NATIONAL EDITION | Volume 13 • Issue No. 683 August 12, 2022 | - News Update 24X7 | South Asian Views On Global News


NATIONAL EDITION | Volume 13 • Issue No. 684 August 12, 2022 | - News Update 24X7 | South Asian Views On Global News Subscribe Free ePaper & News Updates on WhatsApp. Send us ‘hi’ 7735268353to 2526 B e s t J e w e l r y S e l e c t i o n f o r a l l A g e s w w w r e g a l j e w e l s c o m w w w r j b u l l i o n c o m 22KT 2GOLD 2KT GOLD 24KT 2GOLD 4KT GOLD D I A M O N D DS I A M O N D S S I L V E SR I L V E R 2625 W. Devon Ave. Chicago, IL 260659 625 W Devon Ave Chicago, IL 60659 7 7 3 2 6 2 4 3 7 7 Inside 04 04 1812 ReadReadMoreMore Read More Read More Worry Chinagovernmentoversilenceon Pelosi: U.S. cannot allow China’s ‘new normal’ over Taiwan US easesinflationinJulyaspetrolpricesdrop WilliamsSerenaAnnouncesRetirement Jail term certain for Sonia, Rahul in National Herald case: Subramanian DevelopmentsSwamyinBiharHaveMadeOppositionPoliticsaLotMoreInteresting

FRIDAY, AUGUST 12 2022/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.83534 FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2022/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.83532 9348357 S H O P PI NG FOR CA R I NS UR AN C E? C A LL ME FI R S T. Patel 847-847-2090Insurance 837 E. Schaumburg Rd. Schaumburg, Il 60194 D R I V E RS WHO SWITC H ED F R OM: $$356SAAVERAGENNUALAVINGS: Geico saved $ 318478305 ** on average with Allstate Progres sive $ State Farm $ *356 savedsaved on average with Allstate on average with Allstate Put your policy to the test. Drivers who switched to Allstate saved an average of $356* a year. So when you're shopping for car insurance, call me first. You could be surprised by how much you'll save. Savings based on national customer reported data for new policies written in 2016. Actual savings vary. Discounts subject to terms, conditions and availability. Allstate Fire & Casualty Ins. Co., Allstate Vehicle & Property Ins. Co., Allstate Property & Casualty Ins. Co. & affiliates: 2775 Sanders Rd. Northbrook, IL 60062. © 2018 Allstate Insurance Co. hi INDIA is published weekly by hi INDiA, Inc. 3152 W. Devon Ave, C-3 Chicago, IL 60659 hi INDiA, Inc. All right reserved as to the entire content. hi INDiA is a trademark of hi INDiA Inc. Copyright DISCLAIMER2022 hi INDiA makes no warranties or representations as to the accuracy of the content and assumes no liability or responsibility for any error or omission in the content. hi INDiA is not responsible or liable for any claims made in advertisements. Any questions or comments concerning advertisements or classifieds in this newspaper should be directed to the advertiser. The views, advice, opinions and information in letters to the editor, analysis section, legal section or any other article in this publication are those of the writers and do not necessarily represent those of hi INDiA, Inc. hi INDiA weekly newspaper distribute free copies for readers, community for benefit of our readers as well as advertiser. hi INDiA reserves it’s right to distribute copies limited to 1 free copy per reader which is available in the stores near to your area, However if you need more copies, reader can call us and we will send you the copies via mail or deliver to you @ $2.00 per copy. We distribute our copies only at major Indo-Pak stores, where we have obtained the permission from the owner of the location. We reserve the right to protect our copies from illegal activities like, picking up more than one copy for other than reading purposes. We watch our inventory at the stores constantly and we will notify authorities of any and all illegal activities as well as will file law-suite for the punitive damages.*NOTICE PUBLISHED WEEKLY Hi INDIA CORPORATE OFFICE : 6525 N. Crawford ave., Lincolnwood, ILL advt@hiindiaweekly.com60712 EAST COAST : Tel.: PUBLISHER- MANAGING EDITOR Hemant hemant@hiindiaweekly.comBrahmbhaatt(773)552-6083 MAIN OFFICE Tel: (773) 338-0222 Fax: (773) 338-0688 EDITOR C. H. Murthy INTERNATIONAL NEWS EDITOR Yogesh brahmbhatt SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT Ajai ZofeenAgnihotriMaqsood CONTRIBUTING REPORTERS Dr. Nilesh D. Mehta AditiST.BrahmbhattLOUIS Ashwin Patel, (314) 423.9990 MILWAUKEE BUREAU MILWAUKEE ADVERTISING Dinesh Sanghavi (414) 771.3535 AHMEDABAD BUREAU YOGESH BRAHMBHATT ADVERTISING Hemant Brahmbhaatt GRAPHIC DESIGNER YogeshIbrahimBrahmbhattKeriwalaJitendraKumar PHOTO / WEB SITE Jinesh Modi / Vijay Shah ACCOUNTS EXECUTIVE Purnima Brahmbhatt @hiindia /hiindialive /hiindiaNews 773-526-8353 SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS 330 Georgetown Square Wood Dale, IL 60191 COVID-19 RT-PCR Testing No Cost to You O p e n 7 d a y s At-Home Pickup COVID-19 Positive? We test for variants Travel Certificates 330 Georgetown Square Wood Dale, IL 60191 630-214-3800 Email : COVID-19 RT-PCR Testing No Cost to You O p e n 7 d a y s At-Home Pickup COVID-19 Positive? We test for variants Travel Certificates

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U.S. Allows Alternate Monkeypox Vaccine Injection Method to Boost Supply
Biden travels to South Carolina for vacation with family Washington (IANS): US President Joe Biden travelled to Kiawah Island, South Carolina, for a summer vacation with his expected to stay on the sea island on the Atlantic coast for reportedly at least seven days, Xinhua news agency reported. Before leaving the White House on Wednesday afternoon, the President signed a bill to expand healthcare benefits for veterans exposed to toxic burn pits. US Presidents and their families traditionally take vacations away from the White House in summer.
The FDA authorization comes after the United States and the World Health Organization declared monkeypox a public health emergency to bolster the response against the outbreak.
Pelosi: U.S. cannot allow China’s ‘new normal’ over Taiwan
US says reporter missing since 2012 held in Syria
Prices in the US continued to rise rapidly last month, but a fall in petrol costs helped to ease the pace.
The US is certain that an American journalist abducted a decade ago has been held by the Syrian government, President Joe Biden says. Austin Tice, a former US Marine, was taken captive near Damascus on 14 August 2012 while covering the country’s civil war, says his family. “We know with certainty that he has been held by the Syrian regime,” Mr Biden said. He called on Syria to “work with us so that we can bring Austin home”. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has not confirmed his government is holding Mr Tice. Other top Syrian officials have previously denied detaining the American. No group has taken responsibility for his capture, and his whereabouts are not publicly known. Mr Tice, who is turning 41 on Thursday, is one of the longest-held US hostages. He was last seen in a video, blindfolded and in apparent distress, posted online weeks after his capture. His mother, Debra Tice, told Axios, a US political news outlet, that the case of basketball star Brittney Griner, for whom the US has offered Russia a prisoner swap, shows “how things work when the government has a will”.
The Biden administration is vowing to continue sailing warships through the Taiwan Strait and to conduct air operations in the region in response to Chinese military drills that US officials say are evolving into a long-term strategy of heightened military pressure on the Administrationisland. officials said they did not want to escalate the tense confrontation, which China maintains was provoked by last week’s visit to the island by Speaker Nancy Pelosi. But in interviews and public statements, American and Taiwanese officials made clear they now believe China used Pelosi’s visit as a pretext to step up its operations to intimidate Taiwan for months or years to come, and perhaps speed the timetable of its plans to establish control over the island’s 23 million people, much as it did in Hong Kong.Within a few weeks, officials said, the US Navy is planning to run ships through the Taiwan Strait, ignoring China’s recent claim that it controls the entire waterway.
US to operate around Taiwan despite threat
Trump refuses to answer
members who accompanied her on the trip to Asia. China said on Wednesday it had “completed various tasks” around Taiwan, but will continue regular patrols, potentially signaling an end to days of war games while keeping up pressure on the self-ruled island. Furious at the visit to Taipei last week by Pelosi, a vocal critic of China for decades who stands second in line of succession for the U.S. presidency, China had extended its largest-ever exercises around the self-ruled island it claims as its own beyond the four days originally scheduled. “We went there to praise Taiwan. We went there to show our friendship, to say China cannot isolate Taiwan,” Pelosi said. She laughed when asked about China’s announcement that it was sanctioning her and her immediate family. “Who cares?” Pelosi said. “That is incidental to me, of no relevance whatsoever.” Representative Raja Krishnamoorthi said the delegation discussed a backlog of pending arms sales to Taiwan. He and Representative Gregory Meeks, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said lawmakers were taking steps to move such deals more quickly.
WASHINGTON, Aug 10 (Reuters) - House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi said on Wednesday the United States could not allow China to normalize the new level of pressure on Taiwan it asserted with days of military drills following her visit to the Chineseclaimed island. “What we saw with China is that they were trying to establish sort of a new normal. And we just can’t let that happen,” Pelosi told a news conference with four other Democratic House “We went there to praise Taiwan. We went there to show our friendship, to say China cannot isolate Taiwan,” Pelosi said.
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Donald J. Trump declined to answer questions from the New York state attorney general’s office on Wednesday, a stunning gamble in a high-stakes legal interview that is likely to determine the course of a civil investigation into his company’s business practices. In a statement released shortly after the questioning began on Wednesday, Trump said he would invoke his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination, explaining that he “declined to answer the questions under the rights and privileges afforded to every citizen under the United States Constitution”.
WASHINGTON : -U.S. health regulators have authorized injecting a monkeypox vaccine intradermally in adults, meaning between layers of the skin rather than below the skin, in an effort to stretch out low vaccine supplies, the U.S. FDA announced on Tuesday.
US inflation eases in July as petrol prices drop
The annual inflation rate, the pace at which prices rise, was 8.5% in July, down from June when it surged to 9.1%, the Labor Department said. Aside from energy, costs for many items, including groceries and housing, continued to climb. The higher costs have left many families struggling and had a significant impact on the economy. Jobs growth remains strong, but other indicators, like consumer and business sentiment, have been hit by worries about rising prices, which are climbing faster than they have since the early 1980s.
FRIDAY, AUGUST 12 2022/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.83536 USA NEWS

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Gotabaya seeks Thailand entry
Amid the continuing tensions over Taiwan, China on Wednesday again threatened to take the democratic self-governing island by military means if necessary.
The United States respects other countries needs to verify that a sanctions proposal meets their “domestic evidentiary threshold to justify a listing at the U.N.,” a spokesperson for the U.S. mission to the United Nations said on “TheWednesday.United States values cooperation with our Security Council partners to effectively use this tool in an apolitical way to stop terrorists from exploiting the global order to do their misdeeds,” the spokesperson said.
FRIDAY, AUGUST 12 2022/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.83538 INTERNATIONAL NEWS HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndiaHiIndiaNewsdeskNewsdeskHiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk
“We will work with the greatest sincerity and exert our utmost efforts to achieve peaceful reunification,” dpa news agency quoted a white paper on the Taiwan issue published by the Chinese government as saying. “But we will not renounce the use of force, and we reserve the option of taking all necessary measures. Use of force would be the last resort taken under compelling circumstances. We will only be forced to take drastic measures to respond to the provocation of separatist elements or external forces should they ever cross our red lines. “Let there be no doubt, we will tolerate no foreign interference in Taiwan, we will thwart any attempt to divide our country, and we will combine as a mighty force for national reunification and rejuvenation. “The historic goal of reuniting our motherland must be realized and will be realised,” it said.
spokesperson for China’s mission to the United Nations told Reuters.
Beijing, (IANS): Amid the continuing tensions over Taiwan, China on Wednesday again threatened to take the democratic self-governing island by military means if necessary.
Former Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksahas requested entry into Thailand for a temporary stay in a second Southeast Asian country after fleeing his island nation last month amid mass protests, the Thai foreign ministrysaid on Wednesday. Rajapaksa fled to Singaporeon July 14 following unprecedentedunrest caused by Sri Lanka’s worst economic crisis in seven decades, and days after thousands of protestersstormed the president’sofficial residence and office.
Jerusalem, Aug 11 : Israel has announced the investment of $6.13 million to promote training programmes that will prepare the Arab population for Israel’s high-tech sector. The funds will be given in grants to Arab-Israeli companies to cover at most 70 per cent of their costs in developing innovative programmes and models that will help add skilled Arab human capital to the Israeli hi-tech industry, the Ministry of Economy and Industry said in a statement on Wednesday. The grants will be awarded by the Ministry’s Directorate General of Labor and the Israel Innovation Authority (IIA), it added. The IIA and the Directorate thus called on corporations, associations and employers to help expand the access of Arab human capital to Israel’s knowledge-rich industry, Xinhua news agency reported.
The U.S. Treasury designated Azhar in 2010, accusing him of urging Pakistanis to engage in terrorist activities and organize suicide attacks in India.
China has repeatedly made similar threats regarding Taiwan in the past. The latest tensions were triggered last week by a visit to Taipei by Speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi, who travelled there despite Beijing’s fierce opposition. Israel to invest $6.13 mn in training Arabs for hi-tech sector
Kim Jong-un suffered from fever during Covid outbreak: Report Seoul, (IANS) Kim Yo-jong, the younger sister of North Korean leader Kim Jongun, revealed that her brother had “fallen ill” with “high fever” amid the country’s fight against Covid-19, a state media report said on Thursday. She made the remarks during a national meeting on anti-epidemic measures on Wednesday in which Kim Jong-un declared victory in his country’s emergency campaign against Covid-19, three months after the nation reported its first outbreak of the virus, according to the report by Pyongyang’s official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA). UK heatwave: Four-day extreme heat warning comes into effect
Pakistani boxers go missing from Birmingham airport
Islamabad, (IANS): Pakistans boxers Suleman Baloch and Nazeer Ullah Khan have gone missing in Birmingham after the conclusion of the Commonwealth Games, media reports said. The PBF is searching for the pugilists with the help of local authorities. Nazeer and Suleman’s travel documents are still in possession of PBF, Samaa TV reported. According to sources, the duo went missing from the airport before leaving for Pakistan, the report said. The Pakistan Olympic Association has formed a four-member committee to investigate the matter. “We will not allow these boxers to tarnish the name of the country at any cost. British Police will soon find them,” said POA Secretary General Mohammad Khalid Mahmood.
United Nation: China delayed on Wednesday a proposal by the United States and India to sanction at the U.N. Security Council a top terrorist in the Pakistan-based Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) terrorist group, diplomats said. India and the United States wanted Abdul Rauf Azhar to be subjected to a global travel ban and asset freeze. Such a move has to be agreed by all 15 members of a Security Council sanctions committee. “We placed a hold because we need more time to study the case. Placing holds is provided for by the Committee guidelines, and there have been quite a number of similar holds by Committee members on listing requests,” a
An amber extreme heat warning has come into force, with temperatures forecast to hit 37C (99F) in some parts of the UK over the next four days. The Met Office alert for southern and central England and parts of Wales runs from midnight on Thursday until Sunday. It has also issued its highest alert for fire severity over the weekend, warning there is an “exceptional” risk of blazes spreading in many places. The heatwave will likely affect health, transport and working conditions.There is also an increased risk of water safety incidents, the Met Office warned.
At UN, China Delays US, India Bid To Sanction Pak-Based Jaish Terrorist India and the United States wanted Pakistan-based Abdul terroristJaish-e-MohammadRaufAzhartobesubjectedtoaglobaltravelbanandassetfreeze.
China again threatens to take Taiwan by force if necessary

9/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353FRIDAY, AUGUST 12 2022

The Supreme Courtroom Thursday noticed that promising and distribution of freebies by political events throughout ballot season is “a critical difficulty” because the economic system is shedding cash as a consequence of this, Bar and Bench reported.The apex courtroom was listening to a PIL filed by laywer Ashwini Upadhyay, looking for a ban on political events promising ‘freebies’ to lure voters within the runup to elections. The plea requested for steps to be taken to manage ballot manifesto and make political events accountable for guarantees made “Notherein.person says it isn’t a difficulty. It’s a critical difficulty. Those that are getting they need it and ours is a welfare state. Some might say that they’re paying taxes and it must be used for developmental course of. So its a critical difficulty. So each aspect must be heard by committee,” Chief Justice of India NV Ramana was quoted as saying by the Bar and Bench.
Additional Director General of Police Mukesh Singh said Srinagar: Three soldiers were killed in action and two were injured in a pre-dawn attack on an army camp in Jammu and Kashmir’s Rajouri. Two terrorists, who were detected trying to scale a fence to enter the army camp, were shot dead. “Subedar Rajendra Prasad, Rifleman Manoj Kumar and Rifleman
Lakshmanan D succumbed to their injuries making the supreme sacrifice while neutralising 2 terrorists on a suicide attack. We condole their loss and pray for strength for their family member,” the army’s White Knight Corps tweeted. “Some terrorists tried to cross the fence of the army camp at Pargal. The sentry challenged them and an exchange of fire took place,”
Cong to hold ‘Mehangai Par Halla Bol’ rally on Aug 28 in Delhi New Delhi, Aug 11 (IANS) The Congress will hold a ‘Mehangai Par Halla Bol’ rally against inflation on August 28 at the Ramlila Maidan in the national capital. In a statement on Thursday, the party said the Congress party will take this fight forward with a series of protests against the price rise and unemployment in the coming weeks. “The party will organise several ‘Mehangai Chaupal’ interactive meetings at Mandis, retail markets and other locations in all the Assembly constituencies from 17th to 23rd August 2022. simultaneously hold ‘Mehangai Par Halla Bol - Chalo Dilli’ events at the state, district, and block levels,” said Jairam Ramesh in a statement.
“Taxes For Rich Waived, Imposed On Poor”: Arvind Kejriwal Slams Centre
The apex court was hearing a PIL filed by advocate Ashwini Upadhyay, seeking a ban on political parties promising ‘freebies’ to lure voters in the run-up to elections.
Delhi govt makes wearing of masks mandatory at public places HiIndia Newsdesk New Delhi, : (IANS) In the wake of a sudden surge of new Covid-19 cases in the national capital, the Delhi government has made wearing of masks in public places mandatory and a fine of Rs 500 will be imposed on violators.The decision was taken by the DDMA after noticing that people were not adhering to wearing of masks at public places.
Dhankhar sworn in as 14th Vice President of India Jagdeep Dhankar was sworn in as the 14th Vice-President of India on Thursday afternoon with President Droupadi Murmu administering the oath of office to him. Among the many dignitaries present were Prime Minister Narendra Modi, former President Ramnath Kovind and former Vice-President Venkaiah Naidu. Dhankhar began his day by visiting Raj Ghat, the memorial of Mahatma Gandhi. “Felt blessed, inspired and motivated to be ever in service of Bharat in serene sublimity of Raj Ghat while paying respects to Pujya Bapu,” Dhankhar tweeted.
“Some terrorists tried to cross the fence of the army camp at Pargal. The sentry challenged them and an exchange of fire took place,”
FRIDAY, AUGUST 12 2022/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.835310 INDIA NEWS HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia
Gautam Adani gets ‘Z category’ security New Delhi, Aug 11 (IANS) The Central government has decided to give ‘Z category’ security to the country’s top industrialist Gautam Adani. This decision has been taken on the basis of a report sent by the Intelligence Bureau (IB). According to sources in the Home Ministry, on the basis of the threat perception report received from the IB, Adani has been provided highlevel security by the government for which he will himself bear its expenses. According to sources, more than 30 army personnel will be deployed in the security given to India’s top industrialist. The shares of the Adani Group have risen sharply in the past few days and Adani has been ranked among the world’s richest industrialist.
Economy losing money, freebies distribution a ‘serious issue’: SC
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CBI arrests Trinamool Congress leader Anubrata Mondal
“They brought Agnipath scheme saying they have no money for pensions. It has never happened since independence that the country is left with no money to pay pension to soldiers,” Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind today alleged the government led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been piling on taxes on the masses but waiving it off for the rich. His comment comes amid a fight between the ruling BJP and opposition parties over the issue of freebies, or “revdi culture”, which the centre has alleged is a method that leaders as the Delhi Chief Minister often uses to keep voters happy. “They brought Agnipath scheme saying they have no money for pensions. It has never happened since independence that the country is left with no money to pay pension to soldiers,” Mr Kejriwal PMsaid. Modi during the inauguration of an expressway in Bundelkhand on July 16 had cautioned people against what he called a “revdi (sweet) culture” under which votes were sought by promising freebies, that this could be “very dangerous” for development of the country.
The TMC leader had twice skipped his scheduled appearance before the central probe agency in the last few days. The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Thursday, August 11, 2022, arrested Trinamool Congress leader Anubrata Mondal in comnnnection with the cross-border cattle smuggling case. The arrest comes after Mr. Mondal, a prominent TMC leader skipped several summons by the agency, including two in the past one week.
Yogi Adityanath Dials
Additional Director General of Police Mukesh Singh said. More forces have been sent to the army camp to secure the area, Mr Singh said. Rajouri district and other parts of the Jammu region have largely been free from terrorism, but over the last six months there have been a series of terror incidents. The police said the Lashkare-Taiba, or LeT, terror group is behind today’s attack. The attack also comes just a day after the police averted a major tragedy by recovering 25 kg improvised explosive device in Pulwama district of the Union Territory.
Ailing Comedian Raju Srivastava’s Wife, Assures Help New Delhi: A day after stand-up comedian Raju Srivastava suffered a cardiac arrest and was hospitalised, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath today dialled his wife Shikha Srivastava and assured her all possible help. The Chief Minister also instructed officers to extend help to the family of the popular comedian who is reportedly “critical and on ventilator”.
3 Soldiers Killed In Attack At Jammu Army Camp, 2 Terrorists Shot Dead

11/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353FRIDAY, AUGUST 12 2022

Q: On what basis did you say that irregularities took place?
S lamming interim Congress President Sonia Gandhi and her son Rahul Gandhi over the National Herald case, former Union minister and senior Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Subramanian Swamy accused the Gandhi family of being involved in money laundering. Speaking exclusively with IANS, Swamy said that a jail term is certain for both Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi on charges of money laundering in connection with the National Herald Delvingcase. on a wide range of issues, Swamy talked about Ram Setu, and expressed concerns over the country’s current economic condition, among Hereothers.are excerpts from the interview: Q: The National Herald case has created quite a stir in the nation’s political circles. You were the one to raise the issue first. What’s the matter all about and how did it violate the law? A: I raised the issue for the first time in 2012 at a press conference, and later went to the court in this connection in 2013. The Gandhi family had appealed against the case filed by me even in the Supreme Court, only to taste disappointment. The Patiala House Courts had observed that according to the case filed by me, irregularities indeed happened and a trial should be conducted.Sincethematter pertained to financial offence, they were released on bail... and from there, everything began. Hearings were being held and many papers and documents also came out. I had sought some other documents as well as per the procedures, which was opposed by the Congress. However, I finally got hands on them after approaching the higher courts. Later, it came to my notice that there were some income tax-related frauds as well. A probe into the matter eventually found them guilty. Since the matter was challenged, it is now in the Supreme Court.
Jail term certain for Sonia, Rahul in National Herald case: Subramanian Swamy
But in case the Congress comes into power, nothing can be said... but even then, I would continue taking the matter to the courts.
Q: What do you think would be the outcome of the National Herald case? A: On the basis of all the facts available in this case, Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi and others would certainly be jailed. If the BJP government stays in power, they will surely be imprisoned.
Q: You have also been vocal on social media about the current economic condition of the nation... A: As far as the question of economy and the country’s economic condition is concerned, I need to say that the government’s economic policies are totally wrong. The Finance Minister is unable to manage things... and the officials are simply trying to defend However,themselves.the truth is that the economy is currently under a massive crisis, and it could implode any moment. I have been constantly writing to the Prime Minister regarding this serious issue.
FRIDAY, AUGUST 12 2022/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.835312 CURRENT AFFAIRS
A: Sonia and Rahul Gandhi had founded a firm named ‘Young Indian Limited’ for which the paid-up capital was only Rs 5 lakh. That firm had offered the Congress a loan of Rs 50 lakh so that on the basis of that loan amount, the responsibilities for Associated Journal Limited could be transferred to Young Indian Limited. That’s how, by offering just Rs 50 lakh, they acquired the company that published the National Herald newspaper. However, the value of the company at that time, including the building and other assets, was around Rs 5,000 crore.
Q: So you mean to say that the Congress and its higher ups are linked to hawala traders? A: Of course... they received money from foreign banks about which I had apprised the government as well.
Slamming interim Congress President Sonia Gandhi and her son Rahul Gandhi over the National Herald case, former Union minister and senior Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Subramanian Swamy accused the Gandhi family of being involved in money laundering.
Sonia and Rahul Gandhi had founded a firm named ‘Young Indian Limited’ for which the paid-up capital was only Rs 5 lakh. That firm had offered the Congress a loan of Rs 50 lakh so that on the basis of that loan amount, the responsibilities for Associated Journal Limited could be transferred to Young Indian Limited. That’s how, by offering just Rs 50 lakh, they acquired the company that published the National Herald newspaper.
On the basis of all the facts available in this case, Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi and others would certainly be jailed. If the BJP government stays in power, they will surely be imprisoned. But in case the Congress comes into power, nothing can be said... but even then, I would continue taking the matter to the courts.
Q: Your plea on Supreme Court’s call to declare Ram Setu a national heritage would be taken up for hearing soon. Why you had to knock the court’s door on the matter and what do you expect from the court now? A: I had filed two petitions in the Madras High Court in 2007. Later I went to the Supreme Court. On the basis of my plea, the Supreme Court refused to give nod to the plans for breaking/splitting the Ram Setu for the Sethusamudram Project. I have been involved in the process to get Ram Setu declared a national heritage site since a long time. My efforts got a major boost after the BJP came to power. Eventually, I approached the Supreme Court with an appeal to declare Ram Setu a national heritage, and that the government be given the responsibility to preserve, maintain and conserve it. The court has already issued notice to the government on the issue, and I expect a positive outcome following the hearing scheduled to take place next week.
Q: But even as you’re claiming that they went on to take over a firm worth Rs 5,000 crore for a consideration of just Rs 50 lakh, the Congress, including Rahul Gandhi, has been coming up with allegations against the BJP-led government... A: Their allegations are totally incorrect. I had written to the government in 2014 after the BJP came to power that the case should be probed by the Enforcement IDirectorate.hadwritten to the government back then that Rs 1 crore was taken from a fake Kolkata-based firm -- Dotex, whi was involved in hawala transactions and money laundering, and from that amount, Rs 50 lakh was utilised to take over Associated Journal Limited. I had also written to the ED that Dotex was already under scanner for its suspicious Later,activities.Icame to know that the Congress had issued cheques to Dotex from Switzerland-based banks, and Dotex had converted those currencies into INR and ‘paid’ the Congress... this is a clear instance of money laundering and it comes under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act.

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Indian American CEO to Invest $40 Billion in Memory Chips
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Mumbai: The Indian diaspora will soon be able to pay utility bills and other recurring payments like fees using the Bharat Bill Payment System (BBPS), the Reserve Bank announced on TheFriday.RBImade it clear that the move is not driven by the need to attract more remittances at a time when the domestic currency is under pressure, nor it is the result of its efforts to minimise the spreads made by banks while converting currency. The Bharat Bill Payment System (BBPS) is an interoperable platform for standardised bill payments. Over 20,000 billers are part of the system, and more than 8 crore transactions are processed on a monthly basis. RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das said BBPS has transformed the bill payment experience for users in India and it is now proposed to enable the system to accept cross-border inward bill payments.
9 out of 11 men in Canada police most violent gangsters’ list are of Punjab origin
Chandgarh: The Canada police have issued a rare warning about 11 men linked to extreme levels of gang violence. The police have warned the public to avoid being near them. Out of the 11 men, nine are of Punjab origin. The British Columbia police said that they were linked to a slew of killings and shootings in the province. It asked the public to avoid being near them. “It is highly likely a rival gangster will target them with violence,” said CFSEU Asst. Cmdr. Manny Mann, saying the men listed are a risk to their friends and family as well as Sanders. Warnings to stay away from specific alleged criminals were once almost unheard-of, but they have been slowly increasing in recent Shakielyears.Basra, 28 Amarpreet Samra, 28 Jagdeep Cheema, 30 Ravnder Sarma, 35 Barinder Dhaliwal, 39 Andy St. Pierre, 40 Gurpreet Dhaliwal, 35 Richard Joseph Whitlock, 40 Samroop Gill, 29 Sumdish Gill, 28 Sukhdeep Pansal
Micron Technology, an industry leader in innovative memory and storage solutions, headed by Indian-American CEO Sanjay Mehrotra, is all set to announce a whopping investment of USD 40 billion in memory chips manufacturing in the US, as President Joe Biden is set to sign the ambitious CHIPS and Science Act of 2022 at the White House on Tuesday. Mehrotra along with several other leaders of the American corporate sector like Pat Gelsinger, CEO of Intel; Jim Taiclet, the CEO of Lockheed Martin; Enrique Lores, the CEO of HP; and Dr. Lisa Su, the Chair and CEO of Advanced Micro Devices are expected to attend the bill signing at the White House to mark the historic event. The bipartisan CHIPS and Science Act of 2022 will strengthen American manufacturing, supply chains, as well as national security, and invest in research and development, science and technology, and the workforce of the future to keep the US the leader in the industries of tomorrow, including nano-technology, clean energy, quantum computing, and artificial intelligence, according to the White House. President Biden has signed the bipartisan CHIPS and Science Act 2022 in the White House. The bipartisan CHIPS and Science Act of 2022 will strengthen American manufacturing, supply chains, as well as national security, and invest in research and development, science and technology, and the workforce of the future to keep the US the leader in the industries of tomorrow, including nano-technology, clean energy, quantum computing, and artificial intelligence.
During a visit to New York, famous TV actor and producer Mindy Kaling decided to feast on some Indian delicacies at the newest posh address in town. Sona—a restaurant run by Priyanka Chopra has been a favorite amongst visiting celebrities. Kaling shared a picture of herself with the menu and tagged Priyanka Chopra on social Priyankamedia.acknowledged the visit and wrote back that she was glad to see them having a good time. Some of the dishes that Kaling has recommended are Gruyere dosa, chicken meatballs and Goan fish curry
Bengaluru, Aug 6 (IANS) Karnataka Minister for Large and Medium Industries, Murugesh R. Nirani, on Saturday invited the Kannada diaspora in Japan to participate in the Global Investors Meet (GIM) scheduled to place here from November 2 to 4. A state delegation led by Nirani is in Tokyo to invite Japanese investors to participate in the upcoming GIM.
FRIDAY, AUGUST 12 2022/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.835314 DIASPORA NEWS
Speaking at a programme organised by the Tokyo Kannada Diaspora at the Indian Embassy in Tokyo on Saturday, Nirani said: “Karnataka and Japan share cordial industrial relations. As far as Japan is concerned, a Japanese industrial township has been set up at Vasanthanarasapura near Tumkur city in the “Aroundstate.519.55 acres of land has been earmarked and basic infrastructure facilities have been provided. We will encourage and extend all support to Japanese companies investing in “TheKarnataka.stategovernment encourages direct investment by foreign companies in all sectors to achieve greater economic progress. Karnataka ranks first in the list of states that have attracted the most foreign direct investment. Our state’s share in the total foreign direct investment of the country is 38 per cent.”
NRIs can pay utility bills using Bharat Bill Payment System
Mindy Kaling Visits Priyanka RestaurantChopra’sinNY
Global Investors Meet: K’taka minister invites Kannada diaspora in Japan
Zofeen Maqsood Zofeen Maqsood
Biden denounces Wisconsin Gurdwara shooting on its tenth anniversary
BBPS is an interoperable platform for standardised bill payments
New Delhi (IANS) US President Joe Biden has denounced the Gurdwara shooting that took place in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, on August 5, 2012, on its tenth Terminganniversary.itasthe deadliest attack on Sikh Americans in US history, Biden stressed the need to ban assault weapons used in many mass shootings in places of worship, along with high-capacity Onmagazines.August 5, 2012, the Sikh community of Oak Creek came under attack when white supremacist Wade Page stormed a Gurdwara in Wisconsin and gunned down six worshippers, before shooting himself dead. A seventh person who was severely paralysed died from his injuries in 2020. Stating that no one should fear for their life when they worship or go about their lives in America, Biden said the House of Representatives has passed a bill in this regard, and called upon the Senate to act as wel. “To stand in defence of religious freedom, we must all stand together to ban the weapons that terrorise congregations around our country,” the President said. He also lauded the optimism of the Sikh community in the US, which annually hosts a memorial in honour of the mass shooting victims of Wisconsin. Meanwhile, in a joint statement, the Sikh Coordination Committee East Coast and AGPC said the SCCEC and AGPC memorialise this shooting and pray for the departed souls and their families. US President Joe Biden has denounced the Gurdwara shooting that took place in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, on August 5, 2012, on its tenth anniversary.

15/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353FRIDAY, AUGUST 12 2022 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 11TH 2022 AT 7:15PM (Doors open at 6:15PM) PABST THEATER, 144 E Wells St, Milwaukee, WI 53202 TICKETS VIP, $125, $85, $60 (Includes all fees except for sales tax) Group discount $5 per ticket Min for group rate 10+ tickets all bought at same time to qualify. Not valid for VIP TICKETS AT , Pabst Theater Ticket Box Indian Groceries and Spices 414 771 3535 VIP TICKETS - CONTACT YOGESH AT 414 -467-3032 MilwaukeeInternalMedicineAssociates YKINSURANCE.COM LIGHT INDIAN SNACKS FOR SALE AT VENUE – CAFÉ INDIA MISSED THE SHOW IN CHICAGO COME TO MILWAUKEE ONLY 1 ½ HOURS FROM CHICAGO PABST THEATER OFFERS AMAZING SOUND SYSTEM AND EXPERIENCE Milwaukee Events

Speak like Tarla before you cook like her Huma Qureshi describes Tarla as a “delicious film.” The actor, who wrapped up the biopic on home-chef and cookbook author Tarla Dalal in June, believes it is an emotional story of a woman who “cooked her way out of the chaar diwari of her kitchen.” Becoming the famed homechef for Piyush Gupta’s directorial venture, however, wasn’t easy. Delhiborn Qureshi admits it was difficult to adopt the peculiar accent of her subject. “I grew up in a hardcore Punjabi neighbourhood. I can do any accent [prevalent] north of the Aravallis. But on this film, I had to learn from scratch. My diction coach Hetal Varia and I worked for months to make sure we don’t do a caricature. Tarla was a Gujarati woman who married and moved to Napean Sea Road, so her way of talking was unique.”
Vijay Varma was recently seen in the Netflix film Darlings alongside Alia Bhatt and Shefali Shah.
“My producer, Dinesh Vijan, has been hugely supportive. It was heartwarming to receive so much love after my first look from Tehran dropped online.”
B ollywood actor Vicky Kaushal, who flagged off the shoot of his film ‘SamBahadur’ along with its team on Monday, feels that there’s is a lot to take back for him from the titular role of India’s greatest war hero and first Field Marshal, Sam Manekshaw. Sam Manekshaw’s Army career spanned over four decades and five wars. He was the first Indian Army officer to be promoted to the rank of Field Marshal and his military victory in the 1971 war that led to the creation of CommentingBangladesh.onthe occasion of commencing the film’s shoot, Vicky, who will essay the titular role, said: “I am fortunate to portray the role of a real life hero and patriot who is still remembered and loved for his contributions to our “ a lot to learn and take back as an actor. With the amount of prep and hard work the whole team has put in. I am sure the audiences will be thrilled to watch Sam’s mesmerising journey to make India what it is today.”
‘Gully Boy ke baad bohot paisa kamaya hai’: Vijay Varma Actor Vijay Varma, who is being widely appreciated for his performance in Darlings, took to Twitter and corrected a report claiming that he got success only after the film Darlings. Earlier today, a media house took to Twitter and wrote, “#VijayVarma reveals that the success of #AliaBhatt’s #Darlings has assured his parents that his acting career won’t leave him hungry.”
FRIDAY, AUGUST 12 2022/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.835316 ENTERTAINMENT
Manushi Chhillar on ‘Tehran’: Gives me chance to present myself in a new avatar Manushi Chhillar has begun work on her next, ‘Tehran’, opposite John Abraham. For Chhillar, diving deep into distinct worlds is among the most exciting aspects of being an actor. She notes that director Arun Gopalan’s geopolitical thriller is far removed from the historical drama that was her debut vehicle, thus giving her the opportunity to tell different stories on screen. Having recently kicked off the second schedule of Tehran in Mumbai, the actor says, “It is validating that I’m being offered diverse roles. I’m excited about Tehran as it not only gives me a chance to present myself in a new avatar, but will also allow me to learn and grow as an actor.”
The makers of the film, released an exclusive video on Monday featuring glimpses of Vicky as Sam Bahadur along with his co-stars, Sanya Malhotra and Fatima Sana Shaikh. This video highlights the dedication to bring the character alive, from Vicky’s amazing transformation as Sam Bahadur and their table read sessions, to Meghna Gulzar and her team enthusiastically reimagining the realistic portrayal of characters through their reading sessions and preparation for shoot. Excited to embark on this journey, director Meghna Gulzar said: “Finally, after years of extensive research, writing, brainstorming and rigorousA preparation, ‘SamBahadur’ has finally gone on floors. It is tremendously fulfilling to be on set and have the opportunity to tell the story of Sam Manekshaw’s inspiring life. A life of bravery, courage, determination and righteousness. They don’t make men like him Apartanymore!”fromVicky, the film also stars Fatima Sana Shaikh as late Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and her ‘Dangal’ co-star Sanya Malhotra, who plays Manekshaw’s wife. For Fatima, “it’s a huge honour to be a part of such an inspiring story of one of the greatest war heroes of our nation”. She hopes that those who haven’t heard of Sam Manekshaw will remember him forever once they watch ‘Sam Bahadur’. Directed by Meghna Gulzar and produced by Ronnie Screwvala, the film is slated to hit the theatres in 2023.
“Ye toh maine Gullyboy ke liye bola tha.. uske baad bahot paisa kamaya hai bhai.” (I had said this for Gullyboy. After that I have earned a lot of money) Shehnaaz Gill Singer-actress Shehnaaz Gill has dismissed reports of her being thrown out of Salman Khan’s film ‘Kabhi Eid Kabhi Diwali’. Taking to Instagram, Shehnaaz wrote, “Lol, these rumours are my daily dose of entertainment since last few weeks. I can’t wait for people to watch the film and of course me too in the film.” Shehnaaz began shooting for ‘Kabhi Eid Kabhi Diwali’ earlier this year. She is apparently paired with Raghav Juyal in the film. This film will also mark her Bollywood debut. Directed by Farhad Samji, ‘Kabhi Eid Kabhi Diwali’ stars Salman Khan, Venkatesh Daggubati, and Pooja Hedge. Salman’s brother-in-law Aayush Sharma was also a part of the film. However, he reportedly walked out of the film. dismisses rumours of exiting Salman Khan’s film ‘Kabhi Eid Kabhi Diwali’
Lot to take back from the life of Sam Manekshaw: Vicky Kaushal
Bollywood actor Vicky Kaushal, who flagged off the shoot of his film greatestalong‘SamBahadur’withitsteamonMonday,feelsthatthere’sisalottotakebackforhimfromthetitularroleofIndia’swarheroandfirstFieldMarshal,SamManekshaw.

Pankaj Tripathi credits his days as NSD student for shaping his life Actor Pankaj Tripathi is known for some remarkable projects and the actor gives its credit to his training at National School of Drama (NSD) for polishing his acting skills. He has been part of movies like “Gangs of Wasseypur”, “Masaan”, “Newton”, “Mimi” and “83” to name a few. The actor belongs to a small village in Patna and he came to Delhi to get admission in NSD and graduated in 2004. Pankaj, after struggling for years in Mumbai, received a lot of fame with “Gangs of Wasseypur” in 2012. He recalls what he learnt at NSD from Kannada film and theatre personality B.V. Karanth, who was NSD Director between 1977 and 1981, and said: “There is no secret behind success and probably everyone will have their own way. For me, the biggest lessons that he learnt in life were from his days at National School of Drama. “I have learnt a lot there. My teachers were my gurus and one of my professors once said: ‘Through minimum one creates maximum.’ Till now, I have followed that advice as the mantra and it has worked for me too.” Pankaj is gearing up for his next releases including Akshay Kumar-starrer “OMG 2: Oh My God! 2”, “Criminal Justice 3” and “Mirzapur 3”.
Netflix’s The Sandman is a thrilling adaptation of Neil Gaiman’s beloved work, which stays true to its source Beloved writer Neil Gaiman’s acclaimed graphic novel The Sandman is a complex and rich world of darkness, dreams and unrealised desires. The term graphic novel seems to sit well with what Neil brings to the readers in its original 75 issues. Layered with themes of adultery, rape, abuse and addiction, The Sandman is graphic, alright. But its world is so fantastical and seemingly out of reach that it seems impossible to translate those pages to any format of film.
Delhi Crime is a reflection of our passion for storytelling: Shefali Shah
The Family Man creators Raj and DK sign multi-year deal with Netflix
Director duo Raj Nidimoru and Krishna DK have joined hands with Netflix for a multi-year creative partnership, the streamer announced Thursday. Under their D2R Films banner, The Family Man directors will develop and produce their upcoming projects for the streaming giant. Monika Shergill, VP-Content, Netflix India, said, they are excited to partner with the filmmakers, who according to her have an ingenious storytelling style.
Bollywood actress Taapsee Pannu, who is currently gearing up for the release of her upcoming film ‘Dobaaraa’, shared why she hasn’t been on the Karan Johar-hosted popular chat show ‘Koffee With Karan’. During a promotional event, while Taapsee Pannu and Anurag Kashyap were promoting their film ‘Dobaaraa’, Karan Johar was in the adjacent room promoting his chat show. Taking note of that, the media probed Taapsee about the reason why she hasn’t been invited to Karan’s show. Answering the question, the actress said in jest that her sex life is not interesting enough to be invited on ‘Koffee With Karan’.
17/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353FRIDAY, AUGUST 12 2022 ENTERTAINMENT
“This season, the audience will see a human and vulnerable side of these seasoned police officers. I can proudly say this, Delhi Crime is a reflection of our passion for storytelling and the craft and we can’t wait for the audience to watch it,” the 49-yearold actor, who currently stars in Alia Bhatt-led Darlings, said in a statement. The second season, which will debut on Netflix on August 26, follows a series of ghastly murders in Delhi that keeps Chaturvedi and her team on their toes. “With escalating public fear and the media demanding answers, Madam Sir is forced to make some tough choices. Will the Delhi Police force manage to track down these ruthless criminals in time?” the official plotline for season two read.
Actor Anne Heche suffers ‘severe burns’ Hollywood actor Anne Heche, known for starring in films such as Six Days, Seven Nights, Donnie Brasco and I Know What You Did Last Summer, has met with an accident. She crashed her car into a Los Angeles house, where both the car and the building caught fire. As per Fox News, Anne crashed her blue Mini Cooper into a Mar Vista, Los Angeles, home on Friday, igniting a fire. She was taken to a hospital with severe burns on her body. As per an eye-witness, when the 53-year-old actor was taken on a stretcher she was “conscious and breathing.”
The second season of Delhi Crime, which will debut on Netflix on August 26, follows a series of ghastly murders in Delhi that keeps DCP Vartika Chaturvedi (Shefali Shah) and her team on their toes. A ctor Shefali Shah is back with season two of her critically-acclaimed show Delhi Crime, a project that gave her the “super special” character of DCP Vartika Chaturvedi. Streaming service Netflix on Monday released the official trailer of the new season which sees DCP Vartika Chaturvedi (Shah) spearhead another crucial investigation with her team — newly promoted Neeti Singh (Rasika Duggal) and Vartika’s right-hand man Bhupendra Singh aka Bhupi (Rajesh Tailang). Shah said the show’s sophomore chapter will explore the “human and vulnerable side” of its characters. “I love every character I’ve played but DCP Vartika Chaturvedi will always be super special. And I’m so proud of the role and Delhi Crime as a show. It’s my favorite. And so is she. As an actor, it’s fulfilling to portray roles like these.
Will Smith’s daughter Willow on his Oscars slap incident: ‘I accept my family for their humanness’
Taapsee reveals reason behind not appearing on ‘Koffee With Karan’
Actor Pankaj Tripathi is known for some remarkable projects and the actor gives its credit to his training at National School of Drama (NSD) for polishing his acting skills.
Singer Willow Smith, daughter of actors Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith, said that she doesn’t hold any negativity in her heart after the Oscars controversy involving her father. In a new interview, she said that since her family is constantly under scrutiny, their flaws as human beings are also not forgotten.

Tejashwi heaped praise on Nitish’s governance record, which he said even Nitish’s adversaries don’t deny. When asked whether Nitish could emerge as a joint opposition candidate to challenge Modi in 2024, Tejashwi said that is up to Nitishji to decide, but quickly added, “There is little doubt he is the most experienced chief minister in the country and has had a good record of Tejashwigovernance.”made two other well-rehearsed statements. One, Bihar will show the way for a national alternative against Modi in 2024 and two, that the BJP now has no major ally left in the entire Hindi belt. All these utterances, taken together, constitute very meaningful messaging for the 2024 polls The BJP of course will try every machination in the book to upend the new alliance. The investigation agencies must already be dusting old files which would have been kept for such an occasion. They may find it difficult to accuse Nitish of any major scam because the BJP has also been part of the government.
Naysayers may heap scorn on ‘Tarun’ for accepting No.2 status, but supporters believe he has given it back to the BJP which had snatched power from the RJD five years ago him, Tejashwi chose not to cling to his cricketing aspirations after the much-needed big break eluded him though, by most accounts, he was a competent all-rounder. He announced his retirement from cricket just a couple of years before entering politics in 2015, at the tender age of 25.
TejashwiNow, kingmakeras
FRIDAY, AUGUST 12 2022/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.835318 CURRENT AFFAIRS
Nitish’s move is interesting because Bihar is very castedriven and is not under the grip of Hindutva, like Uttar Pradesh.
P olitical developments in Bihar over the last 24 hours have the potential to alter the complexion of national politics in the run-up to the 2024 Lok Sabha Chiefpolls. minister Nitish Kumar has made a clean break with the Bharatiya Janata Party and seeks the support of the Rashtriya Janata Dal, Congress and Left to form a new government in the state. The chief minister has sought time with the Bihar governor and is ready to submit letters of support from the RJD and Congress in a bid to form a new government. The numbers are clearly in favour of the new coalition. The Janata Dal (United) has 45 seats while the RJD and Congress have 79 and 19, respectively, taking them well past the half-way mark of 122 seats. Assembly elections are not due again till 2025, which means the new coalition will have three years in power. Nitish breaking his current alliance with the BJP and returning to the Mahagathbandhan (Great Coalition) is bad news for the BJP, which is still untested in Bihar as a standalone player. The party has always ridden piggyback on Nitish while consistently trying to weaken him. This process gained critical mass in the 2020 Bihar assembly elections when the Lok Janshakti Party, originally part of the JD(U)-BJP alliance, contested most of the seats on its own and hurt Nitish’s JD(U) by reducing its tally in the assembly. The LJP was led by Chirag Paswan but it was widely believed that he was helping BJP’s agenda to weaken Nitish. Nitish has been nursing the hurt of this betrayal ever since. But the recent resignation from the JD(U) of his close aide and advisor R.C.P. Singh, who hinted at joining the BJP, was the last straw. Nitish saw another Shiv Sena-like split in the JD(U) coming on, engineered by the BJP in Delhi. The canny politician probably read it as an existential crisis and chose to dump the BJP and return to the Mahagathbandhan, which had put up an impressive electoral performance in From2015.a national perspective, Nitish’s move is interesting because Bihar is very caste-driven and is not under the grip of Hindutva, like Uttar Pradesh. The Mahagathbandhan could easily overwhelm the BJP in Bihar in the 2024 Lok Sabha polls. The gains of the BJP in Maharashtra would be more than neutralised in Bihar in the 2024 polls.
The Mahagathbandhan could easily overwhelm the BJP in Bihar in the 2024 Lok Sabha polls. The gains of the BJP in Maharashtra would be more than neutralised in Bihar in the 2024 polls.
Derided by his opponents for lacking formal education, Tejashwi had given up studies after flunking in class IX at DPS, R.K. Puram. He has, however, demonstrated an ability to read the situation he finds himself in and make the best of it. Having decided early on in life that studies were not for
Developments in Bihar Have Made Opposition Politics a Lot More Interesting
The new vocation came as a perfect pitch to bat on as he won from Raghopur in the assembly election comfortably, thanks to a formidable, albeit short-lived alliance forged by arch-rivals Nitish and Lalu. In addition to being his father’s favorite, Tejashwi exuded a maturity that was beyond his age which certainly played a role in his rise. As fate would have it, Tejashwi’s name cropped up in a money laundering case, relating to illegal land transactions involving his father’s tenure as the Railway Minister in the UPA-1 government, when the scion himself was in his teens. The development drew heavy opposition fire and the JD(U) leader, conscious of his reputation for probity in public life, snapped ties with the RJD and ended up making a hasty return to the NDA. Tejashwi took the sudden loss of power in his stride and worked to keep the RJD party afloat while his father ended up behind bars following convictions in a number of fodder scam cases. Questions were raised about his ability to lead the party and the Grand Alliance after the Lok Sabha elections in which the Opposition coalition conceded 39 out of 40 seats to NDA and the RJD itself drew a blank.
A fter a dream debut seven years ago when he was sworn in as deputy chief minister and then followed by a slump in his political fortunes, Tejashwi Prasad Yadav has finally assumed centrestage as the kingmaker and deputy to Chief Minister Nitish Kumar. The 33-year-old younger son of the charismatic Lalu Prasad had steered the party to an impressive performance in the tightly contested 2020 assembly polls when it won 75 seats, belying those who thought he will flounder since Lalu was in jail and the heirapparent lacked acumen. Before Chief Minister Nitish Kumar decided to pick him as his deputy for a second time, Tejashwi was making waves as a doughty leader of the Opposition, taking on the government of his father’s arch-rival on the floor of the assembly while in session, as well as on the streets. The dramatic realignment was preceded by a massive ‘Pratirodh’ (opposition) March against the NDA government at the Centre which he led on Sunday, rallying along Congress and the Left, in a clear signal that the Opposition in the state had the appetite for a fight. Born on November 9, 1989, he is the youngest of all but nine siblings and has been a clear favourite of his father who seemed to have noticed political potential in him at a young age. Doted on by his sisters, seven elder and one younger, besides a temperamental elder brother, Tej Pratap Yadav, the RJD heir-apparent whom family members address by the nickname Tarun married his Chandigarh-based friend Rachel Iris, who has since adopted a new name Rajshree .

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Police said Saturday that the victim in the latest killing was a Muslim from South Asia who is believed to be in his mid-20s. The man, whose identity hasn’t yet been confirmed by investigators, was found dead after police received a call of a shooting.
2 People Dead After Lightning Strike Near White House
Officials said it’s still unclear what the adults were doing prior to the lightning strike, if they knew each other and why they were in the park.
Police said 76-year-old James Mueller and 75-year-old Donna Mueller, both from Janesville, Wisconsin, died after being injured in the strike in Lafayette Park in front of the White House. Thursday night, D.C. Fire and EMS said it had responded and was treating four patients that were found in “the vicinity of a tree.” It said the two men and two women were transported to area hospitals with “life-threatening injuries.”
(L-R) Mohammad Ahmadi, Muhammad Afzaal Hussain, & Aftab Hussein killed past week
Consular Service Camp Organized At NC
Suicide Over Domestic Abuse (L-R) Ranjodhbeer Singh Sandhu & Mandeep Kaur RICHMOND HILLS, NY – A 30-yearold Sikh woman, Mandeep Kaur died by suicide last night in Richmond Hills in Queens neighborhood of NY. Just before the suicide, Mandeep made a video detailing the reasons for taking this extreme step. She said that for 8-years she has been living a life of abuse, violence and has been cheated upon. After her suicide video, another video emerged on social media which shows the extent of torture she was going through. In the video it can be seen that her husband is constantly beating her up, while her two little children cry in the background. The video shows her husband strangling and beating her for five minutes until she is forced to Herapologize.husband Ranjodhbeer Singh Sandhu currently has the custody of their two daughters aged 4 and 6. The case has created a huge outrage in the society and activists are calling out this dangerous trend of ignoring domestic abuse against women. The NYPD has been involved in the case and it was updated that Mandeep Kaur’s case is now being investigated as homicide rather than suicide.
Young Muslim Man Killed In Albuquerque May Be Linked To Other 3 Muslim Shooting Deaths
White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre expressed sadness following word the two Wisconsin residents had died. “We are saddened by the tragic loss of life after the lightning strike in Lafayette Park. Our hearts are with the families who lost loved ones, and we are praying for those still fighting for their lives,” she said in a brief statement.
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – Police say the killing of a Muslim man on Friday night in Albuquerque may be linked to the ambush shooting deaths of three Muslim men over the past nine months in New Mexico’s biggest city. Police said Saturday that the victim in the latest killing was a Muslim from South Asia who is believed to be in his mid-20s. The man, whose identity hasn’t yet been confirmed by investigators, was found dead after police received a call of a shooting. Earlier this week, police confirmed that local detectives and federal law enforcement officers were looking for possible ties among the separate crimes. Two of the men — Muhammed Afzaal Hussain, 27, and Aftab Hussein, 41 — were killed in the past week, and both were from Pakistan and members of the same mosque. The third case involves the November killing of Mohammad Ahmadi, 62, a Muslim man of South Asian descent. “There is reason to believe this death is related to those shootings,” Albuquerque Police Chief Harold Medina said during a news conference Saturday. Police declined to say whether the killing on Friday night was carried out in a way similar to the other deaths. Authorities say they can’t say yet if the shootings were hate crimes until they have identified a suspect and can determine a motive. “These hateful attacks have no place in America,” President Joe Biden said in a tweet. The killings came as Albuquerque is on pace for another record-setting year of “ has been devastated, as you can imagine,” said Ahmad Assed, the president of Islamic Center of New Mexico. “We have never gone through anything like this before. This is really a surreal time for us.” A $15,000 reward has been offered for information leading to an arrest. Anyone with information is asked to submit it through a new online tip portal.
Sikh Woman In NY Commits
The consular service camp in collaboration with Indian Embassy and Consulate General of India in Washington D.C. along with the help of local organizations in South and North Carolina was attended by more than 250 pre-registered individuals. After few years of delay in service due to pandemic, this was a wonderful attempt and efforts by Support New India to benefit Indian diaspora who are increasing in size and diversity in Carolinas. The services like OCI, Visa, attestations, renunciation, passport renewal and power of attorney are difficult for normal people to understand and application process becomes a logistical nightmare in some cases. All these services were provided on site by the Consulate Staff to include Consular Mr. Rajiv Ahuja and other staff which were commended by the participants and the local organizers. Support New India was established in 2019 and their unique mission, objectives and goals are to focus on key groups such as women, youth, tourism, and healthcare services for the needy, clothes drive, issues of the NRIs, education and disasters relief. The foundation’s main objective is to help poor people of rural and tribal areas in India where social, economic, basic health care and need of daily livings are constant challenge due to issues of affordability and scarcity of resources. Country like India with a population of billion plus and so many logistical issues, it is not possible for the Government to reach out in each sector of the special interest effectively and initiatives like these can make a huge difference to bring positive changes & better living for people in rural and tribal areas of India which can bring India to the top of the developed nations under the current Theadministration.entireevent was very well organized from early morning to the evening and all who pre-registered were provided services on this day. The team of dedicated volunteers under the leadership of Gautam Patel and other members Nimish Bhatt, Vimal Patel, Nimish Patel and Support New India Board of Directors from North and South Carolina along with the local organizations worked very hard to make this event a huge success. For more details about the upcoming events and projects in India and in the USA or to become a member of Support New India or for sponsorship for the future events, please visit organization website at and e-mail
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More than 250 people benefitted Consular Service Camp organized by Support New India, a non-profit organization; Indian Embassy & Consulate General of India in Washington D.C. along with Vadtal Dham Swaminarayan Temple and local organizations in South and North Carolina MATHEWS, NC- A visionary public servant, community activist and selfless leader from North Carolina Gautam Patel and his dream and long-term vision to help India and Indian diaspora in the USA, organized a consular service camp on Saturday, July 30, 2022, at Vadtal Dham Swaminarayan Temple in Mathews, North Carolina.
Two Wisconsin residents have died following a lightning strike near the White House on Thursday night, police confirmed to ABC News Friday.

21/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353FRIDAY, AUGUST 12 2022 Congressman Paid for by Friends of Raja for Congress Raja Krishnamoorthi Happy Indian Independence Day! Let’s wave the Stars and Stripes along with the Tricolor to celebrate our shared ideals: From my family to yours, I wish Indian-Americans throughout the Chicago area a happy Indian Independence Day! Justice, Liberty, and Equality.

“Desi Roots And Wings” Exhibition Open By The National Indo-American Museum In Chicago
CBP officers seized more than $1M in dangerous drugs in California. SAN DIEGO, CA – U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers in the San Diego Field Office thwarted three more narcotic seizures in the month of July. These drugs were seized in by CBP Theseofficersrecent interceptions come on the heels of nine other significant narcotic seizures that occurred in the same month.
CHICAGO, IL- The National IndoAmerican Museum (NIAM) aims to be the repository of the IndianAmerican narrative, serving as ahub for the entire spectru of the Indian American experience-connecting with audiences with their immigrant stories and contemporary developments. On July 29 the museum opened its second exhibition, ‘Desi Roots and Wings’. The exhibition was curated and produced by the Smithsonian Institution, then donated to NIAM at the end of its tour. This exhibition provides information about the Indian immigrant experience in America, from its roots several centuries ago to the recent past. The exhibition comprises a set of 24 interpretive panels, the first of which states, “The first Asian in Congress. The creator of Hotmail. Athletes. Doctors. Cab drivers. Musicians. Activists. One out of every 100 Americans traces his or her roots to India. From Silicon Valley to Small-town, U.S.A., the lives and stories of America’s 3.3 million Indian Americans are woven into the larger story of this nation—and have shaped what it is Indian-Americantoday.” professions, from doctors to engineers, from scientists to cab drivers, and more. Originally titled “Beyond Bollywood: Indian Americans Shape the Nation” and produced by the Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center and the National Museum of American History (NMAH), the exhibition ran at the NMAH from February 2014 to August 2015. NIAM co-hosted the traveling version of the show (organized by the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service) with the Field Museum from summer 2017 through January 2018. When the national exhibition tour ended, the Smithsonian donated the exhibition to “‘DesiNIAM.Roots and Wings’ is a great introduction to the history and culture of Americans of Indian descent,” said NIAM Executive Director Tamara Biggs. “Even if you are part of the community, you will discover something new. And if you are not desi and curious about the community, this is the best place to start.”
FRIDAY, AUGUST 12 2022/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.835322 COMMUNITY NEWS
NIAM Executive Director Tamara Biggs
WASHINGTON, DC- United States authorities are investigating reports that turbans of Sikh asylum seekers were seized after they were detained near the Mexican border, according to a report on Wednesday. BBC mentioned American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) as saying that nearly 50 Sikh migrants have had their turbans Accordingremoved.tothereport, the turban confiscations “blatantly violate federal law” and are in conflict with US Customs and Border Protection’s own non-discrimination policies. On August 1, the ACLU wrote to CBP Commissioner Chris Magnus describing the seizures as “ongoing, serious religious freedom violations”. An ACLU of Arizona lawyer, Vanessa Pineda, told BBC there has been no adequate explanation of what kind of security concerns a turban might raise. “It’s just not acceptable. They need to find another alternative and stop this. It’s dehumanising,” she added. In response, Magnus said the border agency expects its employees to “treat all migrants we encounter with respect”, BBC reported. “An internal investigation has been opened to address this matter,” the CBP Commissioner was cited as saying. NeighborhoodsNYC Hit Hardest By Heat Wave: Study
NEW YORK, NY — More than a million New Yorkers face extra risk during heatwaves because the city hasn’t provided their neighborhoods with ample means to keep cool, a scorching new study found. Approximately 1.5 million New Yorkers live in 10 neighborhoods in Brooklyn, Queens and The Bronx that dangerously short on cooling centers, according City Comptroller Brad,
If we take action now, we can prevent future heat emergencies from becoming life-threatening catastrophes
PASSSAIC, NJ- Twelve intensive care patients at St. Michael’s Medical Center in Newark were moved to another hospital Thursday after an air conditioning unit stopped working, a hospital official said. The malfunction “resulted in elevated temperatures on some units of the hospital, including the intensive care unit,” according to a statement from the hospital. “Certain parts of the hospital heated up, because we’re in the middle of a heatwave,” said Bruno Tedeschi, a hospital spokesman. “We had to transport some of our ICU patients to our sister hospital, St. Mary’s General Hospital in Passaic.” Other less seriously ill patients were moved to another floor of St. Michael’s that remained air conditioned and unaffected by the heat. “No patients have been negatively affected,” the hospital said in the statement. Tedeschi said work was being done Friday to repair a “chiller unit,” which transfers heat and cycles cool air into occupied spaces. “The health and safety of our patients remains our top priority and we are confident that our plan will ensure that patients continue to receive the care they need,” the hospital’s statement said.
Three Drug Seizures in One Day in San Ysidro Vehicle SENTRI Lanes | U.S. Customs and Border Protection (, Six Busts Have Calexico CBP Officers Seizing 494 Packages of Meth, Fentanyl and More | U.S. Customs and Border Protection. “These impressive drug seizures highlight our officer’s commitment to keep our border secure.” said Anne Maricich, CBP Acting Director of Field Operations in San Diego. “Our frontline officers continue to maintain a robust enforcement posture and are successfully disrupting the flow of dangerous narcotics from entering our country.” The most recent seizure occurred on Sunday, July 24, at about 9 a.m., when a 31-year-old female applied for entry into the U.S. by presenting her California driver’s license to CBP officers at the Tecate port of entry. The officer referred the vehicle and occupant for further inspection.
The National Indo-American Museum (NIAM) aims to document and exhibit the stories of diverse Indian communities across America, creating an archive of Indo-American history and culture for future generations. Launched in 2008 as the Indo-American Heritage Museum, NIAM grew organically from the Education department of Chicago’s Indo-American Center. NIAM is the first U.S. museum established by and for Indian Americans, evolving to tell the stories of this immigrant community. It is also the first museum of its kind to combine art, education, and digital technology to preserve the heritage and celebrate the contributions of Indian Americans to America’s cultural mosaic.
Border SikhInvestigatingOfficialsClaimsTurbansWereConfiscated
ICU Patients Moved After NJ Hospital Air Conditioning Stopped Working
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The exhibition was curated and produced by the Smithsonian Institution, then donated to NIAM at the end of its tour. This exhibition provides information about the Indian immigrant experience in America, from its roots several centuries ago to the recent past.
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CBP Continues Seizing Dangerous Drugs

23/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353FRIDAY, AUGUST 12 2022 COMMUNITY NEWS
Virginia BecomesStateFirst To Declare October As Hindu Heritage Month
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Indian American Beauty Queens Dazzle With Their Charm
NEW JERSEY- Aarya Walvekar, 18, from Virginia has been crowned Miss India USA 2022 at the annual pageant held in New Jersey. “ It has been my childhood dream to see myself on the silver screen and work in films and TV,” said Aarya who is an aspiring actress. Her hobbies include exploring new places, cooking and debating. Saumya Sharma, a second year premedical student at the University of Virginia, was declared the first runner-up and Sanjana Chekuri of New Jersey was the seconf runner-up. This year marks the 40th anniversary of the pageant, which is the longestrunning Indian pageant outside of India. Meanwhile, coming back to the pageant, as many as 74 contestants representing 30 US states participated in three different pageants – Miss India USA, Mrs. India USA and Miss Teen India USA. Akshi Jain from Washington State was crowned Mrs. India USA and Tanvi Grover from New York was crowned Miss Teen India USA. Pageant started with an opening dance number for all contestants choreographed by Shilpa Jhurani and followed by Ethnic costume and talent performances by top five and question/answer. Winners of all three categories gets complimentary tickets to Mumbai to take part in worldwide pageants, also organized by the same organization, early next year. Started by New York based eminent Indian Americans Dharmatma and Neelam Saran, under the banner of Worldwide Pageants, this year marks the 40th anniversary of the pageant. Miss India USA is the longest running running Indian pageant outside of India. This year pageant was presented by Morgan Stanley, and supported by TV Asia and Royal Albert’s palace. It was a full house show with over 500 people in attendance.
State Delegate Suhas Subramanyam RICHMOND, VA- The Virginia State Legislature and Senate have both, unanimously passed a resolution declaring, in perpetuity, October as Hindu Heritage Month. The passing of resolution VA HJ141 which had been introduced by State Delegate Suhas Subramanyam was greeted with great excitement by the Indian American community. The Hindu American Foundation which took the lead, on July 12 tweeted, “We thank the Virginia Hindu community and partners for helping make this happen,” while its Associate Director of Policy Research, Anita Joshi, credited Subramanyam and advocate Rajesh Gooty for the development. Launched in 2021, Hindu Heritage Month is the global coming together of Hindus in October each year, to celebrate their rich heritage.

Indian American Becomes First South Asian Woman To Serve As Judge On 9th Circuit Court
NEWARK, N.J. – An Indian national today admitted his role in an international conspiracy that preyed on elderly victims in New Jersey and throughout the United States, U.S. Attorney Philip R. Sellinger announced. Ashish Bajaj, 29, pleaded guilty before U.S. District Judge Kevin McNulty in Newark federal court to an information charging him with conspiracy to commit wire documents filed in the case and statements made in court: From April 2020 to August 2021, Bajaj and his conspirators preyed on elderly victims across the United States by impersonating fraud prevention specialists from various banks, online retailers, and online payment companies. They contacted victims and falsely claimed that they were fraud prevention specialists employed by reputable companies and that the victims’ accounts with banks, online retailers, or online payments companies were being targeted for fraud. Bajaj and his conspirators then falsely told the victims that their fraud prevention efforts required the victims’ assistance in a sting operation to catch the Bajajperpetrators.andtheconspirators asked the elderly victims to send money from their bank accounts to accounts controlled by Bajaj and the conspirators and falsely promised to return their money within a few days of the purported sting operation. The victims were also falsely promised that once they sent the money, the sting operation would result in the arrest of the purported perpetrators. The victims sent international wire transfers to various banks located in India, China, Singapore, and the United Arab Emirates. The victims also sent money through an online application to bank accounts held by Bajaj in the United States. The victims further sent cash and cashier checks to Bajaj at an address in California. The scheme resulted in losses of over $250,000
FRIDAY, AUGUST 12 2022/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.835324 COMMUNITY NEWS HiIndia
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Lollapalooza Security Guard Faked Mass Shooting Threat
Darren Bailey Maintains Support For Far Right Group, Awake Illinois
CHICAGO, IL –– Fresh off of failing to apologize for his offensive remarks about the Holocaust, Darren Bailey has once again found himself embroiled in scandal, this time for his support of the anti-LGBTQ+ far right group, Awake Illinois. Bailey has supported the group throughout his candidacy, spoken at and participated in several events, and continues to align himself with the organization––despite their role in inciting violence and attacks on a local bakery for planning to host a familyfriendly drag show brunch. Awake IL posted about an upcoming drag show at UpRising Bakery and Cafe and days before the event, the business was vandalized by a man with connections to the Proud Boys. Awake IL proudly admitted they “blasted” the event on social media in the days leading up to the attack, claiming the bakery was “coming for your kids,” and calling the event “perverted.” The owners received threats and endured harassment, ultimately forcing them to cancel the event. Even after the attacks, Bailey is still proudly headlining Awake IL’s latest divisive protest on August 16. Bailey recently attended their first anniversary celebration and was the first candidate to take their “Parents Bill of Rights” “Darrenpledge. Bailey’s continued support for Awake IL is an affront to LGBTQ+ Illinoisans everywhere.”
Lawyer Roopali H. Desai
SAN FRANCISCO, CA- Arizona lawyer Roopali H. Desai has become the first South Asian woman to serve as a judge on the 9th circuit court, which is based in San Francisco. The Indian American was confirmed to serve in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit with a 67-29 Senate vote on Aug. 4. She replaces Judge Andrew David Hurwitz, who retired in late January. The 9th Circuit hears appeals of district court rulings in nine states and two territories. It stretches from Missoula, Mont., to the Northern Marianas Islands and from Nogales to Nome, ArizonaAlaska.
Central noted that “the bipartisan action” for Desai’s confirmation “delivered the most votes that any circuit court nominee has received since President Joe Biden took office. Desai was nominated in June this year. “The period between her nomination and confirmation, just 50 days, is the fastest for a circuit court nominee since President Bill Clinton’s administration,” Arizona Central said. The paper also reported that “Desai’s success on the path to confirmation was in large part because of Sinema (Arizona Sen.Kyrsten Sinema), “who appeared to lobby Republicans on the Senate floor while ballots were being cast.” She was also seen sharing ”enthusiastic embrace” with Sens. Mitt Romney (R-Utah), and Bill Cassidy (R-La.), “when they changed their no votes to yeses,” the report added. The daughter of immigrants from India, Desai was born in Canada before coming to Phoenix as a child. She was a partner at Coppersmith Brockelman where she has practiced since 2007. Before that, she was an associate at Lewis & Roca and served as a law clerk for Chief Judge Mary Schroeder on the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. She received her J.D. in 2005, her M.P.H in 2001, and her B.A. in 2000, all from the University of Arizona. According to the Tucson Sentinel, she was named the Arizona honoree among USA Today’s “Women of the Year” in March, “after becoming prominent in her work fighting lawsuits over Biden’s election victory in Arizona.”
Wisconsin Based Gurudwara Seek Improvement In Security Fund
Indian National Admits To Participating In An International Scheme To Defraud Elderly Victims
WASHINGTON, DC- Ten years after a white supremacist gunned down six Sikh worshippers at a gurdwara in the US state of Wisconsin, the White House is calling for a sharp increase in funding for a federal program that provides security grants for houses of worship.ButaSikh-American advocacy group has said that many gurdwaras have not been able to take advantage of the six-year-old funding program because of a complicated application process and tight deadlines, VOA reported.
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Janya Williams, 18 CHICAGO , IL – A security guard who worked Chicago’s Lollapalooza music festival last weekend is accused of making fake mass shooting threats to get out of work early.
Janya Williams, 18, allegedly sent her supervisor an anonymous message via TextNow Friday afternoon that said, “Mass shooting at 4pm location Lollapalooza. We have 150 targets.” The supervisor quickly contacted their supervisors and the Chicago police and the FBI were notified. When the supervisor told the team about the threat, Williams allegedly told the supervisor that her sister had seen a similar threat on Facebook. After the supervisor asked Williams to send a screenshot of the threat, she is accused of creating a Facebook account under the name “Ben Scott” and posting a message that said, “Massive shooting at Lollapalooza Grant Park 6:00 p.m.” She then took a screenshot of the post and sent it to her supervisor, prosecutors alleged. The FBI, however, reportedly traced the TextNow message back to Williams’ IP address and iCloud, prosecutors said She allegedly admitted to faking the threats “because she wanted to leave work early,” prosecutors said, and was arrested for felony making a false terrorism threat. She was booked into jail and is being held on $50,000 bail. Lollapalooza took place Thursday through Sunday last weekend.
The daughter of immigrants from India, Desai was born in Canada before coming to Phoenix as a child. She was a partner at Coppersmith Brockelman where she has practiced since 2007.

The 15-member squad announced by the Indian cricket board for the Asia Cup in UAE from August 27 gives a clear indication of the team management’s strategy for the ICC T20 World Cup in Australia later this year -- that it wants batting stalwarts Virat Kohli and KL Rahul to regain their form and be in the side for the global showpiece event.
“I am sure that both MI Emirates and MI Cape Town will embrace the same ethos and take MI’s global cricket legacy to even greater heights!” said Nita M. Ambani, Director of Reliance Industries.
Asia Cup: Focus to be on Kohli, Rahul as they aim to find their groove ahead of T20 World Cup 2022
Mumbai, Aug 9 (IANS) The 15-member squad announced by the Indian cricket board for the Asia Cup in UAE from August 27 gives a clear indication of the team management’s strategy for the ICC T20 World Cup in Australia later this year -- that it wants batting stalwarts Virat Kohli and KL Rahul to regain their form and be in the side for the global showpiece Out-of-formevent. batters Kohli and opener Rahul have made a comeback to T20Is through the 15-member squad for Asia Cup 2022 announced late on Monday. But pace spearhead Jasprit Bumrah will not be a part of the competition due to back injury. Harshal Patel also misses out due to a rib injury. The Asia Cup is of vital importance for Rohit Sharma and his side as India’s performance in the previous edition of the T20 World Cup in the UAE last year was abysmal, to say the least. And with the 2022 edition of the event just two months away, India will look to ramp up its preparation for global event with a near full-strength side. The Asia Cup, where India will play their opening game against Pakistan on August 28, will be a big opportunity for key members -- Kohli and Rahul -- to spend some time in the middle. With questions being raised about Kohli’s recent form and his utility in the T20I setup, a good showing in the Asia Cup will put the debate to rest.
Serena AnnouncesWilliamsRetirement
Serena Williams will retire from tennis after playing in the U.S. Open beginning later this month, she announced Tuesday morning in an article in Vogue, capping the 23-time Grand Slam champion’s legendary career on the court. We estimate Williams is worth $260 million, making her the wealthiest female athlete of all time. Williams’ husband, Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian, has a $70 million fortune of his own, Forbes estimated in 2019.
Reliance Industries Limited, the owners of five-time IPL champions Mumbai Indians, on Wednesday unveiled the name and brand identity of their two new franchises in UAE’s International League T20 and Cricket South Africa T20 League. Mumbai, Aug 10 (IANS) Reliance Industries Limited, the owners of five-time IPL champions Mumbai Indians, on Wednesday unveiled the name and brand identity of their two new franchises in UAE’s International League T20 and Cricket South Africa T20 League. For the UAE League, ‘MI Emirates’ will be the name of the franchise while in South Africa, it will be ‘MI Cape Town’. Both teams will don the iconic blue and gold of the Mumbai Indians franchise in the IPL as the franchise and owners go global in the T20 franchise league world.
As per the official statement, the names of the franchises in UAE and SA T20 Leagues were chosen as they call out the specific regions from where the teams will be based. “The teams, ‘MI Emirates’ or phonetically “MY Emirates” and ‘MY Cape Town’ respectively, are dedicated to fans across both the Emirates and Cape Town.”
New Delhi, (IANS) Amongst the biggest talking point to come out of India’s squad announcement for Asia Cup 2022, starting from August 27 in the UAE, has been the non-selection of pacer Mohammed Shami. In the absence of Jasprit Bumrah and Harshal Patel due to injuries, many expected Shami to shoulder newball duties on pitches of Dubai and ButSharjah.with India sticking to pace options in Bhuvneshwar Kumar, Arshdeep Singh, Avesh Khan and all-rounder Hardik Pandya, many were left ‘surprised’ over Shami not finding a place in the squad which is the starting blueprint for the Indian squad going to Men’s T20 World Cup in Australia in October-November.
Mumbai Indians goes global as owners unveil names of franchises in UAE, SA T20 Leagues Mohammed ‘surprise’2022non-selectionShami’sforAsiaCup:isitaornot?
“The new entities take the iconic Mumbai Indians identity and weaves in the local influence. The global expansion of #OneFamily will bring to the leagues the ethos and the values that have helped elevate Mumbai Indians to be one of the most loved teams in franchise cricket,” further said the statement. “’It gives me great pleasure to welcome ‘MI Emirates’ & ‘MI Cape Town’, the newest additions to our #Onefamily. For us, MI goes beyond cricket. It embodies the ability to dream, be fearless and foster a positive attitude in life.”
25/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353FRIDAY, AUGUST 12 2022 SPORTS HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk
Williams wrote in Vogue: “I’m not looking for some ceremonial, final on-court moment. I’m terrible at goodbyes, the world’s worst. But please know that I am more grateful for you than I can ever express in words. You have carried me to so many wins and so many trophies. I’m going to miss that version of me, that girl who played tennis. And I’m going to miss you.”
Cricket South Africa condoles demise of former umpire Rudi Koertzen Johannesburg, Aug 9 (IANS) Cricket South Africa (CSA) has condoled the demise of former international umpire Rudi Koertzen, who died in a car accident on Tuesday. The 73-year-old was on his way back home from Cape Town to Despatch in Eastern Cape, after a golf weekend when the tragic incident took place. Three others were also killed in the crash in the early morning hours in Riversdale. Koertzen, who became an umpire in 1981, made his debut as an international umpire in 1992 during India’s historic tour of South Africa. In 1997, the South African was appointed as a fulltime ICC umpire and was one of the first members of the Elite Panel of ICC Umpires.

The Aam Aadmi Party has written to the Chief Minister demanding that the GST should be removed as it insults faith. State President Gopal Italia said that garba is a tradition of Gujarat, culture of Gujarat and the faith of crores of people relates to garba. Gujarat celebrates garba as an occasion to seek the blessings of the Goddess. But the BJP government has imposed GST of 18 percent even on garba.
He contrasted India’s aggressive stance and the top leadership’s public statements on Pakistan-sponsored terrorism in India with the deafening silence on China’s transgression into Indian territory. “PM Modi had invoked the Balakot airstrikes in the run-up to the Lok Sabha polls in 2019 and the BJP leaders, including home minister Amit Shah, had described him as the strong leader who sent shivers down the enemy’s spine. But when it comes to Chinese transgression, the top leadership has chosen not to speak about it for over two years,” the former major-general said. During the 2019 poll campaign, Prime Minister Modi had asked first-time voters to dedicate their first vote to the valiant soldiers who had carried out the air strike in Pakistan’s Balakot. During the 16th round of military talks with China last month, India had pressed for Chinese disengagement from Hot Springs and the strategic Depsang Plains where the PLA is said to be entrenched 18km inside Indiaclaimed lines. But the Chinese did not Indianrelent. military veterans have been citing the absence of any mention of status quo ante in recent joint statements to suggest that the Chinese intend to hold on to the territory they have occupied and create a new status quo at the frontier. The Chinese have pulled back partially in the Pangong Lake, Galwan Valley and Gogra with the creation of buffer zones. They are said to be refusing to budge from the remaining two friction points, Hot Springs and the Depsang Plains.
The Surat organisers have replaced the season pass with a daily pass, stating that their daily passes will be priced below Rs 499 and will not attract GST. The government has implemented 18 percent GST on garba passes in addition to 4 major garba organisers. But if the spectators who come to watch the garba take a daily pass, they will not have to pay
Event manager Dewang Bhatt, who organises multiple garba events, told IANS that if GST is levied on garba passes and chaniya choli, everyone’s expenses will increase. People buy less tickets here, we distribute most of the tickets to sponsors. Our garba event does not have a ticket counter. So, the cost will Speakingincrease.toIANS, Sameer Shah of S21 Events said that the organisation of big garba events has been stopped for the last three years due to corona, so our business was already in a loss. This year, there was some hope, but now if GST is implemented, the budget will increase for everything, as will the production costs. We have a free pass trend here. Very few people buy a pass and come to play garba.
Worry over government silence on China
FRIDAY, AUGUST 12 2022/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.835326 CURRENT AFFAIRS garba’s entry passes, 1 lakh in Vadodara alone. Players will have to pay more than one and a half crore rupees as GST. With the addition of Rajkot’s 50,000, the players also have to pay GST of more than Rs 1 crore. This decision of the government is being opposed across the state.
S everal military veterans have expressed their growing concern and apprehensions at the government’s continued silence on China’s aggressive bid to change the status quo in Ladakh and its failure to even acknowledge the People’s Liberation Army’s intrusion, saying this would boomerang. “By refusing to even acknowledge Chinese intrusion into our land for more than two years, the Narendra Modi government is playing into China’s hands. The self-deceiving strategy of the government whose only mission seems to be winning elections is going to cost India dear,” a former lieutenant-general told. What is the harm, a retired brigadier asked, in letting the world know about China’s expansionist design in Ladakh? “By refusing to admit, for domestic political gain, that they are sitting in our territory, the government is only giving the Chinese a free pass to alter the status quo at the frontier,” he said. Prime Minister Narendra Modi had told an all-party meeting on June 19, 2020 — four days after the Galwan Valley clash in which 20 Indian soldiers were killed — that “neither have they intruded into our border, nor has any post been taken over by them”. The India and Chinese armies have been locked in a standoff at multiple points in Ladakh since May 2020, with the Chinese estimated to have taken over close to 1,000sqkm of India-claimed territory.A former major general said: “It has been over two years but there has been no course correction. The Chinese army has been challenging Indian sovereignty in Ladakh but the government remains in denial mode while it continues to hold military talks with China, seeking disengagement from Indian-occupied territory.”
By refusing to admit, for domestic political gain, that China sitting in our territory, the government is only giving the Chinese a free pass to alter the status quo at the frontier

27/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353FRIDAY, AUGUST 12 2022 MA ZHER M. SHAH-KHAN ATTORNEY-AT-L AW U.S. IMMIGRATION & VIS Labor Certifications Perm H-1B Work Visas L-1 Visas E-2 Investor Visas U Visas (Victim of Crime) VAWA Cases (Battered Spouses) Family Based Petitions Adjustment of Status CitizenshipFiance/Fiancee Visas Religious DeportationWorkersDefense 5797 N. Lincoln Ave, Chicago, Tel: 7 7 3-583-6300 Fax: 7 7 www.visaprofession COMMERCIAL MORTGAGES Motels, Dunkin Donut's Grocery & Liquor Stores Gas Stations etc WIth or Without Real Estates Specialit y in SBA 7-A & SBA 504 Loans LOAN FOR PURCHASE & REFINANCE JYOTINDRA PATEL , (JP) Ph: (847) 581-9414, Fax: (847) 960-4996 Email: Ph: 630-343-9999 Tax Planning & Compliance Bookkeeping, Payroll & Sales Tax IRS State Representation Consulting ucation Planning hington St, 104B, Naperville, IL 60563 20% off NEW clients!NOW IN NAPERVILLE! 773 338 0222 Annuities Rohit A. Shah MBA, LUTCF Financial Repr esentative The Pietsch Financial Group, Inc 1 S 450 Summit Ave, Suite 135 Oak Brook Terrace, IL 60181 Office Phone: 1 630 317 2504 Office Fax: 1 630 317 2539 Cell: 1 847 219 2536 847 970 19431 Email: Rohit Shah@GLIC Com d ce Company of America® (Guardian), New York, NY or subsidiary of Guardian 2016 22707 Exp 8/18 Office Phone No. 847-597-2400 Office Fax No.847-597-2401 Cell Phone No. 847-219-2536 Email Address: Rohit_Shah@GLIC.COMROHIT A SHAH-MBA, LUTCF Financial Representative ] Add and Variable ] Disability Income ] Life Insurance and ] Long Term Care Financial Representative of the Guardian Life Insurance Company America® (Guardian) New York, NY. The Pietsch Financial Group is not an affiliate or subsidiary of Guardian. 2016-22707. Exp 8/1860015Road,2021-114299 MIDWEST / EASTCOAST/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353 MOTEL HELP Seeking young energetic couple to manage Independent Motel in Chicago Suburbs. Good Salary with free accommodation. English and Legal Status must. Call 708-336-0641 1595 East Oakton Street, Des Plaines, IL 60018. Phone: 224.725.3747 EMAIL OR CALL US TODAY! Quick & Quality Printing Services COLOR COPIES, BLACK & WHITE COPIES, BUSINESS CARDS, FLYERS, POSTCARDS, MENUS, BROCHURES, ENVELOPES, BOOKLETS, MAGAZINE, SIGNS, POSTERS, BANNERS, DECALS VARIABLE DATA MAIL MERGE, COLLATING & FOLDING TICKETS & COUPONS WITH NUMBERING & PERFORATION SPIRAL & COMB BINDING & MUCH MORE DESIGN & PRINTING SOLUTIONS INSTANT DIGITAL PRINTING Printing made easier than ever! Call: 847-584-7617 Email: 1625 West Colonial Parkway, Inverness, IL 60061 (Near Harper College, Palatine, IL) ATTORNEY PARVEEN K . GOYAL NEED AN ATTORNEY? Real Estate, Immigration, Divorce, Personal Injur y & Other Legal Ser vices Professional & Affordable Legal Ser vices More than 30 years experience

BJP’s Charge Make Nitish Kumar Vice President, His Party Had Offered Sushil Kumar Modi said some Janata Dal (United), or JD(U), leaders approached him with a plan that he could become Bihar Chief Minister if Nitish Kumar goes to Delhi as Vice President Patna: Some people in Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar’s party wanted him to become Vice President, BJP MP Sushil Kumar Modi told reporters today. Mr Modi, who was Mr Kumar’s deputy before he became a Rajya Sabha MP, said the same Janata Dal (United) leaders approached him with a plan that he could become Bihar Chief Minister if Mr Kumar goes to Delhi as Vice President. The Janata Dal (United), or JD(U), hasn’t yet responded to these allegations by Mr “SomeModi.JD(U) people had come to say that make ‘Nitish Kumar the Vice President and you should rule in Bihar’,” Mr Modi told reporters just before Mr Kumar took oath as Bihar Chief Minister for a record eighth time. The Chief Minister has denied he had any national ambition, and acted only to save his party from the BJP’s strategy to cut him to size. “Whether I will stay or not, let people say what they have to say. I am not an aspirant for the Prime Minister’s post. The question is will the person who came in 2014 win in 2024. In the last month and a half, I stopped talking to the media,” Mr Kumar said today.
Nitish Kumar’s 2024 Challenge To PM Modi
FRIDAY, AUGUST 12 2022/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.835328 TOP STORIES OF THE WEEK
HiIndia HiIndia HiIndia HiIndia HiIndia HiIndia
Nitish takes oath as Bihar CM for 8th time Nitish Kumar yesterday ended the alliance with the BJP and joined hands with the Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD). Tejashwi Yadav Is Deputy Nitish Kumar took oath as the Chief Minister of Bihar today for a record eighth time, forming a government with Tejashwi Yadav’s Rashtriya Janata Dal and other parties as a new “Grand Alliance”. Tejashwi Yadav took oath as his deputy. “I didn’t wanted to be the Chief Minister after the 2020 results but i was put under pressure... (but) ask people in the party what they have been reduced to. Then you see what happened . I have not even spoken to you in two months,” Mr Kumar said in his address. “How many seats did we win in 2015? And then we went with the same people and look at what we have been reduced to,” he added.
United Nations: Taking a dig at China, India has told a UN Security Council meeting chaired by Beijing that it was “most regrettable” that genuine and evidence-based proposals to blacklist some of the world’s most notorious terrorists are being placed on hold, saying such “double standards” are rendering credibility of the Council’s sanctions regime at an “all-time low”. In June, China, a permanent member of the UN and a close ally of Pakistan, had put a hold, at the last moment, on a joint proposal by India and the US to list Pakistan-based terrorist Abdul Rehman Makki under the 1267 Al Qaeda Sanctions Committee of the UN Security Council. India’s Permanent Representative to the UN Ambassador Ruchira Kamboj on Tuesday said the practice of placing holds and blocks on listing requests without giving any justification must end. “An effective functioning of the Sanctions Committees requires them to become more transparent, accountable and objective. The practice of placing holds and blocks on listing requests without giving any justification must end,” she said.
Though Nitish Kumar repeatedly spoke of “working towards Opposition unity” to unseat the BJP at the Centre, he told reporters that he is “not a contender for anything”, when asked if he wants to be PM candidate. “The question to ask is, if the person who came in 2014 will win in 2024,” he said. Elections in Bihar are due now only in 2025, a year after the Lok Sabha contest. Though Nitish Kumar spoke of “working towards Opposition unity” to unseat BJP at the Centre, he said he is “not a contender” for PM’s post
Nupur Sharma Row: SC clubs, transfers all FIRs to Delhi Police New Delhi, Aug 10 (IANS) The Supreme Court on transferredWednesdayallthe FIRs lodged against suspended BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma over her controversial remarks on Prophet Muhammad to Delhi Police. The top court gave her the liberty to approach the Delhi High Court for quashing of the FIRs, and also declined to entertain a plea moved by the West Bengal government for a courtmonitored SIT probe. A bench comprising justices Surya Kant and J.B. Pardiwala ordered clubbing of all the FIRs registered across the country against Sharma, which will be probed by the Delhi Police. The top court in the process brushed aside vehement opposition by the West Bengal government, which wanted its police to be part of the SIT with the Delhi Police or a court-appointed SIT.
the pandemic began. Airlines have been reporting large losses but some said that with no restrictions on fares now - both upper and lower limits have been removed - they may discount tickets to ensure that the volume of passengers increases. “I see this as a positive for passengers as fares should come down,” Vinamra Longani, Head of Operations, Sarin & Co, told NDTV. “I think it an excellent move for the consumers as well as the airlines,” aviation expert Parvez Damania said.
Comedian Raju Srivastava Suffers Cardiac Arrest, Admitted To AIIMS New Delhi: Standup comedian Raju Srivastava suffered a cardiac arrest while working out in a gym and was rushed to AIIMS today. He was working out on treadmill in a gym when he had chest pain and collapsed. His trainer took him to All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) Delhi where he was given cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) twice and revived. The comedian is currently under observation at the hospital. SC grants bail to Varavara Rao The Supreme Court on Wednesday granted bail on medical grounds to poet and activist P Varavara Rao in the Bhima Koregaon case. A bench headed by Justice U U Lalit observed that the medical condition of the 82-year-old Rao, who is currently out on interim bail on health grounds, has not improved to such an extent that the relief granted earlier to him be withdrawn, reports PTI.
New Delhi: Airlines will be free to decide what to charge passengers from August 31; the government has ended the limits it had placed on airfares when
India’s “Double Standards” Dig At China Over UN Blacklisting Of Terrorists
Patna: After taking oath as Bihar Chief Minister an eighth time, thus continuing in the chair with a change of partners, Nitish Kumar took a shot at Prime Minister Narendra Modi over the next Lok Sabha elections: “He won in 2014, but will he in 2024?”
Big Change On Air Fare Rules: How This Could Impact Prices
Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk HiIndia Newsdesk

29/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353FRIDAY, AUGUST 12 2022 R COMMERCIAL, BUSINESS INVESTMENT Fax: 847 239 7438 1457 Della Dr, Hoffman Estates, IL 60169 Realtor / Business Broker V I B H A D A N I BUY, SELL, RENT, LEASE! CALL or EMAIL 847 877 4324 Home 4 U Realty Moving Buyers to their Dream Homes

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31/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.8353FRIDAY, AUGUST 12 2022 Now Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with: HELP WANTED Part time care taker for elderly lady. Cooking and cleaning. Basic housekeeping. Near Glenview Call 224 529 9621 Now Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with: MOTEL HELP Des Moines, Iowaમા આવલી ફ્ન્ાઈઝ મોટલમા ફ્નટડસ્ક તમજ હાઉસ્કીપીંગ માટ સસંગલ અથવા ્કપલની જરૂર છ. રહવાની સગવડ આપવામા આવશ. લીગલ સટટસ જરૂરી. Franchise Motel in Des Moines, Iowa needs Single or Couple for Frontdesk and Housekeeping. Accommodation will be provided. Legal Status must. Call Dipak Amin 319-601-0923 Now Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with: રસીન -માઉન્ટ પ્ઝન્ટ , વિસ્કોનનસન ખાત (વિ્ાગકો એરપકો્ટથી માત્ર ચા્ીસ વમવન્ટના અંતર) આિ્ી 75 રૂમની મકો્ટ્મા હાઉસક્વપંગ ્પ્ તમજ કિિસ અન રાતની વિફ્ટ ્રી િ્ તિા ફ્રન્ટ ડસ્ ્્ા્ની જરૂર છ. રહિાની સગિડ આપિામા આિિ. રસ ધરાિનાર વ્યન્તઓએ સપ્ ્રિકો. 75 Room Franchise Hotel in Racine-Mount Pleasant, Wisconsin (Only 40 minutes from Chicago Airport) hiring for Housekeeping Couple and Front Desk Clerk day and night shift opening. Accommodation will be provided. Interested Please call: 214-457-7733 HOTEL HELP Now Medicare Advantage PPO Plans available with: BAYMONT INN MOTEL HELP Franchise Motel in Addison, IL (near O’Hare Airport) seeking Housekeeper help. Part time or Full time. Experienced prefer.Good pay and accommodation will be provided. Call: 773-716-9645

FRIDAY, AUGUST 12 2022/hiindialive @hiindia /hiindiaNews 773.526.835332