43 minute read
San Clemente Times March 24-30, 2022
from March 24, 2022
Shorecliffs to See Full Roster of Crossing Guards After Months-Long Wait
Despite the city amending a contract with All City Management Services (ACMS) in late 2021 to add five crossing guards near Shorecliffs Middle School, one position had remained open months later—that is, until this week.
During the most recent San Clemente City Council meeting on March 15, Mayor Gene James mentioned concerns regarding the vacancy at the time, even going so far as to say he was pulling his hair out.
“I don’t want to do, ‘The sky is falling, the sky is falling,’ ” he said. “It’s a dangerous intersection, and we still don’t have crossing guards there. I don’t know what we would have to pay a crossing guard to get there, but we need to do it.”
City Manager Erik Sund said the Public Works Department had spoken with ACMS on a weekly basis to find a solution—discussions that come as ACMS recently added a signing bonus for new staff. James responded to Sund’s mention of potentially paying staffers more, saying it might be necessary if there is not a resolution by the next meeting.
Amid calls from concerned parents over children’s safety when walking to and from school, the City Council last December voted to amend the contract, adding the crossing guards near the area of the Interstate 5 and Vista Hermosa intersection.
ACMS has struggled for an extended time to find school crossing guards, according to Operations Manager Michele Busch.
The job requires split shifts in which a staff member wakes up early in the morning and has to come back in the afternoon, and it can be dangerous with the amount of traffic nearby, making the position less than glamorous.
However, the crossing guards “make a world of difference by being out there,” Busch said during an interview on Monday, March 21.
“It’s become very difficult for us to find quality people with integrity who want to do the job,” Busch said, adding: “It is an industrywide issue that we are having since COVID, especially in San Clemente. We have never had trouble staffing prior to COVID.”
The contractor had to compete with unemployment payments that allowed people to make more than they would as a crossing guard, earning $45 a day for an hour and a half to two hours of work.
On Tuesday, March 22, San Clemente Times learned that ACMS is fully staffed for the area in question—though without much margin for absences, as it lacks a comfortable number of alternates.
Currently, four crossing guards are split in pairs at both the intersection of Avenida Vista Hermosa and the Outlets at San Clemente, and the on/off ramp at the Interstate-5 northbound exit at Vista Hermosa. Busch said it would not be safe to only have one crossing guard at a location.
“We stacked the Outlets first, (as) that was the priority that the city had asked for,” she added. “So, those two were staffed, and then the last to be staffed is the on/off ramp at the (I-5) freeway.”
Area Supervisor ViAnn Patterson said that the new crossing guard to be stationed at the ramp may start around Thursday, March 24, but she is still in constant need of alternates.
ACMS told the city that it would add the crossing guards as soon as possible for those sites, but it took until mid-February to hire the staff at the Outlets and until the week of March 14 to place people at the ramp.
“Is there a delay in that? There was a delay, definitely,” Busch said. “But like I said, it takes time to find the right people to do those intersections.”
James said he knows the need to add the last crossing guard at the ramp was urgent, as he expressed in an email on Monday to SC Times.
“Due to the nature of the intersection, I was quite anxious to get it staffed with crossing guards in order to ensure the safety of the students walking to and from school,” he wrote.
Strong crossing guards are needed at the especially large intersections, Busch said, which means people who are able to do all the movement necessary, fiercely ensure children’s safety against oncoming traffic, and who have integrity.
Recruiting for the position is widespread. The firm advertises on typical job-posting sites such as Indeed and
A crossing guard manages a crosswalk near the area of the Interstate 5 and Vista Hermosa intersection as Shorecliffs Middle School students head home for the day on Tuesday, March 22. Photo: C. Jayden Smith
THURSDAY, MARCH 24 Rotary Club of San Clemente 5-6 p.m. The Rotary Club of San Clemente meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month at the Outlets at San Clemente’s VIP Lounge. 101 W. Avenida Vista Hermosa. sanclementerotary.org
SATURDAY, MARCH 26 Challenging Cancer 10-11:30 a.m. The Challenging Cancer group is conducting weekly meetings through Zoom video conferences. The meetings are open to caregivers, people who have a compromised immune system, and people dealing with cancer. To join, email donnavigil2@gmail.com or linda_crdv@yahoo.com. heritagesc.org.
Craigslist, on social media sites including Facebook and Nextdoor, as well as through word of mouth and at schools themselves.
Busch added during the Monday interview that she was confident the final position at the on/off ramp would be staffed without much further delay. It also helps that most crossing guards return for the next school year once they are with the company.
She also made sure to mention that ACMS is hiring school crossing guards in general.
“We would love to talk to anybody who is interested in doing the job,” Busch said. “It’s such a great job. It’s an important job. We’re out there keeping these kids safe as they go to and from school each day.” (Ballot Cont. from page 3)
Below is the complete list of qualified candidates running in the handful of races that voters will decide on, come June 7. *Denotes incumbent
Orange County Board of Supervisors Fifth District • Second District Supervisor Katrina Foley • Sen. Pat Bates (CA-36) • Former Assemblymember Diane Harkey • Newport Beach Councilmember Kevin Muldoon
California’s 74th Assembly District • Assemblymember Laurie Davies* • San Clemente Mayor Pro Tem Chris Duncan
California’s 36th State Senate District • Huntington Beach Councilmember Kim Carr • Assemblymember Janet Nguyen (CA-72)
California’s 38th State Senate District • Retired Fire Capt. Joe Kerr • Small Business Owner Matt Gunderson • Encinitas Mayor Catherine Blakespear
49th Congressional District • Rep. Mike Levin* • Former San Juan Capistrano Councilmember Brian Maryott • OC Board Supervisor Lisa Bartlett • Oceanside Councilmember Christopher Rodriguez • Sheriff’s Deputy Josiah O’Neil • Cybersecurity and Military Officer Renee Taylor • LVN and Businesswoman Nadia Smalley

Council Approves New Format for Meetings, Agenda
City Council meetings will soon operate a bit differently, as councilmembers voted unanimously on March 15 in favor of reorganizing their public and closed sessions, as well as modifying their meeting agendas.
The council will convene its public sessions, or business meetings, in two parts, with the first scheduled between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m., and the second slated for 7 p.m. The hour in between the two public sessions is booked for the council’s closed-door meeting.
The new meeting format comes after Mayor Pro Tem Chris Duncan proposed last December that he and Mayor Gene James work with the city manager and city clerk to brainstorm ideas on making meetings more efficient and possibly shorter.
Duncan said on March 15 he was
The Capistrano Unified School District is planning to hold a special election in November to fill a vacancy for the Area 2 trustee seat, in the wake of former Trustee Pamela Braunstein’s resignation.
The election will be held on Nov. 8, and the position will remain vacant until then.
Area 2 covers Ladera Ranch and most of San Juan Capistrano. Braunstein recently resigned because of disagreements with proposed anti-mask policies brought forth by other trustees, as well as personal safety concerns following what she said was “never-ending, organized harassment by a certain vocal minority.”
Trustees and parents who spoke during a meeting on March 16 favored deciding the new representative through an election instead of appointing someone. Even if someone was appointed in the interim, CUSD would still have to call a special election in November.
“I was appointed, and Trustee (Judy) Bullockus was as well, but I think something happened in the world,” Trustee Krista Castellanos said. “We all had a life-altering event, and when life-altering events happen, things change. We’ve all had them, and have lived through a pandemic or are living through a pandemic. How I got to the board, I think, has now changed.” pleased with the changes and the work done by staff, stating that the agenda items would be more predictable for residents engaged in the meetings.

Trustee Gila Jones said someone who gets a provisional appointment is the “appointed incumbent.”
“Generally, the appointed incumbent is reelected—so it may seem as though the voters are being given a choice, but the dice gets a little bit stacked,” Jones said.
Trustee Amy Hanacek said appointments have been the previous norm, but “a trustee departure due to personal safety concerns and harassment and emotionally charged board meetings might be the new normal.”
With more public focus on the school district, transparency and giving the public a voice are important, Hanacek said.
“(The appointment process) was a way to circumvent a voters’ election,”
Capo Unified to Hold Election to Fill Trustee Vacancy

San Clemente’s City Council meetings will soon operate under a slightly different format, as councilmembers last week voted to reorganize their public and closed sessions, as well as modify meeting agendas—changes intended to streamline meetings and improve public access. Photo: Shawn Raymundo
CUSD will hold a special election this November to fill the governing body’s vacant seat, left by Pamela Braunstein. Photo: File
“I think it does give the public better access and ability to comment on the things that matter to them the most, because they’ll have a better idea of when
Hanacek said. “The fairest thing to do is to take it to the voters of that area.”
CUSD cannot legally hold an election for the seat before November.
Trustees also addressed the circumstances of Braunstein’s departure, including the hostile tone of recent board meetings fueled by anti-mask and anti-vaccination sentiments from parents and students.
“Let’s focus on speaking to each other with kindness and respect. Let’s agree to disagree, and find common ground and work together to bring success to our students,” Castellanos said. “Let’s focus on educational leaders. Allow them to lead, and trust their knowledge and insight.”
Jones said she is against audience those things are coming up,” he said.
The public-comment portion, referred to as Oral Communications, along with reports from councilmembers and the consent calendar—bulked items approved in one council vote—will be held during part one of the business meeting.
Second readings and the adoption of ordinances would be moved under the consent calendar, according to the city’s new agenda template.
When the council returns to the second part of the business meeting at 7 p.m., a closed session report will be given from the city attorney, and special presentations will be held for updates on the homelessness issue and to recognize either a business or a resident.
Part two of the public session will also include public hearings, and other items for the council to consider and deliberate on, as well as a continuation of councilmember reports.
Though Councilmember Steve Knoblock commented that he felt the timing of the closed session was awkward, there were no changes made to the new agenda format as proposed by city staff.
members booing trustees and student advisors with whom they disagree, also speaking about “inappropriate” and “threatening” emails she herself received.
“I’ve served with these five board members for at least a year, as well as five others who’ve departed. Each of them has said things or voted in ways that has perplexed and frustrated me, and sometimes I’ve even been angry,” Jones said.
“But without exception,” she continued, “I have found all 10 to be ethical, principled people who sit in these seats and spent countless hours on this job because they care deeply about children and their education.”

GUEST OPINION | The Downtown Buzz by Chris Aitken
The San Clemente Downtown Business Association is pleased to announce, and thankful to the city, that it is expected that outdoor dining will be returning this May!
Outdoor dining, a program developed in partnership with the city by the SCDBA, was a resounding success from its inception in the summer of 2020 to the fall of 2021. The downtown businesses recognized its boost in commerce in the downtown area not only for restaurants, but retail and all business sectors.
Sales-tax revenues exceeded city expectations, demonstrating its boost in business to our downtown community. The restaurant sector, through the lease of the outdoor dining spaces, provided direct funding to extend, for several months, another very popular and successful program—namely, the trolley in San Clemente.
The trolley is also set to return to San Clemente this spring.
San Clemente residents overwhelmingly recognized that the downtown was given a “European” ambience and vibrancy. San Clemente, with 281 days of average sunshine a year, was said to be an ideal location for outdoor dining.
On behalf of the San Clemente Downtown Business Association, we continue to wish you and your families the very best for 2022. San Clemente, we continue to ask for you to “shop and dine local” and look forward to seeing you downtown!
Chris Aitken is the Chairman of the Board of the San Clemente Downtown Business Association. Chris is also involved with two businesses in the downtown area, as the co-owner of H.H. Cotton’s restaurant and a partner of the personal injury law firm Aitken Aitken Cohn. SC
PLEASE NOTE: In an effort to provide our readers with a wide variety of opinions from our community, the SC Times provides Guest Opinion opportunities in which selected columnists’ opinions are shared. The opinions expressed in these columns are entirely those of the columnist alone and do not reflect those of the SC Times or Picket Fence Media. If you would like to respond to this column, please email us at editorial@sanclementetimes.com.
CORRECTION: In the San Clemente Times’ March 17 edition, a Grom of the Week featuring Marlo Leigh Harris misrepresented her placement among the list of NSSA national champions for 2021. Marlo finished runner-up in her two divisions: Open Super Girls (under 14) and Open Mini Grom Girls (under 12).
Letters to The Editor
DAN VETH, Dana Point
There has been much discussion about speeding e-bikes that now routinely terrorize what used to be pleasant shared pathways in our community. Laws have been passed and signs posted, but the speeders persist unabated.
Just the other day, I was passed on the bike path by an e-bike doing at least 30 mph. After it passed me, it continued down the path, riding right past a sheriff coming the other way on a motorcycle.
Residents also mentioned the program’s other benefits, such as added health and safety due to being outdoors, as well as ease of accessibility for strollers and pets. Last week, on March 15, the City Council approved the return of outdoor dining to San Clemente for the calendar years of 2022 and 2023. The San Clemente Planning Commission has developed codes and standards for the outdoor decks, due to “lessons learned” when the decks were brought out rapidly for emergency purposes to save the restaurant sector.
As there is a fee for leasing public space, the expectation is that only a certain number of restaurants will apply, thereby balancing the impact on parking in the downtown area, which is lessened by the use of the trolley.
Do you love outdoor dining in the downtown area? If so, please feel free to share this with us at info@scdba.org, and thank your councilmembers for voting to bring back outdoor dining to San Clemente.
What’s needed is enforcement. The officer made no attempt to stop the speeder, but I am certain he would have if our city leaders would make it clear that enforcement is important and that we are willing to pay for it.
If a few of these speeding bikes were impounded with a $1,000 fine to get a bike released, some behaviors would improve, and our paths would once again provide a pleasant shared experience for all.
Mr. Putin, end this war now!
How many more innocent souls will fall victim to your evil campaign? You are not a tsar and never will be.
Consider yourself fired. I’m certain you can find employment at one of the 847 McDonald’s restaurants throughout Russia.
Shame on you and know you’ll burn in hell for this century’s worst genocide.
I’ve been swimming at our beautiful aquatic center since it opened. I’ve enjoyed a variety of classes and lap swims on a consistent basis. It’s been a home away from home for me. The staff is wonderful and the lifeguards are excellent!
My concern is that things aren’t what they used to be. The center isn’t running to full capacity. The 50 meter (pool) is unavailable. Hours of operation are being decreased drastically. Classes are being canceled. (Cont. on page 10)
34932 Calle del Sol, Suite B, Capistrano Beach, CA 92624 phone 949.388.7700 fax 949.388.9977 sanclementetimes.com
MANAGING EDITOR Shawn Raymundo • 949.388.7700, x113 sraymundo@picketfencemedia.com
SPORTS Zach Cavanagh • 949.388.7700, x110 zcavanagh@picketfencemedia.com
ADVERTISING Lauralyn Loynes • 949.388.7700, x102 lloynes@picketfencemedia.com
DISTRIBUTION Racks, Driveways, Subscriptions Inna Cazares • 949.388.7700, x111 icazares@picketfencemedia.com
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CEO/FOUNDER Norb Garrett
EDITORIAL Managing Editor Shawn Raymundo
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San Clemente Times, Vol. 17, Issue 12. The SC Times (sanclementetimes.com ) is published weekly by Picket Fence Media, publishers of the Dana Point Times (danapointtimes.com) and The Capistrano Dispatch (thecapistranodispatch.com). Copyright: No articles, illustrations, photographs or other editorial matter or advertisements herein may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher. The publisher assumes no responsibility for return of unsolicited manuscripts, art, photos or negatives. Copyright 2022. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA. San Clemente Times is published weekly by Picket Fence Media, 34932 Calle Del Sol, Suite B, Capistrano Beach, CA 92624. Application to Mail at Periodicals Postage Prices is Pending at San Clemente, CA. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: San Clemente Times, 34932 Calle Del Sol, Suite B, Capistrano Beach, CA 92624.


Photo: Courtesy of Luis Tosta/Unsplash
(Cont. from page 8)
I would imagine the livelihood of employees is suffering as well. I hope the City of San Clemente makes it a priority to fix the ongoing problems and restore our beautiful gem.
KATHY ESFAHANI, Chair of the San Clemente Affordable Housing Coalition
Kudos for last week’s excellent article on the challenges to building affordable housing in San Clemente, Dana Point and San Juan Capistrano.
Yes, neighborhood opposition is always an obstacle, but “NIMBYism” can be defeated by educating opponents on who will live in the new affordable housing: hard-working families headed by nurses, small business owners, home health aides, artists, child care workers, retail workers and cooks.
These families already live in our community; they just pay way too much for rent, with little left over for food, medicines and other necessities.
The harder challenge to meet in getting affordable housing built in San Clemente is a distinct lack of political will on the part of our San Clemente City Council. So far, councilmembers have spurned the policies that other cities embrace to encourage development of affordable homes.
For example, last year, the SC City Council refused to strengthen the city’s inclusionary housing ordinance—a highly effective tool used by other Orange County cities (e.g., Irvine, Laguna Beach) to produce affordable homes.
And our City Council is refusing to donate any surplus city-owned land for affordable housing, unlike its neighbor, San Juan Capistrano. Your article cited SJC’s recent donation of two surplus properties— its former City Hall site and the Groves— to facilitate affordable housing there. Why can’t San Clemente do the same?
San Clemente needs strong action from our city leaders to encourage and facilitate the building of desperately needed lower-income affordable housing. Other cities are stepping up to the challenge. It’s time for us to do the same.
NOAH WEBSTER, Rancho Mission Viejo
The enormous oil conglomerate can erect pipelines from Alaska to the Gulf of Mexico, which sometimes break or leak and cause untold environmental damage. I am told that there is plenty of water in the Great Lakes.
Why not build pipelines to send water from the Great Lakes to the parched Southwest? After oxygen, water is the most important thing to sustain life— human, animal, plants, etc.
Forget desalination, which requires a tremendous amount of energy to produce potable water.
Humans can live without petroleum. Humans cannot live without water.
Expensive gas is not just affecting middle-class Americans. It is affecting everyone.
We are not in a short-term, price-gouging, greedy retail war, either.
We are in the middle of an administration with a very poor energy policy that took us from energy independence and exporting energy to nations outside the United States, to bargaining with Venezuela, Iran, and Saudi Arabia in attempts to import energy. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR POLICY
San Clemente Times reserves the right to edit reader-submitted letters for length and is not responsible for the claims made or information written by the writers. Have something you’d like to say? Email your letter to sraymundo@picketfencemedia.com no later than 8 a.m. on Monday morning. Limit your letters to 350 words or less. Please send with your valid email, phone number and address for verification by staff. Your address and phone number will not be published.
Join SC Times for Beachside Chat on Friday, March 25, at 8 a.m.
Beachside Chat is a spirited, town hall forum on community issues hosted by PFM Managing Editor Shawn Raymundo every Friday. The chat will be held at Dorothy Visser Senior Center, 117 Avenida Victoria. All are welcome.

The List

What’s going on in and around town this week
Get a curated list of the weekend’s best events sent straight to your inbox every Friday! Sign up for The Weekender at sanclementetimes.com/weekender
CONES WITH COPS AND LIFEGUARDS 2-4 p.m. Join San Clemente Police Services and San Clemente Marine Safety at the Municipal Pier to learn about bike safety, the rules of the road, and more. San Clemente Municipal Pier. 949.361.8264.
CAMP PENDLETON FOOD DISTRIBUTION 7:45 a.m.-1:30 p.m. On the fourth Friday of the month, the San Clemente Rotary Club meets for this food distribution event hosted by the Jewish Family Service and ASYMCA. Rotarians meet at the Municipal Golf Course to carpool to Camp Pendleton to serve. San Clemente Municipal Golf Course, 150 E. Avenida Magdalena. sanclementerotary.org.
KIDS NIGHT OUT 5:30-8:30 p.m. Hosted by Challenge Island, children can enjoy a night away from their parents at the San Clemente Community Center with pizza, a movie, and STEAM activities. Other snacks are included, although participants are advised to bring a water bottle. If your child has a cold, fever, or has been exposed to COVID-19, please join at another time. Admission is a $50 fee for residents, $53 for non-residents, with $10 sibling discounts. Search code 70496. San Clemente Community Center, 100 N. Calle Seville. 949.361.8264. secure.rec1.com/CA/san-clemente-ca/ catalog.
Editor’s Pick
Steve Garcia performs the eagle dance during the Panhe festival in 2019 at the San Mateo Campground. Photo: File/Eric Heinz
SUNDAY | 27 PANHE 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Panhe—A Native American Gathering and Celebration of Protection and Preservation returns to the San Mateo Campground at San Onofre State Beach. Admission is free for this San Onofre Parks Foundation-hosted event that is dedicated to the education of the Acjachemen Nation and the culture of the native tribes who can trace their history in the region back 9,000 years. The annual festival will feature Native American singers, dancers, speakers, vendors, and artisans. Guests can also enjoy basketry demonstrations, storytelling, flute performances, plant demonstrations and museum exhibits, plus activities for children. An off-site parking and complimentary round-trip shuttle service will be offered throughout the day from Concordia Elementary School. 3120 Avenida Del Presidente, San Clemente. 949.366.8599. sgoggins@sanoparks.org. sanoparks.org.
SOUTH OC CARS AND COFFEE 9-11 a.m. South OC Cars and Coffee, dubbed the world’s biggest weekly car meet, attracts a mix of 500-1,000 hypercars, supercars, exotics, vintage, classic, muscle and sports cars, hot rods, rat rods, pickups, 4x4s and motorcycles. No cars in before 8:30 a.m. The Outlets at San Clemente, 101 West Avenida Vista Hermosa, San Clemente. southoccarsandcoffee.com.
JAZZ 2022 5:30-10 p.m. Join the Ocean Institute for an evening full of cocktails, dinner, touch tank experience, silent auction, dancing and more. As the Ocean Institute’s premier fundraising event of the year, all proceeds from the evening will help its marine science and maritime history programs that provide experience-based learning opportunities for nearly 100,000 children, teachers, parents and visitors annually. This event supports the Ocean Institute’s Adopt-A-Class, which provides full funding for field trips to approximately 10,000 students from low-income communities to Ocean Institute annually. Ocean Institute, 24200 Dana Point Harbor Drive, Dana Point. 949.496.2274. oceaninstitute.org.
THOR’S PUP BASICS 9-10 a.m. Thor’s Pup Academy will teach a beginners group course that will focus on foundational aspects of dog behavior, training, and communication. Topics include how dogs learn and process information, clicker training, and basic obedience commands. This class is intended for dogs that are not reactive to other dogs or people. It is $20 to enroll. Meet at the park on the corner of Camino De Los Mares and Diamante. 949.835.5399. thorspupacademy.com.
NEW MARCH ART SHOW 2022 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Head to the art gallery at the San Clemente Community Center, where the San Clemente Art Association will showcase some new works of art, paintings, photography, jewelry, 3-D and quilts—all originals by local artists. The gallery is also open Mondays, and Wednesday through Friday from noon to 4 p.m. San Clemente Community Center, 100 North Calle Seville, San Clemente. paintsanclemente.com.
TALL SHIP TUESDAY 5-7:30 p.m. The Ocean Institute welcomes back the Exy and Irving Johnson, 110-foot wooden vessels, for an educational sailing experience. Discover from the perspective of an early tall ship explorer and join the crew to help raise sail, handle lines and steer the ship, or simply sit back, relax and enjoy sailing the seas at sunset aboard a tall ship. Tickets are $40 for kids 5-14 years old and $60 for adults. Ocean Institute, 24200 Dana Point Harbor Drive, Dana Point. 949.496.2274. oceaninstitute.org
SAN ONOFRE PARKS FOUNDATION POP-UP SHOP 10 a.m.-4 p.m. The Historic Cottage and Visitor Center showcases local history, flora and fauna at this original 1934 ranger’s cottage. A rotating exhibit features the history of San Onofre. Stop in to the San Onofre Parks Foundation’s Pop-Up Shop to say hello, do a little shopping and learn more about the history of the local state parks at San Clemente and San Onofre State Beaches. Historic Cottage and Visitor Center is located within the San Clemente State Beach Campground at 225 Avenida Calafia, San Clemente. 949.366.8599. admin@sanoparks.org. sanoparks.org.
BINGO AT THE SENIOR CENTER 1:30 p.m. Every Wednesday, the Dorothy Visser Senior Center will host Bingo. The center will begin selling cards at 1 p.m., with the game starting promptly at 1:30. The buy-in is $12 for 10 games with four cards and a special pick-your-number game. For more information, contact the center at 949.498.3322. Dorothy Visser Senior Center, 117 Avenida Victoria, San Clemente.
TRIVIA NIGHT AT THE BREWHOUSE 6:30-8:30 p.m. The BrewHouse hosts a trivia night every Wednesday. Test your knowledge with friends, or show up solo and join a team. The BrewHouse, 31896 Plaza Drive, Suite D3, San Juan Capistrano. 949.481.6181. brewhousesjc.com.
BACKYARD OPEN MIC NIGHT AT KNUCKLEHEADS 8-10 p.m. Knuckleheads’ backyard is open for food, drinks and live music. Performers of all skill levels are welcome. If you are a musician, do standup comedy or the spoken word, this is the place to be on Wednesday nights. So, come down, grab a drink and go for it. Knuckleheads Sports Bar, 1717 North El Camino Real, San Clemente. 949.492.2410. knuckleheadsmusic.com.


Spring is here, which means the end of the school year is near and summer is just around the corner. For so many parents here in South Orange County, that means now is the time to plan for your children’s summertime activities and extracurriculars. Picket Fence Media has you covered with the 2022 Summer Camp & Activities Guide, our annual special section in which we compile information on some of the area’s summertime programs for young kids and teens. In this year’s issue, we highlight Westwind Sailing in Dana Point, where kids who want the chance to go sailing or paddleboarding can do so, as well as learn about the importance of water safety skills. We also explore some of the surf schools in South County offering daytime and overnight camps for groms, and we check in on the Los Rios Rock School’s summer rock camps, where kids can pick up musical instruments and gain experience performing with others. The latest guide also offers a fun at-home activity for kids to learn more about ecosystems by setting up their own terrariums, and outlines details on the Capistrano Unified School District’s summer session for high schoolers. Utilize this information to plan for a fulfilling, challenging and fun summer your children won’t forget.

Capistrano Unified School District will offer summer school classes at the Capistrano Valley High School campus in Mission Viejo starting this June.
Registration for CUSD’s six-week summer session program for high school students is open through May 26. Incoming freshmen should meet with their middle school counselors, and incoming sophomores through seniors should coordinate with their high school counselors for registration information.
The summer session will start on June 13 and end July 20, with students having July 4 off for Independence Day. Teachers will also be on the Capistrano Valley High campus Mondays through Thursdays, from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., to help students with their course work.
Students can expect to complete most of their assignments online, but they are welcome to attend classes in-person during the bell schedule, according to CUSD. As for exams, the students must complete those at the campus.
The summer program is intended to give students flexibility in their coursework and exams, as they’ll have the option to take multiple exams in one sitting and can complete their classes before the session ends on July 20.
“With this flexibility in mind, students can arrange to take their exams so that they can still take family vacations, attend sports camps, or hold a summer job,” CUSD explained.
As part of the summer session, students must also complete an orientation assignment, completed and submitted online, by June 24. Those who don’t complete the assignment by the due date will be dropped from the class.
During the first two weeks of the program, there will also be an orientation session on the campus that students are encouraged to attend, though it is not required. The orientation session will occur every hour on the hour during school hours, according to the district.
For more information, students and parents can visit CUSD’s website at capousdca.schoolloop.com.
A Look at Westwind Sailing Summer Programs
For kids looking to get out on the water in a sailboat or on a paddleboard, Westwind Sailing summer programs offer kids aged 6 to 17 the chance to sail and learn the importance of water safety skills.
Westwind Sailing offers five camps: Mini Mates, Wayfarer, Voyager, Teen Sailing, and Stand-Up Paddleboarding (SUP) camps for kids at all skill levels.
The Mini Mates Day Camp is for the youngest group of kids, from 6-8 years old. The camp runs from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday through Friday. Mini Mates is a great way for young children to learn boating safety, rowing and begin sailing with Westwind instructors. During the camp, kids will meet the Dana Point Harbor Patrol, explore the tide pools, play boating games and take a sailing trip.
“It’s an opportunity to be on the water and experience, explore and see what winds do, or currents do a little bit,” Westwind Sailing Executive Director Diane Wenzel said.
The Wayfarer Day Camp is for kids aged 8-10 years old. From 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, kids get the chance to learn the importance of ocean safety and safe boating. Wayfarers will learn to sail on their own. They’ll start off with an instructor in the boat, learning basic skills, but by the end of the week, they’ll be able to sail on their own under instructor supervision.
“When these kids are out there, they’ve got a lot of responsibility,” Wenzel said. “They are a vessel on the water, and they have the same rules and responsibilities as other vessels. It’s a lot for them to do, we’re in a very controlled environment, but it builds so much self confidence in them.”
The camps also run capsize drills so that campers are prepared in the case that their boat tips over.
“The boats are really easy to right up, and yet they need to learn how to do it so that they’re not afraid of it,” Wenzel said. “It’s just part of the sport.”
The Wayfarer camp also includes hands-on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) projects in which they will learn to measure the wind and sails
The Voyager Day Camp is for kids 11 to 13, from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The camp also includes STEM projects. In the Voyager camp, kids will learn the same skills as the Wayfarer camp, but they’ll be able to venture out a bit farther in their vessels.
On the last day of camp, kids will get a chance to sail in groups down to the wharf.
“It’s a big excursion for them, because it’s like, ‘Wow, I did this,’ ” Wenzel said. “It’s only a mile down the way, but when you’re 8 or 10, it’s like, ‘Whoa!’ ”
The camp partners with Lil’ Skippers Snack Shack so that campers can enjoy a snack after their excursion.
In the Teen Sailing Camp, teens 12-17 years old will learn to sail on 14-foot Capri sailboats. They’ll learn the basics of boating safety and rigging. The camp runs from 8:30 to11:30 a.m., Monday through Friday.
Westwind also offers a SUP camp, for kids aged 10-17. The camp runs on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:30 to 11 a.m.
Each camp will receive a safety demonstration from the Harbor Patrol.
Westwind Sailing provides scholarships for at-risk youths and kids. Kids qualify for a Dana Point Aquatic Foundation Scholarship if they are a member of the local Boys & Girls Club, a member of the Great Opportunities nonprofit, qualify for free or reduced school lunches, or have a physical or developmental challenge.
“We have lots of opportunities for these kids to be able to get these scholarships, and we’re able to give out one scholarship per child per year,” Wenzel said. “It’s a full scholarship for the whole week. So, it’s not like they have to pay any portion of it.”
The empowerment of being on the water and learning to sail on your own transcends being on the water, Wenzel said. She added that the confidence the kids build in Westwind Sailing summer camps is something they can take with them long after they’ve returned to shore.
You can apply for a scholarship starting on April 1 at westwindsailing.com/forms--waivers.

Children showing interest in playing music can hone their craft through a summer camp at Los Rios Rock School. Photo: Courtesy of Los Rios Rock School
Music to My Ears

As South Orange County fully reopens after COVID-induced shutdowns and life springs back to normal, kids might be itching to tap into their inner musician and perform in front of a crowd.
If your little one is interested in drumming or started picking up a guitar, look no further than Los Rios Rock School for help in guiding them along.
The musical academy is offering six summer rock camps this year, with various dates ranging from June 20 to Aug. 1. The camps will cover different expertise levels, for children just starting out to those looking for more of an advanced challenge.
“Our Los Rios summer camps offer a condensed week-long version of the Los Rios program for kids aged 6 to 17,” owner Tyler Marolf said. “Los Rios camps are a hybrid of one-on-one learning, group rehearsals, and performance experiences that truly inspire confidence and memories that last a lifetime.”
The set list of songs the campers choose together are performed in concert at the end of the week on the school’s home stage. All friends and family are invited to enjoy the free shows on Fridays at 11 a.m. Camp times are 9 a.m. to noon, Monday-Friday. The cost is $399 per camper. Families can sign up at losriosrockschool.com and call 949.456.1081, ext. 1, for more information. Though Los Rios Rock School is gearing up for the summer camps, they are open year-round.
“With an 8,000-square-foot building, state-of-the-art music studios and unparalleled staff, over 200 students and families attend on average twice a week to study, socialize, rehearse and play music together,” Marolf said. “Los Rios performs 100 songs live in concert at Orange County’s best concert venues, and the unique part is the students pick every one of those songs.”
Lessons offered at Los Rios Rock School include singing, piano, keyboard, bass, and recording.

Kidcreate Studio Offers Inventive Opportunities for Youngsters
BY COLLIN BREAUX D oes your kid like to dabble in painting and coloring? If so, consider enrolling them in Kidcreate Studio’s summer camps, which are geared toward art and transferring what’s in their mind onto a canvas.
Kidcreate Studio in Dana Point is offering the camps from June to August for kids ages 3-12.
“Our camps are small and allow for plenty of individual attention, with low teacher: camper ratios,” studio owner Kristen Olosky said. “Our playful preschool camps for 3- to 6-year-olds are perfect for first-time campers. Our camps for 4- to 9-year-olds have fun
Little Picassos in Orange County can create their own artwork at Kidcreate Studio’s summer camps. Photo: Courtesy of Kidcreate Studios
trendy themes and offer a great chance to get messy with art materials kids probably won’t see at home.”
As for kids 7-12 years old, the camp for that age range will introduce children to notable artists and build more on techniques—while staying messy, hands-on, and process-focused.
“Don’t be afraid to try things. Don’t worry about making mistakes,” Olosky said when asked for advice to give to young artists. “Let yourself enjoy the process, and forget about whether your art is right or wrong. You will be amazed by what you can create.”
Children benefit from creative activities as they help build fine motor skills, longer attention spans, problem-solving skills, and social skills, Olosky said.
“Making art frequently helps children become more comfortable taking creative risks, while building their confidence and resilience when things don’t go as planned,” Olosky said.
Visit kidcreate.com to sign up and for more information.

Building a terrarium is a fun and engaging way to learn up-close about ecosystems. After hands-on experience planting small foliage in a sealable container, kids can watch as those plants grow in the enclosed space.
A terrarium is an excellent way to learn up-close about rain and decomposition cycles. Closed terrariums are largely self-sustaining; after you’ve planted and misted your plants, the terrarium requires minimal upkeep.
The terrarium will establish a mini rain cycle—the humidity within the closed container will build as condensation on the walls and drip down to water the plants. Small insects that you can add to the terrarium will eat dead leaves or mold that may grow.
Container • Choose a container with enough room for air to flow • A bottle or mason jar will work well, but stick to clear containers • A large plastic bottle, like a party-sized soda bottle, works well for this activity with kids, as you can cut the top off the bottle and reattach it for easier planting Base • The terrarium needs a layer for excess water to collect without the plants’ roots sitting in water, which could lead to root rot • Rocks, pebbles, orchid bark, or Leca work well for this layer • Adding charcoal on top of your base will help keep the terrarium clean Soil • This is the layer you will plant your foliage in; any multi-purpose soil mix will work. Plants • Make sure to pick small plants that won’t grow much bigger, or won’t grow quickly.
Dwarf ferns, moss, small vining plants such as string of pearls or string of turtles are great options. Optional critters • Adding insects can also help keep the ecosystem healthy. Some critters will eat mold if it begins to grow and will eat dead and dying leaves
1. Once you’ve chosen your container, make sure to wash it thoroughly and let it air dry before you begin. If you’re working with a plastic bottle, you can cut the top off for easier access.
2. Once the jar or bottle is clean and dry, add your base layer. This can be made of rocks, pebbles, orchid bark or Leca (also known as Lightweight expanded clay aggregate). Fill your container with an even layer of your chosen base material.
Optional: Once you’ve added your base layer, add in a thin layer of charcoal. The charcoal will help absorb any odors and filter out toxins or chemicals in the soil.
3. On top of the base layer, add your soil mix. This is the layer in which you will be planting your miniature foliage—keep this in mind as you add in your soil, as you may want to add more soil as you plant. 4. Plant your foliage in the base layer. Moss is a hardy and easy-to-plant option, but dwarf ferns and small vining plants such as string of pearls or string of turtles can be an attractive addition. Make sure to loosen the dirt around the roots when planting ferns or vining plants.
Optional: You can add more rocks or pebbles around the plants as decoration. 5. Mist your plants and leave the lid off for 1530 minutes to let the plants dry off a bit.
Optional: Adding insects to your terrarium such as worms, Springtails or snails will add more life into your terrarium. These critters will help to keep the ecosystem healthy by feeding off any dead or dying matter. These critters will need fresh air, so you’ll need to drill holes or add a mesh top to your terrarium. 6. Watch and learn as the terrarium establishes a mini rain cycle.
These ecosystems are just about fully self-sustaining. Once assembled, just make sure that the terrarium gets the appropriate light for the plants inside. For many plants, that means bright, indirect light.
If you’ve chosen to add critters to your terrarium, you won’t be able to fully seal off the terrarium. You can always add a mesh top or drill holes into your container to make sure air can flow through and avoid critters getting loose.
The terrarium should fill up with humidity during the warmest parts of the day. If you do not notice the terrarium building condensation, it may be a good idea to mist the plants again.


949 Volleyball Club, celebrating 13 years in San Juan Capistrano, provides summer camps for both boys and girls, ages 9 to 18, at any ability level. The club has won 12 Junior Olympic medals, as well as 6 National Championships at the 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 Junior National Championships. The summer camp’s goal is to teach beginners the fundamentals of the game and to prepare juniors and seniors looking to compete in the NCAA. 949 Volleyball Club promotes sportsmanlike behavior inside and outside of the gym, instills the values of integrity, dedication and hard work, and focuses on having fun! Space is limited; please register early. For more information, contact Justin at 949.374.2890 or visit 949vb.com.
and Resources

Fun, encouraging, high-level beach volleyball training for beginners through pros, youth through college, co-ed. Ages 12-24, and 8-12 in summer. Encouraging coaches teach hitting, passing, setting, defense, blocking and serving. Are you an indoor player or athlete needing cross-training? Beach volleyball helps all athletes with strength, speed and agility. ABVC plays at Doheny State Beach in Dana Point ALL YEAR LONG. Questions: 949.485.0826 or email info@americanbeachvolleyballclub. com. Register now for spring or summer: americanbeachvolleyballclub.com.

Boys & Girls Club of the South Coast Area is proud to be THE place where kids can be kids again. Join us after school, for spring break, or our 10-week summer camp. Affordable for all. Call us at 949.492.0376, email info@bgcsca.org, or visit bgcsca.org for more information. 1304 Calle Valle, San Clemente.
Camp Discovery at Discovery Cube! Campers will take a walk on the wild side during Curious about Creatures, which features animals from prehistoric past to present. Kids will go out of this world during our Space camp, as they explore “strange new worlds” through spacecrafts, engineering and experiments. In World of Motion, campers will explore the exciting principles of physics and motion as they experiment with racecars & build flying machines. In California STEAMin’, campers will engineer their own solutions to real-world problems. 2500 N Main Street, Santa Ana. discoverycube.org. 714.263.3851.

Summer camps are a time for children to form lifelong memories and friendships while seeking out new adventures and engaging in stimulating activities. San Clemente proudly offers over 300 camps and programs by expert instructors for all interests and abilities. Save on summer camps with discounted prices through “Early Bird Registration.” Savings fly away May 3; don’t miss out on great deals. Camps fill up quickly! Register today at san-clemente.org/recreation. 100 N. Calle Seville, San Clemente.

Kidcreate Studio is an art studio just for kids. We specialize in classes, camps and parties for children ages 18 months to 12 years. We offer classes in our studio in Dana Point, as well as on-the-go. Kidcreate is a great way to introduce your child to the wonderful world of art. We provide a positive, self-esteem-building environment and projects that match the developmental needs of children at different ages. Exploring art, feeling free to make some messes, and having fun—that’s what Kidcreate Studio is all about. 34255 Pacific Coast Hwy, Suite 113, Dana Point. 949.370.9509. kidcreate.com/dana-point.
San Clemente Volleyball Club…Helping players grow for 12 years. For kids new to volleyball, our Club Lite program (beach & indoor) is a great place to learn the game. This program is year-round, you can join anytime, and the first practice is free. For competitive club players, we offer Sand Training, Skills Training, and Tryout Training. *All programs use our flexible Punchpass system allowing you to participate based on your schedule. tom@sanclementevb.com. 949.291.5915. sanclementevb.com.
Join us for an awesome 30th Anniversary Summer at South Coast Conservatory! Five-day camps for ages 4-10 including Ballet, Hip-Hop, Cheer, Acting & Singing, and Circus Tricks! Two-week, one-week & two-day intensives for intermediate and advanced levels (ages 7-17). All camps end with a show on the final day & extended camp options are available! All taught by certified instructors who are focused on your child’s safety & happiness! 27652 Camino Capistrano, Laguna Niguel. 949.367.0099. scconservatory.com/SUMMER.

Welcome aboard! Westwind Sailing has been providing educational boating programs for the community since 1987: Sail and SUP camps (spring break and summer), adaptive sailing, after-school programs and boating classes for all ages and skill levels. Westwind was honored by the Dana Point Times as a 2021 winner in the “Best of Dana Point People’s Choice Lantern Awards” for “Best Camp for Kids” and “Best Harbor Recreation” and is a sanctioned US Sailing, Community Sailing Center and STEM hub. Boating scholarships are available. 34451 Ensenada Place. Dana Point Harbor. 949.492.3035. westwindsailing.com.
Adventure Awaits this summer at the YMCA. From day camps to sports camps to overnight camps to e-sports camps and more, you can plan the perfect summer for your child with us. Locations throughout Orange County. 714.549.9622. ymcaoc.org.