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April 28, 2016 VOLUME 33 ISSUE 17 Available in San Angelo, Ballinger, Barnhart, Big Lake, Brady, Bronte, Christoval, Del Rio, Eden, Eldorado, GAFB, Mertzon, Miles, Ozona, Robert Lee, Sonora, Sterling City & Wall
INDEX pg 2
Give thanks for rain. “IN THEIR HEARTS humans plan their course, but the Lord established their steps.”
Proverbs 16:9 NIV
FRESH EGGS for sale. $2.00 dozen. (325) 2343803, (325) 658-6120. BUYING JUNK CARS, all complete cars worth at least $175. (325) 656-3658 GOT BOOTS OR shoes that are too small or you do not wear anymore? Donate them to Ernie Shoe Shine, 165 Woodruff, (325) 6569810. www.ernies shoeshine.com PLASTIC BED LINER under rail $75. Fits Dodge Dakota quad cab 5 ft. bed or Mitsubishi Raider quad cab 5 ft. bed. (325) 262-1648. HORSEBACK RIDES ALONG river. Moonlight rides available. FMI (325) 277-4151. WANT TO BUY 18’ or longer enclosed trailer. (325) 486-1905. OLD RUSTIC BARN metal, great for ceilings and walls for restaurants, business or offices. (325) 456-6882. 1407 HATCHER ST. 3 Bedroom, 1 bath, $650 month, $500 deposit. (325) 276-2314.
3 ACRES LAKESIDE Lot. Lake Ivey, Indian Hills Subd, $25,000. Trade for class A or C Motorhome of same value. (325) 653-4764 HOG HUNTS $250 for a weekend. Lighted feeders, blinds. Nice lodging included! Call or text Sweetwater Area 325236-0780 LARGE MESQUITE WOOD for small furniture & crafts. $50 cash OBO. (325) 301-2274. 2013 CHEVY TAHOE LT; Leather heated seats, 54,800 miles, $29,850 FMI Call (325) 277-0124 ONE FEMALE ENGLISH BULLDOG pup. 7 weeks old. Call (325) 315-6386 2008 CHEVY 3500 Crew Cab, diesel, dually, 114k miles, $21,000. 325-374-5595. DOG & CAT GROOMING. Experienced. Pick up and delivery. (325) 650-2137. 2 VINTAGE 1976 all original Vespa mopeds, $1000 each OBO. (325) 277-9494. 1991 5TH WHEEL travel trailer. 1985 Pace Arrow motorhome. (325) 651-5817.
Win Tickets to Schlitterbahn Waterpark in New Braunfels, TX! Look for this heart in a display ad in our printed edition and online at www.angeloads.com and call us on Thursday at 944-7653 to tell us where you found it. Or enter on Facebook by liking our page, then commenting on our status when contest begins. Also enter by retweeting our contest tweet on Twitter. We will draw a winner each week. The winner will receive two one day general admission valid thru 09/18/2016. Must be 18 years or older to play. Winners can not win more than twice during this contest.
15 N. Tyler 944-7653 angeloads.com
Page 2
April 28, 2016
★ Oil Field Injuries ★ Truck Accidents ★ Probate ★ Civil Litigation ★ Debt Collection ★ Real Estate ★ Governmental Entities
325-651-8702 325-651-8702
317 W. Concho • San Angelo, Texas 76904 300 N. Plaza Ave • Big Lake, Texas 76932 chadmelkins@gmail.com
Sports & Exercise Equipment
PInG G-10 IRon stiff shafts 4 thru U/W. $225. Excellent condition. Cleveland 588 TT irons stiff shafts 3 thru P/W. $250. Excellent condition. (325) 374-3536. PRo FoRm 120 recumbent bike. Like new. $125. (325) 574-0180
Not Board Certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization
S T E L L A R V U E 80/9Dm ComPLETE telescope system with extras. $575. (325) 2774570. USED GoLF CLUBS. Several full sets, drivers, wedges, putters. (325) 4506628 GoLF CLUB SETS & several individuals for sale. Call (325) 227-8714 ExTRA SHARP ‘09 Ezgo golf cart. Late model batteries, 48 Volt. Aluminum wheels, new tires, fast. $2975. (325) 277-1920, (325) 6516324.
IT’S FISHInG TImE. Come by and see our new line up of fishing equipment and boat accessories. Pro Line Trolling Motors. 4103 Ben Ficklin, (325) 658-1969. www.angeloamericanclassifieds.com
Church Directory
FIRST UnITED m E T H o D I S T CHURCH 37 E. Beauregard, (325) 655-8981, http://www.firstmethodist.net VICToRy CHRISTIAn CEnTER - 1620 Sunset Dr. (325) 9427520. vccsa.net. Sunday 10:40am and 6:30pm. Wednesday 6:30pm.
Community Events & Announcements nEED CASH? ComE see Wild Bill’s Pawn, 1315 MLK, 658-7066. nEW ConSTRUCTIon: 3-bedroom, 2bath. Vaulted celing, granite counter tops. 2301 and 2305 Lindell Logan Construction, (325) 9442359. EVERyonE READS AmERICAn Classifieds. Sold my house the first week the ad ran!! Alvin T. CRoCKETT nATIonAL BAnK is helping Texans succeed with flexible terms and attractive rates on business loans. Call (325) 6586714
Surf the net www.angeloamericanclassifieds.com
• Replacement Windows • Commercial & Residential • Locally Owned Insured & Bonded • Vinyl Siding • Remodeling • Additions CorfieldConstruction.com
noTICE To CREDIToRS. Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate ROWDY LYNN SHACKELFORD, Deceased, were issued on APRIL 21, 2016 in Docket No. 16P095-L, pending in the County Court at Law No. 1, Tom Green County, Texas, to: HELEN JANETTE SHACKELFORD. The residence of the Independent Executor HELEN JANETTE SHACKELFORD is: 201 West 36th, San Angelo, Texas 76903. The post office address for mailing such claims is:HELEN JANETTE SHACKELFORD, Independent Executor, c/o Dana A. Ehrlich, Attorney at Law, P.O. Box 1831, San Angelo, Texas 76902. All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are required to present them within the time and in the manner prescribed by law. DATED the 21st day of April, 2016.Respectfully submitted, Dana A. Ehrlich, Law Office of Dana Ehrlich, P. O. Box 1831, San Angelo, Texas 76902-1831, Tel: (325)655-5351, Fax: 1+325-267-7515, dana@wcc.net. CARLSBAD CommUnITy CEnTER Bldg FOR RENT for Parties, Weddings, Birthdays, Reunions. 11366 Sterling St., Carlsbad, TX. Large open 70x70 hall, fully stocked 30x30 kitchen, bathrooms, covered patio with BBQ pit/tables/playground. FOR RENTAL INFO call Sandra at (325) 465-8870 or Cary at (325) 8125796.
noTICE To CREDIToRS. Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate LEONA MARIE DENNIS, Deceased, were issued on APRIL 26, 2016 in Docket No. 16P129-L, pending in the County Court at Law No. 1, Tom Green County, Texas, to: ROBERT A HEINZE. The residence of the Independent Executor ROBERT A. HEINZE is 3006 Sunset Drive, San Angelo, Texas 76904. The post office address for mailing such claims is: ROBERT A. HEINZEIndependent Executor, c/o Dana A. Ehrlich, Attorney at Law, P.O. Box 1831, San Angelo, Texas 76902. All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are required to present them within the time and in the manner prescribed by law. DATED the 26th day of April, 2016.Respectfully submitted, Dana A. Ehrlich, Law Office of Dana Ehrlich, P. O. Box 1831, San Angelo, Texas 76902-1831, Tel: (325)655-5351, Fax: 1+325-267-7515, dana@wcc.net. www.angeloamericanclassifieds.com
Tools AnTIQUE 3 PHASE electric Holbart welding machine, still works good, $750. (325) 2779494.
T R A I L E R 8Wx16Lx7H CommERCIAL VEnT hood-3 serving windowsall stainless steel counters-6 flavor soft drink machine-ice cream freezer-refrigerator-A/C$17,800obo. (325) 2776999 1940 monARCH mETAL lathe. 14” swing. $750. (325) 6567894.
SToRAGE BoxES. GREAT for keeping your camo in until the next season rolls around, or transporting your things in a move. Come see what we’ve got. Cole’s Army Surplus, Corner of 2nd & N. Chadbourne. (325)653-1903. www.colesarmysurplus.c om. A/C UnITS: 5000 $50, 8000 - $100, 12,000 - $150. 40 Gallon water heater, 1-year old, $250. Commode, $50. Call (325) 944-2359, leave message.
Miscellaneous FAST LoCAL SATELLITE Internet From Exede or Hughes. Call now for a $50 Gift Card! CALL NOW! 844-6429287. 10’x10’ Ex UP shelter $30, 9” table saw $75, Bissell Spotbot pet cleaner $30, 26” ladies bike $35, 13” RCA TV $15, ladder rack $10, small gas grill $12. 3030 Rock Brook Dr. (325) 944-1361 FAIRmonT. REDUCED PRICED lots at Fairmont. Great location with trees and close to the street. Block 62, Lot 1,2,3 and 4. Call (713) 825-6820. FISHInG KAyAKS ARE in stock and ready for the open water! Come by to see the new styles and check on the great deals on all KAYAKS at Cole’s Army Surplus, Corner of 2nd & N. Chadbourne. (325)653-1903. www.colesarmysurplus.c om. mEnS LEATHER JACKET, black, size M, 3/4 length, $75 obo. (325) 942-8161. RURAL ELECTRICAL WoRK Electrical/ heating & cooling. Hourly or contract. (325) 374-7616. AVIATIon GRADS WoRK with JetBlue, Boeing, Delta and othersstart here with hands on training for FAA certification. Financial aid if qualified. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance. 866-453-6204.
REnT-A-Pony BIRTHDAyS, PARTIES, reunions, any occasion. Fun. (325) 949-6108. KIRBy VACUUm & SHAMPOOER. $350 OBO. New. (325) 7287223. EVERyonE READS AmERICAn Classifieds. Sold my house the first week the ad ran!! Alvin T. F I R E W o o D . Don’T BE FOOLED! A cord of wood is 4’X4’X8’. Mine 300 up. I got all kinds. You need one piece or whatever! (325) 939-1834. ARE yoU READy? Want to win tickets to Schlitterbahn Water Park in new Braunfels? you need to LIKE American Classifieds on FACEBooK and follow us on Twitter and you could win!! CARoLInA CoRKB o A R D S , BALLInGER. Call Tony 325-977-0509 $CASH$ any make or model cars and pickups for wrecking use. We will pick them up. Clark’s Auto Wrecking, 6584377. STAInLESS STEEL, ComALS, pots, grills, woks & utensils. Lodge Cast Iron, Coolwear. We’re big on cooking! Cole’s Army Surplus, Corner of 2nd & N. Chadbourne. (325)653-1903. www.colesarmysurplus.c om. mExICAn PURE VAnILLA extract “La Vencedora”. $11 liter, $29 gallon. Leos Imports - 25 W. Twohig Ave. (325) 655-5367.
Sell Worldwide www.angeloamericanclassifieds.com
angeloads.com Section One Adoption . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Antiques . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Appliances . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Auctions . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Building Materials. . . . . . 8 Business Opportunity . 10 Church Directory . . . . . . 2 Clothing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Commercial Equipment . 3 Community Events & Annoc.2 Computers. . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Country Corral . . . . . 14-15 Crossword Puzzle. . . . . 11 Education . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Electronics . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Employment Guide. . . . 10 Financial . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Free Stuff. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Furniture . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Garage Sales. . . . . . . . . 13 Guns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Health Care . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Household Items . . . . . 11 Hunting & Fishing. . . . . . 7 Internet & Technology . . 8 Jeff Davis. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Jewelry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Jobs Wanted . . . . . . . . . . 5 Lawn & Garden . . . . . . . . 3 Lost & Found . . . . . . . . . 4 Medical Equipment. . . . . 9 Mitchell Toyota . . . . . . . 20 Musical Instruments. . . . 8 Oil & Gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Pets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Pools & Spas. . . . . . . . . . 4 Restaurant Equipment . . 8 Restaurants. . . . . . . . . . . 7 Schlitterbahn. . . . . . . . . 12 Sports & Exercise Equip 2 Sudoku . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Want To Buy . . . . . . . . . . 4 Weather Forecast . . . . . . 4
Section One Real Estate
Apartments . . . . . . . . . . 19 Cemetery Plots . . . . . . . 18 Commercial Property . . 17 Farms/Ranches. . . . . . . 17 Houses For Rent. . . . . . 18 Houses For Sale . . . 16-17 Lake & Resorts . . . . . . . 19 Lots/Land/Acreage . . . . 17 Manufactured Homes . . 18 Out Of Town Property . 17 Real Estate For Sale . . . 17
tnol.com Section Two Motorcade
4x4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 ATV. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Auto Parts . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Boats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Business & Service . 26-27 Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-23 Car Town Hyundai . . . . 21 Classics . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Heavy Equipment . . . . . 23 Mitchell Buick . . . . . . . . 28 Motorcycles. . . . . . . . . . 24 Pickups . . . . . . . . . . 24-25 RV’s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-27 SUV’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Trailers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Vans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
AmERICAn CLASSIFIEDS reserves the right to accept, reject or edit any advertising submitted to American Classifieds for publication.
Display & Business/Service Deadline Monday 5 pm • Classified Ad Deadline Tuesday 6 pm
Ladies formaL /Prom dress. Size 16. Pastel color. New, never worn. (325) 2340919. Ladies items, LiKe new. Pants size 12, 10, 8, & Blouses. Info (325) 944-1361. got Boots or shoes that are too small or you do not wear anymore? Donate them to Ernie Shoe Shine, 165 Woodruff, (325) 6569810. www.ernies shoeshine.com 3217 timBer ridge, Saturday 8-1. mens Leather JaCKet, black, size M, 3/4 length, $75 obo. (325) 942-8161.
American Classifieds is your #1 classified source Commerical Equipment
iCs Commer✔ CiaL 3 phase FREEZER; 1pc. walkin unit 12’9”x9’5” . FMI Call (325) 234-8584
Lawn & Garden
Craftsman riding LaWnmoWer YTS4500, 26HP, Kohler 54in. deck., mulch kit included. $650. (325) 658-5375. retired But not thru working. Lots mowed or shredded. Lawn mowing & weedeating. Leaves vacuumed from yard and flowerbeds. Cleanup and haul off brush or debris. Call Gary, (325) 656-8623 or 653-1015 for free estimates. God Bless. do You need your bagged leaves hauled away or leaves cleaned up from your property or parking lots etc. Call Gary for free estimates. (325) 656-8623.
54” CuB Cadet ZERO TURN. Just like new- Only about 10 hrs. on mower. $2,200 cost 3,000 new. Call Gary (325) 656-8623. LaWn moWer, BLaCK & Decker 19in., 36 volt, self propelled, mulching, rear bag. No gas, no oil, no spark plugs. Battery operated. Push a button, it starts. Like new condition. $175. (325) 245-7388. 60+ Large LandsCaPe rocks, various sizes. Largest rock 4’ wide, 1’ deep, 8’ long. Prices negotiable. (325) 8950756.
Caesar’s LaWn & CHIMNEY. There to serve your lawncare needs. We don’t monkey around. Free estimates. Reasonable rates. Professional results. Credit Cards accepted. (325) 939-1810. Craftsman rear tine tiller, like new, $700. (325) 456-6882. moWing & Weed EATING. Low Low prices. (325) 763-5880. garCia LaWn serViCe. Tree trimming, lawn mowing, shrub trimming, cleaning flower beds. FREE estimates. (325) 227-5063 LaWn serViCe: LaWns mowed, weed eating, edging. Specializing in empty lots. Free estimates. (325) 650-9738. Craftsman riding moWer. $750, TroyBilt mower $135. 4 cycle weed eater with edger attachment. $115. Worx weed eater $65.(325) 728-7223. southLand residentiaL serViCes Lawn & Landscaping, carpentry & fencing, custom decks, screen porches. Cleaning & Maid Service. (325) 2631455. LaWn serViCe; A man and a mower. Lawn care, roof repair, Insulation, tree trimming & general construction. Free estimates & Credit Cards accepted. (325) 2770038. toP soiL & fill dirt for sale. (325)656-7582. LaWn moWer rePair-smaLL engine repair. (325) 374-7616.
Surf the net www.angeloamericanclassifieds.com
Wanted: LaWn moWers. Running or nonrunning I will pick up. Call John (325) 2349833. niCe riding moWer 16.5hp, 40” cut. 3 yrs old. $1250. (325) 374-7616. moWing, Weed eating and hedging, blow off porches, driveways and patio areas. Residential, commercial, acreage. Starting at $25. (325) 262-1648, San Angelo area. LaWn maintenanCe, moWing, edging & odd jobs. Call Jody (325) 212-2211. hauLing: trash, tree LIMBS, appliances, metal. One call does it all. Commercial & residential. (325) 3400616. moWing, tree & shrub trimming, flower bed and yard clean up, handyman. Eugene (325) 340-0616. tree trimming done RIGHT. Take down. Topping, fertilizing-hedges & mowing yards. FREE estimates. Reasonable prices. 28 years experience. Mike Taylor CONTRACT LABOR (325) 658-6844. Leave message, I’ll get back to you ASAP. Thank you.
AMERICAN CLASSIFIEDS Weekly paper read daily by THOUSANDS!
Miscellaneous 14’ Jon Boat & TRAILER. New tires & wheels. $600. Free to good home -1 game rooster. (325) 234-4302. Cash Paid for unexpired, sealed DIABETIC TEST STRIPS! 1 DAY PAYMENT & PREPAID shipping. HIGHEST PRICES! Call 1-888-7767771. www.Cash4DiabeticSupplies.com steeL sheLVes. 6’hx4’Wx3’deeP. $30. (325) 656-6017. Wanted dead or aLiVe: Riding mowers. Pay cash. (325) 2271535. nation Wide parts locator service! Can’t find that part you need? Call Clark’s and let them find it for you. (325) 6584377.
suPPort our serViCe members, veterans and their families in their time of need. For more information visit the Fisher House website at www.fisherhouse.org ameriCan soLdier imPrisoned for killing enemy fighters. Read story at FreeClintLorance.com
Phoenix de- humidifier, $349. Wild Bill’s Pawn, 1315 MLK, 658-7066. Bernina artista 180 computerized embroidery & quilting machine. Like new. (325) 659-5053, (325) 6562204. mexiCan Loteria t-shirts. La dama, el borracho, el valiente, etc. Leos Imports. 25 W Twohig Ave. (325) 6555367
YOUR AD COULD BE HERE! Call 944-7653
aims PoWer (Best), DC & AC power inverter. Model PWRINV5000W, 5000 watts maximum. 12 or 24 volt. Almost new. $300 obo. (325) 315-1821 2 CrYPts in Calvary Cemetery, Heart Level, $7000. (325) 227-5313. a/C units: 5000 600-1,000 sq.ft. $50, 8000 - $100, 12,000 Warehouse/st - $150. 40 Gallon water orage units. Just heater, 1-year old, $250. outside city limits. Commode, $50. Call $275 and $375 a (325) 944-2359, leave month, Utilities availmessage. able. Call Gretchen, i assemBLe boxed 325-234-0069. furniture in your home. Call 944-0397, leave are You aPPLYing message. for disaBiLitY soCiaL seCuritY/ ssi? CALL THE BEST, I WILL COME TO YOUR HOME. No charge until you win. Call anytime before 10 p.m. John Webb LCSW, Accredited Social Security Representative, (325) 944-9879. Large dog house Heavy duty built. $50 cash OBO. (325) 3012274. WorK Boots or FR clothing for the oilfield. Safety glasses or hard hats, thermal clothing, underwear or warm wool socks, gloves or winter caps. WOW we have it all. Cole’s Army Surplus, Corner of 2nd & N. Chadbourne. (325)653-1903. www.colesarmysurplus.c om.
April 28, 2016
Washers, drYers, and STOVES From $195. Refrigerators & freezers from $225 & up. In good condition with guarantee. Call munoz or see us at 1241 Apache Trail . Also we repair appliances. (325) 650-6384 or (325) 763-3613. i BuiLd & REPAIR ranch fences & build barns. (325) 234-6082 www.angeloamericanclassifieds.com
$Cash$ Cars or pickups for parts and wrecking use. We will pick ‘em up. Clark’s auto Wrecking, 901 N. Cecil. Phone 658-4377. noLen’s CLeaning. affordaBLe cleaning. Call for rates. (325) 763-1397.
Page 3
KiLL roaChes GUARANTEED! Harris Roach Tablets with Lure. Available: Hardware Stores, The Home Depot, homedepot.com storage units for LEASE: Large 12x30 units. Perfect for Boats & RV’s. $65/mth. Call (325) 650-9428
YOUR AD COULD BE HERE! Call 944-7653
Page 4
April 28, 2016
Pools & Spas
Lost & Found
DESK, ★ Browse by keyword ComPUTER WESTERN style, 1 long top drawer & 2 ★ By classification under side drawers. 53inLx23inWx29 1/2in H. ★ By city $100. (325) 245-7388.
Find that treasure you have been looking for at
DININg TABLE WITH 4 chairs & 3 matching bar chairs $125, custom made solid wood gun cabinet, 2 piece set with bottom storage, framed glass doors $600. (325) 658-7638.
Commercial, Residential & Auto Glass Repair Commercial Store Front Repair 24 HR. Board-Ups
325-653-7380 63 N. Chadbourne www.glassdoctor.com
TEmPURPEDIC KINg BED mattresses (2 twin), $7000 reduced to $5000 FIRM. (325) 456-6882 TWo EXTRA LARgE chest of drawers, cherry wood, beautiful, reduced to $350 each or both for $600. Oak Extra large and deep chest of drawers, light oak, 4’x4’, reduced to $450. Entertainment center, 7-8’ long, shelves, slide out drawers, $4000. Handmade kitchen hutch with glass doors, raised panels, sides and doors, fruitwood color, $2000. Brady, Tx. (325) 4566882
ENTERTAINmENT CENTER $150. Glass top table & 2 chairs $100. (325) 942-9608 or (325) 763-9131. 2 NIgHT STANDS, queen mattresses, chest of drawer, triple dresser & headboard with frame. (325) 234-5083.
mUST SELL. LIKE new beautiful brown leather Barcalounger recliner. Purchased November 2015. $400. KINg mATTRESS O.B.O. (325) 262-5660 $150. 2 tan leather recliners. $150pr. (325) LARgE SoLID 977-2900. oAK computer/ enFUToN. THICK mA- tertainment center TRESS. Red wood arms combo, reduced to with magazine racks & $500. Corner curio cubby. $150. (325) 656- cabinet, solid birch, 2001. reduced to $175. LooKINg To gET rid Brady, Tx. (325) 456of your old furniture? We 6882. buy used furniture by the piece or the house full! EIgHT PIECE BEDWe will be happy to buy Room SET,including full most household items size bed, mattress & box ranging from lamps all springs, plus sheets & the way to sofas. We will pillows. $495. Three even pick the items up maple bar stools, 30” from you, so no need to $60. All items in great worry about hauling condition. (325) 949them! Give us a call or 1542. text at 325-263-1166 SLIP CoVERS, oFFWHITE; Washable, 80” sofa, 42” chair & ottoman. Paid $4700. Asking $595 for set. (325) 658-1654 ENTERTAINmENT CENTER $150. (325) 659-5053, (325) 6562204
TRUNDLE BED, mETAL with white porcelain coating. Includes pullout trundle. $135. (325) 245-7388. moVINg! VERY NICE, like new 3pc white whicker set. (325) 949-1719
SWImmINg PooL REPAIRS. Replaster, decks, tile, brick, plumbing - change filters & pumps, repair leaks. 36 years experience. (325) 450-0733
YOUR ADs are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year So log on & check us out!
BROADEN YOUR angeloamericanclassifieds.com HORIZONS! Browse our Dynamic Website Want To Buy and see classifieds from our area & WANT To BUY Lapused equipment & over 300,000 idary supplies. (325) 255-2254. WANT To BUY: Sit-in national kayak in good condition. classifieds posted (325) 949-8348 DIABETIC TEST each week at STRIPS Wanted.
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Call now for “BONUS!” Unexpired. WILL Pay up to $30. a Box plus Shipping. Call T.S.C. FREE 866 368 2269
You’re sure to WE WILL BUY find that treasure ✔your working and non-working washers, refrigerators, you have been dryers, stoves and freezers. Ace E. looking for! Appliances,416 19th, 653-6000
CASH PAID FoR catalytic converters. Call me before you let them go! $15-$100. (325) 6563658. BooKS WANTED: I buy good used books by Elmer Kelton, Ben K. Green, J. Frank Dobie, J. Evetts Haley, Tom Lea, Fred Gibson, Larry McMurtry, Louis L’Amour leatherette and many others. Texas/Southwest authors. Also, most non-fiction books related to Texas/Southwest. Felton Cochran, Cactus Book Shop, 6 East Concho, San Angelo, TX 76903. (325) 659-3788. BUYINg JUNK CARS and trucks. Haul off unwanted cars. (325) 6586914. WANTS To PURCHASE minerals and other oil & gas interests. Send details P.O. Box 13557, Denver, Co 80201
CASH FoR UNEXPIRED DIABETIC TEST STRIPS or STOP SMOKING PRODUCTS! Free Shipping, Best Prices & 24 hr payment! Call 1855-440-4001 www.TestStripSearch.com. Habla Espanol
Free Stuff mIXED LAB/BoRDER CoLLIE puppies. 8 weeks old. (325) 3152989. FREE PUPPIES To good loving home. Call (325) 450-9143, (325) 300-1177. FREE: CAmPER SHELL, Ford or Dodge. Needs front glass. . Evenings (325) 277-5205
Miscellaneous WANTED: oLD FISHINg Lures and fishing items. Old and new guns, ammunition and related memorabilia. Glass minnow traps. Steel animal traps. WWI & WWII military items. Military rifles including M1 Garands, M14, M1 Carbine Colt 1911. Taxidermy mounts, Ambassadeur reels, newer quality fishing tackle, beer signs and neons esp. Texas beer companies. Old pocket knives and cutlery. Arrowheads and Indian items. Old advertising signs. Old Stoneware. All Antiques considered. Paintings by Texas artists such as Dwight Holmes, Rolla Taylor, Robert Woods and Porfirio Salinas. (325) 374-5022. gET PAID CASH for your sealed, unexpired boxes of diabetic test strips. Top $$, Fast Payment, Shipping Prepaid! (866) 800-1923 SellYourTestStrips.com WANTS To PURCHASE minerals and other oil and gas interests. Send details to P.O. Box 13557, Denver, Co. 80201 CASH PAID - up to $25/Box for unexpired, sealed DIABETIC TEST STRIPS. 1-DAYPAYMENT.1-800-371-1136.
10”X2.75 SoLID TIRES, heavy duty 3/4” axle. $15 ea or 2 for $25. 325-658-9675. ERNIES SHoE SHINE - come in for a shine, dye, etc and you are automatically registered to win a brand new 43” LG flat screen TV. Look for Ernies Shoe Shine on youtube or Facebook to see my work. 165 Woodruff, (325) 656-9810. w w w . e r n i e s shoeshine.com NEED CASH? ComE see Wild Bill’s Pawn, 1315 MLK, 658-7066. mEXICAN PURE VANILLA extract “La Vencedora”. $11 liter, $29 gallon. Leos Imports - 25 W. Twohig Ave. (325) 655-5367. SmALL ENgINE & AUTO REPAIR & welding to fit your budget. Reach me at (580) 630-3017.
April 28, 2016
Page 5
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WILL CLEaN HOUSES. 5 years experience. (325) 642-2439. RESIDENTIaL HONEST CLEaNING; Affordable & reliable. References available. Free estimates. (325) 245-8302.
ERRaND RUNNING Whether you are older, busy parents or an executive, Concho Valley Errand Services, LLC offers a variety of services for you. Whether it’s shopping, dry cleaning or anything else you might need, we can handle it. With the reasonable rates of just $10 an hour, everyone can afford a little help. You can call us, find us on Facebook or at ConchoValleyErrandServices.com Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. 325-315-4275. US POSTaL SERVICE Now Hiring 1-800227-5314 $21 /hr avg. w/ Federal Benefits included to start. FT/PT. Not affiliated w/USPS S O U T H L a N D HaNDyMaN SERVICE No job too big or small, we do it all. (325) 263-1455. I CLEaN HOUSES. Free estimates. Habla espanol y ingles. Yesica. (432) 270-2549. HaNDy MaN aVaILaBLE. CaLL MaRK (325) 374-4626. NEED LaWN MOWED? CALL DON. (325) 656-1172. aUTO REPaIR 40 Yrs experience. Call (325) 374-4626
MOM & DaUGHTER HOUSECLEANING team. 2 Slots left. Free estimates. (325) 234-5589. TILE INSTaLLaTION SERVICE. Floors, showers, tubs, countertops etc. Reasonable prices, free estimates. Call (325) 234-5762, (325) 315-3453. aRRIaGa TILE SERVICE. (325) 9396387. Ceramic, shower, marble, back splashes, texture, painting, carpentry. Wood, laminate and vinyl flooring. Residential or Commercial.
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‘98 GROVE MZI 40 Manlift. 45’ working height. New Joystick, new carburator, fully serviced by ASCO. All functions on this machine working great. Also have a 2002 32’ gooseneck dove tail trailer w/ramps. New trailer plug, fully serviced w/new tires. new 8,000lb Warn Winch w/remote & straps. New 3 medium size chains & 5 ratchet booms, 2 jack stands. Can ask about separate items or $21,500 for all. FMI Call (325) 716-0632 http://www.ELKINSLaWFIRM.COM Chad Elkins, (325)6518702
aSaP OILFIELD SERVICES and Supply 2302 N. Chadbourne Street San Angelo,TX 76903 325.703.6231 Repair/Services: * Air pneumatic tools * Hvac,Vacuum, Frac pumps * Hydraulic jacks * Alternators * Starters * Cylinders *Auto and Commercial Batteries * Oil changes * PM Services Truck and Trailer Parts We also sell Industrial supplies. asap2302@gmail.com www.angeloamericanclassifieds.com
Miscellaneous WOOD BURNING STOVE, great condition, low - medium - hi control, $1500. 2 real good large space heaters, Kenmore $300, Dearborn $400. (325) 456-6882. INSaTIaBLEMOMENTS.COM HaNDMaDE FRaGRaNCED soaps as well as other health and beauty products - all soaps are free shipping, scented candles, after shaves, etc. FREE BIBLE CORRES P O N D E N C E COURSES. God has a plan for your life. Answer the questions from Bible and send in for grading. Write to: World Bible School Dept. 47, 2200 Johnson St., San Angelo, TX. 76904 or call (325) 949-7152. God keeps his promises! Learn what he has promised you.
FREE FOOD! REaDy For Free Food @ Discount Restaurants? Also, 22 Different Locations, Rush To: www.alturl.com/e4c5 n Established 1974 NaTION WIDE parts locator service! Can’t find that part you need? Call Clark’s and let them find it for you. (325) 6584377 PSP, 8 BOy/SPORT games, 2 movies, carrying case, $375. (325) 456-6882.
SaN aNGELO PHOTO RESTORATION & MEDIA CONVERSION. Convert your old slides and negatives, cassettes, albums, VHS tapes, restore color to faded photos from the 60s/70s/80s, and repair damaged family photos. Let’s save those old treasures. San Angelo Genealogy. (325) 234-2832. www.angeloamericanclassifieds.com
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WE BUy USED/DaMaGED TRUCKS! Chevy, Toyota, Ford and More. 2000-2105. America’s Top Truck Buyer. Free Nationwide Towing! Call Now! 1-800-536-4708. http://www.ELKINSLaWFIRM.COM Chad Elkins, (325)6518702 IT’S FISHING TIME. Come by and see our new line up of fishing equipment and boat accessories. Pro Line Trolling Motors. 4103 Ben Ficklin, (325) 658-1969. GaLION ROaD GRaDER #503. Diesel motor. In middle of restoration. $2,000 obo. (325) 651-6899, (325) 277-4650. VIaGRa 48 PILLS + 4 FREE! VIAGRA 100MG/ CIALIS 20mg Free Pills! No hassle, Discreet Shipping. Save Now. Call Today 1-888-410-0514
$CaSH$ Cars or pickups for parts and wrecking use. We will pick ‘em up. Clark’s auto Wrecking, 901 N. Cecil. Phone 658-4377. EUROPEaN RIVER CRUISES-THE ultimate vacation! See Europe from the comfort of a Viking or Avalon luxury cruise ship. For the experience of a lifetime, call 877-270-7260 or go to NCPtravel.com for more information. KILL BED BUGS & THEIR EGGS! Harris Bed Bug Killer/KIT Complete Treatment System. Hardware Stores, The Home Depot, homedepot.com CaSH FOR CaRS: We Buy Any Condition Vehicle, 2000 and Newer. Nationwide Top Car Buyer! Free Towing From Anywhere! Call Now: 1-800864-5960 www.angeloamericanclassifieds.com
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GOLDEN OPPORTUNITy! IT PAYS to go GREEN! Start Making/Saving Money Today! Shop, Travel, Generate Income! Billion Dollar Industry! Visit: jillian.duyyu.com ‘02 CHEVy TaHOE Z71. Cold air. $4500. (325) 234-1573.
1/2” TROPHEy barrel saddle, $500. 325650-2137. 2014 CHaPaRRaL 26 RLS w/1 slide. $17,000. FMI Call (325) 656-8615 Hay FOR SaLE. Beardless wheat hay 5X5 round bales. No weeds. 2016 crop. Not rained on before baled. (325) 4423070
Page 6
April 28, 2016
SigSaueR P226 9mm, $650. Wild Bill’s Pawn, 1315 MLK, 658-7066. m 91/30 moSin NAGENT Rifle + ATI stock $400. (325) 340-6577. RugeR 10/22, $249. Wild Bill’s Pawn, 1315 MLK, 658-7066. moSSBeRg o/u 12 guage, silver reserve, $475. 325-660-3732 7:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. weekdays only. nice eight-gun gun cabinet with matching hutch. Made out of real wood, REDUCED $1800. Brady, Tx. (325) 456-6882 cell. KimBeR uLtRa caRRY II 1911.45 ACP SS. Frame blued slide, wood grips, 3” BBL. Kimber Custom II, same as above except 5” BBL. (325) 949-1391. Your choice $700. All new in box! Smith & WeSSon .38 Airweight, $350. Wild Bill’s Pawn, 1315 MLK, 658-7066.
We offer worldwide advertising! Remington Rand 1911 .45 pistol, $1300. Wild Bill’s Pawn, 1315 MLK, 658-7066.
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PaYing toP doLLaR for guns. One piece or collection. (325) 234-9430 StoRage unitS FoR LEASE: Large 12x30 units. Perfect for Boats & RV’s. $65/mth. Call (325) 650-9428
hog huntS $250 for a weekend. Lighted feeders, blinds. Nice lodging included! Call or text Sweetwater Area 325236-0780. LiVe tRaPS PeRch to Hogs. WEST TEXAS GAME FEEDERS, 3312 N. CHADBOURNE, 6533678, 653-8686. www.westtexasgamefeeders.com
huge eState SaLe. Fri, Apr 29 9-6 & Sat Apr 30 9-4. 213 Liveoak, Coleman TX antiQue oaK BuF- www.angeloamericanclassifieds.com Fet with mirror. Very solid, great storage, good condition. Moving so must sell. See picture online. $120. 325-7168621
Super Savings in your Thrifty Nickel’s American Classifieds.
t e R R e L L countY hunting LEASE. 2,000 acres/4 guns/small cabin/water & electric. White tail deer, dove, & quail. 3,000 acres/6 guns/campsite with water & sewer, & electric. Annual Lease. (432) 291-3385. Email: mhinds@bigben.net.
LiVe tRaPS PeRch to Hogs. WEST TEXAS GAME FEEDERS, 3312 N. CHADBOURNE, 6533678, 653-8686. www.westtexasgamefeeders.com
2012 PoLaRiS RangeR CREW Camo, P/S, walk-on hard top, stereo, winch, fold-out windshield, Cordura seat covers, mirrors. 280 hours, like new. 27” hiway approved tires, mag hunteR SPeciaL wheels. $15,900. (325) aRctic fox truck 277-4570 camper mounted on all steel gooseneck tlr. with dovetail & ramps. Fully self contained, all weather camper with slide out & power plant. Room for 4 wheelers or motorcycles on back. 2 custom 8’ aluminum storage boxes built in. Excellent condition. $13,500. cell (325) 651-5173 BuRn BaRReLS FoR sale. 653-3678. m1a, m1 gaRand, M1 Carbine, 1903A3, Winchester 61 22 LR and 22 Magnum, 62, and 63. Winchester 1892 and 1894. Remington Rand 1911A1. (325) 442-2341.
LicenSe to caRRY classes. Wednesday and Saturday at 9 a.m. 117 Howard, $75 per person, 2 or more only $60 per person. (325) 944-8700 deViL’S mountain RiFLe RANGE Reloading Supply Headquarters. Best prices on guns & ammo in town. Special orders welcome. Credit Cards accepted. New hours: Closed Mon. & Tue; 1:00PM-6:00PM Wed., Thurs, Fri.; 9:00AM-6:00pm Saturday; 1:30PM6:00PM Sunday. (325) 653-2525, (325) 6539633, (325) 6565139. Want to BuY Older guns. (325) 442-2341..
i BuY: unWanted firearms. Call (325) 374-2013 .
LeFton coLoniaL ViLLageS. 23 Lighted Buildings, boxed. 30 Figurines. $200. (325) 9429394 the oRiginaL a m e R i c a n BRITISH ANTIQUES Over 50,000 sq.ft. Largest complex in Concho Valley. Antique furniture, memorabilia, glassware, collectible military items, spurs, etc. Storage units for rent. 746 US 87 S, San Angelo, Tx, 325-6514873.
SPRing tuRKeY huntS available April 2-May 15. (325) 2774151. e-Z go gaSoLine golf cart/shooting clay WeSt teXaS cart, reduced to $5000. game FEEDERS A (325) 456-6882. Texas Size Selection miLeS game BiRd of Feeders & Blinds. FARM now in operation. New Inventory arrivSelling Bob White Quail. ing daily. We stock all (325) 468-4093 or (325) your needs. Feeders, 656-9335. blinds, stands, deeR BLind tripods, portable gRound, New moveblinds. Sales, service able, 14’ custom build and repair. We stock steel pipe. All weatherDEER CORN & PROized deer feeders. 226 W TEIN PELLETS. ATV Ave S. or call (325) 656tune-up and repair. 4801 (325) 653-6030 3312 N. CHADBOURNE, 653-3678, 653-8686. www.westSurf the net texasgamefeeders.co www.angeloamericanclassifieds.com m
conceaLed caRRY San angeLo offering affordable concealed handgun classes in the San Angelo, Texas area. All major credit cards accepted. FMI (325) 2124817. www.concealed carrysanangelo.com it’S FiShing time. Come by and see our new line up of fishing equipment and boat accessories. Pro Line Trolling Motors. 4103 Ben Ficklin, (325) 658-1969
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April 28, 2016
2012 RangeR cReW Camo, P/S, walk-on hard top, stereo, winch, foldout windshield, Cordura seat covers, mirrors. 280 hours, like new. 27” hiway approved tires, mag wheels. $16,500. (325) 277-4570. gReat hunting BuggY! 1978 Jeep Waggoneer 4WD; Full Camo! Runs Great! $1,500.00. 325-234-9740 or 325-944-7677 wbtinney@gmail.com moSSBeRg 20 gauge security shotgun. Also includes pistol grip kit. Marlin 795 22 rifle. Taurus PT-22 pistol. 325-716-8621
Page 7
meXican PuRe VaniLLa extract “La Vencedora”. $11 liter, $29 gallon. Leos Imports - 25 W. Twohig Ave. (325) 655-5367. SuPPoRt ouR SeRVice members, veterans and their families in their time of need. For more information visit Fisher House website THRIFTY NICKEL’S the at www.fisherhouse.org AMERICAN B&W 5th WheeL used one time, CLASSIFIEDS hitch, $800. (325) 277-9494.
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hISTORIC MURALS OF SAN ANGELO, INC. has begun a new mural. This mural will honor J. Frank wilson and the Cavaliers for their hit song “Last Kiss”. Please share your memories of that song on our Page I ASSEMBLE boxed FACEBOOK furniture in your home. and if you would like Call 944-0397, leave to make a donation to help with the final message expenses, please Hit on us to buy or send to: historic Murals of San Angelo, sell it in your Inc., P.O. Box 61402, Angelo, TX Thrifty Nickel’s San 76906.
American Classified
Electronics SANYO 26IN. hD TV LCD with owners manual & remote. Like new condition. $100. Phillips 20in. LCD TV with owner’s manual & remote. Like new condition $75. (325) 245-7388
1 DIRECT TV SATELITE receiver w/smart card. $125. OBO. Pager (325) 278-3572 or Call (325) 656-3462
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APPLIANCE SERVICE & REPAIR Reasonable, honest, dependable. Call for Service. (325) 227-5306, (325) 653-8586. Member BBB wAShER & DRYER. Excellent condition. Like new. $250 each.(325) 651-5980. whITE MAYTAG REFRIGERATOR French doors with drawer freezer. 1 yr old. $850 OBO. (325) 450-2014. REFRIGERATOR $75. (325) 500-8777. RENT-NICE RANGE, REFRIGERATORS $19wk. Washers/Dryers. $9.50ea. (325) 374-7616 A/C UNITS: 5000 $50, 8000 - $100, 12,000 - $150. 40 Gallon water heater, 1-year old, $250. Commode, $50. Call (325) 944-2359, leave message.
BALDwIN PIANO. CHECK US OUT ON GOOD condition. Must THE WEB AT sell, moving. Make offer. www.angeloamericanclassifieds.com (325) 340-8962.
wILL BUY working and non-working washers, dryers, refrigerators, stoves and freezers. Ace Appliances,416 E. 19th, 653-6000 LOOKING TO BUY gas dryers. Working or non working. 325-6506384. A/C UNITS: 5000 $50, 8000 - $100, 12,000 - $150. 40 Gallon water heater, 1-year old, $250. Commode, $50. Call (325) 944-2359, leave message. wE SELL REFRIG ERATO RS, stoves, washers, dryers and freezers. We will take your working or non working appliance for partial trade. Ace Appliances,416 E. 19th, 653-6000
16FT. SLIDING DOOR unit. Two stationary, two slides. Includes jamb & screens. $1,200. (325) 656-1437. LARGE ASSORTMENTS USED aluminum windows. Various sizes $5 & up. 80ft of 60ft chain link fence $30. Assortment wood trim molding $40. 4ftX8ft cattle gate $35. Misc. bricks & landscaping blocks cheap. (325) 212-5540. 600-1,000 Sq.FT. wAREhOUSE/ST ORAGE units. Just outside city limits. $275 and $375 a month, Utilities available. Call Gretchen, 325-234-0069.
944-SOLD PREGNANCY SUPPORT. IS adoption right for you? Discuss options for your pregnancy. You’re our first priority and you’re in charge! Living expenses paid. Call to see how friendly we are! ,1(325)-716-3349 or 1(800)-456-4862. www.ChildrensConnections.org A MARRIED COUPLE seeks to adopt and needs your help. Athome parents. Extended family. Financial security. Let’s help each other. Expenses paid. Valerie & Ivan (ask for Adam). Call/Text. 1-800-7905260. ARE YOU PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? Let us help! Immediate financial assistance available. Housing, medical, counseling and more. Call Adoption United 24/7 1888-617-1470. (Void where prohibited) PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? Call Us First! Living expenses, Housing, Medical and continued support afterwards. Choose Adoptive Family of Your Choice. Call 24/7. ADOPT CONNECT 855668-7904 (VOID in IL, IN & GA)
Miscellaneous BURN BARRELS, 325944-8418, 325-277-0873. ALL INCLUSIVE CRUISE package on the Norwegian Sky out of Miami to the Bahamas. Pricing as low as $299 pp for 3 days or $349 pp for 4 day (double occupancy) - All beverages included! For more info. call 877-270-7260 for go to NCPtravel.com.
MYERS DRUG GO GO Scooter...only $975. Test drive one today! 29 S. Chadbourne 325-6553146. KILL ROAChES GUARANTEED! Buy Harris Roach Tablets with Lure. Odorless, Long Lasting. Available: Hardware Stores, The Home Depot, homedepot.com
Internet & Technology
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Building Materials
PIPE FOR SALE 2 7/8 Structural tubing-$28.00 a joint 2 3/8 Structural tubing-$25.00 a joint 5/8, 3/4 & 7/8 Sucker rods$5.00 a rod (325)2349487 (432)967-6505
6FT. SLIDING DOOR unit. One stationary, one slide. Includes jamb & screens. $300. (325) 6561437.
Restaurant Equipment
Adoption UNIqUE ADOPTIONS, LET us help! Personalized Adoptions plans. Financial assistance, housing, relocation and more. Giving the gift of life? You deserve the best. Call us first! 1888-637-8200 24 hours hotline.
STEAK hOUSE BUFFET unit with hot & cold sides, $3000. Dee 325655-1001. ICS COMMER✔ CIAL 3 phase FREEZER; 1pc. walkin unit 12’9”x9’5” . FMI Call (325) 234-8584
ASSORTED PARTY GLASSwARE. Punch bowls & cups, glasses, goblets and more. (325)658-9675.
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RENT- A -BUGGY Weddings, Anniversaries, Birthdays, Sweet 15’s, Reunions. FUN, ROMANTIC. RENT-ABUGGY. (325) 949-6108. BECOME ThE ULTIMATE Predator. Come check out the Predator family of kayaks from Old Town. Don’t want to paddle, check out the Predator MK w/ Minnkota trolling motor. Cole’s Army Surplus, Corner of 2nd & N. Chadbourne. (325)653-1903. www.colesarmysurplus.c om. wE hAVE SEEN the light! We have some of the brightest, smallest tactical and compact flashlights on the market. Cole’s Army Surplus, Corner of 2nd & N. Chadbourne. (325)653-1903. www.colesarmysurplus.c om. 2014 GMC SIERRA SLT. Never smoked in, low miles, one owner. All the bells & whistles. Leather. Asking $35,985. Call Sid to see & drive. (325) 277-6999. DID YOU KNOw?! CLARK’S AUTO wRECKING has NEW auto parts, doors, fenders, grills, radiators, hoods, lights, door handles. Many in stock or next day delivery. You’ll be surprised at their prices. 658-4377. !!OLD GUITARS wANTED!! Gibson, Martin, Fender, Gretsch. 1930- 1980. Top Dollar paid!! Call Toll Free 1800-433-8277. $CASh$ Cars or pickups for parts and wrecking use. We will pick ‘em up. Clark’s Auto wrecking, 901 N. Cecil. Phone 658-4377.
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April 28, 2016
Page 9
Medical Equipment
KeeL DRUG LOCateD at 2001 Hutchings Ave. next door to the Ballinger Hospital Clinic specializes in diabetic, respiratory, durable medical equipment, hospice and home health prescriptions. We offer free in-town delivery service, unit dosing and the Ballinger Memorial Hospital 340-b prescription drug plan for clinic patients. We also accept Medicare/Medicaid and other third party prescription plans. Our hours are 830am – 530pm Monday through Friday. Stop in today and let our experienced friendly staff help you with your prescription and medical equipment needs. Phone: 325-3653505. HOSPItaL BeD, eLeCtRIC/aDJUStaBLe in great condition, non smoking home $200. Single shower chair $5. Transfer shower chair for over side of tub $15. Bed cane to help get out of bed #15. 325-212-1831. KeeL DRUG LOCateD at 2001 Hutchings Ave. next door to the Ballinger Hospital Clinic carries Transfer Benches and Shower Chairs, Walkers, Three and Four Wheel Walkers, Wheelchairs, Extra-Wide and Removable Sides. We are here to meet your needs and serve the needs of the community as we have for the past one hundred years. Keel Drug has been serving the Ballinger Community since the early 1900’s and we continue this long standing tradition of serving the needs of our community today. Thank you for making Keel Drug the home town choice for all your diabetic, respiratory, durable medical equipment and prescription needs. (325) 365-3505 VIaGRa & CIaLIS! 50 pills for $95. 100 pills for $150 FREE shipping. NO prescriptions needed. Money back guaranteed! 1-877-743-5419 KeeL DRUG LOCateD at 2001 Hutchings Ave. next door to the Ballinger Hospital Clinic carries the following DME supplies: Canes, Crutches, Grip Devices, Commodes, Urinals & Bedpans, Diabetic Socks & Supplies, Blood Glucose Monitors, Test Strips, Lancets & Devices, Hot & Cold Physical Therapy Applications, Hospital Beds: Electric, Semi-Electric & Manual Pneumatic Compression Devices, Rollators & Four Wheel Walkers, Scooters, Three & Four Wheel Electronic Scooters, Support Surfaces: Pressure Reducing Beds, Mattresses, Overlays & Pads, TED Compression Hose, Antiembolism Hose, Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulators (TENS) Units and replacement pads. (325) 365-3505.
I HaVe a LIFT CHAIR called a Med-Lift. One of the best you can buy, need to sell. Just sitting in storage, brand new, never been used. I had this chair built for me the way I wanted because of my size. The chair is a massage & heated Lift Chair, has 2 settings. You can set to 15 min., or 30 min. It is a really well built chair, it would be good for someone who has any kind of back problems. For more information you can call (325) 450-6795. Asking $1,900.
LaDIeS 14K WeDDInG ring set, over 1 carat, $9250. Serious inquiries only. (325) 4566882.
Men’S GOLD HORSeSHOe ring with 3/4 carat diamond with horse head in middle, $2350. Serious inquiries only. Call (325) 456-6882 for appointment.
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Health Care
neW LaDIeS 10K yellow gold cluster engagement ring with 8 diamond ring wrap, $1250. Serious MYeRS DRUG HaS inquires only. Call for apthe largest selection of pointment: (325) 456- VIaGRa anD CIaLIS new luxury Pride lift 6882. USERS! 50 Pills SPECIAL chairs in the Concho Val$99.00 FREE Shipping! ley...Come try one today! 100% guaranteed. CALL Starting at $599.99. 29 S. NOW! 1-800-849-4243. Chadbourne 325-655VIaGRa 100MG anD 3146. CIALIS 20mg! 40 pills + GOLDen POWeR 10 FREE. SPELIFt & recliner chair. 22” CIAL$99.00. 100% guarwide, dark brown. Excelanteed. FREE Shipping! 24/7 CALL NOW! 1-888lent condition. $425 223-8818. cash. (325) 617-4776 **SPRInG SPeIF YOU HAVE CIaL**VIaGRa something in your 60X(100MG)+20 closet that has been “Bonus” PILLS for ONLY there more than 6 LaDIeS 14 Ct DIA- $114.00 plus shipping. PRESCRIPTION months, it’s time to MOND and Ruby pen- NO set with 11 round Needed! VISA/MC payrecycle your unused dant .02 dia and 30 .02 carat ment. 1-888-386-8074 items. Someone in round rubbies with 18” www.newhealthyman.co San Angelo is look- box chain, $1000. (325) m Satisfaction Guaranteed! ing for that special 456-6882.
something you have hidden away somewhere in your house. Gather up all your unused items, make someone happy and get your house cleaned all at the same time. Call Thrifty Nickel’s American Classifieds today!! 944-7653
LaDIeS 14K SOLItaIRe wedding set, $1250. Call (325) 4566882.
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April 28, 2016
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Company Pays Transportation, Hotel, Expenses, will have 1 roommate. Represent TB Sales, Household Cleaner. State ID Req. Tiffany 1-405-537-2934
JUST REDUCED To $599,000. OFFICE EXCLUSIVE: HORSE OWNER’S DREAM: 10 acres in Christoval, TX. Interior horse stalls & washing area, corral, beautiful main house, separate apartment, RIVER FRONTAGE/IRRIGATION CANAL, lots of trees. Ideal group entertainment & recreation property. James Thomas, SARE, (325)277-5478.
$CASH$ Cars or pickups for parts and wrecking use. We will pick ‘em up. Clark’s Auto Wrecking, 901 N. Cecil. Phone 658-4377. SPRiNG TURKEY SEASoN is here. Come in and check out our camo pants, shirts, and hats w/ attached facemask. Let us help you bag that big Tom. Cole’s Army Surplus, Corner of 2nd & N. Chadbourne. (325)653-1903. www.colesarmysurplus.c om.
Miscellaneous SAVE 30% oN an Artic Cruise this summer Visit Inuit communities in Greenland and Nunavut, See polar bears, walrus & whales. CALL FOR DETAILS! 1-800-363-7566 www.adventurecanada.c om $CASH$ Cars or pickups for parts and wrecking use. We will pick ‘em up. Clark’s Auto Wrecking, 901 N. Cecil. Phone 658-4377. EVERYoNE READS AMERiCAN Classifieds. Sold my house the first week the ad ran!! Alvin T. HAVE A HEART pet & house sitting. 20% Military & Senior Discount. 325-8121214. KiLL BED BUGS! Buy Harris Bed Bug Killers/KIT. Hardware Stores, The Home Depot, homedepot.com S o U T H L A N D HANDYMAN SERViCE No job too big or small, we do it all. (325) 263-1455. DiSH NETWoRKGET MORE for LESS! Starting $19.99/month (for 12 months.) PLUS Bundle & SAVE (Fast Internet for $15 more/month.) CALL 1800-283-1597. ARE YoU READY? Want to win tickets to Schlitterbahn Water Park in New Braunfels? You need to LiKE American Classifieds on fACEBooK and follow us on Twitter and you could win!! TACTiCAL BACKPACKS - Tactical Shooters’ Bags - Range Bags Tactical Weapons Cases - Shotgun Scabbards. Protect your protectors. Cole’s Army Surplus, Corner of 2nd & N. Chadbourne. (325)653-1903. www.colesarmysurplus.c om.
fELiPA BERNARD specializing in colors, perms, lo-lites, hi-lites. Senior Citizen discount Tuesday. Extensions Hair & Nail Salon. 3010 W. Beauregard. (432) 530-3830. 18’ TRAiLER WiTH ramp gate for rent. Great for hauling anything. $25 a day. Or I will haul for you. Call Gary for estimate at (325) 656-8623. KiLL SCoRPioNS! BUY Harris Scorpion Spray. Effective results begin after spray dries. Odorless, Long Lasting, Non-Staining. Available: Hardware Stores, The Home Depot, homedepot.com “KJV” MARK 16:16. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not, shall be damned. BURN BARRELS foR sale. 653-3678. WoMEN, Do YoU need a safe place to recover? Clean Sober Living House. Call Lisa at (325)703-4013 h t t p : / / w w w. h a t c h erysoberhouse.com/ hatcherysoberhouse@g mail.com DiSH TV 190 channels plus highspeed Internet Only $49.94/mo! Ask about a 3 year price guarantee & get Netflix included 1 year! Call Today 1-800-686-9986 $CASH$ any make or model cars and pickups for wrecking use. We will pick them up. Clark’s Auto Wrecking, 6584377 AT&T U-VERSE foR just $59.99/mo! BUNDLE & SAVE with AT&T Internet+Phone+TV and get a FREE pre-paid Visa Card! (select plans). HURRY, CALL NOW! 855-401-7344 KiLL BED BUGS! & THEIR EGGS! Harris Bed Bug Killer/KIT Complete Treatment System Hardware Stores,The Home Depot, homedepot.com www.angeloamericanclassifieds.com
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April 28, 2016
Page 11
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ASSORtED pARtY GLASSwARE. Punch bowls & cups, glasses, goblets and more. (325)658-9675. E L E C t R I C whIRLpOOL StOVE, 2-door Maytag refrigerator. 2-piece sofa bed. Whirlpool dryers, TV cabinet, ceiling fans, armoire & more. (325) 374-5208.
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hOUSE LOtS 3 ACRES & up. North of Veribest, Falcon Acres. Leave a message or text to (325) 340-0719.
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Miscellaneous YOU ARE INVItED to the Wedding Feast of the Lamb / Rapture event. When: June 20, 2016. Everyone is invited. Matthew 22:1-14 $CASh$. We will pay above scale weight. Cars or pickups for wrecking use. 658-4377. 6 pIECE whItE wicker bedroom set 350.00 chest freezer 125.00 small flat screen t.v. and stand 75.00 3 yr. old cockatiel with large cage 50.00 3 piece dinning set drop leaf table 50.00 black armiore 25.00 storage unit 50.00 lift chair 100.00 fishing rods 655-5804 or 7218746
CANNON Ipf 5100 Printer - Great shape, printer comes w/cabinet, Image prograph/poster printer. 2yrs old, probably still in warranty. $600. Call (325) 227-0062 fR CLOthING BY Wrangler®, Walls®, Bulwark® and Dickies for one or the whole crew.Cole’s Army Surplus, Corner of 2nd & N. Chadbourne. (325)6531903. www.colesarmysurplus.com. DISCGEAR ✔ wIth 104 DVD’s $275, Radialarm 10” saw on stand $300, jigsaw on stand $50, bench grinder 8” $25, Dyson animal vacuum with attachments $85, Keurig $55, George Forman Grill, large, $35, double waffle maker, $38, walker with seat & basket $45, Fantom steamer $35, 2 end tables with magazine rack $40. CASH ONLY, SERIOUS INQUIRES ONLY.(325) 617-4776.
wE hAVE SEVERAL very loving young dogs, around 1yr old and puppies, Dogs spayed & neutered, current shots. Already socialized with people & other dogs. Good homes only! Call Van Court Dog Rescue (325) 763-8364, (325) 763-8365. $CASh$ Cars or pickups for parts and wrecking use. We will pick ‘em up. Clark’s Auto wrecking, 901 N. Cecil. Phone 658-4377. 2008 SILVER DODGE 1500, quad cab, garage kept. 78,000 miles. $12,500. (325) 234-4302.
UtILItY tRAILER. 10’X8’, new tag, ready to work, $800 obo. 325276-2314. ‘96 fREIGhtLINER CLASSIC with Super Ten Transmission. Condo. 3406 Caterpillar engine. 42ft. float included. $11,500.(325) 234-8605. MEXICAN pURE VANILLA extract “La Vencedora”. $11 liter, $29 gallon. Leos Imports - 25 W. Twohig Ave. (325) 655-5367 CENtRALLY LOCAtED, fORt CONChO AREA - attractive and affordable 1140 sq. ft. heated/cooled, 3 offices totaling 600 sq. ft. downstairs, 1 office 540 sq. ft. upstairs, designed for multiple work spaces with restrooms and storage closets, plus 2400 sq. ft. warehouse space, motorized overhead and drive-in doors, 120 & 240 outlets, washer/dryer connections, $1195 monthly. First month free. Call (325) 655-4433 ONE 2YR OLD RED roan stud, One registered gelding, started on barrels. Numerous other horses for sale. (325) 277-4151. DID YOU kNOw?! CLARk’S AUtO wRECkING has NEW auto parts, doors, fenders, grills, radiators, hoods, lights, door handles. Many in stock or next day delivery. You’ll be surprised at their prices. 658-4377.
American Classifieds will feature a puzzle each week. You will find the answers to the puzzle the following week. STATEPOINT CROSSWORD THEME: MOTHER’S DAY ACROSS 1. Christmas help, pl. 6. Mele Kalikimaka wreath 9. Oxen connector 13. Poppy seed derivative 14. Plus 15. Emerald, e.g. 16. Christmas wish? 17. Last letter 18. The least bit 19. *TV’s smothering Goldberg 21. Stay for this long? 23. Biology class abbr. 24. Bloodsucking hopper 25. Leonardo da Vinci’s “Vitruvian ____” 28. American Society for Clinical Investigation 30. Preserve, like mortician does 35. Rush job notation 37. Castle building supply 39. Spurious wing 40. Christian of hautecouture 41. *Taken from mom before breakfast in bed 43. Month of Purim 44. China Grass 46. Cher or Mariah Carey
20. Rodeo rope 22. Diminutive 24. “____ Nemo” 25. *Mother, in Italian 26. Hailing from the East 27. *Ashley and Wynonna’s mother 29. *Paper Mother’s Day gift 31. Spill the beans 32. Tax evader’s fear 33. Latin American plain 34. *Bart’s mom 36. Arrogant snob 38. Deity, in Sanskrit 42. Synonym of unravel 45. Purchaser 49. Draft pick DOWN 51. Speaks like an actress 1. Place to rest in peace 2. D’Artagnan’s weapon 54. City-like 56. “Million Dollar Baby” of choice 3. Type of missile, acr. Oscar-winner 4. More pure 57. Wry face 5. Turkey’s ancient port 58. Craving 6. *Like the mom in 59. Russian autocrat “Married with Children” 7. Compass bearing 60. *It can swell during 8. Like utopia pregnancy 9. Sasquatch’s Asian 61. Gaelic cousin 62. Casanova, e.g. 10. Verbal exam 11. Broflovski of “South 63. Let it stand, to proofPark” reader 12. Right-angle building 64. Medicinal amt. extension 15. *____ Mama, tropical 66. Percy Bysshe Shelley’s poem drink 47. Google alternative 48. Conundrum 50. Church section 52. Little piggy 53. Blatant promotion 55. Ambulance squad, acr. 57. *Mother, in German 60. *Popular Mother’s Day gift 64. Human trunk 65. Honey Boo ____ 67. 78 playing cards 68. Maroon 5 2014 hit 69. Shakespearean “fuss” 70. Follow as a consequence 71. Jury colleague 72. Cut down in March? 73. Clay pigeon shooting
1983 ChEVY pU. Short/Narrow, rebuilt heavy duty, TH400 Auto, New dual exhaust, New Interior, am/fm, fast v8, 350 + 2 new tires. $8,900 Call (804) 243-3110 4 CEMEtERY pLOtS, Lawnhaven Cemetery located in the oldest section. Will consider selling 2 at a time. Reasonably priced. (325) 651-6457. NAtION wIDE parts locator service! Can’t find that part you need? Call Clark’s and let them find it for you. (325) 6584377.
1967 ChEVROLEt StEp Side, 3 speed on column, original, one owner, $35,500. (325) 456-6882 fR CLOthING BY Wrangler®, Walls®, Bulwark® and Dickies. We are your safety equipment & FR headquarters. Come down & see us. Cole’s Army Surplus, Corner of 2nd & N. Chadbourne. (325)653-1903. www.colesarmysurplus.c om. DID YOU kNOw?! CLARk’S AUtO wRECkING has NEW auto parts, doors, fenders, grills, radiators, hoods, lights, door handles. Many in stock or next day delivery. You’ll be surprised at their prices. 658-4377.
fOR hIRE - 6 YARD DUMP TRUCK and one back hoe, $125 per hour for building roads, tanks, etc. Big or little jobs. (325) 944-8418, (325) 277-0873 CARS/tRUCkS wANtED!! ALL Make/Models 2000-2015! Any Condition. Running or Not. Competitive Offer! Free Towing! We’re Nationwide! Call Now: 1888-416-2330. hIStORIC MURALS Of SAN ANGELO, INC. has begun a new mural. this mural will honor J. frank wilson and the Cavaliers for their hit song “Last kiss”. please share your memories of that song on our fACEBOOk page and if you would like to make a donation to help with the final expenses, please send to: historic Murals of San Angelo, Inc., p.O. Box 61402, San Angelo, tX 76906 MEXICAN LOtERIA t-ShIRtS. La dama, el borracho, el valiente, etc. Leos Imports. 25 W Twohig Ave. (325) 6555367 hIGhLAND RANGE SUBDIVISION, FM 2288, April 30, Beginning 8 am. 118, 126 Bagpipe; 145, 161,221,229, 248 Edinburgh; 120, 132 Gaelic; 108, 116, 132 Kilt; 40 Loch Lomond; 223, 234, 258 Loch Ness. Clothing, furniture, crafts, baby items, piano, sewing machine, generator, golf clubs, bikes, tools, tent, paintings, knives, motorcycle, elliptical.
THIS ADVERTISING space could be yours! NAtION wIDE parts locator service! Can’t find that part you need? Call Clark’s and let them find it for you. (325) 6584377. NOLEN’S CLEANING. AffORDABLE cleaning. Call for rates. (325) 763-1397. EUROpEAN RIVER CRUISES-thE ultimate vacation! See Europe from the comfort of a Viking or Avalon luxury cruise ship. For the experience of a lifetime, call 877-270-7260 or go to NCPtravel.com for more information. kILL BED BUGS & THEIR EGGS! Harris Bed Bug Killer/KIT Complete Treatment System. Hardware Stores, The Home Depot, homedepot.com CASh fOR CARS: We Buy Any Condition Vehicle, 2000 and Newer. Nationwide Top Car Buyer! Free Towing From Anywhere! Call Now: 1-800864-5960 wOOD BURNING StOVE, great condition, low - medium - hi control, $1500. 2 real good large space heaters, Kenmore $300, Dearborn $400. (325) 456-6882. INSAtIABLEMOMENtS.COM hANDMADE fRAGRANCED soaps as well as other health and beauty products - all soaps are free shipping, scented candles, after shaves, etc. LARGE DOG hOUSE Heavy duty built. $50 cash OBO. (325) 3012274.
wORk BOOtS OR FR clothing for the oilfield. Safety glasses or hard hats, thermal clothing, underwear or warm wool socks, gloves or winter caps. WOW we have it all. Cole’s Army Surplus, Corner of 2nd & N. Chadbourne. (325)653-1903. www.colesarmysurplus.c om. AIMS pOwER (BESt), DC & AC power inverter. Model PWRINV5000W, 5000 watts maximum. 12 or 24 volt. Almost new. $300 obo. (325) 315-1821 LOG CABIN $4800, (original price, $23,800). 768 square feet, expandable to 1152 square feet, 101 solid oak logs, fully dovetailed, complete precut wall set with all plans for stone fireplace, 101/2 foot high ceilings, porches, loft, stack walls in two days, add roof in two days, extra nice, will haul to San Angelo for $1850. 870-577-5757, owner. CASh pAID fOR unexpired, sealed DIABETIC TEST STRIPS! 1 DAY PAYMENT & PREPAID shipping. HIGHEST PRICES! Call 1-888-7767771. www.Cash4DiabeticSupplies.com “LIkE” US AND BE OUR fRIEND ON fACEBOOk and you could win “fREE” ads. keep up with all the latest happenings at American Classifieds. Check us out on facebook and “like” us!!
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Page 12
April 28, 2016
Auctions AUCTION SAT. MAy 7, 440 E 5th St. Colorado City TX (Bama’s House Restaurant). Start 9:00 Preview 8:00 Restaurant equipment, personal property. Real estate sells at 1:00. Two story brick home on corner lot. 10% down. Balance at closing. Q & L Auctioneering Terry Luecke #17422 Tammy Quick #17423 Phone 325-5749210 Pictures on Facebook page.
HIGHLAND RANGE SUBDIVISION, FM 2288, April 30, Beginning 8 am. 118, 126 Bagpipe; 145, 161,221,229, 248 Edinburgh; 120, 132 Gaelic; 108, 116, 132 Kilt; 40 Loch Lomond; 223, 234, 258 Loch Ness. Clothing, furniture, crafts, baby items, piano, sewing machine, generator, golf clubs, bikes, tools, tent, paintings, knives, motorcycle, elliptical. 8298 POPLAR LANE Grape Creek. 8am-?? FriSat-Sun. EVERY WEEKEND IN APRIL!Bit of everything - Some tools & tires. New items every weekend. Cleaning out house, garage & storages.
76901 HISTORIC MURALS OF SAN ANGELO, INC. has begun a new mural. This mural will honor J. Frank Wilson and the Cavaliers for their hit song “Last Kiss”. Please share your memories of that song on our FACEBOOK Page and if you would like to make a donation to help with the final expenses, please send to: Historic Murals of San Angelo, Inc., P.O. Box 61402, San Angelo, TX 76906. ESTATE SALE SAT. APRIL 30 ONLY 8AM3PM Corner of Redbird & Hartford Furniture, Antiques,Jazzy scooter, household items, some tools, lots of misc.
ATTRACT BUYERS ADVERTISE. WANT TO WIN TICKETS TO SCHLITTERBAHN - “LIKE” OUR FACEBOOK page and you could win FREE TICKETS! Tell your friends to like our page and they could win too!! Be sure and check our FACEBOOK page (SAN ANGELO AMERICAN CLASSIFIEDS) for FREE giveaways!! 1710 GREENWOOD ST. 3 family sale.Friday & Saturday 7am - 3pm. Prom dresses, dishes, shoes, etc.
WASHERS, DRyERS, AND STOVES From $195. Refrigerators & freezers from $225 & up. In good condition with guarantee. Call Munoz or see us at 1241 Apache Trail . Also we repair appliances. (325) 650-6384 or (325) 763-3613. ARE yOU READy? Want to win tickets to Schlitterbahn Water Park in New Braunfels? you need to LIKE American Classifieds on FACEBOOK and follow us on Twitter and you could win!! 2402 CHESTNUT. THURSDAy & FRIDAY. 9-6. Teen clothes & shoes. Sewing machine. Lots of books for kids. Much more! 335 BUFFALO LANE. SAT. 7:30-? Jr girls clothes, women’s & boys. Household items and lots of misc.
WE SELL RE✔FRIGERATORS, stoves, washers, dryers and freezers. We will take your working or non working appliance for partial trade. Ace Appliances,416 E. 19th, 653-6000 TWO UTILITy TRAILERS 4x8, good for golf cart or whatever. One luggage enclosed trailer, good for luggage or working tools, 6hp tiller, almost new. 25 W. Ave G, in back.
GARCIA’S RESALE STORE, 510 E. 19th. (325) 3746862. We sell & buy appliances, furniture, baby items, clothes, shoes, jewelry & more. 4107 BOWIE Friday & Saturday. 200 good fishing poles, lures, tackle boxes. Lots of power tools, 800 watt generator, table saw, miter saw, 6x12’ enclosed trailer. Lots more. ESTATE SALE: FRIDAy & Saturday, 9-4pm. 417 Clover DR. Cash only, NO early birds. Furniture by appointment only. Nice clothing, books, pictures, glassware, Christmas. Tools, grill, Murray riding mower, 16.5hp, 42” cut, Collectibles, bedding, clocks. 119-piece Haviland Bavaria china. 1316 NORTH POPE. Thursday & Friday. 8?Lots of things. Too much to list. Mother’s Day Flowers. MEXICAN LOTERIA T-SHIRTS. La dama, el borracho, el valiente, etc. Leos Imports. 25 W Twohig Ave. (325) 6555367 1214 TOBy LANE. SAT. 7:30 till ? Lots of everything.
THE ORIGINAL AMERICAN BRITISH ANTIQUES Over 50,000 sq.ft. Largest complex in Concho Valley. Antique furniture, memorabilia, glassware, collectible military items, spurs, etc. Storage units for rent. 746 US 87 S, San Angelo, Tx, 325-6514873. 4217 AUTUMNWOOD TRAIL. MOVING Sale. Saturday 8-2. Furniture, small appliances, dishes, clothes, comforter sets, 100’s of items priced to sell!! 2909 CANyON CREEK Saturday only, 8am. Cool stuff!
NEED CASH? COME see Wild Bill’s Pawn, 1315 MLK, 658-7066. 3219 CHATTERTON. SAT. 8-1pm. Lots of great finds children’s educational toys, play kitchen, barbie dream house, clothing-childrens, teens, & womens. Men-XL clothing. Home decor, chandeliers, & cabinets. MOVING/ESTATE SALE LOCATED at 2706 JANN DRIVE San Angelo. Home Decor, Furniture, Housewares, Fridge, Freezer, and SO much more! Sale hosted by New Roots Senior Transition Specialists. Saturday April 30, 2016 8:00a.m.-4:00p.m. Sunday May 1, 2016 12:00p.m.-4:00p.m.
BARGAINS! BARGAINS! BARGAINS! Something you always find in your #1 Thrifty Nickel’s American Classifieds Ad Source. 944-7653.
ERNIES SHOE SHINE - come in for a shine, dye, etc and you are automatically registered to win a brand new 43” LG flat screen TV. Look for Ernies Shoe Shine on youtube or Facebook to see my work. 165 Woodruff, (325) 656-9810. www.erniesshoeshine.co m
THIS ADVERTISING space could be yours!
April 28, 2016
Page 13
Small ad BIG deals! NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE. Pursuant to Chapter 59.044 of the Texas Property Code, Notice is hereby given of the sale of units. See listing below of the storage facilities located at 302 Sweetbriar Road in Bronte, Texas. The contents of the units will be sold to satisfy a contractual landlords lien. The sale will be conducted on May 7, 2016 at 2 p.m. Unit I - Dinging table, bedroom furniture, misc. Unit 15 - Clock, toys, tolls, misc. Unit 14 - TV’s, piano, dishes, misc. A - 3 tires, filing cabinets, grin guards, misc.
BRONTE ANNUAL CITyWIDE GARAGE SALE - Saturday, May 7th 8am - Maps available in the bank parking lot at 102 W Main St, Bronte, TX.
THRIFTY NICKEL’S American Classified The Bargain Hunter’s Delight 944-7653
Page 14
April 28, 2016
BluE & REd HEELER puppies. Full blood, 6 wks old. $100 each. 5 boys, 2 girls. (325) 2775205 evenings. OnE REGIStEREd SIlVER male Lab puppy, ready in 1 week. (325) 277-0941. GERMAn ROttWEIlER puppIES text or call 978-706-0938. AKC registered vet checked and home trained pure bred http://raymondpetshop.c om/our-pets rottweilerforlife@yahoo.com Full BlOOd BOXER PUPPIES $250 ea. Tails docked and dew claws cut. First set of shots. Call or text 806-759-8433 for more information. Located in Lamesa, TX
BullS FOR SAlE, Angus, Red Angus, Simangus, AI bulls, top sires, low bw, sound, guaranteed. 325/262/1936 11 BOAR GOAtS, 10 females, 1 males, $2700 obo. (325) 650-4196. COVEREd HORSE StAllS for rent, inside San Angelo. 325-6581969. 3 1/2 YEAR MUSTANG MARE with colt 1 year. Mare gentle & rides but not trained. (325) 2341865.
Put the power of the classifieds to work for you. BORdER COllIE kElpIE mix dogs. Very strong dogs. Will work goats or cows. One male, one female, one 6 week old male puppy. Can demo. 325-721-3237. EXtRA nICE BARBAdO BUCK 1 year old, $200. (325) 653-3678. OnE 2YR Old REd roan stud, One registered gelding, started on barrels. Numerous other horses for sale. (325) 277-4151. 3 JERSEY nuRSE COWS, 90 days fresh, bred back 4-5 year olds $1,650ea. 2-Short bred Holstein nurse cows. 2nd calf. $1,275ea. (325) 6585242.
AnY QuAntItY 45 Good quality bred cows. 120 cow calf pairs running back with bulls. 325-656-7944.
WE HAVE SEVERAl very loving young dogs, around 1yr old and puppies, Dogs spayed & neutered, current shots. Already socialized with people & other dogs. Good homes only! Call Van Court Dog Rescue (325) 763-8364, (325) 763-8365. R E G I S t E R E d dACHSHund’S, CHIHuAHuA & Yorkie puppies, Parti & Traditional colors. 817-304-1225, For Availability & Prices See @ crystalskypuppies.com License #131 AkC REGIStEREd Bull MASTIFFS puppies, will be born around April 20th. Call West Texas Bull mastiffs to reserve yours today. (325) 716-7869. OnE FEMAlE EnGlISH BULLDOG pup. 7 weeks old. Call (325) 315-6386 pOMERAnIAn puppIES. 2 white, 2 multi color party. $200 each. (325) 737-1023 AkC REGIStEREd GERMAn Shepherd puppies. (325) 650-3013.
RAZOR/GOttI BlOOdlInE pupS. (325) 374-1881
SIAMESE kIttEnS, $35. FMI (325) 234-7877. San Angelo area.
dOG & CAt GROOMInG. Experienced. Pick up and delivery. (325) 650-2137.
Service & Supply
CuStOM BuIlt lARGE dog houses. $125 and $100. (325) 227-6014, (325) 2121254
EXCAVAtOR JOHn dEERE 200 CLC. All new pins & bushings. Bore of sleeves H-Link. Repair grubber. Ready to work. Call David (325) 234-3605 (325) 655-5274
JOHn dEERE 4730 SPRAYER, 90 ft. boom, hyd. tread adjust, auto boom height, farmer owned & operated. Barn kept, nice, 1440 hours. $125,000. (325) 8955251 or (325) 895-0034 SkId lOAdER FOR HIRE: Grubbing, raking, dirt work, auger, etc. Free estimates. (325) 6502273.
ORGAnIC FREE RAnGE Chickens for sale. 4 breeds - Rhode Island Reds, Do- JOHn dEERE 70 $2500 miniques, Silver Laced tractors, Wyndotte and each. John deere Delawares. Almost ready 730 tractor, $5000. to start laying, about the All good condition. Everyone’s talking about 1st of May. All chickens (325) 442-4431. the Thrifty Nickel’s lay brown eggs. Call for prices. 325-650-1097. tRACtOR REpAIR & American Classified SAlVAGE. All types of Eddie tractor repair. Used parts, tires, wheels & plow parts. (325) 469-3950, 2004 BOBCAt S160 234-8846. with bucket. High flow with rear stabilizers. 2900 10Ft. JOHn hours. $19,000. FMI dEERE Tandem Disc. please call (325)387New scalloped disc. 3400. Excellent condition. $3,500obo. (325) 450- Jd 7455 COttOn STRIPPER, 8 row. Call 5288 IntERnA1160, (325) 653-1516. (325) 365-6874. tIOnAl tRACtOR eqipped with frontFind your treasure in the cab end KD loader. 5500 with Thrifty Nickel’s quick hitch & 6’ bucket. $18,000. (325) 442-3038, American Classified (325) 277-5362. HEAVY dutY pull BEHIND SHREDDER. (325) 876-5000.
EVERYTHING we touch turns to sold!! Call 944-SOLD
San Angelo Construction
Metal Buildings, Carports, Storage Bldgs
Sea Containers Sales & Rental Any Size
Largest Inventory In West Texas (325) 656-7988 • (325)658-1969
STRUcTURAL PIPE, 2 3/8”, 2 7/8”, 4” and sucker rods on hand. Delivery available. H Braces, Post cut to order. Mobile welding. Concho Valley Pipe, (325) 6557285, leave message or (432)413-9592, cell. JD 4640 TRAcTORQUAD range with duals, call (325) 365-6874. cATTLE/PET PEN 10FTx10FTx6FT. & personnel door. Completely mobile. $400 barely used. (817) 7479000. 8’x15’ cATTLE gUARDS For Sale. (325) 650-2273 JOHN DEERE 936 DRAPER header, 2 new belts, clean. $18,500. Call Curtis (325) 8955251 or Richard (325) 895-0034 gALION ROAD gRADER #503. Diesel motor. In middle of restoration. $2,000 obo. (325) 651-6899, (325) 277-4650. HARDI SPRAYER 60FT. 1,000 gal. HYD. New tires, field ready. $6,950; JD 7300 Stackfold 8 row, 40in., Field ready. $11,500; 7445 Stripper good condition. $11,000. (325) 456-1600 or (325) 4567908. JOHN DEERE 1710, 12-row planter, 30” spacing. Barn kept, low acres. $15.000. (325) 895-5251. FORD 3 cYLINDER Diesel Tractor with brushhog. Top shape, new tires. $6,000. (325) 6509290. DIESEL TRAcTOR MASSEY Ferguson 231 or Ford 3000 low hours. $5950 cash each obo. Front end loader $1650.00 extra. 325-2363048 Abilene, photo online
General Small ad BIG deals! FOR HIRE - 6 YARD DUMP TRUCK and one back hoe, $125 per hour for building roads, tanks, etc. Big or little jobs. (325) 944-8418, (325) 277-0873. cUSTOM HAY BALINg. round and square bales. can bale on shares. call Kirk Trojcak 325-812-3678 BURN BARRELS, 325-944-8418, 325-2770873. RAILROAD cROSS TIES Various prices; depending on if you load, or we load; your trailer or our trailer. (325) 2457468.
HAY FOR SALE. Beardless wheat hay 5X5 round bales. No weeds. 2016 crop. Not rained on before baled. (325) 4423070. HAY FOR SALE - New crop beardless wheat 5X5 round bales. (325) 656-8025 SPRINg cREEk RANcH. Hay grazer round bales $70. (325) 277-9195, or (325) 2779196. B E E k E E P E R NEEDED TO Harvest beehives on shares. (325) 650-3166. TANkERSLEY AREA Hay grazer, round bales. $50, $60, $70. (325) 2779195, (325) 277-9196. JOSE WHEAT gRASS, Round bales excellent horse hay, Top quality, can deliver. (325) 234-0041 PIPE FOR SALE 2 7/8 Structural tubing-$28.00 a joint 2 3/8 Structural tubing-$25.00 a joint 5/8, 3/4 & 7/8 Sucker rods$5.00 a rod (325)2349487 (432)967-6505 BURN BARRELS FOR sale. 653-3678. cOLEMAN POWERMATE gENERATOR, 10HP, 5000 watt, 120V/240V, never been used, new $900+, will sell for $750. (325) 234-8797. McgINLEY MOWINg. FREE estimates. Lawns & Lots. Leslie McGinley, 325-812-8813, 325-617-4743. 1ST cUTTINg ALFALFA Hay for sale small bales in bundles starting at $9 a bale Located near Saragosa Tx Call Andrew Nichols for info 4325590151 PREMIUM QUALITY OAT Irrigated Hay Round Bales 1,000 lbs. Lamesa,TX. (806) 759-9620.
Making it easier for you! IRON EAgLE WELDINg - Demolition, heave equipment, dirt work, all types welding & repairs. Certified. (325) 277-2036, (806) 346-1959
cOASTAL HAY 5x5 bales $60 (325) 6567529 or (325) 656-7528 HORSE QUALITY ROUND bales. Fertilized, 1100 lbs. $80 each. (325) 277-9900 HORSE QUALITY cOASTAL. Large round bales 4x5 1/2, Delivery available. 1 bale or a truck load. (325) 2340041. NEW cROP BEARDLESS WHEAT. Round bales approx. 1200 lbs. Excellent quality, Delivery available. (325) 234-0041
grazer round bales. Local delivery available. Can Load. Home (325) 442-2831 Mobile (325) 234-5822
ROUND cOASTAL BALES $90. (325) 6594747. gOOD QUALITY H A Y g R A Z E R SQUARE BALES. $8 per bale. (325) 658-5242. ROUND BALE HAY ring. Good condition. Reasonable. (325) 4505366. 330 gALLON WATER tanks for sale, $50ea.(325) 277-1755 cONcRETE cONSTRUcTION. SLABS, driveways, sidewalks, patios. 37 years experience. (325) 450-0733. HAY gRAZER $7.00 a bale. (325) 650-6608. PIPE NEW & USED. Used 2 3/8” or 2 7/8”, $25/joint. Small pipe for gates and sucker rods in stock. Post cut to order. all pipe checked for radiation and not magnetized. We deliver. (325) 3742992.
We offer worldwide
ROUND BALES Fine Stem Haygrazer . Horse to Goat quality. $50 and up. Grape Creek area (325) 895-9343. 14 1/2” TROPHEY barrel saddle, $500. 325650-2137. 20’ & 40’ SEA cONTAINERS for sale or rent, excellent storage. Delivered. (325) 2340295, (325) 234-0292. gOT BOOTS OR shoes that are too small or you do not wear anymore? Donate them to Ernie Shoe Shine, 165 Woodruff, (325) 6569 8 1 0 . www.erniesshoeshine.co m J&S LAND MANAgEMENT - Grubbing, Dirt Work, Road Work, Cactus Removal, Ditches. No job too big or small, we can do it al! Scant Ynostrosa (325) 212-1046, Jim Ynostrosa (325) 6562259. HAY—ROUND BALES, 4x6S, fertilized. Haygrazer $65; Coastal $100, Oats $60. (325) 277-1333.
Set your sights on all the deals in the Thrifty Nickel’s American Classifieds.
AMERICAN CLASSIFIEDS Weekly paper read daily by THOUSANDS! TRAcTOR MOWINg. FREE estimates. (325) 277-3657 HORSE TRAILER & FLATBED trailer. Need to sell, moving!(325) 3741579. MExIcAN LOTERIA T-SHIRTS. La dama, el borracho, el valiente, etc. Leos Imports. 25 W Twohig Ave. (325) 6555367 OILFIELD/STRUcTURAL TUBINg for sale. 2 3/8 & 2 7/8. High quality. (325) 235-6181. ERNIES SHOE SHINE - come in for a shine, dye, etc and you are automatically registered to win a brand new 43” LG flat screen TV. Look for Ernies Shoe Shine on youtube or Facebook to see my work. 165 Woodruff, (325) 656-9810. www.erniesshoeshine.co m 20’ & 40’ Sea containers. can customize. Rent to own now available. 866-468-2791. credit cards accepted.
Square bales. Alfalfa or Alfalfa/Beardless Wheat mix. Irrigated. Fertilized. Horse quality. $10 each Smetana Farms, Grape Creek area. (325) 895-9343.
gOT gUNS? You Want ‘Em WE GOT ‘EM! If you don’t want ‘em, WE BUY ‘EM. TExAS gUN SHOP 1018 W. Beauregard (325)949-0020.
Thrifty Nickel’s American Classified - Your result getter cOASTAL HAY, SQUARE bales. ✔ Menard, Texas, (325) 396-4723. Water Well Service
Turn key Installations Windmills New/Rebuilt Solar Systems Electric Pumps Tanks & Pipelines Water Well Testing
(325) 658-3277 Al Thomerson • TX Lisc# 4113I
Trailer Repairs by Appointment
“Your ALL PURPOSE Trailer Dealer!”
HYDRAULIC DUMP TRAILERS 83"x12' Bumper Pull $6,100 83"x14' Gooseneck $7,450 DAKOTA
2 & 3 Horse start @ $5,275 Tack Room with saddle tree & bridle hooks, rubber mats
1/2 Mile West of Kempner • www.kempnerequip.com
800-932-2461 CALL OR COME BY TODAY!
PJ 32’ FLAT bed gooseneck trailer, reduced to $8000. (325) 456-6882.
YOUR AD COULD BE HERE! Call 944-7653
Large inventory of Pipe/Rods/Pumps/etc.
Page 15
Truck carries Threading Equip 1-4”, Welder, Torch
Financing Available
April 28, 2016
24’ cOVERED gOOSENEck stock trailer, $1000 OBO. 24’ covered gooseneck horse trailer with living quarters. Rigged up for hunting trips. $2500 OBO. (325) 277-4151.
3B MANUFAcTURINg - Trailers of all sizes. Trash trailers, Oilfield trailers, etc. Check us out of the best prices. 1919 Hutchens Avee., Ballinger, TX. (325) 9770057.
TRAILER VALET . This let’s you move a trailer with ease, $300. For more info call 325374-7116. 2012 HEFTY TRAILER, 40’ flat gooseneck, 10,000 lb. axles, new 14 ply tires, $7900. 325-234-3395, 325-2314-8010.
GET Connected With
American Classifieds!
Page 16 April 28, 2016
House For Sale 2 homeS oN one property, reduced to $195,000. Both 2 bedroom homes, located in Brady, TX. Serious inquiries call (325) 4566882. SaLe oR tRade on Spring Creek with a watefall. 2 bedroom, logside, tin roof, desks, 2 bedroom guest house and shop on 2 acres near Mertzon, $249,900. 325656-7447.
625 e. 44th. 2BR/1BA close to Lakeview High School, newly carpeted and fresh paint, new hvac is being installed. Call James Thomas, SARE, (325) 277-5478. 1639 SQ. Ft. Brick home with approx. 1,200 sq. ft. rental on 3/4 acre lot. Storm cellar, water well, storage building. Fenced. 2709 Bowie St. (325) 227-1403. 4902 ScaRLet oak. 4BR/2BA, 2086 sq.ft., xeriscaped yard, custom shutters on all windows. Call Janie Thomas, SARE, (325) 277-7653. 1102 aShFoRd dR. 5BR/3BA, 3311 sq.ft. in the Bluffs overlooking San Angelo, great 2 story home. Call James Thomas, SARE, (325) 277-5478. gRape cReek - 1 acre, 10493 Emmitt Lane. 3 bedroom, 1 bath, completely remodeled, all electric, 1500 sq. ft. $47,449. 325-656-0515.
3614 high meadoW Dr. Beautiful patio home in quiet neighborhood, close to shopping. 3br/2ba with plenty of storage. Large living room with fireplace, low maintenance xeriscaped front yard. This home is move in ready. Many updates. $159,900. Call Callie (325) 656-1691 #87599 SARE. 17954 biNgham Rd. in Mereta, TX. As isSmall 2br House w/well. Good size lot. $35,000. Info: (325) 315-6683. oWNeR FiNaNce. 1923 N. Oakes (behind AC Delco), 2 bedroom, 1 bath, remodeled inside and out, $64,900, $2000 down, $640 month, taxes included. Call (325) 2349637 2 bedRoom, 1 bath in Santa Rita, CH/CA, 1120 sq.ft., completely remodeled. Detached garage with storage privacy fence, $118,000. (806) 252-6670 oWNeR FiNaNce 2 bdrm, 1 bath. Washer and dryer connections. 240E. 3rd St. (325) 2120985.
Discover a deal!
Reduced to SELL VICTORIAN HOUSE 8 BR. 3 full baths, indoor above ground pool & hot tub. Well water. 2-car garage. 3 1/2 lots. Ideal for Bed & Breakfast. Close to schools. $295,000. By appoint5 bedRoom, 2 bath, ment. San Angelo, Tx. brick, CH/CA, 1632 sq. ft. (325) 374-7096. #1842. $133,000. Barbara, La Casa Realty, (325)656-8063. Russ Devore, Broker #826. 1754 bakeR dR. 3BR/2BA, 1968 sq.ft. home close to Goodfellow AFB, it is just outside the city limits. Call James Thomas, SARE, (325) 277-5478. 8537 hWy 87, Grape Creek. 4BR/2BA, 4th bedroom could be efficiency apartment, perfect for home business, has 2.42 acres, large metal building on the property. Call James Thomas, SARE, (325) 277-5478. NeW coNStRuctioN: 3-bedroom, 2YOUR AD COULD BE HERE! bath. vaulted celing, Call 944-7653 granite counter tops. 2301 and 2305 caSh FoR houSeS Lindell. Logan con- any location, any condistruction, (325) 944- tion. (325) 650-5900 or 2359. (512)650-5979. 1641 caNaL. iN bRady, tx. 2 2bR/1ba on Lake Nas- homes both are 3 bedworthy. Call Janie Thomas, SARE, (325) room, 1 bath, CH/CA. Totally remodeled. 277-7653. Reduced to $87,500 ReceNtLy Remod- each. Serious inquiries eLed 2bdRm/1ba house. Owner finance. call (325) 456-6882. (325) 340-2786.
oWNeR FiNaNce2021 maRx St.$79,900.325-949-7719 for details oWNeR FiNaNce. 10626 Emmitt Lane, past Grape Creek. 2 bedroom, 1 bath, $44,900, $500 down. $460 month. Taxes included. Call (325) 234-9637 3338 cLeaRvieW dR. 3BR/2BA, 2460 sq.ft, lovely home close to everything, 14x12 workshop, in-ground pool. Call James Thomas, SARE, (325) 277-5478.
dove cReek. 5 ACRES. 3brdm/2bath. Rock & Cedar. newly remodeled, outdoor kitchen on creek. Water year round. Fishing dock, party area. Large pecan trees. Green house, sheds, storage room, outside laundry & office, fence garden, auto gate, & much more. Call (325) 277-3105. Reduced. 3/1 ch/ca. $72,000. $5,000 down. 402 E. Riverside. (325) 234-9110. oWNeR FiNaNce, 1007 N. Jefferson, 4 bedroom, 2 bath, $113,000, $3000 down, $1048 month. (325) 2422283. 11 W. 24th St. $35,000 OBO. No financing.(325) 227-0603 or (325) 212-8782. 415 N. moNRoe, 3 bedroom, 1 bath, 79,900, $2000 down, $790 month, taxes included. Call (325) 234-9637. RaNkiN, texaS - 2 BEDROOM 1-bath home. Approx. 1400 sq. ft., CH/CA, new appliances, 3 car carport, storage building, fenced, new flooring throughout. (432) 693-2322. 3 bdRm/1 bath house in a nice residential area, great starter home or investment property, large backyard, willing to trade for a home in Del Rio of equal value or owner finance is also available. Asking $5,000 down for more info call (325) 450-1241 or (325) 300-2526. beautiFuL 3 bedRoom, 2 bath brick home on corner lot, 1548 sq. ft., CH/CA, sprinkler system, fenced, workshop with carport. $194,500. Located in Brady, TX. (325) 4566882. oWNeR FiNaNce. 1321 CLEO near Goodfellow 3 bdrm 1 bath. Central heat/ac privacy fenced backyard. (325) 315-3662. 0000 impeRiaL Lot. Lot in Bentwood Reserves, has a pad already started, great views of the lake. Need to see to appreciate. Call James Thomas, SARE, (325) 277-5478. FoR SaLe. #9 EAST 28th ST. 1 bdrm/1 bath. Big kitchen. Some remodeling, 1 car garage, 2 storage barns, 3 big pecan trees. (325) 3741177.
houSe FoR SaLe by owner. 2514 W Harris. 5/bdrm, 2/bath, beautiful stained floors, painted inside & out, electric up to code, New water heater, New Air/heater unit. Robert Lee Jr. High, Central, ASU, HEB, Wal-Mart, Restaurants within 5 minutes. (325) 232-1896, (325) 212-4161, (325) 698-7327. 110 N. biShop, 3 bedroom, 1 bath, CH/CA, 1 car garage with storage room, $97,000 or make offer. 325-212-1514. Reduced: $72,000. 2bdrm/1ba corner lot. Move-in ready. 121 Cottonwood. No owner finance. (325) 655-1494. chaRmiNg 1600SF, 3bR/1ba on one acre with storage building & 1200sf workshop. New gates and fences, well water, great for animals. Newly remodeled bathroom, kitchen and bedrooms, wood floors and new paint. 2-car covered carport. 60 East 37th St. Please call for an appointment. (325) 8123822. NeW coNStRuctioN: 3-bedroom, 2bath. vaulted celing, granite counter tops. 2301 and 2305 Lindell. Logan construction, (325) 9442359. eveRyoNe ReadS ameRicaN Classifieds. Sold my house the first week the ad ran!! Alvin T.
5001 taboSa dR. 3br/3 1/2 baths, beautiful tile & carpet, computer loft w/large closet, gas fireplace, boat port, hot tub, large diving pool & pool house w/potty, green house, sound system, sprinkler system, large Lenai, 3200 sq ft., new ac units. FSBO $280k. FMI Call(325) 718-9962 NeWLy RemodeLed 3bR/2ba with new shop on large lot. 4 Garden Rd, $119,000. (325) 3743458. 2311 W. haRRiS. Nice 3BR/3BA with 2 living areas! Kitchen & dining open into large 2nd living area. Cynthia, D&D Realtors, (325) 277-3428.
43 SouthRidge #86650. $199,000. 3BR/2BA, 2021 sq.ft. Very nice patio home. Large living & dining with closed in patio, lots of storage in house and garage. Very large master bedroom and bath to die for! Xeriscaped front yard and nice patio!.Call SARE/Janie Thomas, (325) 277-7653 extRa Nice 3/2/2 all brick on 5.5 acres. San Angelo Homes, 325-7161624 ducote aiRpaRk: haNgaR & Home. Large hangar with 3/2 home. San Angelo Homes. 325-716-1624. Like NeW ! Beautiful 3/2.5/2 in the Bluffs. New carpet, flooring, paint. San Angelo Homes 325716-1624 oWNeR FiNaNce Move-in ready 3 bedroom, 2 bath, CH/CA. 2419 Lakeside 325-2340646 for more info 5 bedRoom, 2 bath, brick, CH/CA, 1632 sq. ft. #1842. $133,000. Barbara, La Casa Realty, (325)656-8063. Russ Devore, Broker #826. 1754 bakeR dR. 3BR/2BA, 1968 sq.ft. home close to Goodfellow AFB, it is just outside the city limits. Call James Thomas, SARE, (325) 277-5478. 8537 hWy 87, Grape Creek. 4BR/2BA, 4th bedroom could be efficiency apartment, perfect for home business, has 2.42 acres, large metal building on the property. Call James Thomas, SARE, (325) 277-5478. 1641 caNaL. 2bR/1ba on Lake Nasworthy. Call Janie Thomas, SARE, (325) 277-7653. ReceNtLy RemodeLed 2bdRm/1ba house. Owner finance. (325) 340-2786. Reduced to SELL VICTORIAN HOUSE 8 BR. 3 full baths, indoor above ground pool & hot tub. Well water. 2-car garage. 3 1/2 lots. Ideal for Bed & Breakfast. Close to schools. $295,000. By appointment. San Angelo, Tx. (325) 374-7096. caSh FoR houSeS any location, any condition. (325) 650-5900 or (512)650-5979. 3338 cLeaRvieW dR. 3BR/2BA, 2460 sq.ft, lovely home close to everything, 14x12 workshop, in-ground pool. Call James Thomas, SARE, (325) 277-5478.
dOVE CREEk. 5 ACRES. 3brdm/2bath. Rock & Cedar. newly remodeled, outdoor kitchen on creek. Water year round. Fishing dock, party area. Large pecan trees. Green house, sheds, storage room, outside laundry & office, fence garden, auto gate, & much more. Call (325) 277-3105. REduCEd. 3/1 Ch/CA. $72,000. $5,000 down. 402 E. Riverside. (325) 234-9110. OwNER FiNANCE, 1007 N. Jefferson, 4 bedroom, 2 bath, $113,000, $3000 down, $1048 month. (325) 2422283. 11 w. 24Th St. $35,000 OBO. No financing.(325) 227-0603 or (325) 212-8782. 415 N. MONROE, 3 bedroom, 1 bath, 79,900, $2000 down, $790 month, taxes included. Call (325) 234-9637. RANkiN, TEXAS - 2 BEDROOM 1-bath home. Approx. 1400 sq. ft., CH/CA, new appliances, 3 car carport, storage building, fenced, new flooring throughout. (432) 693-2322. 3 BdRM/1 BATh house in a nice residential area, great starter home or investment property, large backyard, willing to trade for a home in Del Rio of equal value or owner finance is also available. Asking $5,000 down for more info call (325) 450-1241 or (325) 300-2526. BEAuTiFuL 3 BEdROOM, 2 bath brick home on corner lot, 1548 sq. ft., CH/CA, sprinkler system, fenced, workshop with carport. $194,500. Located in Brady, TX. (325) 4566882 SALE OR TRAdE on Spring Creek with a watefall. 2 bedroom, logside, tin roof, desks, 2 bedroom guest house and shop on 2 acres near Mertzon, $249,900. 325656-7447. 625 E. 44Th. 2BR/1BA close to Lakeview High School, newly carpeted and fresh paint, new hvac is being installed. Call James Thomas, SARE, (325) 277-5478. OwNER FiNANCE. 1923 N. Oakes (behind AC Delco), 2 bedroom, 1 bath, remodeled inside and out, $64,900, $2000 down, $640 month, taxes included. Call (325) 2349637 2 BEdROOM, 1 bath in Santa Rita, CH/CA, 1120 sq.ft., completely remodeled. Detached garage with storage privacy fence, $118,000. (806) 252-6670 OwNER FiNANCE 2 bdrm, 1 bath. Washer and dryer connections. 240E. 3rd St. (325) 2120985.
Everyone’s talking about the Thrifty Nickel’s American Classified
April 28, 2016
Page 17
Small ad BIG deals!
NEw TO ThE market. Nolan County Ranch with improvements. 1,025 acres. Call Lee, Lee & Puckitt, 325-655-6989 LANd CLEARiNGMESQuiTE grubbing, cedar grubbing, clearing brush with a skid steer. Www.cspastureimprovement.net call Cooper 3 2 5 6 5 6 1 3 4 8 http://www.cspastureimprovement.net 24’ 6X6 GOOSE Neck Stock Trailer. 7.50X16 Tires; Rumber Floor Built by Burrus Welding in Miles, Tx. Good Condition. (325) 656-8928. 10.10 ACRES duVAL County. End of road privacy. Behind locked gate. Heavy South Texas Brush cover. Deer, Hogs, Turkey. $1,793 down, $297 monthly. 866-2860199 http://ranchenterprisesltd.com
Real Estate For Sale
2-1/2 ACRES-SOuThERN CALiFORNiA!! $ 5 0 . 0 0 Down/Monthly!4995! Going fast! Owner 949630-0286. Habla Esp a n o l . overlandAssociatesInc.c om AVAiLABLE NOw 2-4 Bedroom Homes!! Take Over Payments. No Money Down. No Credit Check. Call Now!! 1-888270-0692 hOuSE LOTS 3 ACRES & up. North of Veribest, Falcon Acres. Leave a message or text to (325) 340-0719.
Out of Town Property
NEAR LAkE BROwNwOOd. Secluded 3BR/2BA home on 6.7 acres with 25x30 covered carport, 20x12 pavilion, water storage tank, shop & barn. Lots of trees, 2 creeks and plentiful wildlife. $199,500. 325642-8534 wANT yOuR kidS in a great, but small school district? Buy/Rent this roomy home in Robert Lee! To see, call owner @ (325) 655-9141.
Lots/Land & Acreage
FOR SALE 5.25 acres, 1116 E. 28th St. $95,500. Fred (325) 450-0425. 20 ACRES, 3/2 HOME, covered by large oak trees, good set of pens, 2 water wells, & 4 barns in 5 deer country, lots of big bucks, doe & turkey. Make offer. (325) 3741177. 201 hiLLCREST AVE. 2 lots for sale in Ballinger, Texas. 1 lot has gas, electric, sewer, water,house needs to be cleaned out; needs lots of work, has fenced yard & RV shed. Lot across street goes with house & is vacant. $40,000 OBO. (325) 977-9274. ChEAP LANd LiQuidATiON! While they last 80-acre tracts (quarter mile x half mile) in Humboldt County Nevada for $15,999 cash (just 200/acre). Seller pays escrow and closing costs! Call Earl 949-632-7066. See www.cheapruralproperty.com RV LOTS for LEASE in premier ★ San Angelo community. Quiet country living, long term stays welcome. $350/mo includes water service and $50 of free electricity use per month. Christoval Estates (325) 812-3225. B E A u T i F u L ACREAGE wiTh improvements. Close to Abilene, TX. Lee, Lee & Puckitt, (325)6556989.COMMERCiAL PROPERTy SAN ANGELO, TX. - 5-129 ACRES available for long or short term lease or for sale Conveniently located on Christoval Rd. near HWY 87 & GAFB. 7400 sq. ft. warehouse available with 6500 sq. ft. of attached covered storage area. Care taker houses on property if needed. Call 325-656-5708, 325-6554433. LARGE LOT LOCATEd at 440 Spaulding with metal building. $9,500.00 will trade or finance. Call (325) 7167869 30 ACRES NEAR schools in Grape Creek. Great location. (325) 3402786. 5 ACRES, dOVE CREEK SUBDIVISION. Secluded creek frontage, electricity, water, trees, & wildlife. $60,000. 12477 Twin Lakes Ln. (432) 8893482.
NEw MEXiCO CLOSE out sale (tremendous value). 1hour from Albuquerque, 30 miles West of Santa Rosa. 163.50 acres, $81,750 with 20 year fixed rate owner financing. Electricity, access to common well, very private, quiet peaceful. Beautiful views. Call toll free 877-797-2624 for more information. http://www.ranchenterprisesltd.com 50X150 EMPTy LOT, 15th & N. Chadbourne behind Pizza Hut, $9000 obo. (325) 212-1598. 17 N. iRENE. EMPTY LOT 50’X90’. (325) 3743945. 5 OR 10 ACRES. REDUCED TO SELL$20,000 per acre with well, windmill and septic tank. (325) 374-7096. 333 ACRES. 11 miles south of San Angelo off of Highway 277. Excellent hunting, Live Oaks, Cedar & Mesquite. New fences, cross fences. 1250 sq. ft cabin. 30x50 pole barn, water wells, water meter, secluded. (325) 656-2888 SALE OR TRAdE on Spring Creek with a watefall. 2 bedroom, logside, tin roof, desks, 2 bedroom guest house and shop on 2 acres near Mertzon, $249,900. 325656-7447. 158 ACRES, wEST of Robert Lee, Coke Co., Texas. $4,500 per acre. (325) 453-2804. LARGE VACANT LOT, 1/2 acre, corner 16th & Oakes. (325) 3402786. OAk MOuNTAiN ESTATES Just Reduced. 3.87 acres of one of the highest elevations in the county. Peaceful living, wild life and hill country in West Texas awaits the new home builder. Call Candace Sage at San Angelo Real Estate. (325) 656-0633 FOR SALE By OwNER Quiet country living. 3bdrm/2ba mobil home, older class AA Lancer. On 10+ acres north of San Angelo. Shown by appointment, serious inquiries only. No Owner Finance.$75,000. (325) 668-5185, (325) 669-9071. CORNER LOT iN Winters, TX. Includes small house good for storage. $6000. (325) 655-9433.
FOR SALE 10 ACRES AG EXEMPT. Buffalo heights sub division. Sect. 3 fenced on 3 sides & water meter installed. $82,900. (325) 450-1264 APPROX. 3/4 ACRE in Christoval. Cleared and utilities available. $24,900. (325) 650-0725. NiCE REMOdELEd 2 BDRM/1 BATH in Miles, Tx., 1 portable garage, 2 barns, 1 shop, new electrical 220, also separate shop on 3 acres, lots of parking. Rent, Buy house only or Buy All. Good Deal! (325) 617-6347. 1.5 ACRES FOR sale on the outskirts of San Angelo. The land is located in a small quiet country community off of US67. Land can only be used for residential purposes only. Residences can consist of custom built, modular, or new double wide manufactured home only. Asking $17,500. If interested, please give us a call at 325-658-3487. LOTS iN ThE Bluffs for sale 50x130. Great for building. Call James, (325)277-5478 or Janie, (325)277-7653. San Angelo Real Estate. RV LOTS for LEASE in premier San Angelo community. Quiet country living, long term stays welcome. $350/mo includes water service and $50 of free electricity use per month. Christoval Estates (325) 812-3225. 333 ACRES. 11 miles south of San Angelo off of Highway 277. Excellent hunting, Live Oaks, Cedar & Mesquite. New fences, cross fences. 1250 sq. ft cabin. 30x50 pole barn, water wells, water meter, secluded. (325) 656-2888 FOR SALE 5.25 acres, 1116 E. 28th St. $95,500. Fred (325) 450-0425. ChEAP LANd LiQuidATiON! While they last 80-acre tracts (quarter mile x half mile) in Humboldt County Nevada for $15,999 cash (just 200/acre). Seller pays escrow and closing costs! Call Earl 949-632-7066. See www.cheapruralproperty.com 50X150 EMPTy LOT, 15th & N. Chadbourne behind Pizza Hut, $9000 obo. (325) 212-1598.
Put the power of the classifieds to work for you. Commercial Property Rent
OFFiCE SPACES AVAiLABLE, approx. 1600 sq. ft., previously an accounting firm, CH/CA, $800 month, $800 deposit. 123 W. 1st St. Call (325) 234-9637. dOwNTOwN By CiTy Auditorium, suite of offices. Corner. $1500 per mo. $750 deposit. Minimum 1 year lease. Call Claudia, (325) 2127014. FOR LEASE. OFFiCE Space or Retail (remodel) 3808 Sherwood Way. Strip center facing busy street. 1675 sq ft. Six offices plus large reception & waiting area. Minimum 3 year lease. $1,485/mo. 325-234-7595 or 325656-8316. 3250SF wAREhOuSE, 14’X14’ door, walk through door, bathroom access. $800mo. (325) 656-1277. CENTRALLy LOCATEd, FORT CONChO AREA - attractive and affordable 1140 sq. ft. heated/cooled, 3 offices totaling 600 sq. ft. downstairs, 1 office 540 sq. ft. upstairs, designed for multiple work spaces with restrooms and storage closets, plus 2400 sq. ft. warehouse space, motorized overhead and drive-in doors, 120 & 240 outlets, washer/dryer connections, $1195 monthly. First month free. Call (325) 655-4433. 3034 w. BEAuREGARd. $800 month, $800 deposit. (325) 6531040. OFFiCE SPACE 3900 sq. ft. 10 offices, conference room, reception, covered loading & walk in safe.San Angelo Homes 325-716-1624
Commercial Property Sale
BuRRiTO PLACE. CONTENTS, building, land. No owner finance. FMI call (325) 315-6057. 3034 w. BEAuREGARd. $99,000. $4000 down, payment approx. $1000 per month, taxes included. (325) 6531040. REX’S GyM. ChRiSTOVAL, Texas. $180,000. (325) 2552299 1921 JuNiuS. 2 buildings contains 3 offices & 22 storage units. Call James Thomas, SARE, (325) 277-5478. OFFiCE BuiLdiNG APPROX. 1600 sq. ft., previously an accounting firm, Zone changed to Small Commercial, CH/CA, $110,000, $5000 down, $950 month. 123 W. 1st St. Call (325) 2349637. 30X70’ ShOP BuiLdiNG with office on 1/2 acre. Zoned CH. $85K neg. (325) 3745173 owner. BuRRiTO PLACE. CONTENTS, building, land. No owner finance. FMI call (325) 315-6057. 3034 w. BEAuREGARd. $99,000. $4000 down, payment approx. $1000 per month, taxes included. (325) 6531040. REX’S GyM. ChRiSTOVAL, Texas. $180,000. (325) 2552299
1921 JuNiuS. 2 buildings contains 3 offices & 22 storage units. Call James Thomas, SARE, (325) 277-5478. OFFiCE BuiLdiNG APPROX. 1600 sq. ft., previously an accounting firm, Zone changed to Small Commercial, CH/CA, $110,000, $5000 down, $950 month. 123 W. 1st St. Call (325) 2349637. 30X70’ ShOP BuiLdiNG with office on 1/2 acre. Zoned CH. $85K neg. (325) 3745173 owner.
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Page 18 April 28, 2016
Houses for Rent Unfurnished
PAuL ANN ADDITIoN on Regency. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, brick, CH/CA., $1300 month, $650 deposit. Call Rhonda @ (325) 704-0407. 1407 HATcHEr ST. 3 Bedroom, 1 bath, $650 month, $500 deposit. (325) 276-2314. 4 BEDroom, 2 bath, 2 living areas, CH/CA, fence, $885/$800. 2209 Stanton. (325) 212-2995. 2326 cHESTNuT, 2 bedroom, 1 bath, $800 month, $500 deposit. (325) 242-2283. SmALL 1 BDrm/1 BATH. Very quiet. Good neighborhood. $600 month/$600 deposit. No pets. No smoking. (325) 895-8044. 315 GrEEr—3Br/1 1/2 BA. Across from Glenmore School. CH/CA. Extra clean. $695mo/$500dep. Lease. (325) 650-1383. 1865 coLorADo, 1 bedroom, 1 bath duplex, $800 month, t$500 deposit. Call (325) 2349637. 2BDr/2BA DuPLEX cH/A, washer & dryer hookup. $750 rent, $600 deposit. 1 yr lease. (325) 374-5890. 206 AVENuE q, 2 bedroom. $500 monthly, $500 deposit. (325) 2126720 1213 GArFIELD, 2 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath townhouse, stove and fridge furnished, CH/CA, $750 month, $500 deposit. (325) 242-2283. 312 EAST 11TH. 3 bedroom, 2 bath. $600 monthly, $400 deposit. (325) 212-6720 1820 LILLIE ST. 3bdrm/1 bath. $550mo./$500 deposit. (325) 245-3094. 2605 NorTH ST. 2bdrm/2ba. No pets. Refe r e n c e s . $575mo/$350dep. (325) 227-2621, (325) 2456396. 2BDrm/1BATH. 1BDrm SPAcIouS with built in single beds, upstairs & downstairs. $530/month. (325) 6172139 HouSE For rENT in Robert Lee. 4 bdrm/1 bath. Call (325) 4532938. Leave message if no answer. 2 BEDroom, 1 bath, carport, fence, $550/$500. 813 E. 18th. (325) 212-2995.
SmALL 2 BDrm with appliances. No pets. $575/$400 deposit. (325) 651-5064. 3BDrm/2BA HArDWooD floors, CH/CA. No pets, references required. (325) 227-3797. 126 E. 9TH 3bdrm/2ba, very nice. Open plan, kitchen, living area. Tile floorf, patio front/deck in back. $1,000 month, $600 deposit. Small pet OK. Call (325) 234-7000. Inquire next door, 132 E. 9th. rIVErFroNT LIVING! New ★ 2014 and 2016 model 3 bedroom/2 bath manufactured homes for rent with new appliances and ice cold A/C. As low as $675/mo. 325–812– 3225. 4 BDrm/ 1.5 BATH. Well water, CH/CA. $1150 month/$1150 deposit. No pets, No smoking. References. (325) 895-8044. SToP rENTING! oPTIoN To Buy! Rent To Own. No Money Down! No Credit Check! Call Now 1-877-395-1298 3130 SuNSET, LARGE 2BR/1BA duplex, 2 car garage, small yard, $950 month, $800 deposit. Erica Boyce, Bollinger RE. (325) 2128314. 2475 oXForD. NIcE large 3bdrm/2bath. 2,500 sq. ft. Family size home. 2 car carport. Fenced yard. Pet friendly. $1,595 a month. Available June. For info call Kevin (325) 234-1893. 1101 E. 24 1/2. Available soon. 3bdrm/ 1/2ba, garage, fenced backyard. No pets, no smoking. $850mo/$700dep. (325) 703-1152 2306 rANEY, 3 bedroom, 1 bath, remodeled, $950 month, $600 deposit. (325) 242-2283. 3 BEDroom, 1 bath, CH/CA, carport, fence, $695/$600. 2205 Wilson. (325) 212-2995. 1809 ST. mArYS— 3BD/2BA, brick home with landscaped front yard. Fantastic sunroom with custom tile floor. Wood flooring, carpet, wood blinds, efficient windows, granite countertop in kitchen, dishwasher, & oven/stove. Shed out back & has lovely covered porch. Small pets welcome with non-refundable deposit. $1500mo/$1000dep. (325) 656-4774. 58 E. 9TH, 2BR/1BA duplex, recently remodeled. $675/ month, $600 deposit. Erica Boyce, Bollinger RE. (325) 2128314. 1423 S. DAVID, front house. 3bdrm/2ba, CH/A. No pets. Available May 1st. $1195 monthly. (325) 650-8581. ImmAcuLATE WEST SIDE, 3BR/2BA with country sized kitchen, new flooring & paint, appliances, CH/CA, ceiling fans, mini blinds, carport & storage. No pets. $875 month. Barth Realty (325) 949-1617.
902 N. JAcKSoN. 2/1, CH/A, washer/dryer connections. Very clean. $700mo./$500dep. (325) 895-0545. 2714 uNIVErSITY3Br/2BA, 2 living areas. Wood floors, beautiful open kitchen. $1,250mo/$1,000dep. (325) 716-9446. 2509 W. HArrIS 2/1/1 New bath & kitchen, hardwood floors, W/D hookups, CH/A. Very clean. $750 rent, $500 deposit. (325) 895-0545 2/1, cH/cA. No smoking & pets negotiable with $100 deposit. 1 year l e a s e . $850/month$300/deposit. (325) 763-5838. rENT To oWN Home. 3 Beds 2 Baths $70k, $300 Per Month. www.RentToOwnZone.co m rENT or SALE 1,400 SQ. FT. 3 bdrm/2bath. Newer home close to GFAFB, 1 car garage, privacy fence, sprinkler system, good neighborhood, storage facility in back. $1,250 month. (325) 320-8243. 1625 PrEuSSEr 2BR/2BA. Laundry room, kitchen appliances. large yard. $725/ mo. Erica Boyce, Bollinger RE. (325) 212-8314. 1917 SAN ANToNIo ST. 2bdrm, 1 full bath. Big kitchen, all appliances included, plus washer & dryer. Pets ok, fenced-in backyard. Available May 1st. $795mo. (325) 2341893. 3025 GuADALuPE, 2Br/1BA, CH/CA, laundry room, large backyard. No pets. 1 block from McGill Elementary. $825mo./ $500dep. (325) 949-0154. 1618 uTAH AVE. 2BR/2BA. Separate sinks & walk-ins in master. Granite counters, convection oven. Available May 1. $1200mo/$500dep, (325) 234-5995. rENT or SALE 1,400 SQ. FT. 3 bdrm/2bath. Newer home close to GFAFB, 1 car garage, privacy fence, sprinkler system, good neighborhood, storage facility in back. $1,250 month. (325) 320-8243. rIVErFroNT LIVING! New 2014 and 2016 model 3 bedroom/2 bath manufactured homes for rent with new appliances and ice cold A/C. As low as $675/mo. 325–812–3225 NIcE 3 BDrm/2 full baths. Covered parking, fenced yard, screened in porch, with cellar. 2829 W. Harris. $1,150 month/$400 deposit. (325) 650-5558. 1407 HATcHEr ST. 3 Bedroom, 1 bath, $650 month, $500 deposit. (325) 276-2314. 4 BEDroom, 2 bath, 2 living areas, CH/CA, fence, $885/$800. 2209 Stanton. (325) 212-2995. 2326 cHESTNuT, 2 bedroom, 1 bath, $800 month, $500 deposit. (325) 242-2283.
315 GrEEr—3Br/1 1/2 BA. Across from Glenmore School. CH/CA. Extra clean. $695mo/$500dep. Lease. (325) 650-1383. 1865 coLorADo, 1 bedroom, 1 bath duplex, $800 month, t$500 deposit. Call (325) 2349637. 2BDr/2BA DuPLEX cH/A, washer & dryer hookup. $750 rent, $600 deposit. 1 yr lease. (325) 374-5890. 206 AVENuE q, 2 bedroom. $500 monthly, $500 deposit. (325) 2126720 1213 GArFIELD, 2 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath townhouse, stove and fridge furnished, CH/CA, $750 month, $500 deposit. (325) 242-2283. 312 EAST 11TH. 3 bedroom, 2 bath. $600 monthly, $400 deposit. (325) 212-6720 1820 LILLIE ST. 3bdrm/1 bath. $550mo./$500 deposit. (325) 245-3094.
Manufactured Homes
SENIor SPEcIALS! Beautiful ★ 2BR & 3BR manufactured homes available in premier San Angelo communities. Fully remodeled, new flooring, spacious kitchens, central air. Payments as low as $560/mo. 325-812-3225.
4/2, FurNISHED 2000 sq. ft. Huge yard RBI# 36644 325-2276453 $9800 FIXEr uPPEr Mobile Home. RBI# 36644 325-227-6453 WHY SPEND moNEY on an RV when you can have a 1 bedroom park model under 50k? Pick out your finish. Call for consultation. 432-558YOUR AD COULD BE HERE! 0077 Call 944-7653 2 BEDroom/1 BATH $27,000 Includes delivLArGE 2&3 BED- ery. RBI# 36644 325-227ROOM MANUFAC- 6453 TURED homes, fully SAVE uP To $20,000 remodeled, 1,000 – on 2015 Lot Models D/W 1,500 sqft, spacious & S/W and pay as low as kitchens and baths, $30 sqft for a 1896 sqft large master suites, D/W, 4/2/2 living. Repubcentral heating/air. lic Homes, RBI# 32738, Payments as low as Early, Tx. Call for Text $580/mo. (325) 812- Henry @ 325-200-6599. 3225 Only (7) 2015 Lot Models Left, don’t miss this deal 2605 NorTH ST. on your new home. Call 2bdrm/2ba. No pets. Ref- or text today, before they e r e n c e s . are gone. 325-200-6599. $575mo/$350dep. (325) 227-2621, (325) 245- 1,200 Sq FT 3/2 on 6396. a corner lot, close to 2 B D r m / 1 B A T H . schools. Less than six old. Only 1BDrm SPAcIouS years with built in single beds, $36,900. Wont last upstairs & downstairs. long. Call (325) 617$530/month. (325) 617- 7872. RBI: 36791 2139 HouSE For rENT in For rENT 4 bedroom, Robert Lee. 4 bdrm/1 2 bath, $1000 month. Call bath. Call (325) 453- 325-486-9000. 2938. Leave message if 2015 4/3 TrIPLE wide no answer. for $179,999! 2600 2 BEDroom, 1 bath, square foot, stainless apcarport, fence, pliances, fantasy kitchen, $550/$500. 813 E. 18th. walk in closets, & play(325) 212-2995. room. Must See! 432SmALL 2 BDrm with 558-0077 appliances. No pets. moBILE $575/$400 deposit. (325) SoNorA HomE Lots available. 651-5064. 3BDrm/2BA HArD- (830) 313-1313. HArBor WooD floors, CH/CA. PALm No pets, references re- (EXcEL) manufactured quired. (325) 227-3797. home for sale. Approx. 126 E. 9TH 3bdrm/2ba, 1,500 sq. ft. Year 2003. CH/CA, very nice. Open plan, 3bdrm/2bath. kitchen, living area. Tile fans, carpet, fireplace, floorf, patio front/deck in very clean home. Excelback. $1,000 month, lent condition, with spa$600 deposit. Small pet cious living areas. OK. Call (325) 234-7000. REDUCED: $27,995 or Inquire next door, 132 E. offers. Menard Country 9th. ARD. (325) 396-4473. cABIN PorcH HomES, design your own floorplan, under 80 a square foot. Quick build, Houses for Rent turnkey available. Call Furnished 432-558-0077
GET Connected With
American Classifieds! PUBLIC NOTICE Real Estate Advertised in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference limitation of religion, sex or national origin, or any intention to make any such preferences, limitation or discrimination." This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis.
NEW 4 BEDroom/ 2 bath, over 2000 sq ft, 2 living areas. Under $700/Month. Call (325) 617-7872. RBI: 36791 For rENT 3 bedroom, 2 bath, $800 month. Call 325-486-9000. rEPuBLIc HomES, rBI#32738 Early, Tx. Best prices in Tx on Clayton, SE Homes, Schult, Legacy, Tru M/H & Fleetwood. Call or text Henry Today, internet mgr, making dreams come true all over Texas. 325-2006599.
oWNEr FINANcE WEST Odessa Homes available. RBI# 36644 325-227-6453 SoNorA, oWNEr FINANcE. 3bd/2ba, set up in Sonora mobile home park. (830) 3131313. ANGELo moBILE HomE moVING; Relevels, skirting & transporting. Unstable floor, unshutting doors? Foundation stabilization, pier & beam, trailer homes. Licensed, bonded, insured. I-4486. Chris (325) 276-1978 leave message. NEW 3/2, ENErGY EFFIcIENT vinyl windows, wood siding, stainless vent hood, 30 year roof, large open layout. Huge walk-in closet. Call (325) 6177872. RBI: 36791 TINY HomE!! 1 bed/1 bath $27,000, Includes delivery. RBI# 36644 325227-6453 rEPoS rEPoS rEPoS - Double wides, one 3/2 and another 3/2 with office! Starting at $39,999! Payments available Call 432-558-0077 mAY SPEcIAL! PAY your security deposit on this nice 3BR/2BA home & move in! Washer/dryer connections, CH/A, off street parking & appliances. Only $650 per mo, $650 deposit. Call (325) 658-2763. mAY SPEcIAL! PAY your security deposit on this cute 2BR/2BA home & move in! CH/A, washer/dryer connections, appliances, carport & storage! Only $550 per mo, $550 deposit. Call (325) 658-2763. LArGE 2&3 BEDROOM MANUFACTURED homes, fully remodeled, 1,000 – 1,500 sqft, spacious kitchens and baths, large master suites, central heating/air. Payments as low as $560/mo. (325) 8123225
GrAPE crEEK. SINGLEWIDE on 0.478 of an acre, 10725 Oatland Dr. Ready to move in. Call Roland Allen, Dierschke & Dierschke, (325) 3745915. PrIcE rEDucED! NIcE 3BR/2BA doublewide on a large lot! Stove, dishwasher & fridge. New laminate flooring. Easy financing & 2 months FREE lot rent. This home sells for only $22,000. RBI#35815. Call (325) 658-2763. FIX IT-N-FLIP IT! Large 3BR/2BA doublewide for only $14,000. RBI#35815. Call (325) 658-2763.
YOUR AD COULD BE HERE! Call 944-7653 rIVErFroNT ★ LIVING – New 2014 and 2015 model manufactured homes with new appliances and ice cold A/C. Beautiful 2 & 3 bedroom floor plans available. EZ owner financing. As low as $665/mo. First month FREE! 325–812–3225.
944-SOLD NEW 4 BEDroom/ 2 bath, over 2000 sq ft, 2 living areas. Under $700/Month. Call (325) 617-7872. RBI: 36791 LArGE 2&3 BEDROOM MANUFACTURED homes, fully remodeled, 1,000 – 1,500 sqft, spacious kitchens and baths, large master suites, central heating/air. Payments as low as $560/mo. (325) 812-3225 For SALE: LANcEr Double wide, 28 x 76 2,128 sq. ft. 3Br, 3Ba. Solid wood cabinets, vaulted ceiling, fireplace. $10,000 or best offer by 6/30/16. Call 325-2776626. For rENT 4 bedroom, 2 bath, $1000 month. Call 325-486-9000.
EVERYTHING we touch turns to sold!! Call 944-SOLD LENDErS oFFErING zEro DoWN with your land.Call (325) 617-7872RBI: 36791
Cemetery Plots
IN FAIrmouNT cEmETArY; 1 lot w/2 spaces. Save $1000 off cemetary price. Call (940) 564-0827 2 LoTS IS Lawn Haven. Good Location in Last Supper, Lot 571, $5000. for both. call 806 632 9030 or 806 793 1678. LAWNHAVEN: 2 PLoTS in Apostles, value $5,590. Will take $5,000 and pay transfer. (325) 374-2026. 2 mAuSoLEumS AT Calvary Catholic Cemetery. $6000. (469) 3585380, (214) 872-4241. cEmETErY PLoT & MARKER. Lawnhaven. Good location, reasonably priced. FMI (325) 763-9695. LAWNHAVEN DouBLE DEPTH Cemetery Lot. In Veteran’s section. $2600. (325) 651-5979 DouBLE-DEPTH PLoT IN Lawnhaven, Whispering Waterfall section. $4000. (580) 7913457. 2 crYPTS IN Calvary Garden Mausoleum. San Angelo. $2500 each obo. (325) 949-0034 muLTIPLE BurIAL PLoTS (CONNECTED) in Fairmont Cemetery. Call after 6pm. (325) 6507060. LAWNHAVEN PLoT $1850, will pay transfer. Garden of Christus. Call Sherry (325) 450-1882. 4 cEmETErY PLoTS, Lawnhaven Cemetery located in the oldest section. Will consider selling 2 at a time. Reasonably priced. (325) 651-6457. 2 PLoTS CALVARY Cemetery. $1400 each. (325) 949-7004. 1 GrAVE PLoT. Fairmont Cemetery Main entrance near gazebo. $1600. Call (325) 9491280. 2 ADJoINING LAWNHAVEN prime burial lots. The Last Supper lot #218 Section E. Save $600, both for $3795. We pay transfer fee. David (801) 427-5652
2 PLoTS LAWNHAVEN. Valued at $4,400. Will sell for less. (806) 773-3019. 1 PLoT WESTEND of Catholic cemetery, $1500. (405) 318-9686, LAWNHAVEN: GArDEN oF Christus, Lot 27 space 4. Single lot, $2064.25 plus $95 transfer fee. (281) 494-1968 cEmETErY LoT AT LAWN HAVEN. GOOD LOCATION AT THE APOSTLE. (325) 6565571. LAWNHAVEN—mEmorIES, SEcTIoN. LoT 70, spaces 1 & 2. Next to gazebo. Valued at $5,200, asking $1500.(325) 245-3956. rEDucED PrIcE. 2 MAUSOLEUM CRYPTS in Lawn Haven Gardens / San Angelo. (806) 3521406. TWo PLoTS, SIDE by side, in the Veterans Garden in Lawnhaven Cemetery near San Angelo, TX. Will sell both for $4000. Will consider selling one @ $2200. Includes transfer fee. Call (325) 2126291 or (325)482-0244. 4 SIDE-BY-SIDE cEmETErY plots, located in Fairmont Cemetery. Call (325) 374-7224 or (325) 650-5738. 2 cEmETErY PLoTS FOR SALE IN WHISPERING WATERFALL. $2,500 A PIECE. (512) 940-9982 IN FAIrmouNT cEmETArY; 1 lot w/2 spaces. Save $1000 off cemetary price. Call (940) 564-0827 2 LoTS IS Lawn Haven. Good Location in Last Supper, Lot 571, $5000. for both. call 806 632 9030 or 806 793 1678. LAWNHAVEN: 2 PLoTS in Apostles, value $5,590. Will take $5,000 and pay transfer. (325) 374-2026. 2 mAuSoLEumS AT Calvary Catholic Cemetery. $6000. (469) 3585380, (214) 872-4241. cEmETErY PLoT & MARKER. Lawnhaven. Good location, reasonably priced. FMI (325) 763-9695. DouBLE-DEPTH PLoT IN Lawnhaven, Whispering Waterfall section. $4000. (580) 7913457. BurIAL PLoT IN Lawnhaven Veterans Garden. Includes outer container required by Lawnhaven. $2,200, save $789. Call (325)212-6291 or (325)482-0244. 2 crYPTS IN Calvary Garden Mausoleum. San Angelo. $2500 each obo. (325) 949-0034 muLTIPLE BurIAL PLoTS (CONNECTED) in Fairmont Cemetery. Call after 6pm. (325) 6507060. LAWNHAVEN PLoT $1850, will pay transfer. Garden of Christus. Call Sherry (325) 450-1882. 4 cEmETErY PLoTS, Lawnhaven Cemetery located in the oldest section. Will consider selling 2 at a time. Reasonably priced. (325) 651-6457. 2 PLoTS CALVARY Cemetery. $1400 each. (325) 949-7004. 1 GrAVE PLoT. Fairmont Cemetery Main entrance near gazebo. $1600. Call (325) 9491280. LAWNHAVEN DouBLE DEPTH Cemetery Lot. In Veteran’s section. $2600. (325) 651-5979 SINGLE DEPTH LAWN crypt (crypt already in ground) with perpetual care at Lawnhaven Memorial Gardens. Section J, halfway between Whispering Waterfall and Inner Drive. Valued at approx $4195, asking $2700. Call (325) 658-3171 between 9am-8pm.
hIStorIC reNoVated apartmeNtS in Christoval. Apartments $500-$850-$900, water Furnished included. (325) 6592305, (325) 651-8984. 25 e. 11th St. 2 bedroom, 1 bath. $550 monthly, $350 deposit. 1Br FUrNIShed Stove, refrigerator. We apartmeNt. All bills. pay water. No pets. (325) $750mo/$300dep. (325) 657-0771, (325) 656245-7616. 1536. 218 W. 9th Apt. 7. 1 bedroom, 1 bath, all bills included except cable, $450 month, $250 deApartments posit. (325) 242-2283. Unfurnished eFFICIeNCY 1 Bedroom Apt. $550mo/$250dep. All bills paid. Basic cable included. No pets. h U N t I N G t o N Dominguez Apts. 23 E. aptS 4042 Hunting- Ave. K. (325) 656-2018. ton Lane. 2 bdrm/2 hUNtINGtoN bath-$800 mo. 1 aptS 4042 Huntingbdrm/1 bath-$700. ton Lane. 2 bdrm/2 $300 deposit. All bills bath-$800 mo. 1 paid except electricity. bdrm/1 bath-$700. Washer/Dryer connec$300 deposit. All bills tions, fireplace, basic paid except electricity. cable, covered parkWasher/Dryer connecing, storage. (325) tions, fireplace, basic 212-1135, (714) 585cable, covered park8392. ing, storage. (325) 212-1135, (714) 5852 Bedroom/2Bath 8392. apt. $675/mo, $300 deposit. (325) 653-0367 620 preUSSer apt. NICe 2 Bedroom, 1 #3. Small efficiency. bath. Close to down Water paid. $400mo, town. Water paid. No $200dep. (325) 656- pets & References required. (325) 2279420. 218 W. 9th Apt. 4. 1 3797.(830) 522-1627 rIVerFroNt bedroom, 1 bath, all bills LIVING! New 2014 included except cable, $450 month, $250 de- and 2016 model 3 bedposit. (325) 242-2283. room, 2 bath manufac1 Bedroom/1Bath tured homes for rent with apt. $545/mo, $250 de- new appliances and ice posit. (325) 653-0367 cold A/C. As low as $675/mo. 325-812-3225. Discover a deal.
hUNtINGtoN aptS rIVerFroNt 4042 Huntington Lane. 2 LIVING! New bdrm/2 bath-$800 mo. 1 2014 and 2016 model bdrm/1 bath-$700. $300 3 bedroom, 2 bath deposit. All bills paid ex- manufactured homes cept electricity. for rent with new appliWasher/Dryer connec- ances and ice cold tions, fireplace, basic A/C. As low as $675/mo. 325-812cable, covered parking, 3225. storage. (325) 212-1135, (714) 585-8392. 2 Bedroom/2Bath apt. $675/mo, $300 dethe oaKS doWN- posit. (325) 653-0367 toWN. 402 W. 620 preUSSer apt. TWOHIG. Extra large #3. Small efficiency. apartments, extra Water paid. $400mo, large closets. $200dep. (325) 6562br/2bath 1300 sqft. 9420. 1br/1bath 900 sqft. All reNobills paid except elec- hIStorIC aparttricity. Washer/Dryer Vated connections and/or meNtS in Christoval. laundromat. (325) 656- $500-$850-$900, water included. (325) 6591277. 2305, (325) 651-8984.
We offer worldwide advertising! 16 e. 30th, Las rosas apt. 1 bedroom, upstairs $475, downstairs $500. 2 bedroom, 1 bath, upstairs $575, downstairs $600. 225 e. 3rd St. Sage Brush apts. 2 bedroom, 1 bath, downstairs $600. 1909 1/2 Pulliam. St. Marjan Apts, 1 bedroom, $475 upstairs, $500 downstairs. Special move in rates available (325) 6533506, (714) 585-8392.
218 W. 9th Apt. 4. 1 bedroom, 1 bath, all bills included except cable, $450 month, $250 deposit. (325) 242-2283. 1 Bedroom/1Bath apt. $545/mo, $250 deposit. (325) 653-0367 25 e. 11th St. 2 bedroom, 1 bath. $550 monthly, $350 deposit. Stove, refrigerator. We pay water. No pets. (325) 657-0771, (325) 6561536. 218 W. 9th Apt. 7. 1 bedroom, 1 bath, all bills included except cable, $450 month, $250 deposit. (325) 242-2283.
April 28, 2016
Lakes & Resorts
3 aCreS LaKeSIde Lot. Lake Ivey, Indian Hills Subd, $25,000. Trade for class A or C Motorhome of same value. (325) 653-4764
Be wise...ADVERTISE!
Page 19
oaK poINt LaKe property on Lake Brownwood, $9,785 OBO. (325) 656-1047.
American Classifieds is your #1 classified source
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April 28, 2016
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April 28, 2016
2015 CAMARO Z 28 for sale or take over payments. Solid black with amplifier inside it has 6,400 actual miles on it and is still under warranty. Located in Whitesboro, TX. Phone number 405-570-3371 SOLD MY VEHICLE the first weekend. American Classifieds works and I would place ads again. Chuck G. ‘93 MERCEDES BENZ E300, 145K, white. $4000. (325) 3208243. 2002 CADILLAC DTS. Good condition. 4 dr, silver, 104K. (405) 779-6267 or (832) 4704864. 1992 LEXUS SUPER Coupe 400, runs good, $4000 obo. (325) 6536380.
‘77 VW CONVERTIBLE. Excellent condition. Runs great. (325) 234-6255. ‘09 DODGE AVENGER 4cyl, 4dr, 122K. Red, nice. Runs great. $4,2000. (325) 650-4926, (325) 8649713. DID YOU KNOW?! CLARK’S AUTO WRECKING has NEW auto parts, doors, fenders, grills, radiators, hoods, lights, door handles. Many in stock or next day delivery. You’ll be surprised at their prices. 658-4377. 2013 FOCUS Black, 27K miles. $8,300. (325) 656-1172 or (325) 6552808. 2006 FORD TAURUS. 67K. New tires. Great shape. $4,600 OBO. (325) 234-2612. 2000 BMW Z3 Convertible. 2.8L. 58K miles. Great condition. $8,000. (325) 977-2900.
www.angeloads.com HONDA, DODGE, FORD, Jeeps, More! New or Used. NO Credit! Bad Credit! Even Bankruptcies! We Can Help! Get Pre-approved, Call Now 1-800-437-3860 HISTORIC MURALS OF SAN ANGELO, INC. has begun a new mural. This mural will honor J. Frank Wilson and the Cavaliers for their hit song “Last Kiss”. Please share your memories of that song on our FACEBOOK Page and if you would like to make a donation to help with the final expenses, please send to: Historic Murals of San Angelo, Inc., P.O. Box 61402, San Angelo, TX 76906. CARS/TRUCKS WANTED! WE buy 2000-2015 Cars/Trucks, Running or Not! Nationwide Free Pickup! America’s Top Car Buyer! Call 1-888-513-1505.
1989 ✔IROC
CAMARO Z, 350 V8. 110k miles, excellent running condition and has new 4 speed auto transmission. 5 time 1st place winner in class at local car shows. $7995. Call (325) 812-4320 for more info. ARE YOU READY? Want to win tickets to Schlitterbahn Water Park in New Braunfels? You need to LIKE American Classifieds on FACEBOOK and follow us on Twitter and you could win!! 2010 FOCUS FORD SE 4 door, all electric. $5,450. Don(325) 6561172. ‘99 JEEP WRANGLER. 6 cyl. 4X4, new top, 141K. $5,500. Must sell. (325) 320-8243. 2007 GRAND PRIX V6, AC, 4 door, clean. 133K. 3,100 TT&L. (325) 212-0225.
2004 TOYOTA CAMRY SE. V6, 4dr, 109k, PL, PW, extra clean. $4850.(325) 6504926. San Angelo. 2010 CADILLAC DTS luxary, 58,000K, garage kept, new tires, sunroof, excellent condition, silver. $17,900. (325) 656-6741. 2013 BUICK VERANO. Gas saver. Wife’s car. $16,000. (325) 4507455.
I ADVERTISED MY VEHICLE in American Classifieds. A man came by to look at it. I had another vehicle that was not for sale. Long story short, I sold the unadvertised vehicle. You guys are batting 1000!! I’ll always come here! J.S. “95 FORD TAURUS. Very clean. $4200 OBO. Will trade for guns or Travel Trailer. (325) 9429996.
2010 HONDA CIVIC LX. 88K. 4 DR. Automatic. Excellent. $7500. (325) 864-9713, (325) 650-4926 2009 NISSIAN 370Z. 27K. Perfect condition. Garage kept. $20,000. (325) 658-5017. 2014 TOYOTA COROLLA Very good condition. 35K miles. $14,800 OBO. (325) 2628694. 2012 HONDA CRV. Auto, AC, CD, 54,000 miles. Excellent condition. $15,500. (325) 2625181. SOLD MY VEHICLE the first weekend. American Classifieds works and I would place ads again. Chuck G. 2008 FORD FUSION. $3,200. (325) 656-1172. DONATE YOUR CAR to Veterans Today! Help and Support our Veterans. Fast-FREE pick up. 100% tax deductible. Call 1-800-245-0398. NATION WIDE parts locator service! Can’t find that part you need? Call Clark’s and let them find it for you. (325) 6584377.
COME CHECK OUT San Angelo Motor Co., 2201 W. Ave. N, (325) 944-0522. See all the cars, pickups, and SUVs that we have. WANT TO WIN TICKETS TO SCHLITTERBAHN - “LIKE” OUR FACEBOOK page and you could win FREE TICKETS! Tell your friends to like our page and they could win too!! Be sure and check our FACEBOOK page (SAN ANGELO AMERICAN CLASSIFIEDS) for FREE giveaways!! FOR SALE: 2003 Lexus SC 430 Hard Top Convertible V8 / 4.3 Liter 131,000 miles VERY CLEAN CAR! $9,000, OBO Call (325) 942-8652 between 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM to schedule viewing appointment CARS/TRUCKS WANTED!! ALL Make/Models 2000-2015! Any Condition. Running or Not. Competitive Offer! Free Towing! We’re Nationwide! Call Now: 1888-416-2330. GREAT RATE ON auto insurance. Call for a FREE quote TODAY. (325)944-3813, Younts Insurance. insurewesttexas.com. 2009 MITSUBISHI ECLIPSE. 62,000. Red outside, Black leather fully loaded inside. $5,995. call (325) 9470740. I PAID $113.00 FOR 1 month of advertising with another publication, and I got one call for my business in two weeks. In 2 weeks, my ad in American Classifieds that cost only $12, I got 15 calls. Thank you!! R. L.
‘99 BUICK LESABRE. 43,100 miles. 4dr., white, blue interior. New tires. This is a premium used car. Nothing nicer. $4,850. San Angelo. (303) 8889437.
2002 CADILLAC DTS. Good condition. 4 dr, silver, 104K. (405) 779-6267 or (832) 4704864. 1992 LEXUS SUPER Coupe 400, runs good, $4000 obo. (325) 6536380. ‘77 VW CONVERTIBLE. Excellent condition. Runs great. (325) 234-6255.
“LIKE” US AND BE OUR “FRIEND” ON FACEBOOK and you could win “FREE” ads. Keep up with all the latest happenings at American Classifieds. Check us out on Facebook and “like” us!! UP TO $400 CASH paid for old cars and trucks. More in some cases. (325) 656-3658 2006 LEXIS LS430 ULTRA, blue, 121k, maintained, all bells and whistles, $14,800. (325) 942-8745. BUYING UNWANTED AUTOMOBILES & parts running or not. Call (325) 234-5154. 2009 370Z. RED, 44k miles, fully loaded, very nice. See picture online. Must sell. $16,500 (KBB is $18,400). 325-7168621 2010 FORD FOCUS SE, loaded, $6500. Super nice!. (325) 234-6968. 2008 DODGE CHARGER, V6, all wheel drive, 90K, below loan value $6800 obo. (325) 234-6968. 2015 CAMARO Z 28 for sale or take over payments. Solid black with amplifier inside it has 6,400 actual miles on it and is still under warranty. Located in Whitesboro, TX. Phone number 405-570-3371 ‘93 MERCEDES BENZ E300, 145K, white. $4000. (325) 3208243.
‘09 DODGE AVENGER 4cyl, 4dr, 122K. Red, nice. Runs great. $4,2000. (325) 650-4926, (325) 8649713. DID YOU KNOW?! CLARK’S AUTO WRECKING has NEW auto parts, doors, fenders, grills, radiators, hoods, lights, door handles. Many in stock or next day delivery. You’ll be surprised at their prices. 658-4377. 2013 FOCUS Black, 27K miles. $8,300. (325) 656-1172 or (325) 6552808. 2006 FORD TAURUS. 67K. New tires. Great shape. $4,600 OBO. (325) 234-2612.
1995 FORD TAURUS 4 door. Loaded. Very nice. 72K. One owner. $4100 OBO. (325) 9429996.
944-SOLD 2000 BMW Z3 Convertible. 2.8L. 58K miles. Great condition. $8,000. (325) 977-2900. 1989 CAMARO IROC Z, 350 V8. 110k miles, excellent running condition and has new 4 speed auto transmission. 5 time 1st place winner in class at local car shows. $7995. Call (325) 812-4320 for more info. 2010 FOCUS FORD SE 4 door, all electric. $5,450. Don(325) 6561172. ‘99 JEEP WRANGLER. 6 cyl. 4X4, new top, 141K. $5,500. Must sell. (325) 320-8243. 2007 GRAND PRIX V6, AC, 4 door, clean. 133K. 3,100 TT&L. (325) 212-0225. 2004 TOYOTA CAMRY SE. V6, 4dr, 109k, PL, PW, extra clean. $4850.(325) 6504926. San Angelo. 2010 CADILLAC DTS luxary, 58,000K, garage kept, new tires, sunroof, excellent condition, silver. $17,900. (325) 656-6741. 2013 BUICK VERANO. Gas saver. Wife’s car. $16,000. (325) 4507455. “95 FORD TAURUS. Very clean. $4200 OBO. Will trade for guns or Travel Trailer. (325) 9429996. 2010 HONDA CIVIC LX. 88K. 4 DR. Automatic. Excellent. $7500. (325) 864-9713, (325) 650-4926 2009 NISSIAN 370Z. 27K. Perfect condition. Garage kept. $20,000. (325) 658-5017. 2014 TOYOTA COROLLA Very good condition. 35K miles. $14,800 OBO. (325) 2628694. 2012 HONDA CRV. Auto, AC, CD, 54,000 miles. Excellent condition. $15,500. (325) 2625181. 2008 FORD FUSION. $3,200. (325) 656-1172.
FOR SALE: 2003 Lexus SC 430 Hard Top Convertible V8 / 4.3 Liter 131,000 miles VERY CLEAN CAR! $9,000, OBO Call (325) 942-8652 between 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM to schedule viewing appointment 2009 MITSUBISHI ECLIPSE. 62,000. Red outside, Black leather fully loaded inside. $5,995. call (325) 9470740. 1995 FORD TAURUS 4 door. Loaded. Very nice. 72K. One owner. $4100 OBO. (325) 9429996. UP TO $400 CASH paid for old cars and trucks. More in some cases. (325) 656-3658
Heavy Equipment 2014 TCM FORKLIFT, 5000 lbs, propane, 650 hours, $20,000. 325-374-5595. ‘97 INTERNATIONAL DT466E flatbed diesel, new motor, new tires, $10,000. 325-374-5595. ‘96 FREIGHTLINER CLASSIC with Super Ten Transmission. Condo. 3406 Caterpillar engine. 42ft. float included. $11,500.(325) 234-8605.
1975 MERCEDES 240-D, Beautiful Auto. Garaged since 1979. Make Offer!! (325) 6559141.
2013 SHELBY GT500 Black & red. 2K miles. Mint with every option. $56,500. (325) 277-4570.
1987 CHEVY CAMARO T-Top Z28 with rebuilt 350 engine with tuner. PW, PL, working A/C & heater. New tires. Flowmaster exhaust. (325) 374-5066.
Best rates in town!
1964 FORD FAIRLANE; 65k miles. Runs good, Mint condition. $7500 obo. Cash. (325) 1956 CAMEO, GOOD 226-4267 condition, can drive any1996 FORD MUS- where $21,500. 325-650TANG COBRA. PW, 8383. PL, AC/Heat work. 1986 CHEVY 4X4 Leather seats, Head- SNB 350 automatic, New ers, flow master. (325) air condition, new tires 374-5066 and wheels, excellent condition, red exterior, black interior $10,500. 325-650-8383. 1964 CORVAIR CONVERTIBLE, new power top, very good condi1934 FORD COUPE; tion,red interior and exterior, white top can drive 327 motor, 300hp, at the anywhere $4,500. 325rear wheels, a/c & heater, 650-8383. red interior, 372 posi rear end, suicide doors, 1981 JEEP SCRAMBLER, great condition, shaved doors & trunk, 258 original motor, autoradio, tape deck, cd matic transmission player & chrome front $14,500. 325-650-8383. axle & engine. $39,900 FMI Call (325) 212-1788. 1988 CHEVY “LIKE” US AND BE CORVETTE; White OUR “FRIEND” ON w/red interior. RemovFACEBOOK and you able roof, Gold Packcould win “FREE” age. 49,000 miles, garage kept, New tires, ads. Keep up with all water pump & alternathe latest happen- tor. Italian dual mufings at American flers, great condition. Classifieds. Check $11,500. FMI Call (325) us out on Facebook 234-9992. and “like” us!!
1978 RANCHERO GT; 35/c, auto, excellent condition. New dual exhaust, Interior, paint$9,900. (804) 2433110
1967 CHEVROLET STEP Side, 3 speed on column, original, one owner, $35,500. (325) 456-6882
Best rates in town!
April 28, 2016
1960 FORD GALAXY 500, 70k miles, all original, $6500. (325) 6173544. 1989 XLT FORD BRONCO 4X4 nice. (325) 650-4701(325) 617-7506
Page 23
1979 FORD RANCHERO. Runs good. Drives good. Call Tom (325) 340-6540 for details. 1983 CHEVY PU. Short/Narrow, rebuilt heavy duty, TH400 Auto, New dual exhaust, New Interior, am/fm, fast v8, 350 + 2 new tires. $8,900 Call (804) 243-3110
Making it easier for you!
Page 24
April 28, 2016
‘99 cheVY eXtended CAB Truck. Red. $3,800obo. (325) 656-9878. 2013 cheVY picKUp WHITE. Single cab 6 cylinder, great gas mileage, 50,000 miles, detailed interior, exterior, & motor. All fluids changed, new tires, excellent condition, great price. $14,750. Steve Perkins (432) 638-6373. See at Preston’s Play Yard 2838 College Hills Blvd. $cAsh$ any make or model cars and pickups for wrecking use. We will pick them up. clark’s Auto Wrecking, 6584377. GreAt rAte on auto insurance. Call for a FREE quote TODAY. (325)944-3813, Younts Insurance. insurewesttexas.com. ‘89 cheVY 3/4 TON single cab pickup, 350 auto, grille guard, headache, gooseneck and tow bar, $1000. 325660-3732 7:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. weekdays only. sell or trAde. 1997 Chevy 1 ton, $3200. Will trade for 1/2 or 3/4 ton. (432) 631-4472. 2000 Ford F350. 4wd, diesel Lariat. 253k miles. In good condition. $8,000 obo. (307) 4600181 Robert Lee, TX
1986 Ford F-150 SUPER CAB, LARIAT, short bed, V8. Project truck needs minor work. $1,000 OBO. (325) 2775205. 2012 crUsAder rV, $32,000. 325-650-1317.
2013 F-150 Ford Lariat, 4x4 Crew Cab. Black w/black leather interior. Heated seats, sunroof, all upgrades. 63K miles. Immaculate condition.(432) 978-9340. 2002 GMc dUrAMAX Diesel. New injectors, alternator, battery. Reciepts for all, 220,000 miles, runs & drives excellent. Clean truck. Power windows, locks, CD stereo, AC works. $7,500. (325) 213-5510 2006 GMc sierrA Crew Cab Pickup. 2nd owner, extra clean. $9950. (325) 653-6659.
2003 cheVY silVerAdo 2500HD, $8,000 OBO. (325) 2625872. 3 picKUps, All IN GOOD CONDITION and equipped with A/C. 1985 GMC, $3300. 1986 Chevy, $3400. 1983 Chevy 4x4, $3600. (325) 374-3458. 1982 dodGe picKUp, Rebuilt 318 Motor, 3sp o/d on floor, $500.00. Call 325-2777053
BODY SHOP Lifetime warranty on paint! Come by for a free estimate
7:30AM to 6 PM
Insurance claims welcome 801 W. Ave. N 655-5631
$cAsh$. We will pay above scale weight. Cars or pickups for wrecking use. 658-4377. 2008 silVer dodGe 1500, quad cab, garage kept. 78,000 miles. $12,500. (325) 234-4302. 2008 cheVY 3500 Crew Cab, diesel, dually, 114k miles, $21,000. 325-374-5595. 2008 dodGe rAM 3500; 4x4, new tires, 215k miles, new ac, 100gl bulk tank, $15,000 obo. FMI Call (325) 7169523 2000 dodGe 1 TON DUALLY. 400,000+ miles. Runs good. No blow by. All new tires. $4,500. (325) 365-0281 or (325) 365-0454. 1986 Ford F150 Pickup, 350 (not Cleveland), 113,00 miles. Body: one ding on cab. Interior: impeccably clean. Bought new truck, no longer need. See to appreciate. $3300. (325) 234-2710. 2005 F350. 4X4, DIESEL, 201K, bedliner, ranchhand bumper. Runs great. $15,700 or payoff. (541) 570-5453.
2004 toYotA tUndrA 4X4 New tires. New brakes 78,000K. $14,000. OBO. (325) 655-6620. 2001 isUZU npr box truck, $6000. 325-3745595.
1982 Ford F350 351 V8. $1,600 OBO. AS IS. Already has a new paint job. (325) 656-3595. 1997 dodGe 1500 single cab pickup, 142k miles, runs good, cold a/c, $2250. (325) 2340295, (325) 234-0292. Up to $400 CASH paid for old cars and trucks. More in some cases. (325) 656-3658 rAM 1500 V8 5.2 1998 Magnum. For more info call (325) 469-3787.
‘09 toYotA tUndrA SR5, 4DR, 5.7, 148,000 miles. Nice truck, $14,950. Text or call (325) 374-4014. 2009 toYotA tAcoMA, gray, double cab, TRD offroad, 4x4, fully loaded, 76,500 miles, $23,500. 512-4709184.
rAtrod 1960 Model Peterbuilt cab on a 1976 CHEVY 1 ton dually frame. Nonstock 350 Chevy motor. (830) 854-1703. GlAssdoctor We FIX your panes! Chip repair. Free mobile service. 12 month breakage guarantee. Convenient expert installation. (325) 653-7380. 2006 dodGe rAM 1500; White, 4dr, runs great, 225k miles. $5,000 obo. FMI Call (325) 7169523 2009 cheVY lonGBed. Runs needs work, $6500. 325277-0873, 325-944-8418. 2001 dodGe diesel, 223,000 miles, ext. cab, Ranch Hand grill guard, lots of new parts, 6 speed, $7500. (325) 656-2606. $cAsh$. We will pay above scale weight. Cars or pickups for wrecking use. 658-4377. 2015 dodGe 1500 SLT Quad HEMI, automatic, 15,125 miles. $32,988. Call (325) 6578420. 2015 Ford F250 Crew cab FX4. 6.7 diesel, 50125 miles. $40,988. Call (325) 657-8420. 2016 cheV c1500 Crew Cab LT, automatic, 3,194 miles. Like new, factory warranty. $39,988. Call (325) 6578420. ‘01 cheVY trUcK Single cab V6 automatic. AC. $2500 OBO (325) 232-4879. 1997 GMc eXt Cab Sonoma. Tool box, headache rack, AC, like new tires. Great running truck. $3500. (325)3743458 2008 cheVY silVerAdo Ext Cab Texas Edition. 20” wheels, new tires, white, 79,000 miles. 5.3V8, auto, power window & locks, cruise, tilt, CD, power folding mirrors. $13,900. Can be seen at corner of College Hills Blvd & Ave N, (325) 223-1867.
2000 F150 single cab PU. Complete new engine installed 2013. Transmission rebuilt 6 month ago. New Goodyear tires with road warranty. $4,000. (325) 234-3529. 2008 dodGe rAM 1500 SLT HEMI shortbed. V6, auto, tilt, cruise, power windows & locks. Alloy wheels, black, 72,000 miles. $10,500. Can be seen at corner of College Hills Blvd & Ave N, (325) 223-1867. 2012 Ford MUstAnG. V6, auto, power windows & locks, cruise, tilt, alloy wheels, deep maroon. 49,000 miles. $13,500. Can be seen at corner of College Hills Blvd & Ave N, (325) 2231867. 2005 Ford rAnGer Ext. Cab,V6, manual 5sp, A/C, Pwr Windows, locks, cruise, tow pkg, toolbox, rhinolined, no accidents, good cond. 1 owner. 85,000 miles. $7250. 325-716-8484 leave message 1990 dodGe dAKotA, single cab pickup, V6, auto, cold air, 99k, rebuilt transmission, $1900. (325) 234-6968. 1997 toYotA tAcoMA single cab, no bed, 4WD, 5sp. transmission. 240k miles. $2,500obo. (325) 4501605.
o r i G i n A l ✔ oWner. 2014 GMC SIERRA SLT. Double Cab.Smoke free. Looks & smells like new. Loaded. Leather. Technology Package. 31,321 miles. Still under warranty. Thousands below market price. I love this truck, but I need money to finance “the Latest Scoop”, a new ice cream business. Asking $29,500. (325) 2776999FMI. 2013 GMc sierrA SLE Crew. Green metallic Texas Edition. Convenience Package. 70k miles, 1 owner, light hail $27,995. (325) 442-3902.
Motorcycles 2005 hArleY dAVidson electroglyde model FLHT. 8,300 miles. New tires & New Battery. Extra parts & cover. $8,500. (325) 2347675.
2013 hArleY dAVidson roAd Glide 9k miles, $17,000 obo. 2013 hArleY dAVidson sWitchBAcK 5k miles, $13,000 obo. (325) 277-2380. 2 VintAGe 1976 all original Vespa mopeds, $1000 each OBO. (325) 277-9494. ‘09 hArleY heritAGe Soft tail, 4500 miles, custom fairing. Quick change-out. Alpine stereo system. Perfect condition. $12,000 obo. (325) 223-1156 after 7pm. 2006 hondA GoldWinG 1800 Level 1. 42,000 miles. Single year gold paint color with driving lights, rider’s backrest. Kury highway pegs and Kury grips. Vented windshield & full set of air wings. Passenger arm rests with drink holder. CB radio, trunk fairing with lights, garage kept, in excellent condition. $11,995. (325) 245-9791. 2003 hArleY dAVidson AnniVersArY, old man miles, excellent condition, $9000. Selling due to stage 4 Cancer. (325) 227-2503. ‘09 hd dYnA sUper Glide. 96 c.i.d. 6 speed. 1 owner. Mint. (325) 234-2190 $7,800.
944-SOLD A.c.e. 4 Wheeler & MotorcYcle repAir “The Friendly Motorcycle Shop”. Parts, service & repair on ATV’S, motorcycles & UTV’s. 315 N. Main. Mon.-Fri., 9am-6pm; Sat. 9am-2pm. (325)658-7690. 2012 csc (MUstAnG clone) scooter. 5sp, electric start, 300 miles. Many extras $3250. AND 3hp upright compressor, good shape, $65. (325) 2771920, (325) 651-6324. WAnted old JApAnese MOTORCYCLES KAWASAKI Z1900 (1972-75), KZ900, KZ1000 (1976-1982), Z1R, KZ 1000MK2 (1976,80), W1-650, H1500 (1969-72), H2-750 (1972-1975), S1-250, S2350, S3-400, KH250, KH400, SUZUKI- GS400, GT380, HONDACB750K (1969-1976), CBX1000 (1979,80) CASH!! 1-800-772-1142, 1-310-721-0726. usa@classicrunners.com
Auto Parts & Accessories
eXtrA heAVY dUtY headache rack with full rails and ladder rack, REDUCED to $500. Brady, Tx. (325) 456-6882.
2013 KAWAsAKi VersYs, 3000 miles, riding gear included. Great condition. $5000 obo. (325) 227-7024. 2005 AnniVersArY edition 1800 Goldwing Trike. 25K miles. VERY well taken care of. Fully loaded, lots of extras, floorboards, backrests, elbow rests, 4 speakers, 3 sets of helmets, 2 set with intercom. $21,900. (325) 895-1835, Rick. 2010 hArleY dAVidson Ultra Classic, Redhot Sunglow. 103 CI, Screaming Eagle Tune, CVO headlights & driving lights. AM/FM , CB, intercom, many extras. Less than 8000 miles since new. REDUCED$16,000. (325) 655-3625 (325) 2771651. 2004 hd roAdKinG; Clean, garage kept, No joy rides, Serious Inquiries only. $8400 obo. (325) 656-7291 coMe checK oUt San Angelo Motor Co., 2201 W. Ave. N, (325) 944-0522. See all the cars, pickups, and SUVs that we have.
MOTORCYCLES FOR SALE 2011 Harley Davidson Road King 17k Miles, Road Ready ........................................................................................................................ $11,995 2005 Harley Davidson Heritage Classic Black Cherry, 8k Miles ........................................................................................................................... $9,995 Harley Davidson Heritage Sofft Tail Classic, Pearl White, As Close As You Can Get ......................................................................................... $9,995 2004 Harley Davidson Electra Glide Classic ................................................................................... $8,995 1980 Harley Davidson Shovel FLH Electric & Kick Start ........................................................................................................................ $7,995 2004 Harley Davidson Dyna Low Rider .............................................................................................................................................. $5,995
325-572-3849 (Home) 325-370-5039 (Cell)
tAcoMA 4X4 Wheels and tires, 4 black M&B 6 spoke and black lugs, Nitto tires, $500 obo. 512-470-9184. WrAp AroUnd Grill guard, Frame width 36-3/4” $175 (325) 655-7878 one 5 hole 16” Rim, $50. (325) 456-6882 cAsh pAid For catalytic converters. Call me before you let them go! $15-$100. (325) 6563658. $cAsh$. We will pay above scale weight. Cars or pickups for wrecking use. 658-4377. WAnted: 1972 BUicK SKYLARK parts car. (325) 977-2900. 4 31X10.5 neW Tires & wheels Goodrich 3 ply side walls. $600. (325) 653-6659. (4 eA.) - Steel Rims 15” off a ‘67 Chevy, $300. (325) 456-6882 Good Used tires. Six 1300R24 grader tires, $150 each. Ten 12R22.5 truck tires, $125 each. Seven 225/70R19.5, $65 each. Two 215/75R17.5, $75 each. 325-277-0873, 325-944-8418. FoUr All-terrAin lt265/70 R17, reduced to $300. (325) 456-6882 nAtion Wide parts locator service! Can’t find that part you need? Call clark’s and let them find it for you. (325) 6584377. neW 235-75-15 GoodYeAr. $399. (325) 653-6659. pArtinG oUt 1995 Chevy Tahoe, 4dr. Motor & trans. $800. (325) 8649713.
88-98 cheVY Front clips, truck bed, $250. ‘94-’01 Dodge pickup beds and front clips, $250. 460LE transmission $350, 700r4 transmission $325, turbo 350 transmission $200, Chevy Dodge, Ford doors and fenders, $60. (325) 656-3658 2 picKUp heAdAche RACKS 78inX68in. $30 each. (325) 212-5540. plAstic Bed liner under rail $75. Fits Dodge Dakota quad cab 5 ft. bed or Mitsubishi Raider quad cab 5 ft. bed. (325) 262-1648. did YoU KnoW?! clArK’s AUto WrecKinG has NEW auto parts, doors, fenders, grills, radiators, hoods, lights, door handles. Many in stock or next day delivery. You’ll be surprised at their prices. 658-4377. neW 2011 Ford 350 PU front bumper. $200. (325) 659-5053, (325) 656-2204. 4 snoWtires. Michelin X-ICE13. New, barely used for 1 month. $300. (325) 9493811. 1991 F250 reG.cAB PU. for parts Good 7.3 diesel& 5 speed.600.00 325-642-4746 4 Michelin tires and alloy wheels 17” off of 2015 F150 XLT. Only 17,000 miles. $600. (325) 655-4052. 1 neW 225/17/15 Goodyear with chrome wheel for Jeep. $110. (325) 655-4052. lencospot spot Welder, $249. Wild Bill’s pawn, 1315 MLK, 658-7066. 2 235-65-18 Michelins. $145. (325) 6554052.
YOUR AD COULD BE HERE! Call 944-7653
Vans 2004 Ford FreestAr SEL PL, PW, automatic 4.2L, 167k; Runs good. A/C$2,450. (325) 6504926. San Angelo. $cAsh$. We will pay above scale weight. Cars or pickups for wrecking use. 325-658-4377.
2007 cheVrolet cArGo van. 123K. Great working condition. $4,995. (325) 374-5599. 2003 Ford WindstAr, very clean great shape, $2750. (325) 2346968. coMe checK oUt San Angelo Motor Co., 2201 W. Ave. N, (325) 944-0522. See all the cars, pickups, and SUVs that we have.
2009 FOrd eXPediTiON-eddie Bauer. 80k miles, clean, 3seater. Well maintained, excellent mechanical condition. $18,000 (512) 571-9557 for pics. $caSH$ any make or model cars and pickups for wrecking use. We will pick them up. clark’s auto Wrecking, 6584377.
2011 FOrd eXPediTiON XLT. Great condition, silver ext. & gray cloth interior. CD, Blue tooth, Keyless entry. Call (432) 448-4458 or (325) 453-4348. 115,000 miles. $18,000 Neg. 2013 cHevY TaHOe LT; Leather heated seats, 54,800 miles, $29,850 FMI Call (325) 277-0124 1999 cHevY SuBurBaN, motor and transmission has been rebuilt, $2950 obo. (325) 653-7434.
HiSTOric MuralS OF SaN aNgelO, iNc. has begun a new mural. This mural will honor J. Frank Wilson and the cavaliers for their hit song “last kiss”. Please share your memories of that song on our FaceBOOk Page and if you would like to make a donation to help with the final expenses, please send to: Historic Murals of San angelo, inc., P.O. Box 61402, San angelo, TX 76906.
Trailers 1996 geO Tracker. 4 cylin. 2 wheel drive, has 120,000K miles. Gas saver, Daily driver. 16’ FlaT Bed car $2,500. (325) 227-5089. hauler, open trailer with winch, new tires and floor, reduced to $4250. (325) 456-6882
2008 FOrd eXPediTiON. Texas Edition, very clean, low miles, leather seats, DVD Player, 3rd row electric seats. $13,500. (325) 212-0355. ‘02 cHevY TaHOe Z71. Cold air. $4500. (325) 234-1573. cOMe cHeck OuT San Angelo Motor Co., 2201 W. Ave. N, (325) 944-0522. See all the cars, pickups, and SUVs that we have. 2011 red equiNOX Very nice, one owner. (325) 227-9736 Leave message. 2004 cHev. TaHOe 5.3 Auto. A/C. new tires. Clean. Asking $5,500 OBO. (325) 245-3573. 2013 kia SOreNTO LX. Third row seating, very sharp. Must see. $14,988. Call (325) 6578420. 2013 cadillac aTS. 22,488 miles, one owner. Very clean. $22,988. Call (325) 6578420. 2016 Buick eNclave. Loaded, leather, sunroof, Nav, quad seating. 18,500 miles. $39,988. Call (325) 657-8420. 2010 TOYOTa FJ Cruiser. Godd rubber, loaded, back-up camera. $22,988. Call (325) 6578420. 2016 gMc acadia SLT-1. Leather, 15,112 miles. $36988. Call (325) 657-8420. 2004 FOrd eXPlOrer, runs great, low mileage for year. $4,500obo. (325) 7637025.
Put the power of the classifieds to work for you.
Trailer valeT . This let’s you move a trailer with ease, $300. For more info call 325374-7116. 24’ FlaT Bed gooseneck with steel floor. $2750. (325) 442-3038, (325) 277-5362.
uTiliTY Trailer. 10’X8’, new tag, ready to work, $800 obo. 325276-2314. JONeS dOg Trailer stainless steel model, 4 compartment, loaded with extra’s, very good condition $7500. 325-207-3333 SiNgle aXle Trailer Box is 72”x150”, front tool box, jack, hand winch, rolling tail board, Perling metal floor, metal ramps. $1000. (325) 277-4570. TWO uTiliTY TrailerS 4x8, good for golf cart or whatever. One luggage enclosed trailer, good for luggage or working tools, 6hp tiller, almost new. 25 W. Ave G, in back. T r a i l e r 8WX16lX7H cOMMercial veNT Hood-3 serving windowsall stainless steel counters-6 flavor soft drink machine-ice cream freezer-refrigerator-A/C$17,800obo. (325) 2776999. 18’ OPeN FlaT bed car hauler, extra wide, new tires, $4750. (325) 456-6882
14’ OPeN Trailer, new tires, reduced to BOaT Service & $3500. (325) 456-6882 ParTS. All brands of 2012 32FT. TaNdeM boats serviced. Volvo Dual Goosesneck. Good Penta & Tohatsu servrubber. $6,500. (325) ice. Large parts inven277-9494. tory. We sell & install car Hauler wakeboard towers & FlaTBed, trailer. 20’ accessories. Upholnew tires. 12,000LB stery repair available. wench asking $2,400. Three rivers Ma(214) 717-1386. 2005 TriTON Tr186 rine Service cenbass boat. 150hp Mer- ter. 2143 Industrial, Angelo, TX, cury. One owner. Re- San duced to $11,000 OBO. (325)227-4918. (325) 942-9515. MOdel 232 HurricaNe DECKBOAT. 600-1,000 Sq.FT. 225HP.YAMAHA OB. WareHOuSe/STO 3B MaNuFacTur- rage units. Just out- Boat has only 26 hrs. iNg - Trailers of all sizes. side city limits. $275 $20,000. (325) 658-5017. Trash trailers, Oilfield and $375 a month, Util- eXTra Nice 20’ trailers, etc. Check us out ities available. Call ParTi Kraft pontoon of the best prices. 1919 Gretchen, 325-234- boat. 75hp Evinrude with Hutchens Avee., 0069. T&T. Auto oiler, top & Ballinger, TX. (325) 977cover, new tires, stereo, 0057. new tanks. (325) 2772007 Tige 22’ INBD. 1920, (325) 651-6324. NeW 16’ uTiliTY Yellow, blue 7 white. 1994 BaSS Trailer. $1395. Hog $26,000. (325) 277-3105. Tracker: 17 ft. boat, creek Trailers. 1984 cONrOY 16’ trailer and motor! 48 HP Sales, Parts & OPEN Deck, fiberglass, Johnson with SS prop. Service. 5260 N. 1984 Johnson 90HP out- Foot controlled trolling chadbourne. San board motor. U-4. $2,300. motor and 2 fish locators angelo Tx. (325) (325) 277-4073. included. $3,500.00. 325374-4802. 1986 SuPra cOMP. 234-9740 or 325-9446 7 7 19’ 7” long, 351 Ford 7 WaNT TO WiN Tick- motor includes stereo, life wbtinney@gmail.com eTS TO ScHliTTer- jackets. $4,200. (325) WaNT TO BuY: Sit-in BaHN - “like” Our 277-4073. kayak in good condition. FaceBOOk page PrOliNe (325) 949-8348. and you could win 21FT. caNYON Free TickeTS! Tell WiTH 200 hp Mercurcy 2909 your friends to like motor,, $5000 obo. 325- creek Saturday only, 8am. Cool stuff! our page and they 374-5595. could win too!! Be 2005 17.5 BaYsure and check our liNer, 1-35 HP inFaceBOOk page board/outboard. Hardly (SaN aNgelO used. See boat at Two aMericaN claSSi- Guys Boat in Del Rio, FiedS) for Free Texas. $4,500. (830) 775giveaways!! 9670. 24’ cOvered lake alaN HeNrY gOOSeNeck stock LODGES 1 hour from trailer, $1000 OBO. 24’ Lubbock. Satellite TV, Wicovered gooseneck Fi, Bar-b-que Pits, Full horse trailer with living kitchen. 806-777-0337, quarters. Rigged up for lakealanhenry.com hunting trips. $2500 iT’S FiSHiNg TiMe. OBO. (325) 277-4151. Come by and see our 2014 POlariS 400 PJ 32’ FlaT bed new line up of fishing SPORTSMAN ATV. New gooseneck trailer, re- equipment and boat ac- with 5 miles. 4 Wheel duced to $8000. (325) cessories. $4,800 Pro Line Drive—racks. 456-6882. Trolling Motors. 4103 Ben cash. No calls after 8pm. 2012 HeFTY Ficklin, (325) 658-1969. (325) 812-6172. Serious Trailer, 40’ flat raNger BaSS inquiries only gooseneck, 10,000 lb. BOaT 1988 New ReBuilt axles, new 14 ply tires, 200 Mercury Motor 3 $7900. 325-234-3395, Depth Finders New Car325-2314-8010. pet Canapy and Ski Bar Motor Guide Trolling Motor Ready for Fishing $12,500 325-365-1683 325-357-4540. 4X6’ TilT FlaTBed 16’ lOWe FlaT BOTTrailer, no sides. No TOM boat-40HP Suzuki plates. $450obo. (325) with Jet Foot & trailer. 939-4949. $1,700. (325) 650-5269. JaYcO POP-uP Trailer. Sleeps 6. 2004 keNNer Stove, refrigerator & AC. FiSHMaSTer 24’. Good condition. $1,399. Center console, Mer(325) 944-1817. cury Pro Series 250. 60hrs, tandem Easy PickuP Bed Load trailer. $26K. (ReTrailer, $150. duced) (325) 656-8196 Wild Bill’s Pawn, 1315 MLK, 658-7066.
★★ ★ ★
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1990 JaveliN FiBerglaSS with trailer, inboard. 370 hp. Includes stereo, depth finder, water skis, & life jacket. FMI Call (325) 234-4998.
1999 FOrd F250. Power stroke Diesel, 4X4, crew cab, short bed, very clean, ranch hand bumpers, automatic. $10,800 (432) 924-7421.
April 28, 2016
Page 25
Page 26
April 28, 2016
944-SOLD RV LOTS for LEASE in premier ★ San Angelo community. Quiet country living, long term stays welcome. $350/mo includes water service and $50 of free electricity use per month. Christoval Estates (325) 812-3225.
RV’s 2001 MOBILe ScOuT by Sunnybrook. 27’, 5th wheel. Lite aluminum super structure, one big slide out. $12,500. (325) 213-2135. 2- 16 k REESE fifthwheel hitches, no rails. $250 each your choice or both for $450. (804) 2433110 HuGe SeLecTION Of new and used fifth wheel and bumper pull camping trailers in stock. Full line parts and service. AMeRIcAN TRuck ANd RV San Angelo 325-234-7979. 1991 5TH wHeeL travel trailer. 1985 Pace Arrow motorhome. (325) 651-5817. 2004 27 1/2fT. COACHMAN 5th WHEEL. Large slide. 1996 3/4 ton Ram Diesel. 139,600 miles. Clean units. $20,500 both. (325) 650-0979.
MuST SeLL; 2009 Wildwood 5th Wheel. 38’ RV; 2 bedrooms, 1 1/2 bath, sleeps 7. Two a/c’s, auto levelers, two slide outs. Owner non-smoker. Sold as is. $25,000 Call (325) 949-7765 leave message or call (325) 656-5143 2011 wORk ANd Play Toy Hauler - Model WPT18EC. 18’ long, with cargo area 11’ long (at full width), 5’8” wide and 6’8” tall. Very clean. Murphy bed. $14,500 OBO. (325) 450-7499. B&w 5TH wHeeL hitch, used one time, $800. (325) 277-9494. RV LOTS fOR rent $200 in San Angelo. Near downtown, quiet park in residential setting. 325277-3976 POP-uP cAMPeR. 2010 Flagstaff Classic Series. M-425D, AC/heat, ref, water heater, cook top, new roof & canvas. $9,500. (325) 653-4764 HuGe SeLecTION Of new and used fifth wheel and bumper pull camping trailers in stock. Full line parts and service. AMeRIcAN TRuck ANd RV San Angelo 325-234-7979.
36’ dIeSeL PuSHeR Motor Home. Priced to sell. (325) 212-2125. HuGe SeLecTION Of new and used fifth wheel and bumper pull camping trailers in stock. Full line parts and service. AMeRIcAN TRuck ANd RV San Angelo, 325-234-7979. 2013 AVeNGeR 23’ TT; 1 slideout, Like new, $17,000 FMI Call (325) 234-8797 in Christoval, Tx. HuGe SeLecTION Of new and used fifth wheel and bumper pull camping trailers in stock. Full line parts and service. AMeRIcAN TRuck ANd RV San Angelo 325-234-7979. BARGAIN-2009. LeGeNd’S 5TH wheel 38’ excellent condition. 3 slides, washer & dryer, pd $29,000. Need to sell ASAP $20,000. (325) 763-4685. 2014 cHAPARRAL 26 RLS w/1 slide. $17,000. FMI Call (325) 656-8615.
2014 kINGSPORT 24’ TT. Like new, light weight, sleeps 4-5. $13,000. (325) 262-2910. HuGe SeLecTION Of new and used fifth wheel and bumper pull camping trailers in stock. Full line parts and service. AMeRIcAN TRuck ANd RV San Angelo, 325-234-7979. 2002 MINNIe wINNIe M31C. Extra clean. (325) 650-4701(325) 6177506. RV LOTS IN Carlsbad for rent. Long term spaces located two blocks off of Hwy 87 N. on Angelo St. $500/ mo. Includes water, sewer and electric. 325-2340295
1998 cOAcHMAN MOTORHOMe. New awning, air conditioning, frig., power converter system & outside mirrors. New motor just before we bought it. Great microwave, oven, stove, central LP heat, plumbing, & generator. Sleeps 6-8. $10,000 OBO. (325) 656-2001. HuGe SeLecTION Of new and used fifth wheel and bumper pull camping trailers in stock. Full line parts and service. AMeRIcAN TRuck ANd RV San Angelo, 325-234-7979.
2011 wORk ANd Play Toy Hauler - Model WPT18EC. 18’ long, with cargo area 11’ long (at full width), 5’8” wide and 6’8” tall. Very clean. Murphy bed. $14,500 OBO. (325) 450-7499. HOMe AwAy fROM home!!! 2015 Sandpiper 380 H5 (5th Wheel RV). This spacious 5th Wheel has five slides, surround sound, indoor-outdoor stereo system, outdoor kitchen, bunk room, sleeps ten people comfortable, and an extra large shower. Trailer length 42’.5” - trailer height 13’.2” - trailer height - dry (12,379 lbs.) Carrying capacity (3121 lbs.) Hitch (1861 lbs.) Tank Storage Capacity Fresh Water (64 gallon) Waste Water (108 gallon) Grey Water (140 gallons). Way too many extras to mention! Seeking payoff obo. Delivery will be considered. Please call for more details and pictures. Serious inquiries only. Wade (432) 2762656 HuGe SeLecTION Of new and used fifth wheel and bumper pull camping trailers in stock. Full line parts and service. AMeRIcAN TRuck ANd RV San Angelo, 325-234-7979. 2016 cROSSROAd cARRIAGe 40RL. New in october, slightly used. 4 slides, 38ft 10 inches. $70,000. Call (325) 4861013 or leave message.
2002 TAHOE
2012 Aspen Trail 7UDYHO 7UDLOHU · $9900, 1/2 ton towable, great little
ReeSe 15k 4-wAy 5th wheel hitch. Complete. $400. (325) 5189 5 5 5 . H u G e SeLecTION Of new and used fifth wheel and bumper pull camping trailers in stock. Full line parts and service. AMeRIcAN TRuck ANd RV San Angelo 325-234-7979. TeXAS RV SuPeRSTORe. Need repair on your RV? Call our Service Department to schedule your RV for repair. Very reasonable rates, quick turn around times. Give us a call @ 432-6976447. 1997 fLeeTwOOd PROwLeR, Bumper pull, 24m, good camper, rear bedroom, good size bathroom, center kitchen, front living room. Cash only $3800 plus Tax, Title & License. 432-2546991. TeXAS RV SuPeRSTORe. We take consignments. We always need merchandise. So if your RV is just sitting around, give us a call. We can sell it. 432-6976447. 2006 fRONTIeR eXPLOReR 312 BH 33’, 1 slide, rear bunkhouse. Save Thousands, $8250 Cash only. 432-254-6991. TeXAS RV SuPeRSTORe. Want to sell your RV? WE BUY RVs, Travel Trailers, Fifth Wheels, Motorhomes. 5904 W. Highway 80, Midland, Texas. 432-6976447. TeXAS RV SuPeRSTORe. Need parts? We have them in stock, if not normally the Next Day. We ship if needed. 10% off all RV Parts if you mention this ad. 432-6976447.
Toy Hauler, 36ft
Summer camper.
1998 Signature Triple Slides, 5th Wheel Only $7900
with generator $
TeXAS RV SuPeRSTORe. We take consignments. We always need merchandise. So if your RV is just sitting around, give us a call. We can sell it. 432-6976447. 2006 fRONTIeR eXPLOReR 312 BH 33’, 1 slide, rear bunkhouse. Save Thousands, $8250 Cash only. 432-254-6991. TeXAS RV SuPeRSTORe. 5904 W. Highway 80, Midland, Texas. 432-697-6447. Sales, Service, Parts. Your full service Dealer since 1996. Try us once You’ll be back. LARGe RV LOTS FOR RENT in quiet Cactus Lane Park. $150 per month. (325) 6531144. 1995 30fT. LAyTON Gooseneck RV, 2 slides w new covers, new tires, batteries. Upgrade AC & 19 gallon electric waterheater. $6,900. OBO. (325) 650-9290. 1997 PAce ARROw Class A Motorhome, 34 ft. chevy drive train, excellent condition, low mileage $18,500. 325650-8383. 2013 cROSSROAdS HILL Country RV, 36’, 3 slides, 2AC Units, Indoor/Outdoor entertainment center and kitchen, like new ... too many features to list. 806-5484666 or email below for additional info. $29,500 mandkbaker@live.com 2001 MOBILe ScOuT by Sunnybrook. 27’, 5th wheel. Lite aluminum super structure, one big slide out. $12,500. (325) 213-2135.
358RLTS by: Forest RIVER 5th Wheel with Generator $8900 FamilyRVOnline.com
2- 16 k REESE fifthwheel hitches, no rails. $250 each your choice or both for $450. (804) 2433110 1991 5TH wHeeL travel trailer. 1985 Pace Arrow motorhome. (325) 651-5817. Tucked AwAy RV Park, 1117 W. FM 2105. Wi-Fi, laundry, showers. (325)6581872 or (432) 2135271. 2004 27 1/2fT. COACHMAN 5th WHEEL. Large slide. 1996 3/4 ton Ram Diesel. 139,600 miles. Clean units. $20,500 both. (325) 650-0979. MuST SeLL; 2009 Wildwood 5th Wheel. 38’ RV; 2 bedrooms, 1 1/2 bath, sleeps 7. Two a/c’s, auto levelers, two slide outs. Owner non-smoker. Sold as is. $25,000 Call (325) 949-7765 leave message or call (325) 656-5143 2011 wORk ANd Play Toy Hauler - Model WPT18EC. 18’ long, with cargo area 11’ long (at full width), 5’8” wide and 6’8” tall. Very clean. Murphy bed. $14,500 OBO. (325) 450-7499. B&w 5TH wHeeL hitch, used one time, $800. (325) 277-9494. RV LOTS fOR rent $200 in San Angelo. Near downtown, quiet park in residential setting. 325277-3976 POP-uP cAMPeR. 2010 Flagstaff Classic Series. M-425D, AC/heat, ref, water heater, cook top, new roof & canvas. $9,500. (325) 653-4764 36’ dIeSeL PuSHeR Motor Home. Priced to sell. (325) 212-2125. 2013 AVeNGeR 23’ TT; 1 slideout, Like new, $17,000 FMI Call (325) 234-8797 in Christoval, Tx. 2014 cHAPARRAL 26 RLS w/1 slide. $17,000. FMI Call (325) 656-8615.
OVER 70 USED units to pick from, RV, Travel Trailers, Motorhomes, 5th wheels & Pop-Ups Call for details! FAMILY RV ONLINE.COM 844-432-6909
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Deadline: Monday 5 p.m.
APPLIANce SeRVIce & RePAIR Reasonable, honest, dependable. Call for Service. (325) 227-5306 (325) 653-8586. Member BBB.
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PARTS. All brands of boats serviced. Volvo Penta & Tohatsu service. Large parts inventory. We sell & install wakeboard towers & accessories. Upholstery repair available. Three Rivers Marine Service center. 2143 Industrial, San Angelo, TX, (325)227-4918.
Beam me up Scotty. We’ve got Thrifty Nickels American Classifieds for the crew!
BETTER GRADE OF TOPSOIL. Also, limestone, sand, and fill dirt. Build roads, pads and parking lots. Sell and installation of septic systems. (325) 651-6840, (325) 895-0900.
CARPENTRY ALL TYPES OF CARPENTRY & repairs. Free estimates. Bob Seals (325) 650-0757.
DIRT WORK, tractor mowing. Rock & cactus clean-up. DUMP TRAILER CONTRACTING OR RENTAL! Insured. Shane Crimm (325) 277-8222.
CARPET REPAIR RAYMOND’S CARPET REPAIR & INSTALLATION SERVICE. Restretching, relaying and patching. Call Raymond, (325) 234-5896.
CERAMIC TILE RON GRANTHAM TILE since 1975. Tile installation, associated remodeling. (325) 8955064, (325) 468-3404.
CONSTRUCTION TALAVERA CONSTRUCTION. NEW construction remodel. Kitchens & bathroom remodel. 35+ years experience. Free estimates. R.C. 339. Perry. (325) 656-3619.
BACKHOE SERVICES Pads built. Dump truck, mowing lots, clean-ups, topsoil, limestome. Big or little jobs welcome. (325) 277-0873, (325) 9448418
BY EOT WEAPON Training Center, Jowell Bullard - Texas LTC Instructor. (512) 470-918, (512) 470-8514
BUILD PADS, ROADS, clean lots, shredding. Deliver top soil, limestone, caliche, gravel. Install septic systems. Free estimates. D.K. Webb, 325-9393369.
S&S CONSTRUCTION Backhoe, Bulldozer, Dump Truck. All types dirt work and land clearing. Tractor shredding, build roads, pads, etc. Office (325) 944-8282, mobile (325) 650-1394.
AA HOUSE LEVELING & REMODELING. Install new beams & repair any foundation problems. Mobile homes. We break concrete. Free estimates. Owner Agustin (325) 340-2864
BOLDING CONCRETE - Metal buildings, houses, driveways, patios, etc. 8’X10’ slab, $625. (325) 653-6322, (325) 277-1851. NEED CONCRETE DRIVEWAY? We do any kind of concrete work. Good references, work history & free estimates. FMI Call (325) 300-9630 ORTIZ CONSTRUCTION. SPECIALIZING in Concrete and Electrical Services. New Construction, Remodeling, Additions, Metal Patios, Carports, Dry Wall, Painting, Roofing, Backhoe & Skid Steer Services. Residential & Commercial. Licensed I Insured. (325) 315-8344.
boxed furniture in your home. Computer desks, hutches, bookcases, TV stands, etc. Senior Citizen and Military Discounts. (325) 944-0397.
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VINYL REPLACEMENT WINDOWS. No heat or cold transfer. Double hung insulated with Low E glass, Argon Free estimates. Senior gas filled. Saves up to Military discounts. Call 40% on utilities. Chuck today! (325) 895-0840. Corfield Construction, 100 miles radius SANCHEZ PAINTfrom San Angelo. 325- ING. RESIDENTIAL & 949-5087. Industrial. R. Sanchez, First Class Painter. (325) 315-8195 DARREN’S PAINTING SERVICE. 25 years professional expeATTIC INSULATION. rience. For your custom DO you have enough? interior/exterior painting, Let us check if you have staining, mud work, and enough insulation in your minor carpentry. Referattic, Great low prices. Call for estimates. (325) ences available. 6537225, 656-3429. 277-1565.
MOWING, WEED EATING and hedging, blow off porches, driveways and patio areas. Residential, commercial, acreage. Starting at $25. (325) 262-1648, San Angelo area. CUT-N-CLEAN LAWN CARE. Affordable. Dependable. Free estimates. Also, Wooden fence repair. Accepting debit & credit cards. (325) 656-7291. JOEY’S LAWN CAREMowing, edging, tree trimming & cutting, and stump removal. Complete maintenance. Reasonable rates. (325)450-7941, (325)300-8264 or (325)659-2241.
EUGENE BALL CONTRACTOR. Residential and Commercial. Paper Hanging a Specialty. Custom painting. 30+ years experience. Insured FREE ESTIMATES. 325-653-9212, Accept Visa & Master Card. BBB.
WALDROP METAL CONST. Call today for the lowest price on your next building, barn, fence or corrals. (325) 6589099
Put the power of the classifieds to work for you. DIRT CONSTRUCTION JW TRUCKING. LIMESTONE road & pads. Sand, gravel & topsoil. Install septic systems. (325) 450-1160 (325) 653-1516 IRON EAGLE WELDING - Demolition, heave equipment, dirt work, all types welding & repairs. Certified. (325) 277-2036, (806) 346-1959
L&M ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS. No job too big or too small. Mike Herrera, Master Electrician, TECL #26082. Insured. (325) 234-9599 or (325) 9473148.
FENCING AROS FENCING - ALL types of fences New or repair. Free Estimates. Ask for Agustin (325) 340-2864 AMIGOS FENCING Specializing in all kinds of fencing. “Built as you like it” Froy (325) 3403292 (325) 234-3046. josevilledas92@amigosfen cing.com
HANDYMAN SERVICES - everything and anything. Also lawn service available. No job to big! No job to small! Marcus Moreno 325-2127476. HANDYMAN - ALL types remodeling and home repairs. Free estimates. Bob Seals (325) 650-0757. Al Brown FIX IT ALL Handyman. Anything & Everything. Al, (325) 6175164 RIVER OAKS ENTERPRISE Handyman, Maintenance, Painting, Carpentry, Flooring, etc. Bill (325) 227-2958. CUSTOM REMODELING, PAINTING, doors, windows, siding, roofing, decks, storage buildings.325-763-4844. HOUSEHOLD MAINTENANCE AND repair. Carpentry, drywall, paint, electrical, plumbing, doors, windows. Call Ish (325) 234-3877
F.B.’S PAINTING Small jobs, Painting interior and exterior, drywall and remodeling. Free estimates. (325) 763-2069.
FREE CLASSIFIED online when you place your ad with American Classifieds PLASTERING R. KELLY PLASTERING. stucco, patch work. (325) 658-6914. ANGELO MOBILE HOME MOVING; Relevels, skirting & transporting Gooseneck & Fifth wheel RVs. Unstable floor, unshutting doors? Foundation stabilization, pier & beam, trailer homes. Licensed, bonded, insured. I-4486. Chris (325) 276-1978 leave message.
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GOIN’ SOUTH STORAGE, US Hwy 277 South. New buildings. RV storage. (325) 944-4999.
STRUCTUAL PIPE STRUCTURAL PIPE, 2 3/8”, 2 7/8”, 4” and sucker rods on hand. Delivery available. H Braces, Post cut to order. Mobile welding. Concho Valley Pipe, (325) 6557285, leave message or (432)413-9592, cell. PIPE NEW & USED. Used 2 3/8” or 2 7/8”, $25/joint. Small pipe for gates and sucker rods in stock. Post cut to order. all pipe checked for radiation and not magnetized. We deliver. (325) 3742992.
REMODELING M.R. REMODELING. 28 years experience RC#2380 & Insured. (325) 763-1138. Interior & Exterior. Custom Showers, custom Tile Work, Carpentry, Drywall, Painting, Pavers, Masonry, Custom Stain. From demo to custom finish. BBB Member. facebook.com/M.R.Remodeling.TX B4 & AFTER REMODELING. Tile, drywall, painting. (325) 300-1269. REMODELS AND MORE... Additions, kitchen remodels, complete remodels, patio, painting in and out you home or just need a nice facelift. Call for estimates. (325) 277-1565. MANDO’S REMODELING AND Construction Work: Tile, roofing, texture, painting inside or out and more. More than 15 years experience. All work guaranteed. References available (325) 227-0910
ROOFING BUB WALDROP ROOFING. All types of roofing & repairs. Call today for a free estimate. (325) 658-9099
C.C. ROOFING & CO N STRU CTIO N Shingles & Metal Roofs. Serving San Angelo for 30 years. Free Estimates. (325)9440340.
Page 27
It’s time to place your ad.
CANDELA AND SONS ROOFING. Over 30 years experience. Best quote in town. Also offering 24 g metal roofing, standing seam. (325) 227-6825. Check us out on Facebook!!
JB ELECTRIC RESIDENTIAL & Commercial. Se habla español. Call Now. 325-212-7031. Lic.#104390.
ANYTIME PLUMBING. NO time is a good time for plumbing problems. New, remodel, slab leaks, drain cleaning and repairs. Commercial & Reidential. Garry Massey, Plumber (325) 232-3098. Lic#M-40635 BANISTER & SON PLUMBING AND HEATING. Licensed and Insured. M-40198. Wade Bannister 325-2775964. DEEMER PLUMBING. OVER 40 years experience. Licensed. Reasonable rates. 24 hour call. No job too big or small for your plumbing needs. LIC. #M-18164. Call 325651-9192.
DOZER WORK WANTED. Jimmy Maus (325) 655-5961, (325) 262-1404.
TRACTOR MOWING. FREE estimates. (325) 277-3657
CARRILLO CONSTRUCTION & BACKHOE/BOBCAT SERVICES, LLC. - Insured BOBCAT RENTAL weekly, daily. Pads Driveways - Lot Clearing - Welding - Landscaping - Concrete work Fences. Special pricing on residential pads. J Carrillo (325) 212-1598, Eli Carrillo, (325) 277-9180.
TRASH OR ANYMOWTHING HAULED. Ray or TRACTOR ING! Tilling, compost, Roy. (325) 374-3996. D & D HAUL away any- dirt work. Rock & cacthing - storage shed, cut tus clean-up. DUMP CONtrees, tree trimming, TRAILER OR branches, tilt yards, etc. TRACTING RENTAL! Insured. Danny, (325) 763-1606. Shane Crimm (325) CLEAN-UP & HAUL- 277-8222. OFF SERVICE. Large or small, we do it all! Call MCGINLEY MOWEric (325) 456-3698. ING. FREE estimates. Lawns & Lots. Leslie HOME REPAIRS & McGinley, 325-812-8813, 325-617-4743.
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It’s time to place your ad.
J&S LAND MANAGEMENT - Grubbing, Dirt Work, Road Work, Cactus Removal, Ditches. No job too big or small, we can do it al! Scant Ynostrosa (325) 212-1046, Jim JR REMODELING & Ynostrosa (325) 656CONSTRUCTION 325- 2259. 656-0478. 20+ years experience. Free estimates. DIRT WORK, TOPNew Homes. Home Im- SOIL, Crushed Rock, provements - additions, etc. Pads, Roads, Clearupdate home, increase ing. Free Estimates. (325) resale value. Jessie Ro- 899-9128. driguez - Owner.
It’s time to place your ad.
FINE FINISHING FOUNDATIONS. Specializing in all your concrete needs. From start to finish on foundations, driveways, stem walls and more. Fine Finishing Foundations offers fast and fine quality work for San Angelo and surrounding areas. For a free on site estimate call lorenzo today! Phone (325) 374-7768 finefinishingfoundations@gmail.com also like us on facebook @ fine finishing foundations.
MOUNTAIN MOVERS WHOLESALE delivery. Caliche base, topsoil fill, roads, pads, septic systems. (325) 656-2147.
TERRAZAS FENCING Ranch Fencing, high fences, private fencing, chain link fencing, painting corrals, fence painting. Cell-(325) 6509738. WEST TEXAS WOOL @ MERTZON. FENCING SUPPLIES, direct from factory pricing. Deer Feed, Hunting Supplies, Ranch Supplies, Gifts. (325) 835-3661. (888) 830-3661.
April 28, 2016
SHARPENING SERVICES COLEMAN’S 11 1/2 S. Van Buren, San Angelo, TX. 325-658-9933. Open 8-6 M-F. Barber scissors, fabric scissors, circular saw blades, chain saw chains, wood cutting tools, lathe gouges, barber clippers, garden tools, etc.
SIDING NEVER PAINT AGAIN! CHUCK CORFIELD CONSTRUCTION offers a lifetime warranty on vinyl siding. Replacement windows available. Call 949-5087 for free estimate.
TOPSOIL XERISCAPE TO SAVE water. Top soil, soil blend, mulches, fill dirt, granite, gravel and more. D’s Recycling and Composting (325) 6567582. TOPSOIL CONSERVE WATER with true topsoil/compost mix. DW Compost & Topsoil. Cards. (325) 277-9900.
TREE SERVICE TREE TRIMMING, CUTTING and stump removal, land clearing. Free estimates. Call Manuel (325) 277-9696. BURNEY’S TREE SERVICE. Tree Trimming, removal and stump grinding. Senior Citizen 10% discount. If you want it done right, call us! (325) 653-3110, (325) 656-1409.
WATER SMELLY, BAD TASTING under pressure well water? Free Estimate/Test. (325) 2341451. ABSOLUTE H20 PROVIDING public and commercial water needs for over 50 years. No. 1 Station across from Melon Barn 250GPM. No. 2 Station future at Ave. N and Orient. (325) 2770727.
WELDING CARPORTS & MORE... Build carports, steel buildings, steel fence, post welding and more. Any size anywhere. Great prices won’t find anywhere else. Job not to small not to big. We can do it all. Call for estimates. (325) 277-1565.
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April 28, 2016