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Letters to The Editor
from April 20, 2023
LEE VAN SLYKE, San Clemente
Dena Van Slyke and I were deeply honored to receive the Ole Hanson Award from the San Clemente Historical Society for our work restoring the Goldschmidt House and securing its place on the National Register of Historic Places, the only private residence in San Clemente with this honor.
During the restoration, we organized 14 home tours enabling the community to visit and appreciate the Spanish Colonial Revival Architecture of San Clemente.
The 2023 Ole Hanson Award was also given to the current owners for their con-
People ask what they can do to support trees in their yards and neighborhoods. Here are some answers:
• Protect mature trees
Mature trees are at their peak environmental powers. Their leaves absorb CO2 and release oxygen; their shade cools the air and ground; well-developed root systems draw water to the surface in dry times and retain water in wet times; they provide wildlife habitat, improve human health, and increase property values. They’re beautiful.
• Don’t top or severely prune trees
Topping causes permanent damage and weakens limbs. Also, no more than 25% of a tree’s foliage should be removed at once. Without leaves, a tree cannot feed itself. This shortens its lifespan.
• Water trees, even during drought
Trees are exempt from water conservation restrictions, so please water trees even when constrained in watering your lawn or shrubs.
• Water new trees weekly
Apply 15 to 20 gallons of water, especially in hot weather. Create a moat around tinued work. I would be remiss if I did not mention that Jim and Jann Kempton had also worked on the Goldschmidt House for a decade before us. Jim also served as president of the Historical Society for several years.
Let me take the opportunity to thank the San Clemente Times for their fine coverage of the activities of the San Clemente Historical Society.
Response To Mary Knox On Homeless Services
NANCY MCINTYRE, iHOPEoc, Inc. Board of Directors secretary
The iHOPEoc, Inc. Board of Directors would like to respond to Mary Knox’s letter to the editor in the April 6 edition of the SC Times. iHOPEoc, Inc. ran a successful, secure, permitted day resource center in the former DMV facility at 112 W. Canada, from January 2012 through December 2013. iHOPEoc, Inc. went through normal channels to obtain all permits
• Replace trees
If you must remove a tree, buy a new one to take its place. If a tree is removed on your street or HOA common area, ask the city or HOA to replant one in an appropriate location.
• Support funding required by the city. We provided security by implementing standard practices used in the industry, such as one-way doors (clients had to be let in by staff), as well as on-site security. We worked with Officer Bull, San Clemente Community Outreach Officer, to ensure we were in compliance and mindful of best practices.
Ask City Councils to allocate additional dollars toward planting trees in their annual budget. Trees are the only “infrastructure” to increase in value over time.
By planting trees on Arbor Day and throughout the year, San Clemente will enlarge its village forest and truly become a Tree City USA.
Patricia Holloway has lived and worked in San Clemente for 40 years. She has a B.S. in environmental planning from UC Davis and a master’s degree in city and regional planning from UC Berkeley. She’s a member of the local chapter of Citizens’ Climate Education and can be reached at pat13holloway@gmail.com.
PLEASE NOTE: In an effort to provide our readers with a wide variety of opinions from our community, the SC Times provides Guest Opinion opportunities in which selected columnists’ opinions are shared. The opinions expressed in these columns are entirely those of the columnist alone and do not reflect those of the SC Times or Picket Fence Media. If you would like to respond to this column, please email us at editorial@sanclementetimes.com.
At no time did we advertise for outof-towners to come down to our center. iHOPE sprung out of the need for services to be offered in South Orange County, and we certainly had a busy roster caring for those in our own community. Our center catered to many different individuals in need, including families, couples, and single individuals. We collaborated with other local agencies making an impact on many individuals’ lives.
Our permitted and approved services included: job counseling and training, case management and counseling, distribution of clothes, food, and toiletries,
(Cont. from page 9) medical screenings, legal counseling, and referrals to housing and mental health services. iHOPE continues to work with those at risk of losing their homes and those who are unsheltered.
Our resource center was staffed by trained HR personnel, licensed social workers, and volunteers who attended a rigorous training program. Clients were required to sign contracts with specific goals in order to use our services.
Because we had competent security personnel, we were able to provide a safe environment for our clients and staff.
Unfortunately, the property was put up for sale, and we were not in a position to purchase it. The new owner wanted the property for his business, and iHOPE was required to move. This was the reason for closing the center.
By collaborating with multiple agencies across the county, we assist individuals to obtain housing, receive support for behavioral health conditions, and advocate for clients in the hospital need- ing recuperative care, as well as many more services.
In his April 13 Letter to the Editor, Cord Bauer is urging San Clemente to hire a security firm to handle the homeless situation in North Beach. Mr. Bauer extolled the virtues of this service and implies it’s a security solution to the homeless problem.
With respect to Mr. Bauer, this seems more “NIMBY” and less “solution.”
While Oceanside utilizes this security service in its homeless program, it’s one component of a larger system to deal with their homeless situation, but it’s not relied upon as Oceanside’s main “tool” in its homeless “toolbox.”
Mr. Bauer’s suggestion of “cherr y picking” the private security aspect of the Oceanside’s program is borderline insulting to Oceanside’s homeless efforts and would merely move the problem to neighboring communities.
Bauer also mentions 100 cars and RV’s “camping” on San Clemente streets, but he fails to mention that Oceanside has at least four privately run “safe area overnight parking” areas to help deal with their homeless vehicle issues.
It seems Mr. Bauer is suggesting that San Clemente utilize the security service to clear these vehicles off San Clemente streets. Again, this is not a solution; it is a reshuffling of the problem to neighboring areas.
Oceanside’s multifaceted approach to the homeless problem shows that they may understand the issue better than Mr. Bauer and San Clemente staff. While San Clemente does offer other homeless services, their approach in the past has led to distrust of city officials among the homeless.
So, instead of sending one Public Safety chairman/”ex-cop” to survey one enforcement aspect of Oceanside’s program, let’s send a group of interested parties and gain a better understanding of Oceanside’s successes and failures