4 minute read

The Ideal Tennis Training and Academic Study Environment

“Our academy graduates go to Harvard, they go to Duke, they go to Columbia… but they also go to Wimbledon.” Emilio Sánchez Vicario

Nearly two decades ago, tennis greats Emilio Sanchez and Sergio Casal opened Academia Sanchez-Casal (ASC) in Barcelona, Spain. Their mission was to provide serious tennis players with a base academy that featured a custom-designed academic curriculum, combined with advanced tennis and athletic performance training, to enable them to achieve maximum success both on and off the court.


Today, ASC has two world-renowned school and training destination academies located in Barcelona, Spain and Naples, Florida, as well as a third one in Nanjing, China, offering only the tennis program. Its alumni have ascended to the top of every level of competitive tennis, from junior national and international rankings and titles, to Collegiate AllAmerican status and NCAA titles, to Olympic medals, to ATP/WTA titles, top 10 ATP/WTA rankings and Major Championship titles. Additionally, ASC is proud of how over the past 18 years its College Planning and Placement Program has consistently guided academy graduates into excellent collegiate programs while receiving some form of athletic and/or academic scholarship assistance. In fact, on average:


The ASC system delivers a proven combination of tennis development, strategic technical and tactical p r o g r a m m i n g , a n d t o p - n o t c h competition.

ASC emphasizes the importance of elite athlete performance (meaning physical and mental, as well as nutritional) development, customized for each player.

A S C ’ s t r e m e n d o u s c o a c h e s a n d performance specialists have successfully developed Andy Murray, Svetlana Kuznetsova, Daniela Hantuchova, Grigor Dimitrov, Juan Monaco and many other professionals…. as well as literally hundreds of top collegiate players.


ASC owns the dually accredited, ES International School, which delivers a college preparatory curriculum in accordance with the American education system. The Barcelona school is also authorized to issue invitation letters to allow international students to apply for student visas.

Its talented, dedicated teachers work in intimate classroom setting with ideal student-teacher ratios. ESL and SAT programs are offered onsite.

Unlike many academies, the tennis facilities, school and residences are all located within one property, thereby creating a safe, healthy, family environment.


YEARLY PROGRAMS: § Tennis + School (September-

December and January-June, plus 1 month in July or August) with boarding and non-boarding options. § Tennis Top 6/11 (September-

December and January-June, plus 1 month in July or August) with boarding and non-boarding options. § Tour Prep § International Exchange Program § Traveling Teams Program

WEEKLY PROGRAMS: § Summer Camps (June–August) § Year-round training weeks § Holiday Camps § Competition camp § Weekend Shot Development § Pre-Tournament Camp § Tennis Training Membership Program

For more information on Weekly Programs, please contact Admissions at +34 93 479 16 16 or info@sanchezcasal.com

3 CONTINENTS, 5 ACADEMIES, 1 TENNIS SYSTEM ASC is the only residential tennis academy in the world to have wholly- owned campuses in the United States, Spain, and China. In Naples, Florida and in Barcelona, Spain tennis, performance and the ES International School academy programs are seamlessly integrated, allowing ASC to offer this exclusive Exchange Program. ASC High school students are provided with the opportunity to pursue their college preparatory studies on both continents while training within the high-performance tennis academy programs for one semester in Naples and one semester in Barcelona. Last but not least, it is also possible to train without the School program at the following tennis campus: Nanjing, China (opened in 2016), Atlanta, GA, USA (opened in 2019), and Hyderabad, India (opened in 2020) (without the School program) at the third tennis campus that ASC opened in 2016 in Nanjing, China. 3 continents, 5 venues, 1 system: the ASC 360 Tennis System Sánchez-Casal System©.

Barcelona (Spain) ATLANTA (Gerogia, USA)

Naples (Florida, USA) nanjing (China)


Traveling Teams

ASC provides highly skilled traveling teams to accompany and guide ASC studenta t h l e t e s w h i l e t h e y c o m p e t e i n tournaments. The customized competition calendar created for each player is designed to be compatible with his/her academic year.

There is no better athletic, academic and cultural preparation for college and/or tour life available anywhere in the world today.

Sign up now for the Perfect Program! Contact ASC Admissions at +34 93 479 16 16 or via info@sanchez-casal.com for registration details.

Applications are being accepted for Fall and Spring semesters.

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