hi INDiA | May 27, 2021 | The Community First

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leaders have also shed tears


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Shah Rukh Khan was always a charmer, very FIERpopular B SWEwith N girls’, recalls Manoj ram uK hdBajpayee obuS



ectni neigdeilsluegt13 ni sraemderhot ,BNo. nneicdir620 iB mA 28, 2021 | THE COMMUNITY FIRST | hiindia.com detniop-pNews a lawUpdate siaJ 24/7 NATIONAL EDITION .tnemtae|rt sVolume urd •niIssue etohpMAY ti seod hcum wnoihgdirno a ,s deuerniv aidnno I setoro dp hce um wo H r rotcerid IBC eh sa sraet ni trefieS miT s’RKK ErrueR BeibcS TRdiO SniW ?ylopwtpehut srevno tiilspskyFcltenIen rB aeoP cletratso neegah,ntee Jtoa t gh droc? cAecudorp .raey tsap eht revo tenalp eht tpews taht suriv eht rof secruos elbissopaidnI ni laedro 91-divoC sllacer Amazon buys MehulerChoksi’s Mighty fall Subodh Kumar ar a deredisnoc si sisocymrocuM .egatrohs ehThe t rof sn osaer ignuF fo lanruoJ eht ni repap 9102 a ,revewoH .noitcefni lagnuf Hollywood Dramatic ugly Jaiswal eht rafCapture yb ,noillim rep 041 ta aidnI ni ecnedicni wrestling’s sti detamitse hcihw rof seirtnuoc eht gnoma ,natsikaP htiw gnola ,tsehgih studio After Escape By underbelly appointed CBI .edam erew setamitse rebmem dna SMIIA fo rotcerid ,aireluG peednaR rD ,51 yaM nO MGM for Boat yrtnuoc eht fo strap lareves dias ,ecroF ksaT 91-divoC s’aidnI fo director ksedsweN aidnIiH noitcefni lagnuf y ratnemelppus a ni egrus a gnitroper erew dnuora gnisir era noitcefni lagnuf sisocymro$8.45bn cum fo sesac sA eh hcihw ,)MAC( sisocymrocuM detaicossA-divoC sa nwonk ereht — raf os detroper neeb evah 000,9 revo — y rtnuoc eht fo egat rohs etuca na si ereht ,sekips sisocymrocum sA

ksedsweN aidnIiH

atakloK eht fo t rap saw ohw ,t refieS miT

deredro sah nediB eoJ tnediserPySltU neserp si ,LPI eht ni maet srediR thginK etagitsevni ot seicnega ecnegilly etrnoi t a d n a m y a d - 4 1 s i h g n i o g r e d n u d i m a , 9 1 - d i vo C f o e c n e g r e m e e h t w eN ot n r u t er s i h g n i wo l l of e n i t n ar au q s’suriv eht tuoba ysrevortnoc gniworg .snigiro.91-divoC morf gnirevocer retfa dnalaeZ SU deksa nediB rM ,tnemetats a nI sretekcirc iwiK rehto htiw aidnI evael ton dluoc rieht elbuoder“ ot spuorg ecnegilletni erofeb sruoh 42 tsuj tset evitisop a denruter eh retfa 09 nihtiw mih ot troper dna ”str,eom ffoeh kcab gniylf retfa woN .y rtnuoc eht gnivael d et c et e d tsr i f sa w 9 1 - d i vo C . syyraod tadnam yad-41 a gniogrednu yltneserp si eh n i n a h uW fo y ti c e s e n i h C e h t n i .enitnarauq noillim 861 nah t eroMn.9102 yem tadl na evitisop detset d’I dlot dna edisa dellup tog I“ d e m r i f no c n e e b e c n i s e va h s esasw a cI .tfel enoy reve nehw yawa thgiarts knas traeh noillim 5.3 tsael ta dna ediwdlariodw nI ni tfel llits yllacisab reyalp saesrevo ylno eht .detroper shstagend iht nehw s’tahT .tnemanruot elohw eht fo tuo sesac divoC ylrae deknil seitirohethutAdlot trefieS lanoitome na ”,laer tib elttil a tog .’dlareH dnalaeZ weN‘ dna ,nahuW ni tekram doofaes a ot t s r i f s u r i v e h t d e v e i l e b s t s i tn e i c s .slamina morf snamuh ot dessap

llaf ythgiM ehT

eviF .tnemtaert divoC ni ”sdiorets fo esu lanoitarri“ eht ot deknil ylralupop — noitcefni eht edam y rtsiniM htlaeH eht ,retal syad rof y rotadnam ti gnikam ,elbaifiton — ’sugnuf kcalb‘ sa nwonk yllebrednu ylgu s’gniltserw .sesac demrifnoc dna detcepsus troper ot setats

ksedsweN aidnIiH dlrow s’trefieS miT namstab-repeektekciw dnalaeZ weN

set retfa knas traeh sih dna tnemom a rof deppots gurd y ramirp ehwgtno,intB nt igcnii rrued t9o1-hdip mehot sroof peviiltisfoop egatrohs a si eh vom C dA e d alea rd aido nIcdee dnh eptsustaert ot desu gnidraoh fo sec,n atsn.nioslaeasr)LePvI(eeuSgae.LnreoimietriPdnn )RKK( srediR thginK atakloK fo trap a saw ohw ,trefieS ihleD eht dna ,detroper neeb evah gnitekram-kcalb dna eht nialpxe ot tnemnrevog lartnec eht deksa sah truoC hgiH

kcab snaF :0202 ORUE pael tnaig s’seliB enomiS

syub nozamA nelm ow rof oiduts doow loH I ,spot-eert tunococ sehcuonbt54.r8$eroftMya GMw aeS detadnuni lagneB latsaoc fo strap egral

mc uia daftsSnU i -itna fo kaenribtotnutoubsse emeasS ecneloiv dna staesrrhebt mcuintim

dedne tI .ytreporp revo thgif a htiw detrats t , n o i pm a h c l a n o i ta n r o i n u j r e m r o f a h t i w dnA .htaed ot netaeb gnitteg ,rahknahD ragaS cipmylO emit-owt a ,noipmahc dlrow-xe na retfa detserra gnitteg ,ramuK lihsuS ,tsilladem eerht ot esolc rof nur eht no gnieb .skeew tup ohw ,lihsuS ,yadnuS nO s’gniltserw dlrow no aidnI dniheb ecaf sih dih ,pam sa lewot etihw-wolley a l a i c e pS s’e c i loP i h l e D dedarap lennosrep lleC .saremac fo tnorf ni mih wo l l e f d n a d n e i r f s iH ,tawarehS yajA reltserw t rihs-t kca lb a gni ra ew ’s l a m i n a r o f y c r e M ‘ h t i w .mih ot txen saw ,ti no debircsni gnissorc-ssirc neeb dah owt ehT yad eht ,5 yaM ecnis spoc gnidave sredrob etats ehttan evitaler rof seRsIsFap hiwdennIoitnem era htoB .tnedicni eht retfa itcud ba ,redrum fo de succa nee b evah dna ,tnemnrevog SU eht ni n yo cn erapsnart morf llaf citamard a s’tI .ycaripsnoc lanimirc dna sah noitartsinimedvaitu nceedsinBocehtat delladem ohw etelhta na fo ecarg

ksedsweN aidnIiH

ksedsweN aidnIiH

ot gnisae snoitcirtser surivanoroc htiW eht yub ot deerga sah nozamA e r e h t , s m u i d a t s o tn i k c a b s n a f w o l l a nb54.8$ rof soiduts MGM cirotsih n i t s a l ta e r e h p s o m ta e m o s e b l l i w fo eno si MGM .)nb79.5£( n a e p o r uE e h t ta s e i t i c t s o h 1 1 e h t ,soiduts suomaf tsom s’doowylloH .pihsnoipmahC hcus smlif cissalc decudorp gnivah .srehto naht emos ni eroM , s n a f l l a e m o c l e w o t s n a l p t s e pa d u B ’nigniS dna toH tI ekiL emoS sa e poh uk a B dna grubsreteP .tS el ih w evig lliw elas ehT .niaR ehT nI .y tica pa c muida ts rieh t fo %05 e su ot , m a d r e t s m A e k i l s e i t i c r o ja m r e h t o t u B N aliade nIdiHehT nozamA tskosoedbswlleiw gnieb era nodnoL dna hcinuM ,tserahcuB derediorbmehtato is airdPah seliB enomiS iwG gennoirtseefnfoihsR’oeerudtiaVnegm d l u o c ta h t s e c n a d n e t ta h t i w s u o i t ua c er o m saw hguoht tnemetats laer ehT .dratoel eht fo kcab eht no .spoleved suriv eht woh ot gnidrocca etautculf m’lsicfit0s0an0m ,4ytgueolbam a ef nehw edam ffo gnurps egnniipdsutlscentai e,srg e h t d n a l g n E n i y l b a ro va f s s er g orp s g n i h t fI ekip elbuod oke nseihhccrn uY afodtn niofB lessteim deahJce nh utal dna draob eht a r nodno L ni muidatS y elbmeW yticapac-000,09 dah namow rehto oN .yadrutaS no cissalC SU eht ta tibro sa llew sa ,ednolB yllageL dna e h t r o f y t i c a pa c % 5 2 n a h t e r o m ta e b d l u o c noititepmoc ni ekip elbuod oknehcruY yksir eht deirt reve .11 yluJ no lanif eht dna slanifimes sa hcus swohs noisivelet 000,71 .seliB erofeb mkusieddastw s eeh fynuIirHC nahoJ taerg etal eht retfa demaN Nta,fid ekil ot y rt.ste’niroeDs V .gTne inla iaTrts’edkia ilm tidonDa‘H,genhikt niht tsuj saw I“ ehT .yticapac-009,45 sti fo %52 esu ot gninnalp si itigel a ,tsanmy g naciremA eht ”’,gnihtyna odrevo o u7K 2 1lihhstu iw tseerrhat sr’reavm S derapmoc t,asesteamtSag CnpeueosrGe veaehrhts kyaelepwllilwa rsedvneaslreths atepN e h T.edtiaam .skeew owt suaoiriv p ,eniasrtk aU erthstnicaigtai m kaaheorJbeth uto na s ,gat )emiT llA fo tsetaerG( TAOG eht ot tnamialc tseurA ,aneeSr-Ai tfnfyaurfo Cn gnimaerts emirP s’tnaig hcet eht tganrienderpupma hehytl ldanr eat i l “ e r a s t n tesdoihconsIla lli,wsem taatd Sredtestm inAU.aeinhot dsescoarM cahetrconNeld oniva dnaot dnah ym esiar I sa noos sa ycnednet a evah I esuaceB“ kcab eguh a ot ssecca eciv res gn6o1m raneufogrnaikotstsael ta tub ,tib elttil a did I dna ,sgniht rewoprevo fo dnik ewstenbi shw cteaJm foa d meukidil agtnSidlaasearprtsadhnhaC,tsaoc ot tsaoncimpuo-rsfrennsunrweohtt lnlaem noorzpam ocenfoaesu’tgI o.tleaetfacym no saw I woh fo du mA ’I dnnAa .ttln ueatvnw , t ta l b n e e r G n a h ta n oJ d i a s ”, e r i f d l i w skeew owt eht gniru.BDd.nsaeiA ticspro jarm uo G dna s’tI“ : yadsendeW no dias evitucexe”.tnew yadot

tisiv ot atamaM ,lagneB ni detaucave elpoep hkal 51 yadirF no saera detceffa yroeht kael baL

ksedsweN aidnIiH lawsiaJ ramuK hdobuS feihc FSIC eht sa detnioppa yadseuT no saw ,sraey owt rof rotcerid IBC wen y rtsiniM lennosreP a ot gnidrocca .redro eciloP naidnI hctab-5891 a si lawsiaJ arthsarahaM fo reciffo )SPI( eciv reS sa dev res osla sah eH .erdac fo lareneg rotcerid s’arthsarahaM .tsap eht ni ecilop noitagitsevnI fo uaeruB lartneC ehT feihc raluger a tuohtiw gnikrow saw ihsiR retfa shtnom eerht revo rof -owt sih detelpmoc alkuhS ramuK .3 y raurbeF no erunet raey


‘SPEND eniccaV syaS idoM MP TIME oT tnatropmI yletulosbA TOGATHER 91-DIVOC taefeD ,seviL evaS AND nahtaP nafrI :retsam ton ,etam reh m’I ACTUALLY otohp derrulb s’efiw revo msicitirc ot sdnopser ENJOY a erIT’: orC 000,1 .s1R9 dsedganseeidSrohAtuM I ,tnemnrevoG seuS ppAstahW PRIYANKA vedmaR oT ecitoN noitamafeD naeM seluR latigiD weN syaS

.sretawdoolfm niadeerttaso racse do na nlifasm gspot-eert tunococ dehcuot sevaw eropandiM tsaE ni inomradnaM dna ahgiD fo snwot edisaes ehT gnoma erew sanagraP-42 htuoS ni abasoG dna jnagresarF dna evoba serteecnm ni a gcrus mrots a yb detceffa saera eht egil2 letn nah cit ree mr Aoem ht defdo ece no 91h -dis vorC o tw ilpsg sin ytiig nurm dehcaerb evs’a enta umsocehT .level edit lacimonortsa eht ro bal eht eb dluoc ti - snigiro ,stcirtsid latsdnaao- c i insaecalp lareves ta stnemknabme tcato now c ntameuh h-tot-n lam nia,ts ren cw raeo nt si len on s dna segalliv ynam gnitadnuni .diastanhsoTlisa.itriietcduioefbhfat om lao-m orf tfihs gib a skram dna ylhgooyH ,iyrbayh cunsri’egesnhrisltesev rtuexcev es fo slevel ret,hatW nam rod eha ty bad l eihB t ng on deipd aeu hyllg ehrTiwr“ e.lesa voip exe feihc s’LDA eht nom siht azaG dna learsI ni sehsalc fo l scitilop dna aidem eht ni ynam os sedivorp dna gniticxe y rev sal eyen t fonyatiy c aadrua a npdu etR celloc eugaeL noitamafeD-itnA eht gniynapmof,rocaeycyraattseare dunrTadlsanaoaDYneehhotwtnggiln aymirew dvno llfeesbksrceiadrtntaueevseahh ceh S t,pm ytilauq-hgih rof seitinutroppo tnereffid nemssarah citimeS-itna fo stroper 222 roa taB neSa,o moa PM ekiMreetatts SiniM feihC lagne B .e”.g roines ,snikpoH ekiM ”.gnillety rots taht dias eem jroeTn teapm rus mr,dto sU eht ni ecneloiv dna msiladnav . a r a h k a d e l b a f s ’ y r t n u o c e ttin diVsw eiN .aedi eht detaolf srehto dna nottoC dnkasoe ed em rP a foitd nendIisieH rp eciv hguor yb det’ntdcidefofepamnoPereMbde etra nyarv pa mh urT Mts eht ni elpoep erorc eno tsael ta laer ehT“ :dedda ,soidutS nozamA tnuoc a ni taef detnedecerpnu na — scipmylO s a a Y e n o l c y c f o l l a f d n al eht retfa slevel retaw revir gnisiR ew ohg ,nn oiitas ilsaa tp si laed siht dniheb eulav laicnanif nuiitsr deehm lale uh diivtidh ni g owith fo lad ton t da narsgn a do ahit taihd t noc rehtaew ,enolcyc ehyethtroosafts,rdeenvu d s e d uorg eht tudoebgaelylaocehetr,etw lao uc tcels le’tlnaI g fon eve oB rt erfuo saerst ter htap egral detadnuni tsaE fo stcirktsesdsiwdeN alia t s a i evah dluow etaf sA .y ruy tnerce tsV al e:he t lraC cirE dnIiHaht eugolatac peed eht ni ytreporP oet htd rieehtta du nAc.a nosv ce itpdsn u igeib hrtt te .secalp efasesiro vtahh iih erse erge ah salceyllp dao edeep ht h rofkea unlev51 revo elihw aes sa yadsendeW tn Pi--e4 dehctef-raf erom edisgenso latg olrfep s’lihsuS saw rsta poo levesdadn naaeg nirga am r o2 t nah lpteu woS dna eropandiM ab nn enitaam nelvleip fo r ece netua qeC s y rgnuH ehS .llew sa ereh siht tsop saw esaesid eht taht tssaom hcsu’ysr,tsneunooc eht dna sedaced owt naht erom rof r e h yb c ip s i h t d er r ul b .bal esenihC a ni dse’irhultecDafw un am– enil ylbmessa gniltserw cifilorp eN reh m’I ,seY dnA .eciohc ylhgih mees llits ytilibissop tahT .muidatS lasartahhC nafrI .”retsam reh ton etam 4 uyaM ,tnedicni eht fo thgin eht litnU ksedsweN aidnIiH reven yam cilbup seahwTli.yhlseukSil,n r eh torb si h h ti w gno l a om afk sih ta g dn raih pefrop reobho iaU s eht ,elraC cirE eht tuoba hturt lalm uflaehstuw on llegsn -tisreab tut adS eht gnipleh neeb sah fusuY otr h pH lany ifrteaV ht reoh f rTetakmo o b s’n e r d l i h c anihC fi ylralucitrap ,esh ntigriorfotu’scuerh ivt ekam y gsnuu negyxo ,doof htiw ydeen htt sro fd oo nc gi saw eh hguohT .sci.p1m .evitarepo-ocnu ebeo eu neitrn 9 ydleOgaoydkeoiT d sah ,r,aslrloipt rael tiat n Ce v , s r e d n i l y c varhM llits I“ ..pduiaesvyiglim t’nadfisdiheh eiufiSlatusa ql yawa dessap eH lluf a gnigdelpfositonleadeiB ,ya,sdrn cte ,srotartnecnoc negyxo siohitteakgiiltd em l gonoim ltseerh wt fo thgil eht nI“ eht fi dna ,revewoh ”,,n senvent’inow )reoetranc(otIg.n idlnoihtfe,n e va w d n o c e s e h t g n i r u d ,sn reidf nSoU w eno woN .ylevissimsid ,dias dah eh a fo ecnedive evisulcsnihotcsisd idgnaI ni 91-divoC fo won si swobniar fo retniap a ,raethsTd.oao ihleD ni secruoS ?sdne reerac suoirtsulli sih woh tsuj naht erom naem lliw ti ,kael bal liim ”,yrkasgatShygain t Pssorca.ngoniitlald evnaurotf nahtaP ’srehtorb eht aiv enod si noitanod eht ni detluassa dna deyn fnaofc a saw s eech ilo sih gniciov rettiwT no evitca neeb osla sah nafrI ot gnivah serugif tnen diem sao elrepr w pielcf aeht retfa tuB .tnemesab lasartahhC .dias tnemetats a deteewter eH .enitselaP ekil srettam no snoinipo tsurt rieht etaulave-er addnnaihweobrgcntiadeih lihsuSslglentiwhochish–wec,k oPo b ilo ihlseu Doym b af tsom s’elra C .eyursositsehethnto llew sa sretekcirc ngierof morf steewt wef tI .”snoisulcnoc“ evyitlagtuirnoehetsunau nrai f os s’gsnailw , r a l l i p r e t a c s u o n e v a r a f o tserw ,lariv tnew – lewot morf kalf werd osla eh ,enitselaP no teewt sih roF -SU no niarts laer y retvueocbaalpsrd eplu siohcw eht dn naahdteesroopm xedtloogs yslalehbdrendan9u691 ni dehsilbup .tuanaR anagnaK ssertca doowylloB .emoc ot sraey rof snoitaler a.d neih ifC ilpma tog erutluc ydahs s’arahka eh.steipoc noillim 05

-lla naidnI remroF detnelat s’MGM htiw rehtegot sah nahtaP nafrI rednuor tnerap eht ,sgnidloHdnM GM ”.maet a msicitirc ot dednopser dah ,soidutS MGM ocsteewt etah derfroulybnaaprem vo elas a gnirolpxe naefeabSyeldf iewtros ipherfo er u t c ip a ni dias nozam 20o2toehcpniesht nI .giaB dA ets.o0p dluow laed eht m taahrt gtn a tesm n Ieta s’tnso s s i h n o dna 4291 ni dednuoefc,aM f sG ’eM fiwws’o nlalfarI ,tnuocca eht oeL gniraor stim yb sicditeisricnogtodceel rderrulb saw tahw od ot eunitnocsiorte“te,okgco irlcnao dioLraB eht taht gn ”.gnillety rots taerlgae:tvseerboot dreyheh t iwolla ton sih si ti taehht tdfeoifinralm cd -rC ae,yh-c6i3rleU htn,siv ihetKoT .ecaf reh rilaoh etam :rdeihasm,’M I“ G diM as fdonsaro ectc aferrieD h rfo uld broatoeBciohc s’efiw etasaIm ,noiL s’MGM taht duorp y rev”rm “ ereh ton erutcniped em eteewt nafrI loaGs eehhtthdteiw kotn veuogcncoalssih ahmhocrifhdw morsf tineeu eunqitn ym utcfiopesgiA hT “ ,gniyas oc yllbiwde,dtsooopwsyilleorH em teL .etah fo tol gnitteg.yerroatseiW . t n u o c c h deirots a s’nos ym

ycavirP resU oT dnE ksedsweN aidnIiH 91-DIVOC gnibircseD :ihleD weN Concerned About EmployeesksIn What Google’s Sundar edsweN aidnIiH cimednap ”emitefil-a-ni-ecno“ a sa tiuswal a delif sah ppAstahW :ihleD weN dna ydegart thguorb sah taht y nam fIndia’s o spetsrood ta sgnireffus e h t t s n i a g a Says t r uo C h g iH i h l e D e h t n i India, Intimidation Tactics, Pichai Said On ,tcapmi cimonoce eguh desuac dna ekat taht selur latigid wen s’tnemnrevog ti lepmoc dluow eseht gniyas ,yadot tceffe dias idoM ardneraN retsiniM emirP Twitter .sresu ot snoitcetorp ycavirp kaerb ot eht eRules b regnol on lliw efil taht yadot New Digital eciv res gnigassem denwo-koobecaF ehT eht dna ,cimednap siht retfa emas

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Biden orders intelligence report on virus origin A

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FRIDAY, MAY 28, 2021


There’s something about the sight of a crying, weeping person in position of power that can be deeply humbling. It can often jolt the senses of the ordinary citizen — if an individual of that stature can have something that moves them so deeply, can such a politician really ever do any wrong? And even if they do, it’s ev ilaidhumans. niih/ all, only When a powerful individual breaks down in front of millions, aidnevidently, iih@ 3538.625.377 okay — swethey Naidare niihafter / the intention is precisely that: to humanise themselves in the eyes of the public.

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FRIDAY, MAY 28, 2021



FRIDAY, MAY 28, 2021






773.526.8353 MIDWEST / EASTCOAST

Biden orders intelligence report on virus origin According to Joe Biden, agencies are currently split over the two possible sources for the virus that swept the planet over the past year. HiIndia Newsdesk US President Joe Biden has ordered intelligence agencies to investigate the emergence of Covid-19, amid growing controversy about the virus’s origins. In a statement, Mr Biden asked US intelligence groups to “redouble their efforts” and report to him within 90 days. Covid-19 was first detected in the Chinese city of Wuhan in late 2019.nMore than 168 million cases have since been confirmed worldwide and at least 3.5 million deaths reported. Authorities linked early Covid cases to a seafood market in Wuhan, and scientists believed the virus first passed to humans from animals.

Amazon buys Hollywood studio MGM for $8.45bn

But recent US media reports suggest growing evidence the virus could instead have emerged from a laboratory in China. Beijing has condemned the reports and suggested it could have come from a US laboratory instead. The answer has immense implications both for China, which says it is not responsible for the pandemic, and for US politics, where the lab theory has been used by Republicans to attack Beijing. Biden said that in March he asked for a report on the origins of the virus, including “whether it emerged from human contact with an infected animal or from a laboratory accident.”

US faces outbreak of antiSemitic threats and violence

HiIndia Newsdesk Amazon has agreed to buy the historic MGM studios for $8.45bn (£5.97bn). MGM is one of Hollywood’s most famous studios, having produced classic films such as Some Like It Hot and Singin’ In The Rain. The sale will give

The deal will boost Amazon Prime Video’s offering with about 4,000 films, including the James Bond franchise and Legally Blonde, as well as 17,000 television shows such as the Handmaid’s Tale TV series. the tech giant’s Prime streaming service access to a huge back catalogue of content. An Amazon executive said on Wednesday: “It’s very exciting and provides so many opportunities for high-quality storytelling.” Mike Hopkins, senior vice president of Prime Video and Amazon Studios, added: “The real financial value behind this deal is the treasure trove of Intellectual Property in the deep catalogue that we plan to re-imagine and develop together with MGM’s talented team.” MGM Holdings, the parent company of MGM Studios, had reportedly been exploring a sale since 2020. Amazon said in a statement that the deal would allow MGM, founded in 1924 and recognised by its roaring Leo the Lion logo, “to continue to do what they do best: great storytelling.” Kevin Ulrich, Chairman of the Board of Directors of MGM, said: “I am very proud that MGM’s Lion, which has long evoked the Golden Age of Hollywood, will continue its storied history.

Lab leak theory goes mainstream HiIndia Newsdesk The past several weeks have seen States, compared with 127 over the an outbreak of anti-Semitic threats previous two weeks. and violence across the United States, Incidents are “literally happening stoking fear among Jews in small towns from coast to coast, and spreading like and major cities. During the two weeks wildfire,” said Jonathan Greenblatt, of clashes in Israel and Gaza this month, the ADL’s chief executive. “The sheer the Anti-Defamation League collected audacity of these attacks feels very 222 reports of anti-Semitic harassment, different.” vandalism and violence in the United

Eric Carle: Very Hungry Caterpillar author dies aged 91

HiIndia Newsdesk Eric Carle, the US author of best-selling children’s book The Ver y Hungr y Caterpillar, has died aged 91. He passed away last Sunday, his family said. “In the light of the moon, holding on to a good star, a painter of rainbows is now travelling across the night sky,” a family statement said. Carle’s most famous book, which tells the story of a ravenous caterpillar, was published in 1969 and has sold more than 50 million copies.

In what passes for relative transparency in the US government, the Biden administration has conceded the American intelligence community is split on Covid-19’s origins - it could be the lab or animal-to-human contact - and no-one is near certain about it. That marks a big shift from the derision heaped on the lab theory by many in the media and politics last year, when Donald Trump, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Senator Tom Cotton and others floated the idea. Mr Trump and Mr Pompeo didn’t help the situation, however, as they were coy about the grounds for their suspicion. And their theories floating alongside more far-fetched ones, such as that the disease was manufactured in a Chinese lab. That possibility still seem highly unlikely. The public may never know the full truth about the virus’ origins, particularly if China continues to be unco-operative. Mr Biden is pledging a full investigation, however, and if the US finds conclusive evidence of a lab leak, it will mean more than just a few prominent figures having to eat crow and re-evaluate their trust in authoritative “conclusions”. It could place very real strain on USChina relations for years to come.


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FRIDAY, MAY 28, 2021




India News

India’s official figures grossly understate true scale of pandemic

773.526.8353 MIDWEST / EASTCOAST


With help of experts, The New York Times analysed case and death counts over time, along with large-scale antibody test results, to arrive at several possible estimates

Even in countries with robust sur veillance during this pandemic, the numb er of infections is probably much higher than the number of confirmed cases because many people have contracted the virus but have not been tested for it. On Friday, a report by the World Health Organisation estimated that the global death toll of Covid-19 may be two or three times higher than reported. The undercount of cases and deaths in India is most likely even more pronounced, for technical, cultural and logistical reasons. Because hospitals are over whelmed, many Covid deaths occur at home, especially in rural areas, and are omitted from the official count, said Kayoko Shioda, an epidemiologist at Emory University. Laboratories that could confirm the cause of death are equally swamped, she said.

The official Covid-19 figures in India grossly understate the true scale of the pandemic in the country. Last week, India recorded the largest daily death toll for any country during the pandemic — a figure most likely still an undercount. In consultation with more than a dozen experts, The New York Times has analysed case and death counts over time in India, along with the results of large-scale antibody tests, to arrive at several possible estimates of the true scale of devastation in the country. India’s official Covid statistics report 26,948,800 cases and 307,231 deaths as of May 24. So far, India has conducted three national serosurveys during the Covid-19 pandemic. All three have found that the true number of infections drastically exceeded the number of confirmed cases at the time in question.

Mehul Choksi’s Dramatic “Share Response ASAP”: Capture After Escape By Boat Centre To Social Media Platforms On Digital Rules HiIndia Newsdesk

New Delhi: Fugitive diamond merchant Mehul Choksi -one of India’s most wanted in connection with the Punjab National Bank loan fraud case -- has been captured from Dominica while trying to flee to Cuba, sources have said. The 62-year-old had gone missing earlier this week from the Caribbean island nation of Antigua and Barbuda, where he fled in 2018. Sources said Mehul Choksi had reached Dominica -- a tiny island nation in the Caribbean -- by boat. With a lookout circular issued against him, he was caught by the local police and is currently in their custody.

No one has the guts to arrest me, says Ramdev HiIndia Newsdesk Yoga guru Ramdev on Wednesday said no one had the guts to arrest him, his declaration coming on a day the Indian Medical Association appealed to the Prime Minister to book the “owner of Patanjali products” on sedition charges for “spreading fear” against Covid vaccination. “Arrest to kisi ka baap bhi nahin kar sakta Swami Ramdev ko, lekin shor macha rahe hain (Not even someone’s father can arrest Swami Ramdev, but they are making a noise),” he told reporters in Haridwar, when asked about the #ArrestRamdev campaign on Twitter. “They are demanding my arrest. Sometimes they call me a thug or maha-thug. It doesn’t matter to me. I have become used to such things,” Ramdev said. Calls for his arrest have come after Ramdev called allopathy a “stupid science” and alleged that lakhs had died after taking allopathic medicines for Covid-19.

HiIndia Newsdesk New Delhi: The government on Wednesday wrote to major social media platforms on whether they had complied with new digital rules taking effect on the day and asked for their response “ASAP, preferably today”. Platforms like Facebook, WhatsApp and Twitter were given three months to comply with the new rules that require them

Social media platforms were given three months to comply with the new rules that require them to appoint a compliance officer in India, set up a grievance response mechanism and take down content within 36 hours of a legal order. to appoint a compliance officer in India, set up a grievance response mechanism and take down content within 36 hours of a legal order. nThe note from the Ministry of Electronics and IT asked the companies to give information on the status of compliance and stressed: “Please confirm and share your response ASAP and preferably today itself.” The companies have to give the name and contact details of a chief compliance officer, a nodal contact person, a resident grievance officer and a physical address of the company in India.

Printing Money To Save Economy: Uday Kotak HiIndia Newsdesk New Delhi: India needs to print cash to support the economy that has been damaged by the protracted COVID-19 crisis, one of the country’s top bankers Uday Kotak has told. This expansion, said the chief executive of Kotak Mahindra Bank, needs to be done in two parts - one for those at the bottom of the resources pyramid, and the other for protection of jobs for sectors affected by the pandemic. “In my view, this is the time to expand the balance sheet of the government, duly supported by the RBI (Reserve Bank of India)... for monetary expansion or printing of money. Time has come for us to be doing some of that... If not now, when?” Mr Kotak said.

Farmers’ memo to ‘company sarkar’

HiIndia Newsdesk Farmer leaders on Wednesday told the community to be ready for a prolonged agitation till the 2024 general election and described the government as a “company sarkar”, an insinuation that its inflexibility on the new farm laws stemmed from its links to big business. “If this were a party sarkar (government), it would have yielded by now. But this is a company sarkar,” Bharatiya Kisan Union leader Rakesh Tikait said in an online interaction with journalists. The event was hosted by the Indian Women’s Press Corps on a day the farmers completed six months of agitation on Delhi’s borders. No response has so far come to a letter the farmers had written on Friday to the Prime Minister seeking his intervention towards the resumption of talks with the government, which broke down on January 22.


NATIONAL EDITION | May 27 2021 | THE COMMUNITY FIRST | hiindia.com - News Update 24/7 | Advtertising Inq. 773.338.0222 MIDWEST / EASTCOAST






1 7


India News

NEWS BREIF India’s official figures grossly Concerned About Employees In India, understate true scale ofTactics, pandemic Intimidation Says Twitter With help of experts, The New York Times analysed case and death counts overHiIndia time,Newsdesk along with large-scale antibodyNew testDelhi: results, to arrive at several possible estimates

and take down Twitter today broke its content within 36 Even in countries with robust silence on new digital hours of a legal order. sur veillance during this The official Covid-19 figures rules in the middle WhatsApp has sued pandemic, the numb er of in India grossly understate the of its clash with the the government, infections is probably much true scale of the pandemic in the government over the saying the rules are higher than the number of country. Last week, India recorded “Congress toolkit” row unconstitutional and confirmed cases because many the largest daily death toll for any and flagged concern violate user privacy. people have contracted the virus country during the pandemic over “the potential “ Twitter is deeply but have not been tested for it. — a figure most likely still an threat to freedom of committed to the On Friday, a report by the World undercount. expression” and “the people of India. Our Health Organisation estimated In consultation with more than use of intimidation service has proven that the global death toll of a dozen experts, The New York tactics by the police”. vital for the public HiIndia Newsdesk conversation and a Covid-19 may be two or three Times has analysed case and death In a sharply-worded times higher than reported. counts over time in India, along statement, the social New Delhi: Indiasource needsof tosupport print for The undercount of cases and with the results of large-scale media giant said while people during the cash to support the economy deathstoinask Indiapandemic. is most likely antibody tests, to arrive at several it will “strive to comply with applicable law”, it planned To keep our service available, weby will that has been damaged thestrive to even for possible estimates of the true scale for changes to elements in the rules “that inhibit free,more open pronounced, comply with applicable law in India. But, just ascrisis, we doone around protracted COVID-19 HiIndia Newsdeskin the country. technical, cultural logistical of devastation conversation”. theand world, we will continue be strictlytop guided by principles of thetocountry’s bankers Uday reasons. hospitalsa commitment India’s official Covid statistics This is the first time the micro-blogging site has spoken on theBecause of transparency, to told. empowering every voice on Kotak has This expansion, IT Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad on acompliance r e o v e r w h ethe l mservice, e d , mand a n yprotecting report 26,948,800 cases and 307,231 rules that require social media platforms to appoint a freedom of expression privacy said the chief executive of and Kotak Thursday said that WhatsApp users Covid deaths occur at home, officer in India, set up a grievance response mechanism under the rule of law, ” said a Twitter spokesperson. deaths as of May 24. Mahindra Bank, needs to be done have nothing to fear about new especially in rural areas, and So far,media India rules, has conducted three in two parts - one for those at the social that are designed are omitted from the official national serosurveys during the bottom of the resources pyramid, to prevent abuse and misuse of count, said Kayoko Shioda, Covid-19 pandemic. All three and the other for protection of platforms, and offer users a robust an epidemiologist at Emory have found that theredressal. true number jobs for sectors affected by the forum for grievance University. Laboratories that of infections drastically exceeded pandemic. Prasad said that the government could confirm the cause of death the number of confirmed cases at “In my view, this is the time to welcomes criticism including the are equally swamped, she said. the time in question. expand the balance sheet of the right to ask questions. government, duly supported by the “The rules only empower the During a conversation with former US HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia RBI (Reserve BankNewsdesk of India)... for ordinary users of social media when New York: National Security Advisor General HR monetary expansion or printing they become victims of abuse and New Delhi: The digital media and OTT External Affairs McMaster in Battlegrounds’ session on of money. Time has come fordays us toby misuse,” Prasad posted on microplatforms have been given 15 M i n i s t e r S ‘India: Opportunities And Challenges be doing some of that... If not now,on blogging platform Koo, and also the government to provide details Jaishankar has For A Strategic Partnership’ presented when?” Mr Kotak said. tweeted. The government fully compliance with the new rules that said that there by the Hoover Institution, Mr Jaishankar recognises and respects the right of HiIndia Newsdesk came into effect on Wednesday. The is “a political on Wednesday also said that India is privacy, he asserted. rules meant to regulate digital content effort” to depict going through a very stressful time” “Ordinary users of WhatsApp New have Delhi: Fugitive diamond - feature a code of ethics and a three-tier the current right now because of the pandemic. merchant Mehul Choksi -nothing to fear about the new Rules. grievance redressal framework. government in “We are actually giving free food, last one of India’s most wanted in Its entire objective is to find out They also include appointment of IndiaIndia in a certain way and there is a year for multiple months and right now with the Punjab who started the message that connection led to based compliance officials, complaint difference between the political imagery again because of the second wave we National Bank loan fraud case commissioning of specific crimes resolution, monitoring of objectionable that has beenfrom “concocted” and the actual have resumed, to as much as 800 million -has been captured mentioned in the Rules,” Prasad content, compliance report and removal governance record out there. people. We put money into the bank Dominica added. while trying to flee to Cuba, sources have said. of objectionable content. accounts of 400 million people,” he said. The 62-year-old had gone missing earlier this week from the Caribbean island nation of Antigua and Barbuda, where he fled in 2018. Sources said Mehul Choksi had reached Dominica -- a tiny island nation in the Caribbean -- by boat. With a lookout circular issued against him, he was caught by the local police and is currently in their custody.

Printing Money To Save Economy: Uday Kotak

New IT rules designed to prevent misuse of social media, says Prasad

“Political Effort To Depict Our Government A Certain Way”: Foreign Minister

Mehul Choksi’s Dramatic “Share Response ASAP”: Capture After Escape By Boat Centre To Social Media Platforms On Digital Rules

China Slams Biden’s Push For Covid Origin, Says USA’s No one has the guts “DarktoHistory” Known arrest me, says Ramdev HiIndia Newsdesk

HiIndia Newsdesk Yoga guru Ramdev on Wednesday said no one had the guts to arrest him, his declaration coming on a day the Indian Medical Association appealed to the Prime Minister to book the “owner of Patanjali products” on sedition charges for “spreading fear” against Covid vaccination. HiIndia Newsdesk “Arrest to kisiGoogle ka baap isbhicommitted nahin kar sakta New Delhi: to Swami Ramdev ko, lekin shor macha rahe hain (Not even complying with local laws and engages someone’s father can arrest Swami Ramdev, but they are making a noise),” he told constructively with governments as reporters in Haridwar, whenregulatory asked about the #ArrestRamdev they scrutinise and adopt campaign ontoTwitter. frameworks keep pace with the fast “They are demanding mylandscape, arrest. Sometimes they call me a thug evolving technology its or maha-thug. It doesn’t CEO Sundar Pichai said matter today. to me. I have become used to such things, ” Ramdev said. Calls for his arrest have come after He added that a free and open internet Ramdev called allopathy a “stupid science” and alleged that is “foundational”, and that India has lakhs had died after taking allopathic medicines for Covid-19. long traditions of that.

What Google’s Sundar Pichai Said On India’s New Digital Rules

Give Details On Compliance In 15 Days: Centre To Online News Publishers

Farmers’ memo to ‘company sarkar’

India to procure Pfizer jabs soon, says NITI Aayog member HiIndia Newsdesk

Farmer leaders on Wednesday told the community to be ready for a New Delhi: The government on Wednesday wrote to major prolonged agitation till the 2024 social media platforms on whether they had complied with HiIndia Newsdesk general election and described the new digital rules taking effect on the day and asked for their government as a “company sarkar”, response “ASAP, preferably Beijing:today”. China hit out at the “dark history” an insinuation that its inflexibility of the US intelligence Platforms like Facebook, WhatsApp and Twittercommunity were given on the new farm laws stemmed Thursday, afterrules President Joe Biden three months to comply with the new that require them from its links to big business. ordered a probe into the Covid-19 “If this wereHiIndia a party sarkar Newsdesk as the lab-leak theory rebounds Social mediaorigins platforms were given (government), it would have vaccine soon as Pfizer indicated and strains relations between the two As three monthscountries. to comply withBiden the new yielded by the now. But this is a availability, central government and President on Wednesday company sarkar, ” Bharatiya Kisan rules that require them to appoint a the company started working together ordered US intelligence agencies to Union leader Rakesh Tikait saidof the the earliest possible import report toin him in the next compliance officer India, set three up amonths on for in an online with VK Paul vaccine, NITIinteraction Aayog member whether the Covid-19 virus first emerged grievance response mechanism and journalists. said on Thursday. in China from an animal source or from take down content within 36 hours of The event was hosted by theand Indian Paul, in a statement on ‘Myth Facts a laboratory accident. Press CorpsProcess’ on a daypointed the India’s Vaccination a legal order.The lab-leak theory, initially dismissed onWomen’s farmers completed out that vaccines aresix in months limited supply as “highly unlikely” by a delayed World to appoint a compliance officer in India, set up a grievance of agitation on Delhi’s borders. and companies have their own Health Organization mission to China, globally, response mechanism has and resurfaced take down in content 36 hours No response has so far come to priorities, game-plans and compulsions recentwithin days, driven by of a legal order. nTheWashington. note from the Ministry of Electronics ina allocating finite stocks. letter the farmers had written “The dark history of the US and IT asked the companies to givecommunity informationhas on long the status astoPfizer indicated vaccine onsoon Friday the Prime Minister intelligence been “As of compliance and stressed: confirm andLijian shareadded, your availability, the central towards government seeking his intervention known “Please to the world, ” Zhao response ASAP and preferably ” The companies and companyofare working together thethe resumption talks with the referring totoday the US’itself. unfounded allegations have to give the name and contact details of a chief compliance for the earliestwhich possible import government, broke downofonthe of weapons of mass destruction which officer, a nodal contact person, residentofgrievance officer vaccine, January” Paul, 22. who is also the head of justified its ainvasion Iraq. and a physical address of the company in India. India’s COVID-19 force, said. THE US CAPITOLtask HILL SIEGE

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An armed and angry mob of Trump supporters stormed Capitol Hill and clashed with police on Wednesday as Congress convened to validate Joe Biden’s presidential win. What led to the siege, and why is Trump being blamed?



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Top Stories of the Week NEWS BREIF Red alert issued for 4 Odisha districts for today & tomorrow ahead of Cyclone Yaas

HiIndia Newsdesk IMD Bhubaneswar has said a red alert (extremely heavy rainfall) warning has been issued for Odisha’s Kendrapara, Bhadrak, Jagatsinghpur, Balasore for today and tomorrow. An orange alert (heavy to very heavy rainfall) warning was issued in Mayurbhanj, Jajpur, Cuttack, Khordha and Puri for today. Cyclone Yaas is likely to intensify into a very severe cyclonic storm during next 12 hours.

Virat, Anushka donate to raise Rs. 16cr for world’s most expensive drug to save kid’s life

HiIndia Newsdesk Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma have once again stepped up to help raise funds to save the life of a child suffering from spinal muscular atrophy (SPA), a rare genetic disorder. A little kid named Ayaansh Gupta needed the world’s most expensive medicine - Zolgensma worth Rs 16 crore to beat the disease. Aayansh’s parents had sought help on social media to raise money for their ailing child. They created a Twitter account named ‘AyaanshFightsSMA’ for his treatment and saw a number of celebrities including Kohli and Anushka support them to buy the most expensive medicine in the world. On Sunday, the parents informed on Twitter that they successfully managed to get the medicine for Aayansh. “Never thought that this arduous journey we set on to #saveayaanshgupta would culminate this beautifully. Happy to announce tht we have reachd ₹16 Cr. needed to get #Zolgensma for #Ayaansh. A big thank you to every person who supported us. This is your victory,” they tweeted from the account.

India records 300,000 Covid deaths as pandemic rages HiIndia Newsdesk

Indian police visit Twitter’s office after ‘manipulated media’ label

HiIndia Newsdesk Indian police have visited a Twitter office to serve notice, after the social media giant labelled a tweet as “manipulated media”. The incident comes after Twitter applied the label to a tweet by ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) spokesperson Sambit Patra. It comes amid tense relations between the Indian government and

The number of deaths linked to Covid-19 in India has moved past the 300,000 mark as the country continues to grapple with the pandemic. Experts warn that the real number of fatalities might be much higher as many deaths are not officially recorded. India has recorded 26 million cases second only to the US - and is now the epicentre of the global pandemic. The country is also only the third in the world to record more than 300,000 deaths - behind the US and Brazil. It took less than a month to record its last 100,000 deaths. A deadly second wave in recent weeks has overwhelmed the country’s healthcare system, with hospitals struggling to cope with the influx of patients and with critical drugs and oxygen running out.

Twitter. In April, India ordered Twitter to remove tweets critical of its handling of the virus, which it complied with. Earlier this year, Twitter also reversed its blocking of a number of accounts following a request from authorities. The accounts were linked to ongoing farmer protests against agricultural reforms. If Twitter had not complied, it could have meant jail time for Twitter’s employees in India. The latest incident comes after leaders of the BJP party had reportedly shared screenshots of a document on Twitter that they said was created by the main opposition party Congress to highlight the government’s failure in handling the pandemic.

Centre’s Top Choices for New CBI Chief Dropped After CJI Ramana’s Opposition

Fear Of Death From Covid Not Grounds For Pre-Arrest Bail: SC

HiIndia Newsdesk New Delhi: Anticipatory bail cannot be granted on grounds of fear of death due to COVID-19, the Supreme Court said Tuesday afternoon, as it stayed an Allahabad High Court order on the subject. Anticipatory bail must be based on the merits of each individual case, the top court stressed, adding that the High Court’s order could not be used as precedent by other courts. The top court was responding to a

petition filed by the Uttar Pradesh government last week challenging an Allahabad High Court order that said anticipatory bail could be granted on grounds of apprehension of death in view of the surge in Covid cases and overcrowding in jails. “You (the UP government) have a problem with observations made... sweeping observations (that) all persons be granted anticipatory bail... we are staying sweeping observations and further orders,” Justices Vineet Saran and BR Gavai told Solicitor General Tushar Mehta. The debate over anticipatory bail was triggered after the High Court allowed Prateek Jain - a conman who has 130 cases registered against him - to be released on bail till January 2022. The UP government told the Supreme Court the reasoning - apprehension of death due to Covid - had set a wrong precedent and was being quoted by other courts for grant of anticipatory bail.

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HiIndia Newsdesk New Delhi: Chief Justice of India N.V. Ramana reportedly cited a rule during a three-member panel meeting chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday to select a new director for the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) that ruled out two names being considered by the government for the post. Besides CJI Ramana and Modi, Congress leader and Leader of the Opposition in Lok Sabha, Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury, who is part of the high-powered panel to zero in on a name, held deliberations at the prime minister’s residence for 90 minutes on Monday. The post has been vacant since February this year. Citing sources, CJI Ramana insisted that a police officer with less than six months of service should be not considered for the post referring to a particular Supreme Court judgement. Apparently, it is for the first time such a rule has been put forward during the selection of a new CBI director, and Ramana emphasised that the rule should be complied with. Therefore, it has eliminated Rakesh Asthana, the Border Security Force chief retiring on August 31, and National Investigation Agency chief Y.C. Modi, retiring on May 31 – the two names which have been at the top of the heap in the government’s shortlist.









An armed and angry mob of Trump supporters stormed Capitol Hill and clashed with police on Wednesday as Congress convened to validate Joe Biden’s presidential win. What led to the siege, and why is Trump being blamed?





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Top Stories of the Week NEWS BREIF Railway set to suspend Sushil Kumar

HiIndia Newsdesk The Northern Railway is set to suspend wrestler Sushil Kumar following his arrest by the Delhi Police in a murder case, a spokesperson said on Monday. A senior commercial manager with the Northern Railway, Olympic medallist Kumar had been on deputation with the Delhi government since 2015 and was posted as an Officer on Special Duty (OSD) at Chhatrasal Stadium for development of sports at school level.

Bihar: Lockdown extended till June 1

HiIndia Newsdesk The Nitish Kumar government in Bihar on Monday extended till June 01 the COVID-induced lockdown that has been in force for nearly a month and was to be effective till Tuesday. An announcement to this effect was made by the Chief Minister on his official twitter handle.

“Pfizer, Moderna Won’t Sell Shots To Us. They Said...”: Arvind Kejriwal HiIndia Newsdesk New Delhi: US pharmaceutical giants Pfizer and Moderna have made it clear they won’t sell vaccines directly to Delhi, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said today, stressing that vaccine manufacturers have underlined “they will deal with the central government”. Vaccine rollout for the 18-44 age group was paused on Saturday in Delhi due to the shortage of doses. “We’ve spoken to Pfizer and Moderna for vaccines, and both the manufacturers have refused to sell vaccines directly to us. They have said they will deal with the central government. We appeal to the centre to import vaccines and distribute to the states,” Mr Kejriwal told reporters this afternoon. His statement comes a day after Punjab said Moderna has refused to

according to officials, looking for direct purchases. Arvind Kejriwal on Saturday wrote to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, seeking an increase in the supply of doses. “Every month, Delhi needs 80 lakh doses but it received only 16 lakh doses in May. For June, our share has been reduced further to eight lakh doses,” he said. n his letter, Mr Kejriwal also gave four suggestions to the Prime Minister on speeding vaccine drive. “The centre should speak to international vaccine Arvind Kejriwal’s statement manufacturers, buy from them and comes a day after Punjab said distribute to states. States and union Moderna has refused to sell territories are fighting with each other,” vaccines to the state directly. he said. “All vaccine makers in India, within 24 hours, should be ordered to sell vaccines to the state directly. The manufacture Bharat Biotech’s Covaxin Amarinder Singh government had to ramp up stocks,” he appealed to the reached out to all such manufacturers, centre.

Ramdev withdraws offensive remarks on allopathic medicine

HiIndia Newsdesk Yoga televangelist Ramdev on Sunday withdrew his derogatory remarks against allopathic medicine after Union health minister Harsh Vardhan wrote to him seeking a retraction and saying his “extremely unfortunate” comments had disrespected “corona warriors” and could demoralise healthcare workers. “Hon’ble Minister, I have received your

Amit Shah holds meeting with Bengal, Odisha CMs HiIndia Newsdesk

letter. I withdraw my statement, putting to rest the controversy over various medical practices,” Ramdev tweeted in Hindi from his personal Twitter handle. Doctors’ bodies had on Saturday asked the government to prosecute Ramdev after a video purportedly showed him dubbing allopathy a “stupid science” that had killed “lakhs of people” and was ineffective against Covid. Ramdev’s Patanjali Yogpeeth Trust had on Saturday evening claimed Ramdev was merely “reading out a forwarded WhatsApp message” in the video and that he had the “utmost regards” for doctors and support staff battling the epidemic. Vardhan said the explanation given by Ramdev was not enough.

Union Home Minister Amit Shah Monday held a meeting via video conference with the chief ministers of O d i s h a , A n d h r a Pr a d e s h , West Bengal and the Lieutenant Governor of Andaman and Nicobar Islands to review preparations in view of Cyclone Yaas. The India Meteorological Department (IMD) Monday said the deep depression over the Bay of Bengal has intensified into cyclonic storm ‘Yaas’ and is likely to cross the Odisha-West Bengal coasts on May 26 after turning into a very severe cyclonic storm. ‘Yaas’ is likely to cross the OdishaWest Bengal coasts between Paradip and Sagar Islands around noon on May 26.

WHA under lens as demand for Roche’s COVID-19 antibody Centre Allows On-Site Registration for Those Above 18 fuller probe into China link to cocktail now available in Covid-19 grows India at Rs.59,750 per dose at Govt Vaccination Centres

HiIndia Newsdesk Roche India and Cipla have announced the first batch of Roche’s antibody cocktail drug is now available in India for the treatment of mild to moderate COVID-19 in patients, who are at high risk. The cocktail drug (Casirivimab and Imdevimab), priced at ₹59,750 per dose, received emergency use authorisation (EUA) by the Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation (CDSCO) this month.

HiIndia Newsdesk The Centre gave its nod to on-site, or walk-in, registration of “a few beneficiaries” in the 18-44 age group at government-run Covid vaccination facilities to “minimise vaccine wastage”. The step would help use “some doses… left unutilised in case online appointee beneficiaries do not turn up on day of vaccination”, the government said. The facility of only online appointment mode given initially to people in the age group of 18 to 44 years helped to avoid overcrowding at the vaccination centres, said the ministry. “This feature will be used only upon the decision of the respective State/UT Government to do so. State/UT must decide on the opening of on-site registrations/facilitated cohorts’ registration and appointments for 18-44 years age group based on the local context just as an additional measure to minimize vaccine wastage and for facilitating vaccination of eligible beneficiaries in the age group 18-44 years,” the ministry said in a statement.

HiIndia Newsdesk Amidst a US intelligence report that advocates a larger probe into the possibility that the Covid-19 virus could have leaked from China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology, the World Health Assembly is meeting today to pass an anodyne resolution on setting up of an inter-governmental working group to further discuss the submitted three reports investigating the origins of the global pandemic and take further action. The WHA may also consider a global pandemic treaty to plug the gaps found by the three reports and make it legally binding on nations to prevent any future pandemic outbreak. The WHA meeting comes at a time when Wall Street Journal has reported that three researchers of the China’s Wuhan Institute became so sick that they had to be admitted to the hospital in November 2019. THE US CAPITOL HILL SIEGE

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An armed and angry mob of Trump supporters stormed Capitol Hill and clashed with police on Wednesday as Congress convened to validate Joe Biden’s presidential win. What led to the siege, and why is Trump being blamed?



NATIONAL EDITION | May 19 2021 | THE COMMUNITY FIRST | hiindia.com - News Update 24/7 | Advtertising Inq. 773.338.0222 MIDWEST / EASTCOAST






1 11


Top Stories of the Week


Tarun Tejpal acquitted

PM Chokes Up As He Pays Tribute “This Virus Took Away Many Loved Ones”

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s emotional tribute to those who died of COVID-19 comes as his government battles criticism about its handling of the second wave of infections. HiIndia Newsdesk

HiIndia Newsdesk A sessions court in Goa on Friday acquitted journalist Tarun Tejpal of sexually assaulting a former female colleague. Tejpal, former Tehelka editorin-chief, was accused of sexually assaulting the colleague inside the elevator of a luxury hotel in Goa in 2013. Additional sessions judge Kshama Joshi acquitted Tejpal, who was present in the court along with his family members when the judgment was pronounced around 10.45 am.

New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi was visibly emotional today as he spoke about those who had lost their lives to Covid. “This virus has ... snatched many of loved ones from us. I pay my humble tribute to them and I express my condolences to the families who lost people,” the Prime Minister said, appearing to choke up as he took a long pause. He thanked doctors and frontline workers during video conference with health workers in Varanasi, his

parliamentary constituency in Uttar Pradesh. “In the second wave of corona, we are fighting on multiple fronts at the same time. The rate of infection is also

Noted environmentalist Sunderlal Bahuguna dies of Covid-19

Israel, Hamas agree to ceasefire to end bloody 11-day war HiIndia Newsdesk Noted environmentalist and Chipko movement pioneer Sunderlal Bahuguna

much more and patients are in hospital for a longer time.” The Prime Minister’s emotional homage to those who died of Covid in the fierce second wave of infections comes as his government battles criticism about its handling of the pandemic. The opposition has repeatedly attacked PM Modi over the scale of infection and deaths in the past weeks, alleging that the government failed to prepare for the surge, declared victory over Covid too early and exported vaccines when it should have focused on protecting people in the country.

Jaishankar in US from May 24-28

died at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in Rishikesh on Friday after battling Covid-19 for several days. He was 94. He breathed his last at 12.05 pm, AIIMS Director Ravikant said. Bahuguna, an eco-activist, spent his life persuading and educating the villagers to protest against the destruction of the forests and Himalayan mountains. It was his endeavor that saw then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi banning the cutting of tress. Bahuguna is best remembered for the slogan “ecology is the permanent economy”.

HiIndia Newsdesk MEA Jaishankar will be travelling to the United States t h is Su nd ay to meet UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres in New York and hold a bilateral meeting with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken in Washington to discuss vaccine production, resilient supply chains and the Indo-Pacific. He will be in America till May 28. Jaishankar will meet Secretary General Guterres in the backdrop of India joining theUNSC as non-permanent member this year.

RBI To Provide $14 Billion As Dividend To Centre HiIndia Newsdesk

HiIndia Newsdesk Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office said Israel accepted the Egyptian proposal after a late-night meeting of his Security Cabinet Israel and Hamas announced a ceasefire Thursday, ending a bruising 11-day war that caused widespread destruction in the Gaza Strip and brought life in much of Israel to a standstill. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office said Israel accepted the Egyptian proposal after a late-night meeting of his Security Cabinet. Hamas quickly followed suit and said it would honor the deal. In a statement, Mr Netanyahu’s office said the Security Cabinet unanimously approved the proposal after recommendations from the military chief of staff and other top defense officials. The statement boasted of “significant achievements in the operation, some of which are unprecedented” and included a veiled threat against Hamas.

The central bank approved paying a higher-than-expected nearly $14 billion as dividend to the government, providing relief to Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman at a time when the pandemic has strained public finances. The central board of the Reserve Bank of India approved transferring ₹ 991.2 billion ($13.6 billion) to the government on Friday, according to a statement from the Reserve Bank of India. The RBI pays dividends to the government every year from surplus it generates from market operations, investments and printing of currency.

Delhi’s Covid Positivity Rate Falls Below 5%, Lowest Since April 4 HiIndia Newsdesk New Delhi: Delhi has recorded 3,009 fresh COVID-19 cases and 252 deaths related to the disease in the past 24 hours, with a positivity rate of less than 4.76 per cent. This is the first time the national capital Covid positivity rate has fallen below 5 per cent since April 4. The World Health Organisation has declared Covid positivity rate below 5 per cent to be within the safe zone. This would now add pressure to lift the lockdown in place in Delhi. The number of daily cases recorded in the past 24 hours is also the lowest since April 1. The number of active cases has now dropped below 36,000, the lowest since April 11.

WWE releases India’s Kavita Devi and other NXT superstars Kavita Devi last wrestled for the company in July 2019. She had competed on WWE’s biggest stage during the Women’s Battle Royal at WrestleMania in New Orleans. HiIndia Newsdesk WWE’s first female Indian pro-wrestler Kavita Devi was among several WWE superstars who were released by the company this week due to budget cuts. She last wrestled for the company in July 2019. According to PWInsider.com Devi was supposed to wrestle earlier this year at the WWE Superstar Spectacle but was replaced by Sareena Sandhu. Devi had reportedly returned to India for a family matter but did not return to the United States ever since. Hailing from Haryana, where she was also a police officer, Devi has trained under former WWE Champion, The Great Khali at his Punjab-based wrestling promotion and training academy.



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An armed and angry mob of Trump supporters stormed Capitol Hill and clashed with police on Wednesday as Congress convened to validate Joe Biden’s presidential win. What led to the siege, and why is Trump being blamed? m

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FRIDAY, MAY 28, 2021


NEWS BREIF Mumbai-born Reuben brothers 2nd on UK richest list

HiIndia Newsdesk Mumbai-born brothers David and Simon Reuben held on to their rank as the second-richest in the UK with an estimated net worth of GBP 21.465 billion in the annual ‘Sunday Times Rich List’, topped by Russian-origin UK-US dual national Sir Leonard Blavatnik with an estimated fortune of GBP 23 billion. In a preview to the rankings in ‘The Times’ on Friday, the Hinduja brothers - who had shared the second spot with the Reubens last year - slipped to third place with an estimated net worth of GBP 17 billion. They are followed by British inventor-entrepreneur Sir James Dyson and family, who dropped from the top spot in 2020 to number four with a fortune estimated at GBP 16.3 billion. In fifth place is steel tycoon Lakshmi N Mittal, who added GBP 7.899 billion to his fortunes over the past year to climb several spots from his 19th rank in 2020.




773.526.8353 MIDWEST / EASTCOAST

Indian-origin family in US returns USD 1 million discarded ticket to winner, wins hearts for honesty HiIndia Newsdesk

NEW YORK: A woman in the US state of Massachusetts threw away her shot at USD 1 million, but as luck would it, she got a second chance at the fortune, thanks to an Indian-origin family who returned the discarded lottery ticket to their long-time customer, earning appreciation for their honesty. Lea Rose Fiega bought a Diamond Millions scratch-off ticket in March at Lucky Stop, a store owned by the Indian-origin family in Southwick, where she was a regular customer. “I was in a hurry, on lunch break, and just scratched it real quick, and looked at it, and it didn’t look like a winner, so I handed it over to them to throw away, Fiega said on Monday. But the ticket was not fully scratched off and it sat in a pile in the store for 10 days until Abhi Shah, son of the store owners, noticed the unfinished USD 30 ticket in the trash, the New York

Lea Rose Fiega, the winner bought the ticket in March at a store owned by the Indian-origin family.

Lea Rose Fiega bought a Diamond Millions scratch-off ticket in March at Lucky Stop, a store owned by the Indian-origin family in Southwick, where she was a regular customer. Post reported. Abhi said the winning ticket was sold by his mother Aruna Shah to one of their regular customers.

UK minister Priti Patel to unveil USstyle digital visas to count migrants

HiIndia Newsdesk UK Home Secretary Priti Patel is set to unveil a new US-style digital visa regime at the country’s borders to measure

immigration levels in and out of the country, according to UK media reports on Sunday. The senior Indian-origin Cabinet minister is to confirm the so-called “sweeping changes” to the UK’s immigration policy to “streamline” how people come into the country on Monday. The post-Brexit changes will include the border being managed digitally, which the government says will be easier to navigate for businesses and allow for the first time to accurately count people in and out of the UK.

“One evening, I was going through the tickets from the trash and [noticed] that she didn’t scratch the number. I scratched the number and it was USD 1 million underneath the ticket,” Abhi was quoted as saying by the local TV station WWLP. The younger Shah came to find Fiega at work and told her his parents wanted to see her, according to the lottery winner. I said ‘I’m working,’ and he said ‘no you have to come over’. So, I went over there and that’s when they told me. I was in total disbelief. I cried, I hugged them,’ Fiega said. The other customers of the store are not surprised that the Shahs did the right thing. “They’re just purely good people. You can tell by just talking to them,” one customer was quoted as saying by WBZ TV, a CBS-owned-andoperated television station licensed to Boston, Massachusetts. The family is now fielding congratulatory calls and interview requests from across the country.

Emirates extends suspension of passenger flights from India HiIndia Newsdesk Emirates has extended its suspension of passenger flights from India until June 14. The Dubai-based carrier had originally stopped flights from the country last month following instruction from the National Emergency Crisis and Disaster Management Authority and the General Authority of Civil Aviation. It came as cases of Covid-19 in India reached record levels as a result of the so-called ‘double mutation’. UAE nationals, holders of UAE Golden Visas and members of diplomatic missions who comply with the revised published Covid-19 protocols are exempt.

Indian Americans Recorded Highest Indian-origin man asked to ‘move’ house by 1-metre or pay Rs 1.6 crore damages Rate of Voting in 2020 Polls

HiIndia Newsdesk WASHINGTON — In the November 2020 presidential elections, Indian Americans reported the highest rate of voting at 71 percent among adult citizens, according to the publisher of demographic data and policy research on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. Japanese Americans came second with 66 percent, an AAPI Data blog reveals. “For Indian Americans, this was a 9

percentage point increase compared to the 2016 election, while for Japanese Americans, the increase was a modest 4 percent,” it said. The blog further said that the election on Nov. 3, 2020, witnessed a major increase in voter engagement among the AAPI community, “building on record gains in voting in the 2018 midterm elections, where midterm voter registration and turnout jumped across every segment, including by nativity, age, gender and geography.” Karthick Ramakrishnan, the Indian American director of AAPI Data, told NPR there was a stark increase in voting among second-generation immigrants, who were born in the U.S. to immigrant parents, according to a media report. “This second generation is coming of political age and especially during this moment of COVID and the increase in anti-Asian racism and hate incidents, you are seeing a kind of political consciousness that’s forming that will likely last a generation.

Back in 2020, Deepak had contacted ‘Pinnacle Homes’ constructions to design and build his home in the Papakura area in Auckland of New Zealand’s North Island

design and build his home in the Papakura area in Auckland of New Zealand’s North Island. According to nzherald.co.nz, despite the work completing in mid-2020, the finishing work on the three-bedroom house came to a halt in August after the HiIndia Newsdesk construction company called to tell him An Indian-origin man—who also owns about the boundary mix-up. Deepak’s a place in Auckland—has been sued by three-bedroom home is located right the developer, and asked to pay NZ$ on the boundary of his neighbouring 315,000 (over 1 crore in Indian rupees) property. for constructing his house “in the wrong That property is owned by the company place”. C94 Development. The company wants Deepak Lal has built his home right on Deepak to move his little house or pay the neighbour’s boundary. The one$315,000 in damages, reported nzherald. metre difference between the boundary co.nz. The situation has become a of his and his neighbour’s house has “nightmare” for Lal. become a nightmare for Deepak. According to Deepak, the Auckland The mistake was reportedly committed Council approved the building consent by the builder, but still, Deepak has to for the house. Lal’s lawyer Matt Taylor clear the payment of faulty construction. said that the issue has arisen as a “result Back in 2020, Deepak had contacted of an error made at the design stage.” ‘Pinnacle Homes’ constructions to






FRIDAY, MAY 28, 2021

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FRIDAY, MAY 28, 2021


Two held with 18 vials of Remdesivir in Hyderabad

HiIndia Newsdesk Hyderabad: The South Zone Task Force along with the Bahadurpura police nabbed two persons on charges of illegally procuring and selling Remdesivir injections here on Tuesday. Police seized 18 Remdesivir vials from them. The arrested persons were Solomon Raju (27), a male nurse working at a private hospital from KPHB colony and Aravind (29), a medical representative, from Hitec City, Madhapur. One suspect, Shiva Shankar from Attapur, was absconding.

Centre allocates 700 Amphotericin vials for Telangana HiIndia Newsdesk

Hyderabad: The Union Health Ministry has allocated an additional 700 Amphotericin vials on Tuesday for treatment of Covid-19 recovered patients suffering from Mucormycosis in Telangana. The fresh allocation of the anti-fungal drug is in addition to the 890 vials that were released by the Centre on Friday. Overall, the Centre allocated 19,420 extra vials of Amphotericin on Tuesday, in addition to the 23,680 vials that were released earlier on May 21 to all States.

Cloud kitchens in Hyderabad hit hard by pandemic

HiIndia Newsdesk



773.526.8353 MIDWEST / EASTCOAST

South India News

TS to invite tenders for 15 lift schemes CM directs officials to prepare estimates for all projects, invite tenders at one go

Telangana govt permits private hospitals to vaccinate above 18 yrs

HiIndia Newsdesk

Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao at a high-level meeting in Pragathi Bhavan on Tuesday.

Hyderabad: The Irrigation Department is all set to prepare estimates and invite tenders for all the 15 lift irrigation schemes proposed to be taken up between Devarakonda and Kodad under the ayacut of Nagarjuna Sagar Left Canal, by June 15. Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao, who laid foundation stones for these projects at Nellikal recently, directed the officials concerned to this effect and asked Energy Minister G Jagadish Reddy to coordinate with the officials to prepare separate estimates for all the projects and invite the tenders at one go. The Chief Minister chaired a high-level meeting at Pragathi Bhavan Tuesday

on irrigation projects being taken up in both Krishna and Godavari River basins. He also discussed the condition of existing projects, and directed officials to take up repair works ahead of the monsoon season. He advised the irrigation engineers to make it a priority to fill all the water bodies including reservoirs, lakes, tanks and checkdams during the upcoming monsoon season. Chandrashekhar Rao directed the officials to start lifting water from Kaleshwaram Lift Irrigation Scheme soon after the commencement of the monsoon season and fill all the water bodies till last the ayacut areas like Thungathurthy.

Hyderabad-based MSN Labs to begin phase III trial of Molnupiravir

Hyderabad: The State government on Tuesday permitted all the designated private hospitals to start administration of Covid vaccines to individuals above 18 years. Accordingly, private hospitals, which have been designated Private Covid Vaccination Centres in Telangana, can now administer vaccines to eligible individuals. The State government also permitted private hospitals to conduct vaccination drives in workplaces by registering on CoWIN portal and following Covid vaccination guidelines. Earlier, the State government had kept the process of administering vaccines at PCVCs to individuals above 18 years in abeyance. On Tuesday, the Health Department also restarted administering the second dose of Covid vaccines to eligible individuals across all the government Covid vaccine centres.

Mosque turns into Covid care centre

HiIndia Newsdesk Hyderabad: Hyderabad-based pharmaceuticals company MSN Laboratories will initiate a phase III clinical trial of molnupiravir capsules for the treatment of

Covid-19 in India. MSN has received its clinical trial approval on May 19 from Drug Controller General of India (DCGI) to perform molnupiravir efficacy and safety study on mild to moderate Covid-19 patients.

Two weeks into Lockdown 2.0, cops get stricter in Hyderabad HiIndia Newsdesk

Hyderabad: The advent of appbased food delivery services gave many budding entrepreneurs the opportunity to foray into the food industry and in the last couple of years, many cloud kitchens opened up in the city. Relying on food delivery apps like Swiggy and Zomato, these small businesses function only through homedelivery mode, instead of having an option to dine in, drastically reducing the initial investment and running costs.


Hyderabad: As the city entered the 14th day of the lockdown on Tuesday, the police continued to strictly enforce restrictions across the city. Though the roads were busy with people and vehicles during the four-hour relaxation period, post 10am, barricades were set up on the roads and visible policing increased in the residential colonies and bylanes adjacent to the main roads. During the relaxation period, hundreds of citizens were seen thronging on the roads to buy groceries, vegetables and other essentials. Most shops were jam-packed and many places witnessed heavy traffic jams, including at Charminar, Kachiguda, Narayanaguda, Secunderabad Railway Station road, Miyapur, Kukatpally, Nampally, Ameerpet, Punjagutta and Begumpet. Those found violating lockdown rules and venturing out on the roads unnecessarily were detained and their vehicles seized.

HiIndia Newsdesk A mosque in Hyderabad’s Rajendranagar has opened its premises to operate a full-fledged COVID isolation center. With support from voluntary organizations, a doublestoreyed building attached to the Masjid-e-Muhammadi has now been converted into a 40-bed COVID isolation center, equipped with oxygen beds, medical equipment, and a triaging system for firstline COVID treatment. The initiative aims to offer support to patients from weaker sections and those living in congested houses. Twenty classrooms in the school building will now accommodate two to three patients per room. Separate rooms for pharmacy, doctors, rest area, casualty, and triaging, etc are arranged. Each floor has a separate restroom for men and women. The facility is open to all and services are free of cost, stresses its organizers.






FRIDAY, MAY 28, 2021

Dominic Cummings: Thousands died needlessly after Covid mistakes

Thousands of people died needlessly as a result of government mistakes in the handling of the coronavirus pandemic, Dominic Cummings has said. The PM’s former top aide said Boris Johnson was “unfit for the job”, claiming he had ignored scientific advice and wrongly delayed lockdowns. He also claimed Matt Hancock should have been fired for lying - something denied by the health secretary. “Tens of thousands of people died, who didn’t need to die,” Mr Cummings added. At a marathon seven-hour evidence session, the former Downing Street insider painted a picture of policy failure, dithering and a government that had no useful plan for handling a pandemic.

HiIndia Newsdesk

Those on the front line of the pandemic were like “lions” being “led by donkeys”.



He told MPs: “The truth is that senior ministers, senior officials, senior advisers like me fell disastrously short of the standards that the public has a right to expect of its government in a crisis like this.” He added: “I would like to say to all the families of those who died unnecessarily how sorry I am for the mistakes that were made and for my own mistakes at that.” Mr Cummings - who was forced out of Number 10 at the end of last year after an internal power struggle - said those on the front line of the pandemic were like “lions” being “led by donkeys”. But he claimed Mr Johnson had told him he liked to be surrounded by “chaos” in Downing Street, because it meant everyone had to look to the PM “to see who is in charge”.

Ethiopia says 22 regional India-Dominant Covid Variant Found officials killed by Tigray rebels In At Least 53 Territories: WHO Syria holds presidential

HiIndia Newsdesk Rebels have killed 22 officials of the war-hit Tigray region’s interim administration, Ethiopia’s government said on Wednesday. An additional 20 interim officials had been “kidnapped” by forces loyal to the Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front, or TPLF, which ruled the region until it was toppled by an offensive ordered by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed in November. A further four have been “wounded and hospitalized”, said the statement issued on Twitter. Abiy declared victory four weeks after the offensive began and replaced the TPLF’s regional administration with an interim one headed by officials appointed by the federal government based in Addis Ababa. But six months on, fighting continues in Tigray as pro-TPLF fighters wage an insurgent campaign in the region’s countryside.

HiIndia Newsdesk Geneva, Switzerland: The coronavirus variant first detected in India has now been officially recorded in 53 territories, a World Health Organization report showed Wednesday. Additionally, the WHO has received information from unofficial sources that the B.1.617 variant has been found in seven other territories, figures in the UN health agency’s weekly epidemiological update showed, taking the total to 60. The report said B.1.617 had shown increased transmissibility, while disease severity and risk of infection were under investigation. Globally over the past week, the number of new cases and deaths continued to decrease, with around 4.1 million new cases and 84,000 new deaths reported -- a 14 percent and two percent decrease respectively compared to the previous week.

Australian Yang Hengjun to face court in Beijing on espionage charges

Belarus plane : Lukashenko hits back at condemnation of journalist’s arrest

HiIndia Newsdesk Australia’s ambassador to China was denied entry to a heavily guarded Beijing court on Thursday where the espionage case against Australian blogger Yang Hengjun will be heard at a time of worsening ties between the two nations. Graham Fletcher, Australia’s ambassador to China, attempted to enter the Beijing No. 2 Intermediate People’s Court in line with a two-way consular pact. “Unfortunately we have just been denied entry to the court. The reason given was because of the pandemic situation but the foreign ministry has also told us it is because it is a national security case therefore we are not permitted to attend it,” Fletcher told reporters outside the court.

HiIndia Newsdesk The president of Belarus has said his critics are “strangling” his country and waging “hybrid warfare”. Alexander Lukashenko told parliament common sense had been abandoned and “many red lines” crossed as Western countries imposed sanctions on Belarus. He was defending the move to forcibly divert a Ryanair plane, which was flying from Greece to Lithuania, to land in Belarus on Sunday. A Belarusian journalist who is a critic of Mr Lukashenko was arrested. Mr Lukashenko’s comments were the first he has made in public about the incident, which has drawn Western outrage.

election dismissed as farce by opposition

HiIndia Newsdesk A presidential election is taking place in government-held parts of Syria, with Bashar al-Assad seen as certain to win a fourth sevenyear term.Mr Assad is facing two little-known challengers, Abdullah Salloum Abdullah and Mahmoud Ahmed Mari. The poll has been dismissed as a farce by the war-torn country’s opposition, while the US and European powers have said it is neither free nor fair. As he cast his ballot Mr Assad said the opinion of the West counted for “zero”. Syria has been devastated by a conflict that erupted after Mr Assad’s government responded with deadly force to peaceful prodemocracy protests in March 2011.

Victoria enters fourth lockdown to curb outbreak

HiIndia Newsdesk Australia’s second most populous state Victoria will enter a sevenday lockdown to counter a fastspreading outbreak in its capital, Melbourne. The lockdown will begin at midnight on Thursday (14:00 GMT). Authorities have so far found 26 cases, and identified 150 sites where people may have been exposed to the virus.



FRIDAY, MAY 28, 2021




773.526.8353 MIDWEST / EASTCOAST

‘Shah Rukh Khan was always a charmer, very popular with girls’, recalls Manoj Bajpayee


Annu Kapoor slams ‘rich and famous’ for flaunting exotic vacation photos Veteran actor Annu Kapoor had last month appealed to the ‘rich and famous’ to not post their vacation photos. “I humbly appeal to rich and famous from all walks of life and media not to post their pictures vacationing at exotic locations while the most of the world suffers with pandemic,” he wrote in his tweet while adding in Hindi, “Why do you want the curse of victims by making them jealous?” Annu said, “Those who have facilities, are rich and privileged, they can go. You go, I am not stopping you. Do not show off. You are flaunting your fancy platter in front of the hungry. We know that you can afford it. We know you are rich. We know you have a good body. But apart from this what else can you show off. But it does not feel good. There is the German term for it - ‘kitsch’, which means art in bad taste; when the taste in your mouth goes bad. So I clearly said, you do what you have to, I do not have any objection to it. Those who have money will go. I am not stopping you from that, but from showing it off,” he said.

The journey from Heropanti to Bachchan Pandey has been the best phase of my life Celebrates 7 years in Bollywood It’s been seven years to the release of Tiger Shroff and Kriti Sanon’s debut film Heropanti. The actors on Sunday celebrated the debut film’s release and their journey in film industry. Kriti posted a video on Instagram in which she shared some throwback pictures from the sets of Heropanti. “7 Years of Heropanti, 7 Years in the industry, 7 years of Loving what i do.. Its been a beautiful journey so far, the best phase of my life. These pictures bring back so many memories.. Missing you guys more,” she wrote. she thanked producer Sajid Nadiadwala and director Sabbir Khan for believing in her. “Can’t thank you enough Sajid sir for getting us into this magical world of cinema. And the journey from Heropanti to Bachchan Panday has been thehis best phase Dr Mehbub Kapadia with wife Seema Kapadia of my life,” Kriti expressed.

hah Rukh Khan and Manoj Bajpayee’s friendship go way back even before they became actors. The stars studied acting together at Barry John Acting Studio. Now, during a recent interaction, Manoj revealed interesting anecdotes with Shah Rukh about how they used to share cigarettes/beedis. ‘The Family Man 2’ actor also shared that SRK was always a charmer and popular with girls in the group they ‘invaded’ together. Manoj told Bollywood Bubble in a video interview, “He was the only one who used to come in Maruti Van. In those days a Maruti Van, red colour, I still remember. He is the one who has taken me to a discotheque for the first time in Taj in Delhi. I mean we were very young, we had kind of just gotten out of our adolescent age and we met. He was part of Barry John’s group for some time.” The National Award-winning actor added, “We used to share cigarettes, beedis, whatever we could afford. He was always a charmer, always very popular with the girls in the group which we invaded. He always had his way with words.” the ‘Raees’ star praised Bajpayee stating, “We have been working together since childhood in theatre and I have got to learn a lot from Manoj. We have done a lot of masti. I feel the proudest and I’m not being patronising, he is one of the finest actors and I wish him all the best.”

Aditya Narayan takes a dig at Amit Kumar

Asks Kumar Sanu if he is praising Indian Idol contestants because ‘team asked him to’

Seems like Indian Idol 12 host Aditya Narayan has not taken singer Amit Kumar’s comments after the Kishore Kumar tribute episode lightly. After his recent visit to the reality show, Amit had criticised the talent and even accused makers of forcing him to praise every contestant. In the upcoming episode, Aditya will be seen asking guests on the show, Kumar Sanu, Anuradha Paudwal and Roop Kumar Rathod, if the words of encouragement they shared for Indian Idol contestants were from the heart or did the team ask them for it. Aditya is seen interacting with the guests. He says

that before the show ends, he wants to ask something: “Aapne humare contestants ki jo itni taarif ki hai, dil se ki hai ya humare team se kisi ne bola hai karne ko (Was it honest praise or did the Indian Idol team asked you to do it)?” Taking the mike, Kumar Sanu replies to Aditya Narayan saying that it’s best that he asked, as he doesn’t want a controversy to stir up later. Sharing that whatever he said was ‘ekdum dil se’, the popular singer said, “They are really great singers and performed amazingly. All of them could pass off as playback singers right now. I have never seen so many talented people on one reality show. Each one of them is a heera (diamond).”






FRIDAY, MAY 28, 2021


‘Spend time together and actually enjoy it’: Priyanka Priyanka Chopra opened up on many of her secrets. The actor spoke about her marriage to Nick Jonas, career and how she ended up planning an epic wedding.


riyanka Chopra, who is married to American singer-actor Nick Jonas, opened up on the secret to a happy marriage. “I am just two years in. So, I wouldn’t be able to tell you so much,” said the actor but added that for her conversation is the key. “According to me, the secret is conversation. And actually sitting down, being able to talk to each other, spend time with each other and actually enjoy it. I think it is an amazing secret,” Priyanka told Vogue Australia. Priyanka and Nick first got in touch via social media and soon, they began texting each other. They first met at the Vanity Fair Oscars after-party in 2017. After a whirlwind romance, the couple decided to get married in India in a wedding which became the social event of the year. Priyanka and Nick’s wedding was the talk-of-the-town for its grandeur. The wedding took place as per Christian and Hindu traditions at Jodhpur’s Umaid Bhawan Palace.’ Speaking about her “epic wedding,” Priyanka said, “The secret behind world’s most epic wedding was doing it in two months. Because we did not have time to think about anything. So, by the time it was done, it was just perfect, epic.” The 38-year-old, who has featured in several Bollywood and Hollywood films, spoke about the secret of her successful career. She said the secret is to just keep working, “The secret is to just keep my head down and keep working. Always look for the next step and never rest on your laurels. If you want to keep moving, the only thing you have got to do is move,” the actor quipped.

Jennifer Lopez, Ben Affleck Priyanka Chopra’s ‘husband appreciation’ post for Nick Jonas spotted spending time together in Miami is aww-dorable!

Global star Priyanka Chopra Jonas on Monday shared an adorable post, penning a note for her husband, Nick Jonas after they attended the Billboard Music Awards 2021 in Los Angeles on Sunday night. PC showered love on her husband by praising him for his work ethic and dedication to work despite a cracked rib.

Last week, the two were previously spotted together in Los Angeles, where they both have homes, a source close to Jennifer told E! News on May 20. It’s another Bennifer 2.0 sighting! Actors Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck were recently captured in Miami, where she maintains a home, as their rekindled romance continues. As per E! News, on Sunday, Lopez and Affleck were photographed at a private residence in the Florida city, where she owns a different home, weeks after they rekindled their romance. J.Lo was all smiles as she walked down a flight of stairs outside with the Oscar winner following close behind. A source who witnessed their reunion told E! News, “Ben took a red eye to Miami and went straight to J.Lo’s new house in the early morning hours. She looked very happy to see him and they walked around the property together so she could show him around.” The insider added, “She had a big smile on her face and was twirling in a loose summer dress. They spent the day inside together but came out a few times for fresh air and to admire the water view.

Mission Impossible franchise completes 25 years

Your mission, should you choose to accept it… It all began a quarter of a century ago. The Mission: Impossible franchise completes 25 years today. The first film in the popular action spy series, Brian de Palma’s Mission: Impossible, released on this day in 1996. There have been six Mission: Impossible films so far. The original was followed by Mission: Impossible 2, Mission: Impossible III, Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol, Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation and Mission: Impossible – Fallout. There are at least two more movies in development. The franchise, based on the TV show of the same name, revolves around Tom Cruise’s Ethan Hunt, an operative of Impossible Missions Force (IMF). Cruise has carried forward the franchise with sheer dedication and perseverance.




FRIDAY, MAY 28, 2021



773.526.8353 MIDWEST / EASTCOAST

KKR’s Tim Seifert in tears as he SPORTS BREIF recalls Covid-19 ordeal in India Tim Seifert, who was part of the Kolkata Knight Riders team in the IPL, is presently undergoing his 14-day mandatory quarantine following his return to New Zealand after recovering from Covid-19.

HiIndia Newsdesk New Zealand wicketkeeper-batsman Tim Seifert’s world stopped for a moment and his heart sank after testing positive for the dreaded Covid-19 during the now suspended Indian Premier League (IPL) season. Seifert, who was a part of Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR),

could not leave India with other Kiwi cricketers after he returned a positive test just 24 hours before leaving the country. Now after flying back home, he is presently undergoing a 14-day mandatory quarantine. “I got pulled aside and told I’d tested positive and my heart sank straight away when everyone left. I was the only overseas player basically still left in India out of the whole tournament. That’s when things got a little bit real,” an emotional Seifert told the ‘New Zealand Herald’.

Simone Biles’s giant leap EURO 2020: Fans back in stadiums but not in for women same numbers HiIndia Newsdesk

HiIndia Newsdesk Simone Biles had a signature Rhinestone Goat embroidered on the back of the leotard. The real statement though was made when female gymnastics’ greatest spine sprung off the board and launched itself into a Yurchenko double pike orbit at the US Classic on Saturday. No other woman had ever tried the risky Yurchenko double pike in competition before Biles. “I was just thinking, ‘Do it like training. Don’t try to like overdo anything,’” the American gymnast, a legitimate claimant to the GOAT (Greatest of All Time) tag, said. “Because I have a tendency as soon as I raise my hand to kind of overpower things, and I did a little bit, but at least I was on my feet. It’s a new vault and I’m proud of how today went.”

With coronavirus restrictions easing to allow fans back into stadiums, there will be some atmosphere at last in the 11 host cities at the European Championship. More in some than others. Budapest plans to welcome all fans, while St. Petersburg and Baku hope to use 50% of their stadium capacity. But other major cities like Amsterdam, Bucharest, Munich and London are being more cautious with attendances that could fluctuate according to how the virus develops. If things progress favorably in England the 90,000-capacity Wembley Stadium in London could be at more than 25% capacity for the semifinals and the final on July 11. Named after the late great Johan Cruyff, the stadium is planning to use 25% of its 54,900-capacity. The Netherlands will play three Group C games at the Johan Cruyff Arena, against Ukraine, Austria and North Macedonia. Amsterdam will also host a round of 16 match between the runners-up in Groups A and B.

I’m her mate, not master: Irfan Pathan responds to criticism over wife’s blurred photo HiIndia Newsdesk

Former Indian allrounder Irfan Pathan has responded to criticism and hate tweets over a blurred picture of his wife Safa Baig. In the photo posted on his son’s Instagram account, Irfan’s wife’s face was blurred led to criticism that the Baroda cricketer is not allowing her to reveal her face. To this, the 36-year-old clarified that it is his wife’s choice to blur her face and said “I’m her mate not here master” Irfan tweeted from his account with the same picture saying, “This picture is posted by my queen from my son’s account. We are getting lot of hate. Let me

post this here as well. She blurred this pic by her choice. And Yes, I’m her mate not her master”. Irfan along with his brother Yusuf has been helping the needy with food, oxygen cylinders, ventilators, oxygen concentrators, etc during the second wave of Covid-19 in India. The donation is done via the brothers’ Pathan foundation. Irfan has also been active on Twitter voicing his opinions on matters like Palestine. He retweeted a few tweets from foreign cricketers as well on the issue. For his tweet on Palestine, he also drew flak from Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut.

The Mighty fall wrestling’s ugly underbelly


t started with a fight over property. It ended with a former junior national champion, Sagar Dhankhar, getting beaten to death. And an ex-world champion, a two-time Olympic medallist, Sushil Kumar, getting arrested after being on the run for close to three weeks. On Sunday, Sushil, who put India on world wrestling’s map, hid his face behind a yellow-white towel as Delhi Police’s Special Cell personnel paraded him in front of cameras. His friend and fellow wrestler Ajay Sherawat, wearing a black t-shirt with ‘Mercy for animals’ inscribed on it, was next to him. The two had been criss-crossing state borders evading cops since May 5, the day after the incident. Both are mentioned in the FIR and have been accused of murder, abduction and criminal conspiracy. It’s a dramatic fall from grace of an athlete who medalled at consecutive

Sushil Kumar’s arrest and the murder at Chhatrasal Stadium expose wrestling’s ugly underbelly and malign the country’s fabled akhara. Olympics — an unprecedented feat in a country that had a grand total of two individual medals in the last century. As fate would have it, the alleged venue for the deadly clash that triggered this sequence of events was Sushil’s permanent base for more than two decades and the country’s most prolific wrestling assembly line – New Delhi’s Chhatrasal Stadium. Until the night of the incident, May 4, Sushil was said to be preparing hard at his famous alma mater for that final push to make the cut for the Tokyo Olympics. Though he was ignored for the qualifiers, he didn’t give up. “I still have a lot of wrestling left in me. It (career) won’t end like this,” he had said, dismissively. Now one wonders, is this how his illustrious career ends? Sources in Delhi Police say Sagar was confined and assaulted in the Chhatrasal basement. But after the clip released by Delhi Police – showing Sushil hiding behind a towel – went viral, wrestling’s so far unseen ugly underbelly got exposed and the whispers about the akhara’s shady culture got amplified.




he first recorded instance of Narendra Modi publicly crying is dated 14 January 2004, a good decade before he became the prime minister. Modi was then the chief minister of Gujarat. The venue where he emoted was the GK Hospital in Bhuj, which had been rebuilt after it collapsed in the 2001 Gujarat earthquake. Before Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee inaugurated the hospital, Modi addressed the audience. Rathin Das, the Hindustan Times correspondent of Gujarat, wrote, “Modi broke down into tears briefly for a minute while recalling how the people of Kutch bore the brunt of the quake…” The most recent instance of Modi’s emotional moment was during the video conference on 21 May, with doctors and frontline workers in his constituency of Varanasi. He choked up while offering condolences to the families “who lost people” to Covid-19. Unlike in Bhuj, though, tears did not roll down from Modi’s eyes. These two events are interspersed with at least seven instances of Modi becoming visibly emotional or tearyeyed or choking up, all terms the media uses to describe those moments in which his feelings get the better of him. Modi is, however, not the first leader in the world to publicly shed tears.

When Modi cries




FRIDAY, MAY 28, 2021

Out of Box There’s something about the sight of a crying, weeping person in position of power that can be deeply humbling. It can often jolt the senses of the ordinary citizen — if an individual of that stature can have something that moves them so deeply, can such a politician really ever do any wrong? And even if they do, it’s okay — they are after all, evidently, only humans. When a powerful individual breaks down in front of millions, the intention is precisely that: to humanise themselves in the eyes of the public.

When ‘HE’ Cries Choking up may be hard to do, but the emotional appeal of it wanes over time.

Modi’s not alone, other ‘tough’ leaders have also shed tears After leading the Bharatiya Janata Party to a spectacular victory in the May 2014 Lok Sabha elections, Modi wept after he was chosen as the leader of the parliamentary party. This was in response to BJP leader LK Advani saying Modi had done a favour to the party. Modi said, “…Like India is my mother, BJP is my mother, too… How can a son do a favour to a mother?” He credited the BJP for making a “poor boy” reach where he has. A year later, in September 2015, the motifs of mother and poverty recurred in Modi’s interaction with Facebook’s founder and CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, in a Town Hall discussion. To Zuckerberg’s quer y to Modi about his family background, Modi said, “Mother…is older than 90, but does all her own work herself.” It was then his voice began to crack up. He continued, with pauses and sniffles, that she washed utensils at the homes of their neighbours to raise him. In August 2016, Modi “fought back tears” during a speech he made at the death of Pramukh Swami, spiritual guru and head of the Bochasanwani Akshar Swaminarayan Santha. Modi turning emotional was understandable—he and Pramukh Swami were said to be very close. Yet the theme of poverty surfaced in his condolence speech. Modi said Pramukh Swami had wanted him to attend the ceremony to lay the foundation stone for the Akshardham temple in Delhi. The Indian Express quoted Modi saying,


From former US President Obama to Russian premier Putin and even UP CM Yogi Adityanath, many political leaders have broken down owing to a variety of reasons. Nor is Modi the first leader in the world to shed tears. Here are some other famous leaders who’ve broken down: Barack Obama: Like Modi, former US President Barack Obama got teary eyed more than once. In 2008, a day before the presidential elections, his eyes dampened at a campaign stop, when he recalled his grandmother who had recently passed away. Hillary Clinton: Hillary shed tears while making an appearance on the campaign trail in 2008. Several election analysts believe that her tears were what helped her win that particular primary, even though she eventually lost the Democratic race to Obama. Vladimir Putin: Being a former KGB spy with a black belt in karate has not stopped the notorious tough guy from shedding a tear on television. He emotionally addressed crowds of supporters after claiming victory in the 2012 presidential elections. Justin Trudeau: Given Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau’s ‘boy next door’ image, it was not surprising to see him break down. Kim Jong-un: While North Korea’s propagandists strive to portray their leader as a ‘strong man’ who always keeps his finger on the trigger, here is a video of Kim Jong-un tearing up at a concert. Yogi Adityanath: The Yogi also has a ‘tough guy’ image, but back in 2007, he had broken down in Parliament, accusing the former chief minister of Uttar Pradesh, Mulayam Singh Yadav of targeting him.

“Pramukh Swami sent one of his saints to him with some money to be offered during the ritual ‘with a confidence that I would not have anything in my pocket.’” Two months later, in November 2016, the Prime Minister “choked with emotion” in Goa, where he requested the nation to endure the hardships spawned by his demonetisation policy. His plea was personalised, garnished with descriptions about the sacrifices he made in his youthful days. Modi said, “I am not here for the kursi (high office), I left my home, family, everything for the country.” Modi’s next annual ritual of turning emotional occurred in December 2017. After leading the BJP to a hardfought victory in the Gujarat Assembly election, he delivered a speech to his party’s MPs. ThePrint website reported Modi “breaking down three times as he recounted his journey from his home state to the PM’s Office.” In 2018, Modi’s emotional moment was at the inauguration of the National Police Memorial in Delhi, where he choked up while describing the services and martyrdom of police personnel. Modi’s next emotional moment came in an extraordinary circumstance— during his speech bidding farewell to Ghulam Nabi Azad, whose tenure in the Rajya Sabha expired in February 2021. Modi’s was a masterly display of histrionics—moist eyes, long pauses, at one time to sip water. But what moved him was his recollection of that day in 2006 when Azad as Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister called to personally inform him about the terrorist attack on, yes, Gujarati tourists in 2006. Some analysts interpreted his moment of weakness as proof that he did not detest all Opposition leaders. Until 21 May, the only time Modi had not cried either over his childhood or political struggles or Gujarat was during the speech at the National Police Memorial. Yet, his choking up during his talk with Varanasi’s citizens did not get a splash even in newspapers partial to the BJP. Perhaps newspapers have realised what behavioural expert Judi James says invariably happens with the audience of leaders who cry—their intellectual side slowly kicks in. They turn cynical at the melodrama of leaders, particularly those who are perceived to “want something.”



FRIDAY, MAY 28, 2021




“The power of stories enthralls me”, says Rexi James

Still intent on pursuing her dream to become a journalist, Rexi continues to branch out in other areas she is passionate about.


e c om i ng a s o c i a l me d i a star takes a lot of guts and determination. It isn’t easy to put yourself out there and going viral doesn’t just happen overnight. The most successful influencers have taken the time to build strong relationships with their followers by being their authentic selves. Rexi James has done just that. An aspiring journalist, TikTok Star, and differently-abled Instagram model hasn’t let anything hold her back. Raised in a military family, Rexi James was born in Portland, OR with a disability called Arthrogryposis Amyoplasia, which affects her joints, muscles, and tendons. “Growing up, I always hated my disability because

it made simple tasks 10x harder than they should be,” says Rexi. “Over time, I learned to overcome those challenges and let them motivate me to inspire others. After pursuing a degree in Communications, Rexi James turned to social media, thinking it would be a great way to make some extra money. “Being a disabled woman who is also a social media influencer completely changed my life,” explains Rexi. “When I realized people were truly interested in what I was doing and saying, I decided to turn it into a profession.” Understanding that the disabled community is often overlooked in modeling Rexi was inspired to use her

Peanut Chutney

773.526.8353 MIDWEST / EASTCOAST

Being a disabled woman who is also a social media influencer completely changed my life power for good. “Everyone is beautiful, and that includes those of us with disabilities as well,” states Rexi. “I know that is a big reason why my TikTok and Instagram started booming with followers. People are looking for representation.” With this view of the world and tenacity, Rexi became the digital star she is today. Still intent on pursuing her dream to become a journalist, Rexi continues to branch out in other areas she is passionate about. Rexi James explains, “The power of stories enthralls me. That is why I wanted to become a journalist.” Through her unique content and talent, Rexi James is breaking boundaries one stereotype at a time.

the perfect accompaniment to all your meals


he origin of the chutney can be traced back to 500BC. The process is stemmed from the layered kitchen custom of preservation, drying and soaking of pickles, fruits and vegetables- a culinary craft integral to most Indian households since time immemorial. The recipe is simple, hassle-free, and goes with many meals. One can add it in curd and make chutney, have it in a sandwich, or team it with a steaming hot dosa. The condiment goes well with thalipeeth, idli, thepla, dal rice, and even parathas.


Peanuts – 200 gms Garlic paste – 3 tablespoons Jeera – 2 tablespoons (or as per taste) Salt – As per the taste Red chilly powder – 3 tablespoons (you can increase or decrease the quantity according to your liking)


*Roast peanuts nicely on medium flame. Remove the peanut peels once cooled down. *Make the peanut powder in the mixer, keep the texture coarse *Grind cumin and garlic *Mix ground jeera, garlic, salt and red chilly powder in peanut powder, mix well.

Suhana Khan turns 21, looks striking in her new photo Khan, who is the daughter of actor Shah Rukh Khan and designer Gauri Khan was seen in a bodycon dress. The off-shoulder outfit looked lovely on her Suhana Khan recently turned 21. And in keeping with the occasion, she uploaded a picture of herself looking pretty. Khan, who is the daughter of actor Shah Rukh Khan and designer Gauri Khan was seen in a bodycon dress. The off-shoulder outfit looked lovely on her. She completed the look with her hair left open, and a bright shade of lipstick. Gauri had taken to the photo sharing app to wish her daughter happy birthday. “Happy birthday…. you are loved today , tomorrow and always,” she wrote.

Foreign visitors are being invited to Spanish countryside Instead of the traditional sand and sea holidays, foreign tourists are invited to enjoy the charms of the Spanish countryside, Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said on Saturday, launching an ambitious plan to save Spain‘s dying villages. The 10 billion euro ($12.18 billion) plan aims to save rural life in a nation where 42% of villages are at risk of depopulation compared to a European Union average of 10%.”I would especially like to emphasize that (tourists) should enjoy the rich rural tourist attractions that our country has, one of the jewels in the crown,” Sanchez told a meeting in Madrid of mayors from rural towns. From Monday, Spain will open up to tourists from outside the European Union deemed low-risk for coronavirus, notably Britain and Japan, who will not be required to show a negative test..And from June 7, Spain will let people from anywhere in the world who are vaccinated against COVID-19 enter the country, hoping to galvanise a recovery in the devastated tourism sector.





FRIDAY, MAY 28, 2021




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FRIDAY, MAY 28, 2021




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In Post-Pandemic Workouts, You Can Exercise Too Much


yms and fitness centers typically see a rush of new clients in January and also when the weather starts getting better in springtime. This year, after a year of pandemic-related disruptions, those two trends could combine: People wanting to get back in shape and lose the “COVID-19” just in time to look better by the pool and beach. But experts say exercisers and instructors need to be careful, or it could lead to a spike in cases of a rare but serious -- even life-threatening -- condition called rhabdomyolysis. Marcelo Campos, MD, of Boston agrees that trainers and class instructors need to modify their approach for people who are not accustomed to difficult, repetitious workouts, even if they were before COVID. “I wish trainers would be more mindful explaining to folks so they can tailor better and go slow and prepare your body,” he says. Some clubs foster an aggressive, “get in shape fast” approach, and newcomers need to be careful that they don’t get into something that’s too much too soon. “The other day, I saw someone wearing a shirt that said, ‘Pushing until Rhabdo.’” Campos wrote for Harvard Medical School. “That made me cringe. And I realized that, although rare, some people do not understand how serious rhabdo can be.” “There is for some people a genetic predisposition,” he says. “Couple that with not hydrating well. People need to watch closely … when coming back after a break. They think they can do more intense workouts their first time, and that’s what puts them at risk.” He and other experts advise: Starting slowly Building on goals as you gain strength, stamina, and confidence Staying well-hydrated before, during, and after exercise Not getting too hot Taking breaks Avoiding anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen Avoiding alcohol, which contributes to dehydration

What Is Rhabdo? Rhabdomyolysis is a disorder involving muscle breakdown and damage. When muscles are injured, they release their contents, including a muscle enzyme, into the bloodstream. The enzyme can harm the kidneys and can cause kidney failure in up to 40% of cases. The disorder is dangerous but rare. In one study, 22 people out of 100,000 were known to have it. It is easily treated but can lead to death in rare cases if it goes undetected. The three main symptoms are: Muscle swelling Muscle weakness Dark urine or less urination

Habits of Super-Healthy People Learn Something New: New skills help keep your

brain healthy. Sign up for a dance class or a creative writing workshop. Better yet, master a new language. The mental work it takes can slow the signs of aging and may even delay the effects of Alzheimer’s disease.

Don’t Smoke: If you light up, quit. It’s a big move

Other symptoms can include: Fatigue Bruising Fever Nausea In addition to extreme exercise, it can be caused by trauma, drug use, severe dehydration, statins, and extreme temperatures. It often happens when people are doing more of a repetitive resistance exercise than they are used to. And now, too many gym-goers could return and not realize that they are not as strong or as fit as they were before COVID-19 sent them home last March. Instructors and trainers need to make clear to newcomers that they should take it easy, stay hydrated, and work their way into fitness

[continue from last issue]

Train Your Muscles: Strength training helps your body trade fat for muscle mass. That means you’ll burn more calories even when you’re being a couch potato. But these workouts can also help you slim down, strengthen your heart, and build up your bones. Do strength-training exercises -- like push-ups, lunges, and weight lifting -- at least twice a week.

toward better health. Your body repairs itself quickly. As soon as 20 minutes after your last cigarette, your heart rate and blood pressure drop. Why wait? Kick the habit, today. Your doctor will be happy to help you get started.

Head Outdoors: A few minutes in the sunshine raises vitamin D levels, and that’s good for your bones, your heart, and your mood. Choose nature over city streets, if you can. One study found that people who strolled in urban green spaces were calmer than people who walked in built-up areas.

Sleep Well: There are almost too many benefits to

Keep Your Balance: If you’re young and active, good

list. A good night’s sleep keeps you in a better mood, sharpens memory and focus, and helps you learn new things. In the long term, it lowers your risk of heart disease and helps you keep trim. Aim to get 7 to 9 hours a night. For the best rest, do it on schedule -- turning in and waking up at about the same times every day.

balance will help you avoid injuries. If you’re older, it will keep you active longer and lower the chances you’ll fall and break a bone. No matter your age, good balance means better muscle tone, a healthier heart, and greater confidence. Yoga and tai chi are great ways to work on it, but just about anything that keeps you moving, even walking, can help.






FRIDAY, MAY 28, 2021


3 things you’re probably doing Is It Safe To Travel During The Holidays? that can make you obese Expert Gives Safety Tips You Must Follow No wonder then that obesity is something that needs to be tackled. The best way to tackle it would be to know what causes it so that appropriate changes can be made. Here are three things that can cause obesity:

1. HAVING IRREGULAR MEALTIMES What time do you have lunch every day? If you don’t have a clear answer to that, you need to regularise your mealtimes. We all have to delay or prepone mealtimes once in a while but doing so regularly can be harmful. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition stated that those who take their meals at irregular timings tend to be hungrier more often. What’s more, it also puts them at risk of chronic diseases like diabetes and metabolic syndrome as their body’s internal clock is not able to regularise natural processes like digestion, appetite, and insulin production. 2. NOT DRINKING ENOUGH WATER Majority of us are guilty of this, aren’t we? We try to follow the eightglasses-of-water rule for a day before giving up and at times, even apps that remind us to drink water aren’t of much help. The thing is that water is extremely important for us not only because it keeps us hydrated but also because it helps us feel more full which helps us avoid overeating. A study published in the European Journal of Nutrition observed that those who drank water before breakfast consumed fewer calories. 3. SITTING FOR TOO LONG This isn’t a surprising one! Our jobs require us to sit and work for hours on end but that has some severe consequences on our health. A study published on PubMed Central titled ‘Sitting time and all-cause mortality risk’ notes that those who sit for too long are at a higher risk of chronic diseases. But, you can manage this by compensating your sitting time with physical activity. You can start with 30 minutes of jogging or skipping rope.


t this stage, we are all aware of how the virus spreads from person to person, and what we need to do to prevent catching the infection and why we need to do it.

Immunity plays a role

People with a weak immune system are at higher risk of being infected with COVID-19. The elderly, and people with underlying health conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease or chronic lung disease are at higher risk. People who are undergoing treatment for cancer are also vulnerable to the disease. It is important that these people take extra precautions during the holidays and the wedding season. Try to avoid a few occasions and crowded gatherings.

The year is slowly moving towards the end. Some of the parts of the world are prepping up for holidays, while others have the wedding season going on. As people are gearing up to meet their families and friends, and travel, it is important to not forget that the pandemic is still very much with us. Explaining how we can ensure that we stay safe during the holidays Dr Soumya Swaminathan, World Health Organization's Chief Scientist, in its official Instagram handle.

How to travel safely?

"Try to keep a distance when you're in the plane or the train or a bus. If you're in a bus or a car, where you can open your windows, or even in a train, keep the windows open so you're getting a lot of ventilation. Keep your mask on all the time. Make sure that you carry a disinfectant with you to clean your hands or wash your hands frequently with soap and water. If you're unwell, if you're suffering from fever or cough, don't travel. Postpone it. If you are arriving at a destination where you could meet people at higher risk of the infection, quarantine yourself for 14 days before you actually start meeting family, especially the ones who are vulnerable," Dr Swaminathan says.

Chillis in diet

Good news for the lovers of hot dishes! Adding chilli peppers in diet can contribute to a longer life, a new study by the American Heart Association (AHA) has found. According to Fox News, the American Heart Association presented their first research report on Monday (local time) at a virtual conference, “Scientific Sessions 2020”, during which it shared the findings that the consumption of chilli could help people live longer. Chillies are one of the most common ingredients used in cooking. The red chillies tend to have many regulating properties that give proof of their idealness among various spices. Despite the assemblage of hot flavour, aroma and taste that we get from chillies in our dishes, there are a lot of incredible health benefits too. People could have longer life spans if they consume chilli pepper regularly as the fruit contains anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-cancer and blood-glucose regulating properties. These factors play a role in reducing a person’s risk of dying from cardiovascular disease or cancer, according to the AHA. More than 570,000 health records of people from the US, Italy, China and Iran were included in its study. The candidates who ate chilli peppers regularly had “a 26 per cent relative reduction in cardiovascular mortality; a 23 per cent relative reduction in cancer mortality; and a 25 per cent relative reduction in all-cause mortality”, according to a report by Fox News.

Train on, stay on

Starting on a fitness programme is one thing. Keeping at it is quite another. What is it that makes some of us stay invested in our fitness while so many others drop off? Let’s take a look at a few tips and tricks.

Staying encouraged

may have anti-inflammatory effects that reduce risk of heart disease According to Dr. Ros, “Walnuts have an optimal mix of essential nutrients like the omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid, or ALA (2.5g/oz), and other highly bioactive components like polyphenols2, that likely play a role in their anti-inflammatory effect and other health benefits.” The study findings were also reinforced by an editorial in the same publication entitled “Ideal Dietary Patterns and Foods to Prevent Cardiovascular Disease: Beware of Their Anti-Inflammatory Potential”, which concludes that a better knowledge of the mechanisms of health protection by the different foods and diets, mainly their anti-inflammatory properties, should inform healthier food choices. While these results are promising, the research does have limitations. Study participants were older adults who were healthy and free living with the option to eat a variety of other foods in addition to walnuts. Additionally, further investigation is needed in more diverse and disadvantaged populations. Those who consumed walnuts had a significant reduction in inflammation, measured by the concentration of known inflammatory markers in the blood, which were reduced by up to 11.5 per cent. The study’s conclusion is that the anti-inflammatory effects of walnuts provide a mechanistic explanation for cardiovascular disease reduction beyond cholesterol lowering.

Encouragement is a strong motivator. This can come from friends, family and coach or even from your own online research. Initially factors such as health issues, losing weight, toning up, gaining muscles and just wanting to look good are strong motivators.

Avoid boredom

Routine is boring! If your fitness routine is becoming boring, consult your coach. Set challenges and introduce workouts you have not done before. While continuing with your base fitness programme, try out something new. For example, if you are visiting your gym three days a week, try out kickboxing to supplement your workout. Breaking routine is an important aspect of staying motivated.

Be patient

Consider how long you’ve let your body lie without looking after it. And then to expect results in a month isn’t really fair, is it? Losing weight and toning up takes time and patience. So does building up expertise in a skill-based fitness activity like martial arts. So don’t quit if results are not immediately evident. Give yourself time. The rewards will come.



FRIDAY, MAY 28, 2021




773.526.8353 MIDWEST / EASTCOAST






FRIDAY, MAY 28, 2021

Community News

Hindus Seek Apology From Kim Kardashian for Donning Sacred “Om” Earrings in Photo-Shoot HiIndia Newsdesk LOS ANGELES, CA- Upset Hindus are seeking apology from American c e l e br it y - s o c i a l it e - a c t re s s Ki m Kardashian West for wearing earrings carrying sacred “Om” in a photo shoot posted on her official Twitter handle on May 23, calling it highly inappropriate. Hinduism was used to introduce and conclude religious work; and was not meant to be used as a fashion statement or become a tool for sexy fashion. Inappropriate usage of sacred Hindu icons or deities or concepts or symbols for commercial or other agenda was not okay as it hurt the devotees. Zed, who is President of Universal Society of Hinduism, emphasized that celebrities should not be in the business of religious appropriation, sacrilege, and

Over $1 Million Raised by City of Dallas for COVID-19 Relief Efforts for Jaipur, Rajasthan

It was deeply trivializing of immensely revered “Om” to be displayed in such a manner. Besides apologizing to the worldwide Hindu community

American celebrity-socialite-actress Kim Kardashian

ridiculing entire communities. It was deeply trivializing of immensely revered “Om” to be displayed in such a manner. Besides apologizing to the worldwide Hindu community, Rajan Zed also

Mayor Lightfoot and Chicago Department of Housing Announce Housing Rental Assistance HiIndia Newsdesk

HiIndia Newsdesk DALLAS, TX – As India battles a surge in Covid-19 cases, the city of Dallas, Texas, in partnership with the Indian American CEO Council and Dallas Foundation.org, has raised more than $1 million worth of relief supplies for Jaipur in Rajasthan. Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson and Arun Agarwal, the Indian American CEO of the Dallas-based Nextt and chairman of the Indian American CEO Council, are leading the effort to collect donations for Jaipur. So far, the relief effort has raised more than $1 million worth of personal protective equipment, including masks and gloves.

NYPD Offering $100 for Every Illegal Dirt Bike or ATV Tips

HiIndia Newsdesk NEW YORK, NY- Chief of Department Rodney Harrison speaks about an effort to get illegal dirt bikes and ATVs off the city’s streets. NEW YORK CITY — A $100 bounty could be all it takes to replace the rumbling thunder of illegal dirt bikes and ATVs on New York City’s streets with the sound of a crusher. NYPD is looking for tips that help officers track down and confiscate the nuisance vehicles, said Chief of Department Rodney Harrison on Thursday. “We are offering $100 for every illegal dirt bike or ATV confiscated,” he said. illegal dirt bikes and ATVs have long been quality of life and public safety complaints in the city.

urged Kim Kardashian to immediately remove the three such objectionable pictures from her Twitter account. Hinduism was the oldest and third largest religion of the world with about 1.2 billion adherents and a rich philosophical thought and it should not be taken frivolously. Symbols of any faith, larger or smaller, should not be mishandled; Zed noted.

CHICAGO, IL – Today, Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot and the Chicago Department of Housing opened the third round of rental assistance for tenants and landlords since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) includes nearly $80 million funded through the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriation Act signed into law by Congress in December 2020 and will offer up to 15 months of rental assistance and utility payment assistance for impacted renters.

“Over the course of this incredibly difficult year, our residents, especially our most vulnerable ones, have faced unimaginable loss that is compounded by systemic poverty and lack of access to safe, affordable housing,” said Mayor Lightfoot. “The Emergency Rental Assistance Program will not only help to relieve these residents of the fear of losing their homes and being thrown further into uncertainty and socioeconomic instability but allow our city to make significant progress in our mission to provide our communities with resources they need to thrive long after this pandemic is over.”



U.S. Departments of Homeland Security and Labor Issue Joint Rule

HiIndia Newsdesk WASHINGTON, DC —The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Department of Labor (DOL) have published a joint temporary final rulemaking available an additional 22,000 H-2B temporary nonagricultural guest worker visas for fiscal year (FY) 2021 to employers who are likely to suffer irreparable harm without these additional workers. Of the supplemental visas, 6,000 are reserved for nationals of the Northern Triangle countries of Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala. DHS first announced the planned supplemental increase of 22,000 visas for the H-2B Temporary Non-Agricultural Worker program on April 20, 2021. The supplemental H-2B visa allocation consists of 16,000 visas available only to returning H-2B workers from one of the last three fiscal years (FY 2018, 2019, or 2020), and 6,000 visas for Northern Triangle nationals, which are exempt from the returning worker requirement.

Indian American Owner of Smoke Shop Found New York City’s Schools Students Will Go All In Murdered Inside Store

Classrooms Next School Year: Mayor De Blasio

remote learning option for the coming school year. But de Blasio for weeks dodged questions about whether the city would offer such an option. He said the city’s declining COVID-19 rates and persistently low infections inside schools — 0.16 percent positivity, officials said — showed it was time to completely reopen classrooms. HiIndia Newsdesk “It’s time for everyone to come back, it’s for us all to be together,” he said during NEW YORK, NY — New York City’s his daily briefing. public school students will all return Mayor Bill de Blasio on Monday to classrooms in the 2021-2022 year, announced that schools will fully Mayor Bill de Blasio said. reopen for the first time in 18 months. “It’s good news: New York City public (NYC Mayor’s Office) schools, one million kids will be back in their classroom in September, all in- Chancellor Meisha Ross Porter, speaking from New Bridges Elementary School in person, no remote,” he said on MSNBC’s Crown Heights, outlined how the Sept. Morning Joe. 13 reopening will look. The announcement Monday represents There won’t be any coronavirus a significant upcoming return to normal accommodations — all teachers and for the city’s schools, which have been students will be back, she said. at least partially remote since the Parents who are concerned or have coronavirus pandemic first struck in questions can attend a series of school March 2020. open houses that begin in June, she said. Many parents and teachers had wondered if the city would maintain a

HiIndia Newsdesk LONG ISLAND, NY- A Long Island smoke shop Indian American owner was found murdered inside his store, police said. A relative of Kinshuk Patel, 33, called cops Wednesday night when they couldn’t reach the victim, Suffolk County police said. Sunrise Highway around 9:30 p.m. and found him dead inside. 2 black people caught in surveillance cameras, attack on Patel’s head took cash and cell phone, and ran outside the store. Kinshuk Patel is from Bhadhran, near Anand, Gujarat, before 10 years he came to New York.



FRIDAY, MAY 28, 2021







@hiindia HOTEL HELP


773.526.8353 MIDWEST / EASTCOAST

MIDWEST / EASTCOAST /hiindialive @hiindia FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 2021 773.526.8353






Franchised and non-franchised Hotel located in Chicago Convenient Food and Liquor Store in Villapark, IL Suburbs in need of single or couple for Housekeeping, front (Routed મોટ 83 ે &લRoosevelt) need experienced cashier. હે લ્પ desk, and night/hiindialive audit. Accommodations are provided773.526.8353 Full orFRIDAY, MIDWEST / EASTCOAST MARCH 26, 2021 Part time, flexible days and time, long term35 @hiindia LIQUOR STORE FOR/hiindiaNews SALE ેલી મોટલમાં ં રેPPO આવ Now Medicare Advantage Plans available with: શિકાગોથી 100 માઈલનાં અત મોટે લ મેનેજર position ે ે ે ક્પલની જરૂર છ . આકર્ષ ક ્પગાર અન રહ વાની સગવડ આ્પવામાં Call Umesh: 847-208-8010 NowLiquor MedicareStore Advantage PPO Plans availableChicago, with: Lake County, IL. Asking $109K, for sale at North

Call Anjana Patel 847-909-2283 આવિે. Gross Sales $700K, Lotto Commission per year $30K, Rent $3000,ે 3000 ત મજ O’hare ્પાસે આવેલી મોટે લમાં ડે સક કલાક્ષની જરૂર છે . Sq. Ft. Store. Inventory $125K to $150K

મોટે લ હે લ્પ

શિકાગોથી 100 માઈલનાં અતં રે આવેલી મોટલમાં મોટ લ મેનેજર Email: ક્પલની જરૂર habeeban@saharahomecare.com છે . આકર્ષક ્પગાર અને રહે વાની સગવડ આ્પવામાં આવિે. તેમજ O’hare ્પાસે આવેલી મોટે લમાં ડે સક કલાક્ષની જરૂર છે .


]Liquor Store for sale at North Chicago, Lake County, IL. Asking $109K, Gross Sales $700K, Lotto Commission per year $30K, Rent $3000, 3000 Sq. Ft. Store. Inventory $125K to $150K Franchise]Call Hotel inRajVirginia needs a Housekeeping Broker Patel: 630-205-6353 ] couple. Accommodation provided.




Indian Restaurant need dishwasher. $600.00 per week.

Baymont Inn in Stevensville, MI Hotel. indoor facility, looking for a couple to work housekeeping and Front desk positions.


Lo C

Quality Inn in Janesville, WI (90 Minutes from Chicago) seeking Front Desk help for 1st & 3rd shift and Housekeeping couple. 2 Room Apartment Call Bob Patel Now Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with: 608-718-0700 Email: ]LIQUORbpatel73@hotmail.com STORE FOR SALE

Call: 847-858-9073 / 847-769-5630

FRIDAY, 23, 2020 Call Trushar PatelOCTOBER 269-369-6652


Call: 847-858-9073 /MOTEL 847-769-5630 HELP

Call Broker Raj Patel: 630-205-6353 ે



Free accommodation provided.

Call /hiindiaNews Nimesh: 706-266-9742 773.526.8353 MIDWEST / EASTCOAST @hiindia

/hiindialiveNow Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with:

Call: 803-730-4664


XoJ[ alÛT


Independent Motel in Marquette, MI needs a couple for Front Desk. Accommodation provided. Good pay. ʩ^@dBoXd0 3]l [f ělěEd5H XoJ[Xd0 ao6`ʦ@ʭTʾB XdJl Seeking young energetic couple to manage Independent Motel ʩ^@dBoXd0 3]l [f ělě& Ed5H XoJ[Xd0 ao6`ʦ@ʭTʾ B XdJl An Accounting /Booking Tax services company in Devon area, in Chicago Suburbs. Good Salary with free accommodation. @T[Sf Fl. Zal ]dSf `B]L need personGěZ to perform accounting work:3T]dXd0 3]^l. English and Legal Status must. 3+ Warehouse Associates Needed @T[Sfcandidate GěZ Flwill . Zal ]dSf `B]L 3T]dXd0 3]^l. The Ideal be: Email: brentwoodmotelmarquette@gmail.com [fB[ ěJl GěZˀ.Need Front Desk / Night & Pack ! Immidiate Hiring FRIDAY,of FEBRUARY 26,/2021 773.526.8353 -Have background experience Book-Keeping/Accounting. /hiindiaNews ěJlě ě` `and GěZˀ.Need Front Desk Night /hiindialive @hiindia Pick MIDWEST / EASTCOAST 26 [fB[ BENSENVILLE IL 60106 Call 708-336-0641 Fluent in English -Must have basicAuditor. Computer skills as well as attention for details. Auditor. Fluent in English send resume within days Auditor. through Fluent in English Alsotheir Need Front Desk Night Call 630 814 9245 - 312 375 4782 `]dZl `dOPf `d0/10G Sd F QZØYdS `0T@ě @Zo.


Call Gill: 906-361-1718


ટેનેસ ( $5 પગ

`]dZl `dOPf `d0GSd F QZØYdS `0T@ě @Zo.

30,000 PRINT EDITION | 68K E-BLAST | 100K + VISITORS BEAUTY PARLOUR HELP WANTED MOTEL HELP call : 773 507 8645 ONLINE hiindia.com | PRINT AmericInn in Munising, MI needs a couple for Front Desk. Hiring at Kohinoor Beauty-Salon for full/ ONLINE EBLAST ALLpart time Accommodation provided. Good pay. threading/ waxing / and Eyelashes. If you$40 are PLATFORM ONLY FOR CLASSIFIEDS | FOR ADVERTISING 773 338 0222 Call:Email: 773-632-6118 or 630-347-2723 Chicago1872@hotmail.com

Call Harjinder 956-373-0767

Email: americinn.munising@yahoo.com MIDWEST / EASTCOAST /hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews



experienced then please call



] Fixed and Variable મોટલ કન્વીનવીય ્સ સટોર હે લ્પ ન HOTEL HELP WANTED


Sahara Homecare is hiring a receptionist for our Skokie/Mount Beauty Salon for sale on the Illinois and Indiana borProspect location! Requirements: -Bilingual Hindi or Gujarati ે ે મોટ લ હ લ્પ der. Profitable business, busy street with good -High school diploma -Microsoft Excel familiarity -Strong Looking for Housekeeper forisa moving. nice Hotel, close to location. Owner ં રે communication શિકાગોથી 100 માઈલનાં અત આવેલી મોટલમાં and મોટે લphone મેનેજskills ર /hiindialive MIDWEST / EASTCOAST 773.526.8353 @hiindia Chicago. Nice pay ]Add and18, excellent accommodation. 21 /hiindiaNews FRIDAY, SEMPTEMBER 2020 ક્પલની જરૂર છે . આકર્ષક ્પગાર અને Send રહે વાની સગવડ and Variable resume to આ્પવામાં A આવિે. /hiindialive FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2020 773.526.8353 /hiindiaNews @hiindia MIDWEST / EASTCOAST ]Disability Income 15 Rooms non-franchise Motel located at Altamont, IL Fully 26 ્પાસ Email: ે આવેલીhabeeban@saharahomecare.com Call Sandeep Patel: 309-287-1482 તેમજ O’hare મોટે લમાં ડે સક કલાક્ષની જરૂર છે . Contact NOW Rohit renovated. Manager quarterInsurance with 2BD/ Kitchen, A. Shah – MBA, LUTCF living ROHIT A SHAH/hiindialive @hiindia ]Life andneed to RohitROHIT 773.526.8353 /hiindiaNews A. Financial Representative Call: 847-858-9073 / 847-769-5630 MIDWEST / EASTCOAST sale. Absentee owner. Key start, nothing to spent anything. Very Financia Financial Rep MBA, LUTCF 30,000 PRINT EDITION | 68K ]Long Term Care 1751 Lake Cook Road, Financial Representative The Pietsch Financial Inc. good business occupancies 6Annuities weekly, 2-3 walk inns, TheFinancial Pietsc SOLD 224Group, SUB#Regular 1 LOCATIONS IN CHICAGOLAND Fixed Fixed Annuities an Su affi 450 1 S 450 Summit Ave, Suite 135 E-BLAST Office Phone No. 847-597-2400 Office Fax No.847-597-2401 1 S not Suite 350 | 100K + VISITORS almost 60%. Asking price $349,000.00. Serious inquiries only. Oak Brook Rohit A. ShahA – MBA, LUTCF ROHIT SHAHOak Brook Terrace, IL 60181 Cell Phone No. 847-219-2536 Front Desk Receptionist position available at the Comfort Inn and Now Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with: Rohit A. Shah – MBA, LUTCF Disability Income ROSATI'S PIZZA: 2 LOCATIONS, SALESIncome UP TO $15,385/WK. ROHIT A SHAH-MBA, LUTCF Deerfield, IL 60015 Disability Financial Email Address: Rohit_Shah@GLIC.COM ONLINE hiindia.com | PRINT SUBS 1:Representative SALES UPTO $14,000 WK. LOCATIONS IN AnRepresentative Accounting /Booking & Tax services company Devon area, Financial Financial#Representative Office Pho MBA, LUTCF ASKING $150,000 & $225,000. LOWinRENT Suites located in North Aurora, IL. English Communication and • $0 Premium, $0 PCP visit, $0 Lab Test & Mental Health program Office Phone: 1-630-317-2504 Life Insurance and COOK, WILL, KANE AND LAKE COUNTY. Office Fax Office Phone No. 847-597-2400 1751 Lake Cook Road, Financial Representative Financial Representative of the Guardian Life Insurance Company America® (Guardian) New York, NY. The Pietsch Financial Group is need person to perform accounting work: The Pietsch Financial Group, Inc. Life Insurance and The Pietsch Financial Group, Inc. B XdJl1 S 450• Summit ONLINE EBLAST ALL PLAT$0 Colonoscopy, Cancer Screening and more under Preventive Office Fax: 1-630-317-2539 Cell: Legal Status to work is a must. Living accommodation provided with Fixed Annuities ]Add and Variable not an affiliate or subsidiary of Guardian. 2016-22707. Exp 8/18 S 450 Summit Ave,847-597-2401 Suite 135 Long ASKING Term Care Office Fax No. Ave,candidate Suite 135 will be: 1-847-219-2536 care TestIdeal Suite 350ready forCell: 1Oak AL'S BEEF & NANCY PIZZA: SALES $1.1 MILLION/YR $250,000 Are you The B XdJlOak Brook Brook1-Terrace, IL 60181 FORM ONLY FOR $40 competitive Email: Roh Long Term Care Terrace, 60181 referral required,ILvisit any doctor or Hospital in USA who accept Cell Phone847-970-9431 No. pay. 847-219-2536 Disability Income Deerfield, IL 60015 Email: Rohit_Shah@GLIC.Com ]Disability Income 3]^l. • NoOriginal -Have background and experience of Book-Keeping/Accounting. Medicare under STRIP MALL: DUPAGE COUNTY, FULLY RENTED ASKING $549,000 Professional Office 1-630-317-2504 Financial Representative of The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America® enrollment? EmailPhone: Address: Rohit_Shah@GLIC.COM 3]^l. Office Medicare Phone: 1-630-317-2504 Life Insurance Call: (215) 239-4152 National Network Office Fax: 1-630-317-2539 -Must haveNo. basic Computer skills as open well as attention forand details. The Pietsch Financial Group Inc. is not an affiliate or subsidiary of Guardia Office Phone 847-597-2400 PAPA JOHN PIZZA: HI VOLUME DUPAGE COOK ]Life Insurance and Financial of The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America® (Guardian), New York, NY. LOCATIONS, Cell: 1-847-219-2536 Wanted Motel Manager couple or& Single for Franchise •Fax: Worldwide1-630-317-2539 ER coverage- India and otherRepresentative countries ght Office send their within 10 days through Call: 856-938-9118 Long Term Care Fax No.resume 1-847-970-9431 WITH PROPERTY Cell: • Office 1-847-219-2536 The Pietsch Group Inc. is not an affiliate or subsidiary of Guardian. 2016-22707 ExpCOUNTY, 8/18 Built In Drug coverage with847-597-2401 No Premium and NoFinancial Deductible, Generic


] Fixed and Variable Annuities Why pay a premium for ] Disability Income ] Life Insurance and


Annuities ] Disability MOTEL FOR Income SALE ] Life Insurance and Please call: 708-474-3884




] Fixed and Variable PLEASE CALL: 331-575-0939 Annuities CLASSIFIEDS | FOR ADVERTISING 773 338 0222 MOTEL HELP ] Disability Income MOTEL HELPand ] Life Insurance Motel in St. Louis ]Long TermMOCare CellFranchise Phone SARPINO'S PIZZA: LAKEHELP COUNTY, SALESWANTED $560,000/YR, ASKING $99,000/RNo.ES847-219-2536 TAUin RVirginia ANTneeds FOaRHousekeeping SALE Hotel

Email: Rohit_Shah@GLIC.Com Registered Representative of Park Avenue Securities LLC (PAS). Securities products offered through at $0 copay1-847-970-9431 PAS, member FINRA, SIPC. Financial Representative of The Guardian Life Insurance Company of Outine Eye, Hearing & Dental check up at $0 copayFinancial Representative of The Guardian Life Insurance Company ofAmerica® Email:• Rohit_Shah@GLIC.Com (Guardian), NewSalary York,York, NY. Office Good Accommodation America® (Guardian), New NY.and Email Address: Rohit_Shah@GLIC.COM Phone No. 847-597-2400 OfficeProvided. Fax No.847-597-2401

Email: Chicago1872@hotmail.com






HIRING FOR HOUSEKEEPING Call: Neel Patel 732-589-9208

Now Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with: XoJ[

Well established Indian Restaurant in Wicker Park of Chicago is looking for a full-time experienced kitchen helper and a part-time food runner/server. For immediate consideration. Now Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with:

Contact Raj @ 773-875-2180 (text or voice mail)


Exce This i sma RE


Call: 224-572-1282.

Sahara Homecare is hiring a receptionist for our Hanover Park /hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews Why pay Prospect a premium and Mount locations! for



773.526.8353 F

Medicare Plans?

15 R renov sale. A good SOLD almos

BU Requirements: Now Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with: Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with:SALES •NowBilingual Gujrati-speaking • High school • Knowledge ROSATI'S PIZZA: 2 LOCATIONS, UPdiploma TO $15,385/WK. SUBS # 1 ASKING $150,000 & $225,000. LOW RENT of Microsoft Excel • Strong communication and phone skills AL'S BEE STRIP MAL Please FRIDAY, send resume to: /hiindialive SEPTEMBER 11, 2020 @ Medicare National Network 34

Looking for Hotel Help. RED ROOF INN Arlington Heights, IL : • $13.50/ Front Desk • $5with: Per Room Housekeeping (Housing Now MedicareHour: Advantage PPO Plans available Provided)

• •

$0 Premium, $0 PCP visit, $0 Lab Test & Mental Health program $0 Colonoscopy, Cancer Screening and more under Preventive care Test No referral required, visit any doctor or Hospital in USA who accept Original Medicare under

RED ROOF PLUS Willowbrook, IL • $13.50/ Hour Front Desk • $5 Per Room Housekeeping (Housing Provided)

• •

Worldwide ER coverage- India and other countries Built In Drug coverage with No Premium and No Deductible, Generic at $0 copay • Outine Eye, Hearing & Dental check up at $0 copay • Dental & Eyewear credit for covered services. • Gym Membership & OTC catalogue items benefits • Virtual Doctor Visit and Nurse line at no cost /hiindialive MIDWEST / EASTCOAST @hiindia /hiindiaNews • Dual Advantage PPO Plan for Medicaid & MedicareFRIDAY, Subscribers SEPTEMBER 11, 2020 2020 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, • BUY MEDICARE ADVANTAGE PPO PLANS!!!

XoJ[ alÛT

Email: habeeban@saharahomecare.com

LA QUINTA INN Willowbrook, IL: • $55,000/ Per Year Wyndham Certified General Manager • $13.50 Front Desk • $5/per Room Houskeeping (Housing Provided) All jobs are 30 minutes from Downtown, Chicago



XoJ[ ÛT ao6`ʦ@ʭTʾB XdJl ʩ^@dBoXd0 3]l[f ěl ěEd5H al XoJ[Xd0 Seeki 773.526.8353 ʩ^@dBoXd0 3]l[f ělěEd5H XoJ[Xd0 ao6`ʦ@ʭTʾB XdJl /hiindialive C@ GASin STATI @ 34 @T[Sf GěZ Fl. Zal]dSf `B]L 3T]dXd0 3]^l./hiindialive 34 In @T[Sf GěZ Fl . Zal ] dSf `B]L 3T]dXd0 3]^l . LIQUOR STO BUY MEDICARE [fB[ ` ADVANTAGE XoJ[ al alÛFront ÛT T Desk [fB[ ěJl ěJlě ěPLANS!!! ` GěZˀ.Need GěZˀ.Need Front Desk // Night Night XoJ[ CALL FO XoJ[ al Û T Auditor. Fluent in English XoJ[ al Û T ʩ^@dBoXd03]l 3]l [f fělělěěEd5H Ed5H XoJ[Xd0 ao6`ʦ@ʭTʾB B XdJl XdJl Seekin Auditor. Fluent in English Guja ʩ^@dBoXd0 [ XoJ[Xd0 ao6`ʦ@ʭTʾ Seekin Insurance plans for ageXoJ[Xd0 65 under coverage. ʩ^@dBoXd0 3]l [ fělělěěEd5H XoJ[Xd0 ao6`ʦ@ʭTʾ Bfor XdJl Urgent need Single/Couple, preferably couple Also Need Front Desk /Ed5H Night Auditor. Fluent in English in ʩ^@dBoXd0 3]l [ f ao6`ʦ@ʭTʾ B XdJl `]dZl `dOPf `d0 G Sd F QZØYdS `0 T @ě @Zo. in Ch Ch @T[Sf GěZ Zal dSf `B]L 3T]dXd0 3]^l `]dZl `dOPf `d0 G Sd F QZØYdS `0T @ě3]^l @Zo. ... C @T[Sf GěZ FlFl . ..Zal ]] dSf `B]L 3T]dXd0 Direct or Obamacare or Marketplace are available @T[Sf GěZ Fl Zal ] dSf `B]L 3T]dXd0 3]^l Gas Station located in Rockford, IL, lots of indian @T[Sf GěZ Fl . Zal ] dSf `B]L 3T]dXd0 3]^l . Call: 773-632-6118 or 630-347-2723 [fB[ ěJl ě ` GěZˀ.Need Front Desk / Night atěě` NO consultation from us. // Night [fB[ Front Desk [fB[ěJl ěJl GěZˀ.Need Front Desk Night community. Attractive pay andfees will help you /for finding [fB[ ěJl ěAuditor. ``GěZˀ.Need GěZˀ.Need Front Desk Night Fluent in English Auditor. Fluent in English Auditor. Fluent in English Auditor. Fluent in English apartment near by Gas/ and No Paper required Also Need Front Desk /Station. Night Auditor. Fluent in English Call Medicare Broker Exce `]dZl `dOPf G SdMarketplace F QZØYdS `0work T @ě @Zo. Also Need Front Desk`d0 Night Auditor. Fluent in English

Call: 224-829-4848

HOTEL-HOUSEKEEPING JOB We are looking for Housekeeper for Hotel in below city’s, we will provide accommodation. Now Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with:

• Albuquerque, NM. ($6 per Room + $2000 Bonus) • Las Cruces, NM ($5.50 Per Room + $2000 Bonus) • San Antonio, TX ($5 Per Room + $2000 Bonus) • Kansas City, MO ($5 Per Rooms + $2000 Bonus) • Columbia, MO ($5 Per Rooms + $2000 Bonus) • St. Joseph, MO ($5 Per Rooms + $2000 Bonus) FRIDAY, 2, 2021 • Dallas,APRIL TX ($4 Per Rooms) 773.526.8353 35 Call: 972-249-6637 or 847-334-3655 HOTEL JOB OPENING

GAS STATION HELP Under 65 Insurance- Direct or Obamacare available with NO consultation Fees MOTEL HELP `]dZl`dOPf `dOPf`d0 `d0G GSd SdF F QZØYdS QZØYdS `0 `0T T@ě @ě @Zo. @Zo. `]dZl NAVIN SHAH

`]dZl `dOPf `d0GSd F QZØYdS `0T@ě @Zo.

15 Rooms Independent Motelor in Chicago looking for Call: 773-632-6118 630-347-2723 Call: Call: 773-632-6118 or 630-347-2723 Call Sonia Patel 309-222-5817 Couple immediate need for front desk, day and night with Phone: 773-459-0750, Fax:with 847-454-3989 housekeeping couple. Good salary accommodation MOTEL HELP


provided. 3-bed room house for living quarters. Must speak 15 Rooms Independent Motel in Chicago looking for www.myuhcagent.com/navinchandra.shah English and have aneed legal status. As Front Agentwith Motel in Dubuque, Iowa immediately needed ayou Couple immediate for front desk, dayDesk and night Fullcouple time job. Good hourly pay plus tips &and commission. Urgent need Single/Couple, preferably couple forHousekeeping. Living accommodation will be checking in and out the customer clean for the housekeeping couple. Good salary with accommodation will belocated provided. Legal status must. rooms out. provided. 3-bed room house forcheck living quarters. Must speak Gas Stations in after Kenosha, WI nearby Chicago,

Family or without family will help her. English and have atown legal& status. AsIndian Front Desk Agent you very beautiful lots ofwe community. will be checking in and out the customer and clean the Now Planswill available with: Fine Dining AMedicare Advantage Attractive payPPO and help for finding apartment near Indianyou rooms after check out.

Call Rudresh Trivedi 319-432-2702 847-284-6836 Call:Call: (269) 830-3468 or or Gas Station. Khushbu R by Trivedi 319-930-9843 (269) 330-0453 1167 S Elmhurst Rd. Des Plaines IL 60016 Call: 847-284-6836 Call: 847-284-6836 Call Vijay @ 262-705-6153 HIRING



This sma DUIRE &T Excel C Excel SM This is P This is mat sma sma stud REV (Attorney REG from fam


U.S Rasoi Specials /hiindialive 773.526.8353 EYPick EHomecare BRUp OWONLY Tis Hhiring Rfrom ESupervisors AD@hiindia R TO Wfor A10N TPMED /hiindiaNews F Sahara immediate 5E PM MA Why pay a premium for HIRING employment for our Chicago Devon Skokie locations! $2.99 15 R Regular Khichdi & Shaak or and Kadhi


Grand Rapids, Michigan ખાતે આવેલી 25 રૂમની મોટેલ ચોવીસ કલાક ચલાવવા માટે કપલની જરૂર છે . તમામ 25 વીકલી છે . કામનો ખાસ ભાર ન્થી. રસ Nowરૂમ Medicare Advantageઅને PPO Plansમન્થલી available with: ધરાવનાર વ્યક્ત સંપક્ક કરો.

Medicare Plans?

Eyebrow Threaders wanted. FullSupervisors hours, good hourly pay plus Sahara Homecare is speak hiring for immediate Bilingual applicants that Hindi, Urdu, or Gujrati strongly $3.99 Vagherali Khichdi & Shaak or Kadhi employment for our Chicago and Skokie locations! commission excellent Tips.Devon Very and helpful owners preferred.and Applicants should have akind minimum high school $4.99 Palak Khichdi & speak Shaak or Kadhi Bilingual that Hindi, Urdu, or Gujrati strongly diploma,applicants be with familiar with Microsoft office including Excel and familyshould like& work environment. $5.99 Badshahi Khichdi Shaak Kadhi.high school preferred. Applicants have aor minimum

have strong written and communication Please email your Now Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with:SALES ROSATI'S PIZZA: 2 LOCATIONS, UPskills. TO $15,385/WK. diploma, with Microsoft office including Excel and Sadabe & familiar Masala Dosa ASKING $150,000 resume to& $225,000. LOW RENT$4.99

Bhavesh Patel: 616-818-5992

Call: 219-316-0344

• •

$0 Premium, $0 PCP visit, $0 Lab Test and & Mentalcommunication Health program have strong written skills. Please email your Khichdi 12Screening Oz Container & Shaak or Kadhi in 8 Oz Container $0 Colonoscopy,in Cancer and more under Preventive resume to care Test • No referral required, visit any doctor or Hospital in USA who accept Original Medicare under


ROOMMATE NEEDED habeeban@saharahomecare.com.

Medicare National Network

• •

Wanted Motel Manager couple or Single for Franchise Motel in St. Louis MO Good Salary and Accommodation Provided.


Seeki in Ch


Call: (516)-650-6573.

Now Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with:



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Wanted Housekeeper couple for independent Motel in Washington, IA.Accommodation Provided.




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Chicago born & raised (Patel) June 1986 34 years, in business, divorcee in FRIDAY, 2018. No kids. Looking OCTOBER 2, 2020for an 32 attractive nice personality USA Citizen Gujarati girl. Caste no bar

Now Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with:


FRIDAY, MAY 28, 2021


Motel in Champaign, Illinois need Housekeeper. Decent salary and accommodation provided

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Worldwide ER coverage- India and other countries Built In Drug coverage with No Premium and No Deductible, Generic at $0 copay Outine Eye, Hearing & Dental check up at $0 copay Dental & Eyewear credit for covered services. Gym Membership & OTC catalogue items benefits TRY OUR SPECIAL KATHYAWADI THALI Virtual Doctor Visit and Nurse line at no cost Bajri Rotla,Ghee ,Gor, Ringan No Oro, Sev Tomato, Lasanya Bataka, Dual Advantage PPO Plan for Medicaid & Medicare Subscribers BUY MEDICARE ADVANTAGE PPO PLANS!!! Rajwadi Khichdi, Sukhadi, Kachori, Kadhi or Chass, Papad, Salad

Male Roommate needed. Furnished room with Air Condition, Refrigerators, Microwave, close to Devon (Chicago, IL). • • Good neighborhood. Should have legal status. • Job openings in Gas Station, Chicago • Job opening Gaswith:Station3525 at Chicago, IL. PPO Plansin available Call 773-818• Now Medicare Advantage Downtown. Good pay. Parking • Good pay.Please call provided TAKING ORDERS FOR 2019. FOR ALL EVENTS! or 918-428-9184 BUY MEDICARE Serious applicants only. Call: 847-981-4133 / 847-455-8888 / 630-877-2088 ADVANTAGE PLANS!!!



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Under 65 Insurance- Direct or Obamacare


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Medicare Plans?

Rajvi Gandhi


1457 Della Dr, Hoffman Estates, IL 60169

Now Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with:SALES UP TO $15,385/WK. ROSATI'S PIZZA: 2 LOCATIONS,

ASKING $150,000 & $225,000. LOW RENT • $0 Premium, $0 PCP visit, $0 Lab Test & Mental Health program • $0 Colonoscopy, Cancer Screening and more under Preventive care Test • No referral required, visit any doctor or Hospital in USA who accept Original Medicare under

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Under 65 Insurance- Direct or Obamacare available with NO consultation Fees SUN: CLOSED

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] Fixed and Variable Annuities ] Disability Income ] Life Insurance and ] Long Term Care Rohit A. ShahA– MBA, LUTCF ROHIT SHAHFinancial Representative


FinancialFinancial Representative The Pietsch Group, Inc. 1 S 450 Summit Ave, Suite 135 Oak Brook Terrace, IL 60181

1751 Lake Cook Road,

Fixed Suite Annuities 350 Disability Income Deerfield, IL 60015 Office Phone: 1-630-317-2504 Life Insurance and Office Phone No. 847-597-2400 Office Fax: 1-630-317-2539 Long Term Care No. 847-597-2401 Cell: Office Fax 1-847-219-2536


AVINASH DESAI (Agent for 37+years) Call: 630-370-3011 (Cell) ]Add and Variable 630-795-6956 (O)

]Disability Income ASHISH DESAI (Agent for 15+years) Call: 773-793-3157 (Cell)and ]Life Insurance 630-795-5057 ]Long Term(O) Care

2001 Butterfield Suite Office Phone No. Rd, 847-597-2400 Office800 Fax No.847-597-2401 Downers Grove, IL 60515 Cell Phone No. 847-219-2536 Rohit A. Shah – MBA, LUTCF ROHIT A SHAH-MBA, LUTCF Financial Representative Email Address: Rohit_Shah@GLIC.COM Financial Representative of the Guardian TheFinancial PietschRepresentative Financial Group, Inc. Life Insurance Company America® (Guardian) New York, NY. The Pietsch Group Ave, is not an affiliate or subsidiary of Guardian. 2016-22707. Exp 8/18 1 S Financial 450 Summit Suite 135 Oak Brook Terrace, IL 60181


Office Phone: 1-630-317-2504 Office Fax: 1-630-317-2539 Cell: 1-847-219-2536 1-847-970-9431 Email: Rohit_Shah@GLIC.Com

1-847-970-9431 Cell Phone No. 847-219-2536 Email: Rohit_Shah@GLIC.Com Financial Representative of The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America® (Guardian), New York, NY. Email Address: Rohit_Shah@GLIC.COM

ompany of America® (Guardian), New York, NY. bsidiary of Guardian. 2016-22707 Exp 8/18

The Pietsch Financial Group Inc. is not an affiliate or subsidiary of Guardian. 2016-22707 Exp 8/18

Motels, Dunkin Donut's Grocery & Liquor Stores Gas Stations etc WIth or Without Real Estates

Registered Representative of Park Avenue Securities LLC (PAS). Securities products offered through PAS, member FINRA, SIPC. Financial Representative of The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America® (Guardian), New York, NY. PAS is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Guardian. Pietsch Financial Group is not an affiliate or subsidiary of PAS or Guardian. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2020

/hiindialive @hiindia MIDWEST / EASTCOAST Speciality in SBA 7-A/hiindiaNews & SBA 504 Loans 773.526.8353 LOAN FOR PURCHASE & REFINANCE


California Life and Health, California Department of Insurance, License No. 2108969 Effective Date: 01/17/2020, Expiration Date: 01/31/2022


HEALTH INSURANCE 2021 ANNUAL OPEN ENROLLMENT START FROM NOV 1ST THROUGH DEC 15TH 2020 • Enroll in 2021 Health Insurance Plan now! • IF already in plan year 2020 and need change or assistance during this critical time contact me. • Don’t let this enrollment period pass you by. • Get coverage by Dec 15th 2020. Plan starts form Jan1st 2021 • Medicare annual Enrollment period Oct 15th to Dec 7th 2020

For Appointment Call

JAYSHREE V. PATEL Licensed Insurance Agent 847-361-5632/ 630-606-1759 Email: bluehelp62@gamil.com

JYOTINDRA MOTEL PATEL, HELP (JP) Ph: (847) (847) 960-4996 Seeking young581-9414, energetic coupleFax: to manage Independent Motel Email:Good jyotindra26@hotmail.com in Chicago Suburbs. Salary with free accommodation. English and Legal Status must.

Call 708-336-0641

MOTEL FOR SALE Excellent 15 Rooms Motel for SALE in CHICAGO SUBURBS. This is perfect for the new owners who wanted to learn to start small. Manager’s Apartment with 3 Bedroom house. ROOM REVENUE is 245K. Asking for $385000.00. Price is nonnegotiable. Serious buyers only.

Call: 847-284-6836

MOTEL FOR SALE 15 Rooms non-franchise Motel located at Altamont, IL Fully renovated. Manager living quarter with 2BD/ Kitchen, need to sale. Absentee owner. Key start, nothing to spent anything. Very good business Regular occupancies 6 weekly, 2-3 walk inns, almost 60%. Asking price $349,000.00. Serious inquiries only.

PLEASE CALL: 331-575-0939



FRIDAY, MAY 28, 2021




773.526.8353 MIDWEST / EASTCOAST

CALL 773 338 0222 FOR MORE INFO.

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