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October 20, 2016 VOLUME 33 ISSUE 42 Available in San Angelo, Ballinger, Barnhart, Big Lake, Brady, Bronte, Christoval, Del Rio, Eden, Eldorado, GAFB, Mertzon, Miles, Ozona, Robert Lee, Sonora, Sterling City & Wall
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pray for rain.
“IF ANYONE acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God lives in them and they in God.’”
1 John 4:15 NIV
HORSEBACk RIDES ALONG river. Moonlight rides available. FMI (325) 277-4151. WITH HUNTING SEASON comes cooler weather. Come in and checkout our coats, insulated coveralls, and insulated bib overalls. We have just about everything when it comes to winter-wear.Cole’s Army Surplus, Corner of 2nd & N. Chadbourne. (325) 653-1903. www.colesarmysurplus.com. MExICAN pURE VANILLA Extract 8 oz $5, Litter $9.50. Leos Imports, 25 W Twohig Ave. 655-5367. F I R E W O O D . DON’T BE FOOLED! A cord of wood is 4’X4’X8’. Mine 300 up. I got all kinds. You need one piece or whatever! (325) 939-1834.
THIS BEAUTIFUL DOG was found at Mullins Crossing the the fifth of this month, alone and looking for her family. We found her family because she was chipped. Please chip your pets. Thank you, Vancourt Dog Rescue. SMALL DOG FOUND in the downtown area. Call Janie at 325-2777653. CROCkETT NATIONAL BANk is helping Texans succeed with flexible terms and attractive rates on business loans. Call (325) 6586714 MENS LEATHER JACkET, black, size M, 3/4 length, $75 obo. (325) 942-8161. WHITE DAYBED WITH pop-up trundle. No mattress, $75. (325) 949-7376. GOT BOOTS OR shoes that are too small or you do not wear anymore? Donate them to Ernie Shoe Shine, 165 Woodruff, (325) 6569810. www.ernies shoeshine.com OLD RUSTIC BARN metal, great for ceilings and walls for restaurants, business or offices. (325) 456-6882. BUYING JUNk CARS, all complete cars worth at least $175. (325) 656-3658
DINING TABLE, GOOD condition, with 4 chairs, $145. Coffee table, end table, beveled glass tops, $60. 8 Lattice sheets, 4x8, with dividers, all for $100. (325) 213-2921 1996 DODGE SUpER cab. 1 ton dually. $2000. (325) 650-9339. BLUE LACY pUppIES. Need gone asap. $125. OBO. Full blooded parents with papers. (325) 763-9318. LAkE BROWNWOOD IN MAY TEXAS. 2 waterfront lots set up for double wide with boat dock. $90,000K. (325) 2774321 or (325) 226-6899.
2007 SUZUkI BOULEVARD C-90, 8,000 miles, windshield. Hard luggage cobra pipes. Garage kept. $3,900. (325) 656-3384. 1 GRAVE pLOT. Fairmont Cemetery Main entrance near gazebo. $1600. Call (325) 9491280. 1964 MALIBU SS Original. Daily driver. $25K. (432) 209-1139.
2008 BAYLINER 175, low hours, good condition, best offer. (325) 2121598. ROpER WASHER & DRYER. $550. MUST PICK UP. LIKE NEW. HEAVY. (325) 262-7717. ANTIQUE SEWING TABLE. $100, nice dining room dining buffet $400. (325) 650-2894 FMI. 1 BDRM DUpLEx apartment. 115 S. Jefferson, Apt A. $750mo+$200 dep. Direct TV & water included, washer/dryer hookups, all bills paid. No pets, no smoking. (325) 658-4644 9” FORD AxLE. Part. Housing. (325) 234-9485
1986 SUpRA COMp. 19’ 7” long, 351 Ford motor includes stereo, life jackets. $4,000. (325) 277-4073. FIREWOOD: OAk, pECAN mesquite, Plus discount tree trimming & removals. (325) 8962571. J&S LAND MANAGEMENT - Grubbing, Dirt Work, Road Work, Cactus Removal, Ditches. No job too big or small, we can do it al! Scant Ynostrosa (325) 276-2538, Jim Ynostrosa (325) 6562259 5 OFFICES, WAREHOUSE, & 1 Acre yard. on Gas Palnt. For Lease. $1,800 month. (325) 9444999.
3BR HOUSE, FENCED, $750/mo. Call for more information 325374-8922. 1967 CHEVROLET STEp Side, 3 speed on column, original, one owner, reduced to $32,500. (325) 456-6882 SOLID TEAkWOOD BAR with Marble Top $500. 325-201-5109 Buffalo Gap. TAURUS 1911 .45 BLUE, new in box, $525. Remington 1100 12 gauge imp. cylinder, vent rib, excellent $525. Norinco mint scope $475. (325) 949-8450.
DOVE HUNTING. WEEkEND discounts. Weekend hunts. Large or Small groups. 3 places to hunt. Guaranteed hunts. Call (325) 442-2324. USED MOBILE HOMES under 20K. RBI 36791 (325) 227-5348. JOHN DEERE 2653-A DIESEL Fairway mower. 7’ cut. $2,500. In Del Rio, Tx. (830) 734-1217 RECENTLY REMODELED 2BDRM/1BA house. Owner finance. (325) 340-2786.
Page 2
October 20, 2016
Sports & Exercise Equipment
Community Events & Announcements
S t E L L A R v u E 80/9DM CoMPLEtE telescope system with extras. $525. (325) 2774570. CELEStRon PowER SEAKER telescope 5” reflector, used 2 times, with tripod, asking $225. Bounty Hunter Quick silver medal detector, new never used, asking $210. (325) 763-7946
http://www.ELKInSLAwFIRM.CoM Chad Elkins, (325)6518702 CoME JoIn thE FIRST ANNUAL DEUTSCHE-EURO VEHICLE SHOW @ BRONTEOBERFEST!! Saturday, October 22, 2016. Downtown Bronte, TX at the Old Train Depot. Any Pre1985 Duetsche or European makes welcome!! nice nishiki 26” $20 entry fee. Show from bike, 14 speed, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Registranew tires, blue. tion 9 a.m. - 10 a.m. $75. Call Al, Judging starts @ 2 p.m. (325)374-2375. “Motorisiertw Eleganz” FMI bronteoberfest-d-e5 PIECE EXERCISE v-s@hotmail.com contact equipment. $30 for all. 325-340-0608. (325) 656-6017. CARLSBAD CoMMunItY CEntER Household Bldg FOR RENT for Parties, Weddings, Items Birthdays, Reunions. 11366 Sterling St., ASSoRtED PARtY Carlsbad, TX. Large gLASSwARE. Punch open 70x70 hall, fully 30x30 bowls & cups, glasses, stocked goblets and more. kitchen, bathrooms, covered patio with (325)658-9675. BBQ pit/tables/playBecome a ground. FOR RENTAL registered INFO call Sandra at (325) 465-8870 or American Cary at (325) 812Classifieds user 5796. today and have all of the new features of angeloamerican classifieds.com at your fingertips! Check it out today! Registration is FREE!! angeloamerican classifieds.com
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nEw ConStRuCtIon: 3-bedroom, 2bath. vaulted celing, granite counter tops. 2301 and 2305 Lindell Logan Construction, (325) 9442359. EvERYonE READS AMERICAn Classifieds. Sold my house the first week the ad ran!! Alvin T
FREE CAnDY!! Saturday Oct 22 & 29th, 7:30 pm. 609 S. Chadbourne. Over 17 Halloween blowups. InvEStIgAtE BEFoRE You INVEST. Before you send a company money for anything advertised in American Classifieds, investigate before you invest. It is also illegal for any company to ask you to pay for credit or a loan before you get it. American Classifieds readers using information in any ads, do so at their own risk. It is suggested that the prospective investors contact the appropriate consumer protection agency before payment. American Classifieds, nor any of it’s employees shall not be held liable for the content in any advertisers ads. For more information about credit scams and advance fee loans write: FTS, Washington, DC 20580.
Church Directory
325-651-8702 325-651-8702
317 W. Concho • San Angelo, Texas 76904 300 N. Plaza Ave • Big Lake, Texas 76932 chadmelkins@gmail.com
FIRSt unItED M E t h o D I S t ChuRCh 37 E. Beauregard, (325) 655-8981, http://www.firstmethodist.net
Lawn & Garden 60+ LARgE LAnDSCAPE rocks, various sizes. Largest rock 4’ wide, 1’ deep, 8’ long. Prices negotiable. (325) 8950756. A LAwn SERvICE FREE ESTIMATES. Mowing & Cleaning lawns. Will return your call. (325) 657-0430. gARCIA LAwn SERvICE. Tree trimming, lawn mowing, shrub trimming, cleaning flower beds. FREE estimates. (325) 227-5063 PInE tREE’S & Beautiful Chinese Scarlet Maple Tree’s. Pine Tree’s starting at $10. Maple Tree’s starting at $20. 325-201-5109 Buffalo Gap.
BEtEL IgLESIA MEtoDIStA unIDA, 113 W. Ave. O, (325) 6555163. Rev. Saul Israel Valle. Bienvenidos! vICtoRY ChRIStIAn CEntER - 1620 Sunset Dr. (325) 9427520. vccsatx.org Sunday 10:40am and 6:30pm. Wednesday www.angeloamericanclassifieds.com 6:30pm.
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LAwn SERvICE; A LAwn ovERman and a mower. Lawn gRown? BEttER care, roof repair, Insula- call Raul - Handyman, tion, tree trimming & gen- tree trimming, moweral construction. Free ing, edging, yard estimates & Credit Cards clean-up, junk rehedging, accepted. (325) 277- moval, cleaning up leaves 0038. RH Lawn Services L&D SERvICES (325) get your FREE quote 315-4860. Hauling, brush now! (325) 812-6438 cutting and trimming, mowing lot and clean up. tREE tRIMMIng All home repairs. DonE RIGHT. Take down. Topping, fertilizing-hedges & mowing onE StoP yards. FREE estimates. LAwnS Reasonable prices. 28 WE DO IT ALL years experience. Mike FALL SPECIAL. Taylor CONTRACT LABOR (325) 658-6844. LAWNS $25up Leave message, I’ll get (325) 234-7265 cell, back to you ASAP. Thank (325) 949-6975 leave you. message. MowIng, wEED EAtIng and hedging, John DEERE 2653-A blow off porches, driveDIESEL Fairway mower. ways and patio areas. 7’ cut. $2,500. In Del Rio, Residential, commercial, Tx. (830) 734-1217. acreage. Starting at $25. RAYS’ hAuLIng, (325) 763-5871, San AntRASh, Junk, gelo area. branches, furniture, appliances, ANYTHING! REPAIR & SELL Lowest rates in town! LAWN Mowers & RidFree estimates. (325) ing mowers. Also 763-5225. small generators & 4wheelers. I also buy YARD MowIng + non working lawn WORK, anysize, anymowers & riding tractime. Reasonable, tors. Pickup & Delivfree estimates. Call ery. 325-481-3918. Rick. (325) 213-0024 or (325) 374-7249. CLEAn-uP & hAuLoFF SERVICE to include lawn maintenance. Large or small, we do it all! Call Eric (325) 456-3698. toPSoIL SCREEnED & Unscreened, Certified A1 Compost, Mulches & More. D’s Recycling & Composting. (325)6598573. LAwn, tREE, hAuLIng Service. Trimming & Removal, trash hauling, etc. Mowing, edging. Call (325) 340-0616.
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ShoP CoMPRESSoR - 60 gallon air compressor, 2 stage with 10 hp motor, $600 obo. (325) 226-4267.
‘98 gRovE MZI 40 Manlift. 45’ working height. New tires. New Joystick, new carburator, fully serviced by ASCO. All functions on this machine working great. $13,500. FMI Call (325) 716-0632 ShoP SMIth v table saw, drill press, disc sander, a lathe horizontal boring, band saw. (325) 234-9938 CRAFtSMAn 10” CoMPounD miter saw with laser trac & adjustable stand. Portable cement mixer, Craftsman tiller, rigid drain cleaning machine. Your choice $200 each. Power BOSS 5500 generator $400. Call (325) 656-8645.
Miscellaneous EFFICIEnCY FoR REnt: Efficiency apartment for rent. 116 N. Bishop (rear). $325 a month, plus bills. $250 deposit. Applications in mail box. Please take one, fill it out and return to the mail box, then call (325) 944-2359 KIRBY SEntRIA II Vacuum Cleaner w/all accessories. Brand new. Price negotiable. Call (325) 453-2538 FR CLothIng BY Wrangler®, Walls®, Bulwark® and Dickies. We are your safety equipment & FR headquarters. Come down & see us. Cole’s Army Surplus, Corner of 2nd & N. Chadbourne. (325) 653-1903. www.colesarmysurplus.c om.
ARE You APPLYIng FoR DISABILItY SoCIAL SECuRItY oR SSI? CALL THE BEST, I WILL COME TO YOUR HOME. No charge until you win. Call anytime before 10 p.m. John Webb LCSW, Accredited Social Security Representative (325) 944-9879.
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Lost & Found
SMALL DoG foUND in the downtown area. Call Janie at 325-2777653.
LADIES 14 CT DIAMOND and Ruby pendant set with 11 round .02 dia and 30 .02 carat round rubbies with 18” box chain, $1000. (325) 456-6882.
THIS BEAUTIfUL DoG was found at Mullins Crossing the the fifth of this month, alone and looking for her family. We found her family because she was chipped. Please chip your pets. Thank you, Vancourt Dog Rescue.
NEW LADIES 10K yellow gold cluster engagement ring with 8 diamond ring wrap, $1250. Serious inquires only. Call for appointment: (325) 4566882.
I Love Thrifty Nickel’s
GoT BooTS oR shoes that are too small or you do not wear anymore? Donate them to Ernie Shoe Shine, 165 Woodruff, (325) 6569810. www.ernies shoeshine.com
PLACE YOUR ADs online anytime day or night using our website: www.angeloamericanclassifieds.com
Miscellaneous WooD BURNING SToVE, great condition, low - medium - hi control, $1500. 2 real good large space heaters, Kenmore $200, Dearborn $400. (325) 456-6882.
American Classifieds
MEN’S GoLD HoRSESHoE ring with 3/4 carat diamond with horse head in middle, $2350. Serious inquiries only. Call (325) 456-6882 for appointment
Pools & Spas LADIES 14K WEDDING ring set, over 1 carat, $9250. Serious inquiries only. (325) 4566882.
LADIES 14K SoLITAIRE wedding set, $1250. Call (325) 4566882.
All ads go on the Internet Free of Charge Viewable at www.angelo american classifieds.com
CANNoN IPf 5100 Printer - Great shape, printer comes w/cabinet, Image prograph/poster printer. 2yrs old, probably still in warranty. $600. Call (325) 227-0062 $CASH$ Cars or pickups for parts and wrecking use. We will pick ‘em up. Clark’s Auto Wrecking, 901 N. Cecil. Phone 658-4377.
CHEAP DUMP SITE CoNCRETE WITHoUT rebar, dirt, rock, brick, scrap lumber, brush with firewood welcome. (325) 617-5450. $CASH$. We will pay above scale weight. Cars or pickups for wrecking use. 658-4377. HALLoWEEN PARTY DECoRATIoNS, Mexican baja hoodies, wool ponchos, yoga blankets, sugar skulls at Leos Imports. 25 W Twohig. (325) 655-5367. NEED EXTRA INCoME? American Classifieds has an opening for fill-in delivery person. Thursday’s only. Must be able to deliver on short notice. Must have own transportation and proof of insurance. Apply to American Classifieds 15 N. Tyler, San Angelo, Texas 76901.
WoRK BooTS oR FR clothing for the oilfield. Safety glasses or hard hats, thermal clothing, underwear or warm wool socks, gloves or winter caps. WOW we have it all. Cole’s Army Surplus, Corner of 2nd & N. Chadbourne. (325) 653-1903. www.colesarmysurplus.c om. BURN BARRELS foR sale. 653-3678. fIREWooD: oAK, PECAN mesquite, Plus discount tree trimming & removals. (325) 8962571. MEXICAN PURE VANILLA Extract 8 oz $5, Litter $9.50. Leos Imports, 25 W Twohig Ave. 655-5367. 8’ AERoMoToR WIDMILL with wooden tower made out of cedar. Only one made by Aeromotor, $5500. 325-226-3613. AIMS PoWER (BEST), DC & AC power inverter. Model PWRINV5000W, 5000 watts maximum. 12 or 24 volt. Almost new. $300 obo. (325) 315-1821. PSP, 8 BoY/SPoRT games, 2 movies, carrying case, $375. (325) 456-6882.
$CASH$ Cars or pickups for parts and wrecking use. We will pick ‘em up. Clark’s Auto Wrecking, 901 N. Cecil. Phone 658-4377. YoU MAY QUALIfY for Disability if you have a health condition that prevents you from working www.angeloamericanclassifieds.com for a year or more. call now! 877-552-2968 BBQ PIT. CAN pull with vehicle. 1106 E 23rd. Come by after 5pm. I REPAIR DIRT roads, ranch fences & build barns. (325) 277-6084. STAINLESS STEEL, CoMALS, pots, grills, woks & utensils. Lodge Cast Iron, Coolwear. We’re big on cooking! Cole’s Army Surplus, Corner of 2nd & N. Chadbourne. (325) 653-1903. www.colesarmysurplus.c om. $CASH$ Cars or pickups for parts and wrecking use. We will pick ‘em up. Clark’s Auto Wrecking, 901 N. Cecil. Phone 658-4377.
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“WHETHER YoU’RE NEW to cast iron cooking, or a “seasoned” veteran, you’ll want to come in and check out our CampMaid dutch oven lid-lifter/pot-holder. and accessories. Cole’s Army Surplus, Corner of 2nd & N. Chadbourne. (325) 653-1903. www.colesarmysurplus.com. CRoCKETT NATIoNAL BANK puede ayudar a hacer su sueño de casa propia una realidad. Obtener preaprobado hoy llamando al (325) 658-6714. Prestamista de igualdad de vivienda| NMLS 535397
October 20, 2016
$CASH$ Cars or pickups for parts and wrecking use. We will pick ‘em up. Clark’s Auto Wrecking, 901 N. Cecil. Phone 658-4377. HALLoWEEN PARTY DECoRATIoNS, Mexican baja hoodies, wool ponchos, yoga blankets, sugar skulls at Leos Imports. 25 W Twohig. (325) 655-5367. SUN QUEST PRo Tanning bed. WOLFF system, 24 bulb. $600. OBO. Call (325) 277-1280 or (325) 468-6261 (leave a message)
Page 3
YOUR AD COULD BE HERE! Call 944-7653 ARE YoU APPLYING foR DISABILITY SoCIAL SECURITY/ SSI? CALL THE BEST, I WILL COME TO YOUR HOME. No charge until you win. Call anytime before 10 p.m. John Webb LCSW, Accredited Social Security Representative, (325) 944-9879. *DISH SPECIAL* 190+ Channels For Just $34.99/Month. No Extra Fees Plus, FREE NextDay Installation. Call Today: 866-623-0826
Page 4
October 20, 2016
Oil & Gas http://www.ELKINSLAWFIRM.COM Chad Elkins, (325)6518702
American Classifieds is your #1 classified source
LARgE SOLID OAK computer/ entertainment center combo, reduced to $500. Corner curio cabinet, solid birch, reduced to $175. Brady, Tx. (325) 4566882.
Furniture TEMPURPEDIC KINg BED mattresses (2 twin), $7000 reduced to $4800. (325) 456-6882
C H O C O L A T E LEATHER RECLINER, swivel base. No tears, gently used, $175 cash. You move. (325) 656-9412 TEACHERS SEMI CIRCLE desk, like new. $75. Call (325) 212-7014
COUCH & LOVE SEAT. Excellent condition. Beige with splashes of blue & burgundy. Asking $200. (325) 234-6809. SOLID TEAKWOOD BAR with Marble Top $500. 325-201-5109 Buffalo Gap.
CUSTOM BUILT HARDWOOD Gun Cabinet, beautiful, well built. $500. Large metal office desk, good shape. $50. (325) 658-7638. WHITE DAYBED WITH pop-up trundle. No mattress, $75. (325) Extreme Exposure From 949-7376. Advertising In The SLIP COVERS, OFFTHRIFTY NICKEL’S WHITE; Washable, 80” sofa, 42” chair & ot- AMERICAN CLASSIFIED. toman. Paid $4700. Ask- Call 944-7653 To Place ing $595 for set. (325) Your Ad Today! 658-1654
MOM ALWAYS Says, “ Eat your Veggies, Get plenty of rest and read your American Classifieds.” TWO EXTRA LARgE chest of drawers, cherry wood, beautiful, reduced to $275 each or both for $500. Oak Extra large and deep chest of drawers, light oak, 4’x4’, reduced to $375. Entertainment center, 7-8’ long, shelves, slide out drawers, $4250. Handmade kitchen hutch with glass doors, raised panels, sides and doors, fruitwood color, $2000. Brady, Tx. (325) 4566882
Antiques LEFTON COLONIAL VILLAgES. 23 Lighted Buildings, boxed. 30 Figurines. $200. (325) 9429394. MOBILE gAS SOCONY-VACUUM oil sign & bracket. 53” wide X 53” long. $3,500. FIRM. (325) 453-2339 VINTAgE CHARTER OAK wood burning cook stove, $685. Caboose 1869 coal, wood burning, heater, $465. Call or text (325) 763-7891.
(8) WAgON WHEELS (4) IMPLEMENT WHEELS, assortment of plow seats, 150 pound anvil. (325) 453-2339. ANTIQUE SEWINg TABLE. $100, nice dining room dining buffet $400. (325) 650-2894 FMI. THE ORIgINAL A M E R I C A N BRITISH ANTIQUES Over 50,000 sq.ft. Largest complex in Concho Valley. Antique furniture, memorabilia, glassware, collectible military items, spurs, etc. Storage units for rent. 746 US 87 S, San Angelo, Tx, 325-6514873.
Medical Equipment OXYgEN-ANYTIME. ANYWHERE. NO tanks to refill. No deliveries. Only 4.8 pounds and FAA approved for air travel! May be covered by medicare. Call for FREE info kit: 844-5587482 VIAgRA & CIALIS! 50 pills for $95. 100 pills for $150 FREE shipping. NO prescriptions needed. Money back guaranteed! 1-877-743-5419
PHOENIX HD 4 new Heavy Duty scooter, wide seat, hauls 560 pounds for 10 miles on full charge. $1,100. Call Harry (325) 653-8516. I HAVE A LIFT CHAIR called a Med-Lift. One of the best you can buy. Never been used. Chair has massage & heat. Really well built chair, it would be good for someone who has any kind of back problems. FMI (325) 450-6795. KEEL DRUg LOCATED at 2001 Hutchings Ave. next door to the Ballinger Hospital Clinic carries Transfer Benches and Shower Chairs, Walkers, Three and Four Wheel Walkers, Wheelchairs, Extra-Wide and Removable Sides. We are here to meet your needs and serve the needs of the community as we have for the past one hundred years. Keel Drug has been serving the Ballinger Community since the early 1900’s and we continue this long standing tradition of serving the needs of our community today. Thank you for making Keel Drug the home town choice for all your diabetic, respiratory, durable medical equipment and prescription needs. (325) 365-3505 NEW QUEEN AIR/ADJUSTABLE bed 25yr. warranty. INNOMAX Comfort Craft Luxury Support Digital Air Ultra Cashmere. $5,000. (Retail with shipping $5396.49 SAVE $400). Deluxe new sheets included. (325) 245-9245. ELECTRIC WHEEL CHAIR 450lb capacity. Like new. Cost $7000, asking $1700. Two new batteries included. (325) 234-3806. NEARLY NEW TITAN HUMMER XL Mobility Scooter. 4 wheel, good for about 400lbs. Paid $2,400, asking $1,200.(325) 656-7596.
MYERS DRUg HAS the largest selection of new luxury Pride lift chairs in the Concho Valley...Come try one today! Starting at $599.99. 29 S. Chadbourne 325-6553146. KEEL DRUg LOCATED at 2001 Hutchings Ave. next door to the Ballinger Hospital Clinic specializes in diabetic, respiratory, durable medical equipment, hospice and home health prescriptions. We offer free in-town delivery service, unit dosing and the Ballinger Memorial Hospital 340-b prescription drug plan for clinic patients. We also accept Medicare/Medicaid and other third party prescription plans. Our hours are 830am – 530pm Monday through Friday. Stop in today and let our experienced friendly staff help you with your prescription and medical equipment needs. Phone: 325-3653505.
YOUR ADs are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year So log on & check us out! angeloamericanclassifieds.com
KEEL DRUg LOCATED at 2001 Hutchings Ave. next door to the Ballinger Hospital Clinic carries the following DME supplies: Canes, Crutches, Grip Devices, Commodes, Urinals & Bedpans, Diabetic Socks & Supplies, Blood Glucose Monitors, Test Strips, Lancets & Devices, Hot & Cold Physical Therapy Applications, Hospital Beds: Electric, Semi-Electric & Manual Pneumatic Compression Devices, Rollators & Four Wheel Walkers, Scooters, Three & Four Wheel Electronic Scooters, Support Surfaces: Pressure Reducing Beds, Mattresses, Overlays & Pads, TED Compression Hose, Antiembolism Hose, Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulators (TENS) Units and replacement pads. (325) 365-3505.
Miscellaneous WOODEN ROUND TABLE, 6 chairs, $250 OBO. Water heater, 50 gallons, $350 OBO. Box Barbie dolls, 30 or more. Have to buy all, $60. Four-rabbit hutch, unassembled, bottles, food trays, $100 OBO. Pet carrier, perfect condition, $20. Large plastic doghouse, $30. Tool box for small truck, $20. (325) 500-5947 OAK FIREWOOD $275 a cord. Delivered & stacked. Save $75 per cord if you pick up. (325) 2774053. CASH FOR CARS: We Buy Any Condition Vehicle, 2000 and Newer. Nation’s Top Car Buyer! Free Towing From Anywhere! Call Now: 1-800-8645960. BURN BARRELS, 325944-8418, 325-277-0873
WASHERS, DRYERS, AND STOVES From $195. Refrigerators & freezers from $225 & up. In good condition with guarantee. Call Munoz or see us at 1241 Apache Trail . Also we repair appliances. (325) 650-6384 or (325) 763-3613. FAIRMONT. REDUCED PRICED lots at Fairmont. Great location with trees and close to the street. Block 62, Lot 1,2,3 and 4. Call (713) 825-6820. CRUISE VACATIONS- 3,4,5 or 7+ day cruises to the Caribbean. Start planning now to save $$ on your fall or winter getaway vacation. Royal Caribbean, Norwegian, Carnival, Princess and many more. Great deals for all budgets and departure ports. To search for your next cruise vacation visit www.NCPtravel.com
RENT-A-PONY BIRTHDAYS, PARTIES, reunions, any occasion. Fun. (325) 949-6108. WESTSIDE RECYCLE, 1801 W. Beauregard - Going out of business! All equipment, scales, etc. Everything goes. Make offer. 325656-0631. FR CLOTHINg BY Wrangler®, Walls®, Bulwark® and Dickies for one or the whole crew.Cole’s Army Surplus, Corner of 2nd & N. Chadbourne. (325) 6531903. www.colesarmysurplus.com. DID YOU KNOW?! CLARK’S AUTO WRECKINg has NEW auto parts, doors, fenders, grills, radiators, hoods, lights, door handles. Many in stock or next day delivery. You’ll be surprised at their prices. 658-4377. TACTICAL BACKPACKS - Tactical Shooters’ Bags - Range Bags Tactical Weapons Cases - Shotgun Scabbards. Protect your protectors. Cole’s Army Surplus, Corner of 2nd & N. Chadbourne. (325) 653-1903. www.colesarmysurplus.c om. LEE INDUSTRIES OFF-WHITE; Washable, slip covered, 80” sofa, 42” chair & ottoman. Paid $4700. Asking $595 for set. (325) 658-1654 8’ FIR CHRISTMAS TREE complete with red/white checkered ribbon, chili pepper lights & white lights with all country related ornaments. $300obo. (325) 656-1233 after 6pm
YOUR AD COULD BE HERE! Call 944-7653
October 20, 2016
Page 5
“The mission of this Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world...” So Help us, God!
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600-1,000 sq.ft. wArehOuse/st OrAGe units. Just outside city limits. $275 and $375 a month, Utilities available. Call Gretchen, 325-234-0069.
tV+ INterNet $29.99 each! That’s $60 month for TV and high speed internet! We are your local installers! 1- NAtION wIDe parts locator service! Can’t find 800-294-5985 that part you need? Call Clark’s and let them free BusINess find it for you. (325) 658PhONe System. 4377 SMB Only, 2-10 hOteLs fOr heHandsets Requires rOes - to find out more High Speed Internet. about how you can help Keep Your Number, Building our service members, Materials Plug And Play Call veterans and their fami888-777-6177 lies in their time of need, visit the Fisher House Pure website at www.fisher17 CerAMIC tILes MexICAN VANILLA Extract 8 oz house.org FMI (325) 650-8995. $5, Litter $9.50. Leos Imports, 25 W Twohig Ave. 600-1,000 sq.ft. 655-5367. wArehOuse/st free BIBLe COrreOrAGe units. Just s P O N D e N C e outside city limits. COurses. God has a $275 and $375 a plan for your life. Answer month, Utilities availthe questions from Bible able. Call Gretchen, and send in for grading. 325-234-0069. Write to: World Bible School Dept. 47, 2200 Johnson St., San Angelo, Become a TX. 76904 or call (325) MYers DruG GO GO registered 947-1053. God keeps his Scooter...only $975. Test promises! Learn what he drive one today! 29 S. American Chadbourne 325-655has promised you. Classifieds user I ADVertIseD MY 3146. today and have VehICLe in American Classifieds. A all of the new man came by to look at it. I had another features of vehicle that was not angeloamerican for sale. Long story short, I sold the unclassifieds.com advertised vehicle. at your You guys are batting 1000!! I’ll always fingertips! come here! J.s. Check it out $CAsh$ any make or model cars and pickups today! for wrecking use. We will Registration is pick them up. Clark’s Auto wrecking, 658FREE!! 4377. angeloamerican VIAGrA 52 PILLs! ONLY $99.00! Save! classifieds.com Save! Save $500 Now! Call us today! 1-888-4391431 eVerYONe reADs AMerICAN Classifieds. Sold my house the first week the ad ran!! hOMe MADe Alvin T. fLeeCe baby blankets. Different sizes Different prices! Call (325) 315- Surf the net www.angeloamericanclassifieds.com 1798 Between 8-12.
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Sell Worldwide www.angeloamericanclassifieds.com ALL INCLusIVe resOrt package at Sandals, Dreams, Secrets, Riu, Barcelo, Occidental and many more. Punta Cana, Mexico, Jamaica and many of the Caribbean islands. Search available options for 2017 and SAVE at www.NCPtravel.com 2 CrYPts IN Calvary Cemetery, Heart Level, $7000. (325) 227-5313. hONDA GOLD wING 1500. Adult owned. Loaded with extras. Must see! Priced at $4250 OBO. (325) 234-3796. LOG CABIN $4800, (original price, $23,800). 768 square feet, expandable to 1152 square feet, 101 solid oak logs, fully dovetailed, complete precut wall set with all plans for stone fireplace, 101/2 foot high ceilings, porches, loft, stack walls in two days, add roof in two days, extra nice, will haul to San Angelo for $1850. 870-577-5757, owner.
DID YOu KNOw?! CLArK’s AutO wreCKING has NEW auto parts, doors, fenders, grills, radiators, hoods, lights, door handles. Many in stock or next day delivery. You’ll be surprised at their prices. 658-4377. OLD wOODeN feNCING, approx. 40 years old. Make offier. 325-2770873. $CAsh$ any make or model cars and pickups for wrecking use. We will pick them up. Clark’s Auto wrecking, 6584377. huNtING seAsON Is here, starting with dove season and deer season soon to follow. Whether you need new camo or boots, or duffle bags, backpacks, and weapon cases to stow and haul your gear. Come in and gear up. Cole’s Army Surplus, Corner of 2nd & N. Chadbourne. (325) 653-1903. www.colesarmysurplus.c om.
We offer worldwide advertising!
OLD wAtChes wANteD!! Rolex, Patek Philippe, Omega, Audemars Piguet, Vacheron, Cartier, Longines, Universal, Breitling. Chronographs, Daytona, Submariner, GMT-Master, Moonphase, Day Date, Speedmaster and more. TOP CA$H PAID 1-800401-0440 there’s A New Predator leading the pack. Come in today and check out the all new Predator PDL, along with the other kayaks in the most awarded kayak series on the planet.Cole’s Army Surplus, Corner of 2nd & N. Chadbourne. (325) 653-1903. www.colesarmysurplus.c om. fIrewOOD BY the CORD, half cord or what you need! Call (325) 3400616. DIsh NetwOrK NEW FLEX PACK- Select the Channels You Want. FREE Installation. FREE Streaming. $39.99/24 months. ADD Internet for $14.95 a month. CALL 1800-908-6184. CAsh PAID fOr unexpired, sealed DIABETIC TEST STRIPS HIGHEST PRICES! Shipping prepaid. 1 DAY PAYMENT. 1-888-366-0956. www.Cash4DiabeticSupplies.com KIrBY VACuuM , ACCESSORIES & shampooer. $175 OBO. (325) 728-7223. AMerICAN CLAssIfIeDs: I sOLD MY pickup the first day the ad came out. ss
NAtION wIDe parts locator service! Can’t find that part you need? Call Clark’s and let them find it for you. (325) 6584377 BeCOMe the uLtIMAte Predator. Whether fishing or hunting the Predator line of kayaks from Old Town can get you there and haul all of your gear. Come in and check them out. Cole’s Army Surplus, Corner of 2nd & N. Chadbourne. (325) 653-1903. www.colesarmysurplus.c om. DuMP trAILer fOr hire. 14’ dump trailer rocks, dirt, fencing, tree removal, garage and house clean outs. Call David (325) 234-9794. hALLOweeN PArtY DeCOrAtIONs, Mexican baja hoodies, wool ponchos, yoga blankets, sugar skulls at Leos Imports. 25 W Twohig. (325) 655-5367.
YOUR AD COULD BE HERE! Call 944-7653
ATTRACT BUYERS ADVERTISE. 7’x12’ hYDrAuLIC DuMP Trailer, 12,000 LB. GVWR, Tandem 6K axles, new 8 lug 16” tires, 24” sides, double split doors, 1/8” thick sheet steel bed siding and flooring, 3” channel cross members, 8” channel tongue, 6”x2” rectangular steel tubing main frame, single 3.5”x30” hydraulic cylinder (10,000lb lift capacity) $4795, 936-3487552. r e G I s t e r e D teACuP tOY and Miniature Schnauzers. 432-687-1395 or 432557-3976 2002 trAIL BLAZer. Runs good. A/C everything works. $2,500. (325) 658-4472 1980 Chevy P/U short wide. $4,200 OBO. Motor runs good. 10”x2.75 sOLID tIres, heavy duty 3/4” axle. $15 ea or 2 for $25. 325-658-9675.
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Page 6
October 20, 2016
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1 DIRECT TV SATELITE receiver w/smart card. $125. OBO. Pager (325) 278-3572 or Call (325) 656-3462
WoRkING kENMoRE ElECTRIC range, light cream color, flat surface with 5 “burners” (counting a warming burner). Regular size self clean oven, warming Musical drawer. Really nice and Instruments clean, $250 cash. You move. (325) 656-9412 ANGUSWHITE REFRIGERA- GIBSoN ToR $165. Works YoUNG SG electric guitar. Made in Nashville good. (325) 650-4304. TN USA. 10-15-2012. Like new!!! $1,950.00 (325) 340-7124. HANDCRAFTED FIDDlES. AlSo repair service. FMI (325) 657-3521. 120TH ANNIVERSARY lES Paul Standard Gibson Guitar. Brand New! Only played a few times. Quilted maple top T- Burst. ICS CoMMERCIAl 3 $3800. Call 432-557phase FREEZER; 1pc. 4193 or 432-813-6196 walk-in unit 12’9”x9’5” . FMI Call (325) 234-8584 WE SEll REFRIG ERATo RS, stoves, washers, dryers and freezers. We will take your working or non working appliance for partial trade. 90 day warranty. Free delivery in San AUTo REPAIR 40 Yrs Angelo. Ace Appli- experience. Call (325) ances,416 E. 19th, 653- 374-4626 6000 BUYING All NoN CNA CAREGIVER working air conditioners. lookING for a (325) 374-5595. client to assist in Activities of Daily Living. THRIFTY NICKEL’S Available full time or 30 years American Classified part-time. experience with referThe Bargain ences and CPR certification. Contact Hunter’s Delight Selena at 325-2455243. 944-7653
WoRkING SIDE BY side Frigidaire ice box with ice maker, light cream color, really nice and clean, $200 cash. You move. (325) 6569412. kITCHEN AIDE FooD PROCESSOR. New never used MOD# KFP1344 NEW $199.00 SELL for $125.00 OBO. Butterball XL elect. turkey fryer. Used 1 time! New $129.00 Sell for $90.00 OBO. (325) 763-7946 WE WIll BUY your working and non-working washers, dryers, refrigerators, stoves and freezers. Ace Appliances,416 E. 19th, 653-6000 RoPER WASHER & DRYER. $550. MUST PICK UP. LIKE NEW. HEAVY. (325) 262-7717. kENMoRE SIDE BY side refrigerator, $200. Call or text (325) 7637891
Discover a deal! Jobs Wanted
ARRIAGA TIlE SERVICE. (325) 9396387. Ceramic, shower, marble, back splashes, texture, painting, carpentry. Wood, laminate and vinyl flooring. Residential or Commercial.
RoB’S PAINTING & REMoDElING. Interior & Exterior. Residential & Commercial. 25 years experience. Have Brush Will Travel! (325) 2617450 local. TAYloR PAINTING, INTERIoR & Exterior. Repairs. Tile, float, texture. Free estimates. 20 years experience. (325) 656-7100. GERoNIMo RUIZ CoNSTRUCTIoN. (325) 245-3853. All Types of Carpentry & Painting. Free Estimates. MINoR REPAIRS. lIGHT Hauling or Mowing. 40 year constr. experience. (325) 315-6101. Local. RETIRED CHRISTIAN lADY to care for your child. Loving environment, non smoker, any hours. Reasonable rates. Call Julie. (325) 763-9929. RAYS’ HAUlING, TRASH, Junk, branches, furniture, appliances, ANYTHING! Lowest rates in town! Free estimates. (325) 763-5225. FARM & RANCH, Hauling & Cleanup. (325) 262-4494.
JoBS NEEDED New handyman services to area. 30+ years experience. “Honey Do Specialists”. Call (325) 276-1933. HANDY MAN AVAIlABlE. CAll MARk CUSToM SToRAGE (325) 374-4626. BUIlDINGS. Built on site. Solid steel frame. l&D SERVICES Not DIY kits. FMI call Home repairs, doors, CSH Enterprises at 325windows, trim, elec374-5595 or 325-374tric, plumbing and fix2983. tures. Hauling and STEEl BUIlDING DIclean up also. (325) RECT from Factory mak315-4860. ing special deals & taking others 20x20 to CAREGIVER W/REF- 100x100. Act now, LimERENCES; lookING ited, Make offer. Some for job w/elderly, babysit- 1st sold at price of secting or disabled. o n d s . 8 0 0 - 9 6 4 - 8 3 3 5 CNA/CPR. (325) 763- www.sunwardsteel.com 5834 (325) 763-2090 HANDYMAN & I MOW EMPTY lots or remove dirt with small scoop tractor. Habla espanol. Call Rolando. (325) 277-9533.
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Adoption A CHILDLESS MArrIED couple seeks to adopt. Will be hands-on mom & devoted dad. Financial security. Expenses paid. Cara & Pete (ask for Adam). 1-800790-5260. ArE YOU prEgNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? Let us help! Immediate financial assistance available. Housing, medical, counseling and more. Call Adoption United 24/7 1888-617-1470(void where prohibited) prEgNANT? CONSIDErINg ADOpTION? Call Us First! Living expenses, Housing, Medical and continued support afterwards. Choose Adoptive Family of Your Choice. Call 24/7. ADOPT CONNECT 855668-7904 (VOID in IL, IN & GA) prEgNANCY SUppOrT. IS adoption right for you? Discuss options for your pregnancy. You’re our first priority and you’re in charge! Living expenses paid. Call to see how friendly we are! ,1(325)-716-3349 or 1(800)-456-4862. www.ChildrensConnections.org BIrTHMOTHErS, pLANNINg AN Adoption? Unique Adoptions can help. We have an excellent adoption program. You choose from open or closed, select adoptive family. Financial Assistance. Ask about our 4 day recovery packages. Call toll free 24/7 to speak to an adoption specialist. 888-637-8200
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Page 7
Answers to Crossword Puzzle for 10/13/16 Issue
YOUR ADs are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year So log on & check us out! angeloamericanclassifieds.com
JUST rEDUCED TO $599,000. OFFICE EXCLUSIVE: HORSE OWNER’S DREAM: 10 acres in Christoval, TX. Interior horse stalls & washing area, corral, beautiful main house, separate apartment, RIVER FRONTAGE /IRRIGATION CANAL, lots of trees. Ideal group entertainment & recreation property. James Thomas, SARE, (325)277-5478.
October 20, 2016
Want To Buy CASH pAID FOr catalytic converters. Call me before you let them go! $15-$100. (325) 6563658. DIABETIC TEST STrIpS Wanted. Call now for “BONUS!” Unexpired. WILL Pay up to $30. a Box plus Shipping. Call T.S.C. FREE 866 368 2269 BUYINg JUNK CArS and trucks. Haul off unwanted cars. (325) 6586914. WANT TO BUY woman’s 24”, 3-wheel bicycle . (325) 656-5726. WE WILL BUY your working and non-working washers, dryers, refrigerators, stoves and freezers. Ace Appliances,416 E. 19th, 653-6000
INVESTIgATE BEFOrE YOU INVEST. Before you send a company money for anything advertised in American Classifieds, investigate BOOKS WANTED: before you invest. It is I buy good used also illegal for any com- books by Elmer Kelpany to ask you to pay for ton, Ben K. Green, J. credit or a loan before Frank Dobie, J. Evetts you get it. American Haley, Tom Lea, Fred Classifieds readers using Gibson, Larry Mcinformation in any ads, Murtry, Louis L’Amour do so at their own risk. It leatherette and many is suggested that the others. Texas/Southprospective investors west authors. Also, non-fiction contact the appropriate most consumer protection books related to agency before payment. Texas/Southwest. FelAmerican Classifieds, nor ton Cochran, Cacany of it’s employees tus Book Shop, 6 shall not be held liable for East Concho, San Anthe content in any adver- gelo, TX 76903. (325) tisers ads. For more infor- 659-3788. mation about credit scams and advance fee WANTED DEAD Or loans write: FTS, Wash- ALIVE: Riding mowers. ington, DC 20580. Pay cash. (325) 2271535. I BUY OLD records! SAVE MONEY ON 45’s & LP’s. Rock, Soul, Travel And Make Blues, Jazz, Local labels. Money Doing It! www Jason, 1-512-785-8714. .travelandsave.biz
INVESTOr BUYINg gOLD & silver coins. Pre 1964, 10¢ 25¢ 50¢ $1 also bars. Certified or Row. Ask for Luis (325) 315-2258. Pay cash at SPOT no waiting. ADVErTISE TO 10 Million Homes across the USA! Place your ad in over 140 community newspapers, with circulation totaling over 10 million homes. Contact Independent Free Papers of America IFPA at danielleburnettifpa@live.com or visit our website cadnetads.com for more information. WANTS TO pUrCHASE minerals and other oil and gas interests. Send details to P.O. Box 13557, Denver, Co. 80201 I BUY DEEr ANTLERS and skulls, ram skulls, cow skulls, horse skulls. Call/Text 325-660-8296 CASH pAID - up to $25/Box for unexpired, sealed DIABETIC TEST STRIPS. 1-DAYPAYMENT.1-800-371-1136.
WANTED: OLD FISHINg Lures and fishing items. Old and new guns, ammunition and related memorabilia. Glass minnow traps. Steel animal traps. WWI & WWII military items. Military rifles including M1 Garands, M14, M1 Carbine Colt 1911. Taxidermy mounts, Ambassadeur reels, newer quality fishing tackle, beer signs and neons esp. Texas beer companies. Old pocket knives and cutlery. Arrowheads and Indian items. Old advertising signs. Old Stoneware. All Antiques considered. Paintings by Texas artists such as Dwight Holmes, Rolla Taylor, Robert Woods and Porfirio Salinas. (325) 374-5022.
NOTICE of SALE Notice is Hereby given that on 11-14-2016 at 3:00pm. A Public Auction will be held for the Purpose of Satisfying a Landlord’s Lien on the Contents of Room: # 573 Christy Wilson Room: # 302 Kelly Bryant Room: # 144 Echi Samaniego Room: # 271 Mary Ramirez Room: # 508 Tonya Appo Room: # 242 Ryan Derrick Room: # 412 Sunny Kim Room: # 318 Esperanza Castellon Room: # 405 Christy Wilson
Location of Sale:
1330 S. Koenigheim San Angelo, Tx 76903
The Goods to be Sold are Generally Described as Household Items. The terms of this sale will be Cash or
WANTS TO pUrCHASE minerals and other oil & gas interests. Send details P.O. Box 13557, Denver, Co 80201 gET pAID CASH for your sealed, unexpired boxes of diabetic test strips. Top $$, Fast Payment, Shipping Prepaid! (866) 800-1923 SellYourTestStrips.com
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THE OCEAN COrp. 10840 Rockley Road Houston, Texas 77099. Train for a New Career. *Underwater Welder. *Commercial Diver. *NDT Weld Inspector. Job Placement Assistance. Financial Aid available for those who qualify. 800-3210298. AIrLINE MECHANIC TrAININg -Get FAA certification. Approved for military benefits. Financial Aid if qualified. Job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 866-453-6204
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rENT- A -BUggY Weddings, Anniversaries, Birthdays, Sweet 15’s, Reunions. FUN, ROMANTIC. rENT-ABUggY. (325) 949-6108. $CASH$ Cars or pickups for parts and wrecking use. We will pick ‘em up. Clark’s Auto Wrecking, 901 N. Cecil. Phone 658-4377.
HIGH SCHOOL PROFICIENCY DIPLOMA!!! FREE Brochure. CALL NOW! 1-866-562-3650 Ext. 54
Page 8
October 20, 2016
Restaurant Equipment
M1A, M1 gArAnd, M1 Carbine, 1903A3, Winchester 61 22 LR & 22 Magnum, 62, & 63. Winchester 1892 & 1894. Remington Rand 1911A1. (325) 442-2341 BUrn BArrelS for sale. 653-3678.
iCS CoMMerCiAl 3 phase FREEZER; 1pc. walk-in unit 12’9”x9’5” . FMI Call (325) 234-8584 ASSorted PArty glASSwAre. Punch bowls & cups, glasses, goblets and more. (325)658-9675.
Hunting & Fishing doVe hUnting. weeKend discounts. Weekend hunts. Large or Small groups. 3 places to hunt. Guaranteed hunts. Call (325) 442-2324.
TROPHY DAY HUNTS Deer, dove, quail, turkey, hog. Brown & Runnels County. Lots of game. Feeders & Blinds
deer hUnting leASe. Due to a recent cancelation, we have 3,000 acres available out of our 20,000 acre Terrell Co. Ranch. $12,000. Nice lodge up to 5 hunters, blinds & feeders. 2 bucks, 2 does per person. Call or Text (432) 360-5187. deer hUnting leASe. $2,200 per hunter. 2016 Season. 5,000 acres. Sanderson, Texas. 2 bucks, 2 does. Call or text. (432) 3605187. deVil’S MoUntAin rifle RANGE Reloading Supply Headquarters. Best prices on guns & ammo in town. Special orders welcome. Credit Cards accepted. new hours: Mon. Sat. 9:00AM 6:00PM, Sunday, 1:30-6PM. (325) 6532525, (325) 6539633, (325) 656-5139.
YOUR AD COULD BE HERE! Call 944-7653
dAily deer leASe. Feeders, Blinds, Food Plots, Lodging Furnished. Nolan County. 2014 PolAriS “Shadow Draw Ranch” ACee. Like new. Very on my Facebook Page. low hours. $4,300. Call 325-236-0780 (325) 234-8487. deer hUnting. dAy & WEEKEND HUNTS available. $200 per day. $500 for 3 days. Archery only all season. (325) 227-5615 (325) roUgh CoUntry 812-8316 oUtdoorS, Ballinger, Tx. Deer blinds and feeders, all sizes. (325) 9770057.
7/d eQUiPMent Brush work, grubbing & raking, game plaots, skid steer, field shredding. Buy and sell equipment. Auction consignment. (325) 650-9087 charhUnting leASe - lie@7dequipment.com 250 acres, cabin, utilities. http://7dequipment.com $250 per day. (325) 6503354. gUided deer hUntS, Food & Lodging 150-179 $5500. Our Deer Season starts 10-116 & ends 2-28-17. Booking turkey hunts now. w w w. h a r r i s h h i l l c o u n- e-Z go gASoline tryranch.com 817-408- golf cart/shooting clay 5781, 325-347-2130. cart, reduced to $4850. CloSe oUt lAnd (325) 456-6882 SALE 1 hour East of Al- http://www.elKinSbuquerque, 20 minutes lAwfirM.CoM Chad West of Santa Rosa. elkins, (325)651163.50 acres, 30 year fi- 8702 nancing, electricity, winCheSter #77 proven water, community 22 auto $425. Rem #778 well & year round ac- - 222/Scope $650. Ruger cess. Private, quiet & #M77-270/Scope $530. peaceful, beautiful views. Win #12- 12 Gauge Toll free at 877-797-2624 Mod. -28” $500. Call ranchenterprisesltd.com (325) 234-9485. rod & reelS SETS, Rods, reels, also some spinning reels, bargains. (325) 234-2927.
It’s time to place your ad.
SeASon deer leASe, South runnels County. for 2 deer hunters, (season lease). Call early 325-4422324.
ConCeAled CArry SAn Angelo offering affordable concealed handgun classes in the San Angelo, Texas area. All major credit cards accepted. FMI (325) 2124817. www.concealed carrysanangelo.com BUlK deer Corn. Limited time special. $200 ton. Vancourt, TX. Please call 325-651-4263 x4 and speak with Kelli.
liCenSe to CArry classes. Saturday at 9 a.m. 117 Howard, $75 per person, 2 or more only $60 per person. (325) 944-8700 2012 PolAriS rAnger CREW Camo, P/S, walk-on hard top, stereo, winch, fold-out windshield, Cordura seat covers, mirrors. 280 hours, like new. 27” hiway approved tires, mag wheels. $15,000. (325) 277-4570. weSt teXAS gAMe FEEDERS A Texas Size Selection of Feeders & Blinds. New Inventory arriving daily. We stock all your needs. Feeders, blinds, stands, tripods, portable blinds. Sales, service and repair. We stock DEER CORN & PROTEIN PELLETS. ATV tune-up and repair. 3312 N. CHADBOURNE, 653-3678, 653-8686. www.westtexasgamefeeders.co m wAnt to BUy Older guns. (325) 442-2341. 55.71 ACreS VAl Verde County. West Texas brush covered draw. Deer, Turkey, Javelina, Quail. $995 per acre. 30 year financing. 800-876-9720 ranchenterprisesltd.com 1121 ACre deer LEASE-Runnels County. 1121 acres. $6 for 6 hunters. Must be off land January 25, 2017. FMI (432) 448-9984. deer hUnting, dAy Lease, Runnels Co. reduce prices for doe and spike season see our Facebook page Lucky 7 Hunts call Brent 325-3651425 www.angeloamericanclassifieds.com
deer, tUrKey, doVe, Ducks, Quail, and Varmints: year round hunting leases in Runnels County, Tx. w/rolling hills, sunflowers, heavy brush, spring fed tanks & electricity available. $1850/gun, 100 & 380 acres available. Non local hunters. Call (325) 895-1606. liVe trAPS PerCh to Hogs. WEST TEXAS GAME FEEDERS, 3312 N. CHADBOURNE, 6533678, 653-8686. www.westtexasgamefeeders.com
deer leASe jUSt opened on Colorado River 2 miles south of Colorado City. Scenic and has quail and hogs. Mainly family getaway to relax. No oilfield traffic! Has 580 acres for $7500 and negotiable. Call anytime! 432-517-0327
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American Classifieds!
PAying toP dollAr for guns. One piece or collection. (325) 234-9430 Mod. 77 win. 22, Ruger 10-22, Stevens Favorite 22 & #4 22, Mod. 100 Win. 308 carbine, Rem 788.243. M1 Carbine 1943, S.S. 410, Mac 10 open bolt 9mm, Calico hand crank M.G. kit for Ruger 10-22s. (325) 8962329. got gUnS? You Want ‘Em WE GOT ‘EM! If you don’t want ‘em, WE BUY ‘EM. teXAS gUn ShoP 1018 W. Beauregard (325)949-0020.
new CZ 12 gauge over and uder shotgun with 6 extendedd chokes. Great 3B MAnUfACtUr- for hunting an clay tar- tAUrUS 1911 .45 ing - Trailers of all sizes. gets, $1850. (325) 456- BLUE, new in box, $525. Trash trailers, Oilfield 6882. Remington 1100 12 trailers, etc. Check us out gauge imp. cylinder, vent for the best prices. Also SPringfield Arrib, excellent $525. Norsell Carolina carports. Mory Xd-M 3.8 .40 inco mint scope $475. $399. wild 1919 Hutchens Ave., cal. (325) 949-8450. Ballinger, TX. (325) 977- Bill’s Pawn, 1315 MLK, 658-7066. 0057. Colt le-15 5.56 Colt .45 Model rifle, $600. wild 1911, $1000. Others. Bill’s Pawn, 1315 (325) 896-2023, Christo- MLK, 658-7066. val. BArettA (Mod. 21- KiMBer Pro CArry A) 22 LR semi-auto, Nice HDII 45ACP Pistol, night hUnter SPeCiAl Purse Gun. $300 FIRM. sights, magazine and case. Sig Sauer P229 ArCtiC fox truck (325) 453-2339 40S&W Pistol, magazines camper mounted on all niCe eight-gUn and case. Beretta 92FS steel gooseneck tlr. with gUn cabinet with 9mm Custom Pistol, dovetail & ramps. Fully matching hutch. magazines and case. self contained, all Made out of real (325) 234-5560. weather camper with REDUCED slide out & power plant. wood, Room for 4 wheelers or $1800. Brady, Tx. Browning Amotorcycles on back. 2 (325) 456-6882 cell. Bolt MedAlcustom 8’ aluminum storlion 300 short mag. age boxes built in. Excel$795. wild Bill’s BlACK Pawn, 1315 MLK, lent condition. $12,500. rUger hAwK New model 357 658-7066. cell (804) 243-3110. mag. Asking $800. OBO. Like new. (325) 653liVe trAPS 0721. weAtherBy 12 PerCh to Hogs. gAUge over and under WEST TEXAS GAME hAnd gUn shotgun with 7 flush FEEDERS, 3312 N. ClASSeS. Beginner chokes and 6 extended CHADBOURNE, 653classes & license to chokes (Briley Chokes). 3678, 653-8686. carry classes. Held Great for hunting and www.westtexasgameon Saturdays or Sunclay targets, $1350. (325) feeders.com days. Corporate & 456-6882. group classes connew CZ 12 gauge over SOMETHING OLD turns sidered on your and uder shotgun with 6 schedule at your lointo SOMETHING SOLD extendedd chokes. Great cation. Call Daryl for hunting an clay tarwhen you advertise in Presley (325) 212gets, $1850. (325) 456THRIFTY NICKEL’S 3703 or The Out6882. doorsman (325) AMERICAN CLASSIFIEDS! 947-8859. Call today 944-7653 www.angeloamericanclassifieds.com
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October 20, 2016
DRIVER TRAINEES NEEDED! Become a driver for Stevens T ransport! Transport! NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED New drivers earn $800+ per week! COMPANY COMP PANY P PAID AID CDL TRAINING! Stevens covers all costs! 1-866-861-1323 drive4stevens.com
cont. ColT .45 MoDEl 1911, $1000. Others. (325) 896-2023, Christoval. BArETTA (MoD. 21A) 22 LR semi-auto, Nice CoTTon Purse Gun. $300 FIRM. Hiring MoDUlE truck drivers (325) 453-2339 for the 2016 cotton season. Must have a clean Browning A5 record. Call 325-67012gA. $395. wild 9395 for inquires. Bill’s Pawn, 1315 C ArP E n T E rS MLK, 658-7066. nEEDED FrAMing crew experience and rUgEr BlACK transportation a must. HAwK New model 357 Call Marcus (325) 245mag. Asking $800. OBO. 6193 leave message. Like new. (325) 653- 2 STyling BooTH AVAILABLE. $90 weekly 0721. MoD. 77 win. 22, or $20 daily. Hair DesignRuger 10-22, Stevens Fa- ers. (325) 656-3155, vorite 22 & #4 22, Mod. (325) 949-2550. 100 Win. 308 carbine, ConRem 788.243. M1 Car- SEEKing bine 1943, S.S. 410, Mac STrUCTion PEr10 open bolt 9mm, Calico SonnEl - - Framing hand crank M.G. kit for & trim carpenters, Ruger 10-22s. (325) 896- carpenter’s helpers, metal roofing in2329. stallers, and general TAUrUS 1911 .45 construction labor, all BLUE, new in box, $525. skill levels, full & part Remington 1100 12 time. If you are drug gauge imp. cylinder, vent free, dependable, rib, excellent $525. Nor- have your own tools, inco mint scope $475. employer references, (325) 949-8450. reliable transportation rEMingTon 870 and want a job, call wingMASTEr All (325) 716-6021. Refsteel 20 ga-mod-choke. erence Ad #SA9. Vent rib 28� barrel. Nice gun great wood, $350. C A r P E n T E r S Remington model 740 nEEDED FrAMing simi-auto 30-06, great crew experience and wood & metal, $275. Tau- transportation a must. rus model PT 92 AFS Call Marcus (325) 2459mm stainless steel. dou- 6193 leave message ble safety. 2 mags. Great shape, $575. (325) 212- M A i n T E n A n C E worKEr nEEDED. 4085. Painting, plumbing & roofing. Must have truck THRIFTY & some tools. Must pass background check. (325) NICKEL’S 658-2763.
Employment Guide Local wAnTED: PErSon(S) to manage mobile home park. Housing furnished. Sonora, Tx. (830) 313-1313 livE in HoUSEKEEPEr. Country living 10 minutes from San Angelo. All bills paid plus salary. Jeff 325-2349958. ProDUCTion/wArE HoUSE worKErS nEEDED in Ballinger. Must be able to stand for 8 hrs. a day, lift 50lbs and perform repetitive movements. 7-3:30 Mon- Fri. Call 325-365-9133 HoUSEKEEPErS nEEDED Apply in person at Econolodge 415 W. Beauregard. ProPErTy MAnAgEr nEEDED for 6 apartment and 3 duplex in same location. Housing available in one apartment at reduced rate. Bilingual preferred. (323) 646-1080 or email t o aguirrejesu@yahoo.com DrivEr wAnTED $15.00 + per hour. NO CDL required. Please TEXT (325) 896-2100.
nEED EXTrA inCoME? American Classifieds has an opening for fill-in delivery person. Thursday’s only. Must be able to deliver on short notice. Must have own transportation and proof of insurance. Apply to American Classifieds 15 n. Tyler, San Angelo, Texas 76901.
grAPE CrEEK - SEVERAL nice 2 and 3 bedroom singlewides for rent starting at $400 deposit and $550 month. No inside pets. Application required. 325-234-0295. 325-234-0292.
25 DrivEr TrAinEES Needed Now at Steven’s Transport! No Experience Needed! Earn $900 Per Week! Paid CDL Training! All costs covered 1-8772 5 9 - 8 1 3 8 drive4stevens.com PinnAClE TrUCKing llC is now taking applications for valid CDL drivers. We have intrastate & interstate hauls available. Please send resume to KLinthicum89@aol.com or apply in person at 4774 N Chabourne. San Angelo, Texas. FiXing JETS. gET FAA certified to work on planes. Job placement assistance. Financial Aid for qualifying students. Military Tuition Assistance. Call AIM 877-2020386 http://www.Fix Jets.com MUlHollAnD EnErgy SErviCES: $2000 Sign On Bonus After 90 Days! Now Hiring Vacuum and End Dump Drivers. Must have 2 Years Experience. Tanker and HazMat Endorsements Required. For More Info Please Call Eric (432) 250-2422.
$800 “gUArAnTEED� wEEKly. Mailing Flyers from Home. For FREE packet call 1972-221-7035. nEED AiD 5-7 DAyS $1,000 a week for 100lb para- MAKE plegic. References. (325) wEEKly! Paid in advance! Mailing Brochures 617-6746. at Home. Easy pleasant work. Begin Immediately. For only Age unimportant. $ www.homemoney77.com DrivErS: ownEr a week you oPErATorS. Choose where you run and how can reach often you want to be home. Great Pay and re2 million ceive Priority Planning! potential 855-582-2265
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or call 944-7653
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MAKE $1,000 wEEKly! Paid in Advance! Mailing Brochures at Home. Easy Pleasant work. Begin Immediately. Age Unimportant. www.HomeMoney77.co m AviATion CArEErS. HAnDS on training for career opportunities in aviation, manufacturing and more. Financial aid for qualified students. Job placement assistance. Call AIM 877206-1503 http://www.FixJets.com nEED EXTrA inCoME? American Classifieds has an opening for fill-in delivery person. Thursday’s only. Must be able to deliver on short notice. Must have own transportation and proof of insurance. Apply to American Classifieds 15 n. Tyler, San Angelo, Texas 76901.
IF YOU HAVE something in your closet that has been there more than 6 months, it’s time to recycle your unused items. Someone in San Angelo is looking for that special something you have hidden away somewhere in your house. Gather up all your unused items, make someone happy and get your house cleaned all at the same time. Call Thrifty Nickel’s American Classifieds today!! 944-7653
Miscellaneous $CASH$ Cars or pickups for parts and wrecking use. We will pick ‘em up. Clark’s Auto wrecking, 901 N. Cecil. Phone 658-4377. 100 ElDorADo DrivE, Eldorado, Tx- 3 bedroom, 1 bath, large backyard with privacy fence in great neighborhood and close to school. Asking $65k call (325) 262- 6802 for more information.
rUnnElS CoUnTy 12.78 acres. Brick home, 2 barns, 24x24 metal building, fence and cross fenced, lots of trees. Call Frances (Brokers) HICE Real Estate, 325-365-3814 or 325365-6544.
1997 PlEASUrEwAy DoDgE 1 ton chasis, 318 cu. in. V8, 16 mpg, 105k miles, runs good, looks good,$6900 obo. (325) 465-8822 after 5 p.m.
oFFiCE BUilDing APProX. 1600 sq. ft., previously an accounting firm, Zone changed to Small Commercial, CH/CA, For Lease or Sale. 123 W. 1st St. Zone change approved, small commercial. Call (325) 242-2283. 8’X20’ roll oFF trailer with 5 dumpsters, factory direct, electric tarping system, wireless remote, spare tire, dual 12,000 LB oil bath electric brake axles, $34,995, 936-348-7552 www.texaspridetrailers.com “liKE� US AnD BE oUr “FriEnD� on FACEBooK and you could win “FrEE� ads. Keep up with all the latest happenings at American Classifieds. Check us out on Facebook and “like� us!! 88-98 CHEvy FronT clips, truck bed, $250. ‘94-’01 Dodge pickup beds and front clips, $250. 460LE transmission $350, 700r4 transmission $325, turbo 350 transmission $200, Chevy Dodge, Ford doors and fenders, $60. (325) 656-3658 Dining TABlE, gooD condition, with 4 chairs, $145. Coffee table, end table, beveled glass tops, $60. 8 Lattice sheets, 4x8, with dividers, all for $100. (325) 213-2921
viAgrA 52 PillS! ONLY $99.00! Save! Save! Save $500 Now! Call us today! 1-888-4391431 8.5’X32’ nEw DECK Over Equipment Trailer, gooseneck flatbed, 10K dually tandem axles, 22K GVWR, dual 12,000lb spring loaded drop leg jacks, dual 10,000lb oil bath axles, 12� I-Beam mainframe, 6� channel deck frame, locking front chain, lidded storage box, 2� treated pine flooring (screwed down), all LED stop/turn/clearance lights, safety chains, DOT tape and break-a-way switch, $7995, 936-3487552. TACTiCAl BACKPACKS - Tactical Shooters’ Bags - Range Bags Tactical Weapons Cases - Shotgun Scabbards. Protect your protectors. Cole’s Army Surplus, Corner of 2nd & N. Chadbourne. (325) 653-1903. www.colesarmysurplus.c om. lEE inDUSTriES oFF-wHiTE; Washable, slip covered, 80� sofa, 42� chair & ottoman. Paid $4700. Asking $595 for set. (325) 658-1654 wooD BUrning STovE, great condition, low - medium - hi control, $1500. 2 real good large space heaters, Kenmore $200, Dearborn $400. (325) 456-6882.
TrACTor For SAlE. Like new. Call for details. (325) 656-4801 or (325) 653-6030. norTHSiDE BATTEry, llC. New and refurbished. Cars, trucks, diesel batteries. Small mechanical work. We can come to you!. (325) 213-6057.
ClearTalk Wireless is Now Hiring Full Time Sales Reps in the San Angelo, Texas and Surrounding Areas.
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To b o haul frac sand in dry bulk trailers. 1 year driving experience & Class A CDL L needed. 6LJQ RQ ERQXV EHQHÂżWV ZHHNO\ JXDUDQWHH
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KATHy roBinSon, wE are so glad that you’re back. You make saving dogs lives easier. Thank You !! Vancourt Dog Rescue. nEAr lAKE BrownwooD. Secluded 3BR/2BA home on 6.7 acres with 25x30 covered carport, 20x12 pavilion, water storage tank, shop & barn. Lots of trees, 2 creeks and plentiful wildlife. $199,500. (325) 642-8534 THErE’S A nEw Predator leading the pack. Come in today and check out the all new Predator PDL, along with the other kayaks in the most awarded kayak series on the planet.Cole’s Army Surplus, Corner of 2nd & N. Chadbourne. (325) 653-1903. www.colesarmysurplus.c om. PSP, 8 Boy/SPorT games, 2 movies, carrying case, $375. (325) 456-6882.
vAnCoUrT Dog rESCUE has six bundles of joy, beautiful puppies. Mother is Red Healer cross. Coming up on 10 weeks old, will have second sets of shots. Loving homes with fenced yards only. 325763-8365. DiD yoU Know?! ClArK’S AUTo wrECKing has NEW auto parts, doors, fenders, grills, radiators, hoods, lights, door handles. Many in stock or next day delivery. You’ll be surprised at their prices. 658-4377.
Page 9
Apply In Person: 9920 N I-20 • Sweetwater, TX 325-235-0015
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Page 10
October 20, 2016
2002 HArLeY dAvidsON SOFTAIL 17,000 miles, Tons of extras, Custom paint. $6,000. (325) 226-2265. MesQUiTe FireWOOd $50.00 a cord. “You cut, You load”, seasoned in 350 foot row, cut limbs & load without moving vehicle. Great for fireplaces, barbecue, wood stoves, campfires. Close to town. Approximately 50 cords. (325) 374-5048
Miscellaneous *disH sPeCiAL* 190+ Channels For Just $34.99/Month. No Extra Fees Plus, FREE NextDay Installation. Call Today: 866-623-0826 HALLOWeeN PArTY deCOrATiONs, Mexican baja hoodies, wool ponchos, yoga blankets, sugar skulls at Leos Imports. 25 W Twohig. (325) 655-5367.
YOUR AD COULD BE HERE! Call 944-7653
Discover a deal! sUN QUesT PrO Tanning bed. WOLFF system, 24 bulb. $600. OBO. Call (325) 277-1280 or (325) 468-6261 (leave a message) ALL iNCLUsive resOrT package at Sandals, Dreams, Secrets, Riu, Barcelo, Occidental and many more. Punta Cana, Mexico, Jamaica and many of the Caribbean islands. Search available options for 2017 and SAVE at www.NCPtravel.com 2 CrYPTs iN Calvary Cemetery, Heart Level, $7000. (325) 227-5313.
OLd WOOdeN FeNCiNG, approx. 40 years old. Make offier. 325-2770873. KirBY vACUUM , ACCESSORIES & shampooer. $175 OBO. (325) 728-7223. AMeriCAN CLAssiFieds: i sOLd MY pickup the first day the ad came out. ss NATiON Wide parts locator service! Can’t find that part you need? Call Clark’s and let them find it for you. (325) 6584377
YOUR AD COULD BE HERE! Call 944-7653
$CAsH$ any make or model cars and pickups for wrecking use. We will pick them up. Clark’s Auto Wrecking, 6584377. HUNTiNG seAsON is here, starting with dove season and deer season soon to follow. Whether you need new camo or boots, or duffle bags, backpacks, and weapon cases to stow and haul your gear. Come in and gear up. Cole’s Army Surplus, Corner of 2nd & N. Chadbourne. (325) 653-1903. www.colesarmysurplus.c om.
CrOCKeTT NATiONAL BANK is helping Texans succeed with flexible terms and attractive rates on business loans. Call (325) 6586714 MeNs LeATHer JACKeT, black, size M, 3/4 length, $75 obo. (325) 942-8161.
www.angeloamericanclassifieds.com GOT
BUYiNG JUNK CArs, all complete cars worth at least $175. (325) 656-3658 HOrseBACK rides ALONG river. Moonlight rides available. FMI (325) 277-4151. WHiTe dAYBed WiTH pop-up trundle. No mattress, $75. (325) 949-7376. 2012 CAT 320dLX Excavator w/ 2 hydraulic hammers 3560hrs call 325-226-0060 FOR SALE $125,000 LAZY BOY OversiZed re✔ cliner brown ex cond $150. Desk all wood L shaped $150. NINJA 4N1 New with accessories $65. Breville Large convection oven New with accessories $65. Serious inquiries only cash! (325) 617-4776.
BOOTs Or shoes that are too small or you do not wear anymore? Donate them to Ernie Shoe Shine, 165 Woodruff, (325) 6569810. www.ernies shoeshine.com OLd rUsTiC BArN metal, great for ceilings and walls for restaurants, business or offices. (325) 456-6882. eMACULATe BriCK. 3BdrM/2BATH with new ceramic flooring, new CH/CA, utility room, appliances + a huge lighted shop building in backyard. No Pets. $950mo. West Side. Barth Realty (325) 9491617. 1175 CAse TrACTOr cab, new rear tires. AC model C tractor, gasoline wide front, some tools. H Farmall on gasoline. JD grain drill, JD tandem. 484 cotton stripper Yellow Cab. (325) 4423038 (325) 277-5362.
2002 PONTiAC AZTeK. $3,000. GOOD CONDITION. NEW BATTERY & FUEL PUMP. (325) 227-5647. TWO PLOTs, side by side, in the Veterans Garden in Lawnhaven Cemetery near San Angelo, TX. Will sell both for $4000. Will consider selling one @ $2200. Includes transfer fee. Call (325) 2126291 or (325)482-0244.
FOrd MOdeL A Wheel rim 21” fits 28-29. $145.00 (325) 944-7147.
Auctions WE BUY PARTIAL TO FULL ESTATES TNK AUCTION SERVICE #17348 (325) 372-7333 http://www.tnkauctionservice.come tnkauctionservice@yahoo.com
American Classifieds is your #1 classified source ESTATE AUCTION OCT. 29 & Nov 12 at 200 E. Coliseum Dr.Snyder, TX Preview 9:00am Sale 10:00am French Provencial Furniture, King size bedroom set, Entry Table, Dining Table china Hutch, Server, Marble Top Accent Tables, Refrigerator, Upright Freezer, Washer, Dryer, Drop Leaf Table, Goebel W. Germany Angel Figurines, Vintage Hummell Plates & Figurines, Rifle Scope, Reloaders, Fox Calls, Tools, Wall & Home Decor, Kitchen items, Glassware, Beds, Desks, Dressers, Much, Much More. Inside Auction. Q & L Auctioneering Terry Luecke #17422 Tammy Quick #17423 Phone 573-301-3180/325574-9210 Pictures of some items on Facebook page.
76901 JUST MARRIED AND MOVING EVERYTHING MUST GO SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22 1010 ALMOND CIRCLE (off of Clayton) Household Items, Headboards, Bookshelves, Tools, Men’s and Women’s Clothes, Electric Treadmill, NIB Electric Water Heater, Wedding Decor (burlap and mason jars)
WASHERS, DRYERS, AND STOVES From $195. Refrigerators & freezers from $225 & up. In good condition with guarantee. Call Munoz or see us at 1241 Apache Trail . Also we repair appliances. (325) 650-6384 or (325) 763-3613.
MOvING SALE - 3217 GUADALUPE. October 20th and 21st, 8 a.m. Complete large 3 bedroom home - all wood furniture. Full & queen bedroom sets and much more! All must go! GARAGE CLEAN OUT. One price takes all. No single sales. (325) 949-0880 No answer, leave message & phone number for call back. MENS LEATHER JACKET, black, size M, 3/4 length, $75 obo. (325) 942-8161. 3218 SAC AvENUE. Sat. 8-2. 2 FAMILY Sale: Furniture, Christmas Decor, small appliances, etc. MOvING BACKYARD SALE. 824 N. ADAMS 76901 THURS. 8:00AMSAT. 12:00PM. Packing boxes, furniture, lumber, paint, cabinet doors, fence posts, flowers, milk bottles, baskets, arrangements, sheets, curtains, plants, 2 New Gazebo canopies, water dispenser, printer. 8393 CONCHO DR. in Grape Creek. Sat. & Sun. 9-4. Gas, fireplace, furniture, & misc.
2225 COLEMAN, SATURDAY, October 22. Small household appliances, dinnerware, mugs, locking jars, shadow boxes, file cabinet, oak curio, decorative chests, lanterns, vintage cradle, XL iron plant stand, baker’s rack, Avon & vintage glass, knitting destash, 2XLT clothing, hot coffee, bottled water.
76903 213 N. CHADBOURNE. -RENT SPACES - All bills paid. 10X10 $40 per month. Lots of traffic. FMI (325) 763-2100. WE WILL BUY your old non working washers & dryers, refrigerators, & stoves. Ibarra Appliances. 101 E. 14th St. (325) 657-0771. 121 E. AvE. K. Thursday-Saturday. 11-5 HALLOWEEN DECOR & COSTUMES. Furniture, dishes, clothes, shoes, jewelry, purses & more! Good, clean things, priced to sell!
CONSIGNMENT SPACE AVAILABLE ShaMeLess RE 311 N. Chadbourne OPEN - Thurs. Fri. & Saturday Call Carol for information. 325-763-97891
stoves, washers, dryers and freezers. We will take your working or non working appliance for partial trade. 90 day warranty. Free delivery in San Angelo. Ace Appliances,416 E. 19th, 6536000 4401 ARMSTRONG. SAT. 8-4. Household 3812 RANSOM items, clothing, misc. ROAD (off W. 37th St.) items. Saturday 9-4pm. Bedding, exercise equipGARCIA’S RESALE ment, furniture, girl jeans, STORE, 510 E. household items. 19th. (325) 3746862. We sell & 307 EAST 41ST, buy appliances, Thursday thru Saturfurniture, baby d a y. — M u l t i - f a m i l i e s , items, clothes, kitchen items, baby shoes, jewelry & clothes, women 3X, lots more. of misc. CORNER BELL & 1041 E. 43RD ST. HARRIS Huge yard sale! Thursday-Saturday. 86pm. Games, cell Saturday 8am. Furniture, phones, CDs, DVDs, toys, household goods, sport cards, collectibles women’s plus size, girls, & clothes. boys, clothes, shoes, etc. 9 E. AvE. I. Sat Only 8803 AKIN ST. Friday - 5. Bedding, Clothing, Sunday. 8-?. Furniture, Winter items & household knick knack’s. Home Decor, Etc.
October 20, 2016
Page 11
ESTATE SALE-HWY 208 N. Quail Valley. Thursday-Saturday. Sofa, 1014 REESE RD. bed, chairs, blankets, Clothes, tools, lots of comforters, kids stuff, household goods. Sat & rugs etc. Sun. 8-4. FAAAAST TOOL SALE & MORE 2270 Joy Rd. Saturday & RESULTS! Sunday 9-? MUSTSEE! 2467 CULvER 76904. 10/2110/22. Generator, Furniture, Home Decor, Clothing, Scrubs, Books, SALE: Q Comforters, Halloween ESTATE MEARS Ranch, Ft. Decor and More!! McKavett, TX. Friday, October 28th and SatTHE ORIGINAL urday, October 29th AMERICAN BRITISH from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. ANTIQUES Over Antiques, furniture, sil50,000 sq.ft. Largest verware, china, jewelry, complex in Concho tools, farm equipment, Valley. Antique furnihunting & fishing, guns ture, memorabilia, and miscellaneous. US glassware, collectible Hwy 190 west of military items, spurs, Menard turn onto FM etc. Storage units for 864 go 2.1 miles to rent. 746 US 87 S, San Mears Lane on left. Angelo, Tx, 325-651Call 325-456-0196 or 4873. 405-308-0253.
Out of Town
HUGE 5 FAMILY yard sale. Friday 8:30 am 913 ERA Thursday-Sat- Sunday 5:00 pm. Lourday 11am. Women’s cated between Paint clothing, variety sizes. Rock & Eden on 83 Misc. North.
Page 12
October 20, 2016
House For Sale
506 W. AVE W. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1528 sq. ft., needs work, fenced backyard, $45,000. (325) 234-9794. SANdpIpER WAY, gRApE Creek. 3BR/2BA neat, clean, move-in ready home on large lot with large workshop/storage. Contact Roland Allen, Dierschke & Dierschke, (325) 374-5915. bEAUTIFUl 3 bEdROOM, 2 bath brick home on corner lot, 1548 sq. ft., CH/CA, sprinkler system, fenced, workshop with carport. $194,500. Located in Brady, TX. (325) 4566882. EVERYONE REAdS AMERICAN Classifieds. Sold my house the first week the ad ran!! Alvin T
CROCkETT NATIONAl bANk can help make your dream of home ownership a reality. Get pre-approved today by calling (325) 6586714. Equal housing lender | NMLS 535397 OWNER FINANCE 2bdrm/1ba. Washer & dryer connections. Carport. 612 Hughes. (325) 212-0985. IN bRAdY, TX. 2 homes both are 3 bedroom, 1 bath, CH/CA. Totally remodeled. Reduced to $84,000 each. Serious inquiries call (325) 456-6882. FOR lEASE OR SALE. Century park Luxury Condo. 2 br/2 ba. Call (325) 234-3939. CASh FOR hOUSES any location, any condition. (325) 650-5900 or (512)650-5979. 2410 lAkESIdE, $89,900. 4BR/2BA. Home Owner is broker/real estate agent, will carry note on the home with good down payment. 2 year old carpet, paint, tile, patio door replaced, enclosed garage could be 4th bedroom or living area. Call James Thomas, SARE, (325) 277-5478
Making it easier for you! 110 N. bIShOp, 3 bedroom, 1 bath, CH/CA, 1 car garage with storage room, $97,000 or make offer. 325-212-1514.
hOUSE FOR SAlE in Eden, Texas. 2,300 sq. ft. 5 bdrm/2 bath. 2 living areas, nice patio, 24X30ft storage & awning, separate awning in front of house. Great location. Al- 3 bdRM 1.5 BATH. most 1 acre. $235,000. Completely remodeled. New cabinets, tile, car(325) 456-2124. pets, & fixtures. New CH/CA. Storage building. Close to base. $ 1 1 5 , 0 0 0 . R E DUCED!!!(325) 212-2092 or (325) 245-3880. CASh FOR hOUSES any location, any condi9702 dEER lANE. tion. (325) 650-5900 or 3BR/2BA, home with 3.93 (512)650-5979. acres in Ponderosa Es- 506 W. AVE W. 3 bedtates. Just a short drive room, 2 bath, 1528 sq. ft., from San Angelo. San needs work, fenced Angelo School District. backyard, $45,000. (325) River access.$229,000. 234-9794. Call James Thomas, OWNER FINANCE SARE, (325) 277-5478. NEW CONSTRUC- 1216 S. Abe, 3 bedTION: 3-bedroom, 2- room, 1 bath. $80,000, bath. Vaulted celing, $2000 down. (325) 242granite counter 2283. tops. 2301 and 2305 lindell. logan Construction, (325) 9442359. 2 hOMES ON one property, reduced to $189,000. Both 2 bedroom homes, located in Brady, TX. Serious in- 2/2, NEW CARpET, quiries call (325) 456- new roof, has fireplace, covered patio, fenced 6882. SAlE OR TRAdE on backyard. 3601 Juanita. Spring Creek with a wate- (325) 277-8924. FINANCE. fall. 2 bedroom, logside, OWNER tin roof, desks, 2 bed- ON Glenna near soccer room guest house and fields. Cute 2BR/2BA shop on 2 acres near home on fenced half Mertzon, $249,900. 325- acre. $149,000, 10% down, approximately 656-7447. $850/mo. Call (325) 2127014.
NEW CONSTRUCTION: 3-bedroom, 2bath. Vaulted celing, granite counter tops. 2301 and 2305 lindell. logan Construction, (325) 9442359.
FOR SAlE bY owner. Completely remodeled 3BR/2BA with shop. $110,000. Possible owner finance. (325) 3743458. gRApE CREEk, VIOlET St. 3BR/1.5BA home with guest apt. on large lot. Contact Roland Allen, Dierschke & DierTAkE OVER pAY- schke, (325) 374-5915. MENTS via loan with Wells Fargo. Owe $129K. Payments are $950 a month. We assist on all paperwork. Beautiful home in quiet College Hills. New roof, patio, tikibar, fence, etc. Ready to move in!! (512) 470- 4926 blUERIdgE 9184. TRl. 2BR/2BA townhome. $125,900. Call James Thomas, SARE, (325) 277-5478. 620 E. AVE C. 2 bedroom, 1 bath, CH/CA, 6085 hIllVIEW CIR- 1084 sq. ft., garage, 2 ClE. WALL ISD. 5 carports, fenced backBDRM/3 BATH. 2,200 sq ft. Mobile home. 2 acres yard, $65,000. (325) 234fenced. As is. No owner 9794. financing. $89,000. Call RECENTlY REMOdfor more info. (325) 650- ElEd 2bdRM/1bA 1449. house. Owner finance. OWNER FINANCE, (325) 340-2786. SpACIOUS 2 bedroom, 3 bdRM/1 bATh. 1 bath, 2 living areas with Large backyard. large utility and CH/CA. $47,500. (325) 450-1241 1221 Howard. Call 325- (325) 300-2526. 234-0646.
3801 ROCkbROOk dR 3br/2ba REDUCED !! Wonderful home very well taken care of, close to everything, large playroom or another living area, or could be changed back to a garage. #89654 $169.999. Call James Thomas, SARE, (325) 277-5478
It’s time to place your ad.
blUFFS REAdY TO move in? 3/2.5/2 Beautiful interior w/hardwood floors. San Angelo Homes 325-716-1624 lIVE WITh YOUR airplane. Ducote Air Park. Large hangar with 2/2 home. San Angelo Homes. 325-716-1624. 4 bEdROOM, 2 1/2 bath on 2 acres. 10800 US Hwy 67 S. $315,000. $1,000 down, 7.5%, 40 years, $2066.34 month. Very motivated seller! (325) 277-6802. ChARMINg 1600SF, 3bR/1bA on one acre with storage building & 1200sf workshop. New gates and fences, well water, great for animals. Newly remodeled bathroom, kitchen and bedrooms, wood floors and new paint. 2-car covered carport. 60 East 37th St. Please call for an appointment. (325) 8123822. CENTRAllY lOCATEd OFF College Hills. 4beds 2baths. 2,065 square feet. Fireplace. Sprinkler system. 2car garage. 2 story with curb appeal! Big backyard with plenty of shade, 8ft privacy fence. Call YOUR AD COULD BE HERE! 830-370-5572 SERIOUS INQUIRES ONLY 3325 Call 944-7653 Trinity Ave 3bR/1bA, Ch/A. $84,900 possible owner finance. (325) 374-3458. OWNER FINANCE 64 E. 32nd, 2 bedroom, 1 bath. $64,000, $1000 OWNER FINANCE - down, $685 month taxes 2725 University, 3 bed- included. (325) 242room, 3 bath, $165,000. 2283. $10,000 down, $1595 month. SBRE (325) 3474327 INVESTORS: CARlSbAd AREA 4 bdrm, 2 bath on 2 acres-as isPlease call or text. (325) 234-8264 for more info. 5 bEdROOM, 2 bath, brick, CH/CA, 1632 sq. ft. 19793 7Th, ChRIS#1842. $130,000. BarTOVAl. Custom Home bara, La Casa Realty, on .44 Ac. MLS#88902 (325)656-8063. Russ De$193,900. Jerrie Wood- vore, Broker #826. ford, broker, 325-656CROCkETT NA2188. TIONAl bANk can 8577 MARIgOld help make your dream of AVE, Grape Creek. 3/2 home ownership a reality. New Const. on 2 lots Get pre-approved today MLS#88843 $195,000. by calling (325) 658Jerrie Woodford, broker, 6714. Equal housing 325-656-2188. lender | NMLS 535397 OWNER FINANCE 2bdrm/1ba. Washer & dryer connections. Carport. 612 Hughes. (325) 212-0985.
PUBLIC NOTICE Real Estate Advertised in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference limitation of religion, sex or national origin, or any intention to make any such preferences, limitation or discrimination." This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis.
IN bRAdY, TX. 2 homes both are 3 bedroom, 1 bath, CH/CA. Totally remodeled. Reduced to $84,000 each. Serious inquiries call (325) 456-6882. FOR lEASE OR SALE. Century park Luxury Condo. 2 br/2 ba. Call (325) 234-3939. CASh FOR hOUSES any location, any condition. (325) 650-5900 or (512)650-5979. 506 W. AVE W. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1528 sq. ft., needs work, fenced backyard, $45,000. (325) 234-9794. SANdpIpER WAY, gRApE Creek. 3BR/2BA neat, clean, move-in ready home on large lot with large workshop/storage. Contact Roland Allen, Dierschke & Dierschke, (325) 374-5915.
Small ad BIG deals! bEAUTIFUl 3 bEdROOM, 2 bath brick home on corner lot, 1548 sq. ft., CH/CA, sprinkler system, fenced, workshop with carport. $194,500. Located in Brady, TX. (325) 4566882. EVERYONE REAdS AMERICAN Classifieds. Sold my house the first week the ad ran!! Alvin T 2410 lAkESIdE, $89,900. 4BR/2BA. Home Owner is broker/real estate agent, will carry note on the home with good down payment. 2 year old carpet, paint, tile, patio door replaced, enclosed garage could be 4th bedroom or living area. Call James Thomas, SARE, (325) 277-5478 hOUSE FOR SAlE in Eden, Texas. 2,300 sq. ft. 5 bdrm/2 bath. 2 living areas, nice patio, 24X30ft storage & awning, separate awning in front of house. Great location. Almost 1 acre. $235,000. (325) 456-2124. FOR SAlE bY owner. Completely remodeled 3BR/2BA with shop. $110,000. Possible owner finance. (325) 3743458.
Small ad BIG deals!
INVESTORS! HOUSE IN Ballinger. Needs TLC only $21,000. Must be cash! (325) 227-5348. 9702 DEER LANE. 3BR/2BA, home with 3.93 acres in Ponderosa Estates. Just a short drive from San Angelo. San Angelo School District. River access.$229,000. Call James Thomas, SARE, (325) 277-5478. 2 HOMES ON one property, reduced to $189,000. Both 2 bedroom homes, located in Brady, TX. Serious inquiries call (325) 4566882. SALE OR TRADE on Spring Creek with a watefall. 2 bedroom, logside, tin roof, desks, 2 bedroom guest house and shop on 2 acres near Mertzon, $249,900. 325656-7447. 110 N. BISHOP, 3 bedroom, 1 bath, CH/CA, 1 car garage with storage room, $97,000 or make offer. 325-212-1514. 3 BDRM 1.5 BATH. Completely remodeled. New cabinets, tile, carpets, & fixtures. New CH/CA. Storage building. Close to base. $ 1 1 5 , 0 0 0 . R E DUCED!!!(325) 212-2092 or (325) 245-3880. CASH FOR HOUSES any location, any condition. (325) 650-5900 or (512)650-5979. 506 W. AVE W. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1528 sq. ft., needs work, fenced backyard, $45,000. (325) 234-9794. OWNER FINANCE 1216 S. Abe, 3 bedroom, 1 bath. $80,000, $2000 down. (325) 2422283. 2/2, NEW CARPET, new roof, has fireplace, covered patio, fenced backyard. 3601 Juanita. (325) 277-8924.
Put the power of the classifieds to work for you.
OWNER FINANCE. ON Glenna near soccer fields. Cute 2BR/2BA home on fenced half acre. $149,000, 10% down, approximately $850/mo. Call (325) 2127014. NEW CONSTRUCTION: 3-bedroom, 2bath. Vaulted celing, granite counter tops. 2301 and 2305 Lindell. Logan Construction, (325) 9442359. TAKE OVER PAyMENTS via loan with Wells Fargo. Owe $129K. Payments are $950 a month. We assist on all paperwork. Beautiful home in quiet College Hills. New roof, patio, tikibar, fence, etc. Ready to move in!! (512) 4709184. 6085 HILLVIEW CIRCLE. WALL ISD. 5 BDRM/3 BATH. 2,200 sq ft. Mobile home. 2 acres fenced. As is. No owner financing. $89,000. Call for more info. (325) 6501449. OWNER FINANCE, SPACIOUS 2 bedroom, 1 bath, 2 living areas with large utility and CH/CA. 1221 Howard. Call 325234-0646. 3801 ROCKBROOK DR 3br/2ba REDUCED !! Wonderful home very well taken care of, close to everything, large playroom or another living area, or could be changed back to a garage. #89654 $169.999. Call James Thomas, SARE, (325) 277-5478 FOR SALE By owner. Completely remodeled 3BR/2BA with shop. $110,000. Possible owner finance. (325) 3743458. GRAPE CREEK, VIOLET St. 3BR/1.5BA home with guest apt. on large lot. Contact Roland Allen, Dierschke & Dierschke, (325) 374-5915.
4926 BLUERIDGE TRL. 2BR/2BA townhome. $125,900. Call James Thomas, SARE, (325) 277-5478. 620 E. AVE C. 2 bedroom, 1 bath, CH/CA, 1084 sq. ft., garage, 2 carports, fenced backyard, $65,000. (325) 2349794. RECENTLy REMODELED 2BDRM/1BA house. Owner finance. (325) 340-2786. 3 BDRM/1 BATH. Large backyard. $47,500. (325) 450-1241 (325) 300-2526. OWNER FINANCE 2725 University, 3 bedroom, 3 bath, $165,000. $10,000 down, $1595 month. SBRE (325) 3474327 INVESTORS: CARLSBAD AREA 4 bdrm, 2 bath on 2 acres-as isPlease call or text. (325) 234-8264 for more info. 19793 7TH, CHRISTOVAL. Custom Home on .44 Ac. MLS#88902 $193,900. Jerrie Woodford, broker, 325-6562188. 8577 MARIGOLD AVE, Grape Creek. 3/2 New Const. on 2 lots MLS#88843 $195,000. Jerrie Woodford, broker, 325-656-2188. BLUFFS READy TO move in? 3/2.5/2 Beautiful interior w/hardwood floors. San Angelo Homes 325-716-1624 LIVE WITH yOUR airplane. Ducote Air Park. Large hangar with 2/2 home. San Angelo Homes. 325-716-1624. 4 BEDROOM, 2 1/2 bath on 2 acres. 10800 US Hwy 67 S. $315,000. $1,000 down, 7.5%, 40 years, $2066.34 month. Very motivated seller! (325) 277-6802. CHARMING 1600SF, 3BR/1BA on one acre with storage building & 1200sf workshop. New gates and fences, well water, great for animals. Newly remodeled bathroom, kitchen and bedrooms, wood floors and new paint. 2-car covered carport. 60 East 37th St. Please call for an appointment. (325) 8123822.
CENTRALLy LOCATED OFF College Hills. 4beds 2baths. 2,065 square feet. Fireplace. Sprinkler system. 2car garage. 2 story with curb appeal! Big backyard with plenty of shade, 8ft privacy fence. Call 830-370-5572 SERIOUS INQUIRES ONLY 3325 Trinity Ave 3BR/1BA, CH/A. $84,900 possible owner finance. (325) 374-3458. OWNER FINANCE 64 E. 32nd, 2 bedroom, 1 bath. $64,000, $1000 down, $685 month taxes included. (325) 2422283. 5 BEDROOM, 2 bath, brick, CH/CA, 1632 sq. ft. #1842. $130,000. Barbara, La Casa Realty, (325)656-8063. Russ Devore, Broker #826. 506 W. AVE W. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1528 sq. ft., needs work, fenced backyard, $45,000. (325) 234-9794. SANDPIPER WAy, GRAPE Creek. 3BR/2BA neat, clean, move-in ready home on large lot with large workshop/storage. Contact Roland Allen, Dierschke & Dierschke, (325) 374-5915. BEAUTIFUL 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath brick home on corner lot, 1548 sq. ft., CH/CA, sprinkler system, fenced, workshop with carport. $194,500. Located in Brady, TX. (325) 4566882. EVERyONE READS AMERICAN Classifieds. Sold my house the first week the ad ran!! Alvin T 2410 LAKESIDE, $89,900. 4BR/2BA. Home Owner is broker/real estate agent, will carry note on the home with good down payment. 2 year old carpet, paint, tile, patio door replaced, enclosed garage could be 4th bedroom or living area. Call James Thomas, SARE, (325) 277-5478 HOUSE FOR SALE in Eden, Texas. 2,300 sq. ft. 5 bdrm/2 bath. 2 living areas, nice patio, 24X30ft storage & awning, separate awning in front of house. Great location. Almost 1 acre. $235,000. (325) 456-2124.
9702 DEER LANE. 3BR/2BA, home with 3.93 acres in Ponderosa Estates. Just a short drive from San Angelo. San Angelo School District. River access.$229,000. Call James Thomas, SARE, (325) 277-5478. NEW CONSTRUCTION: 3-bedroom, 2bath. Vaulted celing, granite counter tops. 2301 and 2305 Lindell. Logan Construction, (325) 9442359. 2 HOMES ON one property, reduced to $189,000. Both 2 bedroom homes, located in Brady, TX. Serious inquiries call (325) 4566882. SALE OR TRADE on Spring Creek with a watefall. 2 bedroom, logside, tin roof, desks, 2 bedroom guest house and shop on 2 acres near Mertzon, $249,900. 325656-7447. TAKE OVER PAyMENTS via loan with Wells Fargo. Owe $129K. Payments are $950 a month. We assist on all paperwork. Beautiful home in quiet College Hills. New roof, patio, tikibar, fence, etc. Ready to move in!! (512) 4709184. OWNER FINANCE, SPACIOUS 2 bedroom, 1 bath, 2 living areas with large utility and CH/CA. 1221 Howard. Call 325234-0646. 3801 ROCKBROOK DR 3br/2ba REDUCED !! Wonderful home very well taken care of, close to everything, large playroom or another living area, or could be changed back to a garage. #89654 $169.999. Call James Thomas, SARE, (325) 277-5478
October 20, 2016
Farms /Ranches RUNNELS COUNTy 12.78 acres. Brick home, 2 barns, 24x24 metal building, fence and cross fenced, lots of trees. Call Frances (Brokers) HICE Real Estate, 325-365-3814 or 325365-6544. NOLAN COUNTy RANCH with minerals, improvements and hunting close to Maryneal. Call Lee, Lee & Puckitt, 325-655-6989.
Real Estate For Sale 100 ELDORADO DRIVE, Eldorado, Tx- 3 bedroom, 1 bath, large backyard with privacy fence in great neighborhood and close to school. Asking $65k call (325) 262- 6802 for more information. HOUSE LOTS 3 ACRES & up. North of Veribest, Falcon Acres. Leave a message or text to (325) 340-0719. RECEIVING PAyMENTS FROM real estate you sold? Get cash now! Call Steve @ 1-888870-2243 www.SteveCashesNotes.com HOME FOR SALE, Lake O.H.Ivie, Millersview,TX 3bdrm, 2ba. 1840sqft. Manufactured Home plus 60X55 shop/garage on 1.5 acres $145,000 Located in Mesquite Acres Gated Community(512)6361330. DELETE BAD CREDIT FASTER RAISE Credit Score - 791 in 10 Days. Get APPROVED! ‘A’ Rated w/BBB. $29.00 When Work Completed. Cases Vary. FREE STARTUP 888-507-3095
CHARMING 2 BED, 1 bath, house with lots of character. Great starter home or great investment property. Buyers must have a real estate agent or pre-approval letter from bank or proof of funds from bank to view the house. Call Raymond 214-228-6548 or text ICTR16 TO 88000. RECEIVING PAyMENTS FROM real estate you sold? Get cash now! Call Steve @ 1-888870-2243 www.SteveCashesNotes.com
Houses for Rent Furnished 101 W. AVE. U HUD approved. 2-3 bedrooms, 1 1/2ba. dining area, family room, kitchen-appliances can be furnished. CH/CA, electric outlets, W/D connections. No pets & Non smoking. Rent $850, deposit $800. (325) 245-3252.
Houses for Rent Unfurnished 1406 HATCHER, 2bedroom, 1 bath. No pets. $900 month, $700 deposit. Erica Boyce, Bollinger RE. (325) 2128314. 1501 N. GARFIELD. 3 bdrm/2 bath, 2 carports, huge closets. Everything NEW! $1,200 month/$1,000 deposit. (325) 716-9446 2 POSSIBLy 3 bedroom, 1 bath, $625/$600. 3700 N. Chadbourne. (325) 212-2995. 1613 WEBSTER. 2 bedroom, 1 bath, CH/CA, $800 month, $500 deposit. Call (325) 2422283
Page 13
1323 CULBERSON 2/1, CH/CA, carport. $700 month/$500 deposit. (325) 212-3013. Absolutely no calls until 4 pm. Accepting applications. 520 BAKER ST. 4 BR 2 BA ca/ch, carport. $ 9 7 5 / m o n t h , $900/dep.(325) 262-2883 3225 ROCKBROOK 3BDRM/2BA, FP, double garage, wood, tile, carpet. $1300mo./ $1,000dep. (325) 7169446. 1110 N. JEFFERSON.HUD approved. 2bdrm, CH/CA. $750 monthly. No pets. (325) 650-8581. 2 BDRM 1 BATH Newly painted & remodeled. $650 mo & $600 deposit. (325) 234-8264. 2101 GLENWOOD5BR/2BA, FENCED yard, new carpet.$1200mo/$1000dep. (325) 716-9446. 1501 COKE ST. 3 bedroom, 1 bath, washer/dryer connection, double carport, CH/CA, $875 month, $800 deposit. (325) 262-2883. EMACULATE BRICK. 3BDRM/2BATH with new ceramic flooring, new CH/CA, utility room, appliances + a huge lighted shop building in backyard. No Pets. $950mo. West Side. Barth Realty (325) 9491617. 2322 SAN ANTONIO, 3BR/1BA, CH/CA. Section 8 accepted. Available now. $850mo/$750dep. Call (325) 277-8779. Larry Jewell Jr., Broker. 2306 RANEy, 3 bedroom, 1 bath, $800 month, $500 deposit. (325) 242-2283. 1861 W. TWOHIG 2bdrm/1ba. All new interior, open, wood floors, garage. $1100 rent, $1000 dep. (325) 7169446.
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October 20, 2016
2br/1bA $850. 3br/1bA $800. (325) 450-2799. 3br 2bA HOUSe for rent in Grape Creek. No pets allowed. (325) 6506528. 1717 UTAH 3bdrm/2ba, 2 carports, split BR. Very open. $1100 rent, $1000 dep. (325) 716-9446. 3 bedrOOm, 1 bath, laundry/utility room, carport, fence, $785/$700. 2337 North St. (325) 2122995. 2706 JOmAr3br/11/2bA, TILe floors, CH/CA. $900mo/$700dep. (325) 651-3562, or (325) 6557554, Greg. 3br HOUSe, FeNCed, $750/mo. Call for more information 325374-8922. 2br HOUSe, $650/mO. Call for more information 325-3748922. 2bdrm/1bA, CH/CA. $ 6 0 0 d e p . , $600mo.1BDRM/1BA. $350dep./$500mo. 3BDRM/1BA CH/CA, $600dep./$700mo. (325) 277-9180. 414 e. 37TH 2/1, CH/A, W/D connections. Large kitchen. Very clean. $750 /$500. (325) 895-0545.
3201 SUNSeT4/5br, 2bA, double garage, nice & clean interior, fenced. FP. $1300mo/$1000dep. (325) 716-9446.
www.angeloads.com dUpLeX - 1 LARGE Bedroom 1013 E. 23rd Apt. B. $495 per month. Quiet neighborhood. Newly remodeled. (325) 245-9649, (325) 4005793, 323-646-1080. Se Habla Espanol.
2 bedrOOm, 2 BATH, Large Mobile. CH/CA, in 124 bIrd 2bdrm/1ba. quiet Cactus Lane Park. Downtown Circle Drive. $550. (325) 653-1144. CH/CA. Large rooms. No 3bdrm/2bA, FIrebackyard. No pets. $750/$800. (817) 723- p L A C e . 7685, (325) 650- $1,000mO/$500dep. (325) 500-8777. 4926,(817) 986-3310 brANd NeW 2016 model manufactured homes with new appliances and ice cold A/C. Beautiful 2 & 3 bedroom floor plans available. As low as $685/mo. Call (325) 812-3225. FOr reNT: 2 BR/1BA. Security deposit $300. Pet deposit $300. $800 per month. (325) 2343939. 1837 NOrTH ST. 3 bedroom, 1 bath, CH/CA, laundry room, No pets, no smoking. $750 monthly, $800 deposit (325) 653-6322, (325) 234-5075. 2705 FreeLANd. 3 bedroom, 1 bath, $700 month, $500 deposit. Call (325) 242-2283 3814 NOTTINGHAm. 3 BDRM/2 BATH. Newly remodeled, hardward floors & new carpet. No pets! $950 rent $600 dep. Anne (325) 3405012. SANTA rITA - NEAT 1 BEDROOM with double pained windows, mini blinds, ceiling fans, trees, 10x14 storage building. NO PETS. $550 mo. Barth Realty 325-9491617. 1870 SAN ANTONIO, 3 bedroom, 1 bath, CH/CA, $850 month, $500 deposit. Water paid. (325) 242-2283. 1br/1bA dUpLeX 913 Spaulding. $525/mo, $250 deposit. HUD accepted. (325) 653-0367 LArGe 3 bed★ rOOm MANUFACTURED homes, for rent, fully remodeled, 1100-1500 sq. ft., spacious kitchen and baths, large master suites, central heating/air. Premier San Angelo communities. Payments as low as $535/mo. First month FREE! Call (325) 8123225.
2710 FOreST pArK, 2/2, $750 rent, $250 deposit. 710 Spencer, 2/1, $750 rent, $250 deposit. 325-212-1331 Chris or 325-650-8943 Marvin. pAUL ANN WeST Spacious 4 & 5 bedroom, 2.5 bath homes. Great floor plan, ample closets. many upgrades, nice fenced yard. Available now. SanAngeloHomesREALTORS.com for info and photos, then call 325-223-2255 to view. 1821 WILLOW Big 3 or 4bdrm/2ba . Huge master closet, wood floors, garage. $1100 rent, $1000 dep. (325) 7169446. 710 SpeNCer, 2/1, $750 rent, $250 deposit. 2710 Forest Park, 2/2, $750 rent, $250 deposit. 325-212-1331 Chris or 325-650-8943 Marvin. 714 N. bISHOp. CH/CA. New paint, flooring, appliances. $800mo/$800dep. (817) 313-7607, (254) 2160620. NICe HOmeY dUpLeX. Large living room. Bedroom. Kitchen, dining, bath. Convenient west side location. Guadalupe St. near Central High. W/D connections. Fireplace. Hardwood floors. Carport. Stove & Refrigerator furnished. Yard work furnished. Must have references. No pets. No smoking. $425 plus bills. $200 deposit. (325) 6503166 or (325) 949-1725. N. VAN bUreN Neat 3 BEDROOM/2 BATH, new tile, carpet, & paint, CH/A, country kitchen, W/D connections, appliances, carport. NO PETS. $825mo. Barth Realty (325) 949-1617. 202 HObbS, NeAr GAFB, 3BR/2BA. $1,200 rent, $900 deposit. NICE! Owner/agent, Cynthia @ D&D Realtors, (325) 2773428. 3bdrm, 2 FULL bath, 2 living areas, CH/CA, large fenced yard, outside storage, Santa Rita, Lee, & Central schools. Near ASU & shopping. (325) 212-1595 or (325) 939-9363.
3br/1bA 2727 FreeLANd, $875/mo, $850 deposit, 2419 Freeland, $795/mo, $800 deposit, 1206 E. 18th, $795/mo, $800 deposit. HUD accepted. (325) 653-0367 2501 WATSON, 4 bedroom, 2 bath, single car garage, located in Paul Ann. Corner lot with large backyard. CH/CA, washer/dryer connection, stove, great neighborhood. $1050 month, $1000 deposit. Pet allowed with $300 non refundable deposit and increases rent to $1075. Shawn Box Real Estate, (325) 895-1146 for showing. VerY NICe! 2712 NOrTe Dame, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 living areas, fireplace, CH/CA, washer/dryer connections, large backyard, $1050/month, $1000/deposit. Pets allowed with $300 non refundable deposit and increases rent to $1075. Shawn box real estate, (325) 895-1146. 1br/1bA dUpLeX 913 Spaulding. $525/mo, $250 deposit. HUD accepted. (325) 653-0367
1833 NOrTH. 2 bedroom, 1 bath, $750 month, $400 deposit. Call Rhonda @ (325) 704-0407.
1852 GUAdALUpe. 2 story large duplex, water paid, washer/dryer connections. 2 bed, 1 bath. Outdoor cellar, Military clause. References and residential screening. No pets. $500/month. $400/deposit. (325)2455097.
3201 SUNSeT4/5br, 2bA, double garage, nice & clean interior, fenced. FP. $1300mo/$1000dep. (325) 716-9446.
NeAr GOOdFeLLOW! 3 bed★ room, 2 bath manufactured homes, appliances and ice cold A/C for rent or sale. Payments as low as $535/mo. Call (325) 812-3225.
1902 COLemAN, COrNer lot, CH/CA, new paint, 3 bedroom, 2 full bath, $700/$300. Rental references re- 1821 WILLOW Big 3 or quired. HUD accepted. 4bdrm/2ba . Huge mas(325) 655-1403. ter closet, wood floors, garage. $1100 rent, $1000 dep. (325) 7169446. 1717 UTAH 1501 N. GArFIeLd. 3 3bdrm/2ba, 2 carports, bdrm/2 bath, 2 carports, split BR. Very open. huge closets. Everything $1100 rent, $1000 dep. NEW! $1,200 (325) 716-9446. month/$1,000 deposit. 3 bedrOOm, 1 bath, (325) 716-9446. laundry/utility room, carport, fence, $785/$700. 2337 North St. (325) 2122995. 2706 JOmAr3br/11/2bA, TILe 3225 rOCKbrOOK floors, CH/CA. 3bdrm/2bA, FP, dou- $900mo/$700dep. (325) ble garage, wood, tile, 651-3562, or (325) 655carpet. $1300mo./ 7554, Greg. $1,000dep. (325) 7162br HOUSe, 9446. $650/mO. Call for more information 325-3748922. 2bdrm/1bA, CH/CA. $ 6 0 0 d e p . , 2101 GLeNWOOd- $600mo.1BDRM/1BA. 5br/2bA, FeNCed $ 3 5 0 d e p . / $ 5 0 0 m o . CH/CA, yard, new car- 3BDRM/1BA pet.$1200mo /$1000dep. $600dep./$700mo. (325) 277-9180. (325) 716-9446. brANd NeW 2016 model manufactured homes with new appliances and ice cold A/C. Beautiful 2 & 3 bedroom floor plans available. As 1861 W. TWOHIG low as $685/mo. Call 2bdrm/1ba. All new inte- (325) 812-3225. rior, open, wood floors, garage. $1100 rent, Manufactured $1000 dep. (325) 716Homes 9446. rV FOr reNT on outskirts of town. Sleeps 1-2 people. $375/mo, $200 deposit. Call/text (325) 212-7014 brANd SpANKING NeW!! 2017 3/2 doublewide with over 1500sqft and a very open floor plan! Priced @ $65,900 that’s $43/sqft. Call 325-340-4702 RBI 32900. USed & repO Mobile Homes. 325-227-6453 RBI 36525 FOr reNT 2br/1bA Park Model Trailer on approx 1/2 acre outskirts of town. $575/mo. Text or Call (325) 212-7014.
Thrifty Nickel’s American Classified - Your result getter 2013 dOUbLe WIde. Like new. 3bdrm/2bath. Gourmet kitchen, garden tub. This is a wow house. Must be cash. Must be moved. Must see. RBI 36791. (325) 227-5348. bIGGeST IN TeXAS! Triple wide w/over 2600sqft and built in porch! 9 1/2ft flat ceilings, fully tape & textured and sure to make your friends jealous!! Call 325340-4694 RBI 32900. USed SOLITAIre 2 bed/2 bath $48,900. Wood plank floors. Finance available. 325227-6453 RBI 36525 1995 FLeeTWOOd HOmeS of Texas 3 bedrooms 2 full baths. $ 7 5 0 0 . 0 0 mmccullar@mccullarrealtyco.com 2010 FLeeTWOOd SINGLe wide. 3 bdrm/2bath, 16X76. good condition. Garden tub. Separate shower. $18,000.00 Must be cash. Must be moved. RBI 36791. (325) 227-5348. 1996 16’X67’ 2 bdrm/2 full bath, CH/CA. All electric, & 3 acres. Ideal for roadside sales, horse stables, organic gardening, etc. 10 minutes from Wal-Mart. 9069 US Hwy 87 N. (512) 7848571. $65,000. Mon.Wed. ‘96 FLeeTWOOd mObILe HOME 16X76 3b/2b, walk in closet, garden tub, CH/CA. $10,000. OBO. (325) 262-8936 after 5pm. 2014 SOLITAIre 16X68 Must Sell, wholesale price. 325-227-6453 RBI 36525 2010 OAK CreeK $24,000 1 bed/1 bath. 325-227-6453 RBI 36525 OWN A mANUFACTUred HOme? Let us help add value to your home and make it more energy efficient with metal under pinning. Free estimates. Call 325-3745595, 325-374-2983. 2br/2bA mObILe HOme on 1 acre of land. Buy or Rent. Call for more information 325-3748922. 2 bdrm 2 Bath Mobile home. Extra large Master BR & Living room. Fenced yard. $750 month. (325) 245-3167. Need mOre rOOm for that growing family? We have a 5 bd/3ba doublewide with over 2300 sqft. Nice split, open floor plan w/designer rock package. Only $99,500. Call 325-480-0022. GrApe CreeK - SEVERAL nice 2 and 3 bedroom singlewides for rent starting at $400 deposit and $550 month. No inside pets. Application required. 325-234-0295. 325-234-0292. USed mObILe HOmeS under 20K. RBI 36791 (325) 227-5348. 2002 14X80 breCK. Make offer. MUST MOVE. To view. (325) 949-0088
mOVe IN reAdY! 4 bed/2 bath 1 acre $89,900. Merkel ISD. 325-227-6453 RBI 36525 $15,000 OFF NeW Solitaire Home! 1 bed/1 bath. 325-227-6453 RBI 36525 4/2 HOUSe ANd 1 Acre, $89,900. Merkel ISD. 325-227-6453 RBI 36525 3br/2bA CH/A, W/d CONNeCTIONS, 2 car off street parking, $600/mo., $600 deposit. Call (325) 658-2763. brANd NeW 2016 model manufactured homes with new appliances and ice cold A/C. Beautiful 2 & 3 bedroom floor plans available. EZ owner financing. As low as $685/mo. First month FREE. Call (325) 8123225. ANGeLO mObILe HOme mOVING; Relevels, skirting & transporting. Unstable floor, unshutting doors? Foundation stabilization, pier & beam, trailer homes. Licensed, bonded, insured. I-4486. Chris (325) 276-1978 leave message. HAVING TrOUbLe FINdING land for your manufactured home? Come out to Stardust Mobile Home Park at 2501 Martin L. King Blvd. We are conveniently located within walking distance to 3 grocery stores, cinema, park, and restaurants. Lot spaces rent from $280$355/month depending on your home size. CALL or COME BY TODAY! 325-653-1859 SUN LAKe eSTATeS NOW has lots avaiable to move your mobile home in. We offer a community pool, basketball & tennis courts and more. Starting at $315/ month. Call (325) 658-2763. 2br/1bA CH/A, CH/CA, W/d connections, stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, off street parking. $575/mo, $575 deposit. Call (325) 6582763 rV FOr reNT on outskirts of town. Sleeps 1-2 people. $375/mo, $200 deposit. Call/text (325) 212-7014 LArGe 3 bedrOOm MANUFACTURED homes, fully remodeled, 1100-1500 sq. ft., spacious kitchen and baths, large master suites, central heating/air. Payments as low as $535/mo. First month FREE! Call (325) 8123225.
Commercial Property Rent dOWNTOWN bY CITY Auditorium, suite of offices. Corner. $1100 per mo. $750 deposit. Minimum 1 year lease. Call Claudia, (325) 2127014.
OFFICe SpACe - Convenient to Banks, Courthouse & Downtown Government Offices. Main office with reception, vault & storage. 325658-1502. 5 OFFICeS, WAreHOUSe, & 1 Acre yard. on Gas Palnt. For Lease. $1,800 month. (325) 9444999. LeASe SpACe AVAILAbLe. Prime location 20 Howard St. Suite A. 2nd highest traffic count area in San Angelo. Approximately 800 sq. ft. Utilities included: water, electric, trash, internet and ample parking. Please call 325-944-2942.
2220 N. CHAdbOUrNe. 900 sq ft, CH/CA, $500 monthly, office or shop. 325-6505514. CeNTrALLY LOCATed, FOrT CONCHO AreA - attractive and affordable 1140 sq. ft. heated/cooled, 3 offices totaling 600 sq. ft. downstairs, 1 office 540 sq. ft. upstairs, designed for multiple work spaces with restrooms and storage closets, plus 2400 sq. ft. warehouse space, motorized overhead and drive-in doors, 120 & 240 outlets, washer/dryer connections, $1195 monthly. First month free. Call (325) 655-4433. NeAr dOWNTOWN SAN ANGeLO, AdJACeNT to Ft. Concho, 564 sq. ft., heated/cooled office space, restrooms, 1692 sq. ft. or warehouse space, large drive-in doors, secure entrance and parking, $595 monthly. Call (325) 6554433. 1100 SQFT OF newly remodeled & updated retail/office space. Busy corner lot across from restaurant. 301 E. 19th. Available January 1st. Currently occupied. Call (325) 245-7001 for more details. COmmerCIAL bUILdING WITH 5 offices on N. Chadbourne for lease. FMI (325) 657-3521. mAIN STreeT, 10 offices next door to Shannon Cancer Center for lease, 3,800 SF. San Angelo Homes 325-7161624
CONSIGNMENT SPACE AVAILABLE ShaMeLess RE 311 N. Chadbourne OPEN - Thurs. Fri. & Saturday Call Carol for information. 325-763-97891
Commercial Property Sale BURRITO PLACE. CONTENTS, building, land. No owner finance. FMI call (325) 315-6057. OFFICE BUILDING APPROX. 1600 sq. ft., previously an accounting firm, Zone changed to Small Commercial, CH/CA, For Lease or Sale. 123 W. 1st St. Zone change approved, small commercial. Call (325) 242-2283.
WELL ESTABLISHED RESTAURANT for sale in Eden, Texas. Owner Finance. 4,800 sq. ft. Plenty of parking. Please call for info. (325) 4562124. BURRITO PLACE. CONTENTS, building, land. No owner finance. FMI call (325) 315-6057. OFFICE BUILDING APPROX. 1600 sq. ft., previously an accounting firm, Zone changed to Small Commercial, CH/CA, For Lease or Sale. 123 W. 1st St. Zone change approved, small commercial. Call (325) 242-2283.
Cemetery Plots 2 PLOTS LAWNHAVEN. Valued at $4,400. Will sell for less. (806) 773-3019. 2 LOTS AT Lawn Haven Memorial Gardens. $2,400 each lot OBO. (325) 263-6315. TWO PLOTS, SIDE by side, in the Veterans Garden in Lawnhaven Cemetery near San Angelo, TX. Will sell both for $4000. Will consider selling one @ $2200. Includes transfer fee. Call (325) 2126291 or (325)482-0244. 2 PLOTS CALVARY Cemetery. $1400 each. (325) 949-7004. 2 MAUSOLEUMS AT Calvary Catholic Cemetery. $6000. (469) 3585380, (214) 872-4241. REDUCED PRICE. 2 MAUSOLEUM CRYPTS in Lawn Haven Gardens / San Angelo. (806) 3521406. SINGLE DEPTH LAWN crypt (crypt already in ground) with perpetual care at Lawnhaven Memorial Gardens. Section J, halfway between Whispering Waterfall and Inner Drive. Valued at approx $4195, asking $2700. Call (325) 6583171 between 9am8pm.
4 SIDE-BY-SIDE CEMETERY plots, located in Fairmont Cemetery. Call (325) 374-7224 or (325) 6505738. 1 GRAVE PLOT. Fairmont Cemetery Main entrance near gazebo. $1600. Call (325) 9491280. 2 PLOTS MASONIC GARDEN. Lawnhaven. Will share transfer fee. (325) 653-9874. LAWN HAVEN MEMORIAL GARDENS Apostles, Lot 55A, Space 3. $4,850. Will pay transfer. (325) 245-5832. 2 ADJOINING LAWNHAVEN prime burial lots. The Last Supper lot #218 Section E. Save $600, both for $3795. We pay transfer fee. David (801) 427-5652 LAWN HAVEN Section E, Last Supper, Space 3, Lot 310. Large oak trees. $1750. (830) 798-7198. IN FAIRMOUNT CEMETARY; 1 lot w/2 spaces. Save $1000 off cemetary price. Call (940) 564-0827 4 CEMETERY PLOTS, Lawnhaven Cemetery located in the oldest section. Will consider selling 2 at a time. Reasonably priced. (325) 651-6457. LAWNHAVEN2 CEMETERY PLOTS $3000.(254) 447-7609, (817) 856-9563. MULTIPLE BURIAL PLOTS (CONNECTED) in Fairmont Cemetery. Call after 6pm. (325) 6507060. 2 CRYPTS IN Calvary Garden Mausoleum. San Angelo. $2500 each obo. (325) 949-0034 LAWNHAVEN CEMETERY PLOT & MARKER. Good location, reasonably priced. FMI (325) 763-9695. 2 SIDE BY SIDE plots, Calvary Catholic Cemetery. $3000 for both, OBO. Call (325) 6551494. LAWNHAVEN CEMETERY. GOOD LOCATION AT THE APOSTLE. $1700. (325) 656-5571. LAWNHAVEN VETERANS GARDEN. Includes outer container required by Lawnhaven. $2,200, save $789. Call (325)212-6291 or (325)482-0244.
LAWNHAVEN MEMORIAL GARDENS. 2-4 adjoining plots. Garden of Last Supper. San Angelo. $4000 for all. Contact (325) 784-6259 for details. LAWNHAVEN: 2 PLOTS in Apostles, value $5,590. Will take $5,000 and pay transfer. (325) 374-2026. 2 LOTS AT Lawn Haven Memorial Gardens. $2,400 each lot OBO. (325) 263-6315. TWO PLOTS, SIDE by side, in the Veterans Garden in Lawnhaven Cemetery near San Angelo, TX. Will sell both for $4000. Will consider selling one @ $2200. Includes transfer fee. Call (325) 2126291 or (325)482-0244. 2 PLOTS CALVARY Cemetery. $1400 each. (325) 949-7004. 2 MAUSOLEUMS AT Calvary Catholic Cemetery. $6000. (469) 3585380, (214) 872-4241. REDUCED PRICE. 2 MAUSOLEUM CRYPTS in Lawn Haven Gardens / San Angelo. (806) 3521406.
Lakes & Resorts WELL BUILT, ALL electric efficiency home on one acre at Elm Creek Village. Separate bedroom partially finished. CA/H, dishwasher, disposal, ceramic top oven. Separate RV covered area with separate hookups for electric and sewer. Sea Container storage. 4 producing pecan trees and numerous wild plum trees. Covered porch big enough for 2 trucks with 2 boats. 960 sq ft in home. Owner will finance for 5 years with 20% down. $65,000 325-784-5240, leave message. debbie.maxcey@hotmail.com OAK POINT LAKE property on Lake Brownwood, $9,785 OBO. (325) 656-1047.
Out of Town Property COLEMAN, TX. 2 bedroom, 1 bath, corner lot, carport, $17,500. (325) 234-9794. BALLINGER: 2 HOUSES 20 ACRES Rural water $239,000. (325) 718-4396. NEAR LAKE BROWNWOOD. Secluded 3BR/2BA home on 6.7 acres with 25x30 covered carport, 20x12 pavilion, water storage tank, shop & barn. Lots of trees, 2 creeks and plentiful wildlife. $199,500. (325) 642-8534.
10 ACRES, 1 well - 9 miles west of Robert Lee.(432) 978-6130 Leave message. TWO ACRES ON Armstrong. Owner finance, HOUSE FOR SALE no improvements. Call 1600 Car Lane, Big Lake, (325) 212-7014 Tx. Beautiful 2224 sqft brick & Austin stone home on 1.18 acre. 3bdrm/2ba with fireplace, huge den. 4 storage buildings, metal fence, 25x48’ RV shed with electric. Sprinkler system, chicken coop & horse LOTS IN THE Bluffs for pen. $249,900. (325) sale 50x130. Great for building. Call James, 277-9410. LAKE BROWNWOOD (325)277-5478 or Janie, IN MAY TEXAS. 2 water- (325)277-7653. San Angelo Real Estate. front lots set up for double wide with boat dock. LARGE VACANT LOT $90,000K. (325) 277- 1/2 acre, corner 16th & 4321 or (325) 226-6899. Oakes. (325) 340-2786. 2 LOTS AT 20 W. 18th $8,300 each. (325) Lots/Land St. 234-2152 & 5 Acreage COLORADO MOUNTAIN ACRES, must sell! Fantastic RV LOTS for LEASE views. Hunt, Fish. Outin premier San Angelo door Paradise! Owner ficommunity near Good- nanced. $300 down. fellow AFB. Quiet $150/month. 877-257country living, long 0231. term stays welcome. 50X150 EMPTY LOT, $350/mo. includes 15th & N. Chadbourne water service and 450 behind Pizza Hut, $9000 of free electricity use obo. (325) 212-1598. per month. Christoval Estates (325) 812- COMMERCIAL PROPERTY SAN ANGELO, 3225. TX. - 5-129 ACRES available for long or GOLDEN TRIANGLE short term lease or OF Texas. Hunting, Mav- for sale Conveniently erick Co. mesquite brush, located on Christoval Rd. coastal Bermuda field, near HWY 87 & GAFB. lots of Rio Grande river 7400 sq. ft. warehouse frontage. Great fishing. available with 6500 sq. ft. South of Eagle Pass, 18 of attached covered stormiles from beautiful Hotel age area. Care taker Casino and eatery. Call houses on property if Martin Lee: 325-655needed. Call 325-6566989 or 325-660-6198 5708, 325-655-4433. 201 HILLCREST AVE. 2 lots for sale in SALE OR TRADE on Ballinger, Texas. 1 lot has Spring Creek with a wategas, electric, sewer, & fall. 2 bedroom, logside, water. House needs to be tin roof, desks, 2 bedcleaned out; needs lots room guest house and of work, has fenced yard shop on 2 acres near & RV shed. Lot across Mertzon, $249,900. 325street goes with house & 656-7447. is vacant. $25,000 as is. OWNER FINANCING (325) 656-4674 after - Lots in Carlsbad on 5pm. Galveston Street, 30 ACRES NEAR 50’x150’, $10,000 each, schools in Grape Creek. $1000 down. 325-650Great location. (325) 340- 5900. 2786. CORNER LOT IN Win5.25 AC. OWNER fi- ters, TX. Includes small nance. $75,000. Fred house good for storage. (325) 450-0425. $6000. (325) 655-9433. 1 LOT AT 10th & MLK LOT ON BEAUTIFUL $15,500, OWNER FI- Townview Lane – ready NANCE. (325) 234-2152 for you to COLORADO 5 build!MLS#8909. Jerrie, MOUNTAIN Acres, JW RE, 325-656-2188. must sell! Fantastic views. Hunt, Fish. Outdoor Paradise! Owner financed. $300 down. $150/month. 1-888-9098115.
October 20, 2016
A NICKEL saved is a NICKEL earned! 136 E 11TH St, 2 lots on corner, 100 feet x 100 feet. $10,000 call Danny at (830) 313-4791. GOLDEN TRIANGLE OF Texas. Hunting, Maverick Co. mesquite brush, coastal Bermuda field, lots of Rio Grande river frontage. Great fishing. South of Eagle Pass, 18 miles from beautiful Hotel Casino and eatery. Call Martin Lee: 325-6556989 or 325-660-6198 201 HILLCREST AVE. 2 lots for sale in Ballinger, Texas. 1 lot has gas, electric, sewer, & water. House needs to be cleaned out; needs lots of work, has fenced yard & RV shed. Lot across street goes with house & is vacant. $25,000 as is. (325) 656-4674 after 5pm.
Apartments Furnished 202 W. 1ST. ONE ★BEDROOM DUPLEX, $160 weekly, plus electric. No pets. HUD accepted, (325) 650-8581
Apartments Unfurnished 2313 CHESTNUT 2 BEDROOM, 1 BATH. $525 monthly, $300 deposit. Bills paid except electric, upstairs, no W/D connection. No CH/CA, . (325) 6530193, (325) 450-1593. EFFICIENCY FOR RENT: Efficiency apartment for rent. 116 N. Bishop (rear). $325 a month, plus bills. $250 deposit. Applications in mail box. Please take one, fill it out and return to the mail box, then call (325) 944-2359. HUNTINGTON APTS 4042 Huntington Lane. 2 bdrm/2 bath-$800 mo. 1 bdrm/1 bath-$700. $300 deposit. All bills paid except electricity. Washer/Dryer connections, fireplace, basic cable, covered parking, storage. (325) 234-6968, (714) 5858392.
STOP WASTING ★ MONEY on RENT! Own your own 2BR or 3BR manufactured home with LOW DOWN and monthly payment starting as low as $535/mo. Easy rent-to-own program, bad credit OK. Call (325) 812-3225.
YOUR AD COULD BE HERE! Call 944-7653 NICE HOMEY DUPLEX. Large living room. Bedroom. Kitchen, dining, bath. Convenient west side location. Guadalupe St. near Central High. W/D connections. Fireplace. Hardwood floors. Carport. Stove & Refrigerator furnished. Yard work furnished. Must have references. No pets. No smoking. $425 plus bills. $200 deposit. (325) 6503166 or (325) 949-1725. 16 E. 30TH, Las Rosas Apt. 1 bedroom, upstairs $475, downstairs $500. 2 bedroom, 1 bath, upstairs $575, downstairs $600. 225 E. 3rd St. Sage Brush Apts. 2 bedroom, 1 bath, downstairs $600. 1909 1/2 Pulliam. St. Marjan Apts, 1 bedroom, $475 upstairs, $500 downstairs. Special move in rates available (325) 653-3506, (714) 5858392. 25 E. 11TH St. 1 bedroom, 1 bath. $550 monthly, $350 deposit. Stove, refrigerator. We pay water. No pets. (325) 657-0771, (325) 6561536. ONE BDRM APT $550 month. All bills paid. Basic cable provided. No pets. Dominquez Apts. (325) 656-2018. 218 W. 9TH, Apt. 3, efficiency, $300 month, $150 deposit. All bills paid. (325) 242-2283. HISTORIC RENOVATED APARTMENTS in Christoval. $650-$750-$800, water included. (325) 6592305, (325) 651-8984. 1 BDRM DUPLEX apartment. 115 S. Jefferson, Apt A. $750mo+$200 dep. Direct TV & water included, washer/dryer hookups, all bills paid. No pets, no smoking. (325) 658-4644.
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THE OAKS DOWNTOWN. 402 W. TWOHIG. Extra large apartments, extra large closets. 2br/2bath 1300 sqft. 1br/1bath 900 sqft. All bills paid except electricity. Washer/Dryer connections and/or laundromat. (325) 656-1277. GARAGE APT 1BDRM. Cook stove, fridge, washer & dryer. Clean & cosey. Near freeway & Central. $600 +deposit, water furnished. No pets, NO smoking. Ready 1st part of November. (325) 450-4030 EFFICIENCY FOR RENT: Efficiency apartment for rent. 116 N. Bishop (rear). $325 a month, plus bills. $250 deposit. Applications in mail box. Please take one, fill it out and return to the mail box, then call (325) 944-2359 225 E. 6TH St. 1BR/1BA. Rent $650/Dep. $300 or 517 N. Bell St. 2BR/1BA Rent $680/Dep. $300. Unfurnished apartments. Bills paid. HUD Accepted. (325) 4501593. 2313 CHESTNUT 2 BEDROOM, 1 BATH. $525 monthly, $300 deposit. Bills paid except electric, upstairs, no W/D connection. No CH/CA, . (325) 653-0193, (325) 450-1593. HUNTINGTON APTS 4042 Huntington Lane. 2 bdrm/2 bath-$800 mo. 1 bdrm/1 bath-$700. $300 deposit. All bills paid except electricity. Washer/Dryer connections, fireplace, basic cable, covered parking, storage. (325) 234-6968, (714) 585-8392.
Discover a deal! NEAR GOOD★ FELLOW! 3 bedroom, 2 bath manufactured homes for rent, appliances and ice cold A/C for rent or sale. Payments as low as $535/mo. Call (325) 812-3225.
333 ACRES. 11 miles south of San Angelo off of Highway 277. Excellent hunting, Live Oaks, Cedar & Mesquite. New fences, cross fences. 1250 sq. ft cabin. 30x50 pole barn, water wells, water meter, secluded. (325) 656-2888
APARTM ENT TERS N I S W All Newly Remodeled New Carpet New Tile & Appliances $450/mo $400 Deposit Winters, Tx
Call 325-338-6199
Page 16
October 20, 2016
October 20, 2016
Page 17
Page 18
October 20, 2016
www.angeloads.com Cars LO-MILES, CONVERTIBLE-1999 MIATA; 88k miles, silver, performance package and more. $4000. (214) 5335556. 2015 DODGE DART, 38k miles, STK91695, $13,477. Randall Motors, 325-655-5631. 1998 BMW 328I CONVERTIBLE. Strong engine, new complete front suspension. New rear wheel bearings & axles. New tires, needs cosmetic work. $1,300. Call (325) 340-0575 & leave message. 2013 LEXUS GS350, 61k miles, STK16115A, $26,977. Randall Motors, 325-655-5631. 1989 CAMARO IROC Z, 350 V8. 110k miles, excellent running condition and has new 4 speed auto transmission. 5 time 1st place winner in class at local car shows. $7995. Call (325) 812-4320 for more info. 2016 CHEVY CRUZE, 15k miles, STK91622, $16,977. Randall Motors, 325-655-5631. 2015 CADILLAC CTS Prem, 6k miles, STK91616, $40,977. Randall Motors, 325-6555631. NATION WIDE parts locator service! Can’t find that part you need? Call Clark’s and let them find it for you. (325) 6584377.
CARS/TRUCKS WANTED!! ALL Makes/Models 20002016! Any Condition. Running or Not. Top $$$ Paid! Free Towing! We’re Nationwide! Call Now: 1888-985-1806 2013 HYUNDAI GENESIS, 59k miles, STK91625B, $16,977. Randall Motors, 325-6555631. 2004 BUICK CENTURY V6, 67,000 actual miles. All power. Excellent condition inside & out. Real bargain. $3,850. (325) 617-4478. DID YOU KNOW?! CLARK’S AUTO WRECKING has NEW auto parts, doors, fenders, grills, radiators, hoods, lights, door handles. Many in stock or next day delivery. You’ll be surprised at their prices. 658-4377. 2015 BUICK LACROSSE, 18k miles, STK9527, $22,977. Randall Motors, 325-6555631. 2012 MAZDA 3I, 19k miles, STK3576A, $12,977. Randall Motors, 325-655-5631. 2013 HYUNDAI ELANTRA GT hatchback. Black with tan leather seats, heated seats, navigation, full sun roof. 72,000 miles. $11,200. (325) 234-4426. 2001 SUBURBAN 154,500 MILES. $3950.00 (325) 655-6374 or (325) 234-9109. 2001 CROWN VICTORIA. 83,623 miles. Clean inside, good condition. AC/H, new tires. $3,500. (325) 655-6544.
944-SOLD 2014 CADILLAC CTS-V, 18k miles, STK16143A, $49,977. Randall Motors, 325-6555631.
‘77 VW CONVERTIBLE. Excellent condition. Runs great. (325) 234-6255. 2009 ACURA TSX. EXCELLENT condition. Silver. High tech, back up camera. Navigation. Blue tooth, excellent sound system. Black leather interior. New tires. $12,000. (281) 851-9269. STATE INSPECTIONS ON cars, pickups, RVs, SUVs, motorcycles, trucks, trailers or anything that needs an inspection sticker. Must have current insurance. Bradley Welding, 1224 N. Bell. (325) 6534175. 2015 CADILLAC ATS 18k miles, STK91682, $31,997. Randall Motors, 325-655-5631. I ADVERTISED MY VEHICLE in American Classifieds. A man came by to look at it. I had another vehicle that was not for sale. Long story short, I sold the unadvertised vehicle. You guys are batting 1000!! I’ll always come here! J.S. 2015 BUICK LACROSSE, 18k miles, STK9527, $22,977. Randall Motors, 325-6555631. BLACK 2005 MUSTANG GT convertible with shaker red leather interior. 17,400 miles, very clean. A must see for $13,500. (325) 227-2370. 2016 TOYOTA CAMRY, 17k miles, STK91690, $18,977. Randall Motors, 325-6555631. LIKE NEW 1999 MERCURY SABLE. 1 owner. 64,000 actual miles. All power. Leather seats. $3,400. (325) 617-4478.
‘13 HYUNDAI ELANTRA Coupe. One owner. Only 23,00 miles. Under full warranty for 5 yr/60,000 miles. Charcoal grey with spoiler. Great gas mileage. $10,500.00 Call (325) 374-3305 or (325) 650-6967 2013 CADILLAC XTS, 80k miles, STK16152A, $21,977. Randall Motors, 325-6555631. 2007 MAROON CHEVY MALIBU. AC/ Heater work. New tires. Up to date plates. Very clean & in great condition. $2,700 OBO. (325) 212-9338. CARS/TRUCKS WANTED!! ALL Make/Models 2000-2015! Any Condition. Running or Not. Competitive Offer! Free Towing! We’re Nationwide! Call Now: 1888-416-2330. COME CHECK OUT San Angelo Motor Co., 2201 W. Ave. N, (325) 944-0522. See all the cars, pickups, and SUVs that we have. 2013 CHEVY CAMARO, 22k miles, STK916103A, $26,977. Randall Motors, 325-6555631.
2002 PONTIAC AZTEK. $3,000. GOOD CONDITION. NEW BATTERY & FUEL PUMP. (325) 227-5647. UP TO $400 CASH paid for old cars and trucks. More in some cases. (325) 656-3658 DONATE YOUR CAR to Veterans Today! Help and Support our Veterans. Fast-FREE pick up. 100% tax deductible. Call 1-800-245-0398. SOLD MY VEHICLE the first weekend. American Classifieds works and I would place ads again. Chuck G. 2014 FORD FOCUS Extra nice, 27K miles. $8500 or will take trade-in. (325) 6552808. 2014 CADILLAC ATS, 32k miles, STK91699, $20,977. Randall Motors, 325-6555631. W A N T E D KAWASAKI, BMW, HONDA, SUZUKI AND HARLEY DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. 1903 TO 1983 500, 750, 900, 1000 and 1200 CC Top Dollar Paid Call 570 939 2091 “LIKE” US AND BE OUR “FRIEND” ON FACEBOOK and you could win “FREE” ads. Keep up with all the latest happenings at American Classifieds. Check us out on Facebook and “like” us!!
2002 MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE, Silver. 119,000 miles. (325) 6172480 or (325) 656-7697. NORTHSIDE BATTERY, LLC. New and refurbished. Cars, trucks, diesel batteries. Small mechanical work. We can come to you!. (325) 213-6057.
It’s time to place your ad.
October 20, 2016
1998 BMW 328I CONVERTIBLE. Strong engine, new complete front suspension. New rear wheel bearings & axles. New tires, needs cosmetic work. $1,300. Call (325) 340-0575 & leave message. 2013 leXUS GS350, 61k miles, STK16115A, $26,977. Randall Motors, 325-655-5631. 1989 CAMARO IROC Z, 350 V8. 110k miles, excellent running condition and has new 4 speed auto transmission. 5 time 1st place winner in class at local car shows. $7995. Call (325) 812-4320 for more info. 2001 CROWN VICTORIA. 83,623 miles. Clean inside, good condition. AC/H, new tires. $3,500. 2015 DODGe DART, (325) 655-6544. 38k miles, STK91695, $13,477. Randall Motors, 325-655-5631.
2012 MITSUBISHI GAlANT. tinted, good a/c, 85k miles, well maintained. $9850. (325) 8950840. 2014 FORD FUSION, 17k miles, STK91666, $16,977. Randall Motors, 325-655-5631. 2014 NISSAN VeRSA. Auto 51,000 miles. $9988. The Good Guy Car Company, 1016 S. Koenigheim. 1995 FORD TAURUS 4 door. Loaded. Very nice. 72K. One owner. $3950 OBO. (325) 9429996. CARS/TRUCKS WANTeD! We buy 2000-2015 Cars/Trucks, Running or Not! Nationwide Free Pickup! America’s Top Car Buyer! Call 1-888-513-1505. 2014 CHeVY IMPAlA, 25k miles, STK9588, $14,477. Randall Motors, 325-6555631. 2015 NISSAN AlTIMA, 49K miles. $13,988. The Good Guy Car Company, 1016 S. Koenigheim. 2015 BUICK lACROSSe, 19k miles, STK91638, $23,497. Randall Motors, 325-6555631. 2015 BUICK lACROSSe, 18k miles, STK91639, $27,997. Randall Motors, 325-6555631. 2013 CHeV CAMARO, 10K miles. $17,988. The Good Guy Car Company, 1016 S. Koenigheim. 2015 CHeVY MAIlBU, 18k miles, STK91680, $15,977. Randall Motors, 325-6555631. 2015 CADIllAC ATS 15k miles, STK91612,6A $31,997. Randall Motors, 325-655-5631. SOlD MY VeHICle the first weekend. American Classifieds works and I would place ads again. Chuck G. 2015 CHeVY IMPAlA, 15k miles, STK91684 $23,977. Randall Motors, 325-6555631. 2014 CHeVY IMPAlA, 41k miles, STK9554, $14,477. Randall Motors, 325-6555631. I PAID $113.00 FOR 1 month of advertising with another publication, and I got one call for my business in two weeks. In 2 weeks, my ad in American Classifieds that cost only $12, I got 15 calls. Thank you!! R. l. 2012 FORD TAURUS, 39k miles, STK91640B, $14,977. Randall Motors, 325-655-5631. 2011 CAMARO-eXCelleNT CONDITION inside & out. Only 10,400 miles. Asking $18,750. Sunroof. Call (325) 659-6969 after 5pm.
2011 CADIllAC CTS, 48k miles, STK1632A, $19,977. Randall Motors, 325-6555631. 2015 CHeVY CAMARO Convert, 31k miles, STK91694, $21,477. Randall Motors, 325-655-5631. 2015 CHeVY CAMARO SS convertible. 29K miles. $29,988. The Good Guy Car Company, 1016 S. Koenigheim. 2014 HONDA ACCORD, 47k miles, STK91610a, $15,977. Randall Motors, 325-6555631. CAPITOl ClASSIC CARS Buying All European & Classic Cars. ANY Condition, ANY Location, Porsche, Mercedes, Jaguar & More! Top Dollar PAID. CapitalClassicCars.com Steve Nicholas 1-571-2825153, steve@capitalclassiccars.com 2007 MUSTANG. V6, auto, Cruise, tilt, power windows, locks & mirrors. Alloy wheels, blue, 87,000 miles. $7,900. Can be seen at corner of College Hills Blvd & Ave N, (325) 223-1867. GReAT RATe ON auto insurance. Call for a FREE quote TODAY. (325)944-3813, Younts Insurance. insurewesttexas.com. 2016 BeeTle 18K miles. $16,988. The Good Guy Car Company, 1016 S. Koenigheim. 2013 CADIllAC SRX Luxury Edition, $25,900. Coy’s Quality Cars, 1704 W. Beauregard, (325)655-4052. 2005 PORSCHe CAYeNNe, 4 door, V-6, auto and more. Excellent condition. 85,500 miles. $15,995. San Angelo Motor Co., 2201 W. Ave. N, 325-944-0522. 2013 DODGe CHARGeR,4 door, V-6, auto and lots more. 44K miles. Factory Warranty. $16,995. San Angelo Motor Co., 2201 W. Ave. N, 325-944-0522. 2010 CHRYSleR 300, 4 door, V-6, tilt, cruise and much more, $11,995. San Angelo Motor Co., 2201 W. Ave. N, 325-944-0522. 1995 CADIllAC DeVille, 4 door, good condition. 325-773-3898 or 325-260-8383
2006 MONTe Carlo LTN real sharp, new tires. SELL OR TRADE $6,350. 325-893-4863 325-3869454. 2009 BUICK Enclave CXL, Loaded. Black leather interior. 95k. Adult driven & well maintained. Must see to appreciate. 325-513-3727 2015 FIeSTA, AUTO, 28,000 miles. $11,988. The Good Guy Car Company, 1016 S. Koenigheim. 2007 GT Mustang, one owner, $12,995. Runs great, 71,500k miles 325668-1012, 325-260-1380 BlACK 2012 Dodge Charger, 74,000 miles, excellent condition, new tires, $15,500. 325-6656106. 2002 MUSTANG, Real Sharp. SELL OR TRADE $4,250. 325-893-4863 325-386-9454. MUSTANG CONVeRTIBle, Red, 2001, 150k, V6, auto, cold ac, excellent tires, $3000. No tire kickers 325-4287255. 2004 NISSAN Armada (Black in Color) Nice, great condition $6250. 325-235-8320. 2006 DODGe Stratus, red, cold ac, heater, power brakes, tinted windows, runs good, will make good student car. $2250. 325-701-7583. 2006 AVAlON, sunroof, leather, 87,000, 4 door, beautiful car. Excellent condition. $11,000 firm. 325-338-2775. 2011 KIA Forte great shape, low mileage. 325320-9311. 2007 VOlKSWAGeN Beetle, power windows, keyless entry, new tires, 137k miles, excellent condition $4500. 325766-2696 2003 PONTIAC Grand Prix, V6, auto, 96k miles, very good condition $3250. 325-766-2696. 2007 lINCOlN Town Car new Michelin tires, nice clean car. 940-4225504, 940-422-4779. 2007 HONDA Civic silver with grey interior, looks great! Runs great! Well maintained. $7600. 325-572-3904. 1976 MeRCeDeS Benz 450-SL, can be hard top or soft top or convertible. $8500. 325338-5754.
OlD VINTAGe accessory car trunk, 1930 or 1940’s. 325-665-9412 or 325-665-9416. 2007 FORD Focus 4 cylinder, auto, power equipment, only 62k miles. $4995. 325-7662696. 2013 HYUNDAI Accent Bright red, 35,000 miles, like new, $9500 or refinance at bank. Call 325-280-8729. 2013 COROllA le. gold, tan cloth interior, 70,000 miles. well taken care of. $10,000 325665-7102 2002 lINCOlN lS in good shape, SELL OR TRADE $4,300. 325-8934863 325-386-9454. 14FT UTIlITY trailer $500. Old Dodge pu $600. Denali suv $4400. F150, 2002, 4dr $3500. 325-338-3591. 97 lINCOlN Town Car Signature Series, leather seats, cruise, electric features, good condition. 114,267 miles $2300. 325-672-8603. 4 - 1946 Jeep Tires, $200. Excellent condition. 325-518-1909. 1995 MUSTANG. Automatic. Dark Green. V-6. A/C & Heater Works. Runs Great. $2,800 obo. 325-201-3831 99 BUICK Century 58k miles, garage kept, Non smoker, some dents, very clean firm $3200. 325829-4455. 2006 FORD Fusion SE, V6, 89k miles, very good condition $4950. 325766-2696. 1990 CADIllAC Deville, 2 dr hardtop carriage roof, white leather interior loaded, Granny’s, garage kept baby! $6500 FMI 325-245-5517. ROCK CRAWleR 1976 CJ7 Jeep, 304 engine, 37” I Rock mud tires w/beadlock wheels 3/4 ton Front/Rear axles, full roll cage and steel front/rear fenders both designed by Overkill Engineering. Replaced the coil, transmission and carburetor. 325-6693571. 2008 PONTIAC SOlSTICe GXP, 2.0turbo, auto, 62,500mi, good top, good tires, runs perfect, adult owned, super fast! Call or text 325-650-7076 or 325374-8900 $8500 jasonburns33@yahoo.com
2007 GT Mustang, one owner, $12,995. Runs great, 71,500k miles 325668-1012, 325-260-1380
Discover a deal!
Page 19
2016 CHeVY CRUZe, 15k miles, STK91622, $16,977. Randall Motors, 325-655-5631. NATION WIDe parts locator service! Can’t find that part you need? Call Clark’s and let them find it for you. (325) 6584377. DID YOU KNOW?! ClARK’S AUTO WReCKING has NEW auto parts, doors, fenders, grills, radiators, hoods, lights, door handles. Many in stock or next day delivery. You’ll be surprised at their prices. 658-4377. 2013 HYUNDAI elANTRA GT hatchback. Black with tan leather seats, heated seats, navigation, full sun roof. 72,000 miles. $11,200. (325) 234-4426. 2001 SUBURBAN 154,500 MILES. $3950.00 (325) 655-6374 or (325) 234-9109.
Page 20
October 20, 2016
Pickups 2002 TRAIL BLAZeR. Runs good. A/C everything works. $2,500. (325) 658-4472 1980 Chevy P/U short wide. $4,200 OBO. Motor runs good. 2015 Chevy SILveRADo 1/2 ton, 17k miles, STK95221, $29,977. Randall Motors, 325-655-5631.
2003 Chevy SILveRADo 2500HD, $8,000 OBO. (325) 2625872. $CASh$. We will pay above scale weight. Cars or pickups for wrecking use. 658-4377.
1998 FoRD RANgeR 4x4. Runs, but is a little rough. Asking $2,100obo. (325) 3742666. 2000 Chevy 1/2 TON shortbed. $2,850. (858) 1996 DoDge 337-5652. PICKUP, V8, gas, 130 INSPeCmiles, runs very good, STATe new windshield, new rear TIoNS oN cars, Rvs, tires, 1st $1500 cash gets pickups, SUvs, motorcythe title. 325-227-4746. cles, trucks, trail2012 DoDge MegA ers or anything CAB DIESEL 3500 SIN- that needs an inGLE WHEEL. 59K. White spection sticker. 4X4. $39,000. (325) 374- Must have current insurance. Bradley 0563. Welding, 1224 N. Bell. (325) 6534175.
UP To $400 CASH paid for old cars and trucks. More in some cases. (325) 656-3658
CoMe CheCK oUT San Angelo Motor Co., 2201 W. Ave. N, (325) 944-0522. See all the cars, pickups, and SUVs that we have.
gLASSDoCToR *We FIX your panes! 2014 SILveRADo LT crewcab, 13K miles.loaded, Best offer above $27,500. (325) 213-3799.
Chip repair. Free mobile service. 12 month breakage guarantee. Convenient expert installation. (325) 653-7380.
2001 FoRD RANgeR extended cab, auto, V6, 100K miles. New tires. Everything works. $3,200. OBO. (325) 9770587. 2001 ChevRoLeT SILveRADo. Single cab, V6. 3242 Lake Drive. $2,450. (325) 2348416. 02 DoDge Dakota pickup bed cover with all attachments. $300. See at 1110 EN Houston, Abilene, Texas. 2012 Chevy SILveRADo Crew Cab, 44k miles, STK16154A, $27,977. Randall Motors, 325-655-5631.
2009 Chevy LoNgBeD. Runs needs work, $6500. 325277-0873, 325-944-8418. ‘96 DoDge. Standard. Excellent condition. Runs good. $3,000. (325) 2272621, (325) 374-6060. 2003 Chevy TRUCK, diesel, all in good shape, 94k miles, good enclosed 14 ft. box bed, excellent haul, moving, carpenter, plumbing or electrical, $9500. See at 1002 S. Koenigheim St. San Angelo. Call 325660-6198, 325-655-6989 or 325-473-4881. Will trade for ATV equal or less price $14,500. 90 ToyoTA P/U Auto, 4 cyl. 180,000. $1,600. (325) 650-4304.
2009 FoRD F150. 33,000 miles. Well maintained. Automatic transmission. Excellent tires. Cold AC. $14,000. (325) 234-3958. 2014 FoRD F150 XLT Crew Cab 4x4. Leather, very clean. $24,988. The Good Guy Car Company, 1016 S. Koenigheim. 2001 ChevRoLeT SILveRADo LS Z-71. Off road, 133k miles. Single cab, short bed with camper. Good condition. $6,000. (325) 812-6172. 1968 Chevy pickup SWB stepside, no motor or transmission. Nice builder. Asking $2500. 325-691-1944. http://www.eLKINSLAWFIRM.CoM Chad elkins, (325)6518702 2007 DoDge PICKUP. Regular cab. Power windows & locks. Clean & reliable. 89K. $9,300. (325) 227-9289.
2005 Chevy SILveRADo 1500 CREW CAB 5.3 Short bed. $8500 OBO. (325) 2623911. 2014 ToyoTA TUNDRA, 46k miles, STK91669A, $28,977. Randall Motors, 325-6555631. $CASh$ any make or model cars and pickups for wrecking use. We will pick them up. Clark’s Auto Wrecking, 6584377.
2004 FoRD F350 Diesel Crew Cab Dually, 4x4, utility bed, 223k miles, white, auto-trans. $7,750. (325) 939-1005. After noon. AMeRICAN CLASSIFIeDS: I SoLD My pickup the first day the ad came out. SS 2007 DoDge RAM. 4 door. 1/2 ton. Red. 111K. $11,800. (325) 227-9509. 2015 DoDge RAM, 18k miles, STK95224, $25,977. Randall Motors, 325-655-5631. $CASh$. We will pay above scale weight. Cars or pickups for wrecking use. 658-4377. 1996 DoDge SUPeR cab. 1 ton dually. $2000. (325) 650-9339. 2006 DoDge RAM ST shortbed. V6, cruise, tilt, power windows & locks, new tires, Rhino liner. 91,000 miles. Nice, nice. $7500. Can be seen at corner of College Hills Blvd & Ave N, (325) 2231867. 1997 FoRD F450. Cab & Chassis. Needs cam shaft. $750. (325) 659-1555. gReAT RATe oN auto insurance. Call for a FREE quote TODAY. (325)944-3813, Younts Insurance. insurewesttexas.com.
2006 Chevy KoDIAK 4500. Runs & drives great. $15,500obo. (325) 4508138. FMI hAULINg CAR trailer $1600. 1994 Chevy 3500 truck $1800. 1998 GMC 1/2 ton truck, 4x4, $1600. 325-201-7429.
2013 Chevy 3/4 Ton Work Truck, long bed, Crew Cab, 2WD, PW/PL, chrome grill guard, chrome headache rack, chrome running boards & bed rails, only 8800 mile. $25,000. Glasscock Chevrolet, Big Lake, TX. 325-884-2594. 2014 Chevy 2500, 4WD, RegCab, 31K miles, gooseneck, grillguard, headache rack. $20,500 Call 325-6565132 FoR SALe 88 Mazda pu B2200, 6 spd stick shift, needs some work. 325-669-8259 good body & tires. 1986 ToyoTA 4x4 $3000. 325-236-5739, 325-236-0497. 2006 Chevy Ext Cab, V8, auto, power windows & doors, new tires, good condition $5495. 325766-2696. 1995 FoRD Super Cab 7.3 Power Stroke truck. 325-733-3552. 2004 DoDge 1500 Crew Cab, V8, auto, 188k miles, new tires, $6750. 325-766-2696. FoR SALe $10,500 obo. 2005 Dodge Ram 1500 Quad Cab Long bed 5.7 Liter magnum with Hemi. 92k miles, good condition. 360-3057345. 2006 25o 3/4 ton Ford, diesel, 4dr Super Duty, 4 wheel drive, 6.0 automatic. $6,500 obo. 325668-8925. WeLDINg TRUCK 2004 F350 Lariat, Lincoln Welder, $18,000. 806548-1313. I’M LoUD and rough around the edges BUT I make deals no else can make! Call Patrick 210749-4193. 2011 Chevy K1500 Ext Cab, 4x4, V8, auto, 190k miles $8750. 325766-2696. 1996 DoDge, runs strong, well cared for, custom interior/paint, will trade for 3/4 ton equal value or sell. 254-4331448. 1999 FoRD F450 7.3 Diesel wrecker, 1988 Ford F350 7.3 Diesel Wrecker, good condition. 254-842-8889.
1992 ChevRoLeT 1 ton with tool boxes. 325773-3898 or 325-2608383 1996 FoRD 3/4 ton 4 door, with gooseneck trailer. $6000. 325-2365739, 325-236-0497. 1983 FoRD International Diesel, Straight 8, needs batteries. $1000.Stamford 325-3707412. 1990 F150 (As Is) need engine work, completed in shop locally $1500. 325-725-2656. 1984 1 ton 4 door Chevrolet with gooseneck trailer. $6000. 325236-5739, 325-236-0497. 2007 FoRD Ranger XLT Extended Cab, everything works. 80,000 miles, one owner, good tires, must see to appreciate. 325-436-9554. 2006 25o 3/4 ton Ford, diesel, 4dr Super Duty, 4 wheel drive, 6.0 automatic. $6,500 obo. 325668-8925. 13hP SeRvICe truck top type, air compressor. Good condition $725. 325-220-0535, 325-2200263. 2007 ChevRoLeT hhR Panel truck, 4 cylinder, 2.2 engine, automatic, power windows & locks, A/C, 5 doors, good tires, good body, good interior, current tags & inspection, clean title, very good clean truck. $3600. 325-676-0475 2001 FoRD RANgeR extended cab, auto, V6, 100K miles. New tires. Everything works. $3,200. OBO. (325) 9770587. 2003 Chevy SILveRADo 2500HD, $8,000 OBO. (325) 2625872. 2014 SILveRADo LT crewcab, 13K miles.loaded, Best offer above $27,500. (325) 213-3799. 2005 Chevy SILveRADo 1500 CREW CAB 5.3 Short bed. $8500 OBO. (325) 2623911. 2009 Chevy LoNgBeD. Runs needs work, $6500. 325277-0873, 325-944-8418.
BODY SHOP Lifetime warranty on paint! Come by for a free estimate
7:30AM to 6 PM
Insurance claims welcome 801 W. Ave. N 655-5631
1934 fORD COUPE; 327 motor, 300hp, at the rear wheels, a/c & heater, red interior, 372 posi rear end, suicide doors, shaved doors & trunk, radio, tape deck, CD player & chrome front ‘79 BUICK REGAL axle & engine. $39,900 LIMITED Lots of FMI Call (325) 212-1788. chrome, V8 301, bored point 030; overdrive. A/C. Needs paint. Same owner for 30 years. $4,600. (325) 365-5791. Ballinger, Texas. 1978 RANCHERO 1979 fORD GT; 35/c, auto, excellent RANCHERO. Runs condition. New dual exgood. Drives good. Call haust, Interior, Tom (325) 340-6540 for paint$9,500. (804) 243details. 3110 1964 MALIBU SS Original. Daily driver. 1987 CHEVY CAMARO T-Top Z28 with $25K. (432) 209-1139. rebuilt 350 engine with 1977 2 DOOR CHEVY tuner. PW, PL, working VEGA setup for small A/C & heater. New block Chevy. (325) 653- tires. Flowmaster ex9144 or (325) 650-4717. haust. $3700. (325) ‘69 CHEVY C10. Not 374-5066. running, have all parts. Rebuilt 350 engine, hol- ‘80 CAMARO. 350, ley carb. New disc Alum. heads, 350 Turbo, brakes, drop springs, 410 gears, gauges. race. NOS. drop spindles, new Ready shocks, brake lines, new $5,500. (325) 656-7278. front bumper, row pan. 1975 MERCEDES 1202 E. 18th. St. (325) 240-D, Beautiful Auto. Garaged since 1979. 653-5500. L.M. Make Offer!! (325) 6559141.
1960 fORD GALAXY 500, 70k miles, all original, $6500. (325) 6173544. 1958 H-D fLH (panhead) mostly original. $17,900 OBO. (325) 8962023. Christoval.
1983 CHEVY PU. Short/Narrow, rebuilt heavy duty, TH400 Auto, New dual exhaust, New Interior, am/fm, fast v8, 350 + 2 new tires. $8,500 Call (804) 243-3110 ‘72 VW BAJA BUG. 1600 CC. No rust, looks great! Needs TLC. $4,000. (325) 223-8204. Call after 12 noon.
2013 SHELBY GT500 Black & red. 2K miles. Mint with every option. $54,000 OBO. (325) 2774570.
1967 CHEVROLET STEP Side, 3 speed on column, original, one owner, reduced to $32,500. (325) 456-6882 1984 CHEVY P/U, 350 eng., P/W, P/S, AC, Longbed. (325) 2124375.
2009 HARLEY M O T O R C Y C L E DAVIDSON Heritage STICKERS. Must Classic. 5000 miles, have current insurVance & Hines pipes, lots ance. Bradley of extras, (325) 277- Welding 1224 N. Bell, 325-653-4175. 2004 HARLEY 0020. DAVIDSON Roadking; Clean, garage kept, No W A N T E D joy rides, Serious In- KAWASAKI, BMW, Honda, Suzuki And quiries only. $8400 obo. Harley Davidson Mo(325) 656-7291 torcycles 1903 TO 2002 HD SOfTAIL 1983 500, 750, 900, screaming eagle. New 1000 and 1200 CC Top HARLEY tires. Fast & extras. Dollar Paid Call 570 2002 DAVIDSON Custom $10,500. (325) 656-7278 939-2091 RoadKing Classic. 31K miles. Excellent condiA.C.E. 4 WHEELER tion. Custom paint & & MOTORCYCLE chrome. $8,400. (325) REPAIR “The Friendly Motorcycle Shop”. 656-0010 Parts, service & repair on ATV’S, motorcycles & UTV’s. 315 N. Main. 2003 ANNIVERSARY Mon.-Fri., 9am-6pm; H-D ROAD KING, Black. Sat. 9am-2pm. Cleanest in town. 96 inch Screaming Eagle big (325)658-7690. bore kit. Chromed out. Tons of extras. New rear 1999 KAWASAKI tire, 2 front fenders, 2 1500 nomad. Fully seats. 38K miles. Always 2009 HD SPORTdressed. $2,800. (325) garaged & covered. Reg- STER 1200, 1600 MI., 944-9759 or Pager (325) ular maintenance. EC, garaged, ex278-9759 $8,500.00 FIRM. Cell tras.$7250 OBO. (325) HONDA GOLD WING (804) 243-3110. Leave 716-5889 1500. Adult owned. message. Loaded with extras. Must see! Priced at $4250 OBO. (325) 234-3796. 1958 H-D fLH (panhead) mostly original. $17,900 OBO. (325) 8962023. Christoval. 2005 ANNIVERSARY 2009 KAWASAKI EDITION 1800 GoldKLX 250. Street/trail wing Trike. 25K miles. bike. 4000 miles extras. VERY well taken care of. 60+MPG. $2,500. (325) Fully loaded, lots of ex213-5123. tras, floorboards, backrests, elbow rests, 4 1983 GOLDWING speakers, 3 sets of hel- 1100, New Paint, Tires & mets, 2 set with intercom. Upholstery, parked 5 $21,900. (325) 895-1835, years ago, as is. $1,200. Rick. (325) 655-3221 (325) 2015 HONDA METRO 234-9809. Scooter. 50cc. 125 mpg. 2008 HD ULTRA ClasLike new purchased last sic Electra Glide, 11,600 2001 GOLDWING. year. $1,595 OBO. (325) miles. Excellent Condi- 26,000 miles. Runs & 276-2271. tion $11,250. 830-591- drives great $8,500. 8444 (Abilene Area). (325) 450-8138 FMI. 2008 HD ROADGLIDE ASKING 12.5K. FMI (325) 234-1573. 2007 HARLEY Davidson FLTRI, Red, Auto, $10,900. Free Ride Motorcycles 3945 S.1st 3252007 SUZUKI 670-0799. 2013 KAWASAKI BOULEVARD C-90, VERSYS, 3000 miles, 8,000 miles, windshield. 2016 KAWASAKI Vulriding gear included. Hard luggage cobra van 900 Classic LT CruisGreat condition. $4000 pipes. Garage kept. ers $8499. Max’s Cycle obo. (325) 227-7024. $3,900. (325) 656-3384. 941 N. Mockingbird, Abilene 325-673-4636. 2002 HARLEY WANTED OLD DAVIDSON SOFTAIL JAPANESE MOTOR- 2016 KAWASAKI Vul17,000 miles, Tons of ex- CYCLES KAWASAKI Z1- can 900 Custom Cruiser, tras, Custom paint. 900 (1972-75), KZ900, $7999. Max’s Cycle 941 $6,000. (325) 226-2265. KZ1000 (1976-1982), N. Mockingbird, Abilene KZ 1000MK2 325-673-4636. 1982 HONDA GOLD Z1R, WING. $1,500. 725 E. (1976,80), W1-650, H1- 2013 STREET Glide 500 (1969-72), H2-750 only 5000 miles, super 42nd. (325) 374-0969. (1972-1975), S1-250, S2350, S3-400, KH250, clean & garaged kept, KH400, SUZUKI- GS400, with detachable tour GT380, HONDA- pack & lower ferrings CB750K (1969-1976), $17,000. 325-829-3851. CBX1000 (1979,80) 2009 YAMAHA V-Star CASH!! 1-800-772-1142, 950 Tourer, Black Cherry, 1-310-721-0726. 2004 HARLEY usa@classicrunners.com engine guard, 2250 miles, like new condition DEUCE- 8000 miles. $5800. 325-998-3750. New tires, New battery, WELCOME TO The Lots of accessories. $9,995 OBO. Willing to Future! Now you can trade. Call (325) 6563724 advertise your stuff
1964 fORD fAIRLANE; 65k miles. Runs good, Mint condition. $7500 obo. Cash. (325) 226-4267
1981 CADILLAC HEARSE. Low mileage. A/C. $3,850 OBO. Same as in Ghostbusters. (325) 212-5712. SEVERAL PROJECT VEHICLES 1954-1969 Chevrolets with titles. (325) 374-5173. 1968 VW Carman GIHA Convertible, it runs, its original, has some rust, needs referbishing, also Carman Giha Coup (parts car) both cars for $4,200. Texas 325-6604828. 1974 VW Beetle, drives & runs good, look good also. Good tires $5000. 325-636-3084 66 DODGE Charger, needs complete restoration, no motor, has original 4 speed. Can send pictures. $3500. 325518-0470. 1962 MERCURY Comet S22, no rust, no motor trans, great project car. 2-350 Chevy motors. 325-513-2659. 55 CHEVY 4 door Bel Air, automatic, 6 cylinder, no rust in floors, engine runs, fuel system needs cleaning, all original car, can be seen at 126 Green, Abilene. $4000. Max: 325- 677-5551 Leon: 325-668-8529. 1946 fORD Coupe, 1960 Cadillac Sedan DeVille, 1955 Olds 88, all of these run. 325-6650085.
COME CHECK OUT San Angelo Motor Co., 2201 W. Ave. N, (325) 944-0522. See all the cars, pickups, and SUVs that we have.
everywhere, all the time, across the country & even all over the world.
MOTORCYCLES FOR SALE 2009 Harley Davidson Street Glide Black, Low Miles, Extras ..................................................... $13,995 2005 Harley Davidson Heritage Classic Black Cherry, 8k Miles .......................................................... $9,995 2006 Harley Davidson Street Glide Black, ................................................................................... $8,995 1980 Harley Davidson Shovel Head FLH Electric & Kick Start ....................................................... $7,995
325-572-3849 (Home) 325-370-5039 (Cell)
October 20, 2016
Page 21
October 20, 2016
SUV’s 2013 cadillac srx Crossover, 43k miles, STK11710A, $26,977. Randall Motors, 325-6555631. 2013 ford escaPe, 46k miles, STK11720B, $17,977. Randall Motors, 325-655-5631. 2015 gMc terrain FWD, 37k miles, STK91671, $22,977. Randall Motors, 325-6555631. 2011 cadillac srx, 55k miles, STK11729A, $21,977. Randall Motors, 325-6555631. 2016 cHeVY eqUinox, 15k miles, STK916104, $22,977. Randall Motors, 325-6555631. 2014 HYUndai santa FE, 28k miles, STK3575A, $16,977. Randall Motors, 325-6555631. 2015 cHrYsler 200, 13k miles, STK11712B, $20,977. Randall Motors, 325-6555631. 2014 ford escaPe, 25k miles, STK91693, $15,977. Randall Motors, 325-655-5631. 2015 cHeVY taHoe 20k miles, STK9561, $51,977. Randall Motors, 325-655-5631.
2011 ford exPedition XLT. Great condition, silver ext. & gray cloth interior. CD, Blue tooth, Keyless entry. Call (432) 448-4458 or (325) 453-4348. 117,000 miles. $13,000. 2014 toYota raV4, 30k miles, STK3608A, $19,977. Randall Motors, 325-655-5631. 2006 lexUs gs, 79,000 miles. $14,988. The Good Guy Car Company, 1016 S. Koenigheim. 2015 cadillac escalade 39k miles, STK91642A, $60,977. Randall Motors, 325-6555631.
2003 cHeVY taHoe. Runs good. $3,900. (325) 374-5460 or (325) 944-2288. 2016 Patriot, 12K miles. $15,988. The Good Guy Car Company, 1016 S. Koenigheim.
coMe cHecK oUt San Angelo Motor Co., 2201 W. Ave. N, (325) 944-0522. See all the cars, pickups, and SUVs that we have. $casH$ any make or model cars and pickups for wrecking use. We will pick them up. clark’s auto Wrecking, 6584377. 2002 cHeVY Z71 Tahoe. $3950.(325) 2341573. 2015 Kia soUl 36,000 miles. $14,988. The Good Guy Car Company, 1016 S. Koenigheim.
2008 ford exPedition. Texas Edition, very clean, low miles, leather seats, DVD Player, 3rd row electric seats. $13,000. (325) 212-0355. 2010 JeeP laredo 4x4, 85K miles. $14,988. The Good Guy Car Company, 1016 S. Koenigheim. 2009 JeeP liBertY. V6, auto, tilt, cruise, CD, power windows & locks. New Michelin Tires, 87,000 miles. Silver. Perfect condition. $8900. Can be seen at corner of College Hills Blvd & Ave N, (325) 223-1867. 2013 acadia, V6, 51K miles. $21,988. The Good Guy Car Company, 1016 S. Koenigheim. 2009 HYUndai santa Fe. V6, auto, cruise, tilt, new Bridgestone tires, power windows & locks. Gray metalli, 69,000 miles. Showroom condition. $9200. Can be seen at corner of College Hills Blvd & Ave N, (325) 2231867. 2011 eqUinox 75K miles, $13,988. The Good Guy Car Company, 1016 S. Koenigheim. 2000 YUKon excellent mechanical condition. $4250. (325)374-3458. 2007 gMc YUKon, V-8, auto, clean, runs great, $113,995. San Angelo Motor Co., 2201 W. Ave. N, 325-944-0522. 2005 Pontiac Vibe, power equipment, 167k miles, same as Toyota Matrix. $3550. 325-7662696. 1997 cHeVY Tahoe $1800 obo. Good for school or work. 325-8298049. 2006 dodge dUrango, V8, auto, 97k miles, 3rd row seats, really nice, $4850 obo. (325) 234-6968.
2007 cHrYsler asPen, V8 Hemi, loaded with leather ad sunroof, 3rd row seats, $4850 obo. (325) 2346968. 2007 dodge caliBer, 4 door, auto, loaded, very nice, 86k miles, $4500. (325) 2346968. ‘79 JeeP cJ-7 Renegade, winch, new tires & paint, new steering, fold down game brush guard, lots new. $6800 obo. 325725-1182 ford exPlorer. VerY good condition. Asking $4,000 OBO. (325) 651-8436 or (325) 276-0187 2007 HUMMer H3 LX 4x4 - $12,995. Cisco. 138081 Miles. Five new matching Cooper S/T MAXX tires, transmission rebuild (07/16), many new part replacements, sunroof, and leather seats. Great shape and road ready to go anywhere. Relocated and must sell. Gary254.488.0095 1999 JeeP Wrangler 4 cylinder, automatic, new Jasper engine 2012, nice little Jeep ready to drive or hunt in. 940-422-5504, 940-422-4779.
Vans 1995 f150 ford VAN. Hightop, electric fold back bed, good tires. Great for camping $2,650 cash only. (325) 650-3166 or (325) 9491725. 1999 astro Van, good condition. $2200. (325)374-3458.
1998 caraVan, 4 cyl., rebuilt transmission. New water pump, tires, brakes. $2500 obo. 325650-5514. $casH$. We will pay above scale weight. Cars or pickups for wrecking use. 325-658-4377. 84 astro Mini Van, needs work, motor and transmission rebuilt $1000 obo. 325-6688925. 2010 ford Transit Connect 40,000 miles, very good condition, also has Bruno wheelchair lift, newer tires $8500. 325864-2187. coMe cHecK oUt San Angelo Motor Co., 2201 W. Ave. N, (325) 944-0522. See all the cars, pickups, and SUVs that we have.
Trailers 16’ flat Bed car hauler, open trailer with winch, new tires and floor, reduced to $3750. (325) 456-6882 14’ oPen trailer, new tires, reduced to $2950. (325) 456-6882 BBq trailer, fUllY enclosed BBQ trailer. 20’ X 8’. You can cook a whole hog, 30 briskets & much more. Willing to trade. Call (325) 276-1089 neW 16’ UtilitY Trailer. $1395. Hog Creek Trailers. Sales, Parts & Service. 5260 N. Chadbourne. San Angelo Tx. (325) 374-4802. g.n. 35’x102” Wide, 3 flip down ramps, perlin flooring, 2 speed jack, 29,000 lb. carrying capacity, $8500. (325) 6556445. 2007 international 9200 truck w/ 2003 Trail king Hydraulic Dovetail Trailer w/winch (truck has wet kit) FOR SALE $70,000 call 325226-0060 18’ oPen flat bed car hauler, extra wide, new tires, $4250. (325) 456-6882 2014 Water trailer heavy duty tandom, 6000lb axles with 750 gallon tank. 45 GPM pump, 500ft fire hose and other garden hose adapters, $5000 FIRM. Call (325) 9391956. 4x8 Mfg. trailer. Drop tongue, tilt bed, 4,000 lb winch, battery, spare tire, must see. $600 OBO. (325) 2771920 or (325) 656-6324. 2012 HeftY trailer, 40’ flat gooseneck, 10,000 lb. axles. $6,900 OBO. (325) 234-3395, 325-234-8010. 102”x40’ eqUiPMent trailer 24K GVWR dual tandem trailer, 12K axle upgrade, anti-twist torque tube, heavy duty bridging (reduces frame flexing), Pop-Up, mounted spare tire & wheel, $9995, 936348-7552. 8.5’x25’ decKoVer eqUiPMent trailer, 14,000 LB. GVWR, Tandem 7K brake axles, new 8 lug 16” radial tires, 20’ deck with 5’ dovetail and ramps, $5995, 936-3487552.
7’x20’ flat decK Tandem Axle Low Boy equipment trailer, 14,000lb GVWR, new 16” ST 235/80R16 10 ply radial tires E range (3520lbs. each), 8” channel main frame and tongue, 3” channel on 16” centers cross members, 2 5/16” adjustable bull dog coupler, 12,000lb. adjustable spring loaded jack, 2” pressure treated pine screw down decking, fold up or slide in ramps (your choice), $3895, 936-3487552. decKoVer eqUiPMent trailer 30K, GVWR Gooseneck Triple Axle. 8.5’x40’, $12995, 936-348-7552. 4’x12’ enclosed trailer. $400. Wild Bill’s Pawn, 1315 MLK, 658-7066. 8x20 dUMP trailer, 24K GVWR Gooseneck, dual tandem, 48” sides, $13295, 936-348-7552 5’x10’ dUMP trailer, 7000lb. GVWR, tandem 3500lb. axles, new 15” six ply tires, 18” sides, $3495 cash, 936-348-7552. www.texaspridetrailers.c om 7’x16’ loaded goosenecK Dump trailer with ramps, 14K GVWR, 3/16” floor, heavy duty slipper spring suspension, manual tarping system, all LED lighting, dual 7,000lb easy lube electric brake axles, 48” tall side walls, twin 3.6”x48” hydraulic cylinders, 14 gauge diamond plate fenders, battery/pump in lockable box, $7995, 936-3487552. 7’x12’ goosenecK roll-off trailer 14K GVWR, 11 yard dumpster, $19,995, 936-3487 5 5 2 , www.texaspridetrailers.c om
MOM ALWAYS Says, “ Eat your Veggies, Get plenty of rest and read your American Classifieds.”
Boats 21ft. Proline WitH 200 hp Mercurcy motor,, $5000 obo. 325374-5595. laKe alan HenrY LODGES 1 hour from Lubbock. Satellite TV, WiFi, Bar-b-que Pits, Full kitchen. 806-777-0337, lakealanhenry.com 2001 BaY stealtH YAMAHA 150 V6, 20’ 3” LESS THAN 150 MOTOR HOURS. ASKING $10,500. CALL/TEXT (325) 277-0033. 2015 sKeeter Zx225 w/250 Yamaha SHO 2 Lowrance 9 Touch Gen 2, Two Power Poles, Boat Cover, Tough Skinns Motor Cover. Call for price. 432-557-4193, 432-813-6196 600-1,000 sq.ft. WareHoUse/sto rage units. Just outside city limits. $275 and $375 a month, Utilities available. Call Gretchen, 325-2340069. 1986 sUPra coMP. 19’ 7” long, 351 Ford motor includes stereo, life jackets. $4,000. (325) 277-4073. 2002 HUrricane fUn DECK GS20 5.7/270 HP Volvo $10,000 OBO. (325) 3747961. 2007 tige 22Ve Wakeboard V Drive Boat. Boat Cover, 6-JL Audio in boat speakers, 2-JL Audio Tower Speakers, 2Wet Sounds 10 Woofers, Wet Sounds 420 Bluetooth EQ, 1- Fly High 1100 pound L Surf Sack. Call for price and pics. 432-557-4193, 432-8136196 Boat serVice & Parts. All brands of boat serviced. Volvo Penta & Tohatsu service. Large parts inventory. We sell & install wakeboard towers & accessories. Upholstery repair available. three rivers Marine service center, 2143 industrial, san angelo, tx, (325)227-4918. 8 1/2 foot SUN DOLPHIN BOAT WITH TRAILER. 2 SEATS, Trolling motor with battery & depth finder. $699. (325) 212-9409. 2008 BaYliner 175, low hours, good condition, best offer. (325) 2121598.
toM car-extreMelY dUraBle off road utility vehicle, ultra light, high maneuverability, see at 1601 S. Concho Drive. $15,000. (432) 978-3133. 1982 14 ft Sea Nymph Alum. boat. No leaks, 15 HP Johnson MTR with 2 props, 45 lb. Thrust Motorguide trolling MTR, deep cycle battery & case, boat cover & tilt trailer, raised floor with carpet & storage, 2 anchors, front & rear lights, everything works great, am selling due to health reasons, over $3,800 invested-will take $2,500 FIRM. Call (325) 6583808 or (325) 450-4588. Jet sKis ‘04 HONDA aquatrax turbo $2500 OBO. ‘04 Yamaha waverunner $3500 OBO. (325) 374-7961 1979 19’ Deep V Chapparal, has Mercury 115hp, good trailer, all titles, as is $795. 325-5137055.
944-SOLD KaYaK, logn, 12.1 old town, yellow, never been used. $275. call al, (325)374-2375. 2015 sKeeter ZX225 w/250 Yamaha SHO 2 Lowrance 9 Touch Gen 2, Two Power Poles, Boat Cover, Tough Skinns Motor Cover. Call for price. 432-557-4193, 432-813-6196 2007 tige 22Ve Wakeboard V Drive Boat. Boat Cover, 6-JL Audio in boat speakers, 2-JL Audio Tower Speakers, 2-Wet Sounds 10 Woofers, Wet Sounds 420 Bluetooth EQ, 1- Fly High 1100 pound L Surf Sack. Call for price and pics. 432557-4193, 432-813-6196 for sale 14ft fiberglass sail boat with sails & trailer. 325-669-8259. 2004 14’ Tracker Grizzly boat, 18hp motor, 54# thrust trolling motor, fish finder, trailer, many extras. 325-721-0526 or 325-660-3525. 1984 Bass Tracker Alum Fishing Boat 17’ 50hp Force troll motor. $2700. 325-668-8159.
Boat serVice & Parts. All brands of boats serviced. Volvo Penta & Tohatsu service. Large parts inventory. We sell & install wakeboard towers & accessories. Upholstery repair available. three rivers Marine service center. 2143 Industrial, San Angelo, TX, (325)227-4918.
Heavy Equipment qUincY 350 cfM Air compressor, electric, 3 phase, $10,000. (325) 655-6445. tWo all terrain GAS fork lifts, 2000 lb. capacity, $850 each. (325) 655-6445. ‘97 international dt466e flatbed diesel, new motor, new tires, $10,000. 325-374-5595. 2014 tcM forKlift, 5000 lbs, propane, 650 hours, $17,500. 325-374-5595. http://www.elKinslaWfirM.coM chad elkins, (325)6518702 2012 cat 320dlx Excavator w/ 2 hydraulic hammers 3560hrs call 325-226-0060 FOR SALE $125,000 aeroil ParKing lot CRACKS SEALER. As is where is $800. MonWed. (512) 784-8571.
Auto Parts & Accessories neW set cUstoM floorliners for Jeep Unlimited. (4dr) $100. Paid $250. (325) 942-9394, (325) 234-0939. (4 ea.) - Steel Rims 15” off a ‘67 Chevy, $300. (325) 456-6882 did YoU KnoW?! clarK’s aUto WrecKing has NEW auto parts, doors, fenders, grills, radiators, hoods, lights, door handles. Many in stock or next day delivery. You’ll be surprised at their prices. 658-4377. foUr all-terrain lt265/70 R17, reduced to $250. (325) 456-6882 88-98 cHeVY front clips, truck bed, $250. ‘94-’01 Dodge pickup beds and front clips, $250. 460LE transmission $350, 700r4 transmission $325, turbo 350 transmission $200, Chevy Dodge, Ford doors and fenders, $60. (325) 656-3658 one 5 Hole 16” Rim, $50. (325) 456-6882 HeaVY dUtY trUcK wrap around bumper guard. Barbed wire look. Frame 34 inches. $150. (325) 6557041. 2 5/16 tongUe Hitch with Equalizer Bars. $75. New UWS Aluminum toolbox. $325. (858) 3375652. nation Wide parts locator service! Can’t find that part you need? Call clark’s and let them find it for you. (325) 6584377. extra HeaVY dUtY headache rack with full rails and ladder rack, REDUCED to $575. Brady, Tx. (325) 456-6882. casH Paid for catalytic converters. Call me before you let them go! $15-$100. (325) 6563658. P/U tool Box Drop in. Like new $150. Cash OBO. (325) 617-5450.
ford Model a Wheel rim 21” fits 28-29. $145.00 (325) 944-7147. $casH$. We will pay above scale weight. Cars or pickups for wrecking use. 658-4377. 9” ford axle. Part. Housing. (325) 234-9485.
WraP aroUnd grill guard, Frame width 36-3/4” $175 (325) 655-7878. 4 tires: siZe 265 60 R18 $80 OBO. (325) 2771516.
CALCULATING THE FACTS tractor for sale. Like new. Call for details. (325) 656-4801 or (325) 653-6030. MoBile generator, PUll-BeHind, 15KW, Isuzu diesel Whisper Watt. Extremely good shape, $4000 obo. (325) 234-6968.
Page 22
By comparing or prices, you’ll see that placing an ad in the THRIFTY NICKEL’s American Classified really adds up! Call 944-7653 today!
RV’s 1991 RV SIERRA 26ft. 1 bdrm. Gooseneck. $3,250. (325) 656-9935. 2BR/1BA pARK MODEL Trailer on approx 1/2 acre outskirts of town. Owner finance. $65K. Call (325) 2127014. LARGE RV LOTS FOR RENT in quiet Cactus Lane Park. $150 per month. (325) 6531144.
CONSIGNMENTS TEXAS RV Superstore. We take consignments. We always need merchandise. So if your RV is just sitting around, give us a call. We can sell it. 432-6976447. HUGE SELECTION Of new and used fifth wheel and bumper pull camping trailers in stock. Full line parts and service. AMERICAN TRUCK AND RV San Angelo, 325-234-7979. 2- 16 K REESE fifthwheel hitches, no rails. $250 each your choice or both for $450. (804) 2433110 *BUyING RVS TRAVEL Trailers, Fifth Wheels, Motorhomes. Texas RV Superstore, 5904 W. Highway 80, Midland, Texas. 432-6976447.
HOME AWAy fROM home!!! 2015 Sandpiper 380H5. 3 YR TRANSFERABLE WARRANTY! 5th wheel RV, 5 slides, bunk room, king bed, lg. shower, washer/dryer connections, outdoor kitchen. Length: 42’5”, height: 13’2”, dry weight: 12,379 lbs., $42,500 OBO. Too many extras to mention. Call or text (432)276-2656 for more information & pictures. HUGE SELECTION Of new and used fifth wheel and bumper pull camping trailers in stock. Full line parts and service. AMERICAN TRUCK AND RV San Angelo, 325-234-7979. REECE fIfTH WHEEL hitch & rails. $250. (325) 942-9394 or (325) 234-0939 JAyCO pOp-Up CAMpER. Sleeps 5. Good canvas, AC works. 2 good tires & spare. Needs some work. $750 OBO. Sonora, (325) 6508275.
2011 SKyLINE NOMAD Joey travel trailer. $9,500. OBO, queen bed, full kitchen, bath, TV. See at 1601 S. Concho Drive.(325) 2622979. 2013 AVENGER 23’ TT; 1 slideout, Like new, $17,000 FMI Call (325) 234-8797 in Christoval, Tx. TUCKED AWAy RV Park, 1117 W. FM 2105. Wi-Fi, laundry, showers. (325)6581872 or (432) 2135271. HUGE SELECTION Of new and used fifth wheel and bumper pull camping trailers in stock. Full line parts and service. AMERICAN TRUCK AND RV San Angelo 325-234-7979. 2012 CRUSADER RV, $32,000. 325-650-1317. 2017 COACHMEN fREEDOM Express Liberty Edition 320 BHDS. Outdoor kitchen, Bunk house, Island Kitchen, 3 Slides, Like New. 432557-4193, 432-813-6196 2010 SpRINTER BUMp PULL CAMPER. 32 foot, with slide out, has extreme thermal package. $18,000. (325) 277-4073.
2000 MONACO KNIGHT, 38’ Cummins diesel 26k miles, 1 slide, 7.5 watt diesel gen 1325 hours, leather/power seats, leather recliner, jack knife couch, full kitchen, table 4 chairs, 4 dorr refrigerator, glass shower, separate toilet room, queen walk around, fully self contained, 50 amp, 2 a/c, pull car included, all for only $30,000 in excellent condition. 325-227-5631. HUGE SELECTION Of new and used fifth wheel and bumper pull camping trailers in stock. Full line parts and service. AMERICAN TRUCK AND RV San Angelo 325-234-7979.
36’ DIESEL pUSHER Motor Home. Priced to sell. (325) 212-2125. RV/MANUfACTURED HOME LOT in Grape Creek neighborhood for rent, metal pipe and horse panel fenced, 60’ x 150’ with metal storage b u i l d i n g , water/sewer/trash included. Call 325-6503593 now!
RV LOTS for LEASE in premier San Angelo community near Goodfellow AFB. Quiet country living, long term stays welcome. $350/mo. includes water service and 450 of free electricity use per month. Christoval Estates (325) 8123225. 2011 ROAD WARRIOR 305 Toy Hauler 5th wheel with Onan Generator 55K. Best offer considered. Will consider bumper-pull camper trade-in. Call (325) 6502936. HUGE SELECTION Of new and used fifth wheel and bumper pull camping trailers in stock. Full line parts and service. AMERICAN TRUCK AND RV San Angelo 325-234-7979. 2004 TRAVEL SUpREME. 36ft. 5th Wheel. 3 slides, washer/dryer, & 1999 F450 Crew Cab. Diesel. $45,000/both. (325) 2671888. LARGEST RV pARTS dealer in the Permian Basin. Texas RV Superstore, 432-697-6447.
HUGE SELECTION Of new and used fifth wheel and bumper pull camping trailers in stock. Full line parts and service. AMERICAN TRUCK AND RV San Angelo, 325-234-7979. 2014 SANDpIpER 5TH Wheel, 40’. Gooseneck and 5th wheel hitches, 4 slides, fp, washer/dryer connections, front living, flat screen TV, 10 gal. water heater. King bed, 2 A/C’s. Sleep 6. Very Clean. (325) 226-2079, (325) HUGE SELECTION Of new and used fifth 226-6160. wheel and bumper pull camping trailers in stock. Full line parts and service. AMERICAN TRUCK AND RV San Angelo, 325-234-7979. 2012 XLR NITRO 28TQD Toy Hauler, 2011 ROCKWOOD bumper pull on board, 35 SIGNATURE ULTRA gal. fuel cell, all new tires, LIGHT. 31ft., 2 slides, 2 $17,950. (325) 939-1005 leather recliners, 27” HD after noon. TV. $18,500. (325) 212- RV LOTS IN Carlsbad 9509. for rent. Long term 2012 CyCLONE 3950 spaces located two Toy Hauler, 3 Slides, 41 blocks off of Hwy 87 N. 5500 Onan generator, 3 on Angelo St. $300/ mo. A/C Units, Rear Porch, Includes water, sewer Sub Woofer Amp, 12 Toy and electric. 325-234Box. Call 432-254-6991. 0295
AMERICAN CLASSIFIEDS When You Want It Sold! Call us at 944-7653 or 800-357-2722
1997 pLEASUREWAy DODGE 1 ton chasis, 318 cu. in. V8, 16 mpg, 105k miles, runs good, looks good,$6900 obo. (325) 465-8822 after 5 p.m. 1991 5TH WHEEL travel trailer. 1985 Pace Arrow motorhome. (325) 651-5817. HUGE SELECTION Of new and used fifth wheel and bumper pull camping trailers in stock. Full line parts and service. AMERICAN TRUCK AND RV San Angelo 325-234-7979. TEXAS RV SUpERSTORE. Need repair on your RV? Call our Service Department to schedule your RV for repair. Very reasonable rates, quick turn around times. Give us a call @ 432-6976447. REESE 15K 4-WAy 5th wheel hitch. Complete. $300. (325) 5189555.
October 20, 2016 ‘97 26’ pROWLER BUMPER PULL. $7,000. (325) 212-7878 1995 KOUNTRy STAR by Newmar with slide, 38’. Good condition. $10,000. (325) 6501665. 5218 State Hwy 208. LARGE RV LOTS $255 per month & you pay electric. Have community swimming pool. Call (325) 658-2763.
Page 23
2 WHEEL DRIVE 2 STROKE POLARIS. $1,400.00 OBO. NEW TIRES. (325) 656-9800.
Brings the world to Your Door!
SUZUKI: 4 WHEELER (4WD) FIRST $1,500 CASH! (325) 234-1944.
FREE CLASSIFIED online when you place your ad with American Classifieds
Page 24
October 20, 2016
CARPET REPAIR RAYMOND’S CARPET REPAIR & INS T A L L A T I O N SERVICE. Restretching, relaying and patching. Call Raymond, (325) 234-5896.
CERAMIC TILE RON GRANTHAM TILE since 1975. Tile installation, associated remodeling. (325) 8955064, (325) 468-3404.
BACKHOE SERVICES Pads built. Dump truck, mowing lots, clean-ups, topsoil, limestome. Big or little jobs welcome. 6 yard dump truck and one backhoe $125 per hour. (325) 277-0873, (325) 944-8418
J&S LAND MANAGEMENT - Grubbing, Dirt Work, Road Work, Cactus Removal, Ditches. No job too big or small, we can do it al! Scant Ynostrosa (325) 276-2538, Jim Ynostrosa (325) 6562259.
CARRILLO CONSTRUCTION & BACKHOE/BOBCAT SERVICES, LLC. - Insured BOBCAT RENTAL weekly, daily. Pads Driveways - Lot Clearing - Welding - Landscaping - Concrete work Fences. Special pricing on residential pads. J Carrillo (325) 212-1598, Eli Carrillo, (325) 277-9180.
APPLIANCE SERVICE & REPAIR Reasonable, honest, dependable. Call for Service. (325) 227-5306 (325) 653-8586. Member BBB.
OVER 35 perience. brands. rates. Call 5059.
YEARS exAll major Reasonable (325) 716-
BATTERIES NORTHSIDE BATTERY, LLC. New and refurbished. Cars, trucks, diesel batteries. Small mechanical work. We can come to you!. (325) 213-6057.
Beam me up Scotty. We’ve got Thrifty Nickels American Classifieds for the crew!
BOAT SERVICE & PARTS. All brands of boats serviced. Volvo Penta & Tohatsu service. Large parts inventory. We sell & install wakeboard towers & accessories. Upholstery repair available. Three Rivers Marine Service Center. 2143 Industrial, San Angelo, TX, (325)227-4918.
CARPENTRY ALL TYPES OF CARPENTRY & repairs. Free estimates. Bob Seals (325) 650-0757.
HAND GUN CLASSES. Beginner classes & license to carry classes. Held on Saturdays or Sundays. Corporate & group classes considered on your schedule at your location. Call Daryl Presley (325) 212-3703 or The Outdoorsman (325) 947-8859.
7/D EqUIPMENT Brush work, grubbing & raking, game plaots, skid steer, field shredding. Buy and sell equipment. Auction consignment. (325) 650-9087 charlie@7dequipment.com http://7dequipment.com BETTER GRADE OF TOPSOIL. Also, limestone, sand, and fill dirt. CONCRETE Build roads, pads and parking lots. Sell and installation of septic sysNEED CONCRETE tems. (325) 651-6840, DRIVEWAY? We do (325) 895-0900. any kind of concrete work. Good references, DIRT WORK, tractor work history & free esti- mowing. Rock & cacmates. FMI Call (325) tus clean-up. DUMP TRAILER CON300-9630 OR BOLDING CON- TRACTING CRETE - Metal build- RENTAL! Insured. ings, houses, driveways, Shane Crimm (325) patios, etc. 8’X10’ slab, 277-8222. $625. (325) 653-6322, MOUNTAIN MOVERS (325) 277-1851. WHOLESALE delivery. WELCOME TO The Caliche base, topsoil fill, roads, pads, septic sysFuture! Now you can tems. (325) 656-2147.
advertise your stuff everywhere, all the time, across the country & even all over the world. CONSTRUCTION
GERONIMO RUIZ CONSTRUCTION. (325) 245-3853. All Types of Carpentry & Painting. Free Estimates.
AA HOUSE LEVELING & REMODELING. DOZER WORK - Brush Install new beams & re& cactus work. Jimmy pair any foundation probMaus (325) 655-5961, lems. Mobile homes. We break concrete. Free es(325) 301-2651. timates. Owner Agustin (325) 340-2864 EVERYTHING
we touch turns to sold!! Call 944-SOLD
HAULING TRASH OR ANYTHING HAULED. Ray or Roy. (325) 374-3996. CLEAN-UP & HAULOFF SERVICE to include lawn maintenance. Large or small, we do it all! Call Eric (325) 456-3698. DUMP TRAILER FOR hire. 14’ dump trailer rocks, dirt, fencing, tree removal, garage and house clean outs. Call David (325) 234-9794. L&D SERVICES (325) 315-4860. Hauling, brush cutting and trimming, mowing lot and clean up. All home repairs. D & D HAUL away anything - storage shed, cut trees, tree trimming, branches, tilt yards, etc. Danny, (325) 763-1606.
CLEANING SERVICE CLEANING - RESIDENTIAL. Commercial. Homes, offices, moveouts, new construction. (325) 245-5948. SMALL CLEANING COMPANY. Big or Small we clean it all! Residential & Commercial. (325) 374-0993 cell (325) 653-0000 Business.
L&M ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS. No HANDYMAN job too big or too small. Mike Herrera, Master Electrician, TECL #26082. Insured. (325) HANDYMAN - ALL 234-9599 or (325) 947- types remodeling and 3148. home repairs. Free estimates. Bob Seals (325) 650-0757.
WEST TEXAS WOOL @ MERTZON. FENCING SUPPLIES, direct from factory pricing. Deer Feed, Hunting Supplies, Ranch Supplies, Gifts. (325) 835-3661. (888) 830-3661. AROS FENCING - ALL types of fences New or repair. Free Estimates. Ask for Agustin (325) 340-2864 TERRAZAS FENCING Ranch Fencing, high fences, private fencing, chain link fencing, painting corrals, fence painting. Cell-(325) 6509738.
S&S CONSTRUCTION Backhoe, Bulldozer, Dump Truck. All types dirt work and land clearing. Tractor shredding, build roads, pads, etc. Office (325) 944-8282, mobile (325) 650-1394.
FIREWOOD. DON’T BE FOOLED! A cord of wood is 4’X4’X8’. Mine 300 up. I got all kinds. You need one piece or whatever! (325) 939-1834.
BUILD PADS, ROADS, clean lots, shredding. Deliver top soil, limestone, caliche, gravel. Install septic systems. Free estimates. D.K. Webb, 325-9393369.
FIREWOOD MESqUITE: $280 cord. $140 1/2cord, $75 1/4 cord. Oak: $330 cord, $165 1/2 cord, $85 1/4 cord. (325) 651-6380 or (325)276-1507. For pickup 2030 Simpson St.
MICHAEL HILL HONEST days work for honest day pay. Remodeling, handyman service. hillsconstruction.net (325) 642-8635.
VINYL REPLACEMENT WINDOWS. No heat or cold transfer. Double hung insulated with Low E glass, Argon gas filled. Saves up to 40% on utilities. Chuck Corfield Construction, 100 miles radius from San Angelo. 325949-5087.
LAWN SERVICES FAST & DEPENDABLE LAWN SERVICE Mowing, edging, trimming, cleanup. Weed control & pest control. Will bill for services, residential & commercial, Call Mike (325) 277-8556 LAWN OVERGROWN? BETTER call Raul - Handyman, tree trimming, mowing, edging, yard clean-up, junk removal, hedging, cleaning up leaves RH Lawn Services get your FREE quote now! (325) 812-6438
30x50x10 Metal Building 30x50 Concrete Slab, 1 walk in door, 16x8 overhead door, 12’ pitch. Sale Price $22,500 Torres Contruction Company 325-675-0989
40x40x10 Metal Building w/Concrete Slab 1 Walk-In Door, 1-16x7 Overhead Door, $22,500 Torres Construction Company 325-675-0989
30x30x10 Metal Building, 30x30 Concrete Slab, 1 Walk in door, 1-16x7 Overhead door, Reg $14,400 Sale Price $13,500 Torres Construction Company 325-675-0989
30x40 Metal Building, 30x40 Concrete slab, 1 walk-in door, 1 16x7 Overhead door, SALE PRICE $17,800.
Torres Construction Company 325-675-0989
Al Brown FIX IT ALL Handyman. Anything & Everything. Al, (325) 6175164 HOUSEHOLD MAINTENANCE AND repair. Carpentry, drywall, paint, electrical, plumbing, doors, windows. Call Ish MOWING, WEED (325) 234-3877 EATING and hedging, blow off porches, driveL&D SERVICES - ways and patio areas. Home repairs, doors, windows, trim, electric, Residential, commercial, plumbing and fixtures. acreage. Starting at Hauling and clean up $25.(325) 763-5871 San Angelo area. also. (325) 315-4860. JOEY’S LAWN CARES O U T H L A N D Mowing, edging, tree HANDYMAN SERV- trimming & cutting, and ICE. Large or small, we stump removal. Comdo it ALL. Call (325) 263- plete maintenance. Rea1455. sonable rates. (325)450-7941, (325)300-8264 or (325)659-2241.
MOM ALWAYS Says, “ Eat your Veggies, Get plenty of rest and read your American Classifieds.”
ANGELO MOBILE HOME MOVING; Relevels, skirting & transporting Gooseneck & Fifth wheel RVs. Unstable floor, unshutting doors? METAL Foundation stabilization, pier & beam, trailer CONSTRUCTION homes. Licensed, bonded, insured. I-4486. WALDROP METAL Chris (325) 276-1978 CONST. Call today for leave message. the lowest price on your next building, barn, fence or corrals. (325) 6589099
SANDBLASTING AND PAINTING. Free estimates in shop only. Quality work and paint. (325) 655-6445.
TRACTOR MOWING! Tilling, compost, dirt work. Rock & cactus clean-up. DUMP TRAILER CONTRACTING OR RENTAL! Insured. Shane Crimm (325) 277-8222.
Discover a deal!
TRACTOR MOWING, EMPTY LOTS AND ACREAGE. 22 years experience. Call Antonio at PLUMBING (325) 653-6030 or (325) GOT PROBLEMS? Call 656-4801 ROGER. Insured. Master Plumber #12703. Reasonable service charge. PAINTING Sankey Plumbing, 658-7467. AMERICAN PAINTING CO. Residentail and Commercial. 25 years experience. Quality you can see, a name you can trust.
DEEMER PLUMBING. OVER 40 years experience. Licensed. Reasonable rates. 24 hour call. No job too big or small for your plumbing needs. LIC. #M-18164. Call 325651-9192.
RECYCLING Free estimates. Senior Military discounts. Call today! (325) 895-0840.
TAYLOR PAINTING, INTERIOR & Exterior. Repairs. Tile, float, texture. Free estimates. 20 years experience. (325) 656-7100. DARREN’S PAINTING SERVICE. 25 years professional experience. For your custom interior/exterior painting, staining, mud work, and minor carpentry. References available. 6537225, 656-3429.
A.D.L. RECYCLE SERVICES. Saving the world one day at a time. Residential & Commercial. We also recycle glass. (432) 880-7329.
M.R. REMODELING. 28 years experience RC#2380 & Insured. (325) 763-1138. Interior & Exterior. Custom Showers, custom Tile Work, Carpentry, Drywall, Painting, Pavers, Masonry, Custom Stain. From demo to custom finish. BBB Member. facebook.com/M.R.RemodelROB’S PAINTING & ing.TX REMODELING. Interior CUSTOM IMAGES & Exterior. Residential & Decorating Commercial. 25 years ex& Remodeling. perience. Have Brush We can make your Will Travel! (325) 261home improvement 7450 local. ideas a reality with the most competitive EUGENE BALL prices available. CONTRACTOR. Quality craftsmanship, Residential dependability, and Commercial. efficiency and Paper Hanging customer satisfaction a Specialty. is guaranteed. Custom painting. No job is too small 30+ years experience. so give us a call. Insured Karl Elliott, owner, FREE ESTIMATES. (325) 942-5669. 325-653-9212, Accept Visa & Master Card. BBB. LITTLE JOSEPH COMPLETE remodeling turn key jobs. Kitchen & bathrooms. Electrical, plumbing, painting, concrete, etc. We’ll finish unfinished jobs. (pick up work) Roofing & repair. Residential or Commercial. (325) 262-3476.
F.B.’S PAINTING Small jobs, Painting interior and exterior, drywall and remodeling. Free estimates. (325) 763-2069.
It’s time to place your ad. PLASTERING R. KELLY PLASTERING. stucco, patch work. (325) 658-6914.
CANDELA AND SONS ROOFING. Over 30 years experience. Best quote in town. Also offering 24 g metal roofing, standing seam. (325) 227-6825. Check us out on Facebook!! BUB WALDROP ROOFING. All types of roofing & repairs. Call today for a free estimate. (325) 658-9099 C.C. ROOFING & CO N S T R U C T I O N Shingles & Metal Roofs. Serving San Angelo for 30 years. Free Estimates. (325)9440340.
SIDING NEVER PAINT AGAIN! CHUCK CORFIELD CONSTRUCTION offers a lifetime warranty on vinyl siding. Replacement windows available. Call 949-5087 for free estimate.
SMALL ENGINE REPAIR HOLLAND’S SMALL ENGINE REPAIR Mowers, weed eaters, chain saws & more. Pickup & delivery as needed. (325) 763-4698.
STORAGE BUILDINGS GOIN’ SOUTH STORAGE, US Hwy 277 South. New buildings. RV storage. (325) 944-4999. NELSON STORAGES 8138 Hwy 87 North. Units starting at $25mo. (325) 655-0958.
Making it easier for you!
October 20, 2016
STRUCTURAL PIPE, 2 3/8”, 2 7/8”, 4” and sucker rods on hand. Delivery available. H Braces, Post cut to order. Mobile welding. Concho Valley Pipe, (325) 6557285, leave message or (432)413-9592, cell.
TOPSOIL TOPSOIL CONSERVE WATER with true topsoil/compost mix. DW Compost & Topsoil. Cards. (325) 277-9900.
PIPE NEW & USED. Used 2 3/8” or 2 7/8”, $25/joint. Small pipe for gates and sucker rods in stock. Post cut to order. all pipe checked for radiation. We deliver. (325) 3742992.
Page 25
MILLER TREE SERVICE & Firewood. (325) 763-2412 or (337) 526-0387.
Beam me up Scotty. BURNEY’S TREE SERVICE. Tree We’ve got Thrifty Nickels Trimming, removal and American Classifieds stump grinding. Senior Citizen 10% discount. If for the crew!
It’s time to place your ad.
TOPSOIL SCREENED & Unscreened, Soil Blends, Compost, Mulches, Masonary Sand, Concrete Rock, Pea Gravel, Road Base, Caliche, Landscaping Materials and More. D’s Recycling and Composting (325) 659-8573.
you want it done right, call us! (325) 653-3110. TREE TRIMMING, CUTTING and stump removal, land clearing. Free estimates. Call Manuel (325) 277-9696.
YOUR AD COULD BE HERE! Call 944-7653
Page 26
October 20, 2016
Water Well Service
Turn Key Installations Windmills New/Rebuilt Solar Systems Electric Pumps Tanks & Pipelines Water Well Testing Truck carries Threading Equip 1-4�, Welder, Torch Large inventory of Pipe/Rods/Pumps/etc.
(325) 658-3277 Al Thomerson • TX Lisc# 4113I
WeLDInG RIG 1990 RANGER 31,000 MILES ENGINE, NEW TIRES, AC, FLATBED. 15’ GIN HAY BUGGIeS for POLE. MILLER 250 Bobsale. Bradley Weld- cat with heads. 11,000 ing, 1224 n. Bell. Gen., 78 hrs., suitcase, (325) 653-4175. X-treme 8 VS wire, victor torch hose & gauges, tool boxes. All new. $8,000. Small ad deals! (325) 716-3629. JOHn DeeRe 1710, 12-row planter, 30� spacJD 7455 COTTOn ing. Barn kept, low acres. STRIPPER, 8 row. Call $15,000. (325) 895-5251. (325) 365-6874. #3010 JOHn DeeRe Diesel. Very clean & ready. $7800. Hargraves, 1001 N. Bell, (325) 4869994.
ATTRACT BUYERS ADVERTISE. 2005 JOHn DeeRe #8120 MFWD, one owner, 8200 hrs, excellent rubber & weights. Greensta ready. $58,500. Financing available. We take trades. Hargraves, 1001 N. Bell, (325) 4869994. CLeAneST #7800 JOHn Deere MFWD, 7400 hrs in Texas, $38,500. Hargraves, 1001 N. Bell, (325) 4869994. JD 4640 TRACTORQUAD range with duals, call (325) 365-6874. 1977 JOHn DeeRe 4430. Super good & ready, $13,700. We’ll prove it to you. Hargraves, 1001 N. Bell, (325) 486-9994.
TRACTOR RePAIR & SALVAGe. All types of tractor repair. Used parts, tires, wheels & plow parts. (325) 469-3950, 234-8846. WAnT TO BUY 10ft. brush rake and front grubber to fit on blade for D5 CAT dozer. 325-6606198 or 325-655-6989 8 n FORD tractor, 5’ Rhino mower. New water pump & hoses. (325) 896-2753 1175 CASe TRACTOR cab, new rear tires. AC model C tractor, gasoline wide front, some tools. H Farmall on gasoline. JD grain drill, JD tandem. 484 cotton stripper Yellow Cab. (325) 4423038 (325) 277-5362. ACe CYnTRITACUL PUMP with hydraulic motor. Model # BAC 75 HYD 204 L. $350. (325) 226-1473.
KUBOTA TRACTORS, One compact diesel, one 45 hp. 4 wheel drive, excellent condition, $2900 - $5900. Lots of implements available. $325-236-3048 Abilene, photo online MASSeY 30 TRAC- FOR SALe 8410 JD TOR, good for parts, Tractor Duals, 4X4, 8430 Engine Hours Price $1000. 325-657-3777. $65,000.00. 2410 JD Chisel 26ft with Harrows, 08’ $20,000.00. 8010 Case IH combine, 1000 sepertar hours, $120,000.00. 36ft, 2052 Case IH draper header Case IH adapter $20,000.00. For more info call 325-670-9395. PReMADe MeTAL H Braces $75, Corner Braces $100 and T Braces $125. All are 48 span and capped with one coat of primer. 325-583-2990
Making it BeLTOn 3PT. HOOKUP. Cotton shredder/mower. See across street from Henry’s. $295. (325) 6565012. 5FT. SHReDDeR, BRAnD New. Bought at Tractor Supply $700. Call (325) 656-8623. JOHn DeeRe GRAIn drill, 20�x8� spacing, 14 ft, clean & ready, $1750. Hargraves, 1001 N. Bell, (325) 486-9994. STRUCTURAL PIPe, 2 3/8�, 2 7/8�, 4� and sucker rods on hand. Delivery available. H Braces, Post cut to order. Mobile welding. Concho Valley Pipe, (325) 6557285, leave message or (432)413-9592, cell. #4020 JOHn DeeRe Diesel with New KD5500 loader. Excellent unit & ready. $15,500. Hargraves, 1001 N. Bell, (325) 486-9994. 2012 JOHn DeeRe 333D Skid Loader. Fully loaded. $37,000. (325) 234-3966, (325) 2275366.
San Angelo Construction
Metal Buildings, Carports, Storage Bldgs
easier for you!
grazer round bales. Local delivery available. Can Load. Home (325) 442-2831 Mobile (325) 234-5822 RAILROAD CROSS TIeS Various prices; depending on if you load, or we load; your trailer or our trailer. (325) 2457468. DOVeS - DOVeS DOVeS, Guaranteed hunt. Water & Sunflowers. Day or season. South Runnels Co. Call early. (325) 4422324. FIReWOOD: OAK, PeCAn mesquite, Plus discount tree trimming & removals. (325) 8962571.
Sea Containers Sales & Rental Any Size
Largest Inventory In West Texas (325) 656-7988 • (325)658-1969
FISH DAY Stock My Pond
s #RAPPIE s +OI s "LUEGILL s "ASS s (YBRID "LUEGILL s 3UNPERCH s -INNOWS s !,")./ #!4&)3(
4 - 6� ....................... 49/100 6 - 8� .......................$69/100 8 - 11� .................... $125/100 Must Bring Own Container For 8 - 11� Catfish
ROUnD BALeS Beardless Wheat $80-$85 Beardless Whaet/Alfalfa Mix $90 Hay Grazer $60-75 Small square bales. Beardless Wheat/Alfalfa mix $10 Alfalfa $12 Horse quality. Smetana Farms, (325) 895-9343. GOT BOOTS OR shoes that are too small or you do not wear anymore? Donate them to Ernie Shoe Shine, 165 Woodruff, (325) 6569 8 1 0 . www.erniesshoeshine.co m 8’ AeROMOTOR WIDMILL with wooden tower made out of cedar. Only one made by Aeromotor, $5500. 325-226-3613. HAY GRAZeR ROUnD BALES, HARRIET AREA. $45 a bale. Call (325) 653-7845 or (325) 234-1298. GOT GUnS? You Want ‘Em WE GOT ‘EM! If you don’t want ‘em, WE BUY ‘EM. TexAS GUn SHOP 1018 W. Beauregard (325)949-0020.
BeAUTIFUL, TOP QUALITY Oat hay. Round bales. Approximately 1200lbs. Delivery is available. (325) 2340041. HORSe QUALITY TIFTOn 85 grass & beardless wheat hay, large round bales, delivery available. One bale or a truck load. (325) 2340041 neW HOLLAnD 575 square baler, good condition, shedded. $7,900. (325) 650-3354. BURn BARReLS, 325-944-8418, 325-2770873. PIPe neW & USeD. Used 2 3/8� or 2 7/8�, $25/joint. Small pipe for gates and sucker rods in stock. Post cut to order. all pipe checked for radiation. We deliver. (325) 3742992. 20’ & 40’ SeA COnTAIneRS for sale or rent, excellent storage. Delivered. (325) 2340295, (325) 234-0292. SHReDDeD MILO ReGROWTH & VOLUNTEER HAY. FLAG LEAF STAGE. FEW HEADS. $45 per bale. 4X5 bale. You haul. (325) 656-8517 (325) 949-4200 Please leave message. Might consider grazing lease. HAY GRAZeR $7.00 a bale. (325) 650-6608.
TRACTOR MOWInG, big lots and acreage. TAnKeRSLeY AReA Hay grazer, round bales. 325-277-0873. $50. (325) 277-9195, 40-45 ROLLS OF (325) 277-9196. hay grazer, net wrapped. Take it all for HAY—ROUnD $18/roll. Will load. LoBALeS, 4x6S, fertilcated at 1621 S. Conized. Haygrazer $55; cho Drive, Coastal $100, Oats 325-944-4823. $50. (325) 277-1333. Financing Available
Trailer Repairs by Appointment
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HYDRAULIC DUMP TRAILERS 83"x12' Bumper Pull $6,100 83"x14' Gooseneck $7,450 DAKOTA
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800-932-2461 CALL OR COME BY TODAY!
bUrN bArrELS FOr sale. 653-3678.
FErtiLiZED rOUND HAY Bales, for horses or cows. $60. (325) 2356181.
HAY GrAZEr ROUND HAY $40 & $60. Square oat COAStAL quality. bales $7. 1021 Mon- Horse $6.50 per bale. Certague. (325) 650-3354. venka Farm, HOrSE QUALitY rowena. (325) 442COAStAL. Large round 4431. bales 4x5 1/2, Delivery available. 1 bale or a GOOD QUALitY truck load. (325) 234- H A Y G r A Z E r 0041. SQUARE BALES. $5 per bale. (325) 658-5242. COAStAL HAY, http://www.ELKiNSSQUArE bales. LAWFirM.COM Chad Menard, Texas, (325) Elkins, (325)651396-4723. 8702
MESQUitE FirEWOOD COrD $100 on less amount cheap. (325) 234-2465, (325) 2231605. HAY FOr SALE 5X5 round bales. (325) 6568025. COAStAL HAY 5X5 bales $50. Sorghum sudan 5x5 bales $50. (325) 656-7529 or (325) 656-7528
Find It Buy It.
COAStAL HAY, 5X5 round bale, $70. (325) 468-5291. J&S LAND MANAGEMENt - Grubbing, Dirt Work, Road Work, Cactus Removal, Ditches. No job too big or small, we can do it al! Scant Ynostrosa (325) 276-2538, Jim Ynostrosa (325) 6562259. WELDiNG MObiLE SErViCE. Repairs on heavy equipment, trailers, tanks, pipe. Call (325) 277-2036. All work guaranteed.
PriCED rEDUCED ON Coastal Hay squares $4.50. Large round $45. Call Jim 325-977-0270. MESQUitE FirEWOOD. SPLit, seasoned & metal storage racks available. $200 per cord, $125 1/2 cord. (325) 656-9093. 7/D EQUiPMENt Brush work, grubbing & raking, game plaots, skid steer, field shredding. Buy and sell equipment. Auction consignment. (325) 650-9087 charlie@7dequipment.com http://7dequipment.com
20’ & 40’ Sea Containers. Can customize. rent to own now available. 866-468-2791. Credit cards accepted.
OiLFiELD/StrUCtUrAL tUbiNG for sale. 2 3/8 & 2 7/8. High quality. (325) 235-6181.
CLEANED AND trEAtED beardless wheat seed in 2400 lb totes. $18 per hundred lb and delivery available with small fee. Call anytime432-517-0327 HAY GrAZEr AND coastal round bales for sale $40-$80 per bale call 325-812-3678
F E r t i L i Z E D COAStAL AND Tifton. 4x5 round bales, excellent quality. $65. Eden, TX. (325) 234-8597.
tHiS bEAUtiFUL DOG was found at Mullins Crossing the the fifth of this month, alone and looking for her family. We found her family because she was chipped. Please chip your pets. Thank you, Vancourt Dog Rescue. LOSt YOrKiE ON 10/1/2016, REWARD call 325-227-3749, red collar w/ skulls. Answers to L.D. please return him. lgonzalez@angelo.edu
WE HAVE tWO male Applehead Chihuahuas, pretty young.. Sweet, tiny dogs. They were probably dumped at Mullins Crossing together, very dependent upon each other, maybe brothers. Need a good loving home, financially capable of getting them vetted and taking care of them. Vancourt Dog Rescue 325-763-8365.
KAtHY rObiNSON, WE are so glad that you’re back. You make saving dogs lives easier. Thank You !! Vancourt Dog Rescue. bLUE LACY PUPPiES. Need gone asap. $125. OBO. Full blooded parents with papers. (325) 763-9318.
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American Classifieds will feature a puzzle each week. You will find the answers to the puzzle the following week. STATEPOINT CROSSWORD THEME: HALLOWEEN ACROSS 1. *One should accompany young Trick or Treaters 6. “Victoria’s Secret” purchase 9. Marine eagle 13. “West Side Story” character 14. Distinctive quality 15. “Pulling my leg,” e.g. 16. Venomous slitherer 17. Dashboard acronym 18. Big tops 19. *Like a house to avoid 21. *Halloween alternative to black 23. Cul de ____ 24. Type of test 25. Sis’ sibling 28. Coarse file 30. Centers, old-fashioned 35. Indian music 37. ____ gin 39. *Chocolate bar ingredient 40. Do as directed 41. Popular garden perennial
43. Jesus’ first guests 44. African sorcery 46. Romanov ruler 47. Dashing style 48. Accident 50. Not mint 52. “C’____ la vie!” 53. 500 sheets 55. Nada 57. *”Night of the ____ Dead” 60. *Possible Halloween precursor 64. Winnie-the-Pooh’s friend 65. High or low card 67. Food from heaven 68. Cupcake topper 69. Spring mo. 70. Bar by estoppel 71. 2 aspirin, e.g. 72. Gobbled up 73. Desert’s lack, pl. DOWN 1. Wet nurse 2. Dad to a baby 3. Pakistani language 4. Property claims 5. Reason to visit dental hygienist 6. Shakespeare, e.g. 7. *Gravestone wish 8. Tanks and such 9. Genesis garden 10. *2002 horror movie
rEGiStErED CHiHUAHUA, tOY Australian Shepherd & Yorkie puppies, Parti & Traditional colors. 817-3041225, For Availability & Prices See @ crystalskypuppies.com License #131
I sell; Therefore I am ~Thrifty Nickel’s American Classified
DOGS rED/bLUE HEELEr PUPPiES. Great Bloodlines, smart beautiful, CKC & UKC Registered. 325-280-7692 leave message. GErMAN SHEPHErD PUPPiES. Taking deposits now. Puppies available now. (325) 374-5066. See our facebook page: facebook.com/sager manshepherds r E G i S t E r E D tEACUP tOY and Miniature Schnauzers. 432-687-1395 or 432557-3976 ViZSLA PUPPiES! rEADY for new home.Pups have had their tails docked & dew claws removed, and shots are current.Intelligent dogs; parents are on site. $500 each. Call or text (325) 262-2743 .
SPriNG CrEEK rANCH. Hay grazer round bales $50. (325) 277-9195, or (325) 277-9196.
October 20, 2016
“The ____” 11. Sol or fa 12. Ambulance crew 15. Typeface letter that slants up and to the right 20. E-wallet’s content 22. Ewe’s mate 24. One playing dead 25. *Wicked ride 26. Torah teacher 27. S-shaped moldings 29. Coin opening 31. Top of the Capitol 32. 1:10,000 on a map, e.g. 33. Marcus Aurelius garb, pl. 34. *Honoree on day after Halloween 36. Same as #1 Down 38. Arrival times 42. Entertainment venue 45. Artsy Keith 49. Mont Blanc, e.g. 51. Mood lighting switch 54. Old World lizard 56. ____ Apso 57. Insane in Spain 58. Avian wader 59. Ivy stem 60. Bone-dry 61. Hostile to 62. Involved in a secret 63. Midday slumbers 64. Free 66. *Witch’s familiar
VANCOUrt DOG rESCUE has six bundles of joy, beautiful puppies. Mother is Red Healer cross. Coming up on 10 weeks old, will have second sets of shots. Loving homes with fenced yards only. 325763-8365. GrEAt DANE PUPPiES for sale. Avail. Oct. 15th. 1st & 2nd shots. Call Bryan at (325) 2264161. NEED MALE YOrKiE for female Yorkie. Call (325) 655-2808. SMALL MiNiAtUrE SCHNAUZEr puppies. Ready now, only 3. (325) 456-8752.
AMERICAN CLASSIFIEDS Weekly paper read daily by THOUSANDS! SErViCES & SUPPLiES DOG & CAt GrOOMiNG. Experienced. Pick up and delivery. (325) 650-2137.
Page 27
2012 HEFtY trAiLEr, 40’ flat gooseneck, 10,000 lb. axles. $6,900 OBO. (325) WANtED: HALtEr 234-3395, 325-234-8010. brOKE grown jenny donkey. (325) 656-4666. (70) GOOD brED cows. Also (25) good quality cow/calf pairs running back with bulls. A few good breeding bulls. Will sell any number. 325Reach thousands 656-7944. HENS & rOOStErS. of buyers Game chickens $8 pair. 325-212-9190. each week. SHOW QUALitY PErCENtAGE Boer Call 944-7653 on goats - wethers and does born in May. (325) 365how to advertise 6424. COVErED HOrSE your items across StALLS for rent, inside San Angelo. 325-658America. 1969.
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October 20, 2016