In its first meeting without former Councilmember Gene James on Tuesday night, May 2, the San Clemente City Council decided the best way to find his replacement would be to receive applications until noon on May 15, and conduct interviews in the weeks to follow.
Following James’ departure effective on Friday, April 28, the council chose the process of appointing a candidate to fill his term that expires in December 2024 instead of holding a $100,000 special election next March.
City Clerk Laura Campagnolo added Tuesday that staff was exploring whether the city would be eligible to hold a stand-alone election in November, as had occurred in San Clemente with a mail-in election in 2019 after the death of the late Mayor Steven Swartz.
Applicants must be at least 18 years of age, registered to vote in San Clemente, and must live within the boundaries of the city.
“For staff, we would like some level of report about options for vetting and making an ultimate decision,” Mayor Chris Duncan said, adding to the approved motion. “I’m sort of guided by our commission and committee process, and if we stick with something like that, that we’re familiar with, then we can’t get into too much trouble.”
Mayor Pro Tem Steve Knoblock first
suggested having candidates send in “letters of qualification” to the city and having councilmembers interview applicants, in turn avoiding the costs associated with holding a special election. He received support from his colleagues on the dais.
Councilmember Victor Cabral initially said the city should allow people to submit applications until Tuesday, May 9, which would allow for a special committee or subcommittee to conduct a review and return with a short list of candidates by the following regular meeting on May 16.
That idea received pushback from Councilmember Mark Enmeier, who preferred that everyone have equal access to see the applications. Cabral said he wanted to present the idea for consideration before making a motion.
“But, as I understand it, if we have 100 people apply, then we would have to interview 100 people in open session,” said Cabral. “That’s what I thought we might be able to avoid.”
City Attorney Elizabeth Mitchell said the council couldn’t act on Enmeier’s suggestion of conducting interviews in closed session.
Duncan’s position favored emulating the Laguna Niguel City Council, which held a nine-day period of receiving applications after the resignation of former Councilmember Rischi Paul Sharma on April 6. Nine days would still allow the council to receive a list of candidates by May 16, Duncan said, adding that he felt it best to wait before deciding the interview process.
“I think if we give a nine-day applica-
As the eve of a new look for the Dana Point Harbor draws near, the principal members of the Dana Point Harbor Partners discussed details of the area’s $400 million revitalization project during a town hall on April 25.
In front of a standing-room crowd, Bryon Ward—the president of Burnham Ward Properties, a developer involved in the public-private revitalization plan— said construction of the three-story parking structure, the first phase of the project, is scheduled to start in January 2024.
“We’re doing everything we can to
speed that up. We cannot start construction until we have all of our utility permits in place,” Ward said during the public forum that Orange County Fifth District Board Supervisor Katrina Foley hosted at the OC Sailing & Events Center.
“The harbor is over 50 years old. All the utility is old and in dire need of redesign and replacement,” Ward continued. “We’ve been working very closely with all the utility providers in the harbor, including the South Coast Water District, to basically complete a tri-party agreement between us, the county, and the district.”
tion period, we should have enough time to review applications before the next meeting, and then we can see where we go from there in terms of a special meeting or something like that to conduct interviews,” said Duncan.
Knoblock liked the suggestion, but said he wanted to give San Clemente residents more time to “absorb” James’ resignation, which didn’t become official until a few days ago, and to apply if interested.
With only one opportunity to post a listing or information in the weekly San Clemente Times before the proverbial period would end on Thursday, May 11— nine days from Tuesday—Knoblock felt it best to give two weeks. He added that he thought the council could quickly come to a decision.
“I don’t know that we’ll have dozens and dozens of applications,” he said. “But if we do, I think as a council, we can review those, and by straw vote or opinion poll among us, quickly whittle that list
down to a handful and then be able to make a decision.”
Speaking to Duncan’s concerns that an actual two-week period would extend the discussion of next steps to June, Knoblock proposed setting the deadline at 5 p.m. on Friday, May 12. However, Campagnolo reminded the council the city wouldn’t be able to post in the SC Times until the May 11 edition, which would force a quick turnaround time and potentially hinder the number of applications the city received.
Knoblock’s next suggestion of a May 15 deadline received support. Duncan spoke about his desires for the process.
“I’m hoping we can get our procedures set and laid out by our next regular meeting, and when we conduct interviews, it’s going to be during a special meeting, because we don’t want to burden the regular meeting with that kind of thing,” said Duncan.
The permit process should be wrapped up in the next two to three months, according to Ward.
Additional phases of the project will include new waterfront buildings, a ren-
ovated boardwalk, two new hotels, and open space for people to walk and spend time—as well as for outdoor entertainment such as live music and events.
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There will also be public art installed.
“Sea-level rise actually forced us to increase the height of our building foundations, which is actually kind of nice, because now we have a wonderful view from the first floor, as well as the second floor,” Ward said.
The revitalization is expected to be finished by 2026.
Ward also discussed plans to negotiate new leases with harbor tenants.
“We’re not just quite ready to start negotiating new leases,” Ward said. “We’ve engaged in discussions with a number of (current tenants) already. They’ll have an opportunity to stay in the harbor. We will have new buildings and new floorplates and things that will obviously have to be considered for all the tenants, in terms of adequate sizing and business models going forward and that sort of thing.”
Foley said some small businesses may not have the capital to expand accordingly.
“They need to have sufficient notice when the building is going to get torn down, when there are going to be tenant improvements done,” Foley said.
Ward said Dana Point Harbor Partners is looking to offer more long-term leases instead of month-to-month agreements, “so tenants can plan better.”
The crowd of attendees jeered at times during Ward’s remarks, including a response he gave to a question by Foley when he said locals would have the ability to weigh in about which restaurants and retail shops will be able to stay.
“We have economic models that we have to adhere to, in order to deliver what we said we were going to deliver,” Ward said. “We’ve got to achieve certain financial hurdles. Our tenants have done an amazing job, particularly through COVID, and they’re doing all the right things. They deserve an opportunity to stay in the harbor, but we can’t keep rents at their current level and be able to do what we want to do.”
Foley said while rent between tenants and an owner is a privately negotiated matter, community favorites should be given priority when it comes to staying.
County of Orange Chief Real Estate Officer Thomas “Mat” Miller said that even though there is a private entity operating the harbor, the area is still under a public lease and public oversight.
“You have a public supervisor who’s overseeing it, as well as the rest of the (county) staff. We do have a whole CEO real estate staff at the county that works with the partners,” Miller said. “Sometimes, they like us. Sometimes, they don’t.”
Boat slip fees and other money spent in the harbor, such as at restaurants, will be used for revitalization construction, according to the discussions between Foley and the Harbor Partners.
After moving to San Clemente in 1988 and joining San Clemente Presbyterian Church, Mike Fluchere wanted to turn his passion of helping others into tangible action. As someone who once faced uncertain circumstances as a young man, he recognized some of the struggles young servicemembers at Camp Pendleton often endure.
“I know what they’re going through,” said the 73-year-old Fluchere, the church’s Marine Ministry leader. “It’s a wonderful ministry, and (we) want to give back to these kids who are doing so much for us and are literally putting their lives on the line.”
Since the early 2000s, the local Presbyterian church has dutifully served military personnel at Camp Pendleton through various means, such as serving meals, hosting events, and doing what they can to make their servicemember neighbors to the south more comfortable.
“Remember, these are 18- to 21-yearold—for the most part—young single guys in the barracks, many of them away from home for the first time, and they need support,” said Fluchere. “(We show) that people in the community care for them, and we’re there for them.”
He added that he sees the Marines as his own grandchildren, given both groups are around the same age, and giving back to them is a wonderful feeling.
For his efforts as the church’s Marine Ministry leader, Fluchere received a silver Presidential Volunteer Service Award at a ceremony on April 19.
The recognition was “quite an honor,” Fluchere said, adding that he was shocked upon hearing he had been nominated by the 1st Combat Engineer Battalion (1st CEB) at Camp Pendleton, the group his church adopted more than 15 years ago.
Being modest, Fluchere told the San Clemente Times that there are more people behind him responsible for what the ministry accomplishes, referring to the host of volunteers and friends of friends who contribute.
Adults who are 26 years old or older must have completed at least 250 service hours as part of the criteria to receive an award.
New Marines and sailors are moving into the housing units at around springtime every year, according to Fluchere, and are often married and without much furniture.
The ministry spreads the word back at church, and people who are otherwise unsure of how to help decide to donate air mattresses, kitchen tables, and washers and dryers.
“People step up,” said Fluchere.
His role involves traveling down to the base two or three times each month for command staff meetings and planning and sharing what he’s learned with his fellow church members. Then, the internal organization starts.
The church’s Marine Ministry has put together events such as baby showers and cooking breakfast burritos for personnel coming back from long, early-morning trail hikes.
He detailed a years-in-the-making story that began around 2006, when he met a young couple participating in a baby shower. It came full circle two years ago when the same couple—the husband now a gunnery sergeant— came up to Fluchere at a Christmas party with their now 16-year-old daughter, recognizing that the Presbyterian church was still serving the base.
Fluchere said the interaction melted him.
“Marines come spend a year or a couple of years in the unit, go back out elsewhere in the Marine Corps, and many of them come back for a second tour in the
1st CEB,” he said. “This was one that just could have knocked me over.”
Even before the ministry officially began, Fluchere remembered the church hosting dinners for the families of those deployed in Operation Desert Storm, which began in 1991.
A self-described giving kind of person, he receives a joyful feeling from helping young families and servicemembers, with many of the latter having come from rough childhoods, with food or events that take their minds off the stress of everyday life.
“Some do come to church now and then, and a few of them have gotten very active,” said Fluchere, adding that his church lets everyone know that they are welcomed.
He added that there are a multitude of needs at Camp Pendleton that can be filled through groups beyond just the Presbyterian church, and that for the large population of San Clemente residents who have never stepped foot on the base, there’s more than what meets the eye while driving past on Interstate 5.
“It’s an enormous, complex city with all kinds of activities going on and people who want to serve and help,” said Fluchere. “There’s plenty of avenues for that.”
City, county and railroad officials, as well representatives of the Casa Romantica Cultural Center and Gardens, are continuing to manage the fallout from the landslide that significantly damaged the historic landmark and prompted another passenger rail service suspension late last week.
In the aftermath of the April 27 collapse that saw Casa Romantica’s backyard terrace, landscaping and other debris fall roughly 25 feet down the hillside, officials from the city and Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) have continued to investigate the steep slope and railroad tracks below.
City engineer and Public Works Director Kiel Koger told the City Council on Tuesday night, May 2, that the main landslide area is still showing signs of movement and that more soil had moved against the neighboring Reef Gate residential complex overnight on Monday, May 1.
“The part further to the east is certainly safe; there’s nothing to worry about,” Koger said of the Casa Romantica property. “Obviously, the Ocean Terrace and the building that’s right at the back … I would probably like to keep people out of that.”
Additionally, the open wall underneath the back patio comprises mostly sandy material, raising concerns about the potential for future erosion. Koger said he would like to start remedial work as soon as possible and anticipates beginning the design stage soon.
In his conversations with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Koger said he learned that it is easier for public buildings such as Casa Romantica to obtain funding. Estimating that the cost to fix the slope and secure the rear of the building would be $7 million to $8 million, Koger said FEMA could reimburse 75% of the costs.
“I don’t know anything for sure yet; that’s just what I’ve been hearing,” he said.
City Manager Andy Hall said the city’s insurance carrier, the California Joint Powers Insurance Authority, has been notified of the landslide. Although there is no reportable information, Hall said city officials have met with the JPIA.
A crack initially measuring a few inches wide first observed at the Casa in mid-April culminated in the landslide, which has had reverberating effects for the nonprofit that runs the cultural center, as well as to the surrounding area.
Since the landslide, the city has temporarily closed and red-tagged the property—once the home of town founder Ole Hanson—and evacuated residents of Reef Gate’s Building A. Building A sits at the lowest elevation of the complex’s three structures and was red-tagged as soil sheared, or slid against, the building. Reef Gate’s Building B has been yellow-tagged.
Koger said city staff has been working to get displaced residents back in their residences as soon as possible.
Between six to eight units were vacated, according to Hall.
A finding that the vulnerable units’ gas, water and electrical lines can be isolated from the rest of the building will be critical to the process of removing red tags from Building A’s unaffected units, according to Koger.
He added that if Reef Gate’s engineers can confirm Building B’s stability, the yellow tag could be removed.
“Reef Gate’s geotechnical and structural engineers need to determine if both buildings are safe enough to inhabit,” Koger said
During an informal press conference with other elected officials on Saturday, April 29, Mayor Chris Duncan said the soil continues to move.
Contract geotechnical consultants have been able to install an inclinometer to measure movement in the ground daily, one of the few parts of the $75,000 agreement the council had approved before the landslide occurred that could be fulfilled.
“Well, we don’t need the study anymore, because we see what’s happened,” Duncan said over the weekend. “We can use that $75,000 now to pay for the geologic studies to see where we are and if there’s continual earth movement and get an even larger team out here.”
The study called for inclinometers, as well as soil borings, the latter providing data on the soil’s properties and weight-bearing capabilities.
After the landslide, Koger said the city would still be able to conduct the boring meant to occur in the Casa Romantica parking lot. However, at Tuesday’s meeting, he reported that the first hole was caving in because of the sandy soil underneath, necessitating a replacement drill rig that drilled a new 100-foot hole earlier that day.
He added that readings from the inclinometer installed between the landslide area and the building indicate that the area is not moving.
Another consequence of the landslide involves the railroad tracks that run along San Clemente’s coastline. Because of the debris and dust that landed on the tracks, Metrolink and Amtrak announced indefinite suspension of commuter service through San Clemente. For Metrolink, weekday service will operate as far south as the Laguna Niguel/Mission Viejo station and to San Juan Capistrano on weekends.
A Metrolink spokesperson told the San Clemente Times on Tuesday that the train company is continuing to monitor the situation and that it has had engineers on the site conducting analysis in the past week.
Amtrak Pacific Surfliner announced on Monday that passengers will be able to ride buses to connect to trains in Irvine and Oceanside, with limited train service in San Juan Capistrano.
“This schedule will remain in place until the tracks reopen,” according to Amtrak’s announcement.
Koger said freight trains have been running through the area at 10 miles per hour since Saturday evening.
When Duncan met with Rep. Mike Levin on Saturday
to show the congressman the damage to the Casa Romantica property and was joined by Fifth District Board Supervisor Katrina Foley, all expressed the need to work together to find short- and long-term solutions.
Duncan affirmed that the city lacks its own resources to spend, and Foley and Levin spoke to exhausting all options that would contribute to a permanent fix. The latest closing of the railroad is the third in the past two years, Foley noted.
She added that commitments from the state rail system to spend $5 million supporting OCTA’s South Coast Rail Infrastructure Feasibility Study and from Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s office to request $4 million from the federal government to assist the study were important to the cause.
“That will help us to, one, focus on the short term,” Foley said. “How do we make sure that this hillside is stabilized so the rails can continue to operate? How do we address the coastal erosion and get sand in there?”
Ultimately, the goal must be to relocate the railroad tracks away from the shoreline, according to Foley. SC
Inside the Historic Cottage at San Clemente State Beach, Jacque Nunez, descendant of the Juaneño Band of Mission Indians Acjachemen Nation, dazzled third-grade students from Concordia Elementary School on Friday, April 28, with stories of her heritage.
During her “Journeys to the Past” presentation, Nunez guides the audience through a day in the life of the Acjachemen tribe, hundreds of years before elementary school children had to worry about homework. The engaging experience teaches about prayer, daily hunts, using and respecting the surrounding nature, songs of thanksgiving, and learning from tribal elders.
Nunez has performed the presentation hundreds of times in her 18 years leading the program. But as the clock ticks down to the end of the 2022-23 school year and her retirement, each demonstration increases in significance.
“It’s been a beautiful journey,” Nunez said of the business she will soon hand over to her son.
Her storytelling is a vital part of the experiences that San Clemente State Beach provides to young students, the reach of which State Park Interpreter Cryssie Moreno wants to expand going forward.
“I know busing is hard sometimes … but we just want to get more exposure (out there) that we have these awesome field trips,” said Moreno. “We do actually have curriculum for each grade level.”
The activities vary from year to year, depending on what students are learning, but the State Parks staff always ensures multiple hands-on activities, often focusing on the scientific aspect of the park.
Nunez’s program fits well with the emphasis on Native American history and culture within the current school year. However, her presentations are about more than simply showcasing the beauty of Orange County’s Indigenous tribe, whose name means “the people who sleep inside a pile.”
She first started the program after learning that her own children were made fun of at school for their braided hair, prompting a talk with the Capistrano Unified School District about finding a solution.
Now, she’s nearly two decades into “Journeys to the Past,” having used her
40 years as an elementary school teacher and preschool director to best curate her presentations. A critical part of Nunez’s efforts in displaying her Acjachemen culture includes instilling in students that diversity and uniqueness should be celebrated, not mocked.
At the beginning of each presentation, Nunez tells her audience to put their index fingers to their chins and say, “Hmmm, that’s different.” The goal is to invoke an internal response of recognizing when something is different and being able to accept it, helping students have an open mind.
During her presentation last week, Nunez took the students through a day in the life of her ancestors that included waking up and a prayer led by the tribal chief. The men go deer hunting while the women make soups and baskets, and afterward the group sings as a way of thanking the Creator for a successful hunt. Students used clappers and rattles, the latter of which sometimes made from dried deer legs and toenails, to sing. At the end of the lesson, she told the story of a special girl named Shoolayem, or “Many Stars,” who stood out from the rest of her tribe because of her freckled face.
In the story, she becomes well-known for her friendly, compassionate personality and singing ability, and overcomes being mocked by a mean boy in the village by spending time with him and showing him kindness.
The students afterward told Nunez what they learned, the whole experience relating to how Native Americans would learn from the stories their elders told.
“Whether we have freckles, or we don’t have freckles, or we wear glasses, or we’re tall, or we’re short, or we’re a little chubby like Miss Jacque, we all have something special inside,” said Nunez. “I want everyone here today to look at me and say, ‘I am special.’”
Andrea Shea, a parent and chaperone
along for the field trip, said she loved the presentation’s message about keeping an open mind.
Next, the students inside the cottage went outside, where Moreno taught them about the versatile yucca plant. They used rocks to chip the yucca strands into paintbrushes and painted popsicle sticks for a game they played.
Moreno, who’s worked in San Clemente for 19 years, said she coordinates with the teachers to understand what their curriculum for a specific year focuses on and to tailor the park activities to that curriculum.
Younger students such as third-graders especially enjoy learning about native plants and their uses, as well as learning from Nunez.
“I just love being outside, working inside, and then inspiring the future generations to help protect our State Parks and be sustainable and spread awareness about environmental issues,” said Moreno.
Golf Course Committee
6-7 p.m. The city’s Golf Course Committee will conduct a regularly scheduled meeting at San Clemente City Hall, located at 910 Calle Negocio. 949.361.8200. san-clemente.org.
Beachside Chat
8-9 a.m. Join San Clemente residents and dignitaries for the weekly Beachside Chat, a spirited, town hall forum on community issues led by a slate of rotating hosts. The chats are held at Dorothy Visser Senior Center, located at 117 Avenida Victoria, San Clemente. All are welcome.
Challenging Cancer
10-11:30 a.m. The Challenging Cancer group is conducting weekly meetings through Zoom video conferences. The meetings are open to caregivers, people who have a compromised immune system, and people dealing with cancer. To join, email donnavigil2@gmail.com or linda_ crdv@yahoo.com. heritagesc.org.
Because I Love You (BILY)
6:30-8:30 p.m. The organization Because I Love You (BILY), which helps parents navigate through any parenting challenges they may be facing (e.g., failure to launch, substance misuse, disrespect, mental health), conducts its weekly meetings on Tuesdays via Zoom video conference and in-person/Zoom the first Tuesday of each month at the Outlets at San Clemente’s Conference Room. For detailed instructions on how to participate, email bilysanclemente@gmail.com.
Jeff Moore was noticeably enthusiastic while speaking with the San Clemente Times on Friday, April 28.
Upon learning about the lengthy and arduous process Moore and his business partner have endured to complete their development project, the luxurious Rare Society steakhouse’s fifth location, his excitement is understandable.
“I can confidently say that this will be the best restaurant in all of Orange County,” said Moore, the property owner.
Over the past four years, Moore and his partner have experienced the immediate and subsequent effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, including inflation. They have had a constant dialogue with restaurant owner Brad Wise, who is the executive chef and main mind behind Rare Society. Moore has visited the other locations,
two of which are in San Diego, and raved about the food, the staff and the ambience. Each location is decorated to the nines, matched by menus that feature oysters, beef tartare, premium cuts of meat and indulgent sides.
“It’s like a Roaring ’20s steakhouse meets the Spanish Village by the Sea, and it comes together and blends so nicely,” he said of the upcoming opening.
He also complimented Wise’s intelligence and understanding of what is needed to operate businesses at a high level.
Taking part in the experience has been “priceless” to Moore, he added.
He’s seen many learning curves come his way, especially the challenges of properly managing the restaurant’s construction and staying under budget.
Nonetheless, Moore said he wouldn’t change a thing about working with Wise and Trust Restaurant Group, which he called “true professionals.”
“I would say one of the hardest parts of my job, specifically, was having to keep my partner and investor enthusiastic and having to be passionate about the project for four full years and keeping everybody on track,” said Moore.
That commitment was necessary to fulfill their intentions of revitalizing the lower half of Avenida Del Mar by building
a two-story restaurant.
Rare Society will fill a need in town by serving as a niche restaurant that brings in clientele from surrounding cities, as well as San Clemente, according to Moore.
All the great restaurants will be able to play off each other, he said, referring to the maxim that a rising tide lifts all boats.
“In the same way that Rare Society is going to be convenient, I think that they’re going to be leading the way and setting the bar,” said Moore, referring to the service and food.
The restaurant will offer an experience that doesn’t currently exist in the city but is something that people want and deserve, he continued, adding that the new clientele will recognize “what a great town” San Clemente is.
His goal is for all surrounding businesses on Del Mar and El Camino Real to benefit from his venture.
The final stages toward the restaurant’s opening include checking off health inspections, fire codes, and other safety precautions, as Moore looks to hold a soft opening within the next two weeks and potentially open by June.
Afterward, Rare Society’s corporate staff will come in to operate the restaurant while simultaneously hiring and training incoming employees for the first three months.
“I honestly always joke and say that San Clemente doesn’t even know what’s about to be served up to them,” Moore said. “It’s a true crown jewel.”
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San Clemente Times, Vol. 18, Issue 18. The SC Times (sanclementetimes.com ) is published weekly by Picket Fence Media, publishers of the Dana Point Times (danapointtimes.com) and The Capistrano Dispatch (thecapistranodispatch.com). Copyright: No articles, illustrations, photographs or other editorial matter or advertisements herein may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher. The publisher assumes no responsibility for return of unsolicited manuscripts, art, photos or negatives. Copyright 2023. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA. San Clemente Times is published weekly by Picket Fence Media, 34932 Calle Del Sol, Suite B, Capistrano Beach, CA 92624. Application to Mail at Periodicals Postage Prices is Pending at San Clemente, CA. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: San Clemente Times, 34932 Calle Del Sol, Suite B, Capistrano Beach, CA 92624.
As mayor of San Clemente, it is my honor to share the annual report on our city’s progress and the exciting updates and improvements we have in store in the year ahead.
I am pleased to report that our unsheltered population is down by 16%, thanks to the hard work of our community outreach staff and local partners.
We are committed to continuing to support initiatives that provide assistance and resources to those in need, while also ensuring the safety and well-being of our residents and visitors.
We cannot allow people to sleep in dangerous encampments across our city—there’s nothing humane about that.
We are also making great strides to ensure the safety and well-being of all San Clemente residents and visitors. I am proud to report that our crime rate has gone down since 2020. Both property and violent crimes have decreased, thanks in part to the dedicated efforts of our Orange County Sheriff’s Department deputies, who recently arrested serial burglars in Talega.
We are committed to continuing this trend, making San Clemente an even safer place to live, work, and play. We are now embarking on a comprehensive plan to ensure the safety and cleanliness of the North Beach area so our residents and visitors can enjoy this beautiful
In response to Jiffy Massey’s desire to undermine our Second Amendment rights, it should be understood that rights are not determined by someone’s arbitrary belief of what an individual needs; that’s why they’re called rights.
The text of the Second Amendment, “…shall not be infringed” is not an invitation to regulate it out of existence.
Citizens should know that the Kleck & Gertz study, “Armed Resistance to Crime,” found that firearms are used 2.5 million times a year to deter crime. The foolish would disarm the law-abiding, believing wolves won’t attack if the horns are removed from the elk.
entrance point to our city.
One of our most impactful achievements over the past year was the state’s approval of our city’s Housing Element, which allows us to preserve the look and feel of San Clemente for years to come.
This adds much-needed affordable housing in a way that does not change our community character and precludes unchecked development. Our Housing Element will ensure that our kids will have the same opportunity we did to live in this beautiful town and raise a family of their own.
Our beaches are the heart and soul of San Clemente, and we are taking important steps to protect them for generations to come. This fall, thanks to $9.3 million in federal funding secured by Congressman Mike Levin, we will be replenishing the sand from Linda Lane to T-Street, extending the beach approximately 50 feet in this area.
As you know, our community has recently sustained several landslides, impacting our beloved Casa Romantica. Special recognition goes to our Public Works Department for jumping into action to support residents and property owners in the aftermath of these tragic events.
Now I know why North Beach, our Beach Trail, homeless problems, and public safety issues have not been solved by our City Council. At the City Council meeting of April 18, three councilmembers wasted time on cultural and partisan issues instead of solving our local city problems.
No matter what your political affiliations are, when our city representatives waste over an hour debating whether they should become involved in cultural educational issues such as sexual orientation and banning books, they should instead be focusing on basic local issues.
Councilmembers Cabral, James and Knoblock wasted city resources and time debating State Assembly Bill 1078, which hasn’t even gotten out of committee hearings, and yet they had heated and insulting debate with the two other councilmembers over this issue.
State Assembly Bill 1078 needs to be
Natural disasters like these remind us how important sand and bluff stabilization measures are to the safety of our residents.
There is so much to look forward to in San Clemente in the year ahead, from the World Surf League finals at Lower Trestles, to professional pickleball tournaments, to the expansion of our beloved trolley service.
Our businesses continue to grow and thrive, and we are excited about the opportunities for future fun and recreation for our residents and visitors.
I am grateful for the support of my fellow councilmembers, as well as the many wonderful organizations, businesses, and residents who make San Clemente such a wonderful place. I am honored to serve as your mayor, and I look forward to the year ahead.
Together, there is no challenge we cannot meet or obstacle we cannot overcome.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: Mayor Chris Duncan will deliver the State of the City address at 11:30 a.m. on May 5. The event is sold out.
Chris Duncan is a councilmember who was elected in 2020 and is serving as town mayor for 2023.
PLEASE NOTE: In an effort to provide our readers with a wide variety of opinions from our community, the SC Times provides Guest Opinion opportunities in which selected columnists’ opinions are shared. The opinions expressed in these columns are entirely those of the columnist alone and do not reflect those of the SC Times or Picket Fence Media. If you would like to respond to this column, please email us at editorial@sanclementetimes.com.
debated by our local PTAs and school boards—not at City Council meetings when these three have no idea on what is best for our children.
This seems now to be a pattern with Steve Knoblock and Gene James, whereby bringing up national issues such as abortion and gun control and forgetting that they are local councilmembers who were elected to solve our basic local issues.
If they want to debate these issues, either run for state or national office or rent a room and invite others on their own time to debate these topics.
Councilmember Cabral doesn’t seem to realize that respect and decorum on the city dais is paramount, as he insulted the other two councilmembers for expressing their own opinions.
Is it time for a recall, so we can have city councilmembers dedicated to solving problems at North Beach, our Beach Trail, homeless problems and public safety?
I read the entire page and a half article in the recent SC Times about the North Beach Plan. Ninety percent of it addressed getting rid of the homeless. They are considering hiring a private security firm to patrol North Beach and “T-Zone.”
The desired result would be a threemonth contract for services to cost the city a maximum of $100,000 a month. They voted to change beach closing hours to 10 p.m. instead of midnight. I’m not sure how you can “close” a beach, but anything to prevent the homeless from sleeping there, I guess.
A suggestion for an enhanced Park Ranger program was discussed, which would decrease the need for private security, but hiring someone with advanced skills would take more time and be more expensive than part-time personnel.
Well, all that rhetoric and ink could be summed up in one sentence. Let’s get the homeless out of North Beach fast, however we can.
As I continued reading the Times, a Letter to the Editor caught my eye. It was a response to Mary Knox on homeless services from Nancy McIntyre, from iHOPE.
I know Nancy and have volunteered with iHOPE when we had a facility here in San Clemente. She explained that the resource center was in the former DMV facility at 112 Canada, from January 2012 through December 2013.
Security was provided, and the center offered services such as job counseling and training, case management and counseling, distribution of clothes, food and toiletries. They also had showers, laundry facility and use of a computer.
As a volunteer, I saw people come in and wait as much as two or more hours to see a counselor. The center closed due to the property being sold, and iHOPE was not able to purchase it.
Here is my solution: Instead of paying $100,000 a month for “security” to rid the city of our homeless folks, how about investing that money in a new home for iHOPE? That may not be the “quick fix” you are wanting, but it would be a start in caring for our neighbors here in San Clemente and giving them the opportunity to get off the streets. And isn’t that your goal?
GREG RAY, San Clemente
I reside in South San Clemente, and I am distressed that our beaches are getting smaller every year. I don’t need to tell you how much our community values the beaches for recreation, or how much these beaches are worth to the community for the tourism they attract and the real estate values they support. To a large degree, the wide stretches of
sand that we so enjoy were man-made by projects led by the Army Corps of Engineers on a regular basis over many decades. With the lapse in these projects, our San Clemente beaches are disappearing.
Other neighboring communities have hired staff to develop projects to replenish their sand—including Huntington Beach, Newport Beach, Encinitas, and Oceanside. Once a project has been approved and permits obtained, then it becomes possible to seek funding from state and federal sources.
It is my understanding that last month the San Clemente City Council started a process to hire a sand replenishment expert who will apply for permits to enable us to restore our beaches. I’m delighted that the City Council is taking this step, and I agree that this should be the top priority for our community.
I hope that all our neighbors will get behind this initiative and support the City Council’s efforts to replenish our vanishing sand.
I support Steve Knoblock’s resolution against AB 1078. There are hundreds of parents standing behind him.
We believe our children are a gift from God, not property, but have precious minds to nurture and protect.
We are to cheer them on.
We have lent them to the government schools to teach, not indoctrinate. We pay for this education just like we pay for the city officials’ seats we elect.
We do not surrender our authority, carving parents out of the learning process usurping our authority.
God bless America.
I want to thank Victor Cabral, San Clemente city councilmember, for putting public safety first.
Recently, Victor made a successful motion to hire a security firm to be used as a roving deterrent against crime in San Clemente.
We in the North Beach community are living with people gathering and breaking our laws on a regular basis, putting our community in danger. These people routinely break laws until police show up, only to start breaking our laws again once the police leave.
With its two, soon-to-be three, wedding venues, restaurants, and beach, North Beach is one of San Clemente’s most visited entertainment and recreational areas and an important city revenue stream. Safety is important.
With the addition of security patrols, San Clemente will now have security that can be stationed in trouble spots like North Beach for hours vs. min-
utes, thus deterring lawbreakers from continuing their illegal activities in our community.
The security team will have body cams to record their encounters, helping in the documentation of the people breaking our laws and helping the city to avoid unfounded lawsuits by the lawbreakers.
My thanks go out to Victor Cabral for making the initial motion to hire roving security teams and to our City Council for approving and supporting that motion.
I had to respond to George Morrison, who did not agree with Jiffy Massey on the Nashville shooting incident.
She said that multiple-firing guns are designed for wars, not for households. I totally agree with Ms. Massey. Mr. Morrison really missed the mark.
It sounds like he is a real hunter and loves the outdoors. Nothing wrong with that. To own a gun for hunting is great. It’s the American way.
What Ms. Massey is stating that multiple-firing guns are not needed for hunting. This kind of gun gets into the wrong hands and is not used for hunting.
If Mr. Morrison uses an AR rifle to hunt, that defeats the fun of hunting. We must stand up to removing AR rifles from our society.
Sometimes, stories explain issues we face in society better than abstract discussions about laws brought before the Supreme Court, or statewide ballots.
Four years ago, about 20 residents got together to help a woman who was a drug addict. She had children who were with child protective services and lived on the streets with her addict husband. There were allegations of physical abuse and prostitution in order to get drug money, but Barbara (not her real name) refused to press charges.
The residents went into action after Barbara expressed a desire to get clean. This small group pulled her off the street and set her up in a safe motel. Dozens of phone calls were made so she could be put in a detox program to get healthy again. Once clean, she’d get on a path to getting her kids back.
A program was finally found, but it required a drug test and a three-day wait. Even with all the residents spending time and money for food, clothes and shelter, the wait was too long and the pull of drugs too great. The chance of getting her children back and starting a new life was not enough to make Barbara change course.
The truth is, the people who were desperate to help Barbara are the same
people who do not want tents at North Beach and do not want a shelter in town. Why? Because the shelters California want us to open don’t work.
It’s a cruel kind of help that only perpetuates the problem, similar to giving addicts food so they have more money to spend on drugs.
Barbara went back on the street and weeks later was hospitalized after being severely beaten. Injuries included a broken arm. Her husband was later seen on a supervised visit with their children. Barbara never filed assault charges, so the nightmare continued.
California’s laws have created this scenario. We have decriminalized felonies, antisocial behavior, and invited every addict in the country to enjoy our weather and consequence-free drug use. This is not a housing problem.
Every housing and homeless advocacy group in San Clemente always asks for “the city” to use taxpayer funds to solve the problem, by providing money to establish temporary/permanent housing, hygiene facilities, and places to camp in tents and cars.
How about these groups raising money through contributions, opening up their homes and backyards for camping, and begin solving the homeless problem one person at a time.
After they have developed a proven plan that gets people off the street, and into a job that will allow them to afford the affordable housing, then come to “the city” and taxpayers to fund the process on a grander scale.
Small success stories are the beginning of any worthwhile venture that has the ability to go big.
During Gene James’ short, but turbulent, time on the City Council, it would be possible to write a variety of observations.
However, it is best to keep it short and simple—good riddance.
San Clemente Times reserves the right to edit reader-submitted letters for length and is not responsible for the claims made or information written by the writers. Have something you’d like to say? Email your letter to sraymundo@picketfencemedia.com no later than 8 a.m. on Monday morning. Limit your letters to 350 words or less. Please send with your valid email, phone number and address for verification by staff. Your address and phone number will not be published.
10 a.m.-noon. Intermediate to advanced players who are at least 45 years old are invited to play table tennis at the Shorecliffs Terrace Mobile Home Park every Thursday for free. Shorecliffs Terrace, 3000 Calle Nuevo, San Clemente. 949.481.2275.
7:30 p.m. Through May 14, watch a live performance of the comedy The Pirates of Penzance at San Clemente’s local theater. Tickets are $33. Cabrillo Playhouse, 202 Avenida Cabrillo, San Clemente. 949.492.0465. cabrilloplayhouse.org.
10-11 a.m. Join Age Well Senior Services for line dancing every Friday at San Clemente’s senior center. No partner required. For a $5 donation, learn some easy and fun line dances to get you moving. Carrie Wojo teaches all over South Orange County and makes it easy to stay active and have fun. Dorothy Visser Senior Center, 117 Avenida Victoria, San Clemente. 949.498.3322.
5 p.m. Casino San Clemente will be transformed into a Cinco De Mayo Fiesta for Family Assistance Ministries’ 6th annual gala. The FAM Fiesta has already sold out with early registrations, but it has opened a wait list for those looking to attend. Expected guests include Fifth District Board Supervisor Katrina Foley, local dignitaries, and local citizens dedicated to assisting FAM’s mission. Casino San Clemente, 140 W. Avenida Pico, San Clemente. lovefam.org/events.
5:30 p.m. The inaugural Dana Point Film Festival kicks off on May 4, with film screenings, panels and discussions running through May 7. The festival is dedicated to the ocean, with films centered around marine life, ocean health and the human relationship with the sea. Films will be screened at the Dana Hills High School Porthole Theater, the Dana Point Woman’s Club Community House and the DoubleTree Suites by Hilton Hotel Doheny Beach. A complete list of the feature-length and short documentary films to be screened is available on the festival website. danapointfilmfestival.eventive.org.
8-11 a.m. Join California State Parks Naturalist Heather Rice to experience the local state park. Meet at the City of San Clemente’s dog park off Avenida La Pata to participate in this 4-mile hike. Baron Von Willard Memorial Dog Park, 301 Avenida La Pata, San Clemente. cryssie.moreno@parks.ca.gov.
9 a.m.-3 p.m. Hosted by the San Clemente Downtown Business Association on the lawn of the SC Library, the Village Art Faire offers a variety of work, including photography, fine art, jewelry, ceramics, fused glass, home decor, botanicals, textile art, and more. Visitors can expect to find many of their favorite artists, as well as some new faces. San Clemente Library, 242 Avenida Del Mar, San Clemente. 949.218.5378. info@scdba.org. scdba.org/.
11 a.m.-4 p.m. San Clemente Military Family Outreach is hosting a tour of five gardens in South Orange County to raise money for military family assistance. Tickets are $35. 949.388.2812. militaryfamilyoutreach.org.
8:45 a.m. Join The Path Bike Shop for an intermediate-level e-bike ride at the San Clemente Singletracks. This is a no-drop ride that will leave from San Clemente
Dog Park. Participants should be ready to roll at 9 a.m. Path Bike Shop encourages participants to come prepared with ride essentials, including helmet, water, snacks, fix-a-flat/repair kit, etc. San Clemente Dog Park, 301 Avenida La Pata, San Clemente. 714.669.0784. thepathbikeshop.com.
9-11 a.m. Stand Up to Trash is teaming up with Harbor Rock Wealth Management to spend a beautiful day of ocean stewardship with the San Clemente community at the San Clemente Pier. Stand Up to Trash encourages the “BYOB” philosophy—bring your own bucket or reusable bag, gloves, reusable water bottle and coffee cup—to help reduce any additional waste. Gloves and bags will be provided. North side of the San Clemente Pier. standuptotrash@gmail.com. standuptotrash.com.
9 a.m.-1 p.m. Shop for a wide selection of fruits, vegetables and artisanal goods from organic growers along Avenida Del Mar. 949 361 8200. san-clemente.org.
10 a.m.-3 p.m. An artists’ group from one of the oldest art societies in the U.S., the California Art Club, will be painting and sculpting on the grounds of Lantern Bay Park in Dana Point. The event was initially scheduled to take place at Casa Romantica in San Clemente but has been moved because of the temporary closure at the historic site. Costumed models in 1930s garb will be provided by the San Clemente Historical Society for the artists to work from, and two vintage cars will
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be parked nearby as subjects for artworks. Event organizers have invited CAC’s Signature membership for the day, highly skilled artists all with national exhibition experience, as well as Artist and Mentor members of the society. Join the paintout to see how paintings are created outdoors. Parking and admission are free. Lantern Bay Park, 25111 Park Lantern Road, Dana Point.
10 a.m.-3 p.m. Pets Plus at Ocean View Plaza is offering this no-anesthesia dental cleaning for dogs (and cats) that also includes vet exams. The cleanings are safe for older pets and take less than an hour. Appointments are required. Call 949.496.8400 or text “Get Tickets” for more details. Pets Plus, 638 Camino de los Mares, Suite A140, San Clemente. petsplusca.com.
6 p.m. This popular downtown restaurant offers a night full of country music and line dancing for all ages. Beginners will have the floor from 6-7 p.m., followed by advanced dancers from 7:30-8:30 p.m. The floor will be open to all from 8:30-10 p.m. H.H. Cotton’s, 201 Avenida Del Mar, San Clemente. 949.945.6616. hhcottons.com.
6:30 p.m. Test your knowledge every Tuesday night. Teams of two to six people are welcome to join in for a chance to win prizes. Call beforehand to reserve a table. Selma’s Chicago Pizzeria, 31781 Camino Capistrano, Suite 201, San Juan Capistrano. 949.429.3599. selmaspizza.com.
1:30 p.m. Every Wednesday, the Dorothy Visser Senior Center will host Bingo. The center will begin selling cards at 1 p.m., with the game starting promptly at 1:30. The buy-in is $12 for 10 games with four cards and a special pick-your-number game. For more information, contact the center at 949.498.3322. Dorothy Visser Senior Center, 117 Avenida Victoria, San Clemente.
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3bd | 3.5ba | 2,488 sq ft
Immerse yourself in luxury coastal living in the beach close community of Sea Summit in the popular Aqua Plan 2! Embracing the ultimate indoor-outdoor coastal lifestyle, the family room has large slider doors opening to a backyard oasis. Entertainers delight in this easy transition from inside the home to the beautifully landscaped and hardscaped backyard ideally equipped with a fun built-in bar area for seating and serving. The exquisite kitchen impresses with stainless-steel appliances and showcases a long center island, plenty of storage, and a charming breakfast nook. All three bedrooms are on the upper level. The master bedroom is spacious and showcases a divine master bathroom and a large walk-in closet. Both secondary bedrooms have ensuite bathrooms. Additional highlights include new HVAC ducting and thermostat, new landscaping and landscape lighting, new interior paint, and new carpet. This incredible seaside home is just steps to the exclusive “Summit Club” featuring a resort-style clubhouse, a stunning ocean view pool, spa, cabanas, fireplaces, and gym.
If you’re seeking the ultimate beach lifestyle, this home is for you! Located in the highly sought-after “Trestles District” just a stone’s throw from San Clemente’s top surfing spots and the municipal golf course. The interior was tastefully updated in 2017 with luxury vinyl flooring, remodeled kitchen and bathrooms. 2 car garage, ocean view deck. This exceptional home embodies the ultimate Orange County lifestyle that you simply cannot afford to miss out on!
Explore ideas to make mom’s day full of surprises and memories. Restaurants in our backyard offer so many choices to celebrate Mother’s Day on May 14, from traditional brunches to creative outings. Among well-known go-to places are Ramos House Café in San Juan Capistrano, Bonjour Café in Dana Point, The Fisherman’s Restaurant & Bar on San Clemente Pier or local resort hotels such as Laguna Cliffs Marriott Resort & Spa and Waldorf Astoria Monarch Beach Resort & Club.
However, other options abound.
For 109 years, Mother’s Day has been officially celebrated. Nationally, about 54% plan to pay homage to mom with a brunch, dinner or special outing, up from 49% last year, according to the National Retail Federation. Keep in mind, creating new traditions is a gift in itself. For your consideration, here are a few ideas that may fit the bill for a mom’s day experience.
Doho Café at Doheny, located in Doheny State Park in Dana Point, may be off the wall, but literally is sand and beach at your feet.
Doho Café is by no means a concession stand. It has a patio with tables and wideopen beach for spreading out your own blankets and chairs to enjoy breakfast or lunch with food variety that doesn’t miss special ingredients such as edamame, quinoa, acai, cage-free eggs and applewood bacon.
Another plus: access to bike and beach rentals through Wheel Fun Rentals (wheelfunrentals.com).
25300 Dana Point Harbor Drive. 949.538.9512. dohocafedoheny.com.
Asada Cantina + Kitchen at the Outlets at San Clemente gives the guest of honor— mom—a chance to dine, relax and shop.
The restaurant is a blend of classic and contemporary Mexican cuisine. Its diversity in cuisine style is evident. Even the smallest menu item stands out, from bacon-wrapped jalapenos with cream cheese and raspberry jam to avocado poblano slaw.
An extensive tequila collection and an “anytime breakfast” are among highlights. The menu is book-worthy reading. After your meal, take mom on a shop-about at stores at the Outlets to pick out a gift.
225 W. Avenida Vista Hermosa, Suite G, San Clemente. 949.561.1200. asadacantina.com.
Harbor House Café in Dana Point, with 24/7 hours of operation, makes it easy to be the first to celebrate mom’s day. Midnight, anyone?
Established in 1939, listing the nostalgic eatery’s menu would take—well, all night. While reservations are not taken, its homey atmosphere and menu variety offer something for everyone.
Seafood, egg dishes galore, Mexican items and dessert. You get the picture.
34157 Pacific Coast Highway, Dana Point. 949.496.9270. harborhousecafe.com.
The Teahouse on Los Rios in San Juan Capistrano is more than tea. It’s a meal and an experience.
Offered on May 13 and 14, select from a lunch or brunch version in a genteel surrounding in the historic district. Loose leaf teas, Bloody Marys, champagne and scones are among expected offerings, but there’s so much more.
Among entrees for Mother’s Day Brunch are Amalfi Coast Benedict
using crumpets as a base or a Bananas Foster Pan Perdue (French toast). Lunch features such items as an extensive Tea Plate or roasted Tuscan chicken. There’s even a “young royals” menu for those 10 and under.
31731 Los Rios Street. 949.443.3914. houseonlosrios.com.
Rick’s Café and Wine Bar in the Regency Theatre at the San Juan Capistrano Franciscan Plaza makes mom the star attraction at the café or in a VIP auditorium.
See what movie options are available, and order Rick’s food from the comfort of your movie seat. Salads, seafood, flatbread pizzas, burgers, sandwiches, wraps and more.
26762 Verdugo Street, San Juan Capistrano. 949.661 3434. regencymovies.com.
Cheryl Pruett is an award-winning journalist and editor, having covered Orange County city and county topics to the food scene for Orange County Register, Patch. com and local magazines. She has called Dana Point/Capistrano Beach home for more than 30 years. SC
PLEASE NOTE: In an effort to provide our readers with a wide variety of opinions from our community, the SC Times provides Guest Opinion opportunities in which selected columnists’ opinions are shared. The opinions expressed in these columns are entirely those of the columnist alone and do not reflect those of the SC Times or Picket Fence Media. If you would like to respond to this column, please email us at editorial@sanclementetimes.com.
Are you looking for a great kitty companion? Look no further than Ellie, a loveable cutie with lots of character. Just shy of 2 years old, Ellie is an outgoing cat who loves to meet new people. She is playful and always ready for fun. She might just be your perfect match!
If you are interested in adopting Ellie, please visit petprojectfoundation.org/adoptions/ to download an adoption application form. Completed forms can be emailed to animalservices@scdpanimalshelter.org, and you will be contacted about making an interaction appointment. SC
The Ole Hanson Beach Club gets constructed, in this 1927 photo. It was designed by Virgil Westbrook, architect of numerous early buildings in San Clemente. Olympic Trials were held here in 1932. This photo can be purchased from the San Clemente Historical Society at sanclementehistoricalsociety.org.
Every week, the San Clemente Times will showcase a historical photo from around the city. If you have a photo you would like to submit for consideration, send the photo, your name for credit as well as the date and location of the photo to sraymundo@picketfencemedia.com
Each Sudoku puzzle consists of a 9x9 grid that has been subdivided into nine smaller grids of 3x3 squares. To solve the puzzle, each row, column and box must contain each of the numbers 1 to 9. Puzzles come in three grades: easy, medium and difficult. Level: Medium
The Ralphs grocery store lot on South El Camino Real was once the home of the horse stables in San Clemente and was known as The San Clemente Riding Academy.
The founders of San Clemente, Ole Hanson and his business partner Hamilton Cotton, considered themselves horsemen, and they included horseback riding in the design of the new town. One of Ole’s sons, Ted, became a professional rodeo rider.
Much of San Clemente was originally designed with horse trails. In addition, horses were used to grade the streets and to form the plots of land that went up for sale in the new town. Several streets were designed with center dividers that served as horse trails that ran down to the beach from El Camino Real.
Today, these streets have landscaped center dividers instead of horse trails.
Ole Hanson’s house, which is now the historic cultural center called Casa Romantica, had horse stables adjacent to the property. The stables are long gone, replaced by huge condominiums in the 1970s.
Other homes in the area had stables on their property, but these are also gone, replaced mostly by homes after World War II.
Cotton built the house on the south end of town that is now called “Casa Pacifica,” where President Richard Nixon lived in the 1970s. He had horse stables on his
large property, as well as a racetrack. He had 100 acres.
It is said that he entertained President Roosevelt, who arrived by train several times at his home. In 1943, Cotton sold 62 acres to a thoroughbred horse breeder from Brawly, California. It became the largest breeding farm in California and produced many famous horses that won races at Santa Anita, Hollywood Park and Del Mar racetracks.
Hanson and his partners built public horse stables on the land that now houses the Ralphs grocery store on South El Camino Real. These were considered one of the finest stables south of Los Angeles, with 14 stalls and living quarters for the caretakers. The architecture was Spanish Colonial Revival and is said to have been very beautiful.
The Riding Academy closed at the beginning of the 1930s during The Great Depression, and the stable was renovated into a hospital. Each horse stall was converted into a large hospital room and was billed as a hotel-style hospital for arthritis patients.
Unfortunately, the hospital operated for only four years before it failed, and then it became a hotel for a few years.
Later, the buildings were torn down
For the week of April 17, leading up to Earth Day on Saturday, April 22, students at Marblehead Elementary School participated in several experiences designed to educate them about Earth, the planet on which they live.
As an Environmental Studies Academy, Marblehead seeks to add a special focus on the environment to learning and to develop an understanding of the need to be good stewards of the Earth. That objective was certainly emphasized during Earth Week as students received a presentation on windy weather events, went to an IMAX screening of A Beautiful Planet, explored rocks and crystals, built solar ovens, and capped it
off with a snow day on April 21.
Marblehead Principal Jamie Goodwyn said she was “blown away” by the effort the PTA put into organizing the slate of activities. The two parties worked together to theorize what the school would do, and Goodwyn took the final step to secure the field trip to the MetroLux Theatres at the Outlets at San Clemente.
Each day helped the children to understand how the world works and think ahead in terms of practices that assist in preserving the Earth.
“We want it to last forever,” said Goodwyn. “We want to make sure that we are taking care of the Earth and conserving, recycling, reusing; whatever we do, we want them to know that it makes an impact on our Earth.”
and a shopping center was built, including an Alpha Beta grocery store. Later still, the shopping center was once again redesigned into the Ralphs grocery store that is there today.
Prior to Ralphs, the owner of the shopping center proposed a three-story mall with parking and a grocery store on street level and tiered restaurants with ocean views on the upper levels. The city refused to approve this design, so a single Ralphs store was designed instead.
Today, many locals call the Ralphs “Ralph a Beta” because of the Alpha Beta that was there for many years, but most people do not know that this
The film screening was especially successful with both the students and teachers, as the portrayal of the planet from space was “educational, yet exciting,” Goodwyn said. She added that the teachers felt the movie did well to show how the Earth has changed over time and how humans can impact it.
Nearly 200 students and adults came out for the snow day, which featured sledding and snowball fights after lessons on ice storms and how snow forms.
Go odwyn said she saw people interacting and making introductions, in addition to having fun with snow on a warm day. For the significant population of low-income families who find it difficult making it out to California’s snow-covered mountains, the day was especially meaningful.
She called the support over Earth Week from parents “amazing,” starting off with the weather presentation from former weather anchor Brooke Bartow.
“They wanted to be hands-on with the kids, and wanted to show the kids that you can build these solar ovens with
location once housed horse stables and a hospital.
Christine Lampert is a member of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) and has designed many projects in San Clemente and in California. She has been a professor of architecture at USC, OCC and SCAD Hong Kong. She and her family have lived in San Clemente for more than 46 years. SC
PLEASE NOTE: In an effort to provide our readers with a wide variety of opinions from our community, the SC Times provides Guest Opinion opportunities in which selected columnists’ opinions are shared. The opinions expressed in these columns are entirely those of the columnist alone and do not reflect those of the SC Times or Picket Fence Media. If you would like to respond to this column, please email us at editorial@sanclementetimes.com.
ease and make s’mores with ease,” said Goodwyn. “It was a lot of fun.”
The collaboration with the Outlets at San Clemente was just another example of the participation that Marblehead receives from the community. Goodwyn recalled that the fifth-graders went to the Ocean Institute in Dana Point on April 19 for a free field trip.
“It’s almost overwhelming how much we’re given from our local vendors, local charities, (and) local conservationists,” she said.
Goodwyn added that she loves knowing her teaching staff is instilling a love for the Earth into their students and teaching the importance of caring for it.
She felt that the week had a deep impact on the students.
“I wanted it to be fun, and I wanted it to be memorable for them,” said Goodwyn. “I truly appreciate what our parents did for them, and I truly appreciate the love they poured into our students to make sure that (the lessons from) this week will last forever.” SC
San Clemente girls lacrosse absolutely rolled its league competition with nary a sniff of a test over its previous 12 games, and the Tritons maintained that roll on Monday, May 1, to reach new program heights.
San Clemente led by as many as six goals in the first half and completely dominated the second half to knock out St. Margaret’s, 19-7, in a CIF-SS Division 1 first-round game at San Clemente High School.
The No. 4 seed Tritons (14-3) now advance to the program’s first CIF-SS semifinal, where they will host No. 1 seed and heavy title favorite Foothill on Friday, May 5.
“Last year (in a 13-5 first-round loss) at Santa Margarita, the team was very deer-in-the-headlights,” San Clemente coach Josh Cain said. “I wasn’t sure who was going to show up to this playoff, and it was exciting to see that they were loose, excited to play and hungry to come out here. I think this is a big confidence-booster that we need.”
San Clemente devoured its South Coast League competitors to the tune of a combined 159-38 scoreline across eight league games, with one game closer than an 11-goal margin of victory—a 12-8 win over El Toro in which leading scorers Charlotte and Sophia Yeskulsky did not play. So, for Cain, it was important to see his team perform against a traditionally strong St. Margaret’s (13-6) program.
Charlotte and Sophia Yeskulsky each scored four goals on Monday, along with another four goals from Tessa Campbell. Taylor Juncaj and Karly Coury both scored three goals. Emma Massamiri also scored a goal and notched a handful of assists. Kayla Jones was stout in net with several saves off free position attempts.
While the Yeskulskys got their share of the goal totals, maybe the most important takeaway from San Clemente’s first-round win was the spread of goal-scorers
and how the Tritons played off and through the twin sophomores to diversify their offense.
“I think it was a lot of growing pains at the beginning of the season,” Cain said. “We took a couple early losses against Murrieta Mesa, Foothill and Edison. It was after that that the team learned how important it was to work together. When we only do a two-person game . . . at some point, you have to have other players step up and make that change.”
The spark for San Clemente’s offense truly came on the draws, as senior Emma Massamiri was the go-to for the Tritons to gain control. Massamiri was nails on the draw controls and set the pace to get San Clemente off and running.
“She’s really a big glue for us,” Cain said. “She fits in wherever we need it. She’s got the highest lacrosse IQ of our group. She knows what it takes to get the other girls open and get goals.”
That quick-working, team-focused approach will be the way for the Tritons on Friday, as they host the two-
For in-game updates, news and more for all the San Clemente High School sports programs, follow us on Twitter @SouthOCSports and on Instagram @South_OC_Sports
It was a full multi-level sweep of the South Coast League for the San Clemente boys swim team for the Tritons’ first league championship in nearly 20 years.
Following an upset over Tesoro for the first time in eight years and a following loss to Aliso Niguel, San Clemente entered the South Coast League Finals in a threeway tie atop the league standings, but record-setting performances from Noah Sech and nine top-five finishes in 11 events, including seven top-three placings, helped the Tritons capture the South Coast League championship on Friday, April 28, at Capistrano Valley High School.
Sech, who swam at the CIF State Meet last season, was once again the star for San Clemente, as the Princeton-bound senior posted the Tritons’ two individual wins in the 200-yard individual medley and 100-yard breaststroke. Sech posted school and South Coast League records in both events, with a time of 1:47.38 in the 200-yard individual medley and 54.23 seconds in the 100yard breaststroke.
This season, Sech also set school records in the 100yard freestyle (45.23 seconds) and 200-yard freestyle (1:38.66). In the previous week, Sech also qualified for next year’s Olympic Trials in the 400-yard individual medley and 200-yard individual medley long course. Sech will swim at the National Swim Meet in Indianapolis on June 27.
San Clemente finished second in both the 200-yard medley relay and 400-yard freestyle relay to qualify for CIF-SS. The Tritons’ 200-yard freestyle relay also qualified with a fourth-place finish. Sebastien De Fabrique, Grant Mundl and Wyatt Miller also qualified for CIF-SS in their individual races. San Clemente won South Coast League team titles at the frosh-soph, junior varsity and varsity levels, along with a league diving championship by junior Nolan Rooker.
CIF-SS Division 1 prelims were run on Wednesday, May 3, but results were not available at press time. CIF-SS Finals are Friday, May 5, at Riverside City College.
time reigning CIF-SS Division 1 champion Foothill in the semifinals. Foothill defeated Mira Costa, 15-6, in the first round on Tuesday, May 2, San Clemente played Foothill closer than any other CIF-SS team this season in an 11-7 loss at Foothill on Feb. 28.
“I think if we play like we played today, we have a good shot at beating them,” Cain said. “The first time we played them, we weren’t really working together as a team. That was a real big jump (for the rest of the season). We learned from that game.”
The San Clemente girls were edged out for their own South Coast League championship on Friday, April 28, as the Tritons fell to third place at league finals.
Madelyn Phillips, who also swam at the CIF State Meet last season, set school and league records in the 100yard butterfly with a time of 1:02.27. The Purdue-bound senior also qualified for CIF-SS in the 200-yard individual medley, 100-yard freestyle and 100-yard breaststroke.
Zoe de Fabrique, a freshman, won in the 200-yard and 500-yard freestyle swims, and San Clemente won the 200yard medley relay and 400-yard freestyle relay.
The following person(s) is (are) doing business as:
Full Name of Registrant(s):
This business is conducted by Copartners.
The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: n/a
This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Orange County on 03/13/2023.
Published in: San Clemente Times Apr 20, 27, May 4, 11, 2023
The following person(s) is (are) doing business as:
Full Name of Registrant(s):
This business is conducted by a General Partnership.
The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: 08/05/2020
/s/Shelley Mitchell
This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Orange County on 04/11//2023.
Published in: San Clemente Times Apr 20, 27, May 4, 11, 2023
The following person(s) is (are) doing business as:
Full Name of Registrant(s):
This business is conducted by a CA Corporation. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: n/a
This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Orange County on 04/07/2023.
Published in: San Clemente Times Apr 20, 27, May 4, 11, 2023
Minor Cultural Heritage Permit 22-364, Ragsdale Addition and Deck Expansion, 256 Avenida Lobeiro
A request to add living space on the second floor and expand an existing second floor deck of a multi-family building abutting a historic resource. The proposed addition and deck expansion are on the front elevation, visible from the historic resource across the street.
Staff recommends that the project be found Categorically Exempt from CEQA pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 (Class 1e: Existing Facilities: Additions to existing structures which do not result in an increase over 2,500 square feet or greater than 10,000 square feet provided public services and facilities are available to allow for maximum development permissible in the General Plan and the area in which the project is located is not environmentally sensitive.
Special Activities Permit 23-127, PPA Select Medical Orange County Cup 2023, 111 Avenida Vista Montana
A request for a 4-day special activity permit for a pickleball tournament hosted June 8-11, 2023 on private property at the Lifetime Fitness facilities, operating from 7am to 8pm daily and hosting up to 1,000 daily guests.
Staff recommends that the project be found Categorically Exempt from CEQA pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15304 (Class 4e: Minor Alterations to Land: Minor temporary use of land having negligible or no permanent effects on the environment, including carnivals, sales of Christmas trees, etc.). The project is exempt because the existing property is designed to accommodate outdoor recreation activity, and the proposed event involves only minor temporary alterations to the property to accommodate the event.
Minor Architectural Permit 22-424 / Minor Exception Permit 22-423, Ely-Bonadonna Residence, 113 W. Mariposa
A request for a second story addition of 735 square feet, along with a proposed rooftop deck and two balconies, at an existing legal non-conforming single-family residence located at 113 West Mariposa.
Staff recommends that the project be found Categorically Exempt from CEQA pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 (Class 1e: Existing Facilities: Additions to existing structures which do not result in an increase over 2,500 square feet or greater than 10,000 square feet provided public services and facilities are available to allow for maximum development permissible in the General Plan and the area in which the project is located is not environmentally sensitive.
These applications are on file at the City of San Clemente Community Development Department, 910 Calle Negocio, and are available for public inspection and comment by contacting (949) 3616183. If you challenge these projects in court you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised in written correspondence delivered to the City of San Clemente at, or prior
to, the public hearings.
Notice is further given that said public hearings will be conducted by the City of San Clemente Zoning Administrator and held on Thursday, May 18, 2023 at 3:00 p.m. at San Clemente City Hall, First Floor Community Room, 910 Calle Negocio, San Clemente, California. All interested persons are invited to attend said hearings or to provide written communication to the Zoning Administrator to express their opinion for or against the requests. Further information may be obtained by contacting the Planning Division at (949) 361-6183.
Zoning Administrator
Case No. 30-2023-01318125-CU-PT-CJC
JENNA MICHELLE RECUPARO filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows:
Present Name
Proposed Name
THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing.
Notice of Hearing
Date: 06/06/2023 Time: 8:30 a.m. Dept: D100
The address of the court is Central Justice Center, 700 Civic Center Drive West, Santa Ana, CA 92701. Other: Remote Hearing. (To appear remotely, check in advance of the hearing for information about how to do so on the court’s website. To find your court’s website, go to www.courts.ca.gov/find-my-court.htm.)
A copy of this Order to Show Cause must be published at least once each week for four successive weeks before the date set for hearing on the petition in a newspaper of general circulation: printed in this county: San Clemente Times
Date: 04/11/2023
JUDGE LAYNE H. MELZER, Judge of the Superior Court
Published: San Clemente Times May 4, 11, 18, 25, 2023
Case No. 30-2023-01317300
JOSE RICARDO ESPINOZA CRUZ filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows:
Present Name
Proposed Name
THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested
in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing.
Notice of Hearing
Date: 06/01/2023 Time: 8:30 a.m. Dept: D100 The address of the court is Central Justice Center, 700 Civic Center Drive West, Santa Ana, CA 92701. Other: Remote Hearing. (To appear remotely, check in advance of the hearing for information about how to do so on the court’s website. To find your court’s website, go to www.courts.ca.gov/find-my-court.htm.)
A copy of this Order to Show Cause must be published at least once each week for four successive weeks before the date set for hearing on the petition in a newspaper of general circulation: printed in this county: San Clemente Times
Date: 04/07/2023
JUDGE LAYNE H. MELZER, Judge of the Superior Court
Published: San Clemente Times May 4, 11, 18, 25, 2023
Case No. 30-2023-01316327
TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner MIRIA URDIALES MAXIMON filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows:
Present Name
Proposed Name MAX YOUNG
THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing.
Notice of Hearing
Date: 06/13/2023 Time: 8:30 a.m. Dept: D100. The address of the court is Central Justice Center, 700 Civic Center Drive West, Santa Ana, CA 92701. Other: Remote Hearing. (To appear remotely, check in advance of the hearing for information about how to do so on the court’s website. To find your court’s website, go to www.courts.ca.gov/findmy-court.htm.)
A copy of this Order to Show Cause must be published at least once each week for four successive weeks before the date set for hearing on the petition in a newspaper of general circulation: printed in this county: San Clemente Times
Date: 04/04/2023
JUDGE LAYNE H. MELZER, Judge of the Superior Court
Published: San Clemente Times April 13, 20, 27, May 4, 2023
In the 1930s, a Los Angeles-based traveling auto parts salesman named Hugh Severson was passing through San Clemente and became enchanted by the sleepy Spanish Village by the Sea. Moving his family to town in 1945, Hugh settled into a slower pace of life and found work at a gas station on the corner of El Camino Real and Avenida Aragon. Meanwhile, the ocean called to his three sons, John, Joe and Jim. Lifeguards, surfers and artists, they wove themselves into the fabric of the early San Clemente surf scene. Their timing couldn’t have been better. Things were about to explode, as Hobie opened his shop and Bruce Brown released his early movies, both just up the road in Dana Point.
Seizing on the moment, John would famously launch Surfer magazine in 1960. Inspiring generations of surfers, the magazine provided countless wave-riders, writers, photographers, artists and other passionate creative types a platform to showcase their talent.
Over time, the publication would come to be known as the “bible of the sport.”
More than a half-century after Surfer first hit newsstands, the Severson
It’s been a hot minute since we caught up with Bodhi Aguilar, or Bodacious Bojangles, as he’s known on Instagram. One of the key players in the next generation of San Clemente surf stars, the stylish goofy-footer has been on a roll lately.
Most recently, Bodhi played a key role in the San Clemente Board Riders Club being crowned the South Central Division Champs of the West Coast Board Riders regular season. The teamstyle competition took place in Newport Beach on Earth Day, April 22, where San Clemente faced off against clubs from Newport Beach, Laguna Beach and crosstown rival Dana Point.
name is once again front and center in San Clemente. This weekend, the new surfwear brand Severson Originals is officially opening its doors in town.
Located at 207 N. El Camino Real in San Clemente, the grand opening celebration will take place on Saturday, May 6, from 4-7 p.m.
Launched by brothers Benji and Dan Severson, nephews of John and sons of Joe, the brand is inspired by the ocean, the timeless artwork of the family and those classic surf vibes they’ve been perpetuating for so long.
“It was just one of those things; my brother and I decided if we didn’t do this now, we never were going to do it,” explains Benji, who also serves as the president of the San Clemente Board Riders. “We had so much original artwork from my dad; my brother’s a photographer and graphic designer, and I’ve been working with brands all my career. It felt like this was something we had to do.”
Severson Originals first got off the ground with small orders, sold at iconic surf shops including Hobie in Dana Point and Harbour in Seal Beach. The brand’s aesthetic is on point with T-shirt art being eye-catching and surfy, but still sophisticated and classy.
Offering a variety of hoodies and
For the effort, Bodhi and the San Clemente crew will host the U.S. Board Riders Championships at Lower Trestles from May 25-27.
Other than that, Bodhi’s been working hard at his surfing, competing in various events, training down at Lowers, and with the support of companies including Vissla, Lost, Electric and Sun Bum, he’s well-stocked with all the best gear to help him chase those dreams.
Congrats to Bodhi and all the surfers on the San Clemente Board Riders team, and good luck at Lowers later this month.
If you have a candidate for Grom of the Week, we want to know. Send an email to jakehoward1@gmail.com. SC
sweatshirts, there’s a style for everyone—the “Dana Point” hoodie is especially rad if you call the area home. One of the brand’s taglines is “products you love to wear,” and that certainly seems to be the case.
The new shop on North El Camino Real is the next big step for Benji and Dan. With such deep local roots and a history of being at the forefront of surfing’s trends and styles, Severson Originals is a welcome addition to our local retail offerings and is sure to be an immediate hit.
“We’re really excited, and a little nervous, to be opening the new space,” Benji admits. “You have to believe in what you’re doing when you sign that lease, but we’re betting on ourselves and feel great about it.”
As far as aspiring surf companies go, it absolutely couldn’t be any more homegrown than Severson Originals. If you love wearing their products, you can feel even better supporting an upand-coming local business.
Pure surf and stoke, the sky’s the limit for Benji and Dan—and it couldn’t all be happening to a better, more deserving family. SC
Jake Howard is a local surfer and freelance writer who lives in San Clemente. A former editor at Surfer magazine, The Surfer’s Journal and ESPN, today he writes for several publications, including Picket Fence Media, Surfline and the World Surf League. He also works with philanthropic organizations such as the Surfing Heritage and Culture Center and the Positive Vibe Warriors Foundation.
Water Temperature: 59-61 Degrees
Water Visibility: 6-8’
Thursday: Working with a modest mix of southerly swells as some new NW swell also mixes in. Inconsistent sets in the knee-waist high range (2-3’ faces) show for better breaks with better spots pushing up to chest-high (4’ faces)toward the end of the day. Strong S/SE wind is looking likely for the morning creating bumpy, blown-out conditions, trending to the SW in the afternoon and getting a bit lighter for the evening.
Outlook: The SSW swell that will be starting to creep up on Thursday will continue building into the weekend with a peak on Saturday. As it tops out, better exposed breaks can expect lully sets in the knee-waist-stomach high range (2-3’+ faces)as top spots go chest to occasionally head high (4-5’ faces). This round of swell is going to be very inconsistent but morning conditions are looking favorable with light, variable wind in the early mornings giving way to moderate onshore flow out of the SW for manageable surface texture.