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2027 Sherwood Way • San Angelo, TX 76901 325.944.7653 • 1.800.357.2722 [fax] 325.944.0387 OFFICE HOURS:
October 7, 2021 • Volume 38 • Issue 38
Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created. Revelation 4:11 1955 CHEVY BELAIRE. Modified, 350 chrome engine. Loaded, ready to drive. Call (325) 6568986. LOOKING FOR Oil field pipe racks. Call (325) 716-0572 or leave message. VESPA MOTORSCOOTER. 150cc, 45 miles per gallon, 325-450-1100. WANTED PILES of DEAD OAK, MESQUITE & pecan trees for firewood. (325) 340-0616. HAY GRAZER Square Bales. Irrigated and fertilized. $8 a bale. Alfalfa square bales $12 a bale. Rick Naylor. (325) 6567094. NEED PAINTER AND HELPER. Must be willing to work 50 hours Monday-Friday. Experience would be great, but willing to train. Pay depends on experience. (806) 363-0060. CUSTOM CUTTERS Farm & Ranch. Call Clay Lange 325-234-7399 or email:claylange@wcc. net. 39.605 ACRES, DOOLE, TX. Farm land, $2,650 per acre. (325) 656-9842. SHOW QUALITY Boer goats-wethers, doesborn April-May. (325) 365-6424. GOT CORN. Clean irrigated corn, $8.00 per bag. 40+ bag discount $7.50-50 pound bag. Feed wheat $7 per bag. Vancourt Mill, Vancourt, Texas (325) 277-0727.
CHICKENS FOR sale. Pool table with accessories, liquor bar, dough mixer,organ & saddle. (325) 227-7805. 2002 HONDA 1800cc with a batwing.(325) 3400375.
CASH FOR CARS from running to junkers. (325) 234-5154. 2007 SUZUKI M109R Boulevard. Low mileage. $5,000. 325-374-2199. BEARDLESS WHEAT hay. Irrigated, fertilized, no weeds, also Haygrazer 5x5 bales. Delivery available. 325-277-2281. EXTRA LARGE-BEDROOM for rent, king size bed, air conditioning, $300 per month. NO texts(325)262-1702. 2725 OAK HILLS TRAIL Saturday 7-1.Women’s, men’s, clothing, household items & decor & more. SELLING HANDIQUILTER Little Foot frame and Little Buddy System. Pristine condition, rarely used. Little foot frame $500. Little Buddy system $400. Buy both for $800. Must pick up. Email for pictures at or call 325-234-2630. 2012 CHEVY IMPALA LTZ, 4 door. You will love this car. For the price of $5,750. at HARGRAVES 1001 N. BELL. 2010 GMC SINGLE cab LWB flat bed, 3/4 ton. 6.0 gas, 166K miles. $8,800. at HARGRAVES 1001 N BELL 1 RINNAI BRAND Instant Hot Water Heater. Propane. New $1,500. For Sale for $500. One year old. Buyer never showed. (325) 234-4302. STEVE’S CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING. “The Clean That is Guaranteed!” Call for specials. (325) 374-6874. LAWNHAVEN BURIAL plot. Call (325) 650-2220. 3502 OLD POST RD. 4 BEDROOM, 2 bath, 2 living areas, CH/CA, fireplace, fenced, 2 car garage, $1350 month, $1000 deposit. (325) 212-2995. 2002 HONDA 1800cc with a batwing.(325) 3400375. LANCE MODEL 1010 SELF CONTAINED TRUCK CAMPER. $4,500. 325-277-2575. 2017 EASY-GO red TXT gas golf cart. Weather cover, gas can, windshield, excellent condition with trailer. $6,000 OBO. Call 325-651-7960 or leave message.
MINERALS FOR SALE (806) 489-7676. 3 PLOTS for sale in Johnson’s Lawnhaven Memorial Gardens. Whispering Waterfall lot 60s-4b, 5b and 6b, $5,500 each. If interested double granite base 48x18, $4,900 or single granite base 28x18, $3,400. 325-2126488. GOT CORN. Clean Ranch Run corn, $7.00 per bag. 40+ bag discount $6.50-50 pound bag. Feed wheat $7 per bag. Hay Barn Feed & Seed. San Angelo, Texas (325) 277-0727. 10 ACRES red Creek subdivision in tom green co. 5 acre tract 4 martin road, 5 acre tract 5 martin road, $100,000 for all. (325) 656-9842.
EXPERIENCED PART TIME AUTO PAINTER. Call (325)655-6445. 2 BEDROOM, 1BATH. Washer and dryer hook up. $850 month, $500 deposit. 1 year lease. Larry (325) 374-5890. BUYING OLD SIGNS & old toys. (325) 340-0181. 1998 EXPEDITION, 125K miles. 3rd seat. Very clean & well maintained. One owner. 325277-1933. MULCH $20 truckload or $50 all you can take. (325) 939-1834. 4 BEDROOM, 2 full bath, fireplace, 2 car garage, guest house. Call 325812-4117. FOUR PLOTS in Catholic Cemetery, 2 facing Avenue N.(325) 656-4801.
FREE BIBLE CORRESPONDENCE COURSES. God has a plan for your life. Answer the questions from Bible and send in for grading. Write to: World Bible School Dept. 47, 2200 Johnson St., San Angelo, TX. 76904 or call (325) 9471053. God keeps his promises! Learn what he has promised you. DEAD TREE removal, tree trimming, lawn service, trash hauling.(325) 340-0616. 4 BEDROOM, 2 bath, 2 living areas, CH/CA, fireplace, fenced, 2 car garage, 3502 Old Post Rd. $1350 month, $1000 deposit. (325) 212-2995. BUYING OLD cars & trucks, 1930 thru 1970. Project. 325-340-0181.
BUSINESS FOR SALE: Selling used furniture business due to health. Good traffic & sales. Don’t want to sell but too much work for me. Rent reasonable & not much overhead. Already established, full of furniture and ready to take over. Will consider trade for pickup truck of equal value. Call Antonio (325) 234-0516. 5 WINCHESTER MODEL 94 30-30 collection. 2 at $600 each, 2 at $900 each, 1 at $2,500. All for $5,300. (830) 609-8064. WANT TO BUY: PRE 64 Winchester model 70 264 W.M. & Mod. 94 38-55, 32-40 SELL OR TRADE: 38 Special & 40 S&W ammo. (325) 896-2329. FOR SALE Les Paul 100 Gibson Guitar, with Gibson case. 325-597-8711.
202 E. 23rd (Back Yard). Friday, Saturday & Sunday 8-5. Pre-Move Liquidation Sale. You name it from Collectible Art to Whatever! NEW HOLLAND HAY rake, TH154 folds out 28.6 feet 10 rakes. (325) 650-8266. 1417 KOBERLIN. Thursday & Friday 8-?, Saturday 8-2. Cleaning out storage. All size clothing, shoes, kitchen items, Halloween costumes etc. BUYING GOOD used 18-wheeler tires, 24.5, 22.5. Cash paid. 325277-0873. NORTH VAN BUREN 3/2. Fresh carpet, tile, large kitchen, central air, appliances, covered parking. No pets $825 month. Barth Realty (325) 277-8517.
2014 FOREST River Wildwood Heritage travel trailer. 2 slide outs, 8 foot wide x 29 foot long. Queen bed. $20,000. (325) 656-2867. STEVE’S CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING. “The Clean That is Guaranteed!” Call for specials. (325) 374-6874. 2011 CHEVY COLORADO X-Cab. Very clean. They don’t make them like this anymore. $8,800. at HARGRAVES 1001 N. BELL. MULCH $20 truckload or $50 all you can take. (325) 939-1834. DIERSCHKE & DIERSCHKE REALTORS, 5026 Knickerbocker Rd., San Angelo, TX. (325) 944-3596.
Page 2 October 7, 2021
Garage Sales MEXICAN PURE Vanilla Extract 8 oz. $5, Liter $9.50-$11. Leos Imports, 25 W Twohig Ave. 325655-5367. MOVING SALE 10/9 8am-?, 7720 Lilac Ave (Grape Creek). Tools, fishing stuff, bariatric durable equipment, outdoor patio furniture,christmas decor, household, furniture, vintage, miscellaneous. GARAGE SALE 319 East 26th. Saturday 10/16 8am - 4pm and Sunday 10/17 10am 4pm. Lot’s of items to see. 372 BLACK BEAR LANE. Friday 7:30-5;Saturday 7:30-noon. home decor, linens, baby items, toys, kid’s & adult clothing. DON’T STORE It! Sell it in the A. Class. 944-7653. GARAGE SALE 2112 San Antonio St. October 9 8am - 1pm.Tools galore, household items, construction items, boat motor, fishing items, but mainly tools and building supplies, including Tapco brake for bending siding and sheet metal. Plus 23 & 15 foot scaffold planes and accompanying ladders/hardware. Pile of sand and gravel ladders. Lots miscellaneous. 16 tables of items. GARAGE SALE 8AM2PM, 4401 Armstrong. Clothing, Household items and general miscellaneous items.
American Classifieds San Angelo & The Concho Valley Area YARD SALE 25 WEST AVE. G. Friday 10am-? Saturday 10am-? 2 hunting rifles, deer blind on wheels, tools, and more. CASH ONLY! 1417 KOBERLIN. Thursday & Friday 8-?, Saturday 8-2. Cleaning out storage. All size clothing, shoes, kitchen items, Halloween costumes etc.
Call 325-944-7653 / 325-944-SOLD 1-800-357-2722
202 E. 23rd (Back Yard). Friday, Saturday & Sunday 8-5. Pre-Move Liquidation Sale. You name it from Collectible Art to Whatever! SMALL ESTATE AND CRAFTS supply sale. Saturday 8am - 1pm storage #423 Southland Storages. 2617 Southland. 2725 OAK HILLS TRAIL Saturday 7-1.Women’s, men’s, clothing, household items & decor & more. MOVING SALE October 8th, 9th, and 10th. OPEN 8am - 4pm. Cleaning out 3 sheds and house. Cheap prices, 1/2 PRICE ON 9TH AT NOON, all day 10th. 8921 Petite Lane out Hwy 765 off Hawk Lane.
Pets Dogs American Classifieds is on Facebook REGISTERED PUPPIES: Chihuahuas, Poodles, & Toy Aussies. 817304-1225 for Availability & Prices. See at License #131
REGISTERED PUPPIES. Shelties, Toy Australian Shepherds & Pomeranians. 1st shots & wormed. Taking deposits. (325) 338-5491, 325-829-2943.
Business Opportunities A TERRIBLE Thing H appens To Businesses That Don’t Advertise... NOTHING! Advertise in our Business & Service Section. 325-944-7653
BUSINESS FOR SALE: Selling used furniture business due to health. Good traffic & sales. Don’t want to sell but too much work for me. Rent reasonable & not much overhead. Already established, full of furniture and ready to take over. Will consider trade for pickup truck of equal value. Call Antonio (325) 234-0516.
Business / Service STEVE’S CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING. “The Clean That is Guaranteed!” Call for specials. (325) 374-6874.
3 PLOTS for sale in Johnson’s Lawnhaven Memorial Gardens. Whispering Waterfall lot 60s-4b, 5b and 6b, $5,500 each. If interested double granCemetery ite base 48x18, $4,900 Plots or single granite base 28x18, $3,400. 325-212LAWNHAVEN BURIAL 6488. plot. Call (325) 650-2220. YOUR AD Could be here. American Classifieds is on Twitter Call 325-944-7653
FOUR PLOTS in Catholic Cemetery, 2 facing Avenue N.(325) 656-4801. 1 PLOT AT Belvedere Memorial Park. $1,000. 325-262-6502.
TRAIN ONLINE to do medical billing! Become a Medical Office Professional at CTI! Get trained & certified to work in months! 888-572-6790. The Mission, Program Information and Tuition is Education located at Career TechniAMERICAN CLASSI- gets results! 325- mation. (M-F 8-6 ET). 944-7653.
WHEREAS, on December 30, 2010, a certain Adjustable Rate Home Equity Conversion Deed of Trust (“Reverse Mortgage”) was executed by OLGA JUAREZ, as mortgagor in favor of BANK OF AMERICA N.A., as mortgagee and GARY J. SOMMERFELT, as trustee, and was recorded on January 11, 2011 under Clerk`s Instrument Number 697502 in the real property records of Tom Green, Texas.
WHEREAS, the Reverse Mortgage was insured by the United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (the “Secretary”) pursuant to the National Housing Act for the purpose of providing single family housing; and WHEREAS, the beneficial interest in the Reverse Mortgage is now owned by the Secretary, pursuant to an assignment dated November 25, 2015, and recorded on December 28, 2015, under Clerk`s Instrument Number 201516508 in the real property records of Tom Green County, Texas; and
WHEREAS, a default has been made in the covenants and conditions of the Reverse Mortgage in that the Mortgagors are now deceased; and WHEREAS, the entire amount delinquent as of November 2, 2021 is $61,513.27; and
WHEREAS, by virtue of the default, the Secretary has declared the entire amount of the indebtedness secured by the Reverse Mortgage to be immediately due and payable; NOW THEREFORE, pursuant to powers vested in me by the Single Family Mortgage Foreclosure Act of 1994, 12 U.S.C. 3751 et seq., by 24 CFR part 27, subpart B, and by the Secretary’s designation of me as Foreclosure Commissioner, recorded on October 15, 2007 in Dallas County under Clerk’s File Number 20070369306, notice is hereby given that on November 2, 2021, at 10:00 AM local time or no later than three hours thereafter, all real and personal property at or used in connection with the following described premises (“Property”) will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder: LOT 10, BLOCK 3, LA VILLITA HEIGHTS, SAN ANGELO, TOM GREEN COUNTY, TEXAS, AS PER THE MAP OR PLAT OF RECORD IN VOL. 1, PAGE 220, PLAT RECORDS OF TOM GREEN COUNTY, TEXAS. Commonly known as: 2319 BEN FICKLIN ROAD, SAN ANGELO, TX 76903.
The sale will be held in Tom Green County, Texas at the following location: THE FOYER OF THE EDD B. KEYES BUILDING OR IN THE EVENT THE KEYES BUILDING IS CLOSED, AT THE SOUTH ENTRANCE OF THE KEYES BUILDING OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONER`S OFFICE or as designated by the County Commissioners Court. The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development will bid $61,513.27.
There will be no proration of taxes, rents or other income or liabilities, except that the purchaser will pay, at or before closing, his prorate share of any real estate taxes that have been paid by the Secretary to the date of the foreclosure sale.
When making their bids, all bidders except the Secretary must submit a deposit totaling $6,151.33 in the form of a certified check or cashier’s check made out to the Secretary of HUD. A deposit need not accompany each oral bid. If the successful bid is oral, a deposit of $6,151.33 must be presented before the bidding is closed. The deposit is nonrefundable. The remainder of the purchase price must be delivered within 30 days of the sale or at such other time as the Secretary may determine for good cause shown,
time being of the essence. This amount, like the bid deposits, must be delivered in the form of a certified or cashier’s check. If the Secretary is the highest bidder, he need not pay the bid amount in cash. The successful bidder will pay all conveying fees, all real estate and other taxes that are due on or after the delivery date of the remainder of the payment and all other costs associated with the transfer of title. At the conclusion of the sale, the deposits of the unsuccessful bidders will be returned to them. The Secretary may grant an extension of time within which to deliver the remainder of the payment. All extensions will be for 15-day increments for a fee of $500.00, paid in advance. The extension fee shall be in the form of a certified or cashier’s check made payable to the Secretary of HUD. If the high bidder closes the sale prior to the expiration of any extension period, the unused portion of the extension fee shall be applied toward the amount due. If the high bidder is unable to close the sale within the required period, or within any extension of time granted by the Secretary, the high bidder may be required to forfeit the cash deposit or, at the election of the foreclosure commissioner after consultation with the HUD representative, will be liable to HUD for any costs incurred as a result of such failure. The Commissioner may, at the direction of the HUD representative, offer the property to the second highest bidder for an amount equal to the highest price offered by that bidder. There is no right of redemption, or right of possession based upon a right of redemption, in the mortgagor or others subsequent to a foreclosure completed pursuant to the Act. Therefore, the Foreclosure Commissioner will issue a Deed to the purchaser(s) upon receipt of the entire purchase price in accordance with the terms of the sale as provided herein. HUD does not guarantee that the property will be vacant. The scheduled foreclosure sale shall be cancelled or adjourned if it is established, by documented written application of the mortgagor to the Foreclosure Commissioner not less than 3 days before the date of sale, or otherwise, that the default or defaults upon which the foreclosure is based did not exist at the time of service of this notice of default and foreclosure sale, or all amounts due under the mortgage agreement are tendered to the Foreclosure Commissioner, in the form of a certified or cashier’s check payable to the Secretary of HUD, before public auction of the property is completed. The amount that must be paid if the mortgage is to be paid in full prior the scheduled sale is $61,513.27, plus all other amounts that would be due under the mortgage agreement if payments under the mortgage had not been accelerated, advertising costs and postage expenses incurred in giving notice, mileage by the most reasonable road distance for posting notices and for the Foreclosure Commissioner’s attendance at the sale, reasonable and customary costs incurred for title and lien record searches, the necessary outof-pocket costs incurred by the Foreclosure Commissioner for recording documents, a commission for the Foreclosure Commissioner, and all other costs incurred in connection with the foreclosure prior to reinstatement. Tender of payment by certified or cashier’s check or application for cancellation of the foreclosure sale shall be submitted to the address of the Foreclosure Commissioner provided below. Date: September 25, 2021 L. Keller Mackie Foreclosure Commissioner Mackie Wolf Zientz & Mann, P.C. Parkway Office Center, Suite 900 14160 Dallas Parkway Dallas, TX 75254 (214) 635-2650 (214) 635-2686 Fax
Call 325-944-7653 / 325-944-SOLD 1-800-357-2722
Page 3 October 7, 2021
American Classifieds San Angelo & The Concho Valley Area
All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 as amended which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familiar status or national origin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertisement for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination, call HUD toll-free at 1-800-424-8590. For the Washington DC area, please call HUD at 426-3500.
Houses for Sale HOUSE FOR SALE by owner, 3 bedrooms, 2 bath, fireplace, 2 car garage and fenced yard, $199,900. Call 325-9470570 VISIONARY BUYER. Great older house for sale by owner. Multiple attributes like wooden doors, and more. 3 bedroom, 1 bath. House must be relocated. 469363-2480. OWNER FINANCE-601 VELMA STREET, $65,000, $1000 down, $609.49, monthly, 3 bedroom, 1 bath(325)2422283. $5,000 DOWN-OWNER Finance 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 living areas, CH/A, fireplace, fenced, 2-car garage & storage in back. $149,900. 31 E. 33rd. (325)212-2995. 3502 OLD POST RD. 4 BEDROOM, 2 bath, 2 living areas, CH/CA, fireplace, fenced, 2 car garage, $1350 month, $1000 deposit. (325) 212-2995. STEVE’S CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING. “The Clean That is Guaranteed!” Call for specials. (325) 374-6874. CASH FOR HOUSES any location, any condition. (325) 650-5900. $5000 DOWN-OWNER Finance, 3 bedroom, 1 bath, fenced, 2110 Marx $79,900.(325) 212-2995.
Houses for Rent unfurn. PUBLIC HOUSING accepted. One, two & three bedroom houses available. (325) 6508581, San Angelo. NORTH VAN BUREN 3/2. Fresh carpet, tile, large kitchen, central air, appliances, covered parking. No pets $825 month. Barth Realty (325) 277-8517. 3BEDROOM, 2 BATH. Like new, Central Heat & Air, 2-car garage, fenced, needs TLC. $1375 month, $1000 deposit. 513 Alexander. (325) 212-2995. 4 BEDROOMS, 1.5 bath, no smoking, no pets. $1400 month, $1400 deposit. Available October 1. Email 12EaveJ@ 4 BEDROOM, 2 bath, 2 living areas, CH/CA, fireplace, fenced, 2 car garage, 3502 Old Post Rd. $1350 month, $1000 deposit. (325) 212-2995.
2326 HOUSTON STREET 2 bedroom, 1 bath. $850 month, $600 deposit. (325)242-2283. 617 1/2 NORTH ADAMS. Effiency apartment. $450 month, $350 deposit. (325)242-2283. 211 PAINT ROCK RD. 3 2 BEDROOM, 1 BATH. bedroom, 2 bath. $1,100 Washer and dryer hook month, $800 deposit. up. $850 month, $500 (325)242-2283. deposit. 1 year lease. Larry (325) 374-5890.
Farm & Ranch 205 ACRES WITH amenities. South of Ozona off Pandale Rd. (432) 3490353.
Lots/Land/ Acreage 10 ACRES red Creek subdivision in tom green co. 5 acre tract 4 martin road, 5 acre tract 5 martin road, $100,000 for all. (325) 656-9842. 205 ACRES WITH amenities. South of Ozona off Pandale Rd. (432) 3490353. 25 ACRES N. of Bronte. $225,000. (325) 6533857. 39.605 ACRES, DOOLE, TX. Farm land, $2,650 per acre. (325) 656-9842. LAND FOR SALE. 21 E. 30th Street. Please call after 7:00 p.m. (325) 6174133. Thank you.
Room For Rent EXTRA LARGE-BEDROOM for rent, king size bed, air conditioning, $300 per month. NO texts(325)262-1702.
Commercial Prop. Rent SMALL OFFICE on Sherwood Way, utilities paid, approx 117 sq. ft., $475 month. (325) 656-8063. 227 N. MAIN ST. Suite C. 1,650 square feet,Yoga/Dance studio. Beautiful laminate flooring, 3 huge full length mirrors, 2 sections of wall made for rope stretching. Water paid, $1,200 month, $2,000 deposit. (325) 656-4774.
Apartments For Rent ONE BEDROOM APARTMENTS. $500 month. 2 & 3 BEDROOM HOMES available. Call Lee (325) 315-4860 for details. ONE BEDROOM APARTMENTS. $500/ mo. 2 & 3 BEDROOM HOMES available. Call Lee (325) 315-4860 for details.
Houses For Rent 1058 N. VAN BUREN. 2 bedroom, 1 bath. $800 month, $600 deposit. (325)242-2283.
1 RINNAI BRAND Instant Hot Water Heater. Propane. New $1,500. For Sale for $500. One year old. Buyer never showed. (325) 234-4302. FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATIOR 18 cubic feet, 3 years old, $250. 325277-0971.
Building Materials 10.5 FOOT Tapco brake for bending sheet metal and siding. Scaffold planks 23 & 15ft plus ladders and hardware. Call 325-234-7407.
Furniture TWIN BED with headboard, mattress & springs $135. (325) 942-9139.
Health Care VIAGRA AND CIALIS USERS! 50 Generic Pills SPECIAL $99.00 FREE Shipping! 100% guaranteed. 24/7 CALL NOW! 888-445-5928. Hablamos Espanol.
Legal Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS: Notice is hereby given that original Letters of Testamentary for the Estate of Joseph R. Feist, Deceased, were issued on August 26, 2021, in Cause No. 21P433-L, pending in the County Court of Tom Green County, Texas, to Sally A. Bevis. Claims may be presented in care of the attorney for the estate, addressed as follows: Sally A. Bevis,Independent Administrator Estate of Joseph R. Feist, Deceased, c/o Massey Balentine, P.C., 4775 Briarcliff Trail, Ste A, San Angelo, Texas 76904. All persons having claims against this estate, which is currently being administered, are required to present them within the time and in the manner prescribed by law October 4, 2021. MASSEY BALENTINE, P.C. 4775 Briarcliff Trail, Ste. A, San Angelo 76904 325/6532448By: Cassie Graydon, State Bar No. 24106024 ATTORNEYS FOR APPLICANT
NOTICE TO CREDITORS: Notice is hereby given that original Letters of Testamentary for the Estate of Aurora Gadiana Davis, Deceased, were issued on October 4, 2021, in Cause No. 21P507-L, pending in the County Court of Tom Green County, Texas, to John Everett Davis. Claims may be presented in care of the attorney for the estate, addressed as follows: John Everett Davis, Independent Executor, Estate of Aurora Gadiana Davis, Deceased, c/o Post, Bright, & Wyatt, P.O.Box 4079, San Angelo, Teas 76902. All persons having claims against this estate which is currently being administered, are required to present them within the time and in the manner prescribed by law. Dated this 5th day of October, 2021. POST, BRIGHT, & WYATT, by Kit Wyatt, State Bar No. 24077821. ATTORNEY FOR APPLICANT, P.O. Box 4079, San Angelo, Texas 76902. P: 325.658.1175
Jobs Wanted PLUMBING PROBLEMS? Sankey Plumbing M12703. Call 325-658-7467.
Lawn & Garden MULCH $20 truckload or $50 all you can take. (325) 939-1834. DEAD TREE removal, tree trimming, lawn service, trash hauling.(325) 340-0616. JR’S MOWING. Yard clean up, leaves, bushes, garden, fertilizer. Starting at $19.95. Call 325-2629347. MULCH $20 truckload or $50 all you can take. (325) 939-1834.
Medical Equipment
FOR SALE: 1985 Refurbished Skytop Double Triple Pulling Unit 42”x12”, 42”x12” Double Drum Draw Works, SN 043, Single Kobelt Disc Brakes, 60 Series Detroit Diesel Engine, 4460 Allison Transmission (4) Hydraulic Jacks, 4 Axel Carrier, Skytop Y Base, 96 4 leg Derrick 200,000#, Rod Basket and Tubing Board, Work Platform, Block and Lines, Rig was partially refurbished in 2012. Regular maintenance. $150,000.00. For more information call Willie Damron 325-6560375 or Email willieswell@
Want to Buy BUYING OLD cars & trucks, 1930 thru 1970. Project. 325-340-0181. WANTS TO PURCHASE minerals and other oil and gas interests. Send details to P.O. Box 13557 Denver, Co. 80201. BUYING OLD SIGNS & old toys. (325) 340-0181. LOOKING FOR Oil field pipe racks. Call (325) 716-0572 or leave message. WANTED: OLD FISHING Lures and fishing items. Old and new guns, ammunition and related memorabilia. Glass minnow traps. Steel animal traps. WWI & WWII military items. Military rifles including M1 Garands, M14, M1 Carbine Colt 1911. Taxidermy mounts, Ambassadeur reels, newer quality fishing tackle, beer signs and neons esp. Texas beer companies. Old pocket knives and cutlery. Arrowheads and Indian items. Old advertising signs. Old Stoneware. All Antiques considered. Paintings by Texas artists such as Dwight Holmes, Rolla Taylor, Robert Woods and Porfirio Salinas. (325) 3745022.
ATTENTION OXYGEN therapy users! Inogen One G4 is capable of Musical full 24/7 oxygen delivery. Instruments Only 2.8 pounds. Free info kit. Call 877-929TROMBONE FOR SALE 9587. $250. Call 325-653-3821. DON’T STORE It! Sell it Medical & in the A. Class. 944-7653.
STROKE & Cardiovascular disease are leading causes of death according to the AHA. Screenings can provide peace of mind or early detection! Call Life Line Screening to schedule a screening. Special offer 5 screenings for $149. 1-833-5494540.
Oil & Gas
Million Dollar Producer
Ruben C. Martinez REALTORS®
Let’s List It & Sell It!
Dierschke & Dierschke Legal Services AMERICAN (325) 234-1659 CLASSIFIEDS is in print AMERICAN CLASSI- with many places to get FIEDS gets results! 325- in town & Soon at: www. 944-7653.
FOR SALE Les Paul QUICK CASH Top dol100 Gibson Guitar, with lar 100% disabled VietGibson case. (325) 597- nam Veteran 77 year old male wishes to hire 8711. an INDIVIDUAL (Open service companies need Trucks not call) for weekly light cleaning I have 2006 FORD F-350 su- house all supplies, tools and per duty long bed FX, equipment. Change bed 4x4, 6.0 diesel, 242,936 linens, spot vacuum, mop miles. $10,000 call 832- kitchen & bath(less 500 407-0294. square feet), dust etc. I have very flexible schedMiscellaneous ule Southwest side(near 67 & 306) Plaza del Sol 227 N. MAIN ST. Suite Apartments. Call Ron C. 1,650 square feet,Yo- 432-816-4678. PLEASE ga/Dance studio. Beau- LEAVE MESSAGE AND tiful laminate flooring, 3 CONTACT NUMBER. huge full length mirrors, LONG DISTANCE MOV2 sections of wall made ING:Call for a free quote for rope stretching. Wa- from America’s Most ter paid, $1,200 month, Trusted Interstate Mov$2,000 deposit. (325) ers. Let us take the stress out of moving! Speak to a 656-4774. 2006 FORD F150 4X4 relocation specialist 888$4,600, 3242 Lake Drive, 721-2194. MULCH $20 truckload 325-234-8416. SELLING HANDIQUIL- or $50 all you can take. TER Little Foot frame (325) 939-1834. and Little Buddy Sys- BUY OLD JUNK CARS, tem. Pristine condition, TRUCKS, CLEAN UP rarely used. Little foot IRON and METAL ALframe $500. Little Buddy LOYS. Call Vernon 325system $400. Buy both 263-2022 for $800. Must pick up. LOOKING FOR assistEmail for pictures at tpro- ed living, memory care, or call or independent living? A 325-234-2630. Place for Mom simplifies 372 BLACK BEAR the process of finding LANE. Friday 7:30-5;Sat- senior living at no cost to urday 7:30-noon. home your family. Call 1-833decor, linens, baby items, 386-1995 today! toys, kid’s & adult clothing. RUGER SR9C Semi-Automatic Pistol 2 mags & case. $475. Mossberg 20 gauge pump shotgun vent rib $250. Mossberg 12 gauge pump shotgun vent rib $225. (325) 2730204 1 PLOT AT Belvedere Memorial Park. $1,000. 325-262-6502. 2011 GMC SUV ACADIA, 3rd row seat, 116K Miles, IT’S NICE, NICE! at HARAGRAVES 1001 N. BELL 2017 EASY-GO red TXT gas golf cart. Weather cover, gas can, windshield, excellent condition with trailer. $6,000 OBO. Call 325-651-7960 or leave message. I BUY JUNK CARS. Minimum $250, up to $500. Cars must be complete. (325) 656-3658. American Classifieds is on Twitter
HUGHESNET-FINALLY, SUPER-FAST internet no matter where you live.25 Mbps just $59.99/ mo! Unlimited Data is Here. Stream Video. Bundle TV & Internet. Free Installation. Call 866-499-0141. FOR SALE 2002 17 foot SeaArk, Aluminum Bass Boat,90 horse power Mercury, 24 volt trolling motor, and 2 Lowrance unit fish finders Elite ti 9 inch side image and hook 7, on board charging system and good tires and batteries. Price $5,000. Call 325-227-3035. HOME BREAK-INS take less than 60 SECONDS. Don’t wait! Protect your family, your home, your assets NOW for as little as 70¢ a day! Call 866409-0308. RIDING MOWER Husqvarna, Model -YTH20K46, engine Kohler courage 20. Recently service. Price $600 OBO. Call 325-656-4000. STEVE’S CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING. “The Clean That is Guaranteed!” Call for specials. (325) 374-6874. Coming
$50’S EDEN LAND!-Beautiful Live Oak Trees scattered over 2.38 acre lot. All Utilities Available. Great place to build on! Zoned Residential. (103033) $60’S LAKE IVIE!-Great location for building your dream lake home! Lots back up to the water, fenced and has a water well! (105663) $90’S CONDO LIVING!-Spacious and well designed 1Bdrm/1Ba condo. New wood laminate flooring and updated bathroom. Beautiful wood burning fireplace. (105768) $130’S FULL CITY BLOCK!-Perfect Location! Clear and Ready to build a New Business! High traffic count through Hwy 83 to I-10. (102733) $140’S FANNIN ELEMENTARY!-Lovely 3Bdrm/1.5Ba home with cozy living, extra storage space and 10x24 Bonus Den. 1 car attached carport. (105116) $170’S-SPACIOUS HOME!-Get inside this 3Bdrm/2Ba home! Has 2 bonus rooms and a large living room. Covered patio and alley access with gate to backyard. (10790) $220’S-GREAT FAMILY HOME!-Large open living, dining and kitchen in this 4Bdrm/2Ba home. Spacious bedrooms and a HUGE covered patio in the back. (105812) $220’S-VACANT LAND!-35 Acres of cultivated land in Veribest School District. Located 4.5 miles from Ethicon on Hwy 380 & 3 miles from Veribest. (98685) $250’S-MOVE IN READY!-Beautiful all stone exterior and a metal roof with this 3Bdrm/2Ba home. Custom cabinets, vaulted ceilings and beautiful lighting. (105317) $340’S-BEAUTIFUL VIEWS!-The Whole 5th Floor with 3Bdrm/5.5Ba, 2 Living Areas and 2 Dining Areas. Hand stained wood parquet flooring & Crown Molding. (101930)
Page 4 October 7, 2021
American Classifieds San Angelo & The Concho Valley Area
Call 325-944-7653 / 325-944-SOLD 1-800-357-2722
Country Corral Equip NEW HOLLAND HAY rake, TH154 folds out 28.6 feet 10 rakes. (325) 650-8266. TRACTOR REPAIR & SALVAGE. All types of tractor repair. Used parts, tires, wheels & plow parts. (325)469-3950, (325)234-8846.
Country Corral Gen GOT CORN. Clean irrigated corn, $8.00 per bag. 40+ bag discount $7.50-50 pound bag. Feed wheat $7 per bag. Vancourt Mill, Vancourt, Texas (325) 277-0727.
HOFFMAN CONSTRUCTION Father and Son. Established for 46 years. All types of Dirt Work & Land Clearing, Terracing. Waterways. Chaining. Grubbing. Raking. Large & Small Acreage. Tank building and cleaning. Maintainer & Belly Dump. Troy - 325-6516879 - 325-656-9465, T.J 325-656-9338 BEE SOLUTIONS Live Capture, Bee Swarm Removal, Africanized Bee Specialist, Anywhere in the Concho Valley! Call 325-245-6914 or look us up on Facebook @ BeeSolutionsoftheConchoValley BURN BARRELS for sale. (325) 653-3678. GRACELAND PORTABLE BUILDINGS. Rent to Own/Lease. No credit check. SNG Satellite, 711 N. Garfield, 325-9448628 American Classifieds is on Facebook
WANTED PILES of DEAD OAK, MESQUITE & pecan trees for firewood. (325) 340-0616. SHIPPING CONTAINERS $3,000 and up. Wind and water tight. See photos Will deliver. (817) 386-1800, Burleson, TX. FALL PLANTING SEED Weathermaster Beardless Wheat (Treated and Untreated), Bob Oats. All seed available bagged & bulk. Call for Prices and information. Available in 2 locations Palmer Feed & Supply, INC. 325-6536765 or 325-665-7111 Ballinger Feed & Seed, INC.. 325-365-2647
FRED NUNCIO’S FENCING & CONSTRUCTION. Ranch and Cattle Fencing, Game Fencing, Land Clearing, Metal Buildings, Fencing,Road work, Barndominiums, Cattle Pens and Entrances. 325-456-9000.
Saturday Oct. 9th
Tack @ 10:30 • Horses @ 1:00
SHOW QUALITY Boer goats-wethers, doesborn April-May. (325) 365-6424. BOER CROSS BILLIES, Bottle fed, born during February blizzard. Will CLEAN QUALITY Fertil- make good breeder-bilized Coastal round bales lies (325) 234-2850. & also Coastal Tifton Mix Hunting & $75.Call 254-631-3082. 20’ & 40’ Sea Containers. Can customize. Rent to own now available. (866) 4682791. Credit cards accepted.
GOT CORN. Clean Ranch run corn, $7.00 per bag. 40+ bag discount $6.50-50 pound bag. Feed wheat $7 per bag. Hay Barn Feed & Seed, San Angelo (325) 277-0727.
Country Corral Live
MULCH $20 truckload or $50 all you can take. (325) 939-1834. HAY GRAZER Square Bales. Irrigated and fertilized. $8 a bale. Alfalfa square bales $12 a bale. Rick Naylor. (325) 6567094. BEARDLESS WHEAT hay. Irrigated, fertilized, no weeds, also Haygrazer 5x5 bales. Delivery available. 325-277-2281.
WEST TEXAS GAME FEEDERS. Feeders, traps, tripods, blinds. Sales, service and repair. CORN & PROTEIN PELLETS. 3312 N. CHADBOURNE, (325) 653-3678. www. DEVIL’S MOUNTAIN RIFLE RANGE Reloading Supplies, Special orders. NEW HOURS STARTING October 11th. Monday-Saturday 9am6pm; Sunday 1:30pm6pm. (325) 653-2525, (325) 653-9633, (325) 656-5139.
CHICKENS FOR sale. Pool table with accessories, liquor bar, dough mixer,organ & saddle. (325) 227-7805. BARBADOS FOR sale. 3- 6 month old bucks. (325)653-3678.
Guns Guns RUGER SR9C Semi-Automatic Pistol 2 mags & case. $475. Mossberg 20 gauge pump shotgun vent rib $250. Mossberg 12 gauge pump shotgun vent rib $225. (325) 2730204 5 WINCHESTER MODEL 94 30-30 collection. 2 at $600 each, 2 at $900 each, 1 at $2,500. All for $5,300. (830) 609-8064.
WANT TO BUY: PRE 64 Winchester model 70 264 W.M. & Mod. 94 38-55, 32-40 SELL OR TRADE: 38 Special & 40 S&W ammo. (325) 896-2329. SAVAGE AXIS 243 or 25 -06, scoped NIB, $400 each. Remington 30-06, $450. Remington 45 caliber 1911R1 with extras, $700. Cash only 325655-4736
Miscellaneous HOUSE FOR SALE by owner, 3 bedrooms, 2 bath, fireplace, 2 car garage and fenced yard, $199,900. Call 325-9470570 3BEDROOM, 2 BATH. Like new, Central Heat & Air, 2-car garage, fenced, needs TLC. $1375 month, $1000 deposit. 513 Alexander. (325) 212-2995. UPDATE YOUR home with beautiful new blinds & shades. Free in-home estimates make it convenient to shop from home. Professional installation. Top quality - Made in the USA. Free consultation: 877-212-7578. Ask about specials! MINERALS FOR SALE (806) 489-7676. MULCH $20 truckload or $50 all you can take. (325) 939-1834. WANTS TO purchase minerals and other oil and gas interests. Send details P.O. Box 13557, Denver Colorado 80201. YOUR AD Could be here. Call 325-944-7653
CATALOG SALE SAT. 11-13-21 Current coggins test required if over 8 mo. Health papers if out of state.
CATTLE & GOATS Every Tuesday @ 11:00
DIRECTV NOW. No Satellite. $40/mo 65 Channels. Stream news, live events, sports & on demand titles. No contract/ commitment. 1-866-8256523. BUY OLD JUNK CARS, TRUCKS, CLEAN UP IRON and METAL ALLOYS. Call Vernon 325263-2022 DENTAL INSURANCE Physicians Mutual Insurance Company. Covers 350 procedures. Real insurance - not a discount plan. Get your free dental info kit! 1-888-6233036 www.dental50plus. com/58 #6258. MEXICAN PURE Vanilla Extract 8 oz. $5, Liter $9.50-$11. Leos Imports, 25 W Twohig Ave. 325655-5367. !!OLD GUITARS WANTED!! GIBSON, FENDER, MARTIN, Etc. 1930’s to 1980’s. TOP DOLLAR PAID. CALL TOLL FREE 1-866-433-8277. FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATIOR 18 cubic feet, 3 years old, $250. 325277-0971. NEW AUTHORS wanted! Page Publishing will help self-publish your book. Free author submission kit! Limited offer! 866-951-7214.
Saturday 9-5 • Sunday 10-4 • Dealer Call Janice 830-285-0575 OCTOBER 30 & 31 • FREDERICKSBURG FAIR GROUNDS NOVEMBER 13 & 14 • KERRVILLE EXPO HALL CHECK OUR WEBSITE
ELIMINATE GUTTER cleaning forever! LeafFilter, the most advanced debris-blocking gutter protection. Schedule free LeafFilter estimate today. 15% off Entire Purchase. 10% Senior & Military Discounts. Call 1-855995-2490. BUYING GOOD used 18-wheeler tires, 24.5, 22.5. Cash paid. 325277-0873. SAVAGE AXIS 243 or 25 -06, scoped NIB, $400 each. Remington 30-06, $450. Remington 45 caliber 1911R1 with extras, $700. Cash only 325655-4736 GENERAC STANDBY Generators provide backup power during power outages, so your home & family stay safe & comfortable. Prepare now. Free 7-year extended warranty $695 value! Request a free quote today! Call for terms & conditions. 1-844-334-8353. LAND FOR SALE. 21 E. 30th Street. Please call after 7:00 p.m. (325) 6174133. Thank you. CAR DOLLEY FOR SALE, 5,000 pounds weight limit, pulled 6 times, 2,000 miles, $850. 325-277-0971 JR’S MOWING. Yard clean up, leaves, bushes, garden, fertilizer. Starting at $19.95. Call 325-2629347. 2002 HONDA 1800cc with a batwing.(325) 3400375. MEXICAN PURE Vanilla Extract 8 oz. $5, Liter $9.50-$11. Leos Imports, 25 W Twohig Ave. 325655-5367.
AT&T INTERNET. Starting at $40/month w/12mo agmt. 1 TB of data/ mo. Ask how to bundle & SAVE! Geo & svc restrictions apply. 1-888-7968850. ONE BEDROOM APARTMENTS. $500/ mo. 2 & 3 BEDROOM HOMES available. Call Lee (325) 315-4860 for details. THE GENERAC PWRcell solar plus battery storage system. Save money, reduce reliance on grid, prepare for outages & power your home. Full installation services. $0 down financing option. Request free no obligation quote. 1-855270-3785. LANCE MODEL 1010 SELF CONTAINED TRUCK CAMPER. $4,500. 325-277-2575. DISH TV $64.99 For 190 Channels + $14.95 High Speed Internet. Free Installation, Smart HD DVR Included, Free Voice Remote. Some restrictions apply. Promo Expires 1/21/22.1-833-872-2545. PUBLIC HOUSING accepted. One, two & three bedroom houses available. (325) 6508581, San Angelo. YARD SALE 2 hunting rifles, deer blind on wheels, tools, and more. Friday 10am - ? Saturday 10am - ? 25 West Ave G. CASH ONLY! BATH & SHOWER UPDATES in as little as ONE DAY! Affordable prices - No payments for 18 months! Lifetime warranty & professional installs. Senior & Military Discounts available Call 855-761-1725.
Call 325-944-7653 / 325-944-SOLD 1-800-357-2722
Page 5 October 7, 2021
American Classifieds San Angelo & The Concho Valley Area
NEED FLOOR HAND for pulling unit. Must have Texas drivers license. Located Eden, TX. Call Willie 325-656-0375.
EMPLOYMENT - LOCAL AMERICAN CLASSIFIEDS is in print with many places to get in town & Soon at: www.
Employment THE BEST we can give ya! Lots of bargains at incredible prices. That’s your American Classifieds! 325-944-7653. 2027 Sherwwod Way
NEED PULLING UNIT OPERATOR. Must have at least 3 years experience. Texas CDL License. Located Eden, TX. Call Willie 325-6560375. American Classifieds is on Twitter
SAN-TEX SERVICES Full time Air Filtration Tech. Primary duties consist of changing a/c filters for commercial businesses. Must be able to handle ladders & have a good driving record. Training provided. Please apply in person @ 64 E. Ave. K, San Angelo, TX. 325-657-8188.
QUICK CASH Top dollar 100% disabled Vietnam Veteran 77 year old male wishes to hire an INDIVIDUAL (Open service companies need not call) for weekly light house cleaning I have all supplies, tools and equipment. Change bed linens, spot vacuum, mop kitchen & bath(less 500 square feet), dust etc. I have very flexible schedule Southwest side(near 67 & 306) Plaza del Sol Apartments. Call Ron 432-816-4678. PLEASE LEAVE MESSAGE AND CONTACT NUMBER. BUYERS & SELLERS agree! American Classifieds is a real bargain. Come by our office at 2027 Sherwood Way in San Angelo or call 325944-7653.
FIRST UNITED Methodist Church San Angelo is looking for mature individuals to work in the nursery Sunday mornings and when needed. Must be willing to submit to a background check and be safety certified. Contact Laurel Director of Children’s Faith and Formation Ministries at (325) 655-8981 if interested. HIRING RESIDENTIAL Electrician, Construction experience is a plus. Competitive pay & retirement benefits. Call (325) 653-3040 leave message. Located in San Angelo EXPERIENCED PART TIME AUTO PAINTER. Call (325)655-6445.
NEEDED: ASME code welders, Light Gauge Welders, Roll Crew Shear and Break operator rolling steel plate. General Laborer with welding experience preferred. Health Insurance, 401k and PTO. Apply in Person: Wendland Manufacturing, 601 West 11th Street, San Angelo, Texas 76903 NEED PAINTER AND HELPER. Must be willing to work 50 hours Monday-Friday. Experience would be great, but willing to train. Pay depends on experience. (806) 363-0060. SELL IT Fast with your American Classifieds or Come by 2027 Sherwood Way, San Angelo
OTORCADE M October 7, 2021 • San Angelo & The Concho Valley Area • Page 6
2012 CHEVY IMPALA LTZ, 4 door. You will love this car. For the price of I BUY JUNK CARS. Min- $5,750. at HARGRAVES imum $250, up to $500. 1001 N. BELL. CLASSIC CAR - 1956 Cars must be complete. Buick 4 door, complete (325) 656-3658. Classics with engine and transDONATE YOUR Car to mission. Not running. No Veterans! Today! Help AMERICAN and Support our Veter- CLASSIFIEDS is in print title $1500. Call for picans. Fast - FREE pick up. with many places to get tures 325-234-1659 100% tax deductible. Call in town & Soon at: www. CLASSIC CAR - 1956 1-800-245-0398. Buick 4 door, complete 2027 SHERWOOD Way 1955 CHEVY BELAIRE. with engine and transSan Angelo, TX 76901 Modified, 350 chrome mission. Not running. No CASH FOR CARS from engine. Loaded, ready title $1500. Call for picrunning to junkers. (325) to drive. Call (325) 656- tures 325-234-1659 234-5154. 8986.
Pickups SELL IT Fast with your American Classifieds or Come by 2027 Sherwood Way, San Angelo
2011 CHEVY COLORADO X-Cab. Very clean. They don’t make them like this anymore. $8,800. at HARGRAVES 1001 N. BELL.
2010 GMC SINGLE cab LWB flat bed, 3/4 ton. 6.0 gas, 166K miles. $8,800. at HARGRAVES 1001 N BELL 2006 FORD F150 4X4 $4,600, 3242 Lake Drive, 325-234-8416. 2006 FORD F-350 super duty long bed FX, 4x4, 6.0 diesel, 242,936 miles. $10,000 call 832407-0294.
SUV’s 2011 GMC SUV ACADIA, 3rd row seat, 116K Miles, IT’S NICE, NICE! at HARAGRAVES 1001 N. BELL 1998 EXPEDITION, 125K miles. 3rd seat. Very clean & well maintained. One owner. 325277-1933.
Motorcycles American Classifieds is on Twitter
2007 SUZUKI M109R Boulevard. Low mileage. $5,000. 325-374-2199. VESPA MOTORSCOOTER. 150cc, 45 miles per gallon, 325-450-1100. A.C.E. 4 WHEELER & MOTORCYCLE REPAIR. Inspection stickers, parts, service & repair on ATV’S, motorcycles & UTV’s. 241 N. Main. Mon.-Fri., 9am-6pm; Sat. 9am2pm. (325) 658-7690. 2002 HONDA 1800cc with a batwing.(325) 3400375.
RV’s 2014 FOREST River Wildwood Heritage travel trailer. 2 slide outs, 8 foot wide x 29 foot long. Queen bed. $20,000. (325) 656-2867. DON’T STORE It! Sell it in the A. Class. 944-7653.
WE PAY TOP DOLLAR! We pay cash as-is, Where-is! Sell us your travel trailer any Make, Model or condition. Cash paid at pick up. Licensed & Bonded, Phillips RV’s, 415-A North Robinson Drive, Robinson, Texas 76706. 254-662-4455. TUCKED AWAY RV Park, 1117 W. FM 2105. Wi-Fi, laundry, showers. (325)6581872 or (432) 2135271.
Boats FOR SALE 2002 17 foot SeaArk, Aluminum Bass Boat,90 horse power Mercury, 24 volt trolling motor, and 2 Lowrance unit fish finders Elite ti 9 inch side image and hook 7, on board charging system and good tires and batteries. Price $5,000. Call 325-227-3035.
Auto Parts & Acc. BUYERS & SELLERS Agree! American Classifieds is a Real Bargin. Come By our office at 2027 Sherwood Way in San Angelo, TX or call 325-944-7653. Or You can soon visit us online at CAR DOLLEY FOR SALE, 5,000 pounds weight limit, pulled 6 times, 2,000 miles, $850. 325-277-0971
Trailers NEW 16’ UTILITY Trailer $1995, Hog Creek Trailers, 5206 N. Chadbourne, San Angelo, Texas, Sales, Parts & Service Call 325-212-2282 or 325374-4802.
Call 325-944-7653 / 325-944-SOLD 1-800-357-2722
T&G MOBLILE Home Parts. Replacement Interior & Exterior Doors, Windows,Skirting, Anchors, Roof Coating, Steps & Decks, Vinyl Siding.Call us for all your parts needs. 325-2537129. Email
TRASH OR ANYTHING HAULED. Ray or Roy. (325) 3743996. JUNK REMOVAL. We remove any unwanted items. We work seven days a week. (325) 245-3701.
BATHROOM & KITCHEN REMODEL BHI CONST. Specializing in Bathroom and Kitchen tile work. Have an on hand licensed plumber and electrician. Steve Schlittler, (325) 763-5320 Lic. TX 43929 Licensed & Bonded
CONCRETE SAM CARTER CONCRETE. All types concrete work. Large or small jobs. Residential or commercial. (325) 6560728 BOLDING CONCRETE Metal buildings, houses, driveways, patios, etc. 8’X10’ slab, $800(325) 653-6322, (325) 2771851.
Page 7 October 7, 2021
American Classifieds San Angelo & The Concho Valley Area
TRINITY CONSTRUCTION Flooring, Painting, Windows, Drywall, Carports, Stone, Brick, Stucco & Roofing. 325277-1257 CARRILLO CONSTRUCTION & BACKHOE/BOBCAT SERVICES, LLC. - Insured Pads - Driveways - Lot Clearing - Landscaping Concrete work - Fences. Special pricing on residential pads. J Carrillo (325) 212-1598.
DIRT CONST. BETTER GRADE OF TOPSOIL. Also, limestone, sand, and fill dirt. Build roads, pads and ELECTRICAL parking lots. Sell and installation of septic sysBUYERS & SELLERS tems. (325) 651-6840, (325) 895-0900. sefcik- Agree! American Classifieds is a Real Bargin. Come By our office at 2027 Sherwood Way in DOZER San Angelo, TX or call ADVERTISE HERE 325-944-7653. Or You 325-944-7653 can soon visit us online at or 1-800-357-2722
JOBS NEEDED New handyman services to area. 30+ years experience. “Honey Do Specialists”. BBB credited. Call Tony (325) 2279291.
AMERICAN CLASSIFIEDS is in print with many places to get in town!
MCMULLAN PAINTING AND CONSTRUCTION. Commercial & Residential. FASCIA - SOFFIT Siding. Replace - Repair. 30 years experience. Free Bids. 325-6557041. S&B PAINTING. Residential. Commercial. References available. Free estimates. (325) 227-9562.
PAVING ANGELO PAVING, Residential - Commercial. Ashalt paving, chip sealing, pothole repairs, Concrete, dirt work. 325212-0035,
HELLO SAN ANGELO! I am James Drake, a PLUMBING Christian faith lawn care business. Do cleanups, SERVICES. trim trees, bushes, cut J&B grass, haul off brush and Complete Plumbing, trash. Call 806-470-2979 Heating and Air Conditioning. Bonded. 325local. 340-0021. #M40346. JOEY’S LAWN CARE- TACLB54896E. Mowing, edging, tree trimming, cutting, and REMODELING stump removal. Complete maintenance. Rea- BUYERS & SELLERS sonable rates. (325)450- agree! American Clas7941, 325-262-7528 sifieds is a real bargain. Come by our office at MOBILE HM 2027 Sherwood Way in SERVICE San Angelo or call 325American Classifieds is on Facebook 944-7653.
T-CONSTRUCTION. REMODELING, drywall, tape, float, textures and painting. Install windows, doors, siding. Free estimates. Will work in San Angelo and surrounding areas. Call Alex (325) 763-9457.
ROOFING LOPEZ ROOFING All types of roofing. No job too small. Hot tar jobs also. Free estimates. (325) 284-8154, Nick Lopez. BBB Member.
STORAGE BLDG GOIN’ SOUTH STORAGE, US Hwy 277 South. New buildings. RV storage. (325) 944-4999.
STRUCTURAL PIPE PIPE NEW & USED. Used 2 3/8” or 2 7/8”. Small pipe for gates and sucker rods in stock. Post cut to order. all pipe checked for radiation. We deliver. (325) 374-2992.
RUMSEY TREE SERVICE. Fertilization, Landscape, Maintenance. 42 years experience. (325) 277-0659. REMOVAL OF TREES and Tree Trimming. Call Jimmy (325) 213-4678. TREE TRIMMING, CUTTING and stump removal, land clearing. Free estimates. Call Manuel (325) 277-9696. AAA LAWN & LANDSCAPE. Dump trailer hauling, tree service, stump removal, yard clean up, fence - repair and replace. Mowing $30-$60 per yard weekly or bi-weekly basis, painting and light remodel. Realtors welcome! (325) 2349794.
WATER WELL THE BEST we can give ya! Lots of bargains at incredible prices. That’s your American Classifieds! 325-944-7653. 2027 Sherwwod Way
HILLS WATER WELL SERVICE. 325-650-2504. Free estimates. Water TREE SERVICE Well Drilling. Water Well WE WANT to hear from and Pump repair. New you, like us on Facebook! Pump Installation. Water Thrifty Nickel - American Well restoration. Solar Pumps. Trenching. Classifieds
Page 8 October 7, 2021
American Classifieds San Angelo & The Concho Valley Area
Call 325-944-7653 / 325-944-SOLD 1-800-357-2722