San Clemente Times

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W I S H I N G A L L M O M S A H A P P Y M O T H E R ’ S D AY ! M AY 5 –1 1 , 2 0 1 1







Moving On Up Mobile homes in Capistrano Shores are reaching new heights but are they doing it legally? E Y E O N S C / PAG E 6

Mobile homeowners at Capistrano Shores are building up at the mobile home park wedged between North Beach and Poche Beach. Photo by Heidi Mefferd

Installed Pavers Getting a Slippery Reputation

Kempton on Osama: Torture, Hatred and Disrespect have No Place in America

Happy Mother’s Day: Check Out Our Gift Guide





Eye on SC


Fitch Ratings on Monday announced it is downgrading San Juan Capistrano’s Public Financing Authority’s bond ratings from AA to A. Monday’s Fitch report also rates Capistrano’s outlook as “stable.” But the Fitch announcement lays out dire short-term circumstances for Capistrano’s water utility, which faces an $8.2 million deficit. That shortfall comes primarily because of troubles with the city’s Groundwater Recovery Plant, which has not operated up to expectations since it was built. The city expected to save money by producing water and receiving a Metropolitan Water District grant for doing so, but MTBE and operational issues have curtailed the plant’s production to about half of its goal. The City Council on Tuesday cut more than $7 million from its budget, most related to unissued utilities bonds. Relief should come, city officials say, when the water plant restarts in mid-July.


SC S a n C le m e n te



Next Door W hat ’s goin g on in our n e ig h b orin g towns

In honor of its milestone 40th anniversary, Dana Point Harbor will begin celebrating May 13 through 15. An open house kicks things off from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Friday, May 13. Merchants will host a sidewalk sale, restaurants will offer specials and extended happy hours and attendees will be serenaded by live music. The festivities continue through the weekend—10 a.m. to 5 p.m. both days—with a dockside art show and sale, an Ocean Institute open house, a free cupcake celebration and live KSBR broadcast on Sunday from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. and more. Stroll through Dana Point Historical Society displays featuring the harbor before, during and after construction as well as a historical look back at surfing Killer Dana. The harbor was officially dedicated on July 31, 1971. For more, see www.

S A N C L E M E N T E ’ s T o p 5 H o ttest T o p i cs

What’s Up With... 1

report. The games would be open to the public. The Elks expect to reap 43 percent of the total receipts, up to 37 percent would go to prize money and 20 percent to game overhead, the staff report said.

... Slippery Tiles in the Pier Bowl?

THE LASTEST: Calls and complaints have come in about the slick new Ole Hanson tiles installed at the Pier Bowl and it has city officials scrambling for a solution. City Park Planner Tim Shaw said the tiles, which the city began installing in January, are each a little different and a few have “just enough smooth surface, given the right conditions, that they can be slippery.” Shaw said he’s walked the entire site that includes most of the sidewalks around the Pier Bowl and some areas may need changes, like roughening up the surface, to keep them from being so slick. The tile installation is part of a $1.7 million tile upgrade in the area and the project is expected to be finished by about May 30, Shaw said. Prior to its start, the Pier Bowl had what Shaw described as a hodgepodge of sidewalks, including interlocking pavers, stamped pink concrete and traditional concrete. WHAT’S NEXT: The Pier Bowl Merchants Association actually wants to add additional Ole Hanson tiles to the area near the railroad crossing, too. The cost could range from $16,000 for no tiles and just asphalt to $46,000 for 1,425-square-feet of the special tiles. The Council, acting under its powers as a Redevelopment Authority, voted to table the decision until the May 17 meeting. Because cars could be using the area, a higher-grade of Ole Hanson tiles would need to be created, according to the staff report. FIND OUT MORE: See the staff report on the latest proposal at www.san-clemente. org. —Stacie N. Galang

San Clemente Times May 5–11, 2011

FIND OUT MORE: To read more about the city code changes, see the staff report at —SNG


The city is installing Ole Hanson pavers in the Pier Bowl. Photo by Stacie N. Galang


... with Bingo?

THE LATEST: San Clemente residents could be hitting the jackpot after the City Council voted Tuesday to allow what’s called remote-caller bingo. The council decided Tuesday to modify the city’s municipal code to allow for the games that are conducted elsewhere but broadcast to San Clemente. A change last year to the state laws governing bingo got the ball rolling for the local changes, according to the staff report. The request to change city codes came from the Elks Lodge in San Clemente whose members hope to raise money for other local charities with the televised games, said Elena Bauman, the organization’s office manager. The Elks will be working with Ontariobased Bingo Innovations to offer the local games, Bauman said. The company

approached the Elks regional district about offering remote-caller bingo. San Clemente’s lodge followed their district’s decision to bring the games locally, Bauman said. Bingo Innovations broadcasts three sessions of bingo on a given night, and eight games are conducted within a session, according to the company’s website. The buy-in per session is presently $25. Winners can take up to 37 percent of the prize purse, the website said. The more locations—and the more players—the more the host site can reap, according to Bingo Innovations. Aside from some upfront costs for equipment, the remote-caller bingo won’t cost the San Clemente Elks much if anything to participate, Bauman said. WHAT’S NEXT: The Elks would conduct one game a week at their lodge at 1505 N. El Camino Real, according to the staff

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… SONGS and its NRC Hearing?

THE LATEST: The Nuclear Regulatory Commission gave San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station a generally positive assessment for its performance in 2010 during their public meeting April 28 in San Juan Capistrano. In 2007, San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station held the dubious title of leader in the nation for allegations with 61—or roughly five per month—made to the NRC. In the first four months of this year, the power plant has received four, according to Greg Warnick, the NRC’s senior resident inspector. “I can say with confidence tonight that the NRC believes San Onofre is on the right track,” said Troy Pruett, deputy director of the NRC’s division of reactor projects. The meeting was the first since Japan’s March 11 earthquake, tsunami and subsequent nuclear reactor woes at the Fukushima Daiichi power plant, and SONGS’ proximity to fault lines and vulnerability became a theme for the evening. But news of the improvements didn’t stop the repeated calls for the closure of the Southern California Edison-owned power plant. Protesters with signs that read, “End All Nukes,” and “No More Fukushimas,” greeted the hundreds of people who packed into Capistrano Unified School District’s board room. (Cont. on page 5)

Eye on SC (Cont. from page 3) “Let’s shut it down and move on to green technology,” said Gary Headrick of San Clemente Green, who also spoke about receiving emails the day before from employees concerned about plant safety and worried about retaliation. San Clemente Mayor Lori Donchak called on the power plant for a safety plan that addressed the storage and removal of spent fuel, included an additional evacuation route to Interstate-5, dealt with SONGS’ relicensing and seismic safety and improved the plant’s issue with safety culture. “It cannot be business as usual,” Donchak said. “Recent and tragic world events concerning nuclear safety makes the request by my community both timely and highly important.” Peter Dietrich, the power plant’s chief nuclear officer, assured the audience that the company took safety concerns seriously. Dietrich, Plant Manager Tom McCool and site Vice President Doug Bauder were the three plant executives addressing the commission. Dietrich also went on to do a compare and contrast between the Japanese power plant and SONGS. Dietrich said the company was committed to learning the lessons of Fukushima Daiichi. WHAT’S NEXT: The NRC will be conducting a number of safety-culture work environment inspections at the power plant in the next 30 to 60 days, said NRC spokesman Victor Dricks this week. “We’ve seen some very good improvement in that area, and we’re looking to see that it is sustained,” he said. Inspectors will review the results and put them into an inspection report that will be made public, Dricks said. FIND OUT MORE: To get NRC emails about San Onofre, visit —SNG


bers. The ideas would then be given to the City Council who would be asked for more direction, Holloway said.

… North Beach and the GPAC?

THE LATEST: Members of the city’s General Plan Advisory Committee wouldn’t keep North Beach the same, but just what they’d envision it being is still unclear. Over nearly three hours, the advisory committee did this week as the City Council had asked and discussed the area’s future last night. The topic was a sort of first step by the city to consider North Beach’s fate since voters rejected Measure A, the referendum vote on the Playa del Norte project in the area. The committee used the City Council’s pre-approved questions as a starting-off point, though members only managed to talk about three of the five questions. About 40 people sat in on the advisory committee’s talk. While the advisory committee didn’t draw any hard-and-fast conclusions, they did informally agree the city should pay particular attention to North Beach’s historic nature. They also mulled the idea that the city manage North Beach parking, even for private uses, and give preference to patrons of historic structures like the Miramar Theater, the Bowling Alley and the Casino. The parking could be an incentive to revitalize. Committee members chatted about other historic areas that San Clemente could model North Beach after: San Diego’s Gas Lamp District, Old Town Pasadena and downtown Santa Barbara. The committee also heard three presentations by Tom and Vonne Barnes who want a park in the triangle parking area, Gene Gilbert, a visual-effects artist and advisory committee member Pete Van Nuys. WHAT’S NEXT: City Development Director Jim Holloway said he and Principal Planner Brenda Wisneski would try to summarize the ideas discussed Monday night and circulate them among mem-

FIND OUT MORE: Visit for the latest on North Beach. Also, stop by the SC Times’ Beach Side Chat Friday at 8 a.m. at Cafe Calypso on Avenida Del Mar for further discussion about North Beach. —SNG


… Toll Road Planning Continuing?

THE LATEST: Planners working on the proposed extension of the 241-South toll road from Rancho Santa Margarita to the San Diego Freeway south of San Clemente have presented a new route to the Marines and project opponents but have not gotten those groups to sign off on it, Transportation Corridor Agencies Tom Margro said Wednesday morning. Margro said the new route largely stayed out of San Mateo State Park, crossed the creek further upstream and tunneled to connect to the freeway rather than create a large flyover south of town. The Marines, however, do not like the plan because it pushes further into the base. TCA officials have met twice with Marine officials in recent months and have another meeting scheduled in June. WHAT’S NEXT: Margro said TCA was “too nice” in its earlier failed efforts at approval. At a meeting of the San Juan Capistrano Chamber of Commerce, he asked business leaders to voice support for the project, too. The TCA recently mailed out 14,000 letters in South County, and received 562 supporting comments in return. San Clemente residents who supported the 241 south said an alternative to the 5 is needed. FOR MORE INFORMATION: See the entire TCA release at www.sanclementetimes. com and more information at —Jonathan Volzke

• Act Feedback: San Clemente is updating its Americans with Disabilities Act self-evaluation and transition plans. Individuals are invited to provide input until June 20. The public may comment by completing a survey, which is available at City Hall, the Community Development Department’s main lobby and the Community Center. The public may also request a form be mailed by calling 949.361.8353. The surveys may also be downloaded from the city website at Also, interested persons may view a copy of the city’s draft transition plans for the 57 public buildings, parks and structures on the website or in person at City Hall.


• Apply Here: The city is accepting applications for its Beaches, Parks and Recreation Commission; Golf Course Committee; Coastal Advisory Committee; Human Affairs Committee; Investment Advisory Committee; city representative to the Downtown Business Association and Planning Commission. The terms ends June 30, 2013. The application deadline is May 25. The City Council will interview candidates and make appointments at its June 8 and June 9 meetings. Applications may be requested by calling 949.361.8200 or emailing to Applications are also available on the city’s website at www.san-clemente. org. For more information, call City Clerk Joanne Baade at 949.361.8345. • Linda Lane Thanks: Mayor Lori Donchak extended her appreciation to Beaches, Parks and Recreation Director Sharon Heider Tuesday for the department’s swift work to replace the rusty equipment at popular Linda Lane Park. The ribbon cutting for the park was April 20. Donchak also thanked Heider and her team for their care in choosing the ocean-themed play equipment for the park with a grand view of the water. The mayor gave the director a bucket of sand toys tied in the yellow ribbon from the reopening. San Clemente Times May 5–11, 2011

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City and Community Calendar Thursday, May 5 Spring Garden & Flower Theme Public Choice Event 10 a.m.-4 p.m. See the San Clemente Art Association members’ artwork in the SC Art Gallery. 100 N. Calle Seville, 949.492.7175, Sunset Networking Mixer 5:30 p.m. SC Chamber event hosted by California Bank & Trust. $10–$20. 115 Via Pico Plaza, 949.492.1131, Golf Course Committee Meeting 7 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers. 100 Avenida Presidio, 949.361.8200,

Friday, May 6 Seniors’ Mother’s Day Party 12 p.m. Entertainment by Global Affair and treats from Schmid’s at the Senior Center. 242 Avenida Del Mar, 949.498.3322. SC Chamber Golf Tournament 11 a.m. Marine Memorial Golf Course-Camp Pendleton. 949.492.1131,

Saturday, May 7 Junior Lifeguard Swim Test 7 a.m.-10 a.m. Test for junior guards ages 10 to 17 at Ole Hanson Beach Club Pool. 105 W. Avenida Pico, 949. 361.8261, Mayor’s Walk 9:30 a.m. Join Mayor Lori Donchak for a walk in downtown San Clemente starting at the Community Center and heading up Del Mar, with the SCHS band and local businesses offering refreshments and more. 100 N. Calle Seville, San Clemente, 949.361.8254,

Monday, May 9 Toddlertime 10:30 a.m.-11 a.m. Stories for youngsters ages 2-3 at the library; adult participation and sign-ups required. 242 Avenida Del Mar, 949.492.3493,

Tuesday, May 10 After-School Club 3:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m. Group for kids 5 and older at the library; sign-ups required. 242 Avenida Del Mar, 949.492.3493, Beaches, Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting 7 p.m. Community Center, 100 N. Calle Seville, 949.361.8200, www.

Wednesday, May 11 Chamber Job Fair 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Job fair at Laguna Hills Mall. 949.492.1131, Fun on the Run 2:15 p.m.-4:15 p.m. After-school traveling activity program meets Monday through Friday at various times and locations.

Eye on SC

Moving On Up Mobile homes in Capistrano Shores are reaching new heights but are they doing it legally? By Stacie N. Galang San Clemente Times


heirs is a rare slice of ocean-front property. For the 90 mobile home owners at Capistrano Shores, beach living gets no closer than theirs, literally feet from the surf. Situated just over the railroad tracks at North Beach, the mobile home park gives residents enviable views of the Pacific, the kind prized in beer commercials. It’s no wonder the owners have, as of late, been renovating or bringing in newer homes to better suit their lifestyles. But the construction is raising questions about the legality of work so close to the ocean and in some instances without the Coastal Commission’s stamp of approval. Lot No. 90, the mobile home on the corner lot closest to Poche Beach, caught City Councilman Jim Dahl’s attention. “I don’t necessarily agree with the Coastal Commission all the time, but you’ve got to comply with the rules,” said Dahl. “It just doesn’t make any sense. They’re five feet from the beach.” A quirk of California law gives oversight of mobile home parks to state agency Housing and Community Development. While the Coastal Commission issues permits for construction within the coastal zone, HCD is not required to inform the commission. The city’s proverbial hands are tied because it only permits for structures beyond the walls of the mobile home. San Clemente Building Department Director Mike Jorgensen said when owners come to them to bring in newly constructed homes, which the building and planning departments vet, the city has rejected plans with two stories. “For years, the city just denied them,” he said.

Barth’s property at Capistrano Shores has uninterrupted views of the ocean. Photo by Stacie N.Galang

San Clemente Times May 5–11, 2011

Mike Barth, who owns lot No. 90 at Capistrano Shores Mobile Home Park, renovated the older structure into a one-story with a loft. Photo by Stacie N.Galang

Nowadays, the city won’t permit them until the homeowner receives Coastal Commission permits, Jorgensen said. “When it comes back denied it’s denied,” he said. California Dreaming The finishing touches on the olive green mobile home at lot No. 90, with decorative black barn doors and rustic wood and stone features, are being put on the building, yet owner Mike Barth has never received his permit from the Coastal Commission. Messages left with Barth were not returned by press time. Barth listed an address for Orange, Calif. on his HCD application. Andrew Willis, an enforcement analyst in the commission’s Long Beach office, said Barth has an incomplete application. The homeowner received a notice of violation letter from the commission July 9, 2010, and an initial application was filed by August 13, after the fact. But the application has never been completed, according to Willis. “The work was being done without the necessary coastal development permit,” the enforcement analyst said. “When we looked at the work being done, clearly it needed a permit from the Coastal Commission. We stepped in and made sure that application was applied for.” Barth first received his initial building

permits to make the renovations to his coach from the Housing and Community Development, the state agency overseeing all mobile home parks, according to Jim Winn, an HCD administrator. Winn said his agency has jurisdiction over any alterations to mobile homes in the state of California. In Barth’s case, the original structure was from 1971, and Barth was issued his HCD permits May 11, 2010. The owner removed most of the structure while keeping the frame and built a new house, which is permitted, Winn said. San Clemente is one of a handful of communities that has some building permit rights or “local jurisdiction.” Locally, San Juan Capistrano, Irvine, Placentia, Seal Beach and Yorba Linda similarly retain the ability to permit only some construction at mobile home parks. These communities have say over anything constructed beyond the four walls of the existing structure while HCD maintains permitting and inspection over work from the walls inward, Winn said. “We’ve got jurisdiction,” he said. “I don’t know if they would have to go to Coastal Commission to do any alterations.” Winn said Barth’s construction was permitted, inspected and approved by his agency April 5. All the needed tests were run and systems checked for compliance, he said. “We approved it,” the HCD administraPage 6

tor said of lot No. 90. “So they’re done. In fact, it’s closed. It’s been finaled. They closed it in our system.” Winn noted that his agency has no system in place to flag the Coastal Commission about work done in the coastal zone. Basically, if the Coastal Commission issues permits, it’s completely independent of HCD. “As far as letting the Coastal Commission know, it would be up to the locals to let them know,” Winn said. In fact, the Coastal Commission relies on the goodwill of homeowners or the willingness of neighbors or the community to inform them of coastal zone development that hasn’t been properly permitted, Willis said. “We have to remain aware of what’s happening to make sure we catch all the unpermitted development that may be occurring,” he said. Meanwhile, Willis said Barth’s application is in a queue of cases that the Coastal Commission is investigating, but lot No. 90 isn’t on a commission agenda anytime soon. The enforcement analyst said the commission could order the work stopped and any impacted resources be restored but has not done so yet. Barth could also face monetary violations or action by the state attorney general, but as of this week no such action has been taken. Willis said the Coastal Commission (Cont. on page 9)

Eye on SC Moving On Up (Cont. from page 6) prioritizes its work starting with the most egregious cases. Barth’s application would have to be recommended to the commission by staff but has not. Willis insisted that work done within the coastal zone required permits from his agency even if it is a mobile home. In this area, the commission’s oversight reaches to about Interstate 5, he said. Other owners in the park have applied for and been granted Coastal Commission permits or waivers, Willis said. The owner of lots Nos. 80 and 81 received approval in June 2010, according to Willis. Lot No. 46 has been issued a permit. The owner of lot No. 50 received a waiver from permits in 2009, the enforcement analyst said. Pending applications for Coastal Commission permits are lots No. 31 and No. 90, which is the only one to have a pending enforcement action. No Need for Bureaucracy The park has been around since 1959, and in 2008 the owners purchased the property for a reported $100 million. It had been bequeathed to Amherst College prior to the owners’ purchase. About 10 percent of the mobile home owners live there full time and the rest are seasonal, said Gordon Hall, Capistrano Shore’s property manager. The longest-standing owner has held the property since the early 1960s, Hall said.

He described Capistrano Shores as a “very family friendly organization.” Hall said Barth was only remodeling. The changes made to Barth’s lot No. 90 make it a one-story with a loft and only three feet taller than his neighbor’s home. Presently, eight homes are being remodeled or replaced, according to Hall. Two owners are bringing in new structures and were permitted through the city. The remaining six were remodeling and were permitted through the state, Hall said. Hall didn’t think the owners needed Coastal Commission permits for work within those four walls. HCD issued the permits and mobile homeowners didn’t need any more bureaucracy. If HCD is comfortable with it, then so are the owners at Capistrano Shores. “We follow all their guidelines,” he said. Hall said mobile home owners didn’t start facing such scrutiny until about 2007. Before then, permit request rarely went to full hearings but now they do. “It’s just become a nightmare,” the property manager said. “They’re not changing the footprint. They’re not changing anything else.” Hall contested suggestions that the height increases affected anyone’s views, including neighbors’ within the park. He thinks the renovations will increase property values in the city. “It’s beautiful and it’s gorgeous,” he

Sunday, May 1

SC Sheriff’s Blotter Compiled By Pantea Ommi Mohajer

All information below is obtained from the Orange County Sheriff’s Department Web site ( and reflects data available from calls placed from the field by the responding officer(s). An arrest doesn’t represent guilt. The items below are just a sampling of the entries listed on the OCSD Web site.

Monday, May 2 Citizen Assist Avenida Presidio, 100 Block (11:36 a.m.) An apartment owner of a vacant unit called police when she drove by and saw someone inside. The caller believed the intruder was dealing drugs in the apartment. She said there was a sheet on the balcony being held in place by pieces of wood. San Clemente Times May 5–11, 2011

Keep the Peace Avenida Pico, 800 Block (9:33 p.m.) A woman called police after her boss and former lover fired her and kicked her out of the house. The woman said she had nowhere else to go and did not know what to do. Citizen Assist Calle Del Pacifico, 100 Block (9 p.m.) Convinced her neighbor wanted to kill her, a woman called police, asking for help. She said the neighbor had come over earlier in the day trying to sell her something, and she believes the person to be on drugs. Patrol Check Avenida Vista Montana, 200 Block (7:54 p.m.) A woman called police when her neighbors called to tell her there was a group of gang types at her house. The woman was out of town and said no one but her 25-year-old son should be home. She requested deputies investigate. Assault with a Deadly Weapon Boca Del Canon and La Rambla (7:53 p.m.) A man called police when he was attacked by group of juveniles. He said he was on his bicycle when the group threw a large boulder at him, hitting him on the head.

A view of the water and the mobile homes at Capistrano Shore. Photo by Heidi Mefferd

said of Barth’s lot No. 90. “It has not had an affect on anybody, certainly not in the park and certainly not on the highway or any others that see it.” Dahl disagreed and worried that every homeowner in the park would eventually take their homes to new heights. The whole area would look like a tunnel, he said. The councilman said it was an issue

of fairness to other property owners like him who live near the water and must be permitted by the Coastal Commission. Everyone should live by the same rules, he said. “The Coastal Commission slams people all over the place and these guys are exempt, and it doesn’t seem right,” Dahl said. “These guys are just out there on their own.” SC

Assault with a Deadly Weapon Paseo Flamenco, 3400 Block (7:12 p.m.) A woman called police after her son’s exboyfriend tried to run her over.

the woman out of the car and yell at her.

Disturbance Avenida Miramar, 100 Block (7:01 p.m.) A man called police when his roommate, who was drunk, was becoming belligerent. He said she had been drinking for the past few days. Dispatch could hear the woman yelling in the background. Welfare Check Avenida Algodon, 200 Block (3:04 p.m.) A woman called police to report her daughter was doing meth with some guy and her 5-month-old granddaughter was with them. The mother said she could go over to pick up the child if necessary. Keep the Peace Avenida Del Reposo, 100 Block (11:32 a.m.) A man reported his neighbor, who had threatened to beat up his 15-year-old son, was leaving threatening notes on his door. Disturbance Calle Amistad, 100 Block (3:08 a.m.) A concerned citizen called to report three people sitting in a parked car. The caller said the car was occupied by two men and one woman who had been fighting. The caller also saw one of the men pull Page 9

Saturday, April 30 Welfare Check Calle Campana, 600 Block (10:06 p.m.) A neighbor called to report the sounds of a little girl screaming. The caller said they could hear the girl’s father screaming as well as sounds of possible hitting. Battery Calle Seville, 100 Block (9:44 p.m.) A city worker was attacked when he refused to let a man into a community party. The victim refused medical attention. Disturbance Avenida Vista Hermosa and Avenida La Pata (5:40 p.m.) A woman called to report that her husband would not let her out of the car. She said she was only able to get out when he had stopped at a light. She was now walking down the street in a black dress. The woman refused dispatches offer to call her a cab. Welfare Check El Camino Real, 1300 Block (5:14 p.m.) A man called police after he got a text from a female friend stating problems with her husband. It was unclear how the man knew the woman or what the situation at hand was. When dispatch questioned him for details, he hung up.

Eye on SC

News Bites

Compiled by Stacie N. Galang

Props, Recognitions and Morsels of Info Middle Schoolers Receive Camp Scholarships from AAUW u The San Clemente-Capistrano Bay Branch of the American Association of University Women announced the recipients of this year’s Tech Trek scholarship: Marco Forster Middle School student Francelia Lievanos of San Juan Capistrano, Vista del Mar Middle School Sophia Baginski of San Clemente, Bernice Ayer Middle School Haley Fryer of San Juan Capistrano and Shorecliffs Middle School Sara Vivian of San Clemente. The girls received scholarships to attend Tech Trek, a one-week science and math camp at UC Irvine this summer. Tech Trek was developed by the association to encourage middle school girls to explore the fields of math and science.

San Clemente Resident Graduates from Golf Academy u Thomas Conroy of San Clemente joined 73 fellow students from the Golf Academy of America in San Diego to earn an associate’s degree in golf complex operations and management during graduation ceremonies on April 22. The San Diego golf school graduating class was composed of students from 19 states and four foreign countries including Canada, China, South Korea and Spain.

Songwriters Vie for Earth Day Song Title, Gibson Guitar u Singers, songwriters and San Clemente business owners Kevin and Freda Danzig are competing in the Music for the Earth song contest. The couple, who owns the Always Inn Bed & Breakfast, have submitted their song “Sweet Rain, Pure Rivers, Clean Seas.” Downloads of the song help to move it up in the rankings. “We hope you will personally download it, share it with your family and friends, put a note about it with a link on Facebook and tweet about it,” Freda Danzig wrote in an email. To vote and download, visit In the artist search, type Kevin Danzig. Each download counts as a vote. The 20 artists who garner the most votes by May 9 will be reviewed. One artist will win a Gibson Jackson Browne guitar and be featured on the Earth Day Network homepage.

Boys & Girls Club Aims to Raise $270,000 for Programs u The South Coast Area Boys & Girls Club has kicked off its annual ONE campaign, the fundraiser that pays for its after-school and summer programs for San Clemente area children ages 6 to 18. The campaign runs through May 31 with a goal of $270,000 “We are proud to announce that to date, our campaign has raised slightly over

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Students Francelia Lievanos, Sophia Baginski, Haley Fryer and Sara Vivian will attend the one-week science and math camp Tech Trek with scholarships from the American Association of University Women. Courtesy photo

$70,000 as a result of some early lead gifts and gifts from 100 percent of our board members and staff,” said campaign chairman Bob Adams of Unichem Industries, who is also the board’s first vice chairman. “All we need now is the rest of our community to show their support, consider a gift to invest in our kids, and we will be able to reach, maybe even exceed, our goal.” Last year, the club served 1,900 youth, a 5 percent increase over the year before. For more information, visit

Heagen Earns Bachelor’s in Photography from Art Center u Katee Laine Heagen, a 2005 graduate of San Clemente High School, received her bachelor of fine arts in photography and imaging this spring from Art Center College of Design, Pasadena. She was one of only seven candidates in photography to receive the degree. The San Clemente resident was part of a class of students from as far away as the Republic of China, Japan, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Colombia, Canada, France and Italy, just to name a few. Heagen was first introduced to photography by former San Clemente High teacher Mack McIntyre. She also credits art instructor Andrea Reische of Shorecliffs Middle School for her artistic encouragement and direction. Heagen is the daughter of local fine artist KL Heagen and financial advisor Ed Heagen. “After being raised in our beach community, it is no wonder that I focused my studies within the surf and fashion industry,” she said. Many sunsets, local beaches and village scenes are recognized as backgrounds of her fashion shoots. She is currently interning for a Los Angeles-based celebrity and fashion photographer as well as running her own fashion photography business, Katee Laine Photography. To learn more, visit

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HOW TO REACH US CITY EDITOR Stacie N. Galang, 949.388.7700, x109 Advertising

SC S a n C le m e n te

34932 Calle del Sol, Suite B, Capistrano Beach, CA 92624 phone 949.388.7700 fax 949.388.9977 San Clemente Times, Vol. 6, Issue 18. The SC Times ( ) is published weekly by Picket Fence Media, publishers of the DP Times ( and The Capistrano Dispatch ( Copyright: No articles, illustrations, photographs, or other editorial matter or advertisements herein may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher. The publisher assumes no responsibility for return of unsolicited manuscripts, art, photos or negatives. Copyright 2011. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA.


Print and Online

CEO Norb Garrett

Michele Reddick, 949.388.7700, x103


Distribution Racks, Driveways, Subscriptions

Andrea Swayne, 949.388.7700, x113 BUSINESS OPERATIONS MANAGER Alyssa Garrett, 949.388.7700, x100

Group Editor, Editor, The Capistrano Dispatch > Jonathan Volzke City Editor, SC Times > Stacie N. Galang City Editor, DP Times > Andrea Swayne ART/Design Senior Designer > Jasmine Smith Graphic Designer > Heidi Mefferd


Business Operations Manager > Alyssa Garrett

Associate Publisher > Lauralyn Loynes

Distribution Manager > Andrea Swayne

> Michele Reddick (San Clemente)

INTERNS Pantea Ommi Mohajer, Austin Reagan, Madi Swayne

> Sergio Sanchez (San Juan Capistrano)

Finance Director > Mike Reed

San Clemente Seeks Logo for General Plan Local artists encouraged to participate


Connie Veldkamp, San Clemente

I enjoyed reading Jonathan’s (Volzke) article about the new program to compost food scraps (“Doggy Bag or Compost Pile?” SC Times, April 21). While I’m all in favor of both doggy bags (for my pets and me) and compost piles, I want to make restaurants in the area aware of another need—feeding hungry people. An organization called Welcome INN (Interfaith Needs Network) has been feeding the homeless and poor daily for 20 years in Capo Beach and Dana Point. If any restaurant, caterer or organization has leftover San Clemente Times May 5–11, 2011

Mark Newe, San Clemente

I have only lived in San Clemente for four years, but as I watch the city tear out pavers at the Pier Bowl that have only

What will you do for mom for Mother’s Day?

entries will be on display and a professional panel of local judges will review the artwork and award winners. Prizes will be awarded to first-, second- and third-place finishers at the reception. Artists will be invited to attend and even sell their artwork at the reception if they so desire. An entry form must accompany each entry. The form is included in the contest prospectus, which is now available at SCAA’s Art Gallery—next to the Community Center, City Hall or Community Development or log onto www.san-clemente. org to obtain a copy. You can also email and Laura Ferguson will send you one. I hope all of you local artists will participate in this citywide art competition. There are many very talented artists in town, and we look forward to seeing their work proudly displayed in the General Plan. PLEASE NOTE: The opinions offered here are solely those of the guest columnist and may or may not be shared by the San Clemente Times staff. We appreciate, however, their willingness to share their views, and we invite responses to be sent to

24% I got her a special gift.

40% I love my mom, but I don’t subscribe to greeting card holidays.

18% Oops. I nearly forgot.

18% Make sure to sound off on the “SC Times Poll of the Week” at Bookmark San Clemente Times today! The SC Times Online Reader Polls are not scientific and do not reflect the opinion of the SC Times.

YOU’RE INVITED! on North Beach 8 a.m. Friday, May 6 at Café Calypso Please join us the first and third Friday of every month for our open community forum.

food or ingredients, please consider donating to Welcome INN first and then to the compost heap. Check out the website at Unfortunately, Welcome INN won’t be able to help out with the composting because every bit of the food provided is taken by the hungry people lined up each day.


Online Poll We’re taking mom out for a meal.

city set out to sponsor a contest, which asks artists to design logos for our new General Plan. Our goal is a logo for the entire General Plan document and logos for each of the chapters. Bob Baker Examples of chapters are: Urban Design, Scenic Highways, Parks & Recreation and Nuclear. For a complete list, go to the city website at The Parks and Recreation chapter logo is reserved for an artist aged 12 or under as of July 6, 2011. Young artists may also compete in any other category. The contest will be administered by our own San Clemente Art Association. In their 50-year history, they have hosted many contests, recognizing and rewarding artists who depict the beautiful culture, spirit and history of San Clemente. The logo and art contest culminates with an artist reception and awards ceremony in September at the SCAA Art Gallery. Artist


CONTRIBUTORS Megan Bianco, Shelley Murphy, Tawnee Prazak, Christina Scannapiego, David Zimmerle


City Council Corner: By Councilman Bob Baker

an Clemente is in the process of updating our General Plan. This very important document will be about 300 pages long and organized in at least 16 chapters. Twenty-three of your fellow citizens have volunteered countless hours of their time to make this document as good as it can be. We have hired an experienced group of consultants and are paying them a fair price to make sure our end product is well crafted and complete. In the process of formulating our new General Plan, the subject of a logo has come up. Our consultant provided samples of logos that can be used. Not having much of an eye when it comes to art, I asked my friend Bill Stewart, a very artistic man, which of the logos he would choose. Bill had a great idea. He suggested we have a contest to choose a logo. This would make use of some of the tremendous artistic talent we have in town. I asked two other fabulous artists that I know; Robi Craig and KL Heagen what they thought about having a contest. They were both enthusiastic; hence, the

SPECIAL THANKS Robert Miller, George Mackin, Rebecca Nordquist

Sales Associates Angela Edwards, Buddy Purel

gone in last year and the year before to replace them with tiles, I have to wonder how much money does this city have? There must be some pressing infrastructure needs that take priority over redecorating. Don’t get me wrong; I appreciate the aesthetic value of the entire Pier Bowl, pier and beach trail. But how much aesthetic value is added by tearing up these new pavers and replacing them with tiles? And, at what cost? Every dollar spent on this project comes at the expense of something else. And almost anything else would be more worthy. Please don’t tell me that the city has

Page 12

obtained federal stimulus funds for this project. I hope that is not the case. While I am a supporter of the stimulus package as a means of pulling us back from the abyss of depression, I want the funds to be used for drastically needed infrastructure, not decorating upgrades in an affluent coastal community.


A behemoth is being constructed on our ridgeline and landscaping, no matter (Cont. on page 15)

SOAPBOX Wavelengths: By Jim Kempton

No Sympathy for the Devil We put away the perpetrator of 9/11; now we must continue to show the world who we are


he man who purportedly changed everything about America got his comeuppance Sunday. And as far as I am concerned, he didn’t change much for all his evil effort. Osama bin Laden will no longer vex Americans nor will he be able to mastermind the destruction of all things American in the world at large. A Navy Seal put a bullet right through his head. It was a good day for the president, a good day for America and a good day for freedom lovers everywhere. “Obama Got Osama” is the headline going around the Internet. I wonder if they will ask for Bin Laden’s birth certificate to make sure he is really the guy? It was surprising to see thousands of people cheering and waving American flags in front of the White House Sunday night. But it was a wonderful sight. With all we have Letters to the Editor (Cont. from page 12) how dense and well placed, will not hide it. I appeal to Target Corporate and encourage others to do the same. I know from my research that Target has been flexible with their designs in other cities. A Target in Miami takes cues from the local architecture while the Nicollet Mall Target (Minneapolis) has a varied façade to mimic multiple buildings. While it is too late to change the footprint, it is not too late to create, through enhancements like tile mosaics or sculpture, a uniquely San Clemente-inspired building. Like our dear founder, Ole Hanson, said, “I have a clean canvas, and I am determined to paint a clean picture.” Target, too, has a clean canvas and one large enough to make a significant art statement. Target has placed its store on a pedestal. All I ask is for a building worthy of that honor.

weathered this last three years, we can use some good news. And this is certainly good news. I’m no assassination fan, but there are some guys that should be wanted dead or alive—but preferably Wavelengths dead. I have no sympaBy Jim Kempton thy for the devil—and somebody who conspires to drive planes into civilian buildings is as good a candidate for that title as any I know. But just like Jesus, when he confronted Satan, we want to turn away from the temptation to be like Lucifer—even when he is the one tempting us to do so. One thing we want to remember in our relief and rejoicing: We don’t ever want to lower

ourselves to Bin Laden’s level. Not for revenge, not for justice, not even for an attempt at our own protection. To act like him is to tell the world we are just like him. And as John McCain has reminded us many times, he was able to withstand the torture and abuse and punishment of the North Vietnamese captors in Hanoi for those many years because he knew we wouldn’t treat them the same way. “I knew Americans were better than that,” McCain said. “It kept me strong and made me filled with hope. Americans are good people with strong wills to do what is right. And we would win ultimately because of that fact.” John McCain may have let me down a little in his run for president, but his courage and sense of values stated above


LEAVE WELL ENOUGH ALONE Earle McNeil, San Clemente

I believe we should let well enough alone. At present, there is parking for all to go to the beach. People come to San Clemente to go to the beach. The beach is our version of a park in other cities not fortunate enough to have their own beach. Do not add anything that would take away from or sacrifice the existing location of the parking.

LESSONS LEARNED? Michael Craig Smith, San Clemente

I was surprised and somewhat chagrined to see a recently published letter obviously written by a Yes-on-A, Playa del Norte supporter who somehow hasn’t gotten the message from the voters in San Clemente. This person, who is still upset, wrote in effect “that small minority of antidevelopment proponents and naysayers caused the unfortunate demise of the wonderful Playa del Norte Project which was really supSan Clemente Times May 5–11, 2011

ported by most of the good citizens of this community.” Apparently there are still those who believe that even after the majority of us in reality voted No, the other way on Measure A, that the latter is true. Now, after the dust has settled on this issue, it is very important for all of us to recognize that these naysayers are not a small group of malcontents strong-arming the rest of us into an antidevelopment posture. It is time to wake up and smell the proverbial political coffee and realize that most of us here in San Clemente, the real majority, are not naysayers and are not antidevelop-

ment. It’s not that we are against development; we are just against bad development. This is a big difference. Just look at the past record of bad developments proposed failing time and time again. Like the golf course housing development scheme, the mega Ralphs shopping center, the ridiculously oversized proposed signage for Marblehead commercial center, the two-story Mc Mansion attempt in Shorecliffs and even the toll road expansion right through our state park for heaven’s sake. There is a clear and unmistakable pattern here. The real bad guys here in San Clement are big Page 15

is about as noble and clear a testimonial about this country as we can have. Torture, hatred and disrespect for humanity have no place in the United States of America. We may get mad. We may hunt the Bin Ladens of the world down. But we should never stoop to their level. It isn’t who we are. Jim Kempton is a long-time resident of San Clemente. He is the author of several books and is working on several now. None of them are about Bin Laden. But each are evidence of the positive effect that freedom, respect and creativity can have on the world. PLEASE NOTE: The opinions offered here are solely those of the guest columnist and may or may not be shared by the San Clemente Times staff. We appreciate, however, their willingness to share their views, and we invite responses to be sent to

business, private developers and out-oftouch local government members that have backed these over-developed boondoggles. These people need to take a lesson here and realize that we just want to do the right thing here in San Clemente. We just want to maintain our small-town-villageby-the-sea feeling. And sure there can be development, but it needs to be appropriate development like the new revised Ralphs store and the Target project for example. Now is the right time to re-plan the North Beach area to create for us an entertainment and recreational destination for locals and visitors alike. We need to put our past differences behind us and start working together. We need to revitalize this special part of San Clemente to include such public amenities and improvements as the Miramar Theater, Ole Hanson Beach Park and restoration to the existing buildings on this site to make a more cohesive and pleasing environment. This area can also include some commercial development but it needs to be located on the other side of Pacific Coast Highway. A new gateway to San Clemente could be formed by a new bridging structure, which would tie the Marblehead development across the roadway to the North Beach site. This Marblehead development could also include a new hotel destination for out-of-town visitors as a real revitalization element. All of this is possible if we remember lessons from our past. We need to continue to actively pursue a new and clear vision and carefully develop an appropriately scaled master plan design for this unique public site created for us, and by us, the people of San Clemente. To submit a letter to the editor for possible inclusion in the paper, email us at or send it to 34932 Calle del Sol, Suite B, Capistrano Beach, CA 92624. San Clemente Times reserves the right to edit reader-submitted letters for length and is not responsible for the claims made or the information written by the writers. Please limit your letters to 350 words. Because of the increased number of letters to the editor, the SC Times is unable to include every submission in our print edition. We will be posting additional letters to our website at



SC S a n C le m e n te

The List

A day-by-day guide to what’s happening in and around town this week. Compiled by Tawnee Prazak


History of Southern California Transportation 7 p.m. Casa Romantica presents a special presentation with author and professor William Myers, who will speak on the industrial revolution of the 1800s and its impact on California’s transportation system. Adults $7, members $6, students and kids free. 415 Avenida Granada, San Clemente, 949.498.2139,


Cinco de Mayo Cruise & Bachelor Auction 5:30 p.m. Dinner, dancing, a bachelor auction with firemen up for bid, and special guests the OC Housewives on Pacific Avalon Yacht Cruises to raise money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Tickets $75 pre-paid, $85 door. 2901 W. Cost Hwy., Newport Beach, Nathan & Friends 9 p.m. Back-porch blues at BeachFire. No cover. 204 Avenida Del Mar, San Clemente, 949.366.3232,


SCHS Dance Spring Concert 7 p.m. The San Clemente High School Dance Program presents its Spring Concert, titled Esprit de Corps, in the school gym for two nights May 6-7. Tickets $12 adult, $10 student, children. 700 Avenida Pico, San Clemente, 949.492.4165,


Cinco de Mayo Concert 6 p.m.-10 p.m. Festive concert featuring Soul Sacrifice at Shorecliffs Golf Course. 501 Ave. Vaquero, San Clemente, 949.492.1177. Kay Das Steel Guitar Concert 8 p.m.-10 p.m. Free concert at Hulaville. 2720 Camino Capistrano, San Clemente, 949.369.1905, Denny White 7 p.m.–11 p.m. Live music at The Cellar. 156 Avenida Del Mar, San Clemente, 949.492.3663, San Clemente Times May 5–11, 2011


21st Annual Fiesta Cinco De Mayo

Enjoy the best of Mexican music and dancing at the city’s annual fiesta commemorating Mexico’s victory over the French at the Battle of Puebla in 1862. San Clemente’s Beaches, Parks and Recreation Department presents its 21st Annual Fiesta Cinco De Mayo, Saturday, May 7, which boasts six hours of on-stage talent at Max Berg Park Plaza located at 1100 Calle Puente. The event, sponsored by Got Milk? and Toma Leche, is scheduled from noon to 6 p.m. It is free and open to the public. Food, including free milk, chocolate milk and milk-based treats such as “paletas” or popsicles, will be available. Performers include Mariachi Zacatecas, dancers Ballet Folklorico, band Los Fabulocos with Kid Ramos, Grupo Eros and Grupo Dilema. The fiesta’s headliners, Los Fabulocos with Kid Ramos, tout themselves as veterans Los Fabulocos will headline the 21st Annual of Southern California’s Chicano music scene. Hailing from the Mexican states of Fiesta Cinco de Mayo Saturday. Courtesy photo Zacatecas, Jalisco and Michoacan, band members of the 36-year-old Mariachis Zacatecas have shared their unique brand of music to audiences at the Orange County Fair and Anaheim Stadium. Ballet Folklorico offers a new generation of Mexican-Americans embracing their south-of-the-border heritage. Grupo Eros ties in traditional cumbia music with their contemporary sound. The day’s set ends with San Clemente band Grupo Dilema who infuse their tunes with the familiar rhythms of ranchero and salsa. For more information, contact the city at 949.361.8264.

Tyrone Wells 8 p.m. Concert at The Coach House with the soulful artist, also featuring Joe Brooks and Elina Wells. Tickets $15. 33157 Camino Capistrano, San Juan Capistrano, 949.496.8930, New Arrivals Wine Tasting 5:30 p.m.-9 p.m. San Clemente Wine Company introduces new wines. $15 for seven wines. 212 1/2 Avenida Del Mar, San Clemente, 949.429.7067, Aloha Friday 9 p.m. Live music at BeachFire; dress “island style” for specials. No cover. 204 Avenida Del Mar, San Clemente, 949.366.3232,


Horse Racing and Hat Contest 7:30 a.m. OC Tavern has great horse racing and wagering all day with live from Churchill Downs the Kentucky Derby, a hat contest and $7 Mint Juleps. 2369 S. El Camino Real, San Clemente, 949.542.8877,


SC Mayor’s Walk: Celebrate Del Mar 9:30 a.m. The public is invited to join Mayor Lori Donchak for a walk in downtown San Clemente starting at the Community Center and heading up Del Mar, with the SCHS band playing music and local businesses offering special refreshments and more. 100 N. Calle Seville, San Clemente, 949.361.8254,

Xeriscaping/Drought Tolerant Landscape Design 1 p.m. The Ecology Center presents a D.I.Y. workshop on replacing water thirsty landscape with water-wise plants. $25 + $5 materials fee. 32701 Alipaz St., San Juan Capistrano, 949.4424223, Major F and Dealio 8 p.m. The young rock/funk back from San Clemente in concert at The Coach House. Tickets $10. 33157 Camino Capistrano, San Juan Capistrano, 949.496.8930,


Mother’s Day Champagne Breakfast Cruise 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Dana Wharf invites moms and families to sail up to Laguna Beach while enjoying a champagne breakfast. Cost $39 each. 34675 Golden Lantern, Dana Point, 949.496.5794,


Irons’ Mother’s Day Brunch 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Irons in the Fire has a buffet brunch complete with food, mimosas, ocean views and more. Adults $29.95, kids 12 and under $12.95. 150 E. Avenida Magdalena, San Clemente, 949.542.3900, Adam Corolla Live Podcast 5 p.m. The stand-up comedian who now has a hit podcast does a special live comedy show at the Irvine Improv Tickets $28. 71 Fortune Road #841, Irvine, 949.854.5455,

Mother’s Day Boutique 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Shopping and entertainment at the Bright Horizons / Early Explorations Parking Lot featuring clothing, jewelry, art, food and eco-friendly products. Proceeds benefit the Maddie James Foundation. 2015 Calle Frontera, San Clemente, 949.874.6710,

Mother’s Day Brunch Sail and Afternoon Sail 10 a.m.-1 p.m.; 2 p.m.-4:30 p.m. The Ocean Institute celebrates with a 10 a.m. brunch onboard the Spirit of Dana Point (adults $45, kids $30) and a 2 p.m. afternoon sail (adults $38.50, kids $21.50). 24200 Dana Point Harbor Drive, Dana Point, 949.496.2274,

Sounds of America: SC Choral Society Spring Concert 2 p.m. & 7 p.m. The San Clemente Choral Society presents a concert at St. Andrew’s bythe-Sea Church, featuring an opportunity drawing. Tickets $12; presale and seniors $10; kids $5. 2001 Calle Frontera, San Clemente, 949.361.8463,

San Clemente Farmers Market 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Every Sunday along Avenida Del Mar. Rain or shine.

Tomorrow’s Artists Today 11 a.m.-4 p.m. The 8th Annual San Clemente Student Art Exhibition at Casa Romantica featuring art work of students. On display through June 5. Admission $5. 415 Avenida Granada, San Clemente, 949.498.2139, Page 16

Funniest Housewives of Orange County 6 p.m. Stand-up comedy show for Mother’s Day at The Coach House. Tickets $20. 33157 Camino Capistrano, San Juan Capistrano, 949.496.8930, (Cont. on page 25) THIS WEEK’S WEATHER 5.05 Mostly Sunny H: 79° L: 55° 5.06 Sunny H: 74° L: 55° 5.07 Sunny H: 68° L: 54°

5.08 Partly Cloudy H: 64° L: 53° 5.09 Partly Cloudy H: 62° L: 52° 5.10 Sunny H: 68° L: 52° 5.11 Sunny H: 70° L: 53°




to Say I Love You, Mom! Birthstone Claddagh Pendant Made in Ireland $75 Irish Eyes 949.498.3003,

One Hour Deep Tissue, Swedish, Sports, or Prenatal massage

$75 Special 5 Elements Day Spa 949.361.0505,

Mother’s Day Combo’s 3 Items $40* The Warehouse 216 Los Molinos, 949.388.2159 *some product exclusion

Mother’s Day Mimosa’s

$7 Café Mimosa 243 Ave. Del Mar, 949.481.6780

4 weeks of Boot Camp $99 (3x/week, 1 hour sessions) CPN CODE: MOM

Code Pink Boot Camp 949.702.7548,

Brighton Accessories

$25 - $150 Rascal’s Ladies 949.492.4621,

Mother’s Day Combo’s 3 Items $40* The Warehouse 216 Los Molinos, 949.388.2159 *some product exclusion

Laurel Burch Tee’s Limited edition

$35 (50% off exp. 5/22) F.I.T.S & Fashion 949.498.6498

Fresh Flowers $50 Flowers & Friends 949.366.9150,

Beach Basket

$22 Ritual 949.366.0065,

Gold Plated Caliper Stand with Rose Quart Freeform

$65 Design By Nature 400 S. El Camino Real,

Mommy & Me Self-Defense Introductory Program

$49 Guillobel Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu 949.366.2107,

Makana Artisanal Pure Soy Candle

$22 Ritual 949.366.0065,

One Hour Cherry Enzyme Facial & Pomegranate Mask $75 5 Elements Day Spa 949.361.0505,

Mother’s Day Combo’s 3 Items $40* The Warehouse 216 Los Molinos, 949.388.2159 *some product exclusion

Kai Gift Trio $49

Includes: Kai Body Wash, Kai Lotion, and a Kai Candle

Talega Day Spa


3 Pilates Plus and/or TRX & Kettlebell Classes $25 BT FItness 949.276.2706

GETTING OUT (Cont. from page 16)


Buffet with a Flare 6:30 p.m. Interactive Cooking Class at Antonie’s Café with Chef Caroline Cazaumayou featuring recipes, dinner, wine and more. 218 S. Cost $50 each. El Camino Real, San Clemente, 949.492.1763,


SC Times Restaurant Spotlight

Tresca Restaurant 34402 Pacific Coast Highway, Dana Point, 949.661.1100 ext. 550 Best Known For: The Doheny Dip Most Popular Item: Pan-roasted pork chop with apple gastrique

Jazz Lab Concert 7 p.m. Saddleback College presents a jazz ensemble concert with special guest Benn Clatworthy in McKinney Theatre. Tickets $10 general, $7 students/seniors. 28000 Marguerite Pkwy., Mission Viejo, 949.582.4656,

Enjoy award-winning recipes at Dana Point’s Tresca Restaurant, located inside the Double Tree Suites on Pacific Coast Highway. Executive Chef David Maring has been creating savory surprises at the restaurant for five years now, recently bringing home a culinary award for his mouth-watering pan roasted pork chop with apple gastrique. “The unique atmosphere of a smaller hotel affords Maring a rare amount of creative control over his menu,” said Justin Underwood, director of food and beverage. “We can have seasonal changes—even weekly changes. If someone is inspired to make something new, they can.” It’s this creative freedom that makes the menu so special and the relaxing poolside and ocean views that make the ambiance. Whether you’re a guest at the hotel or just dropping by, Tresca is always ready to serve up a delicious meal created just for you.

Comedy Show 9:30 p.m. Comedians get some laughs at Hennessey’s every Monday night. Free. 34111 La Plaza, Dana Point, 949.488.0121, $5 Mondays 5 p.m.-8 p.m. Join SC Wine Company for happy hour featuring three wines for $5, glasses of selected wines for $5 and mugs of beer from $5 & up. 212 1/2 Avenida Del Mar; 949.429;.7067;

Price Range: $5-$28 Reservations: Not necessary Payment: Cash, credit cards Hours: Breakfast 6:30 a.m.-11 a.m., lunch 11 a.m.-2 p.m., dinner 5 p.m.-10 p.m., closed daily from 2 p.m.-5 p.m.

Photo by Pantea Ommi Mohajer

Family Pajama Story Time 7 p.m. Reading event at the Dana Point Library. Wear your PJs. 33841 Niguel Road, Dana Point, 949.496.5517,


San Clemente Friends Of the Library Bookstore Silent Auction 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Books will be displayed in the Library lobby case. Bids taken now through June 5 at the Friends Bookstore only. 242 Avenida Del Mar, San Clemente, 949.276.6342,


Poul Pedersen 6 p.m. Live music at Renaissance. 24701 Del Prado, Dana Point, 949.661.6003, Ben Powell 7 p.m.–11 p.m. Live music at The Cellar. 156 Avenida Del Mar, San Clemente, 949.492.3663,

Go to and under “Getting Out” share your thoughts about this week’s restaurant.

Two-for-One at the Wharf Dana Wharf has half price on all fishing trips, whale watching and other adventures. 34675 Golden Lantern, Dana Point, 949.496.5794,


Kids Storytime at the Casa 10 a.m. Casa Romantica hosts storytime for youngsters ages 3-5; free. 415 Avenida Granada, San Clemente, 949.498.2139,


Midnite 8 p.m. Concert at The Coach House, also with The Badfooters. Tickets $18 advance, $20 day of show. 33157 Camino Capistrano, San Juan Capistrano, 949.496.8930,


Water for Elephants and Movie Goers By Megan Bianco

the charming star performer of the It’s difficult to believe, but sometimes a little thing like casting can turn a whole main act—and wife of the head boss— (Reese Witherspoon) that he soon film into either a work of art or a slight misfire. This adaptation of the popular grows fond of. circus read Water for Elephants has a lot Witherspoon has found plenty of going for it: Beautiful cinematography, success in her career over the last two great costume design, an Oscar winner in decades. With films such as Election (1999), Legally Blonde (2001) and Walk an important role and a impressive turn by a Twilight actor. But what unfortunatethe Line (2005), for which she would ly doesn’t flow is the leading lady cast gain her Oscar win. It’s unfortunate to as the love interest and woman charged think that the actress might be one of with making all the magic appear. the latest victims of the Oscar curse. Set in 1931, we are introduced to a Already, with the underwhelming How young college boy named Jacob (Robert Do You Know? on her shoulders from last Pattinson) who discovers his parents fall, and now a rather miscast role in a were tragically killed and sets off on the popular adaptation, it seems like a poor road to nowhere. But instead of nowhere, Robert Pattinson and Reese Witherspoon in Water for career move for Miss Reese at the mohe lands on a train that happens to be the Elephants. © Twentieth Century Fox Film Corp. ment. Part of the problem with playing most active and fastest growing circus in the country. There, Pattison’s potential love interest in Elephants, is the fact that he begins a new life taking care of the animals of the circus. the age difference seems too obvious. Pattison does a fine While new and exciting, the circus environment isn’t an easy job, but Witherspoon comes across as out of place against one to break into with workers and performers being a tough both him and Waltz. Elephants isn’t a great film, but an example of one that could have been. SC crowd, a hot-headed circus owner (Christoph Waltz) and San Clemente Times May 5–11, 2011

By Pantea Ommi Mohajer

Page 25

Vietnam Memorial Wall 3 p.m.-5 p.m. Welcoming parade to honor The American Veterans Traveling Tribute Vietnam Memorial Wall that will be at Sea Terrace Park through May 16. Opening Ceremonies are at 12 p.m. on May 12. 33501 Niguel Road, Dana Point, 949.487.5288 or 949.275.3142, Vine Wine Tasting & Food Pairing 7 p.m.–8 p.m. Educational wine tasting at Vine featuring four wines paired with food; $40 per person. 211 N. El Camino Real, San Clemente, 949.361.9376, Elihu 7 p.m.–11 p.m. Live music at The Cellar. 156 Avenida Del Mar, San Clemente, 949.492.3663, Dupp Brothers 8 p.m. Live “hippy hillbilly” music at The Rib Joint. 34294 Pacific Coast Hwy., Dana Point, 949.661.9500. Comedy Night 9:30 p.m. Get some laughs at Molly Bloom’s Irish Bar & Restaurant. 2391 S. El Camino Real, San Clemente, 949.218.0120, Dan Lefler 7 p.m.-11 p.m. Renaissance. 24701 Del Prado, Dana Point, 949.661.6003, Jared from Knockout 9 p.m. Live music at BeachFire. No cover. 204 Avenida Del Mar, San Clemente, 949.366.3232,

UPCOMING: THURSDAY, MAY 12 Music of the World: Duende Flamenco! 7 p.m. Casa Romantica presents Duende Flamenco performing the traditional dance and music of Spain. $20, Members $15, Students $10. 415 Avenida Granada, San Clemente, 949.498.2139, *For our full calendar, visit the “Event Calendar” at Have an event? Send your listing to




SC S a n C le m e n te

SUDOKU by Myles Mellor Each Sudoku puzzle consists of a 9X9 grid that has been subdivided into nine smaller grids of 3X3 squares. To solve the puzzle, each row, column and box must contain each of the numbers 1 to 9. Puzzles come in three grades: easy, medium and difficult. Level: Medium Last week’s solution:

SOLUTION SOLUTION SOLUTION SOLUTION See today’s solution in next week’s issue.

Educational Foundation Toasts Five at Annual Luau Event raises thousands for school programs at San Clemente High By Stacie N. Galang San Clemente Times


father of five. A couple with endless generosity. A couple with vision. These are the people the San Clemente Educational Foundation will fete at their annual Sunset Luau, June 4, at an oceanfront home near the former western White House. The nonprofit will honor Tom Foley, a father of five who passed away after last year’s luau, Brad and Wendy Rambo, whose donations total nearly $36,000 and Rob and Susan Sall, who helped make the foundation what it is. The luau is the charity’s largest fundraiser of the year and brings in about $60,000. Proceeds from the event help the foundation to offer free after-school tutoring, college placement assistance and scholarship application help. The luau, which goes from 5 p.m. to 11 p.m., will feature a traditional luau dinner, entertainment, a silent auction and drawing. The foundation is honoring Foley posthumously for his “significant role in shaping” the organization. The annual luau took place at Foley’s house for the past seven years, and for the past 10 years the Foley residence was the hub for the foundation’s monthly planning meetings. Foley died within days of last year’s luau. “Always thinking of others, Tom Foley waited exactly one week after our 2010 Luau to pass away allowing one last luau to be held on his property,” foundation members wrote about him. Tom Foley and his wife Katharine Foley purchased their home in San Clemente in 1969, after relocating for work. They had five children, Pamela, Susan, Kathleen, Tom, Gary and Jane. Gary graduated from San Clemente High in 1971 and Jane in 1972. Kathleen Sigafoos is currently teaching at San Clemente High and is a founder of SCEF. Jane Freet also teaches in the San Clemente Times May 5–11, 2011

Top: Rob and Susan Sall will be honored at the San Clemente Educational Foundation’s Sunset Luau June 4. Courtesy photo Tom Foley (left) and Brad and Wendy Rambo will also be honored at this year’s luau. Courtesy photos

Capo Unified. Additionally, six of Tom Foley’s grandchildren are San Clemente High graduates. His favorite pastimes were sailing and gardening. “In the time that he was with us, Tom Foley left us with a legacy of positive memories for countless number of people,” foundation members wrote. “Tom Foley has truly made a difference in the lives of the students at SCHS.” Brad and Wendy Rambo are being singled out this year for their longstanding commitment to education in the community. Their foray into education began when their children started school in San

Clemente in 1987. Their oldest, Taylor, graduated from San Clemente High in 2005 and brother Brandon in 2007. Dana will be a member of San Clemente High’s class of 2015. Brad and Wendy Rambo have each held leadership positions in Parent-Teacher Associations, including parliamentarian, vice president of ways and means, vice president of volunteers and president, to name a few. The couple has also generously donated a stay at their Kauai house for the foundation’s drawings, raising more than $36,000 for academic programs at San Clemente High. “Not only do they generously support our schools, they also support community events like the Casa Romantica fundraiser and Someone Cares Soup Kitchen

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in Santa Ana,” foundation members wrote. “We are thankful for the Rambo family’s community involvement and have profound respect for their dedication to education.” Rob and Susan Sall are getting the nod this year for “their constant dedication in providing educational opportunities for students in the Capistrano Unified School District.” The couple moved with their family to San Clemente in 1982. Susan Sall became a parent volunteer at Las Palmas, Concordia, Shorecliff Middle and San Clemente High schools while her two children, Michael and Katie, attended each school. She later continued her involvement in education by serving in various leadership positions in the PTA and PTSA. In addition, Susan Sall served on the School Site Council at San Clemente High and in 1999 helped form the high school’s Academic Booster Club, the precursor to the current San Clemente Educational Foundation. The couple was involved in forming the foundation. She served as a founding director and treasurer of the board for five more years. He volunteered as legal counsel to secure the organization’s nonprofit status. He also organized the foundation’s initial fundraising event and the Benner Cummings Swim Meet, held annually for nearly five years after the foundation was formed. Rob has most recently been assisting Capistrano Unified Children First coalition, dedicated to ensuing the highest quality of education possible for students in the district. “As founding members and concerned parents, their goal has always been to see academic activities supported financially and treated equally with other extra-curricular activities,” foundation members wrote. The cost to attend the luau is $100 per person. Seating is limited to 200. Dress is tropical attire. For more information about the event, visit or email SC


Business Beat


News and updates on San Clemente’s business community

AWARDS AND RECOGNITION u Dr. Marc Taub was recently one of 10 nationally recognized physicians from Orange and Los Angeles counties honored at the Excellence in Health Care Awards hosted by KABC-TV Channel 7 and MemorialCare Health System on March 31 at the Disneyland Hotel. The physicians were applauded for their contributions to clinical excellence, leadership, streamlining patient care, partnering with employees and clinicians to advance care, and innovations in medicine and health care technology. u San Clemente’s Swift Engineering will be among 21 US companies participating in an Aerospace Supplier Trade Mission to Montreal this week. Assistant secretary of commerce for trade promotion and director general of the U.S. and Foreign Commercial Service, Suresh Kumar, will lead the program in aiding domestic firms in securing opportunities in the world’s fifth-largest aerospace market and to help increase cross-border trade with Canada. “Canada and the United States share the world’s largest and most dynamic commercial relationship and US companies on this mission are ready to do business with the latest and most innovative aerospace technologies,” Kumar said.

Hawaii’s LION Coffee, America’s oldest major coffee company founded in 1864, will be expanding on the mainland by opening LION Coffee Cafés in coastal areas up and down California, including San Clemente and Dana Point. The store concept and layout will model the only current mainland LION Coffee Café located in San Diego’s downtown Gaslamp district. LION Coffee Café licensees will provide customers a casual, friendly, upbeat Hawaiian atmosphere and treat customers to the highest quality gourmet coffee. u

When entrepreneurs invest in a coffee license, they will enjoy a wide range of support services to help get their business up and running and on the road to success quickly. For more info, www.lioncoffee. com.

NEW OWNERSHIP u Husband and wife team, Jason and Erin Hayes, have taken over The Next Door, on Camino Los Mares. The duo, who previously owned a business re-doing, high-end custom homes, had never owned a restaurant before. They were actually working on The Next Door building and overheard some grumbling that the restaurant wasn’t taking off. The couple, who already loved the place, explored some of the reasons why and realized that despite the great food, drinks and atmosphere, there was a lack of passion from the current owners who were rarely present. Finally the building owner called the Hayes and informed them that the owners were giving up. “We told him, ‘Please don’t shut the doors,’” Erin Hayes recalled. About two months ago, they owned their very first restaurant. “We’ve already seen sales go up,” Erin said. They’ve incorporated many new events to the weekly schedule, including a DJ every Friday night, a live band every Saturday, a delicious, plated Sunday brunch (also with live music) and many big events, like weddings, booked for their banquet room. “Our chef is amazing; we love him,” said Erin Hayes. “We kept pretty much every employee—we were so lucky to have such great people. We’re so excited—every day is fantastic. My husband and I are creative and social—we love talking to people—so this is exactly what we like to do.” Visit them at 647 Camino de Los Mares, 949.940.8845,

Server, Vanessa Simonelli and nightclub manager, Christopher Morton of The Next Door. Photo by Christina Scannapiego u Vicky Bell took over Hairwaves, a longtime San Clemente beauty salon at 620 Camino de Los Mares, on March 1. Bell has been a professional hairdresser for about 30 years and soon after taking over, she remodeled and instated a beauty supply in front of the store—which was her main intention in taking over. She’s also revamped the previously desolate area outside, which now resembles a secret garden of sorts. Call them at 949.489.7744 or visit

SPECIAL EVENT u The first annual San Clemente Beer Festival, presented by Left Coast Brewing Co. is coming to town on Saturday, June 11 at Left Coast Brewing Co., 1245 Puerta Del Sol in San Clemente from 12 p.m. until 5 p.m. The event will feature microbrews from all over Southern California; homemade food will be provided by various non-profit organizations and a live band will provide entertainment. VIP opening 12 p.m. – 1 p.m. Event open to the public at 1 p.m. until 5 p.m. General admission $25

pre-ordered. $30 at the door. Admission includes 10, 4 oz. microbrew samples. Must be 21 to be admitted. Attendance is limited. Call Left Coast Brewing Co. for tickets and info at 949.218.3967

CELEBRATING AN ANNIVERSARY? u Is your business celebrating a milestone anniversary this year? Let us know. We’re looking for businesses reaching 20 years and more of service in 2011, particularly those hitting milestones, that is, multiples of five. Tell us how your business weathered all sorts of economic cycles. Send contact information to City Editor Stacie N. Galang at

SEND US YOUR BUSINESS NEWS To get business news in this section, send an e-mail to “Business Beat” will include updates and happenings that occurred within six to eight weeks of publication.

Hairwaves staff hard at work. Photo by Christina Scannapiego

San Clemente Times May 5–11, 2011

Page 29

SC Business Directory te Sa n Cl em en

CLASSIFIEDS Submit your classified ad online at

EDUCATION Tutoring Service Learning Unlimited provides tutoring programs to meet the specific needs of each student. Qualified Specialists in Special Education offer a multimedia approach to enhance learned concepts. Contact Judy Freund at 949-547-2171 to book a consultation.

FOR RENT Close to the beach! 1 bedroom upper unit with balcony, washer/dryer, dishwasher. A few miles from the beach! Complex has swimming pools, BBQ area, spa. $1000/per month. (949) 632-8139

SC TIMES CLASSIFIEDS ARE ONLINE! Submit an ad or browse current listings at

GARAGE SALES COMMUNITY GARAGE SALE Saturday, May 7th, 7am to 1pm Casitas de Alipaz, 32221 Alipaz, San Juan Capistrano. Look for the banner on Alipaz St. west of Del Obispo St. Lots of furniture, clothes, toys, electronics, etc. Elks Cares, Elks Shares ATTENTION ALL HOARDERS We need your stuff! The San Clemente Elks Lodge ANNUAL RUMMAGE SALE You may drop off your donations at the lodge, on the patio, Mon-Wed., 3 p.m. to closing through the month of May. For large donations, estates or assistance, please call Margie Stenson anytime 949-3699721 or Elena Nauman, during Elks Lodge office hours 949-492-2068. No worries, you may repurchase your donated items at the RUMMAGE SALE on JUNE 4TH AND 5TH, 7AM-2PM. Neighborhood Garage Sale - Sat., May 7th 7:30am - 1pm. 113 W. Avenida Valencia/So El Camino Real. Tools, furniture, kitchen items, quality clothes, collectibles, Homemade Tamales, & tons of bargains up & down the street! moving sell on Saturday, May 7th at 6am Located at 246 Avendia Granada, San Clemente COMMUNITY GARAGE SALE FORSTER RANCH Saturday May 14th 8:00 am to noon. Go to the very end of Camino De Los Mares to pick up street map of all locations. GARAGE SALE-Saturday, May 7th. 8am til 1pm. Address is 221 W Avenida Cordoba, San Clemente 92672. Between South Ola Vista and Calle Toledo. NELLIE GAIL GARAGE SALE. Saturday, May 7, 8:00 til noon. Legos, Webkinz, yard tools, books, clothing, ball caps, golf clubs, skis, pictures, electric keyboard, tape cassettes, speakers, games, foosball table, boys bike, electric scooters, tapestry, and more! 26571 Stetson Place, Laguna Hills.


HOUSE CLEANING Local House Keeper Reliable, Affordable, Meticulous. EXCELLENT REFERENCES 949-456-2376

REAL ESTATE Selling your house? Have a rental available? Looking for a roommate? SC Times classifieds get results. Submit your ad online today! San Clemente Times May 5–11, 2011


Business Directory SC S an Cl em en te

Obituary Jacqueline Nolan Robertson Former San Clemente resident Jacqueline “Jackie” Nolan Robertson, loving wife and mother, 80, went to be with the Lord on April 23, 2011 after battling Alzheimer’s. Born September 20, 1930 in Los Angeles. Jackie graduated from Immaculate Heart High School in 1948. Attended Mt. Saint Mary’s, graduated from Sawyers Business School of West LA. She remained active with alumnae, friends and classmates. She married John “Jack” Robertson October 29, 1955. They moved to San Clemente, in 1960 and owned/operated “The Wardrobe” on Del Mar for 35 yrs. Jackie was an active volunteer with various San Clemente organizations, a member of Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church. She loved entertaining, camping, tennis and golf. Upon retirement, moved to Palm Desert continuing their active lifestyle. Jackie is survived by three children: Cindy Robertson of Troutdale, OR; Karen Marvin (Stephen) of Rogers, AR; Steve Robertson (Sally) of Norman, OK; seven grandchildren; sister, Sheila Reever; brother, Tom Nolan, and numerous nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by husband, Jack; brother, John Nolan Jackie will be celebrated at St Joseph the Worker Catholic Church, Monday, May 2, in Portland, OR at 10 a.m. Funeral arrangements by Gresham Memorial Chapel.





PLACE YOUR BUSINESS CARD HERE San Clemente Times May 5–11, 2011

Page 31

Locals Only

Business Directory

The only directory featuring San Clemente businesses exclusively ACCOUNTANTS

Cheese Shop

Financial Advisor

Craig Workinger CPA’s Inc 949.218.3224 The Cellar 949.492.3663 629 Camino de Los Mares #307 156 Ave. Del Mar,


Air conditioning All Season Air 949.579.0741, Oasis Heating & Air 949.420.1321 31648 Rancho Viejo Rd. Ste. A,

Appliances South Coast Furniture & Mattress 949.492.5589 109 Calle de los Molinos,

Appliances Services & Repairs ASAP Appliance Service 949.361.7713 3200 Legendario,

ART GALLERIES San Clemente Art Association 949.492.7175 100 N. Calle Seville,

Attorneys The Gibbs Law Firm, APC 949.492.3350 110 E Avenida Palizada, Ste. 201,

Auto Wrecking


Dr. R. Tyler Johnson DC, Chiropractic Center 1502 N. El Camino Real, 949.498.6440

Commercial Real Estate Doug Echelberger First Team Real Estate 949.498.7711 407 W. El Camino Real,

COMMERCIAL/TENANT IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR Garrison Property Services, Inc. Lic. # B609809,

Landscape Lighting

Costa Verde Landscape Timothy C. Metcalf, Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC 949.862.1250 License#: 744797 (C-8 & C-27)




Designer’s Magic Flooring 949.496.1926 Mostly Mantels 638 Camino de los Mares, Ste. G -105, 114 Calle de Los Molinos, Ste. C,


South Coast Furniture & Mattress 949.492.5589 109 Calle de los Molinos,

GRAPHIC DESIGN Images/Creative Solutions 949.366.2488 2927 Via San Gorgoinio, Ste. 100,


Kreative Hair Design 949.498.6245 San Clemente Computer & Network Services 173 Avenida Serra 949.276.1581 Sano Computers 949.492.2179 Heating 949.579.0741 Solution Tek-nologies 949.400.0080 All Season Air, San Clemente, Oasis Heating & Air 949.420.1321 CONCRETE 31648 Rancho Viejo Rd. Ste. A, Costa Verde Landscape License#: 744797 (C-8 & C-27)



Home Décor


Massage Therapy Body Therapy/Healing 949.683.2033 San Clemente, C’Siren Day Spa 949.498.7700 312 Avenida De La Estrella

MATTRESSES South Coast Furniture & Mattress 949.492.5589 109 Calle de los Molinos,

MOLD REMOVAL Jarvis Restoration -24/7 949.362.5388 1393 Calle Avanzado,

MOTORCYLE PARTS & SERVICE SC Rider Supply 949.388.0521 520 S. El Camino Real,

South Coast Furniture & Mattress 949.492.5589 MUSIC LESSONS 109 Calle de los Molinos, Danman’s Music School 949.242.4431 CONTRACTORS - GENERAL B Construction 949.481.8444 Leslie Lowe - Guitar, Bass & Drums 949.292.5019 BABY & CHILDREN’S GEAR HOME IMPROVEMENT 1046 Calle Recodo, Ste. I, Custom Carpentry, Concrete Framing & Finish OC Tykes 949.429.1714 The Cooper Company General Contractor Janet Poth - Violin & Viola 949.922.6388 License #B 638754, 949.361.2538 Ike Soffes 949.363.3087 413 Calle Pueblo, 201 N. El Camino Real, Bankruptcy Attorneys Dunham Construction, Inc. 949.492.7100 HOME LOANS OFFICE FURNITURE License #450880, Coldwell Banker Home Loans - 949.307.7982 The Gibbs Law Firm, APC 949.492.3350 South Coast Furniture & Mattress 949.492.5589 Hutton Construction 949.492.2808 nmls#261832. Tom Fashing, Mortgage Advisor, 110 E Avenida Palizada, Ste. 201, 109 Calle de los Molinos,

San Clemente Auto Wrecking & Repair Shop 1520 Avenida de la Estrella, Ste. B, 949.492.6121

Beauty Supply

Del Mar Beauty Supply 150 Avenida Del Mar, Ste D,

Blinds San Clemente Window Fashions

BOOKS Village Book Exchange 99 Avenida Serra



Mary Kay Cosmetics

HOUSE SITTING 949.248.2868


Curbside Pet & House Sitting 949.369.5074 San Clemente,

San Clemente Optometry, David J. Nota, OD 224 Avenida Del Mar, 949.492.2029 Dentists INTERIOR DECORATING & REDESIGN Seaside Eyecare 949.493.2269 Eric Johnson, D.D.S. 949.493.9311 The Home & Garden Stylist/ 949.218.8022 638 Camino De Los Mares, #A120, 949.498.9515 647 Camino de los Mares, Ste. 209, Vignettes of Refinement San Clemente, Ronald Trosper, DDS 949.492.7140 PAINTING Rooms With A View - One-Day Makeover 145 Ave Del Mar, Using Existing Furnishings 949.492.8566 KC Painting & Decorating 949.388.6829 949.492.1114 DRYWALL/DRYWALL REPAIR

BUSINESS COMPUTER SERVICE, REPAIR OC - IT 949.488.0029 970 Calle Negocio,


Call Jeff

Anaheim Carpet & Flooring 949.366.6564 1046 Calle Recodo, Ste. I,

Arcadia Electric 949.361.1045 INTERIOR MAKEOVERS Casa Verde Homes Gallagher Electric 949.412.6602 P.O. Box 986,

Catering Carbonara Trattoria 949.366.1040 111 Avenida Del Mar, #B,



Colony Termite Control 949.361.2500 1402 Calle Alcazar, Environment 1st Exterminating, Inc. 949.218.1111 JewelerS 2340 S. El Camino Real, #13, Paradise Jewelers 949.361.4367 949.874.2540 808 N. El Camino Real,

Estate Planning, Probate, Trust

Lange & Minnott 1401 N. El Camino Real, Ste. 109

Periodontics & Dental Implants


Norma Mardian Interior Design 949.492.6271 Dr. Alice P. Moran, DMD 949.361.4867 (GUMS) 1001 Avenida Pico, Ste. K,


Designer’s Magic Flooring 949.496.1926 638 Camino de los Mares, Ste. G-105, Entertainment DJ Services Shaw’s Carpets 949.492.8070 135 Avenida Victoria




EXTERMINATING Environment 1st Exterminating, Inc. 949.218.1111 2340 S. El Camino Real, #13,



Pet Grooming

VIP Pet Spa 949.492.7473 949.361.9656 810 S. El Camino Real,

Costa Verde Landscape License#: 744797 (C-8 & C-27) Greenscapes Landscape & Design 949.366.6564 1046 Calle Recodo, Ste. I, Living Gardens Landscape Design 949.218.7459

Pet SITTING Curbside Pet & House Sitting 949.369.5074 San Clemente, PAWS-itively Pet Care 949.683.2033 San Clemente

Locals Only

Business Directory

The only directory featuring San Clemente businesses exclusively PET SUPPLIES


Pet Treasures 949.493.7297 653 Camino de los Mares, Suite 100,

PHARMACIES Sea View Pharmacy 949.496.0123 665 Camino De Los Mares #101,

PHOTOGRAPHY Memories Of Me Photos


PIZZA Izza Neapolitan Pizzeria 949.248.4925 376 Camino de Estrella,

PLUMBING A to Z Leak Detection 949.499.4464 1218 Puerta del Sol, Bill Metzger Plumbing 949.492.3558 1218 Puerta del Sol, 949.496.9731 Chick’s Plumbing Mission Plumbing & Heating 949.492.4303 1100 S. El Camino Real, San Clemente Plumbing 949.366.2691 647 Camino de los Mares, Ste. 108,


Tiphanie Litalien is a Board Certified Licensed Esthetician. Your biggest organ is your skin and just like our heart we need to prevent and treat the skin for optimal health. Tiphanie continues her education @ “International Dermal Institute.” Her mission is an affordable solution to healthy skin. 1502 N El Camino Real, 949.370.1852 Your business here! Sign up to be featured as our monthly Locals Only Business Spotlight for $100!

Remodel Casa Verde Homes 949.212.5800 License # B 906391, Designer’s Magic Flooring 949.496.1926 638 Camino de los Mare, Ste. G-105,



Salon Bamboo 949.361.3348 150 Avenida Del Mar, Ste. A, Salon Bleu 949.366.2060 PRINTING 207 S. El Camino Real, 949.429.5802 Printing OC 949.388.4888 Sanctuary Salon & Spa 1041 Avenida Pico, Ste. B, 27134 Paseo Espada #B 203,

Manny Tau, Psy.D., PSY14892 800.865.0367 300 S. El Camino Real, Ste. 218,

Real Estate Altera Real Estate - “Sandy & Rich” 949.293.3236 Antonio Fiorello, Forté Realty Group 949.842.3631 San Clemente, Casa Verde Homes - Simon Wilson 949.212.5800 Doug Echelberger First Team Real Estate 407 W. El Camino Real, 949.498.7711 Marcie George - Star Real Estate South County 949.690.5410 Prue Putnins- Regency Real Estate 949.366.1984, Steve Smith 949.632.8139 Olympian Altera DCP, Tarbell Realtors - The Metcalfs 949.533.5999 1001 Avenida Pico,

Real Estate Attorneys The Gibbs Law Firm, APC 949.492.3350 110 E Avenida Palizada, Ste. 201,

Study with Stacy


Vacuums Nic’s Vacuum & Small Appliance 949.492.4747 216 Ave. Del Mar,

SCREENS Sure-Fit Screens


SECONDHAND THRIFT SHOP South Coast Furniture & Mattress 949.492.5589 109 Calle de los Molinos,

SKINCARE A Beautiful You Skin Care 949.370.1852 1502 N. El Camino Real,

SURF CAMPS Aloha Beach Camp 949.481.7222 647 Camino de los Mares,

Surf Lessons Aloha Beach Camp 949.481.7222 647 Camino de los Mares,

SURF SCHOOLS San Clemente Surf School 949.334.7649

TERMITES Colony Termite Control 949.361.2500 1402 Calle Alcazar,

The Cellar 949.492.3663 156 Ave. Del Mar,

Wine Shop & Wine Tasting San Clemente Wine Company 949.429.7076 212 ½ Avenida Del Mar,

VETERINARIANS Pacific Coast Veterinary Hospital 949.429.1555 1242 Puerta Del Sol,

WEBSITE DESIGN San Clemente Website Design 949.246.8345



Wine Bar



San Clemente Preschool 949.498.1025 163 Avenida Victoria,



WINDOW CLEANING Bayside Window Cleaning 949.290.8230 Greg’z Pristine Window Cleaning & 949.294.7852 X-Mas Light Installation

Yorba Linda Tile & Marble, Inc. 949.276.5752 Designer’s Magic Flooring 949.496.1926 714.757.3490 638 Camino de los Mare, Ste. G-105, Troubled Teens San Clemente Window Fashions 949.498.9515 Pacific Quest 949.940.6068,

Café Calypso 949.366.9386 Jarvis Restoration -24/7 949.362.5388 114 Avenida Del Mar #4 1393 Calle Avanzado, Carbonara Trattoria 949.366.1040 111 Avenida Del Mar, #B, Water Wise Irrigation The Cellar 949.492.3663 949.361.9656 Costa Verde Landscape 156 Ave. Del Mar, License#: 744797 (C-8 & C-27) ROOFING CONTRACTORS

Radiant Pool & Spa Service 949.290.5616 SC Pool Techs 949.235.1261 Jim Thomas Roofing 162 Calle de Industrias


Environment 1st Exterminating, Inc. 949.218.1111 2340 S. El Camino Real, #13, The Termite Guy -Termite & Pest Control 106 W. Canada Ave., 949.940.1010

LIST YOUR BUSINESS IN “LOCALS ONLY” This go-to reference tool keeps your business in front of potential customers 24/7. Get your business listed today.

Call Angela Edwards at 949.682.1667 or e-mail







Tritons vs. Dolphins San Clemente High May 5, 6 p.m.

3rd Annual San Clemente Trail Run/Walk May 7, 6:30 a.m.

The boys in black and red storm the court at Dana Hills to finish regular season play against its cross-town rival.

Participate in a 5k or 10k run/walk on the San Clemente city trails starting at the end of Camino Del Rio; raises money for local charities. Cost $35 to $40, includes goodie bag and T-shirt. Info: www.


S a n C le m e n te

Triton Report

By David Zimmerle

BASEBALL • The Tritons (0-8 SCL, 12-

12) hit another skid in South Coast League play losing two straight games to Tesoro High. San Clemente suffered a 2-1 defeat at the hands of the Titans on April 27 followed by a 6-4 loss to Tesoro on April 29. In the first game, both teams were tied 1-1 in the bottom of the second inning before the Titans rallied for a game-winning run in the bottom of the seventh. In the second meeting with the Titans, San Clemente got off to a rocky start giving up five runs in the top of the first inning. From there on out the team had to play catch up to try and pull off this win. Despite trailing 5-4 in the bottom of the fourth inning, the comeback victory was out of reach when Tesoro chalked up one more run in the top of the sixth inning as the Tritons were also held scoreless after exploding for three runs in the fourth. Trevor Sealy, Christian Knauer and Dan Caresio each finished with an RBI with Knauer going yard for a San Clemente home run. Mike Erb, Ryan Erb, Knauer and Maples also finished with a run scored each. Adam Anawalt and Justin Cheatham each split time on the mound giving up a combined eight hits and five earned runs. However, San Clemente finally got its offense moving with an 8-1 win against Canyon of Anaheim on April 30. The Tritons posted all eight of its runs in the top of the second inning and held its opponent in check with a single run scored in the bottom of the third. Trevor Sealy went a perfect 3-for-3 at the plate with a run scored as well. Chase Alward, Neko Tortarolo, Ryan Erb, Knauer, Riddle, Maples and Jake Jessup each had one run scored apiece. Kyle Katsandris pitched through six full innings giving up one run off two hits. San Clemente next faced El Toro in San Clemente Times May 5–11, 2011



CIF Playoffs San Clemente High May 7, 11:30 a.m.

Wolverines vs. Tritons San Clemente High May 9, 3:30 p.m.

Cougars vs. Tritons San Clemente High May 10, 3:15 p.m.

San Clemente High is the site for Division I playoffs as teams will be playing at 11:30 a.m., 2 p.m., 4:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. Info:

With the playoffs right around the corner, the Lady Tritons look to stave off Aliso Niguel in a key South Coast League game.

The Tritons have their sights set on an upset as the regular season winds down, and the boys face Capo Valley. Info:


league play on Wednesday, May 4. Next 7 days: May 6 at *El Toro, 3:15 p.m.; May 7 at El Modena/OC Tourney, 11 a.m.; May 10 vs. *Capo Valley, 3:15 p.m.; May 12 at *Capo Valley, 3:15 p.m.

the regular season behind No. 3 seeded El Toro (SCL champion). Next 7 days: N/A

GIRLS LACROSSE • The Lady Tritons

SOFTBALL • After a big 4-3 win against

Aliso Niguel on April 26, the Lady Tritons (3-1 SCL, 13-9-1) suffered a 9-1 loss to Mission Viejo on April 28. San Clemente got its lone run of the game off a solo shot over the fence by Kailey McCasland in the first inning of this non-league contest. Dani Weatherholt also posted a double in the fi fth inning with Summer Secrest taking the loss from the circle. The girls went on to face San Juan Hills on the road Tuesday, May 3 before heading home to face Dana Hills on Thursday, May 5. Next 7 days: May 9 vs. *Aliso Niguel, 3:30 p.m.; May 11 vs. *Capo Valley, 3:30 p.m.

BOYS LACROSSE • The Tritons (7-2


SCL, 12-4) capped the regular season with two big wins–the first a 12-6 drubbing of Mission Viejo on April 26 followed by a 10-8 victory on the road against Dana Hills on April 28. Leading the scoring versus the Diablos was Max Satossky with three goals and an assist. Bennett Jonas and Aaron Self each added two goals and an assist. Peyton Garrett had three assists, Chris Kazimi had a goal and an a assist while Robbie Burns, Jonathan Kassity, Kevin Ivie and Lucas Anderson had a goal each. Camen Piho had six ground balls, six clears and four takeaways. Against Dana Hills, Kassity led the Tritons with one goal and six assists, while Garrett scored five goals and Burns added a goal and three assists. Satossky and Ivie scored a goal apiece, while Piho and Justin McCarty each had one assist. Goalie Ian Jamieson had 10 saves, while Piho led the team with five ground balls. Following a first round bye, the No. 4 seeded Tritons now prep to face the winner of No. 12 Newport Harbor versus No. 5 Corona del Mar in the second round of playoffs at San Clemente High on Thursday, May 5 at 7 p.m. The Tritons closed

(2-6 SCL, 3-8) split its final two games of the regular season losing 9-4 to Mission Viejo on April 26 but rolling past Dana Hills in a 12-3 win on April 29. No. 8 seeded San Clemente next faced No. 1 seeded Capo Valley on the road in the first round of the Division II playoffs on Wednesday, May 4. Next 7 days: N/A


a 3-1 victory against Tesoro on April 28, the Tritons (5-1 SCL, 22-5) competed at the Redondo Classic April 29-30 claiming six straight wins before losing 2-0 to Mira Costa in the championship. The Tritons went on to face Mission Viejo on Tuesday, May 3 followed by a meeting with Dana Hills on Thursday, May 5 to wrap the regular season. Next 7 days: N/A

BOYS AND GIRLS TRACK AND FIELD • Both levels faced Laguna

Hills on April 27. The varsity boys team defeated the Hawks 95.5-41.5, while the girls varsity team also claimed a 100.5-26.5 win against Laguna Hills as well. Next, San Clemente went on to compete in the Sea View League finals on Tuesday, May 3. Next 7 days: N/A

BOYS AND GIRLS SWIMMING • After both levels competed against Capo Valley on April 26, the girls varsity team went on to swim in the SCL Prelims at Capo Valley on Tuesday, May 3 with the boys varsity team swimming in the SCL Prelims in Cougar country on Wednesday, May 4. Next 7 days: May 6 at SCL Finals (boys and girls) at Capo Valley, 1 p.m. BOYS GOLF • Following a 187-195 loss

to Aliso Niguel on April 26, the Tritons (2-6 SCL, 2-11) bounced back and beat the Wolverines 191-193 on April 28. In the earlier loss to Aliso, Kevin Allen medaled on the round with a 2-under 33, finishing with a birdie and an eagle. San Clemente moved on to compete in the South Coast League Finals at Pala Mesa May 2-3. Next 7 days: May 10 at CIF SCL Team Divisionals at Talega, 7:30 a.m.; May 12 at CIF Team Finals at Mission Lakes CC, 8 a.m.

BOYS TENNIS • After competing at the Ojai Tournament April 28-30, the Tritons went on to face a bevy of opponents at the South Coast League Prelims/Finals May 4-5 at the El Niguel Racquet Club. Next 7 days: N/A

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SCHS team rider Sandro Viola goes for a massive kick flip at the OCSL contest. Photo courtesy of Ian Lautsch

SKATEBOARDING • Several local

skateboarders dominated the ranks at an OC Skateboarding League contest on Friday, April 22. Bernice Ayer Middle School finished in third place overall as a team with Trenton Schwartz taking first place in the street competition. San Clemente High finished second place overall with its team winners as Kyle Denton took first place in the bowl, with Devyn Flanner and Sandro Viola finishing in second and third place, respectively, in the street competition. Next up, Bernice Ayers, Shorecliffs Middle School and San Clemente High will compete in the league, round-four contest on May 27 at the outdoor Volcom Skatepark in Costa Mesa.



GYMNASTICS Pytel takes fourth place at Region 1 Gymnastics Championships San Clemente gymnast Ally Pytel ended up finishing in fourth place in her age group at the Region 1 Gymnastics Championships on April 15. The event included gymnasts from California, Nevada and Arizona. Pytel concluded the even with a 37.05 overall score including a top score of a 9.5 in the Uneven Bars which was good enough to tie for second place. Pytel is a seventhgrader at Bernice Ayer Middle School who trains 20-plus hours per week for Team OC based in Costa Mesa.

The SC Tritons 12U baseball team is hard at work raising donations for its summer trip to Cooperstown, N.Y. where the team will compete in a large-format tournament and be inducted into the American Youth Baseball Hall of Fame. Courtesy photo

SC Tritons 12U team raising funds for Cooperstown induction The SC Tritons 12U baseball team will be traveling to historic Cooperstown, N.Y.—also home to baseball’s Hall of Fame—this summer to compete in the Cooperstown Dreams Park and American Youth Baseball Hall of Fame Invitational Tournament in August 2011. But to get there they need a little help. They’re working hard to raise funds to help offset the cost to participate in this tournament. The team’s final fundraiser is a golf tournament and banquet slated for Friday, May 6 at the San Juan Hills Golf Club, located at 32120 San Juan Creek Road in San Juan Capistrano. Time is running out but there is still time to register for the tournament. The cost to play is $125 per player or $450 for a foursome. The cost to play includes golf, lunch, dinner and auction. If you are unable to golf, tickets are available for $30 for the banquet and silent auction, and it’s a tax-deductible cause as well. As for the SC Tritons 12U team, the boys will be squaring off against 105 other teams from all over North America, and when it’s all over, win or lose, the team members will be inducted into the American Youth Baseball Hall of Fame. “I am really excited to travel all the way to New York to play in Cooperstown,” SC Tritons team member Sander Lush, 12, said. “Our team has been working really hard to prepare for the tournament, as well as raise money to help pay for the trip. I had fun (a few days ago) asking for donations from businesses on Del Mar street, and everyone was so nice. Thank you to all of the local businesses for your donations to our silent auction.” Teammates include Dylan Ball, Nathan Benge, Spencer Bramwell, Connor Brannon, Sean Carroll, John DeKoeyer, Sander Lush, Johnny Porrello, Ryan Russell, Luke Toper and John Van Dixhorn. The team manager is Jeff Russell and the coaches are Tom Benge and John Van Dixhorn. So get out there and support SC Tritons youth baseball and have some fun in the process playing golf and enjoying an evening with others who value youth sports. For more information on the golf tournament or to offer further donations, contact Stacey Russell at

GOLF Pak tees off for win at recent Junior Event Alex Pak, a fourth-grader at Marblehead Elementary School, ended up winning the Chris Riley Junior Event on April 16 at Balboa Park 9-Hole Golf Course. The win was his third qualifier event out of four. So far, Pak has won two of three events with one remaining in the Junior World Qualifier Series.

Ally Pytel, a seventh-grader at Bernice Ayer Middle School, goes through her routine on the Balance Beam at the Region 1 Gymnastics Championships on April 15. Courtesy photo

motocross LOCAL DIRT BIKE RIDER CRASHES IN MEXICO, DIES FROM INJURIES San Clemente freestyle motocross rider Jeff “Ox” Kargola succumbed to injuries he sustained last Friday during a crash in Baja California while riding in the Rip to the Tip race. He was 27. Kargola was one of 30 riders in the race organized by fellow San Clemente resident Cameron Steele, according to the race’s website. “Words can’t express the emotions I am feeling. I love Jeff like a son and he was riding with all of his best friends he grew up with in San Clemente,” said Cameron Steele on the website. Kargola, also a surfer, was a member of racing’s Metal Mulisha Moto Team. He died in San Felipe on day two of the grueling eight-day, 1400-mile race, which has been run for six years. “Jeff was attended to by medical personnel on site and was transported via helicopter to the San Felipe hospital where he passed away due to his injuries,” a statement posted Friday on Rip to the Tip’s website said. “He passed early this afternoon with his best friends Cameron Steele, Ryan Hagy, Chad Peebles, Ryan Cropley, Rich Niggemann, Mark Moss and Trigger Gumm.” Kargola is survived by his older sister Christi and his younger brother Tanner, according to ESPN. Funeral arrangements were not yet available.

Baldwin sinks hole-in-one shot at SC Muni San Clemente Municipal Golf Course recently had one of its patrons record another hole-in-one shot. Anna Baldwin of San Clemente sunk her first-ever magical shot on the Par 3 No. 2 hole from 108 yards out with her 8-iron. Witnesses to the shot were Ed Baldwin, Grady Ela and Andy Gecht.

San Clemente Times May 5–11, 2011


We want to run your scores, results and announcements in “Scoreboard.” E-mail, fax 949.388.9977, snail mail or drop off the information to us at 34932 Calle del Sol, Capistrano Beach, CA 92624 by each Monday at 5 p.m.

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SC S a n C le m e n te

Grom of the WEEK Cole Houshmand Age: 10, Capistrano Homeschool, CUSD Cole Houshmand has had a great contest season this year. With some big wins in both WSA and NSSA, he has earned top rankings in both. In NSSA Open Mini Groms he scored big wins in October at Camp Pendleton, in April at Oceanside and is currently ranked No. 3. In the WSA Cole took the U12 win at Pismo Beach Pier in November and again at the Rock in Morro Bay in March ending the regular season ranked No. 2. Recently Cole has been preparing for the West Coast Championships in both series. “My goal down the road is to earn a spot on the ASP tour, win a world title and surf professionally for as long as I can,” said Cole. “But, for now, I’m working on improving my surfing. When I practice I set small goals. Photo by Jack McDaniel/ I tell myself ‘for the next however many waves or the next 15 minutes I’m gonna go vertical, or do a big bottom turn’ or whatever. Then I do it until I’m satisfied that it’s better than when I first paddled out that day.” In March Cole surfed the North Shore with a few Volcom teammates and last month took a trip with his dad to Costa Rica. When not surfing, Cole also enjoys playing club soccer, skateboarding and taking electric guitar lessons. Cole is earning great marks in school and says he especially enjoys studying science. —Andrea Swayne

3Gs at 6.0


Dane, Patrick and Tanner Gudauskas reflect on day one of Nike 6.0 Lowers Pro By Andrea Swayne San Clemente Times


s the 2011 Nike 6.0 Lowers Pro got underway May 3, the cobblestones of Lower Trestles felt just like home under the feet of San Clemente’s Dane, Patrick and Tanner Gudauskas—home turf for all three “Gs” who say they are stoked at having the opportunity to compete here together. Results were mixed for the trio as the event began. Day one saw an impressive lineup of some of the world’s best put on quite the show on small but fun 1- to 3-foot waves. Despite the small inconsistent conditions, performances took on a fun and playful quality. Patrick was up first, advancing with a second place, 14.77-point finish behind heat winner Gabriel Medina (BRA) who posted a 15.50 (out of 20). “At first everyone was bummed at the surf forecast. We went expecting the worst but got some really fun rippable surf,” said Patrick. “Everyone was showcasing a full repertoire of maneuvers. It was really fun. Now I’m looking to set a good pace for the rest of the event.” Next up was Tanner who also advanced in second place after earning a 9.0 (out of 10) in the final moments of his heat. “I felt lucky to get that 9.0. I was sitting in fourth with about three minutes left. The high tide really slowed the waves. It took seven minutes to get my first,” said Tanner. “I felt like it was out of my hands. Then a really fun looking left came in. I had priority and just went for it. It put me back in the game.” Dane’s campaign came to an early end against Bobby Martinez (Santa Barbara), Adriano de Souza (BRA) and Shaun CansSan Clemente Times May 5–11, 2011

Tanner Gudauskas’ 9.0 in his first heat earned him a second place finish to advance on in the Nike 6.0 Lowers Pro. Photo by Hilleman

dell (AUS). Martinez took the heat with a two-wave heat total of 16.04 (out of 20), the second highest heat total of the day and the day’s highest wave score—9.37. “I was injured last year and didn’t get to surf here, so I was stoked that ASP gave me a wildcard,” said Dane. “Even though I didn’t advance, I was still happy to be competing with my brothers.” All three agreed that a few highlights of the day were watching fellow San Clemente surfer, wildcard Kolohe Andino upset last year’s runner up, Aussie Chris Davidson to advance and witnessing Martinez’ surfing—a performance they referred to as, “inspired.” The contest continues through May 7. Log on to for full results and heat schedules. SC

SC Times online video show This week see video footage of our Grom of the Week Cole Houshmand—ripping! San Clemente Times BoardShorts is an online collection of short films about surf-related themes. Log on to, and browse our collection of videos.

Surf ForecasT Water temp: 58-62˚F Water visibility and conditions: San Clemente: 14-16’ Fair; Catalina: 15-20’ Fair+ Remarks: Thursday is small scale off a mix of NW windswell minor/easing South-Southwest swell. Surge is light and visibility is generally good, making for fair+ diving conditions. Short range: Size is down in the 1-3’(ankle-waist high) zone on Thursday as small SouthSouthwest swell eases and minor Northwest windswell continues. Top exposures see a few slightly larger peaks around the correct tides. Shape is peaky and conditions are fairly clean. Small South-Southwest swell and minimal Northwest windswell continue on Friday, good for 1-3’(ankle-waist high) surf. Light morning South winds are a possible issue for conditions. Long range: Northwest windswell comes up slightly over the weekend as a small mix of Southwest and South-Southest mixes in. Better exposed breaks are good for 2-3’(knee-waist high) surf through the weekend. Conditions look suspect with Southerly winds likely. Stay tuned to for updates.

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Billabong XXL Big Wave Awards On April 29 at the Grove Theater in Anaheim, the 11th annual Billabong XXL Global Big Wave Awards honored the daring surfers who brave monster waves, and the photographers who capture it. This year more than 1,000 photos and videos were submitted for judging by a 400-member panel made up of surfers, photographers and editors of surf publications and $130,000 in prize money was awarded. Danilo Couto from Brazil took the top prize—$50,000 and a one year lease on a Toyota Tacoma truck—for a giant wave ridden at Jaws in Maui, Hawaii. Hawaii’s Shane Dorian was the winner of the Monster Paddle Award and $15,000 for a record-breaking wave at Jaws with an estimated 57-foot face. He also took home the Monster Tube Award—and another $5,000—for his ride on that same wave. Another Hawaiian, Keala Kennelly captured the Girls Performance of the Year Award, unseating four-time defending champion Maya Gabeira of Brazil. In one of the more emotional moments of the evening, Sion Milosky—the surfer from Kauai who drowned at Maverick’s in March— was presented a posthumous Surfline Best Men’s Performance Award for a series of big wave sessions last year. Milosky’s family accepted the award on his behalf after Ken “Skindog” Collins gave a moving tribute to his late friend. Several XXL Award winners—including Dorian—donated their prize money to the Milosky Family Fund. Log on to www. to see results, the awardwinning waves and highlights from the event.

UPCOMING EVENTS May 3-7: 6.0 Lowers Pro, San Onofre State Beach, Lower Trestles May 3-7: Oakley Pro Junior, San Onofre State Beach, Lower Trestles May 7-8: NSSA Southwest Conference Explorer Event No. 9, San Diego, Pacific Beach Pier May 14-15: WSA Gatorade Hoppy Swarts Memorial West Coast Championship, San Onofre, Church Beach May 18-22: NSSA West Coast Championship, Huntington Beach, Pier

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