSPORT COVERS ALL COSTS! 1-877-209-1309 TRAINED TECH ASC certified. Only serious inquires. Call (432) 425-5147. NEED MAINTENANCE MAN to do repairs & mow grass. We will furnish mobile home to live in + salary. (830) 313-1060. MEDICAL BILLING & Coding Training! Train at home to process Medical billing & Insurance! CTI can get you job ready! 1 (855) 2443118 HS Diploma/GED needed.
IT Fast with your SELL American Classifieds or Come by 2027 Sherwood Way, San Angelo
Watch For Our New Website: • American Classifieds San Angelo & The Concho Valley Area
25 DRIVER Trainees Needed Now at Steven’s Transport! No Experience Needed! Earn $900 Per Week! Paid CDL Training! All costs covered! 1-844-311-7515 MAKE $1,000 Weekly! Paid in Advance! Mailing Brochures From Home. No Experience Required. Helping home workers since 2001! Genuine Opportunity. Start Immediately! www. MailingGroup.Net $800 “GUARANTEED” WEEKLY. Mailing Flyers from Home. For FREE packet call 1-972-2217035.
EMPLOYMENT - LOCAL TAKING APPLICATIONS for Licensed Electrician or Licensed Apprentice. Experience a plus. Must have a good driving record, neat in appearance, & must be able to follow directions. Send resume to whitfordelectric@ PART-TIME HELP needed. Light housework & errands. Must have car. Background check. Serious inquiries only. (325) 2773957. BETTER WESTERN APPLIANCES is looking for appliance techs. If not experienced, willing to train. Must pass background check & have valid driver’s license. For application call (325) 653-8586 or (325) 227-5306. Greet And Meet People With A Smile!Interview & Start Today Front Desk Clerk/ReservationistCashier & Problem SolverCall Evins (325) 944-2571sanangelo@ PART-TIME ATTENDANT needed. 24 to 30 hours per week. Job includes cleaning, helping customers, assisting with drop off laundry. Apply Wash Pot Laundry. Corner Ave. N. & Fillmore. Come In Today And InterviewCall Evins Personnel now! (325) 944-2571Warehouse Forklift & Industrial Workers Let US HANDLE YOUR STAFFING NEEDS!Evins Personnel Consultants (325) 944-2571We find great people for great jobs!Direct Hire- Temp-to-Hire- PRIVATE BOOTH at Pranees Beauty Salon. $300mo., all bills paid. (325) 658-4644.
Join The Team That Loves Working With Pets!PT Veterinary Tech for a great practiceMedical Field or Veterinary Tech Experience(325) 944-2571 Evins Personnel for YES YOU can find us on the world wide web. Look up the American Classifieds at
PIC-N-PAC Convenience store now hiring day and night position for cashiers. Will train. Apply in person. 5906 N. US Hwy 87. A TERRIBLE Thing Happens To Businesses That Don’t Advertise...NOTHING! Advertise in our Business & Service Section. 432-580-7777
CAN’T BEAR to throw anything away? You’re right! Sell your un-used items in American Classifieds or go to angeloads. com
Career Opportunity! Excellent CompanyNeeds Hydraulic Account ExecutiveThey provide Great Pay & BenefitsCall Evins Personnel (325)
Category: Media - Journalism - Newspaper Position/Title: Master Control Operator Primary Industry: Broadcasting - Radio - TV Manage Others: No Details: KIDY/KXVA Fox San Angelo/Abilene is seeking a full-time Master Control Operator. Successful candidate will be responsible to maintain a clean on-air look with good video and audio levels. Responsibilities will include: Recording shows from satellite, Loading Dock, and Pathfire, putting commercial spots into the server, setting up shows to run in automation and preparing shows for air, live news broadcast insertion. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer and value the benefits of diversity in our workplace. Vacancy Type: Full Time Date Posted: 8/27/2018 Closing Date: 9/27/2018 City: San Angelo State: Texas URL: Experience: None Requirements: Must possess a positive attitude and be detail oriented. Training will be provided but experience in television broadcast is preferred. High School diploma or equivalent required. About TEGNA TEGNA Inc. (NYSE: TGNA) is an innovative media company that serves the greater good of our communities. With 47 television stations and two radio stations in 39 markets, TEGNA delivers relevant content and information to consumers across platforms. It is the largest owner of top 4 affiliates in the top 25 markets, reaching approximately one-third of all television households nationwide. Each month, TEGNA reaches 50 million adults on-air and approximately 35 million across its digital platforms. TEGNA has been consistently honored with the industry’s top awards, including Edward R. Murrow, George Polk, Alfred I. DuPont and Emmy Awards. TEGNA delivers results for advertisers through unparalleled and innovative solutions including OTT local advertising network Premion, centralized marketing resource Hatch, and G/O Digital, a one-stop shop for local businesses to connect with consumers through digital marketing. Across platforms, TEGNA tells empowering stories, conducts impactful investigations and delivers innovative marketing solutions. For more information, visit TEGNA Inc. is a proud equal opportunity employer. We are a drug free, EEO employer committed to a diverse workforce. We encourage and consider all qualified candidates regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, personal appearance, sexual orientation, gender identity, family responsibilities, disability, enrollment in college or vocational school, political affiliation, veteran status or genetic information. Contact Company: San Angelo/Abilene,TX Contact E-Mail: Contact Details: HR Job posted by an EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ***IMPORTANT***
Page 17 August 30, 2018
Page 18 August 30, 2018
Watch For Our New Website: • American Classifieds San Angelo & The Concho Valley Area
2009 HARLEY Heritage Softtail, 4500 miles, 96 c.i. 6 speed, fuel injection, custom Fering Alpine stereo, crash bar, $10,000. 325-223-1156.
Motorcycles THE ONE! 98 Yamaha 650 V-Star, new tires, new bags, 19k miles $1995. Call 325-370-5039 2013 HARLEY Davidson Street Glide, 19,500 miles, garage kept, professional maintenance, $14,500. (325) 656-3552. COME CHECK OUT San Angelo Motor Co., 2201 W. Ave. N, (325) 944-0522. See all the cars, pickups, and SUVs that we have. 8TH ANNUAL Fall JC Rooster Motorcycle Rally & Cook-off. Sept. 21st, 22nd & 23rd. Poker Run, Swap Meet, Games, Bike Show, Music & Vendors. $25 Registration or $5 Day Pass. Lake Sweetwater. 325-721-2293
2007 HONDA SPIRIT Shadow motorcycle. 750cc, 12,000miles. Very nice, excellent condition. Runs great, reliable. Reduced price, $2,500. Books at $3,200. (325) 213-2211. 2012 HARLEY Sportster 883XL, $6,000 obo. 325-262-7204.
H/D TRIKE, 2005 Screaming Eagle ElectraGlide FLHTCSA-2 motor trike conversion, maroon, excellent. $10,000. (325) 263-4552. 2007 SCREAMING EAGLE Road King, FLHRSE-3, Razor Red, 25k miles. Many upgrades, too many to list. Here’s a few, extensive engine mods, colA.C.E. 4 WHEELER or matched bat wing and & MOTORCYCLE hard bags, 3 seats, 2 sets REPAIR. Inspection of pipes. Excellent shape. stickers, parts, service $10,000. (325) 263-4552. & repair on ATV’S, UNDER $3K! 2008 motorcycles & UTV’s. Honda Shadow Spirit, sil241 N. Main. Mon.-Fri., ver, Motorcycle 5600 miles 9am-6pm; Sat. 9am-2pm. $2995. Call 325-370-5039. (325) 658-7690. YOUR AD Could be here. American Classifieds is on Facebook Call 944-7653.
Call 325-944-7653 / 325-944-SOLD 1-800-357-2722
STEEL BLDG STEEL BUILDINGS, Carports & Awnings. (325) 262-0933, Will.
EMPLOYMENT CARPENTERS NEEDED Framing crew experience and transportation a must. Call Marcus (325) 245-6193 leave message.
Garage Sales 2730 JUNIUS, Friday & Saturday, 7am-5pm. All size clothes & jackets, some shoes. Some holiday decorations & craft stuff. Also some baked goods. A TERRIBLE Thing Happens To Businesses That Don’t Advertise... NOTHING! Advertise in our Business & Service Section. 325-944-7653
YARD SALE 1007 S. Irving St. Saturday only 8-2pm only. Baby stuff, knickknaks, clothing for all ages, water fountain, tools, BBQ grills, lots of miscellaneous items, mail box & books. YARD SALE: 1422 KOBERLIN. Thursday-Saturday 7:30-? Clothes, dishes, some furniture, etc.
Hunting & Fishing DOVE HUNTING. Water tank & grain fields. (325) 656-8565 . AMERICAN CLASSIFIEDS hours of operation, Monday 8am-5pm, Tuesday 8am-6pm, Wednesday 8am-5pm, Thursday 8am-5pm and Friday 8am-3pm. Come in today to place your ad at 2027 Sherwood way, San Angelo, TX 76901
Call 325-944-7653 / 325-944-SOLD 1-800-357-2722
WEBB’S RV Since 1970
2009 SPORTSMAN 30’
2018 JAYCO 193RB Front Queen Bed • Rear Bath Like New!!! • Only 2800 LBS
520 E. 2ND ST., ODESSA, TX 79761 432-580-3000 • 800-473-4678
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Rear Bunks • Power Awning and Jacks EXTRA CLEAN!
• 1/6 WILDWOOD 26’ Slideout • Rear Bunks 4,900 LBS
$16,800 • 1/6 SALEM 32’ $19,500 • 15 BULLET 29’ Super Slide • Fiberglass One Owner • Rear Bath
2 Airs 50 amp - Outside Kitchen Rear Bedroom Like New! $29,500
2015 OPEN RANGE 30’ 5th Wheel • 3 Slides 7600 LBS • Gooseneck or 5th Wheel Trailer Is Like New. 2 Airs • 50 AMP $29,900
• We buy Nice & Clean Units • Call on our Consignment Details • • Nice & Clean Travel Trailers + 5th Wheels in Stock at All Times • • See Prices on Website • 2004 SAFARI Trek 31” 2 slides, excellent condition. Unique model with Magic ELL IT Fast with your bed over rear l/r. A/C, TV, wood accents. 22,500 miles. American Classifieds Abilene 808-651-4270 to or Come by 2027 Sher- see. https://mlarson.smugwood Way, San Angelo
American Classifieds gets results! 325-944-7653. RV 5th WHEEL TRAILER hitch & hardware rails. $300. Also an anti-sway & equalizer trailer hitch with ball. (325) 224-8302.
2016 OAKMONT 5TH wheel. 41ft. 2 full baths, sleeps 9. 5 slides. All stainless appliances & much more. Excellent condition. (325) 656-8986. YOUR AD Could be here. Call 325-944-7653.
CONSIGNED: 2016 #29G
A TERRIBLE Thing Happens To Businesses That Don’t Advertise...NOTHING! Advertise in our Business & Service Section. 325-944-7653 B&W FIFTH WHEEL Companion RV hitch. Excellent, $500. (325) 3407990.
authorized dealer.Large parts inventory. Three Rivers Marine Service Center, 2143 Industrial, San Angelo, TX, (325)227-4918.
Parts & suPPlies (Overnight On sPecial Orders) all emPlOyees are Webb Family
Rear Bunks • Front Queen. GOOD SHAPE!
Boat Service & H Parts. All brands of boat serviced. Tohatsu
Serving The Permian Basin Since 1973
14300 W. Hwy 80 E. Odessa • 432-561-5699 Mon-Fri 9-6 • Most Sat. 10-2
Rear Double Bunks Super Slide
Page 19 August 30, 2018
Visit Us At: • American Classifieds San Angelo & The Concho Valley Area
2014 THOR Ace 30.5’ motorhome with car dolley, hitchBoats es, 3-bike rack, all equipped, $65,000 firm. Call 8a.m.- 8p.m. (325) 1996 GLASTRON, 227-3832. needs starter put on. LARGE RV LOTS Comes with skis, FOR RENT in quiet wakeboard, kneeboard, Cactus Lane Park. $200 per 3 man tube. $1700 obo. month. (325) 653-1144. 325-763-9074. RV lots in Carlsbad for rent. Long term spaces located two blocks off of Hwy 87 N. on Angelo St. $300/ mo. Includes water, sewer and electric. 325-234-0295 Tucked Away RV Park, 1117 W. FM 2105. Wi-Fi, laundry, showers. 1985 SKEETER 15 FT. (325)658-1872 or (432) fiberglass hand laid hull, 70 213-5271. hp Evinrude engine, runs good. Trailer has new tires, REVIEW US! Tell us two fish finders, trolling what you think on Yelp! @American Classifieds motor. $3500 cash. 325-6569412. Want Ads.
1990 15’ LOWE ALUMINUM Boat with 1994 50HP Evinrude motor. Excellent shape, lake ready. Just out of shop with carb rebuild, plugs, water pump, all new lower unit seals. Power trim/tilt, new battery. SS prop. $2,500obo. (325) 3407990. 2017 BAYLINER 175BR. 2017 Mercruiser 3.0. 2017 Karavan trailer. Stereo and cover. Comes with extras. Very clean. New cost over $23,000, asking $14,999. 325-2625266. 2004 BLUE WAVE 190 Deluxe 19’ center console lake ready trolling motor. Hydraulic jack plate, depth finder, marine radio, fishing seats. Very good condition. $15,000. (325) 212-2624 CAN’T BEAR to throw anything away? You’re right! Sell your un-used items in American Classifieds or go to
THEME: FOOTBALL ACROSS 1. Hunk 5. Cough syrup amt. 8. “Scene one, ____ one” 12. Grand theft target 13. Broflovski of “South Park” 14. Polished surface of gem 15. Simpleton 16. A in A = b x h 17. Tarzan’s swing rope 18. *Dream football destination 20. Medley 21. Olden-day Celts 22. *Mo. of NFL preseason games 23. Confine a river 26. Khufu’s resting place 30. ____ Tsu 31. First little piggy 34. List of chores 35. *First black head coach to win Super Bowl 37. Computer network acronym 38. Rank 39. “... happily ____ after” 40. *Team conference 42. Dress like Ancient Greeks 43. What’s left 45. *NFL teams play at least 8 games here 47. Slow-witted 48. Like Cinderella’s ball gown 50. Blade in Litchfield 52. *Worth 6 56. “Madama Butterfly,” e.g. 57. Mythological hominid 58. Annette Castellano on “The Mindy Project” 59. Evil one 60. ____ gum on a list of ingredients 61. Pains 62. Site of original sin 63. Operations 64. Fountain order
14. Miller’s product 19. Went past 22. Sailor’s “yes” 23. Village V.I.P. 24. Shade of violet 25. Fox crime drama, 2005-2017 26. “On Golden ____,” movie 27. *”Go Pack Go” to Green Bay Packers? DOWN 28. “Pulling my leg,” e.g. 1. Cul de ____, pl. 29. Evade a ball 2. Lululemon on NASDAQ 32. It binds 3. At the apex 33. Little bit 4. Hispanic grocery and wine 36. *Playing field shop 38. “Bring back!” to Fido 5. Innsbruck’s province 40. Refrigerator sound 6. Lots and lots 41. Jousting match participant 7. Sound of thunder 8. *What fans do before the game 44. Parlor piece 46. Monster with nine heads, pl. 9. ____ bowl, Brazilian dish 48. Get overcast 10. Bingo-like game 49. Saintly glows 11. 7th letter of Greek alphabet 50. Hightailed it 13. Japanese theater
51. Blood component 52. Pizza for home, e.g. 53. *Home to Bengals 54. Join by heating 55. U.S. space agency 56. Schiller’s poem
Page 20 August 30, 2018
Watch For Our New Website: • American Classifieds San Angelo & The Concho Valley Area
Call 325-944-7653 / 325-944-SOLD 1-800-357-2722