2 minute read
F Exercise, Social Opportunities Abound for South OC Older Adults
Although the City of San Juan Capistrano oversees all the programs, Age Well does step in on occasion to put on special events. It may be a Bingo Blast or a party on a major holiday such as Christmas or Mother’s Day, including a special meal and live entertainment.
“We both do similar functions, but they do more of the parties,” Ivanoff says, referring to Age Well.
A sizeable portion of those who come to the Dorothy Visser Senior Center “have no filter,” according to Apodaca, which always makes for a good laugh. She recalls getting to know the older adults and the achievements they’ve fulfilled.
“Every one of them has served a full life, and there’s so much history with them,” says Apodaca. “They are a ton of fun.”
Ivanoff, who has worked with the City of San Juan Capistrano in several different capacities, says she and her department have a passion for serving adults and that they bring “joy to the center of our lives.”
“I think our staff learn a lot of life lessons from those that we meet, because we meet seniors of all different backgrounds, (a) very diverse group of men and women,” says Ivanoff. “It really is something that they really bring us joy, and we love doing what we do.”
Apodaca adds that her staff receives significant appreciation from not only the older adults, but their family members and caregivers.
“We are truly so blessed by this community and the support they show for the seniors,” says Apodaca. “Their families really appreciate that we’re here to help their parents transition into the next stages of their lives.”
Coming up at the Dorothy Visser Senior Center, there will be live entertainment that will include an octet singing group of women and an Elvis Presley impersonator—whose legitimacy Apodaca fully endorses.
Age Well also provides weekday lunches, Meals on Wheels, legal consultations, and other services in Dana Point, in addition to the Dana Point Community Center hosting activities such as beginner and intermediate chair exercises.
Call 949.496.4252 to learn more about services in Dana Point or access the city’s Recreation Department information at danapoint.org.
Call 949.498.3322 for additional information about San Clemente’s senior center.
For San Juan Capistrano, visit the city’s Senior Services webpage, sanjuancapistrano. org/175/Senior-Services.
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