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July 7, 2016 VOLUME 33 ISSUE 27 Available in San Angelo, Ballinger, Barnhart, Big Lake, Brady, Bronte, Christoval, Del Rio, Eden, Eldorado, GAFB, Mertzon, Miles, Ozona, Robert Lee, Sonora, Sterling City & Wall
elkins-lawfirm.com INDEX pg 2
Give thanks for rain. “DEAr CHIlDrEN, lET us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.”
1 John 3:18 NIV
1921 JuNIus. 2 buildings contains 3 offices & 22 storage units. Call James Thomas, SARE, (325) 277-5478. 2012 HEFTY TrAIlEr, 40’ flat gooseneck, 10,000 lb. axles. $6,900 OBO. (325) 234-3395, 325-234-8010. 150 HEAD DorPEr CROSS ewe lambs. Will sell in 50 head increments. 651-9159. San Angelo HousE For sAlE by owner, as is. 2bdrm/1ba. 227 W. 9th St. $20,800. Michael Kelly (832) 4183585. NEED A PorTABlE toilet? Call TOPS SEPTIC SERVICE at (325) 6517087. MENs lEATHEr JACKET, black, size M, 3/4 length, $75 obo. (325) 942-8161. HorsEBACK rIDEs AloNG river. Moonlight rides available. FMI (325) 277-4151. olD rusTIC BArN metal, great for ceilings and walls for restaurants, business or offices. (325) 456-6882. ‘96 FrEIGHTlINEr ClAssIC with Super Ten Transmission. Condo. 3406 Caterpillar engine. 42ft. float included. $11,500.(325) 234-8605. lIGHT MowING AND Light handyman services. Free Estimates. *MOWING* 325-2344426 MEXICAN PurE VANIllA Extract 8 oz $5, Litter $9.50. Leos Imports, 25 W Twohig Ave. 655-5367. 10”X2.75 solID TIrEs, heavy duty 3/4” axle. $15 ea or 2 for $25. 325-658-9675.
DoolEY A/C & HEATING. Commercial and residential. Financing available. Free estimates on new units. TACLA00065972E (325) 656-6525. PurE BrED CollIE Puppies starting @ $500. Herding gone in mothers breeding, Rare Colors, available now. $200 deposit. Call/Text 512-4009496 2012 DoDGE MEGA CAB DIESEL 3500 SINGLE WHEEL. 59K. White 4X4. $41,000. (325) 3740563. HousE loTs 3 ACRES & up. North of Veribest, Falcon Acres. Leave a message or text to (325) 340-0719. INTEX 16X48 ABoVE ground pool, used 2 months, $200. (325) 234-4605. 1997 DoDGE 1500 single cab pickup, 142k miles, runs good, cold a/c, $1950. (325) 2340295, (325) 234-0292. 2012 HolIDAY rAMBlEr Aluma-Lite Ultra. Model 258SS, very nice 27’ with slide. $16,900. 325-214-3300. Full sET wIlsoN golf clubs, Golfmate bag, golf balls, tees, shoes, size 9D, Swing Groover. All new, never used. (325) 657-3521. 2000 JEEP CHEroKEE, 4 wheel drive, leather. Runs, needs engine work. $650 as is. (325) 374-8626. 14’ oPEN TrAIlEr, new tires, reduced to $3500. (325) 456-6882 YorKIE BIEwErs PuPPIEs from 3-5 pounds. Boys. Asking $600-$800. (325) 2275487. 2004 HArlEY DEuCE- 8000 miles. New tires, New battery, Lots of accessories. $9,995 OBO. Willing to trade. Call (325) 6563724 PsP, 8 BoY/sPorT games, 2 movies, carrying case, $375. (325) 456-6882. 2003 HArlEY DAVIDsoN ANNIVErsArY, old man miles, excellent condition, $9000. Selling due to stage 4 Cancer. (325) 227-2503.
SPLISH SPLISH SPLASH SPLASH Win Tickets to Schlitterbahn Waterpark in New Braunfels, TX! Look for this heart in a display ad in our printed edition and online at www.angeloads.com and call us on Thursday at 944-7653 to tell us where you found it. Enter on Facebook by liking our page, then commenting on our status when contest begins. Also enter by retweeting our contest tweet on Twitter. We will draw a winner each week. The winner will receive two one day general admission valid thru 09/18/2016. Must be 18 years or older to play. Winners can not win more than twice during this contest.
15 N. Tyler 944-7653 angeloads.com
oTEX. MoNDAY-FrIDAY 7:30-5 Equipment, trailers, rods & pipe tubing. Structural pipe, pumping units & more. 10807 US Hwy 83 in Ballinger. (325) 9771600. 2008 sIlVEr DoDGE 1500, quad cab, garage kept. 78,000 miles. $11,000. (325) 234-4302. lIGHT MowING AND Light handyman services. Free Estimates. *MOWING* 325-2344426 GolDEN AVENGEr sCooTEr model GA541 with charger box. Scooter is in excellent condition with very low running hours. Asking price $2,500 OBO. Contact John Purcell (325) 947-8195.
1641 CANAl. 2Br/1BA on Lake Nasworthy. Call Janie Thomas, SARE, (325) 277-7653. 1613 MIllsPAuGH. 2 BDRM/1.5 BATH. Extra large living room, CH/CA. $900 month/$700 deposit. (325) 949-7887. KING sIZE sHEETs, matching bed skirt, bed spread, shams. Excellent condition. $75.00 (325) 942-9608. FG25 KoMATsu ForKlIFT, gas engine, runs good, 2 stage, 5000lb lift capacity. $4000. (325) 315-6412. TIFToN 85 HIGHlY fertilized hay, 325-2342598
1979 ForD rANCHEro. Runs good. Drives good. Call Tom (325) 340-6540 for details 20’ & 40’ sEA CoNTAINErs for sale or rent, excellent storage. Delivered. (325) 2340295, (325) 234-0292. 2014 Gr 18FT. with 4ft short wall with bridle hooks & saddle racks. New 14 ply all steel tires. $8,500. (325) 277-6587. sPANIsH GoATs. MAlE & female, kids & adults. Call (325) 3408366. 2010 FoCus ForD SE 4 door, all electric. $4900. (325) 656-1172. rEFrIGErATor lIKE NEw. $175 OBO. (325) 500-8777.
EFFECIENCY/1 BATH. BIlls paid. Rent $600. Deposit $250. (325) 450-1593. 519 W. Ave. P. Four All-TErrAIN lT265/70 R17, reduced to $300. (325) 456-6882 2008 BAYlINEr 175, low hours, good condition, best offer. (325) 2121598. GoT BooTs or shoes that are too small or you do not wear anymore? Donate them to Ernie Shoe Shine, 165 Woodruff, (325) 6569810. www.ernies shoeshine.com BuYING JuNK CArs, all complete cars worth at least $175. (325) 656-3658
Page 2
July 7, 2016
★ Oil Field Injuries ★ Truck Accidents ★ Probate ★ Civil Litigation ★ Debt Collection ★ Real Estate ★ Governmental Entities
Sports & Exercise Equipment
S T E L L A R V u E 80/9DM COMPLETE telescope system with extras. $550. (325) 2774570. FuLL SET WILSON golf clubs, Golfmate bag, golf balls, tees, shoes, size 9D, Swing Groover. All new, never used. (325) 657-3521. uSED GOLF CLuBS. Several full sets, drivers, wedges, putters. (325) 4506628 HOME BICyCLE EXERCISER Marcy brand sold by Academy compact fold up for storage digital readout very easy to use purchased fall 2015 used twice. $75.00 call Frank 325-763-7946
Super Savings in your Thrifty Nickel’s American Classifieds.
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317 W. Concho • San Angelo, Texas 76904 300 N. Plaza Ave • Big Lake, Texas 76932 chadmelkins@gmail.com
TARGET MASONRy SAW 20”, also works with 14” blades, mounted on wheels, $1750. (325) 450-0218. AuTO SHOP EQuIPMENT: Roll-around swamp cooler. 7x1’ trailer ramps. Valve grind machine shop fan. Bead blast cabinet plus lots more! (325) 374-5173.
Community Events & Announcements SHOP COMPRESSOR - 60 gallon air compresCONSTRuCsor, 2 stage with 10 hp NEW motor, $600 obo. (325) TION: 3-bedroom, 2bath. Vaulted celing, 226-4267 granite counter tops. 2301 and 2305 CHECK US OUT ON Lindell Logan ConTHE WEB AT www.angeloamericanclassifieds.com struction, (325) 9442359.
http://www.ELKINSLAWFIRM.COM Chad Elkins, (325)6518702 EVERyONE READS AMERICAN Classifieds. Sold my house the first week the ad ran!! Alvin T. INVESTIGATE BEFORE yOu INVEST. Before you send a company money for anything advertised in American Classifieds, investigate before you invest. It is also illegal for any company to ask you to pay for credit or a loan before you get it. American Classifieds readers using information in any ads, do so at their own risk. It is suggested that the prospective investors contact the appropriate consumer protection agency before payment. American Classifieds, nor any of it’s employees shall not be held liable for the content in any advertisers ads. For more information about credit scams and advance fee loans write: FTS, Washington, DC 20580.
Not Board Certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization
KIRBy SENTRIA II Vacuum Cleaner w/all accessories. Brand new. Price negotiable. Call (325) 453-2538 NEED A PORTABLE toilet? Call TOPS SEPTIC SERVICE at (325) 651CARLSBAD COM7087. MuNITy CENTER $CASH$ any make or Bldg FOR RENT for model cars and pickups Parties, Weddings, INTEX 16X48 for wrecking use. We will Birthdays, Reunions. ABOVE ground pool, pick them up. Clark’s 11366 Sterling St., used 2 months, $200. Auto Wrecking, 658Carlsbad, TX. Large (325) 234-4605. 4377. open 70x70 hall, fully FREE BIBLE CORREstocked 30x30 THRIFTY S P O N D E N C E kitchen, bathrooms, COuRSES. God has a covered patio with NICKEL’S plan for your life. Answer BBQ pit/tables/playthe questions from Bible ground. FOR RENTAL and send in for grading. INFO call Sandra at Write to: World Bible (325) 465-8870 or School Dept. 47, 2200 Cary at (325) 812Johnson St., San Angelo, 5796. TX. 76904 or call (325) 947-1053. God keeps his promises! Learn what he WANT TO WIN TICKhas promised you. ETS TO SCHLITTERBAHN - “LIKE” OuR FACEBOOK page ARE yOu and you could win APPLyING FREE TICKETS! Tell your friends to like FOR our page and they DISABILITy could win too!! Be SOCIAL sure and check our SECuRITy OR FACEBOOK page (SAN ANGELO SSI? AMERICAN CLASSI- $CASH$. We will pay CALL THE BEST, FIEDS) for FREE above scale weight. Cars I WILL COME TO giveaways!! YOUR HOME. or pickups for wrecking No charge use. 658-4377. until you win. AMERICAN CLASSHELLED PECANS Call anytime SIFIEDS DOES not IN 1 pound vacuum before 10 p.m. warrant the accuracy sealed bags. Also meat John Webb LCSW, of any advertisegrinder & sausage stuffer Accredited Social ments, nor the quality Security for sale. (325) 442-3902. of the goods or servRepresentative ices offered. When (325) 944-9879. accepting money orders or checks from buyers, make sure www.angeloamericanclassifieds.com you check the validity with the money order yAK ATTACK. COME company or bank. Inin and check out our new vestigate any queskayak accessories from t i o n a b l e Yak Attack. Check out our advertisements beshow boat to see the fore investing any possibilities. Come in and money. get your Yak Attacked.Cole’s Army WANTED FELON! Eric Surplus, Corner of 2nd & Surf the net Brandon Willburg! Aiding N. Chadbourne. (325) www.colewww.angeloamericanclassifieds.com and abetting a felon is a 653-1903. sarmysurplus.com. felony! 325-944-9139. CROCKETT NATIONAL BANK is helping Texans succeed with flexible terms and attractive rates on business loans. Call (325) 6586714
Pools & Spas
RuSTIC TIN & BARN WOOD. Demoing old barns. Prices vary offers will be considered. (325) 277-1055. MEXICAN PuRE VANILLA Extract 8 oz $5, Litter $9.50. Leos Imports, 25 W Twohig Ave. 655-5367.
CANNON IPF 5100 Printer - Great shape, printer comes w/cabinet, Image prograph/poster printer. 2yrs old, probably still in warranty. $600. Call (325) 227-0062 MEXICAN DRESSES, LOTERIA T-Shirts, .925 silver jewelry, sarape blankets, fiesta decorations. Leos Imports, 25 W Twohig Ave, 655-5367 *DISH SPECIAL* 190+ Channels For Just $34.99/Month. No Extra Fees Plus, FREE NextDay Installation. Call Today: 877-830-2996 AC 1200WATT, $150,BRAND new ceiling fan $75, small table & 2 chairs $30. (325) 2121107. $CASH$ Cars or pickups for parts and wrecking use. We will pick ‘em up. Clark’s Auto Wrecking, 901 N. Cecil. Phone 658-4377. SOON THE MARK of the Beast will be enforced. Let the Bible explain! Free book and Bible study. Call 205-3394837. F I R E W O O D . DON’T BE FOOLED! A cord of wood is 4’X4’X8’. Mine 300 up. I got all kinds. You need one piece or whatever! (325) 939-1834. WE HAVE SEEN the light! We have some of the brightest, smallest tactical and compact flashlights on the market. Cole’s Army Surplus, Corner of 2nd & N. Chadbourne. (325) 653-1903. www.colesarmysurplus.c om. FuLL SIZE MATTRESS $75.00, Ladies large scrubs $4.00, King Size bedspread $9.00. (325) 944-2180.
angeloads.com Section One Adoption . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Antiques . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Appliances . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Baby & Toddler . . . . . . . . 4 Building Materials. . . . . 10 Business & Service . 12-13 Business Opportunity . . 6 Church Directory . . . . . . 3 Clothing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Commercial Equipment . 2 Community Events & Annoc.2 Computers. . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Country Corral . . . . . 14-15 Crossword Puzzle. . . . . . 6 Education . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Electronics . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Employment Guide. . . . 10 Financial . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Free Stuff. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Furniture . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Garage Sales. . . . . . . . . 14 Guns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Health Care . . . . . . . . . . . 6
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Section One Real Estate
Apartments . . . . . . . . . . 19 Cemetery Plots . . . . 18-19 Commercial Property . . 17 Farms/Ranches. . . . . . . 17 Houses For Rent. . . . . . 18 Houses For Sale . . . 16-17 Lake & Resorts . . . . . . . 19 Lots/Land/Acreage . . . . 17 Manufactured Homes . . 18 Out Of Town Property . 19 Real Estate For Sale . . . 19 Room for Rent. . . . . . . . 19
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• Replacement Windows • Commercial & Residential • Locally Owned Insured & Bonded • Vinyl Siding • Remodeling • Additions CorfieldConstruction.com
GOT BOOTS Or shoes that are too small or you do not wear anymore? Donate them to Ernie Shoe Shine, 165 Woodruff, (325) 6569810. www.ernies shoeshine.com MexICAN DreSSeS, LOTerIA T-Shirts, .925 silver jewelry, sarape blankets, fiesta decorations. Leos Imports, 25 W Twohig Ave, 655-5367
NO LIMIT SerVICeS. “Making A 1 Stop Shop ... 1 Call Does It All! “ Mowing front & back, includes full service $35. Lawn, Landscape & Acreage services, trash outs, dump runs, interior & exterior cleaning, roofing and tear off, interior & exterior painting, concrete patios, sidewalks, driveways. Residential & Commercial. 325-276-1036. www.NoLimitServices.us reTIreD BUT NOT thru working. Lots mowed or shredded. Lawn mowing & weedeating. Leaves vacuumed from yard and flowerbeds. Cleanup and haul off brush or debris. Call Gary, (325) 656-8623 or 653-1015 for free estimates. God Bless. FAST & DePeNDABLe LAWN SERVICE Mowing, edging, trimming, cleanup. Weed control & pest control. Will bill for services, residential & commercial, Call Mike (325) 277-8556 MOWING & WeeD EATING. $30.00 & depending on size. Call (325) 340-2687. rePAIr & SeLL LAWN Mowers & Riding mowers. Also mechanical work, small engines, small generators & 4-wheelers. Also do yard work. I also buy non working lawn mowers & riding tractors. 325-4813918
TreeS FOr SALe: 2 1/2-3” diameter trunk, 1215’ tall. Offering red oak, Mexican white oak, cedar elm, live oak, bur oak, etc. All trees $325. Will deliver & install, $100. MOWING & WeeD Call Mike (325) 277- EATING. Low Low prices. 8556. (325) 763-5880. Tree TrIMMING YArD MOWING + DONe RIGHT. Take WORK, anysize, anydown. Topping, fertiliztime. Reasonable, ing-hedges & mowing free estimates. Call yards. FREE estimates. Rick. (325) 374-7249 Reasonable prices. 28 or (325) 213-0024. years experience. Mike Taylor CONTRACT LABOR (325) 658-6844. GArCIA LAWN Leave message, I’ll get SerVICe. Tree trim- back to you ASAP. Thank ming, lawn mowing, you. shrub trimming, cleaning flower beds. FREE esti- TOrO ZerO TUrN 42” Kohler Courage mates. (325) 227-5063 19HP. $1100. 325-277CrAFTSMAN reAr 2425. TINe tiller, like new, $700. (325) 456-6882. www.angeloamericanclassifieds.com
TOPSOIL SCreeNeD & Unscreened, Certified A1 Compost, Mulches & More. D’s Recycling & Composting. (325)6598573. SOUTHLAND LAWN & LANDSCAPING. Tree trimming & removal. Property management, lot clearing & cleaning. Call (325) 263-1455. 4-B LAWN CAre; Quality work at an affordable price. Call (325) 340-8048 MOWING, WeeD eATING and hedging, blow off porches, driveways and patio areas. Residential, commercial, acreage. Starting at $25. (325) 262-1648, San Angelo area. MOWING, Tree & shrub trimming, flower bed and yard clean up, handyman. Eugene (325) 340-0616. HAULING: TrASH, Tree LIMBS, appliances, metal. One call does it all. Commercial & residential. (325) 3400616. LAWN SerVICe; A man and a mower. Lawn care, roof repair, Insulation, tree trimming & general construction. Free estimates & Credit Cards accepted. (325) 2770038.
Church Directory
FIrST UNITeD M e T H O D I S T CHUrCH 37 E. Beauregard, (325) 655-8981, http://www.firstmethodist.net
VICTOrY CHrISTIAN CeNTer - 1620 Sunset Dr. (325) 9427520. rusetx.org. Sunday 10:40am and 6:30pm. Wednesday 6:30pm.
Lost & Found
LOST. ONe 8FT. Pelican Boat on Lipan Creek on May 28th. from Hargrove Ranch. Reward. (325) 234-4302.
YOUR ADs are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year So log on & check us out! angeloamericanclassifieds.com
FISHING KAYAKS Are in stock and ready for the open water! Come by to see the new styles and check on the great deals on all KAYAKS at Cole’s Army Surplus, Corner of 2nd & N. Chadbourne. (325) 653-1903. www.colesarmysurplus.c om. “WHeTHer YOU’re NeW to cast iron cooking, or a “seasoned” veteran, you’ll want to come in and check out our CampMaid dutch oven lid-lifter/pot-holder. and accessories. Cole’s Army Surplus, Corner of 2nd & N. Chadbourne. (325) 653-1903. www.colesarmysurplus.com. CASH PAID FOr unexpired, sealed DIABETIC TEST STRIPS HIGHEST PRICES! Shipping prepaid. 1 DAY PAYMENT. 1-888-366-0956. www.Cash4DiabeticSupplies.com STAINLeSS STeeL, COMALS, pots, grills, woks & utensils. Lodge Cast Iron, Coolwear. We’re big on cooking! Cole’s Army Surplus, Corner of 2nd & N. Chadbourne. (325) 653-1903. www.colesarmysurplus.c om.
reNT- A -BUGGY Weddings, Anniversaries, Birthdays, Sweet 15’s, Reunions. FUN, ROMANTIC. reNT-A(325) KILL SCOrPIONS! BUGGY. BUY Harris Scorpion 949-6108. Spray. Effective results begin after spray dries. Odorless, Long Lasting, Surf the net Non-Staining. Available: www.angeloamericanclassifieds.com Hardware Stores, The Home Depot, homedepot.com MOBILe OIL CHANGe unit w/6x12 enclosed trailer. Equipment includes: honda air compressor, 2- 33 gl tank, 1- 55 gl waste tank, digital oil dispensing hoses & 3 ton floor jack. Reduced price $9000 obo. FMI Call (325) 2277856. VIAGrA 52 PILLS! ONLY $99.00! Save! Save! Save $500 Now! Call us today! 1-888-4391431
WANT TO WIN TICKeTS TO SCHLITTerBAHN - “LIKe” OUr FACeBOOK page and you could win Free TICKeTS! Tell your friends to like our page and they could win too!! Be sure and check our FACeBOOK page (SAN ANGeLO AMerICAN CLASSIFIeDS) for Free giveaways!! FAIrMONT. reDUCeD PrICeD lots at Fairmont. Great location with trees and close to the street. Block 62, Lot 1,2,3 and 4. Call (713) 825-6820. reDUCeD PrICe. 2 MAUSOLEUM CRYPTS in Lawn Haven Gardens / San Angelo. (806) 3521406. DID YOU KNOW?! CLArK’S AUTO WreCKING has NEW auto parts, doors, fenders, grills, radiators, hoods, lights, door handles. Many in stock or next day delivery. You’ll be surprised at their prices. 658-4377.
July 7, 2016
Page 3
BUrN BArreLS, 325944-8418, 325-277-0873. WANT A Free Roku? Hallmark’s streaming service, Feeln is giving them away all July. Get yours at www.feeln.com WOOD BUrNING STOVe, great condition, low - medium - hi control, $1500. 2 real good large space heaters, Kenmore $300, Dearborn $400. (325) 456-6882. MALe LLAMA, 28 months, white, $800 obo. Wheelchair, hardly used, $1000 obo. Hoist lifter for disabled, hardly used, $2000 obo. contact Roberto Moreno, 325656-5305, 325-656-5305. $CASH$ any make or model cars and pickups for wrecking use. We will pick them up. Clark’s Auto Wrecking, 6584377. POrCeLAIN DOLLS, DOLL parts, books, wigs, etc. Will negotiate for all. (325) 277-6471.
Sell Worldwide www.angeloamericanclassifieds.com
CHeAP DUMP SITe, CONCreTe WITHOUT rebar, dirt, rock, brick, (325) 617-5450. We HAUL ANYTHING. Big Red Hauling. (325) 853-2412 or (940) 443-1262. WANT TO BUY. Portable oxygen machine, low hours, reasonable. (325) 227-1535. 518 e. 23rD 2/1 W/D hookups. Remodeled. CH $625/$500. (325) 895-0545.
Page 4
July 7, 2016
Baby &Toddler
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or call 944-7653
Furniture TEMPURPEdIC KING BEd mattresses (2 twin), $7000 reduced to $5000 FIRM. (325) 456-6882 SLIP CoVERS, offWhITE; Washable, 80” sofa, 42” chair & ottoman. Paid $4700. Asking $595 for set. (325) 658-1654 LEE INdUSTRIES off-WhITE; Washable, slip covered, 80” sofa, 42” chair & ottoman. Paid $4700. Asking $595 for set. (325) 658-1654
LARGE SoLId oAK computer/ entertainment center combo, reduced to $500. Corner curio cabinet, solid birch, reduced to $175. Brady, Tx. (325) 4566882. CUSToM MAdE fLExSTEEL Sofa. Excellent condition with pillows. Must see. $450. (325) 374-8499. TWo ExTRA LARGE chest of drawers, cherry wood, beautiful, reduced to $350 each or both for $600. Oak Extra large and deep chest of drawers, light oak, 4’x4’, reduced to $450. Entertainment center, 7-8’ long, shelves, slide out drawers, $4000. Handmade kitchen hutch with glass doors, raised panels, sides and doors, fruitwood color, $2000. Brady, Tx. (325) 4566882
AMERICAN CLASSIFIEDS Weekly paper read daily by THOUSANDS!
hoUSE fULL of FURNITURE. Good prices- Quality goods, sofa, chairs, end tables, lamps, dining set, queen bed set, dresser, computer table, washer-dryer, hutch. Many TOOLS & EQUIPMENT. Classic Tractor with bucket restored, $5,000. 20ft. Flatbed Gooseneck Trailer, $2,500. Moving must sell. Make an offer. See at 1009 Scoot Lane. Corner of FM 1223 & Scott Lane, San Angelo. (325) 500-5232.
Surf the net
Want To Buy
Free Stuff
fREE KITTENS. 2 white, 1 black & white, 2 calico. (325) 234-4514. fREE GERMAN INTRo classes. Downtown library. New Blitz learning approach (325) 374-4301. fREE WARdRoBE, dISh & MOVING BOXES. (325) 277-0872.
WANT To BUY: Disabled vet looking for a house outside Bronte, Robert Lee or on Spence or Oak Creek Lake. Owner carry. Consider reasonable condition.(325) 370-5807, (325) 603-7443. WANT To BUY: Oxygen bottles for cutting torch. ALSO, rectangular steel fuel tanks off 1 1/2ton or larger trucks. (325) 370-5807, (325) 603-7443. CASh PAId - up to $25/Box for unexpired, sealed DIABETIC TEST STRIPS. 1-DAYPAYMENT.1-800-371-1136.
WANTS To PURChASE minerals and other oil and gas interests. Send details to P.O. Box 13557, Denver, Co. 80201. BooKS WANTEd: I buy good used books by Elmer Kelton, Ben K. Green, J. Frank Dobie, J. Evetts Haley, Tom Lea, Fred Gibson, Larry McMurtry, Louis L’Amour leatherette and many others. Texas/Southwest authors. Also, most non-fiction books related to Texas/Southwest. Felton Cochran, Cactus Book Shop, 6 East Concho, San Angelo, TX 76903. (325) 659-3788.
WANTEd: oLd fIShING Lures and fishing items. Old and new guns, ammunition and related memorabilia. Glass minnow traps. Steel animal traps. WWI & WWII military items. Military rifles including M1 Garands, M14, M1 Carbine Colt 1911. Taxidermy mounts, Ambassadeur reels, newer quality fishing tackle, beer signs and neons esp. Texas beer companies. Old pocket knives and cutlery. Arrowheads and Indian items. Old advertising signs. Old Stoneware. All Antiques considered. Paintings by Texas artists such as Dwight Holmes, Rolla Taylor, Robert Woods and Porfirio Salinas. (325) 374-5022. CASh PAId foR catalytic converters. Call me before you let them go! $15-$100. (325) 6563658 BUYING JUNK CARS and trucks. Haul off unwanted cars. (325) 6586914.
$CASh$ Cars or pickups for parts and wrecking use. We will pick ‘em up. Clark’s Auto Wrecking, 901 N. Cecil. Phone 658-4377. EVERYoNE REAdS AMERICAN Classifieds. Sold my house the first week the ad ran!! Alvin T MoTIVATEd To SELL: 8’x12’ coffee kiosk & equipment. Can be sold together or separately. Walk up window/drive through both sides. 325-436dIABETIC TEST 9205. STRIPS Wanted. dId YoU KNoW?! Call now for CLARK’S AUTo “BONUS!” Unexpired. WRECKING has NEW WILL Pay up to $30. a auto parts, doors, fendBox plus Shipping. ers, grills, radiators, Call T.S.C. FREE 866 hoods, lights, door han368 2269 dles. Many in stock or next day delivery. You’ll WANTS To PUR- be surprised at their ChASE minerals and prices. 658-4377. other oil & gas interests. Send details P.O. Box BURN BARRELS 13557, Denver, Co 80201 foR sale. 653-3678. GET PAId CASh for your sealed, unexpired boxes of diabetic test “LIKE” US ANd BE strips. Top $$, Fast Pay- oUR “fRIENd” oN ment, Shipping Prepaid! fACEBooK and you (866) 800-1923 SellYour- could win “fREE” TestStrips.com ads. Keep up with all CASh foR UNEx- the latest happenPIREd DIABETIC TEST ings at American STRIPS! Free Shipping, Classifieds. Check Best Prices & 24 hr pay- us out on facebook ment! Call 1-855-440- and “like” us!! 4001 English & Spanish www.TestStripSearch.co m AdVERTISE To 10 Million Homes across the USA! Place your ad in over 140 community newspapers, with circulation totaling over 10 million homes. Contact Independent Free Papers of America IFPA at danielleburnettifpa@live.com or visit our website cadnetads.com for more information. WANTEd dEAd oR ALIVE: Riding mowers. Pay cash. (325) 2271535.
Discover a deal!
Miscellaneous 2013 AVENGER 23’ TT; 1 slideout, Like new, $17,000 FMI Call (325) 234-8797 in Christoval, Tx.
WAShERS, dRYERS, ANd STOVES From $195. Refrigerators & freezers from $225 & up. In good condition with guarantee. Call Munoz or see us at 1241 Apache Trail . Also we repair appliances. (325) 650-6384 or (325) 763-3613. KIRBY VACUUM & SHAMPOOER. $350 OBO. (325) 728-7223.
$CASh$ Cars or pickups for parts and wrecking use. We will pick ‘em up. Clark’s Auto Wrecking, 901 N. Cecil. Phone 658-4377.
fELIPA BERNARd specializing in colors, perms, lo-lites, hi-lites. Senior Citizen discount Tuesday. Extensions hair & Nail Salon. 3010 W. Beauregard. (432) 530-3830. MExICAN PURE VANILLA Extract 8 oz $5, Litter $9.50. Leos Imports, 25 W Twohig Ave. 655-5367. PARENTS WARNING KIdS who participate in contact sports may have 32% chance of developing brain disease! Learn more at StopCTE.org or FlagUntil14.org TACTICAL BACKPACKS - Tactical Shooters’ Bags - Range Bags Tactical Weapons Cases - Shotgun Scabbards. Protect your protectors. Cole’s Army Surplus, Corner of 2nd & N. Chadbourne. (325) 653-1903. www.colesarmysurplus.c om http://www.ELKINSLAWfIRM.CoM Chad Elkins, (325)6518702 MExICAN dRESSES, LoTERIA T-Shirts, .925 silver jewelry, sarape blankets, fiesta decorations. Leos Imports, 25 W Twohig Ave, 655-5367 ARE YoU APPLYING foR dISABILITY SoCIAL SECURITY/ SSI? CALL THE BEST, I WILL COME TO YOUR HOME. No charge until you win. Call anytime before 10 p.m. John Webb LCSW, Accredited Social Security Representative, (325) 944-9879. I WANT oNE bushel of fresh picked black eyed peas after June 29th. (325) 949-6324. ALL INCLUSIVE RESoRT packages at Sandals, Dreams, Secrets, Riu, Barcelo, Occidental and many more resorts. Punta Cana, Mexico, Jamaica and many of the Caribbean islands. Book now for 2017 and SAVE! For more info. call 877270-7260 or go to NCPtravel.com
Discover a deal!
Jobs Wanted
haNDy MaN aVaILaBLe. CaLL MarK (325) 374-4626. ProfessIoNaL LaND surVeyors offering - Title surveying, ALTA/ACSM surveying, Boundary surveying, Construction Surveying, UAS 3D Modeling. Now with offices in San Angelo and Mason! San Angelo office 325 939-0043. Mason office 325 2180063. Call or visit us at mqitx.com for more information. resIDeNtIaL hoNest CLeaNINg; Affordable & reliable. References available. Free estimates. (325) 245-8302. CaregIVer w/refereNCes; LooKINg for job w/elderly. CNA/CPR. (325) 7635834 (325) 763-2090 haVe sMaLL traCtor for mowing empty lots or removing dirt. Habla espanol. Call Rolando. (325) 277-9533. LIght MowINg aND Light handyman services. Free Estimates. *MOWING* 325-2344426
roB’s PaINtINg & reMoDeLINg. Interior & Exterior. Residential & Commercial. 25 years experience. Have Brush Will Travel! (806) 2837432 local. arrIaga tILe serVICe. (325) 9396387. Ceramic, shower, marble, back splashes, texture, painting, carpentry. Wood, laminate and vinyl flooring. Residential or Commercial. NeeD your house CLEANED? Call me at (325) 642-2439. have references. SA area. DooLey a/C & heatINg. Commercial and residential. Financing available. Free estimates on new units. TACLA00065972E (325) 656-6525.
2 CryPts IN Calvary Cemetery, Heart Level, $7000. (325) 227-5313. I aDVertIseD My VehICLe in american Classifieds. a man came by to look at it. I had another vehicle that was not for sale. Long story short, I sold the unadvertised vehicle. you guys are batting 1000!! I’ll always come here! J.s.
haVe truCK & TRAILER will haul light loads San Angelo & Texas area only. (325) 617-9363. wILL taKe DowN houses, mobil homes or just about any building for a reasonable price. (325) 370-5807, (325) 603-7443
Oil & Gas
‘98 groVe MZI 40 Manlift. 45’ working height. New tires. New Joystick, new carburator, fully serviced by ASCO. All functions on this machine working great. $13,500. FMI Call (325) 716-0632 http://www.eLKINsLawfIrM.CoM Chad elkins, (325)6518702 oteX. MoNDay-frIDay 7:30-5 Equipment, trailers, rods & pipe tubing. Structural pipe, pumping units & more. 10807 US Hwy 83 in Ballinger. (325) 9771600.
Free Internet Classified with every classified ad placed in your weekly American classifieds No other publication offers world wide coverage like that. Over nine million page views on the internet per month
Miscellaneous NatIoN wIDe parts locator service! Can’t find that part you need? Call Clark’s and let them find it for you. (325) 6584377
f r I g I D a I r e gaLLery electric range. stainless steel. smooth top. self cleaning oven. excellent condition. only thing wrong door needs a new spring, but still opens and closes. $250 oBo. (325) 944-2359. $Cash$ Cars or pickups for parts and wrecking use. We will pick ‘em up. Clark’s auto wrecking, 901 N. Cecil. Phone 658-4377. ICs CoMMer✔ CIaL 3 phase FREEZER; 1pc. walkin unit 12’9”x9’5” . FMI Call (325) 234-8584
southLaND MaID serVICes for all residential and commercial cleaning. (325) 2631455. eVeryoNe reaDs aMerICaN Classifieds. Sold my house the first week the ad ran!! Alvin T. Brass PLateD BeD stead. Need minor work. Two troy Built riding mowers, good engines, good tires, for parts or rebuilds. $300 each. At 1120 S. David or 325-653-7961. assorteD suCCuLeNts- $1.00 & up. (325) 245-3999.
Discover a deal!
Log CaBIN $4800, (original price, $23,800). 768 square feet, expandable to 1152 square feet, 101 solid oak logs, fully dovetailed, complete precut wall set with all plans for stone fireplace, 101/2 foot high ceilings, porches, loft, stack walls in two days, add roof in two days, extra nice, will haul to San Angelo for $1850. 870-577-5757, owner. assorteD suCCuLeNts- $1.00 & up. (325) 245-3999. DID you KNow?! CLarK’s auto wreCKINg has NEW auto parts, doors, fenders, grills, radiators, hoods, lights, door handles. Many in stock or next day delivery. You’ll be surprised at their prices. 658-4377. fr CLothINg By Wrangler®, Walls®, Bulwark® and Dickies. We are your safety equipment & FR headquarters. Come down & see us. Cole’s Army Surplus, Corner of 2nd & N. Chadbourne. (325) 653-1903. www.colesarmysurplus.c om. worK Boots or FR clothing for the oilfield. Safety glasses or hard hats, thermal clothing, underwear or warm wool socks, gloves or winter caps. WOW we have it all. Cole’s Army Surplus, Corner of 2nd & N. Chadbourne. (325) 653-1903. www.colesarmysurplus.c om.
Commercial, Residential & Auto Glass Repair Commercial Store Front Repair 24 HR. Board-Ups
325-653-7380 63 N. Chadbourne www.glassdoctor.com
600-1,000 sq.ft. warehouse/st orage units. Just outside city limits. $275 and $375 a month, Utilities available. Call Gretchen, 325-234-0069.
Myers Drug go GO Scooter...only $975. Test drive one today! 29 S. Chadbourne 325-6553146 2 CryPts IN Calvary Garden Mausoleum. San Angelo. $2500 each obo. (325) 949-0034 2004 gMC 2500, 4X4 crew cab, 99,800 miles. Fully loaded. Grill guard. Goose neck hitch, headache rack. $14,900. (325) 242-0327. 2002 KIa rIo Asking $2,000 OBO. (325) 6518436 (325) 276-0187.
Large rV Lots $255 per month & you pay electric. Have community swimming pool. Call (325) 658-2763. LawNhaVeN: 2 PLots in Apostles, value $5,590. Will take $5,000 and pay transfer. (325) 374-2026. whIte haIr sheeP ewe lambs ten head for sale. (325) 650-5211. Cash for Cars: We Buy Any Condition Vehicle, 2000 and Newer. Nationwide Top Car Buyer! Free Towing From Anywhere! Call Now: 1-800864-5960
July 7, 2016
hoteLs for heroes - to find out more about how you can help our service members, veterans and their families in their time of need, visit the Fisher House website at www.fisherhouse.org Cash for BaBy Formula! Highest prices Paid! Most Major Brands Accepted! Toll Free 1866-617-7355, Between 9:30-5:30 pm Est, Or visit 24/7 www. SellFormula.com a PLaCe for MOM. The nation’s largest senior living referral service. Contact our trusted, local experts today! Our service is FREE/no obligation. CALL 1-800-217-3942 VIagra 52 PILLs + 4 FREE! VIAGRA 100MG/ CIALIS 20mg Free Pills! No hassle, Discreet Shipping. Save Now. $99.00 Call Today! 1-800-2136202
Page 5
CruIse VaCatIoNs- 3,4,5 or 7 day cruises to the Caribbean. Start planning now to save $$ on your fall or winter getaway vacation. Royal Caribbean, Norwegian, Carnival, Princess and many more. Great deals for all budgets and departure ports. For more info. call 877-2707260 or go to NCPtravel.com New 17 X 19 Vanity with marble top, New Bissell Steamer $65 each. Double mattress $40. (325) 224-4494. Cash PaID for unexpired, sealed DIABETIC TEST STRIPS! 1 DAY PAYMENT & PREPAID shipping. HIGHEST PRICES! Call 1-888-7767771. www.Cash4DiabeticSupplies.com
Page 6
July 7, 2016
Health Care VIAGRA 100MG And CIALIS 20mg! 50 pills $99.00 FREE Shipping! 100% guaranteed. CALL NOW! 1-866-312-6061. Hablamos Espanol. IF YOuR lOOkInG for someone to provide love & care for your loved one please call me. Excellent references. Private paid clients only. Linda. (512) 797-1766. 48 PIllS + 4 FREE! VIAGRA 100MG/ CIALIS 20mg Free Pills! No hassle, Discreet Shipping. Save Now. Call Today 1877-560-0842 VIAGRA And CIAlIS USERS! 50 Pills SPECIAL $99.00 FREE Shipping! 100% guaranteed. CALL NOW! 1-800-849-4243. VIAGRA Y CIAlIS Consumidores! 50 pildoras especiales $99.00 envos gratis! 100% garantizado.LLAME AHORA! 1-855-6708122. VIAGRA 100MG And CIALIS 20mg! 40 pills + 10 FREE. SPECIAL$99.00. 100% guaranteed. FREE Shipping! 24/7 CALL NOW! 1-888223-8818.
**SuMMER SPECIAl**VIAGRA 60x(100MG)+20 “Bonus” PILLS for ONLY $114.00 plus shipping. NO PRESCRIPTION Needed! VISA/MC payment. 1-888-386-8074 www.newhealthyman.co m Satisfaction Guaranteed! FREE VIAGRA PIllS 48 PILLS + 4 FREE! VIAGRA 100MG/ CIALIS 20mg Free Pills! No hassle, Discreet Shipping. Save Now. Call Today 1888-410-0514 hAVE YOu OR someone you loved suffered severe complications from the use of Xarelto, Pradaxa, Talcum Baby Powder or IVC Filter? You maybe due Compensation, free consultation. Call The Sentinel Group now! 1-800-577-1007 ERECTIlE dISFunCTIOn! V & C users! Special 60 pills for $99. Free Shipping. No prescription needed. Money back guaranteed! 877593-7571. **SuMMER SPECIAl**VIAGRA 60x(100MG)+20 “Bonus” PILLS for ONLY $114.00 plus shipping. VISA/MC payment. 18 8 8 - 3 8 6 - 8 0 7 4 www.newhealthyman.co m Satisfaction Guaranteed
Business Opportunities
h A R d W A R E ★STORE located downtown Robert Lee, Tx. The store ready for a new owner desiring to own their own business. This is a great business opportunity. Serious inquiries only please! Contact us at cokecohdw @wcc.net IMMEdIATE hIRInGEARn $300- $1000 per week. Transportation and Lodging guaranteed. Minimal requirements. On-site training provided. Give us a call at 877-2528168 or 877-720-3274 so we can book your ticket today. JuST REduCEd TO $599,000. OFFICE EXCLUSIVE: HORSE OWNER’S DREAM: 10 acres in Christoval, TX. Interior horse stalls & washing area, corral, beautiful main house, separate apartment, RIVER FRONTAGE/IRRIGATION CANAL, lots of trees. Ideal group entertainment & recreation property. James Thomas, SARE, (325)277-5478. REx’S GYM FOR sale. 160K. (325) 255-2299.
PRIVATE ROOM FOR Hair Stylist. 14X14. Pranee’s Beauty Salon(325) 658-4644.
Miscellaneous AIMS POWER (BEST), DC & AC power inverter. Model PWRINV5000W, 5000 watts maximum. 12 or 24 volt. Almost new. $300 obo. (325) 315-1821. 3602 GEMInI #2C2bdrm/2ba. 2-car carport, swimming pool access. (830) 370-0507.
American Classifieds will feature a puzzle each week. You will find the answers to the puzzle the following week. STATEPOINT CROSSWORD THEME: 1980s Movies ACROSS 1. Like an old chip 6. Military hospitals 9. Whip strike 13. Fruit-peeling device 14. Part of circle 15. Type of duck 16. *James Bond’s James St. John Smythe, e.g. 17. *Type of race in Cusack’s “Better Off Dead” 18. Closes in on 19. *Daniel LaRusso’s martial art 21. *Marty McFly’s destination 23. Utmost degree 24. Not final or absolute 25. Gourmet mushroom 28. Domesticated ox 30. *Type of bomb in “Fat Man and Little Boy” 35. Like dental surgery 37. U, on the road 39. Phil Collins’ “____ Be in My Heart” 40. Alliance acronym 41. Misbehave 43. Guilty, e.g. 44. Consumed 46. Spiral-horned antelope 47. Bit of slander 48. *”Missing in Action”
22. “This land is your land...” 24. Take under one’s wing 25. *Vengeful barbarian 26. Inspiration for poets and musicians 27. ____ familias 29. *John Candy’s slacker uncle character 31. “My bad!” 32. Head of mosque 33. Intestinal obstruction 34. *Head of the Griswolds 36. Displeasure on one’s face 38. Titian’s Venus of Urbino 42. Sign of life 45. “Peanuts” character 49. Sun in Mexico DOWN 51. Peter of Peter, Paul and Mary 1. Resting place 54. Clingy one 2. Spill the beans 56. Establish validity 3. Diva’s delivery 57. Christmas partridge’s 4. “Live and ____” perch 5. Cheap substitution 58. “____ ____ no good” 6. Bud holder 7. *One of Indiana Jones’ 59. Smell badly quests 60. *Like the times at 8. *”The Terminator” “Ridgemont High” genre 61. What do you do on 9. In ____ of eBay? 10. Month before Nisan 62. *”Ghostbusters,” but 11. Withered not the movie 12. Store posting, for 63. Sheep not yet sheared short 15. Something that exists 65. Wade’s opponent 67. Driver’s aid 20. Sorority letter star Chuck 50. Count on 52. Query 53. Departed 55. Tree fluid 57. *Prince’s “____ Rain” 60. *He had an epic day off 63. Cone shaped dwelling 64. Time period 66. *Johnny 5 of “Short Circuit” 68. Like yesterday’s meal? 69. Opposite of don’ts 70. Sheep-like 71. Get the picture 72. Thus far 73. Chunk of iceberg?
F R I G I d A I R E GAllERY electric range. Stainless steel. Smooth top. Self cleaning oven. Excellent condition. Only thing wrong door needs a new spring, but still opens and closes. $250 OBO. (325) 944-2359. 2012 CRuSAdER RV, $32,000. 325-650-1317.
REnT-A-POnY BIRThdAYS, PARTIES, reunions, any occasion. Fun. (325) 949-6108.
BECOME ThE ulTIMATE Predator. Come check out the Predator family of kayaks from Old Town. Don’t want to paddle, check out the Predator MK w/ Minnkota trolling motor. Cole’s Army Surplus, Corner of 2nd & N. Chadbourne. (325) 653-1903. www.colesarmysurplus.c om. REFRIGERATOR lIkE nEW. $175 OBO. (325) 500-8777. FR ClOThInG BY Wrangler®, Walls®, Bulwark® and Dickies for one or the whole crew.Cole’s Army Surplus, Corner of 2nd & N. Chadbourne. (325) 6531903. www.colesarmysurplus.com. InVESTMEnT OPPORTunITY. 2 bldgs, 3 separate office suites, 22 storage units. Just reduced to $125,000. 1921 Junius. James @ SARE, (325) 277-5478. dISh TV 190 channels plus Highspeed Internet Only $49.94/mo! Ask about a 3 year price guarantee plus Netflix included for 1 year! 1-800283-1597
JOhn dEERE 4730 SPRAYER, 90 ft. boom, hyd. tread adjust, auto boom height, farmer owned & operated. Barn kept, nice, 1440 hours. $125,000. (325) 8955251 or (325) 895-0034
JOhn dEERE BARREl train for sale. Great for earning extra $. Book for parties, school/church festival, etc. Great shape. For more information call (325) 650-6608.
MARCY hAS ChAnGEd locations. Come see me at It’s A Family of Hair Salon, 2450 N. Bryant. Monday - Friday, 9-5. (325) 3152241. Perms, haircuts, highlights & colors. 9 WEST AVE P. 1 bedroom apartment. $160 weekly plus electricity, free cable. No pets. HUD accepted. (325) 6508581 1 PlOT WESTEnd of Catholic cemetery, $1500. (405) 318-9686,
PhOEnIx dE- huMIdIFIER, $349. Wild Bill’s Pawn, 1315 MLK, 658-7066. GOT BOOTS OR shoes that are too small or you do not wear anymore? Donate them to Ernie Shoe Shine, 165 Woodruff, (325) 6569810. www.ernies shoeshine.com REGISTEREd ShIhTZu PuPPIES 6 weeks old. High quality. Females $450ea., males $400ea. (325) 370-6522.
YOUR AD COULD BE HERE! Call 944-7653
July 7, 2016
2012 POLARIS RANgER CREW Camo, P/S, walk-on hard top, stereo, winch, fold-out windshield, Cordura seat covers, mirrors. 280 hours, like new. 27” hiway approved tires, mag wheels. $15,900. (325) 277-4570
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HUNTER SPECIAL ARCTIC fox truck camper mounted on all steel gooseneck tlr. with dovetail & ramps. Fully self contained, all weather camper with slide out & power plant. Room for 4 wheelers or motorcycles on back. 2 custom 8’ aluminum storage boxes built in. Excellent condition. $13,500. cell (325) 651-5173
SIgSAUER P226 9MM, $650. Wild Bill’s Pawn, 1315 MLK, 658-7066.
NICE EIgHT-gUN gUN cabinet with matching hutch. Made out of real wood, REDUCED $1800. Brady, Tx. (325) 456-6882 cell. REMINgTON RAND 1911 .45 pistol, $1300. Wild Bill’s Pawn, 1315 MLK, 658-7066.
★ Browse by keyword ★ By classification ★ By city Find that treasure you have been looking for at
Beam me up Scotty. SAVAgE #111 .338 We’ve got Thrifty Nickels LAPUA mag. No scope, American Classifieds for $1,100. Steve (325) 374the crew! 2530. HAND gUN CLASSES. Beginner classes & license to carry classes. Held on Saturdays or Sundays. Corporate & group classes considered on your schedule at your location. Call Daryl Presley (325) 2123703 or The Outdoorsman (325) 947-8859. P938-9-T-VRL 9MM SIg Sauer w/Red Laser, 3 Clips, Case, $800. 325226-4566. SMITH & WESSON 9mm C.O.R.E. with Trijicon Sight. $850Wild Bill’s Pawn, 1315 MLK, 658-7066. REMINgTON R-15 VTR 223 cal. with 4X12 Pentax Scope. $995. FIRM.-Call (325) 6583808.
PAYINg TOP DOLLAR for guns. One piece or collection. (325) 234-9430 RUgER 10/22, $249. Wild Bill’s Pawn, 1315 MLK, 658-7066.
HAVE SOME Free Time? Log on to
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You just might find what you didn’t know you were looking for!
Antiques CHECKOUT BOOTH A-105 at Mad Style Vintage. 113 E. Concho. Vintage bikes, coke collectibles, glassware, antique Lionel standard gauge train set, lots more. Tues. -Sat. 105:30pm. THE ORIgINAL A M E R I C A N BRITISH ANTIQUES Over 50,000 sq.ft. Largest complex in Concho Valley. Antique furniture, memorabilia, glassware, collectible military items, spurs, etc. Storage units for rent. 746 US 87 S, San Angelo, Tx, 325-6514873. LEFTON COLONIAL VILLAgES. 23 Lighted Buildings, boxed. 30 Figurines. $200. (325) 9429394.
RECEIVINg PAYMENTS FROM real estate you sold? Get cash now! Call Steve @ 1-888870-2243 www.SteveCashesNotes.com TOO MANY LOANS? We can help! Consolidate multiple loans into 1 low monthly payment. Save hundreds each month Guaranteed! Call 866-838-5065. INVESTIgATE BEFORE YOU INVEST. Before you send a company money for anything advertised in American Classifieds, investigate before you invest. It is also illegal for any company to ask you to pay for credit or a loan before you get it. American Classifieds readers using information in any ads, do so at their own risk. It is suggested that the prospective investors contact the appropriate consumer protection agency before payment. American Classifieds, nor any of it’s employees shall not be held liable for the content in any advertisers ads. For more information about credit scams and advance fee loans write: FTS, Washington, DC 20580.
WEST TEXAS gAME FEEDERS A Texas Size Selection of Feeders & Blinds. New Inventory arriving daily. We stock all your needs. Feeders, blinds, stands, tripods, portable blinds. Sales, service and repair. We stock DEER CORN & PROTEIN PELLETS. ATV tune-up and repair. 3312 N. CHADBOURNE, 653-3678, 653-8686. www.westtexasgamefeeders.co m
CONCEALED CARRY SAN ANgELO offering affordable concealed handgun classes in the San Angelo, Texas area. All major credit cards accepted. FMI (325) 2124817. www.concealed carrysanangelo.com LIVE TRAPS PERCH to Hogs. WEST TEXAS GAME FEEDERS, 3312 N. CHADBOURNE, 6533678, 653-8686. www.westtexasgamefeeders.com
YOUR AD COULD BE HERE! Call 944-7653
Hunting & Fishing
LICENSE TO CARRY classes. Wednesday and Saturday at 9 a.m. 117 Howard, $75 per person, 2 or more only $60 per person. (325) 944-8700 BURN BARRELS FOR sale. 653-3678.
HOg HUNTS $250 for a weekend. Lighted feeders, blinds. Nice lodging included! Call or text Sweetwater Area 325236-0780 I BUY: UN✔ W A N T E D firearms. Call (325) 374-2013 .
CAUTION Extreme Exposure From Advertising In The THRIFTY NICKEL’S AMERICAN CLASSIFIED. Call 944-7653 To Place Your Ad Today!
M1A, M1 gARAND, M1 Carbine, 1903A3, Winchester 61 22 LR & 22 Magnum, 62, & 63. Winchester 1892 & 1894. Remington Rand 1911A1. (325) 442-2341. WANT TO BUY Older guns. (325) 442-2341.
E-Z gO gASOLINE golf cart/shooting clay cart, reduced to $5000. (325) 456-6882. http://www.ELKINSLAWFIRM.COM Chad Elkins, (325)6518702
Page 7
DEVIL’S MOUNTAIN RIFLE RANGE Reloading Supply Headquarters. Best prices on guns & ammo in town. Special orders welcome. Credit Cards accepted. New hours: Closed Mon. & Tue; 1:00PM-6:00PM Wed., Thurs, Fri.; 9:00AM-6:00pm Saturday; 1:30PM6:00PM Sunday. (325) 653-2525, (325) 6539633, (325) 6565139. BOBWHITE QUAIL: EXCEPTIONAL quality, fast, strong, wild. H U N T I N g / R E C R E - Cisco/Albany, 325-945ATION. WE HAVE af- 2508 fordable land in the following counties. Coke, WELCOME TO The Edwards, Concho, Menard, Kinney, Val Future! Now you can Verde. Low down payment, long term financing advertise your stuff 8 0 0 - 8 7 6 - 9 7 2 0 http://ranchenterpris- everywhere, all the esltd.com time, across the LIVE TRAPS PERCH to Hogs. WEST TEXAS GAME FEEDERS, 3312 N. CHADBOURNE, 6533678, 653-8686. www.westtexasgamefeeders.com 2012 RANgER CREW Camo, P/S, walk-on hard top, stereo, winch, foldout windshield, Cordura seat covers, mirrors. 280 hours, like new. 27” hiway approved tires, mag wheels. $15,900. (325) 277-4570. LLAMA MICRO-MAX .32 COMES WITH HOLSTER, 1 CLIPS , CASE $400. 325-226-4566
country & even all over the world.
TOP CASH PAID FOR OLD GUITARS! 1920 1980. Gibson, Martin, Fender, Gretsch, Epiphone, Guild, Mosrite, Rickenbacker, Prairie State, D’Angelico, Stromberg. And Gibson Mandolins/Banjos. 1-800www.angeloamericanclassifieds.com 401-0440
Page 8
July 7, 2016
Answers to Crossword Puzzle for 6/30/16 Issue
1 DIRECT TV SATELITE receiver w/smart card. $125. OBO. Pager (325) 278-3572 or Call (325) 656-3462
Medical Equipment
F R I G I D A I R E GALLERy electric range. Stainless steel. Smooth top. Self cleaning oven. condition. Beam me up Scotty. Excellent Only thing wrong We’ve got Thrifty Nickels door needs a new but still American Classifieds for spring, opens and closes. the crew! $250 ObO. (325) 944-2359. WHIRLPOOL GAS DRyER. $100. David (325) 212-3177.
Musical Instruments
bALDWIn PIAnO. GOOD condition. Must sell, moving. Make offer. (325) 340-8962. SAn AnGELO MUSICIAnS SWAP MEET AnD SELL. Bring your unwanted gear, new or used. Limited spaces available. July 8, 9 and 10th, and July 15, 16 and 17th. 750 Warehouse Rd. Contact Brian (325) 3747299.
In PRINT... ONLINE.. all the time!!
KEEL DRUG LOCATED at 2001 Hutchings Ave. next door to the Ballinger Hospital Clinic carries the following DME supplies: Canes, Crutches, Grip Devices, Commodes, Urinals & Bedpans, Diabetic Socks & Supplies, Blood Glucose Monitors, Test Strips, Lancets & Devices, Hot & Cold Physical Therapy Applications, Hospital Beds: Electric, Semi-Electric & Manual Pneumatic Compression Devices, Rollators & Four Wheel Walkers, Scooters, Three & Four Wheel Electronic Scooters, Support Surfaces: Pressure Reducing Beds, Mattresses, Overlays & Pads, TED Compression Hose, Antiembolism Hose, Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulators (TENS) Units and replacement pads. (325) 365-3505.
GOLDEn AVEnGER SCOOTER model GA541 with charger box. Scooter is in excellent condition with very low running hours. Asking price $2,500 OBO. Contact John Purcell (325) 947-8195. KEEL DRUG LOCATED at 2001 Hutchings Ave. next door to the Ballinger Hospital Clinic specializes in diabetic, respiratory, durable medical equipment, hospice and home health prescriptions. We offer free in-town delivery service, unit dosing and the Ballinger Memorial Hospital 340-b prescription drug plan for clinic patients. We also accept Medicare/Medicaid and other third party prescription plans. Our hours are 830am – 530pm Monday through Friday. Stop in today and let our experienced friendly staff help you with your prescription and medical equipment needs. Phone: 325-3653505. I HAVE A LIFT CHAIR called a Med-Lift. One of the best you can buy. Never been used. Chair has massage & heat. Really well built chair, it would be good for someone who has any kind of back problems. FMI (325) 450-6795 ELECTRIC LIFT CHAIR Maroon color. Used 3 months. $450. (325) 651-5319. VIAGRA & CIALIS! 50 pills for $95. 100 pills for $150 FREE shipping. NO prescriptions needed. Money back guaranteed! 1-877-743-5419
APPLIAnCE SERVICE & REPAIR Reasonable, honest, dependable. Call for Service. (325) 227-5306, (325) 653-8586. Member BBB 2 WHITE PEDESTALS for F R O N T L O A D Whirlpool/Maytag fits washer & dryer. $125 each. (325) 262-1133 I’ll call back. WHIRLPOOL STOVE AnD dish washer for sale. Asking $125.00 a piece. Please call 325651-5930 for more infor- MyERS DRUG HAS mation the largest selection of new luxury Pride lift chairs in the Concho Valley...Come try one today! Starting at $599.99. 29 S. Chadbourne 325-655Internet & 3146. Technology KEEL DRUG LOCATED at 2001 Hutchings Ave. next door to the Ballinger Hospital Clinic carries Transfer Benches and Shower Chairs, Walkers, Three and Four DIERSCHKE & Wheel Walkers, WheelDIERSCHKE REchairs, Extra-Wide and Removable Sides. We ALTORS, 5026 are here to meet your Knickerbocker Rd., needs and serve the San Angelo, TX. (325) needs of the community 944-3596. http://dieras we have for the past schke.com one hundred years. Keel has been serving http://www.ELKInS- Drug the Ballinger Community LAWFIRM.COM Chad since the early 1900’s Elkins, (325)651- and we continue this long 8702 standing tradition of servDISH TV 190 channels ing the needs of our complus Highspeed Internet munity today. Thank you Only $49.94/mo! Ask for making Keel Drug the about a 3 year price home town choice for all guarantee plus Netflix in- your diabetic, respiratory, cluded for 1 year! 1-800- durable medical equipment and prescription LADIES 14K SOLI261-8091 needs. (325) 365-3505 TAIRE wedding set, $1250. Call (325) 4566882.
Appliances REFRIGERATOR LIKE nEW. $175 OBO. (325) 500-8777.
MEn’S GOLD HORSESHOE ring with 3/4 carat diamond with horse head in middle, $2350. Serious inquiries only. Call (325) 456-6882 for appointment.
nEW LADIES 10K yellow gold cluster engagement ring with 8 diamond ring wrap, $1250. Serious inquires only. Call for appointment: (325) 456- $CASH$ Cars or pickups for parts and wreck6882. ing use. We will pick ‘em up. Clark’s Auto Wrecking, 901 N. Cecil. Phone 658-4377. PORCELAIn DOLLS, DOLL parts, books, LADIES 14K WED- wigs, etc. Will negotiate DInG ring set, over 1 for all. (325) 277-6471. carat, $9250. Serious in- bRASS PLATED bED quiries only. (325) 456- stead. Need minor work. Two troy Built riding mow6882. ers, good engines, good tires, for parts or rebuilds. $300 each. At 1120 S. David or 325-653-7961.
LADIES 14 CT DIAMOND and Ruby pendant set with 11 round .02 dia and 30 .02 carat round rubbies with 18” box chain, $1000. (325) 456-6882.
Steel/Storage Buildings
http://www.ELKInSLAWFIRM.COM Chad Elkins, (325)6518702 CUSTOM STORAGE bUILDInGS. Built on site. Solid steel frame. Not DIY kits. FMI call CSH Enterprises at 325374-5595 or 325-3742983.
PLACE YOUR ADs online anytime day or night using our website: www.angeloamericanclassifieds.com
ASSORTED SUCCULEnTS- $1.00 & up. (325) 245-3999. 2 CRyPTS In Calvary Cemetery, Heart Level, $7000. (325) 227-5313. I ADVERTISED My VEHICLE in American Classifieds. A man came by to look at it. I had another vehicle that was not for sale. Long story short, I sold the unadvertised vehicle. you guys are batting 1000!! I’ll always come here! J.S. ASSORTED SUCCULEnTS- $1.00 & up. (325) 245-3999. 1625 PREUSSER 2BR/1BA. Laundry room, kitchen appliances. large yard. $675/ mo. $600 deposit. Erica Boyce, Bollinger RE. (325) 2128314 PJ 32’ FLAT bed gooseneck trailer, reduced to $8000. (325) 456-6882.
“The mission of this Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world...” So Help us, God!
Worship Times • 8:30am Early Service • 10:45am Traditional Service • 11:00am Contemporary Service Sunday School Classes 9:30am
AnGELO MObILE HOME MOVInG; Relevels, skirting & transporting. Unstable floor, unshutting doors? Foundation stabilization, pier & beam, trailer homes. Licensed, bonded, insured. I-4486. Chris (325) 276-1978 leave message. $CASH$ Cars or pickups for parts and wrecking use. We will pick ‘em up. Clark’s Auto Wrecking, 901 N. Cecil. Phone 658-4377. P&L JASS bOOT Shop, 810 Hutchins Ave. Ballinger, TX. (325) 2778175. Boot repair. Refoot $575, fox job with new welt and full soles $250, fox job with 1/2 soles and r.c. $150, full soles pegged $95, sewed shank full soles $75, 1/2 soles and rubber caps $55, 1/2 soles $40, rubber caps $15, new welt $30, new heal base and rubber cap $40, shine and ink $10. (All full soles comes with new heal base and rubber caps).
1934 FORD COUPE; 327 motor, 300hp, at the rear wheels, a/c & heater, red interior, 372 posi rear end, suicide doors, shaved doors & trunk, radio, tape deck, cd player & chrome front axle & engine. $39,900 FMI Call (325) 212-1788 CEnTRALLy LOCATED, FORT COnCHO AREA - attractive and affordable 1140 sq. ft. heated/cooled, 3 offices totaling 600 sq. ft. downstairs, 1 office 540 sq. ft. upstairs, designed for multiple work spaces with restrooms and storage closets, plus 2400 sq. ft. warehouse space, motorized overhead and drive-in doors, 120 & 240 outlets, washer/dryer connections, $1195 monthly. First month free. Call (325) 655-4433 ‘05 14’ LOWE flat bottom boat, 30 hp Johnson with jet, new batt, gas tank, & fuel line, trailer. $3000. (325) 656-7278. nATIOn WIDE parts locator service! Can’t find that part you need? Call Clark’s and let them find it for you. (325) 6584377 HISTORIC REnOVATED APARTMEnTS in Christoval. $500-$850-$900, water included. (325) 6592305, (325) 651-8984
‘77 VW COnVERTIbLE. Excellent condition. Runs great. (325) 234-6255. 103.11 ACRES. nORTH of Miles, TX. – 30 minutes to San Angelo. Rolling, Mesquite, Pear country, water wells, pond, great hunting place. LL&P 325-6556989, LLPRANCHLAND.COM STRUCTURAL PIPE, 2 3/8”, 2 7/8”, 4” and sucker rods on hand. Delivery available. H Braces, Post cut to order. Mobile welding. Concho Valley Pipe, (325) 6557285, leave message or (432)413-9592, cell. 30x70’ SHOP bUILDInG with office on 1/2 acre. Zoned CH. $85K neg. (325) 3745173 owner. 3bDRM/2bA FIREPLACE, 1600 sqft. 1 acre, lots pecan trees, beautiful neighborhood. Call (325) 763-7328. “LIKE” OUR FACEbOOK page and you could win FREE ADS - FREE TICKETS to special events - and other special promotions. be sure and check our FACEbOOK page (SAn AnGELO AMERICAn CLASSIFIEDS) for FREE giveaways!! SOOn THE MARK of the Beast will be enforced. Let the Bible explain! Free book and Bible study. Call 205-3394837. LOTS In THE Bluffs for sale 50x130. Great for building. Call James, (325)277-5478 or Janie, (325)277-7653. San Angelo Real Estate. WE HAVE SEEn the light! We have some of the brightest, smallest tactical and compact flashlights on the market. Cole’s Army Surplus, Corner of 2nd & N. Chadbourne. (325) 653-1903. www.colesarmysurplus.c om. 2004 HD ROADKInG; Clean, garage kept, No joy rides, Serious Inquiries only. $8400 obo. (325) 656-7291 DOG & CAT GROOMInG. Experienced. Pick up and delivery. (325) 650-2137.
I Love Thrifty Nickel’s
American Classifieds
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First United Methodist Church 37 E. Beauregard (by the Cactus Hotel) 655-8981 • www.firstmethodist.net
1- 877- 621- 6150
July 7, 2016
Page 9
Page 10
July July 7,7, 2016 2016
Employment Guide Local HOUSEKEEPERS NEEDED Apply in person at Econolodge 415 W. Beauregard. CLEANING SERVICE NEEDS dependable person to help clean homes. Tues., Thurs., & Friday mornings. Great hours & pay. Tele. ref. & transportation a must. Call (325) 653-8123 if no answer leave message. HOW HIRING - parts department, full time position, female or male, automotive experience preferred, must be able to lift up to 50 lbs. Apply within 1909 W. Beauregard. NEED SOMEONE FOR CONTRACT LABOR. Fencing, cement & experienced carpentry. (325) 617-5450. P/T LAUNDRY ATTENDANT; 5pm-8pm. Must be able to pass drug test. Apply Wash Pot, corner of Ave N and Fillmore. CA R P E N T E R S NEEDED FRAMING crew experience and transportation a must. Call Marcus (325) 2456193 leave message
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angeloamericanclassifieds.com Employment Guide National QUALITY TRANSPORTATION IS hiring CDL-A Drivers. Locations in NV and CA. MUST BE WILLING TO RELOCATE. Call 775-635-2443 or www.qtinv.net for application. WORK FROM HOME. Earn Up to $15,000 a month! Call 801-987-9473 Call Pin B4723 M-F 129PM ES $800 “GUARANTEED” WEEKLY. Mailing Flyers from Home. For FREE packet call 1972-221-7035. AGENCY SEEKING SURROGATES! Earn $32,000. Seeking women 21-43 with healthy pregnancy history. Non-smokers. Call today: 888-363-9457 or visit www.reproductivepossibilities.com CADRE PROPPANTS IS seeking a skilled Millwright/Maintenance Mechanic in the Voca, TX area. Solid company, full benefits, competitive pay. robert.johnson@cadrepro ppants.com CDL-A DRIVERS NEEDED. Hauling cement and frac sand in West Texas. Competitive pay and benefits, flexible home time, paid weekly. Clean background, 5 years CDL-A experience required. Call 972-5233251.
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Adoption Building Materials
17-32FT. FACTORY BUILT ROOF trusses $120ea., OBO. 6’x6’ Bronze, double paned picture window. $300. (325) 658-4258, (325) 450-5072 600-1,000 SQ.FT. WAREHOUSE/ST ORAGE units. Just outside city limits. $275 and $375 a month, Utilities available. Call Gretchen, 325-234-0069.
PREGNANCY SUPPORT. IS adoption right for you? Discuss options for your pregnancy. You’re our first priority and you’re in charge! Living expenses paid. Call to see how friendly we are! ,1(325)-716-3349 or 1(800)-456-4862. www.ChildrensConnections.org
A CHILDLESS MARRIED couple seeks to adopt. Will be hands-on mom & devoted dad. Financial security. Expenses paid. Cara & Pete 20 JOINTS 2 7/8” tub- (ask for Adam). 1-800ing for sale. (325) 465- 790-5260. 4006 ADOPTION ASFREE CLASSIFIED SISTANCE AVAILABLE. Call now to online when you learn more about your place your ad adoption options. Living expense, houswith American ing, medical, Classifieds continued support and more. Phone assistance available 24/7 call ADOPTION UNITED 1-888-6171470 Restaurant Equipment
ASSORTED PARTY GLASSWARE. Punch bowls & cups, glasses, goblets and more. (325)658-9675.
PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? Call Us First! Living expenses, Housing, Medical and continued support afterwards. Choose Adoptive Family of Your Choice. Call 24/7. ADOPT CONNECT 855668-7904 (VOID in IL, IN & GA)
ICS COMMER✔ CIAL 3 phase FREEZER; 1pc. walk-
Free Internet Classified with in unit 12’9”x9’5” . FMI every classified Call (325) 234-8584 ad placed in your weekly American classifieds No other publication offers world wide coverage like that. Over nine million page views STEAK HOUSE BUFFET unit with hot & cold on the internet per sides, $3000. Dee 325month 655-1001.
BIRTHMOTHERS, PLANNING AN Adoption? Unique Adoptions can help. We have an excellent adoption program. You choose from open or closed, select adoptive family. Financial Assistance. Ask about our 4 day recovery packages. Call toll free 24/7 to speak to an adoption specialist. 888-637-8200 ADOPT -A CHILDLESS married couple seeks to adopt. Hands-on mom/devoted dad. Financial security. Expenses paid. Kimberly & Steve. 1-888-9666266
Miscellaneous RECEIVING PAYMENTS FROM real estate you sold? Get cash now! Call Steve @ 1-888870-2243 www.SteveCashesNotes.com CUSTOM BBQ TRAILER Fully loaded, refrigerated air, sofa, etc. (325) 276-1089. CHEF’S ISLAND Oversized island in open kitchen. Lots of cabinets, walk in pantry, 2000 sqft with no halls. Must see. Call 325-480-2013. 814 E. 20TH 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath, Fridge & stove. Water paid. You pay electric and gas. $700/mth, $400/dep. (325) 2343806, (325) 234-3803 http://www.ELKINSLAWFIRM.COM Chad Elkins, (325)6518702 2014 TCM FORKLIFT, 5000 lbs, propane, 650 hours, $17,500. 325-374-5595. HORSE QUALITY COASTAL. Large round bales 4x5 1/2, Delivery available. 1 bale or a truck load. (325) 2340041. 3 MARE HORSES. 6+ years old. Must see. (325) 977-1600.
MExICAN DRESSES, LOTERIA T-Shirts, .925 silver jewelry, sarape blankets, fiesta decorations. Leos Imports, 25 W Twohig Ave, 655-5367 *DISH SPECIAL* 190+ Channels For Just $34.99/Month. No Extra Fees Plus, FREE NextDay Installation. Call Today: 877-830-2996 AC 1200WATT, $150,BRAND new ceiling fan $75, small table & 2 chairs $30. (325) 2121107. $CASH$ Cars or pickups for parts and wrecking use. We will pick ‘em up. Clark’s Auto Wrecking, 901 N. Cecil. Phone 658-4377. $CASH$ Cars or pickups for parts and wrecking use. We will pick ‘em up. Clark’s Auto Wrecking, 901 N. Cecil. Phone 658-4377. EVERYONE READS AMERICAN Classifieds. Sold my house the first week the ad ran!! Alvin T. MExICAN PURE VANILLA Extract 8 oz $5, Litter $9.50. Leos Imports, 25 W Twohig Ave. 655-5367.
RUSTIC TIN & BARN WOOD. Demoing old barns. Prices vary offers will be considered. (325) 277-1055.
ClearTalk Wireless is Now Hiring Full Time Sales Reps in the San Angelo, Texas and Surrounding Areas.
TACTICAL BACKPACKS - Tactical Shooters’ Bags - Range Bags Tactical Weapons Cases - Shotgun Scabbards. Protect your protectors. Cole’s Army Surplus, Corner of 2nd & N. Chadbourne. (325) 653-1903. www.colesarmysurplus.c om. http://www.ELKINSLAWFIRM.COM Chad Elkins, (325)6518702 RUSTIC TIN & BARN WOOD. Demoing old barns. Prices vary offers will be considered. (325) 277-1055. www.angeloamericanclassifieds.com
Send your resume to kburrus@flatwireless.com
AMERICAN CLASSIFIEDS WORKS! MExICAN DRESSES, LOTERIA T-Shirts, .925 silver jewelry, sarape blankets, fiesta decorations. Leos Imports, 25 W Twohig Ave, 655-5367 CHICKENS FOR SALE. -35 black sex link pullets. 3 months old. Large brown eggs by Sept. $17.00 each. -50 road island reds pullets. 2 month. $9.00 each. Discount on volume sales. Call or Text. (325) 8124930. INVESTIGATE BEFORE YOU INVEST. Before you send a company money for anything advertised in American Classifieds, investigate before you invest. It is also illegal for any company to ask you to pay for credit or a loan before you get it. American Classifieds readers using information in any ads, do so at their own risk. It is suggested that the prospective investors contact the appropriate consumer protection agency before payment. American Classifieds, nor any of it’s employees shall not be held liable for the content in any advertisers ads. For more information about credit scams and advance fee loans write: FTS, Washington, DC 20580. TRACTOR REPAIR & SALVAGE. All types of tractor repair. Used parts, tires, wheels & plow parts. (325) 469-3950, 234-8846 ARE YOU APPLYING FOR DISABILITY SOCIAL SECURITY/ SSI? CALL THE BEST, I WILL COME TO YOUR HOME. No charge until you win. Call anytime before 10 p.m. John Webb LCSW, Accredited Social Security Representative, (325) 944-9879. MAIN STREET OFFICE Space for lease. 10 offices, 3,800 SF. San Angelo Homes 325-7161624 I WANT ONE bushel of fresh picked black eyed peas after June 29th. (325) 949-6324. LAWNHAVEN PLOT $1850, will pay transfer. Garden of Christus. Call Sherry (325) 450-1882.
July July 7,7, 2016 2016
Page 11
Page 12
July 7, 2016
DRYWALL REPAIR “NO job too small” (325)763-1055 BACkHOE SERVICES Pads built. Dump truck, mowing lots, clean-ups, topsoil, limestome. Big or little jobs welcome. 6 yard dump truck and one backhoe $125 per hour. (325) 277-0873, (325) 944-8418
ORTIZ CONSTRUCTION. SPECIALIZING in Concrete and Electrical Services. New Construction, Remodeling, Additions, Metal Patios, Carports, Dry Wall, Painting, Roofing, Backhoe & Skid Steer Services. Residential & Commercial. Licensed I Insured. (325) 315-8344. NEED CONCRETE DRIVEWAY? We do any kind of concrete work. Good references, work history & free estimates. FMI Call (325) 300-9630 BOLDING CONCRETE - Metal buildings, houses, driveways, patios, etc. 8’X10’ slab, $625. (325) 653-6322, (325) 277-1851.
RAYMOND’S CARPET REPAIR & INSTALLATION SERVICE. Restretching, relaying and patching. Call RayAPPLIANCE SERV- mond, (325) 234-5896. ICE & REPAIR Reasonable, honest, dependable. Call for CERAMIC Service. (325) 227-5306 TILE (325) 653-8586. Member BBB. APPLIANCE REPAIR RON GRANTHAM BY JAY. Over 35 years TILE since 1975. Tile experience. All major installation, associated brands. Reasonable remodeling. (325) 895rates. Call (325) 716- 5064, (325) 468-3404. 5059.
Beam me up Scotty. We’ve got Thrifty Nickels American Classifieds for the crew!
★ ★ ★ ★ BOAT SERVICE &
CARPENTRY ALL TYPES OF CARPENTRY & repairs. Free estimates. Bob Seals (325) 650-0757.
CONSTRUCTION TALAVERA CONSTRUCTION. NEW construction remodel. Kitchens & bathroom remodel. 35+ years experience. Free estimates. R.C. 339. Perry. (325) 656-3619.
PARTS. All brands of boats serviced. Volvo Penta & Tohatsu service. Large parts inventory. We sell & install wakeboard towers & accessories. Upholstery repair available. Three Rivers Marine Service Center. 2143 Industrial, San Angelo, TX, (325)227-4918.
We offer worldwide advertising!
HAND GUN CLASSES. Beginner classes & license to carry classes. Held on Saturdays or Sundays. Corporate & group classes considered on your schedule at your location. Call Daryl Presley (325) 212-3703 or The Outdoorsman (325) 947-8859.
YOUR AD COULD BE HERE! Call 944-7653
DIRT CONSTRUCTION S&S CONSTRUCTION Backhoe, Bulldozer, Dump Truck. All types dirt work and land clearing. Tractor shredding, build roads, pads, etc. Office (325) 944-8282, mobile (325) 650-1394. BUILD PADS, ROADS, clean lots, shredding. Deliver top soil, limestone, caliche, gravel. Install septic systems. Free estimates. D.k. Webb, 325-9393369.
RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL, NEW Construction, Remodels, Service Calls, Service Upgrade. Insured. Free Estimates. Hector, (325)227-9289, Joe, (325)227-9130. TECL25932.
JB ELECTRIC RESIDENTIAL & Commercial. Se habla español. Call Now. 325-212-7031. Lic.#104390.
DOZER DOZER WORk WANTED. Jimmy Maus (325) 655-5961, (325) 301-2651.
AA HOUSE LEVELING & REMODELING. Install new beams & repair any foundation problems. Mobile homes. We break concrete. Free estimates. Owner Agustin (325) 340-2864
It’s time to place your ad. L&M ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS. No job too big or too small. Mike Herrera, Master Electrician, TECL #26082. Insured. (325) 234-9599 or (325) 9473148.
JW TRUCkING. LIMESTONE road & pads. Sand, gravel & topsoil. Install septic sys- WEST TEXAS WOOL tems. (325) 450-1160 @ MERTZON. FENCING SUPPLIES, direct (325) 653-1516. from factory pricing. Deer BETTER GRADE OF Feed, Hunting Supplies, TOPSOIL. Also, lime- Ranch Supplies, Gifts. stone, sand, and fill dirt. (325) 835-3661. (888) Build roads, pads and 830-3661. parking lots. Sell and installation of septic sys- AROS FENCING - ALL tems. (325) 651-6840, types of fences New or repair. Free Estimates. (325) 895-0900. Ask for Agustin (325) DIRT WORk, tractor 340-2864 FENCmowing. Rock & cac- TERRAZAS tus clean-up. DUMP ING Ranch Fencing, TRAILER CON- high fences, private fencTRACTING OR ing, chain link fencing, RENTAL! Insured. painting corrals, fence Shane Crimm (325) painting. Cell-(325) 6509738. 277-8222. MOUNTAIN MOVERS WHOLESALE delivery. Caliche base, topsoil fill, roads, pads, septic systems. (325) 656-2147.
CARRILLO CONSTRUCTION & BACkHOE/BOBCAT SERVICES, LLC. - Insured BOBCAT RENTAL weekly, daily. Pads Driveways - Lot Clearing - Welding - Landscaping - Concrete work Fences. Special pricing on residential pads. J Carrillo (325) 212-1598, Eli Carrillo, (325) 277-9180.
Now you can browse the ads online as well as in print and place your ads online was well! Place your ads today by calling 9447653 or at
FIREWOOD FIREWOOD. DON’T BE FOOLED! A cord of wood is 4’X4’X8’. Mine 300 up. I got all kinds. You need one piece or whatever! (325) 939-1834.
HANDYMAN Al Brown FIX IT ALL Handyman. Anything & Everything. Al, (325) 6175164 HOUSEHOLD MAINTENANCE AND repair. Carpentry, drywall, paint, electrical, plumbing, doors, windows. Call Ish (325) 234-3877 HANDYMAN SERVICES - everything and anything. Also lawn service available. No job to big! No job to small! Marcus Moreno 325-2127476. S O U T H L A N D HANDYMAN SERVICE. Large or small, we do it ALL. Call (325) 2631455. HANDYMAN - ALL types remodeling and home repairs. Free estimates. Bob Seals (325) 650-0757.
HAULING D & D HAUL away anything - storage shed, cut trees, tree trimming, branches, tilt yards, etc. Danny, (325) 763-1606. TRASH OR ANYTHING HAULED. Ray or Roy. (325) 374-3996. CLEAN-UP & HAULOFF SERVICE. Large or small, we do it all! Call Eric (325) 456-3698.
VINYL REPLACEMENT WINDOWS. No heat or cold transfer. Double hung insulated with Low E glass, Argon gas filled. Saves up to 40% on utilities. Chuck Corfield Construction, 100 miles radius from San Angelo. 325949-5087.
ANGELO MOBILE HOME MOVING; Relevels, skirting & transporting Gooseneck & Fifth wheel RVs. Unstable floor, unshutting doors? Foundation stabilization, LAND pier & beam, trailer SURVEYING homes. Licensed, bonded, insured. I-4486. P R O F E S S I O N A L Chris (325) 276-1978 LAND SURVEYORS leave message. offering - Title surveying, ALTA/ACSM surveying, Boundary surveying, Construction Surveying, MOWING UAS 3D Modeling. Now with offices in San Angelo and Mason! San Angelo TRACTOR MOWoffice 325 939-0043. ING! Tilling, compost, Mason office 325 218- dirt work. Rock & cac0063. Call or visit us at tus clean-up. DUMP mqitx.com for more infor- TRAILER CONmation. TRACTING OR RENTAL! Insured. Shane Crimm (325) LANDSCAPING 277-8222. NO LIMIT SERVICES. “Making A 1 Stop Shop ... 1 Call Does It All! “ Mowing front & back, includes full service $35. Lawn, Landscape & Acreage services, trash outs, dump runs, interior & exterior cleaning, roofing and tear off, interior & exterior painting, concrete patios, sidewalks, driveways. Residential & Commercial. 325-276-1036. www.NoLimitServices.us
LAWN SERVICES 4-B LAWN CARE; Quality work at an affordable price. Call (325) 340-8048 JOEY’S LAWN CAREMowing, edging, tree trimming & cutting, and stump removal. Complete maintenance. Reasonable rates. (325)450-7941, (325)300-8264 or (325)659-2241. FAST & DEPENDABLE LAWN SERVICE Mowing, edging, trimming, cleanup. Weed control & pest control. Will bill for services, residential & commercial, Call Mike (325) 277-8556 MOWING, WEED EATING and hedging, blow off porches, driveways and patio areas. Residential, commercial, acreage. Starting at $25. (325) 262-1648, San Angelo area.
MCGINLEY MOWING. FREE estimates. Lawns & Lots. Leslie McGinley, 325-812-8813, 325-617-4743. LIGHT MOWING AND Light handyman services. Free Estimates. *MOWING* 325-2344426 TRACTOR MOWING, EMPTY LOTS AND ACREAGE. Plowing / Mowing yards. 22 years experience. Call Antonio at (325) 653-6030 or (325) 656-4801
AMERICAN CLASSIFIEDS WORKS! PAINTING DARREN’S PAINTING SERVICE. 25 years professional experience. For your custom interior/exterior painting, staining, mud work, and minor carpentry. References available. 6537225, 656-3429.
METAL CONSTRUCTION WALDROP METAL CONST. Call today for the lowest price on your next building, barn, fence or corrals. (325) 6589099
ROB’S PAINTING & REMODELING. Interior & Exterior. Residential & Commercial. 25 years experience. Have Brush Will Travel! (806) 2837432 local.
www.thriftynickel.com pLuMBING
“SALAS” pAINTING. INTERIOR, exterior paint. 15 years experience. Professional work. Call Jose (325) 245-8245. EuGENE BALL CONTRACTOR. Residential and Commercial. Paper Hanging a Specialty. Custom painting. 30+ years experience. Insured FREE ESTIMATES. 325-653-9212, Accept Visa & Master Card. BBB.
M.R. REMODELING. 28 years experience RC#2380 & Insured. (325) 763-1138. Interior & Exterior. Custom Showers, custom Tile Work, Carpentry, Drywall, Painting, Pavers, Masonry, Custom Stain. From demo to custom finish. BBB Member. facebook.com/M.R.Remodeling.TX
GOT pLuMBING pROBLEMS? Call ROGER. Insured. Master Plumber #12703. Reasonable service charge. Sankey plumbing, 658-7467. ANYTIME pLuMBING. NO time is a good time for plumbing problems. New, remodel, slab ROOFING leaks, drain cleaning and repairs. Commercial & Reidential. Garry Massey, Plumber (325) 232-3098. C.C. ROOFING & CONSTRuCTION Lic#M-40635 Shingles & Metal DEEMER pLuMBING. Roofs. Serving San AnOVER 40 years experi- gelo for 30 years. Free ence. Licensed. Reason- Estimates. (325)944able rates. 24 hour call. 0340. No job too big or small for your plumbing needs. CANDELA AND LIC. #M-18164. Call 325- SONS ROOFING. Over 651-9192. 30 years experience. Best quote in town. Also offering 24 g metal roofing, standing seam. (325) 227-6825. Check us out on Facebook!! BuB WALDROp ROOFING. All types of roofing & repairs. Call today for a free estimate. (325) 658-9099
STORAGE BuILDINGS GOIN’ SOuTh STORAGE, US Hwy 277 South. New buildings. RV storage. (325) 944-4999.
STRuCTuAL pIpE STRuCTuRAL pIpE, 2 3/8”, 2 7/8”, 4” and sucker rods on hand. Delivery available. H Braces, Post cut to order. Mobile welding. Concho Valley Pipe, (325) 6557285, leave message or (432)413-9592, cell. pIpE NEW & uSED. used 2 3/8” or 2 7/8”, $25/joint. Small pipe for gates and sucker rods in stock. post cut to order. all pipe checked for radiation and not magnetized. We deliver. (325) 3742992.
F.B.’S pAINTING Small jobs, Painting interior and exterior, drywall and remodeling. Free estimates. (325) 763-2069. MARK’S pAITING SERVICE and lawn care. Marcus Moreno 325-212-7476. AMERICAN pAINTING CO. Residentail and Commercial. 25 years experience. Quality you can see, a name you can trust.
SuNShINE pOOL SERVICE Cleaning & Maintenance: Pumps, filters, pool cleaners. Complete remodeling, structural repairs. Leak finding specialist. 25 yrs experience. James, (325) 374-3735.
FREE CLASSIFIED online when you place your ad with American Classifieds
SERVICES COLEMAN’S 11 1/2 S. Van Buren, San Angelo, TX. 325-658-9933. Open 8-6 M-F. Barber scissors, fabric scissors, circular saw blades, chain saw chains, wood cutting tools, lathe gouges, barber clippers, garden tools, etc.
Free estimates. Senior Military discounts. Call today! (325) 895-0840.
NEVER pAINT AGAIN! ChuCK CORFIELD CONSTRuCTION offers a lifetime warranty on vinyl siding. Replacement winNEED A pORTABLE dows available. Call toilet? Call TOPS SEPTIC 949-5087 for free estiSERVICE at (325) 651- mate. 7087.
R. KELLY pLASTER- SOTO RENOVAING. stucco, patch work. TIONS. Need a re(325) 658-6914. model, carport, painting, additions on your home, Beam me up Scotty. foam insulation to lower We’ve got Thrifty Nickels your utility bills? Call for American Classifieds for estimates. (325) 2771565. the crew!
MALMuTE huSKY MIXED puppies, 12 weeks old, 1 males $450 & 1 female $500. 915526-3111. ABKC REGISTERED AMERICAN Bully pups. 3 males. Shots up-todate. Ready for homes. Excellent temperament. $350 Rehoming fee. 325236-1512 REGISTERED ChIh u A h u A , pOMERANIAN & Yorkie puppies, Parti & Traditional colors. 817304-1225, For Availability & Prices See @ crystalskypuppies.com License #131
1 FEMALE pITBuLL PUP. 1st shots. $125 firm. (325) 3741881. CKC STANDARD pOODLES 15 wks. Shots & Vet checked. F: $350 M: $300 (325) 2458364. TOY ChIhuAhuAS. FuLL blooded, 8 weeks. $100ea. (325) 276-0936. puRE BRED COLLIE Puppies starting @ $500. Herding gone in mothers breeding, Rare Colors, available now. $200 deposit. Call/Text 512-4009496. 2 MALE LACY-CATAhOuLA cross pups located Bangs, Tx.979-777-3901, 325752-1208 1/2 ANATOLIAN ShEphERD / 1/2 Chocolate Lab mix puppies. Born 05/06/2016. Already weaned. 1st shots and wormed. $150$500. (325) 650-9902. LACY puppIES CALL (325) 716-3806
SMALL ENGINE REpAIR Lawnmowers, weed eaters, chain saws, etc. (325) 763-4698.
Beam me up Scotty. We’ve got Thrifty Nickels American Classifieds for the crew!
TOY MINIATuRE SChNAuzERS, Taking Deposit’s, Ready 7/1. CKC Black & White Partis, Tail Docked, Dewclaws Removed, Puppy Shots, Microchip. (806) 778-5054 or (806) 7779879. SMALL & LARGE dog house. (325) 659-2307. YORKIE BIEWERS puppIES from 3-5 pounds. Boys. Asking $600-$800. (325) 2275487. DAChShuNDS (MINIATuRE) NEWBORN puppies. (325) 949-3305 or (512) 6604522. 3/4 ANAOLIAN ShEphERD / 1/4 Great Pyrenees mix puppies. Born 05/08/2016. Already weaned. 1st shots and wormed. $150. (325) 650-9902. REGISTERED ShIhTzu puppIES 6 weeks old. High quality. Females $450ea., males $400ea. (325) 370-6522. BOSTON TERRIER puppY 8wks old $450.00 #325-347-2341
R E G I S T E R E D MCNAB puppIES for sale. Pictures on Facebook and Ranch World Ads, under Kelly’s Colorado Mcnabs. 550$500$ 970-858-8705 , text 970-462-8251
MOM ALWAYS Says, “ Eat your Veggies, Get plenty of rest and read your American Classifieds.”
Service & Supply
DOG & CAT GROOMING. Experienced. Pick up and delivery. (325) 650-2137.
July 7, 2016 BuRNEY’S TREE ★ SERVICE. Tree Trimming, removal and
stump grinding. Senior Citizen 10% discount. If TOpSOIL SCREENED you want it done right, h20 & Unscreened, Soil call us! (325) 653-3110, ABSOLuTE pROVIDING public and Blends, Compost, (325) 656-1409. commercial water needs Mulches, Masonary for over 50 years. No. 1 Sand, Concrete Rock, Station across from Pea Gravel, Road Base, Melon Barn 250GPM. No. Caliche, Landscaping 2 Station future at Ave. N Materials and More. D’s and Orient. (325) 277Recycling and Compost0727. ing (325) 659-8573. TOpSOIL CONSERVE WATER with true topsoil/compost mix. DW Compost & Topsoil. Cards. (325) 277-9900.
American Classifieds is your #1 classified source
Page 13
TREE SERVICE MILLER TREE SERVICE & Firewood. (325) THRIFTY NICKEL’S 763-2412 or (337) 526AMERICAN 0387. TREE TRIMMING, CuTTING and stump removal, land clearing. Free estimates. Call Manuel (325) 277-9696.
CLASSIFIEDS Weekly paper read daily by THOUSANDS!
American Classifieds can help you clean house! Sell those items that are cluttering up your home with a low cost ad placed online at
angeloads.com or call us at 944-7653
Page 14
July 7, 2016
MENS LEATHER JAckET, black, size M, 3/4 length, $75 obo. (325) 942-8161.
MOVING SALE! 7865 Gladiola Ave. Front load washer/dryer, furniture, baby items,medium scrubs,and many other items. Saturday only.
Find It Buy It. WANT TO WIN TIckETS TO ScHLITTERBAHN - “LIkE” OUR FAcEBOOk page and you could win FREE TIckETS! Tell your friends to like our page and they could win too!! Be sure and check our FAcEBOOk page (SAN ANGELO AMERIcAN cLASSIFIEDS) for FREE giveaways!! NELSON STORAGE 8138 Hwy 87 North. We have Flea Market Sales every weekend.
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American Classifieds
WASHERS, DRYERS, AND STOVES From $195. Refrigerators & freezers from $225 & up. In good condition with guarantee. Call Munoz or see us at 1241 Apache Trail . Also we repair appliances. (325) 650-6384 or (325) 763-3613. ARE YOU READY? Want to win tickets to Schlitterbahn Water Park in New Braunfels? You need to LIkE American classifieds on FAcEBOOk and follow us on Twitter and you could win!!
WE WILL BUY your old non working washers & dryers, refrigerators, & stoves. Ibarra Appliances. 101 E. 14th St. (325) 657-0771. kING SIZE SHEETS, matching bed skirt, bed spread, shams. Excellent condition. $75.00 (325) 942-9608. 1129 EAST 23RD, Sat. 8-3. Baby clothes, boy clothes, crib, &misc. 1041 E. 43RD Thursday-Saturday 7-1pm. All sports collectibles. Hot Wheels, Hobby collectibles Meterorites, men’s clothes, glassware, dishes and many other items. 120 NORTH EMERSON. In rear alley. FriSun. 8am-? Lots of goodies. G I N O R M O U S GARAGE SALE! Youth Group raising funds for New Orleans Mission Trip. Lots of items. Everything must go so we priced it right - OBO! Furniture, pictures, frames, lamps, bedding, curtains, kitchen items, luggage, Wii, books, kids clothes, mens and womens clothes, jewelry, shoes, and more! July 7th-9th Thursday, Friday, Saturday 7am-Noon. Saturday is 1/2 price and free items starting at Noon3pm. In the Gym at Christian Church of San Angelo. 4064 S. Bryant Across from American RV.
FAAAAST RESULTS! 1506 DARLENE ST. Saturday 8 a.m. - noon. Bedroom furniture, sofa, dining tables, clothes, computer desk, refrigerator, loveseat, patio furniture, mirrors, treadmill, books, silverware and lots more! Cash only! 4706 MEADOW cREEk Trl, July 9, 7-1, No Checks: tools, golf clubs, furniture, vintage dishes, clothes, rug, ladders and more. THE ORIGINAL AMERIcAN BRITISH ANTIQUES Over 50,000 sq.ft. Largest complex in Concho Valley. Antique furniture, memorabilia, glassware, collectible military items, spurs, etc. Storage units for rent. 746 US 87 S, San Angelo, Tx, 325-6514873.
25% OFF ALL SADDLES. Wild Bill’s Pawn, 1315 MLK, 658-7066.
GARAGE SALE SOUTHLAND Mini Warehouses, corner of Valley Ridge & Blue Ridge. Saturday 7 a.m. 5 piece girl’s bedroom set, glass top dining table/chairs, wood dining table/chairs, vintage Barbies/clothes, golf clubs, gas pumps, bicycles, household & kitchen items, clothing 8006 S. cOUNTRY CLUB RD. Friday 8-12, nice office & lawn chairs. Electric tools, kitchen essentials, golf clubs, 1 saddle with tack, 1 nearly new girls bike. Clothes cleaned & priced to sell. Many treasures.
American Classifieds is your #1 classified source
DOOLEY A/c & HEATING. Commercial and residential. Financing available. Free estimates on new units. T 2933 TRAVIS. FRIDAY & Saturday 8am2 p m . Kitchenware,mechanical bed, mattress, small pillows, bedding, mystery books, tapes, clothes, shoes, purses & odds & ends. (Ammo & coins— see between 12pm-2pm only.ACLA00065972E (325) 656-6525. OUR GARAGE SALE will be held on Saturday NEED A PORTABLE July 9th from 8am-1pm, toilet? Call TOPS SEPTIC 2833 Selman Dr. We are SERVICE at (325) 651- selling anything from 7087. mens/womans clothing, electronics (dvd player and printer thats never Put the power of been used), Home the classifieds to Decor, men/wpmans accessories and shoes, work for you. School Supplies, and much more!
WANT TO BUY 10ft. brush rake and front grubber to fit on blade for D5 CAT dozer. 325-6606198 or 325-655-6989 STRUcTURAL PIPE, 2 3/8”, 2 7/8”, 4” and sucker rods on hand. Delivery available. H Braces, Post cut to order. Mobile welding. Concho Valley Pipe, (325) 6557285, leave message or (432)413-9592, cell.
Sell It. Trade It.
Making it easier for you! JOHN DEERE 4730 SPRAYER, 90 ft. boom, hyd. tread adjust, auto boom height, farmer owned & operated. Barn kept, nice, 1440 hours. $125,000. (325) 8955251 or (325) 895-0034 TRAcTOR REPAIR & SALVAGE. All types of tractor repair. Used parts, tires, wheels & plow parts. (325) 469-3950, 234-8846.
BUSINESS LIQUIDATION AUcTION CAT Construction Sat. July 16. 600 SE Broadway, Coahoma TX Preview 9:00. Auction 10:00. 2-Big Tex trailers, Centex trailer, fuel tanks, rear tine tillers, trimmer, Rigid Speed Chuck pipe threaders, Xtreme paint sprayers, scaffolding, fluid transfer tanks w/pumps, air compressors, 10 generators (1 in box), transit, pipe/cable locators, air packs, pipe wrenches (60”-14”), crescent and socket wrenches, socket sets, pipe cutters, chains, Titan trash pump, power tools, hand tools, 500 gal. tank, poly pipe shavers, power heads for threading, Shopfox lathe, chainsaws, safety equipment, transmission jack, office desk system, office furniture, much more. Q & L Auctioneering Terry Luecke #17422 Tammy Quick #17423 Phone 325-574-9210 Pictures on Q & L Facebook page.
JD 7300 STAckFOLD 8 row, 40in., Field ready. $11,500; 7445 Stripper good condition. $11,000. (325) 456-1600 or (325) 456-7908. JOHN DEERE 8820 combine . 2200 hours. Always shedded. 30’ header. Excellent condition. (325) 365-1640. 13FT. J.D. 426 offset disc., new 26in. notched, deep cone disc. (325) 374-5199 Brady.
July 7, 2016
Page 15
Water Well Service
Turn Key Installations Windmills New/Rebuilt Solar Systems Electric Pumps Tanks & Pipelines Water Well Testing Truck carries Threading Equip 1-4”, Welder, Torch Large inventory of Pipe/Rods/Pumps/etc.
(325) 658-3277 Al Thomerson • TX Lisc# 4113I
NEW Sea Containers BRAND SqUEEzE chute, Sales & Rental Any Size $2550. 254-770-1770. w w w . e a n d wsqueezechutes.com TOOL BOX SIDE Largest Inventory In West Texas mounted, black, great condition, lock and key, (325) 656-7988 • (325)658-1969 $200 Ryan (325) 227JOHN DEERE 609 7947 SHREDDER Integral HAYGRAzER HAY 3-point 5 foot cutting Fresh cut, large round width, dual blades. bales (1300# prox), loOne owner, housed in cated at Maverick, Runshed. (325) 468-6131. nels County. $60, quantity discounts. 365FORD 8N TRACTOR 786-2054, 325-365-0730 for sale. Good metal. Super Savings in your Does not run. $1,000 Thrifty Nickel’s CASH. (325) 656-8154 or (325) 653-7996. American Classified. EXCAVATOR JOHN DEERE 200 CLC. All new pins & bushings. Bore of sleeves H-Link. Repair grubber. Ready to work. Call David (325) 234-3605 (325) 655-5274 JOHN DEERE 1710, 12-row planter, 30” spacing. Barn kept, low acres. $15.000. (325) 895-5251. P&L JASS BOOT JD 4640 TRACTOR- Shop, 810 Hutchins Ave. qUAD range with duals, Ballinger, TX. (325) 2778175. Boot repair. Refoot call (325) 365-6874. $575, fox job with new 3 SMALL PLOWS for welt and full soles $250, roping arenas. 1- 5 1/2 fox job with 1/2 soles and X10 utility trailer with r.c. $150, full soles ramp, 15 in tires. 1- 5 1/2 pegged $95, sewed X8 utility trailer with ramp, shank full soles $75, 1/2 15 in tires. 1- 4X8 utility soles and rubber caps trailer with ramp, 15 in $55, 1/2 soles $40, rubtires. 1- 6 ft service ber caps $15, new welt shredder 6 ft wide Y72 $30, new heal base and model. I would like to buy rubber cap $40, shine older tractors & equip- and ink $10. (All full soles ment. (325) 442-3141 or comes with new heal (325) 277-5362. base and rubber caps). JD 7455 COTTON SADDLE REPAIRS, Net Wrap STRIPPER, 8 row. Call HEAVY Coastal Hay. $90. (325) (325) 365-6874. TRACTOR & SUP- 659-4747. PLY OXYGEN & Acetylene Rig Plus hoses & ROUND BALES gauges & Haul Cart with Fine Stem Haygrazer . storage for rods. $450. Horse to (325) 212-4085. Goat quality. WE HAUL ANY$50 and up. THING. Big Red HaulGrape Creek area ing. (325) 853-2412 or (940) 443-1262. (325) 895-0636.
GOT BOOTS OR shoes that are too small or you do not wear anymore? Donate them to Ernie Shoe Shine, 165 Woodruff, (325) 6569 8 1 0 . www.erniesshoeshine.co m TANKERSLEY AREA Hay grazer, round bales. $50. (325) 277-9195, (325) 277-9196.
HAY CLEARANCE Square bales. Alfalfa or Alfalfa/Beardless Wheat mix. Irrigated. Fertilized. Horse quality. $10 each Smetana Farms, Grape Creek area. (325) 895-0636. 14 1/2” TROPHY barrel saddle, $500. 325650-2137. ALFALFA HAY. HORSE-qUALITY small square bales. Clean, excellent hay. $7.50 picked up in the field (must be there when we bale), or $8.50 out of the barn. 806-639-6962. 806-893-6517. HAY FOR SALE - New crop beardless wheat 5X5 round bales. (325) 656-8025 MCGINLEY MOWING. FREE estimates. Lawns & Lots. Leslie McGinley, 325-812-8813, 325-617-4743. OILFIELD/STRUCTURAL TUBING for sale. 2 3/8 & 2 7/8. High quality. (325) 235-6181.
http://www.ELKINSLAWFIRM.COM Chad Elkins, (325)6518702 HORSE qUALITY COASTAL. Large round bales 4x5 1/2, Delivery available. 1 bale or a BURN BARRELS, truck load. (325) 234325-944-8418, 325-277- 0041. 0873. SPRING CREEK RANCH. Hay grazer round bales $50. (325) 277-9195, or (325) 277-9196.
TIFTON 85 HIGHLY fertilized hay, 325-2342598 HORSE qUALITY COASTAL hay large 5288 INTERNA- round bales $60. Square TIONAL TRACTOR bales $6. Call Jim Hatler cab equipped with front- 325-977-0270. end KD loader. 5500 with quick hitch & 6’ bucket. BARRELS $18,000. (325) 442-3038, BURN FOR sale. 653-3678. (325) 277-5362.
Thrifty Nickel’s American Classified - Your result getter
“HAY MAN” HAY grazer round bales. Local delivery available. Can Load. Home (325) 442-2831 Mobile (325) 234-5822 BEAUTIFUL, TOP qUALITY Oat hay. Round bales. Approximately 1200lbs. Delivery is available. (325) 2340041. DOOLEY A/C & HEATING. Commercial and residential. Financing available. Free estimates on new units. TACLA00065972E (325) 656-6525. NOW BAILING EXCELLENT horse quality coastal hay. $6.50 per bale. Cervenka Farm, Rowena. (325) 442-4431. 20’ & 40’ SEA CONTAINERS for sale or rent, excellent storage. Delivered. (325) 2340295, (325) 234-0292. B E A R D L E S S WHEAT. ROUND bales, has small amount of Rye grass in it. Priced to sell. Excellent horse hay priced like cow hay. Approximately 1200lbs. Can deliver, 1 bale or a truck load. (325) 2340041. 3 TRAILER HOUSES for deer lease or for workers. 65 3x10’ sheep or goat panels. 4 tripod deer stands & feeders. (325) 896-2329. OAT HAY, IRRIGATE & fertilized 4x5 round bales. Dos Hermanos Ranch.(325) 656-6765. PIPE NEW & USED. Used 2 3/8” or 2 7/8”, $25/joint. Small pipe for gates and sucker rods in stock. Post cut to order. all pipe checked for radiation and not magnetized. We deliver. (325) 3742992.
GOT GUNS? You Want ‘Em WE GOT ‘EM! If you don’t want ‘em, WE BUY ‘EM. TEXAS GUN SHOP 1018 W. Beauregard (325)949-0020. RUSTIC TIN & BARN WOOD. Demoing old barns. Prices vary offers will be considered. (325) 277-1055. COLEMAN POWERMATE GENERATOR, 10HP, 5000 watt, 120V/240V, never been used, new $900+, will sell for $750. (325) 234-8797. NEW BBq PIT on 2wheel trailer. 15” tires, trailer road ready. Has chuck box. (325) 4423070.
grazer round bales. Local delivery available. Can Load. Home (325) 442-2831 Mobile (325) 234-5822
HAY GRAzER $7.00 a bale. (325) 650-6608.
BLUE & RED QUEENSLAND Heelers. 6 weeks old. (325) 340-7679, (325) 6536380. RAILROAD CROSS TIES Various prices; depending on if you load, or we load; your trailer or our trailer. (325) 2457468. HAY—ROUND BALES, 4X6S, fertilized. Haygrazer $55; Coastal $100, Oats $50. (325) 277-1333.
It’s time to place your ad. 20’ & 40’ Sea Containers. Can customize. Rent to own now available. 866-468-2791. Credit cards accepted.
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ANNUAL CONSIGNMENT AUCTION Sat. July 16, 2016 9:30 am Van Horn, TX . LOCATIONCulberson County School Bus Barn (400 West 7th Street). Due to the overflow of inventory, we will be selling consignments from Culberson County, City of Van Horn, Culberson County Schools, Sul Ross State University, Alpine Schools and a few outside consignments at public auctions. Everything from school buses, lots of cars and trucks, heavy equipment, trailers and many more items to numerous to mention. Please call for a flyer and complete listing or visit our website at: www.thedollarj.com For more info. Please call Bucky. 432-2841279 or Jason 432940-905. DON’T MISS THIS GREAT AUCTION!
150 HEAD DORPER CROSS ewe lambs. Will sell in 50 head increments. 651-9159. San Angelo GAME CHICK PULLETS. 2 weeks & up. $3.00 & up. (325) 7635451 after 6pm please. SPANISH GOATS. MALE & female, kids & adults. Call (325) 3408366. YOUNG KIKO GOATS for sale. Male and female 50% to 100%. Price starting at $200 each for 50%. Tel 325473-3100 or cell 3253 7 4 - 8 9 8 7 jcpatton01@gmail.com FOR SALE: 50 SOLID white hair Ewes breeding for 2nd Lamb. Will sell in smaller bunches. Also 20 white Ewe lambs. (325) 656-2888.
For only Livestock
COVERED HORSE STALLS for rent, inside San Angelo. 325-6581969. BLUE & RED QUEENSLAND Heelers. 6 weeks old. (325) 3407679, (325) 653-6380. CHICKENS FOR SALE. -35 black sex link pullets. 3 months old. Large brown eggs by Sept. $17.00 each. -50 road island reds pullets. 2 month. $9.00 each. Discount on volume sales. Call or Text. (325) 8124930. BOER CROSS BILLIES Mostly reds & paints, 9-11mo old. $150$200. Call RIck (325) 656-1708. 3 MARE HORSES. 6+ years old. Must see. (325) 977-1600. 20 LARGE BILLIES. 2-4 years old. $200 each. (325) 650-9252
5.00 a week
you can reach 2 million potential buyers go to www.american classifieds or call 944-7653 (40) REAL YOUNG Cow/Calf pairs. (25) good quality bred cows and a few good breeding bulls. Call 325-656-7944.
Find your treasure in the Thrifty Nickel’s American Classified REWARD - $1500 for arrest/return of Boer X billies. Stolen from Hwy 208 & 2105 on 7/3 or 7/4. 325-650-9252. WHITE HAIR SHEEP ewe lambs ten head for sale. (325) 650-5211. WHITE LEGHORN LAYING hens. 10 months old. $20ea. (325) 277-4385. DUCKS FOR SALE. Khaki Campbells, male & females. (325) 234-4302. BIG PRETTY 2 year old SORREL GELDING currently in race training. Continue racing or used for barrel horse. $5,000. (325) 450-5366. ONE 2YR OLD RED roan stud, One registered gelding, started on barrels. Numerous other horses for sale. (325) 277-4151.
PJ 32’ FLAT bed gooseneck trailer, reduced to $8000. (325) 456-6882. 2014 GR 18FT. with 4ft short wall with bridle hooks & saddle racks. New 14 ply all steel tires. $8,500. (325) 277-6587. 2012 HEFTY TRAILER, 40’ flat gooseneck, 10,000 lb. axles. $6,900 OBO. (325) 234-3395, 325-234-8010.
Page 16 July 7, 2016
House For Sale 4902 sCARLET OAk. 4BR/2BA, 2086 sq.ft., xeriscaped yard, custom shutters on all windows. Call Janie Thomas, SARE, (325) 277-7653. 21 N. JEFFERsON. 4BR/2BA plus mother-inlaw suite, or rental for college student. Well maintained home on corner lot, 1800 sq.ft. New heating & cooling, new roof, lots of built-ins. Great location. $139,900. Call James Thomas, SARE, (325) 277-5478. OwNER FINANCE, 1007 N. Jefferson, 4 bedroom, 2 bath, $99,000, $2000 down, $924 month. (325) 2422283.
RECENTLY REMODELED 2BDRM/1BA house. Owner finance. (325) 340-2786. BEAUTIFUL 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath brick home on corner lot, 1548 sq. ft., CH/CA, sprinkler system, fenced, workshop with carport. $194,500. Located in Brady, TX. (325) 4566882. NEwLY REMODELED 3BR/2BA with new shop on large lot. 4 Garden Rd, $109,000. (325) 3743458. BENTwOOD 3 BR-2 1/2 ba-3 car garage, game room, corner lot, #4 green. (325) 2774410. OwNER FINANCE. 10626 Emmitt Lane, past Grape Creek. 2 bedroom, 1 bath, $44,900, $500 down. $460 month. Taxes included. Call (325) 234-9637 7 N. EMERICk. 3BR/2BA, very well maintained home near downtown, shopping, HVAC recently replaced. $119,000. Call James Thomas, SARE, (325) 277-5478. REDUCED TO SELL VICTORIAN HOUSE 8 BR. 3 full baths, indoor above ground pool & hot tub. Well water. 2-car garage. 3 1/2 lots. Ideal for Bed & Breakfast. Close to schools. $350,000. By appointment. San Angelo, Tx. (325) 374-7096.
CAsH FOR HOUsEs any location, any condition. (325) 650-5900 or (512)650-5979. 1602 PAsEO DE Vaca. Large Santa Rita home on corner lot with lage trees, guest house with 432 sq.ft., hardwood floors, 3 car garage. Call James Thomas, SARE, (325) 277-5478.
5 BEDROOM, 2 bath, brick, CH/CA, 1632 sq. ft. #1842. $130,000. Barbara, La Casa Realty, (325)656-8063. Russ Devore, Broker #826. IN BRADY, TX. 2 homes both are 3 bedroom, 1 bath, CH/CA. Totally remodeled. Reduced to $87,500 each. Serious inquiries call (325) 456-6882. 4902 BLUERIDGE. HOA Southland 2 story townhome, 3BR/2.5BA, 1924 sq.ft. $162,000. Call James Thomas, SARE, (325) 277-5478. 1702 wOODLAwN. BEAUTIFUL 4BR/2BA home across from Brentwood Park, in-ground pool, spacious back yard, efficiency apartment with private entrance. $214,900. Call James Thomas, SARE, (325) 277-5478.
Be wise...ADVERTISE!
3 BDRM, 1 BATH, CH/CA. New Class 4 metal roof, new elec. supply, new carpet, fresh paint inside, lots of storage room. Ready to OwNER FINANCE. move in. Great invest2734 JUNIUS. 3 bdrm/1 ment! (325) 450-4030 bath. Good location. Next (325) 716-7188 to elementary school. Large fenced backyard. NICE DUPLEX ON Central heat & air. (325) Cottontail Lane, 234-0943 Grape Creek, each 1102 AsHFORD DR. 3BR/2BA central 5BR/3BA, 3311 sq.ft. in side, the Bluffs overlooking HVAC, laminate in San Angelo, great 2 story living room and much home. Call James hallway, Thomas, SARE, (325) new carpet. Vacant previously 277-5478. rented for $1445 DOOLEY A/C & for both sides. HEATING. Commercial Below tax apand residential. Financ- praisal! Listed with ing available. Free esti- Lana Mitchell, mates on new units. Coldwell Banker, Patterson ProperTACLA00065972E (325) ties, (325) 212656-6525. NEw CONsTRUC- 3179. $98,980. TION: 3-bedroom, 2bath. Vaulted celing, LOCATION, LOCALOCATION. granite counter TION, tops. 2301 and 2305 310 N. Adams. 2-3 bedLindell. Logan Con- room, 2 bath, 2 living struction, (325) 944- room areas, established 2359. yard, separate garage. BLUFFs REDUCED!!! Will sell “as is.” Some im3/2.5/2 Beautiful interior provement materials w/hardwood floors. San available on site. Angelo Homes 325-716- $90,000. (325) 656-2124 1624 to schedule. OwNER FINANCE. FINANCE. 4139 Coliseum Drive. 2 OwNER bedroom, 2 bath on huge 1923 N. Oakes (behind lot, $79,900, $2000 AC Delco), 2 bedroom, 1 down. $830 month. Taxes bath, remodeled inside included. Call (325) 234- and out, $64,900, $2000 9637 down, $640 month, taxes included. Call (325) 2349637 2 HOMEs ON one property, reduced to $195,000. Both 2 bedroom homes, located in Brady, TX. Serious inquiries call (325) 4566882. HOUsE FOR sALE in Eden, Texas. 2,300 sq. ft. 5 bdrm/2 bath. 2 living areas, nice patio, 24X30ft storage & awning, separate awning in front of house. Great location. Almost 1 acre. $235,000. (325) 456-2124.
NEw CONsTRUCTION: 3-bedroom, 2bath. Vaulted celing, granite counter tops. 2301 and 2305 Lindell. Logan Construction, (325) 9442359. 17954 BINGHAM RD. in Mereta, TX. As isSmall 2br house w/well. Good size lot. $35,000. Info: (325) 315-6683. HOUsE FOR sALE by owner, as is. 2bdrm/1ba. 227 W. 9th St. $20,800. Michael Kelly (832) 4183585.
CHARMING 1600sF, 3BR/1BA on one acre with storage building & 1200sf workshop. New gates and fences, well water, great for animals. Newly remodeled bathroom, kitchen and bedrooms, wood floors and new paint. 2-car covered carport. 60 East 37th St. Please call for an appointment. (325) 8123822. 110 N. BIsHOP, 3 bedroom, 1 bath, CH/CA, 1 car garage with storage room, $97,000 or make offer. 325-212-1514. AIRPORT HANGAR & HOME. Large hangar with 3/2 home. San Angelo Homes. 325-7161624. 3338 CLEARVIEw DR. 3BR/2BA, 2460 sq.ft, lovely home close to everything, 14x12 workshop, in-ground pool. Call James Thomas, SARE, (325) 277-5478.
0000 IMPERIAL LOT. Lot in Bentwood Reserves, has a pad already started, great views of the lake. Need to see to appreciate. Call James Thomas, SARE, HOUsE FOR sALE by owner. 2514 W Harris. (325) 277-5478. 5/bdrm, 2/bath, beautiful stained floors, painted inside & out, electric up to code, New water heater, New Air/heater unit. Robert Lee Jr. High, Central, ASU, HEB, Wal-Mart, Restaurants within 5 min1419 HATCHER BY utes. (325) 232-1896, builder: 1425 sq. ft., 3 (325) 212-4161, (325) bdrm/2 ba., $139,000. 698-7327. (325) 374-2013. 1754 BAkER DR. OwNER FINANCE. 3BR/2BA, 1968 sq.ft. 10636 Dennis Drive. 3 home close to Goodfelbedroom, 1 bath, low AFB, it is just outside $55,900, $2000 down. the city limits. Call James $670 month. Taxes in- Thomas, SARE, (325) cluded. Call (325) 234- 277-5478. 9637 3BDRM/2BA FIREsALE OR TRADE on PLACE, 1600 sqft. 1 Spring Creek with a wate- acre, lots pecan trees, fall. 2 bedroom, logside, beautiful neighborhood. tin roof, desks, 2 bed- Call (325) 763-7328. room guest house and shop on 2 acres near 1639 sQ. FT. Brick Mertzon, $249,900. 325- home with approx. 1,200 sq. ft. rental on 3/4 acre 656-7447. lot. Storm cellar, water OwNER FINANCE. well, storage building. 1321 CLEO near Good- Fenced. 2709 Bowie St. fellow 3 bdrm 1 bath. (325) 227-1403 Central heat/ac privacy fenced backyard. (325) OwNER FINANCE - 3 bedroom, 1 bath, newly 315-3662. remodeled. 204 Wind133 BAGPIPE RD. ham. Call 325-234-0646 4 bdrm, 3 ba, 2780 sq for an appointment. ft., work shop, 21 N. JEFFERsON. $359,900. (325) 277- 4BR/2BA plus mother-in3350. law suite, or rental for college student. Well 3 BDRM/1 BATH maintained home on corhouse in a nice residen- ner lot, 1800 sq.ft. New tial area, great starter heating & cooling, new home or investment prop- roof, lots of built-ins. erty, large backyard, will- Great location. $139,900. ing to trade for a home in Call James Thomas, Del Rio of equal value or SARE, (325) 277-5478. owner finance is also OwNER FINANCE, available. Asking $5,000 1007 N. Jefferson, 4 down for more info call bedroom, 2 bath, (325) 450-1241 or (325) $99,000, $2000 down, 300-2526. $924 month. (325) 2423602 GEMINI #2C- 2283. 2bdrm/2ba. 2-car car- BEAUTIFUL 3 BEDport, swimming pool ac- ROOM, 2 bath brick cess. (830) 370-0507. home on corner lot, 1548 5.5 ACREs. 3/2/2 sq. ft., CH/CA, sprinkler North side. Ready to system, fenced, workwith carport. move in. San Angelo shop $194,500. Located in Homes, 325-716-1624 4-BEDROOM HOME Brady, TX. (325) 456VERY nice, well 6882. equipped, in new condi- NEwLY REMODELED tion. For details, call 3BR/2BA with new shop Owner/Broker (325) 277- on large lot. 4 Garden 3194 and Ask ABOUT Rd, $109,000. (325) 374MY REBATE OFFER. 3458. EVERYONE READs BENTwOOD 3 BR-2 AMERICAN Classi- 1/2 ba-3 car garage, fieds. Sold my house the game room, corner lot, first week the ad ran!! #4 green. (325) 2774410. Alvin T
July 7, 2016
Page 17
Put the power of the classifieds to work for you.
oWNER FINANCE. 10626 Emmitt Lane, past Grape Creek. 2 bedroom, 1 bath, $44,900, $500 down. $460 month. Taxes included. Call (325) 234-9637 7 N. EMERICk. 3BR/2BA, very well maintained home near downtown, shopping, HVAC recently replaced. $119,000. Call James Thomas, SARE, (325) 277-5478. REDUCED To SELL VICTORIAN HOUSE 8 BR. 3 full baths, indoor above ground pool & hot tub. Well water. 2-car garage. 3 1/2 lots. Ideal for Bed & Breakfast. Close to schools. $350,000. By appointment. San Angelo, Tx. (325) 374-7096. CASH FoR HoUSES any location, any condition. (325) 650-5900 or (512)650-5979. 1602 PASEo DE Vaca. Large Santa Rita home on corner lot with lage trees, guest house with 432 sq.ft., hardwood floors, 3 car garage. Call James Thomas, SARE, (325) 277-5478. 5 BEDRooM, 2 bath, brick, CH/CA, 1632 sq. ft. #1842. $130,000. Barbara, La Casa Realty, (325)656-8063. Russ Devore, Broker #826. IN BRADy, Tx. 2 homes both are 3 bedroom, 1 bath, CH/CA. Totally remodeled. Reduced to $87,500 each. Serious inquiries call (325) 456-6882. 4902 BLUERIDgE. HoA Southland 2 story townhome, 3BR/2.5BA, 1924 sq.ft. $162,000. Call James Thomas, SARE, (325) 277-5478. 1702 WooDLAWN. BEAUTIFUL 4BR/2BA home across from Brentwood Park, in-ground pool, spacious back yard, efficiency apartment with private entrance. $214,900. Call James Thomas, SARE, (325) 277-5478. oWNER FINANCE. 2734 JUNIUS. 3 bdrm/1 bath. Good location. Next to elementary school. Large fenced backyard. Central heat & air. (325) 234-0943 1102 ASHFoRD DR. 5BR/3BA, 3311 sq.ft. in the Bluffs overlooking San Angelo, great 2 story home. Call James Thomas, SARE, (325) 277-5478. DooLEy A/C & HEATINg. Commercial and residential. Financing available. Free estimates on new units. TACLA00065972E (325) 656-6525. NEW CoNSTRUCTIoN: 3-bedroom, 2bath. vaulted celing, granite counter tops. 2301 and 2305 Lindell. Logan Construction, (325) 9442359. BLUFFS REDUCED!!! 3/2.5/2 Beautiful interior w/hardwood floors. San Angelo Homes 325-7161624
THRIFTY NICKEL’S American Classified The Bargain Hunter’s Delight 944-7653 oWNER FINANCE. 4139 Coliseum Drive. 2 bedroom, 2 bath on huge lot, $79,900, $2000 down. $830 month. Taxes included. Call (325) 2349637 3 BDRM, 1 BATH, CH/CA. New Class 4 metal roof, new elec. supply, new carpet, fresh paint inside, lots of storage room. Ready to move in. Great investment! (325) 450-4030 (325) 716-7188 LoCATIoN, LoCATIoN, LoCATIoN. 310 N. Adams. 2-3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 living room areas, established yard, separate garage. Will sell “as is.” Some improvement materials available on site. $90,000. (325) 656-2124 to schedule. oWNER FINANCE. 1923 N. Oakes (behind AC Delco), 2 bedroom, 1 bath, remodeled inside and out, $64,900, $2000 down, $640 month, taxes included. Call (325) 2349637 2 HoMES oN one property, reduced to $195,000. Both 2 bedroom homes, located in Brady, TX. Serious inquiries call (325) 4566882. HoUSE FoR SALE in Eden, Texas. 2,300 sq. ft. 5 bdrm/2 bath. 2 living areas, nice patio, 24X30ft storage & awning, separate awning in front of house. Great location. Almost 1 acre. $235,000. (325) 456-2124. NEW CoNSTRUCTIoN: 3-bedroom, 2bath. vaulted celing, granite counter tops. 2301 and 2305 Lindell. Logan Construction, (325) 9442359. 17954 BINgHAM RD. in Mereta, TX. As isSmall 2br house w/well. Good size lot. $35,000. Info: (325) 315-6683. HoUSE FoR SALE by owner, as is. 2bdrm/1ba. 227 W. 9th St. $20,800. Michael Kelly (832) 4183585. CHARMINg 1600SF, 3BR/1BA on one acre with storage building & 1200sf workshop. New gates and fences, well water, great for animals. Newly remodeled bathroom, kitchen and bedrooms, wood floors and new paint. 2-car covered carport. 60 East 37th St. Please call for an appointment. (325) 8123822. 110 N. BISHoP, 3 bedroom, 1 bath, CH/CA, 1 car garage with storage room, $97,000 or make offer. 325-212-1514. 3338 CLEARvIEW DR. 3BR/2BA, 2460 sq.ft, lovely home close to everything, 14x12 workshop, in-ground pool. Call James Thomas, SARE, (325) 277-5478.
B L A C k W E L L , TExAS. LIvESToCk/HUNTINg ranch, 1,025 acres with improvements. $1,195 per acre. llpranchland.com or call 325-655-6989, Lee, Lee & Puckitt Associates 103.11 ACRES. NoRTH of Miles, TX. – 30 minutes to San Angelo. Rolling, Mesquite, Pear country, water wells, pond, great hunting place. LL&P 325-6556989, LLPRANCHLAND.COM
Lots/Land & Acreage
333 ACRES. 11 miles south of San Angelo off of Highway 277. Excellent hunting, Live Oaks, Cedar & Mesquite. New fences, cross fences. 1250 sq. ft cabin. 30x50 pole barn, water wells, water meter, secluded. (325) 656-2888 25 ACRES FoR SALE. $200,000. (325) 2776802. FoR SALE 5.25 acres, 1116 E. 28th St. $79,500. Fred (325) 450-0425. vACANT LoT. 705 W. 15th. (254) 447-7609, (817) 856-9563. 5 oR 10 ACRES. REDUCED TO SELL$20,000 per acre with well, windmill and septic tank. (325) 374-7096. CoRNER LoT IN Winters, TX. Includes small house good for storage. $6000. (325) 655-9433. SALE oR TRADE on Spring Creek with a watefall. 2 bedroom, logside, tin roof, desks, 2 bedroom guest house and shop on 2 acres near Mertzon, $249,900. 325656-7447.
Hit on us to buy or sell it in your Thrifty Nickel’s American Classified
CoMMERCIAL PRoPERTy SAN ANgELo, Tx. - 5-129 ACRES available for long or short term lease or for sale Conveniently located on Christoval Rd. near HWY 87 & GAFB. 7400 sq. ft. warehouse available with 6500 sq. ft. of attached covered storage area. Care taker houses on property if needed. Call 325-6565708, 325-655-4433. 50x150 EMPTy LoT, 15th & N. Chadbourne behind Pizza Hut, $9000 obo. (325) 212-1598. APPRox. 3/4 ACRE in Christoval. Cleared and utilities available. $24,900. (325) 650-0725. CoLoRADo 5 MoUNTAIN ACRES, must sell! Fantastic views. Hunt, Fish. Outdoor Paradise! Owner financed. $300 down. $150/month. 1-720-5700592, 1-719-659-7247. LARgE vACANT LoT, 1/2 acre, corner 16th & Oakes. (325) 3402786. 201 HILLCREST AvE. 2 lots for sale in Ballinger, Texas. 1 lot has gas, electric, sewer, & water. House needs to be cleaned out; needs lots of work, has fenced yard & RV shed. Lot across street goes with house & is vacant. $40,000 OBO. (325) 656-4674 after 5pm. 30 ACRES NEAR schools in Grape Creek. Great location. (325) 3402786. LoTS IN THE Bluffs for sale 50x130. Great for building. Call James, (325)277-5478 or Janie, (325)277-7653. San Angelo Real Estate. 25 ACRES FoR SALE. $200,000. (325) 2776802. FoR SALE 5.25 acres, 1116 E. 28th St. $79,500. Fred (325) 450-0425. vACANT LoT. 705 W. 15th. (254) 447-7609, (817) 856-9563. 5 oR 10 ACRES. REDUCED TO SELL$20,000 per acre with well, windmill and septic tank. (325) 374-7096. CoRNER LoT IN Winters, TX. Includes small house good for storage. $6000. (325) 655-9433. SALE oR TRADE on Spring Creek with a watefall. 2 bedroom, logside, tin roof, desks, 2 bedroom guest house and shop on 2 acres near Mertzon, $249,900. 325656-7447.
CoMMERCIAL PRoPERTy SAN ANgELo, Tx. - 5-129 ACRES available for long or short term lease or for sale Conveniently located on Christoval Rd. near HWY 87 & GAFB. 7400 sq. ft. warehouse available with 6500 sq. ft. of attached covered storage area. Care taker houses on property if needed. Call 325-6565708, 325-655-4433. 50x150 EMPTy LoT, 15th & N. Chadbourne behind Pizza Hut, $9000 obo. (325) 212-1598. APPRox. 3/4 ACRE in Christoval. Cleared and utilities available. $24,900. (325) 650-0725. CoLoRADo 5 MoUNTAIN ACRES, must sell! Fantastic views. Hunt, Fish. Outdoor Paradise! Owner financed. $300 down. $150/month. 1-720-5700592, 1-719-659-7247. LARgE vACANT LoT, 1/2 acre, corner 16th & Oakes. (325) 3402786. 201 HILLCREST AvE. 2 lots for sale in Ballinger, Texas. 1 lot has gas, electric, sewer, & water. House needs to be cleaned out; needs lots of work, has fenced yard & RV shed. Lot across street goes with house & is vacant. $40,000 OBO. (325) 656-4674 after 5pm. 30 ACRES NEAR schools in Grape Creek. Great location. (325) 3402786. LoTS IN THE Bluffs for sale 50x130. Great for building. Call James, (325)277-5478 or Janie, (325)277-7653. San Angelo Real Estate. 333 ACRES. 11 miles south of San Angelo off of Highway 277. Excellent hunting, Live Oaks, Cedar & Mesquite. New fences, cross fences. 1250 sq. ft cabin. 30x50 pole barn, water wells, water meter, secluded. (325) 656-2888
Commercial Property Sale
Commercial Property Rent
30x70’ SHoP ★BUILDINg with of-
MAIN STREET oFFICE Space for lease. 10 offices, 3,800 SF. San Angelo Homes 325-7161624 oFFICE SPACES AvAILABLE, approx. 1600 sq. ft., previously an accounting firm, CH/CA, $800 month, $800 deposit. Zoned change approved, small commercial. 123 W. 1st St. Call (325) 234-9637.
fice on 1/2 acre. Zoned CH. $85K neg. (325) 3745173 owner. BURRITo PLACE. CoNTENTS, building, land. No owner finance. FMI call (325) 315-6057. 1921 jUNIUS. 2 buildings contains 3 offices & 22 storage units. Call James Thomas, SARE, (325) 277-5478. INvESTMENT oPPoRTUNITy. 2 bldgs, 3 separate office suites, 22 storage units. Just reduced to $125,000. 1921 Junius. James @ SARE, 2220 N. CHAD(325) 277-5478. BoURNE. 900 sq ft, CH/CA, $500 monthly, ofWELL ESTABLISHED RESTAU- fice or shop. 325-650RANT for sale in 5514. Eden, Texas. Owner Fi- 3250SF WAREnance. 4,800 sq. ft. HoUSE, 14’x14’ door, Plenty of parking. Please call for info. walk through door, bathroom access. $800mo. (325) 456-2124. (325) 656-1277. oFFICE BUILDINg APPRox. 1600 sq. ft., previously an accounting firm, Zone changed to Small Commercial, CH/CA, $110,000, $5000 down, $950 month. 123 W. 1st St. Zone change approved, small commercial. Call (325) 2349637. 30x70’ SHoP BUILDINg with office on 1/2 acre. Zoned CH. $85K neg. (325) 3745173 owner. BURRITo PLACE. CoNTENTS, building, land. No owner finance. FMI call (325) 315-6057. 1921 jUNIUS. 2 buildings contains 3 offices & 22 storage units. Call James Thomas, SARE, (325) 277-5478. INvESTMENT oPPoRTUNITy. 2 bldgs, 3 separate office suites, 22 storage units. Just reduced to $125,000. 1921 Junius. James @ SARE, (325) 277-5478. WELL ESTABLISHED RESTAURANT for sale in Eden, Texas. Owner Finance. 4,800 sq. ft. Plenty of parking. Please call for info. (325) 4562124.
CENTRALLy LoCATED, FoRT CoNCHo AREA - attractive and affordable 1140 sq. ft. heated/cooled, 3 offices totaling 600 sq. ft. downstairs, 1 office 540 sq. ft. upstairs, designed for multiple work spaces with restrooms and storage closets, plus 2400 sq. ft. warehouse space, motorized overhead and drive-in doors, 120 & 240 outlets, washer/dryer connections, $1195 monthly. First month free. Call (325) 655-4433. NEAR DoWNToWN SAN ANgELo, ADjACENT to Ft. Concho, 564 sq. ft., heated/cooled office space, restrooms, 1692 sq. ft. or warehouse space, large drive-in doors, secure entrance and parking, $595 monthly. Call (325) 6554433. MAIN STREET oFFICE Space for lease. 10 offices, 3,800 SF. San Angelo Homes 325-7161624 oFFICE SPACES AvAILABLE, approx. 1600 sq. ft., previously an accounting firm, CH/CA, $800 month, $800 deposit. Zoned change approved, small commercial. 123 W. 1st St. Call (325) 234-9637 2220 N. CHADBoURNE. 900 sq ft, CH/CA, $500 monthly, office or shop. 325-6505514. 3250SF WAREHoUSE, 14’x14’ door, walk through door, bathroom access. $800mo. (325) 656-1277.
Page 18 July 7, 2016
Houses for Rent Unfurnished
For rEnt in milES 4/1, 2-story older home. 1 block from school, 1 acre, carpet/laminate, nice. No indoor smoking, pets. Storages outside, 2car carport, chainlink privacy fence. Stove & fridge. All utilities available. $650/$500. Available 7-1. (325) 653-0768. 2610 W. BEaurEGarD. 2 bed, 1 bath, CH/CA, appliances, W/D hookup. No pets. No smoking. 1 car garage. $750 monthly, $700 deposit. (325) 653-6322 3Br/1Ba 2727 FrEElanD, $925/mo, $850 deposit. HUD accepted. (325) 653-0367 418 n. poE, 2 bedroom, 1 bath, CH/CA, $600 month, $500 deposit. (325) 242-2283. Santa rita arEa. 2 bdrm/1 bath. CH/CA, W/D connections. $750 month/$750 deposit. No Pets. (325) 277-3412. 814 E. 20TH 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath, Fridge & stove. Water paid. You pay electric and gas. $700/mth, $400/dep. (325) 2343806, (325) 234-3803. Small 1Br/1Ba houSE. Has stove, fridge & table. On corner lot. $350mo/$200dep. (325) 374-2530. 3605 nEVaDa, 3/2 renovated duplex, $975/month, One year lease, no pets. Matt Muehlstein Real Estate 325-374-0218 tinY houSE. Walk to downtown. $700 all bills. Call for application. (325) 234-9110. 411 hoWarD. 3Br/2Ba, CH/CA, double garage, lots of storage in basement. $975mo/$900dep. (325) 262-2883. aVailaBlE 7/5/16. 3Br/1Ba/2 living areas. $875/mo, $800 deposit. HUD accepted. (325) 653-0367 2219 WilSon VErY clEan. 3/1 CH/A. W&D hookups. Large den. Rent $875, Deposit $500. (325) 895-0545.
larGE 2BDrm/1Ba houSE. CH&A. (325) 206-0617, (325) 2061902. 1613 millSpauGh. 2 BDRM/1.5 BATH. Extra large living room, CH/CA. $900 month/$700 deposit. (325) 949-7887. 2226 colEman 3bdrm/1ba. CH/A, new paint, all tile. Fenced backyard. $900 month. (325) 944-7442, (325) 656-4461. 4226 autumWooD. 4 bedroom, 2 bath, $1800 month, $900 deposit. Call Rhonda @ (325) 7040407. 3025 GuaDalupE, 2Br/1Ba, CH/CA, laundry room, large backyard. No pets. 1 block from McGill Elementary. $825mo./ $500dep. (325) 949-0154. cozY & conVEniEntlY located. 805 E. Harris Ave. 2 bdrm/1 bath. Fenced. Carport. Appliances included. (432) 599-8614 or (325) 656-3366. 424 E. 32nD. 4 B R / 2 B A . $1,000mo./$1,000dep. Non smoking, NO PETS. References required. (432) 284-1277. moVE in JulY 1st. Fresh remodel, 3/1 CH/CA. Nice house. Spaulding at Main. Fenced yard. $750 month/ $750 deposit. Call for Application. (325) 234-9110. 1211 clairmont, 4 bedroom, 2 bath, CH/CA, $850 month, $500 deposit. (325) 242-2283. WESt SiDE charminG older brick home. Very nice inside, fireplace, hardwood floors, large rooms. 3bdrm/1ba. Washer/dryer connections, CH/A. Near Central High School. Available July. References, no smoking. $750 month, $250 deposit. (325) 9491725, (325) 650-3166. nicE: 3Br/2Ba moBilE home on private property. Quiet, safe, private. Own yard for parking. W/D,stove, fridge, & D/W provided. Linda (325) 653-6296. 3333 Erin St. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, CH/CA, 1 car garage, $1100 month, $600 deposit. (325) 242-2283. Santa rita - neat 1 bedroom with double pained windows, mini blinds, ceiling fans, trees, 10x14 storage building. NO PETS. $600 mo. Barth Realty 325-9491617
Everyone’s talking about the Thrifty Nickel’s American Classified 4422 hatchErY rD. 2 bed, 2 bath, CH/CA, W/D connection, carport, stove and ref. furnished. No pets, $700 month, $500 deposit. 10X14 store room. (325) 949-0295 Bill. 3BDrm/2Ba larGE backyard with security fence. Good neighborhood, near Lake View School. Please call (325) 763-7328. 2 BEDroom, 2 BATH, Large Mobile. CH/CA, in quiet Cactus Lane Park. $550. (325) 653-1144. 2302 1St atlaS Spacious 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath home in Paul Ann. Great flor plan, ample closets, nice fenced yard. Available now, $1375. per month. SanAngeloHomesREALTORS.co m for info and photos, then call 325-2232255 to view. 3 BDrm/1 Bath. Convenient location, westside. Hardwood floors, CH/CA W/D connections. References, no pets, no smoking. $750 month & dep. Available July 1st. (325) 650-3166 or (325) 949-1725 S o u t h l a n D , larGE 3BDrm/2Ba, large sunroom. FP. $1,450mo. (325) 6509252. 1625 prEuSSEr 2BR/1BA. Laundry room, kitchen appliances. large yard. $675/ mo. $600 deposit. Erica Boyce, Bollinger RE. (325) 2128314. 1417 rooSEVElt, brick, 3 bdrm/2 ba, 1 car garage. $1095/mo. $800/Dep. (325) 6503354, (325) 617-6173. 2493 E lanDErS (Quail Valley) 3br, 2ba, CH/CA, washer/dryer included, fenced yard, on 1 acre of shady property. Storage available. $750/mth. Contact Leo se habla espanol. - (325) 374-9749. 3 BDrm/2 Ba houSE For rEnt. With office. Southland Area. Call (325) 763-3474. 1705 ElliS aVailaBlE soon. 3 bedroom $795mo. + utilities. No pets. Public Housing Accepted. (325) 650-8581. 21 W aVE. M. 2 BDRM/1 BATH. No bills paid. Fenced yard. Large dining room. No CA/CH. $600 month/$500 deposit. Lots of trees.HUD approved. (325) 4501593. 3113 chEStnut 3bdrm/2ba, CH/A, family room, living room, laundry room. Large fenced back yard, sprinkler system, double garage. $1300 month, $800 deposit. No pets. (325) 9490154.
1110 n. JEFFEr★Son. 2 bedroom, CH/CA. $795monthly. HUD approved. No pets. (325) 650-8581. 2BDr/2Ba DuplEX ch/a, washer & dryer hookup. $750 rent, $600 deposit. 1 yr lease. (325) 374-5890. 3837 DriFtWooD larGE, 3br/2ba w/bonus room. $1450 /mo. $1000/deposit. (325) 617-6173. 1 BEDroom EFFiciEncY $150 week. All bills paid. (229) 2518046. 126 E. 9th. 3/2 redone, open kit/LR. New ac. $950/$700 dep. (325) 234-7000. 518 E. 23rD 2/1 W/D hookups. Remodeled. CH $625/$500. (325) 895-0545. 2464 oXForD. complEtElY remodeled. Fenced backyard. Good neighborhood and near schools. No smoking. No pets. $1,100 monthly, $800 deposit. (325) 6500161. 3533 ShaDY hill, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, $1500 month, $750 deposit. (325) 704-0407. San anGElo,3 BEDroom 2 bath central heat and air mobile home for rent in quiet park. $675 month. 325-4506156. ★cozY & conVEniEntlY located. 805 E. Harris Ave. 2 bdrm/1 bath. Fenced. Carport. Appliances included. (432) 599-8614 or (325) 656-3366. For rEnt in milES 4/1, 2-story older home. 1 block from school, 1 acre, carpet/laminate, nice. No indoor smoking, pets. Storages outside, 2car carport, chainlink privacy fence. Stove & fridge. All utilities available. $650/$500. Available 7-1. (325) 653-0768. 3Br/1Ba 2727 FrEElanD, $925/mo, $850 deposit. HUD accepted. (325) 653-0367 Santa rita arEa. 2 bdrm/1 bath. CH/CA, W/D connections. $750 month/$750 deposit. No Pets. (325) 277-3412. 814 E. 20TH 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath, Fridge & stove. Water paid. You pay electric and gas. $700/mth, $400/dep. (325) 2343806, (325) 234-3803. Small 1Br/1Ba houSE. Has stove, fridge & table. On corner lot. $350mo/$200dep. (325) 374-2530. 3605 nEVaDa, 3/2 renovated duplex, $975/month, One year lease, no pets. Matt Muehlstein Real Estate 325-374-0218 tinY houSE. Walk to downtown. $700 all bills. Call for application. (325) 234-9110. 411 hoWarD. 3Br/2Ba, CH/CA, double garage, lots of storage in basement. $975mo/$900dep. (325) 262-2883. aVailaBlE 7/5/16. 3Br/1Ba/2 living areas. $875/mo, $800 deposit. HUD accepted. (325) 653-0367
PUBLIC NOTICE Real Estate Advertised in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference limitation of religion, sex or national origin, or any intention to make any such preferences, limitation or discrimination." This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis.
2219 WilSon VErY clEan. 3/1 CH/A. W&D hookups. Large den. Rent $875, Deposit $500. (325) 895-0545. larGE 2BDrm/1Ba houSE. CH&A. (325) 206-0617, (325) 2061902. 1613 millSpauGh. 2 BDRM/1.5 BATH. Extra large living room, CH/CA. $900 month/$700 deposit. (325) 949-7887. 2226 colEman 3bdrm/1ba. CH/A, new paint, all tile. Fenced backyard. $900 month. (325) 944-7442, (325) 656-4461. 3025 GuaDalupE, 2Br/1Ba, CH/CA, laundry room, large backyard. No pets. 1 block from McGill Elementary. $825mo./ $500dep. (325) 949-0154. 424 E. 32nD. 4 B R / 2 B A . $1,000mo./$1,000dep. Non smoking, NO PETS. References required. (432) 284-1277. moVE in JulY 1st. Fresh remodel, 3/1 CH/CA. Nice house. Spaulding at Main. Fenced yard. $750 month/ $750 deposit. Call for Application. (325) 234-9110. 1211 clairmont, 4 bedroom, 2 bath, CH/CA, $850 month, $500 deposit. (325) 242-2283. For SalE 1,400 SQ. FT. 3 bdrm/2bath. Newer home close to GFAFB, 1 car garage, privacy fence, sprinkler system, good neighborhood, storage facility in back. $124,900.K OBO. (325) 320-8243. WESt SiDE charminG older brick home. Very nice inside, fireplace, hardwood floors, large rooms. 3bdrm/1ba. Washer/dryer connections, CH/A. Near Central High School. Available July. References, no smoking. $750 month, $250 deposit. (325) 9491725, (325) 650-3166. nicE: 3Br/2Ba moBilE home on private property. Quiet, safe, private. Own yard for parking. W/D,stove, fridge, & D/W provided. Linda (325) 653-6296. 3333 Erin St. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, CH/CA, 1 car garage, $1100 month, $600 deposit. (325) 242-2283. Santa rita - neat 1 bedroom with double pained windows, mini blinds, ceiling fans, trees, 10x14 storage building. NO PETS. $600 mo. Barth Realty 325-9491617 4226 autumWooD. 4 bedroom, 2 bath, $1800 month, $900 deposit. Call Rhonda @ (325) 704-0407. 3533 ShaDY hill, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, $1500 month, $750 deposit. (325) 704-0407. 1206 WallacE lanE - Spacious 5 bedroom 2.5 bath home in Paul Ann. Great floor plan, ample closets. many upgrades, nice fenced yard. Sorry, no pets. Available now, $1450. per month. SanAngeloHomesREALTORS.com for info and photos, then call 325-223-2255 to view.
Small ad BIG deals! For SalE 1,400 SQ. FT. 3 bdrm/2bath. Newer home close to GFAFB, 1 car garage, privacy fence, sprinkler system, good neighborhood, storage facility in back. $124,900.K OBO. (325) 320-8243. 2302 1St atlaS Spacious 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath home in Paul Ann. Great flor plan, ample closets, nice fenced yard. Available now, $1375. per month. SanAngeloHomesREALTORS.com for info and photos, then call 325223-2255 to view. 3BDrm/2Ba larGE backyard with security fence. Good neighborhood, near Lake View School. Please call (325) 763-7328. 518 E. 23rD 2/1 W/D hookups. Remodeled. CH $625/$500. (325) 895-0545.
Houses for Rent Furnished
202 E. 42nD. APT. B. 1BR/1BA furnished, completely remodeled, fenced, AC window units, carport. $600/mo $250/dep. FMI Call (325) 300-5191.
Manufactured Homes
2005 ShoW QualitY like-new double wide. 3bdrm/2ba. Movein ready. Must be cash. RV #36791. (325) 2275348. GolD mEDal - Elegant 3/2, fully textured, flat ceilings, open plan with beautifully accepted kitchen. Save over $10,000 on display home. Call 325-4802013. For rEnt 3 bedroom, 2 bath, $800 month. Call 325-486-9000.
GrapE crEEk VErY nice 2 bed, 1 1/2 bath single-wide on 1 acre with fences and horse shelter. Large 2 car carport & covered porch. References are required! Application required, no charge. 7958 Evergreen Ln. Go look and then call me. No inside pets. $700 deposit & $700/month. 325-234-0295 BranD nEW 4 bedroom plan, 2 LARGE living rooms, big bedrooms and a JUMBO kitchen. Textured walls, fireplace and more. $117,800 for limited time. Call 325480-2013. zEro DoWn to Vets - VA programs with Zero Down. Modular homes, $$ave time and money. 2 to 6 bedroom plans available. Call for tour. Call 325-480-2013.
944-SOLD rEpo’S - nEW set of repo’s, great deals on 2 to 4 bedroom homes. Delivery and set up available. Call 325-480-2013. chEF’S iSlanD Oversized island in open kitchen. Lots of cabinets, walk in pantry, 2000 sqft with no halls. Must see. Call 325-480-2013. E-norm-uS 18 WiDE, 3/2 with Big Island kitchen. Beautiful wood cabinets, textured walls and tall ceilings. Overhead vents, cheaper than a double wide, more room $69,801 Call 325480-2013. SEXY triplE WiDE High Class Home, 4/3, kids bonus room, parents retreat, beautiful stone work, 2600 sqft, open plan, ON SALE!! Call for RED TAG pricing. Call 325-480-2013. anGElo moBilE homE moVinG; Relevels, skirting & transporting. Unstable floor, unshutting doors? Foundation stabilization, pier & beam, trailer homes. Licensed, bonded, insured. I-4486. Chris (325) 276-1978 leave message. For rEnt 4 bedroom, 2 bath, $1000 month. Call 325-486-9000. SpEcial GoVErnmEnt proGram. lEnDErS offering $0 down for land owners. Well and Septic available. Call (325) 617-7869. RBI: 36791 oWn a manuFacturED homE? Let us help add value to your home and make it more energy efficient with metal under pinning. Free estimates. Call 325-3745595, 325-374-2983. JulY rEnt FrEE. 3BR/2BA with appliances, new carpet. $650/mo + deposit. Call (325) 658-2763. 2005 ShoW QualitY like-new double wide. 3bdrm/2ba. Movein ready. Must be cash. RV #36791. (325) 2275348. GolD mEDal - Elegant 3/2, fully textured, flat ceilings, open plan with beautifully accepted kitchen. Save over $10,000 on display home. Call 325-4802013. For rEnt 3 bedroom, 2 bath, $800 month. Call 325-486-9000. SpEcial GoVErnmEnt proGram. lEnDErS offering $0 down for land owners. Well and Septic available. Call (325) 6177869. RBI: 36791 GrapE crEEk VErY nice 2 bed, 1 1/2 bath single-wide on 1 acre with fences and horse shelter. Large 2 car carport & covered porch. References are required! Application required, no charge. 7958 Evergreen Ln. Go look and then call me. No inside pets. $700 deposit & $700/month. 325-234-0295 BranD nEW 4 bedroom plan, 2 LARGE living rooms, big bedrooms and a JUMBO kitchen. Textured walls, fireplace and more. $117,800 for limited time. Call 325480-2013.
zEro DoWn to Vets - VA programs with Zero Down. Modular homes, $$ave time and money. 2 to 6 bedroom plans available. Call for tour. Call 325-480-2013. rEpo’S - nEW set of repo’s, great deals on 2 to 4 bedroom homes. Delivery and set up available. Call 325-480-2013. chEF’S iSlanD Oversized island in open kitchen. Lots of cabinets, walk in pantry, 2000 sqft with no halls. Must see. Call 325-480-2013. E-norm-uS 18 WiDE, 3/2 with Big Island kitchen. Beautiful wood cabinets, textured walls and tall ceilings. Overhead vents, cheaper than a double wide, more room $69,801 Call 325480-2013. SEXY triplE WiDE High Class Home, 4/3, kids bonus room, parents retreat, beautiful stone work, 2600 sqft, open plan, ON SALE!! Call for RED TAG pricing. Call 325-480-2013. anGElo moBilE homE moVinG; Relevels, skirting & transporting. Unstable floor, unshutting doors? Foundation stabilization, pier & beam, trailer homes. Licensed, bonded, insured. I-4486. Chris (325) 276-1978 leave message. BranD nEW 4 bedroom plan, 2 LARGE living rooms, big bedrooms and a JUMBO kitchen. Textured walls, fireplace and more. $117,800 for limited time. Call 325480-2013.
Cemetery Plots
4 SiDE-BY-SiDE cEmEtErY plots, located in Fairmont Cemetery. Call (325) 374-7224 or (325) 650-5738. multiplE Burial plotS (CONNECTED) in Fairmont Cemetery. Call after 6pm. (325) 6507060. 2 mauSolEumS at Calvary Catholic Cemetery. $6000. (469) 3585380, (214) 872-4241. DouBlE-DEpth plot in Lawnhaven, Whispering Waterfall section. $4000. (580) 7913457. 1 GraVE plot. Fairmont Cemetery Main entrance near gazebo. $1600. Call (325) 9491280. 2 plotS CALVARY Cemetery. $1400 each. (325) 949-7004. cEmEtErY plot & MARKER. Lawnhaven. Good location, reasonably priced. FMI (325) 763-9695. in Fairmount cEmEtarY; 1 lot w/2 spaces. Save $1000 off cemetary price. Call (940) 564-0827 Burial plot in Lawnhaven Veterans Garden. Includes outer container required by Lawnhaven. $2,200, save $789. Call (325)212-6291 or (325)482-0244.
LAWN HAVEN Section E, Last Supper, Space 3, Lot 310. Large oak trees. $1750. (830) 798-7198. TWO PLOTS, SIDE by side, in the Veterans Garden in Lawnhaven Cemetery near San Angelo, TX. Will sell both for $4000. Will consider selling one @ $2200. Includes transfer fee. Call (325) 2126291 or (325)482-0244. 1 PLOT WESTEND of Catholic cemetery, $1500. (405) 318-9686, LAWN HAVEN MEMORIAL GARDENS Apostles, Lot 55A, Space 3. $4,850. Will pay transfer. (325) 245-5832. LAWNHAVEN: GARDEN OF Christus, Lot 27 space 4. Single lot, $2064.25 plus $95 transfer fee. (281) 494-1968 2 CEMETERY PLOTS FOR SALE IN WHISPERING WATERFALL. $1,900 A PIECE. (512) 940-9982. 2 CEMETERY PLOTS in Lawnhaven, $3000.(254) 447-7609, (817) 856-9563. LAWNHAVEN PLOT $1850, will pay transfer. Garden of Christus. Call Sherry (325) 450-1882. 2 ADJOINING LAWNHAVEN prime burial lots. The Last Supper lot #218 Section E. Save $600, both for $3795. We pay transfer fee. David (801) 427-5652 CEMETERY LOT AT LAWN HAVEN. GOOD LOCATION AT THE APOSTLE. (325) 6565571. LAWNHAVEN—MEMORIES, SECTION. LOT 70, spaces 1 & 2. Next to gazebo. Valued at $5,200, asking $1500.(325) 245-3956. 4 CEMETERY PLOTS, Lawnhaven Cemetery located in the oldest section. Will consider selling 2 at a time. Reasonably priced. (325) 651-6457. LAWNHAVEN: 2 PLOTS in Apostles, value $5,590. Will take $5,000 and pay transfer. (325) 374-2026. MULTIPLE BURIAL PLOTS (CONNECTED) in Fairmont Cemetery. Call after 6pm. (325) 6507060. 2 MAUSOLEUMS AT Calvary Catholic Cemetery. $6000. (469) 3585380, (214) 872-4241. DOUBLE-DEPTH PLOT IN Lawnhaven, Whispering Waterfall section. $4000. (580) 7913457. LAWNHAVEN DOUBLE DEPTH Cemetery Lot. In Veteran’s section. $2600. (325) 651-5979
1 GRAVE PLOT. Fairmont Cemetery Main entrance near gazebo. $1600. Call (325) 9491280. 2 PLOTS CALVARY Cemetery. $1400 each. (325) 949-7004. CEMETERY PLOT & MARKER. Lawnhaven. Good location, reasonably priced. FMI (325) 763-9695. IN FAIRMOUNT CEMETARY; 1 lot w/2 spaces. Save $1000 off cemetary price. Call (940) 564-0827 LAWN HAVEN Section E, Last Supper, Space 3, Lot 310. Large oak trees. $1750. (830) 798-7198. TWO PLOTS, SIDE by side, in the Veterans Garden in Lawnhaven Cemetery near San Angelo, TX. Will sell both for $4000. Will consider selling one @ $2200. Includes transfer fee. Call (325) 2126291 or (325)482-0244. 1 PLOT WESTEND of Catholic cemetery, $1500. (405) 318-9686, SINGLE DEPTH LAWN crypt (crypt already in ground) with perpetual care at Lawnhaven Memorial Gardens. Section J, halfway between Whispering Waterfall and Inner Drive. Valued at approx $4195, asking $2700. Call (325) 6583171 between 9am8pm. LAWN HAVEN MEMORIAL GARDENS Apostles, Lot 55A, Space 3. $4,850. Will pay transfer. (325) 245-5832. LAWNHAVEN: GARDEN OF Christus, Lot 27 space 4. Single lot, $2064.25 plus $95 transfer fee. (281) 494-1968 4 SIDE-BY-SIDE CEMETERY plots, located in Fairmont Cemetery. Call (325) 374-7224 or (325) 650-5738. BURIAL PLOT IN Lawnhaven Veterans Garden. Includes outer container required by Lawnhaven. $2,200, save $789. Call (325)212-6291 or (325)482-0244. LAWN HAVEN MEMORIAL GARDENS Apostles, Lot 55A, Space 3. $4,850. Will pay transfer. (325) 245-5832. LAWNHAVEN: GARDEN OF Christus, Lot 27 space 4. Single lot, $2064.25 plus $95 transfer fee. (281) 494-1968 2 CEMETERY PLOTS FOR SALE IN WHISPERING WATERFALL. $1,900 A PIECE. (512) 940-9982 LAWN HAVEN Section E, Last Supper, Space 3, Lot 310. Large oak trees. $1750. (830) 798-7198. 2 PLOTS LAWNHAVEN. Valued at $4,400. Will sell for less. (806) 773-3019.
Lakes & Resorts
OUTSTANDING LAKE NASWORTHY home & guest house. Huge price reduction. Owned lot. Call Pat (325) 374-1880. D&D Realtors. OAK POINT LAKE property on Lake Brownwood, $9,785 OBO. (325) 656-1047. 1641 CANAL. 2BR/1BA on Lake Nasworthy. Call Janie Thomas, SARE, (325) 277-7653. 3 ACRES LAKESIDE Lot. Lake Ivey, Indian Hills Subd, $25,000. Trade for class A or C Motorhome of same value. (325) 653-4764 OUTSTANDING LAKE NASWORTHY home & guest house. Huge price reduction. Owned lot. Call Pat (325) 374-1880. D&D Realtors. OAK POINT LAKE property on Lake Brownwood, $9,785 OBO. (325) 656-1047. 1641 CANAL. 2BR/1BA on Lake Nasworthy. Call Janie Thomas, SARE, (325) 277-7653.
Out of Town Property
WANT YOUR KIDS in a great, but small school district? Buy/Rent this roomy home in Robert Lee! To see, call owner @ (325) 655-9141. OWNER FINANCING. ROBERT Lee, TX 2 houses, 3/1 & 3/2 currently being remodeled, terms negotiable. James @ SARE, (325) 277-5478. 162 HANNA, BLACKWELL, TX. Lake front living with a great view from the porch, 40x9 front porch, large lviing room, rock fireplace, stove and refrigerator convey, 12x8 storage building. $89,900. Call James Thomas, SARE, (325) 277-5478.
Real Estate For Sale
Apartments Furnished
Super Savings in your Thrifty Nickel’s American Classifieds. Apartments Unfurnished
HISTORIC RENOVATED APARTMENTS in Christoval. $500-$850-$900, water 3 BR/2 BA all elec on included. (325) 6591/2 Ac with fenced yard, 2305, (325) 651-8984. shed & carport. 2011 energy eff single wide in quiet Grape Creek area. $32,000 cash. (325) 6551829. OUTSTANDING LAKE NASWORTHY home & guest house. Huge price reduction. Owned lot. Call Pat (325) 374-1880. D&D Realtors. RECEIVING PAYMENTS FROM real estate you sold? Get cash now! Call Steve @ 1-888870-2243 www.SteveCashesNotes.com HOUSE LOTS 3 ACRES & up. North of Veribest, Falcon Acres. Leave a message or text to (325) 340-0719. 3 BR/2 BA all elec on 1/2 Ac with fenced yard, shed & carport. 2011 energy eff single wide in quiet Grape Creek area. $32,000 cash. (325) 6551829. OUTSTANDING LAKE NASWORTHY home & guest house. Huge price reduction. Owned lot. Call Pat (325) 374-1880. D&D Realtors
EFFICIENCY APARTMENT FOR rent. 732 E. Harris. 1 bdrm/1bath. Garage.$350 month, $100 deposit. (325) 2126486. 9 WEST AVE P. 1 bedroom apartment. $160 weekly plus electricity, free cable. No pets. HUD accepted. (325) 6508581.
Find your treasure in the Thrifty Nickel’s American Classified HUNTINGTON APTS 4042 Huntington Lane. 2 bdrm/2 bath-$800 mo. 1 bdrm/1 bath-$700. $300 deposit. All bills paid except electricity. Washer/Dryer connections, fireplace, basic cable, covered parking, storage. (325) 212-1135, (714) 5858392. 318 E. HIGHLAND 1BR/1BA, kitchen, living room. All bills paid, $700/mth $300 deposit. Available to be seen now. (325) 655-0014, (469) 644-0271 $100 OFF FIRST MONTH’S RENT. 1 BR/1BA Apt. $545/mo, $250 deposit. 2BR/2BA Apt. $675/mo, $300 deposit. (325) 653-0367
RS APARTMEN E T TS WIN All Newly Remodeled New Carpet New Tile & Appliances $450/mo $400 Deposit Winters, Tx
Call 325-338-6199
162 HANNA, BLACKWELL, TX. Lake front living with a great view from the porch, 40x9 front porch, large lviing room, rock fireplace, stove and refrigerator convey, 12x8 storage building. $89,900. Call James Thomas, SARE, (325) 277-5478. NEAR LAKE BROWNWOOD. Secluded 3BR/2BA home on 6.7 acres with 25x30 covered carport, 20x12 pavilion, water storage tank, shop & barn. Lots of trees, 2 creeks and plentiful wildlife. $199,500. (325) 642-8534. 1109 BISHOP, ROBERT Lee, TX 3BR/1BA, large fenced yard, storage building. Will consider lease with optionto buy or trade. $59,900. Call James Thomas, SARE, (325) 277-5478.
Room For Rent
Searching for a deal? Try the Thrifty Nickel’s American Classifieds 944-7653
July 7, 2016
EFFECIENCY/1 BATH. BILLS paid. Rent $600. Deposit $250. (325) 450-1593. 519 W. Ave. P. 16 E. 30TH, Las Rosas Apt. 1 bedroom, upstairs $475, downstairs $500. 2 bedroom, 1 bath, upstairs $575, downstairs $600. 225 E. 3rd St. Sage Brush Apts. 2 bedroom, 1 bath, downstairs $600. 1909 1/2 Pulliam. St. Marjan Apts, 1 bedroom, $475 upstairs, $500 downstairs. Special move in rates available (325) 6533506, (714) 585-8392. ONE BDRM APT $550 month. All bills paid. Basic cable provided. No pets. Dominquez Apt’s. (325) 656-2018. HISTORIC RENOVATED APARTMENTS in Christoval. $500-$850-$900, water included. (325) 6592305, (325) 651-8984. EFFICIENCY APARTMENT FOR rent. 732 E. Harris. 1 bdrm/1bath. Garage.$350 month, $100 deposit. (325) 2126486.
Page 19
9 WEST AVE P. 1 bedroom apartment. $160 weekly plus electricity, free cable. No pets. HUD accepted. (325) 6508581. 318 E. HIGHLAND 1BR/1BA, kitchen, living room. All bills paid, $700/mth $300 deposit. Available to be seen now. (325) 655-0014, (469) 644-0271 $100 OFF FIRST MONTH’S RENT. 1 BR/1BA Apt. $545/mo, $250 deposit. 2BR/2BA Apt. $675/mo, $300 deposit. (325) 653-0367 EFFECIENCY/1 BATH. BILLS paid. Rent $600. Deposit $250. (325) 450-1593. 519 W. Ave. P. ONE BDRM APT $550 month. All bills paid. Basic cable provided. No pets. Dominquez Apt’s. (325) 656-2018. HUNTINGTON APTS 4042 Huntington Lane. 2 bdrm/2 bath-$800 mo. 1 bdrm/1 bath-$700. $300 deposit. All bills paid except electricity. Washer/Dryer connections, fireplace, basic cable, covered parking, storage. (325) 212-1135, (714) 585-8392.
Page 20 July 7, 2016
July 7, 2016
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July 7, 2016
www.angeloads.com Cars
2000 BMW Z3 Convertible. 2.8L. 58K miles. Great condition. $8,000. (325) 977-2900. SOld MY VEHIClE the first weekend. American Classifieds works and I would place ads again. Chuck g. 2001 CROWN VICTORIA. 84K. Excellent condition. Nice body. $3,800. (325) 655-6544. 2014 FOCUS Black, 27K miles. $8,000. (325) 656-1172 or (325) 6552808. 1995 FORd TAURUS 4 door. Loaded. Very nice. 72K. One owner. $4100 OBO. (325) 9429996. ‘93 MERCEdES BENZ E300, 145K, white. Make offer. (325) 320-8243.
2005 CHRYSlER 300 Limited. 103K miles, blue books for $4,600 with a good condition rating. 75% tire tread remaining with tires from Wilson’s Tire.Navigation system with duel power heated seats. Asking $4,200 OBO. See vehicle at 925 West Ave M.Text to test drive: (325) 245-5432
ARE YOU REAdY? Want to win tickets to Schlitterbahn Water Park in New Braunfels? You need to lIKE American Classifieds on FACEBOOK and follow us on Twitter and you could win!! 2013 HYUNdAI ElANTRA GT hatchback. Black with tan leather seats, heated seats, navigation, full sun roof. 72,000 miles. $11,200. (325) 234-4426. I AdVERTISEd MY VEHIClE in American Classifieds. A man came by to look at it. I had another vehicle that was not for sale. long story short, I sold the unadvertised vehicle. You guys are batting 1000!! I’ll always come here! J.S. 2000 FORd MUSTANg, Blue. Rear axle broke. Everything else works. $1,500. (325) 2129923. CORVETTE 2000 MIllENNIUM Edition, 5.7 liter V8, 6sp manual. Black with black leather interior. Hard top & soft top. 75K miles. $13,500. (325) 869-8471, (325) 869-8781. WANT TO WIN TICKETS TO SCHlITTERBAHN - “lIKE” OUR FACEBOOK page and you could win FREE TICKETS! Tell your friends to like our page and they could win too!! Be sure and check our FACEBOOK page (SAN ANgElO AMERICAN ClASSIFIEdS) for FREE giveaways!!
944-SOLD COME CHECK OUT San Angelo Motor Co., 2201 W. Ave. N, (325) 944-0522. See all the cars, pickups, and SUVs that we have. UP TO $400 CASH paid for old cars and trucks. More in some cases. (325) 656-3658 dId YOU KNOW?! ClARK’S AUTO WRECKINg has NEW auto parts, doors, fenders, grills, radiators, hoods, lights, door handles. Many in stock or next day delivery. You’ll be surprised at their prices. 658-4377. 1995 NISSAN MAXIMA. A/C, good tires. Runs good. $1595. (325) 301-0855, ask for Don. SOld MY VEHIClE the first weekend. American Classifieds works and I would place ads again. Chuck g. ‘94 FORd MUSTANg Pro-Charged, 5.0, 5spd, trickflow heads, built block. $4,500 OBO. (325) 320-3864. A-1 dONATE YOUR CAR FOR BREAST CANCER! Help United Breast Foundation education, prevention, & support programs. FAST FREE PICKUP - 24 HR RESPONSE - TAX DEDUCTION 855-403-0213. 2005 PONTIAC BONNEVIllE SLE V6, AC, 4 door, leather seats, $2,800 +TTL. 134K. (325) 212-0225. gREAT RATE ON auto insurance. Call for a FREE quote TODAY. (325)944-3813, Younts Insurance. insurewesttexas.com. 1989 CAMARO IROC Z, 350 V8. 110k miles, excellent running condition and has new 4 speed auto transmission. 5 time 1st place winner in class at local car shows. $7995. Call (325) 812-4320 for more info. 2013 dOdgE dURANgO. Excellent condition. Oil changed every 3,000 miles. New tires. May consider someone taking over payments. $19,000. (325) 226-3113.
2007 BUICK lUCERNE CXL Extra great on gas. 78K. $4,900. (325) 655-2808, (325) 301-0855.
I PAId $113.00 FOR 1 month of advertising with another publication, and I got one call for my business in two weeks. In 2 weeks, my ad in American Classifieds that cost only $12, I got 15 calls. Thank you!! R. l.
‘77 VW CONVERTIBlE. Excellent condition. Runs great. (325) 234-6255. CARS/TRUCKS WANTEd! WE buy 2000-2015 Cars/Trucks, Running or Not! Nationwide Free Pickup! America’s Top Car Buyer! Call 1-888-513-1505. 1995 HONdA ACCORd. Silver. $1,800, will negotiate. Call or text (325) 617-3005. NATION WIdE parts locator service! Can’t find that part you need? Call Clark’s and let them find it for you. (325) 6584377. “lIKE” US ANd BE OUR “FRIENd” ON FACEBOOK and you could win “FREE” ads. Keep up with all the latest happenings at American Classifieds. Check us out on Facebook and “like” us!! 2010 FOCUS FORd SE 4 door, all electric. $4900. (325) 656-1172. 1992 BUICK CENTURY. Very clean, all original. $1,500 obo or trade. (325) 651-8436 (325) 276-0187. 1999 TRANS AM. 50k miles, $10,000 obo. (325) 763-2090, (325) 7635834 2003 TOYOTA MATRIX 5-speed, standard. Looks good. Runs good. Great gas mileage. $2,300. (325) 617-4478. 1987 TOYOTA CAMRY, 4 cylinder automatic, runs good. $700. (325) 212-4264, (325) 300-5150. 2002 KIA RIO Asking $2,000 OBO. (325) 6518436 (325) 276-0187. 2008 SUBARU less than 54,000 miles. Sunroof,rear spoiler,sport shift asking 8500. 325660-2570. One owner well taken care of. 95 BUICK Park Avenue, cold air, new front tires $2,000. 325-2609258. 1995 CAdIllAC DeVille, 4 door, good condition. 325-773-3898 or 325-260-8383 2010 HONdA Accord. Grey. 99,000 miles. Asking $9750 OBO 325-2602995
1987 CHEVY CAMARO T-Top Z28 with rebuilt 350 engine with tuner. PW, PL, working A/C & heater. New tires. Flowmaster exhaust. (325) 374-5066.
2013 SHELBY GT500 Black & red. 2K miles. Mint with every option. $55,900. (325) 277-4570.
2008 NISSAN SENTRA. Beautiful car inside and out. Only 73,000 miles. $6,300. (325) 617-4478. DONATE YOUR CAR to Veterans Today! Help and Support our Veterans. Fast-FREE pick up. 100% tax deductible. Call 1-800-245-0398. CARS/TRUCKS WANTED!! ALL Make/Models 2000-2015! Any Condition. Running or Not. Competitive Offer! Free Towing! We’re Nationwide! Call Now: 1888-416-2330. 2013 HYUNDAI ELANTRA, rare 2 door coupe, charcoal gray with spoiler. Only 21,000 miles. Under manufactory warranty 5year/60,000. Full info with pictures on Craig’s List. $12,500. Call (325) 650-6967 or (325) 3743305.
2007 HONDA ACCORD Ex. 4dr, 78k, 2nd owner. New tires, dependable. $6,800.(325) 650-4926. 2011 VOLKSWAGON jETTA SE/ONLY 26,500 MILES/EXCELLENT CONDITION/GAS ENGINE/WHITE WITH BLACK INTERIOR/ELDERLY COUPLE RETIRING AND NEED TO SELL $13,000.00 OR MAKE OFFER phone:325-2126041 after 5:00 pm 2001 TOYOTA Corolla 160k, great car, $2500. 2004 Chevrolet Blazer great condition, 200k $2800. 325-518-5491 call or text. 2005 FORD Taurus SE, power equipment, V6, auto, 157k miles, good condition. $2950. 325766-2696. 1995 CADILLAC DeVille, 4 door, good condition. 325-773-3898 or 325-260-8383 2008 HONDA Civic Hybrid, 108,000 miles, 40mpg, $4500 obo. 325200-5525. 2003 5 speed Saturn ION Coupe, good condition, approx 120,000 miles, $2500. 325-3383338, 903-536-7740. 2010 CADILLAC DTS 72,000 miles, leather seats, silver in color, Bose radio, Michelin tires, less than 1 year old, new fuel pump $14,200 or assume loan. 325-6605650. 2009 CHEVY Impala LT, 121k miles, V6, auto, new tires, good condition, $6250. 325-7662696. 03 TOYOTA Corolla, runs good, never wrecked, 291,000 miles $2500 obo. 325-6683843. 2007 CLASSIC Chevy, LBZ, Duramax 6 spd Allison, LT-3, 1 ton crew cab, dually, 2 wheel drive, low miles, Platinum warranty, no wrecks or engine turn ups, complete service records, call for details. 325-642-5529.
2015 TOYOTA Corolla S, 12,900 miles, 26.5 mpg, back up camera, security system, white, $15,500. See at 2034 Poplar 325-280-0800. 2001 LINCOLN LS V8, very clean & reliable car. Always serviced. All service records. 113,000 miles, $3500. 940-4225504 or 940-256-2915. OLD VINTAGE accessory car trunk, 1930 or 1940’s. 325-665-9412 or 325-665-9416. BUICK LESABRE, 2001, pass for 2003. Nice burgundy color, looks good, runs & is good, love it only $3995. 325733-2221. 2006 FORD Crown Victoria, V8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, 4 door, 103,000 miles, runs good $3650. 325-676-0475 03 DODGE Caravan, $3500 Call 254-442-4262 1973 VW Beetle $2000, new tires, new shocks, runs good. 325-236-3862 (Rotan). 2004 CHRYSLER 300 2dr sunroof, grey exterior, light tan leather interior, 163k miles $3500. 254631-6465. 2008 BLACK Ford Mustang, V6, loaded, Premier Sound System, Pink Warriors Package, runs good, 125k miles, clear recon title $4,800. 325-625-5205 lv. msg. 2001 CADILLAC El Dorado, beige color, leather seats, good interior, good tires, 2nd owner, 68k, good engine. $3900 obo. 325-4287331.
2007 pONTIAC G5 131k miles, 4 cylinder, auto, power windows & doors, cruise tilt, good condition, $4450. 325766-2696. 2002 LINCOLN LS in good shape, SELL OR TRADE $4,300. 325-8934863 325-386-9454. 2001 CHEVY Lumina 127K Miles. Needs head gasket. Good condition $600, Call 325-695-0148 4 - 1946 Jeep Tires, $200. Excellent condition. 325-518-1909. 1999 GRAND Prix SE, 4 door, red color, good dependable car, good tires, mileage 113,758. $3500 obo 325-2016559. 1989 pONTIAC T/A, white, T Top, 350, new tires & injectors, 77k miles. $7500. 325-6692122 call or text. 1980 HARLEY Davidson Shovel FLH Electric & Kick Start $7995 cash or owner will finance. Home 325-572-3849, Cell 325-370-5039. 1995 MERCEDES C280 $2500. Black leather int cold a/c, 6 disc CD changer, 200k, 325201-6566 in Merkel, Tx. 1990 F350 Dually Supercab, 460 EFI Auto, Hideway, gooseneck hitch, good tires, nice interior, good running truck. $3000 obo. 325725-3042. 1995 BUICK Rivera $800 obo. Look at pictures of motor on Facebook @ Cecilia Riddell Pierce. 325-260-7613
1967 CHEVROLET STEp Side, 3 speed on column, original, one owner, $35,500. (325) 456-6882 1978 RANCHERO GT; 35/c, auto, excellent condition. New dual exhaust, Interior, paint$9,900. (804) 2433110 ‘80 CAMARO. 350, Alum. heads, 350 Turbo, 410 gears, gauges. Ready race. NOS. $5,500. (325) 656-7278.
1934 FORD COUpE; 327 motor, 300hp, at the rear wheels, a/c & heater, red interior, 372 posi rear end, suicide doors, shaved doors & trunk, radio, tape deck, cd player & chrome front axle & engine. $39,900 FMI Call (325) 212-1788.
1981 CADILLAC HEARSE. Low mileage. A/C. $3,850 OBO. Same as in Ghostbusters. (325) 212-5712. 1948 FORD pICKUp $3,500. 1968 Pontiac $2,500. 1973 Scout II $2,500. Projects. (325) 340-0181. LOOK! SALE BUY Swap Collector Cars & Parts. 39th Annual Hill Country Swap Meet July 29th & 30th. Lady Bird Johnson Park. Fredericksburg, Tx. Info: 254751-7958 Website: earhartproductions.com Also! DFW Swap Meet, October 28th & 29th, Lone Star Park, Grand Prairie, Tx.
1964 FORD FAIRLANE; 65k miles. Runs good, Mint condition. $7500 obo. Cash. (325) 226-4267 1971 FORD TORINO GT Convertible 351-C, C6 Tranny. Excellent condition. $26,500. (325) 374-3458. 1969 CHEVELLE. ExCELLENT condition, $27,500. (325) 374-3458.
1978 CADILLAC SEDAN DEVILLE, 48,750 actual miles. Purchased new in San Angelo. Very nice, but needs A/C work. $3,000. CASH. (325) 656-8154 or (325) 653-7996. 1983 CHEVY pU. Short/Narrow, rebuilt heavy duty, TH400 Auto, New dual exhaust, New Interior, am/fm, fast v8, 350 + 2 new tires. $8,900 Call (804) 243-3110 WOULD LIKE TO BUY A 1958 Edsel Pacer or Ranger, 2 dr HT. Running or Not, Call (325) 6583808. 1979 FORD RANCHERO. Runs good. Drives good. Call Tom (325) 340-6540 for details. 1994 MERCURY COUGAR XR7, Executive Series. V6, 64,500 miles. (325) 465-4006.
July 7, 2016
1960 FORD GALAxY 500, 70k miles, all original, $6500. (325) 6173544. 1975 MERCEDES 240-D, Beautiful Auto. Garaged since 1979. Make Offer!! (325) 6559141. COLLECTORS SpECIAL, 1984 Mustang Classic XL, automatic, air, V6 engine, 90,000 miles! Looks sharp, runs sharp! $2,000 obo. 254246-2178 BLACK jAGUAR 1988, call for information 254-212-9986. 1967 FORD Galaxie 500, 4 door HT, 81k mi, all original $4995. Ph. 325-382-4461.
Page 23
1963 CHEVY Nova 4 door. Professional upgrades: Late model Chevy V6, 5 speed. Great paint and body, red with white top. After market front suspension with disc brakes. Chrome steel wheels. VDO Gauges. Top of the line vintage air/heat. Lots of other stuff, must see! Drive it anywhere /@ 25 mpg. Call 325-625-3985. Emailburnsey1/@verizon.netLocated in Coleman, Tx. 1946 FORD Coupe, 1960 Cadillac Sedan DeVille, 1955 Olds 88, all of these run. 325-6650085. 1968 VW Carman GIHA Convertible, it runs, its original, has some rust, needs referbishing, also Carman Giha Coup (parts car) both cars for $4,200. Texas 325-6604828.
Page 24
July 7, 2016
2004 CHEVROlET 4X4 Crewcab, leather interior, nice truck. $12,500. (325) 597-1623. 2012 CRUSaDER RV, $32,000. 325-650-1317. 2008 SilVER DODgE 1500, quad cab, garage kept. 78,000 miles. $11,000. (325) 234-4302. glaSSDOCTOR WE FIX your panes! Chip repair. Free mobile service. 12 month breakage guarantee. Convenient expert installation. (325) 653-7380. 2016 RaM MEgaCaB 3500 DRW Longhorn Edition, Every option available, Black with Cattle Tan Interior, 15,000 highway miles. MSRP over $75k, $63k. 6 months old, Midland 307256-1694
2005 DODgE 4 DOOR DUALLY 200K. DIESEL. $18,000. Welding bed also have dually bed. (325) 374-0563. $CaSH$ any make or model cars and pickups for wrecking use. We will pick them up. Clark’s auto Wrecking, 6584377. 2000 FORD F350. 4wd, diesel Lariat. 253k miles. In good condition. $8,000 obo. (307) 4600181 Robert Lee, TX 2011 DODgE RaM 1500, loaded, 75k highway miles, serious inquiries only. 541-285-6833 local. UP TO $400 CASH paid for old cars and trucks. More in some cases. (325) 656-3658 2012 DODgE MEga CAB DIESEL 3500 SINGLE WHEEL. 59K. White 4X4. $41,000. (325) 3740563. 2009 CHEVY 2013 F-150 FORD Lar- lONgBED. Runs iat, 4x4 Crew Cab. Black needs work, $6500. 325w/black leather interior. 277-0873, 325-944-8418. Heated seats, sunroof, all upgrades. 63K miles. Immaculate condition.(432) 978-9340. 1999 CHEV 2500 single cab, long bed pickup. Good work truck. $2150. (325) 374-3458. gREaT RaTE ON auto insurance. Call for a FREE quote TODAY. (325)944-3813, Younts Insurance. insurewesttexas.com. ‘95 FORD F350 XLT. 4 Dr., auto, 7.3 diesel, 186k miles. $7,000. (325) 6504542. 2009 TOYOTa TaCOMa, gray, double cab, TRD offroad, 4x4, fully loaded, 76,500 miles, $23,500. 512-4709184. 2002 DODgE PiCKUP 4x4, short bed. Good tires, A/C, V8. 151K. $3,500 + TTL. (325) 212-0225.
2000 F150 single cab PU. Complete new engine installed 2013. Transmission rebuilt 6 month ago. New Goodyear tires with road warranty. $3,900. (325) 234-3529.
$CaSH$. We will pay above scale weight. Cars or pickups for wrecking use. 658-4377.
1982 FORD F350 351 V8. $1,600 OBO. AS IS. Already has a new paint job. (325) 656-3595. 2011 CHEVY SilVERaDO CK2500, Z71, 4WD, 4 door, white, good condition. 102K. $22,900. (325) 895-0735. ‘94 CHEVY PiCKUP, REG. cab. $1,950obo. Standard shift. (325) 2341509 or (325) 651-6409 (leave msg.) http://www.ElKiNSlaWFiRM.COM Chad Elkins, (325)6518702 1986 CHEVROlET SilVERaDO short wide pick-up. Completely original, 101,000 miles, small V-8, automatic, PS, PB, non-working factory A/C. Body is good, runs great. $4,000. CASH. (325) 656-8154 or (325) 6537996 .
2003 CHEVY SilVERaDO 2500HD, $8,000 OBO. (325) 2625872.
BODY SHOP Lifetime warranty on paint! Come by for a free estimate
7:30AM to 6 PM
Insurance claims welcome 801 W. Ave. N 655-5631
COME CHECK OUT San Angelo Motor Co., 2201 W. Ave. N, (325) 944-0522. See all the cars, pickups, and SUVs that we have. ‘97 CHEVY, V6, 6 cyl. Standard, 5 speed. $2,900. (325) 212-3227. 2007 DODgE RaM. 4 door. 1/2 ton. Red. 111K. $12,800. (325) 227-9509. 1997 DODgE 1500 single cab pickup, 142k miles, runs good, cold a/c, $1950. (325) 2340295, (325) 234-0292. $CaSH$. We will pay above scale weight. Cars or pickups for wrecking use. 658-4377. 2004 gMC 2500, 4X4 crew cab, 99,800 miles. Fully loaded. Grill guard. Goose neck hitch, headache rack. $14,900. (325) 242-0327. 1995 CHEVY SHORT wide V6 automatic. Nice body. Needs motor work. $950. (325) 374-5173. 1997 CHEVY EXTENDED CAB. Needs fuel pump. $700. (325) 212-4264, (325) 3005150. 2007 DODgE PiCKUP. Regular cab. Power windows & locks. Clean & reliable. 89K. $9,300. (325) 227-9289. 1972 CHEVY PiCKUP long bed. Runs great. $4000. (325) 6566326. 2000 FORD laRiaT F250 7.3 Powerstroke diesel crewcab shortbed, automatic. $6,000. (325)650-0659. 1986 FORD F-150 SUPER CAB, LARIAT, short bed, V8. Project truck needs minor work. $1,000 OBO. (325) 2775205. 99’ NiSSaN FRONTiER 4X4, V6, runs & drives good. A/C & heater. Manuel transmission. $2,950. Cash. (325) 232-4879. 2011 RED CHEVROlET Texas Edition Crew Cab , Black Leather Seats, 94,100 miles, 5.3 V8, Great Condition, Must See. Asking $18,500 Please call 325-656-2448
1997 FORD 7.3 Diesel, one ton dually, automatic, runs good, body little rough. $4000 325-6691296. 2011 DODgE Power Wagon, 4x4 Very nicei 325-673-9400
2006 FORD F150, Black, cab. ext. loaded, excellent condition. 152K. See at 2201 Sherwood Way. $8,900. (325) 6568455. 1999 FORD Ranger XLT. V6-3.0, 5 speed.Good Motor, cold A/C, $2900 obo. 325260-1947. 2003 FORD Ranger Ext Cab, XLT, 4x4, V6, auto, power $4995. 325-7662696. 2008 HONDa Accord, Leather. 325-673-9400 call for pricing. 2006 25O 3/4 ton Ford, diesel, 4dr Super Duty, 4 wheel drive, 6.0 automatic. $6,500 obo. 325668-8925. WElDiNg TRUCK 2004 F350 Lariat, Lincoln Welder, $18,000. 806-548-1313. 04 FORD F150, Auto, V6, AM/FM Air $3950 I-20 Motors, Cisco 254-4424262. 2012 FORD F150 Super Crew, 4x4, White, 110,000 miles, Electric windows, locks, mirrors, drivers seat. Adj. pedals, tilt wheel & cruise, factory Ford rubber mats, front & back, spray in bed liner, Bluetooth radio system, good Michelin L.T. Tires. 325-665-6009 $22,000. 2007 TOYOTa Tundra, Double Cab, Nice Truck. 325-673-9400 2002 FORD Ranger Ext Cab, V6, auto, 162k miles, power windows, doors, cruise. $4650. 325-766-2696. 1996 TOYOTa Tacoma, white, ext cab, V6, auto, 158k, air, power windows, doors, cruise, NEW TIRES, front replacement bumper. 325668-7933 $8500. 2005 gMC Canyon Ext Cab, 5 cylinder, 5 speed, 180k, very good condition, $4950. 325-7662696.
944-SOLD 1983 FORD International Diesel, Straight 8, needs batteries. $1500.Stamford 325-3707412. 2001 FORD Ranger Edge, V6, auto, new tires, very good condition $4250. 325-766-2696. 1975 CHEVY C/60 truck with 16ft dump bed, truck runs but is rough. Very good dump bed. 325-829-2887.
2009 FORD F150. 33,000 miles. Well maintained. Automatic transmission. Excellent tires. Cold AC. $14,000. (325) 2343958. 2008 SilVER DODgE 1500, quad cab, garage kept. 78,000 miles. $11,000. (325) 234-4302. 1999 CHEV 2500 single cab, long bed pickup. Good work truck. $2150. (325) 374-3458. gREaT RaTE ON auto insurance. Call for a FREE quote TODAY. (325)944-3813, Younts Insurance. insurewesttexas.com. ‘95 FORD F350 XLT. 4 Dr., auto, 7.3 diesel, 186k miles. $7,000. (325) 6504542. 2009 TOYOTa TaCOMa, gray, double cab, TRD offroad, 4x4, fully loaded, 76,500 miles, $23,500. 512-4709184.
Vans 1990 F350 Dually Supercab, 460 EFI Auto, Hideway, gooseneck hitch, good tires, nice interior, good running truck. $3000 obo. 325725-3042. 2013 FORD F-150 Stx 2wd 52k miles asking 2 2 k ! ms.shelby_hodges@yah oo.com 2014 TOYOTa Tacoma TRD Off Road Package, 44k, White/gray Call Sheldon 325-6651844 2006 25O 3/4 ton Ford, diesel, 4dr Super Duty, 4 wheel drive, 6.0 automatic. $6,500 obo. 325668-8925. 1999 FORD F450 7.3 Diesel wrecker, 1988 Ford F350 7.3 Diesel Wrecker, good condition. 254-842-8889. 1984 El Camino, Conquista, beautiful maroon outside color, $3500. Excellent condition, call 9am-5pm 325-893-4437. 1948 FORD Panel truck, V8 Pontiac 400, automatic, disc brakes, wire wheels, ps, pb, turn signals, flashers, $7,500 obo. 325-675-9663. 79 CHEVY pickup SWB, black, 3 speed on column, fast 350 motor, 325hp, dual exhaust, good tire, one owner, 73,818k miles $7500. 325-754-5637. 2002 ClaSSiC Chevy, LBZ, Duramax 6 spd Allison, LT-3, 1 ton crew cab, dually, 2 wheel drive, low miles, Platinum warranty, no wrecks or engine turn ups, complete service records, call for details. 325-642-5529. 2004 CHEVROlET 4X4 Crewcab, leather interior, nice truck. $12,500. (325) 597-1623. 2012 CRUSaDER RV, $32,000. 325-650-1317.
2004 MERCURY MONTEREY advance trac premier mini-van. Only 51,000 miles. Well maintained. $4,000. (325) 2343958. 1996 HONDa ODYSSEY. Cold air. Runs good. Two seats in back. Must sell. $2,600 OBO. (325) 939-3190 or 701 E. 42nd St. 2005 DODgE gRaND CARAVAN 92k miles. $3,500. See at 1620 Sunset Dr. (325) 656-2116. $CaSH$. We will pay above scale weight. Cars or pickups for wrecking use. 325-658-4377.
1998 CaRaVaN, 4 cyl., rebuilt transmission. New water pump, tires, brakes. $2500 obo. 325650-5514. COME CHECK OUT San Angelo Motor Co., 2201 W. Ave. N, (325) 944-0522. See all the cars, pickups, and SUVs that we have.
FREE CLASSIFIED online when you place your ad with American Classifieds 2004 MERCURY MONTEREY advance trac premier mini-van. Only 51,000 miles. Well maintained. $4,000. (325) 2343958.
SUV’s 2012 FORD EDGE SEL 4 cyl, beige, leather. NAV system, dual climate air control. 87K miles. $16,500. (325) 650-6537, leave message.
2011 FORD EXPEDITION XLT. Great condition, silver ext. & gray cloth interior. CD, Blue tooth, Keyless entry. Call (432) 448-4458 or (325) 453-4348. 115,000 miles. $15,900 Neg. $CASH$ any make or model cars and pickups for wrecking use. We will pick them up. Clark’s Auto Wrecking, 6584377. 2000 JEEP CHEROKEE, 4 wheel drive, leather. Runs, needs engine work. $650 as is. (325) 374-8626. 2009 FORD EXPEDITION-EDDIE Bauer. 80k miles, clean, 3seater. Well maintained, excellent mechanical condition. $18,000 (512) 571-9557 for pics. 2004 CHEV. TAHOE 5.3 Auto. A/C. new tires. Clean. Asking $5,500 OBO. (325) 245-3573.
2008 FORD EXPEDITION. Texas Edition, very clean, low miles, leather seats, DVD Player, 3rd row electric seats. $13,000. (325) 212-0355. 2013 CHEVY TAHOE LT; Leather heated seats, 54,800 miles, $29,850 FMI Call (325) 277-0124 2006 MAzDA TRIbUTE. V6, auto, cruise, tilt, power windows, locks & mirrors. New tires, 50,000 miles. White with gray interior. Showroom condition. $7700. Can be seen at corner of College Hills Blvd & Ave N, (325) 223-1867.
COME CHECK OUT San Angelo Motor Co., 2201 W. Ave. N, (325) 944-0522. See all the cars, pickups, and SUVs that we have. 2006 JEEP LIbERTY Limited. Beige with tan leather interior, auto, sunroof, tilt, cruise, power window, locks. New tires. 88,000 miles. $7900. Can be seen at corner of College Hills Blvd & Ave N, (325) 223-1867. 2008 SATURN VUE XE SUV. Auto, 4cyl, power windows, locks & mirrors, alloy wheels. 65,000 miles, blue. $8500. Can be seen at corner of College Hills Blvd & Ave N, (325) 2231867. 2003 JEEP LIbERTY Sport 4Dr SUV. Tilt, power windows, locks & mirrors. Alloy wheels, running boards. Black. 97,000 miles. $5900. Can be seen at corner of College Hills Blvd & Ave N, (325) 223-1867. 2000 YUKON $1500 obo. 325-675-6284. 2006 DODGE Durango SLT Hemi, 3rd row seat, 182k miles, very good condition. $4950. 325766-2696. 2002 CHEVY Trailblazer, 6 cylinder, auto, high miles, but very good condition. $2500. 325766-2696. 2006 FORD Escape XLT, 4 cylinder, auto, 130k miles, very good condition $5295. 325766-2696. 03’ GMC ENVOY V6, 4 dr, automatic, runs great! 1312 Roosevelt. (325) 864-9713. 1995 GMC Jimmy $2000 obo. 4.3 Vortec 200k, new plugs, wires, etc. In Merkel Tx. 325201-6566. 2008 bUICK Enclave. Leather, 3rd Row. Call: 325-673-9400
1999 FORD F250. Power stroke Diesel, 4X4, crew cab, short bed, very clean, ranch hand bumpers, automatic. $10,800 (432) 924-7421. ‘99 JEEP WRANGLER. 6 cyl. 4X4, new top, 190K. $5,500. Come & get it. No text. (325) 320-8243.
Auto Parts & Accessories
OLDER TOW DOLLY, near new. 8 ply tires. $500. (325) 320-3288. ONE 5 HOLE 16” Rim, $50. (325) 456-6882 ONE 351 MODIFIED Ford engine, complete rebuilt, $850. At 1120 S. Dvid or 325-653-7961. FOUR ALL-TERRAIN LT265/70 R17, reduced to $300. (325) 456-6882 2015 CHEVY SILVERADO, 2500 HD front bumper, $200. 541285-6833 local (4 EA.) - Steel Rims 15” off a ‘67 Chevy, $300. (325) 456-6882 WANTED: 1972 bUICK SKYLARK parts car. (325) 977-2900. NATION WIDE parts locator service! Can’t find that part you need? Call Clark’s and let them find it for you. (325) 6584377.
EXTRA HEAVY DUTY headache rack with full rails and ladder rack, REDUCED to $500. Brady, Tx. (325) 456-6882. REbUILT CHEVY 305- ‘93 Model new pistons, cam lifters, oil pump, & bearings. Can hear run. 1 year warranty. $850 exchange. (325) 653-9699. GOOD USED TIRES. Six 1300R24 grader tires, $150 each. Ten 12R22.5 truck tires, $125 each. Seven 225/70R19.5, $65 each. Two 215/75R17.5, $75 each. 325-277-0873, 325-944-8418.
YOUR AD COULD BE HERE! Call 944-7653 DID YOU KNOW?! CLARK’S AUTO WRECKING has NEW auto parts, doors, fenders, grills, radiators, hoods, lights, door handles. Many in stock or next day delivery. You’ll be surprised at their prices. 658-4377.
WRAP AROUND GRILL guard, Frame width 36-3/4” $175 (325) 655-7878
July 7, 2016
TACOMA 4X4 WHEELS and tires, 4 black M&B 6 spoke and black lugs, Nitto tires, $500 obo. 512-470-9184. CASH PAID FOR catalytic converters. Call me before you let them go! $15-$100. (325) 6563658. $CASH$. We will pay above scale weight. Cars or pickups for wrecking use. 658-4377.
FREE CLASSIFIED online when you place your ad with American Classifieds
Page 25
88-98 CHEVY FRONT clips, truck bed, $250. ‘94-’01 Dodge pickup beds and front clips, $250. 460LE transmission $350, 700r4 transmission $325, turbo 350 transmission $200, Chevy Dodge, Ford doors and fenders, $60. (325) 656-3658 CHRYSLER 440 1973 model engine cast. num. 3698830.440.10 $700 OBO. (325) 653-9699. JEEP WHEELS ALUMINUM 17x7 1/2x5 hole. 5” bolt circle set of four, $150. (325) 9447147.
July 7, 2016
Heavy Equipment ‘97 international dt466e flatbed diesel, new motor, new tires, $10,000. 325-374-5595. http://www.elKinSlaWfirM.CoM Chad elkins, (325)6518702 2014 tCM forKlift, 5000 lbs, propane, 650 hours, $17,500. 325-374-5595. ‘96 freiGHtliner ClaSSiC with Super Ten Transmission. Condo. 3406 Caterpillar engine. 42ft. float included. $11,500.(325) 234-8605. fG25 KoMatSU forKlift, gas engine, runs good, 2 stage, 5000lb lift capacity. $4000. (325) 315-6412.
YOUR ADs are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year So log on & check us out!
Boats 600-1,000 SQ.ft. WareHoUSe/Sto raGe units. Just outside city limits. $275 and $375 a month, Utilities available. Call Gretchen, 325-2340069. ‘05 14’ loWe flat bottom boat, 30 hp Johnson with jet, new batt, gas tank, & fuel line, trailer. $3000. (325) 656-7278. 21ft. Proline WitH 200 hp Mercurcy motor,, $5000 obo. 325374-5595. laKe alan Henry lOdGES 1 hour from lubbock. Satellite TV, WiFi, Bar-b-que Pits, Full kitchen. 806-777-0337, lakealanhenry.com 2008 Bayliner 175, low hours, good condition, best offer. (325) 2121598. 2005 17.5 Bayliner, 1-35 HP inboard/outboard. Hardly used. See boat at Two Guys Boat in del Rio, Texas. $4,500. (830) 7759670.
★★ ★ ★ Boat SerViCe & PartS. All brands of boats serviced. Volvo Penta & Tohatsu service. large parts inventory. We sell & install wakeboard towers & accessories. Upholstery repair available. three rivers Marine Service Center. 2143 industrial, San Angelo, TX, (325)227-4918.
2007-Z21-21’ ranGer BaSS boat w/ 250 pro XS Mercury Optimax, tandem trailer, lowrance electronics, structure scan, MinnKota Terrova ipilot trolling motor, cover, power pole, lake ready, 29K, phone 325-656-6370. 2014 yaMaHa WaVerUnner FXHO Cruiser, Red & Black, 13.4 Hours, 1812cc180HP. Excellent condition with cover, accessory kit, tube and trailer. $11,500 (432) 5599229.
2013 aVenGer 23’ TT; 1 slideout, like new, $17,000 FMi Call (325) 234-8797 in Christoval, Tx. 1999 fleetWood BoUnder 34’ with slide out, only 39,000 miles. Ford V-10, very nice coach $19,500. 325214-3300. 4 rV SPaCeS- $350 bills paid, 11717 llano St, Carlsbad TX. (325) 277-5842 or (325) 4658029. HUGe SeleCtion of new and used fifth wheel and bumper pull camping trailers in stock. BoatS for Sale. Full line parts and serv21 ft. Cuddy Cabin on ice. aMeriCan like-new roller trailer. trUCK and rV San Rebuilt Merc Cruiser outdrive. Very good Angelo 325-234-7979. KinGSPort c o n d i t i o n / c l e a n . 2013 $5,000 OBO. (325) BUMPer pull. 27’. Slide 500-5232. See at 1009 out, extra misc. $10,000. Scott lane, San Angelo. See at North St & Alexander. (325) 655-2808, 16’ ranGer 1972 (325) 262-1233, (325) Bass Boat, 135 Johnson, 301-0855. Power Tilt, Steering Wheel, Storage Compart- ConSiGnMentS ments, Rod Holders, teXaS rV SuperSpare Tire, Trailer. $600 store. We take consignments. We always obo. 325-675-9663. BeaUtifUl 2008 need merchandise. So Tahoe, fully loaded with if your RV is just sitting 40 total hrs on boat around, give us a call. $14,200. Call 325-261- We can sell it. 432-6976447. 1742.
YOUR AD COULD BE HERE! Call 944-7653
RV’s 2001 MoBile SCoUt by Sunnybrook. 27’, 5th wheel. lite aluminum super structure, one big slide out. $12,500. (325) 213-2135.
Attract buyers - Advertise. ‘77 SKeeter BaSS Boat, 75 HP, Johnson with Powertilt & trim. Needs lot of work on hull. Have all 3 titles. $500. (325) 320-3288. 2013 yaMaHa WaVerUnner model VX 1100 B-MB with trailer & 2 yr service contract. Bank owns. $7,500. lien holder. (325) 277-2960. 2015 G3 1860 CCT. 40hrs on 90hp Yamaha motor. Removable bow fishing platform with 8 lEd lights. All fishing gear included. 2200 watt generator. $18,500. (325) 277-6587. 2 PerSon 10ft. Fiberglass boat & trailer. $400. (325) 277-8924. 1986 SUPra CoMP. 19’ 7” long, 351 Ford motor includes stereo, life jackets. $4,200. (325) 277-4073. KayaK, $175. Wild Bill’s Pawn, 1315 MlK, 658-7066.
2014 CHaParral 26 RlS w/1 slide. $16,000. FMi Call (325) 656-8615. HUGe SeleCtion of new and used fifth wheel and bumper pull camping trailers in stock. Full line parts and service. aMeriCan trUCK and rV San Angelo 325-234-7979. roadMaSter falCon 5250 towbar setup. All you need is bracket for your car—all else provided. Price about 1/3 of a new towbar setup. Call (325) 2238924 or(325) 450-1645. 2012 Holiday raMBler Aluma-lite Ultra. Model 258SS, very nice 27’ with slide. $16,900. 325-214-3300. HUGe SeleCtion of new and used fifth wheel and bumper pull camping trailers in stock. Full line parts and service. aMeriCan trUCK and rV San Angelo 325-234-7979.
HUGe SeleCtion of new and used fifth wheel and bumper pull camping trailers in stock. Full line parts and service. aMeriCan trUCK and rV San Angelo, 325-234-7979. reeSe 15K 4-Way 5th wheel hitch. Complete. $300. (325) 5189555.
1997 PleaSUreWay dodGe 1 ton chasis, 318 cu. in. V8, 16 mgp, 105k miles, $8500. (325) 465-8822 after 5 p.m. HUGe SeleCtion of new and used fifth wheel and bumper pull camping trailers in stock. Full line parts and service. aMeriCan trUCK and rV San Angelo, 325-234-7979. 2012 dUtCHMen aSPen Trail 3130QBQ Bunkhouse with a slide, 33. $14,995 + TTl. Call Texas RV Superstore, 432-697-6447.
rV 5tH WHeel 2015 roCKWood hitch, Pro 15K with Ultra liGHT 2904SS. rails, $250. Steer 34ft travel trailer. like Safe for motorhome, new condition, loaded. cost over $450, sell 15k AC, electric jack, $225. TOW BAR, Falpower awning, 3500- con, #5250, $200. 4000 watt Champion (325) 650-4475. generator with remote start. $22,000. (325) 651- HoMe aWay froM 6659. home!!! 2015 Sandpiper 380 H5 (5th Wheel RV). This spacious 5th Wheel has five slides, surround sound, indoor-outdoor stereo system, outdoor kitchen, bunk room, sleeps ten people comfortable, and an extra 2011 roCKWood large shower. Trailer SiGnatUre UlTRA length 42’.5” - trailer 13’.2” - trailer liGHT. 31ft., 2 slides, 2 height height - dry (12,379 lbs.) leather recliners, 27” Hd Carrying capacity (3121 TV. $19,900. (325) 212- lbs.) Hitch (1861 lbs.) 9509. Tank Storage Capacity HUGe SeleCtion Fresh Water (64 gallon) of new and used fifth Waste Water (108 gallon) wheel and bumper pull Grey Water (140 gallons). camping trailers in stock. Way too many extras to Full line parts and serv- mention! Seeking payoff ice. aMeriCan obo. delivery will be contrUCK and rV San sidered. Please call for more details and picAngelo, 325-234-7979. neW 2017 Bay- tures. Serious inquiries HillS have arrived. 5 only. Wade (432) 276floor plans to choose 2656 from. Texas RV Super- rV lotS in Carlsbad for rent. long term store, 432-697-6447. spaces located two 1991 5tH WHeel blocks off of Hwy 87 N. travel trailer. 1985 Pace on Angelo St. $300/ mo. Arrow motorhome. (325) includes water, sewer 651-5817. and electric. 325-234*BUyinG rVS 0295 traVel Trailers, Fifth larGe rV lotS Wheels, Motorhomes. FOR RENT in quiet Texas RV Superstore, Cactus lane Park. $150 5904 W. Highway 80, per month. (325) 653Midland, Texas. 432-697- 1144. 6447. larGeSt rV PartS 2- 16 K REESE fifth- dealer in the Permian wheel hitches, no rails. Basin. Texas RV Super$250 each your choice or store, 432-697-6447. both for $450. (804) 2433110 Motor HoMe Kitchen, ba, beds. Not running. $2000 OBO. 36’ dieSel PUSHer Motor Home. Priced to (325) 500-5947. sell. (325) 212-2125. rV lot, CarlSBad $325. included electric, water & sewer. (325) 6506608 PoP-UP CaMPer. 2010 Flagstaff Classic Series. M-425d, AC/heat, ref, water heater, cook top, new roof & canvas. $9,500. (325) 653-4764 BarGain-2009. leGend’S 5tH wheel $ 38’ excellent condition. 3 slides, washer & dryer, pd $29,000. Need to sell ASAP $20,000. (325) $ 763-4685.
2005 Harley Davidson Heritage Classic Black Cherry, 8k Miles .......................................................... 9,995 Harley Davidson Heritage Soft Tail Classic, Pearl White, As Close As You Can Get ........................ 9,995 1980 Harley Davidson Shovel FLH Electric & Kick Start ....................................................... $7,995 2006 Yamaha RoadStar 1700 Dark Cherry, Bags g , Readyy For A Road Tripp ............................. $3,495
325-572-3849 (Home) 325-370-5039 (Cell)
teXaS rV SUPerStore. Need repair on your RV? Call our Service department to schedule your RV for repair. Very reasonable rates, quick turn around times. Give us a call @ 432-6976447.
rV HitCH, 5tH wheel to Gooseneck adapter, $350. (325) 365-3188. 2004 CoaCHMan 27.6 5th WHEEl. large slide, clean. $12,500. 1996 3/4 ton Ram diesel 139,600 miles. Clean unit. $20,500 both. (325) 650-0979. 2014 KeyStone 31’CoUGar, bumper pull, 2 slides, 3 beds rear, Queen front, Sleeps 8-10. Flat screen, central air heat. Very nice. Title in hand. $18,500 firm. Abilene area. Text or call 325-669-0599 HUGe SeleCtion of new and used fifth wheel and bumper pull camping trailers in stock. Full line parts and service. aMeriCan trUCK and rV San Angelo, 325-234-7979. tUCKed aWay rV Park, 1117 W. FM 2105. Wi-Fi, laundry, showers. (325)6581872 or (432) 2135271. MUSt Sell; 2009 Wildwood 5th Wheel. 38’ RV; 2 bedrooms, 1 1/2 bath, sleeps 7. Two a/c’s, auto levelers, two slide outs. Owner non-smoker. Sold as is. $25,000 Call (325) 949-7765 leave message or call (325) 656-5143 HUGe 2010 SPrinter BUMP PUll CAMPER. 32 foot, with slide out, has extreme thermal package. $18,000. (325) 277-4073. larGe rV lotS $255 per month & you pay electric. Have community swimming pool. Call (325) 658-2763. SeleCtion of new and used fifth wheel and bumper pull camping trailers in stock. Full line parts and service. aMeriCan trUCK and rV San Angelo 325-234-7979. 2001 MoBile SCoUt by Sunnybrook. 27’, 5th wheel. lite aluminum super structure, one big slide out. $12,500. (325) 213-2135. 2014 CHaParral 26 RlS w/1 slide. $16,000. FMi Call (325) 656-8615. roadMaSter falCon 5250 towbar setup. All you need is bracket for your car—all else provided. Price about 1/3 of a new towbar setup. Call (325) 2238924 or(325) 450-1645. 2012 Holiday raMBler Aluma-lite Ultra. Model 258SS, very nice 27’ with slide. $16,900. 325-214-3300. 2013 aVenGer 23’ TT; 1 slideout, like new, $17,000 FMi Call (325) 234-8797 in Christoval, Tx. 1991 5tH WHeel travel trailer. 1985 Pace Arrow motorhome. (325) 651-5817.
Page 26
1999 fleetWood BoUnder 34’ with slide out, only 39,000 miles. Ford V-10, very nice coach $19,500. 325214-3300. 4 rV SPaCeS- $350 bills paid, 11717 llano St, Carlsbad TX. (325) 277-5842 or (325) 4658029. 2013 KinGSPort BUMPer pull. 27’. Slide out, extra misc. $10,000. See at North St & Alexander. (325) 655-2808, (325) 262-1233, (325) 301-0855. 2015 roCKWood Ultra liGHT 2904SS. 34ft travel trailer. like new condition, loaded. 15k AC, electric jack, power awning, 35004000 watt Champion generator with remote start. $22,000. (325) 6516659. 2011 roCKWood SiGnatUre UlTRA liGHT. 31ft., 2 slides, 2 leather recliners, 27” Hd TV. $19,900. (325) 2129509. neW 2017 BayHillS have arrived. 5 floor plans to choose from. Texas RV Superstore, 432-697-6447. 2- 16 K REESE fifthwheel hitches, no rails. $250 each your choice or both for $450. (804) 2433110 Motor HoMe Kitchen, ba, beds. Not running. $2000 OBO. (325) 500-5947.
Trailers neW 16’ Utility trailer. $1375. Hog Creek trailers. Sales, Parts & Service. 5260 n. Chadbourne. San angelo tx. (325) 374-4802. 14’ oPen trailer, new tires, reduced to $3500. (325) 456-6882 18’ oPen flat bed car hauler, extra wide, new tires, $4750. (325) 456-6882 16’ flat Bed car hauler, open trailer with winch, new tires and floor, reduced to $4250. (325) 456-6882 18’X83” flatBed trailer with ramps, well built, $1650. (325) 450-0218. CUStoM BBQ trailer Fully loaded, refrigerated air, sofa, etc. (325) 276-1089. 2013 BiG teX 22GN 32’+5’low boy like new pulled about 10 times, $7,000.00 (priced to sell) 1996 Pero 40’ GN straight deck $5,000.00 Midland (307) 256-1694 Bud online aUCtion: BiG Tex Trailers - Very large selection of Scratch, dent & PreOwned Trailers. Bids Start Ending: July 12 11am. View & bid online: AuctioneerExpress.com or call 903-572-4975. dale McGonagill, TX 13801. PJ 32’ flat bed gooseneck trailer, reduced to $8000. (325) 456-6882. 2014 Gr 18ft. with 4ft short wall with bridle hooks & saddle racks. New 14 ply all steel tires. $8,500. (325) 277-6587. 2012 Hefty trailer, 40’ flat gooseneck, 10,000 lb. axles. $6,900 OBO. (325) 234-3395, 325-234-8010.
2013 JoHn deere GATOR, model HPX 650, 4X4, nearly new, only 106 hours. $7,500. (325) 6566038 or (325) 656-6041.
BROADEN YOUR HORIZONS! Browse our Dynamic Website and see classifieds from our area & over 300,000 national classifieds posted each week at
angeloads.com You’re sure to find that treasure you have been looking for!
Motorcycles 2005 anniVerSary edition 1800 Goldwing Trike. 25K miles. VERY well taken care of. Fully loaded, lots of extras, floorboards, backrests, elbow rests, 4 speakers, 3 sets of helmets, 2 set with intercom. $21,900. (325) 895-1835, Rick. 2005 KaWaSaKi Vn1600d1 Nomad, Blue/Silver, reg $4600 sale priced at $3900 + TTl. Kents Harley davidson, 3106 S. Clack St., Abilene, Tx 325-6737103. 2009 KaWaSaKi Vn1700B9f Voyager (ABS) tan/blk reg $9400 sale priced at $8400 + TTl. Kents Harley davidson, 3106 S. Clack St., Abilene, Tx 325-6737103. 2003 Harley daVidSon anniVerSary, old man miles, excellent condition, $9000. Selling due to stage 4 Cancer. (325) 227-2503. 2011 Honda SHadoW 750 cc engine. 4,400 miles. Fuel injected, water cool engine, shaft driven. Extra: Quick release windshield, engine guards with pegs, floor boards, throttle lock, sissy bar with backrest, luggage rack with travel bag. $4,250. (325) 2770349. Wanted old JaPaneSe MOTORCYClES KAWASAKi Z1900 (1972-75), KZ900, KZ1000 (1976-1982), Z1R, KZ 1000MK2 (1976,80), W1-650, H1500 (1969-72), H2-750 (1972-1975), S1-250, S2350, S3-400, KH250, KH400, SUZUKi- GS400, GT380, HONdACB750K (1969-1976), CBX1000 (1979,80) CASH!! 1-800-772-1142, 1-310-721-0726. usa@classicrunners.com
944-SOLD ‘09 HARLEY HERITAGE Soft tail, 4500 miles, custom fairing. Quick change-out. Alpine stereo system. Perfect condition. $11,500 obo. (325) 223-1156 after 7pm. ‘99 YAMAHA ROYAL Star Venture 60K miles. Solid black, silver detail, heated oil twin 1300, disc brakes front and back, saddle bags and trunk. Radial etc. (fully loaded) $3300. (325) 213-4817
2009 HARLEY DAVIDSON Heritage Classic. 5000 miles, Vance & Hines pipes, lots of extras, (325) 2770020.
MOTORCYCLE S T I C K E R S BRADLEY Welding 1224 N. Bell325-6534175
2012 KAWASAKI VN1700ACF Voyager, silver/blk, reg $11,600 sale priced at $8500 + TTL. Kents Harley Davidson, 3106 S. Clack St., Abilene, Tx 325-6737103. 2014 HARLEY DAVIDSON Streetglide Special. Only 8900 miles. $17,500. Serious inquiries only. No free rides. (325) 656-0833.
FREE CLASSIFIED online when you place your ad with American Classifieds
A.C.E. 4 WHEELER & MOTORCYCLE REPAIR “The Friendly Motorcycle Shop”. Parts, service & repair on ATV’S, motorcycles & UTV’s. 315 N. Main. Mon.-Fri., 9am-6pm; Sat. 9am-2pm. (325)658-7690.
2010 HARLEY DAVIDSON Ultra Classic, Redhot Sunglow. 103 CI, Screaming Eagle Tune, CVO headlights & driving lights. AM/FM , CB, intercom, many extras. Less than 8000 miles since new. REDUCED$15,000 OBO. (325) 655-3625 (325) 277-1651. 2012 HONDA GL1800 Goldwing, Pearl White, reg $15,900 sale priced at $12,700 + TTL. Kents Harley Davidson, 3106 S. Clack St., Abilene, Tx 325-6737103. 2004 HONDA VT750C4 Shadow Spirit, black, sold as is, $1500 + TTL. Kents Harley Davidson, 3106 S. Clack St., Abilene, Tx 325-673-7103.
‘09 HD DYNA SUPER GLIDE. 96 C.I.D. 6 speed. 1 owner. Mint. (325) 234-2190 $7,200.
2013 KAWASAKI VERSYS, 3000 miles, riding gear included. Great condition. $5000 obo. (325) 227-7024. 2014 YAMAHA XVS95 CTEB/C Star Tourer, like new, red/blk, reg $7900 sale priced at $6500 + TTL. Kents Harley Davidson, 3106 S. Clack St., Abilene, Tx 325-673-7103.
Put the power of the classifieds to work for you.
2002 HARLEY DAVIDSON Custom RoadKing Classic. 31K miles. Excellent condition. Custom paint & chrome. $9,000. (325) 656-0010
2007 SUZUKI BOULEVARD C-90, 8,500K, windshield. Hard luggage cobra pipes. Garage kept. $4,500. (325) 656-3384. 1982 HONDA GOLD WING. $1,500. 725 E. 42nd. (325) 374-0969.
Page 27
July 7, 2016
2009 YAMAHA XVZ13TFSY/C Venture, AM/FM Cruise, Tan/Blk, reg $8900 sale priced at $7500 + TTL. Kents Harley Davidson, 3106 S. Clack St., Abilene, Tx 325-673-7103. 2004 HD ROADKING; Clean, garage kept, No joy rides, Serious Inquiries only. $8400 obo. (325) 656-7291 2002 HD SOFTAIL screaming eagle. New tires. Fast & extras. $10,500. (325) 656-7278 2000 BMW R 1100 RT TOURING CYCLE. 49k miles, fully serviced to current mileage. 2 new Michelin tires, new battery, cruise, heated grips, other upgrades, all manuals & service records. $4,800. (325) 223-8924 or(325) 4501645.
2008 KAWASAKI CONCOURS 14, one owner, never dropped and garage kept. ONLY 4800 MILES. Includes a Corbin seat, Cee Bailey windshield, factory warranty until 2017, and many many more. Only $6500. Call 325-2128718.
2007 KAWASAKI ZZR600. LIMITED EDITION-BUMBLE BEE with new tires, new sport chain & spokes. Oil & brake fluid flushed & replaced. 32,366 miles. New battery. $3,995. OBO. (325) 763-1246.
COME CHECK OUT San Angelo Motor Co., 2201 W. Ave. N, (325) 944-0522. See all the cars, pickups, and SUVs that we have.
2004 HARLEY DEUCE- 8000 miles. New tires, New battery, Lots of accessories. $9,995 OBO. Willing to trade. Call (325) 6563724 2002 HONDA VT750DC2 Shadow Spirit, white, sold as is, $2100 + TTL. Kents Harley Davidson, 3106 S. Clack St., Abilene, Tx 325-673-7103. 1998 HARLEY SOFTAIL. New tires, paint, battery, tags. Tons of chrome. $6,000 or obo. (325) 277-7313 after 5:30 pm.
We offer worldwide advertising! 2002 KAWASAKI VN800B7, nice bike, red, sold as is, $2000 + TTL. Kents Harley Davidson, 3106 S. Clack St., Abilene, Tx 325-6737103.
2016 RAM 1500 ST
2016 RAM 2500
M Mega Cab Lone Sta ar
Crew 4x4 Dually
2016 RAM 2500
2016 RAM 3500 ST
Crew Cab Lone Star
4x4 Quad d Cab
866-31-DODGE ST TK# R8491 84911
STK# R38160
MSRP..................................$36,155 Rebate..................................$2,250 Blake’s Disc ..........................$2,410
31,495 31 495
3371 71 Monthh
MSRP... Rebate..................................$2,500 .................................. Blake’s Disc .......................... ..........................$7,500
20% DOWN ($6,299) 84 MOS. AT T 2.99% W.A.C
51,950 51 ,950 950
MSRP Rebate..................................$3,500 $3,500 Blake’s Disc ..........................$5,045 $5,045
10,000 1 , off of MSRP
MSRP ..................................$63,595 .................................. Rebate..................................$2,500 .................................. Blake’s Disc ..........................$7,500
521 5 21 Month
44 495 44,495 5
20% DOWN ($6,799)
PLUS 84 MOS. TT&L AT 2.99% W.A.C. .
1 , 10,000 off MSRP
53,595 5 3 595 3,595
STK# R09744
2015 Jeep
STK# VM27782
2.0 • MP3 RADIO
10,000 110 000 off o MSRP
62,035 5
Patriot Sport
Compass Spor t FWD
Mega Cab Longhor n
MSRP.................................. Rebate..................................$2,500 $2,500 Blake’s Disc ..........................$7,500 $7,500
2016 JJee ee ep
2215/Mon 15/Montthh
MSRP..................................$21,935 $21,935 Rebate..................................$3,750 $3,750 Blake’s Disc ............................. .............................$440
17,745 17,74 5
20% DOWN ($3,549) 84 MOS. AT 2.99% 2 99% W W.A.C. .A.C. AC
MSRP.................................. ..................................$23,385 Rebate.................................. ..................................$3,750 Blake’s Disc .......................... ..........................$4,640
2229/Mon 29/Montth 20% DOWN ($4,299) 84 MOS. AT 2.99% W W.A.C. .A.C.
18,995 18,99 95
2015 Jeep Renegade Latitude
STK# S87365
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2252/Mon 52/Month th
20% DOWN ($4,199) 84 MOS. AT 2.99% W W.A.C. .A.C.
MSRP.................................. ..................................$25,575 Rebate.................................. ..................................$3,000 Blake’s Disc .......................... ..........................$1,080
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2257/Mont 57/M Monthh
20% DOWN ($4,299) 84 MOS. AT 2.99% W W.A.C. .A.C.
You pay what we pay on all IN-STOCK inventory.
2015 15 Dodg ge e Durang go o Limited STK# TK# D10084
MSRP..................................$26,520 $26,520 Rebate..................................$3,500 $3,500 Blake’s Disc ..........................$2,025 $2,025
2016 Dodg ge e Jour Journe ey SXT STK# E54252
STK# K# J18691
MSRP..................................$28,585 $28,585 Rebate..................................$5,000 $5,000 Blake’s Disc ..........................$1,605 $1,605
21,980 21,980 2
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2263/Mon 63/Month th
20% DOWN ($4,396) 84 MOS. AT 2.99% W W.A.C. .A.C.
MSRP.................................. ..................................$40,035 Rebate..................................$2,250 .................................. Blake’s Disc ..........................$2,862
3 34,923 3
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4411/Mont 11//Monthh
20% DOWN ($6,985) 84 MOS. AT 2.99% W W.A.C. .A.C.
EVERY CREDIT APPLICA LICA ATION TION ACCEPTED ACCE We Buy Used Trucks - Trade Up Today! Exit 300 on I-20 Clyde, Texas 866-753-4424 • w w w . b l a k e c l y d e . c o m
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July 7, 2016