s the principal of San Clemente High School, I want you to know how proud our faculty and staff are of you and all of your incredible accomplishments over the past four years. Watching June 4 pass without a commencement ceremony was difficult for all of us, but especially for our seniors and their families. Please know that the Class of 2020 will never be forgotten, as no other class in the history of SCHS has had to endure what you have over the past couple of months. This pandemic may have stolen a major part of your senior year and delayed your graduation, but it cannot and will not steal your future. Your perseverance and grit are beyond compare. As your K-12 educational experience concludes, we can reflect on all the accomplishments that you have achieved as individuals and as a class academically, artistically, and athletically. You did not let our old and tired facilities hold you back from achieving the highest awards. Our drama, dance, band, orchestra and choir may have had to perform in a gym or cafeteria, but you earned national titles, Jay Rays, Macy Awards and Superiors. Our athletes have earned 13 league titles this year alone, and we did not even have the opportunity to complete our spring season.
San Clemente High Principal Chris Carter.
Just imagine what we could have done given the opportunity. You attained high levels of academic achievement, which has earned many of you the opportunity to attend some of the finest colleges, academies and universities our nation has to offer. Others will go on to pursue careers in technology, auto, service, the arts or the military. You have earned these titles, because you never gave up—you always stood firm in the conviction to do what was right while showing compassion and kindness to your fellow classmates. You are an impressive group of individuals. As you look
to the future, new doors open, and as the generation who stood strong in the face of such loss, you will never take anything for granted. You will appreciate what you have, value your relationships, make the most of your opportunities and, as a result, create a great future. Charge forward—boldly towards new endeavors, knowing that you have been empowered by the lessons, relationships and experiences of not only the last four years, but the entirety of your education. Know that you are ready for this change. As the graduating class, you have grown through many changes over the year; some of that change was celebrated and some was met with skepticism. I am confident that you will not only follow your dreams, but engineer, develop and create dreams that we did not even know existed. You are a class that will branch out from San Clemente High School to reach, seize and attain success at the highest levels. It is extremely important to the faculty and staff of San Clemente High School to celebrate your commencements, and we plan to do just that. Although it was not June 4, we will be coming together on July 24 to say your name out loud as you proudly cross the stage in your cap and gown. A celebration that you have earned and one that is so deserved. I look forward to celebrating each and every one of you in July and can’t wait to be back together as the Class of 2020. Remember to stay TritonStrong! Congratulations, Class of 2020.
GRADUATING CLASS OF 2020 ontserrat barca rinity ose Crisostomo cfalle ric dame eila hond adeh asmine icole lfaro rady lway llen ichael ngelo lonso urillo illian ae maral anner anoa migleo lexander ene nawalt Ivan ntonio nderson Corey ohn ngeli aniel Christian rmi o Charlotte ee rmistead anessa rredondo ernando anuel r ola dam homas t ins than homas udet delina arie wtry yu y ahena ulea li abeth allard than Scott aloun lysse aurel an s ennifer ara as o as va Senia arreira aile Irene artow rey endreic astien shley ae ates revor oseph ay ayden Camille a ia olf eeuwsaert li abeth arie egil Sydney Christine elden rey Steven enedict revor ames enge alia eniveve enson aile ynn enumof
rancesca Sophia o a i est ainan Scott ever icholas erric illoups aia athlyn ingham iper ee iolos abriel aron ftie ir anny abil aye ishay Carter y lac race nn arie lair l i in say odino a ayla ynn odo acob Simon oland ic olas oward olduc Sydnie race olinger ohn aymond ost S yler eagan oyd lexandra yn racamonte roo e alea radish renton ichard rail Sunnie ita rawner nelalani iana reshears ac obert rewer liver ames rewer ichard Charles right a e arren rown acie ay rown Chloe lexandria ryant essica uth lair uchan Cindy hi ui ichelle ui aryssa urgos Sophia ugust uric eoni rmel ur e mily icole ur s Crystal oy usacay iley li abeth ut us iley Coleman ames yrd
Cady Scarlett yrd Cabel a achary arnett Cadoff bigail arie Calandra ictor Calderon mily ose Campbell ylee li abeth Campbell aige Campbell elix rancisco Campos yatt awrence Cann aylor oelle Carlone annah eanne Carter aia lise Carter ayleigh obin Cassidy eese enee Castle ana ane Catsimanes aniela Cervantes Citlali Cervantes ere ory Cecile Chambers oseph eoni avid Chan olan yan Chappell esabella Sonia Charley atie eston Chriss nna Christensen Serena sther Chuc manda ynn Cichewic Christopher Cisneros ac son atthew Clar rian Clar e Charles ilson Clifford ailey adison Cobb aloma Caterina rancine Coche nthony ames Cochrun axon ee Cochrun alston ames Colbert Samantha ae Cole Shannon Christine Cole lexa Star Coleman
y ordon Connelly arrison ayne Conte ane oyal Coo atalie Coo e onan enry ndrew Corey essica sther Cornelius achary ames Cox uliana ells Craft li Isaac Crane elinda arie Cratty ulia Star Croft athan aniel Cross uan Carlos Cru amire avin ey Cuevas ryna aley Cunningham reli amile Curiel avin lan Curtner Chloe ail lexandra ahl uist ur e mbrose ambly drina lexis aniel Isabella aria avis Samantha ngeli ue avis n ohlie aige arie ay atalie nn e Collibus ose afael e esus argarita dith e esus ndrew arrett de oeyer ascal dward e a ena arissa lana e una iara yn e arona ordyn a ayla e eer Carissa ane elahoo e ichael revor elano esus ared elgado ianca ntonette e oss Cristobal ena icole oel enney
Cade ewey achary avid i aggio ailey ose ill eagan lise i eco Cambria ynne ing age arding obos ubno Samantha omingue Caiden Stephen onham Sydney oelle onovan ylee icole ore athan eter orsey lexi ragotto Savanna Sunshine rumwright velyn Celeste udley aul enneth u e Serenity ella umler eecher omini ue arie uncan ulia arie rian ye ance rederic ades iam lexander cheverria atthew ichael conomos ri a atricia ffenberger a e c regor lund ryce lexander ric son ay oseph s uivel Caden Schofield vans ose uadalupe uivel atthew Samuel abri ant atthew illiam airon iden ichael allon Carter oyce ann atie yan aris auren eresa arrell Christina arrow utumn race erguson achary yler erguson riana oelle ernande
uc y Caden iegener adison ields la e illiam inney randon Scott ischer ra e rant ish arley landro yler ndrei avid lorea Steven dgar lores ector mar lores obles yler ames olsom enna nn omen o Cyril eolanui lani oster lexi ae rancis icholas iley rancis erald arren reibrun ancy ocelyn rutis mily ose urlotte ristin ynn abriel ac avid aleotti innegan ohn allagher driel Sebastian allardo na orena allardo ope ylan ichael allegos ai oseph allette Sheyla alve ariana Isabella andia a ndrew atric ansel ldo olando arcia le andro obert arcia ngeles ope arcia nnalee ose arcia ulian arcia icardo arcia r yan oseph arcia lla Su anne ardiner rennen ehner arff Salomon atica Sidney Cristina ehret acob avid ellatly van c ill eorge Carson atthew eyer sa dwin ibson ayton ichelle illett aith li abeth ilman acob eed iranda na Celina irard yan ichael lenn dria li abeth olembiews i atima onserrat ome ael ome eonel erdu co ome
elvin ome adeline ome onilla Celina arlene on ale arrett homas on ale addisyn iver order Chelsea ade orec i lexa oelle ormic Clayton ontgomery ott Seth ichael ould Cade ichard ray atthew illiam reene ierce ac son rein e arritty ayes rise lec osh roth than alani rush lexia enndal rus c yns i rodyn Scott rus c yns i race . ryder rian utierre ennifer utierre esus uben utierre ensy utierre oberto ngel utierre uno lexander u man Chase lane ales atherine leanor ammargren Camie ampton ryony ope an s ondon Scott annah elany ane anning Sydney ay anning rysta oelle ansell Steven Spencer ansen yan obert arlow Camryn lexa arrell annah arris organ er eley arris achel aris artnett la e illiam arvey Collin ayton arvey ustin atric atfield or iana o ani eala aumea rendan Scott ayes a ai yan aynes ason endleton efft van obert eidel Clarissa ynn enry Carson regory erlean abriela ernande Isabella ernande ac ueline iliana ernande
aura rleth ernande arline ernande issele ernande Sandoval isel ernande elesfor atthew omney errod rady aniel ic s iley shton ines Connor ichael irou ac Charles irsh Cooper ames ogan ac aymond ogan ennedy ee ogan oshua ames oggatt ellen olf ollibaugh ac elson op ins manda Sylvia opton Christian a ai osea effrey oss yler atthew uefner very ose ughes randon li ah uling Cheyenne ly unter
nadalay ictoria urtado eslie urtado Ca ares ar hilip Iglesias avis aiden Ireland Connor oel Ivanci wenyth eisen acobs Isabelle enine acobsen atelin nn ames athan ay amieson ndrew ee arman Scott Charles arman homas obert ennings licia imene orn la ohansson Scott arren ohnson ubrey ohnston ennedy ones yndi athleen ones oma iSera ones ennett ee orgensen rayton avid oseph a enna icole ac marc y ayden Stuart ahn lga ubov a das Chloe race amp Collin ill arns u e ames arns uca asai yah uth aysen ac ichael eefe athan oseph elleher eila arin ennedy yle avid err Caroline Soo im acob onald luc en a enna oxanne luc en ylee Irene napp enavieve ella oenigshofer oa ichael osco roo e ayne rufal athan olan uhn oxy ay uhn aige nn u an Shiva umar
Isaiah illiam atta yann icole eff aylor eine emons Serena iselle epe ia abriela anet icea mily li abeth ind uist la e ipofs y athan randon o riel olando ope evin ope ome archer onathan osey andon ames osey mily oelle owe roo e auren ucero ylan Christopher ynch sther utaya afouta arch oey ichelle ahl Sophia reitas ains u e ames a shanoff uan miliano aldonado Caedyn ndrew ander Chryssa arie ani as Corinne ulia annen ary eborah anning oland Scott antecon Crew ames anwaring oren o oseph arino oe nn arino Sofia ose ar ue ohn homas artin i i race artin icholas Steven artin ose ntonio artine atthew Christopher asotto icole ichelle assau ianca unho aterna avier gustine ath Sophie athleen atossian Christina eapea augaotega Samantha race auldin assandra oy c aniel elly ynn c onald Cameron ames c erlie atherine lynn c ernan
ulia athleen c eal Caden Chase c ey ennifer edina aegan li abeth ehrens aylie nne e orado aya ichele elendreras Chad illiam enden indsay ichelle ende riana uadalupe endo a Sosa Christopher llen er le eau aniel erritt Caleb awrence ettler achary dward eyler Chani aris ichelena elaney race iller iles aul iller ylan atric ills acob avier iranda Samantha iranda lores Ishaan ashesh ody I a ichard oe olly rin oe iviana ey oiso ario olina ane atherine oran lexis ililuai e aiohilo organ Connor effery orin oe mma ortensen Clayton lexander osher Carla aola ota Cole idan ott ailea ota uni afael urillo rancisco aniel a ar ogan yan au ee ay avarette aron acary elson ndrea ee elson race une elson i aela cClure elson Samuel en amin elson ichelle y guyen malei laine ic le oe ylan onaca evin Sarwar orden Spencer avid ormandin eilani Star ehlert ogan oseph eefe reta iley ldham ulian acob livares onah homas lson auren iley eill aniel than rantes arian rope a ary Sofia rti anessa rti alissa awn sborne ainoa Scott shiro vy sorio nri ue lbert viedo ac ichael age Spencer age yler ames aige iselle aniagua illian S ye aredes Isabella enee aredes ane Christine arry mily irginia atterson Christiana aneta atton oseph edra a race icole el ey artin omas ereira lexander ere Cynthia ere
abriela aige ere enry ere Isabella arie ere onas ain ere Samuel ere oberto ngel ere ivar ailey Camerin er ins acob yle esic a ames arle eters rin Catherine etersen avin oss eterson Chandler eane etri icholas ai etrocelli evin itchell evehouse illyana Summer evy arric man egan ae helan Savannah ale ittman lexa aith ol sher ndrew orter than isher otts verett ale russa abio osef schaidt Salma ulido avid ainoa I ai a uuohau nnalee ayne uigley raydon atric uigley acob rthur uintana uan iego uintero avin homas aab amien Shawn Iabel agas uisa ernanda amire iana aleria amire ome enesis amire ontes eslie amos eidi uliette amos choa lyce aria aumin Colin Scott awson Clementine ila agnolia ay Sophia race eason eese C eda icah ames egalado abrielle arie eilly anielle Chandler einic e reston oseph ex uis ngel eyes smeralda naid eyes oreno shlyn iley ic ard
wyneth ade ingor ernanda enata ios axon est ipley Stephany ivera arold Spencer obertson erla odrigue ohn amers ogel idan oseph ogers Chalice nnemarie ogers shona onea ollins reston ames oo er ustavo esus osales arcello Carlo ossi Shanna ictoria owe Christian ames owland Cole nthony owland mma eghan uby ohn dward udnic i lexandra Savannah ui aime ndres ui uis ribe ui aniela ui aldonado ax obert umph ic olas unge Isabelle rancis Sachse icholas Scott Sage dwin Salgado Samuel illiam Salgado revor Steve Salman ogan yan Stone Sambrano Isabelle ose Sanche reston Scott Sanders marii Sandoval oah ohn San aolo ndrea Santana c insey icole Sattel lanna arie Sayer olby orrest Schiffer rayden Schmit li ah urt Schoenig melia ristin Schundler Caroline iana Schwart en amin idan Schwart man illon awrence Scott Carter ee Sesta a gol Shahravesh atin Shams
orter ames Shanas elaney icole Shanley ana Shany oe ose Sharp ara aith Shaw ichael ean Shea Conner oseph Shea s ames irrum Shetrone yan ohn Siebert eremy Silverman athan ichael Sixtos livia nne S yba aniel ean Smiley Cian unter ayes Smith amon Smith oshua Santos Smith Sophia ate Smith Spencer ac son Smith Snow Colin eid Snyder ac ichael Sorenson Cody andall Sowle ustin ichael Spea man ndrew avid Spillan r yle ames Sro a bigail nne Staffieri adelyn ane Staffieri shley aniece Stafford Ian unter Stanley oli ugene Star abitha Star roo e li abeth States ambria Shuri Stephen resley Shay Stevens bby Stewart estiny aye Stivers Connor osef Stoll athan rant Streuter aiden ichael Studer eina nn Suang a Chanel Sud lan ean Swann Seth ichael Swenson auricio amari ones Shelby enee arnow arrett dward aylor illie nne aylor rew ar er hibault
ylan Connor hibault ichael lon o homas Cole oseph hompson adley yn horsell ac son c indred odd athan oseph olosa obe ichael oney aniela ve ono aboni randon lexis oral ac en ie orres imberly uana orres Caudillo hilip Iselin orticill III yler oah racy Carson rager enevieve ranter mma li abeth rigwell ric echant rinh ane arie ritt ellan ichael uc er axwell arrison umbrello anner oah umlinson aniel rancis uscano recious uliet lloa eau aden lrich icah eef sui achael ee alde aniel alle race endall an ampen essa ose an in le Sophia ryn angell lexa ae ano avid a ue adison aylor ega dgar ela ue manuel eginald ele I osue ele li ah oseph erdery omlinson ariaestela illalobos Clar incent isca afael i caya heodore nthony on itner eoni iam agner Christian Clay allace elaney race allace risten eigh allace Christian laas alters Spencer yle alters ylan atthew ard yla ac en ie elch ulia athryn engier ean llen esterberg Sophie islinn hite ylah iair hitta er Cameron esley ildman ac son hillip ilson ulia Sophia ilson eyton ariah ilson li ah ames inn aige arie inters achary Charles ittreich achel nne ohl riffen rey olfe ivian oy orthington ristan ana ang enna Sohee eam arlee eneva ost ustin yler oung shley armari u arcus nthony an onico abrielle alea eni Cadyn ayne eutenhorst shley unter iome ara eanette obrist ustin Cole ulauf
Genavieve Koenigshofer, San Clemente High Triton of the Year and Student Advisor to the CUSD Board of Trustees.
know this isn’t the year we expected. From the day we entered indergarten up until our final year, people told us with wonder, ow, you’re the Class of 2020!” As we trudged up and down reshman ill, we thought to ourselves, t least we re graduating in . hen we said goodbye to , we began counting the days until graduation, and we told ourselves, will be our year.” Six months later, here we are, separated from the people we care about. e are lonely, scared, and uncertain. e lac a sense of closure, of being able to say goodbye to our teachers, our campus—and the people we’ve known for 13 years, if not our entire lives. e feel robbed of the memories we ve planned to ma e, and the celebrations we ve been told we deserve. ut regardless of how deserving we are, this is the world we live in. e are no longer seniors— we are high school graduates. nd now, we enter a perilous world not as children, but as adults. e are no longer the leaders of tomorrow we are the leaders of today. nd so, to my fellow leaders, I make three requests. e grateful. oo bac on your time with your classmates and remember what brought you oy,
whether that be planning a pep rally, singing in a choir, cheering in the stands at football games, or playing Smash in Mr. Kerr’s room. Value the people that you’ve known for years or the people you ve ust met, the people who support you and who make you laugh. The memories and people you carry in your heart will give you the strength to carry on as an adult. e selfless. ow more than ever, we must ta e the lead as socially responsible citi ens and ma e sacrifices to protect members of the community. In everything you do, always as yourself, m I doing the right thing If not, you need to consider why. ecause I want to isn t a good enough excuse anymore we can no longer pretend to be young and foolish. nd most of all, be formidable. es, C I has knocked us down. But as you’ve already heard countless times, if we can survive this, we can survive anything. So as you enter the real world, ta e this hardship as an opportunity to ma e people remember the Class of —not for the global pandemic, but for the wave of activists, leaders, artists, and innovators that we will be. e, the Class of , are not so easily beaten. So face the present fiercely, and your future with pride. e have nothing but greatness to look forward to.
Tritons To the San Clemente High School Class of 2020, I know this year didn’t end the way that we had all hoped, but as we look back on our high school years, it is important that we don’t allow all the good memories to be forgotten amongst the many obstacles we have faced. Although we have endured many challenges this year, we have remained determined to look at every situation as an opportunity for growth. Looking ahead at our next steps in life, whatever they may be, we must keep this mindset, as we are bound to endure many more obstacles in our lifetime. We cannot control what happens to us, but only how we respond. It is more important now than ever to keep pressing forward no matter how hard life gets. However, there is also value in looking back at all the experiences we have had together. Beginning with Senior Sunrise, our last Homecoming, countless memories under the Friday Night Lights, spirit assemblies, Senior Snow Day, and Winter Formal, our time at San Clemente High School has refined our character and strengthened our relationships with one another. I would encourage you to hold on to the lessons we have learned, hold on to the memories we have made, and never forget that you’ll always be a Triton.
Donning her cap and gown beside the Triton monument, San Clemente High School ASB President Sophie Smith shows off her diploma display. Photo: Courtesy of San Clemente High School
On behalf of the San Clemente Educational Foundation (SCEF) Board of Directors, we would like to congratulate our SCHS graduates for persevering in these trying times and wish them all great success in their future endeavors, whatever they may be. With many of their traditional activities cancelled, it has been a tough year for them. We can relate, because it has been a tough year for SCEF too. Our major annual fundraiser, the Triton Night Dinner Auction, like so much else, had to be cancelled. We rely on the funds raised at this event to support many of our activities in support of academics at SCHS. We are very pleased to announce, however, that SCEF will be able to offer full financial support for all our programs at SCHS next year. We can do thanks to the generous donations from the community members and local businesses listed below. Before Covid-19, our fundraising was proceeding at a record pace. Please join us in thanking (and, in the case of merchants, patronizing) all those listed.
SPECIAL DONORS Ann Worthington Barbara Turnbull Barry & Sandra Silverman Bob & Sandra Burns/Burns Investment Group of Stifel Brad & Teresa Stephenson Brad & Wendy Rambo California Coastal Dermatology/ Dr. Litchfield Dan & Maureen Weidner Dana Innovations David & Audra Giddings David & Natalia Martin David and Peggy Lincoln DeNault’s Ace Hardware/ Tom & Julie DeNault Dennis & Maria Roy Doug & Nina Healy Dr. Eckl Family Dentistry Dr. John & Georgia Redmond Dr. Walt & Amy Baxter Eileen Kawas Farmers and Merchants Bank Garry & Julie Green Greg & Maura Unruh Hege Grand Sarpa & Tom Sarpa Inchel & Michelle Yeam James Keany MD Jeremy & Jessica Conrad Jim & Julie Weidner Jim & Kathleen Sigafoos Joe & Debbie Nix Jon & Christa Parry Julie & David Hatoff Karen Shrader Kevin & Stephanie Colson Kitty Schmitt Larry & Joelle Dunwald Linda Verraster & John Alchema M. Dana & Diemmy Wandrocke Mark & Jamie Hobson Mark & Kim Clemens Mike & Danielle Klasna Mike & Margaret Campbell Pacific Coast Landscape Maintenance/Mark & Melanie Garritson Pacific Coast Veterinary Hospital Paul & Marie Huffman Ralph’s Grocery Randy & Peggy Griffin Rick & Lynne Delanty Rob & Susan Sall Ron & Margaret Redmond Russ & Donna Wertz San Clemente Times/ Norb & Alyssa Garrett Scott & Monica Giacobello Shelly & Kevin Gaston Tracy & Dr. Nick Karahalios Tracy & Marc Weintraub Wertz and Company LLP Wesley & Penni Mohr 2019-2020 DONORS Adrienne Hedger
Alan & Nicole Marcovecchio Amber Ringstad Amy & David Hanacek Andra Rail Ann Marie and Christopher Cates Anthony & Railene Tonokaboni Arthur & Donna Carter Autumn McAlpin Barbara Turnbull Bill & Rebecca Kinney Bill & Rhonda McGowan Bo & Monica Burick Bobby & Darcy Parr Brandon & Kylie Beauchemin Brian & Cambrey Batson Brian & Christine Brower Brittani Boukather Bryan Chehock California Coastal Dermatology/ Dr. Litchfield Carlos & Gail Gonzalez Carolyn King Carrie Tuomi Chad & Sylvia Booth Chad Wilcox Charles & Deborah Ramm Charles Yu & Celia Chang Chris & Andreea Dirpes Chris & Robbin Carter Christine Harrington Chung-Lim Kim Coby & Mia Du Bois Cori & Ed Preisler Craig & Kristine Cooper Dallas & Joe Bellantonio Dan & Michelle Généraux Daniel & Michele Sutherland David & Ingrid Echternach David & Kristi McCleary David & Maria LeCause David & Michele Lee Johnston David & Natalia Martin Denise Schnarr Dennis & Jennifer Vaccaro Dennis & Maria Roy Derek & April Brice Donnelly Family Dr. John & Georgia Redmond Dr. Laurence & Katy Smiser Dwight & Valerie Hirsh Ellen Vainoris Ellie & John Hammagren Eric & Anjie Martinis Eric & Jennifer Wilford Eric and Holly Oxford Family Trust Ewan & Elizabeth Morrison Farmers and Merchants Bank Fernando & Elizabeth Navarro Frank & Betty Wilson Frank & Julieta Hettman Gary & Michele Silverman George & Johanna Brody Gina & Justin Petrikas Grant Haug Greg & Mary DiStefano Greg Lerum Insurance Agency
Inchel & Michelle Yeam Jack & Debbie Boatman James & Gretchen Radzwell James & Libby Hawkes James & Lisa Black James & Shannon Cheatley James & Susan Makshanoff James Keany MD Jane & Rick Freet Jane Morrison Jaret & Julie Wright Jay & Shannon Ruby Jeanmarie Wong Jeannie Bernier Jill Burress Jill Schulman Jim & Joan Nielsen Jim & Kathleen Sigafoos Jimmy James & Carrie Balloue Joe & Julie Duncan John & Cheryl Moe John & Gayle Kookootsedes John & Heidi Ziomek John & Helene Petrocelli John & Kirsten Pert John & Monika Smetona John Davey John Leon Jon & Christa Parry Jon & Christa Parry Jorge Garcia Judy Morton Julie & David Hatoff Julie Canizales Kate & Adam Franklin Kathleen Styles & Joe Wharton Kati & Tom Bennett Kellie Webb Kenneth & Delia Van Kampen Kent & Gina LaLonde Kevin & Julie Rooker Kevin & Krista Bates Kevin & Maria Pezzola Kim Reichert Kitty Schmitt Kurt & Lisa Eberle Lain & Joelie Buchan Linda Verraster & John Alchema Lisa Alizadeh & Tito Benito Lynn Hiner M. Dana & Diemmy Wandrocke Marc & Audrey Johnston Mark & Stephanie Miller Mark & Teresa Morgan Martin & Patricia Ponce Mathew & Tina Lee Geyer Melvin & Helena Hamro Michael & Ann Harley Michael & Sarah Gould Michelle Wrenn Benham Mikaya & Company/ Donna Finney Mike & Kathy Conlon Mike & Sue Burke Monte Harrick Nadar & Nilou Nemati
Natalie Penna Nicole & David Salberg Nicolette Root Nina Mihalik Pacific Coast Landscape Maintenance/Mark & Melanie Garritson Pallie Jean Stenzel Patricia & James Holloway Patrick Kaliski Patrick& Maria Stoll Paul & Jennifer Anthony Paul & Karen Butt Paul Jansen Peter McGraw Predrag & KathyMitrevski Prescott & Wilma Cogswell Presley Enterprises, Inc. Quinn Hatoff Rainer & Sharon Welle Ralph’s Grocery Ricardo & Sandra Nicol Richard & Ellen Lodyga Richard & Kathy Jo Winters Richard & Rosemarie Francisco Rick & Deonna Brail Rob & Amy Sachse Rob & Susan Sall Robert & Christy Rojas Robert & Delphi Sech Robert & Elizabeth Rumph Robert & Keiko Adel Robert & Kira Milner Robert & Pamela Richardson Robert & Sandra Lloyd Rod & Mariah Mayer Rodney & Susan Finney Ron & Cindy Vangell Ronald Barr Ruth DeNault Sam & Laurie Masotto Scott & Karen Mills Shawn & Janice Duke Shelly & Kevin Gaston Skov Family Stacy Biggs Stacy Gerkin Stan & Sheri Schrofer Stephanie Stuhr Steven DiMartini Susan & Doug Bystry Susan Ashman Tari Rorvik The Benevity Community Impact Fund The Economos Family Theodore & Teresa Von Bitner Thom & Katy Olson Todd & Jennifer McAteer Todd & Jill Gavin Tom & Elena Benge Tom & Nenuca Spaeth Tracie Borchard Tracy Briles Tracy Hallinan Tracy Poling Trudy & Derrick Podobas
Krisno Bridge Las Golondrinas Mexican Food Laura Horvath Photography Lawrence E. Eckl II DDS Los Angeles Kings 2019-2020 AUCTION DONORS Lost Winds Brewing Company 75 Degrees and Fuzzy/ Mark & Jamie Hobson Layna Hathaway Murf Electric Bikes Accent Photos by Diana Natural Nails by Edith Ann Worthington Nest Veterinary Neurology Aquarium of the Pacific Nic’s Vacuum and Small Artifex Brewing Company/ Appliances Tom Cordato Nicholas Salvatti DDS Assurant Group Nick’s Restaurant San Clemente Avila’s El Ranchito Restaurant Beachie Beads by Maggie Hempen Outlets at San Clemente Pacific Coast Veterinary Hospital Bemus Landscape, Inc. Paradise Jewelers Brad & Wendy Rambo Petit Bonhomme Brick San Clemente Prospera Hotels, Inc. Brussels Bistro California Coastal Dermatology/ Proud Mary’s Pure Love Yoga Dr. Amy Litchfield Qet Botanicals Camp Bow Wow Rainbow Sandals Carter & Cragan Mudge Casa Romantica Cultural Center Rascal’s Ladies Boutique Rick & Lynne Delanty and Gardens RJ.s Cafe Casey & Liz Swenson Rob & Patti Reinicke Cassano’s Pizza Sam’s Shoes City of San Clemente San Clemente Golf Shop/ Comprehensive College Prep Dave Cook Cova/Bonnie & Kent Stevens San Clemente Times/ Cove Coastal Style Norb & Alyssa Garrett CPW Abstract Custom Artwork/ San Clemente Vitality Center Carie Pytynia Webb San Clemente Wine Company CPW Makeup and Styling/ SC Cafe Carie Pytynia Webb Schmid’s Fine Chocolate Crunch Fitness San Clemente Serene Q Acupuncture Dallas & Joe Bellantonio Shore Gardens Nursey Dana Innovations Sonny’s Pizza and Pasta Dana Wharf Sportfishing & Sun Bum/Sarah Mathews Whalewatching/Donna Kalez Suzanne Waggoner Personal & Mike Hansen Stylist Dave & Becky Proodian Talega Golf Club/Michael Vorhees David & Audra Giddings Teen Road to Safety DeNault’s Ace Hardware/ The Abode San Clemente Tom & Julie DeNault The Cellar/Dawn Mednick Diana Tuder Massage The Coach House Concert Hall Dog Family The Fishermans Restaurant Dr. Eckl Family Dentistry and Bar Dr. John & Georgia Redmond The Third Eye/Molly Allen Electric The Vine Restaurant and Bar Emily’s Boutique The Warehouse on Del Mar Erba Jewelry Tiffany Flores Ethan Mudge Tom & Patricia Foley Facial Aesthetic Concepts Trader Joes Frances Wilson Designs Trestles Surf Outlet - Rip Curl Frisby Cellars Tspoons Griffin Optometric Tuvalu Home Guicho’s Eatery Hennessey’s Tavern BANNER DONORS Holly Oxford/FitBit Accessories Advanced Dermatology Hornblower Cruises Aegis Living of Dana Point Jeremy & Jessica Conrad Alice Moran DMD Joe & Debbie Nix AYSO Region 111 Jon & Christa Parry Because I Love You Jonas Studios (BILY San Clemente) Karol & John Carroll Valentine Gednov Vern M. West Vicky Harlow
In closing, like everyone, we hope things return to normal soon. When that will be, who can tell? But if we stick together, we will see our way through to the other side. Our mission at SCEF has always been to help our hometown kids succeed. No matter what next year brings we will be back to work on that task. Sincerely, Jim Sigafoos, Chairman • John Redmond, President
Board and Brew Body Mind Spirit IOP/ Dr. Bill Martin C.H. Anderson Construction Services California Coastal Dermatology/ Dr. Litchfield Catch Surfboards/ George & Carla Arzente Chris Dolkas State Farm Insurance Christopher Siglin Edward Jones Financial Advisors/ Colin Smith Craig Delahooke Real Estate Doug Echelberger Group Dr. David A. Buchan, DDS Dr. Eckl Family Dentistry Redmond Orthodontics/ Dr. John Redmond Edward Jones Financial Advisors/ Colin Smith Encompass Recovery/ Dave Brisbin Family Assistance Ministries Farmers and Merchants Bank First Team Real Estate Full Motion Physical Therapy Galvez Insurance Services Gary Ward Properties Gerson & Nikki Lowy San Clemente Medical Center/ Greens Global Griffin Optometric HOM Sotheby’s/Melissa Sorenson J.L. Ray Company JRT Roofing/Joey Trucksess LA Laser and Skin Center LGC Geothermal Life Time Rancho San Clemente Lisa Newell Insurance Agency Nest Veterinary Neurology Shadetree Automtive Rohan & Sons, Inc. RSI Auto Collision St. Andrews by the Sea Salon Bleu/Captains Chair San Clemente Veterinary Hospital Sandy and Rich Realty Scott Kidd & Associates Shoreline Dental Studio Star Estates/Sharon Custer Surterre Properties Chelsea Roberts Compass Reality./ Tracy Weintraub Thai Palace The Captains Chair Dana Point The Law Offices of Brian Brandt Unsung Studio V’s Barbershop Wertz and Company LLP Williams Dental Center WynneCRE at Kidder Mathews/ James Wynne
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Private Schools Alyssa Arnone Mikaela Arnone Amelia Ascroft-Franks Jake Flynn Kasey Hill Madeline Kunkle Ngoc Bao Chau “Hannah� Nguyen Dafne Pluhar Jie “Jay� Yin Xinyuan “Regina� Zhang
Colby Banner Zakarye Clark John Cloninger Ava Crossan Delaney Golloian Joshua Granados Matthew House Kevin Kitmitto
Jayme Linnes Gaven McGhee Matthew Monroe Matthew Reuter Matthew Rodas Tate Scott Lude Wade Wyatt Wilson Matthew Zaengle
Jasper Charmion Adams Isabella ouise infield rundale Luca Francesco Carson Serena Daniela Carson Sally Fales Whitney Paige Kaemmer Isabella Michelle Karahalios Andrew Thomas McAleer Christina Louise Powell Callely Grace Shaw Zoe Katie Annabel Shor Taylor Adi Silver Jacob Arnett Vandenburg Owen Patrick Young