JUNE 9-15, 2022 | VOLUME 17, ISSUE 23
INSIDE: Special Section
Turning Tassels
San Clemente High Celebrates Newest Wave of Triton Graduates SPECIAL SECTION
A packed Thalassa Stadium watched the sea of students donning black, red and white caps and gowns celebrate the end of their high school run during San Clemente High’s graduation ceremony on June 2. Photo: C. Jayden Smith
Results from California’s Primary Elections
A Note from Fred Swegles
Highlighting Triton Athletes of the Year
San Clemente Times June 9-15, 2022
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Marblehead Elementary to Ramp Up Environmental Focus BY C. JAYDEN SMITH
A recent trip to the Pacific Marine Mammal Center for Marblehead Elementary kindergartners and first-graders has reflected the manner in which the school looks to reinvent itself. The trip in question, to see sea lions released into the ocean, capped off an environmental-based learning project that the students had worked on—and the kind of project-based learning Marblehead will institute a lot more of in the coming years. Siobhan Simmon, a kindergarten teacher, has taught at the school for four years and has participated in PMMC’s “Change the Life of a Sea Lion” project with her classes, including from other schools, for seven years. Simmon called the unit a “passion project” in an interview with San Clemente Times, because she sees the students become advocates for seals and sea lions. PMMC officials recently visited Marblehead to talk about the center and its functions, explaining what role the students have in caring for and helping to rehabilitate the animals, which are at risk because of ocean pollution and malnutrition. “This is just getting the students to understand that these are our local oceans, our local beaches; these are local animals that we need to take care of due to ocean pollution,” Simmon said. “They’re getting sick, and how can we help?” The students quickly get involved after they recognize that the seals and sea lions are part of their local environment, seeing the animals at the San Clemente Pier or at the Dana Point Harbor. This year, Simmon’s students raised more than $2,200 to go toward the PMMC, with every dollar equating to one pound of fish to be fed to the animals. They fundraised through lemonade stands, by recycling, and by doing extra chores around the house. Simmon enjoyed seeing them step up for the cause. “The seals can’t go out there and get help on their own, so we’re there to help them,” she added. After the fundraiser ended and the students wrote reports about their research, the center invited both the kindergarten and first-grade classes to participate in the sea lion release, where San Clemente Times June 9-15, 2022
they got to see the rehabilitated animals return to their natural habitat. The release event is Simmon’s favorite part of the project unit each year, as she watches the students’ efforts come to fruition. Additionally, she finds joy in the process of counting the donation money and cheering on her class. Such project-based learning has become common in Marblehead’s curriculum since it was designated as an Environmental Studies Academy about eight years ago, according to Principal Jamie Goodwyn. As one of seven schools participating in Capo Forward, the Capistrano Unified School District’s initiative for schools facing declining enrollment, Marblehead was reimagined to provide an alternative emphasis on learning. “The Environmental Studies Academy at our school is just implementing a focus on the environment throughout all of our studies,” Goodwyn said. “What we want to do is cultivate students to grow up and be Earth-conscious—conserve, reduce, recycle—that type of thing.” Initiatives at the school include a “Green Team” of students who help with recycling efforts and ask teachers to weave an environmental focus into learning opportunities throughout the school year. Goodwyn gave an example of a kindergarten-level science project that promotes questions of how students can contribute to save and help the Earth. However, the pandemic deeply impacted the ESA program. Social distancing prevented classes from participating in collaborative projects and getting into the environment, which are substantial components. “We still did small things like recycling programs, and we still did the fun science projects and had a focus on the environment, but it wasn’t to the extent that it was before the pandemic,” said Goodwyn. “That’s why we’re rebooting it for the fall.” To start this revamp, she asked her teachers what lessons in curriculum and professional development training they needed, and she has since purchased instruction materials that include various STEM projects with an environmental focus.
Marblehead Elementary students visited the Pacific Marine Mammal Center in Laguna Beach in late May to view a sea lion release after working hard on an environmental-based marine mammal project at school. Photo: Courtesy of Jamie Goodwyn
The school is also analyzing whether to add a Project Learning Tree program, which provides more lessons to get students in the environment, and is working with the California Education and the Environment Initiative, a state program that immerses students in science standards through an environmental lens. “It takes those three programs and creates one focus over an extended period of time, like this project was,” Goodwyn added. “This marine mammal project was a perfect example of what project-based learning is.” The students were faced with a guiding question and had to solve the question through different programs and lessons before reaching a conclusion and presenting their results. Simmon described project-based learning as authentic, in that it involves real world experiences and encourages the students to communicate, think critically, be creative, and use all the skills necessary to be successful while learning subject standards. “It’s just a way for the kids to really have hands-on learning,” said Simmon. “It’s inquiry-based; it gets messy. That’s what I would say about project-based learning. It’s messy in the classroom, but that’s when you know the students are engaged and learning, and they have that buy-in.” An “Environmental Ambassador” will be added to their student council to provide additional perspective to activities around the school and keep an environment-friendly focus at the forefront of everyone’s minds, according to Goodwyn. Going forward, they’ll look to imPage 3
plement recycling competitions and promote using recycled water bottles. With the school’s garden, a shift to a farm-to-table focus will emphasize the “why” behind the foods they grow and how their actions impact the rest of the world. “We’re going to have (weekly) grade-level Environmental Studies labs, where students will go in and be able to do all of their science experiments and their STEM projects,” Goodwyn said. All of these efforts are intended to build toward the students’ long-term future. The school looks to hold career days with representation from professionals in environment-based careers, implement the district’s career technology pathway programs into the studies, and give the students experiences in which they can join the environmental club at San Clemente High or major in environmental studies at the university level. The new implementation plan will span three years, with the 2021-22 school year serving as a time to gear up for the inclusion of the bigger components in the fall and onward, such as teacher development and involving the students in their learning. During the 2023-24 school year, Marblehead wants to add the extra components that the state and county offer, including the Orange County Department of Education’s Project Zero Waste—all of which are part of the effort to get young students started on the right foot. “Mrs. Goodwin is really reinvigorating that environmental education, and I can’t wait to see what Marblehead is going to do next year,” said Simmon. “It’s going to be awesome.” sanclementetimes.com
First OC Cities Receive Approval on State-Mandated Housing Plan Updates
cycle Housing Element faced significant challenges that our team worked hard to overcome,” Spencer continued. “Fortunately, we believe our robust and detailed plan checked all the state’s boxes as we outlined the programs and plans we would implement to increase the housing supply in Yorba Linda for people of all income levels.” As part of the latest update to the Housing Elements, SCAG was assigned 1.34 million new homes to plan for among its 197 jurisdictions. Orange County was to take on more than 183,861 of those homes, covering four income categories—very-low, low, moderate, and above-moderate. For the sixth cycle of the Housing Element covering 2021-2029, Dana Point was allocated 530 units, San Clemente was allotted 982 units, and San Juan Capistrano was allotted 1,054 new housing units. In Yorba Linda, it was allotted 2,415 units. Though the cities must show that they can accommodate the development of those projected homes over the eightyear period through zoning, they are not required to ever build any of those units. Yorba Linda’s updated Housing Ele-
ment, among other things, includes programs encouraging landlords to accept housing vouchers and waive permit fees for accessory dwelling units (ADUs). Yorba Linda also committed to adopting a Lot Consolidation Ordinance within the year that would promote the consolidation of “substandard lots,” meaning undeveloped or underdeveloped, that could later facilitate higher-density developments. Furthermore, the city is committed to adopting an overlay zone, which allows Yorba Linda to establish special landuse regulations providing incentives for development of affordable homes. The city will also be required to amend its zoning code to facilitate housing for special needs and adopt an ordinance encouraging affordability in lot splits as an effect of the housing development measure Senate Bill 9. With its Housing Element now considered “in compliance” with HCD, Yorba Linda will be eligible for state grants and programs. The three South County cities of Dana Point, San Clemente and San Juan Capistrano are all in the process of revising their Housing Element Updates after each receiving their latest round of HCD review. San Clemente last received HCD comments on Jan 12, noting that the city had not included an adequate analysis of housing sites. HCD requested that the city revise its site inventory and include additional data and analysis on housing needs, resources and constraints. HCD noted that San Clemente failed to address some comments from prior rounds of review. The city’s latest submission to HCD did not address comments on the suitability of nonvacant housing sites, environmental constraints, and zoning for a variety of housing types. HCD noted in a previous round of review that some potential housing sites
listed in the Housing Element appear to have conditions that may prevent development. Because of this, the department noted that the site inventory should be revised to include “analysis of potential constraints to demonstrate the suitability of sites in the planning period.” San Clemente was also urged to analyze the suitability of sites identified for emergency shelters, as well as additional sites where shelters could be accommodated. In its review, HCD wrote,“In particular, the element should analyze the limit of 35 beds per shelter as a constraint, the lack of interest in developing an emergency shelter in the last planning period, and the efficacy of the ride-share program.” Because of a lack of data and analysis on potential governmental and nongovernmental constraints, HCD pointed out that the city may need to “revise or add programs and address and remove or mitigate any identified constraints,” based on any constraints not yet identified in the Housing Element. HCD also urged the city to further its public outreach efforts, noting that the city must demonstrate “how public comments were considered and incorporated in the element.” According to Jennifer Savage, assistant to the city manager, San Clemente is currently working to address comments from housing advocates, HCD and the public. The revised plan will be brought back to City Council for approval after it has received HCD certification. “The City is working hard to address comments from HCD, the public, and housing advocates,” Savage said in an email.“We look forward to gaining support for a certified Housing Element so that time and resources can be directed to implementing the Housing Element instead of revising it. City staff will bring the Housing Element back to the City Council after HCD has certified the Housing Element.”
Beach that similarly prohibited such activities as part of an effort to reduce bike thefts. Nearly 30 bicycle thefts were reported in San Clemente between January and May of this year, according to the Orange County Sheriff’s Department—likely only a fraction of the actual number. “The proposed ordinance seeks to limit or reduce these crimes, as well as illegal bicycle ‘chop shops,’ by prohibiting such activity, preventing unauthorized commercial activity in public, and, if any items are lost or stolen, restore such items to their lawful owners and deter future bicycle theft,” the city explained in its agenda report. As part of their direction to draft the ordinance, councilmembers expressed concern about thefts happening within the city, with Councilmember Steve Knoblock calling such activity a “serious” issue.
Deputy Community Development Director Adam Atamian recommended that in the meantime city staff’s work to develop the ordinance should include more restrictive language than similar laws in other cities. At Tuesday’s meeting, Atamian mentioned that he had communicated with OCSD staff to ensure cooperative enforcement. With a formal passage of the ordinance—expected at the next council meeting—new language would be added to the San Clemente Municipal Code, prohibiting a person from conducting repairs and the other activities on a bike frame that had its gear cables or brake cables cut. Furthermore, individuals would be prohibited from repairing, assembling or selling three or more bicycles or bike frames “with or without missing
parts,” such as handles, handlebars, wheels, pedals and seats, to name a few. The same goes for those handling five or more bicycle parts detached from a bicycle. According to the report, exceptions include activities performed with a valid license or permit, or when an individual in lawful possession of their bicycle or bicycle part is present with valid proof to support their status as an owner. Each violation, classified as misdemeanors, will be considered separately. “Each and every bicycle or bicycle part(s) unlawfully possessed is a separate violation,” the introduced ordinance states. Knoblock motioned to introduce the ordinance with minimal discussion on the dais. If adopted on second reading at the June 21 meeting, the ordinance would go into effect on July 21.
The October 2021 deadline for cities to update their Housing Elements has long since passed. So far, though, only two Orange County cities, Yorba Linda and Irvine, have had their updated plans approved by the state’s housing department. This past April, City of Yorba Linda received notice from the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) that its Housing Element Update had been certified, with the City of Irvine following suit. The two cities are among only 15 jurisdictions within the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) region that have received HCD approval. As of June 8, Huntington Beach’s updated Housing Element was under HCD review. Housing Elements, which all California cities and counties are required to complete every eight years, are blueprints used to show that municipalities can accommodate projected housing demands and outline programs to address housing needs. The latest update is now in the sixth cycle. While Yorba Linda was the first city in Orange County to get HCD’s stamp of approval, it followed a couple of rounds of review. The city received certification on its third round of revisions. “We were happy to receive our Housing Element certification so quickly from the state,” Yorba Linda Spokesperson Geoff Spencer said in an email. “Like every other jurisdiction in Southern California is experiencing, the development of Yorba Linda’s sixth
Council Introduces Ordinance to Limit Bicycle Thefts BY C. JAYDEN SMITH
Among the busy slate of items that were set to be addressed at the City Council’s meeting on Tuesday night, June 7, an ordinance was introduced that’s intended to fight bicycle thefts around town. The council’s unanimous vote comes roughly a month after it directed city staff to create a draft of the proposed ordinance that will soon make it a local crime to repair, assemble, sell or distribute bicycles or bike parts on public property, except “under certain conditions.” The ordinance follows the footsteps of the cities of Long Beach and Huntington San Clemente Times June 9-15, 2022
Two Orange County cities so far have received approval from the state housing department on their updated Housing Elements. The updates for the South County cities of San Clemente, Dana Point and San Juan Capistrano continue to undergo reviews from the Department of Housing and Community Development. Photo: Shawn Raymundo
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With Duncan, Davies Already Set for General Election Faceoff, Primaries Give Glimpse to the Fall
EDITOR’S NOTE: Results from the California Secretary of State and Orange County Registrar of Voters’ websites tracking the election are unofficial. Certification of the results is expected for July 15.
Levin Maintains Heavy Lead Ahead of Projected Battle with Maryott for the 49th BY C. JAYDEN SMITH
The results of California’s Primary Election on Tuesday, June 7, appear to have narrowed the race for the U.S. House of Representatives 49th District seat down to two candidates: Rep. Mike Levin, the Democratic incumbent, and Republican challenger Brian Maryott. Unofficial results posted as of early Wednesday morning, June 8, had Levin and Maryott as the apparent front-run-
With just two candidates facing off in the race to represent California’s 74th Assembly District, the June 7 primaries may offer a preview of what’s to come this November. Based on unofficial results as of early Wednesday morning, June 8, Assemblymember Laurie Davies, the Republican incumbent, led the vote tally with 52.9% (34,284), strengthening her hopes for a reelection in the fall. Her challenger, San Clemente Mayor Pro Tem Chris Duncan, had led in the race late Tuesday night, but with votes from all precincts partially reported by the following day, the Democrat’s portion of the tally fell to 47.1% (30,585 votes). Speaking with San Clemente Times the night of the race, Duncan said the early results were encouraging. “All the residents of this district deserve someone who’s going to be effective in Sacramento and deliver for them,” Duncan said. He added that his campaign’s biggest strength was his efforts to “meet voters where they are.” “We put in the work,” Duncan continued. “We hear what their concerns are, and I talk very specifically about what I can do to address those concerns and be a voice for them in Sacramento.” Duncan previously campaigned for the State Assembly seat in 2020, when the seat was under the 73rd District, but he lost in the Primary race, receiving 18.4% of the vote. Davies went on to win the seat in the 2020 General Election against Democrat Scott Rhinehart.
ners who are projected to be included in the ballots for the General Election this coming November—setting up another race between the two following the 2020 elections. Levin, who’s serving his second consecutive term in office, looked to hold off challenges from a host of other Republican candidates, including current Orange County Board Supervisor Lisa Bartlett and Oceanside Councilmember Christopher Rodriguez. With votes from all 467 precincts partially reported, Levin held a strong lead in the contest with 49.9% of the vote (55,241 votes). Maryott received 18.5% (20,544), with Bartlett trailing at 10.5% (11,685).
Unofficial Results Show Foley Likely to Face Bates in November BY BREEANA GREENBERG
San Clemente Times June 9-15, 2022
Davies on Wednesday morning said she felt her experience as an assemblymember has been her greatest strength in the campaign. “I’ve been up here not for a year and a half,” Davies said. “I’ve been working across the aisle, and that’s something that not everybody can do. I was able to get six out of six bills passed and signed into law, and they are good common-sense bills.” “I’m doing the same thing right now,” Davies continued. “I have nine bills that have gone over to the Senate already. I really believe in common-sense policy, and I’m there working across the aisle, and that’s really what needs to be done.”
OC Board Supervisor Katrina Foley, the Democratic incumbent, continued to lead the pack of candidates running in the race for Fifth Supervisorial District early Wednesday morning, June 8, and she is projected to face State Sen. Patricia Bates in the upcoming General Election. Unofficial results from the Orange County Registrar of Voters showed Foley holding on to a strong lead, receiving 40.94% of the vote (33,509). Bates, a former board supervisor, has received 23.11% of the votes (18,914). Fellow supervisor hopefuls Diane
cautiously optimistic ahead of the final outcome. “So, we don’t know what the final outcome is of the Primary yet,” Foley continued. “I think it’s going to be tough to get to that 50% margin, but what the takeaway was to me is that we have a lot of bipartisan support
Harkey, a former assemblymember, and Newport Beach Councilmember Kevin Muldoon trailed in the race, each receiving less than 19% of the vote. Acknowledging that vote-by-mail and conditional ballots are continuing to be counted from Tuesday’s Primary, Foley on Wednesday morning remained Page 5
SATURDAY, JUNE 11 Challenging Cancer 10-11:30 a.m. The Challenging Cancer group is conducting weekly meetings through Zoom video conferences. The meetings are open to caregivers, people who have a compromised immune system, and people dealing with cancer. To join, email donnavigil2@gmail.com or linda_ crdv@yahoo.com. heritagesc.org.
and we were able to just really get votes across the whole district, not just in one area.” As of press time, Bates had not responded to requests for comment. sanclementetimes.com
State Senate Races Take Shape in 36th, 38th Districts BY COLLIN BREAUX
The unofficial results in California’s Primary Election have provided a preview of what’s to come in the General Election this November. Two State Senate races covering portions of South Orange County include the 36th and 38th—the first representing Dana Point and San Clemente, and the latter, San Juan Capistrano and Rancho Mission Viejo. District 36 had only two candidates, Democrat Kim Carr and Republican Janet Nguyen. The two will automatically go on to the General Election. In California, the top two vote-getters, regardless of party affiliation, move on to the November races. As of early Wednesday morning, June 8, Nguyen was the apparent front-runner, receiving 56.9% of the vote (66,576), while Carr trailed with 43.1% (50,403), according to the unofficial results from the California Secretary of State’s office. Carr, a Huntington Beach councilmember, was in a council meeting
while early results were released Tuesday night, but did provide a prepared statement when reached for comment. “I’m a third-generation Californian who grew up in Orange County, and I am raising my family here. This is my home, and I’m grateful to serve this beautiful community,” Carr said. “This campaign is all about protecting and preserving our neighborhoods, keeping our coastal
economy vibrant, helping small businesses thrive and ensuring a woman’s right to health care.” Nguyen, a state assemblymember, had not responded to a request for comment, as of press time. Over in the 38th District, the race appeared to be narrowed down to Democrat Catherine Blakespear and Republican Matt Gunderson. Blake-
spear had 43.9% of vote tally (59,750), while Gunderson led with 45.3% (61,692). Democrat Joe Kerr, a retired fire captain and an additional primary candidate, got 10.8% of the votes (14,670). Blakespear, the mayor of Encinitas, said through a prepared statement that she was “honored by the tremendous support for our campaign.” “Tonight, voters sent a clear, unmistakable message that they want someone who will fight for our environment, for women’s right to choose, and for gun violence prevention,” Blakespear said. “I’m humbled by tonight’s victory and excited for the road ahead in the General Election.” Gunderson, a small business owner, said he is “happy by the early results and to have the approval from the voters of the 38th District to move on to the General Election.” “It is still early in the evening, but it is obvious that this district wants real change and real solutions on issues like the gas tax, homelessness, rising crime, and a return to local control,” Gunderson continued. “Sacramento’s one-sizefits-all policies simply do not work in our coastal community, and the voters are making that clear tonight.”
CLASSIFIEDS SUBMIT YOUR CLASSIFIED AD AT SANCLEMENTETIMES.COM GARAGE SALES SEA CANYON COMMUNITY GARAGE SALE 11th annual community garage sale. Cross Street-Acapulco and Golden Lantern. Sat., June 11 at 8AM-12PM. Toys, electronics, plants, furniture, clothing & more. Sponsored by Leilani Serrao-Baker-Realtor Douglas Elliman Real Estate BRE #01908226 GARAGE SALE “FOR THE ANIMALS” SATURDAY, JUNE 11TH Sat., June 11th, 7:30am - 1pm. 111 W Avenida Valencia, San Clemente, CA - Pet items, collectibles, housewares, smalls, prints, new & used clothes, shoes, & sooo much more. Great prices! “Helping to feed Pets, so they can stay with their family”
Warehouse Position in San Clemente Must have experience in shipping and receiving, responsible for picking and packing daily orders. Lifting heavy boxes, items. Assemble and prepare carded items. Assemble bagged items. Perform other related duties as assigned or as necessary. Forklift experience is not necessary but is a plus. Must have valid Driver’s License with a clean driving record. Full-Time, benefits, 401K. Please email your resume (if available) to: dromero@ndaonline.net. To fill out an application please email request to: dromero@ndaonline.net
LOST & FOUND LOST JEWELRY – REWARD OFFERED Lost on wedding day. Blue Topaz & Diamond necklace and bracelet on May 27th, 2022 on Avenida Del Mar, San Clemente around 12 noon. $500 reward for return. Please call Sandi at (714)293-6119.
San Clemente Times June 9-15, 2022
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GARAGE SALE LISTINGS ARE FREE Email your listing to info@sanclementetimes.com. Deadline 12pm Monday.
San Clemente Times June 9-15, 2022
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GUEST OPINION | Health & Nutrition 101 by Gina Cousineau
When Life Hands You Lemons A fter what was truly the trip of a lifetime with my youngest daughter to South Africa, we both contracted COVID-19 at the very end of our trip. Not exactly the souvenirs we planned on bringing back home, especially after avoiding it like the plague for the past two-plus years. Our “droplet gang” at home is fully vaccinated and boosted, yet it seems at this point in the pandemic, it is almost impossible to avoid. One thing I learned with COVID in my personal life is that it looks very different for everyone. As one of the “healthiest humans” around, I was in bed feeling awful for a week straight, and while I was never in fear of my own life, I had intense fear for my immune-compromised husband. Thankfully, he avoided it, and I survived it, but not without repercussions. While I was in the midst of my seven-day quarantine, I quickly learned that the forced isolation of being ill partnered with having no social contact, other than food being left at my door, would take a toll on my mental well-being. Over the past two years, I did everything I could to evade COVID, simply because of the unknown outcome of this virus on each individual. But like every life experience, good and bad, I learned a great lesson and want to share it with all of you. If you are a regular Mama G follower, you know my serious mantra of using “food as medicine” paired with a little
calculated exercise, and a big dose of preventative health care and advocacy of one’s health. It is truly the only control we have in this crazy world in which we get to live. As a huge proponent and participant of mental health care throughout my adult life, nothing saved me from the consequences of HEALTH AND the loneliness and NUTRITION 101 isolation I suffered BY GINA COUSINEAU during those days when I knew I could spread this disease to others in my very full house. There was a point when my daughter had recovered and started moving about that I literally begged her to have dinner in bed with me and watch a movie. All this being said, we all have suffered in some way from the harmful effects of this pandemic. The six degrees of separation we have witnessed has taken a toll on every human across the world. However, if you have never suffered from isolation and loneliness, perhaps let this be a reminder of all of those individuals who sit alone and secluded and how you might bring a little light into their lives. Mental health always seems to be at the top of the headlines when “bad” things happen, yet if each one of us can just be a little more aware and mindful of someone, perhaps a neighbor who
lives alone, or the man you see alone in the pew every week at church, or your friend who is going through cancer treatments, and just reach out, the world would be a better place. I know personally that when I was sick in bed, I barely had the energy or desire to pick up the phone. But sending a message, dropping off a favorite meal or a bouquet of flowers, and if circumstances allow, having an actual conversation on the phone or in person, or taking a walk with the individual and just listening with an empathic ear, will do a world of good not only for this lonely human, but your own heart and soul as well. When life hands you lemons, share them. Gina Cousineau is a local nutrition expert who specializes in weight loss and helping her clients improve their health. As a trained chef with her BS in Dietetics and MS in Integrative and Functional Nutrition, her goal is to help her clients enjoy every morsel they consume, learning how to move with ease in the kitchen while using their “food as medicine.” Subscribe to her weekly newsletter for complimentary cooking classes, recipes, webinars and more at mamagslifestyle.com, or reach her at mamag@mamagslifestyle.com and 949.842.9975. SC
PLEASE NOTE: In an effort to provide our readers with a wide variety of opinions from our community, the SC Times provides Guest Opinion opportunities in which selected columnists’ opinions are shared. The opinions expressed in these columns are entirely those of the columnist alone and do not reflect those of the SC Times or Picket Fence Media. If you would like to respond to this column, please email us at editorial@sanclementetimes.com.
34932 Calle del Sol, Suite B, Capistrano Beach, CA 92624 phone 949.388.7700 fax 949.388.9977 sanclementetimes.com
HOW TO REACH US MANAGING EDITOR Shawn Raymundo • 949.388.7700, x113 sraymundo@picketfencemedia.com SPORTS Zach Cavanagh • 949.388.7700, x110 zcavanagh@picketfencemedia.com ADVERTISING Lauralyn Loynes • 949.388.7700, x102 lloynes@picketfencemedia.com DISTRIBUTION Racks, Driveways, Subscriptions Inna Cazares • 949.388.7700, x111 icazares@picketfencemedia.com GENERAL MANAGER Alyssa Garrett • 949.388.7700, x100 agarrett@picketfencemedia.com
PICKET FENCE MEDIA CEO/FOUNDER Norb Garrett EDITORIAL Managing Editor Shawn Raymundo City Reporter, SC Times C. Jayden Smith City Reporter, DP Times Breeana Greenberg City Editor, Capo Dispatch Collin Breaux Sports Editor Zach Cavanagh Columnists Fred Swegles Tom Blake Special Projects Editor Andrea Papagianis-Camacho Copy Editor Randy Youngman
PUBLISHER’S LETTER | by Barbara Chamberlin
A Note from Fred Swegles O n behalf of my brother, Fred, I wanted to write a brief note of supreme thanks and appreciation to everyone who has reached out to him with cards, emails and messages to express your love, appreciation and support. It’s truly heartwarming, and he and our entire family can’t thank you enough for sending your thoughts and prayers. Fred wishes so badly to be able to reply and thank each and every one of you personally, but he has difficulty writing because of his aphasia. Please keep your well-wishes coming, as Fred really lights up whenever we read your cards and emails to him. As you all know, my brother is a humble guy who has always shirked the spotlight, so it’s not easy for him to be the subject of such an outpouring of love and appreciation. So, from Fred, and his entire family, thank you. SC
San Clemente Times June 9-15, 2022
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Send cards to: Fred Swegles, c/o San Clemente Times, 34932 Calle Del Sol, Ste B, Capistrano Beach, CA 92624 Send emails to: fswegles@gmail.com Arrange a visit: Please email Barbara at bchamberlinsc@gmail.com
ADVERTISING Associate Publisher Lauralyn Loynes (SC + DP) Advertising Sales Debra Wells (CD) ART + DESIGN Art Director Jasmine Smith Graphic Designer Chelsie Rex OPERATIONS General Manager Alyssa Garrett Group Operations & Production Coordinator Inna Cazares FINANCE Accounting & Finance Manager Tricia Zines CONTRIBUTORS Megan Bianco, Jake Howard
San Clemente Times, Vol. 17, Issue 23. The SC Times (sanclementetimes.com ) is published weekly by Picket Fence Media, publishers of the Dana Point Times (danapointtimes.com) and The Capistrano Dispatch (thecapistranodispatch.com). Copyright: No articles, illustrations, photographs or other editorial matter or advertisements herein may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher. The publisher assumes no responsibility for return of unsolicited manuscripts, art, photos or negatives. Copyright 2022. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA. San Clemente Times is published weekly by Picket Fence Media, 34932 Calle Del Sol, Suite B, Capistrano Beach, CA 92624. Application to Mail at Periodicals Postage Prices is Pending at San Clemente, CA. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: San Clemente Times, 34932 Calle Del Sol, Suite B, Capistrano Beach, CA 92624.
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ART THAT TRANSCENDS RICK DELANTY, San Clemente It’s true that no single person views the world the same way. Everyone has their own experience, their own perspective on life, their own opinion. As a professional artist and teacher for nearly the past 50 years, I acknowledge that, and realize that seeing the potential in a painting idea or a potential student is what I can do to find peace and balance for myself, and to help others find theirs. Art can transcend differences, promote beauty, and unify us in our search for harmony and the best of what the world has to offer. That’s what my former student and artist Roy Gonzalez has done with his design for the San Clemente Ocean Festival, in creating a work that promotes the Festival’s mission to present a quality family and athletic event, that draws athletes and spectators from all over the world to compete and appreciate. The design is fun, reflects both San Clemente history and surf culture, and is technically and fantastically well-illustrated. As the designer of the Ocean Festival logo, and of the “Triton” logo of our local high school, I realize that the work of an artist who creates for the public has a certain responsibility: not necessarily to reflect everyone’s individual viewpoint, but to create a “spirit of community” with the design that transcends differences. I believe Roy has done that, and that his designs going forward will continue to be popular with the public, and—like the work artist Bob Harlow has done for the Ocean Festival—will in future be considered to be classic. ADDRESSING THE ISSUE OF GUNS ALBA FARFAGLIA, San Clemente We adults are the protectors of our children. We keep them safe from harm. The tragedy of the mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas, is that we have made the issue of guns a political issue. According to an organization called 97 Percent, 86% of gun owners are in favor of background checks, 76% of gun owners are in favor of safe storage, 67% San Clemente Times June 9-15, 2022
makes me all numb A love-hate relationship if there ever was one I look back on the past four years with pride I look back on the past four years tearyeyed The sadness you feel when someone tells you congratulations Can only be found at graduation
are in favor of red flag laws, and so are law enforcement officers in favor of these things, because often they are “outgunned.” These are people who own guns, and they are open to common-sense solutions. So, why can’t our senators do something to address gun violence? The American people want it. Gun owners want it, yet in the Senate, there is a stalemate. It is, after all, an issue of public safety, much like installing a red light at a corner which has had many traffic accidents. Somehow, we have turned gun ownership into a political issue, just like we did during the pandemic. Let us think of it not as “gun control” laws but, rather, as laws of “gun safety.” Let us protect our children. RESPONSE TO JIM SMITH JENIFER MASSEY, San Clemente
When they hand me my diploma, how heavy will it feel? Will I feel the weight of the future, a sense of the unreal? Will the walk across the stage seem miles long in front of a crowd of a thousand or more? Or will it seem far too short, only feeling like three steps—or four? When I toss my cap into the air, Will my vision be clear enough to watch its flight among the hundreds everywhere?
I’ll try to keep the tears from falling, but I don’t have high expectations Because I feel like crying even at the word “graduation”
I’ll sit in the stadium, one among hundreds, in the rows and rows of fold-up chairs, Thinking about all the times I didn’t want to be there
‘GRADUATION’ KIARA HARRIS, San Clemente resident and San Juan Hills High School graduate
Thinking about how next year my locker will be taken by someone new And maybe they’ll be thinking of this place as a prison too
I never thought I’d be doing this Writing a poem about a place I never thought I’d miss
But soon it won’t be Not when they have to leave
I cried on my first day because it was like a prison to my mind But now I’m crying because I don’t want to leave it behind
I’ll be thinking about where I sat in my favorite class because I don’t want to forget Always in the back corner to minimize the attention I get
Time seemed to drag then go full speed ahead without explanation Now here I am at graduation
And then the days of laughing in class with my friends, Never thinking about it all coming to an end
Nothing will be the same Once they call my name
Now I’ll have my final conversation With most, if not all, of them at graduation
I’ll never be able to walk through these halls in the same way once I walk across that stage Because this is the day that everything will change
And those times when I was almost late to class And had to run faster than fast
The excitement, the fear, and the tears, it
But I did And now I have no idea how I’ll feel saying the final goodbye Time grows wings when you don’t want it to fly When I stand with everyone else in the long, long line, I’ll be wishing I could press rewind How did I get here? How is it already graduation day? Wasn’t I finger-painting just yesterday? This cap and this gown look wrong on me I’m only a child, only eighteen I wrote my name inside my cap in pink so I can find it when it hits the ground And every step I take, I’ll be trying not to trip over my gown
Or will I even be able to let it go?
The speeches, the songs, they all seem aimed at producing tears And only more will fall when I hear all the cheers
What source or sources for his opinion in the recent San Clemente Times did Jim Smith have when he castigated Roger Johnson, whom many of us San Clementeans have respected for many years for his well-researched studies?
in homework that I swore was impossible to get done And I was angry that I never got to have any fun
My heart is breaking, yet swelling with pride, a peculiar sensation And one that could only be felt at graduation A faraway voice: Now toss your caps up towards the sky, Class of ’22 I take a deep breath … and then I do And now I know it must be a breathtaking sight, all those caps and tassels flying at once All those tears falling at once All the smiles and cheers erupting at once Just once
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR POLICY San Clemente Times reserves the right to edit reader-submitted letters for length and is not responsible for the claims made or information written by the writers. Have something you’d like to say? Email your letter to sraymundo@picketfencemedia.com no later than 8 a.m. on Monday morning. Limit your letters to 350 words or less. Please send with your valid email, phone number and address for verification by staff. Your address and phone number will not be published.
Join SC Times for Beachside Chat on Friday, June 10, at 8 a.m. Beachside Chat is a spirited, town hall forum on community issues hosted by PFM Managing Editor Shawn Raymundo every Friday. The chat will be held at Dorothy Visser Senior Center, 117 Avenida Victoria. All are welcome.
And the nights when I was up to my neck Page 9
Cabrillo Playhouse, 202 Avenida Cabrillo, San Clemente. cabrilloplayhouse.org.
Editor’s Pick
SATURDAY | 11 SOUTH OC CARS AND COFFEE 9-11 a.m. South OC Cars and Coffee, dubbed the world’s biggest weekly car meet, attracts a mix of 500-1,000 hypercars, supercars, exotics, vintage, classic, muscle and sports cars, hot rods, rat rods, pickups, 4x4s and motorcycles. Those attending are encouraged to practice responsible social distancing. Face masks are not mandatory but are recommended. No cars in before 8:30 a.m. Cars should enter and leave slowly and quietly—no revving, speeding or burnouts. The Outlets at San Clemente, 101 West Avenida Vista Hermosa, San Clemente. southoccarsandcoffee.com.
The List What’s going on in and around town this week SAN CLEMENTE TIMES
Get a curated list of the weekend’s best events sent straight to your inbox every Friday! Sign up for The Weekender at sanclementetimes.com/weekender
THURSDAY | 09 PEP4U 10:45-11:45 a.m. Age Well offers this weekly class that will include activities that specifically address common movement challenges for those living with Parkinson’s disease. Led by Matt Bustillos, PT, DPT, a physical therapist of 30 years who lives with Parkinson’s himself, the activities will feature aerobics, strength, flexibility, posture, coordination, balance, cognition, and fun. All persons with Parkinson’s and their care partners are encouraged to attend. Dorothy Visser Senior Center, 117 Avenida Victoria, San Clemente. 949.498.3322. SAN CLEMENTE HISTORICAL SOCIETY QUARTERLY MEETING 6 p.m. The meeting will feature a presentation from David Matuszak, author of San Onofre: Memories of a Legendary Surf Beach, who will recount never-heard-before stories from legendary local surfers. There will also be refreshments and a recognition of sponsors and Scholarship Award winners. 100 N. Calle Seville. 949.492.9684. sanclementehistoricalsociety.org. AMANDA CASTRO BAND 7 p.m. Get ready for a musical journey through the decades. Jazz singer Amanda Castro’s rich voice, energetic charisma and fun personality help her bring music of the past and present back to life in a vintage, but still modern, fashion. Castro fuses Vintage Jazz, New Orleans jazz, Swing, and Pop songs into a new musical experience. The Salt N’ Pepper Truck will San Clemente Times June 9-15, 2022
Photo: File
THURSDAY | 9 BEACH CONCERT: STONE SOUL—CLASSIC SOUL & MOTOWN 6 p.m. Kick off the beginning of summer with Stone Soul at the City of San Clemente’s Summer Beach Concert Series. Head down to the San Clemente Pier for some live music and dancing on the beach. Bring your towels and low-back chairs. This event is free and open to everyone. No pets or alcohol on the beach. For more information, please contact the city’s Recreation division at 949.361.8264. san-clemente.org. be serving food on-site from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Admission ranges from $20 to $25. Casa Romantica Cultural Center and Gardens, 415 Avenida Granada, San Clemente. 949.498.2139. casaromantica.org.
FRIDAY | 10 HORSE SHOW AT RMV RIDING PARK 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Equestrian enthusiasts and local community members can check out horses in action during the first part of the Blenheim June Classic Series, which will feature jumping. The first part of the series runs through June 12, and additional horse shows will be held throughout the rest of the month. Admission and parking are free. The Rancho Mission Viejo Riding Park, 30753 Avenida La Pata, San Juan Capistrano. 760.525.8933. theridingpark.com. ‘SHAPE AND STRUCTURE’: GEMELS BY CHIAOZZA 10 a.m. This summer, explore Casa Romantica’s Art Gallery and gardens with an art installation by world-renowned art duo CHIAOZZA. Imaginative plant sculptures will be placed throughout Casa Romantica, which will be on view through Sept. 4. Adam Frezza and Terri Chiao are an American artist duo whose work explores play and craft across a range of media, including painted sculpture, installation, collage, photography, design, and public art. Also known as CHIAOZZA (rhymes with “wowza” or
“yowza”), Adam and Terri have exhibited their collaborative work in solo exhibitions in New York, Philadelphia, and Los Angeles, in numerous group shows around the U.S., and in a variety of art and design venues internationally. The studio was founded in 2011 and is based in New York City. Casa Romantica Cultural Center and Gardens, 415 Avenida Granada, San Clemente. 949.498.2139. casaromantica.org. ‘CRAZY LITTLE THING CALLED LOVE’ 4 p.m. The South Coast Singers presents Crazy Little Thing Called Love, which will be performed three nights this month, starting at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in San Clemente. The South Coast Singers will take the show on Friday, June 17, to the Presbyterian Church of the Master in Mission Viejo, and then to the Geneva Presbyterian Church in Laguna Woods on Saturday, June 18. General admission is $20. Groups of 10 or more can pay $18 per person. Kids 10 and under will get in free. Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, 200 Avenida San Pablo, San Clemente. southcoastsingers.org. AN EVENING AT THE STARDUST LOUNGE 7:30-9:30 p.m. Join Cabrillo Playhouse in its Stardust Lounge for an evening of blues, jazz, musical theater, and contemporary music featuring eight fabulous singers accompanied by a fantastic live jazz trio. This show will run on weekends through June 26. Admission is $30. Page 10
VILLAGE ART FAIRE 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Hosted by the San Clemente Downtown Business Association on the lawn of the SC Library, the Village Art Faire offers a variety of work, including photography, fine art, jewelry, ceramics, fused glass, home décor, botanicals, textile art, and more. Visitors can expect to find many of their favorite artists, as well as some new faces. This month’s event will feature more than 40 artists, as well as live acoustic music by the Community Outreach Alliance’s talented musicians. San Clemente Library, 242 Avenida Del Mar, San Clemente. 949.218.5378. info@scdba.org. scdba.org/. STAND-UP COMEDY AT CAMINO REAL PLAYHOUSE 5 p.m. Have some laughs and watch comedians perform on stage. Fritz Coleman, Jim Taylor, Stephanie Blum, and Keith Michael Ashton will perform. A second show is scheduled at 8 p.m. the same day. Camino Real Playhouse, 31776 El Camino Real, San Juan Capistrano. 949.489.8082. caminorealplayhouse.org. ‘MORNING OF THE EARTH’ SCREENING 6 p.m. Catch Alby Falzon’s Morning of the Earth at the Surfing Heritage & Culture Center. Celebrating 50 years since the iconic film’s release, it’s been fully remastered and digitized to sparkling 4K resolution. Morning of the Earth featured some of the world’s best surfers, including champions Nat Young, Terry Fitzgerald, Michael Peterson, and Gerry Lopez. Doors open at 6 p.m., film starts at 7 p.m. , and will be followed by a Q&A session with Falzon, who will be phoning in from Australia. SHACC members pay $10, non-members are $15. Beer, wine, sparkling water available for purchase. There will also be some epic Morning of the Earth merchandise for sale. SHACC, 110 Calle Iglesia, San Clemente. (Cont. on page 12) sanclementetimes.com
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SUNDAY | 12 FARMERS MARKET 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Shop for a wide selection of fruits, vegetables and artisanal goods from organic growers at the Community Center/San Clemente Public Library parking lot. 100 North Calle Seville. 949.361.8200. san-clemente.org. BEACH CLEANUP & LUNCH AND LEARN FOR WORLD OCEANS DAY 9-11 a.m. Join Stand Up to Trash for its monthly Beach Cleanup & Lunch and Learn. This week’s event will feature guest speaker Nancy Caruso, aka The Kelp Lady. Caruso is a marine biologist and the founder of Get Inspired!, a program that performs kelp restoration in California. Baby Beach, 24300 Dana Point Harbor Drive, Dana Point. standuptotrash@gmail.com. standuptotrash.com. LOW-COST PET VACCINE CLINIC 10-11:30 a.m. The Feed Barn offers lowcost vaccinations for all dogs and cats every month. All Veterinary services are provided by Vet Care Vaccination Services, Inc. The low-cost clinic offers vaccination packages, microchips, physical exams, prescription flea control, fecal exams and diagnostic testing on-site. Vet Care, 34192 Doheny Park Road, Capistrano Beach. 714.895.8600. vetcarepetclinic.com.
PAINT YOUR PET 2-5 p.m. Come paint a sketch of your pet on the patio of Dog Pawrk Brewing Company. Reserve your spot by purchasing tickets beforehand online—and after you do, email in a photo of your pet, so an artist can draw the portrait. Drinks and food can also be ordered at the event, which will be hosted by West Workshops. Tickets are $40. The Dog Pawrk Brewing Company, 27122 Paseo Espada, #904, San Juan Capistrano. 949.565.4855. eventbrite.com.
MONDAY | 13 OPEN JAM 7-10 p.m. Play your own percussion, acoustic or electric instruments every Monday night at Knuckleheads. Amps are allowed, but drums are not. Knuckleheads, 1717 N. El Camino Real, San Clemente. 949.492.2410. knuckleheadsmusic.com.
TUESDAY | 14 DANCE AND MOVEMENT FOR TOTS 10:15-11 a.m. Enjoy a fun dance class series made for tots outdoors in Casa Romantica’s seaside Redmond Amphitheater. The price is $50 for the public (free for Family Household Members). Casa Romantica Cultural Center and Gardens, 415 Avenida Granada, San Clemente. 949.498.2139. casaromantica.org.
WEDNESDAY | 15 SAN ONOFRE PARKS FOUNDATION POP-UP SHOP 10 a.m.-4 p.m. The Historic Cottage and Visitor Center showcases local history, flora and fauna at this original 1934 ranger’s cottage. A rotating exhibit features the history of San Onofre. Stop in to the San Onofre Parks Foundation’s Pop-Up Shop to say hello, do a little shopping and learn more about the history of the local state parks at San Clemente and San Onofre State Beaches. Historic Cottage and Visitor Center is located within the San Clemente State Beach Campground at 225 Avenida Calafia, San Clemente. 949.366.8599. admin@sanoparks.org. sanoparks.org. BINGO AT THE SENIOR CENTER 1:30 p.m. Every Wednesday, the Dorothy Visser Senior Center will host Bingo. The center will begin selling cards at 1 p.m., with the game starting promptly at 1:30. The buy-in is $12 for 10 games with four cards and a special pick-your-number game. For more information, contact the center at 949.498.3322. Dorothy Visser Senior Center, 117 Avenida Victoria, San Clemente. BIKING CLUB FOR MIDDLE SCHOOLERS AND HIGH SCHOOLERS 5-6:30 p.m. Anyone have middle schoolto high school-aged kids who love to bike? Community Outreach Alliance’s
of whom think he should retire from the sky. There was some minor attention over the fact that Kelly McGillis and Meg Ryan weren’t back for Maverick, and some alleged that
they were replaced with “hotter” actresses. I can’t comment on the subjectivity of any of the women’s looks, generally. But I can say Jennifer Connelly’s and Jean Louisa Kelly’s characters are pretty much just extra eye candy (albeit age-appropriate eye candy), and don’t actually add anything to the new plot, unfortunately. Similarly, I found parts of Val Kilmer’s real-life ailments written into his character, “Iceman,” a little awkward, and his cameo ending on an underwhelming note. That said, I still found Maverick to be a lot of fun and a quintessential theater experience this summer season. The action, effects, cinematography, sound design and soundtrack all shimmer on the big screen. There’s obvious fan service, but it’s made up with the exhilarating flying sequences and charming cast. Cruise shows he can slip right back into his famous characters naturally, and that, yes, it’s OK for the greatest action star in the world to be older. If you can handle the whole first act being nostalgia and exposition overload, Top Gun: Maverick is a decent night out of the house and a solid tribute from Kosinski to Scott’s impact on pop culture and action movies. SC
‘Top Gun: Maverick’ Soars Yet Again BY MEGAN BIANCO, SAN CLEMENTE TIMES
San Clemente Times June 9-15, 2022
Photo: Courtesy of Skydance Media / Paramount Pictures
While struggling to connect with the aspiring protégé, Maverick also has to deal with his superiors, Adm. Chester Cain (Ed Harris) and Vice Adm. Beau Simpson (Jon Hamm)—both
SAN JUAN SUMMER NITES CONCERT 6-8 p.m. The free outdoor concert series presented by the City of San Juan Capistrano is back on this year, in full form. Motown act Blue Breeze Band kicks off the fun on June 15. Bring a lawn chair and blanket to relax while you soak up music in downtown San Juan. There will be also be food trucks, adult beverages for sale, and booths featuring local businesses and groups. A free trolley service will run on concert days from 4-9 p.m. Historic Town Center Park, 31872 El Camino Real, San Juan Capistrano. 949.493.5911. sanjuancapistrano.org. OPEN MIC NIGHT AT KNUCKLEHEADS 8-10 p.m. Knuckleheads is open for food, drinks and live music. If you are a musician, do stand-up comedy or the spoken word, this is the place to be on Wednesday nights. So, come down, grab a drink and go for it. Knuckleheads Sports Bar, 1717 North El Camino Real, San Clemente. 949.492.2410. knuckleheadsmusic.com.
Tony Scott’s Top Gun (1986) is so ingrained in 1980s pop culture and nostalgia that seeing these characters do everyday things in the 21st century is a little bewildering. But in the new tradition of Hollywood rebooting hit movies and shows from the past 30-40 years for easy money, Joseph Kosinski’s Top Gun: Maverick does fill that sweet spot. After various release-date changes going back to 2019, Kosinski’s three-decades-later follow-up to Scott’s cult classic was worth the wait for longtime fans. This time, Capt. Pete “Maverick” Mitchell (Tom Cruise) is quite a bit older compared to the younger Navy pilots he’s recruited to mentor. These pilots include Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw (Miles Teller), the son of Maverick’s deceased best friend.
biking club meets every Wednesday afternoon at different trails, with professional biker and mentor Mike Russell from Freakshow Aloha. San Clemente High’s COA club, which hosts this free activity thanks to the Hardman Classic, has bikes and helmets for participants to borrow. To participate, fill out a registration form online at form.myjotform. com/91392099886576. For questions, call or text 949.795.4721. communityoutreachalliance.com/bike-club/.
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Remembering the Little Things Ahead of the Next Big Thing A SPEECH BY ASB PRESIDENT ZANE PERT
t’s the little things in life—a saying that everyone knows. Little things that you remember; little things that leave the biggest impact; little things that make us who we are and shape our journeys. I think we can all agree that there have been a lot of little things that have impacted us during our time here at San Clemente High School. Little things like the anticipation of what outfit Mr. Proodian will wear tomorrow (nice tux); little things like wondering who Ms. Dimperio will call out next in class; little things like that dreaded i-search we all completed our freshman year (not so little). Little things like that subtle, “you can do this” from a friend, teacher, or coach when you need it the most. SCHS has offered these little things to all of us. And going forward, our high school years will be just a little thing in our lives. We’re all moving on to bigger things, and we sit here today in a big group, in a big stadium, surrounded by the big love of those who always support us. We’ve faced some big challenges over the past four years, arguably some of the most difficult years in our lifetime, and yet here we are. We should all be proud of the community we have created to get to the finish line. We have proven we are Triton Strong. And now, we are all leaving this little family that has become so near and dear to our hearts, at our hometown high school in this little Spanish
San Clemente Times June 9-15, 2022
Village by the Sea, for the next big thing. We might all be taking different paths to the big things ahead, but the little things are what we share. So, let’s all make a promise to each other right now: let’s get excited about the big thing we are celebrating here today; let’s get pumped about the big things we’re about to experience and discover. But most importantly, let’s acknowledge the little things that SCHS has offered to make us—us. This place is a little gem in a great big world. Let’s remember this home of ours, the people who shaped us, and the experiences that molded us into the young adults we are. Eventually, our time at SCHS will become just a little blink of an eye in the big lives we will lead. We are the future of our world, forever changed because of our time at SCHS, and we
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are friends for life; without the little things, none of us would be the people we are today. So, thank you to all the teachers and administrators who have done little things for us, friends we were able to lean on when even the littlest problem seemed big, family and mentors who supported us in so many little ways. Let’s take today and enjoy this last moment together as something not little, but big, with each of our lives ahead of us ready to make a big impact in this world. San Clemente High School Class of 2022, if you take anything away from this little attempt at a big inspirational graduation speech, remember this: Once a Triton, Always a Triton. The little things are what really count, because they are what add up to be the big things that make life worth living. Thank you.
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ood afternoon, parents, faculty, staff, Trustee Davis, elected officials and the Class of 2022. I remember the day I asked my second-grade teacher Mrs. Rhoades what the 22 in front of my computer username meant. Mrs. Rhoades looked down on a 7-year-old Meelad and said, “Well, it’s the year you graduate, 2022.” At that moment, the future just seemed so far away. But in a blink of an eye, here we are, June 2, 2022. There were so many things we were worried about: the speakers blasting music when we were late to class, forgetting a note or line in the school play, or even getting a haircut the day before prom. Trust me, don’t do it. Now, as current seniors, we are lucky to have a normal year with football games, spirit assemblies, oh, and also watching Ashton Wessels flex his massive muscles in the quad. Please look around at your fellow classmates; you have grown up with many of them, had an awkward
and public breakup with some … (Awkward Pause) … and are now graduating next to them in a few short minutes. Everyone knows the cliché line: “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” But it’s true. I looked up at Mrs. Rhoades and thought the future was so far away. But June 2, 2022 has come in a heartbeat. We have watched each other grow not only as students, but as individuals, and I am proud of the way we have shaped up to take on whatever the future has in store for us. We graduate with the weight of the world on our shoulders. Now, more than ever, the Earth, our country, and our community need us. We take with us everything we have ever done, we have ever met, and everything we have learned at San Clemente High School. So, there is no reason to be afraid but embrace your future. Fellow students, the moment has finally come where all of our hard work has paid off, so please join me in turning your tassels from right to left and like Kid Cudi said: “Keep moving forward.” Congratulations, Class of 2022, you did it!
San Clemente High School
GRADUATES Fatima Abarca Makayla Lynn AckermanCoelho Marina Nicole del Reyes Aguilar Emily Corell Ahern Meelad Ahmadi Keyla Ajoleza Elzy Adriana Alcala-Gomez Michael Alejo Magdalena Ann Alexander Cooper Mitchell Allen Nathan Alonso Aidan Todd Ansaldo Lola Sofija Anunson Collin Michael Arata Jordan James Armstrong Anisten Karis Arnett Mia Victoria Arnwine Alexander Arroyo Paige Celeste Ashby Austin Tadahiro Ashizawa Ryan Mark Ashman Max Tayler Atkins Lizbeth Bahena Max Andrew Banks Charlie Lyn Banks Christian Reed Barkema San Clemente Times June 9-15, 2022
Britta O’Brien Barnes Gavin Patrick Barnes Savannah Briton Batchelor Travis Christopher Bay Hayden Cruz Beauchemin Piper Rae Beets Joshua Edward Benedict Brenna Joann Benham Lily Annabelle Benjamin Gabrielle DeCarli Bennett Aidan Elton Bennett Matthew Joseph Bennett Boston Chase Berlien Myles Patrick Biggs Jayden Robert Binkele Bianca Kate Bird Madison Carole Ly Black Aidan Jesse Ricardo Blair Ryan James Blair Annette Mae Blake Shea Hart Blaney Dane Joseph Blout Anna Catherine Boatman William Raymond Bogusiewicz Vengee Bohls Juan Julian Bonilla Diana Alejandra Bonilla Gutierrez
Wyatt Nelson Borchard Ethan Scott Borie Garrett Christian Boyd Sabrina Renee Bozeman Ava Grace Bracamonte Jordan Michelle Brail Haze Damian Brawner Sophia Frances Brice Sage Isabelle Brislen Kylee Brotherton Adam Leroy Brower Abigail Marie Brown Ella Grace Brown Haley Kianna Brown Riley Tienna Brown Jack Collis Brown Jordan La Shel Browning Kula-Mae Christine Brunson Derek Cort Budge Madelyn Grace Burks Torrey Marian Butler Connor Benton Byrne Brendan Joseph Byrne Rosa Calderon Luisa Angela Camarillo Katelyn Joyce Campbell Madeline Bailey Campbell Anahi Canizales Samantha Marie Cannon Angelo Deerbourne Vidrine Carney Riley Nicole Carter Liam Michael Cassidy Emiliano Castaneda Sosie Elise Casteel Nathan Castellanos Ashley Caswell
Olivia Christine Cates Easton Jonathan Cattich Roberto Caudillo Lizabeth Daniela Caudillo Juan Jesus Caudillo Armando Esteban Ceja Samantha Hikari Ming-Mei Chang Kylie Elise Chetakian Elijah Rafael Gardner Chuc Liam Styles Hendrix Cifarelli Sofia Cifuentes Zombulovic Lyla Mojdeh Clark Molly Grace Haughian Clark Rhett Michael Colbert Skylin Khamylea Combs Mackenzie Cailyn Conway Sawyer Cook McKenna Marie Cook Benjamin Robert Cooper Mason Kai Cooper Bane Leonardo Corbett Michelle Graciela Cortez Gaona Ryan Angela Coughlin Nieve Kathryn Courtney Jackson Nelles Craft Diego Antonio Crawford Charles Emmett Cuillard Tomas Hugh Cussen Alexa Patricia Dalkas Wyatt Connor Davies Isabella Michele Davis Kirby Leigh Davis Isaac Johnson Davis Dante Ryan De Collibus Nicole Ambar De Santos Nevaeh Alexandra DeCoito Page 19
Janette Delgado Audrey Jean Della Vedova Jack Vinh Demora Kullen DeNike Reese Katherine Dewey Micah Costi Di Stefano Jaime Diaz James Michael Diaz Gabriel James Dixon Summer Ann Dobos-Bubno Mason Hunter Donahoe Brooke Kelly Donovan Kyle Spencer Dorsey Charles Dorton Brennan Charles Dougherty Colin Joseph Duffy Ryan Joseph Dunbar Tyler Reese Duncan Matthew Harris Dupree Isabella Annette Duzman Samantha Grace Dwyer Eva Marie Eades Lucas Joseph Echeverria Nicole DeAnn Economos Alexandra Sharon Economos Cole Robert Edwards Steven Ray Eisenhauer Matthew Russell Ellena Jessika Pearl Ephraim Edward Latesz Erdely Patrick Latesz Erdely Christian Xavier Escolero Elise J Ewell Cristal Ezquivel Trevor Ray Fania Kellen Blethen Farrey Anita Fereidooni
Drew Cameron Ferguson Erick Thomas Ferguson Fernando Fernandez Isabelle Grace Fernandez Indiana Steel Fightmaster Tristan Antonio McLeod Fiorello Isaac Granados Fisher Lucy June Flandro Daniel James Flores Pasiencia Emilia Flores Kyle Raymond Flotho Cooper Daniel Flynn Jason Bryan Folgner-Gomez Natalie Kay Folsom Aiden Segen Fornalski Vance Ian Frabasilio Matthew Benjamin Francis Garrett Roy Fratus Flip Marshall Frauenzimmer Nova Winthrop Fritts Ashley Frutis Charlotte Marie Fuertes Lily Capri Gadberry Juan Pablo Galvez Llendy Garcia Oliver Christian Garcia Anthony Rafael Garcia Genesis Yorleni Garcia Suazo Asher John Gardiner Mitchell Walker Garff Jenna Brynn Garvey Austin Warren Gates Will Martin Gavin Cole Gordon Geach Owen Daniel Geer Grace Constance Gehret Danielle Renee Generaux sanclementetimes.com
Tanner Matthew Getz Chase James Geyer Gracie Star Giachetti Alex Giannelli Kyle Lanning Giard Kaden Ray Giles Faith Nicole Gillett Grace Katherine Giranda Alexia Goettems Brian Christopher Golden Thanya Gomez Aaron Gomez Giselle Gomez Mirca Gomez Daniel Raudel Gomez Ana Karen Gomez Humberto Gomez Hanny Johana Gomez Cabrera Karla Gomez Villanueva Logan Benjamin Gordon Alec Porter Grace Zoe Michelle Graff Kylie Isabella Grams Evan Michael Gray Emma Rose Grazioli Elijah Ripken Greene Caroline Caterson Greene Juliette Marie Gregath Treyton Armand Gresham Cecily Elizabeth Grigg Avrielle Nicole Grill Grantston Hunter Grise
San Clemente Times June 9-15, 2022
Nolan Ray Grush Connor Ian Guerrero Julia Elisa Guild Ruby Aide Gutierrez Jamiley Gutierrez Paula Xiomara Gutierrez Esther Velvet Gutierrez Alexander Gutierrez Yasmin Hana Habibeh Jack Thomas Hagen Seth Warren Diesel Hahn Kadrianna June Hall Liam Ford Hallinan Logan Robert Hardison Cate Nicole Harrell Stella Ann Harris Sean Allan Harry Reese Sydney Hartnett Satine Arolina Harvey Ava Louise Hassard-Johnson Kylie Michelle Hatfield Caroline Mekeel Hawkes Emilie Carolyn Heckenkamp Hallie Marie Hemnes Maile Kathryn Herlean Eleazar Hernandez Kobe Jay Hernandez Destiny Keyonna Hernandez Jason Anderson Herrmann Elizabeth Anne Herrod Emma Grace Hettmann Cooper Akio Hikawa
Daxton Adam Hill Brookelynn Christine Hodgin Lola Elizabeth Hollibaugh Taya Jolie Darina Hollrigel Maddox Hudson Holmes-Selby George Ryder Hsieh Ryan John Huff Sailor Rue Huffman Skylar Elizabeth Hughes Madison Hailey Hughes Nicholas Tobin Humphrey Garrett Cole Hunt Kaili Jade Ibarra Andrew James Iglesias Ryan Patrick Igoe Nickayla Renee Jaurigue Brielle Mikaila Jenkins Gregorio Jimenez Regan Rhea Johnson Dane Verner Johnson Ethan Ryan Johnson Jacob James Johnston Tyler Gregory Jones Cory Christopher Jones Fletcher Lawrence Jones Mark Israel Julian Nikolas Robert Kaczmarczyk Aidan Patrick Kaffl Sophia Melinda Keefe Tyler Matthew Kemph Sydney Brinn Kennedy Joseph Alan King
Portia Jane Kipper Matthew Cody Knights Kaili Geneva Kosco London Kylie Kostechko Samantha Lauren Kowalski Zoey Emily Kuhn Isabelle Kiera Kuhne Cora Rae LaFollette Keagan Joshua Lamar
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Grace Ella LaMarre Parker Lynn Lambert Nathan Brady Langer Carter Bradley Lantz Victoria Michelle Latta Ella Jayne Lawrence Luke Fernando Lemus Jake Thomas Lerdahl Angelique LeRoux
Evan Alexander Lipofsky Caden Grant Lippincott Grace Ann Liscio Fernando Llanos Tanner Jean Lloyd Adelyne Rae Lloyd Daniel Kekoa Lo James Anthony Lohrman Shantel Lopez
Desli Lopez Evan Alec Lowe Joie Florence Lucas Shyla Alison Lucus Heidy Sayuri Luna Briana Jayne Luzi Brenna Clover Lynch Gavyn Robert MacKinnon Grant William MacKinnon Javier Ignacio Magra Cassidy Nicole Maguire Robert James Maley Grace Elizabeth Manning Manuel Manriquez Quinn Price Mantecon Fernanda Marquez Grant Michael Marquez Sawyer Tate Marquez Ashley Juliann Marquis Kamryn Jane Martin Matthew Davis Martin Ramiro Martinez Gabriel Asay Martinis Natalia Rose Martucci Skyler Trinity Math Olivia Marie Matheson Abigail Elise Matossian Lucca Mattiuzzi Martins Malia Renee Mayo Kate Morgan McAlpin Savannah Skye McBride Kai James McBride
San Clemente Times June 9-15, 2022
Joshua Morgan McDonald Madeline Mae McDonald Frankie Caydence McElroy Kekoa Daniel McEwen Elle Madison McGee Elle Elizabeth McGovern Ella Marie McGuire Ian Thomas McKernan Karah Ashley McKinnon Miqueas Medina Christopher Medrano Tanner Thomas Mehrens Morgan McRae Melendez Edgar Jose Melgar Claro Mena Lily Katerina Mercado Emily Merida Benjamin Meyler Thomas Alexander Michailidis Logan Lee Middleton Trevor Daniel Millard Eden Allison Milligan Michael Allen Milner Julia Miranda Mariko Michel Miyasaki Marangeline Molina Malaika Lerato Monareng Riley Gene Moore Maria Fernanda Mora Jonathan Mora Michelle Moreno Tannor Joseph Morgan
Makayla Alexia Moss Jonathan Mota Reaghan Theresa Mulligan Charlie Graham Mulligan Jose Alejandro Muniz Nathan Muniz Brynnan Michelle Munoz Matthew Stefan Muriella Brody Allan Murphy Kaitlyn Grace Murphy Donya Nadjie Reagan Rene Nattrass Taylor Anne Naughton Paige Nelson Anthony James Nestor Kai Daniel Neumann Casey Jerome Nicol Luke Nicolas Stephen Benedict Nicolosi Hailey Brianna Nielsen Kevin Olaf Noa Portelles Dominick John Nolfo Kaitlyn Marie Northrup Logan Robert Norton Jack Bryan Noyes Ryan Worden O’Connor Lola Rose Olguin Kaden Victor Ortiz Margaret Rose Ortiz Sean-Michael McRae Oshiro Joyce Osnaya Maria Francisca Osorto
Kelsey Jennifer Ostrander Cassidy Joy O’Toner Psi Jayesh Padhya Kanei Jinish Padhya Bethany Ann Padilla Dylan Padilla Mario Padilla Pix Elizabeth Page Emily Palacios Anya Christina Paladin Rilee James Paler Lucia Monet Parke Amy Marie Parr Joshua Alan Parrish Grace Kathleen Parry Bronson Patron Patridis-Moreno Payton Ella Patterson Aidan Michael Pearce Jennifer Aya Pearson Calista Ann Pelkey Kevin Daniel Pena Angela Yasmin Pena-Morales Abril Berenice Perez Eduardo Manuel Perez Lorena Perez Bonilla Kevin Tyler Perow Jacquelynn Elizabeth Person Zane Kenneth Pert Lexi Rose Phalen Trevor Michael Pham Lucca Dimitrie Pham Cassandra Pintle
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Nancy Esmeralda Polanco Hudson Fisher Poling Michaela Mae Pometto Wyatt Aiden Ponsen Joseph Edward Prevost Sansac De Traversay Antonio George Psotka Mila Grace Puhek Lucas Evan Purzycki Jaime Ramirez Jacqueline Ramirez Valeria Ramirez Alejandra Lucero Ramirez Barbara Elizabeth Ramirez Kathryn Christine Lousie Ramm Avery Presley Ramsden Lucas Daniel Rapeepat Kaylee Jo Rask Venice Mari Rauterkus Reese Brynne Ravetti Saige Malia Reale William Michael Redmond Jack Brandon Reed Taylor London Reid Shelby Blanche Reisender Kai Aron Rempel Janet Emely Reyes Retaj Khalid Ridha Nathaniel Thomas Riley Nikoli Dixon Ripley Elijah Sung Ritchie Cooper More Rivas
Diego Robbins Brayden Matthew Roberson Laura Elizabeth Robertson Natalie Ann Roble Brandon James Rodgers Nanci Rodriguez Roxanny Rodriguez Villar Zachary Joseph Roeber Samantha Rogel Jack Christopher Rogers Ava Madison Rogers Ethan Patrick Rooney Audrey Ella Root Kristian Anders Rorvik Cameron Scott Rous Devlin James Rowe Alan Josue Ruiz Josiah James Rurup Tyler Joseph Russell Carolyn Jewel Sachse Charlotte Frances Sale-Hollingsworth Tanner Christian Salgado Austin Elias Salman Alaisah Monique Samano Joseph Sanchez Emily Rose Sanchez Jasmin Sanchez Elle McKayan Sanders David Federico Sandoval Haley Lorraine Sandstrom Luke Santley
GRADUATING CLASS OF 2022 Riley Rose Saunderson Aidan Lee Sautner Ashten Mae Scheppers-Barr Ava Michelle Schmitt Kirra Emily Schnell Robert Schumacher Julia Makana Schwartz Jaeda Rose Seewall Landon Scott Seymour Ryder James Sgambellone Jacob Alexander Shadle Luke Jared Shanafelt Lainie Anne Sharp Dylan Rose Shaughnessy Jack Henry Shetrone Vance Jeffrey Sibley Margherita Silli Maxwell Monroe Silva Kaitlyn Nicole Simon Noelle Sophia Skyba Paris Elizabeth Smith Bryce Smith Jack Warwick Smith Liam Leonard Smith Dylan Solorzano Barrera Charlie John Spaeth Anthony Joseph Spallina Shayna Aliyah Sparks Teagan Rose Sroka Brooklyn Hailey Staab Taylor Kristyn Stacy Jet Katana Stadick Michael Anthony Staffieri
Anna Marie Stafford Cooper Ty Stanley Benjamin Donald Starks Gavin Michael Stay Austin Wayne Steele Karl Augustus Steele Shelby Sandra Strech Ava Madison Stuhr Abby Elisabeth Succi Griffin George Sutton Kael Richard Tabor Aidan Luis Tarango Laurel Ashley Taus Samantha Nicole Thurman Justus Reine Timmerman Amanda Elizabeth Tolosa Jillian Rose Torcaso Alondra Torres Evelyn Angelie Trinidad Timeus Boyd Truman Cameron Blake Trunec Cooper Blaise Tsouo Dylan Ruby Tsouo Stephanie Ann Tucker Brinley Tuverson Cole Joseph Underwood Alyza Lynette Uribe Katherine Brooke Vainoris Angel Valencia Lachlan Van Rosmalen Carlos Alberto Varela Zanious Kasi Vaughn Ashley Velazquez
Grace Ann Verrilli Anthony Eric Vigil Natalie Marie Villafana Josue Adonay Villalobos Sophia Vollebregt Katelin Grace Wagner Luke Ward Carson Marcel Warner Elijah Takayoshi Washington William Franklin Weber Chloe Addison Weber Lauren Colette Wesch Madelyn Blake Wesch Ashton Blake Wessels Kate Colleen Westbrook Kira Ahniya Whittaker Savannah Jo Wilcox Victoria Rose Wildfong Hanna Abigail Willemsen Myles Gordon Wire Charles Cyril Wire Nina Isolde Wirtz Daniel Ryan Woodward Hamilton David Woodworth Ava Patricia Wronski Benjamin Yawn Scott Anthony Yim Harrison Peter York Madilyn Saige Young Teresa Marie Yubeta Joseph Zamora Jina Zangeneh Lupita Zarate
lbert Einstein said, “Live your life in terms of music.” For me, this means to live passionately with what you’re given. Music is simple yet complex. On paper, it is just a list of notes. A violin can be seen as merely a wooden box. When musicians play or singers sing, however, it is ourselves who turn these sounds into emotions, harmonies and, ultimately, music. We define music and give it meaning, just as we give meaning to sports, school, graduation and our lives. Now that we understand how we perceive music, we can examine its effects. Even if you’re not in the top 1% of Taylor Swift listeners like Amy Parr is (which, by the way, is very impressive), you can still appreciate music. Even if you’re not as fortunate as Madeline McDonald to have a father touring with Fleetwood Mac, you can still find the music in your life. Music is everywhere. Right now, as the San Clemente Times June 9-15, 2022
orchestra plays “Pomp and Circumstance,” we are all experiencing the effects of music, dreaming of our lives outside of high school and reminiscing over our memories created here. Think of your favorite movies—Star Wars, Jaws, Titanic; they are incomplete without their iconic soundtracks. Think of our Triton Spirit Assemblies, of the Loud Crowd, or the dance team; none of it would be the same without music. Similarly, our lives are incomplete without our individual soundtracks. There are times when the pacing of our lives shifts dramatically. The tempo at San Clemente High School has been inconsistent, to say the least. Two years ago, we were sent home, but the music kept playing, and we pushed
forward. Standing here at the end of our journey together, we begin to realize that our experiences throughout the past four years were some of the greatest times of our lives. Some of you slow-danced to swing music at prom, just like Mr. Popovich and Mrs. Compean did in their senior year in 1998. Some rocked from test to test, and others waltzed during their bathroom breaks and suddenly found themselves at a physics barbecue. Each of us brought a new melody to the campus, which combined in harmony. This is to say, our soundtracks are composed of far more than our test scores, careers and resumes. Back to Einstein. To live our lives in terms of
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music does not mean we need to learn the violin in order to be successful. It is to do exactly what we have already been doing, creating joy out of routine, and turning what felt like an infinite Canvas to-do list into an adventure So, as the stage for high school clears, we are given a choice: to live life on paper, like an endless chore, or to live life with passion for all you do. If you were born to be a writer, then write a song on every page. If you were born to be a researcher, then play your heart out in a symphony of science. No matter what you do, success comes from staying in tune with your individual soundtrack, and living life in terms of music. Thank you, congratulations, and Go, Tritons! sanclementetimes.com
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JSERRA CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 2022 | SAN CLEMENTE GRADUATES Austin Asher Jack Baggaley Arden Belanger Madeliene Bredek Antonio DelCastillo Grace Forney Waylon Fox Harper Hansen Steven Hopper
Brendan Hughes Roland Jaworski Julianna Jordan Jacob Leddy William Lhommedieu Alexa Liberto Lilly Lorber Alexander Makshanoff Brayden Morgan
Remie Nguyen Stephen Partsch Willa Poplawski Stephanie Ray Garrett Reissmueller Austin Richardson Remi Riddle Colin Shrove Nathan Som
Ethan Stawski Sadie Svitenko Rico Takeda Maximilian Ulz Nathan Valdez Chloe Walrod Cole Williams Ruixiao Yang Yeting Zhou
Manuel Cardenas Logan Crossan Wyatt Crossan Makiah Foerster Madison Garcia Ryan Hixon Aaron Juarez
Austin Koen Marilyn McCain Rocky Ramos Maximus Stegelvik Patton Tetherton Ting Yu
San Clemente Times June 9-15, 2022
Camryn Banner Katharine James Grace I. Karstetter Dylan C. Meeks Gianna M. Montesano Justin H. O’Donnell Julia M. Olosky
Maxwell J. Page Thalia B. Pollard Mark P. Robinson Robert S. Springer Amanda V. Taylor Makai Todd Greta M. Wagner Page 24
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GUEST OPINION | On Life and Love After 50 by Tom Blake
Dana Point Man Tells of Meeting Elvis in New Memoir I
n March 2017, I wrote a column titled, “Delivering a Letter to Johnny Cash,” which described a trip my partner, Greta, and I took to Tennessee to visit the Johnny Cash Museum, the Country Music Hall of Fame, Graceland and Sun Records. I had worked with and became friends with Johnny Cash in 1975 and 1976, and wanted to show Greta the places where I had been with him. Dana Point resident Michael McLeavy responded to that article. He wrote: “I enjoyed your ‘Delivering a Letter to Johnny Cash’ column and thought you might get a kick out of how I met Elvis Presley, since Elvis was a friend of your friend Johnny Cash.” Michael and I met for lunch and compared stories about how he had met Elvis and I had met Johnny, two of Tennessee’s greatest singing legends. Michael presented me with a replica of a poster that pictured Johnny Cash ON LIFE AND LOVE and Elvis Presley BY TOM BLAKE together, promoting a March 10, 1956 concert in Armory, Mississippi. On April 13, 2017, I wrote a follow-up column detailing how Michael had met Elvis. Five years later, this past February, Michael told me he had just completed an autobiography, with his meeting Elvis as one of the highlights. He said, “I purchased your Tutor & Spunky’s Deli. A Dana Point Landmark book and was impressed that you self-published it by using Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing. Would you consider editing, formatting, and helping me publish my book on Amazon?” I said, “I admit, as a senior, I have extra time on my hands due to staying at home during the pandemic. I’m not a professional editor, but I did learn a lot publishing my book.” I thought getting Michael’s book edited and published might take me three weeks. So, I said to Michael, “I will do it.” Three weeks turned into two months. San Clemente Times June 9-15, 2022
Pictured is the cover of Michael McLeavy’s new memoir, What Now? What Next? Where To?, which details how he met Elvis Presley.
(From left) Tom Blake and Michael McLeavy show off a replica of the poster used to promote a March 10, 1956 concert that Johnny Cash and Elvis Presley headlined in Armory, Mississippi. Photo: Tom Blake
Besides editing the manuscript, building a table of contents, and creating the book’s cover, there were multiple pictures to reformat and other details to address. One blessing: the book turned out to be only 132 pages. As I worked on the book, I became fascinated with Michael’s life. He
moved to Los Angeles from Scotland in 1965. His primary goal was to meet Elvis. He did that and so much more. He built a successful career in the insurance business. Michael is an accomplished singer. He has recorded four CDs, which are available on Amazon.
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Currently, Michael’s book, What Now? What Next? Where To?, is available in paperback only. The cost on Amazon is $14.99, plus shipping and taxes. However, if South Orange County readers would like a signed and personalized copy, email Michael at mmcleavy@cox.net with the details. The charge for Picket Fence Media readers is $14.25, including delivery and taxes. Michael has lived in Dana Point with his wife Linda since 1989. Will I begin a second career helping people as an editor and publisher of books? Perhaps, but not full-time, as I must leave enough time to keep writing my newspaper columns. Let me know if you have a book in your future. I’m receptive to questions. Tom Blake is a retired Dana Point business owner and resident who has authored books on middle-aged dating. See his website at findingloveafter50.com. To comment: tompblake@gmail.com. SC PLEASE NOTE: In an effort to provide our readers with a wide variety of opinions from our community, the SC Times provides Guest Opinion opportunities in which selected columnists’ opinions are shared. The opinions expressed in these columns are entirely those of the columnist alone and do not reflect those of the SC Times or Picket Fence Media. If you would like to respond to this column, please email us at editorial@sanclementetimes.com.
Ahoy, there! ‘Arrgh’ you looking for a furry mate-y to join your crew? Ninemonth-old Blackbeard is no scallywag. He is litterbox-trained and easy to handle. With his outgoing personality and handsome muttonchops, Blackbeard would make an excellent addition to almost any home. If you are interested in adopting Blackbeard, please visit petprojectfoundation.org/adoptions/ to download an adoption application form. Completed forms can be emailed to animalservices@scdpanimalshelter.org, and you will be contacted about making an interaction appointment.
Each Sudoku puzzle consists of a 9x9 grid that has been subdivided into nine smaller grids of 3x3 squares. To solve the puzzle, each row, column and box must contain each of the numbers 1 to 9. Puzzles come in three grades: easy, medium and difficult. Level: Medium
See the solution in next week’s issue.
Photo: Courtesy of William Ayer and the San Clemente Historical Society
FROM THE ARCHIVES Students line up at Bernice Hayward’s first schoolhouse at 157 Serra in this photo from the early 1930s. This photo can be purchased from the San Clemente Historical Society at sanclementehistoricalsociety.org.
Every week, the San Clemente Times will showcase a historical photo from around the city. If you have a photo you would like to submit for consideration, send the photo, your name for credit as well as the date and location of the photo to sraymundo@picketfencemedia.com.
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San Clemente Times June 9-15, 2022
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PUBLIC NOTICES TO ADVERTISE: 949.388.7700, EXT. 111 • LEGALS@PICKETFENCEMEDIA.COM PUBLIC NOTICE ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME Case No. 22FL000479 TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner Foroogh Rahnama and Vahid Rad on behalf of Amirhossein Radgohar, a minor filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present Name AMIRHOSSEIN RADGOHAR Proposed Name AMIR RAD THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. Notice of Hearing Date: 07/20/2022 Time: 1:30 p.m. Dept: L74. Room: The address of the court is Lamoreaux Justice Center, 341 The City Drive, South Orange, CA 92868. Other: *Remote* Your hearing will be held REMOTELY via video at the date and time indicated on the notice or order to which this message is attached. You are NOT to physically appear at the courthouse on the date of your hearing. To obtain instructions on how to appear remotely for your hearing, you MUST do the following no later than the day before the hearing (or no later than Friday, if the hearing is on Monday): 1. Go to the Court’s website at www.occourts.org; 2. Click on the “COVID-19” button; 3. Click on the “Civil” button; 4. Click on the “Remote Hearing Instructions” button; 5. Follow the instructions. IMPORTANT NOTE: If you or your witnesses, do not have the ability to access the court’s website above, or are unable to follow the instructions on the Court’s website, or are otherwise unable to appear remotely, you MUST call the courtroom or call (657) 6228513, prior to your hearing, to request an alternate means to appear. Failure to do so may result in your case being dismissed, or a ruling issued against you. A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: San Clemente Times Date: 06/02/2022 JUDGE JULIE A PALAPOX, Judge of the Superior Court Published: San Clemente Times, June 9, 16, 23, 30, 2022 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 20226635263 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: DARYL BOYER SERVICES 123 CALLE AMISTAD UNIT 10101 SAN CLEMENTE, CA 92673 Full Name of Registrant(s): DARYL L BOYER 123 CALLE AMISTAD, UNIT 10101 SAN CLEMENTE, CA 92673 This business is conducted by an individual.
San Clemente Times June 9-15, 2022
The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: 5/10/2010 /s/DARYL BOYER This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Orange County on 05/29/2022. Published in: SAN CLEMENTE Times June 9, 16, 23, 30, 2022
209 Avenida Rosa – Short Term Apartment Rental 22-045, Bennett STAR
1021 Calle Recodo, Suite A - Conditional Use Permit 22-067 – Guillobel Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
A request to consider a short-term apartment rental within an existing three unit multi-family building located in the Residential Medium (RM) Zoning District. The proposal would convert Unit A and Unit B into short-term rentals for rentals less than 30 days. Unit C would be occupied by a full-time, on-site property manager.
A request to operate a martial arts instructional facility for all ages as a commercial recreational use within the Rancho San Clemente Specific Plan Business Park area. The recreational use proposes to occupy one of two units on site of approximately 7,541 square feet total for the proposed unit including warehouse and office space. Hours of operation will occur Monday through Saturday 9:00 a.m. – 8:30 p.m. with no more than seven instructional classes per day with a maximum of 20 students per class.
PUBLIC NOTICE ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME Case No. 30-2022-01261817 TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner KYLA WELCH filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present Name KYLA WELCH Proposed Name KYLA MERCER THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. Notice of Hearing Date: 08/02/2022 Time: 8:30 a.m. Dept: D100. Remote Hearing. The address of the court is Central Justice Center, 700 Civic Center Drive West, Santa Ana, CA 92701. Your hearing will be held REMOTELY via video at the date and time indicated on the notice or order to which this message is attached. You are NOT to physically appear at the courthouse on the date of your hearing. To obtain instructions on how to appear remotely for your hearing, you MUST do the following no later than the day before the hearing (or no later than Friday, if the hearing is on Monday): 1. Go to the Court’s website at www.occourts.org; 2. Click on the “COVID-19” button; 3. Click on the “Civil” button; 4. Click on the “Remote Hearing Instructions” button; 5. Follow the instructions. IMPORTANT NOTE: If you or your witnesses, do not have the ability to access the court’s website above, or are unable to follow the instructions on the Court’s website, or are otherwise unable to appear remotely, you MUST call the courtroom or call (657) 6228513, prior to your hearing, to request an alternate means to appear. Failure to do so may result in your case being dismissed, or a ruling issued against you. A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: San Clemente Times Date: 05/27/2022 JUDGE LAYNE H. MELZER, Judge of the Superior Court Published: San Clemente Times, June 9, 16, 23, 30, 2022
Staff recommends that the project be found Categorically Exempt from CEQA pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15031 (Class 1: Existing Facilities). These applications are on file at the City of San Clemente Community Development Department, 910 Calle Negocio, San Clemente, California, and are available for public inspection and comment by contacting the Community Development Department at (949) 361-6189. If you challenge these projects in court you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearings described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City of San Clemente at, or prior to, the public hearings. Notice is further given that said public hearings will be conducted by the City of San Clemente Planning Commission and held on Wednesday, June 22, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. at the San Clemente Community Center Auditorium, 100 Calle Seville, San Clemente, California. All interested persons are invited to attend said hearings or to provide written communication to the Planning Commission to express their opinion for or against the requests. Further information may be obtained by contacting the Planning Division at (949)361-6183. Secretary to the San Clemente Planning Commission PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ON JUNE 23, 2022 PUBLIC HEARINGS WILL BE HELD BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF SAN CLEMENTE, CALIFORNIA RELATIVE TO THE FOLLOWING: 202 Avenida Cabrillo – Special Activities Permit 22-063 Garden Cabaret at Cabrillo Playhouse A request for an outdoor musical performance occurring for a maximum of fifteen non-consecutive days in 2022 between 5:00 P.M. and 9:30 P.M. at the Cabrillo Playhouse outdoor patio. Staff recommends that the project be found Categorically Exempt from CEQA pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 (Class 1: Existing Facilities). 701 Avenida Columbo – Minor Exception Permit 22-046 Tetherton Fence A request to legalize an existing non-conforming over-height fence in the street side yard and front yard setbacks of a residence.
Staff recommends that the project be found Categorically Exempt from CEQA pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 (Class 1: Existing Facilities).
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Staff recommends that the project be found Categorically Exempt from CEQA pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 (Class 1: Existing Facilities). These applications are on file at the City of San Clemente Community Development Department, 910 Calle Negocio, and are available for public inspection and comment by contacting (949) 361-6183. If you challenge these projects in court you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised in written correspondence delivered to the City of San Clemente at, or prior to, the public hearings. Notice is further given that said public hearings will be conducted by the City of San Clemente Zoning Administrator and held on Thursday, June 23, 2022 at 3:00 p.m. at San Clemente City Hall, First Floor Community Room, 910 Calle Negocio, San Clemente, California. All interested persons are invited to attend said hearings or to provide written communication to the Zoning Administrator to express their opinion for or against the requests. Further information may be obtained by contacting the Planning Division at (949) 361-6183. Zoning Administrator PUBLIC NOTICE LIEN SALE AD: 06/22/2022 Date of Sale: Time of Sale: 10:00am 10870 Kalama River Ave, Place of Sale: Fountain Valley, CA 92708 Vehicle Information: 2013 Isuzu NQR CB Vin# JALE5W164D7901249 No Plates PUBLIC NOTICE SECTION 00100 NOTICE INVITING BIDS FY 2023 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM AND FY 2023 ARTERIAL STREET PAVEMENT MAINTENANCE Project Nos. 13xxx and 23xxx 1. Notice. Public notice is hereby given that the City of San Clemente (“City”) will receive sealed bids for the following project: FY 2023 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM, Project No. 13xxx AND FY 2023 ARTERIAL STREET PAVEMENT MAINTENANCE, Project No. 23xxx 2. Bid Opening Date. Electronic bids must be submitted prior to 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 23, 2022, on the City’s PlanetBids System Vendor Portal, at which time or thereafter bids will be opened and made available online. Bids received after this time will be considered non-responsive. Prospective bidders must first register as a vendor and then bid on this project via the City’s PlanetBids System Vendor Portal website at www.san-clemente.org/ vendorbids.
PUBLIC NOTICES TO ADVERTISE: 949.388.7700, EXT. 111 • LEGALS@PICKETFENCEMEDIA.COM 3. Project Scope of Work. Project includes pavement work, concrete repair including curb and gutter, curb ramp, sidewalk, driveway approach, utility work, striping, and other tasks as described in the specifications. 4. Contract Time: The work must be completed within 100 working days from the date specified in the written Notice to Proceed. 5. License and Registration Requirements. 5.1. State License. Pursuant to California Public Contract Code Section 3300, the City has determined that the Contractor shall possess a valid California contractor’s license for the following classification(s): Class “A”. Failure to possess the specified license(s) at the time of bid opening shall render the bid as non-responsive and shall act as a bar to award the contract to that non-responsive bidder. Department of Industrial Relations Regis5.2. tration. Pursuant to California Labor Code Sections 1725.5 and 1771.1, all contractors and subcontractors that wish to bid on, be listed in a bid proposal, or enter into a contract to perform public work must be registered with the Department of Industrial Relations (“DIR”). No bid will be accepted nor any contract entered into without proof of the contractor’s and subcontractors’ current registration with the DIR to perform public work. If awarded a contract, the Bidder and its subcontractors, of any tier, shall maintain active registration with the DIR for the duration of the Project. 5.3. City Business License. Prior to the Notice to Proceed for this contract, the Contractor shall possess a valid City of San Clemente business license. 6. Contract Documents. Bid documents, including instructions to bidders, bidder proposal form, and specifications (not including other documents incorporated by reference) may be downloaded, at no cost, from the City’s PlanetBids System Vendor Portal website at www.san-clemente.org/vendorbids. Bidders must first register as a vendor on the City of San Clemente PlanetBids system to view and download the Contract Documents, to be added to the prospective bidders list, and to receive addendum notifications when issued. 7. Bid Proposal and Security. 7.1. Bid Proposal Form. No bid will be received unless it is made on a proposal form furnished by the City. Bidders must complete line items information (PlanetBids Line Items Tab), and attach a scanned copy of the paper Bid Form (SECTION 00400), Bid Bond (SECTION 004100), Non-Collusion Declaration (SECTION 00420), Contractor Information and Experience Form (SECTION 00430), List of Subcontractors Form (SECTION 00440), Iran Contracting Act Certification (SECTION 00450), Public Works Contractor Registration Certification (SECTION 00460) completed and uploaded in the PlanetBids “Attachments” Tab. 7.2. Bid Security. Each bid proposal must be accompanied by security in the form of cash, certified check, cashier’s check, or bid bond in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the total bid amount. Personal checks or company checks are not acceptable forms of bid security. All certified and cashier’s checks must be drawn on a responsible bank doing business in the United States and shall be made payable to THE CITY OF SAN CLEMENTE. Bid bonds must be issued by a surety company licensed to do business in the State of California and must be
San Clemente Times June 9-15, 2022
made payable to THE CITY OF SAN CLEMENTE. Bids not accompanied by the required bid security will be rejected. For electronic submittal of bids, the bid security must be received at the City of San Clemente Public Works office, 910 Calle Negocio, Suite 100, San Clemente, CA 92673 no later than the bid opening date and time. The bid security must be submitted in a sealed envelope bearing the name and address of the bidder and the outside of the envelope must read as follows: OFFICIAL BID SECURITY - DO NOT OPEN Project Name: FY 2023 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM AND FY 2023 ARTERIAL STREET PAVEMENT MAINTENANCE Project Bid #: 13xxx and 23xxx Bid Opening Date: 2pm Thursday, June 23, 2022 The bid security shall serve as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into a contract. Such guarantee shall be forfeited should the bidder to whom the contract is awarded fail to enter into the contract within 15 calendar days after written notification that the contract has been awarded to the successful bidder. 8. Prevailing Wage Requirements. 8.1. General. This project is subject to the prevailing wage requirements applicable to the locality in which the work is to be performed for each craft, classification or type of worker needed to perform the work, including employer payments for health and welfare, pension, vacation, apprenticeship and similar purposes. 8.2. Rates. Prevailing rates are available online at www.dir.ca.gov/DLSR and also available at the City of San Clemente Public Works Department Office at 910 Calle Negocio, San Clemente, CA 92673. Each Contractor and Subcontractor must pay no less than the specified rates to all workers employed to work on the project. The schedule of per diem wages is based upon a working day of eight hours. The rate for holiday and overtime work must be at least time and one-half. 8.3. Compliance Monitoring. Pursuant to California Labor Code Section 1771.4, all bidders are hereby notified that this project is subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the California Department of Industrial Relations. In bidding on this project, it shall be the Bidder’s sole responsibility to evaluate and include the cost of complying with all labor compliance requirements under this contract and applicable law in its bid. 9. Retention. Pursuant to the contract for this project, five percent (5%) of each progress payment will be retained as security for completion of the balance of the work. Substitution of appropriate securities in lieu of retention amounts from progress payments is permitted pursuant to California Public Contract Code Section 22300. Refer to the contract for further clarification. 10. Performance and Payment Bonds. The successful bidder, simultaneously with execution of the contract, will be required to provide Faithful Performance and Labor and Material Payment Bonds, each in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract amount. Bonds are to be secured from a surety that meets all of the State of California bonding requirements, as defined in Code of Civil Procedure Section 995.120, and is admitted by the
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State of California. 11. Pre-Bid Meeting. A pre-bid meeting will not be held for this bid solicitation. Refer to the Instructions to Bidders section on how to submit any prebid questions. 12. Brand Names and Substitution of “Or Equal” Materials. Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 3400(b), if the City has made any findings designating certain materials, products, things, or services by specific brand or trade name, such findings and the materials, products, things, or services and their specific brand or trade names will be set forth in the Special Conditions. 13. Instructions to Bidders. Additional and more detailed information is provided in the Instructions to Bidders, which should be carefully reviewed by all bidders before submitting a Bid Proposal. 14. Questions. All questions related to this bid solicitation must be submitted through the City’s PlanetBids System Vendor Portal per the information provided in the Instructions to Bidders. Any other contact to City staff regarding this bid solicitation will be referred back to the PlanetBids system. THE CITY OF SAN CLEMENTE RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY AND ALL BIDS, TO AWARD ALL OR ANY INDIVIDUAL PART/ ITEM OF THE BID, AND TO WAIVE ANY INFORMALITIES, IRREGULARITIES OR TECHNICAL DEFECTS IN SUCH BIDS OR IN THE BIDDING PROCESS. ANY CONTRACT AWARDED WILL BE LET TO THE LOWEST RESPONSIVE AND RESPONSIBLE BIDDER AS DETERMINED FROM THE BASE BID ALONE. Dated May 26, 2022. City of San Clemente Public Works Department 910 Calle Negocio San Clemente, CA 92673 END OF NOTICE INVITING BIDS PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 20226635342 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: B. WILSON MONITORED VISIT 1968 S. COAST HWY, SUITE 2670 LAGUNA BEACH, CA 92651 Full Name of Registrant(s): BEATA E. WILSON INC. 1968 S. COAST HWY, SUITE 2670 LAGUNA BEACH, CA 92651 This business is conducted by a CA Corporation. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: n/a /s/BEATA E. WILSON INC./BEATA E. WILSON, PRESIDENT This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Orange County on 05/20/2022. Published in: San Clemente Times June 2, 9, 16, 23, 2022 PUBLIC NOTICE ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME Case No. 30-2022-01259006-CU-PT-CJC TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner WEN CHIN LIU (with variation WEN-CHIN LIU) filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present Name
WEN CHIN LIU (with variation WEN-CHIN LIU) Proposed Name WENCHIN LIU THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduleed to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. Notice of Hearing Date: 07/12/2022 Time: 8:30 a.m. Dept: D100. Room: Remote Appearance. The address of the court is Central Justice Center, 700 Civic Center Drive West, Santa Ana, CA 92701. Your hearing will be held REMOTELY via video at the date and time indicated on the notice or order to which this message is attached. You are NOT to physically appear at the courthouse on the date of your hearing. To obtain instructions on how to appear remotely for your hearing, you MUST do the following no later than the day before the hearing (or no later than Friday, if the hearing is on Monday): 1. Go to the Court’s website at www.occourts.org; 2. Click on the “COVID-19” button; 3. Click on the “Civil” button; 4. Click on the “Remote Hearing Instructions” button; 5. Follow the instructions. IMPORTANT NOTE: If you or your witnesses, do not have the ability to access the court’s website above, or are unable to follow the instructions on the Court’s website, or are otherwise unable to appear remotely, you MUST call the courtroom or call (657) 6228513, prior to your hearing, to request an alternate means to appear. Failure to do so may result in your case being dismissed, or a ruling issued against you. A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: San Clemente Times Date: 05/11/2022 JUDGE LAYNE H. MELZER, Judge of the Superior Court Published: San Clemente Times, May 19, 26, June 2, 9, 2022 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 20226634377 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: SC VENTURES 30 VIA CRISTOBAL SAN CLEMENTE, CA 92673 Full Name of Registrant(s): FLMC HOLDINGS, INC. 30 VIA CRISTOBAL SAN CLEMENTE, CA 92673 This business is conducted by a CA Corporation. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: n/a /s/FLMC HOLDINGS, INC./FOSTER MATT MCCARTY, SECRETARY This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Orange County on 05/10/22. Published in: San Clemente Times May 19, 26, June 2, 9, 2022
MATED SALES INFORMATION PLEASE CALL: ServiceLink Auction | Hudson and Marshall at (866) 539-4173 NPP0402188 To: SAN CLEMENTE TIMES 05/26/2022, 06/02/2022, 06/09/2022
PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE APN: 675-175-31 TS No: CA15000014-21-2 TO No: 02-21011350-01T GM 66856.0054 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE (The above statement is made pursuant to CA Civil Code Section 2923.3(d) (1). The Summary will be provided to Trustor(s) and/or vested owner(s) only, pursuant to CA Civil Code Section 2923.3(d)(2).) YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED February 18, 2020. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGS AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. On June 23, 2022 at 12:00 PM, At the North front entrance to the County Courthouse, 700 Civic Center Drive West, Santa Ana, CA 92701, MTC Financial Inc. dba Trustee Corps, as the duly Appointed Trustee, under and pursuant to the power of sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust Recorded on February 27, 2020 as Instrument No. 2020000086452, of official records in the Office of the Recorder of Orange County, California, executed by WATERVIEW DRIVE, LLC, as Trustor(s), in favor of PS FUNDING, INC. as Beneficiary, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER, in lawful money of the United States, all payable at the time of sale, that certain property situated in said County, California describing the land therein as: AS MORE FULLY DESCRIBED IN SAID DEED OF TRUST The property heretofore described is being sold “as is”. The street address and other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 53 MARBELLA, SAN CLEMENTE, CA 92673 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. Said sale will be made without covenant or warranty, express or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the Note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust, with interest thereon, as provided in said Note(s), advances if any, under the terms of the Deed of Trust, estimated fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust. Said Deed of Trust also contains a Security Agreement under the UCC, conveying a security interest in the Personal Property to Trustee and Beneficiary. Trustee and Beneficiary shall have, all the rights and remedies of a” secured party” under the UCC and other applicable California law. Trustor covenants and agrees that this Deed of Trust constitutes a fixture filing under Section 9313 and 9502(6) of the UCC The total amount of the unpaid balance of the obligations secured by the property to be sold and reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of this Notice of Trustee’s Sale is estimated to be $2,269,923.66 (Estimated). However, prepayment premiums, accrued interest and advances will increase this figure prior to sale. Beneficiary’s bid at said sale may include all or part of said amount. In addition to cash, the Trustee will accept a cashier’s check drawn on a state or national bank, a check drawn by a state or federal credit union or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, savings association or savings bank specified in Section 5102 of the California Financial Code and authorized to do business in California, or other such funds as may be acceptable to the Trustee. In the event tender other than cash is accepted, the Trustee may withhold the issuance of the Trustee’s Deed Upon Sale until funds become available to the payee or endorsee as a matter of right. The property offered for sale excludes all funds held on account by the property receiver, if applicable. If the Trustee is unable to convey title
San Clemente Times June 9-15, 2022
for any reason, the successful bidder’s sole and exclusive remedy shall be the return of monies paid to the Trustee and the successful bidder shall have no further recourse. Notice to Potential Bidders If you are considering bidding on this property lien, you should understand that there are risks involved in bidding at a Trustee auction. You will be bidding on a lien, not on the property itself. Placing the highest bid at a Trustee auction does not automatically entitle you to free and clear ownership of the property. You should also be aware that the lien being auctioned off may be a junior lien. If you are the highest bidder at the auction, you are or may be responsible for paying off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned off, before you can receive clear title to the property. You are encouraged to investigate the existence, priority, and size of outstanding liens that may exist on this property by contacting the county recorder’s office or a title insurance company, either of which may charge you a fee for this information. If you consult either of these resources, you should be aware that the same Lender may hold more than one mortgage or Deed of Trust on the property. Notice to Property Owner The sale date shown on this Notice of Sale may be postponed one or more times by the Mortgagee, Beneficiary, Trustee, or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the California Civil Code. The law requires that information about Trustee Sale postponements be made available to you and to the public, as a courtesy to those not present at the sale. If you wish to learn whether your sale date has been postponed, and, if applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the sale of this property, you may call ServiceLink Auction | Hudson and Marshall at (866) 539-4173 for information regarding the Trustee’s Sale or visit the Internet Website address https://www.servicelinkauction.com/ for information regarding the sale of this property, using the file number assigned to this case, CA15000014-21-2. Information about postponements that are very short in duration or that occur close in time to the scheduled sale may not immediately be reflected in the telephone information or on the Internet Website. The best way to verify postponement information is to attend the scheduled sale. Notice to Tenant NOTICE TO TENANT FOR FORECLOSURES AFTER JANUARY 1, 2021 You may have a right to purchase this property after the trustee auction pursuant to Section 2924m of the California Civil Code. If you are an “eligible tenant buyer,” you can purchase the property if you match the last and highest bid placed at the trustee auction. If you are an “eligible bidder,” you may be able to purchase the property if you exceed the last and highest bid placed at the trustee auction. There are three steps to exercising this right of purchase. First, 48 hours after the date of the trustee sale, you can call (866) 539-4173, or visit this internet website https://www.servicelinkauction.com/, using the file number assigned to this case CA15000014-212 to find the date on which the trustee’s sale was held, the amount of the last and highest bid, and the address of the trustee. Second, you must send a written notice of intent to place a bid so that the trustee receives it no more than 15 days after the trustee’s sale. Third, you must submit a bid so that the trustee receives it no more than 45 days after the trustee’s sale. If you think you may qualify as an “eligible tenant buyer” or “eligible bidder,” you should consider contacting an attorney or appropriate real estate professional immediately for advice regarding this potential right to purchase. Date: May 18, 2022 MTC Financial Inc. dba Trustee Corps TS No. CA15000014-21-2 17100 Gillette Ave Irvine, CA 92614 Phone:949-252-8300 TDD: 866-660-4288 By: Loan Quema, Authorized Signatory SALE INFORMATION CAN BE OBTAINED ONLINE AT https://www.servicelinkauction.com/ FOR AUTO-
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SUMMONS (Domestic Violence Restraining Order) Citacion(Orden de restricción de violencia en el hogar) Case Number: 21V002017 Número de caso: 21V002017 1 Person asking for protection: Paola Gonzalez La Persona que solicita protección: Paola Gonzalez 2 Notice to: Miguel A. Garcia, Aviso a (nombre de la persona a ser restringida): Miguel A. Garcia The person in 1 is asking for Domestic Violence Restraining Order against you. La persona en 1 está pidiendo una order de restricción de violencia en el hogar contra usted. Lea la página 2 para más información. 3 You have a court date Tiene una audiencia en la corte Superior Court of California, County of Orange, Corte Superior de California, Condado de Orange, Lamoreaux Justice Center, 341 The City Drive South, Orange, CA 92868 Date (Fecha): 06/15/2022 08:30 A.M. Time (Hora): Dept. (Depto.): L11 Room (Sala): What if I don’t go to my court date? If you do not go to your court date, the judge can grant a restraining order that limits your contact with the person in 1 . If you have a child with the person in 1 the court could make orders that limit your time with your child. Having a restraining order against you may impact your life in other ways, including preventing your from having guns and ammunition. If you do not go to your court date, the judge could grant everything that the person in 1 asked the judge to order. ¿Qué pasa si no voy a la audiencia? Si no va a la audiencia, el juez puede dictar una orden de restricción que limita su contacto con la persona en 1 . Si tiene un hijo con la persona en 1 la corte puede dictar órdenes que limitans u tiempo con su hijo. Una orden de restricción en su contra puede tener otras consecuencias, como prohibirle tener armas de fuego y municiones. Si no va a la audiencia, el juez puede ordenar todo lo que pide la persona en 1 . How do I find out what the person in 1 is asking for? To find out what the person in 1 is asking the judge to order, go to the courthouse listed at the top of the page. Ask the court clerk to let you see your case file. You will need to give the court clerk our case number, which is listed above and on page 1. The request for retraining order will be on form DV-100, Request for Domestic Violence Restraining Order. ¿Cómo puedo entender lo que pide la persona en 1? Para entender lo que pide la persona en 1 , vaya al tribunal en la dirección indicada en la parte superior de la página 1. Pida al secretario de la corte permiso para ver el expediente de su caso. Tendrá que darle al secretario el número de su caso, que aparece arriba y en la página 1. La solicitud de una orden de restricción se hace en el formulario DV-100, Solicitud de orden de restricción de violencia en el hogar. Where can I get help? Free legal information is available at your local court’s self-help center. Go to www.courts.ca.gov/ selfhelp to find your local center. ¿Dónde puedo obtener ayuda? Puede obtener información legal gratis en el centro de ayuda de su corte. Vea Https://www.courts. ca.gov/selfhelp-selfhelpcenters.htm?rdeLocaleAttr=es para encontrar el centro de ayuda en su condado. Do I need a lawyer? You are not required to have a lawyer, but you may
want legal advice before your court hearing. For help finding a lawyer, you can visit www.lawhelpca. org or contact your local bar association. ¿Necesito un abogodao? No es obligatorio tener un abogado, pero es possible que quiera consejos legales antes de la audiencia en la corte. Para ayuda a encontrar un abogado, visite https://www.lawhelpca.org/es/homepage o contacte al Colegio de Abogados local. Published: San Clemente Times, May 19, 26, June 2, 9, 2022 Date (Fecha): May 04, 2022 David H. Yamasaki, Clerk of the Court, by (Secretario, por) C. Cajero, Deputy, (Asistente) PUBLIC NOTICE ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME Case No. 30-2022-01228334 TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner Haydee Sauza filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present Name Haydee Sauza Proposed Name Guadalupe Haydee Sauza THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court of the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objective is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. Notice of Hearing Date: 06/30/2022 Time: 8:30 a.m. Dept: D100. Room: REMOTELY. The address of the court is Central Justice Center, 700 Civic Center Drive West, Santa Ana, CA 92701. Your hearing will be held REMOTELY via video at the date and time indicated on the notice or order to which this message is attached. You are NOT to physically appear at the courthouse on the date of your hearing. To obtain instructions on how to appear remotely for your hearing, you MUST do the following no later than the day before the hearing (or no later than Friday, if the hearing is on Monday): 1. Go to the Court’s website at www.occourts. org; 2. Click on the “COVID-19” button; 3. Click on the “Civil” button; 4. Click on the “Remote Hearing Instructions” button; 5. Follow the instructions. IMPORTANT NOTE: If you or your witnesses, do not have the ability to access the court’s website above, or are unable to follow the instructions on the Court’s website, or are otherwise unable to appear remotely, you MUST call the courtroom or call (657) 622-8513, prior to your hearing, to request an alternate means to appear. Failure to do so may result in your case being dismissed, or a ruling issued against you. A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: San Clemente Times Date: 5/9/2022 JUDGE LAYNE H. MELZER, Judge of the Superior Court Published: San Clemente Times, May 19, 26, June 2, 9, 2022
Complete your required legal or public notice advertising in the San Clemente Times. EMAIL legals@picketfencemedia.com CALL 949.388.7700, ext. 111
Scott Arons On May 11, 2022, lifelong San Clemente resident Scott Leonard Arons (68) passed away peacefully at his home. Scott graduated SCHS class of 1971 where he excelled in football and baseball. Upon graduation he and a couple of friends spent the summer backpacking around Europe. Scott attended and graduated from Chico State University and spent many years living in Juneau, Alaska where he enjoyed fishing and hiking. In the early 80’s Scott returned home to San Clemente to join his father
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and brothers at the family business, South Coast Distributing. Scott ran the retail showroom where customers appreciated his knowledge of janitorial products along with his wit and wonderful humor. He loved his job working with the community and never missed a day of work. Scott was preceded in death by his parents Dick and Jo Arons, his brother Tom and nephew Adam Arons. He is survived by brothers Rick (Marina), Paul, Curt (Angel), sister Katie, sisterin-law Luci Arons, nieces April and Kaila Arons, great niece Karys Adams and great nephews Kayson Adams and Aidan Arons. A memorial is planned for 2pm, June 11th at the Arons family home at 204 Avenida Salvador.
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San Clemente senior Tanner Mehrens was a key physical component of the front lines for the Triton football and boys basketball teams. Photo: Zach Cavanagh
San Clemente senior Caroline Hawkes was the Sprinter of the Meet at the Orange County Championships and finished fourth at the state meet in the 400 meters. Photo: Courtesy of Libby Hawkes
TANNER MEHRENS FOOTBALL | BASKETBALL Tanner Mehrens physically dominated the football gridiron and the basketball hardwood with his 6-foot-5, 225-pound frame in his senior season with the Tritons. For his accomplishments and contributions in both sports, Mehrens has been selected as one of the San Clemente High School Athletes of the Year. In the fall, Mehrens was the lynchpin of the San Clemente football team’s offensive line. The Tritons were equally dynamic in the air and on the ground, and it fell upon Mehrens and the group up front to provide time to throw and carve open running lanes. The Tritons collectively ran for 1,218 yards with 13 touchdowns and threw for another 1,814 yards and 13 touchdowns for a combined offensive output of 3,032 yards and 26 touchdowns.
San Clemente Times June 9-15, 2022
Mehrens’ length and strength were also put to use on the defensive line, where the senior racked up 13 total tackles and recovered a fumble. Mehrens was San Clemente football’s only All-CIF-SS selection in Division 3, and he was named first-team all-South Coast League. San Clemente went 7-4 overall, finished second in league play and qualified for the Division 3 playoffs. In the winter, Mehrens continued to do the dirty work down low for the San Clemente boys basketball team. Mehrens was part of a strong Triton front court and regularly put up double figures in points and rebounds. Mehrens put up a season-high 17 points in tournament play in late December and added another couple games of 16 points, including a big league win over Mission Viejo in January. Mehrens was all-South Coast League in basketball as well, as the Tritons went 17-8 overall, finished second in league and qualified for the Division 1 playoffs. Mehrens will continue his athletic and academic career at Princeton in the fall.
CAROLINE HAWKES TRACK AND FIELD Caroline Hawkes was the most successful sprinter on the San Clemente track team this season and one of the best in all of Orange County—and, ultimately, the entire state. For her stellar senior sprinting season and accomplishments, Hawkes has been selected as one of the San Clemente High School Athletes of the Year. Hawkes was named the Sprinter of the Meet at the Orange County Championships with county titles in the 200 and 400 meters, and she won Sea View League titles in both events as well. Hawkes would go on to finish sixth in the 200 at the CIF-SS Division 1 Finals and ran the 400 all the way to the CIF State Championships, where she finished fourth. Hawkes set her personal record in the 400 at the Mt. SAC Relays in April. Hawkes was clocked at 55.20 seconds
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in the event, which finished the season as the 10th-fastest time in California. Hawkes ran a time of 55.47 seconds in the state final. Also at the Mt. SAC Relays, Hawkes set her personal record in the 200. Hawkes crossed the line with a wind-aided time of 24.37 seconds, which finished the season as the 12th-fastest time in the state. Hawkes nearly matched the time at the Sea View League Finals with a wind-legal time of 24.41 seconds. Hawkes was actually more successful on a race-by-race basis in the 200. Hawkes won 11 of the 14 200-meter races she ran across all competitions, compared to the four wins in 11 races in the 400. Additionally, Hawkes could’ve run with the best in the 100 meters, as her personal record of 12.16 seconds from the Triton Invitational was second in the county, and she ran the anchor leg on San Clemente’s league-champion 4x100-meter relay team. Hawkes will continue her athletic and academic career at Montana State.
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San Clemente Times June 9-15, 2022
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PLACE YOUR BUSINESS CARD HERE Call Lauralyn Loynes at 949.388.7700, ext. 102 or lloynes@picketfencemedia.com
PLACE YOUR BUSINESS CARD HERE Call Lauralyn Loynes at 949.388.7700, ext. 102 or lloynes@picketfencemedia.com
San Clemente Times June 9-15, 2022
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A Summer of Inclusion Surfing’s changing, and that’s a really good thing
More than 900 competitors from around the world come together for the ISA World Junior Championships in El Salvador in the spirit of surfing and unity. Photo: Courtesy of ISA/ Mike Rodriguez BY JAKE HOWARD, SAN CLEMENTE TIMES
lmost every morning when I sit down at my desk, after filtering through emails and doing a bit of digital housekeeping, I like to type the word “surfing” into the Google News machine and see what comes up. Part of it is writerly procrastination before jumping into the assignment of the day, but it’s also a great way to check the headlines and see what’s happening around the surfing sandbox. As I write this, a piece from the Washington Post is at the top of the list and reads, “Surfing a record 86-foot wave took guts. Measuring it took 18 months.” Below that, CNN is leading with news about a contest for Black surfers in Huntington Beach over the weekend. The headline reads: “ ‘A Great Day in the Stoke’ could be one of the largest gatherings of Black surfers. Here’s why it matters.” The following headline comes from USA Today and
reads: “Plus-size women have a champion in Hawaii: ‘If you’re surfing, you are a surfer.’” All three prominent U.S. media outlets are offering up completely different takes on what’s happening in lineups around the country today. It’s worth pointing out, in a week that saw the ISA World Junior Championships in El Salvador and the Quiksilver Pro G-Land in Indonesia crown winners, this isn’t where the mainstream media focus is. Of course, people are always going to want to read about a world record-breaking wave like the 86-foot monster that German Sebastian Steudtner rode at Nazare, Portugal, last winter. That’s an easy editorial decision to make. But for a cable news network to pick up a story on a surf contest for people of color in a beach city that saw a “White Lives Matter” rally in April 2021, that’s a different story. Same with publishing a feature in America’s largest newspaper on a plus-sized surfer in Hawaii. Both pieces speak volumes
about where surfing stands today. Just last week, I got in a conversation with a prominent and accomplished figure in the surf world about what would happen if the World Surf League went away. The conversation was off the record, so I won’t share his name, but his contention was that without the world tour, professional surfing as we know it could potentially cease to exist. I don’t think that’s true, because I don’t think contest surfing is nearly as relevant or representative as it once was. What’s the old saying? The best surfer is the one having the most fun? I think the culture and lifestyle of surfing is in a better place than it’s been in a long, long time. Maybe ever. While there’s always work to be done, surfing is certainly more inclusive than it has been, as evidenced by the above headlines. If we define success in surfing as simply the person who rides the biggest wave or scores the most points, we’ve lost the plot. “The ocean doesn’t care about color, creed or race. In the ocean, we’re equals,” big-wave pioneer and oceanographer Ricky Grigg once said. There are statistics to back up the idea that inclusiveness is, in fact, good for the surf biz. The Surf Industry Members Association recently released highlights of the 2021 SFIA Single Sport Report. The Association found that from 2019 to 2020, the surfing population grew 28%, while the core surfing population grew by 34% during the same period. Meanwhile, earlier this month, according to a ReportLinker report, the global surf industry is expected to grow from $2.7 billion in 2020 to a staggering $5 billion business by 2027. Those billions have to come from somewhere. At its core, surfing is a participatory activity that happens to be a hell of a lot of fun. If more people can get in the ocean and enjoy that freedom, the world would probably be a better place. Jake Howard is local surfer and freelance writer who lives in San Clemente. A former editor at Surfer Magazine, The Surfer’s Journal and ESPN, today he writes for a number of publications, including Picket Fence Media, Surfline and the World Surf League. He also works with philanthropic organizations such as the Surfing Heritage and Culture Center and the Positive Vibe Warriors Foundation. SC
Bella Kenworthy. Photo: Courtesy of ISA/Sean Evans
San Clemente Times June 9-15, 2022
Huge congratulations to all of the surfers, coaches, parents and supporters of USA Surfing. The ISA World Junior Championship just wrapped up in El Salvador, with the Stars and Stripes taking home the team bronze medal behind Hawaii and Australia. The best result from the American squad came from San Clemente’s own Bella Kenworthy, who earned an individual silver medal in the Women’s Under 16 division behind Canada’s Erin Brooks. The accomplishment is no simple feat. The ISA World Junior Championship took place over nine days in Surf City, El Salvador,
and featured a record 419 athletes and 45 national teams. The surf barely dropped below head-high the entire time, and the level of talent in the water was perhaps the highest it’s ever been for this event. “As far as I am concerned, these are the best World Junior Surfing Championships in history. The best waves, the largest amount of competitors, the largest amount of teams and the largest amount of supporting crew that came along with the athletes,” said ISA President Fernando Aguerre. The only other American to earn an individual medal in the event was Florida’s Zoe Benedetto, who earned the copper medal in the Women’s Under 18 division. If you have a candidate for Grom of the Week, we want to know. Send an email to jakehoward1@gmail.com. SC
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Water Temperature: 65-67 Degrees F Water Visibility and Conditions: 5-10 Thursday: Holding South-Southwest swell with minimal NW windswell mixing in. SSW sets running mainly in the waist to chest high zone for the better exposed breaks in the area (3-4ft). Select standouts seeing occasional bigger waves. Calm to light/ variable wind in the morning, trending to moderate onshore flow from the WSW by the afternoon. Outlook: The South-Southwest swell eases over Friday and into the weekend. Top spots still offer sets in the waist to chest high zone (3-4ft) in the morning, easing to mainly around the thigh-waist high zone in the afternoon. Saturday will hang around waist high or less, before slowly rebuilding over Sunday and into Monday with a new round of South-Southwest swell. For conditions each day, mornings will generally offer light wind and favorable conditions, while the afternoons see onshore flow and a textured surface.
San Clemente Times June 9-15, 2022
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San Clemente Times June 9-15, 2022
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