1 minute read
from April 13, 2023
AS THE COST OF LIVING continues to be driven up at all angles, there is an increased focus on efficiency, sustainability and protecting our resources for longer-lasting use.
That is also our focus for our annual “Green Issue,” our yearly special section to help our readers learn about the variety of ways they can help themselves and the surrounding South Orange County community while taking care of this beautiful place we call home.
In this year’s issue, we put a spotlight on energy efficiency. California continues its push into electrical energy with an eye on switching over the high-traffic state into one populated by mostly electric vehicles. Is the state ready for that switch? And what steps are being taken ahead of
2035 to prepare the state’s infrastructure?
With the push toward electric vehicles, there will be an effort to beef up home charging capabilities. One way that will be done is with solar panels, especially with new laws coming into effect in California. We chat with local solar panel companies about these changes and what buyers can expect.
As that emphasis on home electricity continues, it will be paramount to be more efficient with our energy at home. We look into ways to cut down on your energy costs with simple home improvements that may even send a couple bucks back your way.
Outside the home, it’s been a wet winter, and while the hills are certainly greener, have Califor-