9 minute read


11 a.m.-1 p.m. Celebrate the holiday season with a special program featuring songstress Maria Schafer and a special brunch menu. Doors open at 10:30 a.m. Tickets are $40. The Casino San Clemente, 140 W. Avenida Pico, San Clemente. eventbrite.com.
3-5 p.m. Enjoy Santa’s weekend visits to the San Clemente Municipal Pier with a beautiful sunset as the backdrop. Visitors are recommended to bring their own cameras. San Clemente Pier, 622 Avenida Del Mar, San Clemente. 949.361.8264.
6 p.m.-7 p.m. Dana Wharf invites visitors to take a 60-minute boat ride around the Dana Point Harbor and enjoy holiday music and the light displays from both land and the sea. These family-friendly cruises are available on select weekend nights. Tickets for adults are $25 per person, children ages 3-12 are $15 per person, and toddlers ages 2 and under are $5 each. Dana Point Harbor, 34675 Golden Lantern, Dana Point. danawharf.com/whale-watching.
9 a.m. Celebrate a California Christmas by dressing up like a reindeer, snowman, elf or Santa for this family-fun Santa Paddle. The paddle group will meet at Baby Beach in the Dana Point Harbor. standuptotrash.com. 34551 Puerto Place, Dana Point.
10 a.m.-3 p.m. The Pet Project Foundation will host the 10th annual Santa Paws in the Clock Courtyard in Dana Point. Pet photos with Santa will be offered for a $15 donation, with all proceeds supporting the Pet Project Foundation. Clock Courtyard, 34521 Golden Lantern, Dana Point. petprojectfoundation.org. 949.492.1617. info@petprojectfoundation.org.
4 p.m. The Chabad Jewish Center of San Clemente invites the community to participate in the lighting of its 10-foot menorah, as well as enjoy music, a Dreidel Man, sufganiot donuts and latkes, dreidels and gelt, and more. There will also be a Build-a-Dreidel Workshop. Register online at jewischsc.com. San Clemente Municipal Pier, 622 Avenida Del Mar, San Clemente. 949.489.0723.
5-6 p.m. Join the Chabad Jewish Center of San Clemente at the Outlets at San Clemente’s Oak Tree Court (in front of the movie theatre) for its Grand Menorah Lighting. The event will include a stilt walker with a Gelt and Dreidel parachute drop, balloon twisting, a variety show, crafts for children, hot latkes and donuts, and music. RSVP at jewishsc.com/outlets. Outlets at San Clemente, 101 W. Avenida Vista Hermosa, San Clemente. 949.535.2323. outletsatsanclemente.com.

Self-Care Through the Holidays
Most car owners are diligent about keeping up with regular automotive maintenance to protect the life of their vehicles. Yet, we humans aren’t so good about our own upkeep, and we are really good at putting ourselves on the back burner with the promise of getting to our self-care when we have time.
Our time is now. And my advice to you is perhaps different than you might expect during this month of December, when every minute is accounted for.
I sit in the same place as you, with the to-do list growing and time running out, but that doesn’t mean that our needs don’t matter. I would like to give you a few thoughts on areas in your life you might consider moving to the top of the list this holiday season.
“Eat, Papa, Eat”
This line from the movie Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer is Mrs. Claus’ reminder to Santa to eat.
I, too, want to remind you about the importance of eating, not only for the much-needed nutrition and energy you need to knock the items off your list, but for the ability to prevent getting “hangry,” which can lead to loss of self-control, irritability, headaches, the inability of making “healthy” choices, and overeating/binging.
My advice to stave off getting “hangry” is multifold: we all need multiple eating encounters throughout our day. Under all circumstances, don’t skip a meal/ snack to save calories for the special event that day. • Do eat wholesome meals that partner whole grains/starches, lean protein, veggies and/or fruit, and healthy fats.
• Do eat every three to four hours to prevent getting hangry and then grabbing the “bag o’ whatever” to fill the gap.
• Do plan on an easy breakfast of Greek yogurt and fruit, topped with muesli or other low sugar cereal and your favorite nut. Or toast whole grain bread, topping with nut butter and sliced fruit or low-sugar fruit spread, and partner with a latte using milk or soy milk to provide a nice dose of protein to fill you up.
• Do plan on eating lunch, and with so many healthy fast-food options, be sure to choose a “bowl” type meal in which you can choose a whole grain, lean protein, veggies, and get your calorie-laden toppings (dressing, nuts, cheese, avocado, etc.) on the side to control portions. This is where the “healthy salad” option can go sideways and become a calorie bomb.
• Do plan on an afternoon snack. This is the time of day that most of us become ravenous, especially when we have skimped on breakfast and lunch. Making sure all food encounters include some fiber, lean protein and a
And, most importantly, find joy in every move you make. Try to get a little bout of exercise most days. Happy Holidays from Mama G.
Gina Cousineau is a local nutrition and fitness expert who specializes in weight loss and prevention of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and more. Mama G is a trained chef with her master’s degree in integrative and function nutrition. Register for her “Dear Santa” Recipe Giveaway on her website at mamagslifestyle.com. SC
PLEASE NOTE: In an effort to provide our readers with a wide variety of opinions from our community, the SC Times provides Guest Opinion opportunities in which selected columnists’ opinions are shared. The opinions expressed in these columns are entirely those of the columnist alone and do not reflect those of the SC Times or Picket Fence Media. If you would like to respond to this column, please email us at editorial@sanclementetimes.com.
Letter to The Editor
TONY HAYS, San Clemente
Residents of San Clemente, and landscape contractors that they employ, should be reminded that the use of gas-powered leaf blowers was banned in the city as of Nov. 4.
For reference, see the San Clemente Code of Ordinances, Title 8—Health and Safety, Chapter 8.50—Leaf Blower Operations.
Apart from the noise generated, they’re also significant atmospheric polluters. Virtually all gas-powered leaf blowers use two-stroke engines, because the two-stroke offers a high power-toweight ratio.
But in a two-stroke, lubricating oil is mixed with the gasoline, and this oil spews out with the exhaust as an aerosol, harming the lungs of users, and of anyone else nearby. The aerosol also contributes to urban smog.
According to Bloomberg Green, an environmental newsletter published by Bloomberg Business, one hour’s worth of operation produces about as many smog-forming chemicals as driving 1,100 miles in a Toyota Camry.
So, it’s in the interest of both users and their neighbors to transition to blowers powered by electricity. To reinforce this transition, the State of California has banned the sale of gas-powered leaf blowers effective on July 1, 2024. healthy fat option ensures satiety within the meal or snack, and allows you to be satisfied between meals. Whole grain crackers and cheese, veggies and hummus, sliced apples with nut butter, are all perfect pairings. I highly suggest that you keep pre-portioned baggies with nuts and dried fruit in your vehicle that can be easily coupled with a milk or soy latte from your favorite coffee spot.
• Do fill in the gaps for holiday parties where you know the veggies will be lacking. Purchase cut-up veggies that you enjoy raw, or slice up your own, and throw in baggies and eat on the way to your event. Start your evening with sparkling water, and eat from a plate, so you have some awareness of how much you are consuming.
Join SC Times for Beachside Chat on Friday, Dec. 9, at 8 a.m. Beachside Chat is a spirited, town hall forum on community issues hosted by PFM Managing Editor Shawn Raymundo every Friday. The chat will be held at Dorothy Visser Senior Center, 117 Avenida Victoria. All are welcome.
CORRECTION: An article on page 6 of the San Clemente Times’ Dec. 1 edition reported on local Boy Scout Caden Taylor’s effort to donate various hockey equipment and gear to the Boys & Girls Club of the South Coast Area as part of his Eagle Scout service project. Taylor attends San Juan Hills High School and is currently in the process of completing paperwork to earn the Eagle Scout designation.
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San Clemente Times, Vol. 17, Issue 49. The SC Times (sanclementetimes.com ) is published weekly by Picket Fence Media, publishers of the Dana Point Times (danapointtimes.com) and The Capistrano Dispatch (thecapistranodispatch.com). Copyright: No articles, illustrations, photographs or other editorial matter or advertisements herein may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher. The publisher assumes no responsibility for return of unsolicited manuscripts, art, photos or negatives. Copyright 2022. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA. San Clemente Times is published weekly by Picket Fence Media, 34932 Calle Del Sol, Suite B, Capistrano Beach, CA 92624. Application to Mail at Periodicals Postage Prices is Pending at San Clemente, CA. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: San Clemente Times, 34932 Calle Del Sol, Suite B, Capistrano Beach, CA 92624.