2027 Sherwood Way • San Angelo, TX 76901 325.944.7653 • 1.800.357.2722 [fax] 325.944.0387 OFFICE HOURS:
September 3, 2020 • Volume 37 • Issue 35
Finally, brethren whatsoever things are true...honest... just...pure... good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Philippians 4:8 WICKER FURNITURE, inside or out. Vanity stools, 1 with cushion, 1 vinyl, 3 small outside tables. 325-658-3244 leave message. BUYING GOOD used 18-wheeler tires, 24.5, 22.5. Cash paid. 325277-0873. JR’S MOWING AND HAULING pickup loads. Summer sale $19.95 average yard. Mowing, weed eating, blowing. (325) 262-9347. BUYING JUNK CARS, all complete cars worth at least $235. (325) 6563658 San Angelo, Texas. MEXICAN PURE Vanilla Extract 8 oz. $5, Liter $9.50-$11. Leos Imports, 25 W Twohig Ave. 325655-5367. FREE BIBLE CORRESPONDENCE COURSES. God has a plan for your life. Answer the questions from Bible and send in for grading. Write to: World Bible School Dept. 47, 2200 Johnson St., San Angelo, TX. 76904 or call (325) 9471053. God keeps his promises! Learn what he has promised you. FIREWOOD. DON’T BE FOOLED! A cord of wood is 4’X4’X8’. Mine 300 up. I got all kinds. You need one piece or whatever! (325) 939-1834. DIERSCHKE & DIERSCHKE REALTORS, 5026 Knickerbocker Rd., San Angelo, TX. (325) 944-3596. http://dierschke.com DIERSCHKE & DIERSCHKE REALTORS, 5026 Knickerbocker Rd., San Angelo, TX. (325) 944-3596. http://dierschke.com FRAMED WAYNE BAIZE Prints from Private Collection, several to choose from. (Cell) 325227-4562 or 325-4503209, PRICES VARY. CASH FOR CARS from running to junkers. (325) 234-5154. JANOME MEMORY CRAFT 550E embroidery machine, still in box, $3000. (325) 227-6945.
I BUY vinyl records in good condition. Give me a call or text and I ll come to you. 325-650-7250 REPAIR AND SELL washers and dryers. I also buy non working washers, dryers,refrigerators and freezers. Pick up and delivery. (325) 656-1536. LAWNHAVEN - Holy Family lot # 115c, space #4, $1200 + transfer fee. (325) 944-7939 2 PLOTS Belvedere Memorial Park, $2200 for both. 325-284-8309. 2 SPACES LAWNHAVEN Section D Devotion, $9,000 obo for both. 979865-9155. 3PR. POLO SHORTS. Good condition. Size 36. $15ea. 1pr. Tommy Bahama Shorts. Never worn. Size 36. $15. 3pr. Wrangler size 36x33 jeans. Good condition. $15ea. 1pr. Levi 501 Button Down Fly jeans. Good condition. Size 36x32. $15. (325) 7166825. JOHN DEERE 4020, $6500. 325-658-4440. METAL CUTOFF SAW. (325) 656-8517, (325) 949-4200. CAB FARMALL equipment. Good projectf tractor. (325) 656-8517, (325) 949-4200. JOHN DEERE 5ft. Shredder, Call for details 325-365-0338. 4” ALUMINUM PIPE & TRAILERS. (325) 6568517, (325) 949-4200. BURN BARRELS, 325944-8418, 325-277-0873. BEARDLESS WHEAT round bales. Weigh over 1100lbs. Top quality clean hay. Can deliver. Call (325) 234-0041. BURN BARRELS for sale. (325) 653-3678. GOT 5X5 ROUND BALES: Horse quality coastal $80. Steer quality coastal $75. The Hay Barn. (325) 277-0727. PREMIUM HORSE QUALITY FINE STEM COASTAL round bales. Large bales weigh over 1,000 lbs. Delivery available. One bale or a truckload. (325) 234-0041. HAY FOR SALE. Large & small round bales. Hay Grazer, Coastal and Milo available. (325) 2345266.
FARM FRESH EGGS $3 dozen. (325) 650-9639, (325) 650-0202. ALFALFA HAY, 3 string. Arizona raised. (325) 212-0574. 22 BANTAM CHICKENS. 3-5 months old. $40 for all or $5 each individually. Call (325) 656-2343. BOER BILLIES, 6 months old. Can send pictures. (325) 234-2850. DORPER BUCKS, ready to work. (325) 656-8517, (325) 949-4200. SMALL BANTAMS for sale. After 6 p.m. (325) 763-5451. CHICKEN STARTED laying, different varieties, $17.50 each. FMI 325650-1097. 4 WHEEL & six wheel cotton trailers. (325) 6568517, (325) 949-4200.
FREE QUEEN SOFA SLEEPER. Never been used. Germ free. Aztec design. (325) 213-4936 3-PC. BEDROOM SET. 2 dressers, one with mirror, night stand. (325) 6552832. MEXICAN PURE Vanilla Extract 8 oz. $5, Liter $9.50-$11. Leos Imports, 25 W Twohig Ave. 325655-5367. 994 UTE PASS Thursday, Friday & Saturday 8-2.Furniture, clothes & more. CAMPER TRAILER running board(325) 6568517, (325) 949-4200. 15’ FISHING canoe with 40 lb. thrust electric trolling motor, $600. obo (325) 277-2960
DOVE HUNTING. Water tank, grain fields & sunflowers. (325) 656-8565 . 1982 4WD Toyota with rack.(325) 656-8517, (325) 949-4200. DUNE BUGGY. $450. (325) 656-8517, (325) 949-4200. DOVE HUNTING Lease at Norton, Texas with freshly combined milo fields and spring-fed pond. $70/day or $500/ season. Call and text (325) 895-1606. 3-WEST TEXAS GAME FEEDERS, in great shape. Work perfectly. Ready to use. These are not junk, but have been serviced properly. Asking $250 each or OBO. (325) 650-7661.
DOVE HUNTING CLOSE to San Angelo. (325) 6561950. PICK-UP CAMPER with fridge, AC & stand. CHEAP. (325) 656-8517, (325) 949-4200. JOHN DEERE SIZZLE Mower. (325) 656-8517, (325) 949-4200. LOTS OF DRIP LINE For garden use. (325) 6568517, (325) 949-4200. GARDEN SUPPLIES & tiller. (325) 656-8517, (325) 949-4200. I FIX RIDING lawn mowers. Have engines. (325) 812-3004. OLD WAGON & BUGGY wheels. $150 & up. (325) 656-8517, (325) 9494200. MINERALS FOR SALE (806) 489-7676.
BOY SCOUT COMPENSATION FUND - Anyone inappropriately touched by a Scout leader deserves justice & compensation! Victims may be eligible for significant cash settlement. Time is limited. 833-729-0164. NEW R22 3-ton AC unit. 8hp tiller, riding mower. (325) 651-5064. MEXICAN PURE Vanilla Extract 8 oz. $5, Liter $9.50-$11. Leos Imports, 25 W Twohig Ave. 325655-5367. SOON THE mark of the beast will be enforced. Let the Bible explain. Free book and bible study. 205-339-4837 The Bible says P.O.Box 171 Samantha Alabama 35482
BURN BARRELS, 325944-8418, 325-277-0873. SMALL TO Medium collapsible dog Kennel and one dog house, call 325655-2832. FREE TO good home. 2 calico females and 2 yellow males. (325) 6533678 REGISTERED CHIHUAHUA Puppies. 817-3041225 for availability & prices. See at crystalskypuppies.com License #131 PIT BULL Puppies (original old school.) FMI & Pics call. (325) 650-7521. GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES $300. FMI (325) 277-1556 or (325) 812-4538. TAKING DEPOSITS ON Toy Schnauzer. Midland. (432) 687-1395 or (432) 557-3976.
Page 2 September 3, 2020
Announcements INVESTIGATE BEFORE YOU INVEST. Before you send a company money for anything advertised in American Classifieds, investigate before you invest. It is also illegal for any company to ask you to pay for credit or a loan before you get it. American Classifieds readers using information in any ads, do so at their own risk. It is suggested that the prospective investors contact the appropriate consumer protection agency before payment. American Classifieds, nor any of it’s employees shall not be held liable for the content in any advertisers ads. For more information about credit scams and advance fee loans write: FTS, Washington, DC 20580.
325-944-SOLD Check Out Our Website: www.AngeloAds.com • American Classifieds San Angelo & The Concho Valley Area Call 325-944-7653 /1-800-357-2722 INVESTIGATE BEFORE YOU INVEST. Before you send a company money for anything advertised in American Classifieds, investigate before you invest. It is also illegal for any company to ask you to pay for credit or a loan before you get it. American Classifieds readers using information in any ads, do so at their own risk. It is suggested that the prospective investors contact the appropriate consumer protection agency before payment. American Classifieds, nor any of it’s employees shall not be held liable for the content in any advertisers ads. For more information about credit scams and advance fee loans write: FTS, Washington, DC 20580.
Cemetery Plots
started advertising with American Classifieds, I have seen significant growth in my clientele. I have received business from San Angelo and many surrounding areas. I always ask my customers where they heard of me and without fail, the majority of customers say American Classifieds, either in print or online. I am very satisfied with the results of advertising. I would highly recommend this company to any business that would like to see significant growth. Thanks American Classifieds! TRAIN ONLINE TO DO MEDICAL BILLING! Become a Medical Office Professional at CTI! Get Trained & Certified to work in months! 888-5726790. (M-F 8-6 ET). HIGH SCHOOL Proficiency Diploma! 4 Week Program. Free Brochure & Full Information. Call Now! 1-866-562-3650 Ext. 54. www.southeasternhs.com AIRLINES ARE HIRING - Get FAA approved hands on Aviation mechanic training. Financial Aid for qualified students - Career placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance 888-686-1704.
LAWNHAVEN - Holy Family lot # 115c, space #4, $1200 + transfer fee. (325) 944-7939 I BUY vinyl records in 2 PLOTS Belvedere Megood condition. Give me morial Park, $2200 for a call or text and I ll come both. 325-284-8309. to you. 325-650-7250 2 SPACES LAWNHAVFinancial EN Section D Devotion, Appliances $9,000 obo for both. 979INVESTIGATE BE865-9155. FORE YOU INVEST. REPAIR AND SELL Before you send a washers and dryers. I Clothing company money for also buy non working anything advertised in washers, dryers,refrigerators and freezers. Pick 3PR. POLO SHORTS. American Classifieds, up and delivery. (325) Good condition. Size investigate before you 36. $15ea. 1pr. Tommy invest. It is also illegal 656-1536. Bahama Shorts. Never for any company to ask worn. Size 36. $15. 3pr. you to pay for credit Business Wrangler size 36x33 or a loan before you Opportunities jeans. Good condition. get it. American Clas$15ea. 1pr. Levi 501 sifieds readers using RIALTO SERVICES Button Down Fly jeans. information in any ads, SAN ANGELO, TX. Good condition. Size do so at their own risk. SERVING WEST TEX- 36x32. $15. (325) 716- It is suggested that the AS. SPECIALIZING 6825. prospective investors IN SANDBLASTING, contact the appropriate PAINTING, POWDER consumer protection Education COATING FOR PIPING, agency before payOUTDOOR FURNI- COMPUTER & IT TRAIN- ment. American ClasTURE, BBQ PITS, VE- ING PROGRAM! Train sifieds, nor any of it’s HICLE ACCESSORIES, to become Computer & employees shall not be ETC. NO JOB TOO BIG Help Desk Professional! held liable for the conFOR OUR 40FT OVEN! Grants & scholarship for tent in any advertisers SEE OUR WORK ON qualified applicants on ads. For more informaF A C E B O O K - R I A L T O certain programs. 888- tion about credit scams SERVICES! CALL US 449-1713 (M-F 8-6 ET). and advance fee loans TODAY AT 325-812write: FTS, WashingREVIEW US! Tell us 1127 or 325-650-9109 what you think on Yelp! ton, DC 20580. 2027 SHERWOOD Way @American Classifieds American Classifieds is on Facebook San Angelo, TX 76901 Want Ads.
Antiques & Collectibles
Legal Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS.NOTICE is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of JOE WENDELL CARR, Deceased, were issued on August 26, 2020 in Docket No.7170, pending in the County Court, Runnels County, Texas, to: JOE WENDELL CARR. The residence of the Independent Executor RACHEL CARR is 505 Depot Street, Rowena, Texas 76875. The post office address for mailing such claims is:RACHEL CARR, Independent Executor,c/o Dana A. Ehrlich,Attorney at Law, P.O. Box 1831, San Angelo, Texas 76902. All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are required to present them within the time and in the manner prescribed by law. DATED the 26th day of AUGUST, 2020. Respectfully submitted, Dana A. Ehrlich, Law Office of Dana Ehrlich, P.O. Box 1831, San Angelo, Texas 769021831Tel: (325) 6555351Fax: (325) 2677515. dana@wcc.net
3-PC. BEDROOM SET. 2 dressers, one with mirror, night stand. (325) 655-2832.
Health Care SINCE ADVERTISING with American Classifieds, I have seen significant growth in my clientele. I have received business from San Angelo and many surrounding areas. I always ask my customers where they heard of me and without fail, the majority of customers say American Classifieds, either in print or online. I am very satisfied with the results of advertising. I would highly recommend this company to any business that would like to see significant growth. Thanks American Classifieds! Kevin Wirth .. Bee Solutions
Jewelry WE BUY gold. We buy guns. Wild Bill’s Pawn, 1315 MLK, (325) 6587066.
MCMULLAN PAINTING AND CONSTRUCTION. Commercial & Residentia. FACIA - SOFFITT Siding. Replace - Repair. 30 years experience. Free Bids. 325-655-7041 L&J ROOFING. “We Nail It Right The First Time”! Residential and commercial. (325) 374-6706. PLUMBING PROBLEMS? Sankey Plumbing M12703. Call 325-658-7467.
DIX KEY SHOP Locksmith, Safe Tech and Access Control. (325) CHUCK CORFIELD 653-1562 CONSTRUCTION, For Lawn & all your ROOFING needs call 352-949-5087 Garden AFFORDABLE ROOFING. Where Integrity JOHN DEERE SIZZLE Counts Most. All Res- Mower. (325) 656-8517, Free Stuff idential & Commercial (325) 949-4200. FREE QUEEN SOFA Roofing. 325-721-2292. LOTS OF DRIP LINE For SLEEPER. Never been NEIRA’S WRECKING garden use. (325) 656used. Germ free. Aztec YARD IS BUYING JUNK 8517, (325) 949-4200. design. (325) 213-4936 CARS. (325)-277-3564. GARDEN SUPPLIES CHUCK CORFIELD & tiller. (325) 656-8517, Furniture CONSTRUCTION, For (325) 949-4200. all your ROOFING needs YOUR AD Could be here. www.angeloads.com call 352-949-5087 Call 325-944-7653
Jobs Wanted
Medical & Health
DAVID’S LAWN SERVICE. MOWING, HAULING TRASH & APPLIANCES. (325) 763-7114. REPAIR & SELL LAWN MOWERS & RIDING mowers. Also small generators. We work on outdoor power equipment as well as your ATVs. I also buy non working lawn mowers & riding tractors. Pickup & Delivery. 325-213-6784. LANDSCAPERS! LIKE new Billy Goat Professional leaf vacuum, Honda Easy Start overhead Cam190 GSV, $1300 new - make offer. (325) 656-0450. I FIX RIDING lawn mowers. Have engines. (325) 812-3004.
GENERIC VIAGRA and CIALIS USERS! 100 Pills SPECIAL $99.00 FREE Shipping! 100% guaranteed. 24/7 CALL NOW! 888-880-4589 Hablamos Espanol. VIAGRA AND CIALIS USERS! 100 Generic Pills SPECIAL $99.00 FREE Shipping! 100% guaranteed. 24/7 CALL NOW! 888-445-5928 Hablamos Espanol. DENTAL INSURANCE Physicians Mutual Insurance Company. Covers 350 procedures. Real insurance - not a discount plan. Get your free Dental Info kit! 1-888-6233036 www.dental50plus. com/58 #6258. ATTENTION OXYGEN THERAPY USERS! Inogen One G4 is capable of full 24/7 oxygen delivery. Only 2.8 pounds. Free info kit. Call 877-9299587. ADVERTISE HERE 325-944-7653
Call 325-944-7653 / 325-944-SOLD 1-800-357-2722
Check Out Our Website: www.AngeloAds.com • American Classifieds San Angelo & The Concho Valley Area
SEARCHING FOR Bible truth! Free book and Bible study. 205-3394837 The Bible says P.O. Box 171 Samantha, Alabama 35482.
INVESTIGATE BEFORE YOU INVEST. Before you send a SMALL TO Medium colcompany money for lapsible dog Kennel and anything advertised in one dog house, call 325GET PRE-APPROVED American Classifieds, 655-2832. for an Auto Loan in 30 investigate before you invest. It is also illegal Seconds! Call Now Pets Cats for any company to ask Permian Mitsubishi you to pay for credit FREE TO good home. 432-332-5344. 2 calico females and 2 www.mitsubishicars.com or a loan before you get it. American Clasyellow males. (325) 653LAB MIX Puppies for sifieds readers using 3678 sale. Will text pictures. information in any ads, Asking $50 and a good do so at their own risk. Pets Dogs home. 432-967-3710. It is suggested that the REGISTERED CHIHUA- REGISTERED CHIHUA- prospective investors HUA Puppies. 817-304- HUA Puppies. 817-304- contact the appropriate 1225 for availability & 1225 for availability & consumer protection prices. See at crystal- prices. See at crystals- agency before payskypuppies.com License kypuppies.com License ment. American Classifieds, nor any of it’s #131 #131. employees shall not be PIT BULL Puppies (origheld liable for the coninal old school.) FMI & REWARD! HAVE You tent in any advertisers Pics call. (325) 650-7521. Seen Zoey? Emotional ads. For more informaSupport Dog. *See our ads inside the paper. tion about credit scams and advance fee loans reunitezoey@gmail.com write: FTS, WashingTAKING DEPOSITS on ton, DC 20580. Toy Schnauzers. 432687-1395, 432-557- NEED CASH? Wild Bills 3976. Pawn is open for busiFREE KITTENS To good ness Mond-Fri. 9-5:30. home. 11 weeks old. All (We do follow Covid 19 protocols). Wild Bill’s males. 432-254-4111. Pawn, 1315 MLK, (325) AKC SHELTIE Puppies, 658-7066. First shots. Ready to go. HEARING AIDS! Bogo GERMAN SHEPHERD 432-254-0010. free! High-quality rePUPPIES $300. FMI chargeable Nano hear(325) 277-1556 or (325) ing aids priced 90% less RC HOBBY 812-4538. than competitors. Nearly invisible! 45-day money TAKING DEPOSITS ON back guarantee! 833Toy Schnauzer. Midland. 669-5806. (432) 687-1395 or (432) 557-3976. BOY SCOUT COMPENSATION FUND - Anyone MALE YORKIE needed inappropriately touched to breed with my female by a Scout leader deYorkie. 325—223-2364, serves justice & com325-650-5953. pensation! Victims may be eligible for significant Pets Exotics cash settlement. Time is limited. 833-729-0164. RABBIT PENS 36x24x24 SEE BOB INGRAM, Rewith 12” door, $35. (325) altor for your Real Estate 234-4302. Needs. (325) 944-1630. Pets & Supplies: MOVING OUT of state Want to Buy within 30-60 days? MovOut Of Town ing APT offers price WANTED: OLD FISHmatch guarantee & risk 3 ASDR Registered Mini ING Lures and fishing free reservations. CarriAussies, 2 black tri, 1 items. Old and new guns, ers licensed & bonded. blue. Call or text 432ammunition and related Free quote 1-877-859288-4140. memorabilia. Glass min- 1908. AKC SHELTIE Puppies, now traps. Steel animal EXFirst shots. Ready to go. traps. WWI & WWII mil- COVER-UPS itary items. Military rifles POSED! The Shock432-254-0010. including M1 Garands, ing Truth About Mars! Visitations BEAUTIFUL, CUTE M14, M1 Carbine Colt Off-World CHIHUAHUA Puppies, 2 1911. Taxidermy mounts, Confirmed! And More months old. $150. 432- Ambassadeur reels, new- Amazing Facts at: https:// 212-1133. er quality fishing tackle, dmzcrowley.wixsite.com/ beer signs and neons bookvault DOG BOARDING esp. Texas beer compa- BURN BARRELS, 325& PRO TRAINING 325-277nies. Old pocket knives 944-8418, www.432dogs.com and cutlery. Arrowheads 0873. 432-248-9285 and Indian items. Old American Classifieds is on Facebook advertising signs. Old FULL BLOODED Blue Stoneware. All Antiques Heelers, Tails docked. considered. Paintings First shots. $150. 432- by Texas artists such as 664-3901. Dwight Holmes, Rolla Taylor, Robert Woods POMERANIAN PUP- PIES For Sale. Call for and Porfirio Salinas. (325) 374-5022. info. 432-385-4765.
REGISTERED AUSTRALIAN Shepherd Puppies. 2- Black tris- 7 weeks old. 2- Blue Merles 7 week old/ 12 week old, $450 each. 432-682-4113.
THE KENT Companies, Join our team!! Big Ben- efits. Apply today at www.kentkwik.com
DOG BOARDING & PRO TRAINING www.432dogs.com 432-248-9285
Miscellaneous OLD WAGON & BUGGY wheels. $150 & up. (325) 656-8517, (325) 9494200. NEW 16’ Utility Trailer, $1595, Hog Creek Trailers. Sales, Parts and Service 5260 N. Chadbourne, San Angelo Texas, 325-3744802, 325-212-2282
UKC REGISTERED Dutch Shepherds. Pup- pies and adults for sell. BEE SOLUTIONS. Live Training available. Captaure, Bee swarm 806-994-6276 usak9.us removal, Africanized Bee No dogs will be sold with- specialist. out a phone call. Email: MINERALS FOR SALE protectiondogsbite@ (806) 489-7676. icloud.com CALL ROY or JAY 325HOT DEALS On Nissan 942-0769 at STEPHENS Wheels. Nissan of Mid- RANCH REAL ESTATE land. 800-971-4121. for all your Real Estate NissanofMidland.com Needs.
NEED CASH? Wild Bills Pawn is open for business Mond-Fri. 9-5:30. (We do follow Covid 19 protocols). Wild Bill’s Pawn, 1315 MLK, (325) 658-7066. GOOD CLEAN 55 gallon Plastic Drums $7.50 each. 325-6420365 WANTS TO purchase minerals and other oil & gas interests. Send details P.O. Box 13557, Denver, Co 80201 CUSTOM CUTTERS Farm & Ranch. Call Clay Lange 325-234-7399 or email:claylange@wcc. net. TIMESHARE CANCELLATION! Avoid timeshare cancellation scams. Consumer protection attorney will get you a legal low flat fee, cancellation for less with a 100 percent money back guarentee.Timesharebegone has an A+ BBB rating and 5 star review. Call for a quote 1-800-223-1770 or got to our website www.legallyout.com NEW R22 3-ton AC unit. 8hp tiller, riding mower. (325) 651-5064. DUSTY TRAILS “Glass Etching” Shot Glasses, Mugs,Pitchers, Shower Doors, Wine Bottles, Stainless Koozies & Much More, Call Fred Founteno at 325-2779197 dustytrailsglassetching@hotmail.com MEXICAN PURE Vanilla Extract 8 oz. $5, Liter $9.50-$11. Leos Imports, 25 W Twohig Ave. 325655-5367. PROTECT YOUR home w/home security monitored by ADT. Starting at $27.99/mo. Get free equipment bundle including keypad, motion sensor, wireless door & windows sensors. 833719-1073. ELIMINATE GUTTER cleaning forever! LeafFilter, most advanced debris-blocking protection. Schedule free estimate. 15% off Purchase. 10% Senior & Military Discounts. Call 1-855-9952490. AMERICAN CLASSIFIEDS is in print with many places to get in town and online at: www. angeloads.com
SOON THE mark of the beast will be enforced. Let the Bible explain. Free book and bible study. 205-339-4837 The Bible says P.O.Box 171 Samantha Alabama 35482 CASH FOR CARS: We Buy Any Condition Vehicle, 2002 and Newer. Nationwide Free Pick Up! Call Now: 1- 800-8645960. DISH TV $59.99 190 Channels + $14.95 High Speed Internet. Free Install, Smart HD DVR & voice remote.Restrictions apply 1-833-872-2545. AT&T INTERNET. Starting at $40/month w/12mo agmt. 1 TB of data/ mo. Ask how to bundle and SAVE! Geo & svc restrictions apply. 1-888796-8850. DIRECTV NOW. No Satellite. $40/mo 65 Channels. Stream News, Live Events, Sports & On Demand Titles. No Contract/ Commitment. 1-866-8256523. NEW AUTHORS WANTED! Page Publishing will help self-publish your book. FREE author submission kit! Limited offer! 866-951-7214. GENERAC GENERATORS. Weather is increasingly unpredictable. Be prepared for power outages. FREE 7-year ext warranty. Schedule free in-home assessment. 1-844-334-8353 Special financing if qualified. ATTENTION HOMEOWNERS! You can protect your appliances & systems. For just a little more than a $1.00/day. Call now for 1st month free, $75.00 /off 1st year. 1-855-514-1183. LIFE ALERT. One press of a button sends help fast, 24/7! At home & on the go. Mobile Pendant w/GPS. Free first aid kit with subscription. 877537-8817 free brochure.
Miscellaneous: Out Of Town
Page 3 September 3, 2020
20+ ANO experiencia— todas las solicitudes de inmigracion o renova- ciones, divorcios y tra- ducciones certificadas completedas rapida- mente y barato. Envie un mensaje de texto a las solicitudes de cita 432661-4741. Noches y fines de semana dis- ponibles.
THE KENT Companies, Join our team!! Big Ben- Attention homeowners! efits. Apply today at You can protect your ap- www.kentkwik.com pliances & systems. For TIME SHARE just a little more than a Cancellation! Avoid time $1.00/day. Call now for share cancellation A- Z Storage & U-Haul 1st month free, $75.00/ scams. Consumer pro-Center. Kay Kinsey new off 1st year. 1-855-514- tection attorney will get a onsite manager. 1315 E. legal low flat fee, cancel- 5th, Odessa, Tx. 4321183 lation for less with a 337-0321. Boy Scout compensa- 100% money back guar- AERATION tion fund - Anyone inap- antee. Timesharebegone ACTION propriately touched by a has an A+ BBB rating Waste Water Manage- Scout leader deserves and 5 star review. Call for ment Specializing in justice & compensation! a quote 1-800-223-1770 drain field and leach field Victims may be eligible or go to our website rejuvenation without dig- ging up your yard. for significant cash set- www.legallyout.com tlement. Time is limited. WANTS TO purchase 4 3 2 - 5 9 9 - 3 4 8 4 . drainyouryard@ 833-729-0164 minerals and other oil & gmail.com CASH FOR CARS: We gas interests. Send de- Buy Any Condition Vehi- tails P.O. Box 13557, ASO ROOFING & Construction. 25 Years cle, 2002 and Newer. Denver, Co 80201 Experience. Residential Nationwide Free Pick Up! *COWBOY CORNER Call Now: 1-800-864- Carports, Barns, Storage & Commercial. All types roofing. Free Estimates. 5960. Buildings, R.V Covers, Salvador 432-310-2490, DirectTv Now. No Sat- Garages. Custom Com- 432-308-7460. www.aso Structures! roofingandconstruction ellite. $40/mo 65 Chan- mercial nels. Stream news, live 140mph wind guarantee- @yahoo.com events, sports & on de- All Steel- Free Installa- mand titles. No con-tion. 13308 W. Hwy. 80E. 432-563-0505. 444 tract/commitment. 1-866-825-6523 *GO CARTS: rebuilt- like AT SUNSET Dish TV $59.99 190 new. Several to choose MEMORIAL channels + $14.95 high from. 432-367-0978. speed internet. Free In- *ROBERT’S GARDENS IN AUTO stall, smart HD DVR & CARE We buy junk cars ODESSA voice remote. Restric-running or not running, A Beautiful & tions apply. 1-833-872- $100- $200. With or with- Peaceful Resting 2545. out title. 432-416-1726. Place. Located in the Hearing aids! Bogo free! *SENIOR CITIZEN Good High-quality recharge- Shepherd Section Delight* Mobile Home & able Nano priced 90% R.V. Spaces. Extra Nice Lot #263 less than competitors. Yards with large shade Serious Inquiries Nearly invisible! 45-day trees, fenced. NO dogs. Only money back guarantee! 7409 West 20th. ALSO: *PRICED TO SELL* 833-669-5806 Other R.V. Spaces Call me for all details If no one answers Life Alert. One press of Available. Inquire: please leave a a button sends help fast, Mrs. Jones 432-381message and I will 24/7! At home & on the 2244, 432-230-4943. return your call go. Mobile Pendant w/ 1940 BUICK 4 door, reg- GPS. Free first aid kit istration started, much 432-333-3867 with subscription. 877- done but needs finished. 537-8817 free brochure. 575-392-6072. BURIAL PLOT For Sale. MAKE AMERICANS 2 CEMETARY Plots for Original Price $4100. Great. Biden Warren T- sale. Sunset Memorial Selling $3500 Nego- shirts, yard signs and Gardens. Garden of Har- tiable. Sunset Memorial. hats. Go to our website mony. 432-559-9710. Call 432-248-5276. http://letsdumptrump Odessa. American Classifieds is on Twitter 2020.net Moving Out of state within 30-60 days? Mov- ing APT offers price match guarantee & risk free reservations. Car- riers licensed & bonded. Free quote 1-877-8591908
New authors wanted! AT&T Internet. Starting Page Publishing will help at $40/month w/12-mo self-publish your book. agmt. 1 TB of data/mo. Free author submission Ask how to bundle & kit! Limited offer! SAVE! Geo & svc re-866-951-7214 strictions apply. YOUR AD Could be here. 1-888-796-8850 Call 325-944-7653
325-944-SOLD Check Out Our Website: www.AngeloAds.com • American Classifieds San Angelo & The Concho Valley Area Call 325-944-7653 /1-800-357-2722
15’ FISHING canoe with 40 lb. thrust electric trolling motor, $600. obo MEXICAN PURE Vanil- (325) 277-2960 la Extract 8 oz. $5, Liter $9.50-$11. Leos Imports, 25 W Twohig Ave. 325655-5367. 994 UTE PASS Thursday, Friday & Saturday 8-2.Furniture, clothes & more. MAKING SOME ChangWONDERWOOD es Around the House? FIREPLACE - WOOD Think of the Habitat ReBURNER, IDEAL Store FIRST! We tend FOR HUNTING CABto resemble a home imIN. COMES WITH EXprovement store. The HAUST PIPE, ROOF items you’ll find will range CAP COMPLETE, from brand new to gently ELECTRIC BLOWER, used. Lighting, Ceiling Fans, shelving, Blinds, $400. 325-656-1400. shutters, Cabinets, Doors & windows, sinks, toilets, 1982 4WD Toyota with 656-8517, bathtubs, paint. Open rack.(325) Tues-Thurs 9AM-1PM; (325) 949-4200. Last Saturday of every DUNE BUGGY. $450. month 8:30AM-11:30PM. (325) 656-8517, (325) 401 N. Chadbourne, 325- 949-4200. 655-7535. DOVE HUNTING Lease at Norton, Texas with Guns Guns freshly combined milo fields and spring-fed I BUY: UNWANTED pond. $70/day or $500/ firearms. Call (325) season. Call and text (325) 895-1606. 374-2013. DOVE HUNTING WE BUY gold. We buy CLOSE to San Angelo. guns. Wild Bill’s Pawn, (325) 656-1950. 1315 MLK, (325) 658- PICK-UP CAMPER 7066. with fridge, AC & stand. CHEAP. (325) 656-8517, Hunting & (325) 949-4200. Fishing 3-WEST TEXAS GAME FEEDERS, in great DEVIL’S MOUN- shape. Work perfectly. TAIN RIFLE RANGE Ready to use. These are Reloading Supplies, not junk, but have been Special orders. NEW serviced properly. Asking HOURS: Closed $250 each or OBO. (325) Monday & Tuesday; 650-7661. Wednesday-Friday Miscellaneous: 1pm-6pm; Saturday 9am-6pm; Sunday Out Of Town 1:30pm-6pm (325) 653-2525, (325) 653AVAILABLE SOON 9633, (325) 656-5139. Prime location, beauCAMPER TRAILER tiful 3 bedroom, 2 bath running board(325) 656- on E. Broadway, Midland. Very large family 8517, (325) 949-4200. room with pool table. MUZZLELOADING Large updated island SUPPLIES & equipkitchen, small privacy ment. Texas Gun yard. $1995. Call Don Shop, 1018 W. Be@ 432-889-7221. auregard, (325) 949BURNING WOOD Stove 0020. Ashley 2010 with iron DOVE HUNTING. Water floor protector. $450. tank, grain fields & sun- Questions call flowers. (325) 656-8565 . 210-675-5347.
Garage Sales
BLACK RIFLE COFFEE. Only at Texas Gun Shop, 1018 W. Beauregard, (325) 949-0020.
HUNTING LEASE Southwest of Sheffield, TX. Mule and white tail deer on 3000 acres with cabin, 5 hunters at $3000 per gun.Booking for 2020. Call or Text (432) 360-5187. EXCELLENT DOVE HUNTING 1 mile from San Angelo city limits. Easy access off highway. 325-245-3895. WEST TEXAS GAME FEEDERS. Feeders, traps, tripods, blinds. Sales, service and repair. CORN & PROTEIN PELLETS. 3312 N. CHADBOURNE, (325) 653-3678. www. westtexasgamefeeders.com www.angeloads.com
CALL FOR all your Home Repairs. Sheetrock, taping & bedding, interior/ exterior painting, texturing, windows, doors & roofing. Randy 432-269-1898.
CARPENTRY, PAINTING, Sheetrock repair, texture, roof leaks, fence repair, gates, mowing, cleanups. Lots of experience. Reasonable. Have references. Ronny 432238-2597.
COLORADO CITY, TEXAS: Owner will finance 341 W 6th. Cute 2 bedroom, 1 bath home located on a corner lot. Great layout!! Carport parking. $44,900 with $5000/ down, $429/ monthly. Call Analee @ 432-260-6009
COME AND learn the Hebraic roots of our Faith. Every Wednesday 7 p.m. 3319 N. Golder, Odessa. 432-557-1591. All Are Welcome. DOG BOARDING & PRO TRAINING www.432dogs.com 432-248-9285 E-FILE TAX Services. Translating Services. Notary. Call 432-2887840 by appointment.
EMET HA TORAH. Hebraic Roots study every Saturday at 11:00 a.m. 3319 N. Golder, Odessa. All Are welcome. 432557-1591.
EXTREME AC/HEAT Service. Changeouts, maintenance, new construction, specializing in mobile homes. Financing available. Free Estimates. Licensed/ Insured. Habla espanol. Alex 432-208-3739. Lic#TACLA45781E FILL DIRT and Caliche for sale. Delivered in Odessa for $140 a load. 432-202-6222, 432-3106140. FOR SALE Red and Live Oak Trees. Single and multi trunk. Farm grown. Burlap bagged. For more information 325-792-7453. FREE LUMBER Call to pick up. 432-557-1993.
FREE PICK UP Washers and Dryers only. Call 432-260-1237.
FRESH CANTALOUPE, Watermelon and Vegetables. 2745 North FM 1936 in front of Arlene’s Flowers. Look for the Big Red Trailer. Ask for Kenny.
FRONT YARDS Starting at $25.00. Yard Work, Mowing, weedeating, alley clean up in Odessa. Frank 432-349-6277. American Classifieds is on Facebook American Classifieds is on Twitter COME JOIN Our Team! The Kent Companies. Big Benefits. Apply today at www.kentkwik.com
GARDEN PATCH FARMERS MARKET Peaches, Watermelon, cantaloupe, tomatoes, apples. 3602 Golder. Monday- Saturday 9-5.
NEED PERSONAL ASSISTANT/ HOUSEKEEPER/ COOKING. Must be dependable. 432-352-6985 for interGRAPHIC ARTIST view. Needed - Must be profi- NOVENA PRAYER: cient in photoshop - In- May the most Sacred Design - Adobe Acrobat - Heart of Jesus be loved fast paced - part time - and adored in all the tabPay According to experi- ernacles of the world, ence with room to grow. with justified affection, Need to come in and do even to the end of time. some ads for an inter- May the Sacred Heart of view and pass a back- Jesus be praised and ground check. Also fa- glorifed throughout the miliar with uploads whole world, now and PDF’s, dropbox. Flowing forever. St. Jude, help of ads and using Mac’s - the hopeless, aid me in Must be self motivated, my distress. St. Jude dependable and able to pray for us and hear our take instruction, flow ads, prayers. Blessed be the create ads. Apply Thrifty Immaculate Heart of Nickel, 2611 Golder Mary. Blessed be St. Ave., Odessa, Texas ask Jude Thaddeus, in all the for Shaughn or Gail. world, and for all eternity. HOT DEALS On Nissan (Say one Our Father and Wheels. Nissan of Mid- one Hail Mary). land. 800-971-4121. This is a powerful noveNissanofMidland.com na to a very special saint. LAND— I Will Owner To encourage devotion Finance with down $ to St. Jude, distribute this payment. Great location or acknowledge in writing in West Odessa. Bruce favors received. Say the 214-543-7397 or Kevin novena for nine consec469-200-9791. utive days leaving nine LIGHT BULBS and Bal- copies in the church lasts. Light bulb sales- each day. No matter how man remaining inventory impossible it may seem, for sale. Over 400 bulbs your prayers will be anand ballasts. All shapes swered on or before the and sizes. 432-638- ninth day. This novena has never been known to 0530. fail. Prayers Granted. LOOKING FOR A Con- J.L. gregation That Worships on the 7th Day Sabbath OKRA FOR Sale: And Study’s The Hebrew $5.00/ pound. Pecans roots of Christianity? for Sale: $10.00/ Emet Ha Torah, 3319 N. pound. 432-385-9677. Golder, Odessa, TX. 432-557-1591. OWNER WILL Finance 1 acre of land in Midland MIRACULOUS PRAYER located off of Front St. No Dear heart Jesus, in the utilities, but can get City past I have asked for fa- Utilities. Zoned Comvors. This time I ask you mercial. $59,900, this very special one $10,000/ down. Call (mention favor). Take it Analee @ 432-260-6009 dear Jesus and place it within your own broken PICK UP UNWANTED heart where your Father Appliances. Call 432sees it, then in your mer- 308-9012. ciful eyes it will become your favor and not mine, SAVE FREEDOM and Amen. Say this prayer for America. Vote straight 3 days, promise publica- Republican. tion and favor will be granted. Never known to SHEETMETAL FOR fail. J.A. Sale: R Panel & U Panel. NEED A Container? 432-202-6222, 432-310Containers For Sale. 6140. ASC Equipment 432- REVIEW US! Tell us 520-7653. what you think on Yelp! AMERICAN CLASSI- @American Classifieds Want Ads. FIEDS is on Twitter
SMALL TRAILER Close to I-20 and Shopping Centers, Odessa. $600/ month, $200/ deposit. Bills included. 432-770-5705. SPECIALTYTRUCKS OFLUBBOCK.COM Mike...... 806-401-4491 Jason.... 806-535-9012
STUNNING RENTAL Available in Midland, Texas. Plenty of privacy found in this single story 2 bedroom 1 bath townhouse located outside of downtown Midland. Beautiful courtyard/hot tub, wet bar and fireplace are just a few of the amenities available. Fenced in backyard, garage parking. It’s a must see!! Make this townhouse your private getaway! 1202 College #2 Midland, Texas. $1900 month, $1900 deposit. Call Analee to schedule a viewing. 432-260-6009 Thank You JESUS MarkBerryhill.com Ministering for Christ 1-4
TOTAL POOL Remodeling. Replaster, Tile, coping, deck, regardless of conditions and waterfalls. By Manny Ribera native Midlander est. 1981 free estimates. Video here: https://youtu.be/ 8LlUKSdQDlg WANTED: 8x10 Storage Building, skid mounted. Good condition. Call 432-770-2731.
WEST TEXAS Ready Mix. $50 OFF First Time Customer. 432-3494322. 650 Adrian Rd., Odessa.
#1 ALL Pro Roofing Co. Will beat any competitors Price- Guaranteed. Locally owned since 1967. Free Estimates. Se Habla Espanol. 432-9403102.
AND NOW 24 Hour Emergency Service. Be sure to call Texas Electric for your Electrical needs. Industrial, Commercial, Residential. Free in Home Safety Checks! Free Estimates. Licensed/ Insured. TECL #28214. Jesse: 432-202-1011 Joe: 432-853-4656
4 CEMETERY LOTS in Sunset Memorial Gardens, Odessa, TX. Each LOT has 2 side by side spaces. Sold by LOTS only. EACH LOT (2 spaces) is $8500. Lot 282, Spaces 1 & 2; Lot 283, Spaces 1 & 2; Lot 284, Spaces 1 & 2; Lot 285, Spaces 1 & 2. Prime location in Devotion Gardens along the sidewalk in front of mausoleum. Call 325-388-9286.
BOOT STRAPS & BRA STRAPS Book. On Amazon & Audible. Need to start over this year? FREE REBOOT GIFTS: www.SheilaMac.com BUILD/ REPAIR- Caliche services, deliver, spread, compact on same day. Call or text 432-6617951.
BUYING GOLD, silver and platinum coins. Call for daily quotes. 432333-4653. The Vault Gold and Silver, 1600 E. 8th, Odessa. Serving the Permian Basin for 40 Years.
ALL SIZES of River Rock, boulders. Top soil, fill dirt, brush hauling, demolition hauling. 432661-1180. C&G PLUMBING Water, ALPHA FOAM Roofing. sewer, gas line replaceWe’re Specialist in Insu- ment. Specialize mobile lation, Foam. We work home hook-ups. Free eswith marble, quartz. We timates. Lic #39698. 432432-208Sell Insulation/ Rent In- 272-1576, Fax 432-272sulation Equipment. Es- 6105. panol/ English 432-238- 1308. 7717, 432-294-0414. CALL FIDELS Electrical ANDERSON MOBILE Service for all your InHome Service. Move, dustrial, Commercial and block and level. Serving Residential electrical upOdessa and East Texas. grades, repairs or new installation, 432-563432-270-4007. 4811. TELC#22488. ANY DIRT and caliche work. Licensed septic CALL FOR all your tank installer. Insurance Home Repairs. Sheetincluded. Call Oscar 432- rock, taping & bedding, 557-6580 or 432-556- interior/ exterior painting, texturing, windows, 8937. doors & roofing. Randy 432-269-1898. ARE YOU PREGNANT? CONSIDER- CALL TODAY To Make ING ADOPTION? Let Appointment. Sewell us help! Immediate fi- Ford, 2440 East 8th. nancial assistance 432-498-0215. available. Housing, DYNAMIC medical, counseling CANDY’S and more. Call Adop- Move Singlewides & tion United 24/7 1- Doublewides. Bonded, 8 8 8 - 6 1 7 - 1 4 7 0 ( vo i d insured, licensed. 25 years experience. Free where prohibited) estimates. B BUG FREE Pest Ser- # M H D I N S 0 0 0 0 4 3 0 3 . vice for homes and busi- 432-238-8019, 432-367nesses. Free termite In- 5216. spections. Call 432-230- CERAMIC TILE Service: 6659, 432-366-6917. Showers, countertops, B&L LANDSCAPING floor tile. Entire Basin. and Tree Service. Bucket 432-557-0372. truck, chipper, stump THE KENT Companies, grinder, licensed arborist. Join our team!! Big BenInsured. Senior discount. efits. Apply today at Free estimates. 432-661- www.kentkwik.com 7049, 432-661-7029.
Call 325-944-7653 / 325-944-SOLD 1-800-357-2722
Check Out Our Website: www.AngeloAds.com • American Classifieds San Angelo & The Concho Valley Area
Page 5 September 3, 2020
All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 as amended which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familiar status or national origin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertisement for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination, call HUD toll-free at 1-800-424-8590. For the Washington DC area, please call HUD at 426-3500.
Million Dollar Producer
$2,000 Mo. 422 Madison 3/2
11488 Hwy 87 2/1
Ruben C. Martinez REALTORS®
$750 Mo.
Let’s List It & Sell It!
413 N. Jefferson 1/1
Dierschke & Dierschke (325) 234-1659 rubenm@zipnet.us
$1,300 Mo.
5934 State Hwy 87 S 2/1 For Professional Property Management Call Bob / Genene Dierschke & Dierschke REALTORS ddrealtors@airmail.net
1-800-926-4864 325-340-3121 Houses for Sale
NO SELLER Finance. ATTENTION INVESTORS! 306 E. 22nd. $75,000. CALL 325-2349637. FOR SALE by owner. 1607 Blas St. in Ozona, Texas. 76943. 1 bedroom, 1 bath, $9,000. Call 325-226-1331. LOPEZ ROOFING All types of roofing. No job too small. Hot tar jobs also. Free estimates. (325) 284-8154, Nick Lopez. BBB Member.
3333 ADRIAN - 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 car garage, new paint and flooring, asking $139,000. 325-653-2030 A REALTOR you can trust. Thomas Delgado, Coldwell Banker Legacy, (325) 245-7678. NO SELLER Finance. ATTENTION INVESTORS! 85 E. 22nd. $57,000. CALL 325-2349637. 2726 SOUTHWESTERN - 3 bedroom, 1 bath with 2 living areas, carport, completely remodeled with new paint, carpet, and granite countertops in the kitchen, asking $149,000. 325-653-2030 NO SELLER Finance. ATTENTION INVESTORS! 1161 E. 23rd. $60,000. CALL 325-2349637. NO SELLER Finance. ATTENTION INVESTORS! Vacant Lot. $15,000. CALL 325-2349637. HOUSE AND 15 acres for sale. One mile outside city limits off Grape Creek Rd. House is brick. Built in 1972. Needs work and updates. Priced at $299,000. If interested call 325-277-1159. CASH FOR HOUSES any location, any condition. (325) 650-5900. 108 E. 24th - 2 bedroom, 1 bath, completely remodeled, CH/CA, asking $89,000. 325-653-2030 REVIEW US! Tell us what you think on Yelp! @American Classifieds Want Ads.
FOR SALE by owner! 118 Buena Vista, Ozona, Texas 76943. 2 bedroom, 1 bath. Corner lot. $50,000. Call 325-2261331. NO SELLER Finance. ATTENTION INVESTORS! 424 E. 38th. $47,000. CALL 325-2349637. NO SELLER Finance. ATTENTION INVESTORS!. 809 E. 37th. $55,000. CALL 325-2349637. NO SELLER Finance. ATTENTION INVESTORS! 604 W. 15th. $35,000. CALL 325-2349637. VISIONARY BUYER. Great older house for sale by owner. Multiple attributes like wooden doors, and more. 3 bedroom, 2 bath,House must be relocated. 469-3632480. NO SELLER Finance. ATTENTION INVESTORS! 1505 Hudson. Vacant Lot. $15,000. CALL 325-234-9637. 1 ACRE BARGAIN. 3br. brick close to town, fenced around, split bedrooms. $139,500. Bob Ingram (325) 944-1630. THOMAS DELGADO, committed to you and your real estate investment. Coldwell Banker Legacy, (325) 245-7678.
Houses for Rent unfurn. WEST SIDE 2/1, immaculate, modern decor & appliances, CH/ CA, covered patio, 10x10 storage building. No pets. $750/ mo. Barth Realty (325) 277-8517. 1213 N. GARFIELD, 2 bedroom, 1.5 bath townhouse, $850 month, $600 deposit. (325) 242-2283. PUBLIC HOUSING accepted. One, two & three bedroom houses available. (325) 6508581, San Angelo. 3225 ROCKBROOK 3bdrm/2ba, FP, wood floors, brick, double garage, fenced. $1400. $1000 dep. (325) 7169446. A TERRIBLE Thing H appens To Businesses That Don’t Advertise... NOTHING! Advertise in our Business & Service Section. 325-944-7653
56 GOODFELLOW-3BDRM/2 bath, tile floors, lg. living area, mini bar, washer/dryer hookup, CH/CA, garage. Fresh paint, fenced backyard, $1150 month, $1000 deposit. Pets extra deposit. (325) 650-0212. 2, 3 & 4 Bedroom homes for sale or lease. Possible owner finance. James Thomas, Broker, SARE, (325) 277-5478. PUBLIC HOUSING APPROVED, 1bdrm. house. 1302 PREUSSER (rear house) $695 month plus electric & gas. No pets. (325) 650-8581. 1901 SPAULDING. 2bdrm/1ba house. Refrigerator & stove furnished. Garage. NO PETS. $600mo/$500dep. (325) 374-3187, (325) 658-6451. 21 W. 27TH, 2bdrm, 1bath, $750 month, $750 deposit. (325) 450-2799. 9922 E. CARLSBAD LOOP, 1 bedroom, 1 bath. Recently remodeled. Large shop. Country living. $950 month plus deposit. (325) 2772499.
Farm & Ranch CUSTOM CUTTERS Farm & Ranch, Clay Lange, Grubbing, Raking, Roads, Fences, Ditches, Tanks, Rock Saw, Bobcats,Dozers, Excavators, Backhoes, Water Lines, 325-2347399 claylange@wcc.net
10 ACRES red Creek LOW RATES ON ELECsubdivision in tom green TRICITY! Call or Text co. 5 acre tract 4 martin Kim today 254-252-2097 road, 5 acre tract 5 martin road, $100,000 for all. 9 WEST AVE. P. 1 bedroom apartment. (325) 656-9842. $595 monthly plus THREE SHADY lots electricity. No pets. for sale in Winters, TX. (325) 650-8581. $12,000. (325) 655-9433, (325) 473-1006. LAKE SPENCE Estates, Real Estate: Robert Lee, TX. 2 lots adOut Of Town joining 1/3 undivided interest in one lot 1/2 undivided interest in the other *WANT TO BUY? lot. Approx. 12 miles from Roger Will Sell. Robert Lee. $100 each Want to Sell? Roger lot. FMI contact George Will Buy. Want A New Jackson 870-672-3064. House? Roger will 25 ACRES N. of Bronte. build it for you. $225,000. (325) 653- Robles Real Estate, 432-638-6443. 3857.
Real Estate For Sale HUNTING/ INVESTMENT/ RECREATIONAL PROPERTY. We have some of the best in Texas from the Hill Country (Edwards, Menard, Coke, Val Verde County, free ranging exotics), to South Texas (Kinney, Duval, Live Oak County, whitetail, hogs). Large acreage or small. 30 year fixed rate owner financing. Only 5% Down. Call toll free or email for individual prices and terms. ranchenterprisesltd.com 800-876-9720 HOUSE FOR SALE 1 bdrm/1ba. $75,000. 325656-6112.
Manufactured Housing
BRAND NEW Manufactured Home for Rent. 4 bedrooms/2 bath. References and Employment 39.605 ACRES, DOOLE, Verified. 325-486-9000 TX. Farm land, $2,650 GRAPE CREEK - SEVper acre. (325) 656-9842. ERAL nice 2 and 3 bedroom singlewides for rent 57 ACRES $150,000 starting at $400 deposit Coleman County. Big and $550 month. No inmesquite trees. Water side pets. Application reand Electric meters. quired. www.grapecreekPond. Minerals con- homes.com vey. Broker Mathew Gaines. 325-625-9001 Apartments http://www.gainesland. unfurnished com/ gainesranch@ gmail.com ONE BEDROOM NO SELLER Finance. APARTMENTS. $500/ ATTENTION INVES- mo. 2 & 3 BEDROOM TORS! Vacant Lot. 1910 HOMES available. Call Armstrong. $15,000. Lee (325) 315-4860 for CALL 325-234-9637. details. AMERICAN CLASSI- SELL IT Fast with your FIEDS is in print and on- American Classifieds line at: angeloads.com 325-944-7653.
Lots/Land/ Acreage
stephensranchrealestate.com San Angelo: 800/880-0769 Mertzon: 325/650/1279 FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS! 14 ACRES - BRADY, TEXAS 1520 Simpson St, good fence, city water. 103 FLEMING - MERTZON, TEXAS 4 Bedroom, 2 Bath Home with Fenced Yard, City Water and It’s Own Well.
Call Roy or Jay: 325-942-0769
Please Check Our Website For Other Listing or Call Us!
COLORADO CITY, TEXAS: Owner will fi- nance 341 W 6th. Cute 2 bedroom, 1 bath home located on a corner lot. Great layout!! Carport park- ing. $44,900 with $5000/ down, $429/ monthly. Call Analee @ 432-260-6009
NOW INTERVIEWING Licensed Realtors. Independent Broker needs Realtors in the State of Texas. For more information call Roger Robles Broker, Robles Real Estate, 432-638-6443.
NEWLY REMODELED 1 bedroom downstairs Odessa Apartment. Shopping close, laundry room, new paint/ carpet. Utilities paid except electric, designated cov- ered parking, pool. Good neighborhood. $625/ month. 432-208-9965.
APARTMENT FOR Rent, ESTAMOS INTRE- VISTANDO agentes 1 bedroom, bills paid, low en el Estado de Tex- rent. 432-438-0585. as, con licencia de EFFICIENCY FOR rent: bienes raices. Para All bills paid, between mas informacion Midland and Stanton. For EFFICIENCY FOR rent: llame al Roger Robles more information call, All bills paid, between Broker, Robles Real 432-349-3944. Midland and Stanton. For Estate, 432-638-6443. EFFICIENCY APART- more information call, 432-349-3944. OWNER WILL Fi- MENT for Rent, Odessa. nance 1 acre of land Utilities paid. Special FILL DIRT and Caliche in Midland located off Available. 432-556-9548. for sale. Delivered in of Front Street. No util- EFFICIENCY Odessa for $140 a load. ities, but can get City SMALL 432-202-6222, 432-310- Utilities. Zoned Com- House with nice kitchen & bathroom. 5709 Beaty, 6140. mercial. $59,900, Odessa. $800/ month $10,000/ down. Call plus $800/ deposit. Bills GOOD CREDIT? Why Analee @ 432-260included. 432-631-6279. Not Buy A Mobile Home. 6009 Zero Down. Ask Me How. Call Nancy 432-550STUNNING RENTAL WE BUY Junk! Grimes Available in Midland, QUIERE COMPRAR? 0293. RI01543. Iron & Metal. Top prices! Texas. Rogelio le vende. HOT DEALS On Nissan 432-385-0360. Plenty of privacy Quiere vender? Wheels. Nissan of Mid- 1 BEDROOM, 1 bath found in this single Rogelio le compra. land. 800-971-4121. Apartment. All bills paid, story 2 bedroom 1 Quiere casa nueva? NissanofMidland.com laundry room on site, bath townhouse lo- Rogelio se la con- outside of struye. Robles Real HUGE DOUBLE Wide 4 parking. No pets. Odes- cated downtown Midland. 2 bath. sa. 432-332-1661. Estate, 432-638-6443. bedroom/ Beautiful courtyard/ $79,000. Deliver to your 2019 SINGLEWIDE Re- lot. 949-735-6175, Odes- 1 BEDROOM Newly re- hot tub, wet bar and modeled Odessa Apart- fireplace are just a few duced for A Quick Sell. sa, Tx. RI01543. ment. Shopping close, of the amenities avail- Call Big Al for info. 949HUNTING/ INVEST- laundry room, new paint, able. Fenced in back- 735-6175. Ri01543. MENT/ RECREATIONAL carpet & tile. Utilities paid yard, garage parking. 4 BEDROOMS 2 baths PROPERTY. We have except electric, desig- It’s a must see!! Make mobile home for sale some of the best in Tex- nated covered parking, this townhouse your with 3/4 Acre. 1788 as from the Hill Country pool. Good neighbor- private getaway! Menard, hood. $600/ month. South of Interstate. (Edwards, 1202 College #2 Mid- $130,000. 432-661- Coke, Val Verde County, 432-208-9965. land, Texas. free ranging exotics), to 1180. $1900 month, $1900 South Texas (Kinney, 1 BEDROOM Apartment, deposit. 90 DAY No Pay with pur- Duval, Live Oak County, 1 bath in Odessa. Call for chase of Selected whitetail, hogs). Large information 432-332- Call Analee to sched- ule a viewing. Homes. Special Financ- acreage or small. 30 2093. 432-260-6009 ing. Big J Mobile Homes, year fixed rate owner fi- DE 5725 Andrews Hwy. 432- nancing. Only 5% Down. APARTAMENTO renta de una recamara, SELL IT Fast with your 550-0293. Ri01543. Call toll free or email for biles pagados y baja ren- American Classifieds or individual prices and ta. 432-438-0585. Come by 2027 Sherwood AVAILABLE SOON terms. ranchenterpri- Way, San Angelo Prime location, beau- sesltd.com 800-876tiful 3 bedroom, 2 bath 9720 on E. Broadway, Mid- land. Very large family LEVELLAND: 3/ 3/ 2 /1A. room with pool table. 4/ 4/ 2, basement, 46x60 Large updated island shop on 85 acres CRP. Sell, Rent. kitchen, small privacy Shops: yard. $1995. Call Don Acreages. Farrar Realty 806-894-7099. @ 432-889-7221. BUYING HOUSES and Land. We Pay Cash. Quick Close. Bruce 214543-7397, Kevin 469200-9791.
NEED A Container? Containers For Sale. ASC Equipment 432520-7653.
THE KENT Companies, Join our team!! Big Ben- CALL TODAY To Make efits. Apply today at Appointment. Sewell www.kentkwik.com Ford, 2440 East 8th. 432-498-0215. VISIONARY BUYER. Great older house for LAND— I Will Owner sale by owner. Multiple Finance with down $ attributes like wooden payment. Great location doors, and more. 3 bed- in West Odessa. Bruce room, 2 bath,House must 214-543-7397 or Kevin be relocated. 469-363469-200-9791. 2480.
$110’S FRIENDLY NEIGHBORHOOD! -Large 3Bdrm/ 2Ba home just blocks from the school and Main St. in Bronte, TX. 2 nice storage units and great trees with a patio area and privacy fence. (101980) $110’S LARGE LOT! -Nice 3Bdrm/1Ba home centrally located. Hardwood floors, 1 car attached carport. Has both well and city water. Great starter home! (102132) $120’S - 2 ACRE TRACT! - Lots of possibilities and some appliances will stay with this 3 Bdrm/2Ba home. RV hookup in backyard. Room for animals and school projects. (101884) $160’S - SITS ON 1/2 ACRE! - Lots of care in the remodel of this 3Bdrm/2Ba home. Open floor plan w/granite countertops, stainless steel appliance & luxury vinyl plank flooring. (101960) $180’S - SPACIOUS HOME! - Come see this 3Bdrm/ 2Ba home with 2 bonus rooms and a large living room. Has covered patio and alley access. Backs up to the dam. (101790) $180’S - LOCATION! LOCATION! - Attractive 3Bdrm/1.5Ba home that would be Great for a First Time Home Buyer. Beautiful large trees, garage and carport. (102155) $190’S - NEWLY RENOVATED! - 3Bdrm/1.5Ba home sits on 3 lots. Home has been painted, new roof, fixtures, windows and appliances. Large pecan trees. (102038) $220’S - AWESOME HUNTING! - 21 Acres in Wall School District. Property has well water and electricity and 1Bdrm Hunters Cabin. A creek runs through property. (100380) $450’S RIVER TERRACE! - Beautiful wood parquet flooring, with extensive crown molding and trim in this 3Bdrm/5.5Ba. All of the 5th Floor! Very Large Rooms! (101930) $500’S - LOCATION! - 2 acres of prime real estate in a very busy and visible location. Lots of potential for building on this major highway. (88894)
325-944-SOLD Check Out Our Website: www.AngeloAds.com • American Classifieds San Angelo & The Concho Valley Area Call 325-944-7653 /1-800-357-2722
Real Estate: Out Of Town
1 BEDROOM, 1 bath House For Rent. 650 Sq. Ft. Located 6528 El Paso off of Yukon. New AC and heating unit. Appliances included. $800 ROOM FOR Rent. Must monthly, $400 deposit. have references. In Midland. Call 432-556-1085. 432-934-2057. 1612 W. 9th St. 1 Bedroom, 1 bath modern home for rent. With stainless steel appliances, dishwasher, washer/ dryer hookups. Close to hospital, schools and shopping. $1000 per month, $900 deposit. Pets ok. Call for information, 432-770-4013.
2 BEDROOM Houses for rent in West Odessa. 432-308-9111, 432-5538091. No Pets. 2 BEDROOM Duplex, fully furnished including all utilities. TV & Dish TV. Greenwood School District. Call 432-352-4509.
STUNNING RENTAL Available in Midland, Texas. Plenty of privacy found in this single story 2 bedroom 1 bath townhouse located outside of downtown Midland. Beautiful courtyard/ hot tub, wet bar and fireplace are just a few of the amenities available. Fenced in backyard, garage parking. It’s a must see!! Make this townhouse your private getaway! 1202 College #2 Midland, Texas. $1900 month, $1900 deposit. Call Analee to schedule a viewing. 432-260-6009
3 BEDROOM, 1 bath House, kitchen, living room. $600/ deposit. $1000/ month. No inside pets. Odessa. 432-770- WEST ODESSA Room 0032, 915-319-8102. For Rent. 432-257-6077.
3 BEDROOM, 2 bath mobile home, Odessa. Quiet area. $900 month, $500 deposit. No pets. 432-934-3385. 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath, double garage, with convenient access to West Loop 250, Midland. Pool & service included. $1875/ month. 541-297-4560. 3 BEDROOMS, 2 bath, 1109 Alameda. 432-550-7777, 432550-9900. Odessa. HUD Ok.
3 BEDROOMS, 2 bath, 1109 Alameda. 432-550-7777, 432550-9900. Odessa. HUD Ok. * REPOS * Mobile Home. Large Inventory. Single & Doubles. Financed: Call Nancy @ 432-550-0293. Ri01543.
1601 ENGLEWOOD, 3 bedroom, 3 bath, 2 living areas, 3300 square feet, new roof, new carpet. $269,000. 432-631-6279.
BUYING HOUSES and Land. We Pay Cash. Quick Close. Bruce 2144 BEDROOM, 1 bath. 543-7397, Kevin 4692416 West 12th. $1350/ 200-9791. month, $1000/ deposit. CASH FOR Houses. Any HUD Ok. No Pets. 432- location. Any condition. 550-3856. 432-559-8060 Call or text 325-650after 5:00. 5900. 902 N. Betty 2 bedroom CITY, house for rent. 432-425- COLORADO TEXAS: Owner will fi5147. nance 341 W 6th. A- Z Storage & U-Haul Cute 2 bedroom, 1 Center. Kay Kinsey new bath home located on onsite manager. 1315 E. a corner lot. Great 5th, Odessa, Tx. 432- layout!! Carport park337-0321. ing. $44,900 with $5000/ down, $429/ monthly. Call Analee AVAILABLE SOON: @ 432-260-6009 Prime location, beautiful 3 bedroom, 2 bath on E. Broadway, Mid- HOUSES SALE: 104 N. land. Very large family Young St., 403 S. Young room with pool table. St., 607 S. Young St., Large updated island 309 East James. Fort kitchen, small privacy Stockton. Sold As-is. yard. $1995. Call Don 512-925-6953. @ 432-889-7221.
CASA CHICA de Renta, un cuarto de dormir, cocina, y bano, $400/ deposito, $800/ renta, pagas la electricidad. 5109 Bryan Road. Llame al 432-438-8278, 432438-8274, Odessa.
EFFICIENCY SMALL House with nice kitchen & bathroom. 5709 Beaty, Odessa. $800/ month plus $800/ deposit. Bills included. 432-631-6279. HOT DEALS On Nissan Wheels. Nissan of Midland. 800-971-4121. NissanofMidland.com
HOUSE FOR Rent (South Odessa). 2 bedrooms, 1 bath & big backyard. $1100 per month, $500 deposit. For more information call 432-385-9617 or 432-202-4438. LARGE CAMPER for rent. 3 slide outs, large screen TV. $800/ month, $400/ deposit, bills paid. In Midland. 432-5289445.
NICE HOUSE: 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, washer/ dryer connections, central A/C. Odessa 432-530-4831 Se habla espanol.
I BUY UGLY HOUSES CASH! Call Jaime Salgado, Broker, JPS Realty, 432-770-5116
*NICE 2 bedroom, 2 bath mobile home. HUD approved. All appliances. $1050/ month, $1050/ deposit. Will work with move in. We furnish water, sewer and trash. No pets. 5816 W. 30th #2, Odessa. 432-661-5202, 432-349-8056, 432-2387944.
MUST SEE: 2 Bedroom, 2 bath, new flooring, interior paint, some new appliances. Extra storage building. $980/ deposit, $980/ per month *RV DE Renta, $600/ rent. No pets. Call/ text mes., biles pagados. 432-230-0797. Loop 338 & Walmart. R.V. FOR Rent. Queen432-923-9903. size bed. Fully furnished. 1 MOBILE Home for $650/ month includes Greenwood Rent. 3 bedrooms, 2 utilities. baths, $1300 a month, School District. Call 432352-4509. $800 deposit. 432-236-7096. RV FOR Rent. Near Wal2 BEDROOM, 1 bath mart West. 432-438trailer house, $1000/ 5950. month, $1000/ deposit. SE RENTA RV chica en Also available an open Midland, cerca del Loop lot for rent. Background 250 East. $550/ mes incheck required. Applica- cluye servicios. tion fee. 432-337-1975. Para informacion Willy 2- TRAVEL Trailers for @ 432-894-7443. Rent in West Odessa. SMALL TRAILER Close Sleeps 4 comfortably. 1- to I-20 and Shopping $400/ month. 1- $500/ Centers, Odessa. $600/ month, $500/ deposit. month, $200/ deposit. You pay electricity. Wa- Bills included. ter/ trash furnished. 432- 432-770-5705. 381-5465. WEST ODESSA. R.V. Rentals $650. Utilities 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath paid, furnished, Readymobile home, Odessa. Move In. Large parking. Quiet area. $900 month, 432-257-6077. $500 deposit. No pets. “OUT YONDER RV 432-934-3385. Park, Andrews. Spaces 90 DAY No Pay with pur- Available. Bills Paid. 432chase of Selected 894-2174. Homes. Special Financ- -AVAILABLE NOW RV ing. Big J Mobile Homes, Spaces, 30 amps only. 5725 Andrews Hwy. 432- Near Andrews Highway/ 550-0293. Ri01543. Yukon, Odessa. 432ACEPTAMOS TODOS 332-5152. los creditos. Ven a Big J 2 BEDROOM, 1 bath Homes y pregunta por trailer house, $1000/ Marisa Ibarra (432)661- month, $1000/ deposit. 9241. RI O1543. Also available an open APARTMENT and R.V. lot for rent. Background For Rent. Call for infor- check required. Application fee. 432-337-1975. mation. 432-238-2245. 50’x160’ LOT For Rent BEAUTIFUL, NICE, to move your singlewide Clean R.V. For Rent. mobile home on. $350/ Also RV Spaces. In month. 300 NW 4th St., Midland please call Andrews, Texas. 214432-770-7054, 432- 395-0709. 634-0978.
CASA MOVIL en alquiler, 3 dormitorios, 2 banos. $900/ mes. Llamar despues de las 5:30. 432-661-6549.
CONSADO DE Pagar Renta? Yo te ayudo a ser dueno de to propia casa. Big J Homes con Marisa Ibarra (432)6619241. RI 01543.
FOR RENT 16x 80 Trailer, 3 bedroom, 2 bath. 2417 Judy Ave. #11. References/ Background MOBILE HOME for sale, Check. 281-844-9115. 2 years old small 28x44 doublewide 3/2. $75k. FOR RENT 2 bedroom, 1 Call Charles 432-234- 1/2 bath mobile home. West Odessa, 3/4 Acre. 7198. Totally fenced. 432-5563798, 432-212-4662. OWNER FINANCE. 2 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath. In Odessa. 432-307-7505. FOR RENT Mobile Home 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, new PAY CASH for Repo & appliances, new flooring, Used Homes. Great fresh paint. $850/ month, Prices! Call Nancy- You $425/ deposit. Odessa. Need It, We Find It! 432- No Pets. 432-552-9640. 550-0293. RI01543. FOR RENT with the OpWEST TEXAS Ready tion to Buy. 2 bedroom, 1 Mix. $50 OFF First Time bath Mobile Home with 2 Customer. 432-349- car garage and privacy 4322. 650 Adrian Rd., fence. 432-940-1411. Odessa. FOR RENT: 3 bedroom, *NICE 1 1/2 bedroom, 1 2 bath mobile home in bath mobile home. Has West Odessa. 432-238all appliances. Move in 8382. special $850 per month. We furnish water sewer LARGE CAMPER for and trash. No pets. 5816 rent. 3 slide outs, large W. 30th #1, Odessa. screen TV. $800/ month, 432-661-5202, 432-349- $400/ deposit, bills paid. In Midland. 432-5288056, 432-238-7944. 9445. ELL IT Fast with your AMERICAN CLASSIAmerican Classifieds FIEDS is online at: or Come by 2027 Sherwww.angeloads.com wood Way, San Angelo
MOBILE HOME for Rent in West Odessa, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. 432-2026222, 432-310-6140.
EXTRA NICE with yard 50x100 Space. 7423 West 20th, off Redondo Street. 432381-2244. FOR RENT 2- R.V. Spaces 2617 & 2617 1/2 Apollo, Odessa. $450/ month, $150/ deposit. Bills paid, Electric paid up to $50. 432-940-1184. FOR RENT R.V. Spaces in Greenwood, 6800 East County Road 110. For info. 432-230-7817.
RV SPACES for rent in Monahans. 432-4255147.
RV SPACES for Rent. 30 amp/ $300, 50 amp/ $350. 432-889-0144. RV SPACES Available: 50/ 30/ 20 AMP Services. Pleasant Farms area. $450 a month includes utilities and WiFi. 432438-8832. RV SPOTS Available in RV Park. Inside city limits off of JBS Parkway. Spacious 3500 square foot lots with full hookups, city, well water included. 2801 East Pearl. For more information call 432559-2947.
GOLDSMITH: R.V. Space For Rent. Fenced yard, laundromat on site, playground. Bills Paid. Dogs Welcome. 432202-1401, or 432-664WEST ODESSA R.V. 1732. Spaces. Utilities Paid. HARRIS RV Park, Large Parking. 30/ 50 2500 W. Yukon, Odessa. Amps. 432-257-6077. 30/ 50 amp hook-ups. 432-664-1868, 432-661* REPOS * 8467. Mobile Home. Large Inventory. LARGE RV Space For Single & Doubles. Rent. Ready Now. Financed: Call Nancy Pine & Palm trees @ 432-550-0293. around space, satelRi01543. lite. First Month Free. Bills paid. Come by & ✔✔✔ look at it. Easy access to Midkiff, Cottonflat 2019 SINGLEWIDE Reand Rankin Highway. duced for A Quick Sell. 2505 W. County Road Call Big Al for info. 949140, Midland, Texas. 735-6175. Ri01543. 432-218-6960. 4 BEDROOMS 2 baths mobile home for sale MOBILE RENTAL Spots, with 3/4 Acre. 1788 $575/ month, $500/ de- South of Interstate. posit. 432-236-7096. $130,000. 432-661MOVE IN Special: R.V. 1180. Spaces. $400/ month. 30 5 BEDROOM/ Single. amp. 3020 Milkyway. Call Nancy 432-550432-557-1591. 0293. Ri01543. OASIS BEST RV Park. 90 DAY No Pay with purExcellent location. 30 chase of Selected amp/ $425, 50 amp/ Homes. Special Financ$450. Bills, plus Wifi in- ing. Big J Mobile Homes, cluded. 8414 Skyline 5725 Andrews Hwy. 432Ave., North Odessa. Call 550-0293. Ri01543. 432-238-7827. ACEPTAMOS TODOS R.V. SPACES: For Rent los creditos. Ven a Big J 50 amp/ 30 amp. $400/ Homes y pregunta por month with 6 months Marisa Ibarra (432)661A NEW RV Park lease. All bills paid. 9241. RI O1543. Spaces. Clean, Quiet, Cable available- you pay. with grass yards. Free Midland. Pets Welcome. ACREAGE FOR Sale, West Odessa. We owner Satellite TV and inter- Kelley: 432-661-8337. Finance. Low prices per net. Dogs welcome. acre. Residential/ Com$600/ month. 432✔✔✔ 557-1122, 432-889- R.V. SPACE For Rent. mercial. Bruce 214-5433266. Quiet Odessa area. No 7397. pets. $400/ month. All COME & See our #1 AFFORDABLE R.V. bills paid. 432-934-3385. Seller. Call or text HarLots For Rent. 10774 vey 432-889-8278. ✔✔✔ E. Colgate, GardenSPACES $500 dale, Tx. $500/ month. R.V. Utilities, and Free month, $200 deposit + ✔✔✔ Laundry Room in- electric. Nice, Quiet. Call CONSADO DE Pagar Colby 432-559-0654. cluded. Also 2 R.V.’s Renta? Yo te ayudo a For Rent. Call 214- Very Good Location. ser dueno de to propia 642-0550. casa. Big J Homes con ✔✔✔ Marisa Ibarra (432)661R.V. SPACES Now availCOLISEUM MOBILE able. Call 432-260-2687. 9241. RI 01543. & R.V. PARK DOUBLEWIDE TRAILAvailable Now R.V. RV SPACE For Rent. ER Near Lake Amstead, Spaces. We’re locat- Quiet in the country. Bills Del Rio. Pics can be ed inside the city. paid, trash, electricity, seen on website. For Close to schools, water, sewage, $400/ info. call 432-349-4224. shopping. Park is kept month. Inquire: 4501 S. clean and quiet. For Arizona or see at 4507 S. GET PRE-APPROVED information call Dean Arizona, Monahans. Call for an Auto Loan in 30 Seconds! Call Now Wilson 432-362-1442. 432-448-9320. Permian Mitsubishi RV SPACES 30/ 50 432-332-5344. COVID 19 SPECIAL: amps. available. 1120 S. www.mitsubishicars.com $400/ month 6 month Moss Ave., Odessa. 18 lease. R.V. Spaces. wheeler parking availAll utilities included. able. Se habla espanol GOOD CREDIT? Why Wifi available for $10/ 432-661-4966, 432-638- Not Buy A Mobile Home. Zero Down. month Fee. $200 re- 3485. Ask Me How. Call fundable deposit. 432Nancy 432-550-0293. 967-4282. RI01543. RV SPACES For Rent DOUBLE DD R.V. on Alturas and MockHUGE DOUBLE Wide Park 2628 N. FM ingbird in Odessa. 30 4 bedroom/ 2 bath. 1936, Odessa. 30/ 50 amp/ $400 per month, $79,000. Deliver to Amp Hook Ups. 43250 amp/ $450 per your lot. 949-735664-1868. month. All bills paid, 6175, Odessa, Tx. $200 deposit. 432RI01543. OVER 1,000’S of read- 553-9988. ers every week! Call American Classifieds at American Classifieds is on Twitter ADVERTISE HERE 325-944-7653 325-944-7653
LAND/ HOME We do it right. Subject to lender approval. Call: 1-800456-8944, 432-5205850. RI-35454.
LARGE DOUBLEWIDE Mobile Home Used For Sale. Financing Available. Call Nancy 432550-0293. Ri01543.
METAL FRAME Mobile Home. 2 bedroom, 1.5 bath, $4300 Cash. 432599-5144. MOBILE HOME 3 bedroom/ 2 bath. En un Acre con todos las servicios. $98,000. Por la Westcliff/ 16th St., Odessa, Tx. 949735-6175. Ri05432.
PAY CASH for Repo & Used Homes. Great Prices! Call Nancy- You Need It, We Find It! 432550-0293. RI01543.
LARGE RV Space For Rent. Ready Now. Pine & Palm trees around space, satellite. First Month Free. Bills paid. Come by & look at it. Easy access to Midkiff, Cottonflat and Rankin Highway. 2505 W. County Road 140, Midland, Texas. 432-218-6960. METRO EQUIPMENT & Rental Company. KIOTI CK compact Tractor. 12808 W. I-20 E. Odessa. 432-563-5780. MOBILE HOME 3 bedroom/ 2 bath. En un Acre con todos las servicios. $98,000. Por la Westcliff/ 16th St., Odessa, Tx. 949-735-6175. Ri05432.
OWNER FINANCING. No Qualifying. No Credit Check. 1 Acre Lots with electric. $600 Down, $600 Month. Pleasant Farms area. Mobile Homes ok. Se Habla EsTENEMOS TRAILAS panol. 701-500-5906. Usada y nuevas. EMPTY Mejores precios solo en WANTED: Big J Homes. Hablame al LOT for trailer house. Pay Cash. Prefer (432)661-9241 con Northside Odessa. Marisa Ibarra. RI 01543. 432-557-1993.
SINGLEWIDE 3 Bedroom/ 2 bath on 1 acre with all services. West Odessa. Call me for info. 949-735-6175. RI01543.
TRAILA 3 bedroom, 2 bath, $44,900 on a Lot For Rent. Move in Ready. Call 949-7356175. RI01543.
LAND— I Will Owner Finance with down $ payment. Great location in West Odessa. Bruce 214-543-7397 or Kevin 469-200-9791.
WEST TEXAS Ready Mix. $50 OFF First Time Customer. 432-3494322. 650 Adrian Rd., Odessa.
OWNER WILL Finance 1 acre of land in Midland located off of Front Street. No utilities, but can get city utilities. Zoned commercial. $59,900, $10,000/ down. Call Analee @ 432-2606009
TRAILA USADA a Solo $17K. (432)661-9241 Marisa Ibarra. RI 01543.
LAND FOR Sale or Rent. Owner Finance, $7500/ down $495 a month, 50’x 100’ lot. For mobile RIO GRAND Property homes or building a near Eagle Pass, Texas. home. 432-236-7096. 10 acres, 4 in coastal integrated free with good 57 ACRES $150,000 well. 600 River Front with Coleman County. Big new trailer house and mesquite trees. Water shop. $250,000. and Electric meters. Call Jill 1-830-752-0791. Pond. Minerals con- 2 OFFICES with bathvey. Broker Mathew room and shop with 2 Gaines. 325-625- garage doors, security 9001 http:// fence. $900/ month. Bills www.gainesland.com/ paid. Odessa. Call 432gainesranch@gmail. 664-1732. com CAFE FOR Rent, 5901 572 ACRES $1425 per N. Golder, Odessa. acre. Taylor County, Ready to open. All fursouth of Abilene. Great nishings included. Seats hunting. Furnished 3-2 around 40 people. mobile. Two ponds. Wa- $1500/ rent plus $1500 ter well. Broker Mathew deposit. Call 432-202Gaines 325-625-9001 4644 if interested. h t t p : / / www.gainesland.com/ LARGE SHOP Building 5 7 2 - a c r e s . h t m l 45x100, 2 bay doors, gainesranch@gmail.com outwide wash bay, sliding chain hoist, fenced ACREAGE FOR Sale, yard. 3 phase electric. 1 West Odessa. We owner year lease. $3950/ Finance. Low prices per month. Odessa. Call acre. Residential/ Com- 432-664-1732. mercial. Bruce 214-543ACRES- MIDLAND: Cot7397. ton Flat. Odessa: McCorFOR SALE: 1604 N. mick. Financing availMain- Vacant lot & Little able. Commercial/ ResiMexico/ 40 Lane- 1 acre. dential. 432-258-6536. 512-925-6953. PROPERTY FOR Lease/ ACREAGE FOR Sale, Sell. 206 East 52nd, West Odessa. We owner Odessa. 1500 sq. ft. 432Finance. Low prices per 258-2727. acre. Residential/ Commercial. Bruce 214-543✔✔✔ 7397. READY TO Move-in AMERICAN CLASSI- Optometrist Office. Available. 432-352-0399. FIEDS is on Twitter
San Angelo & The Concho Valley Area •
Call 325-944-7653 •
325-944-SOLD •
PA G E 7 • S E P T E M B E R 3 , 2 0 2 0 • M OTO R C A D E
2012 DODGE RAM 118,000k miles, $14,995. San Angelo Motor Co. 2201 W. Ave. N. 325944-0522.
Cars 2009 HONDA CIVIC. Black 2dr., 8.7k miles, Sporty Economy School or Work Car. $8,990 See at Billy Boy’s Fine Cars 700 S. Irving, 325-6554197. 2016 KIA SORENTO 67,518k miles, $16,995. San Angelo Motor Co. 2201 W. Ave. N. 325944-0522. 2019 HYUNDAI ACCENT. 29,230k miles, $16,995. San Angelo Motor Co. 2201 W. Ave. N. 325-944-0522. 1992 BUICK REGAL, 2 door sedan, 1 owner, low mileage, $3000. (325) 651-7700. CAR TOWN HYUNDAI Call Trey Today! Great Deals! Don’t miss out! Call today or stop in! 501 N. Bryant Blvd. 325-2779694 (cell)Ask for Trey Today... COME SEE TERRY ENGLISH at San Angelo Motor Co. 2201 W. Ave. N. (325) 944-0522. COME SEE TERRY ENGLISH at San Angelo Motor Co. 2201 W. Ave. N. (325) 944-0522. GREAT RATE on auto insurance. Call for a FREE quote TODAY. (325)944-3813, Younts Insurance. insurewesttexas.com. UP TO $400 CASH paid for old cars and trucks. More in some cases. (325) 656-3658. San Angelo, TX. AL’S TIRE ShopFast and Friendly Service at a great price. All major brands sold. Beats most Prices in San Angelo,Call 325-617-2996 2009 HONDA ACCORD. 97k miles. Family-Economy. $8,990 See at Billy Boy’s Fine Cars 700 S. Irving, 325-655-4197. 2013 KIA Soul Exclaim ! loaded, black with tan leather 92564 miles. Call Ben 325-665-9067 for pictures/testdrive. $7,500 firm. 2016 FORD FUSION 96,858k miles, $14,995. San Angelo Motor Co. 2201 W. Ave. N. 325944-0522. 2019 NISSAN SENTRA 32,145k miles, $16,995. San Angelo Motor Co. 2201 W. Ave. N. 325944-0522. 2017 TOYOTA PRIUS 72,265k miles, $23,995. San Angelo Motor Co. 2201 W. Ave. N. 325944-0522. ADVERTISE HERE 325-944-7653
COME CHECK OUT San Angelo Motor Co., 2201 W. Ave. N, (325) 944-0522. See all the cars, pickups, and SUVs that we have.
CARS/TRUCKS WANTED!!! 2002 and Newer! Any Condition. Running or Not. Competitive Offer! Free Towing! We’re Nationwide! Call Now: 1-888-416-2330.
Classics 1955 CHEVY BELAIRE 210. CD player, A/C, power steering, 350 V8 engine, Cragg wheels. Fully loaded, excellent condition. (325) 6568986. 1979 EL CAMINO, 1 owner, 400cu engine, custom wheels, bucket seats, custom hood, needs TLC, $5000. (325) 651-7700. ‘75 NOVA with V8 355. 500 miles on engine. Serious inquiries only. (325) 262-1502. 1973 FORD LTD BROUGHAM. $18,000. (325) 450-7242.
Pickups LOOKING FOR a Good Deal on a Great Car? Call Trey Anderson Today! Car Town Hyundai, Your Sales Professional, 325-277-9694 (cell) 325655-7755 (office) 1997 ONE TONE Chevrolet Crew cab, long bed, new tires, standard. $2,500 obo. 325-2773094. GLASSDOCTOR WE FIX your panes! Chip repair. Free mobile service. 12 month breakage guarantee. Convenient expert installation. (325) 653-7380.
COME CHECK OUT San Angelo Motor Co., 2201 W. Ave. N, (325) 944-0522. See all the cars, pickups, and SUVs that we have. 2013 CHEVY SILVERADO LT. 4x4, one owner, leather, tow pkg, rear sensors. JUST ARRIVED! See at Coy’s 1704 W. Beauregard, 325-655-4052. UP TO $400 CASH paid for old cars and trucks. More in some cases. (325) 656-3658, San Angelo, Tx. 2014 DODGE Ram 2500 4x4, 6.4 Hemi 66,000 miles. Very good condition. 28,500.00 firm. Call 575-602-4810. with extras. 2027 SHERWOOD Way San Angelo, TX 76901
2016 FORD F-150. 94k miles, $24,000. San Angelo Motor Co. 2201 W. Ave. N. 325-944-0522. AMERICAN CLASSIFIEDS gets results! 325944-7653.
2017 NISSAN ROGUE. One owner, heated seats 5-speed. Clean Carfax. $17,900. See at Coy’s 1704 W. Beauregard, 325-655-4052. 2010 FORD EXPLORER 161,129k miles, $7,995. San Angelo Motor Co. 2201 W. Ave. N. 325944-0522. 2005 FORD ESCAPE. 112k miles. Asking $12,500. See at Billy Boy’s Fine Cars 700 S. Irving, 325-655-4197.
‘98 Bronco FOR SALE, DAILY DRIVER, COLD AIR, $6995 OR OBO, SEE AT 107 SOUTH JEFFERSON ACROSS FROM CATFISH CORNER 325-763-1052. 2017 BUICK ENCLAVE. Only 29,000 miles, leather, power tailgate, memory seats. COMING SOON! See at Coy’s 1704 W. Beauregard, 325-655-4052.
RARE!! 1946 Military Jeep with matching trailer, both in exc. condition with new tires and paint, $11,500, call 325-949-8348 or 325656-1384 2013 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE. LOADED! Leather, heat & cool seats, heated steering wheel, memory seats, JUST ARRIVED! See at Coy’s 1704 W. Beauregard, 325-655-4052. COME CHECK OUT San Angelo Motor Co., 2201 W. Ave. N, (325) 944-0522. See all the cars, pickups, and SUVs that we have. www.angeloads.com
2018 JEEP COMPASS Motorcycles LATITUDE. One owner. Full Factory Warranty, skid control. Only 12,000 miles.$19,900. See at Coy’s 1704 W. Beauregard, 325-655-4052. 2017 FORD ESCAPE. 112k miles. Asking $12,500. See at Billy Boy’s Fine Cars 700 S. Irving, 325-655-4197. BMW 2208, K1200 GT Sport Tourer, 19,600 mi. Vans Excellent shape! FAST, not a Beginners Bike. 155 HP, just had valves COME CHECK OUT adjusted, like new tires, San Angelo Motor Co., no check engine lights, 2201 W. Ave. N, (325) $5500. 432-413-0004. 944-0522. See all the cars, pickups, and 2007 HARLEY Davidson Fat Boy, Pearl white. Low SUVs that we have. miles. Great bike. $5995 2006 BUICK TERRRE- cash price or owner will ZA minivan, 126,000 finance. 325-370-5039 miles, extra clean, runs ELL IT Fast with your great, $4200 obo. (325) American Classifieds 944-7939. or Come by 2027 SherAmerican Classifieds is on Facebook wood Way, San Angelo
325-944-SOLD Check Out Our Website: www.AngeloAds.com • American Classifieds San Angelo & The Concho Valley Area Call 325-944-7653 /1-800-357-2722
Motorcycles COME CHECK OUT San Angelo Motor Co., 2201 W. Ave. N, (325) 944-0522. See all the cars, pickups, and SUVs that we have. FOR SALE Kawasaki Voyager X11 2003. 22,509 mileage 1988. 59,593 mileage Both in good shape, both engines run good. Call or text for pictures and more information Both For $4200. 325-650-0524 2002 HARLEY Davidson Road King. Immaculate. Chrome wheels. Chrome everywhere! Owned with TLC $9995 cash or owner will finance. 325-3705039 A.C.E. 4 WHEELER & MOTORCYCLE REPAIR. Inspection stickers, parts, service & repair on ATV’S, motorcycles & UTV’s. 241 N. Main. Mon.-Fri., 9am-6pm; Sat. 9am2pm. (325) 658-7690. 2009 HARLEY Ultra Classic Electra Glide. Pearl white and silver. Shiney! Road sofa. Extra speakers. 20k miles. Comfort plus! $10,995 cash or owner financing available. 325-370-5039 11TH ANNUAL Fall JC Rooster Motorcycle Rally & Cook-off. Sept. 25, 26 & 27. $1000 Best hand Poker run, Swap Meet, Games, Bike show, Music & Vendors. $25 Registration or $5 Day Pass. Lake Sweetwater. 325721-2293 bikerdave.s@ gmail.com CAN’T BEAR to throw anything away? You’re right! Sell your un-used items in American Classifieds, call 944-7653 or go to angeloads.com
CASH FOR HARLEYS Go to www,BarnettHarley.com, push the Cash For Harleys button; ok if not paid off. (800) 7368173. 2004 HARLEY Davidson Fat Boy. Fancy chrome wheels. Metallic red. None cleaner. 19,000 miles. Bags, backrest. Ready for the road. $8495 cash price or owner will finance. 325-3705039
RV’s FIFTH WHEEL 2009 Excell 28RKW 29 ft, 3 slides, trailer hitch, electric jacks, remote fan, new tires, very nice, one owner, $19,950. 325-653-9520, 325-6561565. TUCKED AWAY RV Park, 1117 W. FM 2105. Wi-Fi, laundry, showers. (325)6581872 or (432) 2135271. 1975 PACE Arrow motor home. 1991 Alumi Lite 5th wheel and house in San Angelo, TX. Call for information (325) 6515817. LARGE RV LOTS FOR RENT in quiet Cactus Lane Park. $250 per month. (325) 6531144.
BOATS: BUY 1 GET 2 FREE. 17ft. Fourwinds, 17ft. Jayhawk. (325) 6568517, (325) 949-4200. TRI-HULL BOAT with Chrysler 55 & trailer $800. 22ft Camper $2900. Each with extras. Cash. Both for $3500. 325-656-3433 or 325365-6922. LAKE ALAN Henry Lodges. 1 hour from Lubbock. Satellite TV, Wifi, Bar-b-que Pits, full kitchen. lakealanhenry.com 806-777-0337
Auto Parts & Acc. AL’S TIRE ShopFast and Friendly Service at a great price. All Major brands Sold! Beats most Prices in San AngeloCall: 325-617-2996 AL’S TIRE ShopFast and Friendly Service at a great price. All Major brands Sold! Beats most Prices in San AngeloCall: 325-617-2996 I BUY catalytic converter. Top dollar paid. (325) 656-3658 San Angelo. AL’S TIRE ShopFast and Friendly Service at a great price. All major brands sold. Beats most Prices in San Angelo,Call 325-617-2996
2016 RS Camaro. Well taken care of, white, black cloth interior, 121, 971 mostly highway miles. Serious inquiries HOT DEALS On Nissan only. $16,500. 432-210Wheels. Nissan of Mid- 7486. land. 800-971-4121. NissanofMidland.com CALL FOR An Appointment. Sewell Ford, 2440 ** CASH FOR Unwanted East 8th. 432-498-0215. Cars and Pickups. Call 432-349-6246. CALL TODAY To Make Appointment. Sewell HOT DEALS On Nissan Ford, 2440 East 8th. Wheels. Nissan of Mid- 432-498-0215. land. 800-971-4121. NissanofMidland.com RON WILSON CELL: 432-212-2712. SAVE FREEDOM and C A R S / T R U C K S America. Vote straight WANTED!!! 2002 and Republican. Newer! Any Condition. $$ CASH $$ for Junk Running or Not. Cars & Trucks. Call 432- Competitive Offer! Free Towing! 631-1620. We’re Nationwide! Call Now: 1-888-416-2330.
Motorcade: Out Of Town
CASH FOR Your Unwanted Car or Vehicle. Will haul Off. 432-5563840. HOT DEALS On Nissan Wheels. Nissan of Midland. 800-971-4121. NissanofMidland.com
2003 PORSCHE Boxster S Convertible, standard, great condition, garage kept. 56,099 miles. Asking $14,800 or best offer. 432-599-0375.
PERMIAN MITSUBISHI 2543 E. 8th, Odessa. www.mitsubishicars.com 432-332-5344. SPECIALTYTRUCKS OFLUBBOCK.COM Mike...... 806-401-4491 Jason.... 806-535-9012
THE KENT Companies, UTILITY TRAILER, 16 2007 LEXUS ES 300. Join our team!! Big Benefits. Apply today at ft, heavy duty, new floor. Buy Here Pay Here. $2,200. 325-277-3094. Vehicles Unique 432- www.kentkwik.com 552-9990. VEHICLES UNIQUE. We Trucks Finance You. 2000 W. 2010 GRAY Ford Fu- 42nd, Odessa. 432-552sion, very good con- 9990. RARE!! 1946 Military dition. 432-352-9667. Jeep with matching trailer, both in exc. PERMIAN MITSUBISHI WE BUY Cars and condition with new tires Special Financing Op- Trucks running or not. Call me, Pay Good and paint, $11,500, call tions. 2543 E. 8th, Cash. 432-741-5198. 325-949-8348 or 325- Odessa. 432-332-5344. 656-1384 www.mitsubishicars.com WE BUY Junk cars. Pay www.angeloads.com cash and will pick up. 432-210-9760. WE BUY Junked Cars. Working or not working. Title or no title. At a good price. For more information call 432-307-0892, se habla espanol.
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2013 Chevy Silverado LT
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WE BUY Junk! Grimes Iron & Metal. Top prices! 2020 ASPEN Trail 3121, 432-385-0360. $26,995. Ken’s RV WOOD MOTOR Com- Sales. 5904 W. Hwy. 80, pany, 1930 East 8th St., Midland. Call 432-6974 4 7 . Odessa. 432-614-1056. 6 www.KENSRVS.COM woodmotorco.org
1940 BUICK 4 door, registration started, much 2020 CHAPARRAL done but needs finished. 370FL. $41,995. Ken’s 575-392-6072. RV Sales. 5904 W. Hwy. LIMITED CREDIT- No 80, Midland. Call 432Problem. Sewell Ford, 6 9 7 - 6 4 4 7 . 2440 East 8th. 432-498- www.KENSRVS.COM 0421. 2020 FOREST River WOOD MOTOR Com- Model #37TSX13 Toy pany, 1930 East 8th St., Hauler, 13’ garage. Used Odessa. 432-614-1056. six times. 806-292-7237. woodmotorco.org CHEROKEE 2012 CHEVY Tahoe. 2021 $26,995. Lay-Way-Plans. Vehicles 274RK, Unique 2000 West 42nd. Ken’s RV Sales, 5904 Hwy. 80, Midland, 432-552-9990. Texas. 432-697-6447 PERMIAN MITSUBISHI www.KensRV.com 2543 E. 8th, Odessa. www.mitsubishicars.com 2021 R-POD 196, 432-332-5344. $26,995. Ken’s RV SEWELL FORD. 2440 E. Sales, 5904 W. High8th, Odessa. For ap- way 80, Midland. pointment call 432-498- Call today 432-6976447. www.KENSRV 0146. .COM SPECIALTYTRUCKS OFLUBBOCK.COM 29’ COACHMEN R.V., Mike...... 806-401-4491 needs some repair. Jason.... 806-535-9012 $1700 Cash. Call 432THE KENT Companies, 349-6277. Join our team!! Big Ben✔✔✔ efits. Apply today at 6’ OVERHEAD Camper www.kentkwik.com fits 3/4-ton pickup. ExVEHICLES UNIQUE. We cellent condition. $7000. Finance You. 2000 W. 116 S. Piedras Ct., 42nd, Odessa. 432-552- Odessa. 432-978-6995. 9990. MOVE IN Special: R.V. WOOD MOTOR Com- Spaces. $400/ month. 30 pany, 1930 East 8th St., amp. 3020 Milkyway. Odessa. 432-614-1056. 432-557-1591. woodmotorco.org SEWELL FORD. 2440 E. FACTORY 2020 Ford 8th, Odessa. For apaluminum duel wheels in pointment call 432-498the box $800.00, factory 0146. chrome running boards $300.00. Phone 432- THE KENT Companies, Join our team!! Big Ben638-7037. efits. Apply today at THE KENT Companies, www.kentkwik.com Join our team!! Big Benefits. Apply today at HOT DEALS On Nissan Wheels. Nissan of Midwww.kentkwik.com land. 800-971-4121. NissanofMidland.com
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Generac Generators. Weather is increasingly unpredictable. Be prepared for power outages. Free 7-year ext warranty. Schedule free in-home assessment 1-844-334LAKE ALAN Henry 8353. Special financing if Lodges. 1 hour from Lub- qualified. bock. Satellite Tv, Wi-fi, GENERAL TRACTOR Bar-b-que Pits, full kitch- Service. Brush Hogging, en. lakealanhenry.com parking lots/ driveway re806-777-0337 pairs, caliche. ReasonRICK’S OUTBOARD able Rates. Midland/ surrounding Motor Sales and Service Odessa in Business for 30 years. area. 432-232-1873. Outboard Motor Repair. GET PRE-APPROVED Also 9.9 Evinrude Out- for an Auto Loan in 30 board for sale. 432-559- Seconds! Call Now 5201. Permian Mitsubishi 432-332-5344. www.mitsubishicars.com Real Estate:
2009 HARLEY Davidson Softail, 14,300 miles, BATTERIES brand new front tire; Call 432-530-0533 bearings and brakes. Or bring them to LED lights. Custom Battery Street Sweeper exhaust Out Of Town Technologies pipes. Lots of extra 520 FM 1936, Odessa chrome, Harley cover. HAWAII PRINCEVILLE $6500. 432-559-1193. 1- 2 bedroom rentals. WOOD MOTOR Com432-352-0399. pany, 1930 East 8th St., BUY HERE Pay Here. Odessa. 432-614-1056. Sewell Ford, 2440 East 8th. 432-498-0421. woodmotorco.org Cars for scrap
DIRT INC. Backhoe & Dump Truck Service. Caliche, Top Soil, Any Type of Dirt Work. We do accept credit cards. Call 432-352-2591.
2005 CRYSLER PT Cruiser. Runs great. $2000 obo. FMI (325) 276-0187, (325) 6518436.
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HIGH SCHOOL Profi1986 TOYOTA Light ciency Diploma! 4 Week pickup. Runs great. Program. Free Brochure $2500 obo. FMI (325) & Full Information. Call 276-0187, (325) 651- Now! 1-866-562-3650 8436. Ext. 54. www.southeasternhs.co SUV’s m 2004 CHEVY Suburban. Runs great. $2500 obo. FMI (325) 276-0187, (325) 651-8436.
Miscellaneous: Out Of Town
J & J Roofing. All types of Roofing/ Repairs. Metal roofs. 26 years experience. Free Estimates. Juan 432-631-6861.
JAYS BUILDING Mover. I move Portable Sheds and Sea Containers. InCLEAN UP and Haul off. sured, covering the PerClean up anything and mian Basin and beyond. Haul off backyard, pipe 432-770-7954. yard, alley. Make ready house. Call Mike 432- JEFFERSON CONSTRUCTION CO. 978-3237. Home remodeling & CMS APPLIANCE home additions. Roofing REPAIR and storage buildings. Repair on all makes and No job too big or small. models, 1 year warranty Call Joe 432-254-1471. on all repairs. Credit cards accepted. Call PIPE FOR Sale. 2 3/8 & 2 7/8- 500 joints each. 432-550-6648. 432-202-6222, 432-310LIKE US on Facebook! 6140. Thrifty Nickel - American Classifieds. American Classifieds is on Facebook
Call 325-944-7653 / 325-944-SOLD 1-800-357-2722
Employment INVESTIGATE BEFORE YOU INVEST. Before you send a company money for anything advertised in American Classifieds, investigate before you invest. It is also illegal for any company to ask you to pay for credit or a loan before you get it. American Classifieds readers using information in any ads, do so at their own risk. It is suggested that the prospective investors contact the appropriate consumer protection agency before payment. American Classifieds, nor any of it’s employees shall not be held liable for the content in any advertisers ads. For more information about credit scams and advance fee loans write: FTS, Washington, DC 20580. LOOKING FOR Class “A” CDL Drivers with clean Driving Record can pass Drug Test, paid weekly, Hauling sand and possibly Natural Gas, Hazmat and Tanker endorsement needed for Natural Gas, Two weeks on, one week off, 1099 position at least three years driving experience working on Permian Basin New Mexico area, Send resume to jody_sanchez@yahoo. com LOOKING FOR Class “A” CDL Drivers with clean Driving Record can pass Drug Test, paid weekly, Hauling sand and possibly Natural Gas, Hazmat and Tanker endorsement needed for Natural Gas, Two weeks on, one week off, 1099 position at least three years driving experience working on Permian Basin New Mexico area, Send resume to jody_sanchez@yahoo. com REVIEW US! Tell us what you think on Yelp! @American Classifieds Want Ads.
Check Out Our Website: www.AngeloAds.com • American Classifieds San Angelo & The Concho Valley Area
CARE ETC. Now Hiring dependable Caretakers/ Providers in Odessa. Must pass a background check. Call 432-9434130 for more informa- tion.
Page 9 September 3, 2020
444 NEEDED: HOUSE- GRAPHIC ARTIST MACHINIST WANT- Needed - Must be pro- ED: Experience in NEED PERSONAL AS- KEEPERS for housing SISTANT/ HOUSE- property. Paid hourly. ficient in photoshop pumping unit repair, COOKING. Call 432-935-0701 Mon- InDesign - Adobe Ac- threads & tapers. Call KEEPER/ Must be dependable. day thru Friday between robat - fast paced Nathan Haile Machine 432-352-6985 for inter-8:00 a.m. & 5:00. part time - Pay Ac- Shop, 432-413-2334. view. cording to experience American Classifieds is on Twitter CARPENTERS & LA- with room to grow. BORERS NeededMid- Need to come in and $800 “GUARANTEED” land. 432-664-4111. No do some ads for an WEEKLY. Mailing Flyers CONCHO VALLEY from Home. For FREE PLUMBING is hiring a calls after 4:00 p.m. or on interview and pass a weekends. background check. packet call 1-972-221- plumber’s apprentice. 7035. Experience preferred, CHECK OUT our job list- Also familiar with up- $3,000 - $5,000 Month- but not required. Good ings. 1ST STAFFING. loads PDF’s, dropbox. Flowing ads and using ly Part-Time$5,000 opportunity to learn the Apply 432-550-4059. Mac’s - Must be self $10,000 Monthly plumbing trade. Wages staffitusa.com motivated, depend- Full-TimeTop Rated based on experience. Hemp/CBD Company is References. Must have COMPUTER & IT Train- able and able to take now Expanding to your valid driver’s license. ing program! Train to be- instruction, flow ads, areaWork from HOMENo Paid holidays & vacation come Computer & Help create ads. Apply Professional! Thrifty Nickel, 2611 experience necessary- after 1 year. (325) 245- Desk Grants & scholarships for Golder Ave., Odessa, Training & Support pro- 8052 (325) 657-3359. ask for videdFREE to Join - No OPENING AT BUSY Law qualified applicants on Texas Credit Card RequiredTo Office for a full or part- certain programs. 888- Shaughn or Gail. learn more visit Earn- time receptionist/runner/ 449-1713 (M-F 8-6 ET) 444 WithHemp.com1-860- administrative support to DELIVERY HANDYMAN FOR 248-4000 http://Earn- attorney and legal assisDRIVERS “Honey Do” List. Will pay WithHemp.com NEEDED! tant. Experienced with HIRING DRIVER for cot- MC Office and Excel. Fax Only 1 day a week De- materials involved and ton and cattle hauling. In resume to 325-657-0896. livering the Thrifty Nickel $10 hour/ Job work. on Thursday Odessa 432-362-2411. Abilene, Tx. call 325-670- ACCEPTING BIDS FOR Paper 9395. Trees—cut/trim/yard. Mornings Only. Must be HANDYMAN/ YARD- Total painting & carpen- very Dependable, Self MAN: Monday thru Fri- EMPLOYMENT try. Handyman-part-time Motivated, have a De-day 8:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m., must have insurance. pendable Vehicle, Driv-Saturday 8:00 a.m.- LOCAL Details, Floyd (325) 450- er’s License and Insu- 10:00 a.m. Midland Res- rance. Paid weekly. ident, non smoker, some PART-TIME CLEANING 7242. Apply @ The Thrifty benefits. 432-682-0460. help for janitorial service. Nickel, 2611 Golder Employment: Hourly pay. Dependable. Ave., Odessa. HIRING IMMEDIATE- Drug test. (325) 262Out Of Town Monday thru Friday. LY: Experienced 0933. 333-4184 or 580-7777 Cooks and Servers. HIRING - Housekeeper *1ST STAFFING. Apply and Maintenance. Apply today in Odessa, 432- EXPERIENCED MAIN- Bus Help mornings in person at Econolodge 550-4059. 650 S. JBS TENANCE Tech needed. and evenings, Expe- Full time position. Expe- rience preferred, but 415 W. Beauregard. Parkway. rience with plumbing, will train. Also Dish- MAINTENANCE MAN *JUST FOR Me Learning electrical, painting, washers. Apply in per- needed with expe- Center is looking for an HVAC Certification a son, Dos Compadres, rience and drivers Infant Caregiver. Also plus. 240 unit property. 4019 JBS Parkway, license. Call 325-655- Experienced Office Per- Rotate on call. Must be ask for Robert Jr. 7714 or come by Cross son, fluent in Spanish. able to work indepen- HOUSEKEEPER: Keys Apartments, Pay based on experi-dently. 432-362-6295. Vacuum/ mop floor, 1222 S. Abe. ence. Monday through HORIZON CABLE oil- change bed linen. 2 hour Friday. Apply in person field company in Odessa SEEKING INDIVIDUALS 330 work, One day every Patterson Ave. seeking Shop Assistant. week. $10/ hour. Odessa for fulltime employment Odessa, Texas. Also work in office. Com- home 432-362-2411. for fence construction. Work consists of build- AIRLINES ARE HIRING - puter experience. Able to FAA approved lift 20-50 lbs. 432-563- INNOVATED ELECTRIC ing chain link, privacy Get and ranch fences. Expe- hands on Aviation me-4443. 12215 WCR 129, Is now Hiring Electricians rience preferred but not chanic training. Financial Odessa, TX 79765 8:00- and Apprentices. Good Pay. 936-714-9489. required. Call 325-234- Aid for qualified students 4:00. - Career placement as- 6061. www.angeloads.com American Classifieds is on Twitter CAREGIVER/PRIVATE sistance. CALL Aviation ASSISTANTS wanted. Institute of Maintenance $12 an hr. and up. 8 to 12 888-686-1704 hour shifts. For interview BODY SHOP Helper 432-212-3520, 970-765- Wanted. Prefer experi- 9486. enced. Call 432-661HIRING: SAND Blaster 2474 or come by 7611 and Spray Painter and Andrews Hwy., Odessa. Welders, Call 325-655COME JOIN Our Team! 6445. San Angelo, Tx. The Kent Companies. INCREASE PROFITS Big Benefits. Apply today Expose your business to at www.kentkwik.com potential customers. Call 325-944-7653. American Classifieds is on Facebook MOVING COMPANY LOOKING for honest hard working individuals. CDL and non CDL drivers and movers needed. Drivers license preferred. We drug test. 325-6556683.
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Page 10 September 3, 2020
325-944-SOLD Check Out Our Website: www.AngeloAds.com • American Classifieds San Angelo & The Concho Valley Area Call 325-944-7653 /1-800-357-2722
HENDERSON TRACTOR & IMPLEMENT, Take your tractor’s productivity to the next level THIS SEASON. Call325-656-7912, 5655 Christoval Road San Angelo, Texas, phicjoey@ gmail.com, www.hendersontractoor.com TRACTOR REPAIR & SALVAGE. All types of JOHN DEERE 4020, tractor repair. Used parts, tires, wheels & plow $6500. 325-658-4440. parts. (325)469-3950, METAL CUTOFF SAW. (325)234-8846. (325) 656-8517, (325) 949-4200. Country Corral CAB FARMALL equipGen ment. Good projectf tractor. (325) 656-8517, HILLS WATER WELL (325) 949-4200. SERVICE. 325-650JOHN DEERE 5ft. 2504. Free estimates. Shredder, Call for details Water Well Drilling. Wa325-365-0338. ter Well and Pump repair. 4” ALUMINUM PIPE & New Pump Installation. TRAILERS. (325) 656- Water Well restoration. Solar Pumps. 8517, (325) 949-4200. MAKE E-Z Money! CAN’T BEAR to throw Advertise today 325-944- anything away? You’re 7653 or visit us at right! Sell your un-used 2027 Sherwood Way, items in American ClassiSan Angelo, TX. 76901 fieds, call 944-7653 or go or www.angeloads.com to angeloads.com
Country Corral Equip
San Angelo Construction
Metal Buildings, Carports, Storage Bldgs
325-234-0292 CUSTOM DOZER, DEMOLITION & TRUCKING SERVICES. We offer commercial base, fill dirt, top soil, river rock, granite, sand and gravel. Dump pits available for leftover materials from job sites. Concrete, rock, asphalt, etc. Commercial, Residential and Ranch Work. (325) 617-3544.
BURN BARRELS, 325944-8418, 325-2770873. BEARDLESS WHEAT round bales. Weigh over 1100lbs. Top quality clean hay. Can deliver. Call (325) 234-0041. CUSTOM CUTTERS Farm & Ranch Clay Lange,Grubbing, Raking, Roads, Fences, Rock Saw, Bobcats, Dozers, Excavators, Backhoes, Water Lines, 325-2347399 claylange@wcc.net BURN BARRELS for sale. (325) 653-3678. CUSTOM CUTTERS Farm & Ranch. Call Clay Lange 325-234-7399 or email:claylange@wcc. net. SHIPPING CONTAINERS $2,000 and up. Wind and water tight. See photos www.steelcontainers.net Will deliver. (254) 722-4270, Burleson, TX. BEE SOLUTIONS Live Capture, Bee Swarm Removal, Africanized Bee Specialist, Anywhere in the Conch Valley! Call 325-245-6914 or look us up on Facebook @ BeeSolutionsoftheConchoValley DON’T STORE It! Sell it in the A. Class. 9447653.
PIPE NEW & USED. Used 2 3/8” or 2 7/8”. Small pipe for gates and sucker rods in stock. Post cut to order. all pipe checked for radiation. We deliver. (325) 374-2992.
GOT 5X5 ROUND BALES: Horse quality coastal $80. Steer quality coastal $75. The Hay Barn. (325) 277-0727. PREMIUM HORSE QUALITY FINE STEM COASTAL round bales. Large bales weigh over 1,000 lbs. Delivery available. One bale or a truckload. (325) 234-0041. HAY FOR Sale - Fresh Coastal $75 bale, Fresh Kline $70 bale, Shredded Maze and Corn $60 per bale. Call 325-642-1215
FARM FRESH EGGS $3 dozen. (325) 650-9639, (325) 650-0202. GOT FEED WHEAT. $6 for 50 lb. bag. Seed wheat $7.50 bag. San Angelo (325) 2770727. CALL ROY or JAY 325942-0769 at STEPHENS RANCH REAL ESTATE for all your Real Estate Needs.
BERTELSON DOZING. Land Clearing, fence line clearing, fire breaks. Dozer, excavator, skid steers. Free estimates. Servicing all Concho Valley. (830) 456-4024. 20’ & 40’ SEA CONTAINERS for sale or rent, excellent storage. Delivered. (325) 234-0295, (325) 234-0292.
HOFFMAN CONSTRUCTION Father and Son. Established for 46 years. All types of Dirt Work & Land Clearing, Terracing. Waterways. Chaining. Grubbing. Raking. Large & Small Acreage. Tank building and cleaning. Maintainer & Belly Dump. Troy - 325-6516879 - 325-656-9465, T.J 325-656-9338 HAY FOR SALE. Large & small round bales. Hay Grazer, Coastal and Milo available. (325) 2345266. American Classifieds is on Twitter
BEE SOLUTIONS. Live Captaure, Bee swarm removal, Africanized Bee specialist. FRED NUNCIO’S FENCING & CONSTRUCTION. Ranch and Cattle Fencing, Game Fencing, Land Clearing, Metal Buildings, Fencing, , Road work, Barndominiums,Cattle Pens and Entrances. 325-379-8273 or 325-456-9000. ALFALFA HAY, 3 string. Arizona raised. (325) 212-0574. 20’ & 40’ Sea Containers. Can customize. Rent to own now available. (866) 4682791. Credit cards accepted.
Country Corral Live 22 BANTAM CHICKENS. 3-5 months old. $40 for all or $5 each individually. Call (325) 6562343. BOER BILLIES, 6 months old. Can send pictures. (325) 234-2850. YOUR AD Could be here. Call 325-944-7653
DORPER BUCKS, ready to work. (325) 656-8517, (325) 949-4200. SMALL BANTAMS for sale. After 6 p.m. (325) 763-5451. CHICKEN STARTED laying, different varieties, $17.50 each. FMI 325650-1097.
Country Corral Trailer NEW 16’ Utility Trailer $1595, Hog Creek Trailers, 5206 N. Chadbourne, San Angelo, Texas, Sales, Parts & Service Call 325-2122282 or 325-374-4802 4 WHEEL & six wheel cotton trailers. (325) 6568517, (325) 949-4200. AMERICAN CLASSIFIEDS Hours of Operation, Monday 8am-6pm, Tuesday 8am-5pm, Wednesday 8am-5pm, Thursday 8am-5pm and Friday 8am-12pm. Come in today to place your ad at 2027 Sherwood way, San Angelo, TX 79761
Call 325-944-7653 / 325-944-SOLD 1-800-357-2722
Page 11 September 3, 2020
Check Out Our Website: www.AngeloAds.com • American Classifieds San Angelo & The Concho Valley Area
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Per Inch
• 8 week black & white $6.55 per inch per week. (example: 1x3 is a $157.50 for 8 weeks)
UPGRADE DISPLAY AD • 8 week color 2x1.5 with classified ad under category of
AAA LAWN & LANDSCAPE. $30-$60 per yard weekly or bi-weekly basis. Yards cean up, fencing replace or repair, tree service, stump removal, painting and light remodel. Realtors welcome! (325) 234-9794.
Account Executive
CARRILLO CONSTRUCTION & BACKHOE/BOBCAT SERVICES, LLC. - Insured Pads - Driveways - Lot Clearing - Landscaping Concrete work - Fences. Special pricing on residential pads. J Carrillo (325) 212-1598.
AL’S TIRE ShopFast and Friendly Service at a great price. All major brands sold. Beats most Prices in San Angelo,Call 325-617-2996 AL’S TIRE ShopFast and Friendly Service at a great price. All major brands sold. Beats most Prices in San Angelo,Call 325-617-2996
CONCRETE WORK. Sidewalks, driveways, etc. Oasis Lawn & Landscaping 325-212-1368 ask for Daniel. BOLDING CONCRETE Metal buildings, houses, driveways, patios, etc. 8’X10’ slab, $625. (325) 653-6322, (325) 2771851. SAM CARTER CONCRETE. All types concrete work. Large or small jobs. Residential or commercial. (325) 6560728
LIKE US on Facebook! Thrifty Nickel - American Classifieds.
AMERICAN CLASSIFIEDS Hours of Operation, Monday 8am-6pm, Tuesday 8am-5pm, Wednesday 8am-5pm, Thursday 8am-5pm and Friday 8am-12pm. Come in today to place your ad at 2027 Sherwood way, San Angelo, TX 79761
BEE REMOVAL BEE SOLUTIONS Live Capture, Bee Swarm Removal, Africanized Bee Specialist, Anywhere in the Conch Valley! Call 325-245-6914 or look us up on Facebook @ BeeSolutionsoftheConchoValley LIKE US on Facebook! Thrifty Nickel - American 2027 SHERWOOD Way San Angelo, TX 76901 Classifieds.
S&S CONSTRUCTION Backhoe, Bulldozer, Dump Truck. All types dirt work and land clearing. Tractor shredding, build roads, pads, etc. Office (325) 944-8282, mobile (325) 6501394. BETTER GRADE OF TOPSOIL. Also, limestone, sand, and fill dirt. Build roads, pads and parking lots. Sell and installation of septic systems. (325) 651-6840, (325) 895-0900. sefcikconstruction.com
DOZER GREAT DEALS! Lots of bargains at incredible prices. That’s your American Classifieds! 325-9447653 INCREASE PROFITS. Expose your business to 100,000 potential customers in American Classifieds’s Business & Service Directory. Call 325-944-7653 or 1-800357-2722, visit us at www.angeloads.com or come by the NEW location at 2027 Sherwood Way TODAY!
your choice plus an ad under misc. $200.
FENCING AMERICAN CLASSIFIEDS has the Specials you want... Buy 3 week, Get your 4TH WEEK FREE! Ask associate for more details Call us today at 325-944-7653
DUSTY TRAILS “Glass Etching” Shot Glasses, Mugs,Pitchers, Shower Doors, Wine Bottles, Stainless Koozies & Much More, Call Fred Founteno at 325-2779197 dustytrailsglassetching@hotmail.com
FRED NUNCIO’S FENCING & CONSTRUCTION. Ranch and Cattle Fencing,Road work, Barndominiums, Game Fencing, Land Clearing, Metal Buildings, Fencing, Cattle Pens and Entrances. 325-379-8273 or 325456-9000. TERRAZAS FENCING Ranch Fencing, high fences, private fencing, chain link fencing, painting corrals, fence painting. Free estimates. 325284-8453 WEST TEXAS WOOL @ MERTZON. FENCING SUPPLIES, direct from factory pricing. Deer Feed, Hunting Supplies, Ranch Supplies, Gifts. (325) 835-3661. (888) 830-3661.
GLASS DOCTOR Commercial, Residential & Auto Glass Repair, Commercial Store front Repair, 24 HR. Board-Ups, Call 325-653-7380 GLASS DOCTOR Commercial, Residential & Auto Glass Repair, Commercial Store front Repair, 24 HR. Board-Ups, Call 325-653-7380 GLASS DOCTOR Commercial, Residential & Auto Glass Repair, Commercial Store front Repair, 24 HR. Board-Ups, Call 325-653-7380
WE WILL CLEAN and haul off garages, abandoned houses, storages. Will travel out of San Angelo area. For a free estimate call Alex 325-7639457 or 325-763-9456.
FIREWOOD. DON’T BE FOOLED! A cord of wood is 4’X4’X8’. Mine 300 up. I got all kinds. You need one piece or whatever! (325) 9391834.
WE DO all types of Home Repairs. Int & Ex Painting. Siding, Doors, Window Installs. Drywall and Cracks Repairs. Locks and Security. Minor Plumbing and Minor Electrical. Routine Maintenance. Gutters and Roof Repairs. Licensed and bonded roofing. NO JOBS TOO SMALL!!! Will Travel . After hr Emg calls. Call 1-325-2617450.
TRASH OR ANYTHING HAULED. Ray or Roy. (325) 3743996.
BUYERS & SELLERS agree! American Classifieds is a real bargain. OVER 1,000’S of read- Come by our office at ers every week! Call 2027 Sherwood Way or American Classifieds at call 325-944-7653. Visit 325-944-7653 us At Angeloads.com
HOFFMAN CONSTRUCTION Father and Son. Established for 46 years. All types of Dirt Work & Land Clearing, Terracing. Waterways. Chaining. Grubbing. Raking. Large & Small Acreage. Tank building and cleaning. Maintainer & Belly Dump. Troy - 325-6516879 - 325-656-9465, T.J 325-656-9338 www.angeloads.com
THEME: FALL FUN ACROSS 1. Domenikos Theotokopoulos, a.k.a. El _____ 6. Org. striving to attain “the highest possible level of health” for all 9. Faculty member, for short 13. Rekindled 14. Western omelet ingredient 15. Trailblazer Daniel 16. Not a minor 17. Spud bud 18. Nonsense 19. *Colorful autumn attraction 21. *Popular fall decor item, pl. 23. Leave speechless 24. Thailand money 25. Belfry dweller 28. Dwarf buffalo 30. Eccentric one 35. 2nd word in fairytale? 37. Overnight lodgings 39. Marilyn Monroe’s given name 40. Between a trot and a gallop 41. *Pressed beverage 43. ____ Blanc 44. Type of saltwater fish 46. Like a broken horse 47. Larger-than-life 48. Sound setup 50. “CliffsNotes,” e.g. 52. Fifth note 53. Genuflecting joint 55. “____ he drove out of sight...” 57. *Back to what? 60. *____ weather 64. Cell dweller 65. Tokyo, pre-1868 67. Out of the way 68. Be needy 69. Sticky stuff 70. Conical dwelling 71. Heidi’s shoe 72. Asian capital 73. Move furtively DOWN 1. Famous Steffi 2. Do over 3. Twelfth month of Jewish year 4. Locomotive hair 5. Canadian capital 6. Cry of glee 7. *Wagon “cushion” 8. Last letter, to Homer 9. Standard’s partner 10. Crucifix 11. Change for a five 12. Funny Poehler’s funny friend 15. Himalayan kingdom
20. Relating to genes 22. Unit of electrical resistance 24. Boo-boo wrap 25. *Next spring’s flowers 26. To the left, on a boat 27. Safari hat 29. Fonzie: “Sit ____ ____!” 31. Top of the Capitol 32. *Fall bounty 33. Prenatal test, for short 34. *Pumpkin garden 36. Not far 38. Big rig 42. Stitch again 45. Vietnam river 49. Lennon’s widow 51. *Celebrant’s bagful 54. Lament for the dead 56. Artist’s tripod 57. Exchange for money 58. Greek muse of history 59. Before Kong
60. Any time now 61. #70 Across, alt. sp. 62. Biblical paradise 63. Stink to high heaven 64. Broadband access overseer 66. Unidentified John
Page 12 September 3, 2020
325-944-SOLD Check Out Our Website: www.AngeloAds.com • American Classifieds San Angelo & The Concho Valley Area Call 325-944-7653 /1-800-357-2722
Write ad below exactly as you want it in the paper, One word per space. Add a Border n n for $350,Check Mark 3n or Stars Hn for $300 per Week. __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ 8 9 10 - (4 wks - $15.00) 11- (4 wks - $16.20) 12 - (4 wks - $17.40) 13 - (4 wks - $18.60) 14 -(4 wks - $19.80) __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ 15 - (4 wks - $21.00) 16 - (4 wks - $22.20) 17 - (4 wks - $23.40) 18 - (4 wks - $24.60) 19 - (4 wks - $25.80) 20 - (4 wks - $27.00) 21 - (4 wks - $28.20) __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ 22 - (4 wks - $29.40) 23 - (4 wks - $30.60) 24 - (4 wks - $31.80) 25 - (4 wks - $33.00) 26 - (4 wks - $34.20) 27 - (4 wks - $35.40) 28 - (4 wks - $36.60) __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ 29 - (4 wks - $37.80) 30 - (4 wks - $39.00) 31 - (4 wks - $40.20) 32 - (4 wks - $41.40) 33 - (4 wks - $42.60) 34 - (4 wks - $43.80) 35 - (4 wks - $45.00) __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ 36 - (4 wks - $46.20) 37 - (4 wks - $47.40) 38 - (4 wks - $48.20) 39 - (4 wks - $49.80) 40 - (4 wks - $51.00) 41 - (4 wks - $52.20) 42 - (4 wks - $53.40) Private Party Ads ONLY. Does not include commercial ads for Business & Services. Phone-in with payment made with credit card. Extra words are 30¢ each per week. No abbreviations, 1 word per space. No copy changes on 4 weeks. When item sells no refund or cancellations. We take phone off and or put SOLD in ad. Classified Ad Deadline Tuesday at 5:00 pm.
Come In or Mail To: American Classifieds, 2027 Sherwood Way, San Angelo, TX 76901. CALL 325-944-7653, (Fax)325-944-0387, 1-800-357-2722 BERTELSON DOZING. Land Clearing, fence line clearing, fire breaks. Dozer, excavator, skid steers. Free estimates. Servicing all Concho Valley. (830) 456-4024.
LANDSCAPING TREE TRIMMING AND removal. Stump Grinding. Flagstone and concrete patios. Fall clean ups. Any other landscaping you might need. Residential and Commercial. Call Oasis Lawn & Landscaping 325-212-1368 ask for Daniel.
CAN’T BEAR to throw anything away? You’re right! Sell your un-used items in American Classifieds, call 944-7653 or go to angeloads.com
JOEY’S LAWN CAREMowing, edging, tree trimming, cutting, and stump removal. Complete maintenance. Reasonable rates. (325)4507941, 325-262-7528 BERTA’S LAWN, LANDSCAPING & TREE SERVICE. Mowing, weedeating, edging, hedge and tree trimming, trash hauling. Affordable prices. Free estimates. (325) 304-3829, (325) 3042456. ROBERSON LAWN & LANDSCAPING. Lawn Maintenance, Landscaping, Landscape Installation, Commercial Landscape Maintenance, Power Washing, Cleanup/Hauloffs and more. High quality without the high prices! Free estimates. (432) 935-1014.
DIX KEY SHOP Locksmith, Safe Tech and Access Control. (325) 653-1562
PAINTING BALL CONTRACTOR Residential and Commercial. Paper Hanging a Specialty. Custom painting. 30 years experience. Insured. FREE ESTIMATES. 325-653-9212. BBB Member.
J&B SERVICES. Complete Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning. Bonded. 325340-0021. #M40346. TACLB54896E.
MAKING SOME Changes Around your House? You can DONATE that old door, window, light fixture, sinks, plywood, sheetrock, bath tubs, cabinets etc. today for Habitat for Humanity. 401 N. Chadbourne, 325-655-7535
TRIPLE PANE Windows at Other’s Double Pane ROOFING Price! Window Depot L&J ROOFING. “We Nail MCMULLAN PAINTING Call 325-227-6961 It Right The First Time”! AND CONSTRUCTION. Residential and commerCommercial & Residencial. (325) 374-6706. tia. FACIA - SOFFITT IN-HOUSE FINANCING Siding. Replace - Repair. (WAC) Harvest Roofing. 30 years experience. All work guaranteed. Free Bids. 325-655-7041 Free estimates. 325-212S&B PAINTING. Res2995. idential. Commercial. CANDELA AND SONS References available. ROOFING. Over 30 Free estimates. (325) years experience. Best 227-9562. BHI CONST. WE quote in town. Also ofPLUMBING DO EVERYTHING: fering 24 g metal roofing, PAINTING - ROOF- standing seam. (325) www.angeloads.com ING - CARPENTRY 227-6825. Check us out - DRYWALL - SIDING on Facebook!! - FENCING - TILE LOPEZ ROOFING All WORK - REMODtypes of roofing. No job ELING OR NEW too small. Hot tar jobs CONSTRUCTION. also. Free estimates. FREE ESTIMATES. (325) 284-8154, Nick “35 YEARS EXPELopez. BBB Member. RIENCE”! STEVE SCHLITTLER, (325) YES YOU can find us on 763-5320 LIC. TX the world wide web. Look 43929 LICENSED & up the American ClassiBONDED fieds at www.angeloads. com
AFFORDABLE ROOFING. Where Integrity Counts Most. All Residential & Commercial Roofing. 325-721-2292. MANDO’S ROOFING, REMODELING, Framing and Additions. Tile, texture, stucco, lamInate flooring, painting inside or out and more. More than 15 years experience. All work guaranteed. Roof 5 year labor warranty. References available (325) 2270910. Serving San Angelo for 20+ years.
HENDERSON TRACTOR & IMPLEMENT Next Level Productivity, Call 325-656-7912 or stop by 5655 Christoval Road, San Angelo, Texas, Email Joey at phicjoey@gmail.com, www. hendersontractor.cm
TREE SERVICE BURNEY’S TREE H SERVICE. Tree Trimming, removal and
stump grinding. Senior Citizen 10% discount. If you want it done right, call us! (325) 653-3110. STORAGE BLDG TREE TRIMMING, CUTTING and stump removGOIN’ SOUTH STOR- al, land clearing. Free AGE, US Hwy 277 South. estimates. Call Manuel New buildings. RV stor- (325) 277-9696. age. (325) 944-4999.
PIPE NEW & USED. Used 2 3/8” or 2 7/8”. Small pipe for gates and sucker rods in stock. Post cut to order. all pipe checked for radiation. We deliver. (325) 374-2992.
HILLS WATER WELL SERVICE. 325-650-2504. Free estimates. Water Well Drilling. Water Well and Pump repair. New Pump Installation. Water Well restoration. Solar Pumps. Trenching.
TRIPLE PANE Windows at Other’s Double Pane Price! Window Depot Call 325-227-6961 American Classifieds is on Facebook American Classifieds is on Twitter