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The Gentle House

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Casa Poli

Casa Poli

The Gentle House was concieved with the curosity of what complexities and desires can arise with combining a martial art with fast fashion. Located in Iowa City. Surrounded by various buisnesses, the university and government bodies.

In Portuguese. the term “Arte Suave” translates to The Gentle Art. The Gentle house derives its indenity from this lifestyle. Qualities such as Respect , Dicipline, Honor and Patience. The house has three main programs which are the Jiu-Jitsu gym, Fahion studio and artist residence.


The Gentle House is two storeyes with the dojo and the mat space in the atrium of the building. The main amenities such as public bathrooms, showers and storage are also on the ground floor. Ths floor also has two elevators on the NE and SW corners.

The circultion is designed in a way that the models from the fashion studio upstairs have one linear path back upstairs through the elevators.

The building is coveresd with a wire mesh which provides sufficient reduction in solar gain but there is also a stripped green roof which provides shade in the summer and allows sunlight in during the winter or colder seasons.

Studio + residence floor plans

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