San Angelo American Classifieds 120320

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2027 Sherwood Way • San Angelo, TX 76901 325.944.7653 • 1.800.357.2722 [fax] 325.944.0387 OFFICE HOURS:


December 3, 2020 • Volume 37 • Issue 48

Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created. Revelation 4:11 BUYING GOOD used 18-wheeler tires, 24.5, 22.5. Cash paid. 325277-0873. TEXAS PECANS. 1LB package $9. Just in time for the holidays. (325) 617-2731. COVID BUSTERS! Covid cleaning - keep your business up and running! Commercial. Residential. (325) 262-0933. CASH FOR CARS from running to junkers. (325) 234-5154. JR’S MOWING AND HAULING pickup loads. Fall sale $19.95 average yard. Mowing, weed eating, blowing, leaves, hang Christmas Lights. (325) 262-9347. MEXICAN PURE Vanilla Extract 8 oz. $5, Liter $9.50-$11. Leos Imports, 25 W Twohig Ave. 325655-5367. FIREWOOD. DON’T BE FOOLED! A cord of wood is 4’X4’X8’. Mine 300 up. I got all kinds. You need one piece or whatever! (325) 939-1834. FREE BIBLE CORRESPONDENCE COURSES. God has a plan for your life. Answer the questions from Bible and send in for grading. Write to: World Bible School Dept. 47, 2200 Johnson St., San Angelo, TX. 76904 or call (325) 9471053. God keeps his promises! Learn what he has promised you. GUITAR STRING, $3.99 . Wild Bill’s Pawn, 1315 MLK, (325) 658-7066. DIERSCHKE & DIERSCHKE REALTORS, 5026 Knickerbocker Rd., San Angelo, TX. (325) 944-3596. MESQUITE, OAK & PECAN FIREWOOD. By cord, 1/2 cord (325) 3400616. GOT 5X5 ROUND BALES: Horse quality coastal $80. Steer quality coastal $75. The Hay Barn. (325) 277-0727. HAY QUALITY Coastal round bales $70. Delivery available. 254-631-3082

20’ & 40’ SEA CONTAINERS for sale or rent, excellent storage. Delivered. (325) 234-0295, (325) 234-0292. 50 BALES OF Sweet Sorghum hay, weight 900-950 lbs. One bale or all $85 each. Come by and we’ll load you. 1001 N. Bell or call 325-2779637. BEARDLESS WHEAT round bales. Weigh over 1100lbs. Top quality clean hay. Can deliver. Call (325) 234-0041. BURN BARRELS, 325944-8418, 325-277-0873. MINIATURE HORSE for sale. 325-365-8025. GAMING CHICKENS, different kinds. (325) 2848453. ROLL TOP desk, $150. (325) 486-2914. SOFA, GOOD, clean, light peach with blue accent, $100. (325) 2552605. MEXICAN PURE Vanilla Extract 8 oz. $5, Liter $9.50-$11. Leos Imports, 25 W Twohig Ave. 325655-5367. RUGER 10/22 3x9 Simmons scope, 24” bull barrel $300. Ruger American 22 mag 3x9 Simmons scope $250. (325) 2125376. WANT TO BUY Winchester Model 94 30-30 or Marlin 336 30-30. Will pay top dollar. (325) 2730204. TAXIDERMY. WHITE tail shoulder mounts $350. European mounts $55. (325) 262-1702. SEEKING A fishing lease for a small family on the Concho, Colorado, or San Saba river. Please call (325)725-6373 or (325)288-4837 if interested. FIREWOOD MESQUITE $320 cord. Oak $350 cord. Pick up at 2030 Simpson. 325-651-6380, 325-262-3862. MEXICAN PURE Vanilla Extract 8 oz. $5, Liter $9.50-$11. Leos Imports, 25 W Twohig Ave. 325655-5367. MINERALS FOR SALE (806) 489-7676. OAK FIREWOOD for sale. $300/cord delivered. Call 325 656 7973 APRICOT TOY female Shih-Tzu. (325) 3653192.

WANTED: OLD FISHING Lures and fishing items. Old and new guns, ammunition and related memorabilia. Glass minnow traps. Steel animal traps. WWI & WWII military items. Military rifles including M1 Garands, M14, M1 Carbine Colt 1911. Taxidermy mounts, Ambassadeur reels, newer quality fishing tackle, beer signs and neons esp. Texas beer companies. Old pocket knives and cutlery. Arrowheads and Indian items. Old advertising signs. Old Stoneware. All Antiques considered. Paintings by Texas artists such as Dwight Holmes, Rolla Taylor, Robert Woods and Porfirio Salinas. (325) 374-5022.

MALE REGISTERED German Shepherd puppy. (325) 650-3013. PIT BULL Puppies (original old school.) FMI & Pics call. (325) 650-7521. BURN BARRELS, 325944-8418, 325-277-0873. BRITTANY PUPS for sale. 5 females left and ready to go. (325) 3741881. WANTED: DIESEL truck for parts. (325) 340-0616. WANT TO BUY: Grill Guard for 2006 Nissan Frontier. (325) 273-0204. 2007 HARLEY Sportster 1200 Custom 50th Anniversary Edition with windshield, Vance & Hines, sissy bar, 10k miles, very nice, $4350. (325) 9429139.

Page 2 December 3, 2020

325-944-SOLD Check Out Our Website: • American Classifieds San Angelo & The Concho Valley Area Call 325-944-7653 /1-800-357-2722

GET PAID DAILY Multiple Payments of $100 Over & Over Again WithADOPTION. CALIFOR- out Ever Speaking To NIA couple promises Anyone!Call (551) 299baby loving home, se- 8652 cure future. Devoted grandparents, education- *MAKE MONEY* Free al opportunity, gentle pet. E-book Show How I Generous living expens- Made $80,534 In 9 es paid. Angela/Andrew Days With A Brand 1(818)305-5684 or attor- New Email List. Visit: http://makemonney 1(310)663-3467. lcssquared/ Announcements


INVESTIGATE BEFORE YOU INVEST. Before you send a company money for anything advertised in American Classifieds, investigate before you invest. It is also illegal for any company to ask you to pay for credit or a loan before you get it. American Classifieds readers using information in any ads, do so at their own risk. It is suggested that the prospective investors contact the appropriate consumer protection agency before payment. American Classifieds, nor any of it’s employees shall not be held liable for the content in any advertisers ads. For more information about credit scams and advance fee loans write: FTS, Washington, DC 20580.

Appliances WE WILL BUY your old non working washers, dryers, regular refrigerators and freezers. We pick up. Call (325) 6561536 or come by 101 E. 14th, San Angelo.

Business Opportunities INVESTIGATE BEFORE YOU INVEST. Before you send a company money for anything advertised in American Classifieds, investigate before you invest. It is also illegal for any company to ask you to pay for credit or a loan before you get it. American Classifieds readers using information in any ads, do so at their own risk. It is suggested that the prospective investors contact the appropriate consumer protection agency before payment. American Classifieds, nor any of it’s employees shall not be held liable for the content in any advertisers ads. For more information about credit scams and advance fee loans write: FTS, Washington, DC 20580. GREAT LIMITED OPPORTUNITY! OneOf-A-Kind Secret New Business Opportunity. Start Today! http:// www.spraybusiness. com

CO NVENI ECE STORE for sale. (325) 650-3013.

Business / Service LOPEZ ROOFING All types of roofing. No job too small. Hot tar jobs also. Free estimates. (325) 284-8154, Nick Lopez. BBB Member.

Education HIGH SCHOOL Proficiency Diploma! 4 Week Program. Free Brochure & Full Information. Call Now! 1-866-562-3650 Ext. 54. COMPUTER & IT training program! Train to become Computer & Help Desk Professional! Grants & scholarships for qualified applicants on certain programs. 888449-1713 (M-F 8-6 ET). TRAIN ONLINE to do medical billing! Become a Medical Office Professional at CTI! Get trained & certified to work in months! 888-572-6790. (M-F 8-6 ET).

Financial INVESTIGATE BEFORE YOU INVEST. Before you send a company money for anything advertised in American Classifieds, investigate before you invest. It is also illegal for any company to ask you to pay for credit or a loan before you get it. American Classifieds readers using information in any ads, do so at their own risk. It is suggested that the prospective investors contact the appropriate consumer protection agency before payment. American Classifieds, nor any of it’s employees shall not be held liable for the content in any advertisers ads. For more information about credit scams and advance fee loans write: FTS, Washington, DC 20580. PAYS CASH For Owner Financed Mortgage Notes. Fast Closing For a Free Quote Visit:

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CONSOLIDATE YOUR Debts Into 1 Low Payment. ARE YOU Stressed Over your Debt? Call Us Now 877-422-4557. We CanHelp You!



DURAN TREE SERVICE - Tree removal specialist. Minor, major trimming, stump removal, fence line cleaning, flower beds cleaned, hedges trimmed. Will travel. 432238-6770. 28 years exROLL TOP desk, $150. perience. (325) 486-2914. SOFA, GOOD, clean, Medical & light peach with blue acHealth cent, $100. (325) 2552605. NEW MASTECTOMY BRAS. $20ea. Have Health Care large inventory. Various sizes. Also have SINCE ADVERTISING many breast prosthewith American Classis. Call (325) 374sifieds, I have seen 0650. significant growth in my clientele. I have re- VIAGRA AND CIALIS ceived business from USERS! 50 Generic Pills San Angelo and many SPECIAL $99.00 FREE surrounding areas. I Shipping! 100% guaranalways ask my custom- teed. 24/7 CALL NOW! ers where they heard 888-445-5928 Hablamos of me and without fail, Espanol the majority of custom- ATTENTION OXYGEN ers say American Clas- therapy users! Inogen sifieds, either in print or One G4 is capable of online. I am very sat- full 24/7 oxygen delivery. isfied with the results Only 2.8 pounds. Free of advertising. I would info kit. Call 877-929highly recommend 9587. this company to any business that would DENTAL INSURANCE like to see significant Physicians Mutual Insurgrowth. Thanks Amer- ance Company. Covers ican Classifieds! Kevin 350 procedures. Real insurance - not a disWirth .. Bee Solutions count plan. Get your free dental info kit! 1-888-623Jobs Wanted 3036 www.dental50plus. com/58 #6258. CAREGIVER LOOKING for work. CNA and CPR Musical InstruTraining. (325) 763-2090, ments (325) 617-8044. GUITAR STRING, $3.99 . Wild Bill’s Pawn, 1315 MLK, (325) 658-7066. MESA BOOGIE guitar amp, $900 . Wild Bill’s RUMSEY TREE SER- Pawn, 1315 MLK, (325) VICE. Fertilization, Land- 658-7066. scape, Maintenance. 42 years experience. (325) Want to Buy 277-0659. PLUMBING PROBLEMS? Sankey Plumbing M12703. Call 325-658-7467.

Lawn & Garden BURNEY’S TREE H SERVICE. Tree Trimming, removal and stump grinding. Senior Citizen 10% discount. If you want it done right, call us! (325) 653-3110. American Classifieds is on Facebook

WANTED: DIESEL truck for parts. (325) 340-0616. WANT TO BUY: Grill Guard for 2006 Nissan Frontier. (325) 273-0204. WANTED: OLD FISHING Lures and fishing items. Old and new guns, ammunition and related memorabilia. Glass minnow traps. Steel animal traps. WWI & WWII military items. Military rifles including M1 Garands, M14, M1 Carbine Colt 1911. Taxidermy mounts, Ambassadeur reels, newer quality fishing tackle, beer signs and neons esp. Texas beer companies. Old pocket knives and cutlery. Arrowheads and Indian items. Old advertising signs. Old Stoneware. All Antiques considered. Paintings by Texas artists such as Dwight Holmes, Rolla Taylor, Robert Woods and Porfirio Salinas. (325) 374-5022.

Miscellaneous FIREWOOD MESQUITE $320 cord. Oak $350 cord. Pick up at 2030 Simpson. 325-651-6380, 325-262-3862. MEXICAN PURE Vanilla Extract 8 oz. $5, Liter $9.50-$11. Leos Imports, 25 W Twohig Ave. 325655-5367. TRANE CENTRAL A/C and ductless scratch and dent sale. Call Mike (325) 450-0481. ADVERTISE HERE 325-944-7653 or 1-800-357-2722

THINKING ABOUT installing a new shower? American Standard makes it easy. Free design consult.1-888-674-3005 today to see how to save $1,000 on installation or visit INVESTIGATE BEFORE YOU INVEST. Before you send a company money for anything advertised in American Classifieds, investigate before you invest. It is also illegal for any company to ask you to pay for credit or a loan before you get it. American Classifieds readers using information in any ads, do so at their own risk. It is suggested that the prospective investors contact the appropriate consumer protection agency before payment. American Classifieds, nor any of it’s employees shall not be held liable for the content in any advertisers ads. For more information about credit scams and advance fee loans write: FTS, Washington, DC 20580. WANTS TO purchase minerals and other oil & gas interests. Send details P.O. Box 13557, Denver, Co 80201 NEW DISCOVERY ELIMINATES COMMON SEXUAL PROBLEMS! All Natural Male Enhancement Product Increases Staying Power, Performance, & Pleasure. Risk FREE 60 Day Guarantee + FREE SHIPPING 15% Discount with Coupon perform07 Visit: GOOD SEASON MESQUITE Fire Wood, half a cord $150, cord $250, delivered and stacked,325-716-0923 MINERALS FOR SALE (806) 489-7676. OAK FIREWOOD for sale. $300/cord delivered. Call 325 656 7973 THE GENERAC PWRcell solar plus battery storage system. Save money, reduce reliance on grid, prepare for outages & power your home. Full installation services. $0 down financing option. Request free no obligation quote. 1-855270-3785 BURN BARRELS, 325944-8418, 325-2770873. HUGHESNET SATELLITE Internet – Finally, no hard data limits! Call Today for speeds up to 25mbps as low as $59.99/mo! $75 gift card, terms apply. 1-844-8634478 PROTECT YOUR home w/home security monitored by ADT. Starting at $27.99/mo. Get free equipment bundle including keypad, motion sensor, wireless door & windows sensors. 833719-1073. TIMESHARE CANCELLATION! Avoid timeshare cancellation scams. Consumer protection attorney will get you a legal low flat fee, cancellation for less with a 100 percent money back guarentee.Timesharebegone has an A+ BBB rating and 5 star review. Call for a quote 1-800-223-1770 or got to our website HEARING AIDS! Bogo free! High-quality rechargeable Nano hearing aids priced 90% less than competitors. Nearly invisible! 45-day money back guarantee! 833669-5806

DUSTY TRAILS “Glass Etching” Shot Glasses, Mugs,Pitchers, Shower Doors, Wine Bottles, Stainless Koozies & Much More, Call Fred Founteno at 325-2779197 ELIMINATE GUTTER cleaning forever! LeafFilter, most advanced debris-blocking protection. Schedule free estimate. 15% off Purchase. 10% Senior & Military Discounts. Call 1-855-9952490 BERETA 12GA Xcel400, $1200 . Wild Bill’s Pawn, 1315 MLK, (325) 658-7066. CASH FOR CARS: We Buy Any Condition Vehicle, 2002 and Newer Nationwide Free Pick Up! Call Now: 1-800-8645960. DISH TV $59.99 190 channels + $14.95 high speed internet. Free Install, smart HD DVR & voice remote. Restrictions apply. 1-833-8722545. DIRECTV NOW. No Satellite. $40/mo 65 Channels. Stream news, live events, sports & on demand titles. No contract/ commitment. 1-866-8256523. LIFE ALERT. One press of a button sends help fast, 24/7! At home & on the go. Mobile Pendant w/GPS. Free first aid kit with subscription. 877537-8817 free brochure. WESLEY FINANCIAL Group, LLC timeshare Cancellation Experts. Over $50,000,000 in timeshare debt & fees cancelled in 2019. Get free info package & learn how to get rid of your timeshare! Free consult. Over 450 positive reviews. Call 844-909-3339 AT&T INTERNET. Starting at $40/month w/12mo agmt. 1 TB of data/ mo. Ask how to bundle & SAVE! Geo & svc restrictions apply. 1-888-7968850. NEW AUTHORS wanted! Page Publishing will help self-publish your book. Free author submission kit! Limited offer! 866-951-7214. GENERAC GENERATORS. Weather is increasingly unpredictable. Be prepared for power outages. Free 7-yr ext warranty. Schedule free in-home assessment 1-844-334-8353. Special financing if qualified.


CASH for scrap


Call 432-530-0533 Or bring them to Battery Technologies 520 FM 1936, Odessa

1 CEMETERY Plot at Sunset Memorial Gar-­ dens in St. Matthews #4, Space 4. $2500 plus half transfer fee. 432-553-4134. 1000 VHS Tapes, work-­ ing VCR & remote, $125. Call 432-214-4143.

1504 N. DOTSY Home For Sale. Call Ron for an appointment. CONSOLIDATE YOUR 432-307-8477. Debts Into 1 Low Pay-­ 300 BARBIE Dolls for ment. ARE YOU sale. In the box/ $20 Stressed Over your each. In the stand/ $10 Debt? Call Us Now 877- each. 214-364-2845. 422-4557. We Can Help 4 BURIAL Plots, You! never been used. RED ROOF Antiques. Resthaven Memorial, 2714 Hillmont Road, Midland. Lot 226 Space Odessa is now buying 5, 6, 7, 8. $3000 each. any home furnishings, Call 432-212-6368. home decor, furniture for garden/ patio. 432-238- 7 COMPLETE packages of Roof Shingles, Drift-­ 3096. wood Turdek Oakridge SOLITAIRE HOMES Vis-­ multi colored, 4- 10’ met-­ it: www.solitaire al trimmings. $250. For our spe-­ Needs to be picked up. cials & closeouts. 432-349-0676. WE BUY Junk! Grimes 70 GALLON High Coun-­ Iron & Metal. Top prices! try water trough, $40.00 432-385-0360. 5 ft. clawfoot bathtub, $300. Leather saddle & stand, 15” seat, $200. 2012 KAWASKI MULE 432-631-7474. 4010 diesel, power steer-­ ing, like new, $12,000. A- Z Storage & U-Haul Center. Kay Kinsey new 432-730-7228. onsite manager. 1315 E. SOLITAIRE HOMES Vis-­ 5th, Odessa, Tx. 432it: www.solitaire 337-0321. For our spe-­ ASO ROOFING & cials & closeouts. Construction. 25 Years AN RV 4U at Billy Sims Experience. Residential Trailer Town, 520 E. 2nd, & Commercial. All types Odessa. 432-580-3000. roofing. Free Estimates. Salvador 432-310-2490, 432-308-7460. www.aso DEER CORN Recleaned and tested roofingandconstruction 50 pound bags, direct from the farm, no mid-­ dle man, $7.00 per 444 bag. Bulk bags cleaned AT SUNSET corn, $280 per ton. MEMORIAL Accepting Credit Cards. 432-268-3083. GARDENS IN


MULE DEER & Whitetail Hunts November 27, 28, 29. East of Dryden. $3500 per person. 432-208-8081. SHEETMETAL FOR Sale: R Panel & U Panel. 432-202-6222, 432-3106140.


A Beautiful & Peaceful Resting Place. Located in the Good Shepherd Section Lot #263 Serious Inquiries Only *PRICED TO SELL* Call me for all details If no one answers please leave a message and I will return your call

VARMINT LEASE Pecos County. Coyotes- Hogs- Cats Ranch Managed to Safely Hunt Varmints. 432-333-3867 Soft-tired off-road OK. Eben Warner, Lessor CARPENTRY, PAINT-­ 432-553-4008 Cell ING, Sheetrock repair, 432-332-6955 Office texture, roof leaks, fence CORNER repair, gates, mowing, Miscellaneous: *COWBOY Carports, Barns, Storage cleanups. Lots of experi-­ Buildings, R.V Covers, ence. Reasonable. Have Out Of Town Garages. Custom Com-­ references. Ronny 432Structures! 238-2597. 3 AR-15 Rifles & 2 Pis-­ mercial 140mph wind guarantee- COME AND learn the tols for sale. All Steel- Free Installa-­ Hebraic roots of our 432-661-0462. tion. 13308 W. Hwy. 80E. Faith. Every Wednesday BRITZ THINGS: VFW 432-563-0505. 7 p.m. 3319 N. Golder, Mini-Mall #50, 6212 An-­ drews Highway, Odessa. *GO CARTS: rebuilt- like Odessa. 432-557-1591. We sell knives, stun new. Several to choose All Are Welcome. guns, pepper spray & from. 432-367-0978. DOG BOARDING & swords. *ROBERT’S AUTO PRO TRAINING GOLF CART for sale, CARE We buy junk cars needs batteries, 36 volt. running or not running, 432-248-9285 $100- $200. With or with-­ Call 432-557-1993. out title. Must have con-­ EMET HA TORAH. WE BUY Junk! Grimes verters. 432-416-1726. Hebraic Roots study eve-­ Iron & Metal. Top prices! ry Saturday at 11:00 a.m. *SENIOR CITIZEN 432-385-0360. Delight* Mobile Home & 3319 N. Golder, Odessa. I NEED a Small electric R.V. Spaces. Extra Nice All Are welcome. 432typewriter. 432-553- Yards with large shade 557-1591. 1211. trees, fenced. No dogs. EXTREME AC/HEAT Changeouts, WANTED RECORDS: 7409 West 20th. Also: Service. R.V. Spaces maintenance, new con-­ Beatles, Rolling Stones, Other struction, specializing in Blues. Paying $ Cash. Available. Inquire: Mrs. Jones 432-381- mobile homes. Financing 432-770-3171. 2244, 432-230-4943. available. Free Esti-­ WE BUY Junk! Grimes mates. Licensed/ In-­ *VIDEO PRODUCTION Iron & Metal. Top prices! sured. Habla espanol. Services. Voyles Digital 432-385-0360. 432-208-3739. Cinema Productions, text Alex Lic#TACLA45781E C&M PECANS Shelling 432-664-6424 for appt. and Selling. Fresh Pe-­ FREE PICK UP Washers cans available. Call 432- FIBERGLASS SHELL and Dryers only. Call Fits Ford short wide, 366-0099. $500. Webb’s RV 432- 432-260-1237. American Classifieds is on Twitter 561-5699.

Call 325-944-7653 / 325-944-SOLD 1-800-357-2722

Check Out Our Website: • American Classifieds San Angelo & The Concho Valley Area

WANT TO BUY Winchester Model 94 30-30 or Marlin 336 30-30. Will MEXICAN PURE Vanil- pay top dollar. (325) 273la Extract 8 oz. $5, Liter 0204. $9.50-$11. Leos Imports, 25 W Twohig Ave. 325Hunting & 655-5367.

Garage Sales

Garage Sales Out Of Town SALE H**ESTATE (601 FERGUSON,

BLACK RIFLE COFFEE. Only at Texas Gun Shop, 1018 W. Beauregard, (325) 949-0020.


Pets Dogs

MUZZLELOADING SUPPLIES & equipment. Texas Gun Shop, 1018 W. Beauregard, (325) 9490020.

APRICOT TOY female Shih-Tzu. (325) 3653192. MALE REGISTERED German Shepherd puppy. (325) 650-3013. PIT BULL Puppies (original old school.) FMI & Pics call. (325) 650-7521. AKC REGISTERED Doberman Pinscher 4 adults, 1 female puppy. Call 806-994-6276 http:// UKC REGISTERED Dutch Shepherds. Puppies and adults available. 806-994-6276 http:// BRITTANY PUPS for sale. 5 females left and ready to go. (325) 3741881. REGISTERED CHRISTMAS Puppies - Shelties, Dalmations, Shorkies & Cavalier Kings. Taking Deposits. 1st shots & Wormed. 325-338-5491 AMERICAN CLASSIFIEDS gets results! 325944-7653.

MILES, TX) - Saturday, December 5th. Doors open at 8am** A picker’s dream! Inside & outside DEVIL’S MOUNshopping areas. Vintage TAIN RIFLE RANGE & collectible glassware, Reloading Supplies, kitchen items, tools, lin- Special orders. NEW ens, household items, HOURS STARTING & yard supplies for sale. OCT. 5TH: Monday, A large selection of fab- Tuesday, Wednesday, ric, sewing notions, craft Thursday, Friday and items, clothing, & much Saturday 9am-6pm; more will be offered for Sunday 1:30pm-6pm purchase. *Clothes will (325) 653-2525, (325) be offered “fill a bag” for 653-9633, (325) 656$5.” Please wear a face 5139. covering - hand sanitizer available. TAXIDERMY. WHITE tail shoulder mounts $350. European mounts $55. Guns Guns (325) 262-1702. RUGER 10/22 3x9 Sim- SEEKING A fishing lease mons scope, 24” bull for a small family on the barrel $300. Ruger Amer- Concho, Colorado, or ican 22 mag 3x9 Sim- San Saba river. Please mons scope $250. (325) call (325)725-6373 or 212-5376. (325)288-4837 if interested. ADVERTISE HERE American Classifieds is on Twitter 325-944-7653

Page 3 December 3, 2020

FILL DIRT and Caliche GRAY for sale. Delivered in HEALTHY Odessa for $140 a load. Tabby. Fleas removed 432-202-6222, 432-310- safely, fetches and brings back, 9 weeks. BELGIUM MALINOIS REGISTERED DOBER-­6140. Odessa. 432-631Pets & Supplies: puppies. CKC Regis-­MAN Puppies. Will be FOR SALE Red and Live 4851. tered, up to date on ready Dec. 22nd, 2020! Oak Trees. Single and Out Of Town shots. Dog training avail-­ Located in Granbury multi trunk. Farm grown. HOUSE FOR Sale. 508 able. 806-518-4105. Texas! Call or text for in-­ Burlap bagged. W. Cuthbert, Midland. CHIHUAHUA PUPPIES formation 432-924-1314. For more information Call Ron 432-307-8477. for sale, 8 wks old, 1st BLUE HEELER Pups for shots & wormed. sale. Tails docked. REWARD! HAVE You 325-792-7453. LAND— I Will Owner (325)365-3192. Shots. Wormed. 432- Seen Zoey? Emotional GARDEN PATCH Finance with down $ 213-2488. Support Dog. *See our FARMERS MARKET payment. Great location ads inside the paper. Peaches, honey dews, in West Odessa. Bruce CKC REGISTERED oranges, mangos, toma-­ 214-543-7397 or Kevin Miniature Poodles, 2 DOG BOARDING pineapple, 469-200-9791. males. $300. 432& PRO TRAINING UKC REGISTERED toes, apples, 3602 Golder. 270-8385. Dutch Shepherds. Pup-­ firewood. LARGE COMMERCIAL 432-248-9285 pies and adults available. Monday- Saturday 9-5. Metal 5 Drawer Desk. 806-994-6276 URL: http: DOG BOARDING FREE TO Good home. 3 // GRAPHIC ARTIST 59 1/2” long, 31 1/2” & PRO TRAINING month old male Golden Needed - Must be pro-­ wide. $100 or best offer. Retriever mix. Call after ADORABLE 10 Week ficient in photoshop - Bill 806-789-2871 432-248-9285 2:00 p.m. 432-210-5549. old Kittens need a loving InDesign - Adobe Ac-­ FREE TO Good Homes. GOLDEN RETRIEVER forever home. 432-701- robat - fast paced - LISTEN TO part time - Pay Ac-­ 1 BLACK Pot Bellied Pig, Puppies. Ready for new 7880, 432-413-8941. cording to experience Hoss Dugger, The “Gun 2 years old. 2 male York-­ home. 432-803-9351, with room to grow. and Ammunition Editor” HEALTHY GRAY ies, 3 years old. Call 432- 432-631-3499. Need to come in and on KWEL Radio, AM Tabby. Fleas removed 934-5236. do some ads for an 1070 or FM 107.1 Every PIT BULLS Old School, safely, fetches and AKC GOLDEN Retriev-­ heavy, sorrels blood line. brings back, 9 weeks. interview and pass a Monday morning from ers for sale. Taking de-­ For information and pic-­ Odessa. background check. 7:05 till 7:30. 432-631posits, will be ready Also familiar with up-­ LOOKING FOR A Con-­ tures. 325-650-7521, 4851. November 27th. loads PDF’s, dropbox. gregation That Worships San Angelo. 915-319-8102, 432-770SOLITAIRE HOMES Vis-­ Flowing ads and using on the 7th Day Sabbath POMERANIAN MERLE it: www.solitaire 0032. Mac’s - Must be self And Study’s The Hebrew puppies. 1 male, 2 fe-­ For our spe-­ motivated, depend-­roots of Christianity? AKC REGISTERED Do-­ males, 7 weeks. able and able to take Emet Ha Torah, 3319 N. cials & closeouts. berman Pinscher 4 432-254-0010. instruction, flow ads, Golder, Odessa, TX. adults, 1 female puppy. create ads. Apply 432-557-1591. REGISTERED PUPPIES Call 806-994-6276 Miscellaneous: Thrifty Nickel, 2611 - Shelties, Dalmations, URL: http://www. Golder Ave., Odessa, ODESSA CEMETERY Out Of Town Poms & Cavalier Kings. Texas ask for Plots. 2 plots Sunset Taking Deposits. 1st Memorial Gardens, AUSTRALIAN X HEEL-­ shots & Wormed. 325- HOSPITAL BED with re-­ Shaughn or Gail. Odessa, Love Gardenmote & rails, excellent ER Cross Pups for sale. 338-5491 CLASSI- Lot 52, #3 & 4, $8,900. condition. $800. 432- AMERICAN Tails docked. Shots. FIEDS is in print and on- 469-744-4820. Wormed. 432-213-2488. 2027 SHERWOOD Way 413-3052. line at: San Angelo, TX 76901


THEME: DISNEY ACROSS 1. *Bambi and others like him 6. Nail a criminal 9. Use a paring knife 13. Cornucopia’s shape 14. Lawyers’ org. 15. Interior designer’s focus 16. *Gibson Girl Ice Cream Parlor’s draw 17. 1/100 of afghani 18. Tapestry 19. *Minnie Mouse’s full first name 21. *”Be Our Guest” performer 23. Kukui nut necklace 24. #22 Down competitor 25. Dojo pad 28. Pillow filler 30. Detected 35. Burden of proof 37. Ness’ domain 39. Vernacular 40. Poker amount 41. Divvy up 43. U.S. freshwater invader 44. Relating to nose 46. Golfer’s warning 47. “The Three Musketeers” dueling sword 48. Isaac of science fiction fame 50. *”The Princess Diaries” leading actress 52. Pigpen 53. Candle burner 55. Greek letters on campus 57. *Remy’s idol Auguste ____ 61. *Pongo’s mate 65. Radio sign 66. J. Edgar Hoover’s org. 68. Was dishonest with, two words 69. *Iago and Kevin 70. *Scar to Simba, e.g. 71. At the point of death, archaic 72. Command to Fido 73. Seed alternative, to a landscaper 74. Loses color

15. Woman in trouble? 20. Actress Davis 22. Package delivery service 24. Reveal the true nature 25. *”How Far I’ll Go” performer 26. *____ of Arendelle, pl. 27. Hutu’s opponents, 1994 29. *Raksha or Rama 31. Cote d’Azur locale DOWN 32. Ginger cookies 1. Fraud 33. Kind of heron 2. Famous Amos 34. *Beardless dwarf 3. Before long, to Shakespeare 36. Clothing line 4. Alef and Bet follower 38. Honker 5. *Like a Haunted Mansion visitor 42. It may be perfect 6. California valley 45. Moves down 7. *Aladdin’s sidekick 49. Itinerary word 8. What football and baseball have in 51. Cap attachment common, pl. 54. Part of a sleeve, pl. 9. “Frasier” actress Gilpin 56. Organ swelling 10. Homesteader’s measure 57. Loads 11. *Shere Khan’s cry 58. Military group 12. Highland tongue

59. Sarah, alt. sp. 60. Not a slob 61. ____ Piper 62. Object of worship 63. Tear, past tense 64. *”A Bug’s Life” characters 67. *Human child in Monstropolis

Page 4 December 3, 2020

325-944-SOLD Check Out Our Website: • American Classifieds San Angelo & The Concho Valley Area Call 325-944-7653 /1-800-357-2722 All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 as amended which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familiar status or national origin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertisement for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination, call HUD toll-free at 1-800-424-8590. For the Washington DC area, please call HUD at 426-3500.

CommerCial $700 Mo. 137 E. 6th St. 2/1 $850 Mo. 618 W.Highland 3/1 Houses for Sale NO SELLER Finance. ATTENTION INVESTORS! 424 E. 38th. $47,000. 325-234-9637. NO SELLER Finance. ATTENTION INVESTORS! 1161 E. 23rd. $60,000. 325-234-9637. NO SELLER Finance. ATTENTION INVESTORS! 306 E. 22nd. $75,000. 325-234-9637. NO SELLER Finance. ATTENTION INVESTORS! Vacant Lot. $15,000. CALL 325-2349637. NO SELLER Finance. ATTENTION INVESTORS! 604 W. 15th. $35,000. 325-234-9637. NO SELLER Finance. ATTENTION INVESTORS! 1505 Hudson. Vacant Lot. $15,000. (325) 234-9637 LOCATION! LOCATION! LOCATION! Beautiful 3 bedroom, 2 bath, CH/CA, 2 car garage, fenced, $179,900. 513 Alexander. (325) 212-2995. NO SELLER Finance. ATTENTION INVESTORS! 85 E. 22nd. $57,000. 325-234-9637.

LOPEZ ROOFING All types of roofing. No job too small. Hot tar jobs also. Free estimates. (325) 284-8154, Nick Lopez. BBB Member. CASH FOR HOUSES any location, any condition. (325) 650-5900. NO SELLER Finance. ATTENTION INVESTORS!. 809 E. 37th. $55,000. 325-234-9637.

LAKE SPENCE Estates, Robert Lee, TX. 2 lots adjoining 1/3 undivided interest in one lot 1/2 undivided interest in the other lot. Approx. 12 miles from 503 1/2 E. 24TH. 2 bed- Robert Lee. $100 each Houses for room, 1 bath, CH/CA, lot. FMI contact George Rent unfurn. stove and refrigerator Jackson 870-672-3064. included, fenced backLOCATION! LOCA- yard, $850 month, $600 Roommate TION! LOCATION! deposit. (325) 242-2283. Wanted Beautiful 3 bedroom, 3 BEDROOM ROOM FOR rent in 2 bath, CH/CA, 2 car m a n u f a c t u r e d Grape Creek. (325) 812garage, fenced, $1375 month, $1000 deposit. homes for rent, spa- 4117. 513 Alexander. (325) cious kitchens and baths, large master 212-2995. Real Estate 1705 ELLIS, 3BR, $895 suites, central air. For Sale Starting at $725/mo. + utilities. Public housing accepted. No Pets. (325) (325) 812-3225 HUNTING/ INVEST650-8581. 3317 GRANDVIEW. 4 MENT/ RECREATIONAL 2714 UNIVERSITY, bedroom, 3 bath, exec- PROPERTY. We have 3bdr/2ba, CA/CH, ga- utive office, sun room, some of the best in Texrage, 2 living areas. fireplace, wet bar, $1900 as from the Hill Coun$1,300mo/$1,000dep. month, $1200 deposit. try (Edwards, Menard, (325) 716-9446. (325) 716-9446. San An- Coke, Val Verde County, 3614 FIELDWOOD. gelo. free ranging exotics), to Brick, 4bdrm, 2.5ba, 2 3333 ERIN ST. 3 bed- South Texas (Kinney, FP, 2-car garage. $1750 room, 2 bath, CH/CA, Duval, Live Oak County, mo., $1000 deposit. $1000 month, $600 de- whitetail, hogs). Large (325) 650-3354. acreage or small. 30 year posit. (325) 242-2283. fixed rate owner financ61 E. 33RD. 3 bedroom, ing. Only 5% Down. Call 1 bath, $1100 month, Lots/Land/ toll free or email for indi$700 deposit. (325) 242Acreage vidual prices and terms. 2283. 411 S. MONROE, 3 bed- THREE SHADY lots in room, 2 bath, 2000 sq. Winters, TX. $12,000. 800-876-9720 ft., $1650 month$1200 (325) 655-9433, (325) Manufactured deposit. (325) 276-1133. 473-1066. ADVERTISE HERE Housing 39.605 ACRES, DOOLE, 325-944-7653 TX. Farm land, $2,650 per acre. (325) 656-9842. LARGE 3 BEDROOM manufactured homes WE’LL HELP MOVE for rent, spacious kitchYOUR HOME! Prime ens and baths, large singlewide mobile master suites, central home lot for lease, air. Starting at $725/ premier San Angelo mo. (325) 812-3225 community, starting at $375/mo. (325) 812- GRAPE CREEK - SEV3225. ERAL nice 2 and 3 bedroom singlewides for rent MOBILE HOME starting at $400 deposit LOT FOR LEASE and $550 month. No in- Prime singlewide mo- side pets. Application rebile home lot for lease, quired. www.grapecreekpremier San Angelo community, starting at MOBILE HOME $375/mo. (325) 812LOT FOR LEASE 3225. - Prime singlewide mo$20’S CHRISTOVAL AREA! -Nice 3 acre Tract. Moslty 10 ACRES red Creek bile home lot for lease, clear with some oak trees toward the back. Ready to subdivision in tom green premier San Angelo Build On! (100097) co. 5 acre tract 4 martin community, starting at road, 5 acre tract 5 mar- $375/mo. (325) 812$50’S READY TO BUILD ON! -Take a good look at this tin road, $100,000 for all. 3225. one! 1.291 acre in Christoval with a 2,598 sq. ft. slab (325) 656-9842. foundation ready for your Dream House! (102152) DOUBLEWIDE CORNER OF Ave P and BLOWOUT! Sev$100’S HOME IN BRONTE! -Large 3Bdrm/2ba home Chadbourne. .515 acre is a few blocks off of the Main street. Some Updates! commercial lot. Jerrie eral 3 bedroom doubleGreat trees, sweet patio area and privacy fence. Woodford, EXP Realty, wide homes for lease. Like new - spacious (101980) broker, 325-656-2188. kitchens, upgraded 25 ACRES N. of Bronte. flooring. Starting at $100’S LOT AT NASWORTHY! -Great location in a $225,000. (325) 653secluded area. No HOA but some deed restrictions. $785 a month. Call 3857. Easy access to the lake! Choose your builder for your (325) 812-3225. 2027 SHERWOOD Way dream home. (94931) San Angelo, TX 76901 PUBLIC HOUSING accepted. One, two & three bedroom houses available. (325) 6508581, San Angelo.



$220’S - OWNED LOT! - This 3Bdrm/2Ba home sits on the canal at Lake Nasworthy. 2 living areas and nice sized kitchen. 800 sf garage/workshop. (102992) $240’S - VERIBEST SCHOOL DISTRICT! - 37 ACRES OF CULTIVATED LAND. Located 4.5 miles from Ethicon on Hwy 380 and 3 miles from Veribest. (98685) $350’S - COMPLETELY REMODELED! - and a new addition has been built in this 2Bdrm/3Ba home. Beautiful view of lake from Living Room, Kitchen & Master. (98288) $370’S - SANTA RITA HOME! - Beautiful 4Bdrm/3Ba home with open concept on 1st floor! Renovated master bedroom now includes gorgeous master bathroom. (102881) $390’S - 360 VIEW OF SAN ANGELO! - Full 5th Floor of the River Terrace. Beautiful 3Bdrm/5.5Ba home with wood parquet flooring. Very large rooms! (101930) O

Million Dollar Producer

Apartments unfurnished

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$130’S DOWNTOWN EDEN! -Full City Block! Clear & ready to BUILD on. Traffic count shows over 10,000 vehicles a month travel through Eden on Hwy 83. (102733)

For Professional Property Management Call Bob/Genene

3 BEDROOM manufactured homes for rent, spacious kitchens and baths, large master suites, central air. Starting at $725/mo. (325) 812-3225


23 E. Ave K. 1 bedroom, 1 bath, electric not included. HUD approved. $650 month, $400 deposit. (325) 450-1593. 1BDRM MOBILE Home. 35 W. 29th, #20. (325) 234-0646. LAS ROSAS, Mar-Jan & Sagebrush Apartments. Specials, 1 Bedroom. No app. fee, $200 deposit. FMI come to 16 E. 30th. or call (325) 653-3506, (325) 245-1729. 715 1/2 N. MONROE, 2/1, $850 month, $600 deposit. All bills included. (325) 242-2283. APARTMENTS FOR rent. 2 bed 1 bath. $575 per month tenant pays electric. Central hvac. 607 Parsons. Call 325658-4292 http://www. ONE BEDROOM APARTMENTS. $500/ mo. 2 & 3 BEDROOM HOMES available. Call Lee (325) 315-4860 for details.

Real Estate: Out Of Town

1504 N. DOTSY Home For Sale. Call Ron for an appointment. 432-307-8477. 4 BEDROOMS 2 baths mobile home for sale with 3/4 Acre. 1788 South of Interstate. $120,000. 432-6611180.

BUYING HOUSES and Land. We Pay Cash. Quick Close. Bruce 214543-7397, Kevin 469200-9791.

DON’T STORE It! Sell it in the A. Class. 944-7653.

*WANT TO BUY? Roger Will Sell. Want to Sell? Roger Will Buy. Want A New House? Roger will build it for you. Robles Real Estate, 432-638-6443.

Let’s List It & Sell It! Dierschke & Dierschke (325) 234-1659

LEVELLAND: 3 Drip Cotton Farms. Sundown: 86A, 3 irr. wells. Welding Shop. Meadow: 80A CRP. Pep: 36A on pave-­ ment. Smyer: Several tracts. LARGE SHOPS Sell/ Rent. Lubbock: 20+ acres. Farrar Realty 806894-7099.

*TEACHERS SPE-­ CIAL For Rent: 3 bed-­ rooms, 2 baths, large den area. $2500/ month, $1200/ de-­ posit, Midland. 310-633-0453.

QUIERE COMPRAR? Rogelio le vende. Quiere vender? Rogelio le compra. Quiere casa nueva? Rogelio se la con-­ struye. Robles Real NOW INTERVIEWING *WE’RE FAMILY Look-­ ing for 2 bedroom, 1 bath Estate, 432-638-6443. Licensed Realtors. Independent Broker mobile home to rent. Reasonable. C&M PECANS Shelling needs Realtors in the Midland. and Selling. Fresh Pe-­ State of Texas. For 432-664-4395. cans available. Call 432- more information call 2 BEDROOM Duplex 366-0099. Roger Robles Broker, Fully furnished: Including Robles Real Estate, all utilities, TV & Dish TV. FILL DIRT and Caliche 432-638-6443. $1500/ month, $1000/ for sale. Delivered in deposit. Odessa for $140 a load. ESTAMOS INTRE-­ Utilities 432-202-6222, 432-310- VISTANDO agentes Unfurnished: only, $1200/ month, 6140. en el Estado de Tex-­ $500/ deposit. Green-­ HOUSE FOR Sale. 508 as, con licencia de wood School District. W. Cuthbert, Midland. bienes raices. Para Call 432-352-4509. mas informacion Call Ron 432-307-8477. llame al Roger Robles 2 BEDROOM, 1 bath, liv-­ HUGE SELECTION of Broker, Robles Real ing/ dining room, washer, 2020’s. Dynasty, Sweet-­ Estate, 432-638-6443. dryer. 302 N. Main, Ker-­ water, Drake. Special Fi-­ mit, Tx. $950/ month. nancing Available. Easy R & G METAL Buildings, 432-631-3307. Terms. Big J Mobile Inc. 24x24x10 $11,200. Homes, 5725 Andrews 24x30x10 $13,600. 2 BEDROOM, 1 bath, $700/ month, $300/ de-­ Hwy. 432-550-0293. 24X40X10 $17,000. RI01543. Other sizes available. posit, fenced yard, wash-­ er, dryer connections. 806-787-1866. HUNTING/ INVEST-­ Odessa. 432-272-5413. MENT/ RECREATIONAL WE BUY Junk! Grimes PROPERTY. We have Iron & Metal. Top prices! 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath trailer house, $800/ some of the best in Tex-­ 432-385-0360. month, $800/ deposit. as from the Hill Country Background check re-­ (Edwards, Menard, $199 quired. Application fee. Coke, Val Verde County, TOTAL MOVE IN 432-337-1975. free ranging exotics), to SPECIALS South Texas (Kinney, Duval, Live Oak County, 1 Bedroom, 1 Bath 3 BEDROOMS, 2 whitetail, hogs). Large Apartment, Odessa. bath, 1109 Alameda. $649/ Rent acreage or small. 30 432-550-7777, 432Please contact us year fixed rate owner fi-­ 550-9900. Odessa. 432-260-1330. nancing. Only 5% Down. HUD Ok. Call toll free or email for individual prices and *NEW CARPET & Paint, A- Z Storage & U-Haul 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 liv-­ Center. Kay Kinsey new terms. ing areas. Smoke Free. onsite manager. 1315 E. No pets. $1600/ month. 5th, Odessa, Tx. 432800-876-9720 First, last & deposit. 337-0321. LAND— I Will Owner 1113 West 26th. 432Finance with down $ 661-6323. CASH FOR Houses. Any payment. Great location location. Any condition. ROOM FOR Rent. Must in West Odessa. Bruce Call or text 325-650have references. In Mid-­ 214-543-7397 or Kevin 5900. land. Call 432-556-1085. 469-200-9791. AMERICAN CLASSIAmerican Classifieds is on Twitter FIEDS is on Twitter



653-2030 3221 RIDGECREST - 4br, 3 ba with 2 living areas, 2 car garage, approx. 2345 sq. ft...........$295,000 1710 IDAHO - 3br, 2 ba, 2 car garage, approx. 1458 sq. ft. for rent........................... $1475 month

San Angelo & The Concho Valley Area •

Call 325-944-7653 •

325-944-SOLD •


PA G E 5 • D E C E M B E R 3 , 2 0 2 0 • M O T O R C A D E 2008 JEEP Rubicon Wrangler. We Finance. Vehicles Unique, 2000 W. 42nd. 432-552-9990. 2010 NISSAN Armada Platinum. Vehicles Unique, 2000 W. 42nd. 432-552-9990.

New Account Executive

2015 CHEVY Malibu LTZ, sunroof. Great Price. Sewell Ford Lin-­ coln, 2430 E. 8th. 432498-0146.

Cars 2011 TOYOTA AVALON 93,000 miles, excellent condition, leather seats, sun roof, white. $10,700. 325-656-8262 COME CHECK OUT San Angelo Motor Co., 2201 W. Ave. N, (325) 944-0522. See all the cars, pickups, and SUVs that we have. CARS/TRUCKS WANTED!!! 2002 and Newer! Any Condition. Running or Not. Competitive Offer! Free Towing! We’re Nationwide! Call Now: 1-888-416-2330.

Pickups COME CHECK OUT San Angelo Motor Co., 2201 W. Ave. N, (325) 944-0522. See all the cars, pickups, and SUVs that we have. 2002 CHEV CREW CAB 3/4 TON, rough around the edges but excellent mechanically, $3500 at HARGRAVES, 1001 N. BELL. 2000 DODGE 1/2 TON SHORT WIDE STD CAB, pickup, 5.2 V8, bad original paint, very straight body, very low miles, $3250 at HARGRAVES, 1001 N. BELL.

SUV’s 2010 TOYOTA RAV-4, very clean, 166k miles, $5850 at HARGRAVES, 1001 N. BELL COME CHECK OUT San Angelo Motor Co., 2201 W. Ave. N, (325) 944-0522. See all the cars, pickups, and SUVs that we have.

Vans COME CHECK OUT San Angelo Motor Co., 2201 W. Ave. N, (325) 944-0522. See all the cars, pickups, and SUVs that we have.

Motorcycles 2004 HARLEY Davidson Fat Boy. Fancy chrome wheels. Metallic red. None cleaner. 19,000 miles. Bags, backrest. Ready for the road. $8495 cash price or owner will finance. 325-3705039 A.C.E. 4 WHEELER & MOTORCYCLE REPAIR. Inspection stickers, parts, service & repair on ATV’S, motorcycles & UTV’s. 241 N. Main. Mon.-Fri., 9am-6pm; Sat. 9am2pm. (325) 658-7690. COME CHECK OUT San Angelo Motor Co., 2201 W. Ave. N, (325) 944-0522. See all the cars, pickups, and SUVs that we have. 2007 HARLEY Sportster 1200 Custom 50th Anniversary Edition with windshield, Vance & Hines, sissy bar, 10k miles, very nice, $4350. (325) 9429139. 2003 HARLEY Davidson Road King 103 Anniversary Edition Upgraded Light. 18K Cash or Owner will finance. 325-370-5039

2015 CHEVY Malibu LTZ. Sewell Ford Lincoln, 2430 E. 8th. Oscar 4322018 MONTE Carlo 37’ 498-0156. only lived in for 6 months, 2016 TOYOTA Camry 3 slide outs, washer/ LE, Smooth Ride. dryer, fireplace, 2 AC’s, Sewell Ford Lincoln, queen bed, electric aw- Melvin 432-498-0215. ning, no leaks or prob- lems, locking storage, asking $30,000. Call for BUY HERE- Pay Here. questions 817-846-7675. Sewell Ford, 2440 E. 8th, Odessa. Call 432-498TUCKED AWAY RV 0146. Park, 1117 W. FM 2105. Wi-Fi, laundry, BUY HERE- Pay Here. showers. (325)658- Sewell Ford Lincoln, 1872 or (432) 213- 2440 E. 8th, Odessa. Jacob 432-498-0146. 5271. LARGE RV LOTS C A R S / T R U C K S FOR RENT in quiet WANTED!!! 2002 and Cactus Lane Park. $250 Newer! Any Condition. per month. (325) 653- Running or Not. Competitive Offer! 1144. Free Towing! We’re Nationwide! Call Boats Now: 1-888-416-2330.


BUY HERE- Pay Here. Sewell Ford, 2440 E. 8th, Odessa. Call 432-4980215.


CASH for scrap


Call 432-530-0533 Or bring them to Battery Technologies 520 FM 1936, Odessa 2005 DODGE Dakota. Super Nice. Buy HerePay Here. Vehicles Unique 432-552-9990.

CREDIT ISSUES- No Problem. Sewell Ford, 2440 East 8th. 432-4980156. SPECIALTYTRUCKS OFLUBBOCK.COM Mike...... 806-401-4491 Jason.... 806-535-9012

NEW 16’ Utility Trailer $1595, Hog Creek Trailers, 5206 N. Chadbourne, San Angelo, Texas, Sales, Parts & Service Call 325-2122282 or 325-374-4802

Motorcade: Out Of Town

2017 Nissan Rogue SV

for scrap



VEHICLES UNIQUE We Finance all our vehicles. Down and drive No credit check. Call 432-5522005 TOYOTA Tundra, 9990. Odessa. SR5, 179,000 miles, one WE BUY Junk! Grimes owner. Great shape. Iron & Metal. Top prices! $8900. 432-631-7474. 432-385-0360. 1977 CHEVY C-10. Long BUY HERE- Pay Here. bed, 454 big block, new Sewell Ford, 2440 E. 8th, interior, recently repaint-­ Odessa. Call 432-498ed. 432-258-5189. 0215. 2013 FORD F-150 XLT BUY HERE- Pay Here. Crew Cab. Sewell Ford Sewell Ford, 2440 E. 8th, Lincoln, 2430 E. 8th, Odessa. Call 432-4984 3 2 - 4 9 8 - 0 1 4 6 . 0146. DON’T STORE It! Sell it American Classifieds is on Facebook in the A. Class. 944-7653. American Classifieds is on Facebook CASH FOR Your Un-­ wanted Car or Vehicle. Will haul Off. 432-5563840.

VEHICLES UNIQUE We Finance all our vehicles. Down and drive No credit check. Call 432-5529990. Odessa.



Call 432-530-0533 Or bring them to Battery 2013 CHEVY Equinox Technologies LT. Sleek Nice Ride! Se-­ well Ford Lincoln, 2430 520 FM 1936, Odessa E. 8th. 432-498-0156. 2015 TOYOTA High-­ 2018 HD Ultra-Low lander Limited, 3rd row Tour Bike, 220 miles, seating, leather. Sewell lots of extras. 432Ford, 2430 E. 8th. 880-0669. CASH FOR HARLEYS 432-498-0156. Go to www.BarnettHarley 2016 LINCOLN MKZ, .com, push the Cash For pearl white, leather, Harleys Button; Ok if not loaded. Only 25,000 paid off. (800)736-8173. miles. None nicer. $22,500. Call Casey **BUYING RV’S, Travel 432-214-6980. Trailers & Fifth Wheels. Credit Score 540 or SPECIALTYTRUCKS Above. Ken’s RV Sales, OFLUBBOCK.COM 5904 W. Highway 80, Mike...... 806-401-4491 Midland. Call us today Jason.... 806-535-9012 432-697-6447. VEHICLES UNIQUE We Finance all our vehicles. *WEBB’S RV be-­ Down and drive No credit tween Midland & check. Call 432-552- Odessa. 432-5619990. Odessa. 5699. Since 1970. WESTIN HDX grill guard Specializing in nice & fits 2017- 2020, $495. clean used Travel Webb’s RV 432-561- Trailers & 5th Wheels. See Inventory at 5699. HARLEY DAVIDSON OPEN Range Dyna Wide Glide, 2006, 2015 13,000 miles, $10,000. Roamer 42’, 4 slides. Also 12’x 6’ enclosed One Owner. Auto level-­ trailer Toy Hauler, sleeps ing, rear private living. $39,500. Webb’s RV 2 with air, $7000. 432-561-5699. 432-741-5243

LAKE ALAN Henry Lodges. 1 hour from Lubbock. Satellite TV, Wifi, Bar-b-que Pits, full kitchen. SPECIALTYTRUCKS 806-777-0337 OFLUBBOCK.COM Mike...... 806-401-4491 Trailers Jason.... 806-535-9012 1998 BIGTEX 21’ bumper pull fuel trailer. No CDL or Hazmat required. 7x100 gal tanks interchangeable. 806438-7136.


2013 Grand Cherokee Limited

WE BUY Junk cars. Pay cash and will pick up. 432-210-9760.

WE BUY Junked Cars. Working or not working. Title or no title. At a good price. For more informa-­ tion call 432-307-0892, se habla espanol. WE BUY Junk! Grimes Iron & Metal. Top prices! 432-385-0360.

2012 HONDA Civic, low 2001 FORD F150, stan-­ miles. Great shape. Se-­ dard 5 speed, new tires well Ford, 2430 E. 8th. & transmission, runs & RV’s drives good. Ready to go 432-498-0215. sticker & tags. $4450. AMERICAN CLASSI- ADVERTISE HERE 432-425-5147. FIEDS gets results! 325- 325-944-7653 944-7653. or 1-800-357-2722

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Page 6 December 3, 2020

325-944-SOLD Check Out Our Website: • American Classifieds San Angelo & The Concho Valley Area Call 325-944-7653 /1-800-357-2722

COMPUTER & IT Train-­ ing program! Train to be-­ come Computer & Help Desk Professional! FRONT DESK Clerk. 1ST STAFFING. Apply Grants & scholarships for qualified applicants on House keeping. Part time today. 432-550-4059. & possibly full time. Apply 650 S. JBS Parkway. certain programs. Days Inn. 3017 W. Loop facebook 888-449-1713 (M-F 8-6 ET) 306. HIRING: SAND Blaster CARE ETC. Now Hiring EXPERIENCED METAL and Spray Painter and dependable Caretakers/ Stud Framers, Shee-­ Welders, Call 325-655- Providers in Odessa. trockers, Ceiling man Must pass a background and Helpers. Call 4326445. San Angelo, Tx. check. Call 432-943- 683-1618, 432-559-5000 4130 for more informa-­ or come by 2915 Carter Employment: tion. Ave., Midland. Out Of Town NEEDED: HOUSE-­ KITCHEN HELP for KEEPERS for housing *VINTAGE SHEARS property. Paid Hourly. Housing Property. Paid INVESTIGATE BESalon, Midland, Tex-­ Call 432-640-9680 be-­Hourly. Call 432-640- FORE YOU INVEST. as. Looking for stylists tween 8:00 a.m.- 5:00 9680 between 8:00 a.m.- Before you send a and Licensed Cos-­ p.m. Monday thru Friday. 5:00 p.m. Monday thru company money for Friday. metologist. anything advertised in ADVERTISE HERE 432-689-0830. American Classifieds, AMERICAN CLASSI325-944-7653 investigate before you FIEDS is on Twitter American Classifieds is on Facebook or 1-800-357-2722 invest. It is also illegal for any company to ask you to pay for credit or a loan before you get it. American Classifieds readers using information in any ads, do so at their own risk. It is suggested that the prospective investors contact the appropriate consumer protection agency before payment. American Classifieds, nor any of it’s employees shall not be held liable for the content in any advertisers ads. For more information about credit scams and advance fee loans write: FTS, Washington, DC 20580.


1ST STAFFING. Apply for job listings today in Midland, 1307 N. Loop 250 West, Suite A-6.

• Direct Support Professional I • Direct Support Professional II • Direct Support Professional IV Assist individuals with daily living skills 4% shift differential for evenings and nights • Cook I • Food Service Worker I • Groundskeeper I • Groundskeeper II • Maintenance Specialist I • Maintenance Specialist II • Physician III • LVN I • LVN III • Nurse II • Nurse II - RN Case Manager • Inventory and Store Specialist I • Psychiatrist IV • Registered Therapist V - Physical • Qual Intel Disability Prof II • DSPIV - Campus/Shift Coordinator • Registered Therapist V - Occupational • Custodian I • Pharmacy Technician II • Registered Therapist II - LPTA • Registered Therapist IV Speech • Vehicle Driver I • Program Specialist VII Special Projects Coord. • Maintenance Specialist IV - Lead Carpenter • Maintenance Specialist IV - Lead Plumber FOR MORE INFO ON JOB OPPORTUNITES: (325) 465-2220 Apply online: (Select Apply for Jobs & in city search box, highlight CARLSBAD)

H State of Texas Benefits Provided with Jobs H

Free, full comprehensive medical insurance • Paid Holidays • Vacation Time • Retirement Plan and (401K) • Life Insurance • Longevity • Requires ability to work a flexible schedule and overtime as the work demands

GRAPHIC ARTIST 2021 BROOKSTONE Needed - Must be pro-­ 344 FL, $56,495. ficient in photoshop Ken’s RV Sales, 5904 InDesign - Adobe Ac-­ Hwy. 80, Midland, robat - fast paced Texas. 432-697-6447 part time - Pay Ac-­ cording to experience with room to grow. FEEL THE Comfort of Need to come in and Home in a Solitaire do some ads for an Home. 432-580-0061. interview and pass a background check. Also familiar with up-­ CREDIT ISSUES- No loads PDF’s, dropbox. Problem. Sewell Ford, Flowing ads and using 2440 East 8th. 432-498Mac’s - Must be self 0156. motivated, depend-­MOVE IN Special: R.V. able and able to take Spaces. $400/ month. 30 instruction, flow ads, amp. 3020 Milkyway. create ads. Apply 432-557-1591. Thrifty Nickel, 2611 Golder Ave., Odessa, NEW 2019 #37WB Wild-­ Texas ask for cat, 15K & 13.5 air, auto level up. $52,950 + Shaughn or Gail. TT&L. Billy Sims Trailer Town, 520 E. 2nd. 432580-3000. Motorcade:

Out Of Town


4 BEDROOM, 1 bath, 2416 West 12th. 4 Bedroom, 1 1/2 bath. 4600 Hendrick. 3 Bedroom, 1 bath, 3100 Park. 2 bedroom, 1 bath, 3629 N. Muskingum. 2 bedroom, 1 bath, 3624 Eisenhower. HUD Ok. No Pets. 432550-3856. 432-559-8060 after 5:00. HOUSE FOR Sale. 508 W. Cuthbert, Midland. Call Ron 432-307-8477.

NEW 2019 #31BH Wild-­ FOR RENT Horses cat, 15K & 13.5 roof, air, Welcome, 2.5 Acres, LOOKING FOR Employ-­ electric level up. $44,500 barn, (hay storage, 4 4 4 ment? Contact 1ST Staff-­ +TTL. Billy Sims Trailer stalls), 3 bedroom, 2 ing today. 432-550-4059. 2016 PUMA 30 RKSS. Town, 520 E. 2nd. 432- bath. Gardendale. $18,995. Ken’s RV 650 S. JBS Parkway, 580-3000. 859-519-8284. Sales. 5904 W. Hwy. 80, Odessa. Midland. LAKE ALAN Henry facebook Call 432-697-6447. Lodges. 1 hour from Lub-­ FOR RENT Teachers NOW HIRING 3 People www.KENSRVS.COM bock. Satellite TV, Wifi, Special. 2 bedrooms, Immediately. No experi-­ Bar-b-que Pits, full kitch-­ 1 bath. $850/ month, 2016 TRAIL Runner 32’, ence necessary. Com-­ en. $1200/ deposit. Odes-­ pany will train. Small large slide, rear double 806-777-0337 sa 310-633-0453 bunks, electric leveling, business. 432-653-1923 many extras. $17,800. Ask for Shawn. Webb’s RV, 14300 W. IMMACULATE Real Estate: Train online to do medi-­ Hwy. 80, 432-561-5699. TEACHERS Special! Out Of Town cal billing! Become a 3 bedrooms, 1 bath. Medical Office Profes-­ 2017 WILDERNESS 26’ 908 W. 35th, Odessa. sional at CTI! Get trained with slide, fiberglass EXTRA SMALL House $975/ month, $500/ & certified to work in 4,800 lbs., rear bath. for rent, $800/ month, deposit. months! 888-572-6790. $19,500. Webb’s RV $400/ deposit. Large 310-633-0453. 432-561-5699. Camper 3 slide outs, (M-F 8-6 ET) $900/ month, $400/ de-­ RENTO RECAMARA: posit. Bills paid. No pets. Amueblada, es la 32nd y AMERICAN CLASSIFEDS has the Specials 2018 PALOMINO 323 Midland. 432-528-9445. Dixie, Odessa. Acceso a you want... Buy 3 week, TBR, $22,995. Ken’s RV ODESSA RENTAL. lavanderia y cocina. Get your 4th WEEK Sales. 5904 W. Hwy. 80, 3 Bedroom, 1 bath, cen-­ $500/ mes. 915-765FREE! 40¢ each addi- Midland, Texas. Call tral air/ heat. Washer, 1503. tional word, No Changes. 4 3 2 - 6 9 7 - 6 4 4 7 . dryer connections. No In-­ 1504 N. DOTSY Home www.KENSRVS.COM Call us today door pets! $1000/ month. For Sale. Call Ron for an 325-944-7653 or visit ADVERTISE HERE $500/ deposit. Call 432- appointment. 2027 Sherwood Way in 325-944-7653 272-5413. 432-307-8477. San Angelo, TX or 1-800-357-2722 American Classifieds is on Twitter


ROOM FOR Rent. Queen size bed, fully fur-­ nished, 40” TV, WiFi, pri-­ vate bath and entry way with access to common areas. Quiet location, all bills paid $700/ month, $250/ deposit. 432-349-0676. 902 N. Betty, Monahans. 2 bedroom house for sale. Debbie Lynn Niece with Ziglar. 432-9345395.

SMALL 1 Bedroom house in Midland. Comes with 1 bath-­ room, custom kitchen, laundry area, living room with fireplace, carport, fenced in front and backyard. $900 a month, 1 year lease, requires a $900 de-­ posit. 432-352-0913. *NEW CARPET & Paint, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 liv-­ ing areas. Smoke Free. No pets. $1600/ month. First, Last & deposit. 1113 West 26th. 432661-6323. 3 BEDROOMS, 2 bath, 1109 Alameda. 432-550-7777, 432550-9900. Odessa. HUD Ok. 1601 ENGLEWOOD, 3 Bedroom, 3 bath, 2 living areas, over 3300 sq. ft., New roof. Some up-­ grades. $269,000, Cash or Conventional Loan. Call Sherree 432-6316279.

DON’T STORE It! Sell it in the A. Class. 944-7653.

Call 325-944-7653 / 325-944-SOLD 1-800-357-2722

Check Out Our Website: • American Classifieds San Angelo & The Concho Valley Area

FILL DIRT and Caliche for sale. Delivered in Odessa for $140 a load. 432-202-6222, 432-3106140.

SHIPPING CONTAINERS $2,000 and up. Wind and water tight. See photos Will deliver. (817) 386-1800, Burleson, TX. PIPE NEW & USED. Used 2 3/8” or 2 7/8”. Small pipe for gates and sucker rods in stock. Post cut to order. all pipe checked for radiation. We deliver. (325) 374-2992.

Country Corral Equip TRACTOR REPAIR & SALVAGE. All types of tractor repair. Used parts, tires, wheels & plow parts. (325)469-3950, (325)234-8846.

DOZER WORK $70hr 817-243-4132 20’ & 40’ Sea Containers. Can customize. Rent to own now available. (866) 4682791. Credit cards accepted.

Country Corral Gen HILLS WATER WELL SERVICE. 325-6502504. Free estimates. Water Well Drilling. Water Well and Pump repair. New Pump Installation. Water Well restoration. Solar Pumps. GOT 5X5 ROUND BALES: Horse quality coastal $80. Steer quality coastal $75. The Hay Barn. (325) 277-0727. GOT FEED WHEAT. $6 for 50 lb. bag. Seed wheat $7.50 bag. San Angelo (325) 2770727. 50 BALES OF Sweet Sorghum hay, weight 900-950 lbs. One bale or all $85 each. Come by and we’ll load you. 1001 N. Bell or call 325-2779637. YOUR AD Could be here. Call 325-944-7653

20’ & 40’ SEA CONTAINERS for sale or rent, excellent storage. Delivered. (325) 234-0295, (325) 234-0292. BEARDLESS WHEAT round bales. Weigh over 1100lbs. Top quality clean hay. Can deliver. Call (325) 234-0041. HAY QUALITY Coastal round bales $70. Delivery available. 254-631-3082

BURN BARRELS, 325944-8418, 325-2770873. PREMIUM HORSE QUALITY FINE STEM COASTAL round bales. Large bales weigh over 1,000 lbs. Delivery available. One bale or a truckload. (325) 234-0041.

Country Corral Live

GOT CORN. Clean irrigated corn, $6 for a bag. Hay Barn Feed & Seed, San Angelo (325) 277-0727.

MESQUITE FIRE4 WOOD for sale. You cut. You load. $50

GOT DEER HUNTING available. Rifle 3 days with lodging in 80’ trailer, $400. FMI (325) 277-0727

MINIATURE HORSE for sale. 325-365-8025. AMERICAN CLASSIFIEDS is in print and online at:

cord. Seasoned trees are in clean piles. (325) 374-5048.

BLUE HEELER Pups for sale. Tails docked. Shots. Wormed. 432213-2488.

GAME SHOW Chickens. LUNA ROSA STABLES. for sale. 432-230-7817, Large covered stalls. Full Greenwood area. care & lots of room to ride. Call 432-352-1673. HORSES FOR Sale. Do they need worked with? GAMING CHICKENS, HAY 4x5 432-213-2488. different kinds. (325) PEANUT Round bales, $55 per 284-8453. 432-209-1277, 2006 CAT D5G Dozer, NUBIAN DOELINGS bale. 6500 hours, starts and bred to registered Nu- Denver City, Texas. runs perfect, 60% tracks, bian back for March 2021 R & G METAL Buildings, brush, rake included. En-­ kids. Tame, vaccinated, Inc. 24x24x10 $11,200. closed cab, cold ac. wormed. Mothers are ex- 24x30x10 $13,600. $48,000 or best offer. cellent milk goats, $250 24X40X10 $17,000. 432-638-1776. - $300. Located south of Other sizes available. SEA CONTAINERS, 20’ Colorado City. (325) 728- 806-787-1866. & 40’. Excellent storage. 6103, text for pictures. Shipping Containers Delivered, 325-234Country Corral: $2,000 and up. Wind and 0292, 325-234-0295. water tight. See photos WE BUY Junk! Grimes Out Of Town www.steelcontainers .net. Will deliver. Iron & Metal. Top prices! 432-385-0360. *COWBOY CORNER (817)386-1800, Carports, Barns, Storage Burleson, TX. 10’ ENCLOSED Trailer Buildings, R.V Covers, with ramp back door, Garages. Custom Com-­ $2150. 432-631-7474. WHOLE CORN mercial Structures! 140 mph wind guarantee- All Recleaned and tested 20’ UTILITY Trailer, Steel- Free Installation. 50 pound bags, direct brakes, ramps spare, 13308 W. Hwy. 80E. from the farm, no mid-­ new tires, $1,750. dle man, $7.00 per Webb’s RV 432-561432-563-0505. bag. 20’ & 40’ Sea Contain-­ Bulk bags cleaned 5699. ers. Can customize. Rent corn, $280 per ton. C&C METAL Buildings. to Own now available. Accepting Credit Ask for a quote on any (866)468-2791. Credit Cards. 432-268-3083. size- Free Estimates. cards accepted. Call Mario Castro 2006 CAT D5G Dozer, 2 BILLY Milk Goats, 1 432-653-9097. 6500 hours, starts and Billy 1/2 Spanish, 1/2 FEEL THE Comfort of runs perfect, 60% tracks, boer, 1 Wether male Home in a Solitaire brush, rake included. En-­ goat. 432-940-3322. Home. 432-580-0061. closed cab, cold ac. *WHEAT, $105. Coastal $48,000 or best offer. round bales, $110. Cow 432-638-1776. hay, $85. Alfalfa grass PIPE FOR Sale. 2 3/8 & 2 7/8- 500 joints each. C&M PECANS Shelling mix, $105. Peanut hay, 432-202-6222, 432-310$90. Square bales of and Selling. Fresh Pe-­ $11. Alfalfa 6140. cans available. Call 432- coastal, square bales, $11. Will REWARD! HAVE You 366-0099. Deliver Full or Partial Seen Zoey? Emotional EL RANCHO Del Norte loads. 432-634-4270. Support Dog. See our Horse Center. Stalls ads inside the paper. Available. 519 E. 61st AUSTRALIAN X HEEL-­ Odessa. 432-254-8849. ER Cross Pups for sale. Tails docked. Shots. SHEETMETAL FOR Goats for sale. Wormed. 432-213-2488. Sale: R Panel & U Panel. ADVERTISE HERE AMERICAN CLASSI- 432-202-6222, 432-3106140. 325-944-7653 FIEDS is on Twitter or 1-800-357-2722

SPECIALTYTRUCKS OFLUBBOCK.COM Mike...... 806-401-4491 Jason.... 806-535-9012

FILL DIRT and Caliche for sale. Delivered in Odessa for $140 a load. 432-202-6222, 432-3106140. FOR SALE Red and Live Oak Trees. Single and multi trunk. Farm grown. Burlap bagged. For more information 325-792-7453.

Real Estate: Out Of Town

3 BEDROOM, 1 bath House. 107 S.E. 4th St. Marathon, Texas. $150,000. Call 432-940-2582.

Page 7 December 3, 2020

*NICE 2 bedroom, 2 bath mobile home. HUD ap-­ proved. All appliances. $1050/ month, $1050/ deposit. Will work with move in. We furnish wa-­ ter, sewer and trash. No pets. 5816 W. 30th #2, Odessa. 432-661-5202, 432-349-8056, 432-2387944. 2- TRAVEL Trailers for Rent in West Odessa. Sleeps 4 comfortably. 1$400/ month. 1- $500/ month, $500/ deposit. You pay electricity. Wa-­ ter/ trash furnished. 432381-5465. 2020 BLOW OUT SALE. Save up to $10,000 on Inventory In Stock. Big J Mobile Homes, 5725 An-­ drews Hwy. 432-5500293. RI01543.

3 BEDROOM, 2 bath trailer house, $800/ month, $800/ deposit. Background check re-­ quired. Application fee. BUYING HOUSES and 432-337-1975. Land. We Pay Cash. Quick Close. Bruce 214- 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath 543-7397, Kevin 469- mobile home, central air/ heat, $1,000/ month, 200-9791. $500/ deposit. Absolutely HOUSES SALE: 104 N. No Pets. 432-238-2072 Young St., 403 S. Young or 432-664-5204. West St., 607 S. Young St., Odessa. 309 East James. Fort WHEEL Motor Stockton. Sold As-is. 5TH Home completely fur-­ 512-925-6953. nished, queen size bed. All utilities included, $650/ month, $500/ de-­ I BUY posit. Call Bob 432-352UGLY HOUSES 4509. CASH! Call Jaime Salgado, BEAUTIFUL, NICE, Broker, JPS Realty, Clean R.V. For Rent. 432-770-5116 Also RV Spaces. In Midland please call OWNER FINANCE 432-770-7054, 4323 bedrooms, 2 baths. In 634-0978. Odessa. 432-307-7505. CASA MOVIL en alquil-­ “OUT YONDER RV er, 3 dormitorios, 2 ba-­ Park, Andrews. Spaces nos. $900/ mes. Llamar Available. Bills Paid. 432despues de las 5:30. 894-2174. 432-661-6549. American Classifieds is on Twitter SOLITAIRE HOMES Vis-­ it: www.solitaire For our spe-­ cials & closeouts.


Page 8 December 3, 2020

325-944-SOLD Check Out Our Website: • American Classifieds San Angelo & The Concho Valley Area Call 325-944-7653 /1-800-357-2722

Account Executive

BATHROOM & KITCHEN REMODEL BHI CONST. Specializing in Bathroom and Kitchen tile work. Have an on hand licensed plumber and elctrician. Steve Schlittler, (325) 763-5320 Lic. TX 43929 Licensed & Bonded

DIRT CONST. BETTER GRADE OF TOPSOIL. Also, limestone, sand, and fill dirt. Build roads, pads and parking lots. Sell and installation of septic systems. (325) 651-6840, (325) 895-0900.



BEE SOLUTIONS Live Capture, Bee Swarm Removal, Africanized Bee Specialist, Anywhere in the Conch Valley! Call 325-245-6914 or look us up on Facebook @ BeeSolutionsoftheConchoValley




CONSTRUCTION CARRILLO CONSTRUCTION & BACKHOE/BOBCAT SERVICES, LLC. - Insured Pads - Driveways - Lot Clearing - Landscaping Concrete work - Fences. Special pricing on residential pads. J Carrillo (325) 212-1598.

TERRAZAS FENCING Ranch Fencing, high fences, private fencing, chain link fencing, painting corrals, fence painting. Free estimates. 325284-8453 WEST TEXAS WOOL @ MERTZON. FENCING SUPPLIES, direct from factory pricing. Deer Feed, Hunting Supplies, Ranch Supplies, Gifts. (325) 835-3661. (888) 830-3661.


FIREWOOD. DON’T BE FOOLED! A cord of wood is 4’X4’X8’. Mine 300 up. I got all kinds. You need one piece or whatever! (325) 9391834.


DUSTY TRAILS “Glass Etching” Shot Glasses, Mugs,Pitchers, Shower Doors, Wine Bottles, Stainless Koozies & Much More, Call Fred Founteno at 325-277- JOEY’S LAWN CARE9197 dustytrailsglasMowing, edging, tree trimming, cutting, and HOLE DIGGER stump removal. Complete maintenance. ReaHOLE DIGGING, Ser- sonable rates. (325)450vices available: Fenc- 7941, 325-262-7528 ing, Foundations,,Light Poles, Carports, Farm & BERTA’S LAWN, LANDRanch, Construction and SCAPING & TREE SERMore! FREE ESTIMATES! VICE. Mowing, weedeating, edging, hedge 325-650-5561 and tree trimming, trash LANDSCAPING hauling. Affordable prices. Free estimates. (325) TREE TRIMMING AND 304-3829, (325) 304removal. Stump Grind- 2456. ing. Flagstone and concrete patios. Fall clean MOBILE HOME ups. Any other landscapTRANSPORT ing you might need. Residential and Commercial. American Classifieds is on Twitter Call Oasis Lawn & LandHHH scaping 325-212-1368 AMERICAN ask for Daniel. CLASSIFIEDS LAWN Hours of Operation, Monday 8am-6pm, SERVICES Tuesday 8am-5pm, HEAVENLY LAWN & Wednesday 8am-5pm, TREE SERVICE. Mowing, Thursday 8am-5pm edging, bagging and and Friday 8am-12pm. hauling grass trimmings. Come in today to place Tree and shrub trimming. your ad at 2027 Also do clean-up. Free Sherwood way, San estimates. Call (325) Angelo, TX 79761 763-5300.


MCMULLAN PAINTING AND CONSTRUCTION. Commercial & Residentia. FACIA - SOFFITT Siding. Replace - Repair. 30 years experience. Free Bids. 325-655-7041

PLUMBING J&B SERVICES. Complete Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning. Bonded. 325340-0021. #M40346. TACLB54896E.


PAINTING BALL CONTRACTOR Residential and Commercial. Paper Hanging a Specialty. Custom painting. 30 years experience. Insured. FREE ESTIMATES. 325-653-9212. BBB Member.

BHI CONST. We do everything: Painting - Roofing - Carpentry - Drywall - Siding - Fencing - Tile Work - Remodeling or New Construction. FREE ESTIMATES. “35 Years Experience”! Steve Schlittler, (325) 7635320 Lic. TX 43929 Licensed & Bonded

MANDO’S ROOFING, REMODELING, Framing and Additions. Tile, texture, stucco, lamInate flooring, painting inside or out and more. More than 15 years experience. All work guaranteed. Roof 5 year labor warranty. References available (325) 2270910. Serving San Angelo for 20+ years. CANDELA AND SONS ROOFING. Over 30 years experience. Best quote in town. Also offering 24 g metal roofing, standing seam. (325) 227-6825. Check us out on Facebook!!

STRUCTURAL PIPE PIPE NEW & USED. Used 2 3/8” or 2 7/8”. Small pipe for gates and sucker rods in stock. Post cut to order. all pipe checked for radiation. We deliver. (325) 374-2992.



DURAN TREE SERVICE - Tree removal specialist. Minor, major trimming, stump removal, fence line cleaning, flower beds cleaned, hedges trimmed. Will travel. 432238-6770. 28 years experience. TREE TRIMMING, CUTTING and stump removal, land clearing. Free estimates. Call Manuel (325) 277-9696. RUMSEY TREE SERVICE. Fertilization, Landscape, Maintenance. 42 years experience. (325) 277-0659. AAA LAWN & LANDSCAPE. Dump trailer hauling, tree service, stump removal, yard clean up, fence - repair and replace. Mowing $30-$60 per yard weekly or bi-weekly basis, painting and light remodel. Realtors welcome! (325) 2349794.


HILLS WATER WELL NEIRA’S WRECKING SERVICE. 325-650-2504. YARD IS BUYING JUNK Free estimates. Water CARS. (325)-277-3564. Well Drilling. Water Well Pump repair. New TREE SERVICE and Pump Installation. Water BURNEY’S TREE Well restoration. Solar SERVICE. Tree Pumps. Trenching. Trimming, removal and BUYERS & SELLERS stump grinding. Senior agree! American ClasCitizen 10% discount. If sifieds is a real bargain. you want it done right, Come by our office at call us! (325) 653-3110. 2027 Sherwood Way, San Angelo, TX.


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