SUM M ER 2017 Vol 1 No. 1
'Arise, shine, for your light has come'
Co-Past or Pr iscilla Ch er ian Br azen Gr ace Fellow sh ip Ch u r ch Glor ia Zapat a Can cer Test im on y Ch r ist ian Novelist Lin da Ow en Wr it in g f or God Can dy Gen t lem an Colu m n ist Red Dr ess Lif e
MESSAGEFROMTHEEDITOR&PUBLISHER "ARISE,SHINE,FORYOURLIGHTHASCOME, ANDTHEGLORYOFTHELORDRISESUPONYOU.' ISAIAH60:1 I can't tell you how fulfilling it is to move in the gifts God has given you! I'm thrilled to introduce this free quarterly digital magazine to the San Antonio community. Our purpose with San An t on io Ch r ist ian Wom an is to encourage, empower and inspire the women of San Antonio to rise up and fulfill their purpose and destiny in the Kingdom of God. We will feature personal testimonies, profiles of women serving in ministry, personal essays and columns, teachings, upcoming special events and the plan of salvation to win the lost. The Holy Bible tells us in Romans 12:6-8 and 1 Corinthians 12:8-10 that God has given us spiritual gifts to use in the building up of His kingdom on earth. Daughters of King Jesus, the world needs your gifts! As His daughter, God has called you to participate in the end time harvest by witnessing and serving others using the gifts He has given to you. It makes no difference how big or small your gift is, God will reward you for even one simple act of kindness (Matthew 10:42). I pray that you will help us ignite a fire among the women in San Antonio by sharing this magazine with your friends, sisters, aunts, nieces, mothers, grandmothers, neighbors, and work colleagues through your social media networks. In these and future pages, you will read many interesting stories of how the Spirit of God is moving among the women in our city, women who have been transformed by the power of God and those using their gifts to serve others - whether it's through teaching, preaching, pastoring, singing, writing, creating, starting a business, helping, giving, or raising families...God is on the move! We would love to hear from you. Please connect with us to contribute story ideas or articles for future consideration. Send your email to
In His Service,
Edit or & Pu blish er Diana Marin Con t r ibu t in g Wr it er s: Diana Marin Julie Wiley Candy Gentleman Con t act u s: San Antonio Christian Woman P.O. Box 780753 San Antonio, TX 78278 Ph: 210.367.0539 Email: Web:
Copyright Š 2017, San Antonio Christian Woman Magazine, All rights reserved. | Summer 2017 We reserve the right to edit all submitted materials for clarity, style and space considerations and assume no responsibility for accuracy, errors or omissions.
Diana Marin San Antonio Christian Woman (Summer 2017) | page 2
TESTIMONY:GLORIAZAPATA Family Trials and Breast Cancer Diagnosis Paved Way for Personal Relationship with Jesus Christ
It was in the summer of 1980 when Gloria Zapata realized her life was missing something. She had just received the news from her husband about a divorce. He no longer wanted to be married so he marched out of her life, and out of the lives of her two children. When he left, Gloria became overwhelmed with grief and couldn?t find the strength to carry on, so she leaned on anger to get her through. She kept telling herself: ?I don?t want anything to do with God. I?ll just start living for myself and neglect my children if I have to.? But her plan didn?t pan out quite the way she thought it would, thanks to two devoted Christian women who were led by God to share the love of Jesus Christ in her San Antonio west
side neighborhood one weekend. As Gloria was questioning God on why her husband left after being a good wife and mother, someone starting knocking at her door. She thought to herself: ?Who on earth could that be?? As she opened the door to her small humble home, she saw two women with the biggest smiles on their faces, eager to share an important message with her. ?They were definitely sent by God,? she explains with tears in her eyes. ?God sent these devoted women to tell me how much He loves and cares for me and my children. They invited me to church and I decided to go. Since then, I?ve never been the same because I gave my life to Jesus Christ that day.? San Antonio Christian Woman (Summer 2017) | page 4
Gloria?s life was finally filled with that 'something' she knew was missing for so long. She says, ?I was missing out on a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.? But after that day, she decided to devote every single day to sharing God?s love with family, friends and strangers who quickly became part of her daily prayers. ?These people need to hear a kind word of encouragement or receive a hug of hope. They need that 'something' in their lives, too,? she says with a smile. Years have gone by since that miraculous day. And Gloria has had her share of new trials along the way but more recently ? after celebrating retirement and 40 years of employment at a local hospital ? she was faced with a major life-changing event. She was diagnosed with the unthinkable ? Stage 2 Breast Cancer. ?It happened in February 2016 when I was babysitting my grandson. I started hugging him and felt a lump on my right breast,? she describes. ?I called my doctor the next day and made an appointment and after several exams, cancer was detected.?
She rides the bus to and from her radiation treatments, never complaining. ?I find beauty in everything and in every single day. While riding the bus to my treatments, I find opportunities to talk with people about Jesus Christ,? she adds. ?This cancer will not stop me from opening my mouth to tell others about His amazing love and plan of salvation ? never! I also want people to know that nothing is too big for God. He can do what seems impossible possible.? When she isn?t riding the bus to see her doctors, you?ll find Gloria at Last Chance Christian Church ? serving others or visiting her 95 year-old mother. Gloria holds on to God?s promises for complete physical healing, and is also hoping to learn how to drive and save money for a vehicle so she can drive others to their destinations, and most importantly, to drive people to church.
- Julie Wiley
She proactively started her fight against the disease by undergoing two surgeries, along with chemotherapy. Gloria completed her chemo treatment earlier this year and will complete her radiation treatment in the summer. And even in the midst of trials, Gloria still finds strength in God to share His love with those around her. She faithfully makes every doctor ?s appointment and gets there on the bus. Gloria has never owned a vehicle so she rides the bus everywhere she needs to go, including her recent job of 40 years.
"'Return to your home, and declare how much God has done for you.' And he went away, proclaiming throughout the whole city how much Jesus had done for him." Luke 8:39
San Antonio Christian Woman (Summer 2017) | page 5
PASTORPROFILE Pr iscilla Ch er ian : Fr om M olecu lar Biologist t o Spir it u al M en t or in t h e Kin gdom Co-Past or , Br azen Gr ace Fellow sh ip Ch u r ch Priscilla Cherian always knew she would marry a minister. She had often prayed and asked God to send her a man who would have these two qualities: love for the Lord and love for people. It didn't matter to her how educated he was or how much income he earned, if he possessed these two qualities, that would be enough for her. Born in Chennai, India, Priscilla?s parents were missionary doctors who lived and worked in remote villages. They wanted their daughter to be educated, so they sent her away to boarding school in Kotagiri in the Nilgiris mountains of south India. It was during this time alone and away from her parents that Priscilla learned how to hear from the Holy Spirit. It is this voice that has guided her life?s decisions all these years. Priscilla continued with her studies to become a scientist. She did her undergraduate work in Hyderabad and then went to the coastal town of Pondicherry to work on her master 's. For her doctoral research, she went back to Hyderabad in 1996, where she met Zack Cherian. By then she was 26 and serving in the youth group worship team and Zack was leading the youth ministry in their local Church. She was very drawn
to him, however, she didn?t allow herself to even think about having a relationship with him because he was eight years younger. ?He was so passionate about God and people,? Priscilla recalls. ?He was always the last one to leave the church because he was there praying for people. He was looking at people who were so broken and he couldn?t leave them that way. He would always minister, always wait. The way he used his time really got my attention. He would always be there, literally like a Samuel, always in the house of the Lord.? She prayed against the relationship and often rejected Zack?s invitations to have dinner with him, using her studies as an excuse. God soon revealed to her that she was praying the wrong prayer. He asked her why she wasn?t asking Him if Zack was the right person to marry instead of the wrong person. Priscilla and Zack were married in 2002 after she finished up her post doctorate work in the U.S. They were looking forward to beginning their new lives in India with both sets of parents nearby, and where Zack had an established ministry in a university town called Pune, much like Austin. San Antonio Christian Woman (Summer 2017) | page 6
When she told Zack the Lord had spoken to her that they were to move to the U.S., he became upset since he believed that the Lord had raised him up to minister in India. After seeking the Lord for himself, God confirmed to Zack in a vision they were to move to the U.S. "We didn?t understand why God would have us start all over again but knew we were in the center of His will, " Priscilla said. ?It was back to square one, which was very hard for us to accept.? Following the leading of the Holy Spirit they plugged into and served at Cornerstone Church where Zack worked as a worship leader while Priscilla worked as a research scientist at the University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (UTHSCSA). ?I believe God brings us out of our comfort zone,? she said. ?He had to take Moses out for some time to teach him to unlearn everything he learned in Egypt. Moses was thinking he could do it on his own. He thought in his own strength he could deliver." For the first few months Zack worked for several departments and kept being promoted up the ranks in John Hagee Ministries. Word soon spread among the Ladies Bible Study group and on up to Pastor Hagee about how God was using a young man from India in a powerful way. Pastor Hagee asked Zack to head the worship department (which was under the music department), where he built and grew the worship ministry for seven years.
community-based, missions-oriented church, it is their passion to disciple, train and release people into their sphere of influence. ?God has given us a message that we need to reach the world with,? Priscilla said. ?It?s a message of his pure love and grace. It?s not mixed with condemnation and the law.? Priscilla sees her primary role as supporting Zack in his ministry and being a spiritual leader to the hundreds of people in their church and ministries around the world. She stopped working at UTHSCSA in 2012 and now focuses on teaching and guiding their young congregation, always directing them with God?s love and grace, never condemning people. The Cherians are also the proud parents to three beautiful girls: Priyanka Elizabeth, 11; Adiel Faith, 9; and Charisma Joy, 7.
In 2009, with their pastor ?s blessing, the couple stepped out in faith once again and founded Zack Cherian International Ministries where Zack has since traveled extensively throughout the world holding evangelistic crusades and conferences, bringing thousands to salvation in Jesus Christ.
Brazen Grace Fellowship has a thriving online following through their podcast and weekly streaming. Their local church is growing and they are currently seeking a beautiful location on the north side as they continue to reach the world with God?s love.
Priscilla and Zack also co-pastor Brazen Grace Fellowship Church on the north side, which they founded in 2013. An exciting new
For more info: - Diana Marin San Antonio Christian Woman (Summer 2017) | page 7
Novelist Lin da Ow en Usin g Her Wr it in g Gif t t o Reveal God's Fait h f u ln ess, Gr ace Novelist Linda Owen wrote artists, rodeo pastors, entrepreneurs, her first article for politicians, evangelists, and many publication when she was others. in the fourth grade. As ?I see my life as proof that praise reporter of her Girl Scout helps children succeed,? Linda says. troop, she summarized the ?As I matured in my faith, I realized group?s meetings and God had given me a special gift? like activities each month for all of us? and he expects us to use the local newspaper, the those gifts to serve him.? San Marcos Record. ?I In 2013 Linda felt God nudging her remember the editor Mr. Buckner telling me into the fiction arena. Her that I was a good writer and he?d hire me when I ?As I matured in my debut novel, Emergency Care, an inspirational grew up. Then he started faith, I realized God suspense, has been given giving me a byline.? five-star reviews. had given me a Without realizing it, he ?God?s name deserves to be had determined the special gift? like all on the cover,? Linda says, course of Linda?s life. The result was her unrelenting of us? and he expects ?because he wrote the book with me. I would start desire to put words on us to use those gifts in one direction and he?d paper? a gnawing need to take me a different way? write for her middle to serve him.? one I hadn?t considered. It school and high school was amazing. When I finished, I knew newspapers, edit the high school yearbook, and I couldn?t have written it alone.? major in journalism at SWTSC (now Texas State University). The storyline of Emergency Care takes place in the midst of a hurricane, Linda sold her first freelance features to when bank robbers terrorize the staff magazines when she was 19, even before and residents of a South Texas earning her journalism degree. After hospital. graduation, she taught English at Churchill High School for over two decades, but she still found time to write. Since 1965, she has written nearly 1,000 published articles, everything from human interest profiles to book reviews and travel articles. She has interviewed recording
Among Linda?s characters are some "damaged" people with a lot of baggage. In the end God turns the horrific experience into something positive for each of them. Linda?s San Antonio Christian Woman (Summer 2017) | page 8
theme is biblical: ?God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose? ? (Rom. 8:28). ?I want my readers to know a faithful God who cares for his children and provides for them,? she says. ?My novels are my ministry. My mission is to bring people closer to the Lord, both believers and seekers.? At her many book signings at churches, libraries and book clubs, Linda tells her readers that her novels are action packed. They have lots of twists and surprises like other suspenseful fiction, except hers have an inspirational message. An example is Linda?s second novel, Lady President, a romantic suspense that illustrates how a Christian should live during trying times. The main character, Stephanie Franklin, finds being president isn?t easy. It is a surprise when an assassin shoots at her. Then America is threatened by a modern-day Stalin with a bomb. As she struggles to keep the peace between their two nations,
Stephanie is surrounded by deception, revenge, greed, murder and corruption. She endures plots against her presidency by a political enemy, her unfaithful husband, and an envious identical twin. Through it all, she is aided by the man who has secretly loved her for over a decade. At the end of all her novels, Linda includes theological questions for reflection and discussion questions for book clubs. Both the eBooks and paperbacks are available on most online bookstores, including Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and the Apple Store. Linda?s third novel, The Frat Pack Murders, a romantic mystery, will be released in July.
Linda lives in San Antonio with her husband Ervin. She received a master of divinity degree from Perkins School of Theology (SMU) and served briefly as a hospital chaplain and a pastor. She was an online editor at and also wrote Bible study curriculum for the United Methodist Publishing House. She is a member of the American Christian Fiction Writers Association. To contact Linda for speaking engagements or book signings, write to
?My novels are my ministry. My mission is to bring people closer to the Lord, both believers and seekers.? San Antonio Christian Woman (Summer 2017) | page 9
?I don?t really understand myself, for I want to do what is right, but I don?t do it. Instead, I do what I hate.? (Romans 7:15). Growing up in a ?Christian? household I was always taught that I was going to be forgiven for my sins if I asked the Lord to be my savior, and that he would use me if I led a good and non-sinful life. However, as I sat in my car at a stoplight the day before my 48th birthday, tears streaming down my face, I couldn?t help but feel like I was failing in doing so. I had been making so many mistakes and I couldn't seem to get a grip on my self-control as I continued to do the wrong things. I had been praying as my birthday grew closer, as I do every year, that God would give me a gift. This year my prayer was that I would be more like Him. I was feeling very self-centered and growing weary of feeling that way. As I sat there in my car I began to see myself on a stage and the background looked like a city dump full of trash and dirt. I knew instantly that the background was my sin, and it was ugly. I had smudges all over my face and arms like I was very dirty, too. Then suddenly I saw a giant eraser come down and it erased the background until it was white as snow. I looked again at myself and all the smudges were gone from me, too.
San Antonio Christian Woman (Summer 2017) | page 10
In my heart, I knew that God was showing me that He didn?t see all my sin from the past and present. I asked him, ?So, it?s like it never happened?? Yes, He said to me. ?So, it?s like I?m as good as everyone else?? I asked Him. He responded with another yes. Then a beautiful red dress came down and I slipped into it, knowing it represented the blood of Jesus Christ. I was in awe of the beautiful color and felt so blessed. I have heard many preachers in my lifetime tell me that when we accept Christ as our Lord and Savior that it is as if our sin never happened. I just never felt like it applied to me. God made it so real for me that day and now I?m able to give forgiveness to others on a level I had never experienced before having that vision. I?m able to forgive myself and make mistakes without feeling worthless. God gave me a freedom that I have never experienced before and that?s when I decided to live the rest of my life as a #reddresslife covered in the blood of Jesus Christ, walking without fear of failure and condemnation. ?For there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus,? (Romans 8:1) ?If God is for me who can be against me?? (Romans 8:31)
Candy Gentleman grew up in a small Texas town and moved to San Antonio as fast as she could. She is a single mom to two beautiful, spirit-filled daughters: Christian, 28 and Chaise, 18. Soon to be an empty nester, she has a heart to minister to young women to teach them to know Jesus and live righteously. Red Dress Life will be a featured column in this publication.
UPCOMINGEVENTS Gir ls?Nigh t Ou t w it h Lysa Ter k eu r st Presented by Cornerstone Church, 18755 Stone Oak Parkway, 78258 June 30, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. Come out for a night of fun and an empowering message that will encourage you to Go. Preach. Slay. Speaker: Lysa Terkeurst is a New York Times best-selling author and president of Proverbs 31 Ministries. Register online:
Wom en of Joy Con f er en ce September 22-24, 2017 Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, 900 E Market St. 78205 These incredible weekends are designed, created and intended to bring women of all ages and cultures together to help you pursue a passionate relationship with Jesus Christ. Speakers: Angie Smith, Liz Curtis Higgs, Sheila Walsh and Jenna Lucado Bishop. Concert: Natalie Grant Worship: Charles Billingsley Register online:
Ch osen Wom en's Con f er en ce 2017 Presented by Summit Christian Center, 2575 Marshall Road 78259 September 29-30, 2017 God has chosen you, set you apart and called you His masterpiece! Come and experience His amazing love through this two-day conference. Chosen is designed to be a place for you to come relax, become refreshed and empowered to be who God has made you to be. Speakers: Casey Treat, DawncherĂŠ Wilkerson, Wendy Treat, Cindy Godwin, Sandy Ross Register online: San Antonio Christian Woman (Summer 2017) | page 11
AREYOUONYOURWAYTOHEAVEN? In vit e Jesu s in t o You r Hear t Today an d Secu r e You r Et er n al Lif e Believe t h at Jesu s Ch r ist died f or you , w as bu r ied, an d r ose f r om t h e dead. ?For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16 NLT) But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners. (Romans 5:8 NLT)
Th e Bible says t h er e is on ly on e w ay t o Heaven . Jesus told him, ?I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.? (John 14:6 NLT) Good w or k s can n ot save you . God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can?t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it. (Ephesians 2:8-9 NLT) Tr u st Jesu s Ch r ist t oday! Her e's w h at you m u st do: Adm it you ar e a sin n er . For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God?s glorious standard. (Romans 3:23 NLT) Be w illin g t o t u r n f r om sin (r epen t ). ? I tell you again that unless you repent, you will perish, too. (Luke 13:5 NLT)
If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. (Romans 10:9 NLT) Th r ou gh pr ayer , in vit e Jesu s in t o you r h ear t t o becom e you r per son al Savior . For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by openly declaring your faith that you are saved. (Romans 10:10 NLT) For ?Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.? (Romans 10:13 NLT) Wh at t o pr ay: Dear God, I confess I am a sinner and need your forgiveness. I believe that you sent your Son Jesus Christ to the earth to die in my place as judgment for my sins. I now turn away from my life of sin and invite Jesus to come into my heart and life as my personal Lord and Savior. Thank you for saving my soul for all eternity! Amen.
This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun! (2 Corinthians 5:17 NLT) San Antonio Christian Woman (Summer 2017) | page 12