San Angelo American Classifieds

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944-7653 • 1-800-357-2722 Fax 944-0387 OFFICE HOURS: MON. 8 A.M.-6 P.M. • TUES. 7 A.M.-6 P.M. • WED. 8 A.M.-5 P.M. THURS. 8 A.M.-5 P.M. • FRI. 8 A.M.-4 P.M. *ŠAmerican Classifieds All Ad Design and Artwork.



January 6, 2011 VOLUME 28 ISSUE 1 Available in San Angelo, Ballinger, Barnhart, Big Lake, Brady, Bronte, Christoval, Del Rio, Eden, Eldorado, GAFB, Menard, Mertzon, Miles, Ozona, Robert Lee, Sonora, Sterling City & Wall

NOW - You can search American Classifieds from your iPhone iPhone It’s Easy - Just Download Our New App from iTunes! $$$ FAST CASH $$$ FAST CASH $$$

WE TOTE THE NOTE Show us proof of your Income Tax Refund and drive away in a previously owned car or truck today!


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See Our Ad On Pages 17






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See Our Ad on Page 21 All offers with approved credit. For a


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8,450 8 8, ,45 450 0

14,995 1 14 4 4,99 ,995 ,99 5 ’’0 0 05 5 FO FFORD ORD OR RD EXP EX XXPEDITI PEED PE D DITI ITION ITIO ITI ON ON


17,995 179 17,9 17, 17 ,99 99 95 5





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14,995 1 14 4,99 4,99 ,995 5



17,995 1 7,99 7,99 ,995 5

12,995 1 12 2 2,99 ,995 ,99 5


We are creating a separate mailing list for our E-edition email. If you still wish to receive this link for our E-edition email, then please email at and in the subject line type e-edition. The new E-edition will go out each Thursday, so sign up today!

Even if your credit is a




$$$ FAST CASH $$$

INDEX 4x4’s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Adoption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Antiques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Apartments . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Appliances . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 ATV. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Auctions . . . . . . . . . . . 28-29 Auto Parts . . . . . . . . . . 23-24 Baby & Toddler. . . . . . . . . 10 Boats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Building Materials . . . . . . 10 Business & Service . . . 25-26 Business Opportunity . . . . 10 Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-22 Cemetery Plots . . . . . . . . .34 Church Directory . . . . . . . . 2 Classics . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Clothing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Commercial Property . . . . 35 Community Events & Annoc.. . 3 Computers. . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Country Corral . . . . . . . 13-14 Crossword Puzzle . . . . . . . 30 Education . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Electronics . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Employment Guide . . . . . . 12 Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Financial . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Free Stuff . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Furniture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Garage Sales. . . . . . . . 28-29 Health Care . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Heavy Equipment . . . . . . . 22 Household Items . . . . . . . . 2 Houses For Rent . . . . . . . . 33 Houses For Sale. . . . . . 31-32 Hunting & Fishing. . . . . . . 11 Internet & Technology . . . . . 3 Jewelry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Jobs Wanted . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Lake & Resorts. . . . . . . . . 32 Lawn & Garden . . . . . . . . . 7 Lost & Found . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Lots/Land/Acreage . . . . 33-34 Manufactured Homes . . . . 35 Medical Equipment. . . . . . . 7 Mitchell Buick . . . . . . . . . 16 Mitchell Toyota. . . . . . . . . 36 Motorcycles . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Musical Instruments . . . . . . 8 National Marketplace . . . . 29 Out Of Town Property. . . . . 32 Pets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Pickups . . . . . . . . . . . 15-17 Restaurants . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Real Estate Wanted. . . . . . 35 Room For Rent . . . . . . . . . 34 Roommate Wanted . . . . . . 34 RV’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Sports & Exercise Equip . . . 3 Steel/Storage Buildings. . . . 9 Sudoku . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 SUV’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Trailers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Vacation Rentals . . . . . . . 34 Vans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Want To Buy. . . . . . . . . . . . 2

“AND JESUS WHEN he was baptized, went up straighway from the water: and lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending as a dove, and coming upon him; and lo, a voice out of the heavens, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.� Maththew 3:16-17 LOST CAR KEYS in Albertsons on Sherwood Way 12/12/10. Please call (325) 650-8287 if found. BENEFIT FOR RICHARD L. Martinez, 4 years old, for heart surgery. Brisket plate sale, $8 donation. Saturday, January 8th 11am-2pm. Bethel UMC 115 W. Ave O, San Angelo, TX. COMMERCIAL GRADE SNOW Wizard shaved ice machine for snow cones, $900. Ice cream freeser, holds 8-3 gallon tubs, $300. (325) 481-0284, (325) 6501979. NOW REDUCED!! 2008 VW Beetle convertible, Red, garaged. 2.5L, auto. Low mileage. Economical 24mpg city. 4yr 50,000 warranty with 24hr roadside assistance. windscreen. Nonsmoker. $16,995. (325) 651-8229. LEASE A NICE kid gentle riding horse. Weekly, monthly or longer. Try before you buy! (325) 650-9889. 2008 CHRYSLER SEBRING. Beautiful car, silver, heated seats, fully loaded, remote start. Only 70k miles. DVD player. Very well maintained. $15,500. To see or for more information call (325) 650-8478 GAS GRILL W/BOTTLE and cover, $50. King size mattress & box springs, $50. Electric beard trimmer, $10. (325) 949-4983 LOST TWO DOGS on Runion Rd in Quail Valley area. Went missing mid December. One Pitbull male, black face, name is Tigger. Other is white with tan spots, one blue and one brown. Name is Little Girl. Reward for their return. Call (325) 658-3018.

$$$ FAST CASH $$$

AMERICAN CLASSIFIEDS reserves the right to accept, reject or edit any advertising submitted to American Classifieds for publication.


12,995 1 12 2,99 2,99 ,995 5


14,995 1 14 4,99 4,99 ,995 5





13,500 13, 13 ,50 50 00 0


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Page 2



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TOP DOLLAR PAID DIABETIC for all sizes of used and TEST STRIPS junk oilfield drill bits. But- wanted. Will pay cash ton or Milltooth. (325) up to $16 per un374-5595, (325) 374- opened box. Call 4313. James, (325) 659SELL YOUR DIA- 2931. Local, I will BETES test strips any pick them up. kind/brand unexpired JOY LUTHERAN $16.00 box shipping paid CASH PAID FOR unexCHURCH - 618 Locust 1-800-266-0702. www. pired, sealed DIABETIC St. Please come share TEST STRIPS - up to the joy of Christ with us, $17/Box! Most brands. 10:30 am Sunday mornShipping paid. Call Pat 1ings. FMI (325) 949-8480. 800-219-8322 www. email: tobin@dusty cash4diabeticsupplies.c om WANTED: OLD FISHING Lures and fishing WESTSIDE RECYCASH PAID FOR rid- items. Old guns, ammuni- CLING - 1801 W. ing mowers, tillers run- tion and related memora- Beauregard, corner ning or not. No junk!! bilia. Glass minnow traps. Van Buren and Beau(325) 949-1672 Steel animal traps. WWI regard. 20 years & WWII military items. same location. Buying Old pocket knives and aluminum cans, copWE BUY cutlery. Arrowheads and per, brass. SCRAP BATTERIndian items. Old adverIES. TOP PRICES, tising signs. Old WE BUY GOOD PAID CASH. CALL FIRST UNITED Stoneware. All Antiques used furniture and FleetPride (325) M E T H O D I S T considered. (325) 374- baby furniture. Bring to 651-4777. CHURCH 37 E. Beaure5022. 416 E. 19th next door to gard, (325) 655-8981, Henry’s & Ace Applihttp://www.firstYOUR AD COULD BE HERE! DO YOU NEED ances or call (325) Call 944-7653 extra money? We buy 6000 Gold and Silver. Glass WE PAY CASH for cars Jewelers - 3260 Sheror pickups running or not. wood Way in the (325) 650-9689, (325) Commons behind 468-3080 or (325) 653Blockbuster. (325) 1929. 947-1680, (214)7171386. WE BUY WORKING or non-workWANT TO BUY ing laptop Welcome in the New Year CARS, PICKUPS, computers. 2409 VANS AND SUV’S. Sherwood Way, & resolve to maintain your vehicle! ANY CONDITION. Not 325-944-7777. running to excellent conProper maintenance will insure dition. Up to $4000. Call CASH PAID FOR catJerry at (325) 374-9827. alytic converters. Call me that you are getting the most WE BUY CARS, before you let them go! Trucks, or tractors, run- $15-$75. (325) 656-3658. from your investment. ning or not with title. (325) 763-6976

FMI Contact Pat Nuytten (325)895-0638

Want To Buy

Church Directory



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432 N. Bell 658-2845 Weatherby 30-378 Rifle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1000.00 Bosch Table Router . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $149.95 Peavey XXL Head and Amp

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $499.95

Onan Pro 6000 Volt Generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $799.95

1718 S. Bryant


Taurus 24-70SS 40 S&W Pistol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Used $429.95 Rohm RG-24 22LR Revolver . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Used $119.95 Rossi Model 352 38spl Nickel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Used $289.95 Mossberg 500 J1C Pistol Grip 12ga Pump..$249.95 Vizio 42” TV with Remote Control........Used $499.95 Porter Cable 150PSI Air Compressor . . . . . .Used $349.95 Charbroil Commercial Propane Grill . . . . . . .Used $175.00


Ibanez IBe10 Guitar Amp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $119.95 King Slide Trombone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $199.00 Century Arms 410 SXS Shotgun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $299.00 Cricket 22LK Youth Rifle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $129.00 Skil 3310 Table Saw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $119.95

Great Selection of Men’s Rings

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Buy - Sell - Trade Buy - Sell - Trade

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Rifles, Pistols, Shotguns

BUYING JUNK CARS and trucks. Haul off unwanted cars. (325) 6586914. BOOKS WANTED: I buy good used books by Elmer Kelton, Ben K. Green, J. Frank Dobie, J. Evetts Haley, Tom Lea, Fred Gibson, Larry McMurtry, Louis L’Amour leatherette and many others. Texas/Southwest authors. Also, most non-fiction books related to Texas/Southwest. Felton Cochran, Cactus Book Shop, 6 East Concho, San Angelo, TX 76903. (325) 659-3788. SELL YOUR DIABETES test strips any kind/brand unexpired $16.00 box shipping paid 1-800-266-0702. CASH FOR YOUR Apple Iphone, working or not. Call Luis at 325-763-3122.

Household Items

RENT- A -BUGGY Weddings, Anniversaries, Birthdays, Sweet 15’s, Country rides. FUN, RORENT-ADRYER FOR SALE. MANTIC. (325) $50. Call (325) 617-9112. BUGGY. WE BUY YOUR 949-6108. working & non-work- DIVORCE $99.00 ing washers and dryers. COVERS Children, Whirlpool, Roper, Sears, Custody, Property & Kenmore. 653-6000. Debts. Uncontested. 416 E. 19th. Satisfaction GuaranMINI BLINDS, 5/8”. teed! Unlimited CusThree 34 1/4” W x 59” L. tomer Support. Call One 34 1/4” W x 34 1/2” 24/hrs. Free InformaL. Off white, $100. (325) tion! 1-800-250-8142. 651-5980.

5-PIECE KING BEDROOM grouping, dark wood, (includes mattress & box spring), $125. King bedspread, 2 shams, 3 pairs of curtains, $50. One under the counter dishwasher, about 2 years old, $50. (325) 949-9758.


SELL YOUR DIA- BETES Test Strips: Any Kind/Any Brand unexpired. Paying Up To $16/Box. Shipping Paid. Arif 1-800-266-0702 www.


NEEDED: LOT IN San Angelo for mobile home with paved frontage & numerous mature shade trees. In or near city limits. Local (325) 763-8351.

Clothing PETTICOAT, NEVER USED, purchased at Mary’s Bridal. Great under quinceanera or wedding dress, medium size, very full, paid $75, asking $50. (325) 9440397

Become a registered American Classifieds user today and have all of the new features of at your fingertips! Check it out today! Registration is FREE!!

WILL PAY FOR cars and trucks running or not. $75 for small cars, $100 for mid size cars, $125 for large size cars, $150 for large pickups and vans. Must have title. Must be complete. (325) 656-3658 OAK FIREWOOD Stacked, ready to load. $175 a cord. (325) 650-8718. (2) NICE METAL desks, woodgrain tops, all with extensions, $150 each. (1) office divider wall, 5’ tall. $100. (325)942-9549, (325) 374-7384. NOW OPEN! Constancio Tire Shop, 1000 N. Chadbourne, (325) 2276840, (325) 277-0873. New & Used tires. Tire repair, Balance, rotate tires, 18 wheeler tires, backhoe tires. WE BUY JUNK BATTERIES. TOP PRICES, PAID CASH. CALL FleetPride (325) 651-4777.

COMMERCIAL BUILDING FOR lease. Available January 1, 2011. Previously used as a beauty salon. Washer/dryer hookups. A/C, heat, No pets, no smoking. References required. $600 monthly, $400 deposit. 1315 South Chadbourne. (714) 3080422

Winter BLOWOUT Special Call for Free Estimate! • Visit us at

up to 50% off all central heating & cooling units We Finance

Call today for free estimates!

UP TO $125 CASH paid for old cars and trucks. More in some cases. (325) 656-3658 SCENIC HORSEBACK RIDES along spring fed creek and river that has never run through a town. Moonlight rides available on request. Call for info, (325) 650-9889. LOST KEY FOB with gas key for 2010 Nissan Armada. Will pay reward. Call (325) 374-7096. TRAIL RIDES $20. Ride lasts 2-3 hours. Calm horses. (325) 6563658 R E G I S T E R E D YORKIE MALES. Parents on site. Check webb for pictures. Valentine puppies coming. (325) 2122032. NOW OPEN! Constancio Tire Shop, 1000 N. Chadbourne (325) 2276840, (325) 277-0873. New & Used tires. Tire repair, Balance, rotate tires, 18 wheeler tires, backhoe tires. BOOK HEAVEN SEMI-ANNUAL book sale. Sale starts Monday, November 22. All regular stock hardbacks & trade size paperbacks 80% off the publishers price. Great selections, heavenly prices. Book Heaven, Village Shopping Center, 2220 West Beauregard, (325) 942-0845 $CASH$ Cars or pickups for parts and wrecking use. We will pick ‘em up. Clark’s Auto Wrecking, 901 N. Cecil. Phone 658-4377. 265 RED AUDITORIUM seats, good condition. (325) 743-6621 STEEL BUILDINGS: 5 only 16x20, 25x36, 30x48, 40x52, 45x82. Selling for Balance! Free Delivery! 1-800-462-7930 x262. BE SURE TO ✔ VISIT OUR newest location for your current copy of AMERICAN CLASSIFIEDS - SOUND CHOICE located at 39 West Concho. TABLES AND CHAIRS, cabinets, filing cabinets, baby cribs, dorm refrigerator, 27” TV, desk & lots of tools. (325) 374-3600

YOUR AD COULD BE HERE! Call 944-7653

325 - 450 - 0481

University Heating & Cooling


224-8000 2854 W. Beauregard


Cash Paid for All Types of Scrap

Wide Format Printing

We buy aluminum, brass, copper and batteries.

ACME IRON & METAL CO. Turn your junk into cash!

Community Events & Announcements BOUNCE ABOUT INFLATABLES! We now have a rock climbing wall, call for price. Bouncing castles, 3 hour party, $70; 4 hour party, $85. Call for pricing on Bungee Run, Velcro Wall, obstacle course, boxing ring, dunking booth and slides. (325) 2348423 WANT MORE INFO on Macular Degeneration? A support group meets the 3rd Tuesday of every month, 2 p.m.-4pm. West Texas Rehab. 3001 S. Jackson FMI contact Jim Ames at (325) 223-5333 or (325) 942-9300. NOW FEATURING WIND★ STAR Casinos & Bingo at Thackerville, Oklahoma. January 8th & 9th. Play Casino or Bingo. February 19th & 20th, 2011. Bus & motel $35. For reservations call Ben & Victoria at (325) 387-2298, (325) 6507563 GENEALOGY BOOKS available at Christian Village. Ames, Arnis, Eames Marriages $18.35. Out of the Past $13.00. Tom Green Co, Texas Marriages 18751938 - $27.90. Seminole Indian Scouts Cemetery $11.00. Seminole, Lipan, Cherokee, Creek Indians Scouts - $13.00. Price includes postage FMI call Jim Ames at 223-5333. AMERICAN CLASSIFIEDS DOES not warrant the accuracy of any advertisements, nor the quality of the goods or services offered. When accepting money orders or checks from buyers, make sure you check the validity with the money order company or bank. Investigate any quest i o n a b l e advertisements before investing any money. PICK UP THE LATEST COPY of AMERICAN CLASSIFIEDS at SOUND CHOICE located at 39 West Concho. WE LOAN CASH for Christmas. Wild Bill’s Pawn, 1315 MLK, 6587066.

GOT A COMPUTER? Place your ad online at

It is fast and convenient!

720 Buchanan (Off Expressway)

(325) 653-1407 INVESTIGATE BEFORE YOU INVEST. Before you send a company money for anything advertised in American Classifieds, investigate before you invest. It is also illegal for any company to ask you to pay for credit or a loan before you get it. American Classifieds readers using information in any ads, do so at their own risk. It is suggested that the prospective investors contact the appropriate consumer protection agency before payment. American Classifieds, nor any of it’s employees shall not be held liable for the content in any advertisers ads. For more information about credit scams and advance fee loans write: FTS, Washington, DC 20580.

Super Savings in your Thrifty Nickel’s American Classifieds. Sports & Exercise Equipment GUN SHOW, San Angelo Coliseum, January 15th, 9-5; January 16th, 10-4. FMI (806) 253-1322 CUSTOM GOLF CART. Lift kit, oversize mag wheels & tires. Charger and diamond plated. $1900. (325) 6573271 NAME BRAND GOLF BALLS, like new. $2 per dozen. (325) 653-1625. G-5 GOLF CLUBS. Woods, irons & bad, $500. (325) 392-2350 BATTING CAGE 60’X14’, like new condition with L-screen, $400. ATEC Casey Jr baseball pitching machine, very good condition, $500. Jugs baseball pitching machine (needs new tire), $450. Call Jay 325234-4506. 100 POUND PUNCHING bag, like new, $75. (325) 650-1516. NORDIC TRACK GRT 490 weight system, 6 work stations, max 466lbs, like new, $150. Cost $650. AB-Lounger, $50. (325) 374-5048, (325) 651-6564 CADENCE 2300 TREADMILL & Airciser bicycle execiser, both excellent shape. (325) 6538641

Grape Creek’s


LARGE REWARD for the safe return of our family members!! NO QUESTIONS ASKED Please call 325-340-6407 325-340-6715 325-234-0691 Any additional information on their whereabouts would be greatly appreciated! PLEASE HELP BRING OUR FAMILY HOME!!!

January 6, 2011

Page 3


New Higher Prices on most copper. January 3rd

Call Now 325-659-1491 EXCLUSIVELY AT: Crawford Chiropractic 107 North Main Street San Angelo, TX 76903

CHEAP GOLF CARS for small plots. 1986 E-ZGO, $650. 1995 E-Z-GO, $650. 1990 E-Z-GO, $650. 1999 E-Z-GO, $875. 1979 E-Z-GO, $500. (325)212-4085. GUN SHOW, San Angelo Coliseum, January 15th, 9-5; January 16th, 10-4. FMI (806) 253-1322 2010 E-Z-GO ELECT. demo with windshield, tan, full factory warranty. List price $6400. Sell $3900. (325)2212-4085, (325)655-5319. PING i3 Golf Club Set, $249. Wild Bill’s Pawn, 1315 MLK, 6587066.

Buy! Buy! Buy!

Miscellaneous PETTICOAT, NEVER USED, purchased at Mary’s Bridal. Great under quinceanera or wedding dress, medium size, very full, paid $75, asking $50. (325) 9440397.

Internet & Technology ENJOY BETTER TV Dish Network Authorized Retailer Offers, FREE HD for Life. Packages from $24.99/mo. Includes locals, 3-HD receivers for free. Restrictions Apply. Call Now! 888-281-8360 DIERSCHKE & DIERSCHKE REALTORS, 5026 Knickerbocker Rd., San Angelo, TX. (325) 944-3596.


R E N T- A - P O N Y BIRTHDAYS, PARTIES, reunions, any occasion. Fun. (325) 949-6108. NOW HIRING TATTOO artist with portfolio and body piercer. Please apply at 2226 Sherwood Way. (325) 227-4761. FREE GAS! $25.00 Free Gas, Any Station, For A 2 Minute Survey On Your Favorite Gas Station. Call Now 1877-859-3497. CREDIT REPAIR FOR a free consultation CALL 1-800-208-2934 Improve your Credit History Even After Bankruptcy. Change your credit history, change your Life. 1800-208-2934. FROM BED AND breakfast - refinished antique clawfoot tub. (325) 450-6964.

Small ad BIG deals!

$CASH$ Cars or pickups for parts and wrecking use. We will pick ‘em up. Clark’s Auto Wrecking, 901 N. Cecil. Phone 658-4377. PLASTIC BARRELS FOR sale. 653-3678.

2 ACRES IN Eldorado, has city water. More info, (325) 812-6290. CREDIT REPAIR FOR a free consultation CALL 1-800-208-2934 Improve your Credit History Even After Bankruptcy. Change your credit history, change your Life. 1800-208-2934

Derksen Portable Storage Buildings, Garages, Cabins & Barns As low as $78 month/Rent to Own No Credit Check FREE Delivery 2610 N. Chadbourne • 325-653-7710

★MF IERSEQWUOI OT DE ,: UCUT, Uload. $50 a cord. Close to town. (325) 374-5048, (325) 651-6564.

FREE BIBLE CORRES P O N D E N C E COURSES. God has a plan for your life. Answer the questions from Bible and send in for grading. Write to: World Bible School Dept. 47, 2200 Johnson St., San Angelo, TX. 76904 or call (325) 949-7152. God keeps his promises! Learn what he has promised you.

BE A SMART Bargain K N I V E S , FREE HD FOR LIFE! SWORDS, Shopper Online With DAGOnly on DISH Network! GERS, stun guns & Tons Of Products To Lowest Price in America! self defense items. Choose From At: $24.99/mo for over 120 Confederate & Biker www.JennysOnlineMall.c Channels! $500 Bonus! novelties, posters & om 1-877-850-5239 more. Bonnie Blue ROOF COATING FOR HAD A WRECK? GOOD SOLID OAK Tattoos, 1624 S. mobile homes, $175 in- We sell new and used wood for sale. $230/cord. Chadbourne. (325) stalled! Stop leaks now! body parts cheaper (325) 655-1931, 812- 227-6803 Other repairs also. (325) than anybody. (325) 651-9300. 4227 340-2005 anytime. COMPUTER WORK AIRLINES ARE HIR- WE LOAN CASH for DESK $75, (325) 277- ING - Train for high pay- Christmas. Wild Bill’s 1237, (325) 949-9891. ing Aviation Maintenance Pawn, 1315 MLK, 658Career. FAA approved 7066. FOR LEASE. 600 program. Financial aid if to 1000 sq.ft. workqualified - Housing availshops/storage just able. CALL Aviation InstiGroup Health outside city limits. tute of Maintenance. Utilities available. Call Individual Health (866)453-6204. Gretchen, 325-234HEALTHCARE FOR 0069. $59.93/MO!!! Includes Health Benefits Entire Family! Prescrip**OLD GUITARS tions, Dental, Vision, Hos- • Group Health WANTED!** Fender, pitalization,& more! The Gibson, Martin, Gretsch, perfect Non-Insurance • Individual Health Prairie State, Euphonon, Solution! Call Today! 800BOBBY ZESCH, CLU • Medicare Larson, D’Angelico, 550-2778 MARGUERITE PICKETT Stromberg, RickenSupplements backer, and Mosrite. Gib- DONATE YOUR CAR, son Mandolins - Banjos. Truck or Boat to HER- • Long Term Care 1930’s thru 1970’s. TOP ITAGE FOR THE BLIND. CASH PAID! 1-800-401- Free 3 day Vacation. Tax Deductible, Free Towing, 0440. All Paperwork Taken Care FREE HD FOR LIFE! of. 1-866-962-1498. Only on DISH Network! 430 W. Beauregard Ave. • San Angelo, Texas Lowest Price in America! 9.9 CENTS PER KWH. Lowest pre-paid electricAuthorized Agent For: $24.99/mo for over 120 Channels! $500 Bonus! ity in Texas. No Deposit! BlueCross BlueShield No Credit Check! Call 1-877-850-5239 of Texas Pocket Power Now! 877TAKE CONTROL OF 335-POWER www.getA Division of Health Care Service Corporation, a Mutual Legal YOUR FINANCIAL FU- Reserve Company, an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross TURE Today! Start an onand Blue Shield Association line business from home. Small investment to start. Recoup costs your 1st month. Call John 888297-1817. CT Cube, L.P. d/b/a West Central Wireless d/b/a Right Wireless (Company) is committed to bringing its customers quality telecommunications services at affordable rates throughout its service territory. The Company’s unlimited basic unlimited local usage plan is available for rates between $24.00 and $34.00 per month, excluding roaming and long distance services. (Rates may vary depending on the exchange where you live or have your business, and do not include taxes, surcharges, or other fees that may be applicable.)

THIS ADVERTISING space could be yours!

(325) 653-1448


West Texas Post Frame LLC Barns & Buildings Weekly Specials 40x50x12 w/concrete

.......................$29,950 30x50x12 w/concrete

If you have questions regarding the Company’s services or rates, please call 325-944-9016 or toll free 800-695-9016.

.......................$23,950 30x40x12 w/concrete



Prices Include: • Material & Labor • One Walk-In Door • One 10x8 Roll-Up Door • Colored Metal

The Company’s services include voice grade access to the public switched network, tone dialing, access to interexchange service (long distance carriers), access to operator services and directory assistance, telecommunications relay service, and 911 emergency service. Each access line comes with a free primary directory listing upon request and each subscriber can request an annual local telephone directory. Also, unlimited local calling is provided within the customer's local calling area at no charge on certain rate plans. To make sure that our customers continuously receive quality service, any service problems can be reported to the company twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.

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The Company offers reduced rates to eligible residential consumers under two programs: Lifeline and Linkup. Lifeline provides monthly discounts to an eligible customer’s basic local service. Linkup offers eligible customers a reduction in installation charges for telephone service equal to one-half of the service connection charges or $30.00, whichever is less. Customers who are eligible for the Lifeline and Linkup Programs are also eligible for toll blocking at no charge. To be eligible for Lifeline and Linkup, a customer’s annual household income must be at or below 150% of the federal poverty guidelines, or a customer must receive benefits from or have a child in the household who receives benefits from at least one of the following programs: Medicaid, Food Stamps (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program); Supplemental Security Income (SSI); Federal Public Housing Assistance (FPHA); Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP); or Health benefits coverage under the state Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Additional information may be obtained by contacting the Company’s business office at (325) 944-9016 or by contacting the Low-Income Discount Administrator (LIDA) at 1-866-454-8387 (1-866-4-LITE-UP). West Central Wireless 3389 Knickerbocker Road • San Angelo, Texas 76904 Phone: 325-944-9016 • Fax: 325-949-9500 •

Page 4

January 6, 2011

944-SOLD AmErICAn WInDoW SAMCO Finance tIntInG & Auto GLASS

We do cash loans on Texas Vehicle Titles Must Be Running & Registered

Now offering signature loans (subject to credit approval)

2750 PAINT ROCK RD 325-227-4909 • 325-763-6791 Auto • HomE • CommErCIAL PAIntLESS DEnt rEPAIr roCk CHIP rEPAIr WInDoW tInt SPECIAL LIfEtImE WArrAnty (rEStrICtIonS APPLy)

mon. - SAt. 8:00-5:30

title loans up to $120000 Reporting All Credit • Se Habla Espanol •

2201 West Ave. N YOUR AD COULD BE HERE! Call 944-7653

Furniture FURNITURE FIESTA. 1101 N. Chadbourne. We buy and Sell used furniture. (325) 227-6623, (325) 234-9533. 7 PIECE DINING, $400. Twin captain bed, $300. Nightstand, $25. Rustic TV stand/armoire, $600. (325) 450-8249.

Sell Worldwide We Sell rebuilt mattresses Bed Frame Headquarters

Quilted Sets or Singles All Sizes Always Available

Tennis Auction 2207 N. Chadbourne • (325) 653-3494

I ASSEMBLE boxed furniture in your home. Call 944-0397, leave message. MOVING SALE - Nice stuff. Bedset, 3 big screens, big stereo, china cabinet. (325) 2773817. 2 WORKING OR writing desks, 48x24 and 52x17, $75 and $50. (325) 895-4240. NAVY RECLINER LIFT chair, excellent condition. Beautiful white wicker desk and chair. (325) 277-5137. TWO EXTRA LARGE chest of drawers, cherry wood, beautiful, $650 each obo. Oak Extra large and deep chest of drawers, light oak, 4’x4’, $475. Entertainment center, 7-8’ long, shelves, slide out drawers, $4000. Handmade kitchen hutch with glass doors, raised panels, sides and doors, fruitwood color, $2000. Brady, Tx. (325) 5979671 or (325) 456-6882 cell. KITCHEN TABLE WITH 4 chairs, like new, $50. Call day or night (325) 212-2976.

NEW $169 QUEEN mattress set. Twin set, $139. Full set, $149. King set, $269. Warranty. Can deliver. (325) 716-8816. LARGE SOLID OAK computer/ entertainment center combo, $700. Corner curio babinet, solid birch, $275. Brady, Tx. (325) 597-9671 or (325) 456-6882 cell.

ASHLEY TABLE, RICH brown with inlay, excellent condition. 6 cushioned chairs, 2 leafs, $800. (325) 656-4774. COMPUTER ROLLTOP DESK, excellent condition. Paid $598, asking $350. (325) 6551029, leave message. VERY NICE TWIN beds for sale. Can be used as bunk beds also. (325) 374-4373.

Small ad BIG deals!


Sell! Sell! Sell!

Small ad big deals!

COUNTRY WOOD TABLE & 6 chairs, $150. Brown cloth couch, $150. 2 western end tables, $30 each. Leather recliner, $80. End table with iron legs, $30. (325) 3745048, (325) 651-6564. BUNK BED WITH desk on one side, shelf and 5 drawers. $275. Call (325) 650-7166 POSTURPEDIC SEALY KING size mattress. $200. (325) 4566170.

HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA. Graduate In Just 4 Weeks! FREE BROCHURE! Call Now! 1-800-532-6546 Ext. 440 FIREWOOD AVAILABLE OAK and mesquite. Up to semi loads available delivered. Brownwood area. 325203-6965. CAN’T WORK? DISABLED? Social Security Disability Claim Denied? Free Consultation. No fee until YOU get paid. BTS Group, Inc. Specializes in Hearings & Appeals. Read the testimonials at 1800-466-0606.

WOODEN FRAME BUNK beds, with desk, dresser and shelving. $200. Desk $50. Antique dinning room table with 4 chairs $200. Call (325) 374-6692 BEDROOM SUIT BRAND new for sale $2,800.00 o.b.o. call 325895-4944 FOR SALE! PIANO $150; 24” TV $75; Computer Table $25 All in GOOD condition. Call 325 650-9879 5 PC. QUEEN Bedroom Set. Black. Good Condition. 325-277-0680 $400.

SALE 13 Month

Miscellaneous VISIT WWW.BESTNEWSHOPPINGONLINE.COM FOR The Lowest Prices On Name Brand Products You Buy Everyday! WE BUY WORKING or non-working laptop computers. 2409 Sherwood Way, 325-944-7777. $$OLD GUITARS WANTED$$ Gibson, Fender, Martin, Gretsch. 1920’s to 1980’s. Top Dollar paid. Toll Free: 1-866433-8277. PREMIUM FIREWOOD FOR sale Mesquite, Pecan, Ash, Oak. $150/cord, $200 for Oak. Different cuts available. Delivery available. (325)212-6287. MEMORY FOAM THERAPEUTIC NASA VISCO MATTRESSES WHOLESALE! T-$299 F$349 Q-$399 K-$499 ADJUSTABLES - $799 FREE DELIVERY 25 YEAR WARRANTY 90 NIGHT TRIAL 1-800-ATSLEEP 18 0 0 - 2 8 7 - 5 3 3 7 WWW.MATTRESSDR.CO M

Discover a deal!

TATTOOS & BODY Piercing since 1992. Clean, sterile, professional. Military, student & civil servant discounts. Rebel merchandise sold here too. Heritage not hate! BONNIE BLUE TATTOOS. 1624 S Chadbourne (325) 227-6803.

NATION WIDE parts locator service! Can’t find that part you need? Call Clark’s and let them find it for you. (325) 658-4377 GUADALUPANOS Materia de el espiritu. Santo Se cura toda enfermedad. Sanacion Dominingos 10am. 119 W. 28th St. NATION WIDE parts locator service! Can’t find that part you need? Call Clark’s and let them find it for you. (325) 658-4377. 7.62X39 UPPER ASSEMBLY for AR-15. Complete with bolt and charging handle, $600. (325) 942-8648 or (325) 656-6120. PIPE FOR SALE: 3 inch, 81,600 feet. 4 inch, 51,000 feet. 6 inch, 17,100 feet. 8 inch, 2,500 feet. All pipe needs to be salvaged. Schedule 40. (325) 716-1517. DONATE YOUR CAR! Breast Cancer Research Foundation. Most highly rated breast cancer charity in America! Tax deductible/fast, Free Pick-up! 1-866-982-2009. I BUY USED laptops. Call Matt, (325)374-1331. Leave message. FREE HD FOR LIFE! DISH Network. $24.99/mo. - Over 120 Channels. Plus $500 BONUS! Call 1-800-9159514.

DIVORCE, LOW COST & Quick. Covers property, debts, children and more. Unlimited customer support, Guaranteed filing! Free consultation. Call 1-866376-9415.

Rustic Furniture

SEASONED SPLIT OAK wood, $140 a cord. You load. (325) 792-7524 WANTED - OLD barn tin and privacy fence. (325) 340-2230.

The Nickel... The Original

LOT OF ASSORTED Bakugan with 2 holders, 1 armband shooter, 1 ring to roll them in and 2 books. All good condition. $50. (325)374-1331. GLASS DISPLAY CASES. Great for retail store. (325)658-1969.

ARE YOU APPLYING FOR DISABILITY SOCIAL SECURITY OR SSI? CALL THE BEST, I WILL COME TO YOUR HOME. No charge until you win. Call anytime before 10 p.m. John Webb LCSW, Accredited Social Security Representative (325) 944-9879,

CHECK US OUT ON THE WEB AT KAYAK FISHING IS the only way to fish! come Check out the New 2011 Angler models of Ocean Kayak. Cole’s Army Surplus, Corner of 2nd & N. Chadboune. (325)653-1903. www.colesarmysurplus.c om. MALE SIZE ENLARGEMENT FDA Medical Vacuum Pumps. Gain 1-3 Inches Permanently. Testosterone, Viagra, Cialis, FREE PILLS! (619)294-7777 Code TC (Discounts Available) ‘99 CHEVY EXT pickup running boards, $50. 4’x18’ swimming pool, used only 1 month, paid $380 sell for $250 with accessories. Crossbow exercise machine, $100. (325) 653-8586, (325) 277-5306. 2 LARGE DOG HOUSES, 1 medium dog house. Mesquite fire wood. 1417 Upton, (325) 659-2307. WANTED - FREE dirt or caliche for landfill. FMI (325) 486-9386. THE OCEAN CORP. 10840 Rockley Road, Houston, Texas 77099. Train for a New Career. *Underwater Welder. Commercial Diver. *NDT/Weld Inspector. Job Placement Assistance. Financial Aid available for those who qualify. 1-800321-0298.



Shop & Compare! Nobody Beats Our Prices!

Gallery Warehouse




Meet with an Advisor and Register In-Person Monday thru Thursday 8:00-5:00 Friday 8:00-2:00

Class Schedule Posted On The Website

Furniture & Mattress Store 329 W. Washington at S. Bryant • 325-658-6795

San Angelo’s Community College • 3501 N US Hwy 67 •


January 6, 2011

EBD Builders David Adair

Let Us Relieve the Headaches of Tax Season!

Come Visit our

2nd Location!

No Job Too Big or Small

Page 5

Get your money back FAST with a Refund Anticipation Loan*!

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We are now also located at

FREE HOUSE TO be moved. 30’X16 1/2’. (325) 651-6204 FUN GERMAN BOXER FREE to good home. Call (325) 2347811 FREE - QUEEN SIZE MATTRESS & box springs, good shape. (325) 947-7634


AMERICAN CLASSIFIEDS Weekly paper read daily by THOUSANDS!


LADIES 10K YELLOW gold cluster engagement ring with 6 diamond ring wrap, $1250. Men’s gold horseshoe ring with 3/4 carat diamond with horse head in middle, $2500. Ladies 14K Wedding ring set, over 1 carat, $8000. Ladies 14K solitaire wedding set, $1500. Serious inquires only. Call for appointment: (325) 597-9671 or (325) 456-6882 cell. TOP DOLLAR FOR Sterling Silver, place settings, Jewelry, mismatched & broken gold. 1011 Caddo, San Angelo, TX, (325)655GOLD(4653).

Jobs Wanted




CABINETS: call us for REACH OVER 28 MILall your cabinet needs. AIRLINES ARE HIRLION homes with one ad Better Built Cabi- ING - Train for high paybuy! Only $2,795 per nets 486-0069. ing Aviation Maintenance week! For more informaCareer, FAA approved tion, contact this publicaprogram. Financial aid if SMALL JOB CON- tion or go to www.nani qualified - Housing availATTEND COLLEGE STRUCTION. Free esti- able. CALL Aviation InstiONLINE from home. mates. Contact Daniel tute of Maintenance. BOUNCE ABOUT Medical, Business, ParaWilcox at (325) 212-2319 (888)686-1704. INFLATABLES! We legal, Accounting, Crimior email dwilcoxs@aol. HAVE A HAPPIER now have a rock nal Justice. Job com NEW YEAR? Call JUST climbing wall, call for placement assistance. ENERGY! Get A Fixed price. Bouncing casPAINTING, MOVComputer available. FiRate Electricity Program. tles, 3 hour party, $70; ING, CLEANING nancial aid if qualified. SURREY LIMO BIKE. Protect Yourself from 4 hour party, $85. Call yards, etc. Will do all Call 800-494-3586 $2,500 OBO. Can ac- Market Volatility. Make for pricing on Bungee kinds of work. Call cept payments. (325) The Switch! 1-888-439Run, Velcro Wall, obme. Robert (325) 7635927 PUCT Cert.10052 SOCIAL SECURITY 651-8229. stacle course, boxing 1885. Good rates. DISABILITY Claim De- I BUY USED Apple 2 CHINESE PORCEring, dunking booth Call Matt, LAIN Fish bowls with nied? Free Consultation. iPhones. and slides. (325) 234No fee until you’re paid. (325)374-1331. Leave cherrywood stands and 2 HANDYMAN ALL 8423 36� tall Chinese standing BTS Group specializes in message. TYPES of work. Tree porcelain vases. $300 for appeals/hearings. 1-800trimming, painting, tile, yard work, carpentry, $CASH$ Cars or pick- 810-4277. Read testimo- Making it easier for you! all. 325-655-4197. hauling. Reasonable ups for parts and wreck- nials @ www.btsgroup rates. MUCH MORE!! ing use. We will pick ‘em Clark’s Auto Call Joe at (325) 651- up. Wrecking, 901 N. Cecil. OAK WOOD - $275 1325 or 245-3251. a cord, $175 for 1/2. If HEAD START ON Phone 658-4377. FOAM you pick up - $200 a spring clean-up. Will haul MEMORY cord and $100 for 1/2. for free. Recycle metal, THERAPEUTIC NASA Please call (325) 277MATTRESSES mowers, appliances, etc. VISCO WHOLESALE! T-$299 F- 4053 or (325)650(325) 300-4521. $349 Q-$399 K-$499 AD- 7734. JUSTABLES - $799 FREE ALL HOME REDELIVERY 25 YEAR $CASH$ any make or PAIRS: Install; WARRANTY 90 NIGHT model cars and pickups doors, windows, sidTRIAL 1-800-ATSLEEP 1- for wrecking use. We will ing. Paint, drywall, 8 0 0 - 2 8 7 - 5 3 3 7 pick them up. Clark’s tile. Kitchen/bath fixWWW.MATTRESSDR.CO Auto Wrecking, 658tures, ceiling fans, toiM lets. Affordable & 4377. Reliable. Lee - cell. B AT T E R I E S , (325)227-1462. NEW BLEMISHED, high crankHOUSE CLEANING ing amp, automotive SERVICE Call and marine. Starting Stephanie at (979) 482- at $31. While supplies 7538 for free estimates. last!! FleetPride. CARE GIVER WITH 651-4777. references looking for job with elderly. (325)763AIRLINES ARE HIR5834. ING - Train for high payNEED A HANDY- ing Aviation Career. FAA MAN? I do inside work approved program. Fior outside. I will haul off nancial aid if qualified junk/trash for a reason- Job placement assisable rate. Call Ronnie tance. CALL Aviation In(325) 300-5791. stitute of Maintenance TOO BUSY TO clean 877-523-4531. or need help doing it? CASH PAID FOR unexCall Linda at (325) 617- pired, sealed DIABETIC 4453. Reliable and have TEST STRIPS - up to Welcome to the new Texas Bank references. $17/Box! Shipping paid. 1-800-371-1136. LOOKING FOR Sara Lake View Branch located at HOUSES to clean at www.cash4diabeticsup1815 N. Chadbourne. very affordable prices. Call (325) 651-2196, YOUR AD COULD BE HERE! (325) 763-4334 We are a full-service branch with

** ALL SATELLITE Systems are not the same. Monthly programming starts under $20 per month and FREE HD and DVR systems for new callers. CALL NOW 1800-799-4935. HANDS ON CAREER Train for a high paying Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified - Job placement assistance. Call AIM today (866)854-6156. 10’X20’ CAR CANOPY, old hospital bed, Bar-B-Q pits. Old bath tub, 8� metal “Z� purling. Electric cook top and oven, metal storage building 8’x8’x12’. (325) 277-1037.


J. Z. DRYWALL. Sheetrock, Tape-nbed, texture, patches, painting. Interior. Exterior. Jose (325) 2457074. MR. BOOGIE - Professional DJ Service. Country, Rock, Oldies. (325) 884-2203, (325) 4500325

In PRINT... ONLINE.. all the time!!

From Southwest to Northeast, we’ve got San Angelo covered. Texas Bank now has

Call 944-7653



$ $

3 convenient locations!

three drive thru lanes, an ATM drive thru lane, and safe deposit boxes. Lobby Hours: Mon. thru Thur. - 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Fri. - 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Motor Bank: Mon. thru Fri. - 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Sat. - 8 a.m. to noon

Nelly Perez Branch Manager 325-949-3721




for All Sizes of Used & Junk Oilfield Drill Bits Milltooth or Button


2000 W Beauregard Ave San Angelo, TX 76901 (325) 944-8694 ZZZ VHFXULW\ ÂżQDQFH FRm

BODY Piercing since 1992. Clean, sterile, professional. Military, student & civil servant discounts. Rebel merchandise sold here too. Heritage not hate! BONNIE BLUE TATTOOS. 1624 S Chadbourne (325) 227-6803.

Member FDIC


YOUR AD COULD BE HERE! Call 944-7653

MUST SELL! 14 kt. gold 1/2 carat marquise diamond ring, valued at $1100, asking $300. (325) 895-0840.

YOUR ADs are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year So log on & check us out!


LARGE GLASS BOTTLE collection. Late 1800’s to present. Best offer takes all. (325) 8765231. ANTIQUE CAR TRUNK, canvas oil cloth over carved wood. $600. (325) 465-4950. COLLECTORS WIRE 200lbs, all kinds, $75. (325) 277-5765. CAMEO - 2� ANTIQUE round ivory on shell wall plaque. 6/6 made in England. Collector item. $300. (936) 585-0026 Mertzon. MAGAZINE - HOLLYWOOD’S GREATEST Romances. Columbia Pictures Silver Anniversary Edition from the UK. 1946, call to make offer. (936) 585-0026 Mertzon. ANTIQUE CYLINDER MUSIC Box. Plays 8 Scottish tunes, one similar (Click on Mechantiques), valued @ $6800, will sell for $2500. (936) 585-0026 Mertzon ANTIQUE DRINKING HORN, August 1912 from Iceland, hand carved. $225. (936) 5850026 Mertzon. GOLD OR SILVER Eagles or any dollars - Big Money. Pay Cash. 1011 Caddo, San Angelo, TX, (325)655-GOLD(4653).

(inside Petal Pushers)


Free Stuff

115 E. Main St. in Sonora, TX

DO YOU NEED extra money? We buy Gold and Silver. Glass Jewelers - 3260 Sherwood Way in the Commons behind Blockbuster. (325) 947-1680, (214)7171386.


LOST CAR KEYS in Albertsons on Sherwood Way 12/12/10. Please call (325) 650-8287 if found LOST KEY FOB with gas key for 2010 Nissan Armada. Will pay reward. Call (325) 374-7096. LOST TWO DOGS on Runion Rd in Quail Valley area. Went missing mid December. One Pitbull male, black face, name is Tigger. Other is white with tan spots, one blue and one brown. Name is Little Girl. Reward for their return. Call (325) 658-3018. LOST SMALL BLACK coin container with a zipper on top. A pink hearing aid inside. REWARD!! (325) 6530467



(325) 374-5595 or (325) 374-4313


Lost & Found

2201 Sherwood Way • 4206 College Hills Blvd. • 1815 N. Chadbourne •

Page 6

January 6, 2011



Paul Green • Agent-Union Bus Center 55 E. 6th St. • San Angelo • (325) 655-4159 Veteran Military Senior & Student Discounts


Package Express Same Day/ Next Day Delivery Throughout TEXAS FREE Package Pickup & Delivery

Inside San Angelo City Limits Upon Request

Lawn & Garden

Health Care

ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION FDA Medical Vacuum Pumps, Testosterone, Viagra, Cialis (619)294-7777 2008 CUB CADET 50” (Discounts Available) lawn tractor. For sale or trade. Kohler 24hp enDIABETIC gine. 200 hrs. Well mainTEST STRIPS tained. Excellent wanted. Will pay cash condition. $1,500 OBO. up to $16 per un(325) 212-4980. opened box. Call James, (325) 6592931. Local, I will pick them up. PROFESSIONAL TREE TRIMMING, tree removal & stump grinding. (325)3746915.

I SERVICE LAWN MOWERS and do handyman work. Lee & Sons. (325) 655-4740. MOWING! LOW, LOW Rates! For same day service trimming shrubs, cleaning flower beds, trimming trees & hauling junk. (325)3746915. CRAFTSMAN RIDING LAWN mower. Good shape. $500 OBO. 2 yrs old. (325) 245-7616. TRACTOR MOWING & PLOWING. (325) 6536030 or (325) 656-4801 CUB CADET 50” deck, 142 hours, Hydrostatic, etc., $750. Murray 42” 14 hp twin engine, nice, $270. 24 hp Briggs engine, $190. 16 hp Briggs engine, new rings & starter, $145. 46” MTO deck, new blades, $25. Call (325) 949-2035 from 4 to 9 p.m. TROYBUILT GENERATOR, $450. Sthl gas blower & edger, $75 each. (325) 655-1417.

LOOKING FOR A CLASSIC CAR? Check out the pages of our automotive section!!

FDA APPROVED VIAGRA, Testosterone, Cialis. Free Brochures. CODE: Free pills 3 (619)294-7777, LOOKING FOR AFFORDABLE Health Insurance? Find A Variety Of Health Plans Offered By Visiting: TAKE VIAGRA /CIALIS? Save $500.00! 40 x 100mg/20mg pills $99.00 Plus 4 Bonus Pills. Satisfaction or Money Refunded! Order now. 1877-874-2550. VISIT: WWW. J J H E A LT H P L A N S PLUS.COM FOR Flexible, Affordable Health Plans. Free Quote In Minutes! GAIN MALE SIZE. FDA Medical Vacuum pumps. Gain 1-3 Inches Permanently. Testosterone, Viagra, Cialis FREE PILLS! 1-619-2947777 CODE AC FDA APPROVED MEDS, American Pharmacy- Tramadol, Fioricet, Tamiflu. No previous prescription required. Overnight shipping. Secure & private. w w w. o rd e r- p re s c r i p 1-866-9307455 HEALTHCARE FOR $59.93/MO!!! Family Members are Free! Prescriptions, Dental, Vision, Hospitalization, more! The Perfect Non-Insurance solution! Call today! 800-550-2689. LOSE WEIGHT FAST! GET SLIMPLE(tm) 60 Capsules $59.95. Featuring coca leaf extract. Coupon code, texas takes $10.00 off. 1800-770-2969.

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BUY VIAGRA, CIALIS, Levitra, Propecia and other medications below wholesale prices. Call: 1-866-5068676. Over 70% savings. www.fastmed ARE YOU READY to lose weight? HCG homeopathic you will lose 3050lbs per month go to complete diet plan and product ordering info. or call 903263-9438 $39 per bottle this sales for $85-$200 per bottle online. Lose weight now! It works great and easy just follow program take drops 3 times per day and lose weight and live healthy!

AReduced d-V i c e Advertising During Recession Negatively Impacts Consumer Perception You’ve always known it to be true. Now there’s proof to back it up! For The Rest of the Story Go To:

& click on the Ad-Vice Tab WE BUY OIL and gas royalties and mineral rights. Call Randee or Joe, 1-800-OIL-WELL (1800-645-9355). Royalty Group I, PO BOX 132, China Spring, TX 76633. BURN BARRELS FOR sale. 653-3678.

DID YOU KNOW?! CLARK’S AUTO WRECKING has NEW Searching for a deal? auto parts, doors, fenders, grills, radiators, try the Thrifty Nickel’s hoods, lights, door handles. Many in stock or American Classifieds next day delivery. You’ll be surprised at their 944-7653 prices. 658-4377. $CASH$. We will pay above scale weight. Cars or pickups for wrecking use. 658-4377. DIVORCE, ANNULMENT OR Proxy Marriage In 1 Day. No Court Appearance. Guaranteed. Over 50 Years ExLARGE SCOUT perience. From $995. ELECTRIC wheelchair. (978)443-8387; www.diGood working order. $400. FMI (325) 224- MESQUITE WOOD 4248, (325) 262-9040 SPLIT at 6577 Hwy LIKE NEW MOTOR- 277 South. (325) 763IZED scooter. Only used 5490. a few times, $2,500 OBO. (325)450-2148 or CASH PAID FOR unex(325)374-9775. pired, sealed DIABETIC TEST STRIPS - up to $17/Box! Shipping paid. Sara 1-800-371-1136. PAYING CASH!! CERTAIN brands unexpired, sealed, diabetic strips & manual typewriters. 325690-6446, 806-367-3775 TAKE CONTROL OF HANDS ON CAREER YOUR FINANCIAL FU- Train for a high paying TURE Today! Start an on- Aviation Maintenance line business from home. Career. FAA approved Small investment to start. program. Financial aid if Recoup costs your 1st qualified - Job placement month. Call John 888- assistance. Call AIM 297-1817. today (866)854-6156.

Medical Equipment


Chain link, baling wire, barbed wire, all kinds of fencing wire, as long as it is rolled & tied and free of all material.

ACME IRON & METAL CO. 720 Buchanan (Off Expressway)

(325) 653-1407

January 6, 2011

Aluminum Cans

40¢ lb. 45¢ for over 100+ lbs.

We Have A Room For Parties

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Business Hours Monday - Thurs. 11 - 9 Friday 11 - 10 Saturday 4 - 9



KC for 2 - $22


Loop 570 • Wall, TX • (325) 651-5905

4000 TO 20,000 sq. ft. in town. (325) 374-3457. S E A S O N E D MESQUITE ($160/ CORD), pecan ($180/cord), and oak ($200/cord) firewood for sale. Delivered and stacked. Half cords available. 325-650-1357. FREE HD FOR LIFE! Only on DISH Network! Lowest Price in America! $24.99/mo for over 120 Channels! $500 Bonus! 1-888-313-5366 K N I V E S , SWORDS, DAGGERS, stun guns & self defense items. Confederate & Biker novelties, posters & more. Bonnie Blue Tattoos, 1624 S. Chadbourne. (325) 227-6803 AIRLINES ARE HIRING - Train for high paying Aviation Maintenance Career, FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified - Housing available. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance. (888)686-1704. FIREWOOD, $180 PER cord. Smaller amounts sold. (325) 9426423, (325) 763-7769. DONATE YOUR CAR! Breast Cancer Research Foundation. Most highly rated breast cancer charity in America! Tax deductible/fast, Free Pick-up! 1-866-982-2009.

Private Dancer Poles!

Page 7

• Bachelorette Party Supplies • Lingerie CLEARANCE • Games • Oils • Novelties • Magazines • New DVD’s Every Friday $9.99 -$69.95 DVD’s


325-658-9580 **DIET PILLS** MAXIMUM Prescription Strength! (PHENTRAZINE 37.5 white/blue spec. 60 Tabs $59.95) No Prescription Needed. FREE SHIPPING. Order Now 1-866-611-6892. m TRACTOR MOWING & PLOWING. (325) 6536030 or (325) 656-4801 SICK OF YOUR ugly deck or patio? now features Tylon tile. AFFORDABLE, easy to install, and maintain. Adds many years of life & beauty to your patio or deck. Speak to our friendly, knowledgeable staff: 1-877-873-3736 Free samples. TOP DOLLAR PAID for all sizes of used and junk oilfield drill bits. Button or Milltooth. (325) 374-5595, (325) 3744313.

SEASONED SPLIT OAK wood, $140 a cord. You load. (325) 7927524. REACH OVER 28 MILLION homes with one ad buy! Only $2,795 per week! For more information, contact this publication or go to www.nani DONATE YOUR CAR, Truck or Boat to HERITAGE FOR THE BLIND. Free 3 day Vacation. Tax Deductible, Free Towing, All Paperwork Taken Care of. 1-866-962-1498.

MADRID’S FUN JUMPS - Bouncers & Interactive games. Visa & Mastercard accepted. (325)277-7321, (325)277-4832.

Small ad BIG deals!

BOUNCE ABOUT INFLATABLES! We now have a rock climbing wall, call for price. Bouncing castles, 3 hour party, $70; 4 hour party, $85. Call for pricing on Bungee Run, Velcro Wall, obstacle course, boxing ring, dunking booth and slides. (325) 2348423 STOP THE PAIN. If you’re still hurting you haven’t used WunderBracer. Spray away pain of arthritis, muscles and wherever it hurts. Works in 5 minutes or less. Try it FREE. (325) 658-5660, (325) 234-7277. CAST IRON STOVES in stock. We have dampers, pipe, fittings & accessories. Cole’s Army Surplus, Corner of 2nd & N. Chadboune. (325) 653-1903.

LEE LOWERY INSURANCE Medicare Supplement • Health Life • Accident • Annuities Long Term Care

325-949-5652 • 800-749-1173 Serving West TX and San Angelo Since 1972

Lunch Buffet

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Angelo Gold Exchange



Electronics 61” PROJECTION TV, Great color. $150. (325) 653-0661. I BUY USED Apple iPhones. Call Matt, (325)374-1331. Leave message. PLAYSTATION 3, 120GB, 7 Playstation 3 games. $500. (325) 2263231, LG 42” LCD, $350. Wild Bill’s Pawn, 1315 MLK, 658-7066. PS 2, INCLUDES many games, $60. (325) 650-1516. DIRECT TO HOME Satellite TV $19.99/mo. FREE installation, FREE HD-DVR upgrade. New customers - No Activation Fee! Credit/Debit Card Req. Call 1-800-7953579.

TELEVISION, 36” BIG tube, $50. (325) 374-5048, (325) 6516564. FREE HD FOR LIFE! Only on DISH Network! Lowest Price in America! $24.99/mo for over 120 Channels! $500 Bonus! Call Today! 1-866-7703720 OKIDATA MICROLINE 321 Turbo 9 pin multiform printer. Great for contracts, title work, receipts, etc. 325-6554197. DIRECT TO HOME Satellite TV $19.99/mo. FREE installation, FREE HD-DVR upgrade. New customers - No Activation Fee! Credit/Debit Card Req. Call 1-800-7953579. FREE HD FOR LIFE! Only on DISH Network! Lowest Price in America! $24.99/mo for over 120 Channels! $500 Bonus! Call Today! 1-866-7703720

325-655-GOLD TAYLOR ACUSTICELECTRIC 410-CE GUITAR, mint condition, $1350. (325) 234-2441. GENZ BENZ BLACK Pearl 30 Guitar Amp, $899. Wild Bill’s Pawn, 1315 MLK, 6587066.

DIRECT TO HOME Satellite TV $19.99/month FREE Installation, FREE HD-DVR upgrade. New customers - NO ACTIVATION FEE! Credit/Debit card required. Call 1-800935-7165

Let the big result getter get rid of your Computers unwanteds & also bring cash REFURBISHED GATEWAY LAPTOP, buyers to your door! 15 inch screen. Loaded with software, Wifi interIt’s easy to do. You net ready, $200. (325) 949-0639. can phone in your WE BUY WORKING or non-working laptop ad, mail it, bring it computers. 2409 Sherwood Way, 325-944-7777. in, or place it online!

Musical Instruments



29 99



The Company’s services include voice grade access to the public switched network, tone dialing, access to interexchange service (long distance carriers), access to operator services and directory assistance, telecommunications relay service, and 911 emergency service. Each access line comes with a free primary directory listing upon request and each subscriber can request an annual local telephone directory. Also, unlimited local calling is provided within the customer's local calling area at no charge on certain rate plans. To make sure that our customers continuously receive quality service, any service problems can be reported to the company twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. If you have questions regarding the Company’s services or rates, please call 325-944-9016 or toll free 800-695-9016.


The Company offers reduced rates to eligible residential consumers under two programs: Lifeline and Linkup. Lifeline provides monthly discounts to an eligible customer’s basic local service. Linkup offers eligible customers a reduction in installation charges for telephone service equal to one-half of the service connection charges or $30.00, whichever is less. Customers who are eligible for the Lifeline and Linkup Programs are also eligible for toll blocking at no charge.

(325) 944-1582 2507 W Beauregard if your PC needs CPR! Business or Residential


West Central Wireless 3389 Knickerbocker Road • San Angelo, Texas 76904 Phone: 325-944-9016 • Fax: 325-949-9500 •

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AA Television Repair 2435 College Hills Blvd. • 944-7088

BROADEN YOUR HORIZONS! Browse our Dynamic Website and see classifieds from our area & over 300,000 national classifieds posted each week at You’re sure to find that treasure you have been looking for!

$CASH$ Cars or pickups for parts and wrecking use. We will pick ‘em ATTENTION CAR up. Clark’s Auto DEALERS & REALTORS Wrecking, 901 N. Cecil. Phone 658-4377. Two of the most

expensive items ever purchased are a new car and a home. These items are being bought through the pages of American Classifieds every week. For advertising information call an account representative at Thrifty Nickel’s American Classifieds 944-7654

Miscellaneous WE BUY YOUR working & non-work✔ ing appliances. Stoves,

MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR FROM TED & JACKIE SWANSON! ”CALL THE FAUCET FIXER” SWANSON PLUMBING AND HEATING . Master Plumber Insured. 24 hours. Reasonable rates! Re-pipe, gas & water lines, waterheaters. Insured M14209 (325) 651-5425.

refrigerators, washers, DID YOU KNOW?! AUTO dryers, etc. 653-6000. CLARK’S WRECKING has NEW 416 E. 19th. auto parts, doors, fenders, grills, radiators, hoods, lights, door handles. Many in stock or next day delivery. You’ll be surprised at their prices. 658-4377. AIRLINES ARE HIRING - Train for high paying Aviation Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified Job placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance 877-523-4531. WE BUY CLEAN barrels. (325) 6533678. FREE! FREE! FREE! Emergency Survival Dehydrated Food! 15+ Years Shelf-Life. Try it Free Now! 1-406-3604444; $CASH$ Cars or pickups for parts and wrecking use. We will pick ‘em up. Clark’s Auto 2 ALPHA TANNING Wrecking, 901 N. Cecil. Beds Model Sunny 24. Phone 658-4377. Little use on each bed, BOOK SALE AT less than 100 hrs., $1800 Book Heaven! 80% each, or best offer. (325) off publishers price 365-1652 on regular stock hardOLD GUITARS backs and trade size WANTED! Fender, Gib- paperbacks. Come son, Martin, Gretsch, browse your future faPrairie State, Euphonon, vorite book store. Sale Larson, D’Angelico, starts Monday, NoStromberg, Ricken- vember 22nd. Book Village backer, and Mosrite. Gib- Heaven, Center, son Mandolins - Banjos. Shopping 1930’s thru 1970’s. TOP 2220 West BeaureCASH PAID! 1-800-401- gard, (325) 942-0845 0440. AIRLINES ARE HIR- JUNK CARS OR ING - Train for high pay- Trucks hauled off FREE!! ing Aviation Maintenance (325) 212-9503 Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if ELECTRIC BURNERS qualified - Housing avail- IN 4 styles. Propane able. CALL Aviation Insti- burners in 7 styles. Cook tute of Maintenance. wherever & whenever with the right tools. Cole’s (866)453-6204. Army Surplus, Corner of DIRECT TO HOME 2nd & N. Chadboune. Satellite TV $19.99/month ( 3 2 5 ) 6 5 3 - 1 9 0 3 . Time Energy 1x2 Time Energy 1x2 FREE Installation, FREE www.colesarmysurplus.c HD-DVR upgrade. New om. Mark Mark customers - NO ACTIVA12/23 TION FEE! Credit/Debit FREE 12/23 ENGLISH card required. Call 1-800- CLASSES, MISCELLANEOUS all levels MISCELLANEOUS 795-9329 taught. Wednesdays 6-8pm. Childcare provided. Southland Baptist Church, (325) 949-9633.


West Texas Industrial Engines, Inc. is now offering portable soda blasting and sandblasting. We will come to you or you can bring it to us.

Call (325) 659-1555

for quotes & information.


NO Deposit NO Credit Check NO ID

Everyone Approved

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Additional information may be obtained by contacting the Company’s business office at (325) 944-9016 or by contacting the Low-Income Discount Administrator (LIDA) at 1-866-454-8387 (1-866-4-LITE-UP).

PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? We’re caring, friendly & help with expenses, relocation, housing. Choose a loving family for your baby. Call Vicki 1-888-825-7974. AAA UNIQUE ADOPTIONS Service, Birthmothers we provide Personalized attention for your every need. Call us first! All expenses paid! 24/7 Toll free 1-888-6378200 UNIQUE ADOPTIONS, LET us help! Personalized Adoptions plans. Financial assistance, housing, relocation and more. Giving the gift of life? You deserve the best. Call us first! 1888-637-8200 24 hours hotline. PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? We can help you! Housing, Financial & Medical Assistance available. Choose Adoptive family involved in adoption plans. Call 24/7, Forever Blessed Adoptions. 1-800-568-4594. ARE YOU PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? We can help you. Call to receive information on amazing, loving couples ready to adopt and support you through this difficult time. Call anytime 1-800-6753407 PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? We can help you! Housing, Financial & Medical Assistance available. Choose Adoptive family involved in adoption plans. Call 24/7, Forever Blessed Adoptions. 1-800-568-4594. PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? You choose from families nationwide. LIVING EXPENSES PAID. Abby’s One True Gift Adoptions. 866-4136292. 24/7. Void/Illinois


Directly from Me

Se habla espanol

PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? Call us first. Living expenses, housing, medical and continued support afterwards. Choose adoptive family of your choice. Call 24/7. ADOPT CONNECT 1866-743-9212 PREGNANT? HAVING FINANCIAL difficulties? We can help. We provide relocation and financial assistance. Call Adoption Insight/ California Adoption Facilitator. 1-800-361-9333. ARE YOU PREGNANT? Considering adoption? A young, married, couple (she-31/he34) seeks to adopt. School teacher mom/devoted dad. Financial security. Expenses paid. Call Claire & Chris. (ask for michelle/adam). 1800-790-5260. PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? You choose from families nationwide. LIVING EXPENSES PAID. Abby’s One True Gift Adoptions. 866-4136292. 24/7. Void/Illinois PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? We can help you! Housing, financial assistance and medical available. Choose your adoptive family. Call 24/7. Forever Blessed Adoptions. 1-800-568-4594 PREGNANT? CONSIDER ADOPTION. Expenses paid. Create your adoption plan. Choose your adoptive family. Call Adoption Covenant toll free 1-888741-0268.



To be eligible for Lifeline and Linkup, a customer’s annual household income must be at or below 150% of the federal poverty guidelines, or a customer must receive benefits from or have a child in the household who receives benefits from at least one of the following programs: Medicaid, Food Stamps (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program); Supplemental Security Income (SSI); Federal Public Housing Assistance (FPHA); Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP); or Health benefits coverage under the state Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).


If you are having computer problems why call a geek when you can call a friend.

Houston Harte Expressway Access Rd.

I BUY USED laptops. Call Matt, (325)374-1331. Leave message. I ASSEMBLE boxed furniture in your home. Call 944-0397, leave message OKIDATA MICROLINE 321 Turbo 9 pin multiform printer. Great LINE 6 SPIDER 112 for contracts, title work, FREE Amp 50 watts. $190 Like receipts, etc. 325-655new. 944-4394 or 656- 4197. For 3 Months WE LOAN CASH for 6749. Christmas. Wild Bill’s NEW WHEEL KITS. Packages Start At MARSHALL MG100 Pawn, 1315 MLK, 658- Could be used for generDFX with foot switch, ex- 7066. ators or invent your own cellent condition, $350. use. Retail for $145, ON Mo. Ibanez Joe Satriani Beam me up Scotty. SALE $39.95. (325)658Direct Sat TV JS100 with hard case We’ve got Thrifty Nickels 9675. $600. Fender Strat Squire CRAFTSMAN SLIDleft hand with case $150. American Classifieds for ING Local Installers! COMPOUND Offers end 2/9/11, New customers only. the crew! (325) 656-0735. miter saw with laser track. 15 amp, 3 hp, 12” blade, 4200 rmp. Includes stand. $550. (830) 2611657 HITCH-HAUL, NEW, CGKC&H #2, R.L.P. d/b/a West Central Wireless d/b/a Right Wireless (Company) is 42” by 24” approx, 2” recommitted to bringing its customers quality telecommunications services at ceiver needed, $45 OBO. affordable rates throughout its service territory. The Company’s unlimited basic (325) 721-0223. unlimited local usage plan is available for rates between $24.00 and $34.00 per SNAP-ON MIG month, excluding roaming and long distance services. (Rates may vary depending on WELDER, $1600. Wild the exchange where you live or have your business, and do not include taxes, Bill’s Pawn, 1315 MLK, surcharges, or other fees that may be applicable.) 658-7066.




OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 1011 Caddo



January 6, 2011


Page 8

NO Deposit <<<ADOPT <<< NO Credit Check <A successful couple,< < high school NO ID < Approved < Everyone sweethearts, yearn < ALL ROOMS< $ be at-home-mom < to 1ST MONTH < & doting dad. < Turns Your < Expenses LightsPaid. On < < Kathy & Jimmy < 1-877 < 1-800-482-8086 <


928-7122 <<<<<<<<<< se habla español



BUY ME Classifieds in



& Online 24/7

$50.00 to $500.00

Any worthwhile purpose

100 W. Twohig Ave. 76903

658-1502 or 653-7097

CHEST OR UP✔ RIGHT freezer. In excellent condition.

Steel/Storage Buildings 12X24 HUNTING CABIN, office or extra room at your house. A/C & heating, bathroom, insulated, completely finished out, ready to move, $8500 obo. Can be seen at 1901 N. Chadbourne or call (325) 895-1857 STEEL BUILDINGS: 5 only 16x24, 25x30, 30x38, 45x74, 50x102. Must Move Now! Selling For Balance Owed! Free Delivery! 1-800-211-9593 x25

Guaranteed. Free delivery in town. Ace Appliances,416 E. 19th, 653-6000 ELECTROLUX REF R I G E R AT O R , WHITE, great condition, $300 obo. Call (325) 9449972 DISHWASHER FOR SALE: as is. Needs work. Whirpool model, stainless inside and out. $50. (325) 226-2020 EXTRA LARGE CAPACITY stackable washer and dryer, excellent condition. Guaranteed. Free delivery in town. Ace Appliances,416 E. 19th, 653-6000 WASHER/DRYER SET, GREAT working condition, $100. Call (325) 340-0148 today. WE BUY YOUR working & non-working appliances. Stoves, refrigerators, washers, dryers, etc. 653-6000. 416 E. 19th. KENMORE WASHER AND dryer, excellent condition, $200. Will deliver. (325) 949-8930. DRYER FOR SALE. $50. Call (325) 617-9112. GAS OR ELECTRIC stoves. Several to choose from, all in excellent condition. Guaranteed. Free delivery in town. Ace Appliances,416 E. 19th, 653-6000 UPRIGHT REFRIGERATOR, $150. David (325) 212-3177 WE LOAN CASH for Christmas. Wild Bill’s Pawn, 1315 MLK, 6587066.

✔ Check the

PET SECTION for a great companion!

Appliances R E M O D E L I N G KITCHEN, MUST sell all appliances. Refrigerator Whirlpool Gold with icemaker, $500. Maytag Dishwasher, $125. White kitchen double sink, $75. All like new. (325) 4507678. APPLIANCE REPAIR Reasonable, honest, dependable. Call for Service. (325) 653-8586, 227-5306. FROSTFREE RE✔ F R I G E R AT O R S , large selection of almond or white refrigerator. Regular or side by side. Several to choose from, all in excellent condition. Guaranteed. Free delivery in town. Ace Appliances,416 E. 19th, 653-6000. WHITE ELECTRIC MAYTAG dryer, great shape. $100. (325) 6563761 ALMOND OR WHITE matching set, extra large washer and dryer, in excellent condition. Guaranteed. Free delivery in town. Ace Appliances,416 E. 19th, 653-6000 WATER COOLER/ MINI FRIDGE for sale, works. $25 (325) 2262020

WASHERS, DRYERS, AND STOVES From $125. Refrigerators & freezers from $150. In good condition with guarantee. Call Munoz or see us at 1241 Apache Trail . Also we repair appliances. (325) 650-6384 or (325) 763-3613

OLD THINGS collecting dust? One man’s junk is another man’s treasures. Find your treasures in this weeks Thrifty Nickel’s American Classifieds

Come check our new pillow top mattress sets. We carry all sizes and three styles. (smooth top, quilted top & new pillow top)

Why go pay thousands, when we have great quality mattresses at great prices? All mattresses built here at

Tennis Auction 2207 N. Chadbourne (325) 653-3494

Page 9

Cash Loans Professional Service Co.

January 6, 2011

Miscellaneous FAST IRS TAX RELIEF. Do You Owe $10,000 or MORE to the IRS? We Help You Settle Your Overdue Taxes for LESS! FREE Consultation! 888461-9414. SAVE BIG MONEY By Shopping Hundreds Of Name Brand Products Online At: DONT STAND IN Line Get Online And Shop Thousands Of Products Today At:

SOLD MY STUFF on the first call Thursday morning. Phone has been ringing off the wall since. I will advertise with you again. R.K. FAST IRS TAX RELIEF. Do You Owe $10,000 or MORE to the IRS? We Help You Settle Your Overdue Taxes for LESS! FREE Consultation! 888461-9414. STAINLESS STEEL POTS up to 34 qts. Aluminum pot up to 100 qts. Large stainless Woks. Cole’s Army Surplus, Corner of 2nd & N. Chadboune. (325)653-1903. www.colesarmysurplus.c om. PICK UP THE LATEST COPY of AMERICAN CLASSIFIEDS at SOUND CHOICE located at 39 West Concho.

BOUNCE ABOUT INFLATABLES! We now have a rock climbing wall, call for price. Bouncing castles, 3 hour party, $70; 4 hour party, $85. Call for pricing on Bungee Run, Velcro Wall, obstacle course, boxing ring, dunking booth and slides. (325) 2348423 NATION WIDE parts locator service! Can’t find that part you need? Call Clark’s and let them find it for you. (325) 658-4377 ** ALL SATELLITE Systems are not the same. Monthly programming starts under $20 per month and FREE HD and DVR systems for new callers. CALL NOW 1800-799-4935.

Rooms and Booths For Rent Nail Techs Needed • Esthetician Needed

Call 530-526-8519 1906 Sherwood Way MALE SIZE ENLARGEMENT FDA Medical Vacuum Pumps. Gain 1-3 Inches Permanently. Testosterone, Viagra, Cialis, FREE PILLS! (619)294-7777 Code TC (Discounts Available) POLICE & LAW Enforcement gear! Cuffs, Keys, Disposable cuffs, pouches, holsters, belts & so much more. Cole’s Army Surplus, Corner of 2nd & N. Chadboune. (325)653-1903. www.colesarmysurplus.c om. HAVE A HAPPIER NEW YEAR? Call JUST ENERGY! Get a Fixed Rate Electricity Program. Protect Yourself from Market Volatility. Make The Switch! 1-888-6903318 PUCT Cert. 10052

A NICKEL saved is a NICKEL earned! PICK UP THE LATEST COPY of AMERICAN CLASSIFIEDS at SOUND CHOICE located at 39 West Concho. AMERICAN CLASSIFIEDS DOES not warrant the accuracy of any advertisements, nor the quality of the goods or services offered. When accepting money orders or checks from buyers, make sure you check the validity with the money order company or bank. Investigate any quest i o n a b l e advertisements before investing any money.

DIVORCE FROM $99.50 and $25.00 down. Member of the BBB. Missing spouse and one signature divorces. Since 1980. Toll free 800-4603173. Hablamo’s Espanol. CASH FOR GOLD, silver & diamonds. Angelo Gold Exchange, 1011 Caddo, San Angelo, TX, (325)655-GOLD(4653). MESQUITE CORD $180, 1/2 cord $100, 1/4 cord $60. Oak cord $230, 1/2 cord $130, 1/4 cord $80. Free delivery within city limits. Call (325) 6560104 or (325) 656-0224.

THIS ADVERTISING space could be yours!

Page 10

January 6, 2011








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CRIB AND CHANGING table for sale. Mattress and changing pad included. $150. 325-2278498

I Love PUCT Cert. No. 10052

Thrifty Nickel’s

Baby & Toddler WE BUY GOOD ❤ used furniture and baby furniture. Bring to 416 E. 19th next door to Henry’s & Ace Appliances or call (325) 6536000 NICE BASSET BABY bed with mattress, $75. (325) 949-8930, (325) 716-0923. CRIB, $100. Stroller, $50. Highchair, $50. (325) 655-1417.

American Classifieds

Building Materials MINI BLINDS, 5/8”. Three 34 1/4” W x 59” L. One 34 1/4” W x 34 1/2” L. Off white, $100. (325) 651-5980. CAST STONE FIREPLACE mantel, 1/2 price. (325) 450-5366


TWO METAL AWNING frames with Hunter Green canvas covers - 17’2”X14’10” and 12’6”X10’3” - Cost $5,000, sell $800. (325) 450-5366.


FOR LEASE. 600 to 1000 sq.ft. workshops/storage just outside city limits. Utilities available. Call Gretchen, 325-2340069.

TRYING TO GET Out of Debt? NO Obligation Complimentary Consultation $5k in Credit Card/Unsecured Debt YOU have Options!! PLEASE CHECK BOXES Learn about NO Upfront USED GARAGE IF NECESSARY AND CORRECT Fee Resolution ProDOOR with hardware: grams! Call 800-59316’x8’ $400. Fair condi- 3446 GTC 2x2 tion. (325)227-9509. GET FAST CASH! PreCleta approval by phone. Bad Credit OK. No faxing. Cash in 24hrs. Apply now! Checking account required. 800-390-4380. ABILENE, AMARILLO, BEAUMONT, GET FAST CASH! PreCORPUS, LONGVIEW, LUBBOCK, approval by phone. Bad MID-LAND/ODESSA,Credit SAN ANGELO, OK. No faxing. Cash in 24 hrs. Apply SAN ANTONIO, TEMPLE, TYLER, now! 1-800-354-6612. WACO, WICHITA FALLS $$$ ACCESS LAWSUIT Cash Now!! Injury MISC Lawsuit Dragging? Need Carrie $500-$500,000++ within 48/ hours? Low rates Apply Now By Phone! 1800-568-8321.

Now you can browse the ads online as well as in print and place your ads online was well! Place your ads today by calling 9447653 or at

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YOUR AD COULD BE HERE! Call 944-7653

Business Opportunity TOP COMPANY! RECESSION Proof Business. Earn $500 A Day or More Part Time. Proven Service. Call 1-800-5077222. Promo Code: CL29781. $600 WEEKLY POTENTIAL! Process HUD/FHA mortgage insurance refunds from home. No experience needed. Start today! 1800-277-1223 ext. 170 BE THE BOSS! Huge Profits Now! Free Information! 1-800-359-8336. Ext. 2406. L@@K! THE EASIEST most legit way to make $10,000 a WEEK from home! FT/PT. Apply Now! Mike: 1-760-569-6499; FRAC SAND HAULERS with complete rigs only. Tons of Runs in warm, flat, friendly and prosperous Texas! Great company, pay and working conditions. 817-769-7621, 817769-7713. FRAC SAND HAULERS with complete rigs only. Tons of Runs in warm, flat, friendly and prosperous Texas! Great company, pay and working conditions. 817-769-7621, 817769-7713. E X C E L L E N T WEEKLY INCOME processing our mail! FREE Supplies! Bonuses! Helping Home-Workers since 1992! Genuine Opportunity! Start Immediately! Toll Free 1-800-404-3929. $50/HR POTENTIAL. GET Paid to Shop and Eat. Retail Research Associate Needed. No Experience. Training Provided. Call 1-800-7426941. CASH FAST! $500+/$1000 a day simply returning calls, no selling. IRS approved. Best Day $11,000. Leann 1-888-724-9324. GREAT PAYING... FRAC Sand Hauling Work in Texas. Need Big Rig, Pneumatic Trailer & Blower. 817-769-7621. NO RISK - NO INVENTORY $5000 pot. Wkly + Bonuses. $34-Billion Coffee Industry. Patented ORGANIC Coffee. Investment $235-1 time. You CAN Work From Home. Marie@877-353-5018. GREAT PAYING... FRAC Sand Hauling Work in Texas. Need Big Rig, Pneumatic Trailer & Blower. 817-769-7621.

Answers to Crossword Puzzle for 12/23/10 Issue

ALL CASH VENDING ROUTE Be your own boss 25-machines/candy all for $9,995. 1-877-9158222 Vend 3 “S.S.REGNO.299” AINB02653 Void in AK, CT, IA, IL, IN, LA, MD, MN 880 Grand Blvd, Deerpark, N.Y. DO YOU EARN $800.00 IN A DAY? YOUR OWN LOCAL CANDY ROUTE 25 MACHINES AND CANDY ALL FOR $9995.00 ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED 877-9158222 ALL-CASH VENDING! INCREDIBLE income opportunity! Drink Snack Machines. Minimum $4K-$12K + Investment Required. Excellent quality machines. 1-800961-6178 RELOCATING - NEED to sell a restaurant with seating for 90 people in Eldorado. FMI (325) 8126290. DO YOU EARN $800 A DAY? Local candy route. 25 machines & candy for $9995. Investment required. 877-915-8222. Available in TX only. DO YOU EARN $800 A DAY? Local candy route. 25 machines & candy for $9995. Investment required. 877-915-8222. Available in TX only. NO RISK - NO INVENTORY $5000 pot. Wkly + Bonuses. $34-Billion Coffee Industry. Patented ORGANIC Coffee. Investment $235-1 time. You CAN Work From Home. Marie@877-353-5018. $50/HR POTENTIAL. GET Paid to Shop and Eat. Retail Research Associate Needed. No Experience. Training Provided. Call 1-800-7426941. VERY WELL KNOWN and established bar & grill for sale. books, taxes, and license are up to date. great downtown location in odessa tx. great customer status. call for more info 432553-6762. $987.85 WEEKLY! 6 figure internet income. Easy work. No selling. No calling. No experience required. Start now! MAKE MONEY IN 2011! No Investment. No Risk! 100% Free to Join. Google Net Income Solutions and Sign Up Now! 1-931-210-6212.

Miscellaneous WALLS INSULATED WORK Clothes. Coveralls, bib overalls, jackets, coats, vest. Check out all our thermal underwear, wool socks & winter headgear. We can keep you warm. Cole’s Army Surplus, Corner of 2nd & N. Chadboune. (325)6531903. SEASONED FIREWOOD OAK ($225, pecan ($180), mesquite ($160), delivered. Call 468-3410. MILITARY PRIDE! WE have T-Shirts & Caps from all branches. We have Wife & Mom shirts, too! Cole’s Army Surplus, Corner of 2nd & N. Chadboune. (325)653-1903. www.colesarmysurplus.c om.


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We buy aluminum, brass, copper and batteries.

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ACME IRON & METAL CO. Turn your junk into cash! (Off Expressway)

(325) 653-1407

Hunting & Fishing GOT DEER HUNTING available. $350 for 3 days with lodging. Archery (archery only Jurasik Park Ranch) & rifle. Daily or weekly hunts. FMI (325) 763-5876 or (325) 277-0727 to book. San Angelo area. GUN SHOW, San Angelo Coliseum, January 15th, 9-5; January 16th, 10-4. FMI (806) 253-1322

BURN BARRELS FOR sale. 653-3678. GOOD DEER & turkey hunting, south Tom Green Co. (325) 650-9889. TWO M-1 CARBINES Inland & quality hardware. (325) 442-2341.

TRAVEL TRAILER, 32FT Coachmen. Good hunting or fishing camper. Needs light work. Full bath and shower, can accommodate 2 full size beds, stove, refrigerator. $3000 OBO. Can be seen at Ben Ficklin and Loop 306 intersection. (325) 7633117. It will be open to look at WEST TEXAS GAME FEEDERS A Texas Size Selection of Feeders & Blinds. New Inventory arriving daily. We stock all your needs. Feeders, blinds, stands, tripods, portable blinds. Sales, service and repair. We stock DEER CORN & PROTEIN PELLETS. ATV tune-up and repair. We now rent and sell TRAILERS. 3312 N. CHADBOURNE, 6533678, 653-8686.

PAYING TOP DOLLAR for guns. One piece or collection. (325) 234-9430 or (325) 949-3157

WANT TO BUY a U.S. Remington model 03-A3. (325) 442-2341. GAME RECOVERYINCREASE your chances of finding your trophy. 325-650-4312. http://www.texashuntDAY DEER HUNTING near Brownwood, Texas with camping available. A 5 deer county. Feeders, blinds & oat fields. 325374-1535. KIMBER 8400 TACTICAL with McMillan A5 stock and Nikon Monarch scope, $1600. Savage 10FCP McMillan A5 stock with Bushnell 4200 Tactical scope, less than 40 shots. $1500. (325) 6560735 GUN SAFE: WASHINGTON 25 Liberty Safe, 1 owner, excellent condition, reduced to $1200 firm. (325) 315-8400

CONCEALED HANDGUN CLASSES, $75. 1 day class. Lunch and refreshment provided. Randy Shupe, Certified CHL Instructor. (325) 212-4817. LIVE TRAPS PERCH to Hogs. WEST TEXAS GAME FEEDERS, 3312 N. CHADBOURNE, 6533678, 653-8686.

DEVIL’S MOUNTAIN RIFLE RANGE Reloading Supply Headquarters. Best prices on guns & ammo in town. Special orders welcome. Credit Cards accepted. New hours starting Jan 4. Closed on Monday and Tuesday. 1pm-6pm Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. 9am6pm Saturday. And 1:30pm-6pm Sunday. 653-2525, 653-9633, 656-5139. HUNTING LEASE 1090 acre Ranch Creek Valley never hunted, near Stamford Texas. 325-6695570. DEER, TURKEY, HOG hunting - 4 acres on Llano River. 2 bedroom, 2 bath home 15 miles from Junction, $139,000. (325) 617-2423. GO HOG WILD! Wild Hog and Varment Hunting. San Angelo Area. Call Earl (325) 374-3156. WEST TEXAS TERRELL COUNTY 240.66 ACRES @$395/AC. SHARED WATER WELL. Whitetail deer, birds and javelina. Owner financed or Tx Vet. 1-866-2860199 FFL TRANSFERS FOR $30. (325) 2349430 DAY HUNTS, $150 per day. 200 acres, cabin, utilities. Call for booking. (325) 650-3354 ESTATE GUNS FOR sale: CZ 75B 9mm with .22 Conversion Kadet kit, reduced $750, like new condition. (325) 3158400 DEER STAND 6x8’x 18’ high, extra fancy, large stairway, $2500. (325) 277-4570.

12X24 HUNTING CABIN, office or extra room at your house. A/C & heating, bathroom, insulated, completely finished out, ready to move, $8500 obo. Can be seen at 1901 N. Chadbourne or call (325) 895-1857




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while supplies lasts!

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REMINGTON AR-15 $$OLD GUITARS Sell! Sell! Sell! .204 with scope, extra WANTED$$ Gibson, 30 RD mag and over 100 Fender, Martin, Gretsch. rounds of ammo. $1200 1920’s to 1980’s. Top Dol- CAN’T WORK? DIScall after 8p.m. 325-456- lar paid. Toll Free: 1-866- ABLED? Social Security Disability Claim Denied? 433-8277. 0689 Free Consultation. No fee FIRE- until YOU get paid. BTS 10 ACRES NORTH of PREMIUM Brady. Seasonal creek, WOOD FOR sale - Group, Inc. Specializes in central water, electricity. Mesquite, Pecan, Ash, Hearings & Appeals. Oak, Mesquite, Elm. Oak. $150/cord, $200 for Read the testimonials at Deer, Turkey. Oak. Different cuts avail- 1VARMINT CALLING $3,500/acre. Long term able. Delivery available. 800-466-0606. (325)212-6287. CONTEST held by 12GA. financing. 830-257-5572 DIVORCE FROM Water Valley Volunteer KHAN OVER/UNDER. $399. $99.50 and $25.00 Fire Department. RegisWild Bill’s Pawn, 1315 down. Member of the ter January 8, 2011. 8 Put the power of MLK, 658-7066. BBB. Missing spouse a.m. - 2 p.m. Weigh in the classifieds to and one signature diJanuary 9, 2011. 8 a.m. - CM LOAD STAR SHOP winch, 2 ton, serviced. In vorces. Since 1980. 10 a.m. Max of 4 per work for you. working order. 220, 3 Toll Free 800-460team. Call for details J.C. phase electric. $650. Call 3173. Texasdivorce(325) 656-4561. after 6 p.m. (325) 1955 MODEL JEEP 3391 Hablamo’s Espanol. 4x4, engine & breaks overhauled, has electric BROWNING SPORTauger for filling feeders. ING CLAY Gold 12 JACK IN THE Box buy $5500. Can be seen at gauge, NIB, semi-autoone Breakfast Croissant C&T Feed Store in Iraan, matic shotgun. $800. or Biscuit Sandwich and (325) 896-2646 Tx. (318) 635-1228. get one free with this ad. SMITH & WESSON Good at San Angelo, AbiI BUY: UNM&P 40cal. $449. Wild lene, and Sweetwater WANTED firearms. Bill’s Pawn, 1315 MLK, $CASH$ any make or only Call (325) 374-2013 . 658-7066 model cars and pickups FRC CLOTHING! 1987 TOYOTA 4X4 for wrecking use. We will PANTS, shirts, jeans, NICE 8 GUN gun cabi- TRUCK. 347 Ford V-8, pick them up. Clark’s coveralls, coats, t-shirts, net with matching hutch. 350 hp, winch, roll bar, Auto Wrecking, 658insulated coveralls & Made out of real wood, a/c, toolbox, auto, lift. Ex- 4377. bibs. WALLS FR avail$2500. Brady, Tx. (325) cellent condition. One of DID YOU KNOW?! able NOW! Cole’s Army 597-9671 or (325) 456- a kind. Over $30k in- CLARK’S Surplus, Corner of 2nd & AUTO 6882 cell. vested. Asking $5900. WRECKING has NEW N. Chadboune. (325)653GUN REPAIR: New, (325) 650-6462 1903. www.colesarmyauto parts, doors, fendused, and special order H&R 20 GAUGE, ers, grills, radiators, guns. Old guns wanted. ULTRA SLUG, rifle bar- hoods, lights, door han- PLEASE CHECK BOXES 9.9 CENTS PER KWH. Bottle Creek Gun reled shot gun, single dles. Many in stockAND or CORRECT IF NECESSARY Lowest pre-paid electricShop, Hwy 67, Miles, shot break open, deluxe next day delivery. You’ll ity in Texas. No Deposit! Texas. (325)468-0191. wood with BSA con- be surprised at their No Credit Check! Call tender 24X50 scope, like prices. 658-4377. 3x5.334 New Talk #1 Pocket Power Now! 877GUN SHOW, San new. $295. (325) 942- COMPUTER WORK FREE HD FOR LIFE! 335-POWER www.getAngelo Coliseum, Ellie 9139 Network. DESK $75, (325) 277- DISH January 15th, 9-5; GOLF CARS NEW E-Z 1237, (325) 949-9891. $24.99/mo. - Over 120 BE A SMART Bargain January 16th, 10-4. GO’S New Yamaha’s FRC CLOTHING! Channels. Plus $500 Shopper Online With FMI (806) 253-1322 electric or gas. Many PANTS, shirts, jeans, BONUS! Call 1-800-915- Tons Of Products To Amarillo, Corpus, El Paso, Longview, used cars to pick from. Choose From At: coats, t-shirts, 9514. 7.62X39 UPPER AS- Clay Bird cars and lifted coveralls, Lubbock, San Angelo, Sanwww.JennysOnlineMall.c Antonio SPLIT insulated coveralls & SEASONED SEMBLY for AR-15. cars. Batteries and ac- bibs. WALLS FR availOAK wood, $140 a cord. om Complete with bolt and cessories. Call John Luce able NOW! Cole’s Army You load. (325) 792- ROOF COATING FOR charging handle, $600. (325)212-4085 or Surplus, Corner of 2nd & 7524. mobile homes, $175 inMISCELLANEOUS (325) 942-8648 or (325) (325)655-5319. N. Chadboune. (325) FIREWOOD AVAIL- stalled! Stop leaks now! 656-6120. WEATHERBY VAN- 653-1903. carrie www.cole- ABLE OAK and Other repairs also. (325) S&W M28 .357 mag GUARD 30.06, $399. mesquite. Up to semi 340-2005 anytime. Highway Patrolman, ex- Wild Bill’s Pawn, 1315 VISIT WWW.BEST- loads available delivered. PICK UP THE LATcellent condition. Holster MLK, 658-7066. N E W S H O P P I N - Brownwood area. 325- EST COPY of AMERIand speed loader. (325) BERETTA AL391 GONLINE.COM FOR 203-6965. CAN CLASSIFIEDS at 234-0654. URIKA, 12 gauge, auto- The Lowest Prices On SOUND CHOICE lomatic, 28” barrel with mo- Name Brand Products YOUR AD COULD BE HERE! cated at 39 West ConCOME BY AND bile chokes. Attractive You Buy Everyday! cho. Call 944-7653 SEE WHAT IS walnut stocks, factory NEW IN TOWN. hard case. Excellent conELECTRIC 4WD SUV dition, $850. (325) 234(silent utility vehicle). 6333. WEST TEXAS RIFLES AND RUGAR STEALTH BUGGIES, M-14, 12ga, auto. 20ga. 1002 W. 19TH pump. DB410 Stevens. STREET, SAN AN(325) 482-9007 GELO, TX. (325) 659COMMERCIAL ELEC1 5 5 5 . TRIC MEAT tenderizer w w w. b a d b o y b u g for sale. FMI (325) 3902 WEST TEXAS INDUSTRIAL ENGINES, INC. is now offering portable soda blasting and sandblasting. We will come to you or you can bring it to us. Call (325) 659-1555 for quotes and information.


is offering for sale black and white sketches of the Elmer Kelton mural

Only 6 Available

100 each

37 E. Beauregard (by the Cactus Hotel) 655-8981 • LIVE TRAPS PERCH to Hogs. WEST TEXAS GAME FEEDERS, 3312 N. CHADBOURNE, 6533678, 653-8686.

Historic Murals of San Angelo, Inc.


First United Methodist Church

SAVAGE 7MM REM. MAG. $329. Wild Bill’s TEXAS HUNTING Pawn, 1315 MLK, 658AND recreation land for 7066. sale. 25-10,000 acre tracts. Priced below value. Owner financing available. Call David 1936-414-1571. WILD HOG HUNTS, Feeders, Blinds, Lodging. $100 per day, 2 day 2 gun minimum. Deer Hunting also. Sweetwater Area. 325-236-0780.

DAY LEASE, $150 per day, per person. Acreage planted with oaks. Corn feeders & deer blinds. For weekend rates call. (325) 716-8371 CONCEALED H A N D G U N CLASSES. Initial class $60, renewals $40. Call Bud Rector (325) 944-1676.


MUST SEE TO appreciate: ‘83 Scrambler, Rhino lined, Bead locked wheels, 37” Mudders, Detroit Lockers (front/rear). 456 Gear, 4-1 transfer case, 350 engine, Turbo charged transmission, reverse wrap, air compressor and tank. Runs on LP gas and/or gasoline, 10,000 lb winch, Dana 60 rearend, Beefed up Dana 35 front end. $18,500. Call (325) 656-1232.



New Higher Prices on most copper. January 3rd

720 Buchanan

BROWNING A BOLT 300 WSM, 10x40x50 scope, 4 boxes of shells, $800. (325)234-3529. CONCEALED HANDGUN LICENSE Classes.Rick Kulenek Certified Instructor. Lic.#02553571. (325)650-2954.

Come Worship with us!

Page 11

January 6, 2011



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Page 12

January 6, 2011

Start the New Year with a New Job!

Applicants must have a clean driving record and pass a drug test. Universal Pressure Pumping is an equal opportunity employer. For more information contact Curtis Huff or Jimmy Womack at 432-570-4899 or come by 2401east I-20 Access Rd, Midland Texas

Making it easier for you!

Employment Guide GET PAID TO wave. Temporary daytime opportunity; must be outgoing and energetic. No experience necessary. Call 325-947-1040. WILL TRADE BUILDING materials & jacuzzi in exchange for landscaping work. (325) 2344410 TAXI DRIVERS NEEDED. Apply at 1302 S. Oakes.

LOCAL MARKETING MANAGER for national tax preparation. Aggressive and energetic marketing manager needed to build Liberty Tax Service Brand in San Angelo. e-mail resume to or fax 325-949-7900. AVON. FULL TIME or part time. Earn extra income for the holidays. Joy (325) 450-5678. Independent Sales Rep. NOW HIRING TATTOO artist with portfolio and body piercer. Please apply at 2226 Sherwood Way. (325) 227-4761.

Contact our Job Center for Job Descriptions or to Arrange a Campus Tour

432-268-7341 or 432-268-7298 or Complete an application online at: Contact Darla Heffington at 432-268-7464 Once you have completed your application

BIG SPRING STATE HOSPITAL 1901 NORTH HIGHWAY 87 BIG SPRING, TX 79720 LICENSED COSMETOLOGIST WANTED. Closed Sundays. Commission. Call John at (325) 456-5074. THE JOB FOR You! $500 sign-on bonus. Travel the US with our young minded enthusiastic business group. Cash and bonuses daily. Call Shawn 800-716-0048 today! ASSEMBLE MAGNETS & CRAFTS at home! Year-round work! Great pay! Call toll free 1866-844-5091. NOW HIRING: COMPANIES Desperately Need Employees to Assemble Products at Home. No selling, any hours. $500 weekly potential. Info 1-985-6461700 DEPT. TX-1856 MYSTERY SHOPPERS - Get paid to shop! Retail/Dining establishments need undercover clients to judge quality /customer service. Make up to $150 a day. Call 1-800-775-9748.


A division of Patterson UTI energy is currently hiring for all positions. • CDL drivers for frac and cement • Equipment mechanics • E-techs • Cementers • Dispatches Universal Pressure Pumping offers competive pay and great benefits to qualified applicants. • Paid vacation accrued monthly • Medical • Dental • 401k with 4% match • Scheduled days off • Opportunities for advancement • Paid Holidays

BIG SPRING STATE HOSPITAL HAS THE FOLLOWING JOB OPPORTUNITIES RNs - All Shifts Job Posting # 155244 Earn up to $5,377.77 per month (DOE) $31.02/hr LVNs - All Shifts Job Posting # 166235 Earn up to $2,746.48 per month (DOE) $15.85/hr Psychiatric Nursing Assistants Job Posting # 160827 Varied Shifts. Starting salary $1,706.75 per month Our Benefit Package Includes: Paid Vacation, Sick Leave, Holidays, State Paid Insurance, Matching Retirement, Educational Leave and Nursing Educational Stipends. On campus housing is offered depending on availability.

EARN $1000’S WEEKLY! Receive $12 for every envelope Stuffed with our materials. Free 24-hr information. 1-888-234-2259 Code 16. SOLID COMPANY NEEDS DRIVERS!! Competitive pay, lots of overtime! Paid travel pre-diem and motel. Home one week monthly. Oilfield driving and labor. Good Benefits. Requires Class A CDL. Tanker Hazmat & 1 year experience. 1800-588-2669. E X C E L L E N T WEEKLY INCOME processing our mail! FREE Supplies! Bonuses! Helping Home-Workers since 1992! Genuine Opportunity! Start Immediately! Toll Free 1-800-205-9664.


ACTORS/MOVIE EXTRAS - $150-$300/Day depending on job. No experience. All looks needed. 1-800-2815185-A103. $1380 WEEKLY GUARANTEED. Stuff envelopes at home. FT/PT. No experience necessary. Deposit required - refundable. 888206-2616 MYSTERY SHOPPERS - Get paid to shop! Retail/Dining establishments need undercover clients to judge quality /customer service. Make up to $150 a day. Call 1-800-775-9748. NEED CNA IN San Angelo for elderly man with dementia. Evening and weekend hours available. Responsibilities include dispensing medicine, cooking, conservation, driving, feeding pets and light housekeeping. Mail resume to: Caregiver; 1312 ECR 124, Midland, Texas. 79706. HIRING OWNER OPERATORS for flatbed regional runs. Home weekends. Pays weekly. Call CRST Malone 888858-9098, 877-847-2933. MYSTERY SHOPPERS! EARN up to $150 daily. Get paid to shop PT/FT. 1-559-7455054 LOOKING FOR HOPPER bottoms? Titan Trucks Inc. needs hoppers to run local, regional and long haul loads. Our authority or yours. Our trailer or yours. Fast Pay! Great rates! Nice Dispatchers! Call Charlie @ 800-827-2304. Now taking applications for


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ASE certifications are preferred. You must have your own tools, a valid drivers license & a good driving record. Toyota & KIA manufacturer training provided to qualified applicants.

$800 “GUARANTEED� WEEKLY. Mailing Flyers from home. For free packet call (972) 221-7035 ACTORS/MOVIE EXTRAS - $150-$300/Day depending on job. No experience. All looks needed. 1-800-2815185-A103. TRAVEL USA! REPRESENTING Supreme Cleaning Products, 19+, Valid ID, Earn $600-$900 Weekly in Commissions, Daily Cash Advance. Start Immediately 877376-5604. COSTUMED CHARACTERS WANTED. Juggle? Play an instrument? Ride an unicycle? Anything that draws attention is great. Audition to be our famous Lady Liberty. Male and Female. Energy and Enthusiasm a must! Call 325-947-1040. ASSEMBLE MAGNETS & CRAFTS at home! Year-round work! Great pay! Call toll free 1866-844-5091. MYSTERY SHOPPERS: EARN up to $150 per day, under cover shoppers needed to judge retail and dining establishments. Experience not required. Please call 1-877-679-6775. MYSTERY SHOPPERS! EARN up to $150 daily. Get paid to shop pt/ft. Call now 800690-1272. $50/HR POTENTIAL. GET Paid to Shop and Eat. Retail Research Associate Needed. No Experience. Training Provided. Call 1-800-4917932. PHAT TRAVEL JOB New company looking for 10 to 12 individuals free to travel. Must be success motivated, representing Fashion, Sports, and News Publications. Free Training. Great pay and bonuses. Call today for interview: 1-866-8590297

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We are a drug free employer. Please Apply In Person

ClericalPractice & Support Family Office Manager Coder Emergency Department Registrar Experienced RN’s for Telemetry & Unit Clerk Patient Care Coordinator / House Supervisor

Mitchell Toyota - Kia 1500 Knickerbocker Rd. Ask for Tony Palmer

944-SOLD NOW HIRING! GUYS and Gals, Travel, have fun, make money, 2 weeks paid training. 1877-5funjob or (256)4577297. TRAVEL, TRAVEL, TRAVEL! $500 Sign-on Bonus. Seeking Sharp Guys/Gals, Rock-n-Roll Atmosphere, Blue Jean Environment! Ryan 888553-8648, 888-285-1347 2011 GOVERNMENT POSITIONS $9.00/Hr. Entry Level/$125,000 per year. Department of Defense, Department of Agriculture, Postal. Call 1-866-477-4953 ext. 189 EARN $1000’S WEEKLY! Receive $12 for every envelope Stuffed with our materials. Free 24-hr information. 1-888-234-2259 Code 16. MYSTERY SHOPPERS! EARN up to $150 daily. Get paid to shop pt/ft. Call now 800690-1272. HOME WORKERS NEEDED NOW. Process our orders for $5 per envelope. Guaranteed! Start immediately. For FREE information call 800-531-6828, w w w. H B P I N F O R M A 1000 ENVELOPES = $5000 Receive $3-$7 per envelope stuffed with sales materials. GUARANTEED! 24/hr recording: 800-985-2977 TRUCK DRIVERS WANTED- Best pay and home time! Apply online today over 750 companies! One application, hundreds of offers! m DRIVERS: CDLTRAININGNOW.COM IS now accepting applications for driver trainees! 16 Day Company sponsored CDL training now available! No experience or credit required. 1-800-991-7531 #3130 S U R R O G A T E MOTHER’S NEEDED! The Rewards are more than Financial. Women Needed, 21-43 w/healthy pregnancy history. Call 1888-363-9457 or m HAWAII BOUND! TRAVEL USA with fun, young company. No Experience Necessary. All Expenses Paid. Pack your Bags! 1-877-5512699 ACTORS/MOVIE EXTRAS NEEDED immediately for upcoming roles. $150-$300/ day depending on job requirements. Call 1-800-313-6308 for casting times/ locations. A101

GOVERNMENT NOW HIRING! 2011, $9.00/Hr. Entry Level/$125,000 per year. Office Assistant, Materials Handler, Auditor. Call 1-866-477-4953 ext. 93. ASSEMBLE MAGNETS & Crafts from home! Year-round work! Excellent pay! No experience! TOP U.S. COMPANY! Toll Free 1-866-844-5091 CODE 20. EARN $1000’S WEEKLY! Receive $12 for every envelope stuffed with our sales materials. Free 24hr. information. 1-800-279-7307 code 11 NOW HIRING! MOBILE Maintenance is looking for reliable hard-working individuals to become service technicians. Requirements include: VALID Driver’s License, Pass background & drug screening, clean appearance, ability to work out of town/state for periods of time not exceeding 21 days and ability to work well with others. You do not need to be experienced; we provide hands on training! Technicians are paid by commission of completed work. This is not a sales position. Please apply in person at 105 W. Washington Dr, San Angelo, TX 76903. FMI 325-6172714. LOOKING FOR PERSON willing to work, help feed, clean, etc. Would work out hunting or horse back riding lesson for trade. (325) 650-9889.

GET Connected With

American Classifieds! Miscellaneous CAMO CAMO CAMO We’ve got you covered head to toe in all the latest camo patterns. Come on by. Cole’s Army Surplus, Corner of 2nd & N. Chadboune. (325)6531903.

Texas Nurse Connection Ltd Now Hiring CNA’s & LVN’s for 13 Week Contracts

Call us at 325-670-0090 Traveling Required!



Hill Country Memorial, is a non-profit 86-bed hospital serving ! " the beautiful Social Worker Texas Hill Country. Nursing ICU Nursing Director ONLINE APPLICATION AVAILABLE Joint Center Director or call Wynnette Salinas (830) 997-1312 RN Med/Surg RN ICU Guaranteed RN Scheduled Hours

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15% shift differential for evenings and nights. Call L. Busbee for more info: (325) 465-2856

4% shift differential for evenings and nights. Call for more info: (325) 465-2220 or 465-2224



The Hill Country’s Hospital /

15% shift differential for evenings and nights. Call L. Busbee for more info: (325) 465-2856


San Angelo State Supported Living Center


January 6, 2011

Page 13

Country CorraL STORAGE CONTAINERS • 20’s • Double Doors • 40’s • Office Containers

For Sale or Rent

*Wide Selection To Choose From*

BRADLEY BRADLEY WELDING WELDING 1224 North Bell • (325) 653-4175

325-234-0295 • 325-234-0292

DOT Inspections Now Doing Car & Pickup Inspections

Twice th the sp speed. Better v va alue. Frree ee in ins sttallation on..

San Angelo Cowboy Church Cowboy Cookin’ Auction Sunday, January 9th Immediately following Service Cowboy up to support the Glory Riders Drill Team! San Angelo Cowboy Church Arena 4001 N. Chadbourne


Livestock R E G I S T E R E D BULLS. FULLBLOOD. Very gentle. Easy calving. Reasonably priced. (325) 3563018 GAME CHICKENS AND Turkey toms for sale. (325) 245-7464. HORSES FOR SALE. All colors, all types. Palominos, buckskins, lots of paints to riding horses. Priced from $200 to $1250. Two miniature horses. (325) 656-3658 FOR SALE OR TRADE 3 full blood Nubian billies. $200 up. (325) 651-5702. PROPERTY FOR RENT: 1.0 acre fencedin property, $150 month, $100 deposit. Horse stall for rent, $75 month, $50 deposit. 30’X30’ square pen + lean-to, $100 month, $50 deposit. 4899 Grothe Rd, off of N. Chadbourne. (325) 2125019, serious inquiries only. APPALOOSA STUD COLT, 8 months old, Bay with white blanket. Descendant of Triple Crown winner Secretariat. Soon to be gelded, $2750. (325) 234-8038. EXCELLENT LONGHORN BREEDING BULLS. Lease or Market price. 325-450-1911. 13 YEAR OLD horse, gentle, saddle, $700. (325) 6536000, (325) 374-0253. REGISTERED RED ANGUS Bulls for Sale to a Good Home! 325-5186321. FULLY TRAINED HEELER. Trained to work cattle in the pens. $400. (254) 396-5755. HORSE STALLS FOR rent in San Angelo city limits. 325-658-1969. 5X10 LIVESTOCK panels. $40 each. (325) 212-4980. PAINTED DESERT SHEEP. 8 big horn bucks. $2,600 or will sell whole herd of 18 mixed. (325) 468-3939. 2 1/2 YEAR OLD MARE. Very gentle, $450. (325) 653-8586 or (325) 227-5306 ONE 3 YEAR stud. 5 year old paint. $500 each. Both are tame, but not broken. (325) 3749913. 3 YEAR OLD horse, male. (325) 486-9386. FOR SALE 2 burros. Both young and tame. One jack one jenny. $50.00 each. 325-8354034.

Find It Buy It.

Thrifty Nickel’s American Classified - Your result getter

We repair all types of trailers:

R E G I S T E R E D BULLS. FULLBLOOD. Very gentle. Easy calving. Reasonably priced. (325) 3563018 GAME CHICKENS AND Turkey toms for sale. (325) 245-7464. HORSES FOR SALE. All colors, all types. Palominos, buckskins, lots of paints to riding horses. Priced from $200 to $1250. Two miniature horses. (325) 656-3658 PROPERTY FOR RENT: 1.0 acre fencedin property, $150 month, $100 deposit. Horse stall for rent, $75 month, $50 deposit. 30’X30’ square pen + lean-to, $100 month, $50 deposit. 4899 Grothe Rd, off of N. Chadbourne. (325) 2125019, serious inquiries only. APPALOOSA STUD COLT, 8 months old, Bay with white blanket. Descendant of Triple Crown winner Secretariat. Soon to be gelded, $2750. (325) 234-8038. EXCELLENT LONGHORN BREEDING BULLS. Lease or Market price. 325-450-1911. 13 YEAR OLD horse, gentle, saddle, $700. (325) 6536000, (325) 374-0253. REGISTERED RED ANGUS Bulls for Sale to a Good Home! 325-5186321. FULLY TRAINED HEELER. Trained to work cattle in the pens. $400. (254) 396-5755. HORSE STALLS FOR rent in San Angelo city limits. 325-658-1969. 5X10 LIVESTOCK panels. $40 each. (325) 212-4980. PAINTED DESERT SHEEP. 8 big horn bucks. $2,600 or will sell whole herd of 18 mixed. (325) 468-3939. 2 1/2 YEAR OLD MARE. Very gentle, $450. (325) 653-8586 or (325) 227-5306 ONE 3 YEAR stud. 5 year old paint. $500 each. Both are tame, but not broken. (325) 3749913. 3 YEAR OLD horse, male. (325) 486-9386. FOR SALE 2 burros. Both young and tame. One jack one jenny. $50.00 each. 325-8354034.

• lights • brakes• wheel packs • re-floor • gooseneck hook-ups

Best Price In Town.


General HAY BUGGIES. Bradley Welding, 1224 N. Bell. (325) 653-4175. TANKERSLEY, TX AREA. Fertilized and weed free. Hay grazer round bales $60. (325) 949-3300, (325) 2779195, or (325) 277-9196.

Sell It. Trade It. PLASTIC BARRELS FOR sale. 653-3678.

Alfalfa and Alfalfa mixes, Beardless wheat, Oats, Red Top Cane, Haygrazer. 4x5 round and small square. Delivery available. Smetana Farms, San Angelo (325) 482-9343, (325) 895-9343.

Discover a deal! AT T E N T I O N : OZONA, SONORA and Big Lake area. Bradley is in Ozona offering heavy truck & trailer repair. Specializing in brake and suspension repair from livestock trailers to Frac tanks. William Bradley, Tabosa Dr., Ozona. 325-763-1290. Mobile unit available

LARGE ROUND HAYGRAZER, $60. Grape Creek. (325) 650-0979. CAT MAC DOZERS. Trees grubbed, raked. Dirt tanks built and cleaned. Road and pads. LOW PRICES - HIGH FREE estimates. (325) QUALITY. Saddles. Bridles. Blankets. Pads. 277-4584 Breast Harness. Saddle Racks. Halters. Wormer. HORSE STALLS Fly Spray. Much more! FOR RENT. Indoor FMI (325) 659-2729. with outside runs, round pen and arena. Buy! Buy! Buy! Partial or full care available. (325) 6502137. ROUND BALE HAYGRAZER. $60. TIFTON 85 HAY $40 Also, round baled bale. Coastal $45 per beardless wheat, net bale. B. Vahl $40 per wrapped, $60. (325) bale. 4x4x8 coastal #1 in 234-8969 by Lake coastal tifton $97.50. Nasworthy. Rodney 325-642-1215. DOZER & GRADER work. FREE ESTIBURN BARRELS MATES!! Ralph Goble FOR sale. 653-3678. (325) 656-8910 CLEAN FERTILIZED $30 COW HAY and COASTAL hay. Round horse hay available. bales, $45-$55. Square Round or square coastal. bales, $6. Delivery availTruckloads available. De- able. (254) 631-8073 livery available. 325-203- HORSE QUALITY 6965 COASTAL square bales from Central Texas, $7. DELIVER!! (325) Small ad deals! WILL 949-2917.



,OOP s 655 -5795

SPRING CREEK RANCH. Fertilized and weed free. Hay grazer round bales $60. (325) 949-3300, (325) 2779195, or (325) 277-9196.

For More Information call 325-450-3616 OR TO DONATE BAKED GOODS FOR THE SALE!


HORSE QUALITY ALFALFA HAY. Large 3 string bales. Terry Ford, Mertzon (325) 212-0574 HAY GRAZER square bales. $6. Round bales $60 & $70. 1021 MonBEARDLESS WHEAT tague. (325) 650-3354. SEED. 100% germination on test. $7.50 bushel. HAY GRAZER, (325) 650-9889. FRESH cut, round HORSE SHOEING bales, fertilized, net AND TRIMMING. Call wrapped, $60. Near Rody Chesser (325) 650- Boys Ranch. Doug, 3523 (325) 650-6309. GLASS FARMS Fresh cut Coastal Hay. Small and Round Bales. (325) 234-4239 (325) 234-3380

PAID CASH. CALL FleetPride (325) 651-4777. VARIOUS ROOF METALS. Brady, Tx. (325) 597-9671 or (325) 456-6882. HAY: BMR ROUND bales; $65. BMR square bales; $7. Have 3,000 square bales. BMR the best hay there is for goats, sheep and cattle. Oat hay; square bales, $7 a bale. Located at Water Valley, TX. Phone (325)234-8033 or (325) 484-2469. Carl Duncan Farms. TRAIL RIDES $20. Ride lasts 2-3 hours. Calm horses. (325) 6563658 COASTAL HAY. HORSE quality and edible by picky horses. $6.50 per bale. Call Bill Cervenka, Rowena (325) 442-4431 WALDROP METAL CONST. Call today for the lowest price on your next building, barn, fence or corrals. (325) 6589099 20’ & 40’ SEA CONTAINERS for sale or rent, excellent storage. Delivered. (325) 234-0295, (325) 234-0292. LEASE A NICE kid gentle riding horse. Weekly, monthly or longer. Try before you buy! (325) 650-9889.

THIS ADVERTISING space could be yours! HAY FOR SALE: Coastal $60, hay grazer $60. 5X5 round bales, Will load 1 or a truck load. Fertilized and clean. (325) 895-0316 Miles, Tx. Delivery available for 5 bales or a truck load for small fee. ALFALFA HAY $6 & $8. Beardless Wheat $6. Round Bales $50. Alan 806-893-9081 Brad Cudd 979-627-5077 C O A S TA L ✔ HAY, SQUARE bales & round bales. Menard, Texas, (325) 396-4723. or Sterling City, (325) 378-2392. PIPE - GOOD clean 2 3/8”, $28 per joint. Average 31’ long. (325) 3742992. 5X6 ROUND BALES: Excellent hay, beardless wheat $90, or haygrazer $75. Old Ballinger Hwy. (325) 212-4980.


(325) 396-4624 (325)660-6643 (325) 396-2598

All types of quality metal

Chips, Gauges, Tuners, Exhaust, Turbos, Intakes, Transmissions, Clutches Cody Griffith - 325-456-0728 11633 Hawk Ave. • San Angelo, Tx

buildings. References available

(325) 234-3320

8 x 20 $2400 8 x 40 $3200 9.5 Tall x 40 $3400

Good, Clean Containers

Weather & Varmint Proof Foam Insulation, Doors,Vents, Paint & Delivery Available Credit Cards Accepted Local Bank Financing Available Satisfying Customers Since 1995

(325) 212-7790

GOT WHEAT SEED Beaded $7 a bushel, Beardless $8 a bushel. Re-cleaned bulk or 50 # sacks. Hay Barn, (325) 277-0727 or (325) 651HAYGRAZER ROUND 7309. BALES, 4’X6’ fertilized and irrigated, $65. (325) COASTAL HAY $3 277-1333 a bale. Clean, but not HAY FOR SALE. Red for horses and not in Top Cane hay. $7 per barn. Call Bill Cervenka, Rowena, (325) bale. (325) 650-9139 442-4431.

Sell! Sell! Sell! HAY FOR SALE: coastal round bales, 1 bale or a truck load. Bradley Welding, 1224 N. Bell. M-F, 8-5. (325) 6534175

I Love Thrifty Nickel’s

American Classifieds

Chain link, baling wire, barbed wire, all kinds of fencing wire, as long as it is rolled & tied and free of all material.

ACME IRON & METAL CO. 720 Buchanan (Off Expressway)

Aluminum Cans

40¢ lb. (325) 653-1407 45¢ for over 100+ lbs.

432 N Bell St. (Action Pawn)

(325) 658-2845 Cargo Craft Enclosed “Pull the Best... Forget the Rest”

SPECIAL ORDERS WELCOME 4157 13 x 6 x 6 S/A VNOSE SAR ESX PAK ........................$2780


Tackett Construction


COASTAL HAY, HORSE quality, 5’ round bales, $50. (325) 656-7529 or (325) 656-7528

WeST TexAS S ILVER M INE WATER W ELL S ERVICE DieSel PerformAnCe CASON TRAILER SALES WALTER RAYBURN Lic#58567 12 years experience Menard, Texas



Your lo local access to to tth he In Internet

UTILITIES 4096 8 x 5 S/A BD (2 to choose) ..........................................$935


4160 8 x 5 S/A BD RG (2 to choose) ..................................$1129 4097 10 x 5 S/A BD (2 to choose)..........................................$956 4162 10 x 5 S/A BD RG (2 to choose) ................................$1139 4126 12 x 6’10’ S/A BD ........................................................$1064

12016 University Lubbock, TX

next HOrSe SaLe Sat. January 8th

Tack 11:00 Horses 1:00 Now Accepting Credit/Debit Cards

Tony Mann 806-745-3383 Lance Folsom 806-789-7108 License #8148

4165 16 x 6’10” T/A BD ........................................................$1498 4166 16x 6’10” T/A BD RB....................................................$1612

We carry Sundowner and Performance show stock trailers as well as horse, livestock, cargo, utility, dump, hay buggies, and heavy equipment trailers by Titan, Lamar and Haulmark.

4112 18 x 6’ 10” CRHRL BD RB DT BRKS ........................$2495

4945 Christoval Rd. San Angelo, TX

Discounts for cash/check purchases.

(325) 651-8633

****SPECIAL DELIVERY**** 4150 8 x 5 S/A TILT ................................................................$820

All assortment of sizes and prices All utility trailers equipped with new 15” tires (6 ply), Treated Floors, Bulldog Hitch & Spare Tire Mouts


Page 14

January 6, 2011


CounTry Corral ConT... KEMPNER EQUIPMENT Diamond B Bumpers Turn Over Gooseneck Ball Hitch Installed


SK Truck Bed $

2,650 Carryout

w/ 2 Boxes


3,100 Complete Install


WWW.KEMPNEREQUIP.COM & fertilized hay grazer large round bales. Local delivery available. Can Load. Home (325) 4422831 Mobile (325) 234-5822 GOT CORN!! HAY BARN DOES. Recleaned $6 for 50 lb. bag. 40 bags or more $5.50/bag. Grain sorghum, $5/bag. Feed wheat $5/bag. Hoelscher Farms. Cell (325)277-0727, home (325) 651-7309, message. Delivery available. IRON WORKER BUILT by Scotchman , it will shear and punch holes. Bradley Welding, 1224 N. Bell, (325) 6534175 HAYGRAZER HAY FOR sale, 5ft round bales, $50 bale. (325) 650-2664. 4X5 NET WRAPPED hay round bales (Blue Stem) baled Sept. 2010 $40. 817-205-6938, 254629-2721.

Making it easier for you!

COASTAL ROUND BALES, fertilized, 2010 hay. Hay grazer round bales, 2010. (325)3402813, (325) 465-5820.


Jan. 22,2011

Register at 12:00pm Ride at 1:00pm

COASTAL HAY 2010 season. Irrigated & fertilized. Good horse quality, good protein content & clean. 4x5.5 round covered, $65. 5x5.5 round, $75. Small square in barn, $7. Veribest (325) 656-3960 FLATBED, FITS FORD dually, manufactured by Easley, fuel tank and tool box. Bradley Welding, 1224 N. Bell, (325) 653-4175 NEW 10-FT. TPOSTS. $7.50 each. Call (325) 812-4512. SQUARE AND ROUND bales of ALFALFA for sale. Square $8 and Round $60 located in Stanton Tx, call 432-967-2010.

We can fix that low tire... Before it becomes a bigger problem.

Hankook F19 14ply $16599ea In Stock

5x8 $755 • 5x10 $795 (2) 16’ Tandem Axle $1250 & $1350 12’ Tandem Axle $1195 18’ Car Hauler $1595 12’ Single Axle Golf Trailer $1095


FM 308 & Loop 306

1520 N. Bryant • San Angelo, TX

FMI Call (325) 234-8645 or (325) 234-7097

(325) 653-7135

COMPLETE TREE CARE. Tree trimming and removal. Stump grinding. Tree diagnostics and treatment. Insured. Luke Everett Certified Arborist #TX-3759A. (325) 456-5898.

Sell It. Trade It. HORSE QUALITY COASTAL squares $5$6.50. Round bales $55$65. Wheat rounds $60. Abilene area 325-6698982, 325-669-2704. MESQUITE FIREPLACE MANTEL. 6’7’, 4” thick, $199 each, unsealed. Will deliver. 325-227-9396. CASH FOR GOLD, silver & diamonds. Angelo Gold Exchange, 1011 Caddo, San Angelo, TX, (325)655-GOLD(4653).

Sea Containers Sales & Rental Any Size 6’ Mini up to 53’

Pro Line Rentals Largest Inventory In West Texas

(325) 656-7988 • (325)658-1969

San Angelo Cowboy Church Arena SUNDAY SERVICES 10:30 AM Wed. Nights - Supper at 6:00pm and Service at 7:00pm

1979 JOHN DEERE tractor. Model 1830, 68hp, 2wd. Front-end loader with quick-change bucket & hay spear. 2901 original hours. New rear tires. Excellent condition. (325) 234-4593 FORKLIFT - 5,000LB Hyster. Approx 3500 hours. $3500. (325)8951801. PRIEFERT CALF TABLE, good condition, $950. 2000 gallon diesel or water tank on 4” pipe skids, $1500. Call (325) 650-5021. NORSTAR YANMAR DIESEL generator, 6500 watts, cost $3600, used only 10 hours, $1800. 55 gallon diesel tank with manual pump $175. 560 gallon fuel tank on stand $400. 55 gallon aluminum fuel tank $200. New leather, full hides, 58-68 feet, different colors, $1 per sq. ft. 16’ utility trailer, heavy duty, tandem axle, with title, $700. (325) 651-3584, (325) 387-3903, (830) 234-7069. FOUR SADDLES STARTING at $189 Wild Bill’s Pawn, 1315 MLK, 658-7066. QUALITY FARM EQUIPMENT: John Deere Switch Plow / MelCam Pull-Type Chisel Plow / Bush Hog Ripper / Donahue 2-Axle Flatbed Trailer / Great Plains DrillSeeder / Cullison 2-Drill Equipment Hitch / Ford 8730 PowerShift 140-HP Tractor / New Holland Cutter / 3 Quick Hitches / 250-Gal Diesel Storage Tank / 1962 Ford Grain Truck ... Call: (325) 2778222 or (469) 744-6418 JOHN DEERE 980 Field cultivator, 32 ft. (325) 651-9159

ATTRACT BUYERS ADVERTISE. FINISHED ROPING HORSE for sale! Heading/heeling/ranch work. Well papered. Good all around horse. 325-2262539 LARGE ROUND BALES heavy fertilized Jiggs, $55, discount on 10 or more, loading available, 361-649-3458.

Equipment 14 FT. JOHN Deere Tandem disc plow. In great shape, $1250 obo. (325) 656-7094 JOHN DEERE HYDRAULIC 9 foot blade, new condition with one cylinder, $1800. (325) 2774570 or (325) 9429455 BRAND NEW SQUEEZE chute, $1400. 254-770-1770. w w w . e a n d 3 1/2” HEAVY walled structural pipe, 31 feet long. Delivery available. Concho Valley Pipe (325) 655-7285 or cell (432)413-9592. CUSTOM DOZER SERVICES Land clearing, fire breaks, right of ways, stump removal, stock tanks, locations, parking lots, driveways & all ranch work. Commercial and Residential. (325) 617-3544.

Thrifty Nickel’s American Classified - Your result getter

ONLY $4,950

Financing Available

Credit Cards Accepted

BBQ Pits Tandem Axle With Wood Storage!

4001 N. Chadbourne

Instant Storage Sizes 20’s - 40’s 45’s - 48’s - 53’s You Pick‘em - We place‘em Satisfaction Guaranteed Modifications Available

866-468-2791 Toll Free

JANUARY PLAYDAY Saturday, January 8th Books open at 1:00 pm Play at 2:00 pm All Age Divisions!!

TexStar Sea Containers

(325) 655-3019 (325) 234-6154 Cell


Twin Mountain Riding Club Play Day Saturday,

LOOKING FOR LAND to lease for cattle or goats and looking for land to farm. Will consider any size. (325) 6519159

T A N D E M ✔ T R A I L E R AXLES w/springs and wheels. 450-4825

We will custom build any type trailer for your needs!

Buying & Selling New & Used Trailers Rental Trailers Now Available • Service & Repair & Parts

*Not Installed





Trailer Repairs by Appointment

“Your ALL PURPOSE Trailer Dealer!”

1978 FORD TRACTOR Blue/gray Selectomatic. 2 yr old overhaul. 6’ front-end loader. $4,000 cash. Jacob, (325) 812-4499 STRUCTURAL PIPE, 2 3/8”, 2 7/8”, 4” and sucker rods on hand. Delivery available. H Braces, Post cut to order. Mobile welding. Concho Valley Pipe, (325) 6557285, leave message or (432)413-9592, cell. 10’ MOLINE DISK harrow. John Deere grain drill. Single round-bale hay dolly. 4-wheel flat trailer. (325) 442-3038 (325) 442-3141. NEW HOLLAND 855 round baler. (325) 8955064. CM LOAD STAR SHOP winch, 2 ton, serviced. In working order. 220, 3 phase electric. $650. Call after 6 p.m. (325) 4503391 GOAT FEEDERS: 3 1/2ft W X 3 1/2ft L X 4ft H, off ground. Galvanized, no rust, $35 each. (325) 465-4651, (325) 3744210. 8N FORD TRACTOR $2000. (325) 465-4143. HONOMOTO DIESEL TRACTOR Front-end loader, box blade, & shredder. Good tires. Motor over-hauled. (325) 656-6460. J.D. 7445 COTTON stripper with burr extractor, shedded, $27,900. (325) 651-4977 or (325) 651-7733. TRACTOR PARTS, USED, Rebuilt, New. Most parts less than 50%. Salvaging Tractors Daily. Case-IH-JD-MFFord-AC-DL-MM. Eagle Tractor Parts 1-800-8335867 TRACTOR REPAIR & SALVAGE. All types of tractor repair. Used parts, tires, wheels & plow parts. (325) 469-3950, 234-8846. 2007 JOHN DEERE 5303 tractor, 64HP, front end loader, shredder, hay fork, $18,500, 325-6563366.

San Angelo, TX

★ Browse by keyword ★ By classification ★ By city Find that treasure you have been looking for at

Water Well Service

TOPPER CO. Turn Key Installations Windmills New/Rebuilt Solar Systems

Water Well Testing Truck carries Threading Equip 1-4”, Welder, Torch

1/2 Mile West of Kempner •


101 S. Broadway, Mertzon, TX 76941

Negative Coggins Required



Large inventory of Pipe/Rods/Pumps/etc.

(325) 658-3277 Al Thomerson • TX Lisc# 4113I

14 FT. JOHN Deere Tandem disc plow. In great shape, $1250 obo. (325) 656-7094 BRAND NEW SQUEEZE chute, $1400. 254-770-1770. w w w . e a n d 3 1/2” HEAVY walled structural pipe, 31 feet long. Delivery available. Concho Valley Pipe (325) 655-7285 or cell (432)413-9592. CUSTOM DOZER SERVICES Land clearing, fire breaks, right of ways, stump removal, stock tanks, locations, parking lots, driveways & all ranch work. Commercial and Residential. (325) 617-3544. 1978 FORD TRACTOR Blue/gray Selectomatic. 2 yr old overhaul. 6’ front-end loader. $4,000 cash. Jacob, (325) 812-4499 STRUCTURAL PIPE, 2 3/8”, 2 7/8”, 4” and sucker rods on hand. Delivery available. H Braces, Post cut to order. Mobile welding. Concho Valley Pipe, (325) 6557285, leave message or (432)413-9592, cell. 10’ MOLINE DISK harrow. John Deere grain drill. Single round-bale hay dolly. 4-wheel flat trailer. (325) 442-3038 (325) 442-3141. NEW HOLLAND 855 round baler. (325) 8955064. CM LOAD STAR SHOP winch, 2 ton, serviced. In working order. 220, 3 phase electric. $650. Call after 6 p.m. (325) 4503391 TRACTOR PARTS, USED, Rebuilt, New. Most parts less than 50%. Salvaging Tractors Daily. Case-IH-JD-MFFord-AC-DL-MM. Eagle Tractor Parts 1-800-8335867 TRACTOR REPAIR & SALVAGE. All types of tractor repair. Used parts, tires, wheels & plow parts. (325) 469-3950, 234-8846. 2007 JOHN DEERE 5303 tractor, 64HP, front end loader, shredder, hay fork, $18,500, 325-6563366.

Trailers 16’ FLATBED SHEEP AND GOAT trailer. Open top. $700. (325) 6539005. 1996 FEATHERLITE ALUM. 3 horse slant trailer, 8’ living quarters, a/c/heat, bed, lots of storage, excellent condition. Only $15,000. (325) 4422211 or (325) 895-0756

BUY! BUY! BUY! 20’ TANDEM DUALS, heavy duty equipment trailer, pintle hitch. $5500. (325) 656-2888 1992 COOSE For sale or trade. White, GN 3horse slant. 14’ single axle (10,000# rubber torsion), front feed & storage area, rear tack. Oak floor, Michelin xps tires. Excellent condition. $5,500 OBO. (325) 212-4980. 1956 MASSEY HARRIS 444 tractor, runs and works, 3 pt. hitch, new tires, comes with 250 gallon propane tank and fill hose. $2500. (325) 6564696.

American Classifieds can help you clean house! Sell those items that are cluttering up your home with a low cost ad placed online at american or call us at 944-7653



For More Information call 325In450-3616 or 325-656-6525 case of weather, call before you haul.

Metal Buildings, Carports, Storage Bldgs

Tanks & Pipelines

Custom Made Saddles & Tack Saddle Repair

(325) 650-5440 632-7211

San Angelo Construction

Electric Pumps



$50 (325) 650-4196 • (325) 812-4999

A Great Big THANK YOU to the hundreds of businesses who distribute American Classifieds through their stores!

We Appreciate You!


January 6, 2011

Page 15

MOTORCADE CONCHO VALLEY’S AUTOMOTIVE ADVERTISING SOURCE 2002 CHEVY PICKUP, regular cab, 4X4. 5.3 automatic, $6300. (325) 650-2938 1989 1500 DODGE Ram Van, $1500. RV $900. (325) 763-6249.

Pickups 1998 F150 FORD pickup. Real good shape. Come look! (325) 655-0856. 1979 BONANZA PICKUP, long bed, runs, $1100. (325)4506109 or (325)206-1298. 2009 C1500 EXTENDED cab. 9,000 miles. V8, loaded. Like new. Will trade. (325) 234-7979 ‘91 FORD F350. Flat bed with 7.3 diesel, banks turbo kit. Runs great. $4,500 OBO. (325)812-1988. 1999 Z71 EXT Cab, 114,000miles, many extras, excellent condition. $9750 OBO. 252-6468744 1987 TOYOTA 4X4 TRUCK. 347 Ford V-8, 350 hp, winch, roll bar, a/c, toolbox, auto, lift. Excellent condition. One of a kind. Over $30k invested. Asking $5900. (325) 650-6462

State Inspections on cars, pickups, RVs, SUVs, motorcycles, trucks, trailers or anything that needs an inspection sticker. Bradley Welding, 1224 N. Bell. (325) 653-4175. 1992 TOYOTA PICKUP, has many extras, need to see. 4 by 4 with mudding tires, 4 cylinder, single cab, $3500. Please call (325) 245-6467. $CASH$. We will pay above scale weight. Cars or pickups for wrecking use. 658-4377.

2006 GMC SIERRA Crew Cab Z71, Lifted, Mickey Thompson Tires. (325) 374-6708.

BUY, SELL, TRADE. Longhorn Motors 2. 1602 S. Oakes (Corner of Ave. L & S. Oakes). (325)617-2074, Office. (325)227-3737, Cell. JEWEL AUTO BODY The best shop in town for non insurance jobs. (325) 655-9747 2003 DODGE RAM 1500. Good body, needs engine repair. Standard, single cab, 5 speed. $3900. (325) 763-3713 $CASH$ any make or model cars and pickups for wrecking use. We will pick them up. Clark’s Auto Wrecking, 6584377. ‘04 CHEVY 2500 FOR SALE or TRADE 4x4, 121K, grill guard, running boards, xps tires, aluminum wheels, bed rails, foldover GN hitch, 6.0 gas. Very clean & ready to work, $15,900 OBO. (325) 212-4980. 2000 DODGE EXT cab, new clutch and press plate, excellent condition, low mileage, standard transmission, $6950. (325) 597-9671. ‘06 DODGE 4X4 3/4 ton quad cab long bed Hemi, 150k, $15,500. (325) 374-3457.

2002 FORD RANGER super cab, low mileage, automatic, $7000 OBO. (325) 315-1281. 2003 CHEVY SILVERADO, new tires, 69,442 miles, $11,000 OBO. (325) 245-6398. 2009 GMC CANYON, 4 cyl., excellent condition, low miles, warranty, vent shades, mudd flaps, Tonneau bedcover, $16,000. (325) 378-2706, (325) 650-2070. 99’ DODGE QUAD cab 4x4 cummings dually...$9250 obo Sonora, Tx 325-374-5939

NICE 1998 F-150, excellent condition, custom parts, 22’s engine start, automatic, lots more, $9750 obo. (325) 2457693. 2001 DODGE RAM 1500 REG. cab. SWB Magnum V-6, auto, air, tilt, cruise. NICE $4950. (325) 234-2613 or (325) 949-2606 JEWEL AUTO BODY Pickup truck hoods repainted original factory color, $200. 655-9747.

501 N. Bryant San Angelo, Texas 325-655-7755 • 888-605-7755 Toll Free

2009 Hyundai Accents Choose from 3 • PW/PL/Tilt/Cruise, AM/FM/CD/XM



169 Mo.


2008 Lexus RX350 P1906


1989 CHEVROLET 1/2 ton, air, new tires and radiator, rebuilt transmission. $2495 obo. (325) 944-4438, (325) 9448877 2007 DODGE 1500 quad cab, 45k miles. Navyblue, Lonestar, bed liner, toolbox. Excellent condition, $14,200. (325) 374-2082. GOOD RUNNING 1981 Ford 250 extended cab long bed. $1500. Come by 1720 Catalina or call (325) 234-7811 2002 CHEVY SUBURBAN LT. Leather, good a/c, DVD player, 109k miles, runs great. $7500. (325) 655-7076 ‘05 CUMMINS 2500 4dr, standard, 2 wheel dr. 145K miles. Clean, stout, stock, tight. $15,000. (325) 242-2363. 1981 CHEVROLET 1TON pickup. Must sell, runs. $11 1998 FORD RANGER Ext cab. 4cyl, 5sp. 124K miles. Excellent fuel economy. Very good condition. Dark grey. $3,350. (325) 234-6333.

2006 DODGE D2500 SLT, 38,581 miles, 5.9 Cummins diesel, automatic, quad cab, 4X4, grill guard, headache rack, tool box, foot rails, tailgate cover, new tires, tinted windows, trailer brake control, garage kept. Charcoal gray w/black accessories. You won’t find one like this just anywhere. $30,950. (325) 234-0027 2005 FORD F250 crew cab 4x2 Lariat, 5.4 V8, camel leather interior, white with gold two tone exterior. AM/FM 6 disc, back-up sensor, tow package. Headache rack, grill guard, tool box, Rhino lined bed, 126,450 miles. $13,200. Call (325) 656-3252. 2009 FORD F250 crew cab 4X2 Lariat, 5.4 V8. power back window, power/heated driver/passenger seats. AM/FM/6 disc, Sync Voice. Camel leather interior, tow package, power mirrors, back-up camera/sensor, uplifter switches, headache rack. Tailgate step, blue pearl exterior with Pueblo gold accent. 17,840 miles, warranty remaining, $34,400. Call (325) 656-3252.

This Weeks Special


1948 FORD COE pickup, dually, 302, AOD. Daily driver, $10,000. (325) 655-4276 1985 S10 CHEVY Tahoe, 94,000 miles, $2000. (325) 763-1747. 2010 SUPER DUTY F250, 4x4, crew cab. A/C, XLT, 156 W.B. style side. 5.4L EFI V8 engine. 5 speed automatic trans, red clear coat, loaded. Sirius radio, sync voice activated package. Loaded. (325)262-2015, (325)450-3797 leave number. 2006 DODGE 1 ton dually, diesel, 93,700 miles. 6 new tires, 4 door, $18,500. (325) 234-9792. 2003 DODGE 3500 Laramie. Fully loaded, 178k miles. $12,500. (325) 374-6683 ‘07 DODGE RAM 2500 4x4, 5.9 3/4 ton, 65k miles, 6 speed manual with Southbend dual disc performance clutch. AFE intake Bully Dog programmer, gauges installed, Rockford Fosgate sound, tool box, 32” mud tires and Rhino lining. Very well maintained. $26,000. (432)557-3315. 2006 FORD F150 pickup, reg cab, 2WD, approx 76,000 miles, $8950. (325) 374-9564.

2003 FORD F-150 Lariat, white. Excellent condition. $7995. (325) 223-9324 TOYOTA 4X4. (325) 650-2938. ‘07 F150 SUPER Cab, low miles, very nice, $13,750. Call (325) 3157095. 1977 CHEVY PICKUP Silverado, completely restored and customized. Needs some engine work and has one dent due to tire blowout. Very nice! Want to trade for small later model pickup with V6 or sell for $3800. Call (325) 9429286. GREAT RATE ON auto insurance. Call for a FREE quote TODAY. (325)944-3813, Younts Insurance. BELOW BOOK: 2000 RANGER XLT. Extended cab, 3.0 V-6, 5 speed, stereo, chrome wheels, only 89k miles. $4450. (325) 277-0898 UP TO $125 CASH paid for old cars and trucks. More in some cases. (325) 656-3658 2009 TOYOTA TACOMA, crew cab, 4x4, 14,600 miles, $21,995. (325) 835-7068, (325) 650-0168.


MILES 2010 Chevrolet Tahoe LT P1884

Bring your current LES.

2010 Chevy C1500 CC

Financing For All Active Military**

Texas Edition • P1865A



2002 Chevrolet Impala LS

4,988 4,988


$149 Mo. Mo.




$ 169Mo. Mo.



9,988 9,988







2007 Nissan Sentra

2009 Kia Rio Choose from 2




2007 Dodge Grand Caravan

2004 Mazda 3

2006 Pontiac G6

Your 16790A Choice




2006 Chrysler PT Cruiser P1912

2002 Jeep Grand Cherokee

Your 4x4 • P1885A Choice




$ 169Mo. Mo. P

169 Mo.


2009 Chevy Aveo




$ $


$ $



169 Mo.



CAR TOWN’S PREOWNED UNIVERSE 2008 Hyundai Elantra GLS 16610A


11,988 11,988

2007 Chevrolet Colorado CC




13,988 13,988



$ Mo. 199Mo. P


2009 Scion XB P1882

229 Mo.



219 Mo.



13,988 13,988





$ $


219 Mo.




2008 Dodge D1500

Reg. Cab • P1913

2009 Nissan Versa

$ $


$ $

11,988 11,988

$ 229Mo. Mo.

$ 229Mo. Mo.


2006 Dodge Durango

$ $

2010 Pontiac Vibe


2008 Hyundai Sonota 16520A





Mo. 199 Mo.





2007 Pontiac Grand Prix



2008 Ford Escape XLT P1883







$ $


Page 16

January 6, 2011

2002 CHEVY S-10, V6 automatic, bed cover, receiving hitch, 97k miles, $5,600. (512) 7876059.

It’s time to place your ad.

‘05 FORD ESCAPE XLT. V6, auto, CD, silver, alloy wheels, luggage rack, power windows, locks & mirrors. 61,000 miles. $10,500. Warranty. Can be seen at corner of College Hills Blvd & Ave N, (325) 223-1867

1985 S10 CHEVY Tahoe, 94,000 miles, $2000. (325) 763-1747. 92 CHEVY CHEYANNE, 268k miles, runs good, regular cab, long bed, $1000. 325-277-7356

‘01 CHEVROLET EXT, LB, $3950. Clean and runs good. (325)6507810. It’s your window to the world!

2005 SILVERADO LS 4 DR. CREW CAB 1500. Auto, air, “loaded”, fiberglass bed cover, Rhino liner, 81,000 miles. Super nice!! $15.900. (325) 234-2613 or (325) 9492606

" &#

;4-6 5=)28= )7/ :)02)*2-

1995 F-150 CREWCAB with utility bed. 7.3 powerstroke automatic excellent condition 171,000 miles, $5800. 325-282-2569 325-3387910

2001 F-250 7.3 turbo diesel, 4-door 4 wheel drive ,new tires, 170,000 miles $11,000. excellent cont. 432-238-3808

Surf the net

e l a S

$ 7 7 New

2003 TOYOTA TACOMA, Pre-Runner, Double Cab, 60,000 miles, one owner, very clean, all maintenance current, great vehicle. Asking $15,000. 325212-5974


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‘10 BU ICK ENC LAVE C XL.......2 TO CHOOSE FROM ..STK#U5754 ‘10 BU ICK LAC ROSS E C XL....2 TO CHOOSE FROM ..STK#U5870 ‘10 BU ICK LUC ERNE CXL ......................................STK#U5801 ‘10 CA DILLA C C TS ..................................................STK#U5878 ‘10 CH EVY C AMAR O LT ..........................................STK#U5854 ‘10 CH EVY IMPALA LT ............................................STK#U5862 ‘10 CH EVY SU BURB AN LT ......................................STK#U5851 ‘10 CH EVY TAHOE....................................................STK#U5827 ‘10 FOR D EXPLOR ER ..............................................STK#U5885 ‘10 FOR D F150 SUP ERCR EW XLT ..........................STK#U5864 ‘10 GMC TERRA IN....... 2 TO CHOOSE FROM ..............STK#U5834 ‘10 GMC YU KON XL SLT 4X4 ..................................STK#U5840 ‘10 HONDA ACCORD 2DR ......................................STK#U5793A ‘10 HYU NDAI S ONATA ............................................STK#U5846

‘10 JE EP LIBERT Y ....................................................STK#U5832 ‘10 MIT SUBISHI GALANT.......2 TO CHOOSE FROM ....STK#U5876 ‘10 NISS AN MAX IMA ................................................STK#G0353A ‘10 NISS AN XTERR A ................................................STK#U5875 ‘10 PONTIAC G6 ......................................................STK#U5877 ‘10 TOYOTA TA COMA AC CESS CAB ......................STK#U5880 ‘09 BUICK LUCER NE................................................STK#U5869 ‘09 CHEVY 1500 CREW CAB LT 4X4..2 TO CHOOSE FROM ..STK#U5855 ‘09 CHEVY 1500 CR EW CA B LT ..............................STK#U5842 ‘09 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY........................STK#U5759 ‘09 DODGE R AM 1500 QUAD CA B..........................STK#U5745B ‘09 FORD MU STA NG GT ..........................................STK#U5820 ‘09 HUMMER H3................. 2 TO CHOOSE FROM ........STK#F1215D

‘09 HYUN DAI A CCEN T ............................................STK#U5781A ‘09 JEEP WRA NGLER 4X4 ......................................STK#U5822 ‘09 KIA SPECTR A ....................................................STK#U5838 ‘09 PON TIAC VIBE ....................................................STK#U5865 ‘08 CHEV Y 1500 C REW CA B 4X 4 LTZ ....................STK#G1296A ‘08 CHEV Y 1500 C REW CA B LT ..............................STK#G1293A ‘08 CHEV Y 2500HD CRE W CAB ..............................STK#U5873 ‘08 CHEV Y CORV ETTE ............................................STK#U5874 ‘08 CHEV Y CRE W CAB ............................................STK#U5888 ‘08 CHEV Y TAHOE ....................................................STK#J1206B ‘08 CHEV Y TRA ILBLA ZER ......................................STK#U5843 ‘08 DOD GE RAM 1500 QUA D C AB..........................STK#U5717A ‘08 GMC 1500 CREW CAB ......................................STK#U5879

‘08 GMC ACAD IA.................2 TO CHOOSE FROM ......STK#U5871 ‘08 GMC C ANYON CREW C AB 4X4 ........................STK#U5830 ‘08 GMC S IER RA 1500 C REW CA B ........................STK#G0142A ‘08 GMC YU KON XL ................................................STK#G1307A ‘08 HON DA A CCOR D C OUP E ..................................STK#A1294A ‘08 HON DA A CCOR D S EDAN ..................................STK#U5857 ‘08 LIN COLN MARK LT ............................................STK#U5852 ‘08 NISSAN ALTIMA..................................................STK#U5887 ‘08 TOYOTA TACOMA ACCES S C AB ......................STK#U5788A ‘08 TOYOTA TU NDRA C REWMAX 4X4 ..................STK#U5858 ‘07 BUICK LACR OSSE ............................................STK#U5849 ‘07 CHE VY 1500 E XT C AB ......................................STK#U5886 ‘07 CHE VY TAHOE....................................................STK#J1153A

‘07 FORD MUSTANG GT ..........................................STK#U5819 ‘07 GMC 2500HD EX T CA B ......................................STK#U5835A ‘07 GMC ACAD IA ......................................................STK#U5872 ‘07 GMC SIERR A 2500 HD CR EW CAB ..................STK#U5868 ‘07 GMC YUK ON XL ................................................STK#J1311A ‘07 HON DA CR-V ......................................................STK#U5837 ‘07 NIS SAN XTERR A ................................................STK#U5836 ‘06 CHEVY 1500 EX T CA B ......................................STK#U5883 ‘06 DOD GE CHAR GER RT ......................................STK#J1119B ‘06 FORD F150 SUPER CAB XLT ............................STK#U5861 ‘06 GMC YUK ON XL ................................................STK#B1306A ‘06 TOYOTA TACOMA PRE-RUNNER DOUBLE CAB ....STK#G1122A ‘05 CADILLAC DEV ILLE ..........................................STK#C1091A ‘02 CHEVY SUB URBA N ..........................................STK#U5882A


MITCHELL BUICK - GMC is OPEN every Saturday 9am-4pm for FULL SERVICE repair & maintenance. All offers for both new & pre-owned vehicles with approved credit. All vehicles subject to prior sale. All prices plus TT&L. All offers honored for 72 hours. Photos are for illustration purposes and may not represent actual vehicle. Must finance through Ally Bank to receive Down Payment Assistance. New vehicle payment offer $77 down, plus TT&L, 72 mos. through Ally Bank. (A) MSRP $33,145 less $1,157 Mitchell Discount & $2,000 Customer Cash = Selling Price of $29,988, 72 months @ 5.99% APR, $77 + TT&L Down. (B) 5.99% APR, MSRP $26,665 less $2,500 Customer Cash, less $1,157 Mitchell Discount = $22,998, Selling Price is $20,993 with $3,005 Down Payment Assistance + Must be a current well-qualified owner/lessee of a ‘99 Pontiac vehicle. (C) Low mileage lease for qualifed lessees. No security deposit required. Offer plus TT&L. MSRP $26,995. Or MSRP Less GM Owner Loyalty $25,995, 39 months, $1,310 due at signing. All monthly pre-owned payments featured -- $77 plus TT&L down, (E) 72 months @6.99% APR


90+1 90+1

N Ave.

949-1811 949-1811 800-972-1140 N. west South Blvd.

Podemos Ayudarte en Español

Russell Moore Sales Mgr.

Austin Chris Kemp Leyva Sales Mgr. Finance Mgr.

Ben Bessent

Bill Skiff

Robert Medina

Roy Levario

Greg Herridge

Jerry Diaz

Vaughn Moore

TJ Samaripa

Sergio Dehoyos

Thor Quintanilla

05 ay 41wood W r


Mitchell Buick • Pontiac • GMC

944-SOLD Motors



901 N. Cecil St. San Angelo, TX

Page 17 Fenders

Tail Lights & Head Lights


January 6, 2011

Door Glass


Clark’s auto WreCking

(325) 658-4377 1-800-655-9936

Nationwide Parts Locator Service NOW AVAILABLE!

2006 GMC SIERRA Crew Cab Z71, Lifted, Mickey Thompson Tires. (325) 374-6708. JEWEL AUTO BODY The best shop in town for non insurance jobs. (325) 655-9747

NICE 1998 F-150, excellent condition, custom parts, 22’s engine start, automatic, lots more, $9750 obo. (325) 2457693. 2001 DODGE RAM 1500 REG. cab. SWB Magnum V-6, auto, air, tilt, cruise. NICE $4950. (325) 234-2613 or (325) 949-2606 JEWEL AUTO BODY Pickup truck hoods repainted original factory color, $200. 655-9747. 2003 FORD F-150 Lariat, white. Excellent condition. $7995. (325) 223-9324 TOYOTA 4X4. (325) 650-2938. ‘07 F150 SUPER Cab, low miles, very nice, $13,750. Call (325) 3157095.

$11,900 ‘07 Ford Fusion SE Low miles with just 41K miles. 2.3 liter DOHC I4 Engine, Auto, AC, Tilt, Cruise, Power - Windows - Locks - Mirrors, Alloy Wheels, Power Drivers Seat, Fog Lamps, RKE. 23/31/25 MPG. NADA Retail Value = $13,775 Stk#258-7

$11,900 ‘07 Mazda 6 Low Mileage with just 39K miles. 2.3I l4 Engine, 5 speed Auto Trans, Cruise, Tilt-Telescope, RKE, Power Windows - Locks & Mirrors, Traction Control, 4-Wheel Disc ABS, Alloy Wheels, Power Drivers Seat, Wheellocks 24/31/26 MPG. NADA Retail Value = $13,825 Stk#261-1

Several Other Low Mileage Cars For Sale. Call or Come By.

All Low Mileage In Excellent Condition. Financing Available.

Terminal Bldg. • San Angelo Airport • 944-1221

1977 CHEVY PICKUP Silverado, completely restored and customized. Needs some engine work and has one dent due to tire blowout. Very nice! Want to trade for small later model pickup with V6 or sell for $3800. Call (325) 9429286. GREAT RATE ON auto insurance. Call for a FREE quote TODAY. (325)944-3813, Younts Insurance. BELOW BOOK: 2000 RANGER XLT. Extended cab, 3.0 V-6, 5 speed, stereo, chrome wheels, only 89k miles. $4450. (325) 277-0898 UP TO $125 CASH paid for old cars and trucks. More in some cases. (325) 656-3658 2009 TOYOTA TACOMA, crew cab, 4x4, 14,600 miles, $21,995. (325) 835-7068, (325) 650-0168.

1948 FORD COE pickup, dually, 302, AOD. Daily driver, $10,000. (325) 655-4276 1985 S10 CHEVY Tahoe, 94,000 miles, $2000. (325) 763-1747. 2010 SUPER DUTY F250, 4x4, crew cab. A/C, XLT, 156 W.B. style side. 5.4L EFI V8 engine. 5 speed automatic trans, red clear coat, loaded. Sirius radio, sync voice activated package. Loaded. (325)262-2015, (325)450-3797 leave number.

‘07 DODGE RAM 2500 4x4, 5.9 3/4 ton, 65k miles, 6 speed manual with Southbend dual disc performance clutch. AFE intake Bully Dog programmer, gauges installed, Rockford Fosgate sound, tool box, 32” mud tires and Rhino lining. Very well maintained. $26,000. (432)557-3315. 2006 FORD F150 pickup, reg cab, 2WD, approx 76,000 miles, $8950. (325) 374-9564.

Grilles 2007 DODGE 1500 quad cab, 45k miles. Navyblue, Lonestar, bed liner, toolbox. Excellent condition, $14,200. (325) 374-2082. GOOD RUNNING 1981 Ford 250 extended cab long bed. $1500. Come by 1720 Catalina or call (325) 234-7811 2002 CHEVY SUBURBAN LT. Leather, good a/c, DVD player, 109k miles, runs great. $7500. (325) 655-7076


‘05 CUMMINS 2500 4dr, standard, 2 wheel dr. 145K miles. Clean, stout, stock, tight. $15,000. (325) 242-2363. 2002 CHEVY S-10, V6 automatic, bed cover, receiving hitch, 97k miles, $5,600. (512) 7876059.


1981 CHEVROLET 1TON pickup. Must sell, runs. $11 1998 FORD RANGER Ext cab. 4cyl, 5sp. 124K miles. Excellent fuel economy. Very good condition. Dark grey. $3,350. (325) 234-6333. Thank You Daddy For My New Turbo Engine!

Danny & David 17 Years Same Location Same Quality Same Service

108 N. Chadbourne

✩★ FOR SALE ★✩ 2006 Ford F-150 XL 90,000 miles, 5 Speed . .$6,995-$199/month We reserve the right to accept or reject any or all bids.

2006 DODGE 1 ton dually, diesel, 93,700 miles. 6 new tires, 4 door, $18,500. (325) 234-9792.


• Engines Rebuilt • Valve Jobs • Surface F/W •Performance Applications • Installation Available

3401 Loop 306 San Angelo, Texas

2003 DODGE 3500 Laramie. Fully loaded, 178k miles. $12,500. (325) 374-6683

Owner: Danny Nunez • ASE Certified Master Engine Machinist

Custom Built Engines


108 N. CHADBOURNE • (325) 659-1373 • •

WE TOTE THE NOTE Fair Prices on Clean & Dependable Cars & Trucks Checkout pictures of vehicles at

Show us proof of your Income Tax Refund and drive away in a previously owned car or truck today! 2009 Chevy Malibu

2009 Hyundai Elantra

57,000 miles, Factory Warranty

45,500 miles, Factory Warranty





2009 Kia Spectra

39,400 miles, Factory Warranty




2007 Saturn Ion

2009 Nissan Cube

44,000 miles

35,000 miles, Factory Warranty

3,000 miles, Factory Warranty







41,500 miles, Factory Warranty



2008 Dodge Caliber


2009 Pontiac G6 GT


2007 Chevy Extended Cab

V8, Auto, Nice


16,495 *



EASY TERMS 2007 Dodge Quad Cab $ V8, Auto, Nice



2005 Nissan Titan Crew Cab $ V8, Auto, Nice



Many more units in stock, all priced to sell!!


WE FINAN AND SAMCO FINANCE CE “We Also Make Personal Loans”



Sales: Randi Gochenauer and Cody Gochenauer COMPETITIVE RATES • LOW DOWNS • EASY TERMS Founded: 1979


*Plus TT&L • • •

FOR QUICK SALE, a 2006, Dodge 2500, Quad Cab, 4x4, 5.9 liter Diesel Truck. $23000, Light Khaki Metalic. 6 speed manual. 47,500 miles, Big Horn Edition. New tires.Tinted windows, running boards, 2 inch leveling kit installed on the front. Slight damage to the right rear bumper. Going to Afganistan. 325245-8843. John. 1998 F150 FORD pickup. Real good shape. Come look! (325) 655-0856. 1979 BONANZA PICKUP, long bed, runs, $1100. (325)4506109 or (325)206-1298. ‘91 FORD F350. Flat bed with 7.3 diesel, banks turbo kit. Runs great. $4,500 OBO. (325)812-1988. 1999 Z71 EXT Cab, 114,000miles, many extras, excellent condition. $9750 OBO. 252-6468744 1987 TOYOTA 4X4 TRUCK. 347 Ford V-8, 350 hp, winch, roll bar, a/c, toolbox, auto, lift. Excellent condition. One of a kind. Over $30k invested. Asking $5900. (325) 650-6462 2002 CHEVY PICKUP, regular cab, 4X4. 5.3 automatic, $6300. (325) 650-2938 1989 1500 DODGE Ram Van, $1500. RV $900. (325) 763-6249. 1992 TOYOTA PICKUP, has many extras, need to see. 4 by 4 with mudding tires, 4 cylinder, single cab, $3500. Please call (325) 245-6467. $CASH$. We will pay above scale weight. Cars or pickups for wrecking use. 658-4377.

2003 DODGE RAM 1500. Good body, needs engine repair. Standard, single cab, 5 speed. $3900. (325) 763-3713 $CASH$ any make or model cars and pickups for wrecking use. We will pick them up. Clark’s Auto Wrecking, 6584377. ‘04 CHEVY 2500 FOR SALE or TRADE 4x4, 121K, grill guard, running boards, xps tires, aluminum wheels, bed rails, foldover GN hitch, 6.0 gas. Very clean & ready to work, $15,900 OBO. (325) 212-4980. 2000 DODGE EXT cab, new clutch and press plate, excellent condition, low mileage, standard transmission, $6950. (325) 597-9671. ‘06 DODGE 4X4 3/4 ton quad cab long bed Hemi, 150k, $15,500. (325) 374-3457. 2002 FORD RANGER super cab, low mileage, automatic, $7000 OBO. (325) 315-1281. 2003 CHEVY SILVERADO, new tires, 69,442 miles, $11,000 OBO. (325) 245-6398. 2009 GMC CANYON, 4 cyl., excellent condition, low miles, warranty, vent shades, mudd flaps, Tonneau bedcover, $16,000. (325) 378-2706, (325) 650-2070. 99’ DODGE QUAD cab 4x4 cummings dually...$9250 obo Sonora, Tx 325-374-5939

New Auto Body Parts Many In-Stock or Next Day Delivery

Bumpers • • •

2006 F350 FORD XLT 6.0 diesel, crew cab, longbed, auto, 4x4, new tires, 138K miles, Engine has 13K miles. $16,500 (325) 340-2227


Door Handles

* Plus TT&L • •

Exhuast Manifolds


Page 18

January 6, 2011

Classics CLASSIC RESTORABLE: 1977 Pontiac 2 dr. Grand Prix. Last full size, straight body. $1500 obo. (325) 374-7384, (325) 468-5871 1964 BUICK RIVIERA, Carter dual 4 barrel carburetor, 465 cubic inch engine. Asking $8,000. Call (325) 6588756. CLASSIC 1981 NISSAN 280 Z. 2+2. Not running, restorable/parts. $800 obo. (325) 3747384 1948 FORD COE pickup, dually, 302, AOD. Daily driver, $10,000. (325) 655-4276

1967 CHEVROLET STEP Side, 3 speed on column, original, one owner, $30,000 obo. (325) 597-9671. 1988 BUICK V6. Lots of new parts. New chrome rims & tires. $1,285 cash. (325) 6561047. CLASSICS & RODS: Buy, sell, trade. Project from cheap to nearly finished. 5202 N. Chadbourne. (325) 374-5173. NOW OFFERING VARIETY of sheet metal repairs for you classic car guys. Floor pans, quarter panels, etc. For more info contact Jason, (325) 3744588. 1957 MGA ROADSTER Project. $2500. (325) 234-7127 1952 PLYMOUTH 2 door wagon, $1500 as is. (432) 770-3142.

1973 CHEVROLET CAPRICE CLASSIC. Convertible, 400 small block, low miles since rebuild. All original. $9900. 1967 CHEVY, long narrow bed. 454, big block headers, 350 transmission. Power steering, low miles since rebuild. $7900. (325) 657-3271 ‘76 CADDY EL Dorado, runs and drives good, fresh major tune-up and carb rebuilt, approx 100k miles. 500 Cid engine, 4 wheel disc brakes. You’ll be surprised at what all still works! Very restorable! Asking $1,650. Call Pat at (325) 340-6384. 1985 CHEVY CAPRICE Classic. Stored 7 years. Under 25K original miles. 99% showroom condition. $5,000 OBO. Call between 6 & 9pm. (325) 378-7361.


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481-0654 2219 N. Chadbourne St. • San Angelo ‘05 nissan XTeRRa

2007 ENVOY, $10,500, 100,000 miles. 1999 Grand Cherokee, $2500. Low miles. FMI call (325) 650-4304. 2005 XLT FORD Explorer, 3rd seat. New Michelin tires, 4 wheel drive, 80k miles. $8,500. (325) 277-9409 (325) 653-9292 ‘08 FORD EXPEDITION EL Limited Edition. Leather, heated & cooled seats, sunroof, navigation, 2nd row bucket seats. Excellent condition. 52K miles. Full bumper to bumper 100,000-mile transferable warranty, $28,500. (325) 656-9852 2003 JEEP WRANGLER. 59k miles, good condition. $10,500. Call after 5 p.m. (325) 2275117 2001 FORD EXPLORER 4x4, 4 door, $4500. Automatic, 115K, AC/heat, clean. (325) 450-3438, (325) 6504926. 2001 FORD EXPLORER Sport Trac, $5300 obo. For more information (325) 6586049. REDUCED - 2009 Lexus RX350. Low miles. Economical, loaded, nonsmoker, brandy wine color. Includes undercarriage tow hitch. 4yr, 50,000 Lexus factory warranty. $35,000. (325) 651-8229.


38 Years Same Location

2007 FoRd RangeR



Come Choose Yours!

700 S. Irving San Angelo, TX 325 655-4197

JEWEL AUTO BODY Best shop for out of pocket repairs. (325) 1964 PLYMOUTH VALIANT station wagon, slant 6, std, A/C. Body good, all glass good, needs floor, all there, $600. (325) 2775765. CHEVY PICKUP, 1/2 ton, good engine-trans. Lot good parts. Air cond, alt, raid, low miles, BO. Classic lovers Chevy S.W, easy restored, no engine, tran. Rest complete, $1000 OBO. 2004 Cavalier, silver, low miles. Wrecked front, right side windshield, come see, $1000 OBO. ‘89 Lincoln auto, 302 eng, 4 door, can deliver. 1977 El Camino, 350 eng, auto, with air. Runs but needs fuel line and filter, $1000 OBO. (325) 465-4651, (325) 374-4210. 1953 FORD 2D, average, Chev, V8, 85 later cam, 4B Holly, 350 trans, $3000. (325) 277-5765. 1964 BUICK ORIGINAL Electra. 2-door, hard top. Runs & drives. $3,400. (325) 655-4297, (325) 340-0181 1931 FORD GLASSIC Roadster, 302/auto, mag wheels. 95% original, $10,500, good driver. (325) 277-5765. 1967 CAPRICE, 2 door hardtop, power windows, no motor, has original transmission, straight body, no rust. $2000 obo. (325) 387-4206655-9747

‘07 FoRd Fusion

State Inspections on cars, pickups, RVs, SUVs, motorcycles, trucks, trailers or anything that needs an inspection sticker. Bradley Welding, 1224 N. Bell. (325) 653-4175. 2003 NISSIAN XTERRA. 121,343 miles, very good condition, $6500 OBO. 325656-9163 ‘88 FORD BRONCO, runs good. Great hunting or work truck. 4 wheel drive works, $2500 OBO. (325) 656-1671. 2003 TAHOE LS, 4 door, auto, air “loaded”, 135k. Extra nice! $8950. (325) 234-2613 or (325) 949-2606

2006 CHEVY TAHOE 2wd, LT with leather seats, 3rd seat, 5.3L Vortec, power everything, Bose Stereo, Rear DVD Entertainment system, Yokahama tires 50%. Excellent mechanical shape with 116k miles. Well maintained with no problems. $18,400. (325) 2340295. 1961 CJ-5 WILLYS Jeep $3000 obo 325315-6046 2003 EDDIE BAUER Expedition, excellent condition. Loaded with DVD. (325) 655-4207. 2004 CHEVROLET TAHOE LS, silver, excellent condition, new tires, 72k miles. Reduced to $14,400. Call (325) 3963035. 2003 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER, 120k, $5500. 1998 Ford Windstar van, new tires, 98k, $3000. 2000 Jeep Grand Cherokee, 76k, $5000. 1998 Ford Expedition, 106k, $3500. Call (325) 3746318 ‘06 JEEP LIBERTY Sport. 5 spd, V6, white, tilt, cruise, power windows, locks & mirrors. One owner, 48,000 miles. $9800. Warranty. Can be seen at corner of College Hills Blvd & Ave N, (325) 223-1867

944-SOLD ‘06 CHEVY EQUINOX. Auto, V6, tilt, cruise, power windows, locks & mirrors. Luggage rack, blue, 60,000 miles. $10,500. Warranty. Can be seen at corner of College Hills Blvd & Ave N, (325) 223-1867 $CASH$ any make or model cars and pickups for wrecking use. We will pick them up. Clark’s Auto Wrecking, 6584377. 1987 SUBURBAN, 1 owner, retiree. Runs good, looks great. Low mileage, $2800 OBO. (325) 212-1944. 2009 TAHOE, 14K miles, $42,000. (325) 650-2938 1990 JEEP WRANGLER, rebuilt 4.2 liter bored 30 over, Offenhauser aluminum intake, Holley 500CFM carb, Mallory ignition, Headman header, Optima battery, 4” lift kit, 31x10.50R15 All Terrain tires, nice bucket seats, aluminum half top, original Jeep hardtop, $6500. Call 325-234-4506. 1990 COWBOY CONVERSION Suburban, excellent condition. New engine and transmission, $2500 obo. (325) 2348961. 05 MERCURY MOUNTAINEER, 1 owner, V8,Michelins, 3 row seating, all power, leather, 55,000 miles, Excellent. $12,500 or best offer. 325-374-3015 02 NISSAN XTERRA, 95K miles, 4X4, V6, silver/gray, $6500 o.b.o. (325)895-1297 2007 ENVOY, $10,500, 100,000 miles. 1999 Grand Cherokee, $2500. Low miles. FMI call (325) 650-4304. 2005 XLT FORD Explorer, 3rd seat. New Michelin tires, 4 wheel drive, 80k miles. $8,500. (325) 277-9409 (325) 653-9292 ‘08 FORD EXPEDITION EL Limited Edition. Leather, heated & cooled seats, sunroof, navigation, 2nd row bucket seats. Excellent condition. 52K miles. Full bumper to bumper 100,000-mile transferable warranty, $28,500. (325) 656-9852

OW ES L LOW O W PRICES P RI C LO AT TTHAT TT FFIT IIN YYO BBU TH HA AT A FIITT IN N YOUR OU URR BUDGET UD DG GEETT ’93 Chevy VA VAN .................. $2,195 ’93 Buick CENTURY SUPER NICE........ $3,195 ’99 Pontiac SUNFIRE .............. $ 3,195 ’00 Ford TA TAURUS Stationwagon ..$3,985 ’02 Saturn LS300 ....................$4,495 ’95 Cadillac DeVILLE.............. $4,500 ’97 Mitsubishi GALANT SUPER NICE ..$4,995 ’00 Mitsubishi GALANT .........$4,995 ’01 Oldsmobile INTRIGUE ......$4,995 ’99 Cadillac DeVILLE............... $5,195 ’99 GMC SUBURBAN LT LT ......... $5,195 ’98 BMW 318i .........................$5,995 ’05 Cadillac De DeV VILLE.............. $ 6,995 # 90113B



‘08 ToyoTa coRoLLa






‘09 chevy cobaLT

‘08 ToyoTa coRoLLa



$10,988 $10,988 $11,988 ‘09 chevy cobaLT


‘08 FoRd RangeR




‘06 FoRd escape

‘05 LincoLn Ls




‘07 FoRd Focus se



‘08 mazda TRibuTe

’’95 95 Buick Buick REGAL REGAL $ CASH C ASH

1,500 1, 500

+TT&L +T T& L

’98 Toyota AVALON $

4,4IC9E!5 N

’98 Cadillac E DeVILL $




$11,988 $13,988

All Prices Plus TT& L • All Vehicles subject to prior sale. All Photos are for illustration purposes only.Prices good on date of publication only

Jim bass caRs & TRucKs mega cenTeR 4032 W. Houston Harte Exp. • (325) 949-4621 • Se Habla Español Out of Town FREE Call! 1-800-736-2277 Instant Credit Online!


USED C AR LOT # 2 MAIN ST. & PULLIAM 8-5:30 M–F and 9 –12 SAT


2003 JEEP WRANGLER. 59k miles, good condition. $10,500. Call after 5 p.m. (325) 2275117 2001 FORD EXPLORER 4x4, 4 door, $4500. Automatic, 115K, AC/heat, clean. (325) 450-3438, (325) 6504926. REDUCED - 2009 Lexus RX350. Low miles. Economical, loaded, nonsmoker, brandy wine color. Includes undercarriage tow hitch. 4yr, 50,000 Lexus factory warranty. $35,000. (325) 651-8229. 2003 NISSIAN XTERRA. 121,343 miles, very good condition, $6500 OBO. 325656-9163 ‘88 FORD BRONCO, runs good. Great hunting or work truck. 4 wheel drive works, $2500 OBO. (325) 656-1671. 2001 FORD EXPLORER Sport Trac, $5300 obo. For more information (325) 6586049. 2003 TAHOE LS, 4 door, auto, air “loaded”, 135k. Extra nice! $8950. (325) 234-2613 or (325) 949-2606

Vans GAS IS GOING UP. Need comfort & ecomony? ‘93 GMC Safari van, sister to Astro. $2400. David (325) 212-3177 2010 DODGE GRAND Caravan SXT, 28,500 miles, like new, all power, MP3 Sirius radio, $19,600. (325) 277-0124. 1989 1500 DODGE Ram Van, $1500. RV $900. (325) 763-6249. 1984 FORD CLUB Wagon XLT van, 133,594 miles. Clean and clear title. Has refrigerator, microwave, cabinets, storage and small bed, Captain chairs, Bridgestone tires. Has drop hitch with receiver ball, extra parts. Has been wired to accommodate 110v service and cable hookup for TV, $2300 OBO. (325) 212-4387. 1988 CAMPER VAN, refrigerator, stove, toilet, A/C and heat, $6500. (325) 655-4276. $CASH$. We will pay above scale weight. Cars or pickups for wrecking use. 325-658-4377. COME CHECK OUT San Angelo Motor Co., 2201 W. Ave. N, (325) 944-0522. See all the cars, pickups, SUVs and motorcycles that we have. H A N D I C A P EQUIPPED VANS, mini vans and raised roof conversions. Preowned our specialty. Best prices. Buy, sell, trade. Access Mobility, Waco. 254-752-4397.

4x4 1987 TOYOTA 4X4 TRUCK. 347 Ford V-8, 350 hp, winch, roll bar, a/c, toolbox, auto, lift. Excellent condition. One of a kind. Over $30k invested. Asking $5900. (325) 650-6462 75 INTERNATIONAL SCOUT, V-8, auto, $450. (325) 895-5593. 1992 TOYOTA PICKUP, has many extras, need to see. 4 by 4 with mudding tires, 4 cylinder, single cab, $3500. Please call (325) 245-6467.



‘98 NISSAN SENTRA. New parts. Clear title. As is, $1,000. (325) 763-1885. UP TO $125 CASH paid for old cars and trucks. More in some cases. (325) 656-3658 ‘09 FORD MUSTANG, 42,000 miles. $700 and take up payments. (325) 658-2488, (325) 2124971. 2007 FORD TAURUS, 50k, $6000. 2000 Ford Mustang, 115k, $4300. 1998 Cadillac Deville, 66k, $3800. Call (325) 374-6318 ‘98 VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE. 5spd. $3,500 OBO. (325) 245-7616.

EXCELLENT LEXUS LS 400, loaded, new tires. (325) 655-4207. GREAT RATE ON auto insurance. Call for a FREE quote TODAY. (325)944-3813, Younts Insurance. 2001 TOYOTA CAMRY, 4 Cylinder, sunroof, new engine. In excellent condition. $5000 firm. (325) 450-0188 $CASH$. We will pay 2005 CHEVY IMabove scale weight. Cars PALA, extra clean, or pickups for wrecking great condition. Low miles 47k, $5750. Call use. 658-4377. (325)277-9409 or (325) 2011 CAMARO SS 653-9292. Fully loaded, T-Top. Solid white, black leather inte- ‘01 MUSTANG GT rior. 250 miles. $38,800. convertible, V8, 5 spd. (325) 465-4006. Over $4000 invested parts + performance. MOVE UP TO Mer- Have all receipts. Very cedes!! 1985 190E. 4 fast. Must sell, $6500 door. 4 cylinder, 5 OBO. (325) 651-1596, speed. All for the LOW (325) 656-2026. LOW price of only $2250. Call David at Surf the net (325) 212-3177

2003 FORD CROWN VIC police interceptor. Runs great, well maintained, new tires, $3500. Call (325) 656-9076. 1982 OLDSMOBILE 98, no longer made, one family owned. (325) 2457157. JEWEL AUTO BODY No insurance! No problem. Just call (325) 6559747 2006 CADILLAC CTS. Black, 49k miles. $12,800. (325) 651-2491 or (325) 374-1521 2007 MAZDA 6I, gray 4d sedan, 84,000 miles, $9900. Call day or night (325) 2122976.

2002 CHEVROLET CAMARO, 35th anniversary edition. White with ttops, new tires. Excellent condition inside and out, very low mileage, $8995. Call (325) 942-8267 for more info.

LONGHORN MOTORS 2. Bad Credit/No Credit, No Problem! 1602 S. Oakes (Corner of Ave. L & S. Oakes). (325)617-2074, Office. (325)227-3737, Cell.

1999 CADILLAC CONCOURSE DeVille. Exceptionally beautiful, low mileage. Transferable warranty. $7,995 OBO. (325) 277-5205.


JEWEL AUTO BODY No insurance required. Send picture mail to 2457348 for free estimate. JEWEL AUTO BODY 1994 OLDS CIERA, 4 Paint one panel or the door, excellent condition. whole car. (325) 655- High mileage but mostly 9747 highway, $1500. See at I Love THRIFTY NICKEL’S 2452 Oxford Ave. (325) 374-9995, (325) 374AMERICAN CLASSIFIEDS. 9819.

‘95 OLDS 88 Sedan. Light blue, great shape, Clean, low mileage (65K). Great second car. $5,000. FMI (325) 4569736. - Wrong number in previous ad.

*AAAA DONATE YOUR CAR FREE TOWING “Cars for Kids” Any Condition Tax Deductible 1800-794-4511 2004 TOYOTA CAMRY Solora, red, V6 SLE, leather, sunroof. Multi disc CD changer. Very good condition, 82,450 miles, $11,000. (325) 949-6993. DID YOU KNOW?! CLARK’S AUTO WRECKING has NEW auto parts, doors, fenders, grills, radiators, hoods, lights, door handles. Many in stock or next day delivery. You’ll be surprised at their prices. 658-4377.


Insurance claims welcome 801 W. Ave. N 655-5631

2854 W. Beauregard


Authorized Dealer

7:30AM to 6 PM

Page 19

2005 MERCURY GRAND Marquis LS Premium Sedan. 4.6L V8, automatic, silver birch exterior, light gray leather interior, 8-way power front seats, traction control. Automatic electric temp control A/C, power adjustable pedals, power heated exterior mirrors, full size spare tire, tinted glass, Michelin tires. 27 MPG Highway, 76,300 miles, $9,995. “Excellent condition” Call Bob, (325) 656-8600.


Come by for a free estimate


DONATE YOUR CAR! Breast Cancer Research foundation! Most highly rated breast cancer charity in America! Tax Deductible / Fast Free Pick Up. 800-771-9551 WANTED JAPANESE MOTORCYCLES: KAWASAKI, 1970-1980, Z1-900, KZ900, KZ1000, H2-750, H1-500, S1-250, S2-250, S2-350, S3-400. CASH PAID. 1-800-7721142. 1-310-721-0726. NATION WIDE parts locator service! Can’t find that part you need? Call Clark’s and let them find it for you. (325) 658-4377.

San Angelo’s

SERVING San Angelo since 1987 Offering over 30 years combined experience!

Lifetime warranty on paint!

January 6, 2011

Come in and let our expert staff assist you! We carry a wide range of Exceptional quality films for all your Residential, Commercial & Automotive needs.

1324 W. Beauregard • San Angelo, TX



UNDER 10,000 $




$ 8,677




$ 9,477


$15 153 3/mo.

’10 Hy Hyundai Accent GL GLS

19,9 977 77


$14 40 0 /mo.

White ST K # 6 624 3 6, ST K # 6 67 76 3

’09 K Kiia S Sp peccttrra aE EX X


’07 GM GMC Sie ierrra $ 150 15 00

’07 Su Suzu zuk ki ki SV6 SV 650


B lack S T K # 4 0 0 0 6 9, S il ve r S T K # 4 2 6 6 0 3 o r S T K # 4 2 0 5 3 6 , Red ST K # 4224 4 0




$ 9,977


$16 160 0 /mo.

Silver ST K # 26 674 4

121/mo. 36 36 mos.**

Blue, featuring Hot Bodies wind screen, Yo Yoshi pipe, frame sliders and K & N air filter. 19k miles. STK # 02044 * *Price : $ 3,995, 5.99 % A PR + T T& L. With approved credit.

’09 Fo Ford Foc Focus S SE E *A LL PRICES +T T& L. 4.99 % A PR for 72 Months, $ 0 DOWN. W ITH A PPROV ED CREDIT.

CAR BUYING TIP OF THEE TH MONTH NTH:: When buying any vehicle it’s impor tant to get a


C ar f a x histor y repor t.

Je Jessica ssica G Goodale oodale

Black, nnav., Black, Blac av , ssunroof, r o of rrear ear een entertainment, nntertainment, t r t a i me n rrear ear bbu bucket uuck cket sseat seats, eats, 779k 9k miles m i e STK STK#1 STK#1166A #1166 6A #1

Benny Lopez Benny L opez

Dwayne D wayne W Welch elch

D Dave ave Wa Watson tson

AVENUE N @ AUSTIN ST. ST. 3!. !.'%,/ s (325) 655-5631

19,9 977 77

Mike Mike Martindale Martindale

18,9 977 77

’04 Ca Cadillac $ Escalade AWD Trey Trey W Wood ood

P r e - ow n e d ve h i c l e s . A ll pr ices +T T& L . P h o to s f o r illus tr ation pur poses only, ac tua l i te m s i n s to c k m ay va r y i n color a nd s t y l e.



’07 Fo Ford Edge SE SEL EL

Leather, LLeath eathher, nav, nnaav, pwr. p r seat, ssea eat, rrear ear a/c, a /c heated hheate eate atedd seats. sseat eat ats. s STK#90165A STK# STK # 9 0 65A #9016

,/7 02)#%3 s ./ 02%3352% , /7 02)#%3 s ./ 02%3352%

Page 20

January 6, 2011




Be A Part of Our FIRST

American Classifieds

Rodeo Magazine

Early Distribution at local Restaurants, Hotels, The Coliseum & Fairgrounds February 3&4 Inserted in American Classifieds February 17,2011 Deadline January 21, 2011 Full, Half & Quarter Pages Available Contact Cheri, Norma or Kathy For more information 325-944-7653

944-SOLD DONATE A CAR HELP CHILDREN FIGHTING DIABETES. Fast, Free Towing. Call 7 days/week. Non-Runners OK. Tax Deductible. Call Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. 1800-578-0408. State Inspections on cars, pickups, RVs, SUVs, motorcycles, trucks, trailers or anything that needs an inspection sticker. Bradley Welding, 1224 N. Bell. (325) 653-4175. MUST SELL 1999 Ford Contour LX, everything under the hood new, cold air, new tires. $900 or $875 firm. (325) 212-0568, (325) 3743115. 1990 HONDA CIVIC CRX SI rims, exhaust, body kit, lots of extras, runs but needs minor motor work. $2000 or trade. 3 matching 16” GMC rims $50. 265X75XR16 tire with rim for chevy $50. Call (325) 212-7492. 1983 CHEVY CAMERO. Runs. Project or parts car. $600. (325) 655-4297, (325) 3400181 2008 CHARGER 37,667 miles, Daily Driver. Great Condition Highway Miles. WANTED JAPANESE MOTORCYCLES: KAWASAKI, 1970-1980, Z1-900, KZ900, KZ1000, H2-750, H1-500, S1-250, S2-250, S2-350, S3-400. CASH PAID. 1-800-7721142. 1-310-721-0726. 2003 TAURUS SE, loaded, V6, 4 door. 78,800 miles, $4200. Call Don, (325) 277-9409 or (325) 653-9292. DONATE YOUR CAR. FREE TOWING. “Cars for Kids”. Any condition. Tax deductible, 1-800-597-9411. DONATE YOUR CAR... To The Cancer Fund of America. Help Those Suffering With Cancer Today. Free Towing and Tax Deductible. 1-800-835-9372 ‘82 CHEVY CAPRICE, not bad, great running and heat. Lots of new, $1500 OBO. (325) 277-3817. DONATE YOUR CAR. FREE TOWING. “Cars for Kids”. Any condition. Tax deductible, 1-800-597-9411. 1999 30TH ANNIVERSARY TRANS AM #563. 110K miles. All documentation & receipts. $10,000 OBO. (325) 450-0809 after 5pm. 1991 HONDA 4 cylinder, $800. Runs great. 1997 Cadillac Catera, $600. Needs work. 1982 Ford bucket truck, $1800. (325) 212-4504. $CASH$ any make or model cars and pickups for wrecking use. We will pick them up. Clark’s Auto Wrecking, 6584377. DONATE A CAR Today To Help Children And Their Families Suffering From Cancer. Free Towing. Tax Deductible. Children’s Cancer Fund of America, Inc. 1-800-4698593

LONGHORN MOTORS 2. We buy clean used cars & trucks. 1602 S. Oakes (Corner of Ave. L & S. Oakes). (325)6172074, Office. (325)2273737, Cell. DONATE YOUR CAR! Breast Cancer Research foundation! Most highly rated breast cancer charity in America! Tax Deductible / Fast Free Pick Up. 800-771-9551 COME CHECK OUT San Angelo Motor Co., 2201 W. Ave. N, (325) 944-0522. See all the cars, pickups, SUVs and motorcycles that we have. 2002 VW BEATLE, silver, 2 door, standard. Low miles, $7500. (325) 227-9722. 2003 BMW 330I. 101K miles. Very nice condition. (325) 617-4522. $9600 EXCELLENT LEXUS LS 400, loaded, new tires. (325) 655-4207. GREAT RATE ON auto insurance. Call for a FREE quote TODAY. (325)944-3813, Younts Insurance. 2001 TOYOTA CAMRY, 4 Cylinder, sunroof, new engine. In excellent condition. $5000 firm. (325) 450-0188 $CASH$. We will pay above scale weight. Cars or pickups for wrecking use. 658-4377. 2011 CAMARO SS Fully loaded, T-Top. Solid white, black leather interior. 250 miles. $38,800. (325) 465-4006. ‘98 NISSAN SENTRA. New parts. Clear title. As is, $1,000. (325) 763-1885. UP TO $125 CASH paid for old cars and trucks. More in some cases. (325) 656-3658 ‘09 FORD MUSTANG, 42,000 miles. $700 and take up payments. (325) 658-2488, (325) 2124971. 2007 FORD TAURUS, 50k, $6000. 2000 Ford Mustang, 115k, $4300. 1998 Cadillac Deville, 66k, $3800. Call (325) 374-6318 ‘98 VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE. 5spd. $3,500 OBO. (325) 245-7616. ‘01 MUSTANG GT convertible, V8, 5 spd. Over $4000 invested parts + performance. Have all receipts. Very fast. Must sell, $6500 OBO. (325) 651-1596, (325) 656-2026. 2003 FORD CROWN VIC police interceptor. Runs great, well maintained, new tires, $3500. Call (325) 656-9076. 1982 OLDSMOBILE 98, no longer made, one family owned. (325) 2457157. JEWEL AUTO BODY No insurance! No problem. Just call (325) 6559747 2006 CADILLAC CTS. Black, 49k miles. $12,800. (325) 651-2491 or (325) 374-1521 ‘95 OLDS 88 Sedan. Light blue, great shape, Clean, low mileage (65K). Great second car. $5,000. FMI (325) 4569736. - Wrong number in previous ad.

For All Your Insurance Needs Auto • Home • Commercial Electricity

Glenn & Valerie Rodriquez

Owners 24 Years of Experience

BESTInsurance 617-2378 33 W. Twohig •

2002 CHEVROLET CAMARO, 35th anniversary edition. White with ttops, new tires. Excellent condition inside and out, very low mileage, $8995. Call (325) 942-8267 for more info. JEWEL AUTO BODY Paint one panel or the whole car. (325) 6559747 JEWEL AUTO BODY No insurance required. Send picture mail to 2457348 for free estimate. 1994 OLDS CIERA, 4 door, excellent condition. High mileage but mostly highway, $1500. See at 2452 Oxford Ave. (325) 374-9995, (325) 3749819. *AAAA DONATE YOUR CAR FREE TOWING “Cars for Kids” Any Condition Tax Deductible 1800-794-4511 2004 TOYOTA CAMRY Solora, red, V6 SLE, leather, sunroof. Multi disc CD changer. Very good condition, 82,450 miles, $11,000. (325) 949-6993. DID YOU KNOW?! CLARK’S AUTO WRECKING has NEW auto parts, doors, fenders, grills, radiators, hoods, lights, door handles. Many in stock or next day delivery. You’ll be surprised at their prices. 658-4377. DONATE YOUR CAR! Breast Cancer Research foundation! Most highly rated breast cancer charity in America! Tax Deductible / Fast Free Pick Up. 800-771-9551

WANTED JAPANESE MOTORCYCLES: KAWASAKI, 1970-1980, Z1-900, KZ900, KZ1000, H2-750, H1-500, S1-250, S2-250, S2-350, S3-400. CASH PAID. 1-800-7721142. 1-310-721-0726. NATION WIDE parts locator service! Can’t find that part you need? Call Clark’s and let them find it for you. (325) 658-4377.

2005 MERCURY GRAND Marquis LS Premium Sedan. 4.6L V8, automatic, silver birch exterior, light gray leather interior, 8-way power front seats, traction control. Automatic electric temp control A/C, power adjustable pedals, power heated exterior mirrors, full size spare tire, tinted glass, Michelin tires. 27 MPG Highway, 76,300 miles, $9,995. “Excellent condition” Call Bob, (325) 656-8600. DONATE A CAR HELP CHILDREN FIGHTING DIABETES. Fast, Free Towing. Call 7 days/week. Non-Runners OK. Tax Deductible. Call Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. 1800-578-0408. MUST SELL 1999 Ford Contour LX, everything under the hood new, cold air, new tires. $900 or $875 firm. (325) 212-0568, (325) 3743115.

FINANCINg AvAIlABlE 1998 Dodge 2500 Ram Ext Cab SLT,

5.9L, Diesel, Power Window/Locks, 201,700 miles, White ..................$7,000.00

1990 HONDA CIVIC CRX SI rims, exhaust, body kit, lots of extras, runs but needs minor motor work. $2000 or trade. 3 matching 16” GMC rims $50. 265X75XR16 tire with rim for chevy $50. Call (325) 212-7492. 1983 CHEVY CAMERO. Runs. Project or parts car. $600. (325) 655-4297, (325) 3400181 2008 CHARGER 37,667 miles, Daily Driver. Great Condition Highway Miles. WANTED JAPANESE MOTORCYCLES: KAWASAKI, 1970-1980, Z1-900, KZ900, KZ1000, H2-750, H1-500, S1-250, S2-250, S2-350, S3-400. CASH PAID. 1-800-7721142. 1-310-721-0726. 2003 TAURUS SE, loaded, V6, 4 door. 78,800 miles, $4200. Call Don, (325) 277-9409 or (325) 653-9292. DONATE YOUR CAR. FREE TOWING. “Cars for Kids”. Any condition. Tax deductible, 1-800-597-9411.

We Finance We make it EASY–

Buy Here Pay Here! All you need is:

We Cab, NowAC Have 7.3 Diesel, V8, Ext & Heat, Power Locks/Windows, Bed Cover, white/red, 158,880 miles ........................$11,500.00

• a job • a place to live • a reasonable down payment

83,000 miles, Very Nice, Silver


2005 F350 Lariat 4x4, 6.0 Diesel, New Michelin Tires Extra Nice & Clean, 96,661 Miles, Power Locks & Windows. Pewter...................$18,900.00

2005 Ford Expedition XLT, Power Locks and Windows, Very Clean and Nice, over 100,000 miles, Gray.....$13,000.00

1998 Dodge 3500 SLT Flat Bed,

DONATE YOUR CAR... To The Cancer Fund of America. Help Those Suffering With Cancer Today. Free Towing and Tax Deductible. 1-800-835-9372 ‘82 CHEVY CAPRICE, not bad, great running and heat. Lots of new, $1500 OBO. (325) 277-3817. DONATE YOUR CAR. FREE TOWING. “Cars for Kids”. Any condition. Tax deductible, 1-800-597-9411. 1999 30TH ANNIVERSARY TRANS AM #563. 110K miles. All documentation & receipts. $10,000 OBO. (325) 450-0809 after 5pm.

1991 HONDA 4 cylinder, $800. Runs great. 1997 Cadillac Catera, $600. Needs work. 1982 Ford bucket truck, $1800. (325) 212-4504. $CASH$ any make or model cars and pickups for wrecking use. We will pick them up. Clark’s Auto Wrecking, 6584377. DONATE A CAR Today To Help Children And Their Families Suffering From Cancer. Free Towing. Tax Deductible. Children’s Cancer Fund of America, Inc. 1-800-4698593

Repossession Bankruptcies Divorce No Problem Extended Warranties Available on Select Vehicles

5 speed, White, Power Lock and Power Windows, Single Cab, Dually, 240,333 Miles......$7,500.00

WINGER MACHINE SHOP 3916 S. Chadbourne at old Christoval Rd. 325-655-8374 • 325-450-8498 • 325-651-8811 Complete Automotive Machine & Repair

From Lawn Mowers to Semis We Pull, Repair & Replace. • Newest Equipment in West Texas • High Performance work from Mild to Wild • Engine Balancing • Crank Grinding • 3 Angle Cyclinder work on all heads


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2854 W. Beauregard

2 Day Turnaround on most jobs





2004 DODGE STRATUS $ Stk#UT1579


1991 Ford 1114Explorer Hw y 87 SXLT, outh



(B) Weekly











19 5– N ow Ca r29 ryin5g $



2006 NISSAN ALTIMA $ Stk#UT1574 (F)



(F) Weekly


2004 HONDA ODYSSEY $ Stk#UT1457





Armando Hernandez



(D) Weekly


2003 FORD F-150 $


$ $ 189,562 miles, Black....................$8,000.00

800-820-0239 A ll e ua adr ay c he Ra cc ia ks l Fe bHr S pe 325-651-6072 $ $ Fax: 325-651-9493 29 Ra 5 c ks A ll H e19 a d5– a c he



ALeather ll H e a d a c he Ra c ks Interior, Power Locks, and Windows,

Big Tex Trailers



Fe b rua ry S pe c ia l

Form a lly H un te r’s E quipm e n t D eer Blinds & Stands 1114 Hw y 87 S out h ies Trai Parts Suppl Forlm lly H •unFeeders te r’s E •quipm ent y 87 outch ia l Fe b 1114 ruaHw ry S Spe



Chris Reynolds

2002 Chevrolet Suburban C1500 LS,

N ow Ca rryin g M oorm a n Fe e d

(A) Weekly


82,088 Miles, Power Lock and Windows, Tan.........................................$4,000.00

19 5– 29 5




1999 Chevrolet Tahoe C1500 LT, 143,969 Miles, Power Locks and Windows, Leather Interior, Great Family Vehicle, .........................................$5,000.00 Gray For m a lly H un te r’s E quipm e n t

It’s your window to the world!


5.4L Gasoline, 4x4, 150,982 miles, Power Locks and Power Windows, Runs Great, Blue.......................................$12,000.00 115,811 Miles, Leather Interior, Power Locks and Windows, Super Clean, Very Nice, Pewter....................................$12,000.00

Complete Machine Work


2006 Ford F250 Super Duty XL,

2003 Chevrolet Tahoe C1500 LT,

COME CHECK OUT San Angelo Motor Co., 2201 W. Ave. N, (325) 944-0522. See all the cars, pickups, SUVs and motorcycles that we have. 2002 VW BEATLE, silver, 2 door, standard. Low miles, $7500. (325) 227-9722. 2003 BMW 330I. 101K miles. Very nice condition. (325) 617-4522. $9600

Even if your credit is a MESS... YOU can still go for the YES at

2002 F250 Super Duty,

Coastal Hay & Alfalfa 2005 Ford Explorer Hay 4x4,

Page 21

January 6, 2011

Adam Cruz Podemos Ayudarte en Español

(C) Weekly


2002 TOYOTA CAMRY $ Stk#UT1588




1506 N. Bryant


Mon. - Fri. 8 am - 6 pm • Sat. 8:30 am - 5 pm *All offers with approved credit. (A) $6,500 plus TT&L, $1,000 Down (B) $6,000 plus TT&L, $800 Down

(C) 10,500 plus TT&L, $1,500 Down (D) $11,000 + TT&L, $2,000 Down (E) $7,000 + TT&L, $1,000 Down (F) $9,000 + TT&L, $1,500 Down

Page 22

January 6, 2011

T A N D E M T R A I L E R ✔ AXLES w/springs and

Trailers 2005 CARGO CRAFT Black vNose enclosed trailer. 19x8.5’x6.6’, spring assisted rear ramp door, 36” side door, vent, electric brakes, stone guard, tie downs inside. 4500lb payload, 700 hitch, tandem wheels. $5,250, serious inquires call (325) 6551873.

AD ay W it

ine sh un tS

ifieds Is Like A Class Day n a W ric e ith m ou A t u ho

Pick Up One Today!

15 N. Tyler • 944-7653

REDUCED - NEW utility trailer, 16x7, heavy duty, bulldog hitch, $1575. (325) 486-2039. NEW TRAILER 6’x12’ with new tires. $1,150. Ccall Dennis (325) 6569878.

wheels. (325) 450-4825 1992 COOSE For sale or trade. White, GN 3horse slant. 14’ single axle (10,000# rubber torsion), front feed & storage area, rear tack. Oak floor, Michelin xps tires. Excellent condition. $5,500 OBO. (325) 2124980. 1956 MASSEY HARRIS 444 tractor, runs and works, 3 pt. hitch, new tires, comes with 250 gallon propane tank and fill hose. $2500. (325) 6564696. 20’ TANDEM DUALS, heavy duty equipment trailer, pintle hitch. $5500. (325) 656-2888

Heavy Equipment 14,000 LB CAPACITY H.D./all steel flatbed, trailer. New 14 ply tires, ramps toolboxes. $4950. Call (325) 944-7147. HEAVY DUTY FLATBED trailer with metal floor and sides, 20’ long, $1500 OBO. (325) 212-9503. 16’ FLATBED SHEEP AND GOAT trailer. Open top. $700. (325) 6539005. 1996 FEATHERLITE ALUM. 3 horse slant trailer, 8’ living quarters, a/c/heat, bed, lots of storage, excellent condition. Only $15,000. (325) 4422211 or (325) 895-0756

JD 4250 UNDER 2400 actual hours, 1 owner, JD front end loader, $35,000 firm. 325-315-7323.

YOUR AD COULD BE HERE! Call 944-7653

944-SOLD REDUCED - 1998 Aqua-Sport center console fishing boat. 19’6” with 115 Johnson & EZ loader trailer. $6,500. (325) 656-1847.

SMALL BOAT, LOTS of new. May be fully loaded, $1500 OBO. (325) 277-3817. 1979 INVADER 15’ fiberglass outboard, 1979 85 hp Johnson, FOR LEASE. 600 to depth finder, with trailer, 1000 sq.ft. work- $4750 Runs great, ready shops/storage just out- for the lake!. (325) 597side city limits. Utilities 9671 or (325) 456-6882 available. Call cell. Gretchen, 325-2342002 TRACKER 0069. PONTOON. 21’, 75hp SMALL BOAT, LOTS Mercury, fish package. of new. May be fully Very nice, low hours. loaded, $1500 OBO. $9,300. (325) 653-5755. (325) 277-3817. WE SERVICE 1979 INVADER 15’ ALL BOATS. Enfiberglass outboard, gines, Fiberglass, Inte1979 85 hp Johnson, riors, Trailers. Angelo depth finder, with trailer, Marine Center, 630 $4750 Runs great, ready Rust (Just behind Ft. for the lake!. (325) 597- Concho). 325-6559671 or (325) 456-6882 0559. cell. 2002 TRACKER ‘06 HONDA JET ski, PONTOON. 21’, 75hp new condition, used one Mercury, fish package. time. No time to play. Very nice, low hours. (325) 232-0318. $9,300. (325) 653-5755. WANT TO BUY top quality used power boats. Sea Arrow Marine Center, (325)655-0100. 25’ SANPAN PONTOON boat, 225 Yamaha, trailer, $28,000. (432) 556-7724.

‘06 HONDA JET ski, new condition, used one time. No time to play. (325) 232-0318. WANT TO BUY top quality used power boats. Sea Arrow Marine Center, (325)655-0100. 25’ SANPAN PON12’ JON BOAT and boat, 225 trailer, $500. Or will sell TOON separate. Call (325) 374- Yamaha, trailer, $28,000. 0147. (432) 556-7724.

Boats 2 BACKBRUSH KAYAKS with 35lb motor guide on front mount, $1000 for both. 2001 Mercury 65 jet (90hp engine) on 19’ Duracraft aluminum motor, like new, $5000. 1994 Carolina Skiff, 19’ with 1988 Evinrude, 80lb Minkota $3000. 2001 Triton TR21 with 225 Mercury 80lb Minkota, 8” Lowrance side view $15,000. Call Ray (325) 656-5610. 1990 LANDAU PONTOON boat & trailer. For sale or trade. 20’, new upholstery & carpet on deck. 40hp Yamaha motor. Excellent condition. $5,000 OBO. (325) 212-4980. 12’ JON BOAT and trailer, $500. Or will sell separate. Call (325) 3740147. 3 DAY ONLY - Bass boat, 50 horse Merc, 2 fish finders, trolling motor. Lake ready!! $1500 OBO. (325) 721-0223. 1990 GLASTRON SIERRA boat. 3.0 engine, lake ready. $3500 obo. (325) 340-7901 1994 ASTRO BASS BOAT (18’) FISH & SKI, 125 H.P. Mercury, trolling motor, fish finder, 2 live wells, (garaged) 90 hours. Astro trailer. Super nice. $6950. (325) 234-2613 (325) 949-2606. 2008 PONTOON BOAT, 60 HP Mercury. Cover, Fish Finder, Trailer. Photos available. $10,900. 1-210-3264957. FISHING SEASON SPECIALS: Come see the new Carolina Skiffs with Honda engines in stock now. (325) 6555252 Ext. 2. See at Carr Clinic & Marine, 2210 Austin, San Angelo, TX. 2003 GLASTRON GX-185 S&F, 4.3L engine, trolling motor, Bimini top, new tire. $9,995. (325)227-4918.


American Classifieds 15 N. Tyler 944-7653

224-8000 2854 W. Beauregard


Motorcycles 2003 HARLEY DAVIDSON Softtail custom. 100yr anniversary edition. Low mileage, 13,109. Excellent condition. $8,950 OBO. (325) 234-7513. HONDA GOLDWING, 2004, good condition, 48,000 miles. Call (325)2629577. 100 HARLEY-DAVIDSON USED Big Twins $5,999 to $9,999. Barnett Harley-Davidson 1-800910-4048. 2005 HARLEY DAVIDSON Sportster 883 only 5800 miles, like new! Many extras $4995 cash price or owner will finance. 325-572-3849 h. 325-370-5038 c. 2004 RED GSX-R 600. Brand new back tire, Custom Exhaust, TInted windsheild, Black powder Coated Rims, Never wrecked or layed over. Asking $5000 obo. Bike is in San Angelo area. (806) 445-4117 2009 KAWASAKI VULCAN 900. Loaded with warrantys. 1000 miles. $7000. (325) 6502938 2004 VENTURA SCOOTER, 2 cycle, 49cc, less than 400 miles. Call (325)658-7690 or (325)262-2015. 2009 KAWASAKI VULCAN Classic 900, cruise control, loaded, 2,800 miles, $5,995 OBO. (325) 374-8673. 1998 SUZUKI MARAUDER 805cc. Too many extras to list, super clean, $3,995. (325) 6588751. ‘04 SUZUKI VOLUSIA, 2500 miles, minor scratch, $3500. (325) 650-1516. HARLEY DAVIDSON 2008 V-Rod Vrscaw, low mileage, extended warranty, dark blue liquid cool, excellent condition, $14,000. (325) 763-6150. 2004 HONDA SHADOW 750, cobra pipes, forward controls, chrome spoke wheels, full seat, $4995 cash or owner will finance. 325572-3849 home, 325370-5038 cell. MOTORCYCLE FINANCING FOR privately sold Harley’s and other brands. Call 1-800796-8107, ask for Finance Department. ANGELO CYCLE Sales, Parts, Repair & Service. ATV’s, Motorcycles & Dirt Bikes. MonFri 9-5; Sat 9-2. 1902 S. Bryant, 325-947-9413. THOROUGHBRED MOTOR SPORTS Stallion. 325-234-3636. HONDA GOLDWING TRIKE. 325-234-3399. 2005 WELL CARGO cycle wagon with tie downs, 6’x12’ $3000. 325-650-6333. LEARN TO RIDE on our motorcycles. Get your license & insurance discounts, save gas! Complete course in just 2 days! Class calendar and register: 325-6723484. 2003 HONDA 750 Spirit. Lots of extras. Must see! 11,000 miles. $3,800 OBO. (325) 763-3461. 1800 HONDA TRIKE, Harley Ultra Classic Trikes. 325-234-3636. 2004 HARLEY DAVIDSON Sportster 1200R. Excellent condition. $4700. Call (325) 262-3372 2006 HARLEY DAVIDSON Heritage Softail Deluxe 1450, Fuel Injected, 12,000 miles, loaded w/extras, $12,995 cash or owner will finance. 325-572-3849 home, 325-370-5038 cell. WANTED JAPANESE MOTORCYCLES KAWASAKI: Z1-900, KZ900, KZ1000, Z1R, Kawasaki Triples, GT380, GS400, CB750, (196975) Cash Paid, Nationwide Pickup, 1-800-772-1142, 1-310721-0726. BMW R100-RT 1989. Red. 24K miles. Excellent condition. $4,500. (325) 947-9607. A.C.E. 4 WHEELER & MOTORCYCLE REPAIR “The Friendly Motorcycle Shop”. Parts, service & repair on ATV’S, motorcycles & UTV’s. 315 N. Main. Mon.-Fri., 9am-6pm; Sat. 9am-2pm. (325)658-7690.

BRAND NEW 2008 KTM 505XC-F, electric start. This bike is at home on the Motorcross track or the trail. Like riding a rocket with wheels. Only riden 4 times! $6500 obo (325) 374-2246. CONCHO VALLEY MOTOR Trike. We trike Hondas and Harleys. Dealer for the Throughbred Motorsports “Stallion”. We’re an authorized Motor Trike Dealer. www.motor (325) 4684000 (325) 234-3399 3890 S. FM 1692, Miles, TX (7.5 miles south of Miles). USED HARLEYS 06FLHX $9,999; 04FXSTDI, $9,999; 91FXSTC, $5,999; 09FLSTF, $9,999; 07FLSTSC Ratbike, $5,999, 100 Big Twins below $10,000! Barnett Harley 1-800-910-4012. 2000 YAMAHA 650 VStar Classic. Helmet, sissy bag, barrel bag, leather saddle bags, cover & rain suit. $3,200 OBO. (325) 277-3533 ‘04 HD ELECTRA Glide Classic, 23k, very nice, $11,000 obo. (325) 895-5593. 2006 SUZUKI BOULEVARD C50T. Low miles. $5,000 or best offer. (325) 340-6778. COME CHECK OUT San Angelo Motor Co., 2201 W. Ave. N, (325) 944-0522. See all the cars, pickups, SUVs and motorcycles that we have. 1995 KAWASAKI VOYAGER, must sell, $1350. (325) 450-5714 MOTORCYCLE LIFT, MADE by Handy Industries, new over $2000, mint condition, asking $1250. Has extentions, air operated. (325) 2342441. State Inspections on cars, pickups, RVs, SUVs, motorcycles, trucks, trailers or anything that needs an inspection sticker. Bradley Welding, 1224 N. Bell. (325) 653-4175. 2007 KTM 450-XC, mint condition, lots of extras, asking $3950. (325) 234-2441. 1980 HONDA CB 750 Custom. 2,000 (325)2342204

Be wise...ADVERTISE!

2003 HARLEY DAVIDSON Softtail custom. 100yr anniversary edition. Low mileage, 13,109. Excellent condition. $8,950 OBO. (325) 234-7513. 2005 HARLEY DAVIDSON Sportster 883 only 5800 miles, like new! Many extras $4995 cash price or owner will finance. 325-572-3849 h. 325-370-5038 c. 2004 RED GSX-R 600. Brand new back tire, Custom Exhaust, TInted windsheild, Black powder Coated Rims, Never wrecked or layed over. Asking $5000 obo. Bike is in San Angelo area. (806) 445-4117 2009 KAWASAKI VULCAN 900. Loaded with warrantys. 1000 miles. $7000. (325) 6502938 2004 VENTURA SCOOTER, 2 cycle, 49cc, less than 400 miles. Call (325)658-7690 or (325)262-2015. 2009 KAWASAKI VULCAN Classic 900, cruise control, loaded, 2,800 miles, $5,995 OBO. (325) 374-8673. 1998 SUZUKI MARAUDER 805cc. Too many extras to list, super clean, $3,995. (325) 6588751. ‘04 SUZUKI VOLUSIA, 2500 miles, minor scratch, $3500. (325) 650-1516. HARLEY DAVIDSON 2008 V-Rod Vrscaw, low mileage, extended warranty, dark blue liquid cool, excellent condition, $14,000. (325) 763-6150.

ATV NEW WEST TEXAS ranch buggies for sale. Great for ranch work, quail or varmint hunting, chasing coyotes. (325) 234-4289. SCOOTERS $450 49CC street legal gas saver 317-841-8555 m 1983 YAMAHA 3 wheeler, good condition, $800 OBO. (325) 6501516.

2002 HONDA TRX450S Foreman 4x4 on demand 4 wheeler. Garage kept, like new, $3500. Day, (325)4864341. Evenings, (325) 659-1947. 2008 EZ-GO ALL Terrain Vehicle. Excellent condition. $4500. Can be seen at AAA Carpets. (325) 656-7431 2008 SUZUKI LT 450R ATV, excellent condition. Fuel injected, after market exhaust, computer programmer, nerf bars. Rear grab bar, sand tires, new rear tires, speedometer with engine temperature. Graphics kit, K&N air filter with outer wear, after market air box lid, $4,800. (325) 315-3564. ATV’S, DIRT BIKES $400 & up Brand new 49cc 300cc Layaways Wholesale To The Public 3 1 7 - 8 4 1 - 8 5 5 5 m POLARIS 500 SPORTSMAN ATV. 4x4, winch, auto. 11 hours. Excellent condition. $4,700 OBO. (325) 6567278. 2 YAMAHA RAPTOR 50 4 wheelers, ‘06 and ‘07. $1200 each. (325) 456-8086, (325) 4568087. 2009 BMX 4X4 crew cab utility vehicle. Seats 5, electric dump bed, winch, stereo, low hours, 32HP, $5500. (325) 2345900. MOTORCYCLE LIFT, MADE by Handy Industries, new over $2000, mint condition, asking $1250. Has extentions, air operated. (325) 2342441. 09 RAZOR CAMO, 92 hrs, lift, in excellent Condition. asking $10000 OBO. 07 Predator 500 racing quad, in good shape, white, stock, $4000 OBO. 325-6506722.

January 6, 2011

Auto Parts & Accessories (1 EA.) - Goodyear Wrangler Trailer P235/75 R15, $50. (4 ea.) - Dunlop A/T LT 245/75R16 10 ply, $600. (325) 597-9671 or (325) 456-6882 cell. CHEVY 350 SHORT block. $360. (325) 3784000 2011 FORD SUPERDUTY Accessories. Grill guards, $425 installed. Front replacements, $725 installed. Accessories for all makes and models! (325) 656-1395 or (325) 365-5258 SBC V-8 383. Balanced, Vortec heads 2.02/1.60. All the extras, not assembled. $1500. (325) 234-4289 EXTRA HEAVY DUTY headache rack with full rails and ladder rack, $675. Brady, Tx. (325) 597-9671 or (325) 4566882 cell. CENTURY CAMPER SHELL, fiberglass, for short wide Chevy pickup, $600. (325) 895-4240. NATION WIDE parts locator service! Can’t find that part you need? Call Clark’s and let them find it for you. (325) 658-4377. TONNEAU COVER FOR ‘09 Titan. $100. (325) 234-0630 TIRES FOR SALE - Set of 6 Vogue custom made tires with gold stripe, size 195-60-14. Like new. $350 for all 6. For more info call (325) 227-2591. (4 EA.) - Steel Rims 15” off a ‘67 Chevy, $200. (5 ea.) - 16” pickup tires for spare 10 ply, $100. (325) 597-9671 or (325) 4566882 cell. CHEVY 350 MOTOR and transmission, may sell separately. Misc. tires and rims available. (325) 944-4648.

(4 EA.) - Bridgestone Trailer - 700-15 - 8ply Load Range - D $250. (4 ea.) - Power King Trailer 700/15 - 8ply, Load Range - D, $250. (325) 597-9671 or (325) 4566882 cell.

FORD E4OD / 4R100 transmission. Built by Bryans Truck Shop (BTS Tranny). Bullet proof for high horsepower and towing. Fits ‘94 thru 2002 year model Ford Powerstroke. Torque converter alone is $1500. Asking $4000. (325) 234-0295. CASH PAID FOR catalytic converters. Call me before you let them go! $15-$75. (325) 656-3658. F I B E R G L A S S CAMPER SHELL fits 1998 Chevy 3500 pickup, long bed, $400 obo. (325) 262-9175 GPS “MAGELLAN” 5”, works good. Maps from US, Canada, Mexico. $60. (325) 763-1885. 4-(10 PLY) MICHELIN LTX LT265R70X17 TIRES. $295. (325) 2342613 or (325) 949-2606 LOOKING FOR MOTOR for 1992 Mazda B200. (325) 468-5721.

d n E r a e Y Mule t! Blow-OU

Page 23

GM TRANSMISSION TURBO 400 with converter. ‘94 Chevy van driveshaft. ‘90 Suburban driveshaft. (325) 2458185. (4 EA.) - B.F. Goodrich All Terrain T/A - LT 285/75 R16, $700(4 ea.) - Trailer 750/16 - 10ply Load Range - E,$300. (325) 597-9671 or (325) 4566882 cell. FORD BUMPER, HEAVY duty, black, $150 OBO. (325) 6564774. JAPANESE ENGINES TRANSMISSIONS Used/Rebuilt. Super Low Prices! Imported Direct From Japan. Cleaned/Tested. Year Warranty. Foreign Engines, Inc. 1-800-5521595. 1 MICHELIN LTX A/S, 10 ply 265/70/17, only 17k miles on 70k mile tires, $70. (325) 597-9671 or (325) 456-6882 cell. (2 EA.) - Trailer ST205/75 D15 $100. (1 ea.) - Tire and wheel P225/75 R16 - 5 Hole Rim, $50. (325) 597-9671 or (325) 456-6882 cell. (2 EA.) - Toyo Open Country LT145/75 R16, $150. (3 ea.) - Michelin LT 245/75 R16, $150. (2 ea.) (325) 597-9671 or (325) 456-6882 cell. FIBERGLASS BED COVER fits Ford longbed, 1999 & up. Excellent condition. $650. (325)944-9150 or (325)656-5925.

Wow! Let the good times roll. ™

Come See the 2011 Mules™! 2011 KAWASAKI MULE™ 4010 TRANS 4X4 2 Seats, Fuel Injected, Power Steering

MSRP ...............................................$10,899 HCD .......................................................$900 SALE PRICE .................................$

9,999 camo!

2011 KAWASAKI TERYX® 750 4X4

2011 BRUTE FORCE 750 4X4i

2011 KAWASAKI MULE™ 610 XC 4X4

Fuel Injected Power! FAST!! MSRP ............................................... $11,299 HCD ..................................................... $1300 SALE PRICE............................. $9,999

Fuel Injected MSRP ...............................................$8,8499 HCD .......................................................$850

MSRP ................................................. $8,299 HCD ....................................................... $300

SALE PRICE............................ $7,999

SALE PRICE............................. $7,999

Great Deals on 2011 Models!

Off Road Value

camo! 2011 MULE™ 610 4X4 4x4 Value!

MSRP ............................................. $7,499 HCD ................................................... $500 SALE PRICE.........................$6,999

2011 KAWASAKI MULE™ 4010 TRANS 4X4 2 Seats, Fule Injected, Power Steering MSRP ........................................... $11,299 HCD ................................................ $1,000 SALE PRICE...................... $10,299

Diesel! 2011 KAWASAKI BAYOU® 250 4X2

2011 MULE™ 600 4X2

2011 KAWASAKI MULE™ 4010 4X4

Great Value

Great Value!

2 Seats, Power Steering, Diesel Power!

MSRP ............................................. $3,599 HCD ................................................... $100 SALE PRICE.........................$3,499

MSRP ............................................. $6,699 MSRP ........................................... $12,199 HCD ................................................... $200 HCD ................................................ $1,200 SALE PRICE.........................$6,499 SALE PRICE...................... $10,999

Hill Country Kawasaki Goldthwaite, TX


*See Dealer for Details!

2008 Kawasaki Motors Corporation U.S.A. Kawasaki ATVs with engines over 90cc are recommended for used only by persons 16 years of age or older. Kawasaki also recommends that all ATV riders take a training course. For more information, see your dealer, or call the ATV safety institute at 1-800887-2887. Mule ™ Kawasaki Cares: Always wear protective gear appropriate for the use of this vehicle. Never operate under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Protect the environment. The Kawasaki Mule ™ utility vehicle is an off highway vehicle only, and is not designed, equipped or manufactured for use on public streets, roads or highways. Obey the laws and regulations that control the use of your vehicle. Specifications subject to change without notice. Availability may be limited. @ 2008 Kawasaki Motors Corporation, U.S.A.


Page 24

January 6, 2011

LEER CAMPER SHELL. White. Fits ‘02’07 long bed Dodge. $300 OBO. (325) 2457616.

BLACK PICKUP BED cover, fits short wheel base Dodge, late model. All hardware. $350. (325) 656-7094

(3) SPACE HEATERS, 2004 Camper for Ford Ranger, front bumper 2007 Dodge. (325) 9440521


EVERYTHING MUST GO PARK MODEL 1998 QUAIL RIDGE CHALET 40’X12’ Several to Choose From low as$14,900



2007 SANDPIPER 321 8HT, 3 Slides, bunkhouse.............................................. $22,900 2007 SIERRA - 321 FKDSS 2 slides ......................................................................$22,500 2008 WILDWOOD 26RKS ........................................................................................$14,900 2006 DUTCHMAN, 1 Slide ............................................................................................ $14,000 2005 ZEPPELIN 261 - 1 Slide, 1/2 Ton Towable ..........................................................$14,000 2006 SPRINGDALE. Sleeps 9, lots of storage ..............................................................$14,000 2005 WEEKENDER 2600, bunkhouse .................................................................. $13,900 2004 STREAM LITE 24RL. Fiberglass, slide ..........................................................$13,000 2007 KINGSPORT 260BH, Sleeps 9 ........................................................................$13,000 2007 TRAIL LITE 24DS 1 slide, Lite weight 24’..........................................................$12,500 2007 KINGSPORT 260BH, Sleeps 9 .................................................................... $12,000 1974 AIRSTREAM LAND YACHT 30’TT............................................................$10,500 1995 SKYLINE NOMAD 2800. ..................................................................................$7,500 1997 COACHMEN CATALINA LITE 249 QB. Booth Dinette,rear bath ..$7,500 1999 WANDERER LITE 230FB 23’ ......................................................................$7,500

TOY H AULERS 2011 XLR 37H2 .................................................................................................................. $49,995 2011 XLR V-NOSE 29’, 1 SLIDE ......................................................................................$31,000 2001 STACKER RACE TRL 27’ BLACK..................................................................$24,500 2009 16’ INTERNATIONAL WHITE INCLOSED .................................. $5,500

P OP U PS 1982 JAYCO POPUP. Great Price ................................................................$2,500 1991 COLEMAN ROANOKE ................................................................$2,500 1986 JAYCO JAY SERIES 1006 DELUXE ..................................................$2,500 1995 DUCK 801 ......................................................................................................................$2,000


HAD A WRECK? We sell new and used body parts cheaper than anybody. (325) 651-9300. 20” CHEVY OR GMC 2004 6 lug rims, 6 star, like new $695. (325) 7633713 DID YOU KNOW?! CLARK’S AUTO WRECKING has NEW auto parts, doors, fenders, grills, radiators, hoods, lights, door handles. Many in stock or next day delivery. You’ll be surprised at their prices. 658-4377. (6 EA.) - Firestone P265/70 R17, $200. (4 ea.) - B.F.Goodrich AllTerrain LT265/70 R17,$300. (325) 5979671 or (325) 456-6882 cell. WE BUY ALL types of junk batteries and we pay top dollar. Call for quote, (325)655-5319. $CASH$. We will pay above scale weight. Cars or pickups for wrecking use. 658-4377. LARGE TRUCK HEADACHE rack with large tool box, $380 OBO. (325) 656-1047. ECLIPSE CAR STEREO, $100. (325) 655-1417. (4) VERDE SCORPION wheels - 18X7.5 w/tires 245/45ZR18. Asking $1000 cash. Wheels are universal. SERIOUS INQUIRIES ONLY! Call Elsa (325) 763-6142. 20” GM ULTRA WHEELS with Nitto Extreme ZR 255-35-ZR2097W tires, $500. (325) 949-1672 (1 EA.) - Goodyear Wrangler Trailer P235/75 R15, $50. (4 ea.) - Dunlop A/T LT 245/75R16 10 ply, $600. (325) 597-9671 or (325) 456-6882 cell. CHEVY 350 SHORT block. $360. (325) 3784000


2004 REVOLUTION DIESEL PUSHER with 2 slides..................................$92,500 2008 GEORGETOWN 350 with 3 slides, Bunks......................................................$68,000 1998 CONTINENTAL SAFARI 40’ Diesel, 1 slide ............................................$65,000 2008 GEORGETOWN 315DS, 2 slides, 31’ ...................................................... $65,000 1997 COACHMAN DESTINY DIESEL 49k miles..........................................$58,000 2008 HOLIDAY RAMBLER ATLANTIS 30’ Classic C ..........................$47,000 2004 TIOGA w/ slide, Classic C ..............................................................................................$34,900 2003 LEXINGTON 22’ with slide, Class B Plus............................................................$28,000 1977 GMC 8V71 Converted Bus Chassis ..........................................................................$19,900 1992 GULFSTREAM TOURMASTER DIESEL 40’ ........................ $19,000 1997 SOUTHWIND STORM Class A ......................................................................$17,000 1995 PACE ARROW Class A, 35’ ..................................................................................$17,900 1993 DUTCHMAN Classic C..............................................................................................$14,000 1994 DUTCHMEN CLASS C 27’ Extra Clean ....................................................$12,000 1994 ROCKPORT BAYPORT CLASS A......................................................$10,000 1993 TRAVELCRAFT ELITE CLASS C ..........................................................$9,000 1993 GMC VANDURA 71,716 miles, Classic C ..............................................................$8,000 1988 EMC MIRADA CLASS C ..............................................................................$8,000

2011 FORD SUPERDUTY Accessories. Grill guards, $425 installed. Front replacements, $725 installed. Accessories for all makes and models! (325) 656-1395 or (325) 365-5258 SBC V-8 383. Balanced, Vortec heads 2.02/1.60. All the extras, not assembled. $1500. (325) 234-4289 EXTRA HEAVY DUTY headache rack with full rails and ladder rack, $675. Brady, Tx. (325) 597-9671 or (325) 4566882 cell. CENTURY CAMPER SHELL, fiberglass, for short wide Chevy pickup, $600. (325) 895-4240. NATION WIDE parts locator service! Can’t find that part you need? Call Clark’s and let them find it for you. (325) 658-4377. TONNEAU COVER FOR ‘09 Titan. $100. (325) 234-0630

RVs RV LOTS FOR lease in premier San Angelo community near Goodfellow AFB. Quiet country living, long term stays welcome. $300/mo. 325-8123225. ‘03 FOREST RIVER 5th wheel toy hauler, great condition, new tires. Lots of extras added. (325) 232-0318. HAIL ON YOUR RV? We replace roofs, awnings, etc. RV repair. We come to you. Angelo RV, San Angelo, TX, 325895-1801.

MUST SEE TO BELIEVE! Like new, 40’ ‘08 Fleetwood 5th wheel. Fully loaded. Best offer over $20,000. (325) 6556423 (325) 763-2174 (325) 949-2194. RV LOTS FOR RENT in quiet Cactus Lane Park. $125 per month. (325) 653-1144 CLEAN 30’ 5TH wheel Cedar Creek. Light aluminum structure. Artic package & floating hitch. 2 slides, rear living. No pets & non-smoker. Can be seen at 4712 Hatchery Rd. $28,000. (325) 450-5687, (325) 3156329 2008 PUMA TRAVEL trailer. 32’. Very clean, like new. FMI (325) 812-5458 2008 LAYTON 24’ bumper pull, like new, sleeps 8. Full bath, microwave with convection oven, $11,100. (325) 8124743. 2008 SUNNYBROOK MOBILE Scout, 35’, less than 2000 miles. Looks brand new, $47,500. (325) 716-0406. EXCELLENT CONDITION 1986 Pace Arrow 31’ Motor home. 903-3888105. San Angelo area. 2009 JAYCO JFEATHER, 242, great condition, call for more details $16,900. Family RV @ 325-235-4488 or visit

RV LOTS $225 + Electric. Quiet park. (325)658-2763.

2004 GULF STREAM 5th wheel, great condition, $14,500 call 325262-1168 or 325-236-0424 2006 CHALLENGER 37 foot, 3 slide, rear living, $22,900. Call Family CHECK US OUT ON RV 325-235-4488 or visit THE WEB AT

944-SOLD 2010 27’ ARCTIC Fox travel trailer and a 2007 Dodge diesel. Western Horizons membership. 3500 generator. (325) 6536022. (325)656-7883. ALL UNITS MUST GO! CALL 888-853-6707. 2002 Kountry Star 33RLSF FW, 2007 Cougar 276RL FW, 2006 Explorer Scout 265 TT, 2006 Coachman Capri M-27 DA TT, 2008 Sprinter 31BHSS FW, 2007 Big Country 3075RL FW, 1997 CarriLite 31RKLS FW, 2003 Jazz 2670RL FW, 2003 Flagstaff 26DS TT, 2006 McKensie Lakota 31SKT FW, 2008 Carriage Domani 302 FW, 2007 Rockwood 23604 TT, 2009 Bighorn 3600 FW, 2007 Hobbi 220 TT, 2006 Coachman M-24TT, 2005 Cardinal 36TS FW. 1994 PACE ARROW 34 Foot, Chevy 454. Very Clean. $13,900. Photos available. 1-210-3264957. NEWMAR DUTCHSTAR 1996 34 foot motorhome. 35,951 miles, 454 Chevy Vortec, large slide, always garaged, $20,000. (325) 374-5048, (325) 651-6564. 1988 CAMPER VAN, refrigerator, stove, toilet, A/C and heat, $6500. (325) 655-4276. 99 HOLIDAY RAMBLER Endeavor, 37’, 5.9L, 275H Cummins Diesel, Allison 6 Speed Trans, Super slide, 2 A/C, Nice, Generator, Beautiful Coach, $49,900, Sweetwater Tx 325-235-4488. TRAVEL COLD RV R E F R I G E R AT O R REPAIR AND SERVICE. Why buy a new refrigerator when you can get the same warranty on your refrigerator by having it rebuilt? 1-3 year warranty. Colorado City, TX. (325) 721-4045

2009 JAYCO JFEATHER, 242, great condition, call for more details $16,900. Family RV @ 325-235-4488 or visit 2010 27’ ARCTIC Fox travel trailer and a 2007 Dodge diesel. Western Horizons membership. 3500 generator. (325) 6536022. (325)656-7883. 78 WILDERNESS, 5TH Wheel, $2900, Everything Works! Call Family RV 325-235-4488 or visit ALL UNITS MUST GO! Year End Clearance CALL 888-853-6707. 2002 Kountry Star 33RLSF FW, 2007 Cougar 276RL FW, 2006 Explorer Scout 265 TT, 2006 Coachman Capri M-27 DA TT, 2008 Sprinter 31BHSS FW, 2007 Big Country 3075RL FW, 1997 CarriLite 31RKLS FW, 2003 Jazz 2670RL FW, 2003 Flagstaff 26DS TT, 2006 McKensie Lakota 31SKT FW, 2008 Carriage Domani 302 FW, 2007 Rockwood 23604 TT, 2005 Rockwood 8285 FW, 2007 Hobbi 220 TT, 2005 Coachman M249TT, 2006 Coachman M-24TT, 2005 Cardinal 36TS FW. 2004 GULF STREAM 5th wheel, great condition, $14,500 call 325262-1168 or 325-236-0424 2006 CHALLENGER 37 foot, 3 slide, rear living, $22,900. Call Family RV 325-235-4488 or visit 2002 FOREST RIVER Wildcat 27ft, 5th wheel. Fiberglass, aluminum construction, one owner, rear kitchen floor plan. Super slide, tone of cabinet space and counter space in kitchen area. Queen bed, good tires, electric front jacks, rear stab jacks. Everything works, no leaks, very clean. Save thousands versus a new one, $11,500. (325) 949-4360. RV PARTS & SERVICE 5th wheel & equalizer hitches installed. Order parts online at Se habla español. Angelo RV, 1524 S. Bryant, 325486-CAMP(2267). ‘03 FOREST RIVER 5th wheel toy hauler, great condition, new tires. Lots of extras added. (325) 232-0318. HAIL ON YOUR RV? We replace roofs, awnings, etc. RV repair. We come to you. Angelo RV, San Angelo, TX, 325895-1801. A&S SERVICES. Complete RV and Mobile Home repair. Your location. (325) 227-3316. 30 USED TRAVEL trailers & 5th wheels to choose from...more used units arriving daily. Call Family RV at 325-2354488 or visit our website a t FULL SERVICE, SAME Day Service only @ Family RV. In Stock Parts & Accessories. Family RV @ 325-2354488 or visit 84 AVIVION, 32 foot, excellent condition, $7900. Call Family RV @ 325-235-4488 or visit FOR RENT - Riverfront RV space, quiet area on HWY 87N. $200/month, $100/deposit. FMI (325) 212-8066.

5TH WHEELS 2008 MONTANA 3075RL 3 Slides, with generator ................................................ $34,900 2007 CHALLENGER 34TLB 3 slides......................................................................$29,000 2006 AMERI-CAMP 4 Slide ............................................................................................$27,500 2006 SANDPIPER 315BHT ....................................................................................$26,000 2007 KZ DURANGO 305 3 slides ..............................................................................$21,000 2011 WILDWOOD 22’ 5TH WHEEL..................................................................................$19,995 2003 FRANKLIN 5 WL 40’ 3 slides, W/D Conn, Large Living ..............................$19,900 2006 SILVERBACK 30LSTS ..................................................................................$19,900 2004 TERRY QUANTUM 365 FLTS 4 slides ..................................................$19,900 2006 PALOMINO 5WL 29’RK Superslide, Leather ..............................................$19,000 2005 CHEROKEE 315L, 2 slides, rear living ............................................................$17,000 2001 NEW HORIZONS 27RKSS ..........................................................................$14,000 2002 COUGAR 281 superslide, bunkhouse ..................................................................$13,000 2003 CHALLENGER 31RLB 31’, rear living .................................................. $13,000 1997 MALLARD 25.5G ..................................................................................................$13,000 2001 SPRINTER BY KEYSTONE 262BK 26’ 2 slides ..........................$10,000 1998 MOBILE SCOUT 27RKFS 1 Super Slide .................................................... $9,000 1999 THOR WANDERER 1 Slide, Clean ............................................................SALE $9,000 2002 FLEETWOOD Prowler LYNX 8275S. Slid, Sleeps 6..........................$9,000 1995 PROWLER 29 5R ....................................................................................................$6,000 1994 DUTCHMEN CLASSIC 26’ GOOSENECK ..................................................$6,000 1995 FLEETWOOD PROWLER 275J. Superslide, rear kitchen. ..................$6,000 1995 SPORTSMAN 3050 ..............................................................................................$5,500 1990 SHASTA ROAD MASTER 27’ front living................................................$5,000

We Support Our Troops Qual Ridge Chalet


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January 6, 2011

Page 25


FREE (must have YouTube account)

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Page 26

January 6, 2011


Business & services APPLIANCE REPAIR WHEN WAS THE last time you’ve cleaned your telescopic dryer vent? Clogged dryer vents are a fire hazard. Call for a free estimate to clean. (325) 763-3094. APPLIANCE REPAIR Reasonable, honest, dependable. Call for Service. (325) 653-8586, 227-5306.

AUTO REPAIR T&C AUTO REPAIR 614 E. 19th St. San Angelo, Tx 76903 (325) 653-5343, (325) 4502080. Air conditioner and service repair.

BACKHOE BACKHOE BULLDOZER Dump Truck. All types dirt work and landclearing. Tractor shredding, etc. Office 944-8282, mobile 6501394.


★ ★ ★ ★ BOAT SERVICE & PARTS. All brands of boats serviced. Large parts inventory. We install Wakeboard Towers & Accessories. Mobile Service Available. Three Rivers Marine. 2143 Industrial, (325)227-4918. C & C CUSTOM MARINE. Repair floors, install carpet, electric problems & specialize in lower units & outboard repair. 947-1577.


CASH CASH FOR GOLD, silver & diamonds. Angelo Gold Exchange, 1011 Caddo, San Angelo, TX, (325)655-GOLD(4653).

CERAMIC TILE EXPERT TILE SETTER. Shower specialist. 36 years. Free estimate, Complete bath remodel, wood floors. Danny Alward (325) 450-2302 RON GRANTHAM TILE since 1975. Tile installation, associated remodeling. (325) 4683404,(325) 895-5064



Wayne 650-0774 650-1622 O&M CONCRETE All types concrete work done. Residental & commercial. 35 yrs experience. (325) 617-6380

CABINETS CABINETS: call us for all your cabinet needs. Better Built Cabinets 486-0069.

CARPET REPAIR RAYMOND’S CARPET REPAIR SERVICE. Restretching, relaying and patching. Call Raymond, (325) 653-4062, (325) 2345896.

In PRINT... ONLINE.. all the time!!

CALL CHUCK CORFIELD Construction, a local company you can trust for all your construction & repairs. Replacement windows available. Call 9495087 for free estimate. MANDO’S CONSTRUCTION WORK: Tile, remodeling, roofing, texture and painting & fencing. More than 15 years experience. Work and labor Guaranteed for 5 years on roof. References available (325) 227-0910 J&G CONSTRUCTION NO job too big or too small, we do metal roofs, privacy fence, driveways storage buildings, household repair, installation reasonable price, call (325) 7634967 or 763-6127

JAVIER MORALES (325)450-2716 General Carpentry Additions Remodels

CONSTRUCTION SERVICES • Home Repair • Remodeling

4278 FM 388. 1/4 mile east of Loop 306.

ALL TYPES OF Masonry work - Brick, Rock, Block. Free estimates. 30 years experience. Jimmie, (325) 234-5357. ALL MASONRY CONSTRUCTION. Have your fireplace checked and repaired before winter. New const. Brick, block, rock, stucco, floor tile and all repairs. Mike (325) 2271680 or Rosemary (325)320-1218.


HOUSE CLEANING. Reasonable rates. Call (325) 227-6602 leave message. BRENDA’S CLEANING SERVICE. Offices, homes. We specialize in move outs & make ready. (325) 2773425. SERVWILL DO ERRANDS, BACKHOE SHOPPING, cooking, ICES Pads built, dump decorating, gift wrap- truck, mowing lots, ping, light housekeep- clean-ups, topsoil, limeing,, gift baskets, etc stone. (325) 277-0873, during the holidays. Call (325) 944-8418. (325) 234-3939, leave message. BACKHOE BOBCAT SERVICE. Hourly or CONCEALED contract rates. Small or jobs. Free estimates. HANDGUN big Top soil, lot clearing, carCLASSES pentry, removal old trees, concrete work, driveways, sidewalks, fences (private or chain link), window and door replacements. Joe Carrillo (325) 212-1598, (325) 234-5762. CONCEALED HANDGUN MORALES LICENSE CLASSES. CONSTRUCTION General Construction Rick Kulenek Stone Masonry Certified Instructor. Stucco Block Lic.#02553571. Concrete (325)650-2954 Custom Entryways


PETE’S CONCRETE Sidewalks, driveways, foundations, patios, etc. Cell (325) 656-3767.

FOR ALL YOUR Concrete needs: Call Gary. Retaining walls on land, in water. Metal buildings, foundations, patios, driveways, sidewalks. Nothing too small. I’ll do it all. City Registered. References available. (325) 340-5385, (325) 763-3197. SAVALA CONCRETE TANK CONTRACTORS. General Contractors. Build to Government Specification. Above Ground Pools. Concrete Troughs. Felix Savala, P.O. Box 594, Mertzon, TX. 325835-3481.

• New Construction • Welding Repair • Fabrication • Steel Erection • Carpentry • Concrete • Roofing • Welding Serving Sonora,Eldorado & Ozona


SOUTH CONCHO River Top Soil, Caliche, Septic Systems, Water Systems, Roads & Drive Ways, Trenching, Back Hoe, Dumptruck and Grader service. Also, tractor mowing and roto tilling. Professional Service, Reasonable Rates. Call 325-262-0385 BETTER GRADE OF TOPSOIL. Also, caliche, limestone, sand, gravel and fill dirt. Build roads, pads and parking lots. Sell and install septic systems and concrete tanks. 651-6840, 8950900.

DOZER Dozer & Grader Work

FREE ESTIMATES! Ralph Goble (325) 656-8910 Custom Dozer Services Land clearing, fire breaks, right of ways, stump removal, stock tanks, locations, parking lots, driveways & all ranch work. Commercial & Residential

(325) 617-3544 CAT MAC DOZERS. Trees grubbed, raked. Dirt tanks built and cleaned. Road and pads. FREE estimates. (325) 277-4584

RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL. ☎ BIG & small jobs. All electrical services. State Licensed & Insured. Emergency Service Available!! Free estimates. Call Javy (325) 3158344

FENCING WEST TEXAS WOOL @ MERTZON. FENCING SUPPLIES, direct from factory pricing. Deer Feed, Hunting Supplies, Ranch Supplies, Gifts. (325) 835-3661. (888) 830-3661. SECURITY FENCING: GREAT fences at reasonable prices. Specializing in privacy and chain link. Also, repair work is welcome. (325) 450-5296 TERRAZAS FENCING Ranch Fencing, high fences, cedar cleaning, right of way, painting corrals, fence painting. Cell-(325) 6509738. FENCING REPAIR AND New Construction. Privacy, chain link, ranch, etc. (325) 2779070


J. Z. DRYWALL. Sheetrock, Tape-n-bed, texture, patches, painting. Interior. Exterior. (325) 245-7074.

FIREWOOD PU $50. $125 cord, uhaul. Rifles 22’s, 12ga. (325) 4829007.


JB ELECTRIC RESIDENTIAL & Commercial. Se habla español. Call Now. 325-212-7031. Lic.#104390.

TALL grass and weeds are a fire hazard. Tractor mowing, leveling, tilling, spraying, bucket work and box scraper. Call Shane Crimm, (325) 2778222. Insured. Free RESIDENTIAL, COMestimates. MERCIAL, NEW ConRemodels, BUILD PADS, struction, ROADS, clean lots, Service Calls, Service shredding. Deliver top Upgrade. Insured. Free Hector, soil, limestone, caliche, Estimates. Joe, gravel. Install septic sys- (325)227-9289, tems. Free estimates. ( 3 2 5 ) 2 2 7 - 9 1 3 0 . D.K. Webb, 947-1730. TECL25932.

INSULATION Daniels Insulation Co.

Complete Floor & Carpet Care Services Buffing • Stripping • Waxing & Scrubbing Tile Floors & Carpet Cleaning

50 Years In Business

FREE ESTIMATES RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL Make me your choice for Floor & Carpet Services

formerly Home Insulation Co.


(325) 245-3685 • Javy S.




Donnie Parsons

GARAGE DOOR INSTALLATION I WILL SERVICE and install garage doors and garage operators. Matt, (325) 277-3257.

• Fiberglass Blown & Batt Insulation • Polyurethane Foam


Open-Cell & Closed-Cell

(325) 812-2854

Residential • Commercial

Spray Foam For FREE Estimates call

“Exceptional Service for an Affordable Price.”

325-655-0057 325-895-1707




American Classifieds 15 N. Tyler 944-7653


L&M ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS. No job too big or too small. Mike Herrera, Master Electrician, TECL #26082. Insured. (325) 234-9599 or (325) 9473148.



boxed furniture in your home. (325) 944-0397.



May The Lord Bless You.

Thrifty Nickel’s


LADDIE’S ELECTRIC CO- Family owned and operated for over 50 years. Specializing in residential and commercial electric work. Free estimates. Insured. Lic.#19141. Call (325) 277-7530 or (325) 6533040.

FIREWOOD MESQUITE and Oak. Best in town. 1/2 cord Mesquite $120, full cord $220. 1/2 cord Oak $130, full cord $240. Includes delivery and stack. Call Logan, (325) 234-2579.

HANDYMAN HANDYMAN ALL TYPES of work. Tree trimming, painting, tile, yard work, carpentry, hauling. Reasonable rates. MUCH MORE!! Call Joe at (325) 6511325 or 245-3251. RIVER OAKS ENTERPRISE Handyman, Maintenance, Painting, Carpentry, Flooring, Lawncare, etc. Bill (325) 227-2958.



WESTEX HANDYMAN SERVICES. Call today for all your home and business needs. Multiple services available. Responsible, capable, dependable. (325) 212-1239. GENERAL HANDYMAN: household repairs, installations, out buildings, decks, window screens, cabinets, entertainment centers, custom woodwork, furniture repair, refinish. Your, mine, our plan; you do, I do, we do. Whatever you need done, let’s discuss it. Tommy 896-7815, 656-0333. NEED A HAND ? RENT A MAN ! Working father can work for you. Yard work, painting, remodeling, flooring, even professional carpet cleaning. No job to big or small, I do it all. VERY reasonable rates.Randy (325) 2344769. HOME REPAIR’S, CARPENTRY, drywall repairs, painting. General repairs on out buildings. (325) 2779070.


Repair Replace Remodel & Maintain

MADRID’S FUN JUMPS - Bouncers & Interactive games. Visa & Mastercard accepted. (325)277-7321, (325)277-4832.

INSURANCE STATE WIDE INSURANCE. Liability as low as $35.00/mo. Come in today for fast quote. 3112 Sherwood Way. Call (325)223-2227.


VINYL REPLACEMENT WINDOWS. Summer Special: Let us show you how you can get 3 windows for FREE! No heat or cold transfer. Double hung insulated with Low E glass, Argon gas filled. Saves up to 40% on utilities. 20% off discount. Chuck Corfield Construction, 100 miles radius from San Angelo. 325-949-5087.

G&G Renovations Home & Business Improvements • Painting • Remodeling • Dry Wall • Tile Work • Install Doors-Windows • Siding • Laminate Floors • Fences • Carports • Apartment Maintenance, Etc. FREE ESTIMATES

S T A N D O U T CLEANING & JANITORIAL, Professional, quality, reliable service. Residential & Commercial. Call for a free estimate 325-227-5535

JEWELRY CASH FOR GOLD, silver & diamonds. Angelo Gold Exchange, 1011 Caddo, San Angelo, TX, (325)655-GOLD(4653).

LAWN & GARDEN REPAIR ”CALL KEITH” Quality small engine repair of all types.


Carlos (325) 763-4547 Best repairs! Best rates! Keith Elkins

Free Estimates! 325-245-9452

AFFORDABLE HANDYMAN, 30 OAK AND years experience. (325) MESQUITE $80 per 234-3138. truck load. (325) 6500774, Wayne. SEASONED FIREWOOD. MESQUITE, $185 per cord. Oak, $250 per cord. Delivered MILLER UNLIMITED and stacked. (325) 484- LLC hot shot services. 2400 Reasonable rates. fully SEASONED OAK, insured. (325) 212-2361. $215 per cord/$110 1/2 cord. Stacked and deliv- TRASH OR ANYTHING HAULED. Ray ered. (325) 656-5680 or Roy. (325) 374-3996, FIREWOOD OAK, 658-7253. $175. Mesquite or pecan, $145. 8’ long, 4’ D.D. HAUL AWAY tall, 16” to 18” logs. (325) anything - storage shed, cut trees, tree trimming, 277-8366 Ray. branches, tilt yards, etc. S E A S O N E D Call Danny at (325) 763MESQUITE - 1606. $140/cord, $80 1/2 cord. I sell; Therefore I am Smaller amounts available. Delivery and stack~Thrifty Nickel’s ing available. (325) American Classified 895-0564.


(325) 944-9150, 656-5925 mobile. GARY’S LAWN MOWER and Small Engine Repair. Saw chains sharpened. 7722 N. Copper Mountain Circle, (325) 6590042.


Best Rates In Town! LAWN SERVICES Specializing in custom windows & doors. Call today for your FREE estimate & learn how to earn your $1500 Tax Rebate, (325) 947-8500 HOME IMPROVEMENT Add ons, repairs; kitchen, bath, plumbing, painting. All types. (325) 656-0373.

THRIFTY LAWN PROFESSIONAL services - Complete lawn care. Hauling, minor tree trimming. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. (325) 212-6928. LAWN SERVICE Tree cutting and trimming, mowing and more. Call Manuel, (325) 2779696.

944-SOLD 4 SEASONS LAWN SERVICE, where service is always in season! General lawn care, mowing, edging, trimming, fall clean up, tree trimming, sprinkler repair. Free estimates. Call (325) 340-1094. JOEY’S LAWN CARE- Mowing, edging, tree trimming & cutting, and stump removal. Complete maintenance. Reasonable rates. (325)450-7941, (325)300-8264 or (325)659-2241.

LEGAL SERVICES DEBORAH KEENUM ATTORNEY at Law Family Law* payment plans available 325-6585445. Please call for an appointment *not certified by the Board of Legal Specialization

Nu Wave Painters & Remodel

We provide full service to all! Paint, Tile, Cabinets, Plumbing, Electrical, Concrete Designs, Crown Molding, Spring Cleaning and References

325-655-3334 325-340-0035 wavepai


San Angelo since 1990. Best Paint. References. Warranty. Free Bids.

(325) 655-7041 #

1 Chabarria’s Painting

651-2678 212-6448

Lowest Prices In Town

Toll free:

MOBILE HOME ROOFING ROOF COATING FOR mobile homes, $175 installed! Stop leaks now! Other repairs also. (325) 340-2005 anytime.

MOWING FIRE HAZARD - Tall grass and weeds are a fire hazard. Tractor mowing, leveling, tilling, bucket work and box scraper. Call Shane Crimm, (325) 277-8222. Insured. Free estimates. TRACTOR WORK MOWING, clear land, hauling, backhoe service. (325) 655-2216 (325) 650-0801. TRACTOR MOWING. FREE estimates. (325) 277-3657

YOUR ADs are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year So log on & check us out


Insured Licensed #M12441

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with quality work & guaranteed references

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Texture • Drywall Wood Repair • Crown Molding

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Exterior - Interior



DARREN’S PAINTING SERVICE. 20 years professional experience. For your custom interior/exterior painting, staining, mud work, and minor carpentry. References available. 6537225, 656-3429. AMERICAN PAINTING CO. Residentail and Commercial. 25 years experience. Quality you can see, a name you can trust.

(325) 212-6330 No Overtime Charge

S&S BUILDERS New construction and remodeling. Over 20 years experience. Specializing in kitchens and baths. We build and repair everything. Free estimates. (325) 812-8507. M.R. REMODELING & REPAIRS. 25 years experience. Interior & Exterior: Carpentry, Painting, Sheet rock, Texture, Complete bathroom remodels. All types of tile work: Counter tops, floors, etc. Work in & out of town. (325) 658-9971, Office. (325) 7631138San Angelo,TX ADAME’S - WE specialize in remodeling old houses. Cheap. (325) 450-5644 or (325) 6506275.


All Major Credit Cards Accepted

MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR FRON TED & JACKIE SWANSON! “CALL THE FAUCET FIXER” SWANSON PLUMBING AND HEATING. Master Plumber. 24 hours. Reasonable rates! Re-pipe, gas & water lines, waterheaters. Insured M14209.

651-5425. DEEMER PLUMBING 30 years experience. Licensed. Reasonable rates. 24 hour call. No job too big or small for your plumbing needs. Call 651-9192. GAS WORK, WATER heaters, water and sewer lines. Action Lane Plumbing, (325) 658-7133.

BUB WALDROP ROOFING. All types of roofing & repairs. Call today for a free estimate. (325) 658-9099 MORALES ROOFING AND Construction (325) 374-5249. All types of roofing and repairs. Best quote in town. CANDELA AND SONS ROOFING. Over 30 years experience. Best quote in town. (325) 245- 3594 or (325) 320-1596. C.C. ROOFING & CONSTRUCTION Shingles & Metal Roofs. Serving San Angelo for 30 years. Free Estimates. (325)944-0340. VR ROOFING. RESIDENTIAL ROOFING SPECIALIST. Modified, composition, & Shingle Roofing. Repairs, Remodels, New Construction. Insured. FREE ESTIMATES. 325374-0340.

GOT PLUMBING PROBLEMS? Call ROGER. Bonded and insured, master plumber. service Free estimates. Senior - Reasonable charge. Sankey Military discounts. 25% Plumbing, 658-7467. OFF th emonth of Beam me up Scotty. DECEMBER! Call RONNIE MCBEE today! (325) 895-0840. We’ve got Thrifty Nickels ROOFING, Construcand Painting. We American Classifieds for tion serve all your needs. PARTY the crew! (325) 456-6882.


ALL SEASONS TENT & PARTY RENTALS. Tents, tables, chairs, staging, large oak dance floor, Colonnades greenery, decorative lighting, popcorn, snow cone, cotton candy, Margarita machines, and hot dog machines, coffee makers, chaffing dishes, carpet runners, sound system, bar-b-que pit, misting, a/c, etc. Locally owned by Jeff & Nan Lay (325) 481-0284, (325) 6501678.


REMODELING A&F REMODELING. 20 years combined experience. Best prices in San Angelo guaranteed. References. Will work with your budget if reasonable. We do it all!! Call Alex or Eddie (325) 763-1744 or (325) 3406541 HOME IMPROVEMENT. ALL types of carpentry, painting and more. Call Manuel (325) 277-9696.

Carpentry & Painting By Adam • Carports • Patios • Acoustics • Textures • Cabinets • Walk-In Showers • Formica Tops • Floors • Ceramic Tiles • Roofing • Welding • Fencing • Refinishing of Wood Floors


Free Estimates



Roofing 30 Years Experience

All Types of Roofs Small Jobs Appreciated

FREE Estimates

(325) 763-6248 GOT LEAKS? CALL the General Roofing. Locally owned, low rates. 100% guarantee. (325)763-2424.

RV & MOBILE HOME REPAIRS A&S SERVICES. Complete RV and Mobile Home repair. Your location. (325) 227-3316.


WEBB PAINTING & DRYWALL 30 years experience. Residential & commercial. Call Ricky Webb at (325) 617-9753. No job too large or too small! EUGENE BALL CONTRACTOR. Residential and Commercial. Paper Hanging a Specialty. Custom painting. 30 years experience. Insured FREE ESTIMATES. 653-9212, Accept Visa & Master Card. BBB. GABRIEL’S PAINTING & REMODELING. Custom painting, drywall, texture, tile and much more. (325) 7635204 or (325) 716-9645

ALL YOUR PEST control needs. Bee’s, snakes, roaches, ants and termites. Call for an appointment. (325) 2773894.

PLASTERING R. KELLY PLASTERING. stucco, patch work. 658-6914, 6554182.

Log on and place your ad today!

CUSTOM IMAGES Decorating & Remodeling We can make your home improvement ideas a reality with the most competitive prices available. Quality craftsmanship, dependability, efficiency and customer satisfaction is guaranteed. No job is too small so give us a call. Karl Elliott, owner, (325) 942-5669. KITCHEN, BATHROOMS OR a complete remodel. Door and window replacements, welding services and more. Call us (325) 277-1565

SIDING NEVER PAINT AGAIN! CHUCK CORFIELD CONSTRUCTION offers a lifetime warranty on vinyl siding. Replacement windows available. Call 949-5087 for free estimate.

STORAGE BUILDINGS 4000 TO 20,000 sq. ft. in town. (325) 3743457. GOIN’ SOUTH STORAGE, US Hwy 277 South. New buildings. Rv storage. (325) 944-4999.

CONCHO VALLEY STORAGE, 606 Art St. Off of N. Bryant. Rent 2 months get 3rd free. 658-4146.

January 6, 2011


JB’S SELF STORAGE BUILDINGS. 610 W. 14th. 7 days a week access. Jewell Real Estate, (325) 658-7549. COMPLETETREECARE. Tree trimming and removal. Stump grinding. Tree diagnostics and treatment. Insured. Luke Everett Certified Arborist #TX-3759A. (325) 456-5898.

Shop EVERY American Classifieds in the nation each week at or call 944-7653 STRUCTURAL PIPE


STRUCTURAL PIPE, 2 3/8”, 2 7/8”, 4” and sucker rods on hand. Delivery available. H Braces, Post cut to order. Mobile welding. Concho Valley Pipe, (325) 6557285, leave message or (432)413-9592, cell.

TOP SOIL TOPSOIL - CONSERVE WATER with true topsoil/compost mix. DW Compost & Topsoil. Now accepting Credit Cards. 651-7789 or 2779900. PURE TOPSOIL - NO Fillers/ Caliche fill hauling and spreading available. T. Fuessel (325) 6562147

WELDING THE TREE SPADE Tree transplanting and relocation service for large trees. We also do tree trunk removal. Have unwanted oak trees? Before you cut them down, call us and we can remove them. (325) 651-7309, Cell 277-0727.


ARMANDO’S TREE TRIMMING, complete tree and shrub care . Fertilize and bugs. Free estimate. Senior citizen discount. Se habla Español. (325) 4828304. Cell 450-6941.


Surf the net

Trimming Fertilizing Take downs Get-Er-Done No job to small or large Jackie (325) 656-5249 Jerry (325) 656-1455 Office (325) 656-5259.


PROFESSIONAL TREE TRIMMING, tree removal & stump grinding. (325)3746915.


AMERICAN CLASSIFIEDS Where results cost less!!

Page 27

WELDING, TRAILER REPAIR and minor auto repair shop on west side. 4110 Sherwood Way across from GMC. Call Ken at (325) 656-4077.

WINDOW CLEANING PREMIER WINDOW CLEANING. Commercial and residential. Windows, screens, tracks and blinds. Free estimates. Reasonable rates. (325) 949-3418


NEED A TRENCH DUG? 6-10” wide. Reasonable rates. Weekends OK. (325) 245-5550.


Specializing in custom windows & doors. Call today for your FREE estimate & learn how to earn your $1500 Tax Rebate, (325) 947-8500




Call Cheri at

944-7653 to place your ad today!

Deadline Monday 5p.m.

Page 28


January 6, 2011

GArAGe SAleS Don’t Forget!

$ $ $

Furniture & Mattress Sales Daily

For pick up call 655-5127


TENNIS AUCTION 653-3494 • 2207 N. Chadbourne Making it easier for you!

DO YOU NEED extra money? We buy Gold and Silver. Glass Jewelers - 3260 Sherwood Way in the Commons behind Blockbuster. (325) 947-1680, (214)7171386. 234 MOCKINGBIRD LANE - Friday and Saturday 8-? Teen girls, boys 10-12 and girls 4-6 clothing. Table and lots more 2610 WOODLAWN. MOVING SALE. Furniture, household items. All must go. Saturday only!!

THE ORIGINAL A M E R I C A N BRITISH ANTIQUES Over 50,000 sq.ft. Largest complex in Concho Valley. Antique furniture, memorabilia, glassware, collectible military items, spurs, etc. Storage units for rent. 746 US 87 S, San Angelo, Tx, 877-6514873. 318 CHILDRESS HUGE estate sale. Friday 9-3pm, reductions Saturday 9-3pm, Sunday 13pm. Sofa, chairs, recliners, tables, dining set, China cabinet buffet, dryer, 3 iron beds, maple bdrm furniture. Dishes, glassware, pans, riding lawn mower, TV’s, stereo, dolls, jewelry, space heaters, misc.

BIG SALE: ROUND oak coffee table, antique ice cream chair, bell collection—$1.00 each, lots of costume jewelry priced $1-$5, loads of pyrex, many denim jackets, etc. Too much to name. ABA Fleamarket at 277S and 87S, just a little way out of town or go down Old Christoval Road til you get there. Booths 1 and 2, open Saturday and Sunday, 9:30-2:00.


10% Buyer’s Prem. Preview Friday Noon til 6:00 PM


Location- Barnhart, Texas, coming from San Angelo go past blinking light 1 block turn right & go two blocks on the right. Seeing the welding business of Mr. Oran Harkleroad. Longtime welder and fabricator of all kinds includes making dune buggies from Volkswagens. Millers plasma, 3/4 inch steel welding table 4x8 (w/lg. vice) 3 ton over head hoist, lg. drill press & milling mach., concrete mixer (electric), 5”x20 steel table, Gates power clamp Hyd hose machine, 1” Chicago numatric air wrench, floor jack, lg. Miller wire welder & cart, Sears double tool box, 30’ shelves & smaller, worlds of Volkswagen parts (new & used), office desk, filling cabs., 12 or more rebuilt transmissions for Volkswagen, lots of JD filters, water cooler, lg rack for nuts & bolts, w/contents, battery chargers, air drills, 1” socket set & smaller, tap & die sets, boomers, C clamps, pipe threading set, power tools, chop saw, victor track cutter hand tools, alum. ladders, pipe jacks, lots of welding rods, shop fan, hi-lift jacks, little horse shoeing equip., drill bits, pipe threaders, pipe vice, metric bolt, bin, sm cabs for screws & copper fit, wire rack & wire, boomers & chains, ant. corn grinder, electric organ, chain saws, new jaleco oil changes, hat top drill, 4”x4” steel boxes, metal stair way, 250 propane tank, ant. Kerosene tank w/pump, pipe rack, odd & ends pipe, new red Dodge dually bed (looks brand new), 3 - 500 gal full tanks, 2-250 gal fuel tanks, lg fuel tank holders, red Volkswagen (part), ant. sausage stuffer, lg. steel PU boxes, line up clamps & smaller, steel ralls round table, lg metal cutting bandsaw, 4 scaffolds, 600 rounds of 243 shells in box, quite a bit of other amo, flat iron, very lg. amount of good scrap iron, Maytag washer & dryer, refrig, office desks, water cooler, parts washer, Jeep air filter, 8”x8” steel building (super strong) 2001 Silverado 350 New tires - five speed - new welding bed, ext cab w/two inside doors 66,000 right miles 2 finished dune buggies, built right & ready to go, 1949 Chevy PU extra good body & rebuilt 6 cyl eng., 4 speed, new tires

MasterCard and Visa accepted. PREVIEW TIME: Friday, 14th 9am til dark. Lunch will be available at the Auction Site For further information, contact Larry Oxley at 325-653-4400, TX Lic. # 7990 Serving San Angelo & surrounding area for 32 years. Watch for Oxley Auction Trailer Check my web site


Saturday, Jan. 15th, 10:00 am

Buckets Dishes Bowls Love Seats Cleaning Supplies Couches Throw Covers Rockers Living Room Chairs Floor Lamps End Tables Coffee Tables Radios Stereos

Speakers TV’s (working) VCR’s Wood Tools Doors Exercise Equipment Exercise Bikes Rugs Carpet Typewriters Desks Office Equipment Toys Computers


Log on and place your ad today!

ANTIQUES AND 109 N. Chadbourne. Always buying and selling articles of use and objects of interest. (325) 212-2174

HUGE GARAGE ★ SALE - 906 E. 18th. Thursday, Friday, Satur-

day. Lots of pictures, jackets, nice clothes, BBQ pit. Jim Beam botALL SEASON’S tles, household items, FLEA MARKET South- stroller. Rain or shine. east on Loop 306 South, Corner of Broadnax & 1220 EAST 24 1/2, Saturday only 8-?? After Fairview Rd. 1/2 mile Chrismas sale. Too much past ABA. (325) 651to mention. 5745.

900 SOUTH ➔ C H A D ATTRACT BUYERS B O U R N E . Chicken Jimmy’s. Open 12 to 5 EVERY DAY!! Neon’s, pedal cars, primitives, lots of Coca-Cola stuff. Tin signs old & new. Old records, Pepsi, Dr. Pepper, bar stuff. Lots more!!

GARCIA’S RESALE STORE, 510 E. 19th. (325) 3746862. We sell & buy appliances, furniture, baby items, clothes, shoes, jewelry & more.

ADVERTISE. WE DO ESTATE sales, small or large. Over 12 years experience. Call Renee at (325) 650-4226 or Susan at (325) 6560196

Small ad BIG deals!

2 Miles North of Zephyr, TX on FM 1467

Guns; Tools; Coins; Furniture; Artwork; Antiques; Jewelry; Etc.

Barnhart Texas Estate Auction

Dressers Lamps Curtain Rods Curtains Drapes Commodes Bath Mats Bath Tubs Stoves-Elec/Gas Chairs Kitchen Tables Pots & Pans Refrigerators Silverware

MADRID’S FUN JUMPS - Bouncers & Interactive games. Visa & Mastercard accepted. (325)277-7321, (325)277-4832.


(and request a tax deductible receipt)

Saturday, January 8, 2011 - 10:00 a.m.

Photos & Info Online:


Donate Your Discarded Items to Christians In Action

David Clark Retirement Auction

9:03 AM—Saturday—Jan 8th 706-B Knickerbocker Rd—San Angelo, TX

325-450-2441 Chuck Braden TX. Lic. 9667

Items we can use:

Clothing Shoes Bring clothes, shoes, books, furniture, appliances Towels Socks and other items to: Underwear Christians In Action Purses - Belts 555 E. 6th St. Pillows & Sheets Your Donations Pillow Cases Help the Poor! Bed Frames Mattresses Many items are given directly to Box-Springs those who need them. Others sold to raise money to assist Bed-Springs families in financial need. Night-stands



Home Owners! Apartments Dwellers! Business Owners!

Auction to be held at David Clark Farm. From Hwy 84 in Zephyr go 2 miles North on FM 1467 and we will be on the left side of 1467. Zephyr is approx. 10 miles east of Brownwood on Hwy 84. Watch for Auction signs. David is retiring and will be selling the following: 1965 Ford Mustang 2-owner bought new in Brownwood (offered w/reserve). Everything else sold to highest bidder!! ‘96 Toyota Camry, Case 1170 w/ cab & KD 5500 loader, Ford 3000 diesel, Kawasaki 2510 Mule, Polaris 4 wheeler, Hale 16’ bp stock trailer, Miller Bobcat 250 Welder 137 hrs. on trailer with torch. 16’ Lowe fishing boat w/ 50 hp Merc, 16’ utility trailer, shredders, disc & chisel plows, blades, post hole digger, grain drill, tumblebug, hay spears, golf cart trailer, 1 row ripper, boom pole, pipe, fence material, feeders, water troughs riding mower, 28 round bales coastal hay & lots more. Lots of good power & hand tools. Household items to include SS gas grill, washer, dryer, freezer, entertainment center, chest, desk & file cabinet & love seat. Antiques to include round Oak dining table & 6 chairs, box wood heater, school heater, corn grinder, spittoon, trunk, coke boxes, 2 kids saddles, old insulators & more. NO CONSIGNMENTS ACCEPTED!!! Viewing from 9 to 5 on Friday, Jan. 7th

Live Oak Realty & Auction

Chase Love TXS 16370 Glen Love Jr. TXS 9123 325-451-0029 325-938-6750 Complete list of Auction items and photos available at OR No Buyers Premium!!! Concession & restrooms onsite!!! Loading available on Auction day, Sunday Jan. 9th from 1 to 5 p.m. & Monday 9 to 5

TRACTOR MOWING & PLOWING. (325) 6536030 or (325) 656-4801 WE BUY WORKING or non-working laptop computers. 2409 Sherwood Way, 325-944-7777. PICK UP THE LATEST COPY of AMERICAN CLASSIFIEDS at SOUND CHOICE located at 39 West Concho. CASH FOR GOLD, silver & diamonds. Angelo Gold Exchange, 1011 Caddo, San Angelo, TX, (325)655-GOLD(4653). WE LOAN CASH for Christmas. Wild Bill’s Pawn, 1315 MLK, 6587066.

BROADEN YOUR BARGAINS! HORIZONS! BARGAINS! Browse our BARGAINS! Dynamic Website Something you and see classifieds always find in from our area & your #1 Thrifty over 300,000 Nickel’s American Classifieds Ad national Source. classifieds posted 944-7653. each week at

americanclas You’re sure to find that treasure you have been looking for!

Western and Firearms Auction Saturday January 15th 10am Preview Friday 10am

Auctions & Services Unlimited 1009 W Industrial Midland Texas

Enjoy an exciting auction adventure with an amazing mix of Collectibles, Firearms, Native American, Art, Leather Goods, Cowboy and Western Decor, Antiques, Rail road Lanterns and more than you can imagine. Small Portion of what the Auction includes....Keep checking the list grows daily: Firearms: 1873 Winchester 22 short, 1873 Winchester 44 Special, 1851 Colt Navy Conversion, Ruger Super Blackhawk 44 mag, S&W M&P AR15 and others. Native American: Exceptional collection of Pottery, Baskets, Rugs, Beadwork, Projectile Points, Katchinas, from local estate. Cowboy: Saddles, Bridles, Bits, Spurs, Tack, Boots, Hats, Leather goods, Belt Buckles, Art: Excellent selection of Original Western art and prints including original Jack Terry, Roi, LE Davis, Stanley Long, Prints include Tim Cox, S&N G Harvey, Robert Summers, Winburg, Chas Russell, Remington, Bev Dooolittle and many others.

Auctions COMMERCIAL EQUIPMENT, SATURDAY January 22nd, Restaurant, Janitorial, Auto, Moving, Shop, etc. WANT TO BUY ... FULL OR PARTIAL SET OF STERLING SILVER FLATWARE (polished or not polished). No dealers please CALL 325-226-1507


WHY PAY for 7 ads in their paper when you can pay for ONE ad in

American Classifieds and get it SOLD?

Everything Else: Silver and Turquoise Jewelry, Books, Coins, Saltillo Blankets, Kerosene lamp parts, Aladdin Lamp, Anvil, Toys, Texas Flag, Grizzly Saw, Shaper and Vacuum system John Wayne, Gun Cabinet, Knives, Vintage Ammo, Marilyn Monroe, Beatles and Coca Cola Trays, Primitives. If you are unable to attend, it would be our pleasure to take your bid by absentee bid or Internet with Proxibid, or

Visit us 24/7

432-683-2262 or 432-349-6890

American Classifieds for iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch Check it out Today! Download American Classifieds App from iTunes

Page 29

January 6, 2011

Sell It. Trade It. Discover a deal!


THURSDAY NIGHT AUCTION Thursday January 13, 2011 - 5:00 pm SHARP Preview: January 13, 2011 10:00 am til Auction Time 4744 N. Chadbourne, San Angelo, TX • Concession Stand Directions: From Hwy 87 S. exit Chadbourne, go 1 mile to auction warehouse. Glassware: depression,Hull, Fenton ,Frankoma, Shawanne, cookie jars, barvaina set of dishes,collector plates, carvinal glass, this is just a few items of all the glassware Collectable Items and Misc: old paddle butter churn, crocks of all kinds,old granite ware, old kitchen ware of all kinds, salt & pepper collection, collection of ash trays, tin ware items, metal bread boxes, trays, wrough and cast iron items, old kitchen canister, old table grinder for tobacco, milk cans,old water cans, old Hall metal bushel farm basket, old horse shoes, coal shovels, wood wagon hub, cow yokes, carptener chest, old large sled, advertising signs, pepsi stand, metal pepsi & coke signs, coke collection, wicker sewing box, wicker bed trays, 1939 Texas bridge marker, documents,Westclock display stand, old zipper display stand, trucks, marbles, dresser sets, old silver ware, pewter and brass items, old cash registers, metal baby bed, baby buggy, doll beds, assortment of all kinds of dolls (some very old ), old toys, wood Radio Flyer scooter, Hot Wheels in cases, old costume jewelry, old hats & purses, old books including childrens and cook books, old news papers, very old oval framed pictures, western oil painting, and many other old pictures and frames. This auction if for Georgia Vogel “Grammy’s Corner” collection of many years. This is a partical listing there are 100’s of items Website Willard Hartnagle Lic. #11807

SAN ANGELO AUCTION CO. (325) 658-7501 10% Buyer’s Premium

Scott Hartnagle Lic. #11891






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Page 30

January 6, 2011


PEtS Dogs

Cats FREE TO GOOD HOME, 3 female cats, all are declawed & spayed. Would make great pets for families with older kids or elderly people who like to sit and cuddle. 325650-2278

Free Internet Classified with every classified ad placed in your weekly American classifieds No other publication offers world wide coverage like that. Over nine million

TAKING DEPOSITS NOW, Rottweiler puppies ready to go by Christmas Eve, $250. (325) 450-8805. M I N I AT U R E DACHSHUND PIEBALD Dapple pups. 6 weeks old. Normally $850, will sacrifice $300 each. (325) 812-8424 AKC YORKSHIRE PUPPIES, blue and gold parents, 1st shots, $500. (325) 812-8218. MALE PUPPY. FATHER Yorkie, Mom miniature long haired Chihuahua, less than 3 lbs. fully grown. (325) 6536000, (325) 374-0253

NEW BEGINNINGS ANIMAL Rescue is in need of pet food donations, towels, blankets, leashes, collars and any other pet supplies. (325) 651-0659.

page views on the internet per month

Birds 2 SWEET YOUNG Cockatiels, 1 male, 1 female, $45 each. Call (325) 653-3752.

1 MALE CHIHUAHUA puppy, $75 obo. (325) 763-1983 BORDER COLLIE B/W Female 4 months Wormed/Shots $100 325453-2471


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DACHSHUND ★ PUPPIES. AKC, CKC and adult breeders. Also Brussels Griffons. (325) 657-9277. See pitures on our web site PUPPIES OF WILLOW Creek has 5 yr. old male Yorkie, 5-6 lbs., grown, $200. AKC Registered parents. Taking deposits on 4 weeks and under miniature Dachshunds and 4 week old Shi-Tzus. (325) 2279921, (325) 212-8172. AKC REGISTERED MINIATURE pincher puppies. Black with rust markings. Ready now. 1st shots and wormed. 2 females, 1 male. (325) 234-8645 AKC GOLDEN RETRIEVER puppies. 4 males. First shots, parents on premises. Adorable. (325) 7544014 or (325) 365-0009.

Dog Food 22% Protein 8% Fat 40lb. Dog Food

$15.49 PALMER FEED & SUPPLY, INC. 1318 N. Chadbourne 325-653-6765 • 800-447-4281

THEME: 2010 IN REVIEW ACROSS 1. It comes from the past? 6. Like one of the Testaments 9. *Lady Gaga - most charitable ____ of 2010 13. Cooler clime conifer 14. Actress Thompson 15. Garlic mayo 16. *”The Hurt Locker” won this 17. Romanian monetary unit 18. Three goddesses of destiny 19. *It broke out in Haiti 21. *2010’s best actress? 23. Object of fairytale princess test 24. Capital of Norway 25. Ad ___ 28. Bypass 30. Plane road 35. Verbal test 37. Long narrative poem 39. Impart knowledge to 40. Cosine’s buddy 41. Inhabitants of Denmark 43. ——caca, South American lake 44. Native American pole 46. Popular pickling spice 47. Organic compound 48. Heavy windbreaker 50. Margarine

52. Old fashioned “before” 53. “____ on Me” 55. Rub-a-dub-___ 57. *Location of air traveldisrupting volcano 61. *Infamous secret spiller 65. Ecclesiastic council 66. Goes with “aah” 68. Scandinavian gnome 69. Everyone but clergy 70. Biography 71. Hollywood’s legendary swashbuckler 72. Odds and ____ 73. Boundary Waters entry point 74. One _____ what he sows DOWN 1. Eastern ____ 2. Eye hair 3. To be played with a bow 4. Sell illegally, as in tickets 5. “______ a crowd” 6. Used in India for writing paper 7. *Pitcher who led Rangers to first World Series 8. Smears 9. Upper layer of earth’s crust 10. Dorothy’s dog 11. *This Baldwin co-hosted 2010 Academy Awards 12. Strategic board game 15. Drifting

CHRISTMAS PUPPIES - Miniature Dachshunds, black and tan. 1 long hair, 5 short hair, $200. (325) 650-5834. AKC REGISTERED MINIATURE Schnauzer puppies. White or salt & pepper. Claws removed, tails docked, 6 & 9 week shots. $350 each. (325) 650-4487 FOUR 3 MONTH old full blooded Chihuahuas for sale for $100. For more information call (325) 658-9971. CKC LHASA APSO and Shih-Lhasa puppies. Females, $300. Males, $150. Dachshund female puppies, $250. (325) 235-5639. AKC GOLDEN RETRIEVER puppies, 9 weeks old. Males $100. Females $150. (325) 2771254, Sterling City. AKC GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies. Superior quality. German and American Show bloodlines. Perfect family pets only. Pictures and pricing online at or call 806-6523458. GERMAN SHEPHERD MIX puppies for sale. Dad is half German Shepherd, half Heeler. Mom full blood German Shepherd. 7 weeks old, $50. Call anytime after 5:30pm, (325) 659-1194. YORKIE PUPPIES, FULL blooded, 1st shots. $350 cash. (325) 763-1630 PICK OUT YOUR very own AKC registered Yorkie puppy available now. Will be purse sized. Call now to complete your family with a little blessing Yorkie puppy. $1000. Ask about house training. (325) 277-5137. GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPPIES. Superior quality. For perfect family pets only. Pictures and pricing online at or call 806-652-3458. 3 PUPPIES LEFT. 1/2 Tibetan Spaniel, 1/2 Cavalier Spaniel. 8 weeks old. $20. (325) 245-5752 or (325) 340-7709 MINIATURE DACHSHUNDS, ALL shots by vet given, paper trained. (325) 212-5762. R E G I S T E R E D YORKIE MALES. Parents on site. Check webb for pictures. Valentine puppies coming. (325) 2122032.

20. Gathered leaves 22. Preceding month 24. Movie review, e.g. 25. Popular perennial garden plant 26. Belted starman 27. Ann Patchett’s novel “Bel _____” 29. *A revolutionary device? 31. Intersecting nerves or vessels 32. Easternmost state 33. Thespian 34. *Home to trapped miners 36. Expression of contempt or scorn 38. Text messenger 42. Toboggans 45. Unwellness 49. *Fashion-conscious character from “Toy Story 3” 51. Wrongful dispossession 54. Sun-dried brick 56. Pavlova’s rail 57. Just one of British Isles 58. Bluish green 59. Children’s author ____ Blyton 60. A bunch 61. Sailor’s call 62. Novelist Roberts 63. Lump of stuff 64. Building extensions 67. *Spilled in the Gulf

AKC BOSTON TERRIER puppies, 6 weeks, shots. Call (325) 5734448, Snyder. POODLE PUPPY, PAPERS, MALE, apricot, $125.00 325642-1825 2 AKC ENGLISH Bulldogs available. Will be ready 2nd week of February. 1 male, 1 female. $500 deposit, $1800 full price. Will have AKC registration and first shot before leaving. For info call (325) 650-8082. AKC POMERANIAN FEMALE puppy. Party color red & white. She is 3 months old. Call (325) 658-3992 or (325) 6530693 FREE: 5 BLACK lab puppies, 3 female, 2 male, 2 months old, weaned. (325) 812-2854 SHELTIE, FEMALE SABLE, 5 years old, all shots, current spayed. Obedient, raised on farm in East Texas. Owner lost in auto accident. House trained. $100 negotiable. To good home. (936) 585-0026 X-L BLUE PITBULL puppies for sale, 11 weeks old. (325) 7636130. 7WK HEELER MIX puppies $50, call 325277-8480 SWEET POMERANIAN PUPPIES! $300 OBO. Call 325-212-1144 A K C - C O C K E R SPANIELS 2-FEMALES 1-male. 325315-6287 MIXED OLDE ENGLISH Bulldogge and Boxer. 2 puppies. (325) 763-6901 or (325)2458736 call anytime. TAKING DEPOSITS NOW, Rottweiler puppies ready to go by Christmas Eve, $250. (325) 450-8805. AKC YORKSHIRE PUPPIES, blue and gold parents, 1st shots, $500. (325) 812-8218. MALE PUPPY. FATHER Yorkie, Mom miniature long haired Chihuahua, less than 3 lbs. fully grown. (325) 6536000, (325) 374-0253 1 MALE CHIHUAHUA puppy, $75 obo. (325) 763-1983 BORDER COLLIE B/W Female 4 months Wormed/Shots $100 325453-2471

PUPPIES OF WILLOW Creek has 5 yr. old male Yorkie, 5-6 lbs., grown, $200. AKC Registered parents. Taking deposits on 4 weeks and under miniature Dachshunds and 4 week old Shi-Tzus. (325) 2279921, (325) 212-8172. AKC GOLDEN RETRIEVER puppies. 4 males. First shots, parents on premises. Adorable. (325) 7544014 or (325) 365-0009. CHRISTMAS PUPPIES - Miniature Dachshunds, black and tan. 1 long hair, 5 short hair, $200. (325) 650-5834. AKC REGISTERED MINIATURE Schnauzer puppies. White or salt & pepper. Claws removed, tails docked, 6 & 9 week shots. $350 each. (325) 650-4487 FOUR 3 MONTH old full blooded Chihuahuas for sale for $100. For more information call (325) 658-9971. CKC LHASA APSO and Shih-Lhasa puppies. Females, $300. Males, $150. Dachshund female puppies, $250. (325) 235-5639.

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BUNNIES - MANY colors and sizes, $10 each. (325) 651-6203. MINI REX RABBITS and cages for sale. (325) 234-6840. PET WATER TURTLE with 20 gallon tank and pump, $30. Call day or night (325) 212-2976. A D O R A B L E , FRIENDLY 2YO female ferret, large cage, accessories, $125. (325) 3400145.

Fish 32 GALLON AQUARIUM with wrought iron stand and Fluval filtration system. Paid over $500, asking $200 OBO. (325) 374-1331.

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Service & Supply Find It Buy It. 2 LARGE DOG HOUSES, 1 medium dog house. Mesquite fire wood. 1417 Upton, (325) 659-2307. WANTED: USED DOG Runs. Must be strong, portable, and from good quality materials. Call 806-652-3458.

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January 6, 2011

Page 31

Real eState Roland Allen, GRI Let me help you SELL your home or BUY your dream home. Dierschke & Dierschke Realtors

325-374-5915 Houses For Sale REDUCED PRICE!! FSBO - 2608 Colorado. Close to ASU. 3/1, granite in kitchen and bath, new cedar fence. Carport with RV parking and storage room in back. Approximately 1570 sq ft. $105,000. Call (325) 9477963 or (325)227-2883 for showing.

2/1 AT 2517 FOREST PARK. LARGE yard, CH/A. Complete remodel inside & out. Very nice. PRICE REDUCED, must sell! $49,900. (325) 2124980 LOCATED IN GREEN Acres, San Angelo, TX - Home, shop and horse barn on 5 acres. 4 bedroom, 3 bath, 2 car garage. Beautiful yard and lots of extras. (325) 6536595. 1401 ST. ANDREWS. 3/2, large yard, Country Club Lake Estates. $235,000. (325) 6512491 or (325) 374-1521 1818 W. TWOHIG Ave. Updated Santa Rita home with apartment on large corner lot. Updates include fresh paint inside & out, new wood laminate, tile flooring & countertops. This charming home has large rooms, a gas fireplace, a split bedroom arrangement & a 2 car carport. $81,000. Robertson Welch Real Estate, Brendy Welch, (325)212-5591. OWNER FINANCE OR lease purchase. 4BR/2BA, 3511 Oxford, $99,900. Owner/broker, Century 21 Professionals, Larry Jolley & Assoc. 325-944-0021

Attract buyers - Advertise. SOUTHLAND STAR. “Bright ‘N’ Beautiful” Giant oak, sprinklered st. augustine, provide pathway to spectacular, spacious, yet affordable 3BR/2BA brick. See stunning ceramic tile flooring, room sized mater walkin, thermo paned sunroom, delightful formal & informal dining areas, brilliant cabinet lined kitchen, oval skylighted fireplace den and extra covered rear parking. New price, $129,000. Bollinger Real Estate Sandy Barth, (325) 277-8517

FIXER-UPPER 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath, large den or sunroom, storm cellar, $25,000. 125 E. Ave L. (325) 651-6279 or (325)315-2108. 2434 FIELD. 3BR/1 1/2BA, completely remodeled, perfect condition. Low down payment, $67,500. Bob Ingram Real Estate, (325)9441630. 1905 VICTORIAN CLASSIC. 3 N. Washington. 2283 sq. ft. 3 bdrm/3 ba, updates thruout, wrap around porch on large corner lot. 2 fantastic options to own this h o u s e . f o r s a l e b y o w n e r. c o m (325) 227-0038 BOUNCE ABOUT INFLATABLES! We now have a rock climbing wall, call for price. Bouncing castles, 3 hour party, $70; 4 hour party, $85. Call for pricing on Bungee Run, Velcro Wall, obstacle course, boxing ring, dunking booth and slides. (325) 234-8423 CENTURY PARK HOME 3/2 Excellent condition, beautiful yard, many extras. 3714 Gemini. (325) 374-2373. VERY NICE 3bdrm/2ba large patio home. 5416 Briarwood Circle near Green Acres. 19x17 outside building. Large trees, circular drive. Large lot with well. (325) 653-6595. VERY WELL MAINTAINED 2BR/2BA patio home. Call Candace, 325-656-0633, 325-9425478, San Angelo Real Estate. LOG CABIN $3800, (original price, $23,800). Must sell! 768 square feet, expandable to 1152 square feet, 101 solid oak logs, fully dovetailed, complete precut wall set with all plans for stone fireplace, 101/2 foot high ceilings, porches, loft, stack walls in two days, add roof in two days, extra nice, will haul to San Angelo for $1850. 870577-5757, owner. 5805 BARRINGTON CT. Unique 3BR/2BA home built in 2008 in the Bluffs. Amenities include beautiful granite countertops, wood laminate, raised ceilings, a unique rock fireplace, open floor plan, stainless appliances, breakfast area & formal dining room. Large backyard with patio & privacy fence. $199,900. Robertson Welch Real Estate, Brendy, (325)212-5591. $1500 DOWN. OWNER carry. 3 bedroom, 1 bath, carport, $44,500. 1115 N. Oakes. (325) 212-2995.

Distress & Bank Forclosures • Free List of Properties • Receive a

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RSRE FSBO 901 E. 40TH 3 bedroom, 1 bath, stucco, with metal roof, new tile, carpet, central air/heat. Large fenced yard. Clean and neat. Ready to move in. No owner finance. $65,000. (325) 450-8777.

OR CALL YOUR FAVORITE LENDER 4821 ROYAL OAK, 3BR/2BA, inground pool, hot tub, recent interior paint & counter tops. $149,900. Owner/Agent, Mike Mikeska, (325)6503216, Koonce Realty. 304 E. 29TH St. 3BR/3BA. Hardwood floors in living, dining, hall & 2 bedrooms. On approx. 1 acre of land. Detached 2 car garage, workshop & additional storage. $75,000. Call David, (325)277-3946, ERA Newlin & Co. NICE 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath, covered patio, nice backyard, 1 car garage. Clean. 938 East 40th St. $65,000. (325) 653-6595 STOP RENTING!! GOV’T & Bank Foreclosures! FREE Listings. Call Now! 800-848-5066.

Worst house on the block Only $69,900 CHildreN WaNted! 4bdrm/2ba and ready! College Hills, Only $89,250

703 PENHURST COURT. 3/2 beautifully landscaped home in Bluffs. Built in 2006. For sale by owner, $148,700. Must see. (325) 212-5133 or (325) 617-4878. 2 BEDROOM, 1 bath, CH/CA. Washer/dryer connections, new carpet and paint. 60 E. 33rd, $2000 down, $350 month. (325)315-6201.

Buy! Buy! Buy!

4bdrm/2ba, Lakeview School District, $114,900 a Big Fat FisH Swam by this 3bdrm/2ba Lake Nasworthy home, $274,900

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Page 444-1941 • Cell 374-1941 • Cell 374-1969

WALL ISD - $185,000. 3 bed, 2 1/2 bath, 3200+ s.f. 2.5 acres, many updates. New a/c, insulation, 3 car detached garage, sprinkler system, new laminate floors, 2 living/dining rooms, large family/game room. 2 bonus rooms, screened in back porch. Lots of storage. Close to San Angelo. (325) 277-5442 OWNER FINANCE 731 E. 40th. 2/1, $3000 down, $450 monthly. Use tax refund. 650 6150.

NO CITY TAXES! 13+ acres with 2190 sq. ft. home. 3 bedroom, WEST SIDE 3/2, 2 bath, fenced - cross CH/CA, completley refenced, $175,000. Fidone, fireplace, metal nance with large down fence & cross fenced payment. (325) 212on 1 1/2 lots, covered 4528. No Realtors. patio with BBQ grill. 2 blocks from school. ***FREE FORECLO$87,500. Bill Burrell ReSURE LISTINGS*** altor, (325) 942-9471 Over 400,000 properties nationwide. Low down payment. Call now 800- WEST SIDE OF .FOR SALE BY owner 848-1839. town. 4BR/2 full baths, 2BR/1BA plus efficiency WALL SCHOOL. 122 1 1/2 story, corner lot. apt, on corner lot, in good $69,500. Call Decoty. 3BR/2BA, Reduced $67,500. Bill area. garage on 1 acre. Water Burrell Realtor, (325) (325)374-3458. WALL SCHOOL DISWell. Completely up- 942-9471 dated, paint, tile, carpet, TRICT. 3BR/2BA on 2 OWNER FINANCE granite. $168,000. Possiacres, 4 car detached 1230 E. 19th, nice home ble owner carry. garage, well house. in good neighborhood. (325)895-1801. $210,000. 325-895-1801. $5000 down, $500 6624 SYKES CIR- monthly. 650-6150. CLE. 5BR/3BA manufactured home on 2 FOR SALE BY owner acres with horse stall, 4BR/2BA, completely re$78,900. storm shelter, above modeled. ground pool, land- (325)374-3458 scaped. Seller may assist with closing. Needy Home Roland Allen, 3bdrm/2ba Fixer in (325)374-5915, D&D Santa Rita, needs work Realtors. and needs you!

2825 Jomar - 4Br, 1Ba, CH/CA 2418 Rio Grande - 2Br, 1Ba, CH/CA, garage 2601 Forest Park - 3 Br, 1 Ba, New CH/CA, Workshop 130 Estella - 3 Br, 1 Ba, CH/CA, Office & Storage 2302 San Antonio - 2 Br, 1 Ba, 2 Car Garage 1920 Glenwood - 3Br, 2Ba, CH/CA, 2 car garage & more 117 E. 14th - 3Br, 1Ba 1713 N. Farr- 3Br, 1Ba, carport 1211 Arthur- 3Br, 1Ba, CH/CA, workshop, Like New Appliances 2409 North- 3Br, 1Ba, Storage 1318 Koberlin- 3Br, 1Ba, CH/CA, carport 1621 Mission- 2Br, 1Ba, Garage 2016 Walnut- 3Br, 1Ba, New CH/CA, Carport, Workshop 7 W. 27th- 2 Story, 3Br, 1Ba, CH/CA

3105 College Hills Circle owner Finance

Laura Lacy, REALTOR® (325) 944-4663

We buy houses.

444-1941 PGR. 374-1941 CELL 374-1969 CELL

Janie moreno realtor®

Let ME Help YOU find your next home. Ranch Realty (325) 763-5042

FOR SALE BY owner 3BR/1.5BA, 2 car garage, good location. Remodel completed. $69,900. (325)374-3458. OWNER FINANCE Nice 2,250 sq ft home on 3 acres on 2234 FM 2105. Asking $160,000. 650-6150. NEAR GREEN ACRES, 5416 Briarwood Circle, beautiful home, large patio, 3/2/2, garage, large trees, circle drive. 325653-6595. SELLERS WILL PAY all closing costs. Buy this one for cheaper than rent. 3BR/1BA nice, clean home in Lakeview area. 3117 Orchard Dr. $58,000. Large workshop, water well for irrigation of yard, 2 living areas. Call Laura at Lacy & Co. Realty. 944-HOME. CENTURY PARK HOME 3/2 Excellent condition, beautiful yard, many extras. 3714 Gemini. (325) 374-2373. 2 & 4 bedroom houses to be moved immediately!! (325) 262-1246.

3 Bedroom, 2 Bath - 2 Living areas Located on a quiet Cul de Sac, Central Heat/Air, Oversized Den, Screened covered patio, Tree shaded backyard, Sprinkler system & much more.

Rocky Spoonts Real Estate 325-949-7719

To See Listings go to MERTZON, TX. 4bdrm/2ba brick home. 9-car carport, barn with pens & tach room. Located on corner of 10 lots. 30x40’ air conditioned shop. Kim Smith, Angelo Home Team. (325) 812-8504.

CHECK US OUT ON THE WEB AT 329 RIVER OAKS 2BR/1BA, 2 living areas. Great for first time home buyers or investors. Roland Allen, (325)3745915, D & D Realtors. ALL AVAILABLE INFORMATION & Pictures on All MLS Homes Listed For Sale by All Local, State & National Real Estate Companies Is Available At

1412 MACKENZIE ST. Gorgeous, updated Santa Rita home, with gas fp, hardwood floors, satillo tile, decorator colors, crown moulding, many built ins & lots of storage. Unique home has lots of character & great floor plan! $155,000. Robertson Welch Real Estate, Brendy Welch, (325)2125591. 5801 WHITECASTLE LANE 3BR/2BA beautiful home in Bluffs on a corner lot. High ceilings, decorator colors, 2 sided fireplace and open floor plan. Lots of cabinet space in the kitchen. Wonderful home in move in condition. $144,900. Robertson Welch Real Estate, Stephen Tidwell, (325)340-2370.

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944-3596 5026 KNICKERBOCKER • 1-800-926-4864 $50’S - RECENTLY UPDATED! - 3Bdrm/1Ba, with refinished hardwood floors, bathroom completely redone, fresh paint & much more. (#73454) $60’S - FIXER UPPER! - College Hills 3Bdrm/2Ba with CH/CA and one car carport. (#73559) $60’S - MANY UPDATES! - Lots of square footage in this 3Bdrm/2Ba with 2 living & dining areas. New CH/CA. (#73564) $70’S - 3BDRM/2BA! - Nicely remodeled with new ceramic tile & fresh paint, inside & out. Owner/Agent (#73115) $70’S - WALK TO SCHOOL! - Great 4Bdrm/1Ba with fresh paint, new siding and many other updates. Near Goodfellow. (#73336) $70’S - NICE STARTER HOME! - 3Bdrm/2Ba with 1696 sq. ft. CH/CA, stove & refrigerator stay, one car garage.(#73536) $80’S - MOVE-IN READY! - 3Bdrm/2Ba with big dine-in kitchen. Must see the inside to appreciate this home! (#73252) $80’S - DUPLEX! - 2Bdrm on each side. Completely remodeled. New paint, carpet, cabinets & more. (#73311) $90’S - COLLEGE HILLS! - Great 3Bdrm/2Ba. Remodeled bathrooms, new kitchen cabinets & tile. Close to ASU. (#73481) $90’S - ROOMY! - Very nice 3Bdrm/2Ba with a “bonus room”. Could be an office. FP, CH/CA, stove & microwave stay. Replaced privacy fence. (#72699)

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949-7719 Call about our Trade in Program! See my listings at

For Sale Houses

1408 Preston Trail 4/3.5 ..................$450,000 305 W. Twohig 5 bedroom...............$279,900 1310 Red Creek Rd. 3/3................. $249,000 339 Eds Rd., Lake House, Blackwell, Tx.....$220,000 5929 Lyndhurst 3/2/3 ...... ..........Reduced $194,000 3602 Greenridge 3/2 ...............Reduced $149,000 709 Penhurst 3/2 .............. ..............$144,300 3307 Cornell 4/3 ............................$139,900 6 W. Ave R 3/2/2 ............. ..................$110,000 1118 S. Concho Park 3/2 .................. $85,000 2210 Juanita 2/1 .............. ................$62,500 2401 Greenwood 3/1 ........................$55,000 2004 Hutchings, Ballinger 3/2 ............$42,500

Commercial 3930 Sunset ..........................Reduced $425,000 305 W. Twohig .......................Reduced $279,900 25 W. Twohig ................................$199,900

Land Runion Rd.................89 acres, Reduced $311,500 Runion Rd...................56 acres, Reduced $196,000 Runion Rd.............32.77 acres, Reduced $114,695 Castillo Lane ............20 acres, Reduced $139,900 1405 Doral Ct................Residential Lot $100,000 8125 N Hwy 87...........................11 lots$82,500 Avenue L - 3 Lots...............................Each $30,000

944-0021 Professionals/Larry Jolley & Assoc. •

Page 32 January 6, 2011

F or s ale or r enT

P ossible o wner F inance 253 N. OXFORD - 3BED/1 1/2BATH


$110,000 ..... OR ...$1,100 R ENT 2 CRESCENT ROAD - 3BED/2BATH



$129,000 ... OR .....$1,200 R ENT 1230 JOSEPH LANE - 5BED/2 1/2BATH


$125,000 ... OR .....$1,200 R ENT

KT Plus rentals (325) 895-1857

1401 ST. ANDREWS. 3/2, large yard, Country Club Lake Estates. $235,000. (325) 6512491 or (325) 374-1521 FOR SALE BY owner 4BR/2BA, completely remodeled. $78,900. (325)374-3458


PUBLIC NOTICE Real Estate Advertised in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 which makes it illegal to advertising "any preference limitation of religion, sex or national origin, or any intention to make any such preferences, limitation or discrimination." This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are informed that of dwellings advertised is the newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis.


2434 FIELD. 3BR/1 1/2BA, completely remodeled, perfect condition. Low down payment, $67,500. Bob Ingram Real Estate, (325)9441630. 1905 VICTORIAN CLASSIC. 3 N. Washington. 2283 sq. ft. 3 bdrm/3 ba, updates thruout, wrap around porch on large corner lot. 2 fantastic options to own this h o u s e . f o r s a l e b y o w n e r. c o m (325) 227-0038 CENTURY PARK HOME 3/2 Excellent condition, beautiful yard, many extras. 3714 Gemini. (325) 374-2373.

American Classified

1818 W. TWOHIG Ave. Updated Santa Rita home with apartment on large corner lot. Updates include fresh paint inside & out, new wood laminate, tile flooring & countertops. This charming home has large rooms, a gas fireplace, a split bedroom arrangement & a 2 car carport. $81,000. Robertson Welch Real Estate, Brendy Welch, (325)212-5591. PLANNING TO BUY A HOME..

Call Me Today For ALL Of Your Real Estate Needs

HOME FOR SALE on Tabosa Dr.

3 Bedroom, 3 Baths, 2971 sq. ft. with a Pool $255,000

Sherry Schellhase, Realtor with D&D REALTORS

325-456-1149 325-944-3596

OWNER FINANCE OR lease purchase. 4BR/2BA, 3511 Oxford, $99,900. Owner/broker, Century 21 Professionals, Larry Jolley & Assoc. 325-944-0021 FIXER-UPPER 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath, large den or sunroom, storm cellar, $25,000. 125 E. Ave L. (325) 651-6279 or (325)315-2108. OWNER FINANCE Nice 2,250 sq ft home on 3 acres on 2234 FM 2105. Asking $160,000. 650-6150.

EXTRA CLEAN 3BR/2BA mobile home on 2 lots with CH/CA in Carlsbad. PALS Real Estate, (325)277-1711. VERY NICE 3bdrm/2ba large patio home. 5416 Briarwood Circle near Green Acres. 19x17 outside building. Large trees, circular drive. Large lot with well. (325) 653-6595. VERY WELL MAINTAINED 2BR/2BA patio home. Call Candace, 325-656-0633, 325-9425478, San Angelo Real Estate.

Attract buyers - Advertise.

325-942-5478 3121 Southwest Blvd. 3124 Bowie St. - 3/1 with large back yard. Eat-in kitchen. Could be rental for extra income. Sold as-is. Janie/James Thomas 277-7653 277-5478 .........................................$199,000 4413 Winterberry - Recently remodeled 2/2 patio home in Twin Oaks. Extremely nice with decorator colors and newly installed carpet and tile. Landscaped with privacy fence. Janie/James Thomas 277-7653 277-5478 .........................................$139,000 13256 S. Dove Creek Dr. - 2/2 Manufactured home in Christoval with acreage, metal roof, storage building. Country living and plenty of wild life. Janie/James Thomas, 277-5478 277-7653............................................$87,500 113 Rio Vista - Beautiful 3/2 on 1/2 acre corner lot. Covered patio, deck, manicured landscaping, 2 storage buildings. Las Lomas Estates. Jaden Winfrey, 365-0275....................................................................$129,000 703 E. Ave D - 2/1 on corner lot with storage building, ceiling fans, Ft. Concho, central A/C, dining room. Lisa Jirasek, 277-4928.........................................................................$47,500 414 Howard - Great for first time home buyers! 3/1, 2La, over 1400 sq. ft. 1 car garage. Ready to move in. Janie/James Thomas, 277-5478 277-7653.............................................$54,900 4513 Oak Canyon Lane - 2/2 patio home in Twin Oaks, mature oak trees, skylights, recently painted. MUST SEE! Candance Sage, 656-0633..................................................................$129,900 Hwy 67 Frontage in Rowena - Building with awning, great for equipment sales. Lisa Jirasek 277-4928, ........................................................................$25,000 214 Bluegrass - 3/2 on 2.128 acres. New oven/range, sprinkler & R.O. systems, outbuildings, fenced yard. Near Green Acres. Janie/James Thomas 277-7653 277-5478 .........................................$169,900 2350 Fishermans Rd - Reduced $10,000. 2BR/1.5BA, 2LA, Beautiful deeded lake frontage Janie/James Thomas, 277-7653 277-5478.........................................$249,900 9762 Mt. Nebo- 4/2 in Grape Creek ISD. Remodeled throughout. Huge master, split bdrms., lrg. yard, cvrd. parking. Beautiful! Priced Reduced. Janie/James Thomas 277-7653 277-5478.............................................$133,000 5831 Dominion Ridge - Well kept 4/2 w/vaulted ceilings & crown molding. Matching strg. bldng. in back. Janie/James Thomas 277-7653 277-5478............................................$189,000 2213 W. Ave L - Perfect for first time buyers! 2/1 large den, storm windows, ceiling fans, large trees. Janie/James Thomas 277-7653 277-5478 .............................................$79,900

All of the available InformAtIon & PIctures on All of the mls Homes Listed for sAle by All of tHe locAl, stAte & nAtIonAl reAl estAte comPAnIes are available at

CONSTRUCTION 2821 Coleman St.


Hit on us to buy or sell it in your Thrifty Nickel’s



Possible Owner Financing

2710 ABILENE -3BR/2BA remodeled,. ......................................$59,000 410 HOWARD -2BR/1BA with 1 car garage. Fresh interior and exterior paint, new flooring, and CH/CA. . . . . ............................................$58,900 7794 ALMA JO DR. (VERIBEST ISD) -3BR/2BA approx 1514 sq. ft., remodeled with fresh paint inside and out, new flooring throughout, and extra storage on one acre ............ . . . . . . $94,000

FOR SALE 2130 SUL ROSS 3/2/3 .................................... $177,500 3634 OAK CREEK DR 3/2/2, CH/CA ................. $131,900 7778 ALMA JO DR 2/2, CH/CA, w/acreage......... $89,000 FOR RENT 3821-A WILD RYE 3/2 ...................................... $725/mo 2729 EUNICE 3/2/1, CH/CA ............................... $750/mo

3BR/2BA. 16x18 living area w/ vaulted ceiling, oak finished laminate flooring, ceiling fans throughout, tile flooring in kitchen & bath, carpeted bedrooms, pantry, appliances, 6’ privacy fence.

PRICED TO SELL AT $95,500 Builder will pay up to $2,000 in buyer closing costs. Financing available at Citizens State Bank w/ 5% down. Contact Tina Kolster, 325-657-0099 to qualify.

Call 325-944-2359 for Appt. to See

BUTLER FARMS CUSTOM classic steel frame Executive home. 3,954 sqft, 4bdrm/3ba, 2 living, 2 dining, kitchen with granite counter tops & hickory cabinets, office, atrium, laundry, pantry, steel reinforced concrete storm room. 1025sqft 3-car garage with bathroom, 12’ & 10’ ceililngs. Energy efficient 8” thick walls, air & gas heat. Fire rated sheet rock. Hail resistant steel roof. 1600sqft barn. Approximate 9 1/2 acres on river with large trees. Ready to decorate with your colors & move in. Asking $475,000. (325) 3745048. 5805 BARRINGTON CT. Unique 3BR/2BA home built in 2008 in the Bluffs. Amenities include beautiful granite countertops, wood laminate, raised ceilings, a unique rock fireplace, open floor plan, stainless appliances, breakfast area & formal dining room. Large backyard with patio & privacy fence. $199,900. Robertson Welch Real Estate, Brendy, (325)212-5591. 15287 DEER VALLEY Dr. 6.95 acres completely fenced, electric & rural water meter on site. Good grazing. $40,000. Roland Allen, (325)374-5915, D&D Realtors. $1500 DOWN. OWNER carry. 3 bedroom, 1 bath, carport, $44,500. 1115 N. Oakes. (325) 212-2995. 304 E. 29TH St. 3BR/3BA. Hardwood floors in living, dining, hall & 2 bedrooms. On approx. 1 acre of land. Detached 2 car garage, workshop & additional storage. $75,000. Call David, (325)277-3946, ERA Newlin & Co.

Buy! Buy! Buy!

COMMERCIAL 4202 SHERWOOD WAY 3700 plus sq.ft. Any or all - Reasonable




944-9535 OFFICE

Free List of Homes with ZERO down payment program. 1-888-876-3031 ID #1043


PICK ME! PICK ME! Near Base 3Bed/1Bath possible apt. building in back, CH/CA, 2LA. $60’s. #71595 Gorgeous 3Bed/2Bath in the upper Bluffs. Just like new! Lots of beautiful tile. Nice open floor plan. #73349 Santa Rita- Great Area This home is sitting on a beautiful tree-lined street. Remodeled 3 bed/2bath. Move in ready. #72437 Great Price for first time buyer in the 70’s. Brick & frame, one car garage, fireplace, 3bed/2bath. Lots of updates. #73115 12 Unit Apartment Complex All 2 bedrooms. Great investment. Near base. $287,000 #72211 Remodeled Duplex Everything has been re-done. Both sides are 2bedroom/1bath. Rock exterior CH/CA. #73311 Duplex 1Bedroom/1Bath. Great condition, renters already in place. $50’s #72511 Warehouse w 1 Bedroom apt. Lots of sq. footage. Could be commercial business also. $50’s #71991 Commercial Building on over an acre. Near base. Needs work but lots of potential. $30’s #71619 29.98 acres on the river on the edge of town. Secluded area to build. $320,000 #76871 27 acres near Mertzon with a 3bed/1bath home. Great country living. #73344

Oleita will work hard for you from SIGN UP TO SIGN DOWN!



NICE 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath, covered patio, nice backyard, 1 car garage. Clean. 938 East 40th St. $65,000. (325) 653-6595 STOP RENTING!! GOV’T & Bank Foreclosures! FREE Listings. Call Now! 800-848-5066. OWNER FINANCE 1230 E. 19th, nice home in good neighborhood. $5000 down, $500 monthly. 650-6150. FOR SALE BY owner 4BR/2BA, completely remodeled. $78,900. (325)374-3458 WALL ISD - $185,000. 3 bed, 2 1/2 bath, 3200+ s.f. 2.5 acres, many updates. New a/c, insulation, 3 car detached garage, sprinkler system, new laminate floors, 2 living/dining rooms, large family/game room. 2 bonus rooms, screened in back porch. Lots of storage. Close to San Angelo. (325) 277-5442 OWNER FINANCE 731 E. 40th. 2/1, $3000 down, $450 monthly. Use tax refund. 650 6150. .FOR SALE BY owner 2BR/1BA plus efficiency apt, on corner lot, in good area. $69,500. Call (325)374-3458. WALL SCHOOL DISTRICT. 3BR/2BA on 2 acres, 4 car detached garage, well house. $210,000. 325-895-1801. OWNER FINANCE 926 N. Jefferson, 3 bedroom, 1 bath, Reduced. $59,000 OBO. Call Martha (830) 5562280, Se habla espanol FOR SALE BY owner 3BR/1.5BA, 2 car garage, good location. Remodel completed. $69,900. (325)374-3458. OWNER FINANCE Nice 2,250 sq ft home on 3 acres on 2234 FM 2105. Asking $160,000. 650-6150. SELLERS WILL PAY all closing costs. Buy this one for cheaper than rent. 3BR/1BA nice, clean home in Lakeview area. 3117 Orchard Dr. $58,000. Large workshop, water well for irrigation of yard, 2 living areas. Call Laura at Lacy & Co. Realty. 944-HOME.

“Stop paying too much for electricity.”

Join the growing base of Ambit Energy customers who are saying NO to high electric bills. See Ambit Energy Independent Consultants Cali (325) 450-6854 or Rita (325) 277-7671.

Robertson Welch Real Estate We go the extra mile for you! 5805 Barrington 3/2, 2048 sq ft.............$199,900 1412 Mackenzie St. Updated Santa Rita Home...$155,000 1818 Twohig 2/2, with apt.......................$81,000 726 Mont Park Dr. 3/1.............................$39,000

Mertzon Investors Wanted 126 S. Broadway Residential or Commercial 2,200 sq ft.- .............................................$48,000 UNDER CONTRACT 205 1st St. 5/2, 1860 sq ft 2 properties for the price of 1... $82,000 304 S. 5th St. 2/2, 1,000 sq ft................$85,000

Sonora 410 S. Crockett 3/2,UNDER 2,319 CONTRACT sq. ft...........$125,000

Del Rio 208 Acres - 3/2 home, 1,800 sq. ft. .......$456,560

Call Barbara Robertson (325)277-0244 or Brendy Welch (325)212-5591

CENTURY PARK HOME 3/2 Excellent condition, beautiful yard, many extras. 3714 Gemini. (325) 374-2373. 2 & 4 bedroom houses to be moved immediately!! (325) 262-1246. ALL AVAILABLE INFORMATION & Pictures on All MLS Homes Listed For Sale by All Local, State & National Real Estate Companies Is Available At 4821 ROYAL OAK, 3BR/2BA, inground pool, hot tub, recent interior paint & counter tops. $149,900. Owner/Agent, Mike Mikeska, (325)6503216, Koonce Realty.


BARGAINS FOR BUYERS! We Save You Money! All MLS listings:

KleinRealty.Net 325-223-8180 M O N T A N A , WYOMING, ALASKA, NEW MEXICO, 35 acres starting at $176/month. Owner Financing O.A.C. Great building sites, Brokers Welcome. Guaranteed access, insured title, warranty deed. 1-8006 8 2 - 8 0 8 8 OWN 20 ACRES Only $129 per/mo.. $13,900 near growing El Paso Texas (safest city in America!) Low down, no credit checks, owner financing. Free map/pictures 1-866-623-6706 50 ACRES of hunting land near Lake Ivie. $5,000 down, $995 month. (325) 212-4980

THIS ADVERTISING All ads go on Internet space could be yours! the Free of Out of Town Property *** FREE FORECLOSURE LISTINGS *** OVER 400,000 properties nationwide. Low down payment. Call now 800250-2043. OWN 20 ACRES Only $129 per/mo.. $13,900 near growing El Paso Texas (safest city in America!) Low down, no credit checks, owner financing. Free map/pictures 1-866-623-6706 LAKE BROWNWOOD 1.27 acres, 1,200 sq ft MH 2 miles from lake. Cash only, $41,000 obo. 9 miles from Brownwood on HWY 279. (432)5587204. LAND SALE IN Florida, 1/4 Acre & Up. Guaranteed Financing! From $4,900, $100 down, $100 per month. Call for Free List! 1-877-983-6600 m 180 ACRES hunting land Mitchell County. Pond, fenced, 4 miles to Interstate 20. $1,495 per acre. (325) 212-4980. *** FREE FORECLOSURE LISTINGS *** OVER 400,000 properties nationwide. Low down payment. Call now 800250-2043. M O N T A N A , WYOMING, ALASKA, NEW MEXICO, 35 acres starting at $176/month. Owner Financing O.A.C. Great building sites, Brokers Welcome. Guaranteed access, insured title, warranty deed. 1-8006 8 2 - 8 0 8 8


House Won’t Sell? Call Bob Reeves, GRI Property Manager 944-3596 Ext 331 or 800-926-4864 D&D Realtors

Charge Viewable at www.american Lakes & Resorts 1 ACRE WITH Boat Slip $29,900 Huge private lake, easy 1 hour DFW. Beautiful land, amazing opportunity. Historical low terms. Call 1866-755-6813 now! OAK POINT LAKE property on Lake Brownwood, $8850 OBO. (325) 656-1047. LAKE LOT FOR Sale. Beautiful 4 acres located amongst huge rolling hills of east Texas. Gated, over 250 feet of shoreline on pristine 330 acre private lake. Cleared spot for building. Trees toward the water. Only $82,700! Great low terms. Call 1866-748-6442. FSBO LAKE BROWNWOOD Lot Owner Finance call 325-200-0029 or see 2 WATER FRONT lots, Devil’s Shore subdivisions, Lake Amistad Rough Canyon area, $32,500. (325) 234-2256. LAKEFRONT REDUCED 30%! 1+ acre waterfront on Texas’ 3rd largest lake. Market price $99,900 Need quick sale and will take only $69,900. Utilities to property & private boat dock allowed. Motivated seller, won’t last long! 1-214506-1029. FSBO LAKE BROWNWOOD Lot Owner Finance call 325-200-0029 or see 2 WATER FRONT lots, Devil’s Shore subdivisions, Lake Amistad Rough Canyon area, $32,500. (325) 234-2256. LAKE IVIE-LARGE WATER front lots for sale. 2 1/2 to 5 acres. $45,000 ea. Owner financing available For more info. Call (325) 6567431, (325) 234-7432, (325) 357-4596.

CAUTION Extreme Exposure From Advertising In The THRIFTY NICKEL’S AMERICAN CLASSIFIED. Call 944-7653 To Place Your Ad Today!

944-SOLD 505 E. 37th ......................3/2...Occupied $750 330 W. Ave. C Duplex.........2/1 ..............$595 529 Upton........................3/1 ..............$575 12 E. 37th ........................3/1 ..............$595 11754 Marshall Carlsbad ...3/2 ..............$725 1126 S. Concho Park Dr..3/2 ..Occupied $925

2808 Sherwood Way Deposits required on all properties.


houses for rent Furnished 8 BEDROOM HOUSE. Beautifully remodeled.$2000 per month. Plus 2 efficiency apartments. Downtown at 109 East Twohig. Package deal for 4 renters. Call Martha at (325) 234-4410

2526 W. AVE K 3/2/2 plus carport. Partially furnished w/ refrigerator, stove, w/d hookups, very nice large home near ASU. Avail. Feb.1st. $1, $700 Dep. Pets upon approval. 325-812-3676

houses for rent unfurnished

RECENTLY UPDATED 3 bedroom, 1 bath near elementary school and near base. CH/CA, washer and dryer hook-ups. $625 month plus deposit. Section 8 or HUD approved. 1642 Mission. Call (325) 656-9419. 1618 AUSTIN, 3 bedroom, 1 bath house. No inside pets, fenced yard. (325) 234-5578. 509 WEST AVENUE Y. 2 bedroom, 1 Bath. CH/CA. $575 monthly, $200 deposit. 1315 S. David - 1 bedroom, 1 bath apartment. No utilities included. $375 month, $150 deposit. Available to move in on January 1st. (325) 8121582 1BEDROOM DUPLEX. ALL bills paid. $750. 16 N. Monroe. (325) 245-7616. BEN FICKLIN EFFICIENCIES with kitchen area & loft bed. $285 per month. Kathy Seidel. 325650-0161. 3 BEDROOM, 2 PAULANN - 3 bed- bath. $800 deposit. room, 2 bath, CH/CA, $900 monthly. CH/CA. dishwasher, range. 1 Nice location. (325) year lease. $750 per 277-0896 month, $750 deposit. 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath (325) 949-8449. located in Christoval Es1525 CLAYTON. 3 tates, lot 34, near base. bedroom, 1 bath, 1 car Fresh paint inside, new garage, fireplace, appliances, fencecd yard, close to kitchen base and college, $695 washer/dryer connecmonth, $600 deposit. tions. Leasee must abide Shawn Box Real by park rules. $650. Call Estate, (325) 212- (575)430-1195 or (325) 3588. 617-4459 for info or showing. CHECK US OUT ON 1617 S. JACKSON St. THE WEB AT 2bdrm/1ba. Santa Rita area. CH/A, W&D connections. Larged fenced NICE, CLEAN 3 bed- back yard. $700 month, room, 2 bath. 2301 $350 deposit. (325) 949Guadalupe. $675 rent, 0154. $675 deposit. (325) 949415 N. MONROE. 3 9725. bedroom, 1 bath. $750 3 BEDROOM, 1 bath, month, $750 deposit. Call CH/CA, 120 N. Buchanan. $600 monthly, (325) 234-9637. $400 deposit. No bills FOR RENT: 2/2 and 3/2 on Marshall St. in paid. (325) 224-3187 2BDRM/1BA HARD- Carlsbad with approx. 1 WOOD FLOORS, acre, $595-$725. 9877 N. fenced yard. 3bdrm/1ba. Hwy. 87. 2/1, .84 acre, Hardwood floors. Cats large workshop, $495. welcome. Available now. Excelle Properties, (325) 658-9032 (325) 812-4176 614 E. 38TH, ready 1/10/11. 3 bedroom, 1 bath, $500 + deposit. (325) 942-6131. 4 BEDROOM, 3 BATH, living room, game room. 20 East 16th St. $750 monthly, $500 deposit. Ready January 1st. (325) 450-7349.

For Lease Houses 332 Preusser Apt. #6 1/1 .....$400WITH $300 DEPOSIT 2722 Tech 3/2 AVAIL. FEB. 1ST........$850WITH $500 DEPOSIT 2322 San Antonio 3/1 AVAIL. FEB. 11 $675WITH $400 DEPOSIT


914 N. Van Buren 3 bed, 1 bath................ $650/month 3123 San Antonio 3 bed, 1 bath ............... $700/month 2791 Oxford 3 bed, 1 bath ........................ $800/month 1118 S. Concho Park 3 bed, 2 bath .......... $850/month

HOUSES Call us for an AS IS Offer


Cash within 24 HOURS

JB’s Self Storage 610 W. 14th- 7 days a week access

1319 S. Oakes St. • (325) 658-7549 1930 UPTON 1bdrm/1ba. $350 month, $300 deposit. (325) 6530086. 3 BED, 2 BATH CH/CA. Amberwood, close to Base. No pets, references. Military welcome. $850, $500 deposit. Available February 1st. Call (325) 212-2092 106 W. 8TH 3 bdrm/1ba $450 rent, $400 deposit. No bills paid. No pets. HUD welcome. (325) 653-0086. 11645 MARSHALL ST. Carlsbad. Close to State School. 3bdrm/1ba. $425 month, $350 dep. (325) 653-0086. 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath, CH/CA. $550 a month, $300 deposit. 1016 Tarver St. (325) 6519085. 2602 REGENT. 4BR/2.5BA, NO PETS. $900 per month plus deposit. Lisa, (325)2774928. San Angelo Real Estate. 2423 GREENWOOD. 3BR/2BA, pets welcome. $675 per month plus deposit. Lisa, (325)277-4928. San Angelo Real Estate. LAKE NASWORTHY: 1 bedroom, 1 bath with boat house w/lift, $600 month, $300 deposit. (325) 234-7340 2 BEDROOM, 1 bath upstairs. CH/CA, washer/dryer connection, new carpet. 912 Fisher St. $575month, $300 deposit. (325) 234-7340. 3 BEDROOM, 1 bath, needs fix up for security deposit. Possible owner finance. 2123 Wilson. $500 per month rent. (325) 300-0751 LINDENWOOD STREET, BY Bowie Elementary. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, fenced backyard, fireplace, 2 car garage. Available January 1, 2011. Call for appointment. $1,100 per month. (325) 650-0161.

CHECK US OUT ON THE WEB AT RECENTLY UPDATED 3 bedroom, 1 bath near elementary school and near base. CH/CA, washer and dryer hook-ups. $625 month plus deposit. Section 8 or HUD approved. 1642 Mission. Call (325) 656-9419. 1618 AUSTIN, 3 bedroom, 1 bath house. No inside pets, fenced yard. (325) 234-5578. 3BDRM/1BA WITH appliances. Ft. Concho area. $600 month, $350 deposit. (325) 651-5064.

AT T E N T I O N RENTERS. STOP wasting money on rent! Beautiful 2 & 3 bedroom manufactured homes for sale. EZ financing, LOW down payment. Start at $450/mo. First month FREE. 325-812-3225. 509 WEST AVENUE Y. 2 bedroom, 1 Bath. CH/CA. $575 monthly, $200 deposit. 1315 S. David - 1 bedroom, 1 bath apartment. No utilities included. $375 month, $150 deposit. Available to move in on January 1st. (325) 8121582 1BEDROOM DUPLEX. ALL bills paid. $750. 16 N. Monroe. (325) 245-7616. BEN FICKLIN EFFICIENCIES with kitchen area & loft bed. $285 per month. Kathy Seidel. 325650-0161. PAULANN - 3 bedroom, 2 bath, CH/CA, dishwasher, range. 1 year lease. $750 per month, $750 deposit. (325) 949-8449. NICE, CLEAN 3 bedroom, 2 bath. 2301 Guadalupe. $675 rent, $675 deposit. (325) 9499725. 3 BEDROOM, 1 bath, CH/CA, 120 N. Buchanan. $600 monthly, $400 deposit. No bills paid. (325) 224-3187 1818 FIELD (BETWEEN Howard and Van Buren), 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath, stove, refrigerator, carport, CH/CA. Clean. NO PETS. $695, $400 deposit. (325) 949-3920, (325)277-0026.

1+ ACRE LAKEVIEW! Stunning view of Texas’ 3rd biggest lake, just a stone’s throw away. Access to area pool and lakeside park as well as utilities to the property. Motivated seller, will take only $24,600. Call 1-214506-1038. 7.712 ACRES ON HIGHWAY 277 South 3 miles North of Christoval. Canal water, water well, fenced. Residential or light commercial. (325) 656-2888 130 ACRES RIVER front property in Runnels County. (325)651-6126. DEER AND TURKEY Hunters: 100 +/- acres, Runnels Co. Electric, rural water, creek and tank. 2 1/2 miles south on Winters on Hwy. 83. Has not been hunted in years, $1750 per acre. (325) 754-5486 after 5:30 p.m. LOG CABIN $3800, (original price, $23,800). Must sell! 768 square feet, expandable to 1152 square feet, 101 solid oak logs, fully dovetailed, complete precut wall set with all plans for stone fireplace, 101/2 foot high ceilings, porches, loft, stack walls in two days, add roof in two days, extra nice, will haul to San Angelo for $1850. 870577-5757, owner.

(325) 653-2030

50’X140’ LOT - 10 ACRES, QUAIL Valley subdivision. Fenced wooded pasture, 1 well and electric, Mufinance with large down nicipal water system payment. (325)650-3806. available. No restrictions. 32 ACRES. CEN- HWY 208 frontage, comTURY 21 Professionals, mercial or residential, 3 Larry Jolley & Assoc. miles north of San Angelo. $55,000 OBO. (325) 325-944-0021 234-4229. FOR SALE BY owner - 3200/ ACRES GREAT 1700 Coke Street, corner Hunting, water power lot. (334) 872-5662. South of Sonora. 20 ACRES. CEN- $695/acres. 1-409-504TURY 21 Professionals, 1025. Larry Jolley & Assoc. 2.853 ACRES on 325-944-0021 IN SANTA RITA - Grape Creek Rd and Cactus Lane. Well and 50X100 Build site - 1921 trees., 100x1200ft. Live Oak, improvements, $25,000. (325) 465$17,000 obo. (325) 949- 4314. 0088. 2 ACRES IN Eldorado, MOBILE HOME 2/2 on has city water. More info, approximately 1 acre with pipe horse, or other live(325) 812-6290. stock pens. Excellent loCOUNTRY LIVING cation. Owner finance WITH all the ex- with 5K down. (325) 212tras, water wells, 4980. shop, sheds, plus more on 49 acres. 140 ACRE RANCHES Lee, Lee & Puckitt, $119,900 near Albucall Elaine (325) querque, NM. Water, roads and electricity. Ex655-6989. cellent for horseback riding. 888-573-3249. 150 ACRES WITH LOT- 1.2 ACRES Highhouse and barn, Elm land Range. 121 EdinCreek frontage, pecan burgh. $13,500. (469) trees. Good hunting and 358-5380, (469) 358fishing. Income produc- 3985. ing. (325) 277-8585. COLORADO 5 MOUN(2) RESIDENTIAL TAIN ACRES, must sell! LOTS, underground util- Fantastic views. Hunt, ities, central location. Fish. Outdoor Paradise! Owner/agent (325) 277- Owner financed. $300 down. $150/ month. 11209 719-659-7247 1-720-570APPROX 5 1/2 0592. ACRES 13 miles east of TAKE OVER 40 acres. San Angelo. Miles school No Down. $89/Month. district. Reduced: Deer. Antelope. West $29,000. (325) 315-7523 Texas. 818-932-8920, ze(325) 655-2808.

☛CLEARED, FENCED. Lots/Land 2100 Forest Park off & acreage Howard St. $6000. Owner


WHY Rent 500 DOWN Owner Will Finance Purchase Your Home Today No Qualifying - No Credit Check Total Move In

$1374.00 or Less Call us for an "as-is" offer.

2854 W. Beauregard

Thrifty Nickel’s American Classified - Your result getter

Call GOOD LAND A V A I L A B L E Taylor/Nolan Counties near I-20 from $1200/acre & up. Minimum tract size 100 acres, up to 460 acres. Some with CPR contract remaining. Great sites for home, hunting or ranching. (325) 6563905 35 ACRES, BARN, pens, windmill and tank. Century 21 Professionals, Larry Jolley & Assoc. 325-944-0021 90 PLUS ACRES RUNNELS County with older frame house and improvements. $150,000. Owner/agent. (325) 6539005 FOR SALE BY OWNER 15+ acres, 3 wells. Farm it, bale it, graze it, or grow fruit trees. 4bdrm brick ranch, 3ba, 4car garage, large barn. Completely furnished if desired. One mile from Lake Amistad, Del Rio, Tx. $259,000. Call The Boss, (830) 719-0636


American Classifieds 15 N. Tyler 944-7653


For Rent

We buy houses.


Professionals/Larry Jolley & Assoc.

1222 HUGO, CHECK US OUT ON 3BR/2BA, 2 car garage, THE WEB AT 1376 sq. ft. PaulAnn, $1195. Excelle Proper- ties, (325) 658-9032 2617 HARVARD - 3 bedroom, 2 bath. No pets, no smoking. $995 $400 month, $995 deposit. S/D $200 (432) 284-1277. 4 BEDROOM, 2 bath, 2609 North 1/1 central air, carport. E. $550 24th, $750. (325) 949S/D $400 7178. 2 BEDROOM, 2 1909 Juanita 2/1 BATH, Large Mo$600 bile. CH/CA, in quiet Cactus Lane Park. $475. S/D $300 (325) 653-1144. 2314 Chestnut 2/1 11641 COLEMAN ST. Close to State School in $650 Carlsbad. No pets. S/D $400 1bdrm/1ba. $350 month, 1011 Woodruff 2/1 $300 deposit. (325) 6530086. 10174 Luna 2/1 1617 S. JACKSON St. $700 2bdrm/1ba. Santa Rita S/D $400 area. CH/A, W&D connections. Larged fenced 2202 Glenwood 3/1 back yard. $700 month, $350 deposit. (325) 9492468 Culver 3/1 0154.

301 EWALD - ROWENA, TX - 3Br, 1Ba, CH/CA, Storage 67 E. 25th - 3Br, 1Ba

Page 33


Storage 740 W. AVE X, 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath. Washer/dryer connections, central heat and air. $400 deposit, $675 per month. HUD welcome. Call (325) 653-6410. 715 EAST 18TH. 2 bed, 1 bath. Rent, $450 Deposit, $300. (325) 9497566 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath, CH/CA, garage, $675/$600. 310 E. Riverside. (325) 212-2995. 816 E. 22ND Large 2bdrm/1ba with 4 lots. New ceiling fans. Pecan trees, water well, cellar. $475/$300. (325) 6586907. 1222 HUGO, 3BR/2BA, 2 car garage, 1376 sq. ft. PaulAnn, $1195. Excelle Properties, (325) 658-9032 2617 HARVARD - 3 bedroom, 2 bath. No pets, no smoking. $995 month, $995 deposit. (432) 284-1277. 4 BEDROOM, 2 bath, central air, carport. E. 24th, $750. (325) 9497178. 2 BEDROOM, 2 BATH, Large Mobile. CH/CA, in quiet Cactus Lane Park. $475. (325) 653-1144. ***FREE FORECLOSURE LISTINGS*** Over 400,000 properties nationwide. Low down payment. Call now. 800846-1927. GOVERNMENT F O R E C L O S E D HOMES! FREE Listings. Call Now! 800-846-1871. NEAR ASU, 3 bedroom, carport and central heat, $750. (325) 9497178. 11641 COLEMAN ST. Close to State School in Carlsbad. No pets. 1bdrm/1ba. $350 month, $300 deposit. (325) 6530086. 1BEDROOM DUPLEX. ALL bills paid. $625. 14 N. Monroe. (325) 245-7616. MOBILE HOMES FOR sale or rent. 432-2389242 or 432-614-7670.

January 6, 2011

444-1941 PGR. 374-1941 CELL 374-1969 CELL

S/D $600

“Named after the City We Serve” James Thomas Broker/Owner (325) 277-5478 ABR, ABRM, CRB, CRS CRRS, CRMS, CCPS, CPPS, CMRS, GRI 2005 Pres., San Angelo Assoc. Realtors

Janie Thomas Realtor/Owner (325) 277-7653 ABRM, CRS, GRI 2010 Pres., San Angelo Assoc. Realtors

“HONEST, FAIR & CARING...THAT’S A PROMISE FROM THOMAS” SAN ANGELO’S MOST CERTIFIED & CREDENTIALED TEAM *ABR-Accredited Buyer Representative *ABRM-Accredited Buyer Representative Manager *CRB-Certified Real Estate Brokerage Manager *CRS-Certified Residential Specialist *CRRS-Certified Residential Referral Specialist, *CRMS-Certified Residential Marketing Specialist, *CCPS-Certified Corporate Property Specialist, *CPPS-Certified Previews Property Specialist, *CRMS-Certified Military Relocation Specialist, *SRES-Seniors Real Estate Specialist *GRI-Graduate Realtors Institure * Graduate of Angelo State University *Graduate-Consumer Bankers Association’s * National Graduate School of Retail Bank Management at University of Virginia *Graduate-American Bankers Association’s * National Installment Credit School at University of Colorado *Attended-American Bankers Association’s * National Commercial Lending Graduate School at University of Oklahoma. **REPRESENTING BUYERS AND SELLERS **NATIVE SAN ANGELOANS **LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED SINCE 1966


All of the available InformAtIon & PIctures on All of the mls Homes Listed for sAle by All of tHe locAl, stAte & nAtIonAl reAl estAte comPAnIes are available at

S/D $600

3301 Adrain 3/2

2767 Notre Dame 3/1

$1200 S/D $800

1310 Gordon 4/2

$1300 S/D $800

3301 Valleyview 4/2 5205 Greenvalley D&D REALTORS

1-800-926-4864 944-3596 Genene Bob

CheCk Out Our

LOCaL W ebsite

Page 34 January 6, 2011 MAGDALEN ARMS 226 N. Magdalen

1 Bedroom Laundry Room Ext. Cable • Appliances Furnished/Unfurnished. Bills paid (except electric)




1, 1, 2 2& &3 3 BEDROOMS BEDROOMS Payments based

SPANISH COURTS 420 W. Beauregard Furnished Efficiencies You Pay Electric

Payments based on on income. income.

2401 2401 N. N. Lillie Lillie 658-3553 658-3553 EQUAL HOUSING


I sell; Therefore I am ~Thrifty Nickel’s American Classified M O N T A N A , WYOMING, ALASKA, New Mexico, 35 acres starting at $176/month. Owner financing O.A.C Great building sites, Brokers welcome. 1-8006 8 2 - 8 0 8 8 C A R L S B A D ACREAGE ON US HWY 87 and Grape Creek Rd. 20 acres + $2500 per acre. Owner finance. 650-6150. 45 ACRES INSIDE city limit. Well water and city water, sewer, electric. Moving, must sell. $3,790 per acre. (325) 374-9913. HUNTING LAND: COKE County, 57 acres, $2100 per acre. 122 acres $1800 per acre. Owner finance with $15,000 down. (432) 7532254. 7.712 ACRES ON HIGHWAY 277 South 3 miles North of Christoval. Canal water, water well, fenced. Residential or light commercial. (325) 656-2888 130 ACRES RIVER front property in Runnels County. (325)651-6126.

208 ACRES 5 miles South of San Angelo off Walling Pecan Rd. Native pasture, good fences, water meter available, paved access, great views. Owner finance. GOOD HUNTING!! (325) 656-2888 DEER AND TURKEY Hunters: 100 +/- acres, Runnels Co. Electric, rural water, creek and tank. 2 1/2 miles south on Winters on Hwy. 83. Has not been hunted in years, $1750 per acre. (325) 754-5486 after 5:30 p.m. 50’X140’ LOT CLEARED, FENCED. 2100 Forest Park off Howard St. $6000. Owner finance with large down payment. (325)650-3806. 32 ACRES. CENTURY 21 Professionals, Larry Jolley & Assoc. 325-944-0021 FOR SALE BY owner 1700 Coke Street, corner lot. (334) 872-5662. 20 ACRES. CENTURY 21 Professionals, Larry Jolley & Assoc. 325-944-0021


Greystone Vil age

1717 W. Beauregard San Angelo, TX

2900 san Antonio san Angelo

Daily $39 & up Weekly $149 & up

1 & 2 Bedroom all bills paid. 2 Bedroom + electricity.

Plus Taxes

New Rooms Available Security On Premises • Newly Remodeled Rooms • Pool • Cable TV • Guest Laundry • Maid Service • Refrigerator • Microwave • ALL BILLS PAID

Call For specials (325) 949-1203 (325) 658-9032

(325) 482-8000

MOBILE HOME 2/2 on approximately 1 acre with pipe horse, or other livestock pens. Excellent location. Owner finance with 5K down. (325) 2124980. 140 ACRE RANCHES $119,900 near Albuquerque, NM. Water, roads and electricity. Excellent for horseback riding. 888-573-3249. LOT- 1.2 ACRES Highland Range. 121 Edinburgh. $13,500. (469) 358-5380, (469) 3583985.

IN SANTA RITA 50X100 Build site - 1921 Live Oak, improvements, $17,000 obo. (325) 9490088. 2 ACRES IN Eldorado, has city water. More info, (325) 812-6290. 2) RESIDENTIAL LOTS, underground utilities, central location. Owner/agent (325) 2771209 WE’LL MOVE YOU for free! Manufactured home lots for lease in two premier San Angelo communities, payments start at $175/mo. for singles, $225/mo. for doubles. 325-8123225. APPROX 5 1/2 ACRES 13 miles east of San Angelo. Miles school district. Reduced: $29,000. (325) 315-7523 (325) 655-2808. 10 ACRES, QUAIL Valley subdivision. Fenced wooded pasture, 1 well and electric, Municipal water system available. No restrictions. HWY 208 frontage, commercial or residential, 3 miles north of San Angelo. $55,000 OBO. (325) 234-4229. 3200/ ACRES GREAT Hunting, water power South of Sonora. $695/acres. 1-409-5041025.



illmore Place

1 bedroom apartments All bills PAid. $550/month

(325) 658-9032 Apartments Furnished SINGLE WITH KITCHEN. Daily, weekly, monthly, low rates. Cable TV, furnished. Nice & Clean. (325) 653-5707, 6533331. EFFICIENCY APT. FURNISHED, all bills paid. $350 month, $100 deposit. (325) 450-8336

AMERICAN CLASSIFIEDS WORKS! Real Estate Wanted WANTED: HOUSE TO rent or lease purchase with place for a horse. One person occupant. Quiet, permanent. Rent must be below $500 per month. Prefer Ballinger or Christoval area but any area will be considered. (325) 365-1412


Start the NEW YEAR In A New Home! All properties have recently been renovated.

TUSCANY APARTMENT HOMES Welcome Back ASU Students Best Student Housing Efficiencies, 1& 2 Bedroom Apartment Homes 1818 S. Lincoln • 325-942-8198

BELLAGIO AT SUNSET Great Southside Location 1,2 & 3 Bedroom Apartment Homes

Apartments Unfurnished UNFURNISHED EFFICIENCY APARTMENT for rent. All bills paid, $430 month and $200 deposit. Call (325) 212-3789. 29 EAST 11TH. 1 bedroom, back alley. $285 month, $200 deposit. Water included in rent, kitchen w/appliances. (325) 657-0771 day. LACONCHA AND ROBIN’S Nest Apartments. 2/1 for $425-$450 plus electric. Excelle Properties, (325) 6589032 1BEDROOM DUPLEX. ALL bills paid. $625. 14 N. Monroe. (325) 245-7616. $199 MOVE IN SPECIAL!! $375 MTH-1 bdrm. Sage Brush Apts, (325) 653-3506. 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT, all bills paid except electricity, cable paid. $485 month, $200 deposit. (325) 763-1629 UPDATED 1 & 2 BEDROOM apartments for rent. All bills paid, one block to base. HUD accepted. (325) 651-6332. 1BEDROOM DUPLEX. ALL bills paid. $750. 16 N. Monroe. (325) 245-7616. NO RENT!!! LOW $ Down! Government & Bank Repos! FREE Listings. Call Now! 800-8465735. TAX REFUND = ★ home ownership. Stop wasting money on rent! Own your own 2 or 3 bedroom manufactured home with LOW DOWN and monthly payments as low as $440/mo. Several floor plans to choose from. Easy rent-to-own program. First month FREE. 325-812-3225.

2508 Sweetbriar • 325-944-1234


WINDMILL PARK Quiet Family Living 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartment Homes

NOW OPEN Daily • Weekly • Monthly

1929 Raney • 325-949-5235


95 $39 + tax & up Wkly $14000+ tax & up

RESORT AT RIVERSIDE Great Location for State School Employees Near Northside Walmart Efficiencies, 2 & 3 Bedroom Apartment Homes 3302 N. Bryant • 325-655-5969

Mthly • • • • • • •

$49500 & up

Cable TV/HBO Wi-Fi Internet Refridgerator/Microwave Coffee Makers Guest Laundry Housekeeping All Utilities Paid


(325) 655-5711



CLOSE TO COLLEGE 811 Knickerbocker Water & Cable Paid 1 Bedroom, 1 Bath - $425/month + $200 Deposit

Shawn Box Real Estate

(325) 212-3588



PLuS ELEC. 12 E. 29TH ST.

944-1413 HUNTINGTON APT 4042 Huntington Lane. 2 bdrm/2 bath$625 mo. 1 bdrm/1 bath-$525. $300 deposit. Washer/Dryer connections, fireplace, basic cable, swimming pool, covered parking, storage. (325) 6533506, (714) 585-8392, (325) 944-3648, (325) 212-1135. 1852 GUADALUPE ST. Large 2-story duplex. Water paid, w/d connections. 2bdrm/1ba, living rm, dining rm., outdoor cellar. Military clause. No pets. $475 month, $200 deposit. (325) 245-5097 (325) 655-6130. EFFICIENCY APARTMENT. ALSO, have room in my house with private entrance. (325) 212-2199. 1909 1/2 PULLIAM ST. Marjan Apts. Large 1bdrm/1ba. $375, $199 deposit. Special move in rates available. (325) 653-3506, (714) 5858392. 16 E. 30TH Las Rosas Apt. 1 bdrm/1ba $375. 2 bdrm/1ba, $450. $199 deposit for both. Special move in rates available (325) 653-3506, (714) 5858392. GARAGE APARTMENTS: 3 to chose from. $350-$400 monthly. Call for details. (325) 3154634. ONE BEDROOM HOUSE apt. Water paid. $375 monthly, $200 deposit. No pets. 620 Preusser Apt. 2. Call (325) 656-9420 ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT. $395 rent, $150 deposit, plus electric. (325) 653-0367.

HOLIDAY SPECIAL! CRESTWOOD TERRACE Apts., 2 bedroom $580 + water Behind HEB! (325) 944-2552

Roommate Wanted

Vacation Rentals SUNNY WINTER SPECIALS At Florida’s Best Beach - New Smyrna Beach Stay a week or longer. Plan a beach wedding or family r e u n i o n . or 1800-541-9621 VACATION CONDOS ON the Gulf in Ft. Walton Beach, Florida. Reserve 2011 Preferred Dates Now! Lowest Prices. Grady 1-770-297-0201. SELL/RENT YOUR TIMESHARE FOR CASH!!!! Our Guaranteed Services will Sell/Rent Your Unused Timeshare for CASH! Over $78 Million offered in 2009! (800)8820296 SELL/RENT YOUR TIMESHARE FOR CASH!!!! Our Guaranteed Services will Sell/Rent Your Unused Timeshare for CASH! Over $78 Million offered in 2009! (800)8820296

Cemetery Plots REDUCED PRICE - 2 spaces Lawnhaven Garden of the Last Supper. Current price is $2,300 each. Will sacrifice both spaces for $2,000. (325) 653-3866. SINGLE BURIAL PLOT at Fairmont Cemetery, space 17. Perpetual care provided. Call cell phone (325) 320-9488. 4 CRYPTS FOR sale at Calvary Catholic Cemetery, $3750 each. Call Rem at (325) 245-5966. CALVARY CEMETERY SPACE, blk 5/ lot 5A, $1,200 OBO. (325) 374-0623. 2 MAUSOLEUMS AT Calvary Catholic Cemetery. $7500. (469) 3585380, (469) 358-3985. FREE CEMETERY SPACE available at Pioneer Memorial Park & Belvedere Memorial Park. For info call (325) 481-3131.

LAWNHAVEN MEMORIAL IN Masonic Garden. Complete Cemetery burial package. 2 spaces, 2 opening/closings, 2 vaults, 1 headstone. Valued $11,960. Selling price-$9,000. CHECK US OUT ON (214) 662-5475 THE WEB AT LAWNHAVEN WHISPERING WATERFALL. Double depth lawn crypt. $4500. (325) 340-2585

LOOKING TO SEE if anybody has a garage apartment or room to rent in the Sunset mall area. Please call (325) 2120683, ask for Ed, leave message if no answer.

262 N. Magdalen

1Bedroom $

+ electric 374/mo.

• HUD • 811 PRAC • Disabled • Payment based on income.




Storage Unit Special 3rd Month FREE 3 MONTH

BURIAL PLOT IN Lawnhaven Veterans Garden. Includes outer container required by Lawnhaven. $2,200, save $789. Call (325)212-6291 or (325)482-0244. SAVE $600. TWO side by side mausoleums at Calvary Cemetery, level A, $4,000. (325) 3740711 or (325)227-7604. CEMETERY PLOT at Fairmont Cemetery. Asking $1200 OBO. Please Call (325) 658-1451 PLOT FAIRMOUNT, BLK 82, street 8, space 32. Has headstone, $900. (325) 212-7606. 4 LOTS IN Lawnhaven, will sell 2 or 4. (325) 6560373. $1800 FOR LAWNHAVEN Whispering Waterfall plot with crypt and extras. Will finance with no interest. Phone (325) 277-5383. 2 LOTS - LAWNHAVEN Cemetery. Garden of Whispering Waterfall. Includes headstones. $5,000. FMI (325) 8954862. CEMETERY PLOT REST Haven Memorial Park, Midland, TX, $900. Contact Barbara Samaniego, Sterling City Nursing Home, (325) 378-2134. L A W N H A V E N CHOICE LOCATION, Garden of Apostle - lot 166A, space 5. $2300. Owner will pay fee. (903) 234-2412. 1 DOUBLE DEPTH lawn crypt in Whispering Falls Garden in Lawnhaven, with marker, $3500. (325) 944-7733. 2 FAIRMOUNT CEMETERY burial plots. Lot 21, space 5 & 6, lot number 4, $4000. (713) 249-4537. TWO LAWNHAVEN M A U S O L E U M CRYPTS Reduced to $5,000 for quick sell to close estate. (325)9449150 leave msg or after 6pm. SINGLE DEPTH LAWN crypt (crypt already in ground) with perpetual care at Lawnhaven Memorial Gardens. Section J, halfway between Whispering Waterfall and Inner Drive. Valued at approx $3500, asking $2700. Call (325) 6583171 between 9am8pm.

Farms/ Ranches Put the power of the classifieds to work for you.

Room For Rent LOOKING TO SEE if anybody has a garage apartment or room to rent in the Sunset mall area. Please call (325) 2120683, ask for Ed, leave message if no answer. 1 ROOM FOR rent, $325 month, $100 deposit, all bills paid. FMI (325) 763-3416 or (214)642-1480. Men only.

Set your sights on all the deals in the (325) 658-4897 Thrifty Nickel’s American Classifieds.



Call for details


January 6, 2011

Page 35

Commercial Property Sale TWOHIG & S. Bryant, over 4000 sq. ft. Price reduced. $279,000. Century 21 Professionals, Larry Jolley & Assoc. 325944-0021 COMMERCIAL LOTS FOR sale: 502 W. Ave V, corner of Bryant and V. Two houses and one empty lot. Rock home under repair, other home a rental, $160,000. Call (325) 653-3197. 3034 W. BEAUREGARD, $120,000. Owner finance option available. Call (325) 2349637. 12X24 HUNTING CABIN, office or extra room at your house. A/C & heating, bathroom, insulated, completely finished out, ready to move, $8500 obo. Can be seen at 1901 N. Chadbourne or call (325) 895-1857 REDUCED! GREAT CENTRALLY located office building downtown. New roof 2/08. Currently used as a medical office. #70091. Candace, 325656-0633, 325-942-5478, San Angelo Real Estate. RESTAURANT FOR SALE. Good location. Century 21 Professionals, Larry Jolley & Assoc. 325-944-0021

Commercial Property Rent

917 S. ABE - 12X12 furnished office, utilities paid. (325) 653-3358. AVAILABLE NOW: SHOP 30X40, big overhead doors, electricity, water, air, all for $350 mth. (325) 277-0898. 4220 SHERWOOD WAY, approx. 1000 sq. ft., 3 offices, break room, storage. Recently remodeled. Reasonable. Carlisle Realty, 944-9535. COMMERCIAL BUILDING FOR lease. Available January 1, 2011. Previously used as a beauty salon. Washer/dryer hookups. A/C, heat, No pets, no smoking. References required. $600 monthly, $400 deposit. 1315 South Chadbourne. (714) 3080422 DOWNTOWN OFFICE SPACE. Approx. 1200 sq.ft., includes reception area, vault & storage area. 325-658-1502. LARGE SPACE, 4106 Sherwood Way #4. 1000 sq. ft., one large room with 2 additional office spaces. Available January 1st. $450 each, $200 deposit. SBRE (325) 2123588.

Discover a deal!

FOR LEASE. 600 to 1000 sq.ft. workshops/storage just outside city limits. Utilities available. Call Gretchen, 325-2340069.

WAREHOUSE SPACE available. 120 W. 4th St. (325) 655-4433. 223 N. MAIN. 3,000 sq.ft. Warehouse & office space with glass storefront. $600 per month. 325-895-1801, 374-8512.

3034 W. BEAUREGARD, 6 room, 2 bathrooms, $1000 month, $800 deposit. Call (325) 234-9637. VERY NICE BUILDING. Formerly nail salon. Could be used for nail salon, beauty salon or of- BANK REPO 2001 fice space. (325) 651- Doublewide, 3BR/2BA, SENIOR SPE7875 CIALS! BEAUTIvery, very nice. Open floor plan with unique FUL 2BR & 3BR BARGAINS! archway. Only $35,500. manufactured homes Must be cash. Must be for sale in quiet riverBARGAINS! moved. Home Outlet, front community with (325)374-6915, 234- 55+ area. Fully remodBARGAINS! eled, new carpet, spa5551. RB35846 Something you 2 & 3 BEDROOM Mo- cious kitchens, central air. Easy to qualify fialways find in bile homes for rent. Start- nancing. Payments as ing at $325. Concho your #1 Thrifty Estate Mobile Home low as $430/mo. 325Nickel’s American Park. 6545 Grape Creek 653-8121. Rd. 325-656-8305. APACHE LANE Classifieds Ad TRUCKING. MOBILE COWBOY TRUCKSource. ING, MOBILE Home HOME MOVERS. De944-7653. Transporting, take pendable transport and down, setup, relevels, set up. State Licensed. skirting. Bonded, In- Bonded and Insured. San sured. Lic. Angelo, TX. TDH103541. #MHDINS00004408. Call (325) 896-7314 or toll Serving all of Texas. free 1-877-444-2282. (325) 896-2238, (432) BANK REPO 2000 238-9242. Model 16x80, nice, clean 3BR/2BA with glamour tub and separate shower. Real woodburning fireTAX REFUND = place. $20,900. Must be home ownership. GRAPE cash. Must be moved. CREEK, Beautiful 3 bedroom, 2 Home Outlet. 325-374bath home with up- VERY nice, large 3 bed, 6915, 325-234-5551. grades, new paint/car- 2 bath doublewide. pet. $475/mo. & low Newer model home on RB35846. down. First month 1/2 acre. Located in a VERY GOOD CONDIvery clean subdivision. TION 3BR/2BA 16x76 FREE. 325-651-8200. No inside pets. Refer- singlewide, hardboard ROOF COATING FOR ences required. Located siding, glamour tub, sepmobile homes, $175 in- at 10246 Spruce Crt. arate shower. $19,900. $1,200 down and $700 Must be cash. Must be stalled! Stop leaks now! per month on rent to own moved. Home Outlet, Other repairs also. (325) contract. (325) 234-0292, (325)374-6915, 234340-2005 anytime. 5551. RB35846 (325) 234-0295.

Manufactured Homes

2008 CLAYTON, LIKE new bank repo. 16x76 3BR/2BA. This upgrade home has everything! This is a WOW house with an unbelievable kitchen and builder custom stonework. Excellent condition. Only $27,900. Must be cash. Must be moved. Home Outlet. 325-374-6915, 325-234-5551. RB35846. LARGE LOT FOR mobile home, all hook ups, $135 month. (325) 6550856 FOR SALE BY owner 14’x66’ mobile home, 2 bedroom, 2 bath with 12’x16’ addition. Large covered porch on front, covered patio on back. Excellent condition. Wall school, 1.762 acres. For additional information call (325)658-5894 or (325) 227-1403. HUGE DOUBLEWIDE BANK repo. 4BR/2BA, big country kitchen with island. Needs paint. First $25,000 gets it. Must be cash. Must be moved. Home Outlet. 325-3746915, 325-234-5551. RB35846.

2 BEDROOM, 2 bath, CH/CA, many extras, 1/2 acre, $33,900. (325) 6557508. WE’LL MOVE YOU for free! Manufactured home lots for lease in two premier San Angelo communities, payments start at $175/mo. for singles, $225/mo. for doubles. 325-812-3225. 3BR/2BA, APPLIANCES, CH/A, 2 car off street parking. $525. per month + deposit. (325)658-2763. SMALL DOUBLEWIDE, 3BR/2BA, appliances, CH/A, off street parking. $575. per month + deposit. (325)658-2763. SMALL 3BR/2BA, APPLIANCES. $400 per mo + dep. Bring this ad for FREE background & credit check. (325)6531859. BRAND NEW 3/2 Mobile Home REDUCED - $29,999 Financing Available for All! 8 3 0 - 7 5 5 - 4 9 2 2 RBI#33557

ONLY $450/MO., $800 down. 2BR/2BA completely remodeled home. Quiet riverfront community. EZ owner financing. First month free. 325-653-8121. FOR SALE BY owner 1998 16’x76’ mobile home, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, central air and heat, large deck. New condition, Wall school, 1.237 acres. For additional information call (325)6585894 or (325) 227-1403.

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Page 36 January 6, 2011





LIKE TOyOTA • KIA PRE-OWNED CAR CENTER 3 Month 3,000 Mile Powertrain Warranty Now Available on ALL PreOwned Vehicles** ‘10 Toyota Tacoma


‘09 Chevy Malibu LT


$15,788 ‘08 Nissan Maxima



‘07 Chevy Impala LT




‘10 Toyota Tacoma

7 Year 100,000 Mile Warranty







‘99 Ford F-150





‘09 Toyota Tacoma 4x4

TRUCKS ‘10 Chevy Silverado 1500 Crew Cab ................White ‘10 Dodge Ram 1500 Quad Cab........................Silver ‘10 Ford Ranger Extended Cab XLT ................Silver ‘10 Toyota Tundra Double Cab 2WD ................White ‘10 Toyota Tundra Double Cab 4WD ................Blue ‘09 Chevy Silverado 1500..................................White ‘09 Ford F150........................Platinum ..............Silver ‘09 Toyota Tacoma Pre-Runner ........................Blue ‘09 Toyota Tundra Double Cab 4WD ................White ‘08 Chevy Silverado 1500 LT ............................Gray ‘08 Chevy Silverado 3500..................................Tan ‘08 Toyota Tacoma Pre-Runner ........................Silver ‘08 Toyota Tundra ..............................................White ‘07 Dodge Ram 2500...........Diesel ....................White ‘07 Toyota Tacoma........................4x4 ..............Sand ‘07 Toyota Tundra Double Cab 2WD ................Sand ‘02 Ford Ranger..................................................Red

Stk#A10516A Stk#U7788 Stk#E10204A Stk#U7755 Stk#U7756 Stk#U7787 Stk#H11166A Stk#U7722 Stk#U7793 Stk#U7506B Stk#T11119B Stk#U7736 Stk#U7766 Stk#U7776A Stk#E11201A Stk#U7792 Stk#B1197A

VANS/SUVS ‘11 Kia Sorento ..................................................Silver ‘10 Chrysler Town & Country............................Silver ‘10 GMC Canyon ................................................Black ‘10 Kia Sedona LX..............................................Red ‘10 Kia Soul ........................................................Gray ‘10 Kia Soul ........................................................Titan ‘10 Honda CRV ..................................................Blue ‘09 Kia Borrego ..................................................Silver ‘09 Kia Rondo LX................................................Silver ‘09 Kia Sorento ..................................................Silver ‘08 Buick Enclave CXL ......................................Brown ‘08 GMC Acadia..................................................White ‘08 Jeep Commander ........................................Silver ‘08 Lexus RX350 ................................................Black ‘08 Toyota Highlander........................................Beige ‘07 Kia Sportage ................................................Green ‘07 Toyota 4-Runner ..........................................Silver ‘07 Toyota FJ Cruiser ........................................Yellow ‘07 Toyota Highlander........................................Gold ‘06 Chevy Trailblazer..........................................Blue ‘06 Ford Expedition Limited..............................Beige ‘06 Ford Expedition............................................Tan ‘05 GMC Yukon XL ............................................White ‘04 Chevy Suburban ..........................................Maroon ‘03 Chevy Tahoe ................................................White ‘02 Chevy Suburban ..........................................Green ‘01 Lexus RX300 ................................................Green

Stk#U7759 Stk#U7716 Stk#U7737 Stk#U7714 Stk#U7762 Stk#SF1160A Stk#U7731 Stk#U7734 StkU7770 Stk#U7764 Stk#KN1153A Stk#U7782A Stk#U7784A Stk#U7790 Stk#P11107A Stk#B11109A Stk#P1193B Stk#D1199B Stk#F1156A Stk#T10503B Stk#U7768 Stk#T11185A Stk#T10532A Stk#P11156A Stk#T10504A Stk#P11129A Stk#N1150A

CARS ‘10 Chevy Camaro..............................................Maroon ‘10 Dodge Caliber ..............................................Silver ‘10 Pontiac Vibe..................................................Silver ‘10 Toyota Corolla..............................................Silver ‘10 Toyota Corolla..............................................White ‘09 Chevy Cobalt................................................Blue ‘09 Ford Mustang ..............................................Gray ‘09 Honda Civic Si..............................................Gray ‘09 Toyota Corolla..............................................Silver ‘09 Toyota Corolla..............................................Green ‘08 Infiniti G37 S ................................................Gray ‘08 Toyota Camry ..............................................Black ‘08 Toyota Prius..................................................Blue ‘07 Dodge Nitro ..................................................Black ‘07 Mazda CX9....................................................Black ‘07 Mini Cooper ..................................................Green ‘07 Pontiac Grand Prix ......................................Red ‘07 Toyota Avalon ..............................................Gray ‘07 Toyota Avalon ..............................................Silver ‘07 Toyota Camry ..............................................Green ‘07 Toyota Camry ..............................................Sand ‘07 Toyota Corolla..............................................Red ‘07 Toyota Prius..................................................Black ‘06 Cadillac DTS ................................................Sand ‘05 Hyundai Tiburon ..........................................Yellow ‘05 Toyota Avalon ..............................................Gray ‘03 Toyota Camry ..............................................Sand

Stk#U7729 Stk#U7723 Stk#U7709 Stk#U7693 Stk#U7688 Stk#U7682 Stk#U7771A Stk#E11189B Stk#U7698 Stk#G10584A Stk#T10332B Stk#U7647 Stk#K9532A Stk#U7773 Stk#P10566A Stk#W1136A Stk#W1167A Stk#T10127B Stk#F11200A Stk#B1137A Stk#T10600A Stk#U7711A Stk#M10597A Stk#B1138A Stk#U7672A Stk#U7717A Stk#B1177A

‘08 Toyota Tacoma

‘07 Toyota Crewmax 4x4






‘08 Toyota Avalon Touring





‘07 Toyota Camry LE

‘06 GMC Sierra SLE Crew Cab

‘09 Toyota Higlander LTD


‘07 Cadillac CTS

‘07 Chevy Tahoe LT

‘07 Toyota Prius




‘08 Chevy Colorado LT 4x4


‘09 Volkswagen Beetle



Appointment Necessary

Mon. - Fri. 7:30am - 5:30pm Saturday 9:00am - 4:00pm

*All prices plus TT&L. All offers with approved credit. All vehicles subject to prior sale. All offers good for 72 hours. Photos may not represent actual vehicles. See dealer for details. **Applies to Qualifying PreOwned vehicles. See dealer for all services covered, vehicle qualifications & complete warranty coverage information. This is a Mitchell Toyota Kia specific offer.


Velton Taylor

Bob Steely

Bobby Jowers

Gilbert Rivera

Gary Mortenson

Perry Poe

Lacey Lee

Martin Vega

Chuck Scott

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