San Angelo American Classifieds 112416

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15 N. TYLER • SAN ANGELO, TX 76901

944-7653 • 1-800-357-2722 Fax 944-0387 OFFICE HOURS: MON. 8 A.M.-6 P.M. • TUES. 8 A.M.-6 P.M. • WED. 8 A.M.-5 P.M. THURS. 8 A.M.-5 P.M. • FRI. 8 A.M.-4 P.M.

*©American Classifieds All Ad Design and Artwork.



November 24, 2016 VOLUME 33 ISSUE 47 Available in San Angelo, Ballinger, Barnhart, Big Lake, Brady, Bronte, Christoval, Del Rio, Eden, Eldorado, GAFB, Mertzon, Miles, Ozona, Robert Lee, Sonora, Sterling City & Wall INdEx pg 2

Pray for rain.



GOT BOOTS OR shoes that are too small or you do not wear anymore? Donate them to Ernie Shoe Shine, 165 Woodruff, (325) 6569810. www.ernies BUYING JUNK CARS, all complete cars worth at least $175. (325) 656-3658 Old RUSTIC BARN metal, great for ceilings and walls for restaurants, business or offices. (325) 456-6882. lARGE UPHOlSTEREd CHAIR with pillows, $100. Black entertainment center with 3 sections and includes TV, $300. (325) 651-8229. CROCKETT NATIONAl BANK is helping Texans succeed with flexible terms and attractive rates on business loans. Call (325) 6586714 HORSEBACK RIdES AlONG river. Moonlight rides available. FMI (325) 277-4151. MENS lEATHER JACKET, black, size M, 3/4 length, $75 obo. (325) 942-8161.

CHRISTMAS lIGHT TOURS. Fun & Romantic. Rent-A-Buggy Sleigh Bells. Call for appointment (325) 949-6108. BARETTA (MOd. 21A) 22 LR semi-auto, Nice Purse Gun. $300 FIRM. (325) 453-2339

1852 GUAdAlUPE. 2 story large duplex, water paid, washer/dryer connections. 2 bed, 1 bath. Outdoor cellar, Military clause. References and residential screening. No pets. $500/month. $400/deposit. (325)2455097. GOT CORN & wHEAT. $5.50 50 lb. bag. 40 or more $5 each. (325)277-0727. 10 ACRES, 1 well - 9 miles west of Robert Lee.(432) 978-6130 Leave message. 10”x2.75 SOlId TIRES, heavy duty 3/4” axle. $15 ea or 2 for $25. 325-658-9675.

2014 THOR ACE30.1 Motor home, very low miles, self contained, no longer camp, serious inquiries only. (830) 7039296. AKC ENGlISH BUlldOG puppies. GCH sired male and females all colors 325-695-8639 2004 HARlEY dAVIdSON Roadking; Clean, garage kept, No joy rides, Serious Inquiries only. $8400 obo. (325) 656-7291 BUYING JUNK CARS and trucks. Haul off unwanted cars. (325) 6586914. HAY FOR SAlE 5x5 round bales. (325) 6568025. SMAll FURNISHEd OFFICE. 917 S. Bryant. Available Nov. 1. $165mo. Utilities paid. (325) 653-3358. CHICKEN HENS $12 each. They lay large brown eggs. (325) 2762701.

Page 2

November 24, 2016



★ Oil Field Injuries ★ Truck Accidents ★ Probate ★ Civil Litigation ★ Debt Collection ★ Real Estate ★ Governmental Entities

Sports & Exercise Equipment S T E L L a R v U E 80/9DM COMPLETE telescope system with extras. $500. (325) 2774570. PRO-FORM RECUMBEnT BIKE like new. Will deliver. $75.00 (325) 574-0180. POOL TaBLE WITH leather cover. 6 sticks & rack, chalk & 2 sets of balls. $950.00 (325) 6179112.

Household Items aSSORTED PaRTy gLaSSWaRE. Punch bowls & cups, glasses, goblets and more. (325)658-9675.

Community ST. LUKE BaPTIST Events & 105 Denny St. Announcements CHURCH. Eldorado, TX 76936. SunElkins Law Firm, PLLC http://www .ELKInS-LaWFIRM. COM Chad Elkins, (325)651-8702

FILL THE SLEIgH COnTEST! Win a $50 gift card from San Angelo Preowned. Check out page 7 of this weeks American Classifieds for more details.

CaRLSBaD COMMUnITy CEnTER Bldg FOR RENT for Parties, Weddings, Birthdays, Reunions. 11366 Sterling St., Carlsbad, TX. Large open 70x70 hall, fully stocked 30x30 kitchen, bathrooms, covered patio with BBQ pit/tables/playground. FOR RENTAL INFO call Sandra at (325) 465-8870 or Cary at (325) 8125796.

COME & CELEBRaTE CaMPOS CHRISTMaS POSaDa SaTURDay DEC 10, 2017. 2110 SOUTH HILL 6:30? Santa will be there, live music, goodies, hot cocoa, “Christmas lights display will start Thanksgiving Day!” EvERyOnE REaDS aMERICan Classifieds. Sold my house the first week the ad ran!! Alvin T.

day School: 9am, Sunday Morning Worship: 11am, Wednesday Evening Bible Study 6:30pm. Pastor: Dr. Phillip Givens Sr.

Sell Worldwide aMERICan CLaSSIFIEDS DOES not warrant the accuracy of any advertisements, nor the quality of the goods or services offered. When accepting money orders or checks from buyers, make sure you check the validity with the money order company or bank. Investigate any quest i o n a b l e advertisements before investing any money.

nEW COnSTRUCTIOn: 3-bedroom, 2bath. vaulted celing, granite counter tops. 2301 and 2305 Lindell Logan Construction, (325) 9442359. InvESTIgaTE BEFORE yOU INVEST. Before you send a company money for anything advertised in American Classifieds, investigate before you invest. It is also illegal for any company to ask you to pay for credit or a loan before you get it. American Classifieds readers using information in any ads, do so at their own risk. It is suggested that the prospective investors contact the appropriate consumer protection agency before payment. American Classifieds, nor any of it’s employees shall not be held liable for the content in any advertisers ads. For more information about credit scams and advance fee loans write: FTS, Washington, DC 20580.

May your harvest be bountiful this Thankgiving Season



317 W. Concho • San Angelo, Texas 76904 300 N. Plaza Ave • Big Lake, Texas 76932

Not Board Certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization

CHRISTMaS DECOR InSTaLLaTIOn Free estimates. (325) 2132921. TREE TRIMMIng DOnE RIGHT. Take down. Topping, fertilizing-hedges & mowing yards. FREE estimates. Reasonable prices. 28 years experience. Mike Taylor CONTRACT LABOR (325) 658-6844. Leave message, I’ll get back to you ASAP. Thank you. JOHn DEERE 2653-a DIESEL Fairway mower. 7’ cut. $2,500. In Del Rio, Tx. (830) 734-1217. LaWn OvERgROWn? BETTER call Raul - Handyman, tree trimming, mowing, edging, yard clean-up, junk removal, hedging, cleaning up leaves RH Lawn Services get your FREE quote now! (325) 812-6438 gaRCIa LaWn SERvICE. Tree trimming, lawn mowing, shrub trimming, cleaning flower beds. FREE estimates. (325) 227-5063 MOWIng, WEED EaTIng and hedging, blow off porches, driveways and patio areas. Residential, commercial, acreage. Starting at $25. (325) 763-5871, San Angelo area. TROy BILT RIDIng lawnmower, $600. Will throw in trailer. (325) 9493363. CLEan-UP & HaULOFF SERVICE to include lawn maintenance. Large or small, we do it all! Call Eric (325) 456-3698.

PaCIFIC EQUIPMEnT 7500 watt decimal generator on wheels. Used about 60 hrs. $2500 OBO. (325) 6504499. BETEL IgLESIa FELKnER 8” TILE METODISTa UnIDa, SAW with stand. $75. 113 W. Ave. O, (325) 655- (325) 374-7989. 5163. Rev. Saul Israel Valle. Bienvenidos! vICTORy CHRISTIan CEnTER - 1620 Sunset Dr. (325) 9427520. Sun- aRE yOU aPPLyIng day 10:40am and FOR DISaBILITy SO6:30pm. Wednesday CIaL SECURITy/ 6:30pm. SSI? CALL THE BEST, I WILL COME TO YOUR HOME. No charge until you win. Call anytime before 10 p.m. John Webb LCSW, Accredited Social Security Representative, (325) 944-9879.

Church Directory

Lawn & Garden

FILL THE SLEIgH COnTEST! Win a Timer and Solar Unit from West Texas Game Feeders. Check out page 7 of this weeks American Classifieds for more details. PInE TREE’S & Beautiful Chinese Scarlet Maple Tree’s. Pine Tree’s starting at $10. Maple Tree’s starting at $20. 325-201-5109 Buffalo Gap. TOPSOIL SCREEnED & Unscreened, Certified A1 Compost, Mulches & More. D’s Recycling & Composting. (325)6598573. LaWn SERvICE; A man and a mower. Lawn care, roof repair, Insulation, tree trimming & general construction. Free estimates & Credit Cards accepted. (325) 2770038. RIDIng LaWn MOWER, only 384 hrs. 26 horse engine, 50’’ cut, 2 new tires. $950obo. (325) 658-5929. RETIRED BUT nOT through working! Lots mowed or shredded. Lawn mowing & weed eating. Leaves vacuumed from yard & flower beds. Cleanup & haul off brush or debris. Call Gary, (325) 656-8623 or 653-1015 for free estimates. God Bless


MESQUITE ★ FIREWOOD $50.00 a cord. “You

FIRST UnITED M E T H O D I S T CHURCH 37 E. Beauregard, (325) 655-8981,

cut, You load”, seasoned in 350 foot row, cut limbs & load without moving vehicle. Great for fireplaces, barbecue, wood stoves, campfires. Close to town. Approximately 50 cords. Cold weather is coming! (325) 374-5048


SHOP COMPRESSOR - 60 gallon air compressor, 2 stage with 10 hp motor, $600 obo. (325) 226-4267

FILL THE SLEIgH COnTEST! Win a $25 Gift Card to Candles Handmade. Check out page 7 of this weeks American Classifieds for more details. $CaSH$ Cars or pickups for parts and wrecking use. We will pick ‘em up. Clark’s auto Wrecking, 901 N. Cecil. Phone 658-4377.

IT’S NEVER BEEN EASIER TO PLACE AN AD! Here’s How: Walk Your Ad Into Our Office At.. 15 N. Tyler • San Angelo, TX Hours: Mon-Tues 8am-6pm Wed-Thurs 8am-5pm Friday - 8am-4pm


Walk-in rates $5 for first 10 words & 30¢ for each additional word

Phone In Your AD 325-944-7653 Phone-in rates $8 for first 10 words & 30¢ for each additional word

Mail Your Ad To Our Office American Classifieds 15 N. Tyler St. San Angelo, Tx 76901 Mail-in rates $8 for first 10 words & 30¢ for each additional word

Check By Phone aMERICan CLaSSIFIEDS does not warrant the accuracy of any advertisements, nor the quality of the goods or services offered. When accepting money orders or checks from buyers, make sure your check the validity with the money order company or bank. Investigate any questionable advertisements before investing any money. no cancellation refunds or credit on ads cancelled after deadline or publication. We reserve the right to accept, reject or edit any advertising submitted to American Classifieds for publication.

4x4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Adoption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Antiques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Apartments . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Appliances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 ATV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Auctions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Auto Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Boats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Building Materials . . . . . . . . 5 Business & Service. . . . 30-31 Business Opportunity . . . . . 7 Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-23 Car Town Hyundai . . . . . . . 21 Cemetery Plots . . . . . . . . . . 19 Christmas Shopping . . . . . . 9 Church Directory . . . . . . . . . 2 Classics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Clothing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Computers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Crossword . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Commercial Property . . . . . 19 Community Events & Annoc. . . . . . . 2 Country Corral . . . . . . . . . . 15 Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Electronics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Employment Guide . . . . . . 12 Farms/Ranches . . . . . . . . . 17 Financial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Free Stuff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Furniture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Garage Sales . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Guns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Health Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Heavy Equipment . . . . . . . . 29 Household Items . . . . . . . . . 2 Houses For Rent . . . . . . 17-18

Houses For Sale . . . . . . 16-17 Hunting & Fishing . . . . . . . . 8 Internet & Technology . . . . 12 Jewelry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Jobs Wanted . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Kelly Grimsley Kia . . . . 26-27 Lake & Resorts . . . . . . . . . . 19 Lawn & Garden . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Legal Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Lots/Land/Acreage . . . . . . . 17 Lost & Found . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Manufactured Homes . . 18-19 Medical Equipment . . . . . . . 7 Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . 1-9 Mitchell Buick . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Mitchell Toyota . . . . . . . . . . 32 Motorcycles . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Musical Instruments . . . . . . 6 Oil & Gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Out Of Town Property . . . . 19 Pets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Photography . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Pickups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Pools & Spas . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Real Estate For Sale. . . . . . 17 Restaurant Equipment . . . . . 8 Room For Rent . . . . . . . . . . 19 RV’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Sports & Exercise Equip . . . 2 Steel Storage Buildings . . . . 6 Sudoku . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 SUV’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Thanksgiving Greetings 10-11 Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Trailers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Vans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Want To Buy . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Weather Forecast . . . . . . . . . 4


f I r E W O O D . DON’T BE FOOLED! A cord of wood is 4’X4’X8’. Mine 300 up. I got all kinds. You need one piece or whatever! (325) 939-1834.

Lost & Found STOLEN/MISSING frOM Our yard at 209 N 7th in Ballinger the morning of November 19. Tanque is a 9-year-old male brindle Frenchie. Daisy is a 3-year-old white and grey Frenchton. Please contact MIKE or SUZANN RILEY at 325-895-1991. REWARD.

Clothes WOMEN’S MISCELLaNEOuS CLOTHING. Like new. Medium-Large. (325) 942-9608. GOT BOOTS Or shoes that are too small or you do not wear anymore? Donate them to Ernie Shoe Shine, 165 Woodruff, (325) 6569810. www.ernies

Miscellaneous CarPOrT (BOLT uP) 12’6” X 24’. 285.00 obo. Deerborn heater, 20,000 btu – propane. 295.00 obo.(325) 234-1714. WOrK BOOTS Or FR clothing for the oilfield. Safety glasses or hard hats, thermal clothing, underwear or warm wool socks, gloves or winter caps. WOW we have it all. Cole’s Army Surplus, Corner of 2nd & N. Chadbourne. (325) 653-1903. www.colesarmysurplus.c om. frESH SHELLED PECaNS. Delivered $10 lb. (325) 450-4558. MExICaN PurE vaNILLa Extract 8 oz $5, Litter $9.50. Leos Imports, 25 W Twohig Ave. 655-5367.

frEE BIBLE COrrES P O N D E N C E COurSES. God has a plan for your life. Answer the questions from Bible and send in for grading. Write to: World Bible School Dept. 47, 2200 Johnson St., San Angelo, TX. 76904 or call (325) 947-1053. God keeps his promises! Learn what he CaNNON IPf 5100 has promised you. Printer - Great shape, printer comes w/cabinet, arE YOu Image prograph/poster aPPLYING printer. 2yrs old, probably fOr still in warranty. $600. Call (325) 227-0062 DISaBILITY fIrEWOOD fOr SOCIaL SaLE- Dry and SeaSECurITY Or soned Mesquite FireSSI? wood. $200.00 per cord. CALL THE BEST, Stacking and Delivery I WILL COME TO available. Call Joe (325) YOUR HOME. No charge 277-1178 or Mandi until you win. (325)277-1352 Call anytime KIrBY vaCuuM , before 10 p.m. ACCESSORIES & shamJohn Webb LCSW, pooer. $175 OBO. (325) Accredited Social 728-7223. Security Representative 4 HEarT raTE MA(325) 944-9879. CHINES - 1 for parts. $50. (325) 374-7989.

CHEaP DuMP SITE CONCrETE WITHOuT rebar, dirt, rock, brick, scrap lumber. (325) 617-5450. SWITCH TO DIrECTTv. From $50/month, includes FREE Genie HD/DVR & 3 months HBO, SHOWTIME, CINEMAX, STARZ. Get a $50 Gift Card. Call 888-672-1159. 2 CrYPTS IN Calvary Cemetery, Heart Level, $7000. (325) 227-5313. EvErYONE rEaDS aMErICaN Classifieds. Sold my house the first week the ad ran!! Alvin T. aIMS POWEr (BEST), DC & AC power inverter. Model PWRINV5000W, 5000 watts maximum. 12 or 24 volt. Almost new. $300 obo. (325) 315-1821. CaSH PaID fOr unexpired, sealed DIABETIC TEST STRIPS! 1 DAY PAYMENT & PREPAID shipping. HIGHEST PRICES! Call 1-888-7767771. NaTION WIDE parts locator service! Can’t find that part you need? Call Clark’s and let them find it for you. (325) 6584377

COOLEr WEaTHEr IS on the way. Come in and checkout our coats, insulated coveralls, and insulated bib overalls. We have just about everything when it comes to winter-wear.Cole’s Army Surplus, Corner of 2nd & N. Chadbourne. (325) 653-1903. BurN BarrELS fOr sale. 653-3678. “KJv” MarK 16:16. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not, shall be damned.

November 24, 2016

Elkins Law firm, PLLC http://www .ELKINS-LaWfIrM. COM Chad Elkins, (325)651-8702 DrIvE WITH uBEr. No experience is required, but you’ll need a Smartphone. Its fun and easy. For more information, call: 1-800-849-0782 BurN BarrELS, 325944-8418, 325-277-0873. LuNG CaNCEr? aND Age 60+ ? You And Your Family May Be Entitled To Significant Cash Award. Call 866-4281639 for Information. No Risk. No Money Out Of Pocket.

Page 3

fILL THE SLEIGH CONTEST! Win Memphis Door speakers from NS Kustom Performance. Check out page 7 of this weeks American Classifieds for more details. GuITar STrINGS $2.99. Wild Bill’s Pawn, 1315 MLK, 658-7066.

Page 4

November 24, 2016

loVE SEAt With recliners on both ends. Sofa. Complete Queen bed, mattress & box spring. 3 electric heaters (new, in box), 2 gas Elkins law Firm, heaters. (325) 212-6314. (8) WAgon WhEElS (4) IMPLEMENT PllC http://www. WHEELS, assortment of ElKinS-lAWFiRM. lARgE SoliD plow seats. (325) 453CoM Chad Elkins, oAK computer/ en2339. (325)651-8702 tertainment center MobilE gAS SoPACiFiC EQUiPcombo, reduced to Cony-VACUUM oil $500. Corner curio MEnt 7500 watt decisign & bracket. 53” wide cabinet, solid birch, mal generator on wheels. X 53” long. $3,500. FIRM. reduced to $175. Used about 60 hrs. (325) 453-2339 Brady, Tx. (325) 456$2500 OBO. (325) 650lEFton ColoniAl 6882. 4499. VillAgES. 23 Lighted Buildings, boxed. 30 Figurines. $200. (325) 9429394.


Oil & Gas


7 PiECE bEDRooM set with memory foam mattress. Haverty’s sleigh twin trundle bed. Near new condition. $850 OBO. (325) 650-4396. MAhogAny bUFFEt $450obo. (325) 6502894. tWo EXtRA lARgE chest of drawers, cherry wood, beautiful, reduced to $275 each or both for $500. Oak Extra large and deep chest of drawers, light oak, 4’x4’, reduced to $375. Entertainment center, 7-8’ long, shelves, slide out drawers, $4250. Handmade kitchen hutch with glass doors, raised panels, sides and doors, fruitwood color, $2000. Brady, Tx. (325) 4566882 SliP CoVERS, oFFWhitE; Washable, 80” sofa, 42” chair & ottoman. Paid $4700. Asking $595 for set. (325) 658-1654 tEMPURPEDiC King bED mattresses (2 twin), $7000 reduced to $4800. (325) 456-6882 tEAChERS SEMi CiRClE desk, like new. $75. Call (325) 212-7014


Fill thE SlEigh ContESt! Win a Die Cast Truck from Angelo Lawn & Hobby. Check out page 7 of this weeks American Classifieds for more details. 44” RoUnD glASS TOP & marble wrought iron table with 4 chairs. Glass shelve & marble wrought iron baker’s rack, 78” tall & 43” wide. $500. Credit cards accepted. (325) 374-7989. 32” WRoUght iRon COFFEE table $50. No checks. Credit cards accepted. (325) 374-7989

thE oRiginAl A M E R i C A n BRITISH ANTIQUES Over 50,000 sq.ft. Largest complex in Concho Valley. Antique furniture, memorabilia, glassware, collectible military items, spurs, etc. Storage units for rent. 746 US 87 S, San Angelo, Tx, 325-6514873. AntiQUE SEWing tAblE. $100, nice dining room dining buffet $400. (325) 650-2894 FMI.

May your harvest be bountiful this Thankgiving Season Jewelry

Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving

lADiES 14K WEDDing ring set, over 1 carat, $9250. Serious inquiries only. (325) 4566882.

PHOTOGRAPHY VintAgE DARK RooM equipment, enlarger, etc. Negotiable. (325) 632-2171. ChRiStMAS PiCtURES With LIVE lADiES 14 Ct DIA- REINDEER!!! 325 315MOND and Ruby pen- 7795 dant set with 11 round .02 dia and 30 .02 carat round rubbies with 18” box chain, $1000. (325) 456-6882.

Miscellaneous MEn’S golD hoRSEShoE ring with 3/4 carat diamond with horse head in middle, $2350. Serious inquiries only. Call (325) 456-6882 for appointment.

FR Clothing by Wrangler®, Walls®, Bulwark® and Dickies for one or the whole crew.Cole’s Army Surplus, Corner of 2nd & N. Chadbourne. (325) 6531903.

nEW lADiES 10K yellow gold cluster engagement ring with 8 diamond ring wrap, $1250. Serious inquires only. Call for ap- ‘98 gRoVE MZi 40 pointment: (325) 456- Manlift. 45’ working 6882. height. New tires. New Joystick, new carburator, fully serviced by ASCO. All functions on this machine working great. $13,500. FMI Call (325) lADiES 14K Soli- 716-0632 tAiRE wedding set, $CASh$ Cars or pick$1250. Call (325) 456- ups for parts and wreck6882. ing use. We will pick ‘em up. Clark’s Auto Wrecking, 901 N. Cecil. Phone 658-4377. golF CARt With battery charger needs batteries. $1,700.Professional double 45 degree cut framing saw. $375.00 (325) 245-7468.

8’ AERoMotoR WiDMill with wooden tower made out of cedar. Only one made by Aeromotor, $5500. 325-226-3613. DiD yoU KnoW?! ClARK’S AUto WRECKing has NEW auto parts, doors, fenders, grills, radiators, hoods, lights, door handles. Many in stock or next day delivery. You’ll be surprised at their prices. 658-4377.

MyERS DRUg go GO Scooter...only $975. Test drive one today! 29 S. Chadbourne 325-6553146. StAinlESS StEEl, CoMAlS, pots, grills, woks & utensils. Lodge Cast Iron, Coolwear. We’re big on cooking! Cole’s Army Surplus, Corner of 2nd & N. Chadbourne. (325) 653-1903. www.colesarmysurplus.c om. FAiRMont. REDUCED PRiCED lots at Fairmont. Great location with trees and close to the street. Block 62, Lot 1,2,3 and 4. Call (713) 825-6820. hUnting SEASon iS in full swing. Whether you need new camo or boots, or duffle bags, backpacks, and weapon cases to stow and haul your gear. We also have pop-up blindsCome in and gear up. Cole’s Army Surplus, Corner of 2nd & N. Chadbourne. (325) 653-1903. $CASh$ Cars or pickups for parts and wrecking use. We will pick ‘em up. Clark’s Auto Wrecking, 901 N. Cecil. Phone 658-4377. CRoCKEtt nAtionAl bAnK puede ayudar a hacer su sueño de casa propia una realidad. Obtener preaprobado hoy llamando al (325) 658-6714. Prestamista de igualdad de vivienda| NMLS 535397 $CASh$ Cars or pickups for parts and wrecking use. We will pick ‘em up. Clark’s Auto Wrecking, 901 N. Cecil. Phone 658-4377.

lEE inDUStRiES oFF-WhitE; Washable, slip covered, 80” sofa, 42” chair & ottoman. Paid $4700. Asking $595 for set. (325) 658-1654 nEW CoMMERCiAl PECAn CRACKER SHELLER MONEY MAKER-Will crack & shell out up to 1,000 pound per hour. $6,200. WILL ConSiDER TRADE. (325) 450-7666. MEXiCAn PURE VAnillA Extract 8 oz $5, Litter $9.50. Leos Imports, 25 W Twohig Ave. 655-5367.

Fill thE SlEigh ContESt! Win 2 Buffet Dinners from Nacho’s Cantina & Grill. Check out page 7 of this weeks American Classifieds for more details. SolD My VEhiClE the first weekend. American Classifieds works and i would place ads again. Chuck g. WooD bURning StoVE, great condition, low - medium - hi control, $1500. 2 real good large space heaters, Kenmore $200, Dearborn $400. (325) 456-6882. nEED EXtRA inCoME? American Classifieds has an opening for fill-in delivery person. thursday’s only. Must be able to deliver on short notice. Must have own transportation and proof of insurance. Apply to American Classifieds 15 n. tyler, San Angelo, texas 76901. SUn QUESt PRo Tanning bed. WOLFF system, 24 bulb. $600. OBO. Call (325) 277-1280 or (325) 468-6261 (leave a message) bESt FlAVoR— EXtRA MEAty shelled Burkett Pecans. $10lb. (325) 234-0255. PSP, 8 boy/SPoRt games, 2 movies, carrying case, $375. (325) 456-6882. $CASh$ any make or model cars and pickups for wrecking use. We will pick them up. Clark’s Auto Wrecking, 6584377.

Commercial, Residential & Auto Glass Repair Commercial Store Front Repair 24 HR. Board-Ups

325-653-7380 63 N. Chadbourne

WAShERS, DRyERS, AnD STOVES From $195. Refrigerators & freezers from $225 & up. In good condition with guarantee. Call Munoz or see us at 1241 Apache Trail . Also we repair appliances. (325) 650-6384 or (325) 763-3613. F i R E W o o D : MESQUitE $210 cord; $120 1/2 cord; $65 1/4 cord. OAK $280 cord; $150 1/2 cord; $80 1/4 cord. Will deliver. (325) 374-5039. CASh PAiD FoR unexpired, sealed DIABETIC TEST STRIPS HIGHEST PRICES! Shipping prepaid. 1 DAY PAYMENT. 1-888-366-0956. bECoME thE UltiMAtE Predator. Whether fishing or hunting the Predator line of kayaks from Old Town can get you there and haul all of your gear. Come in and check them out. Cole’s Army Surplus, Corner of 2nd & N. Chadbourne. (325) 653-1903. www.colesarmysurplus.c om. tACtiCAl bACKPACKS - Tactical Shooters’ Bags - Range Bags Tactical Weapons Cases - Shotgun Scabbards. Protect your protectors. Cole’s Army Surplus, Corner of 2nd & N. Chadbourne. (325) 653-1903. www.colesarmysurplus.c om. “WhEthER yoU’RE nEW to cast iron cooking, or a “seasoned” veteran, you’ll want to come in and check out our CampMaid dutch oven lid-lifter/pot-holder. and accessories. Cole’s Army Surplus, Corner of 2nd & N. Chadbourne. (325) 653-1903. oAK FiRE☛ WooD $275 a cord. Delivered & stacked. Save $75 per cord if you pick up. (325) 277-4053.

$CASh$. We will pay above scale weight. Cars or pickups for wrecking use. 658-4377. P E C A n S ! ! ! S h E l l E D hAlVES, fresh and vacuum sealed $10 per pound WE DELIVER! (325) 227-7359


Free Stuff free 1 1/2 yr OLD female, black Boxer Lab mix. Very gentle. (325) 227-9360.

Building Materials

600-1,000 sq.ft. warehouse/st orage units. Just outside city limits. $275 and $375 a month, Utilities available. Call Gretchen, 325-234-0069.

5450 ChrIstoVal rD. Saturday. Miscellaneous amounts building sheet metal, cheap. Mop buckets with ringers $8 and $12 set. Stone benches, pots, lots of other stuff. (325) 4505366.


VIagra 52 PIlls! ONLY $99.00! Save! Save! Save $500 Now! Call us today! 1-888-4391431

rent- a -Buggy Weddings, Anniversaries, Birthdays, Sweet 15’s, Reunions. FUN, ROMANTIC. rent-aBuggy. (325) 949-6108. BallInger: 2 houses 20 ACRES Rural water $239,000. (325) 718-4396 MesquIte fIrewooD for sale. Cord $50. 1/2 cord $35. (325) 357-4698

$Cash$ Cars or pickups for parts and wrecking use. We will pick ‘em up. Clark’s auto wrecking, 901 N. Cecil. Phone 658-4377. KIrBy sentrIa II Vacuum Cleaner w/all accessories. Brand new. Price negotiable. Call (325) 453-2538 f I r e w o o D : MesquIte 1 cord $195, 1/2 $105, 1/4 $65. OAK 1 cord $250, 1/2 $135, 1/4 $80. (325) 6561343 tV+ Internet $29.99 each! That’s $60 month for TV and high speed internet! We are your local installers! 1800-294-5985

November 24, 2016

useD offICe ChaIrs. Different color & sizes. make offer for all. (325) 262-0573. CruIse VaCatIons- 3,4,5 or 7+ day cruises to the Caribbean. Start planning now to save $$ on your fall or winter getaway vacation. Royal Caribbean, Norwegian, Carnival, Princess and many more. Great deals for all budgets and departure ports. To search for your next cruise vacation visit aIrlIne MeChanIC traInIng. Get FAA certification. Approved for military benefits. Financial Aid if qualified. Job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 8’ fIr Country 888-686-1704 CHRISTMAS TREE with country ornaments, 20 600-1,000 sq.ft. red balls, chili pepper warehouse/st lights, checkered ribbon, orage units. Just tree skirt & brass Texas outside city limits. tree topper ...all originally $275 and $375 a from Eggmeyers. $325. month, Utilities availCall only after 6pm if in- able. Call Gretchen, terested! (325) 656-1233. 325-234-0069. DID you Know?! ClarK’s auto Pure wreCKIng has NEW MexICan auto parts, doors, fend- VanIlla Extract 8 oz ers, grills, radiators, $5, Litter $9.50. Leos Imhoods, lights, door han- ports, 25 W Twohig Ave. dles. Many in stock or 655-5367. our next day delivery. You’ll suPPort members, be surprised at their serVICe veterans and their famiprices. 658-4377. lies in their time of need. For more information visit the Fisher House website at

Page 5

there’s a new Predator leading the pack. Come in today and check out the all new Predator PDL, along with the other kayaks in the most awarded kayak series on the planet.Cole’s Army Surplus, Corner of 2nd & N. Chadbourne. (325) 653-1903. www.colesarmysurplus.c om. natIon wIDe parts locator service! Can’t find that part you need? Call Clark’s and let them find it for you. (325) 6584377 f I r e w o o D : MesquIte 1 cord $195, 1/2 $105, 1/4 $65. OAK 1 cord $250, 1/2 $135, 1/4 $80. (325) 4567384 DIsh tV Best DEAL EVER! $49.99/mo. Plus $14.99/mo Internet (where avail.) FREE Streaming. FREE Installation. FREE HD-DVR. 1800-908-6184. fr ClothIng By Wrangler®, Walls®, Bulwark® and Dickies. We are your safety equipment & FR headquarters. Come down & see us. Cole’s Army Surplus, Corner of 2nd & N. Chadbourne. (325) 653-1903. www.colesarmysurplus.c om. DuMP traIler for hire. 14’ dump trailer rocks, dirt, fencing, tree removal, garage and house clean outs. Call David (325) 234-9794.

Page 6

November 24, 2016



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Health Care ViaGra 100MG and CIALIS 20mg! 50 pills $99.00 FREE Shipping! 100% guaranteed. CALL NOW! 1-866-312-6061. Hablamos Espanol. MaSSaGe tHeraPYJeanette tHoMPSon (254) 396-2554. ViaGra and ciaLiS USERS! 50 Pills SPECIAL $99.00 FREE Shipping! 100% guaranteed. CALL NOW! 1-800-849-4243. Hablamos Espanol. erectiLe diSfunction! V & C users! Special 60 pills for $99. Free Shipping. No prescription needed. Money back guaranteed! 877593-7571. free ViaGra PiLLS 48 PILLS + 4 FREE! VIAGARA 100MG/CIALIS 20mg Free Pills! No hassle, Discreet Shipping. Save Now. Call Today. 1800-410-0514. 48 PiLLS + 4 FREE! VIAGRA 100MG/ CIALIS 20mg Free Pills! No hassle, Discreet Shipping. Save Now. Call Today 1877-560-0842 ViaGra & ciaLiS! 50 pills for $95. 100 pills for $150 FREE shipping. NO prescriptions needed. Money back guaranteed! 1-877-743-5419 ViaGra 100MG and CIALIS 20mg! 40 pills + 10 FREE. SPECIAL$99.00. 100% guaranteed. FREE Shipping! 24/7 CALL 1-888-2238818. Hablamos Espanol. ViaGra Y ciaLiS Consumidores! 50 pildoras especiales $99.00 envos gratis! 100% garantizado.LLAME AHORA! 1-855-6708122.

wishes to all our customers and readers.


Electronics 1 direct tV SATELITE receiver w/smart card. $125. OBO. Pager (325) 278-3572 or Call (325) 656-3462

Musical Instruments Guitar StrinGS $2.99. Wild Bill’s Pawn, 1315 MLK, 658-7066. MuSic eQuiPMent MuSt SELL: 3 monitors, Big PV Speakers, 2 Kustom heads, PV head, line 6 head with board. Misc other things. Don’t use any more. (325) 6685185.

arriaGa tiLe SerVice. (325) 9396387. Ceramic, shower, marble, back splashes, texture, painting, carpentry. Wood, laminate and vinyl flooring. Residential or Commercial. taYLor PaintinG, interior & Exterior. Repairs. Tile, float, texture. Free estimates. 20 years experience. (325) 656-7100. retired LVn LooKinG for short/long term sitting job. 325-650-5842. GeroniMo ruiZ conStruction. (325) 245-3853. All Types of Carpentry & Painting. Free Estimates.

roB’S PaintinG & reModeLinG. Interior & Exterior. Residential & Commercial. 25 years exHandcrafted perience. Have Brush fiddLeS. aLSo Will Travel! (325) 261repair service. FMI (325) 7450 local. 657-3521. L&d SerViceS Home repairs, doors, windows, trim, electric, plumbing and fixtures. Hauling and clean up also. (325) 315-4860.

JoBS needed New handyman services to area. 30+ years experience. “Honey Do Specialists”. Call (325) 276-1933. HouSeKeePinG. cHriStian LadY. Residential, move-outs, new construction. FMI (325) 300-1596

1- 877- 621- 6150


Appliances We SeLL re✔friG erato rS, stoves, washers, dryers and freezers. We will take your working or non working appliance for partial trade. 90 day warranty. Free delivery in San Angelo. ace appliances,416 E. 19th, 6536000

cuStoM StoraGe BuiLdinGS. Built on site. Solid steel frame. Not DIY kits. FMI call CSH Enterprises at 325374-5595 or 325-3742983. SteeL BuiLdinG direct from Factory making special deals & taking others 20x20 to 100x100. Act now, Limited, Make offer. Some 1st sold at price of seconds.800-964-8335

oWe More tHan to the IRS? Call Tax Mediation Services to stop collection and Harassing Letters. CALL FOR FREE aPPLiance SerV- CASE REVIEW! 888-2495596. caSH for carS: We ice & REPAIR ReasonBuy Any Condition Vehiable, honest, deBt conSoLicle, 2000 and Newer. Nadependable. Call for dation WitHtion’s Top Car Buyer! Free Service. (325) 227-5306, out a Loan! Towing From Anywhere! (325) 653-8586. Member Consolidate multiple Call Now: 1-800-864BBB unsecured loans into 5960. diSH tV BeSt DEAL 1 payment. Save $caSH$ Cars or pickEVER! $49.99/mo. Plus $100’s monthly. Guar$14.99/mo Internet anteed! Call Right ups for parts and wreck(where avail.) FREE Now! 888-629-7995 ing use. We will pick ‘em Streaming. FREE Installaup. clark’s auto tion. FREE HD-DVR. 1Wrecking, 901 N. Cecil. 800-556-7185 deLete Bad Phone 658-4377. canon MX922 credit & Raise Your Printer, like new with Credit Score To 780 In 7 extra ink. $85. 325-716- Days. Free To Start After 1624. Work Is Complete Pay for SaLe, neW in $29.00. Order Now: 800box Chuwi Tablet PC 10 250-7959. Licensed & inch screen, front and Bonded. icS coMMerciaL 3 back cameras, 4GB SaVe Your HoMe! phase FREEZER; 1pc. RAM, 64 BIT, Quad Core, Are you behind paying walk-in unit 12’9”x9’5” . Intel Pentium, 1.44 Ghz, your MORTGAGE? De- r e n t - a - P o n Y ParFMI Call (325) 234-8584 wifi, bluetooth, usb. nied a Loan Modifica- BirtHdaYS, $260.00 http://www.elec- tion? Is the bank tieS, reunions, any ocWe WiLL BuY threatening foreclosure? casion. Fun. (325) your working and CALL Homeowner’s Re- 949-6108. non-working washers, lief Line now for Help. inVite Your dryers, refrigerators, 855-402-3220. friendS to PAKRAT stoves and freezers. ace Junkies. Thrifty Nickel / appliances,416 E. American Classifieds 19th, 653-6000 now has a new website KenMore refriGfor image ads only. Ads erator. WHite. with images get looked at Whirlpool gas range, over 70% more online. black. Both new purPAKRAT Junkies is a chases in 7/16, asking website created to help $300 each. (269) 689the community buy, sell, 2449. fiLL tHe SLeiGH and trade. It is free to join conteSt! Win a re- and free to add Images BuYinG aLL non PaY- cliner from Gallery Furni- with your ads. Get rid of working air conditioners. receiVinG MentS froM real es- ture. Check out page 7 of unwanted items while (325) 374-5595. tate you sold? Get cash this weeks American finding great deals. 16 cu ft frostless now! Call Steve @ 1-888- Classifieds for more de- PAKRAT Junkies helps freezer. Works great. 870-2243 www.Steve- tails. put cash in your pocket. $150. (325) 653-0661. It is as simple as typing in w w w. t h r i f t y n i c k e l We “The mission of this Church is to love to help out our community! make disciples of Jesus Christ for



Left-Handed fender StratocaSter, $800. Wild Bill’s Pawn, 1315 MLK, 658-7066.

Jobs Wanted


HandYMan & i MOW EMPTY lots or remove dirt with small scoop tractor. Habla espanol. Call Rolando. (325) 277-9533. drYWaLL rePair affordaBLe & hassle free (325)-763-1055


fiLL tHe SLeiGH conteSt! Win a $10 gift card from Allure Family Hair Salon. Check out page 7 of this weeks American Classifieds for more details. LoG caBin $4800, (original price, $23,800). 768 square feet, expandable to 1152 square feet, 101 solid oak logs, fully dovetailed, complete precut wall set with all plans for stone fireplace, 101/2 foot high ceilings, porches, loft, stack walls in two days, add roof in two days, extra nice, will haul to San Angelo for $1850. 870-577-5757, owner.

fiLL tHe SLeiGH conteSt! Win a $25 Visa gift card donated by Northside Battery. Check out page 7 of this weeks American Classifieds for more details.

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November 24, 2016

Page 7

Answers to Crossword Puzzle for 11/17/16 Issue

Savings in your American Classifieds

BIRTHMOTHERS, PLANNING AN Adoption? Unique Adoptions can help. We have an excellent adoption program. You choose from open or closed, select adoptive family. Financial Assistance. Ask about our 4 day recovery packages. Call toll free 24/7 to speak to an adoption specialist. 888-637-8200

Medical Equipment PRIDE LIFT CHAIR, new, brown with extended foot rest. Used 2 months, $700. (325) 2242824. HOSPITAL BED. $250. (325) 315-7095. NEW QUEEN AIR/ADJUSTABLE bed 25yr. warranty. INNOMAX Comfort Craft Luxury Support Digital Air Ultra Cashmere. $5,000. (Retail with shipping $5396.49 SAVE $400). Deluxe new sheets included. (325) 245-9245. KEEL DRUG LOCATED at 2001 Hutchings Ave. next door to the Ballinger Hospital Clinic carries Transfer Benches and Shower Chairs, Walkers, Three and Four Wheel Walkers, Wheelchairs, Extra-Wide and Removable Sides. We are here to meet your needs and serve the needs of the community as we have for the past one hundred years. Keel Drug has been serving the Ballinger Community since the early 1900’s and we continue this long standing tradition of serving the needs of our community today. Thank you for making Keel Drug the home town choice for all your diabetic, respiratory, durable medical equipment and prescription needs. (325) 365-3505 OXYGEN-ANYTIME. ANYWHERE. NO tanks to refill. No deliveries. Only 4.8 pounds and FAA approved for air travel! May be covered by medicare. Call for FREE info kit: 844-5587482 LUNG CANCER? AND 60+ Years Old? Of So, You And Your Family May Be Entitled To A Significant Cash Reward. Call 877-648-6308 To Learn More. No risk, No Money Out Of Pocket.

JAZZY PRIDE ELECTRIC WHEELCHAIR. Like new. Purchased $3,000 asking $1,000. Comes with rack. (325) 226-9601. KEEL DRUG LOCATED at 2001 Hutchings Ave. next door to the Ballinger Hospital Clinic carries the following DME supplies: Canes, Crutches, Grip Devices, Commodes, Urinals & Bedpans, Diabetic Socks & Supplies, Blood Glucose Monitors, Test Strips, Lancets & Devices, Hot & Cold Physical Therapy Applications, Hospital Beds: Electric, Semi-Electric & Manual Pneumatic Compression Devices, Rollators & Four Wheel Walkers, Scooters, Three & Four Wheel Electronic Scooters, Support Surfaces: Pressure Reducing Beds, Mattresses, Overlays & Pads, TED Compression Hose, Antiembolism Hose, Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulators (TENS) Units and replacement pads. (325) 365-3505.

MYERS DRUG HAS the largest selection of new luxury Pride lift chairs in the Concho Valley...Come try one today! Starting at $599.99. 29 S. Chadbourne 325-6553146. KEEL DRUG LOCATED at 2001 Hutchings Ave. next door to the Ballinger Hospital Clinic specializes in diabetic, respiratory, durable medical equipment, hospice and home health prescriptions. We offer free in-town delivery service, unit dosing and the Ballinger Memorial Hospital 340-b prescription drug plan for clinic patients. We also accept Medicare/Medicaid and other third party prescription plans. Our hours are 830am – 530pm Monday through Friday. Stop in today and let our experienced friendly staff help you with your prescription and medical equipment needs. Phone: 325-3653505. I HAVE A LIFT CHAIR called a Med-Lift. One of the best you can buy. Never been used. Chair has massage & heat. Really well built chair, it would be good for someone who has any kind of back problems. FMI (325) 450-6795.

Adoption FILL THE SLEIGH CONTEST! Win a $50 pkg. from Scentsy Independant Consultant Traci Asebedo. Check out page 7 of this weeks American Classifieds for more details.

A CHILDLESS MARRIED couple seeks to adopt. Will be hands-on mom & devoted dad. Financial security. Expenses paid. Cara & Pete (ask for Adam). 1-800790-5260.

PREGNANCY SUPPORT. IS adoption right for you? Discuss options for your pregnancy. You’re our first priority and you’re in charge! Living expenses paid. Call to see how friendly we are! ,1(325)-716-3349 or 1(800)-456-4862. PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? Call Us First! Living expenses, Housing, Medical and continued support afterwards. Choose Adoptive Family of Your Choice. Call 24/7. ADOPT CONNECT 855668-7904 (VOID in IL, IN & GA) ARE YOU PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? Let us help! Immediate financial assistance available. Housing, medical, counseling and more. Call Adoption United 24/7 1888-617-1470(void where prohibited)

Education HIGH SCHOOL PROFICIENCY DIPLOMA! 4 Week Program. FREE Brochure & Full Information. CALL NOW! 1-866562-3650 Ext. 55. m AIRLINE MECHANIC TRAINING -Get FAA certification. Approved for military benefits. Financial Aid if qualified. Job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 866-453-6204

Business Opportunities

BECOME A REGISTERED NURSE (RN) No Waiting List! ATTEND ACCREDITED NURSING SCHOOL CLASSES ONLINE IN OUR BLENDED PROGRAM WEEKEND CLINICAL SCHEDULES FINANCIAL AID AVAILABLE FOR THOSE WHO QUALIFY CALL ADMISSIONS 813-932-1710 ACCOUNTING & QUICKBOOKS TRAINING! Online training gets you job ready! Train at home! Job placement when completed! 1-888407-7162 GED/HS Diploma needed. 25 DRIVER TRAINEES NEEDED! Become a driver for Stevens Transport! NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED! New drivers earn $800+ per week! PAID CDL TRAINING! Steven covers all costs! 1-888-7346714 drive4stevens. com

FILL THE SLEIGH CONTEST! Win a $35 gift card from Bouquet’s Unique. Check out page JUST REDUCED TO 7 of this weeks American $599,000. OFFICE EX- Classifieds for more deCLUSIVE: HORSE tails. OWNER’S DREAM: 10 acres in Christoval, TX. Interior horse stalls & washing area, corral, beautiful main house, separate apartment, RIVER FRONTAGE/IRRIGATION CANAL, lots of trees. Ideal group entertainment & recreation $CASH$ any make or property. James Thomas, model cars and pickups for wrecking use. We will SARE, (325)277-5478. pick them up. Clark’s Auto Wrecking, 6584377.


GRAPE CREEK - 3 bedroom, 2 bath mobile home, $650 month, $250 deposit. Water and garbage tank paid. 325276-0073, 325-657-9345. NEW SET CUSTOM floorliners for Jeep Unlimited. (4dr) $100. Paid $250. (325) 942-9394, (325) 234-0939. CUSTOM FENCING SERVICES. Commercial, Residential, Farms & Ranches. Cattle and Exotic Fencing. Serving West Texas. (325) 6173544. LAWNHAVEN MEMORIAL GARDENS. 2-4 adjoining plots. Garden of Last Supper. San Angelo. $4000 for all. Contact (325) 784-6259 for details. DID YOU KNOW?! CLARK’S AUTO WRECKING has NEW auto parts, doors, fenders, grills, radiators, hoods, lights, door handles. Many in stock or next day delivery. You’ll be surprised at their prices. 658-4377.

HIGH SCHOOL Run to the American Classifieds for huge Thanksgiving savings!

PROFICIENCY DIPLOMA!!! FREE Brochure. CALL NOW! 1-866-562-3650 Ext. 54

Page 8

November 24, 2016

Restaurant Equipment

ICS COMMERCIAL 3 phase FREEZER; 1pc. walk-in unit 12’9”x9’5” . FMI Call (325) 234-8584 ASSORTED PARTY GLASSWARE. Punch bowls & cups, glasses, goblets and more. (325)658-9675.

Hunting & Fishing DEER HUnTInG LEASE. Book now for 2017 season. We have 5,000 acres available out of our 20,000 acre Terrell Co. Ranch. $25,000. Nice lodge up to 10 hunters, blinds & feeders. 2 bucks, 2 does per person. Call or Text (432) 360-5187. WEST TEXAS GAME FEEDERS A Texas Size Selection of Feeders & Blinds. New Inventory arriving daily. We stock all your needs. Feeders, blinds, stands, tripods, portable blinds. Sales, service and repair. We stock DEER CORN & PROTEIN PELLETS. ATV tune-up and repair. 3312 N. CHADBOURNE, 653-3678, 653-8686. m

7/D EQUIPMEnT Brush work, grubbing & raking, game plaots, skid steer, field shredding. Buy and sell equipment. Auction consignment. (325) 650-9087 20.79 ACRES nORTH of San Angelo. Seasonal Creek. Deer, Hogs, Turkey, Quail & Dove. Near Lake E. V. Spence. $3,622 down, $600 monthly. 800-8769720 LIVE TRAPS PERCH to Hogs. WEST TEXAS GAME FEEDERS, 3312 N. CHADBOURNE, 6533678, 653-8686.

ROUGH COUnTRY OUTDOORS, Ballinger, Tx. Deer blinds and feeders, all sizes. (325) 9770057.

E-Z GO GASOLInE golf cart/shooting clay cart, reduced to $4850. (325) 456-6882. CLOSE OUT LAnD SALE 1 hour East of Albuquerque, 20 minutes West of Santa Rosa. 163.50 acres, 30 year financing, electricity, proven water, community well & year round access. Private, quiet & peaceful, beautiful views. Toll free at 877-797-2624

DAILY DEER LEASE. Feeders, Blinds, Food Plots, Lodging Furnished. Nolan County. “Shadow Draw Ranch” on my Facebook Page. 325-236-0780 Elkins Law firm, PLLC http://www .ELkInS-LAWfIRM. COM Chad Elkins, (325)651-8702 DEER HUnTInG LEASE. $2,200 per hunter. 2016 Season. 5,000 acres. Sanderson, Texas. 2 bucks, 2 does. Call or text. (432) 3605187. WAnT TO BUY Older guns. (325) 442-2341. GOT DEER HUnTInG available. Rifle 3 days with lodging in 80’ trailer, $400. FMI (325) 277- COnCEALED CARRY 0727 SAn AnGELO offering affordable concealed handgun classes in the San Angelo, Texas area. All major credit cards accepted. FMI (325) 2124817. www.concealed fOR SALE: nEW built bar b que pit. Smoker on trailer-trailer road ready, on springs & 15” tires. May trade. (325) 442SEASOn DEER 3070 (325) 365-1729. LEASE, South Run- HUGE SELECTIOn nels County. for 2 Of new and used fifth deer hunters, (sea- wheel and bumper pull son lease). Call camping trailers in stock. early 325-442- Full line parts and service. AMERICAn 2324. TRUCk AnD RV San Angelo, 325-234-7979.

WILD HOG HUnTS, Turkey & Varmints. Groups preferred. 4 or more. $400 each, 3 day 2 night. Stonewall County. BJ 940-632-8657. BOOkInG RIfLE HUnTS. Christoval. Feeders, blinds. Weekday or weekend hunts. FMI (325) 277-3113 HUnTER SPECIAL GOT CORn & ARCTIC fox truck WHEAT. $5.50 50 lb. camper mounted on all bag. 40 or more $5 each. steel gooseneck tlr. with (325)277-0727. dovetail & ramps. Fully 149 ACRES-COkE self contained, all COUnTY. West of Silweather camper with ver. Colorado river slide out & power plant. frontage. Covered with Room for 4 wheelers or deer, turkey & quail. Hills, motorcycles on back. 2 pond, good roads. Comcustom 8’ aluminum stormunity water. 1 1/2 hr age boxes built in. Excelfrom Midland. $1,550 per lent condition. $12,000. acre. (325) 656-1400. cell (804) 243-3110.

LIVE TRAPS PERCH to Hogs. WEST TEXAS GAME FEEDERS, 3312 N. CHADBOURNE, 6533678, 653-8686. M1A, M1 GARAnD, M1 Carbine, 1903A3, Winchester 61 22 LR & 22 Magnum, 62, & 63. Winchester 1892 & 1894. Remington Rand 1911A1. (325) 442-2341.

DAY DEER HUnTS! Deer, dove, quail, turkey, hog. Brown and Runnels County. Lots of game. Feeders and blinds. 325374-1535 HUnTInG LEASE 250 acres, cabin, utilities. $250 per day. (325) 6503354 217 ACRES COkE County. West of Silver. Choice deer hunting. 3 bed 2 bath hunting camp. Storage container made into shop. Blind & feeders. Community water. Hills. $1,595 per acre. More acreage available. Wont last long. (325) 656-1400. BURn BARRELS fOR sale. 653-3678.

THE RInGnECkS ARE Back! Guided Pheasant hunting Texas Panhandle 12/03/161/01/17. Book today 364-1855.


2011 JAYCO OCTAnE 161 super light car hauler. 20 ft. long, generator, new tires, new battery, 1/2 ton towable, $12,000. (325) 763-5871

CUSTOM BUILT HARDWOOD Gun Cabinet, beautiful, well built. $500. (325) 658-7638.

Guns kUBOTA 1100. HUnT or WORK in comfort. 1,521 pound payload. $12,875. (325) 949-4006. DEER HUnTInG. DAY & WEEKEND HUNTS available. $200 per day. $500 for 3 days. Archery only all season. (325) 227-5615 (325) 812-8316

PAYInG TOP DOLLAR for guns. One piece or collection. (325) 234-9430 BARETTA (MOD. 21A) 22 LR semi-auto, Nice Purse Gun. $300 FIRM. (325) 453-2339 GOT GUNS? You Want ‘Em WE GOT ‘EM! If you don’t want ‘em, WE BUY ‘EM. TEXAS GUN SHOP 1018 W. Beauregard (325)949-0020.

nEW DEAL HOnEY HOLE, season deer lease, South Runnels County. For 2 deer hunters, (season lease). Call early 325-442-2324. DEER HUnTInG, DAY Lease, Runnels Co. reduce prices for doe and spike season see our Facebook page Lucky 7 Hunts call Brent 325-3651425 GOOD SELECTIOn Of rifles & shotguns. Wild Bill’s Pawn, 1315 MLK, 658-7066.

nEW CZ 12 gauge over and uder shotgun with 6 extendedd chokes. Great for hunting an clay targets, $1850. (325) 4566882. RUSSIAn VEPR RIfLE .308. $799. Wild Bill’s Pawn, 1315 MLK, 658-7066.

12 GA. CRESEnT ARMS SINGLE SHOT with #15 Empire Ejector. Excellent condition. $300.00 (830) 609-8064. HAnD GUn CLASSES. Beginner classes & license to carry classes. Held on Saturdays or Sundays. Corporate & group classes considered on your schedule at your location. Call Daryl Presley (325) 2123703 or The Outdoorsman (325) 947-8859.

3B MAnUfACTURInG - Trailers of all sizes. Trash trailers, Oilfield trailers, etc. Check us out for the best prices. Also sell Carolina carports. 1919 Hutchens Ave., Ballinger, TX. (325) 977- WEATHERBY 12 0057. GAUGE over and under shotgun with 7 flush chokes and 6 extended chokes (Briley Chokes). Great for hunting and clay targets, $1350. (325) 456-6882. 1995 MALLARD BUMPER pull. Perfect for Deer Lease. $1,500. (325) 374-7074. 2002 HOnDA ACCORD Good body and interior. Needs head gasket. $1000. (325) 2129105, (512) 549-0476

Sell Worldwide

nICE EIGHT-GUn GUn cabinet with matching hutch. Made out of real wood, REDUCED $1800. Brady, Tx. (325) 456-6882 cell. GOOD SELECTIOn Of rifles & shotguns. Wild Bill’s Pawn, 1315 MLK, 658-7066.


November 24, 2016

Christmas Gift Guide

Page 9

Page 10

November 24, 2016


We’re filled with gratitude to be surrounded by our customers who we call our friends and neighbors like you at Thanksgiving. Your yearround support means the world to each of us, and we thank you for your support.

A bounty of best wishes!


November 24, 2016

Page 11

Page 12

November 24, 2016

DRIVER TRAINEES NEEDED! Become a driver for Stevens T Transport! ransport! NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED New drivers earn $800+ per week! COMPANY COMP PANY P PAID AID CDL TRAINING! Stevens covers all costs! 1-866-861-1323

NOW OW H R NG HIRING! • Experienced Equipment Operators • Cement Service Supervisors • Fleet Maintenance Technician

Employment Guide Local EXPERIENCED PAINTER NEEDED. Call 325-213-1504. AREA SUPERVISOR NEEDED in San Angelo. Supervisory experience required and cleaning experience preferred. $14/HR, company vehicle and phone included. On call and travel re- NEED EXTRA INquired, Must be able to COME? American pass a DMV check, Classifieds has an background check and opening for fill-in drug screen. To apply delivery person. call Bobby Edwards at Thursday’s only. 325-665-0888 or Must be able to 3 2 5 . 6 7 7 . 1 1 9 8 deliver on short notice. Must have WWW.ABM.COM EEO PROPERTy MAN- own transportaAGER NEEDED for 6 tion and proof of apartment (3 duplex) in insurance. Apply same location. Housing to American Clas15 N. available in one apart- sifieds ment at reduced rate. Tyler, San Angelo, Bilingual preferred. (323) Texas 76901. 646-1080 or email to EXTRA EARN MONEy? Baseball Umpires needed for the SEEKING CON2017 High School SeaSTRUCTION PERson. No experience SONNEL - - Framing needed. Training pro& trim carpenters, vided at No Charge. carpenter’s helpers, Training starts in January. metal roofing inCall Johnny 325-656stallers, and general 4006 or Tom 325-763construction labor, all 9460. Leave message. skill levels, full & part DEPENDABLE PERtime. If you are drug SON TO help clean free, dependable, homes Tuesday & Thurshave your own tools, day mornings only. Teleemployer references, phone, references & reliable transportation transportation a must. and want a job, call Great pay. (325) 653(325) 716-6021. Ref8123. erence Ad #SA9. MAINTENANCE WORKER NEEDED. Painting, plumbing & roofing. Must have truck & some tools. Must pass background check. (325) 658-2763.

FILL THE SLEIGH CONTEST! Win a $50 gift card fto Walmart from San Angelo Finance. Check out page 7 of this weeks American Classifieds for more details. FILL THE SLEIGH CONTEST! Win a $25 gift card for a Wash and Vac from Tony’s Detail. Check out page 7 of this weeks American Classifieds for more details.


Employment Guide National $1,280 WEEKLy MAILING Letters From Home! FT/PT No Experience Necessary. Call Now! 888-531-6250. MAKE $1,000 WEEKLy! Paid in advance! Mailing Brochures at Home. Easy pleasant work. Begin Immediately. Age unimportant. NOW HIRING CLASS A CDL DRIVERS for our NEW BRADY, TEXAS terminal Must have 2 years of Class A CDL verified experience Pneumatic experience a plus but not required Clean MVR; Minimal Criminal and FMCSA PSP report Weekly pay via direct deposit or Comdata Card Medical benefits offered Company driver benefits such as vacation and 401K Must be willing to run loads where our customers need us, regardless of what terminal you are located out of SIGN ON BONUSES OFFERED TO O/O AND COMPANY DRIVERS! Please contact 1-325-456-8408 for a driver s application and more information MAKE $1000 WEEKLy!! Mailing Brochures From Home. Helping home workers since 2001. Genuine Opportunity. No Experience Required. Start Immediately. www.Mailing DRIVE WITH UBER. No experience is required, but you’ll need a Smartphone. It’s fun and easy. For more information, call: 1-800-6049039.

Apply In Person: 9920 N I-20 • Sweetwater, TX 325-235-0015

$$$HELP WANTED $$$ EARN Extra income assembling CD cases from Home. CALL OUR LIVE OPERATORS NOW! 1-800-405-7619 Ext 179 $800 “GUARANTEED” WEEKLy. MailCHECK ing Flyers from Home. COME For FREE packet call 1- OUT San Angelo Motor Co., 2201 W. 972-221-7035. Ave. N, (325) 944PAID IN AD- 0522. See all the cars, VANCE!MAKE $1,000 pickups, and SUVs A Week Mailing that we have. Brochures From Home! NO Experience required. WE WILL BUy Helping home workers your working and since 2001! www.Work- non-working washers, ingCentral.NET dryers, refrigerators, stoves and freezers. Ace Appliances,416 E. 19th, 653-6000 CASH PAID FOR catalytic converters. Call me before you let them go! $15-$100. (325) 6563658

Want To Buy

THEME: HOLIDAY MOVIES ACROSS 1. Group of pupils 6. Fossil fuel 9. Dust arachnid 13. Abdominal muscle, pl. 14. Grass bristle 15. Like a ballerina 16. Deflect 17. *She played wife and mom in 21 Across 18. Lazybones 19. *It happened on 34th Street 21. *Nicholas Cage ‘s “The ____ Man” 23. Wednesday’s child issue? 24. Mouthful, swallowed 25. ____ Francisco 28. ____ Verde National Park 30. Adorn the halls with holly, e.g. 35. Singer Tori 37. Jailbird’s home 39. Tax of one tenth 40. Popular e-reader 41. DNA half 43. Inmate’s weapon 44. Loose-fitting top 46. “____ and sound” 47. Performed alone, pl.

DOWN 1. Pack like sardines 2. Denim innovator 3. Maple, to a botanist 4. Scarecrow stuffing 5. “The Goldbergs,” e.g. 6. Arc de Triomphe, e.g. 7. Leave speechless 8. Big mess 9. Between mini and maxi 10. Short for “it will” 11. He plus she 12. “Ever” to a poet 15. Marine gastropod

WANTED: OLD FISHING Lures and fishing items. Old and new guns, ammunition and related memorabilia. Glass minnow traps. Steel animal traps. WWI & WWII military items. Military rifles including M1 Garands, M14, M1 Carbine Colt 1911. Taxidermy mounts, Ambassadeur reels, newer quality fishing tackle, beer signs and neons esp. Texas beer companies. Old pocket knives and cutlery. Arrowheads and Indian items. Old advertising signs. Old Stoneware. All Antiques considered. Paintings by Texas artists such as Dwight Holmes, Rolla Taylor, Robert Woods and Porfirio Salinas. (325) 374-5022. WANTS TO PURCHASE minerals and other oil and gas interests. Send details to P.O. Box 13557, Denver, Co. 80201

GET PAID CASH for your sealed, unexpired boxes of diabetic test strips. Top $$, Fast Payment, Shipping Prepaid! (866) 800-1923 TOP CASH PAID FOR OLD GUITARS! 1920 1980. Gibson, Martin, Fender, Gretsch, Epiphone, Guild, Mosrite, Rickenbacker, Prairie State, D’Angelico, Stromberg. And Gibson Mandolins/Banjos. 1-800401-0440. CASH PAID - up to $25/Box for unexpired, sealed DIABETIC TEST STRIPS. 1-DAYPAYMENT.1-800-371-1136. WANTS TO PURCHASE minerals and other oil & gas interests. Send details P.O. Box 13557, Denver, Co 80201

you will find the answers to the puzzle the following week. 48. Madison Square Garden and STAPLES Center, e.g. 50. Snouts or beaks 52. *”____ Takes a Holiday” with Basil Rathbone (1930) 53. Inoffensive manner 55. Long time 57. *Jim Carrey’s green grump 60. *Holiday movie time traveler 64. Courtroom excuse 65. Bo Peep’s follower 67. Bus commuter 68. Object of Tiny Tim’s affection 69. Corn piece 70. Twig of a willow tree 71. Aquatic snakes 72. Pastrami partner 73. Proceeds

CASH FOR UNEXPIRED DIABETIC TEST Internet & STRIPS! Free Shipping, Technology Best Prices & 24 hr payment! Call 1-855-4404001 www.TestStrip Habla EsElkins Law Firm, panol! PLLC http://www .ELKINS-LAWFIRM. BOOKS WANTED: COM Chad Elkins, I buy good used (325)651-8702 books by Elmer Kelton, Ben K. Green, J. DIERSCHKE & Frank Dobie, J. Evetts DIERSCHKE REHaley, Tom Lea, Fred ALTORS, 5026 Gibson, Larry McKnickerbocker Rd., Murtry, Louis L’Amour San Angelo, TX. (325) leatherette and many 944-3596. http://dierothers. Texas/ west authors. Also, most non-fiction books related to Texas/Southwest. Felton Cochran, Cactus Book Shop, 6 East Concho, San Angelo, TX 76903. (325) 659-3788. FOUR ALL-TERRAIN NEIRA’S WRECKING LT265/70 R17, reduced yARD IS BUYING JUNK to $250. (325) 456-6882 CARS. (325)-277-3564. BUyING JUNK CARS and trucks. Haul off unwanted cars. (325) 6586914.


American Classifieds will feature a puzzle each week. STATEPOINT CROSSWORD


20. Olden day blood-drawing equipment 22. Priest’s vestment 24. Like a knight in shining armor? 25. *Billy Bob Thorton’s was bad 26. Love, to Napoleon and Josephine 27. Nobody 29. ____ Candies, chocolatier 31. Treat without respect 32. ____ vs. pathos 33. Popular cook-off dish 34. *”Home Alone” main character 36. *Jim Carrey’s was green when he stole Christmas 38. *It’s wonderful? 42. Three-masted vessel 45. Tabby’s favorite herb 49. Pollen ____ 51. Feeling at a funeral 54. Holiday feeling 56. Hustle and bustle sound 57. Tar to feathers 58. Tiny river 59. Wading bird 60. Dried up 61. Norse deity 62. Turned to the right 63. Makes mistakes 64. Gobbled up 66. *”Jingle All the ____”

DIABETIC TEST STRIPS Wanted. Call now for “BONUS!” Unexpired. WILL Pay up to $30. a Box plus Shipping. Call T.S.C. FREE 866 368 2269 WANT TO BUy: ELECTRIC pecan cracker; good fresh soft-shelled pecans. (325) 442-3902.

(125) GOOD BRED cows. Also (70) good quality replacement heifers. (50) Cow/Calf pairs. A few good breeding bulls. Will sell any number. 325-656-7944. 2315 W. HARRIS 2BDRM.Great location. $895mo/$450dep. (325) 650-5558.



RENTAL FLEET CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT, HYDRAULIC EXCAVATORS, AERIALS, FORKLIFTS, LIGHT PLANTS, SKID STEERS, ATTACHMENTS, SUPPORT, TRUCKS & TRAILERS ~ Hertz Equipment Rentals ~ THURS., DEC. 1ST @ 10:00 AM SAN ANGELO, TX 808 Strawn Rd., San Angelo, TX, 76904 HILITES INCLUDE: 7 CRAWLER TRACTORS: (2)Unused Case 650LWT, Cat D5NLGP, Cat D4KXL, 2012-2011 JD 850K, 6 HYDRAULIC EXCAVATORS: Cat 320DL, 2012-2011 Volvo EC140CL, 2 MOTOR GRADERS: Cat 12HVHP, JD 670D, 7 RUBBER TIRED LOADERS: 2016 Cat 926M, Cat 960F, 2013 JD 544K, 2012 Volvo L70G, (2)2010 Volvo L60F, LOADER BACKHOES: 2011 JD 310J, RUBBER TRACKED SKID STEERS: 2014-2011 Volvo MCT135C(cab), 3 SKID STEERS: (3)2016 Cat 262D(cab, 50hrs.), 3 FORKLIFTS: (2)Skytrak 10054, BOOM LIFT, 3 GENERATORS, 3 LIGHT PLANTS, 4 WATER TRKS: (2)2005 Sterling(2,000gal.), 4 TRK TRACTORS: (2)2003-2001 Mack CH613, PICKUPS, 2 DETACHABLE GOOSENECK TRAILERS: (2)New Witzco RG50, 5 STORAGE BUILDINGS, 40 ATTACHMENTS: (36)Skid Steer, 61 NEW SUPPORT EQUIP.

Super Savings in your Thrifty Nickel’s American Classified. 807 n. chAdbOuRne Tues.-Sat. 115; Sunday 12-5. Vintage items, collectible glassware, collectible roosters. Blankets, men’s western wallets, Dallas Cowboy ponchos, western ceramics, belt buckles. Clothes, boots, jewelry, furniture, kitchenware. Project pieces (tables etc.).

SITE PHONE: (315) 378-5037 Mike TX Auction License: #15791 Jack H Lyon



Phone: (315) 633-2944 • Fax: (315) 633-8010 Syracuse, NY • Evenings: (315) 637-8912 Go to for Complete List, Descriptions and Pictures


FAAAAST RESULTS! MenS LeATheR JAcKeT, black, size M, 3/4 length, $75 obo. (325) 942-8161.

FiLL The SLeiGh cOnTeST! Win a pair of Boot Rugs donated by Check out page 7 of this weeks WASheRS, dRyeRS, American Classifieds for And STOVES From more details. $195. Refrigerators & freezers from $225 & up. We offer In good condition with guarantee. Call Munoz worldwide or see us at 1241 Apache Trail . Also we repair ap(325) 650-6384 advertising! pliances. or (325) 763-3613.

201 TWin OAKS. SATURDAY 8-6. Christmas stuff: artificial tree, miscellaneous decorations, & lights. Pride Traveler’s Mobility Scooter & accessories. 1x, 2x women’s clothing.

76903 213 n. chAdbOuRne. -RENT SPACES - All bills paid. 10X10 $40 per month. Lots of traffic. FMI (325) 763-2100. cOWpATTieS ThRiFT ShOp Coats, jackets & clothing for men, women, boys & girls. Shoes, purses, housewares & knick-knacks. Store hours: Thurs & Fri 85pm, Saturday 9-3pm. 31A West Twohig, next to Texas Theater.

5450 chRiSTOVAL Rd. Saturday. Cast stone benches-Balustrade- numerous columns, fireplace mantels. Capitals/bases-square blocks with stars-pot stands, etc. (325) 4505366. 501 S. iRene Apt 112. VHS movies, clothes, 2 walkers, tea pots, Westminister clock. Men’s vintage ties, 2 transport chairs (hi-back), dog kennell. (325) 374-9623. GuyS GARAGe SALe, Gals have black Friday. Closing restoration shop, retiring. Old car parts, accessories, tools, shop equipment, old cars. Saturday Nov. 26. 5202 N. Chadbourne. 807 n. chAdbOuRne Tues.-Sat. 115; Sunday 12-5. Vintage items, collectible glassware, collectible roosters. Blankets, men’s western wallets, Dallas Cowboy ponchos, western ceramics, belt buckles. Clothes, boots, jewelry, furniture, kitchenware. Project pieces (tables etc.).

stoves, washers, dryers and freezers. We will take your working or non working appliance for partial trade. 90 day warranty. Free delivery in San Angelo. Ace Appliances,416 E. 19th, 6536000 eSTOy buScAndO pOR vendedores para el dia 3 de Diciembre para un evento Navideño de 4:00 P.M To 9: P.M. cualquier clase de vendedor es Bienvenido(No comida por favor). Los espacios van ha costar $20.00 traer su mesa y carpa Para mas informacion comunicarse 325 212 8529 o pasar 211 N Chadbourne.

November 24, 2016


The LiTTLe Red Rooster Fleamarket is wanting vendors for a ORiGinAL Holiday Event in San An- The gelo, TX on December 3, AMeRicAn BRITISH ANTIQUES Over 2016 from 4:00 P.M to 50,000 sq.ft. Largest 9:00 P.M We are looking complex in Concho for all kinds of ven- Valley. Antique furnimemorabilia, dors.(No Food please) ture, glassware, collectible Booth fees are $20.00 military items, spurs, and must bring table and etc. Storage units for tent. Please message me rent. 746 US 87 S, San Angelo, Tx, 325-651or call if interested and I 4873. will send you vendor information. Thank you! i n T e R n A T i O n A L 325 212 8529 FLeA MARKeT on 213 N. Chadbourne. FurniGARciA’S ReSALe ture, clothes, boots. decor, kid’s STORe, 510 e. Xmas 19th. (325) 374- clothes, toys, home 6862. We sell & decor, crosses, blankets, buy appliances, men’s XXL nice shirts, furniture, baby items, clothes, cheap. You name it, we shoes, jewelry & got it. Tues-Saturday, 115pm, Sunday 12-5pm. more. Come check us out.

Page 13

AMERICAN CLASSIFIEDS When You Want It Sold! Call us at 944-7653 or 800-357-2722

Page 14



November 24, 2016


YELLOW COCK- MORKIES, HOME ATIELS $100 each. RAISEd, Healthy, Prespoiled. adelesyorkies(325) 500-5947. (325)242-0326. REGISTEREd CHIHUAHUA, TOY Australian Shepherd & Yorkie puppies, Parti & Traditional colors. 817-3041225, For Availability & Prices See @ License #131 MALE YORKIE PUPPY, 7 months, very gentle & sweet. $400. To good home only. Can register. (325) 716-7645.


AMERICAN CLASSIFIEDS Weekly paper read daily by THOUSANDS!

AKC ENGLISH bULLdOG puppies. GCH sired male and females all colors 325-695-8639 VIZSLA PUPPIES! REAdY for new home.Pups have had their tails docked & dew claws removed, and shots are current.Intelligent dogs; parents are on site. $425 each. Call or text (325) 340-3971.

MALE YORKIE PUPPY, 7 months, very gentle & sweet. $400. To good home only. Can register. (325) 716-7645. FREE 1 1/2 YR OLD female, black Boxer Lab WE STILL HAVE two mix. Very gentle. (325) Black Lab puppies, two 227-9360. females. Coming up on three months old, fat, sassy and cuddly, looking for good homes. They SERVICES have their first two sets of & SUPPLIES shots. Please Vancourt Dog Rescue at 325-763dOG & CAT GROOM8365. ING. Experienced. Pick Find It Buy It. up and delivery. (325) 650-2137.

SILVER LAb & Chocolate Lab. Registered. Ready. silver belle labs. (325) 2770941.






7,000lb. 7 ,000lb lb. GVWR GVW GV WR

12,000lb. 12 2,000llb b. GVWR GV VW WR

14,000lb. 14 4,000lb lb. GVWR GV VW WR W

14,000lb. 1 14 4,000lb lb. GVWR GV VW WR

TTandem andem 3,500lb. Axles, New 15” Six Ply Tires, Tires, 18” Sides Sale Price Cash Price

TTandem andem 6K 6 axles, New 8 lug 16” tires, 24” sides

TTandem andem 7K brake axles, New 8 lug 16” radial tires, 2 5/16” bull dog style coupler, coupler, 3” sq tubing rails, ramps

TTandem andem 7K brake axles, New 8 lug 16” radial tires, 2 5/16” bull dog style coupler coupler,, 18’ deck w/ 2’ dovetail, dovetail, ramps




Sale Price



Cash Price




Sale Price



Cash Price



Sale Price



Cash Price




6x10 Dump – add $200

Gooseneck – add $500

Gooseneck – add $500

Gooseneck – add $500




14,000lb. 1 4,000llb b. GVWR GV VW WR

20,000lb. 2 0,000lb lb. GVWR GV VW WR W


Tandem T andem 7 7k brake axles, New 8 lug 16” radial tires, 20’ deck w/ 5’ dovetail dovetail and ramps

Tandem T andem 10k dually axles, New 8 lug 16” dually tires, 27’ deck w/ 5’ dovetail dovetail and ramps

21,000lb. 2 1,,000lb lb. GVWR GVW GV WR TTriple rriple 7K brake axles, New 8 lug 16” radial tires, coupler,r,, 20’ deck w/ 4’ do dovetail, vetail, ramps 2 5/16” bull dog coupler

Sale Price



Sale Price

Cash Price


Upgrade to 8k axles and 12 ply tires – add $1000

Cash Price






Upgrade to 8k axles and 12 ply tires – add $500 Longer Length– add $100/ft.

Sale Price





Total List Price

Your Onn Sale TToda odaay Price:

14 5995 14,59











11 2955 11,295



9,995 2,995 $ 2,995 $ 2,995 $ 2,995 $ 2,995 $


Total List Price


Your On Sale TToda odaay Price:


Cash Price





24 970 24,970






Total List Price

Your On Sale TToda odaay Price:


19,995 $

1,500 4,495 4,495 $ 4,495 $ 4,495 $ 4,495 $ 1,600 $ 275 $ 175 $ $


Total List Price $

Your On Sale eT Toda oda ay Price:

46 020 46,020


7’x14’ DUMP TRAILER 16K GVWR w/3’ Sides

$6,995 $600 $600 $500 $200

7x16 Gooseneck Dump Trailer: 48” Side Wall Upgrade: 3/16” Heavy Duty Flooring Upgrade: Manual Tarp Upgrade: Add 16” Full Size Spare and Mount:


8’x20’ Dual Tandem Roll Off Trailer, 20K GVWR 12K Axle Upgrade (24,000 GVWR) 20’ - 18-Y Yard-Dumpster ard ard-Dumpster 20’ - 18-Y Yard-Dumpster ard ard-Dumpster 20’ - 18-Y Yard-Dumpster ard ard-Dumpster 20’ - 18-Y Yard-Dumpster ard ard-Dumpster 20’ - 18-Y Yard-Dumpster ard ard-Dumpster Electric Automated Tarping System Key Chain Wireless Remote 16” Mounted Spare Tire & Wheel



Total List Price

Your O On Sale TToda Todaay Price:

8,495 1,500 $ 500 $ 350 $ 300 $ 150

Sale Price




7’x12’ Gn Roll Off Trrailer 14K GVWR 11 Yard Yard Dumpster: 11 Yard Yard Dumpster: 11 Yard Yard Dumpster: 11 Yard Yard Dumpster: 11 Yard Yard Dumpster:

8.5’X40’ EQUIPMENT TRAILER 24K GVWR DUAL DU AL TANDEM T ANDEM 8 1/2’x35’+5’ Dovetail & Ramps (40’ overall): 12k Axle Upgrade: Anti-twist Torque Tube: Heavy Duty Bridging (Reduces Frame Flexing): Pop Up Mounted Spare Tire & Wheel


Upgrade to 12k axles – add $1000 Longer Length– add $100/ft.



11,995 $ 1,500 $ 750 $ 200 $ 150



8’x20’ GOOSENECK DUMP TRAILER 24K GVWR w/4’Sides 8’x20’ dump trailer with 4’ sides: 12k axle upgrade (24k GVWR): 3/16” flooring upgrade: Equipment ramps: Mounted spare tire & wheel:

Cash Price


330,000lb. 0,000lb lb. GVWR GVVW WR TTandem andem 15k ddually axles, New 8 lug 17.5” dually tires, 35’ deck w/ 5’ dovetail dovetail and ramps




8 895 8,895



7’x14’ Dump Trrailer 14k GVWR: 8k axle and tire upgrade (16k GVWR): 3’ Sidewall upgrade:


5,995 $ $ $

Total List Price

Your On Sale TToda odaay Price:

500 300

6 795 6,795



For Parts Call: 844-455-8006





WAC* AC* AC 7 9% 7.9 9 WAC* 7.9%


November 24, 2016

Page 15

Water Well Service

toPPEr Co.

turn Key installations Windmills New/Rebuilt Solar Systems Electric Pumps Tanks & Pipelines

SPriNG CrEEK rANCH. Hay grazer round bales $50. (325) 277-9195, or (325) 277-9196.

Water Well Testing Truck carries Threading Equip 1-4”, Welder, Torch Large inventory of Pipe/Rods/Pumps/etc.

(325) 658-3277 Al Thomerson • TX Lisc# 4113I

EQUiPMENt 22’ iHC #480 Folding tandem disk, 14’ center section with cylinder 20” disk, clean & ready to plow. $2850. Hargraves, 1001 N. Bell St., (325)486-9994 or (325)277-9636. HAY BUGGiES for sale. Bradley Welding, 1224 N. Bell. (325) 653-4175. MASSEY 30 trACtor, good for parts, $1000. 325-657-3777. trACtor rEPAir & SALVAGE. All types of tractor repair. Used parts, tires, wheels & plow parts. (325) 469-3950, 234-8846. JoHN DEErE 1710, 12-row planter, 30” spacing. Barn kept, low acres. $15,000. (325) 895-5251.


SQUEEZE CHUtE DEALEr needed. 254770-1770.

BUY! SELL! SAVE! Thrifty Nickel ‘s American Classifieds helps you do it all. Find the best bargains around town in American Classifieds. Great items offered at huge savings just because people no longer need them! Sell your own merchandise in American Classifieds. The buyers are waiting. One phone call puts Thrifty Nickel’s American Classifieds to work for you. Buy, Sell, Save Now! Call us today 944-7653 or stop by the office at 15 N. Tyler ASSortED FErriEr tooLS. Wild Bill’s Pawn, 1315 MLK, 658-7066.

BArGAiNS! BArGAiNS! Something you always find in your #1 Thrifty Nickel’s American Classifieds Ad Source. 944-7653.

2012 JoHN DEErE 333D Skid Loader. Fully loaded. $37,000. (325) 234-3966, (325) 2275366. CAt EXCAVAtor 308E2 HYDMA2, new, 70 hours, auto detach with grubber and bucket on rubber tracks, $115,000. Call Ray 325242-6449. 500 GALLoN FUEL tank on trailer. Fill-Rite 20 gal pm, 12 volt fuel pump. $575. 1001 N. Bell St., (325)486-9994. WANt to BUY 10ft. brush rake and front grubber to fit on blade for D5 CAT dozer. 325-6606198 or 325-655-6989 StrUCtUrAL PiPE, 2 3/8”, 2 7/8”, 4” and sucker rods on hand. Delivery available. H Braces, Post cut to order. Mobile welding. Concho Valley Pipe, (325) 6557285, leave message or (432)413-9592, cell. 30 Ft. CrUSt Buster grain drill, 16 ft. JD grain drill, 3 chisel plows different sizes. 1 tandem plow, 8730 Ford diesel tractor 6300 hours., 1-5 bottom MB. 325-442-3881.

Sea Containers Sales & Rental Any Size

GENErAL rANCH FENCiNG CoMPANY. Low prices, great work, free estimates. 70 miles radius of San Angelo. (325)212-7014.

roUND BALES Beardless Wheat $80-$85 Beardless Whaet/Alfalfa Mix $90 Hay Grazer $60-75 Small square bales. Beardless Wheat/Alfalfa mix $10 Alfalfa $12 Horse quality. Smetana Farms, (325) 895-9343.

CUStoM FENCiNG SErViCES. Commercial, Residential, Farms & Ranches. Cattle and Exotic Fencing. Serving West Texas. (325) 617PriCED rEDUCED 3544. oN Coastal Hay squares BArrELS $4.50. Large round $45. BUrN For sale. 653-3678. Call Jim 325-977-0270. CUStoM FENCiNG SErViCES. Commer- F E r t i L i Z E D cial, Residential, Farms & CoAStAL AND Tifton. Ranches. Cattle and Ex- 4x5 round bales, excelotic Fencing. Serving lent quality. $65. Small West Texas. (325) 617Coastal squares $8.25 3544. HAY For SALE 5X5 ea. Eden, TX. (325) 234round bales. (325) 656- 8597. 8025. 8’ AEroMotor WiDHorSE QUALitY MiLL with wooden tower CoAStAL 4x6 bales made out of cedar. Only $90. HAY GRAZER, 4x6 one made by Aeromotor, rolls, fertilized, irrigated. $5500. 325-226-3613. $60. 1236 N. Bell (325) HorSE QUALitY 277-1073 CoAStAL. Large round DoVES - DoVES - bales 4x5 1/2, Delivery DoVES, Guaran- available. 1 bale or a teed hunt. Water & truck load. (325) 234Sunflowers. Day or 0041. season. South runnels Co. Call rAiLroAD CroSS early. (325) 442- tiES Various prices; depending on if you load, or 2324. we load; your trailer or H A Y G r A Z E r , our trailer. (325) 245C o A S t A L 7468. BErMUDA, 4’x4’x8’, Big square bales. 806- 20’ & 40’ Sea Containers. Can cus638-7910. tomize. rent to BEAUtiFUL, toP own now available. QUALitY Oat hay. 8 6 6 - 4 6 8 - 2 7 9 1 . Credit cards acRound bales. Approxi- cepted. mately 1200lbs. Delivery QUALitY is available. (325) 234- GooD H A Y G r A Z E r 0041. SQUARE BALES. $5 per MESQUitE FirEbale. (325) 658-5242. WooD. SPLit, seasoned & metal storage NEW HoLLAND 575 racks available. $200 per square baler, good concord, $125 1/2 cord. dition, shedded. $7700. (325) 650-3354. (325) 656-9093. HorSE QUALitY 40-45 roLLS oF grazer, net tiFtoN 85 grass & hay beardless wheat hay, wrapped. Take it all for $18/roll. Will load. Lolarge round bales, deliv- cated at 1621 S. Conery available. One bale or cho Drive, a truck load. (325) 234- 325-944-4832. 0041 tANKErSLEY ArEA deals! Hay grazer, round bales. Small ad $50. (325) 277-9195, J&S LAND MANAGE(325) 277-9196. MENt - Grubbing, Dirt Work, Road Work, Cactus Removal, Ditches. No job “HAY MAN” too big or small, we can HAY do it al! Scant Ynostrosa grazer round bales. Local delivery avail(325) 276-2538, Jim able. Can Load. Home Ynostrosa (325) 656(325) 442-2831 Mobile 2259. (325) 234-5822 HAY—roUND BALES, 4X6S, fertilized. Haygrazer $55; Coastal $100. (325) 277-1333.


San Angelo Construction

Metal Buildings, Carports, Storage Bldgs


Elkins Law Firm, PiPE NEW & USED. P L L C Used 2 3/8” or 2 7/8”, $25/joint. http://www.ELKiNS- Small pipe for LAWFirM.CoMChad gates and sucker Elkins, (325)651- rods in stock. Post cut to order. all 8702 pipe checked for FrESH CoAStAL radiation. We deHAY 5x4 bales $60. liver. (325) 374Sorghum sudan 5x5 2992. bales $60. (325) 656Got CorN & 7529 or (325) 656-7528 WHEAt. $5.50 50 lb. bag. 40 or more $5 each. Got GUNS? (325)277-0727. You Want ‘Em 20’ & 40’ SEA CoNWE GOT ‘EM! tAiNErS for sale or If you don’t want ‘em, rent, excellent storage. WE BUY ‘EM. Delivered. (325) 234tEXAS GUN SHoP 0295, (325) 234-0292. 1018 W. Beauregard trACtor MoWiNG, big lots and acreage. (325)949-0020. 325-277-0873. FErtiLiZED tE GoLDMAKEr hay grazer round bales $55 bale. Fertilized Milo Hay $50. Fertilized Irrigated Bermuda (Giggs) $60. Fertilized Walken Oats & Beardless Wheat $55. All hay is 4x5 1/2 netwrapped. 325-4369397 Roscoe, Tx. CUStoM DoZEr & DEMoLitioN SErViCES. We offer limestone, fill dirt, top soil. Dump pits available for leftover materials from job sites. concrete, rock, asphalt, etc. Commercial and Ranch Work. (325) 617-3544. CoAStAL HAY Horse quality. $6.50 per bale. Cervenka Farm, Rowena. (325) 442-4431.

YOUR AD COULD BE HERE! Call 944-7653 HAY GrAZEr ROUND $40 & $50. Hay Grazer Square bales $6. 1021 Montague. (325) 6503354. NUMBEr 1 SQUArE BALES $11 per bale, Coastal square bales $8 per bale, Coastal round bales $75 per bale. (325) 234-4239.

CoAStAL HAY, SQUArE bales. 4 Menard, Texas, (325)

SAN ANGELO, TEXAS AND BEYOND Reach thousands of buyers each week. Call 944-7653 on how to advertise your items across America. “HAY MAN” HAY grazer round bales. Local delivery available. Can Load. Home (325) 442-2831 Mobile (325) 234-5822

American Classifieds is your #1 classified source

396-4723. Got BootS or shoes that are too small or you do not wear anymore? Donate them to Ernie Shoe Shine, 165 Woodruff, (325) 6569 8 1 0 . m 7/D EQUiPMENt Brush work, grubbing & raking, game plaots, skid steer, field shredding. Buy and sell equipment. Auction consignment. (325) 650-9087 BUrN BArrELS, 325-944-8418, 325-2770873. oiLFiELD/StrUCtUrAL tUBiNG for sale. 2 3/8 & 2 7/8. High quality. (325) 235-6181.


CLEANED AND trEAtED beardless wheat seed in 2400 lb totes. $18 per hundred lb and delivery available with small fee. Call anytime432-5170327

FiLL tHE SLEiGH CoNtESt! Win a $100 gift card to Red Wing Shoes. Check out page 7 of this weeks American Classifieds for more details. tWo YEAr oLD virgin bulls, ready now. A I sired, 1 red angus, 1 SIMM cross, gentle, 326262-1936

trAiLErS 2012 HEFtY trAiLEr, 40’ flat gooseneck, 10,000 lb. axles. $6,900 OBO. (325) 234-3395, 325-234-8010. 2 AXLE trAiLEr with 8’x10’ building on it. Ideal for small hunting cabin, stand or storage. A fixer upper. $400. (325) 4505366.

LiVEStoCK 40 HEAD oF baby tooth Rambouillet ewes, have been with black face buck since Novem- ‘96 triPLE HorSE ber 1, $120 each. 325TRAILER. $3,500. (325) 895-1662. (125) GooD BrED 277-1556 cows. Also (70) good quality replacement heifers. (50) Cow/Calf pairs. A few good breeding bulls. Will sell any number. 325-656-7944. CHiCKEN HENS $12 each. They lay large brown eggs. (325) 2762701. 10+ Yr oLD GELDING. Gentle with kids, rideable. $700. (325) 227-9360.



FErtiLiZED roUND HAY Bales, for horses or cows. $60. (325) 2356181.


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Page 16

November 24, 2016

House For Sale SALE OR TRADE on Spring Creek with a watefall. 2 bedroom, logside, tin roof, desks, 2 bedroom guest house and shop on 2 acres near Mertzon, $249,900. 325656-7447. CROCKETT NATIONAL BANK can help make your dream of home ownership a reality. Get pre-approved today by calling (325) 6586714. Equal housing lender | NMLS 535397 BEAUTIFUL 3 BEDROOm, 2 bath brick home on corner lot, 1548 sq. ft., CH/CA, sprinkler system, fenced, workshop with carport. $194,500. Located in Brady, TX. (325) 4566882


NEw CONSTRUCTION: 3-bedroom, 2bath. Vaulted celing, granite counter tops. 2301 and 2305 Lindell. Logan Construction, (325) 9442359. GRApE CREEK, VIOLET St. 3BR/1.5BA home with guest apt. on large lot. Contact Roland Allen, Dierschke & Dierschke, (325) 374-5915. 110 N. BISHOp, 3 bedroom, 1 bath, CH/CA, 1 car garage with storage room, $97,000 or make offer. 325-212-1514. OwNER FINANCE, 25 W. 31st. 1 bedroom, 1 bath, $39,900. $500 down, payments approx. $400 month. (325) 2422283. FOR SALE By OWNER: Unique second floor condo. 1bdrm 1 1/2 bath, enclosed sunroom, skylights, fireplace, large closets. Washer/dryer, fridge/oven, microwave. Pool, access to river, clubhouse. $94,500. Must see to appreciate. HOA. Call (325) 6505738 or (325) 655-2202. INVESTORS! HOUSE IN Ballinger. Needs TLC only $21,000. Must be cash! (325) 227-5348.

We offer worldwide advertising! 2 HOmES ON one property, reduced to $189,000. Both 2 bedroom homes, located in Brady, TX. Serious inquiries call (325) 4566882. OwNER FINANCE. 2306 Raney, 3 bedroom, 1 bath, $79,000. $4000 down, $714.24 month. (325) 242-2283.

2/2, NEw CARpET, new roof, has fireplace, covered patio, fenced backyard. 3601 Juanita. (325) 277-8924. OwNER FINANCE. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1350 sq. ft. Completely remodeled. $110,000. $5000 down. 2726 Guadalupe. (325) 656-9082 620 E. AVE C. 2 bedroom, 1 bath, CH/CA, 1084 sq. ft., garage, 2 carports, fenced backyard, $65,000. (325) 2349794. 4926 BLUERIDGE TRL. 2BR/2BA townhome. $125,900. Call James Thomas, SARE, (325) 277-5478.

HOUSE FOR SALE in Robert Lee, Texas. 2 bdrm/1 bath. Kitchen, living room. Large rooms. Large backyard. $59,000 OBO. (325) 315-8344.

HOUSE FOR SALE in Eden, Texas. 2,300 sq. ft. 5 bdrm/2 bath. 2 living areas, nice patio, 24X30ft storage & awning, separate awning in front of house. Great location. Almost 1 acre. $235,000. (325) 456-2124. OwNER FINANCE 2bdrm/1ba. Washer & dryer connections. Carport. 612 Hughes. (325) 212-0985. IN BRADy, TX. 2 homes both are 3 bedroom, 1 bath, CH/CA. Totally remodeled. Reduced to $84,000 each. Serious inquiries call (325) 456-6882. 3BDRm/2BA, 1 ACRE, fenced yard and water well. Move-in ready. (325) 763-7328. NEw CONSTRUCTION: 3-bedroom, 2bath. Vaulted celing, granite counter tops. 2301 and 2305 Lindell. Logan Construction, (325) 9442359. 4 BEDROOm, 3 Bath, Westgate Park, Central Heat/Air, Covered Patio, Storage Bldg, Total Electric. Owner/Broker. 3254 5 6 - 3 5 7 0 . t 506 w. AVE W. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1528 sq. ft., needs work, fenced backyard, reduced to $35,000 cash. (325) 2349794. EVERyONE READS AmERICAN Classifieds. Sold my house the first week the ad ran!! Alvin T. OwNER FINANCE, 1058 N. Van Burne, 2 bedroom, 1 bath, $70,000. $1000 down, payments approx. $660 month. (325) 242-2283.

Hit on us to buy or sell it in your Thrifty Nickel’s American Classified

CASH FOR HOUSES any location, any condition. (325) 650-5900 or (512)650-5979. SANDpIpER wAy, GRApE Creek. 3BR/2BA neat, clean, move-in ready home on large lot with large workshop/storage. Contact Roland Allen, Dierschke & Dierschke, (325) 374-5915. INVESTORS: CARLSBAD AREA 4 bdrm, 2 bath on 2 acres-as isPlease call or text. (325) 234-8264 for more info. TOwNHOUSE BEAUTy ON Parkview Lake. 2410 Lindenwood Dr. 3BR/3.5BA, 2 story with patios, pool, granite, crown molding. $189,900. Call Callie, for info (325) 656-1691 SARE #87597 2410 LAKESIDE, $89,900. 4BR/2BA. Home Owner is broker/real estate agent, will carry note on the home with good down payment. 2 year old carpet, paint, tile, patio door replaced, enclosed garage could be 4th bedroom or living area. Call James Thomas, SARE, (325) 277-5478

FILL THE SLEIGH CONTEST! Win a $50 gift certificate to Little Guy’s Furniture. Check out page 7 of this weeks American Classifieds for more details. 9702 DEER LANE. 3BR/2BA, home with 3.93 acres in Ponderosa Estates. Just a short drive from San Angelo. San Angelo School District. River access.$229,000. Call James Thomas, SARE, (325) 277-5478.

A NICKEL saved is a NICKEL earned!

PUBLIC NOTICE Real Estate Advertised in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference limitation of religion, sex or national origin, or any intention to make any such preferences, limitation or discrimination." This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis.

5 BEDROOm, 2 bath, brick, CH/CA, 1632 sq. ft. #1842. $130,000. Barbara, La Casa Realty, (325)656-8063. Russ Devore, Broker #826. pRICE DROppED! mOVE in today! Beautiful 3/2.5/2 in the bluffs. San Angelo Homes, 325716-1624. DUCOTE AIR pARK. Large hangar with 2/2 home. San Angelo Homes, 325-716-1624. 1702 wOODLAwN. BEAUTIFUL 4BR/2BA home across from Brentwood Park, in-ground pool, spacious back yard, efficiency apartment with private entrance. Reduced $205,900. Call James Thomas, SARE, (325) 277-5478. SNACK N TACKLE! Now we do have a variety of beer and wine. Just stop by. Always on sale! 5102 Knickerbocker Rd.

4902 SCARLET OAK. 4BR/2BA, 2086 sq.ft., xeriscaped yard, custom shutters on all windows. $242,600. Call Janie Thomas, SARE, (325) 277-7653. 0000 ImpERIAL LOT. Lot in Bentwood Reserves, has a pad already started, great views of the lake. Need to see to appreciate. Call James Thomas, SARE, (325) 277-5478. 1217 S ABE. $180.000 2 Story structure configured with 3 offices, living room & kitchen on 1st floor & 4 bedrooms on the 2nd floor/2.5 baths. Multiple entrances which allows several re-configurations, faces S Bryant which makes for great location. Call James Thomas, SARE, (325) 277-5478. 1754 BAKER DR. 3BR/2BA, 1968 sq.ft. home close to Goodfellow AFB, it is just outside the city limits. Just Reduced, $184,900. Call James Thomas, SARE, (325) 277-5478.

I sell; Therefore I am ~Thrifty Nickel’s American Classified


NICE 3/2 BRICK, starter home. 1 car garage. Lovely covered patio in back yard. Bonus room could be dining or 4th bedroom. Possible little no down loan available. Call Pam at Dierschke & Dierschke REALTORS 325-8950862 4902 BLUERIDGE. HOA Southland 2 story townhome, 3BR/2.5BA, 1924 sq.ft. Just Reduced, $159,900. Call James Thomas, SARE, (325) 277-5478. 7 N. EmERICK. 3BR/2BA, very well maintained home near downtown, shopping, HVAC recently replaced. Reduced $114,000. Call James Thomas, SARE, (325) 277-5478. 322 pENROSE. 2BR/1BA home on corner lot close to Goodfellow. $84,900. Call James Thomas, SARE, (325) 277-5478.

8537 N Hwy 87.$149.900 2.42 acres with large metal building perfect for home business. Home has 4br/2ba, 4th bedroom is arranged could be efficiency apartment or mother in law suite. Call James Thomas, SARE, (325) 277-5478. BEAUTIFUL 3/2 BRICK in Santa Rita. Large home with a lovely kitchen, remodel. Has huge rooms and lots of storage. Extra parking and storage in back. Wonderful family living. Possible low down financing available. Must see! Call Pam at Dierschke & Dierschke REALTORS 325-8950862

1602 pASEO DE Vaca Large Santa Rita home on 2 lots. 3BR/3BA. Large trees, guest house/apartment with 432 sq.ft., hardwood floors, 3 car garage. $329,900. Call Janie Thomas, SARE, (325) 277-7653. OwNER FINANCE 2 bedroom, 1 bath, hardwood floors, CH/CA, nice move-in ready. 705 Childress. 325-234-0646 for appt.

OwNER FINANCE OR Lease/Trade. SAN ANGELO: 4 bdrm. 2 bath $89,900. ROBERT LEE & BRONTE: 3 bdrm. 1 & 2 bath. SARE Broker, James (325)277-5478. FOR SALE OR LEASE beautiful 3br/2ba/2c on quiet College Hills street, spacious with plenty of storage & large backyard! $1,000 with lease or $131,000 for sale by owner. Call for details (512) 470-8514.

377 CEDAR wOOD Dr. 3BR/2BA in River Wood Estates, in-ground pool, 30x60 barn with awning. $625,000. Call James Thomas, SARE, (325) 277-5478.

B U F F A L O HEIGHTS, BEAUTIFUL 5 year old home on 1 acre. 3/2 brick and Austin stone. Open floorplan. Also has a large workshop. Nice quiet location on outskirts of town. Call Pam at Dierschke & Dierschke REALTORS 325-895-0862 OwNER FINANCE, 2223 Raney St, 2 bedroom, 1 bath, newly remodeled, CH/CA, single car garage with automatic opener. 325-2340646. SALE OR TRADE on Spring Creek with a watefall. 2 bedroom, logside, tin roof, desks, 2 bedroom guest house and shop on 2 acres near Mertzon, $249,900. 325656-7447. CROCKETT NATIONAL BANK can help make your dream of home ownership a reality. Get pre-approved today by calling (325) 6586714. Equal housing lender | NMLS 535397 INVESTORS: CARLSBAD AREA 4 bdrm, 2 bath on 2 acres-as isPlease call or text. (325) 234-8264 for more info.



g o R g e o u S BRAnD new home in popular southwest area. 3/2 brick and stone. Beautiful open floorplan. Tile everywhere but bedrooms. Rock front uard and grass in back. Sprinkler system, extra insulation plus wonderful amanities. Call Pam at Dierschke & Dierschke REALTORS 325-8950862 BeAutiFul 3 BeDRoom, 2 bath brick home on corner lot, 1548 sq. ft., CH/CA, sprinkler system, fenced, workshop with carport. $194,500. Located in Brady, TX. (325) 4566882 new ConStRuCtion: 3-bedroom, 2bath. Vaulted celing, granite counter tops. 2301 and 2305 lindell. logan Construction, (325) 9442359. gRApe CReeK, Violet St. 3BR/1.5BA home with guest apt. on large lot. Contact Roland Allen, Dierschke & Dierschke, (325) 374-5915. 110 n. BiSHop, 3 bedroom, 1 bath, CH/CA, 1 car garage with storage room, $97,000 or make offer. 325-212-1514. owneR FinAnCe, 25 W. 31st. 1 bedroom, 1 bath, $39,900. $500 down, payments approx. $400 month. (325) 2422283. FoR SAle By OWNER: Unique second floor condo. 1bdrm 1 1/2 bath, enclosed sunroom, skylights, fireplace, large closets. Washer/dryer, fridge/oven, microwave. Pool, access to river, clubhouse. $94,500. Must see to appreciate. HOA. Call (325) 6505738 or (325) 655-2202. inVeStoRS! HouSe in Ballinger. Needs TLC only $21,000. Must be cash! (325) 227-5348. 2 HomeS on one property, reduced to $189,000. Both 2 bedroom homes, located in Brady, TX. Serious inquiries call (325) 4566882. owneR FinAnCe. 2306 Raney, 3 bedroom, 1 bath, $79,000. $4000 down, $714.24 month. (325) 242-2283. 2/2, new CARpet, new roof, has fireplace, covered patio, fenced backyard. 3601 Juanita. (325) 277-8924. owneR FinAnCe. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1350 sq. ft. Completely remodeled. $110,000. $5000 down. 2726 Guadalupe. (325) 656-9082 620 e. AVe C. 2 bedroom, 1 bath, CH/CA, 1084 sq. ft., garage, 2 carports, fenced backyard, $65,000. (325) 2349794. 4926 BlueRiDge tRl. 2BR/2BA townhome. $125,900. Call James Thomas, SARE, (325) 277-5478. HouSe FoR SAle in Robert Lee, Texas. 2 bdrm/1 bath. Kitchen, living room. Large rooms. Large backyard. $59,000 OBO. (325) 315-8344.

HouSe FoR SAle in Eden, Texas. 2,300 sq. ft. 5 bdrm/2 bath. 2 living areas, nice patio, 24X30ft storage & awning, separate awning in front of house. Great location. Almost 1 acre. $235,000. (325) 456-2124. owneR FinAnCe 2bdrm/1ba. Washer & dryer connections. Carport. 612 Hughes. (325) 212-0985. in BRADy, tx. 2 homes both are 3 bedroom, 1 bath, CH/CA. Totally remodeled. Reduced to $84,000 each. Serious inquiries call (325) 456-6882. 3BDRm/2BA, 1 ACRe, fenced yard and water well. Move-in ready. (325) 763-7328. new ConStRuCtion: 3-bedroom, 2bath. Vaulted celing, granite counter tops. 2301 and 2305 lindell. logan Construction, (325) 9442359. 4 BeDRoom, 3 Bath, Westgate Park, Central Heat/Air, Covered Patio, Storage Bldg, Total Electric. Owner/Broker. 3254 5 6 - 3 5 7 0 . 506 w. AVe W. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1528 sq. ft., needs work, fenced backyard, reduced to $35,000 cash. (325) 2349794. eVeRyone ReADS AmeRiCAn Classifieds. Sold my house the first week the ad ran!! Alvin T. owneR FinAnCe, 1058 N. Van Burne, 2 bedroom, 1 bath, $70,000. $1000 down, payments approx. $660 month. (325) 242-2283. CASH FoR HouSeS any location, any condition. (325) 650-5900 or (512)650-5979. SAnDpipeR wAy, gRApe Creek. 3BR/2BA neat, clean, move-in ready home on large lot with large workshop/storage. Contact Roland Allen, Dierschke & Dierschke, (325) 374-5915. inVeStoRS: CARlSBAD AReA 4 bdrm, 2 bath on 2 acres-as isPlease call or text. (325) 234-8264 for more info. 2410 lAKeSiDe, $89,900. 4BR/2BA. Home Owner is broker/real estate agent, will carry note on the home with good down payment. 2 year old carpet, paint, tile, patio door replaced, enclosed garage could be 4th bedroom or living area. Call James Thomas, SARE, (325) 277-5478 9702 DeeR lAne. 3BR/2BA, home with 3.93 acres in Ponderosa Estates. Just a short drive from San Angelo. San Angelo School District. River access.$229,000. Call James Thomas, SARE, (325) 277-5478. 5 BeDRoom, 2 bath, brick, CH/CA, 1632 sq. ft. #1842. $130,000. Barbara, La Casa Realty, (325)656-8063. Russ Devore, Broker #826. pRiCe DRoppeD! moVe in today! Beautiful 3/2.5/2 in the bluffs. San Angelo Homes, 325716-1624.

HAVe youR own Ranch or Land for Hunting. Near Evant, Texas. BeAutiFul 3/2 $2,950.00 per Acre. BRiCK in Santa Rita. Water, Utilities and Low Large home with a lovely Taxes. 512-556-2189 kitchen, remodel. Has huge rooms and lots of storage. Extra parking and storage in back. Wonderful family living. Possible low down financing available. Must see! Call Pam at Dierschke & Dierschke RE- lotS in tHe Bluffs for ALTORS 325-895-0862 sale 50x130. Great for SnACK n tACKle! building. Call James, Now we do have a variety (325)277-5478 or Janie, of beer and wine. Just (325)277-7653. San Anstop by. Always on sale! gelo Real Estate. 5102 Knickerbocker Rd. 30 ACReS neAR in Grape Creek. Lots/Land schools Great location. (325) 340& 2786. Acreage elDoRADo Home on 4 acres, 3BR 2Bath, mileS iSD, no city Brick, Remodeled, Countaxes, electricity and try living $265,000 Lynn water well on 18+ conve- Meador 650-6324 lynnniently located acres. Call Lee, Lee & Puckett 50x150 empty lot, 325-655-6989 or Elaine 15th & N. Chadbourne Lee 325-656-06i got it behind Pizza Hut, $9000 oipen finally!!00. obo. (325) 212-1598. CommeRCiAl pRop5 eRty SAn Angelo, ColoRADo Acres, tx. - 5-129 ACReS mountAin available for long or must sell! Fantastic short term lease or views. Hunt, Fish. Outfor sale Conveniently door Paradise! Owner filocated on Christoval Rd. nanced. Low down and near HWY 87 & GAFB. Low payments. 1-8887400 sq. ft. warehouse 909-8115. available with 6500 sq. ft. FoR SAle: lAnD loof attached covered stor- cated just outside Miles age area. Care taker city limits. 18+ acres, 70 houses on property if water well. needed. Call 325-656- gpm $145,000. Call Elaine at 5708, 325-655-4433. Lee, Lee & Puckitt 325CoRneR lot 440 655-6989 or 325-656Spaulding. Small metal building. Owner finance. 0600. $9,500. Call (325) 213333 ACReS. 11 3865. miles south of San An2 lotS At 20 W. 18th gelo off of Highway St. $16,600. (325) 234277. Excellent hunting, 2152 Live Oaks, Cedar & ColoRADo 5 Mesquite. New mountAin Acres, fences, cross fences. must sell! Fantastic 1250 sq. ft cabin. views. Hunt, Fish. Out30x50 pole barn, door Paradise! Owner fiwater wells, water nanced. $300 down. meter, secluded. (325) From $150/month. 877656-2888 257-0231. 201 HillCReSt CoRneR lot in WinAVe. 2 lots for sale in ters, TX. Includes small Ballinger, Texas. 1 lot has house good for storage. gas, electric, sewer, & $6000. (325) 655-9433. water. House needs to be ACReS-CoKe cleaned out; needs lots 149 of work, has fenced yard County. West of SilColorado river & RV shed. Lot across ver. street goes with house & frontage. Covered with is vacant. $25,000 as is. deer, turkey & quail. Hills, (325) 656-4674 after pond, good roads. Community water. 1 1/2 hr 5pm. from Midland. $1,550 per SAle oR tRADe on acre. (325) 656-1400. Spring Creek with a watefall. 2 bedroom, logside, two ACReS on Armtin roof, desks, 2 bed- strong. Owner finance, room guest house and no improvements. Call shop on 2 acres near (325) 212-7014 Mertzon, $249,900. 325- owneR FinAnCing 656-7447. - Lots in Carlsbad on Street, 1 lot At 10th & MLK Galveston $15,500, OWNER FI- 50’x150’, $10,000 each, NANCE. (325) 234-2152 $1000 down. 325-65010 ACReS, 1 well - 9 5900. miles west of Robert mileS iSD, no city Lee.(432) 978-6130 taxes, electricity and water well on 18+ conveLeave message. lARge VACAnt lot niently located acres. 1/2 acre, corner 16th & Call Lee, Lee & Puckett Oakes. (325) 340-2786. 325-655-6989 or Elaine Lee 325-656-06i got it 217 ACReS CoKe oipen finally!!00. County. West of Silver. Choice deer hunting. 3 bed 2 bath hunting camp. Storage container made into shop. Blind & feeders. Community water. Hills. $1,595 per acre. More acreage available. Wont last long. (325) 656-1400.

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CommeRCiAl pRopeRty SAn Angelo, tx. - 5-129 ACReS available for long or short term lease or for sale Conveniently located on Christoval Rd. near HWY 87 & GAFB. 7400 sq. ft. warehouse available with 6500 sq. ft. of attached covered storage area. Care taker houses on property if needed. Call 325-6565708, 325-655-4433. CoRneR lot 440 Spaulding. Small metal building. Owner finance. $9,500. Call (325) 2133865. 2 lotS At 20 W. 18th St. $16,600. (325) 2342152 ColoRADo 5 mountAin Acres, must sell! Fantastic views. Hunt, Fish. Outdoor Paradise! Owner financed. $300 down. From $150/month. 877257-0231. 201 HillCReSt AVe. 2 lots for sale in Ballinger, Texas. 1 lot has gas, electric, sewer, & water. House needs to be cleaned out; needs lots of work, has fenced yard & RV shed. Lot across street goes with house & is vacant. $25,000 as is. (325) 656-4674 after 5pm. SAle oR tRADe on Spring Creek with a watefall. 2 bedroom, logside, tin roof, desks, 2 bedroom guest house and shop on 2 acres near Mertzon, $249,900. 325656-7447. 1 lot At 10th & MLK $15,500, OWNER FINANCE. (325) 234-2152 10 ACReS, 1 well - 9 miles west of Robert Lee.(432) 978-6130 Leave message. lARge VACAnt lot 1/2 acre, corner 16th & Oakes. (325) 340-2786. 217 ACReS CoKe County. West of Silver. Choice deer hunting. 3 bed 2 bath hunting camp. Storage container made into shop. Blind & feeders. Community water. Hills. $1,595 per acre. More acreage available. Wont last long. (325) 656-1400. HAVe youR own Ranch or Land for Hunting. Near Evant, Texas. $2,950.00 per Acre. Water, Utilities and Low Taxes. 512-556-2189 lotS in tHe Bluffs for sale 50x130. Great for building. Call James, (325)277-5478 or Janie, (325)277-7653. San Angelo Real Estate. 30 ACReS neAR schools in Grape Creek. Great location. (325) 3402786. elDoRADo Home on 4 acres, 3BR 2Bath, Brick, Remodeled, Country living $265,000 Lynn Meador 650-6324

November 24, 2016

50x150 empty lot, 15th & N. Chadbourne behind Pizza Hut, $9000 obo. (325) 212-1598. ColoRADo 5 mountAin Acres, must sell! Fantastic views. Hunt, Fish. Outdoor Paradise! Owner financed. Low down and Low payments. 1-888909-8115. FoR SAle: lAnD located just outside Miles city limits. 18+ acres, 70 gpm water well. $145,000. Call Elaine at Lee, Lee & Puckitt 325655-6989 or 325-6560600. CoRneR lot in Winters, TX. Includes small house good for storage. $6000. (325) 655-9433. 149 ACReS-CoKe County. West of Silver. Colorado river frontage. Covered with deer, turkey & quail. Hills, pond, good roads. Community water. 1 1/2 hr from Midland. $1,550 per acre. (325) 656-1400. two ACReS on Armstrong. Owner finance, no improvements. Call (325) 212-7014 owneR FinAnCing - Lots in Carlsbad on Galveston Street, 50’x150’, $10,000 each, $1000 down. 325-6505900.

Farms /Ranches RunnelS County 12.78 acres. Brick home, 2 barns, 24x24 metal building, fence and cross fenced, lots of trees. Call Frances (Brokers) HICE Real Estate, 325-365-3814 or 325365-6544. nolAn County RAnCH with minerals, improvements and hunting close to Maryneal. Call Lee, Lee & Puckitt, 325-655-6989.

Real Estate For Sale ReCeiVing pAymentS FRom real estate you sold? Get cash now! Call Steve @ 1-888870-2243

Houses for Rent Furnished


Houses for Rent Unfurnished 211 pAint RoCK Rd. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, CH/CA, washer/dryer connects. $1000 month, $500 deposit. (325) 2422283. 2705 FReelAnD. 3 bedroom, 1 bath, $700 month, $500 deposit. Call (325) 242-2283 206 e. 11tH $600 month /$400 deposit. (325) 234-3806. 3BDRm/1BA HouSe $800 month. (325) 7167141. 1717 utAH 3bdrm/2ba, FP, double carport. $1100, $1000 dep. (325) 716-9446. CHRiStoVAl 19798 1st St. 3 bedroom, 1 bath, CH/CA, $800 month, $500 deposit. Call (325) 2422283 1216 S. ABe, 3 bedroom, 1 bath. $750 month, $500 deposit. (325) 242-2283. niCe Duplex - 1 large bedroom 1013 E. 23rd Apt. B. $495 per month. Quiet neighborhood. Newly remodeled. 323-646-1080. Se Habla Espanol. RV lotS for LEASE in premier ★ San Angelo community near Goodfellow AFB. Quiet country living, long term stays welcome. $350/mo. includes water service and $50 of free electricity use per month. Christoval Estates (325) 812-3225.

Page 17

1501 n. gARFielD 3bdrm/2ba, workshop office. All new interior, 2 carports. $1200/$1000 dep. (325) 716-9446. 2639 linDenwooD DR. 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath townhouse, garage, private patio. No pets. $1650 month - includes water and yard maintenance. $1200 deposit. Erica Boyce, Bollinger RE. (325) 212-8314. 2 BeDRoom HouSe in miles for rent. $550 month. (325) 656-4461 2BDRm/1BA RemoDeleD BRiCK home. New carpet & tile flooring. Alarm system, 2-car garage & carport, storage & fenced yard. $800 month, $400 dep. Contact Erbey Lopez. (432) 270-0999. 2101 noRtH. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, CH/CA, $850 month, $500 deposit. Call (325) 2422283 1837 noRtH St. 3 bedroom, 1 bath, CH/CA, laundry room, No pets, no smoking. $750 monthly, $800 deposit (325) 653-6322, (325) 234-5075. 1 BeDRoom/1 BAtH pARK Model Home! Beautiful brand new 2017 model home with 1 bedroom/1 bath, located in premier community near Goodfellow AFB. Nice built in front deck, must see before it’s gone! Only $475/mo. Call (325) 812-3225. 1865 ColoRADo. 1 bedroom, 1 bath duplex. $450 month, $450 deposit. Call (325) 2422283

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Page 18

November 24, 2016

3B/1B, CH/CA, REMODELED, fenced in yard, W/D connections. All bills paid, $975 month, $600 deposit. HUD accepted. 1902 La Cruz St. (325) 653-0193 or (325)450-1593.

NEW 3 bedroom, 2 bath, garage, $1050/$1000. 423 E. 22nd. (325) 212-2995. 202 RIVER OAkS - 3 or 4 bedroom, 1 bath, CH/CA. $800 month, $800 deposit. (325) 2122624. SMALL 3BDRM/1BA LAkE View area. No smoking, no inside pets. Large fenced back yard. Quiet neighborhood. 124 BIRD 2bdrm/1ba. $725/$725. (325) 895Downtown Circle Drive. 8044. CH/CA. Water softener. Large rooms. No backRV LOTS for yard. No pets. Extended LEASE in premier parking. Can be Resi- San Angelo community dential or Business. near Goodfellow AFB. $750/$800. (817) 723- Quiet country living, 7685, (817) 586- long term stays wel8397(817) 986-3310 come. $350/mo. in2 BEDROOM, 1 bath, cludes water service 900 sq. ft., CH/CA, large and $50 of free eleccorner yard, fened back- tricity use per month. Estates yard. Gas stove, Christoval (325) 812-3225. washer/dryer, refrigerator, 1 car garage, Lawncare CLEAN 2/1 BATH. and gas bill paid. $750 $675/$450 deposit. Addimonth, $500 deposit. tional 2/1 stove, refrigeraVery close to downtown tor, ac window unit. (325) and shopping/ Home is 651-5064. energy efficient. Electric EMACULATE BRICk. is about $100 and water 3BDRM/2BATH with $75. Call or text (325) new ceramic flooring, 277-2904. new CH/CA, utility room, 2030 SAN ANTONIO appliances + a huge St - 3BDRM CA/CH. $875 lighted shop building in backyard. No Pets. month (325) 450-8403. $950mo. West Side. 425 S. TyLER 2 bed- Barth Realty (325) 277room, $750 plus deposit. 8517. No pets. References. 126 E. 9TH 3/2, LR, is(325) 653-1053. land kitchen. $1,100/$700 deposit. (325) 234-7000. 2315 W. HARRIS 2BDRM.Great location. $895mo/$450dep. (325) 650-5558. 3 BEDROOM, 1 bath, CH/CA, carport, fence, $695/$600. 2205 Wilson. (325) 212-2995. 2306 RANEy, 3 bedroom, 1 bath, $800 month, $500 deposit. (325) 242-2283. 418 N. POE, 2 bedroom, 1 bath, CH/CA, $600 month, $500 deposit. (325) 242-2283. 8617 PETUNIA IN Grape Creek. 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath, CH/CA, washer/dryer connects. $750 month, $500 deposit. (325) 242-2283. 2507 SMU 3bdrm/1ba, wood floors, garage, fenced. $1100, $1000 dep. (325) 716-9446. 2111 W. AVE. K, 2BR/1 1/2 bath, 2LA, bonus room, CHCA, detached garage. No pets. $1200 month, $1200 deposit. Erica Boyce, Bollinger RE. (325) 212-8314. 842 SAN JACINTO. $750 month/$700 deposit. 4 bdrm/1bath. (325) 277-9205.

944-SOLD 1110 N. JEFFER★SON.HUD approved. 2bdrm, CH/CA. $795 monthly. No pets. (325) 650-8581. SANTA RITA - NEAT 1 BEDROOM with double pained windows, mini blinds, ceiling fans, trees, 10x14 storage building. NO PETS. $525 mo. Barth Realty 325-277 8517. 3 BEDROOM, 1 bath, laundry/utility room, carport, fence, $785/$700. 2337 North St. (325) 2122995. 3225 ROCkBROOk 3bdrm/2ba, double garage, FP, wook floors. $1300/$1000 dep. (325) 716-9446. 2 & 3 BEDROOM MANUFACTURED ★ homes, fully remodeled, 1100-1500 sq. ft., spacious kitchens and baths, large master suites, central heating/air. Payments as low as $535/mo. First month FREE! Call (325) 812-3225. 1536 CLEO, 2BR/1BA DUPLEX. Water paid, new AC, carpet, tile,W/D connections, appliances. Newly remodeled. $750mo/$500dep. (325) 277-1073. 2322 SAN ANTONIO, 3BR/1BA, CH/CA. Section 8 accepted. Available now. $850mo/$750dep. Call (325) 277-8779. Larry Jewell Jr., Broker.

3201 SUNSET 4 or 5BR/2BA, FB, double garage, beautiful kitchen, tile floors. $1300/$1000dep. (325) 716-9446. 1861 TWOHIG 2bdrm/1ba, high-end interior. wood floors, garage. $1100, $1000 dep. (325) 716-9446. 520 BAkER ST. 4 BR 2 BA ca/ch, carport. $ 8 9 5 / m o n t h , $600/dep.(325) 262-2883 1022 CULBERSON. 2BRDM/1 BATH. Kitchen, living room, $650 rent/$650 deposit. (325) 315-6250. 1406 HATCHER, 2 bedroom, 1 bath. No pets. $800 month, $700 deposit. Erica Boyce, Bollinger RE. (325) 2128314. 4206 MCkEE IN Christoval. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, $800 month, $500 deposit. Call (325) 2422283 4722 ROyAL OAk. 3BDRM/2BA. Newly updated, granite countertops, wood laminate flooring throughout. Fenced backyard. Located near Bonham Elem e n t a r y . $1,395mo./$1,000dep. (325) 277-1853.

2509 MCGILL, LOCATED in PaulAnn. 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath, CH/CA, stove and refrigerator furnished, 1 car garage, $1400 month, $800 deposit. Call (325) 242-2283 N. VAN BUREN Neat 3 BEDROOM/2 BATH, new tile, carpet, & paint, CH/A, country kitchen, W/D connections, appliances, carport. NO PETS. $825mo. Barth Realty (325) 277-8517. 241 PECAN. 1 bdrm/1 bath. Newly renovated. Call (325) 656-7013 or (325) 656-7490 1501 COkE ST. 3 bedroom, 1 bath, washer/dryer connection, double carport, CH/CA, $795 month, $600 deposit. (325) 262-2883. 126 RIVER OAkS 4bdrm/2ba. New carpet, 2 patios. $1100, $1000 dep. (325) 716-9446. 519 E. HARRIS. 1bdrm duplex. $400mo./$300dep. NO PETS. (325) 200-9961. 4 BEDROOM 2 bath, BRAND NEW home in the Southland area. 4137 Autumnwood Trl. $1685 monthly with $850 deposit. No pets. Please call (325) 7040407.

732 E. HARRIS. 2br, 1.5 ba, W/D connections, CH/CA, 2 car garage. No pets. $750monthly, $400 deposit.(325) 212-6486 or (325) 227-7227 3B/1B, CH/CA, REMODELED, fenced in yard, W/D connections. All bills paid, $975 month, $600 deposit. HUD accepted. 1902 La Cruz St. (325) 653-0193 or (325)450-1593. 124 BIRD 2bdrm/1ba. Downtown Circle Drive. CH/CA. Water softener. Large rooms. No backyard. No pets. Extended parking. Can be Residential or Business. $750/$800. (817) 7237685, (817) 5868397(817) 986-3310 2 BEDROOM, 1 bath, 900 sq. ft., CH/CA, large corner yard, fened backyard. Gas stove, washer/dryer, refrigerator, 1 car garage, Lawncare and gas bill paid. $750 month, $500 deposit. Very close to downtown and shopping/ Home is energy efficient. Electric is about $100 and water $75. Call or text (325) 277-2904. 2030 SAN ANTONIO St - 3BDRM CA/CH. $875 month (325) 450-8403. BRAND NEW 2017 model man★ ufactured homes with new appliances and ice cold a/c. Beautiful 2 & 3 bedroom floor plans available. As low as $685/mo. Call (325) 812-3225.

1852 GUADALUPE. 2 story large duplex, water paid, washer/dryer connections. 2 bed, 1 bath. Outdoor cellar, Military clause. References and residential screening. No pets. $500/month. $400/deposit. (325)2455097. 2 BEDROOM, 2 BATH, Large Mobile. CH/CA, in quiet Cactus Lane Park. $550. (325) 653-1144. 2BDRM/2BA REMODELED MOBILE home. Large lot on rear of 5 acres. Pets allowed. $700 month, $600 deposit. (325) 315-4837. 1821 WILLOW 4bdrm/2ba, FP, hardwood floors, garage. $1100, $1000 dep. (325) 716-9446. 3BR/1BA 1125 E. 21st, $795/mo., $700 deposit 2419 Freeland, $795/mo, $800 deposit; 1206 E. 18th, $795/mo, $800 deposit. HUD accepted. (325) 653-0367 4BR HOUSE, FENCED, $850/mo. Call for more information 325374-8922. 1BR HOUSE, $650/MO. Call for more information 325-3748922.

425 S. TyLER 2 bedroom, $750 plus deposit. No pets. References. (325) 653-1053. 2630 OLD BALLINGER HWY. 3BR/1BA. Fireplace, laundry room. Peaceful in the country. No smoking, no pets. $800mo/$500dep. Call (325) 234-7211. NEW 3 bedroom, 2 bath, garage, $1050/$1000. 423 E. 22nd. (325) 212-2995. 202 RIVER OAkS - 3 or 4 bedroom, 1 bath, CH/CA. $800 month, $800 deposit. (325) 2122624. SMALL 3BDRM/1BA LAkE View area. No smoking, no inside pets. Large fenced back yard. Quiet neighborhood. $725/$725. (325) 8958044. CLEAN 2/1 BATH. $675/$450 deposit. Additional 2/1 stove, refrigerator, ac window unit. (325) 651-5064. EMACULATE BRICk. 3BDRM/2BATH with new ceramic flooring, new CH/CA, utility room, appliances + a huge lighted shop building in backyard. No Pets. $950mo. West Side. Barth Realty (325) 2778517. 126 E. 9TH 3/2, LR, island kitchen. $1,100/$700 deposit. (325) 234-7000. 2315 W. HARRIS 2BDRM.Great location. $895mo/$450dep. (325) 650-5558. RIVERFRONT ★ LIVING! Brand new 2017 model manufactured home with 3 bedrooms, 2 baths located on the river with spectacular views, new appliances and central air for rent or sale. Olny $825/mo. Call (325) 812-3225.

3 BEDROOM, 1 bath, CH/CA, carport, fence, $695/$600. 2205 Wilson. (325) 212-2995. 2306 RANEy, 3 bedroom, 1 bath, $800 month, $500 deposit. (325) 242-2283. 418 N. POE, 2 bedroom, 1 bath, CH/CA, $600 month, $500 deposit. (325) 242-2283. 8617 PETUNIA IN Grape Creek. 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath, CH/CA, washer/dryer connects. $750 month, $500 deposit. (325) 242-2283. 2507 SMU 3bdrm/1ba, wood floors, garage, fenced. $1100, $1000 dep. (325) 716-9446. 2111 W. AVE. K, 2BR/1 1/2 bath, 2LA, bonus room, CHCA, detached garage. No pets. $1200 month, $1200 deposit. Erica Boyce, Bollinger RE. (325) 212-8314. 842 SAN JACINTO. $750 month/$700 deposit. 4 bdrm/1bath. (325) 277-9205. 1110 N. JEFFERSON.HUD approved. 2bdrm, CH/CA. $795 monthly. No pets. (325) 650-8581. SANTA RITA - NEAT 1 BEDROOM with double pained windows, mini blinds, ceiling fans, trees, 10x14 storage building. NO PETS. $525 mo. Barth Realty 325-277 8517. 3 BEDROOM, 1 bath, laundry/utility room, carport, fence, $785/$700. 2337 North St. (325) 2122995. 3225 ROCkBROOk 3bdrm/2ba, double garage, FP, wook floors. $1300/$1000 dep. (325) 716-9446. 1536 CLEO, 2BR/1BA DUPLEX. Water paid, new AC, carpet, tile,W/D connections, appliances. Newly remodeled. $750mo/$500dep. (325) 277-1073. 2322 SAN ANTONIO, 3BR/1BA, CH/CA. Section 8 accepted. Available now. $850mo/$750dep. Call (325) 277-8779. Larry Jewell Jr., Broker. 3201 SUNSET 4 or 5BR/2BA, FB, double garage, beautiful kitchen, tile floors. $1300/$1000dep. (325) 716-9446. 1861 TWOHIG 2bdrm/1ba, high-end interior. wood floors, garage. $1100, $1000 dep. (325) 716-9446. 520 BAkER ST. 4 BR 2 BA ca/ch, carport. $ 8 9 5 / m o n t h , $600/dep.(325) 262-2883 1022 CULBERSON. 2BRDM/1 BATH. Kitchen, living room, $650 rent/$650 deposit. (325) 315-6250. 1406 HATCHER, 2 bedroom, 1 bath. No pets. $800 month, $700 deposit. Erica Boyce, Bollinger RE. (325) 2128314. 4206 MCkEE IN Christoval. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, $800 month, $500 deposit. Call (325) 2422283 4722 ROyAL OAk. 3BDRM/2BA. Newly updated, granite countertops, wood laminate flooring throughout. Fenced backyard. Located near Bonham Elem e n t a r y . $1,395mo./$1,000dep. (325) 277-1853. 11 PAINT ROCk Rd. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, CH/CA, washer/dryer connects. $1000 month, $500 deposit. (325) 242-2283.

2705 FREELAND. 3 bedroom, 1 bath, $700 month, $500 deposit. Call (325) 242-2283 206 E. 11TH $600 month /$400 deposit. (325) 234-3806. 3BDRM/1BA HOUSE $800 month. (325) 7167141. 1717 UTAH 3bdrm/2ba, FP, double carport. $1100, $1000 dep. (325) 716-9446. CHRISTOVAL 19798 1st St. 3 bedroom, 1 bath, CH/CA, $800 month, $500 deposit. Call (325) 2422283 1216 S. ABE, 3 bedroom, 1 bath. $750 month, $500 deposit. (325) 242-2283. NICE DUPLEx - 1 large bedroom 1013 E. 23rd Apt. B. $495 per month. Quiet neighborhood. Newly remodeled. 323-646-1080. Se Habla Espanol. 1 BEDROOM/1 BATH PARk Model Home! Beautiful brand new 2017 model home with 1 bedroom/1 bath, located in premier community near Goodfellow AFB. Nice built in front deck, must see before it’s gone! Only $475/mo. Call (325) 8123225. 4 BEDROOM 2 bath, BRAND NEW home in the Southland area. 4137 Autumnwood Trl. $1685 monthly with $850 deposit. No pets. Please call (325) 704-0407.

Manufactured Homes REPO AND FORECLOSURES - $ave Now! Many sizes and prices. Financing available. Call for info and HOT LIST. Call 325-4304694. USED & REPO Mobile Homes. 325-227-6453 RBI 36525 USED SOLITAIRE 2 bed/2 bath $48,900. Wood plank floors. Finance available. 325227-6453 RBI 36525 DECEMBER SPECIAL. JUST IN time for the Holiday. Move in now, pay your security deposit & pro-rated rent, then get the month of December RENT FREE. 2BR/1BA, CH/A, W/D connections, w/an open floor plan. This home has dishwasher, stove & refrigerator, 2 car off street parking. ONLY $575 per mo, $575 deposit. Call (325) 6582763. MOVE IN READy! 4 bed/2 bath 1 acre $89,900. Merkel ISD. 325-227-6453 RBI 36525 USED MOBILE HOMES under 20K. RBI 36791 (325) 227-5348. GRAPE CREEk - 3 bedroom, 2 bath mobile home, $650 month, $250 deposit. Water and garbage tank paid. 325276-0073, 325-657-9345.

REPO AND USED homes are here! Lenders also offering No money down. Call 325-6177869. PRICED REDUCED Save $10,000!! New 3/2 double wide, 2 living, flat ceilings, textured walls, custom plan, call for pictures. 325-340-4694. 4 BEDROOM DOUBLEIWDE on 3 acres in Grape Creek. Move in ready. Only $89,900. Call 325-617-7869. $15,000 OFF NEW Solitaire Home! 1 bed/1 bath. 325-227-6453 RBI 36525 1 BEDROOM/1 BATH PARk Model Home! Beautiful brand new 2017 model home with 1 bedroom/1 bath, located in premier community near Goodfellow AFB. Nice built in front deck, must see before it’s gone! Only $475/mo. Call (325) 812-3225. 2013 DOUBLE WIDE. Like new. 3bdrm/2bath. Gourmet kitchen, garden tub. This is a wow house. Must be cash. Must be moved. Must see. RBI 36791. (325) 227-5348. OWN A MANUFACTURED HOME? Let us help add value to your home and make it more energy efficient with metal under pinning. Free estimates. Call 325-3745595, 325-374-2983. GRAPE CREEk - SEVERAL nice 2 and 3 bedroom singlewides for rent starting at $400 deposit and $550 month. No inside pets. Application required. 325-234-0295. 325-234-0292. CLOSE OUT - 3/2 with stone fireplace, large open living room, HUGE utility room, Textured walls, thermal windows, reduced $11,000. Call 325-430-4702. USED CLAyTON 3 bedroom, 2 bath Doublewide. Wood floors and fireplace. Asking $39,900. Call Heath 918576-3696. 4/2 HOUSE AND 1 Acre, $89,900. Merkel ISD. 325-227-6453 RBI 36525 2014 SOLITAIRE 16x68 Must Sell, wholesale price. 325-227-6453 RBI 36525 2 BDRM 2 Bath Mobile home. Extra large Master BR & Living room. Fenced yard. $750 month. (325) 245-3167. BRAND NEW 2017 model manufactured homes with new appliances and ice cold a/c. Beautiful 2 & 3 bedroom floor plans available. EZ owner financing. As low as $685/mo. First month FREE! Call (325) 8123225.


4 SIDE-BY-SIDE CEMETERY plots, located in Fairmont Cemetery. Call (325) 374-7224 or (325) 6505738.

HAvING TROUBlE FINDING land for your manufactured home? Come out to Stardust Mobile Home Park at 2501 Martin L. King Blvd. We are conveniently located within walking distance to 3 grocery stores, cinema, park, and restaurants. Lot spaces rent from $280$355/month depending on your home size. CALL or COME BY TODAY! 325-653-1859 2010 FlEETWOOD SINGlE wide. 3 bdrm/2bath, 16X76. good condition. Garden tub. Separate shower. $18,000.00 Must be cash. Must be moved. RBI 36791. (325) 227-5348.

We offer worldwide advertising! ANGElO MOBIlE HOME MOvING; Relevels, skirting & transporting. Unstable floor, unshutting doors? Foundation stabilization, pier & beam, trailer homes. Licensed, bonded, insured. I-4486. Chris (325) 276-1978 leave message. END OF YEAR Closeout! 4 bedroom, 2 bath Doublewide, 2000 sq. ft. and 2 living areas, $59900! Call 325-6177869. 2BR/2BA MOBIlE HOME on 1 acre of land. Buy or Rent. Call for more information 325-3748922. SUN lAKE ESTATES NOW has lots avaiable to move your mobile home in. We offer a community pool, basketball & tennis courts and more. Starting at $315/ month. Call (325) 658-2763. RIvERFRONT ★ lIvING! Brand new 2017 model manufactured home with 3 bedrooms, 2 baths located on the river with spectacular views, new appliances and central air for rent or sale. Olny $825/mo. Call (325) 812-3225.

DECEMBER SPECIAl. JUST IN time for the Holiday. Move in now, pay your security deposit & pro-rated rent, then get the month of December RENT FREE. 3BR/2BA, W/D connections, stove, refrigertor & dishwasher. CH/A, 2 car off street parking. This home is equipped w/a beautiful fireplace in the livingroom. The on this home is ONLY $625 per mo. $625 deposit. Call (325) 658-2763. 2 & 3 BEDROOM M A N U FA C T U R E D homes, fully remodeled, 1100-1500 sq. ft., spacious kitchens and baths, large master suites, central heating/air. Payments as low as $535/mo. First month FREE! Call (325) 812-3225.

Cemetery Plots SAvE $1,000 OFF cemetery price! FAIRMONT CEMETERY; 2 spaces 1 lot. Call (940) 564-0827 2 lOTS AT Lawn Haven Memorial Gardens. $2,400 each lot OBO. (325) 263-6315. 2 MAUSOlEUMS AT Calvary Catholic Cemetery. $5000. (469) 3585380, (214) 872-4241. TWO PlOTS, SIDE by side, in the Veterans Garden in Lawnhaven Cemetery near San Angelo, TX. Will sell both for $4000. Will consider selling one @ $2200. Includes transfer fee. Call (325) 2126291 or (325)482-0244. SINGlE DEPTH lAWN crypt (crypt already in ground) with perpetual care at Lawnhaven Memorial Gardens. Section J, halfway between Whispering Waterfall and Inner Drive. Valued at approx $4195, asking $2700. Call (325) 6583171 between 9am8pm.

lAWNHAvEN vETERANS GARDEN. Includes outer container required by Lawnhaven. $2,200, save $789. Call (325)212-6291 or (325)482-0244. 2 CRYPTS IN Calvary Garden Mausoleum. San Angelo. $2500 each obo. (325) 949-0034 lAWNHAvEN: 2 PlOTS in Apostles, value $5,590. Will take $5,000 and pay transfer. (325) 374-2026. lAWNHAvEN, APOSTlES, 4 plots.$2250 each. Individually or group. Leave message, (325) 245-8096. 2 MAUSOlEUMS AT Calvary Catholic Cemetery. $5000. (469) 3585380, (214) 872-4241

lAWN HAvEN Section E, Last Supper, Space 3, Lot 310. Large oak trees. $1750. (830) 798-7198. 4 CEMETERY PlOTS, Lawnhaven Cemetery located in the oldest section. Will consider selling 2 at a time. Reasonably priced. (325) 651-6457. BEAUTIFUl lAWNHAvEN- 2 CEMETERY PLOTS $3000. Must see! (254) 447-7609, (817) 856-9563. Out of Town 1 GRAvE PlOT. FairProperty mont Cemetery Main entrance near gazebo. $1600. Call (325) 949BAllINGER: 2 1280. HOUSES 20 ACRES 2 PlOTS lAWN- Rural water $239,000. HAvEN. Valued at (325) 718-4396. $4,400. Will sell for COlEMAN, TX. 2 bedless. (806) 773-3019. room, 1 bath, corner lot, carport, $21,500. (325) lAWNHAvEN CEME- 234-9794. TERY PlOT & lAKE BROWNWOOD MARKER. Good location, IN MAY TEXAS. 2 waterreasonably priced. FMI front lots set up for dou(325) 763-9695. ble wide with boat dock. lAWNHAvEN CEME- $80,000K. (325) 277TERY. GOOD LOCA- 4321 or (325) 226-6899. TION AT THE APOSTLE. 162 HANNA, BlACK$1700. (325) 656-5571. WEll, TX. Lake front liv2 SIDE BY SIDE plots, ing with a great view from Calvary Catholic Ceme- the porch, 40x9 front tery. $3000 for both, porch, large lviing room, OBO. Call (325) 655- rock fireplace, stove and 1494. refrigerator convey, 12x8 building. 2 PlOTS CALVARY storage Cemetery. $1400 each. $89,900. Call James (325) 949-7004. Thomas, SARE, (325) CATHOlIC CAl- 277-5478. vARY CEMETERY. 2 OWNER FINANCING. Spaces, side by side in ROBERT Lee, TX 2 Calvary Garden Mau- houses, 3/1 & 3/2 cursoleum. $3300 for both. rently being remodeled, (325) 374-7942 terms negotiable. James REDUCED PRICE. 2 @ SARE, (325) 277-5478. MAUSOLEUM CRYPTS in NEAR lAKE BROWNLawn Haven Gardens / WOOD. Secluded San Angelo. (806) 352- 3BR/2BA home on 6.7 1406. acres with 25x30 covered lAWNHAvEN MEMO- carport, 20x12 pavilion, RIAl GARDENS. 2-4 water storage tank, shop adjoining plots. Garden & barn. Lots of trees, 2 of Last Supper. San An- creeks and plentiful gelo. $4000 for all. Con- wildlife. $199,500. (325) tact (325) 784-6259 for 642-8534 details. lAWN HAvEN MEMORIAl GARDENS Apostles, Lot 55A, Space 3. $4,850. Will pay transfer. (325) 245-5832. MUlTIPlE BURIAl OAK POINT lAKE PlOTS (CONNECTED) property on Lake Brownin Fairmont Cemetery. wood, $9,785 OBO. (325) Call after 6pm. (325) 650- 656-1047. 7060.

Lakes & Resorts

2 ADJOINING lAWNHAvEN prime burial lots. The Last Supper lot #218 Section E. Save $600, both for $3795. We pay transfer fee. David (801) 427-5652

Commercial Property Rent CENTRAllY lOCATED, FORT CONCHO AREA - attractive and affordable 1140 sq. ft. heated/cooled, 3 offices totaling 600 sq. ft. downstairs, 1 office 540 sq. ft. upstairs, designed for multiple work spaces with restrooms and storage closets, plus 2400 sq. ft. warehouse space, motorized overhead and drive-in doors, 120 & 240 outlets, washer/dryer connections, $1195 monthly. First month free. Call (325) 655-4433. SMAll FURNISHED OFFICE. 917 S. Bryant. Available Nov. 1. $165mo. Utilities paid. (325) 653-3358. DOWNTOWN BY CITY Auditorium, suite of offices. Corner. $1100 per mo. $750 deposit. Minimum 1 year lease. Call Claudia, (325) 2127014. OFFICE SPACE - Convenient to Banks, Courthouse & Downtown Government Offices. Main office with reception, vault & storage. 325658-1502. OFFICE BUIlDING APPROX. 1600 sq. ft., previously an accounting firm, Zone changed to Small Commercial, CH/CA, $500 month, $500 deposit. 123 W. 1st St. Zone change approved, small commercial. Call (325) 242-2283. NEAR DOWNTOWN SAN ANGElO, ADJACENT to Ft. Concho, 564 sq. ft., heated/cooled office space, restrooms, 1692 sq. ft. or warehouse space, large drive-in doors, secure entrance and parking, $595 monthly. Call (325) 6554433. COMMERCIAl BUIlDING WITH 5 offices on N. Chadbourne for lease. FMI (325) 657-3521. PROFESSIONAl OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE - Multi-Office 1023 CADDO just down from Central High 2018 sqft with 8 offices, breakroom, laundry room, lots of parking, 1st Month Free $1000 per month 512715-4719 RETAIl/OFFICE AT 1719 Caddo St. Heavy drive-by & foot traffic from adjoining shops. 650 Sq Ft. perfect for small boutique, office or retail space. $600 month $550 dep. 325-895-2222

November 24, 2016

COMMERCIAl PROP- 16 E. 30TH, las ERTY FOR Lease Fort Rosas Apt. 1 bedConcho Area-Very clean room, upstairs $475, 4 room office suite with downstairs $500. 2 approximately 1200 sq ft. bedroom, 1 bath, upCH/CA, Alarm system stairs $575, downstairs Available Nov. 1st $850 $600. 225 E. 3rd St. deposit $850 month 1 Sage Brush Apts. 2 year lease. Please call bedroom, 1 bath, 325-234-9567 for more downstairs $600. 1909 details. rymanjad@sud- 1/2 Pulliam. St. Marjan Apts, 1 bedroom, $475 RETAIl OFFICE upstairs, $500 downSPACE AVAILABLE stairs. Special move in 1015 or 1017 CADDO rates available (325) 968 square feet $850 653-3506, (714) 585each monthly (or both 8392. available together with 2BDRM discount), down from SMAll 921 Central High off Houston APARTMENT Spaulding, across the Harte 512-715-4719 street from school. Commercial $550mo/$275dep. Call or Property text FMI. (325) 213-3865. EFFICIENCY APARTSale MENT, 35 W. 29th St, BURRITO PlACE. Apt B. Bills paid except CONTENTS, building, for electricity. 325-234land. No owner finance. 0646 FMI call (325) 315-6057. HUNTINGTON APTS 4042 Huntington Lane. 2 bdrm/2 bath-$800 mo. 1 bdrm/1 bath-$700. $300 deposit. All bills paid except electricity. WEll ESTABlISHED Washer/Dryer connecRESTAURANT for sale tions, fireplace, basic in Eden, Texas. Owner Fi- cable, covered parknance. 4,800 sq. ft. ing, storage. (325) Plenty of parking. Please 234-6968, (714) 585call for info. (325) 456- 8392. 2124. 25 E. 11TH St. 1 1/2 GREAT OFFICE SPACE, 3800 sf. San bedroom, 1 bath. $525 Angelo Homes, 325-716- monthly, $300 deposit. All bills paid except electric1624. 1921 JUNIUS. 2 build- ity. Stove & refrigerator. ings contains 3 offices & No pets. (325) 657-0771, 22 storage units. Call (325) 656-1536. James Thomas, SARE, HISTORIC RENO(325) 277-5478. vATED APARTMENTS in Christoval. 1, Apartments 2 & 3 bedrooms, water inFurnished cluded. (325) 659-2305, (325) 651-8984. 202 W. 1ST. ONE ★BEDROOM DUPLEX, $160 weekly, plus electric. No pets. HUD accepted, (325) 650-8581.

Apartments Unfurnished

Page 19

2313 CHESTNUT SMAll 2 BEDROOM, 1 BATH. $525 monthly, $300 deposit. Bills paid except electric, upstairs, no W/D connection. No CH/CA. HUD accepted. (325) 653-0193, (325) 4501593. SMAll 2BDRM APARTMENT 921 Spaulding, across the street from school. $550mo/$275dep. Call or text FMI. (325) 213-3865. EFFICIENCY APARTMENT, 35 W. 29th St, Apt B. Bills paid except for electricity. 325-2340646 NEAR GOOD★ FEllOW! BRAND NEW 2017 3 bedroom, 2 bath manufactured homes for rent, appliances and ice cold A/C for rent or sale. Payments as low as $710/mo. Call (325) 812-3225. 25 E. 11TH St. 1 1/2 bedroom, 1 bath. $525 monthly, $300 deposit. All bills paid except electricity. Stove & refrigerator. No pets. (325) 657-0771, (325) 656-1536.

I Love Thrifty Nickel’s

American Classifieds STOP WASTING MONEY on RENT! Own your own 2BR or 3BR manufactured home with LOW DOWN and monthly payments starting as low as $535/mo. Easy rent-to-own program, bad credit OK. Call (325) 812-3225.

THE OAKS DOWNTOWN. 402 W. TWOHIG. Extra large apartments, extra large closets. 2br/2bath 1300 sqft. 1br/1bath 900 sqft. All bills paid except electricity. Washer/Dryer connections and/or laundromat. (325) 656-1277.

HISTORIC RENOvATED APARTMENTS in Christoval. 1, 2 & 3 bedrooms, water included. (325) 659-2305, (325) 651-8984. 225 E. 6TH St. 1BR/1BA. Rent $600/Dep. $300 or 517 N. Bell St. 2BR/1BA Rent $680/Dep. $300. Unfurnished apartments. Bills paid. HUD Accepted. (325) 4501593, (325) 653-0193.

Room for Rent ONE BEDROOM College Hills. $125 week per person. All bills paid. (325) 374-7616.

APARTM ENT TERS N I S W All Newly Remodeled New Carpet New Tile & Appliances $450/mo $400 Deposit Winters, Tx 1st Month FREE with Approved Credit

Call 325-338-6199

Page 20

November 24, 2016



November 24, 2016

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Page 22

November 24, 2016 Cars SNACK N TACKLE! Now we do have a variety of beer and wine. Just stop by. Always on sale! 5102 Knickerbocker Rd.

2012 MITSUBISHI GALANT. tinted, good a/c, 85k miles, well maintained. reduced to$6995 obo. (325) 895-0840. BLACK 2005 MUSTANG GT convertible with shaker red leather interior. 17,400 miles, very clean. A must see for $13,500. (325) 227-2370. 1994 JEEP CHEROKEE. runs good, good ac/heater. $1000, Call or Text Ruben at (325) 2341659 2009 CHEVY IMPALA V6 110K miles 30 mpg hwy. $4750. OBO. (325) 617-7395. 1995 FORD TAURUS 4 door. Loaded. Very nice. 72K. One owner. $3950 OBO. (325) 9429996. 2015 DODGE DART, 38k miles, STK91695, $13,477. Randall Motors, 325-655-5631. CARS/TRUCKS WANTED!! ALL Make/Models 2000-2015! Any Condition. Running or Not. Competitive Offer! Free Towing! We’re Nationwide! Call Now: 1888-416-2330.

I ADVERTISED MY VEHICLE in American Classifieds. A man came by to look at it. I had another vehicle that was not for sale. Long story short, I sold the unadvertised vehicle. You guys are batting 1000!! I’ll always come here! J.S. STATE INSPECTIONS ON cars, pickups, RVs, SUVs, motorcycles, trucks, trailers or anything that needs an inspected, also do truck and trailer DOT. Must have current insurance. Bradley Welding, 1224 N. Bell. (325) 653-4175.

‘77 VW CONVERTIBLE. Excellent condition. Runs great. (325) 234-6255. 1989 CAMARO IROC Z, 350 V8. 110k miles, excellent running condition and has new 4 speed auto transmission. 5 time 1st place winner in class at local car shows. $7995. Call (325) 812-4320 for more info. GREAT RATE ON auto insurance. Call for a FREE quote TODAY. (325)944-3813, Younts Insurance. 2015 CADILLAC ATS 18k miles, STK91682, $31,997. Randall Motors, 325-655-5631.


944-SOLD 2011 CAMARO-EXCELLENT CONDITION inside & out. Only 10,400 miles. Asking $18,750. Sunroof. Call (325) 659-6969 after 5pm. 2015 CADILLAC CTS Prem, 6k miles, STK91616, $40,977. Randall Motors, 325-6555631. CARS/TRUCKS WANTED!! ALL Makes/Models 20002016! Any Condition. Running or Not. Top $$$ Paid! Free Towing! We’re Nationwide! Call Now: 1888-985-1806 SOLD MY VEHICLE the first weekend. American Classifieds works and I would place ads again. Chuck G. 1999 MERCURY SABLE LS 1 owner. 4 dr sedan. Leather interior. Only 64K miles. Excellent condition. $3,400. (325) 6174478.

2013 CADILLAC XTS, 31k miles, STK#11755A, $22,977. Randall Motors, 325-6555631. UP TO $400 CASH paid for old cars and trucks. More in some cases. (325) 656-3658

FILL THE SLEIGH CONTEST! Win a $25 Visa gift card donated by Northside Battery. Check out page 7 of this weeks American Classifieds for more details. 2001 CROWN VICTORIA. 83,623 miles. Clean inside, good condition. AC/H, new tires. $3,500. (325) 655-6544. 2015 CHEVY MAILBU, 18k miles, STK91680, $15,977. Randall Motors, 325-6555631.

DID YOU KNOW?! CLARK’S AUTO 2014 CORVETTE WRECKING has NEW STINGRAY Convertauto parts, doors, fend- ible. Z51. Light red, ers, grills, radiators, chrome wheels, under hoods, lights, door han- 10K miles. $55k. (325) dles. Many in stock or 812-6508. next day delivery. You’ll be surprised at their I PAID $113.00 FOR prices. 658-4377. 1 month of advertising with another publication, and I got one call for my business in two weeks. In 2 weeks, my ad in American 2008 TOYOTA Classifieds that cost YARIS, 2 door hatch- only $12, I got 15 back, auto, AM/FM/CD, calls. Thank you!! R. L. good condition, $5800 obo. 325-263-1934, 832226-9966. “LIKE” US AND BE OUR “FRIEND” ON FACEBOOK and you could win “FREE” ads. Keep up with all the latest happen- 2008 HONDA CIVIC ings at American Parting out: 4cyl motor, Classifieds. Check 108,875 miles, $600. us out on Facebook 5spd transmission, 2-dr and “like” us!! coupe, $250 each; hood NORTHSIDE BAT- $75; fenders $50 NEW; TERY, LLC. New and headlights $75 NEW; refurbished. Cars, trucks, bumper $75. (325) 864diesel batteries. Small 9713. mechanical work. We DONATE YOUR CAR can come to you!. (325) to Veterans Today! Help 213-6057. and Support our Veterans. Fast-FREE pick up. 100% tax deductible. Call 1-800-245-0398. COME CHECK OUT San Angelo Motor Co., 2201 W. Ave. N, (325) 944-0522. See all the cars, pickups, and SUVs that we have. NATION WIDE parts locator service! Can’t find that part you need? Call Clark’s and let them find it for you. (325) 6584377. 2015 CHEVY CAMARO Convert, 31k miles, STK91694, $21,477. Randall Motors, 325-655-5631. 2013 HYUNDAI ELANTRA GT hatchback. Black with tan leather seats, heated seats, navigation, full sun roof. 72,000 miles. $11,200. (325) 234-4426. 2005 MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS. Excellent condition & owner. Maintenance record, 86K miles. $7,695.00 (325) 374-0894. SOLD MY VEHICLE the first weekend. American Classifieds works and I would place ads again. Chuck G. CARS/TRUCKS WANTED! WE buy 2000-2015 Cars/Trucks, Running or Not! Nationwide Free Pickup! America’s Top Car Buyer! Call 1-888-513-1505.


fiLL tHe SLeiGH conteSt! Win a $35 gift card from Allure Family Hair Salon. Check out page 7 of this weeks American Classifieds for more details. ‘06 ford tauruS Low miles, new tires. $3,450. (325) 234-2612. 2014 cadiLLac atS, 28k miles, STK#91611, $20,977. Randall Motors, 325-6555631. 2016 toyota caMry, 17k miles, STK91690, $18,977. Randall Motors, 325-6555631. 2013 cHeVy Sonic LTZ. Auto, leather, tilt, cruise, power windows, locks & mirrors. 72,000 miles. Red. $7900. Can be seen at corner of College Hills Blvd & Ave N, (325) 223-1867. 2014 niSSan VerSa. $9950 +TT&L. The Good Guy Car Company, 1016 S. Koenigheim. 2013 Hyundai GeneSiS, 59k miles, STK91625B, $16,977. Randall Motors, 325-6555631. 2014 cadiLLac ctS-V, 18k miles, STK16143A, $49,977. Randall Motors, 325-6555631. 2007 MuStanG. V6, auto, Cruise, tilt, power windows, locks & mirrors. Alloy wheels, blue, 87,000 miles. $7,700. Can be seen at corner of College Hills Blvd & Ave N, (325) 223-1867. 2015 fieSta, $10,950 +TT&L. The Good Guy Car Company, 1016 S. Koenigheim.

2015 BuicK LacroSSe, 18k miles, STK9527, $22,977. Randall Motors, 325-6555631. 1995 cadiLLac DeVille, 4 door, good condition. 325-773-3898 or 325-260-8383 2016 BuicK LacroSSe, 15k miles, STK#91667, $26,977. Randall Motors, 325-6555631. 2006 cadiLLac dtS luxury sedan. low mileage of 68K miles only $7950 Call Von Marr at 325-665-7203. 2002 MuStanG, Real Sharp. SELL OR TRADE $4,250. 325-893-4863 325-386-9454. 2015 BuicK LacroSSe, 19k miles, STK91638, $23,497. Randall Motors, 325-6555631. 2014 cHeVy iMPaLa, 41k miles, STK9554, $14,477. Randall Motors, 325-6555631. 2006 Monte Carlo LTN real sharp, new tires. SELL OR TRADE $6,350. 325-893-4863 325-3869454. MuStanG conVertiBLe, Red, 2001, 150k, V6, auto, cold ac, excellent tires, $3000. No tire kickers 325-4287255. 2014 cHeVy iMPaLa, 25k miles, STK9588, $14,477. Randall Motors, 325-6555631. 2015 niSSan aLtiMa, $13,950 +TT&L. The Good Guy Car Company, 1016 S. Koenigheim. 2016 dodGe Ram 1500 Big Horn. Best price in town. Call Von Marr 325-665-7203. 2012 Mazda 3i, 19k miles, STK3576A, $12,977. Randall Motors, 325-655-5631. for SaLe 1990 Cadillac Sedan Deville, 2310 Jeanette 325-677-9676.

2014 Honda accord, 47k miles, STK91610a, $15,977. Randall Motors, 325-6555631. 2013 cadiLLac XtS, 80k miles, STK16152A, $21,977. Randall Motors, 325-6555631. 2014 ford fuSion, 17k miles, STK91666, $16,977. Randall Motors, 325-655-5631. 2016 cHeVy cruze, 15k miles, STK91622, $16,977. Randall Motors, 325-655-5631. 2013 cHeVy caMaro, 22k miles, STK#916103A, $26,977. Randall Motors, 325-6555631. 2013 LeXuS GS350, 61k miles, STK16115A, $26,977. Randall Motors, 325-655-5631. 2014 cadiLLac atS, 24k miles, STK#916134, $41,200. Randall Motors, 325-6555631. 2011 Kia Forte, excellent condition, sell for pay off. 325-320-9311 or 325754-8003. 2004 niSSan Armada (Black in Color) Nice, great condition $5750. 325-235-8320. 2007 ford Focus 4 cylinder, auto, power equipment, only 62k miles. $4995. 325-7662696. 2006 aVaLon, sunroof, leather, 88,244 miles, 4 door, beautiful car. Excellent condition. $11,000 firm. 325-3382775. 2009 cHeVy HHr automatic power windows, good body, red, slight hail damage, clean. $6000. Brand new battery, two new tires, hub caps. 325-672-7176 2011 MuStanG, 84k, V6, Automatic, w/3 year warranty. 10,995 Cadle’s Auto Sales 1031 Oak 325-899-3366


BODY SHOP Lifetime warranty on paint! Come by for a free estimate

7:30AM to 6 PM

Insurance claims welcome 801 W. Ave. N 655-5631 1995 cadiLLac SeVille SES, immaculate condition, 104k, Landau top, leather, maroon, $3950 obo. 325-6697044. 1976 MercedeS Benz 450-SL, can be hard top or soft top or convertible. $8500. 325338-5754. 2003 Pontiac Grand Prix, V6, auto, 96k miles, very good condition $3250. 325-766-2696. oLd VintaGe accessory car trunk, 1930 or 1940’s. 325-665-9412 or 325-665-9416. yeS i have a salvage title, 2008 Jaguar S Type, black, sunroof, leather, new tires, cold a/c, runs well $10,000. 325-2804949 leave msg. 2011 MitSuBiSHi Galant 64k, Drives great, 3 year warranty included Cadle’s Auto Sales 1031 Oak 325-899-3366 2013 Hyundai Accent Bright red, 35,000 miles, like new, $9500 or refinance at bank. Call 325-280-8729. 2000 Mazda Protege runs good, A/C, power windows & locks, back right end wrecked. $700 obo. 325-721-2465, 325721-2445. 1995 MuStanG. Automatic. Dark Green. V-6. A/C & Heater Works. Runs Great. $2,800 obo. 325-201-3831

2002 LincoLn LS in good shape, SELL OR TRADE $3,100 obo. 325893-4863 325-386-9454. 14ft utiLity trailer $500. Old Dodge pu $600. Denali suv $4400. F150, 2002, 4dr $3500. 325-338-3591. 4 - 1946 Jeep Tires, $200. Excellent condition. 325-518-1909.

November 24, 2016

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November 24, 2016 Pickups $CASH$ any make or model cars and pickups for wrecking use. We will pick them up. Clark’s Auto Wrecking, 6584377. 2000 CHEVY S10, high mileage, runs good, new tires, $2,695.00 (325) 234-2152 2009 DODGE RAM 3500, 6.7 Cummins Turbo diesel, 4WD, custom flatbed, 6 speed manual, excellent condition, only 62k miles, $24,000. (325) 374-0046. 2004 DODGE DAKOTA, hemi engine, new transmission, loaded. Way below wholesale. Will finance. (325) 245-9388. 2000 CHEVY ONE ton crew cab. 4WD. Full power, all working. 70K on engine, 25K on transmission. Mag wheels. Shell clean inside. Gas engine. Lots of new parts, have receipts. $5,500 OBO. (325) 6685185.

1993 CHEVY SHORT wide bed with custom bed top 40K miles on overhaul, run great, minor body damage on left fender, cold air & heat. Silver & Blue. $3,500.00 OBO. (325) 374-1177. GLASSDOCTOR WE FIX your panes! Chip repair. Free mobile service. 12 month breakage guarantee. Convenient expert installation. (325) 653-7380.


2001 FORD RANGER extended cab, auto, V6, 100K miles. New tires. Everything works. $3,200. OBO. (325) 9770587.


GREAT RATE ON auto insurance. Call for a COME CHECK OUT FREE quote TODAY. San Angelo Motor Co., (325)944-3813, Younts 2201 W. Ave. N, (325) Insurance. insurewest- 944-0522. See all the cars, pickups, and SUVs that we have. ‘90 TOYOTA P/U Auto, 4 cyl. 180,000. $1,600. (325) 650-4304. ONE OWNER 2005 F150 crew cab Laria pickupt. Loaded, new Premium tires. Clean. Below wholesale. Will finance with substantial 2003 FORD F250 down payment. (325) TURBO, Power stroke, 245-9388. Diesel has chip. EGR valve has been capped. Motor in truck has less than 60K. New injectors. $16,500. (325) 212-8331. UP TO $400 CASH paid for old cars and 2009 CHEVY trucks. More in some LONGBED. Runs needs work, $6500. 325- cases. (325) 656-3658 277-0873, 325-944-8418. Elkins Law Firm, P L L C http://www.ELKINSLAWFIRM.COMChad Elkins, (325)6518702 2001 FORD F150 pickup. ‘86 Chevy pu, 8’. ‘86 Chevy pu, 6’. 8’ trailer with toolbox . 2 front fenders - ‘55 chevy. (325) 277-1037.

2009 FORD F150. 33,000 miles. Well maintained. Automatic transmission. Excellent tires. Cold AC. $13,500. (325) 234-3958. 1999 F-350 CREW CAB. 7.3 diesel, long bed, 342,500 miles. $5,750. (325) 656-1955. 2003 CHEVY TRUCK, diesel, all in good shape, 94k miles, good enclosed 14 ft. box bed, excellent haul, moving, carpenter, plumbing or electrical, $9500. See at 1002 S. Koenigheim St. San Angelo. Call 325660-6198, 325-655-6989 or 325-473-4881. Will trade for ATV equal or less price $14,500. AMERICAN CLASSIFIEDS: I SOLD MY pickup the first day the ad came out. SS 1997 FORD F450. Cab & Chassis. Needs cam shaft. $750. (325) 659-1555.

2014 TOYOTA TUNDRA, 46k miles, STK91669A, $28,977. Randall Motors, 325-6555631. 2007 DODGE RAM. 4 door. 1/2 ton. Red. 111K. $11,800. (325) 227-9509. 2012 CHEVY SILVERADO Crew Cab, 44k miles, STK16154A, $27,977. Randall Motors, 325-655-5631.

2004 FORD F350 Diesel Crew Cab Dually, 4x4, utility bed, 223k miles, white, auto-trans. $7,200. (325) 939-1005. After noon. $CASH$. We will pay above scale weight. Cars or pickups for wrecking use. 658-4377.

2003 CHEVY SILVERADO 2500HD, $8,000 OBO. (325) 2625872. $CASH$. We will pay above scale weight. Cars or pickups for wrecking use. 658-4377.

FILL THE SLEIGH CONTEST! Win a 30 oz. RTIC Tumbler from Custom Dozer. Check out page 7 of this weeks American Classifieds for more details. 2007 DODGE PICKUP. Regular cab. Power windows & locks. Clean & reliable. 89K. $9,300. (325) 227-9289. WANT TO buy 3/4 ton Ford single wheel, 4x4, with 7.3 Power stroke, 5 speed or automatic. No junk. 325-725-3419. 1997 F150 pu, great shape, $3500 obo. 325829-8049. 2008 DODGE Ram 1500 129k miles, clean truck & body, power windows & locks. Sliding rear window, shortbed, new tires $12,500 obo. 325-721-2465 , 325-7212445. 2005 GMC SIERRA SLE 4X4, Z-71, excellent condition. 1 owner. 325665-4133. 09 DODGE, 4dr, diesel, 325-529-4255. 2010 FORD F150 pickup high mileage, $9500. Call 325-3380461 or 325-647-2807. FOR SALE 88 Mazda pu B2200, 6 spd stick shift, needs some work. 325-669-8259 good body & tires. 1986 TOYOTA 4x4 $3000. 325-236-5739, 325-236-0497. 97 DODGE 3500 1 ton with 400 Miller diesel welder, electric winch & poles 170,595 miles, 5 speed, with tools $10,000. 325-660-9586. 1995 FORD Super Cab 7.3 Power Stroke truck. 325-733-3552. 2000 FORD Ranger XLT, Ext Cab, V6, auto, power windows, power doors, 100k miles, $4950. 325-766-2696. 2013 GMC Sierra 1500 Extended Cab, Z71 Package, 4WD, Black, 42K miles. Has small nick on interior passenger door trim and a few hail dents on hood. Still under factory warranty. $24,500 OBO. Call/text 325-8646401. WELDING TRUCK 2004 F350 Lariat, Lincoln Welder, $18,000 obo. 806-548-1313.


Trailers 16’ fLat Bed car hauler, open trailer with winch, new tires and floor, reduced to $3750. (325) 456-6882 2013 carGo Mate ENCLOSED CARG0 trailer. 16ft extra wide & extra tall. Black smooth aluminum exterior. Ramp door with springs. $7,500. Call: (325) 9391956. aLL MetaL 18’ dovetail car hauler. 325-6177506, 325-212-3386. 100 GaL propane TANK $160.00; 8 FT TRAILER $160.00 (858) 337-5652. G.n. 35’x102” Wide, 3 flip down ramps, perlin flooring, 2 speed jack, 29,000 lb. carrying capacity, $8500. (325) 6556445. neW 16’ utiLitY Trailer. $1375. Hog Creek Trailers. Sales, Parts & Service. 5260 N. Chadbourne. San Angelo Tx. (325) 374-4802.

neW 2016 eLite 6’X10’ single axle. Enclosed cargo trailer.Vnose/Drop down door/32” side door. Height 78” $2650.00 (325) 656-3595 14’ open traiLer, new tires, reduced to $2950. (325) 456-6882 18’ open fLat bed car hauler, extra wide, new tires, $4250. (325) 456-6882 1998 car-HauLer roLL back. 18ft. $3,900. (325) 340-0181. utiLitY tiLt traiLer, $500.00, New Jack, Wiring Harness, Led Lights, Ramps and 3 New Tires. Can be seen at 1909 Spring Creek Dr, Call 325-2777053

1995 MaLLard BuMper pull. Perfect for Deer Lease. $1,500. (325) 374-7074. approxiMateLY 16x6’ utiLitY trailer. 5’ ramp gate, new tires. $1600 OBO. (325) 2279509. 6 ea. 6 ON 5 1/2 ALUMINUM WHEELS AND ST225/75R15 LOAD RANGE E TIRES, 1 EA. WHITE WHEEL AND TIRE, 1 EA. ALUMINUM WHEEL ONLY. 325-6568174 encLosed 4x8 traiLer, $350. Wild Bill’s pawn, 1315 MLK, 658-7066.


2011 ford expedition XLT. Great condition, silver ext. & gray cloth interior. CD, Blue tooth, Keyless entry. Call (432) 448-4458 or (325) 453-4348. 117,000 miles. $13,000. 2011 cadiLLac srx, 55k miles, STK11729A, $21,977. Randall Motors, 325-6555631. 2015 cadiLLac escaLade, 39k miles, STK#11764A, $69,977. Randall Motors, 325-6555631. coMe cHecK out San Angelo Motor Co., 2201 W. Ave. N, (325) 944-0522. See all the cars, pickups, and SUVs that we have.

$casH$ any make or model cars and pickups for wrecking use. We will pick them up. clark’s auto Wrecking, 6584377.

2003 cHeVY taHoe. New tires. Runs good. $3,900. (325) 374-5460 or (325) 9442 2 8 8 . 2 0 1 5 cHrYsLer 200, 13k miles, STK11712B, $20,977. Randall Motors, 325-655-5631. 2010 cadiLLac srx, 72k miles, STK#916121A, $18,997. Randall Motors, 325-6555631. 2008 HYundai santa Fe, V6. 111,000 miles. Runs great. New battery (w/ warranty), newer tires (w/ warranty). Asking $8,700 OBO. Ph # (325) 716-7809 2016 cHeVY equinox, 15k miles, STK916104, $22,977. Randall Motors, 325-6555631. 2015 cadiLLac escaLade 39k miles, STK91642A, $60,977. Randall Motors, 325-6555631. 2012 acura Mdx AWD, 50k miles, STK#91656B, $25,977. Randall Motors, 325-6555631.

2012 cadiLLac srx, 71k miles, STK#11717A, $18,977. Randall Motors, 325-6555631. 2013 ford escape, 46k miles, STK11720B, $16,977. Randall Motors, 325-655-5631. 2016 cadiLLac srx, 20k miles, STK#916122, $34,977. Randall Motors, 325-6555631. 2014 cadiLLac cts Wagon, 55k miles, STK#916100A, $18,977. Randall Motors, 325-6555631. 2015 cHeVY taHoe 20k miles, STK9561, $49,977. Randall Motors, 325-655-5631. 2014 HYundai santa FE, 28k miles, STK3575A, $16,997. Randall Motors, 325-6555631. 2014 toYota raV4, 30k miles, STK3608A, $17,977. Randall Motors, 325-655-5631. 2015 GMc terrain FWD, 37k miles, STK91671, $22,977. Randall Motors, 325-6555631. 2015 MitsuBisHi outLander Sport. Auto, cruise, tilt, power windows, locks & mirrors. Alloy wheels, balance of factory warranty, 15,000 miles. Blue. $15,500. Can be seen at corner of College Hills Blvd & Ave N, (325) 223-1867.

2010 dodGe, V6, cruise, tilt, power windows, locks & mirrors. Alloy wheels, luggage rack, 77,000 miles. Black. $9,900. Can be seen at corner of College Hills Blvd & Ave N, (325) 2231867. 2009 HYundai santa Fe. V6, auto, cruise, tilt, new Bridgestone tires, power windows & locks. Gray metalli, 69,000 miles. Showroom condition. $9200. Can be seen at corner of College Hills Blvd & Ave N, (325) 2231867. 2014 MitsuBisHi outLander Sport. Auto, cruise, tilt, power windows, locks & mirrors. Alloy wheels, balance of factory warranty, 37,000 miles. White. $11,200. Can be seen at corner of College Hills Blvd & Ave N, (325) 223-1867. 2012 MitsuBisHi outLander SE. Auto, cruise, tilt, power windows, locks & mirrors. Alloy wheels, luggage rack. 44,000 miles. $10,900. Can be seen at corner of College Hills Blvd & Ave N, (325) 2231867. 2013 nissan roGue. Auto, tilt, cruise, power windows, locks & mirrors, alloy wheels. Whtie, 50,000 miles. $11,900. Can be seen at corner of College Hills Blvd & Ave N, (325) 223-1867.

2010 Jeep Laredo 4x4. $13,950 +TT&L. The Good Guy Car Company, 1016 S. Koenigheim. 2006 Lexus Gs, $13,950 +TT&L. The Good Guy Car Company, 1016 S. Koenigheim. 2015 Kia souL $12,950 +TT&L. The Good Guy Car Company, 1016 S. Koenigheim. 2011 equinox. $13,950 +TT&L. The Good Guy Car Company, 1016 S. Koenigheim.

Discover a deal!


1998 caraVan, 4 cyl., rebuilt transmission. New water pump, tires, brakes. $2500 obo. 325650-5514. $casH$. We will pay above scale weight. Cars or pickups for wrecking use. 325-658-4377. 1999 astro Van, good condition. $2200. (325)374-3458. coMe cHecK out San Angelo Motor Co., 2201 W. Ave. N, (325) 944-0522. See all the cars, pickups, and SUVs that we have.

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November 24, 2016



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November 24, 2016


1967 CHEvROLET sTEP Side, 3 speed on column, original, one owner, reduced to $32,500. (325) 456-6882

1977 CHEvY EL CAMINO 6 cyl. $2,500. (325) 340-0181. ‘80 CAMARO. 350, Alum. heads, 350 Turbo, 410 gears, gauges. Ready race. NOS. 1934 fORD COUPE; $5,500. (325) 656-7278. 327 motor, 300hp, at the rear wheels, a/c & heater, red interior, 372 posi rear end, suicide doors, shaved doors & trunk, radio, tape deck, CD player & chrome front 1960 fORD gALAXY axle & engine. $39,900 500, 70k miles, all origi- FM nal, $6500. (325) 617- 1951 MERCURY 3544. TWO-DOOR project. 1977 2 DOOR CHEVY $4,500. 1935 Pontiac 4 VEGA setup for small double suicide doors, block Chevy. (325) 653- $7,000. (325) 340-0181.I 9144 or (325) 650-4717. Call (325) 212-1788.

1983 CHEvY PU. Short/Narrow, rebuilt heavy duty, TH400 Auto, New dual exhaust, New Interior, am/fm, fast v8, 350 + 2 new tires. $8,000 ‘79 BUICK REgAL Call (804) 243-3110 LIMITED Lots of chrome, V8 301, bored point 030; overdrive. A/C. Needs paint. Same owner for 30 years. $4,600. (325) 365-5791. Ballinger, Texas. 1981 CADILLAC HEARsE. Low mileage. A/C. $3,850 OBO. Same as in Ghostbusters. (325) 212-5712.

1964 fORD fAIRLANE; 65k miles. Runs good, Mint condition. $7500 obo. Cash. (325) 226-4267

1978 RANCHERO gT; 35/c, auto, excellent condition. New dual exhaust, Interior, paint$9,000. (804) 2433110 33RD TEXAs sWAP MEET WINTERNATIONALS DEC 10TH-11TH AT THE BELL EXPO CENTER IN BELTON TEXAS ! S P A C E S / I N F O CALL/TEXT 254-7607431

1987 CHEvY CAMARO T-Top Z28 with rebuilt 350 engine with tuner. PW, PL, working A/C & heater. New tires. Flowmaster exhaust. $3700. (325) 374-5066. 1968 vW Carman GIHA Convertible, it runs, its original, has some rust, needs referbishing, also Carman Giha Coup (parts car) both cars for $4,200. Texas 325-6604828. LOTs Of Model A & Model T parts For Sale New and Used. Engines, beds, etc. Call with your needs! 325-665-9412 or 325-665-9416 1958 fORD Custom 300 2-door Sedan. No engine or Trans. Have lots of extra parts $1500. 325-370-9962

Besy Wishes for a plentiful Thanksgiving. 2013 sHELBY gT500 Black & red. 2K miles. Mint with every option. $49,900 OBO. (325) 2774570. 1955 CHEvY PU project. Chop top, suicide doors. V8 automatic, power steering and brakes. Tx title. $3500 OBO. (325) 374-5173. BIg CLOsINg sALE! Saturday 11-26. See ad in Garage Sales ‘03. 5202 N. Chadbourne. 1966 PLYMOUTH Sport Fury 2 dr. hardtop. True Barn find. 383 - 4 bbl, V-8, floor shift, bucket seats, no rust car. Excellent restoration candidate. $3500. 325-3709962

MOTORCYCLES FOR SALE 2006 Harley Davidson Deluxe Black, 14k Miles ................................................................... $8,995 2006 Harley Davidson Street Glide Black, ................................................................................... $8,995 1980 Harley Davidson Shovel Head FLH Electric & Kick Start ....................................................... $7,995

325-572-3849 (Home) 325-370-5039 (Cell)

Boats 21fT. PROLINE WITH 200 hp Mercurcy motor,, $5000 obo. 325374-5595. 2001 BAY sTEALTH YAMAHA 150 V6, 20’ 3” LESS THAN 150 MOTOR HOURS. ASKING $10,500. CALL/TEXT (325) 277-0033.

fILL THE sLEIgH CONTEsT! Win 2 Kayak rentals from Coles Army Surplus. Check out page 7 of this weeks American Classifieds for more details. 600-1,000 sq.fT. WAREHOUsE/sTO RAgE units. Just outside city limits. $275 and $375 a month, Utilities available. Call Gretchen, 325-2340069.

2008 BAYLINER 175, low hours, good condition, best offer. (325) 2121598. 1986 sUPRA COMP. 19’ 7” long, 351 Ford 1982 HONDA gOLD motor includes stereo, life WING. $1,500. 725 E. 2002 HARLEY jackets. $4,000. (325) 42nd. (325) 374-0969. DAvIDsON Custom 277-4073. RoadKing Classic. 31K miles. Excellent condition. Custom paint & chrome. $8,400. (325) BOAT sERvICE & 656-0010 PARTs. All brands of 1970 sPORTsTER boats serviced. Volvo sHOvEL HEAD Runs Penta & Tohatsu servgood. Needs some work. ice. Large parts inven$4000. Must see!! (432) tory. We sell & install 634-6556. wakeboard towers & accessories. Upholstery repair available. Three Rivers Ma- 1998 sUZUKI MArine service Cen- RADER 800bb, new ter. 2143 Industrial, tires, new battery, 34k on San Angelo, TX, bike, 10k on engine, $1900 cash.(325) 763- 2003 ANNIvERsARY (325)227-4918. H-D ROAD KING, Black. 5871 Cleanest in town. 96 inch LAKE ALAN HENRY COME CHECK OUT Screaming Eagle big LODGES 1 hour from San Angelo Motor Co., bore kit. Chromed out. Lubbock. Satellite TV, Wi- 2201 W. Ave. N, (325) Tons of extras. New rear Fi, Bar-b-que Pits, Full 944-0522. See all the tire, 2 front fenders, 2 kitchen. 806-777-0337, cars, pickups, and seats. 38K miles. Always garaged & covered. RegSUVs that we have. ular maintenance. 2014 LOWE 22 Bay 22’3” Heavy Duty Boat 2002 HD sOfTAIL $8,000.00 FIRM. Cell Stk#03522 $32,995. Fully screaming eagle. New (804) 243-3110. Leave equipped Bay Boat, Ex- tires. Fast & extras. message. plore your options like $10,500. (325) 656-7278 A.C.E. 4 WHEELER never before. Sandy HARLEY & MOTORCYCLE Creek Marina 254-559- 2011 DAvIDsON Street REPAIR “The Friendly 2815. Glide, Screaming Eagle. Shop”. 1979 19’ Deep V Chap- 25K miles. $15,000 OBO. Motorcycle Parts, service & repair paral, has Mercury (325) 725-6128. on ATV’S, motorcycles 115hp, good trailer, all ti& UTV’s. 315 N. Main. tles, as is $795. 325-513Mon.-Fri., 9am-6pm; 7055. Sat. 9am-2pm. 95 gLAsTRON Fish & (325)658-7690. Ski 130hp Evinrude, well kept, nice trailer, original 2004 HARLEY owners manual, runs, out DAvIDsON Roadking; good. $5500 obo. 325Clean, garage kept, No 220-0320. joy rides, Serious In1997 sKEETER 6ft quiries only. $8400 obo. boat with trailer, 150hp (325) 656-7291 Mercury Outboard, al- 2013 KAWAsAKI OLD ways stored inside vERsYs, 3000 miles, WANTED $8000. 254-559-1064. riding gear included. JAPANEsE MOTORCYCLES KAWASAKI Z1fOR sALE 14ft fiber- Great condition. $4000 900 (1972-75), KZ900, glass sail boat with sails obo. (325) 227-7024. KZ1000 (1976-1982), & trailer. 325-669-8259. Z1R, KZ 1000MK2 1984 BAss Tracker (1976,80), W1-650, H1Alum Fishing Boat 17’ 500 (1969-72), H2-750 50hp Force troll motor. (1972-1975), S1-250, S2$2700. 325-668-8159. 350, S3-400, KH250, KH400, SUZUKI- GS400, GT380, HONDACB750K (1969-1976), CBX1000 (1979,80) CASH!! 1-800-772-1142, 1-310-721-0726.



2015 HONDA METRO Scooter. 50cc. 125 mpg. Like new purchased last year. $1,595 OBO. New $2,395.(325) 276-2271.


Stuff yourself with great deals in the American Classifieds.

1983 gOLDWINg 1100, New Paint, Tires & Upholstery, parked 5 years ago, as is. $1,200. (325) 655-3221 (325) 234-9809. 2009 HD sPORTsTER 1200, 1600 MI., EC, garaged, extras.$7250 OBO. (325) 716-5889 2001 HARLEY sPORTsTER 1200 CC. Custom paint. 9,355 2007 sUZUKI miles. $4,750.00 (325) BOULEvARD C-90, 703-1340. 8,000 miles, windshield. Hard luggage cobra YOUR AD COULD BE HERE! pipes. Garage kept. Call 944-7653 $3,900. (325) 656-3384.

fILL THE sLEIgH CONTEsT! Win 2 Mexican Dinners from Henry’s. Check out page 7 of this weeks American Classifieds for more details. 2005 ANNIvERsARY EDITION 1800 Goldwing Trike. 25K miles. VERY well taken care of. Fully loaded, lots of extras, floorboards, backrests, elbow rests, 4 speakers, 3 sets of helmets, 2 set with intercom. $21,900. (325) 895-1835, Rick. 2007 HARLEY Davidson Electra Glide Ultra Classic Touring $8999. Max’s Cycle 941 N. Mockingbird, Abilene. 325-673-4636. 2009 KAWAsAKI Vulcan 900, 6500 miles, many extras, $4300. 325701-4370. HARLEY DAvIDsON , 2000 Lowrider, 35k miles, 88 cu in, $6500. Call after 1pm. 325-4370995. 2004 HONDA vTX 1300, brushed silver with pin striping $4000. 325665-0288. RED TAg Sale!! Kent’s Cycles 3106 S. Clack, Abilene, Tx 79606. 325673-7103 2009 YAMAHA V-Star 950 Tourer, Black Cherry, engine guard, 2250 miles, like new condition $5800. 325-998-3750. CLAssIC 1983 Venture Royal Trike, $12,995. 05 Vulcan, total custom metal flake, hand carved leather, make offer. 325572-3354. gOLDWINg AsPENCADE, oldie but goodie, 1983, runs perfect, $2000. No free rides. 325-428-7255. 2004 HONDA 750 Shadow, great shape $2200 obo. 325-8298049. 2013 HONDA Goldwing Audio Comfort Touring $15,999. Max’s Cycle 941 N. Mockingbird, Abilene. 325-673-4636. 2005 HONDA gL1800 Goldwing Touring $9999. Max’s Cycle 941 N. Mockingbird, Abilene. 325-673-4636


Heavy Equipment WElDinG RiG 1990 RANGER 31,000 MILES ENGINE, NEW TIRES, AC, FLATBED. 15’ GIN POLE. MILLER 250 Bobcat with heads. 11,000 Gen., 78 hrs., suitcase, X-treme 8 VS wire, victor torch hose & gauges, tool boxes. All new. $6,000. obo (325) 716-3629. 2014 TcM FoRKliFT, 5000 lbs, propane, 650 hours, $17,500. 325-374-5595. 2000 FREiGHTlinER clAssic XL 470 Detroit 10 Speed Auto Shift 358 Rears $13,000. 1996 Transcraft 48x96, Flatbed spread $8500. 325-8641758. ‘97 inTERnATionAl DT466E flatbed diesel, new motor, new tires, $10,000. 325-374-5595.

Elkins law Firm, p l l c http://www.ElKinslAWFiRM.coMchad Elkins, (325)6518702 QUincY 350 cFM Air compressor, electric, 3 phase, $10,000. (325) 655-6445. 6 Ton cRAnE - 1978 Broderson carry deck; 360 degree turntable,25’ boom, propane Ford commercial engine; good condition $9000; for information call 325 529 4949

A bounty of best wishes!



November 24, 2016

Page 29

KnoW?! (4 EA.) - Steel Rims 15” onE 5 HolE 16” Rim, T R A n s M i s s i o n

02 DoDGE Dakota Auto Parts clARK’s oUT of 2000 Mercury pickup bed cover with all AUTo off a ‘67 Chevy, $300. $50. (325) 456-6882 & Marquis, will also fit WREcKinG has NEW (325) 456-6882 pARTs FoR 67-86 PU attachments. $300. See Accessories auto parts, doors, fend- nATion WiDE parts and Trucks and 4x4 stuff. Crown Victoria and Lin- at 1110 EN Houston, AbiFoUR All-TERRAin lT265/70 R17, reduced to $250. (325) 456-6882 cAsH pAiD FoR catalytic converters. Call me before you let them go! $15-$100. (325) 6563658. lEER cAnopY, WHiTE with Yakama. These items fit Ranger 2000 year & other years, too. New $1,400 now $475. Call John (325) 716-6002. nEW sET cUsToM floorliners for Jeep Unlimited. (4dr) $100. Paid $250. (325) 942-9394, (325) 234-0939. BED coVER, TRiFolD by Extang for Chevrolet 5’ 8” bed. 500.00 obo. Reese 16,000 5th wheel with rails. 400.00 obo. (325) 234-1714.

ers, grills, radiators, hoods, lights, door handles. Many in stock or next day delivery. You’ll be surprised at their prices. 658-4377. 88-98 cHEVY FRonT clips, truck bed, $250. ‘94-’01 Dodge pickup beds and front clips, $250. 460LE transmission $350, 700r4 transmission $325, turbo 350 transmission $200, Chevy Dodge, Ford doors and fenders, $60. (325) 656-3658

locator service! Can’t find that part you need? Call clark’s and let them find it for you. (325) 6584377. $cAsH$. We will pay above scale weight. Cars or pickups for wrecking use. 658-4377. AnTiQUE 15Hp Fairbanks Morse Z engine. About 1917 Model. 325665-9412 or 325-6659416 ‘75 BlAzER 4x4 not running $1500. 325-4287607 No Text MoDEl A FoRD Canvas trunk with leather straps and handles, includes mounting rack to mount to the car. Includes cover, used but in WRAp ARoUnD good condition. Leather GRill guard, Frame straps need to be rewidth 36-3/4” $175 (325) placed. $250. 325-665655-7878. 9412 or 325-665-9416.

325-863-2267. 80’ cHEV lUV PU. BUILDER $500. CHROME 110 gal. Square Diesel Tank w/15 gpm Pump. LIKE NEW $600 325-642-4022. ADVAncE BATTERY, brand new, fits Buick Rivera $75. Keyless entry remote for Buick Rivera $50. 325260-7613 TWo c5 Corvette Rear Quarter Panels, Factory black paint, garaged, 25,000 miles used, $270 each. GM Price $983 each. 325-698-4204. EXTRA HEAVY DUTY headache rack with full rails and ladder rack, REDUCED to $575. Brady, Tx. (325) 456-6882.

coln. 325-280-7763. FoR sAlE for parts only, 1995 F150 SC, 2wd, $1200. 325-725-2656. BUY YoUR Christmas Accessories for your Truck, SUV or Jeeps. We have a great assortment of Bumpers, Rock Crawlers, Jeep led lights, Lift Kits, Tires and Wheels and Winches. Call today. Off Road Performance. Chunky Monkey 605 Hays Rd., Clyde, Texas 325-518-5117. 3 pHAsE, 15hp Electric motor with gear reduction. 325-665-9416 or 325-665-9412 1997 FiREBiRD, not running, engine good $1500. 325-280-1450 no text. 4 - 1946 Jeep Tires, $200. Excellent condition. 325-518-1909.

lene, Texas. TWo KUMHo Ecsta MX tires, 295/35-18 1/2 original tread remaining, $100 each. 325-6984204. FUll sTREnGTH green Anti-Freeze $9.50 per gallon & or 50/50 mix $7.50 per gallon. 325338-0185 REBUilT 350 400 700R4 4L60E GM Transmissions, some Chry and Ford’s rear wheel drives. 325-260-3432. pARTinG oUT 1997 Ford F250 4x4, 460 motor, automatic, transfer case, front end doors, rear end, long bed 325665-8699. TWo EXcEllEnT Michelin PS 2 tires 275/35-18, 8 32’s tread remaining, $180 each. 325-698-4204.

(866) 753-442 753-4424 CLYDE 4 • CL LYDE YD YDE

FF 12,000 OFF


ON NEW 2017


MSRP Before Package Savings .$46,960 $46,960 Rebate...................................$2,250 $2,250 $9,750 ke’s Disc .........................$9,750







2017 RAM

1500 Lone Star


2016 DODGE

STK# J72303


Dar t

R Renegade g


Ask about

for 72 months on RAM half ton pickups MSRP ..................................$21,670 Blake’s Disc .........................$1,000 Rebate Rebate...................................$2,000


18,670 18 670


MSRP ..................................$19,990 Blake’s Disc .........................$1,000 Rebate...................................$2,500



16,490 16 490




2017 Jeep Cherokee

2015 Chrysler 200 STK# B54411

2016 Jeep Patriot STK# V83432

STK# L14602

MSRP .................................. ..................................$21,935 Blake’s Disc .........................$3,000 .........................


18,935 18,935 PLUS TT&L

MSRP ..................................$27,125 Blake’s Disc .........................$3,000



You pay what we pay on all IN-STOCK inventory.


MSRP ..................................$25,270 $25,270 Blake’s Disc .........................$2,800 $2,800 Rebate...................................$2,500 $2,500

MSRP ............................................... $26,015 Blake’s Disc ...................................... $2,000 Rebate................................................... ................................................... $750

23,265 23,,265



1 19,970 0



EVERY CREDIT APPLICA LICA ATION TION ACCEPTED ACCE We Buy Used Trucks - Trade Up Today! Exit 300 on I-20 Clyde, Texas 866-753-4424 • w w w . b l a k e c l y d e . c o m



Page 30

November 24, 2016

RV’s HuGe SeLecTION OF new and used fifth wheel and bumper pull camping trailers in stock. Full line parts and service. AMeRIcAN TRuck ANd RV San Angelo 325-234-7979. RV LOTS FOR rent. $200/month. Ready to hook up today. (325) 2127014. 2014 SANdPIPeR 5TH Wheel, 40’. Gooseneck and 5th wheel hitches, 4 slides, fp, washer/dryer connections, front living, flat screen TV, 10 gal. water heater. King bed, 2 A/C’s. Sleep 6. Very Clean. (325) 226-2079, (325) 226-6160.

RV LOTS IN Carlsbad for rent. Long term spaces located two blocks off of Hwy 87 N. on Angelo St. $300/ mo. Includes water, sewer and electric. 325-2340295 2013 AVeNGeR 23’ TT; 1 slideout, Like new, $17,000 FMI Call (325) 234-8797 in Christoval, Tx. 2012 cycLONe 3950 Toy Hauler, 3 Slides, 41 5500 Onan generator, 3 A/C Units, Rear Porch, Sub Woofer Amp, 12 Toy Box. Call 432-254-6991. 1991 5TH wHeeL travel trailer. 1985 Pace Arrow motorhome. (325) 651-5817. LARGe RV LOTS FOR RENT in quiet Cactus Lane Park. $150 per month. (325) 6531144.

* RV MOTOR HOMe Has generator, runs good, sleeps 5. Good clean condition. 1991 Sprinter model. $6900 OBO. (325) 716-9169. 1991 RV SIeRRA 26ft. 1 bdrm. Gooseneck. $3,250. (325) 656-9935. 2015 FRANkLIN RuSHMORe 40’ 5th Wheel. Dual axle w/ new tires, 4 slides and automatic hydraulic leveling system, 50 amp, has 2 AC units and a built in vacuum system. King bed, 2 TV’s, DVD, 2 side by side refrigerators, convection microwave, Lazy boy recliners and king sofa/ sleeper, fireplace and ceiling fan, center island in kitchen, Tons of cabinets and storage galore! Will include already installed washer/dryer and generator! A $6000 add on. Possibly add on a B&W 5th Wheel slider hitch to sweeten the deal $3500 value. A beautiful and babied RV! $69,000 325234-5601 HuGe SeLecTION OF new and used fifth wheel and bumper pull camping trailers in stock. Full line parts and service. AMeRIcAN TRuck ANd RV San Angelo, 325-234-7979.

HOMe AwAy FROM home!!! 2015 Sandpiper 380H5. 3 YR TRANSFERABLE WARRANTY! 5th wheel RV, 5 slides, bunk room, king bed, lg. shower, washer/dryer connections, outdoor kitchen. Length: 42’5”, height: 13’2”, dry weight: 12,379 lbs., $42,500 OBO. Too many extras to mention. Call or text (432)276-2656 for more information & pictures. cAB OVeR SLIde IN JAYCO camper. $2,000.00 Garage kept under cover when not in use. (325) 655-8113. New 5TH wHeeL trailer hitch. (325) 6515704, (325) 234-5850

2BR/2BA PARk MOdeL Trailer on approx 1/2 acre on ranch outskirts of town. $575 mo., $300 deposit. Call (325) 212-7014.

cONSIGNMeNTS TeXAS RV Superstore. We take consignments. We always need merchandise. So if your RV is just sitting around, give us a call. We can sell it. 432-6976447.

36’ dIeSeL PuSHeR Motor Home. Priced to sell. (325) 212-2125. 2012 cRuSAdeR RV, $32,000. 325-650-1317.

2010 SPRINTeR BuMP PULL CAMPER. 32 foot, with slide out, has extreme thermal package. $18,000. (325) 277-4073. 2012 keySTONe cOuGAR Lite 5th wheel, bunk house, sleeps 7, excellent condition, $18,000. (325) 3740046. 1995 kOuNTRy STAR by Newmar with slide, 38’. Good condition. $10,000. (325) 6501665. 5218 State Hwy 208. ReeSe 15k 4-wAy 5th wheel hitch. Complete. $300. (325) 5189555.

2011 ROckwOOd SIGNATuRe ULTRA LIGHT. 31ft., 2 slides, 2 leather recliners, 27” HD TV. $18,500. (325) 2129509. Reece FIFTH wHeeL hitch & rails. $250. (325) 942-9394 or (325) 234-0939

HuGe SeLecTION OF new and used fifth wheel and bumper pull camping trailers in stock. Full line parts and service. AMeRIcAN TRuck ANd RV San Angelo, 325-234-7979. *BuyING RVS TRAVeL Trailers, Fifth Wheels, Motorhomes. Texas RV Superstore, 5904 W. Highway 80, Midland, Texas. 432-6976447.

1997 PLeASuRewAy dOdGe 1 ton chasis, 318 cu. in. V8, 16 mpg, 105k miles, runs good, looks good,$6900 obo. (325) 465-8822 after 5 p.m. 2016 APeX cOAcHMAN Ultralite BH, 1/2 ton towable. 325-617-7506, 325-212-3386. HuGe SeLecTION OF new and used fifth wheel and bumper pull camping trailers in stock. Full line parts and service. AMeRIcAN TRuck ANd RV San 2011 JAycO OcTANe 161 super light Angelo, 325-234-7979. car hauler. 20 ft. long, generator, new tires, new battery, 1/2 ton towable, $12,000. (325) 763-5871 TeXAS RV SuPeRSTORe. Need repair on your RV? Call our Service 2014 THOR Ace30.1 Department to schedule Motor home, very low your RV for repair. Very miles, self contained, no reasonable rates, quick longer camp, serious in- turn around times. Give quiries only. (830) 703- us a call @ 432-6979296. 6447.


HuGe SeLecTION OF new and used fifth wheel and bumper pull camping trailers in stock. Full line parts and service. AMeRIcAN TRuck ANd RV San Angelo 325-234-7979. 16FT. TRAVeL TRAILeR. Needs some work. $500. Call (325) 234-7194 after 4pm. LARGeST RV PARTS dealer in the Permian Basin. Texas RV Superstore, 432-697-6447. HuGe SeLecTION OF new and used fifth wheel and bumper pull camping trailers in stock. Full line parts and service. AMeRIcAN TRuck ANd RV San Angelo 325-234-7979. 2- 16 k REESE fifthwheel hitches, no rails. $250 each your choice or both for $450. (804) 2433110 HuGe SeLecTION OF new and used fifth wheel and bumper pull camping trailers in stock. Full line parts and service. AMeRIcAN TRuck ANd RV San Angelo 325-234-7979. 2012 XLR NITRO 28TQD Toy Hauler, bumper pull on board, 35 gal. fuel cell, all new tires, $15,995. (325) 939-1005 after noon.

FILL THe SLeIGH cONTeST! Win a Diamond Ring donated by Cano’s. Check out page 7 of this weeks American Classifieds for more details. 2014 wILdwOOd XLITe BY FOREST RIVER. COMES WITH TOWING SYSTEM. ONLY USED 3 TIMES AND IN GREAT SHAPE. PHONE # 432-661-2325 ASKING 11,000 OBO



OVeR 35 perience. brands. rates. Call 5059.

yeARS exAll major Reasonable (325) 716-

BOAT SeRVIce & PARTS. All brands of boats serviced. Volvo Penta & Tohatsu service. Large parts inventory. We sell & install wakeboard towers & accessories. Upholstery repair available. Three Rivers Marine Service center. 2143 Industrial, San Angelo, TX, (325)227-4918.

APPLIANce SeRV- Attract buyers - Advertise. Ice & RePAIR Reasonable, honest, CARPENTRY dependable. Call for Service. (325) 227-5306 (325) 653-8586. Member ALL TyPeS OF CARBBB. PENTRY & repairs. Free estimates. Bob Seals (325) 650-0757.


NORTHSIde BATTeRy, LLc. New and refurbished. Cars, trucks, diesel batteries. Small mechanical work. We can come to you!. (325) 213-6057.

Discover a deal!

CARPET REPAIR RAyMONd’S cARPeT RePAIR & INS T A L L A T I O N SeRVIce. Restretching, relaying and patching. Call Raymond, (325) 234-5896.

944-SOLD LARGe RV LOTS for only $255 per month, you pay your electric, we pay water, sewer & trash pickup. You will have access to our community pool, basketball & tennis courts & much more! Call (325) 658-2763. 31’ cAMPeR trailer, Challenger will built, 5th wheel, new tires, 2 new Lazyboy recliners, sleeps 6. 325-665-1449. Tucked AwAy RV Park, 1117 W. FM 2105. Wi-Fi, laundry, showers. (325)6581872 or (432) 2135271. 2004 cOAcHMAN 27.6 5th WHEEL. Large slide, clean. $11,000. 1996 3/4 ton Ram diesel 139,600 miles. Clean unit. $19,000 both. (325) 650-0979. ReeSe 15k 4way 5th wheel hitch, complete $300. 325-518-9555. wATeRFRONT HuGe Oak Trees, Beautiful Lake Brownwood level RV waterfront lot, by owner. $25,000 terms or $22,500 cash. 325-6425253. 1989 FORd Motor home Sleeps 6, only 10,497 original miles, one owner, appliances never been used, 94 hours on generator, new tires and battery. Like new inside and out! Trade for house or consider selling. Call 903-802-4471 600’ OF Shoreline Waterfront Lake Brownwood. Trees, Septic, can be used commercially. By Owner 325-642-5253. 99 LANce Light slide in pickup camper, #845. Everything works, $3000. 325-668-3402, 325-6602813. MORRIS cLASSIc Complete 5th Wheel Hitch Set Up. $275. 325829-8612 2001 SHASTA Travel Trailer. Slide Out, 5th wheel. $5,295.00 obo. 325-721-2445 2007 36’ TT very nice, fully furnished, washer, dryer, dog pen, STOE house, located at Lake Stamford. $9000. 325576-3565.

CERAMIC TILE RON GRANTHAM TILe since 1975. Tile installation, associated remodeling. (325) 8955064, (325) 468-3404.

ReeSe 5TH wHeeL Hitch. Gear Operated, 16K, 50 amp RV Electrical Cables. 325-3701032 after 5:00 P.M. 1/4 AcRe, 1/2 acre, RV lots with trees, septic, electric, patio & carport. By owner, Lake Brownwood 325-642-5253. uSed RV Trailers & Motorhomes Needed. Any Condition. Call 325-2012268. 1967 ScHOOL Bus Mobile Home $700. 325773-3898 or 325-2608383 SATeLLITe ANTeNNA Dish Tailgater, with receiver $125. 325829-5710.


kuBOTA 1100. HuNT or work in comfort. 1,521 pound payload. $12,875. (325) 949-4006.


Gobble up the savings!

cLeANING - ReSIdeNTIAL. Commercial. Homes, offices, moveouts, new construction. (325) 245-5948.


c&R cONSTRucTION HAS very good tile man. 325-374-1538, 432-270-4632.

ATTRACT BUYERS ADVERTISE. CLEANING SERVICE SMALL cLeANING cOMPANy. Big or Small we clean it all! Residential & Commercial. (325) 374-0993 cell (325) 653-0000 Business. BReNdA’S cLeANING SeRVIce. Residential and office cleaning. Serving San Angelo area for 15 years. Fast dependable service at a reasonable rate. (325) 277-3425.

HANd GuN cLASSeS. Beginner classes & license to carry classes. Held on Saturdays or Sundays. Corporate & group classes considered on your schedule at your location. Call Daryl Presley (325) 212-3703 or The Outdoorsman (325) 947-8859.

944-SOLD CONCRETE BOLDING CONCRETE - Metal buildings, houses, driveways, patios, etc. 8’X10’ slab, $625. (325) 653-6322, (325) 277-1851. NEED CONCRETE DRIVEWAY? We do any kind of concrete work. Good references, work history & free estimates. FMI Call (325) 300-9630

S&S CONSTRUCTION Backhoe, Bulldozer, Dump Truck. All types dirt work and land clearing. Tractor shredding, build roads, pads, etc. Office (325) 944-8282, mobile (325) 650-1394.


VINYL REPLACEMENT WINDOWS. No heat or cold transfer. Double hung insulated with Low E glass, Argon gas filled. Saves up to 40% on utilities. Chuck Corfield Construction, 100 miles radius from San Angelo. 325949-5087.


ELECTRIC HANDYMAN S O U T H L A N D HANDYMAN SERVICE. Large or small, we do it ALL. Call (325) 2631455. REAPIR, REMODEL, NEW construction, roofing. By the house or contract the job. 32 years experience in West Texas. Also plumbing, electrical and paint crew. C&R Construction. 325374-1538, 432-270-4632.

L&M ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS. No job too big or too small. Mike Herrera, Master Electrician, TECL #26082. Insured. (325) 234-9599 or (325) 947HANDYMAN - ALL 3148. types remodeling and home repairs. Free estimates. Bob Seals (325) 650-0757. MINOR REPAIRS. TERRAZAS FENC- LIGHT Hauling or MowING Ranch Fencing, ing. 40 year constr. expehigh fences, private fenc- rience. (325) 315-6101. ing, chain link fencing, Local. painting corrals, fence painting. Cell-(325) 650- Al Brown FIX IT ALL Handyman. Anything & 9738. Everything. Al, (325) 617WEST TEXAS WOOL 5164 @ MERTZON. FENCING SUPPLIES, direct HOUSEHOLD MAINfrom factory pricing. Deer TENANCE AND repair. Feed, Hunting Supplies, Carpentry, drywall, paint, plumbing, Ranch Supplies, Gifts. electrical, (325) 835-3661. (888) doors, windows. Call Ish (325) 234-3877 830-3661.


BUILD PADS, ROADS, clean lots, shredding. Deliver top soil, limestone, caliche, gravel. Install septic systems. Free estimates. D.K. Webb, 325-9393369. AROS FENCING - ALL J&S LAND MANAGE- types of fences New or MENT - Grubbing, Dirt repair. Free Estimates. Work, Road Work, Cactus Ask for Agustin (325) Removal, Ditches. No job 340-2864 too big or small, we can do it al! Scant Ynostrosa (325) 276-2538, Jim FIREWOOD Ynostrosa (325) 6562259. BETTER GRADE OF FIREWOOD TOPSOIL. Also, lime- MESQUITE: $280 cord. stone, sand, and fill dirt. $140 1/2cord, $75 1/4 Build roads, pads and cord. Oak: $330 cord, parking lots. Sell and in- $165 1/2 cord, $85 1/4 stallation of septic sys- cord. (325) 651-6380 or For tems. (325) 651-6840, (325)276-1507. pickup 2030 Simpson St. (325) 895-0900. 7/D EQUIPMENT Brush work, grubbing & raking, game plaots, skid steer, field shredding. Buy and sell equipment. Auction consignment. (325) 650-9087 DIRT WORK, tractor mowing. Rock & cactus clean-up. DUMP TRAILER CONTRACTING OR RENTAL! Insured. Shane Crimm (325) 277-8222.

FIREWOOD. DON’T BE FOOLED! A cord of wood is 4’X4’X8’. Mine 300 up. I got all kinds. You need one piece or whatever! (325) 939-1834.

wishes to all our customers and readers.

LAWN OVERGROWN? BETTER call Raul - Handyman, tree trimming, mowing, edging, yard clean-up, junk removal, hedging, cleaning up leaves RH Lawn Services get your FREE quote now! (325) 812-6438 MOWING, WEED EATING and hedging, blow off porches, driveways and patio areas. Residential, commercial, acreage. Starting at $25.(325) 763-5871 San Angelo area.

DUMP TRUCK SERVICE: Flores Trucking. Contact Richard (325) 340-2296


EUGENE BALL CONTRACTOR. Residential and Commercial. Paper Hanging a Specialty. Custom painting. 30+ years experience. Insured FREE ESTIMATES. 325-653-9212, Accept Visa & Master Card. BBB.

L&D SERVICES Home repairs, doors, windows, trim, electric, plumbing and fixtures. Hauling and clean up also. (325) 315-4860.

F.B.’S PAINTING Small jobs, Painting interior and exterior, drywall and remodeling. Free esJOEY’S LAWN CARE- timates. (325) 763-2069. Mowing, edging, tree AMERICAN PAINTtrimming & cutting, and ING CO. Residentail stump removal. Com- and Commercial. 25 plete maintenance. Rea- years experience. Qualsonable rates. ity you can see, a name ( 3 2 5 ) 4 5 0 - 7 9 4 1 , you can trust. (325)300-8264 or (325)659-2241. FAST & DEPENDABLE LAWN SERVICE Mowing, edging, trimming, cleanup. Weed Free estimates. Senior control & pest control. Military discounts. Call Will bill for services, resitoday! (325) 895-0840. dential & commercial, Call Mike (325) 277-8556

METAL CONSTRUCTION WALDROP METAL CONST. Call today for the lowest price on your next building, barn, fence or corrals. (325) 658- ROB’S PAINTING & REMODELING. Interior 9099 & Exterior. Residential & 25 years exMOBILE HOME Commercial. perience. Have Brush Will Travel! (325) 261MOVERS 7450 local. ANGELO MOBILE PAINTHOME MOVING; Re- TAYLOR levels, skirting & trans- ING, INTERIOR & porting Gooseneck & Exterior. Repairs. Tile, Fifth wheel RVs. Unstable float, texture. Free estifloor, unshutting doors? mates. 20 years expe(325) Foundation stabilization, rience. pier & beam, trailer 656-7100. homes. Licensed, PAINTbonded, insured. I-4486. DARREN’S Chris (325) 276-1978 ING SERVICE. 25 years professional expeleave message. rience. For your custom interior/exterior painting, staining, mud work, and minor carpentry. References available. 6537225, 656-3429.

TRASH OR ANYTHING HAULED. Ray or Roy. (325) 374-3996. CLEAN-UP & HAULOFF SERVICE to include lawn maintenance. Large or small, we do it all! Call Eric (325) 456-3698.

D & D HAUL away anything - storage shed, cut trees, tree trimming, branches, tilt yards, etc. Danny, (325) 763-1606. WE HAUL: No load too big or too small. (325) 2344459


MOWING TRACTOR MOWING! Tilling, compost, dirt work. Rock & cactus clean-up. DUMP TRAILER CONTRACTING OR RENTAL! Insured. Shane Crimm (325) 277-8222.

DEEMER PLUMBING. OVER 40 years experience. Licensed. Reasonable rates. 24 hour call. No job too big or small for your plumbing needs. LIC. #M-18164. Call 325651-9192.

SEPTIC SYSTEM INSTALLATION & Back hoe Service. Please call Tops Septic Service @ REAPIR, REMODEL, (325) 651-7087. NEW construction, roofing. By the house or contract the job. 32 years RECYCLING experience in West Texas. Also plumbing, electrical and paint crew. C&R Construction. 325374-1538, 432-270-4632.


DUMP TRAILER FOR hire. 14’ dump trailer rocks, dirt, fencing, tree removal, garage and house clean outs. Call David (325) 234-9794.


CUSTOM IMAGES Decorating & Remodeling. We can make your home improvement ideas a reality with the most competitive prices available. Quality craftsmanship, dependability, efficiency and customer satisfaction is guaranteed. No job is too small so give us a call. Karl Elliott, owner, (325) 942-5669.

ROOFING C.C. ROOFING & CO N STRU CTIO N Shingles & Metal Roofs. Serving San Angelo for 30 years. Free Estimates. (325)9440340.

GOT PLUMBING PROBLEMS? Call ROGER. Insured. Master Plumber #12703. Reasonable service charge. CANDELA AND Sankey Plumbing, SONS ROOFING. Over 658-7467. 30 years experience. Best quote in town. Also PORTABLE offering 24 g metal roofing, standing seam. (325) TOILET 227-6825. Check us out on Facebook!! RENTAL




TRACTOR MOWING, EMPTY LOTS AND ACREAGE. 22 years experience. Call Antonio at (325) 653-6030 or (325) 656-4801



BACKHOE SERVICES Pads built. Dump truck, mowing lots, clean-ups, topsoil, limestome. Big or little jobs welcome. 6 yard dump truck and one backhoe $125 per hour. (325) 277-0873, (325) 944-8418

GERONIMO RUIZ CONSTRUCTION. (325) 245-3853. All Types of Carpentry & Painting. Free Estimates.


AA HOUSE LEVELING & REMODELING. Install new beams & repair any foundation problems. Mobile homes. We break concrete. Free esMOUNTAIN MOVERS timates. Owner Agustin WHOLESALE delivery. (325) 340-2864 Caliche base, topsoil fill, roads, pads, septic systems. (325) 656-2147.


CARRILLO CONSTRUCTION & BACKHOE/BOBCAT SERVICES, LLC. - Insured BOBCAT RENTAL weekly, daily. Pads Driveways - Lot Clearing - Welding - Landscaping - Concrete work Fences. Special pricing on residential pads. J Carrillo (325) 212-1598, Eli Carrillo, (325) 277-9180.


November 24, 2016

R. KELLY PLASTERING. stucco, patch work. (325) 658-6914.

REMODELING M.R. REMODELING. 28 years experience RC#2380 & Insured. (325) 763-1138. Interior & Exterior. Custom Showers, custom Tile Work, Carpentry, Drywall, Painting, Pavers, Masonry, Custom Stain. From demo to custom finish. BBB Member. LITTLE JOSEPH COMPLETE remodeling turn key jobs. Kitchen & bathrooms. Electrical, plumbing, painting, concrete, etc. We’ll finish unfinished jobs. (pick up work) Roofing & repair. Residential or Commercial. (325) 262-3476. REAPIR, REMODEL, NEW construction, roofing. By the house or contract the job. 32 years experience in West Texas. Also plumbing, electrical and paint crew. C&R Construction. 325374-1538, 432-270-4632.

STRUCRUAL PIPE STRUCTURAL PIPE, 2 3/8”, 2 7/8”, 3 1/2”, 4 1/2” and sucker rods on hand. Delivery available. H Braces, Post cut to order. Metal Building, fencing. and mobile welding. Concho Valley Pipe, (325) 655-7285, leave message or (432)413-9592, cell. PIPE NEW & USED. Used 2 3/8” or 2 7/8”, $25/joint. Small pipe for gates and sucker rods in stock. Post cut to order. all pipe checked for radiation. We deliver. (325) 3742992.


BUB WALDROP ROOFING. All types of roofing & repairs. Call today for a free estimate. (325) 658-9099

SANDBLASTING SANDBLASTING AND PAINTING. Free estimates in shop only. Quality work and paint. (325) 655-6445.

SIDING A.D.L. RECYCLE SERVICES. Saving the world one day at a time. Residential & Commercial. We also recycle glass. (432) 880-7329.

Page 31

NEVER PAINT AGAIN! CHUCK CORFIELD CONSTRUCTION offers a lifetime warranty on vinyl siding. Replacement windows available. Call 949-5087 for free estimate.

SMALL ENGINE REPAIR HOLLAND’S SMALL ENGINE REPAIR Mowers, weed eaters, chain saws & more. Pickup & delivery as needed. (325) 763-4698.


TOPSOIL TOPSOIL CONSERVE WATER with true topsoil/compost mix. DW Compost & Topsoil. Cards. (325) 277-9900. TOPSOIL SCREENED & Unscreened, Soil Blends, Compost, Mulches, Masonary Sand, Concrete Rock, Pea Gravel, Road Base, Caliche, Landscaping Materials and More. D’s Recycling and Composting (325) 659-8573.

TREE SERVICES TREE TRIMMING, CUTTING and stump removal, land clearing. Free estimates. Call Manuel (325) 277-9696.

MILLER TREE SERVICE & Firewood. (325) 763-2412 or (337) 526-0387.

GOIN’ SOUTH STORAGE, US Hwy 277 BURNEY’S TREE South. New buildings. RV SERVICE. Tree storage. (325) 944-4999. Trimming, removal and stump grinding. Senior Citizen 10% discount. If you want it done right, call us! (325) 653-3110.



Run to the American Classifieds for huge Thanksgiving savings!

WELDING - TRAILER REPAIR, carports, pipe fences. 25 years experience. (325) 315-6250.

Page 32

November 24, 2016


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