from the east, for the east
Green is FONTS
Check layouts for Upper Lower fonts and please do not randomly put all upper or all lower.
Maintain exact FONTS.
Terminal Dosis Medium Terminal Dosis Semibold Terminal Dosis Bold
Open Sans Light Open Sans Regular Open Sans Semibold Myriad Pro Regular Myriad Pro Semibold Myriad Pro Bold
Terminal Dosis Semibold 20 pt
Myriad Pro Semibold Myriad Pro Bold 60 pt
Click this and this takes you to Contact page TMyriad Pro Regular Myriad Pro Semibold 30 pt Click this and this takes you to brands page
This text top aligned to this
Open Sans Light Open Sans Semibold 34 points
Open Sans Light Open Sans Semibold 18 points
Maintain this left alignment on every page
Terminal Dosis Medium 12 Points 24 points
Open Sans Regular Open Sans Semibold 22 points Open Sans Light Open Sans Semibold 24 points
Open Sans Light 15 points
‘your company’ to ©Make Symbol missing Quality Pharma Products Pvt. Ltd.
© Symbol missing
I have removed watermark and © Symbol missing sent you images. Please change.
This form is popping down now. It should rise up.
Adjust©and align and missing refine this form Symbol so that it does not overlap the text below
Myriad Pro Regular Myriad Pro Semibold Myriad Pro Bold Match Point size visually It’s not possible to give all piont sizes OR Refer PSD for all font sizes
Myriad Pro Regular Myriad Pro Semibold Myriad Pro Bold Match Point size visually It’s not possible to give all piont sizes OR Refer PSD for all font sizes
Repeat this image towars left
Repeat this image towars right. This is same image as on the left
Clicking this will take you to the home page FORM with the girl and it will blink or ash or get highlighted somehow
Open Sans Semibold 30 points
Maintain this Spacing on every text page
Match Point size visually It’s not possible to Open give allSans piontLight sizes Open Sans ORSemibold points Refer PSD15for all font sizes
Maintain this texy style and size on every page
Clicking any video will open like the product videos in the home page. All videos embedded in you tube.
Maintain this left alignment on every paage
Embedd sample videos now. I will provide all videos.
Maintain this right alignment on every page
Maintain this left alignment on every page
Incorporate all the text images and videos (let the links be dummy now for videos) exactly as it is mentioned in this page
This design with shadow should be at centre of the left and right arrows or the buildings
This design with shadow should be at centre of the left and right arrows or the buildings
This is top 10 brand page clicking on any brand will open a video 4 of these 10 brand are appearing on the home page I have provided 4 of the 10 videos
All data has been correctly put in this page. All pictures have been sent exactly pixel by pixel. All text is clear in the Excel sheet. Please update database exactly like this page looks
We should control how many stars are here. More the stars the medicine will be in the beginning. Lesser the stars that medicine will be at the end.
Maintain this Spacing on every product page
The same changes mentioned in this page will follow for all these medicine category links. All pages have been completed comletely and jpegs provided. All pictures pixel to pixel has also been provided in folder ‘PRODUCTS EXACT SIZE FOR DATABASE’ This is Anti Bacterial / Infective page. clicking on any brand will open enlarged picture and details about the medicine. How the Pictures will open in the pop up has been mentioned at the end of this presentation
All data has been correctly put in this page. All pictures have been sent exactly pixel by pixel. All text is clear in the Excel sheet. Please update database exactly like this page looks
Maintain this Spacing on every product page
Incorporate all the text images and videos (let the links be dummy now for videos) exactly as it is mentioned in this page MAINTAIN ALL OTHER ALIGNMENT GUIDELINES AS MENTIONED IN THE STRENGTHS PAGE
Incorporate all the text images and videos (let the links be dummy now for videos) exactly as it is mentioned in this page MAINTAIN ALL OTHER ALIGNMENT GUIDELINES AS MENTIONED IN THE STRENGTHS PAGE
Open Sans Regular 16 points
Open Sans Semibold 30 points Open Sans Semibold 18 points
Please pu the pointer on google maps as per the address above
Terminal Dosis Medium 36 Points Terminal Dosis Medium 20 Points Terminal Dosis Semibold 22 Points Terminal Dosis Medium 18 Points All medicines when clicked other than the Top 10 Brands Link e.g. Anti Bacterial / Opthalmic etc etc (8 clusters) will open the same medicine in a bigger size as shown in this design. All images have been provided in exact size pixel by pixel, to be put in the database in the folder ‘PRODUCT PAGE FOR POP UP WINDOW EXACT SIZE’
Terminal Dosis Bold 18 Points
The window for videos is perfect
All jpegs and PSDs and fonts have been already provided.
Please do all these fine-tuning and the site will be of perfect quality like Quality Pharma. Thank You